1111111111;theeptel poport i mi . Ari ier Little Nine. Wale TAU i tie7~ yids up beige ecombere mows • adosad o n th• 4 4 0, wildipetdes, Aad the Utast tad 141 eta. Osmteat thou to oar littis cotton, Os tbs Ar sad tow troatiar, Aim' for oat muted boa/0417. Jon to be" oat ItrOo tlear t" LULU Idle l Darlieg PUS ! AMU', kr, Owe therm ems tall, Or the pias ot pees *um, God Is mares.kr ions! as well I. Litt* 1141 Climb We 1 ist thy risolog loots &ad tows Itisthie I •plrit swat Gad 1.1.17. Rub a• Sawn, Calightsd. ova.. Ilt'l. lOW t Potted Uts t gnus thy hither's hand revs week 'Sums We grated to Wald ts" nos List vs* &Las t rut. Little rdie t Losing &lie 1 111. ay , seethes heart is 4:04 Ss who blond such little etulaan, eletzeeat isi4 told. Lithe idle! Itlownywd Ldut When thou pout-wyno of thins Loon in raid for "row., gone amity," Wilt thon follow to baron meant* ? "bay 111:1. sr gd IT NOIR Oil. 1itr.114.14-tur. aa to the Ed Maps eh the &bur Was if a IMAM pod. wieh t 1044:14 ta a plapeoruito. 'the tack wal be ease br a t ,toyar lam with my oar, with i iambi Woad train amour., ah, I loot *hi. original to Vas wets, viola It OgldOlitligl was piekad ay br the indoldcua pull aillo M onst the amil lasted/it dattoranta fa the sallow. AY "RS lIT &ITTLI MI ; Ws low, 1 Usk n goon,' When tat ttlit draw to • dose, And short:toms of raze presents botao pouf to 0.7 Lamed thou to tuy denollin'e don-step, Oppyzit tau y tier heal, — lforouti r..r to leer your t.rd their, Or to mate • eteol/2 tall I Little lady I duns ioeq I Datdeer thua t tan eft, Wool ya hum &gin t neorra ? I lot the proment to sera I ? Littla lour I Charab looty I la th; ptomaine tavatlui a tour flut la varyplasent ta ea, •Icat r 4 41414., be a lout i Llldelockay I POW logy I Whin' thy moths: lad gross, Lad wont h at so atokula uu re Nor to vans yen Illtd• tom I LIM@ Loon 1 Lads loon I Whom ati mataaa thane" told, To zia bozo and ga awa supper W a shop' with to my told. Lad. lousy !Aorta tom ! hen thy a•.O no mathsr • Rum to am wad t will saw in ♦ gmarows tq tram my oly kloto. •• bird wateral pro•duck-whoa Of Zile. HALL'S VEGETABLR• SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER 111.8 PROVED ITSELF TO BE THE heat Preparation ever presented to the public ; a bat to which thousand* who hare cued it ate rs..dy to testify. fetrapplioatians of this Compound will change luta, dry sad wiry Harr to .the most beautiful SILKEN TRESSES. If the Bair la taillft cif, or becoming gray, the nee of the &power wilt seey arrest Ps decay. and canoe it to M • short time, all its fore•er twenty. It some pie In eradleates anuf and DaadrarL and kills Hair engem or destructor to thereon) of ate hair, and Qat* all Disease A s LPor Humors of the SC. AS A HAIR DRESSING S The Renewer is asequ .Ped by any other AM; rillpirlitiOL IN THE WORLD I IT CONTAINS NO POISONutrs DRUCM, Being a Vegetable Compound. THE Proprieters offer the Sicilian flail Renew to the public, entirely confident that it will BRING BACK THE HAIR ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, 'Promote Its Crowth, dad to many all cams wirers it has 151150 off will rea son It, miles the person is very aired This is sot like other Preparstletie, soaking the hair or - and brsehy, but will keep It mouth • eon sod elow/Y. 11. P. HALL is CO., Proprietor*, Ifoilk7 Stain Street. re mbna, N. H. HALL * 'WARFEL. Esela.tre Agents for treaters renniyhtnia, Western NOV York and Eastern Ohio. a tatosa-cto AtABOP awafim Mir -CURB WARRANTED lie - 11 , DIRECTIONS ARZ POLLOWZD. Mr Cid /or a Circular lincribing all Symp toms. AN'Y'Saarbtelxash $ Theo Symptoms of Clibit ad ea they peoerally appeal' are at !Inkwell allipt, Previa 112 I thor hairs a col,, that they hare freeload , eAtteke l , sui an more 11111111U17 to the elesages of tempenetZu. fa thin condition Is. now War be dry, or a Mat diecoarrs, thin and aced c of arwax& beco.oing 'thick and adhevere. A. the di• MIS beocusesechrentrOhe discharges are ineneseed i. quantity and tesuged In quality ; thee are now Wet and he/my:and are hacked or coughed op. Sae rem Vona are effdast es, carom( a bad broach ; the rotas thick med. awes! ; the eye/ aro weak ; the scow of IL, men la learned or destroyed; devalue fre,ueot , y take place. Anon/ter common and important symptom n catarrh *that be person le obliged to clear hie taro& to the morning of a thick Or slime manna, whim: e Billion down fromthe head daring the alight. Whiz Oa. taksefhoe thoerson rimy be per. that Medina* la on is way to de Inn 'stead should lows no time to arresting it. The Ofee ere bug • foe . I' tAs many Catarrh symik SOL A single Bottle will last a Month to be used three times a day, Testimonials : rr_ Men. Mosso J. T■rsn, tx-Mmtber of CON VIII* from Miss* Lao Speaker of ulutoso how of iWire ondetiow sail Proof Maur of F &am 4.M, of Me elat+ of al .«, DR. D. HARRLYZ Dias Sts:—ls reply to your notice of the nth ism I would say that 1 vat ornuely Mated with Catarrh tor years, when I booms acquainted with you, ar d hoistt two bedtime of your Liquid Catarrh rtarredy. be. fore I hadttuied one bottle, I was sensibly improved, sac befiPro the mond bottle was finished, was complototr oared. I Ma remmunend the motisino to sa &Meted With Catarrh _ Jisspestrally years, THOS. J. TURKSL DR. D. H. SHELTIE & CO., boas Pier:Jima% Chicago, Illinois. arlabotatcry at ltreport, 1111nols. gSIIBW L AUS/VT* t, nun AMISTRONS, ...... Cloveland, 01 • jowl u . pnjtx, ......... Clneinsati,ol2.. J 011191011... Nirole, Sion. GOLD la MN IT Cana &01,11Tig, W. ICS, • L. lITIONG, k ELLio Alsl tot gab by ALI. D1KG311123. City .and County Surveying JOHN H. MILLS rOaf ittllitod to ro-oot 117 prod.. @AWN-run cor tan oz h lot/ and Chit Wain the cahoot ttiarutte Ur .141140 Itiotioubtf•- • • - Raving boos tor woo Put employed os city sad °Gag' Warovot.tor boo Lon to rotor to all to. forroors sad bathos s was wbo us.* howdy?, oiaployo4 tam Psettoatot mould/ow gm. to knpp[as, . lams, Spooltt. tattoos. Itti Mop glowed on tit, ace oat lOU s co os we t slaw 01001617 store, oc Mato oink, botwooa igowow bind Itlghtb drools, Sm. l's. £ll orders loft st r. A. Yoder. .tore, outset et Sixth tood Irmo% lbws, ptoatptly attended to. &to. huts li, /10. iiUW**D"* TB/LAPEL. TAl—Diamoom of the Uttsur $r d S.wl mod ealloblo trooto •it Also Oa Silas/ is ewrr if Varian sad loitriartio oat la sealed osoolipolo boo of Barge. Addres Dr. .1 Billlia Amotilmooo, No.; 2, Booth Mato 1144•43 d. a " 4 n O rl in q ?., c . 4 nOQ x 101 - U • 0 ta , n ta .0 g - 9%1 R. 6 7 ' tz 0 ti ott ma 1 1 g Ca ti 4Fj v mc l 6I C 3 M ;I' Csi CP 61 -a, Employment for Everybody. Great gale of Jewelry. Watches, (•halos, Dia. woad Kte.. ygover-Ware, German nod breach Fancy Goode, are.. worth over WSUO.OOU -oil to be ould without re nerve. Every one is have Samoa thins Valusb.e. LIST OF TUE AILTICLEIS.' Note 0 /14 hunting-ease watches to to $l6O i.adles'Oold Enamelled cuss watches led t 4 85 Gents' bootlegger, sliver watch.," ai to 7./ .ent's Gold W.'ebe., doable time 7t to 150/ Gold Plated Watches in Yaw; 1.;. aes 'l5 to - 60 Gold P aced Watches, 8 nameled fur Ltdi,a.. 35 to 50 Diamond rings ..,..... 50 to lon Gold Vest and Neck chairs 10 to 30 Gold Oval Band Bracelets 4to 8 Cbgted Gold Brae-lets 6to 10 ohatelatue chains and anard chain, 6to 20 40 italre •no Gold lireockles.. . 4to 29 [mm and rtorecit.n• Brooches 4to 6 'oral, Ord, and timers d Brooches 4to 8 Vardar., Jet, Lars, end Florentine ter Grope. 4to t .:oral, Opal. sad Eisessid Esr / tops 4to 6 t;tlltarttla Diamond Breast puts 2,60 to It/ lola Yob and vest watch tare " 1 50 to 1 .. /oh lad Vest ItAbon‘alldes.. • 3to 7 •'olibetre sleeve battens,studa, Ito 3to 10 Gold Thimble/14 Pencils, etc 4to I illtvatnr• Lockets.— 4to - 8 Minstar* Locket-1114 , 10 Sprtog sto 10 Gold Toothpicks, aroma, ytc 3to 10 P,aaa Gold Eing, , , Came. Gold Ring. 4to 1. : toss Set and 'signet tin,,s 3to 10 41tfornis Diamond Rings 3to 10 ,adios' Jewelry ie eels--.1.-t and Gold ..... ..... Bto ILI I, dies' Jewelry in rwrit—faTneo, Pearl. etc.... 4to 14 :.,t1 peas allyto , atro. h oder. and pencl4.... 4to 10 • •., .1 pr 0 IA t r, d maJt.te I holden.. sto 10 ~d en• ..1.1 • I• 1 . :ten. ~n h.lders 6to 1$ LT. , ,/,.. I, 0 , • a 5 , M. flif C 114,0. .. : o 'o iSe 'liter em,t 00. 1,1 nod • a•. tolArt. 24 to 60 Silt, ta a .1 kb,. ryo,..es and •o. It, pi' do.. 11.. to 4 -t re: pi .ted .4 p. to ant CNC urns 35 to nt t!llvet plat. ato ptclers and taqlceses cr4, a.. .5 t./ 66 Bee er o•t th • in.. p..p Ca:. acid w.daly circula eJ pe ntodienti my 01 ur Establishment t. "W `take p.oi..ure to the attention -C Our readers to tot ~- ) noituoonieu• of li-asta Deraugh Cu 0 Great Sale r.r, :411rer Wa - eoad 1 , 4116) ( 7 00% , 1. i. .Ur SdV•rtillitlg e per.ousoly 4evottaed with the firm nod ko9w them to 1.1 gen :letzten of eArl , og WOlll3 acid Integrity Their att ! ek of • •th,flr vArie. ,n 1 e tent, we tore scarcely seen par- /1.,111 . 4. DeTaq tb A: Co 'a Cleat Sale ofJewelry. etc., ti an tht . twe Ten tin to aay that no leer dteplay at e .01e etntbste..l b, any ee•ab nntnant In th. .421. Toe lad , es thronged •'.lezr 'A -4•4 ah-r, ,, t to 'ad" . .catson. altuon.at the Weft eodtr d iLD le by the melted sw.,• and 4111 , 11. ‘-- , wonderful eureae," kr( al th ..euter. • '.lnsr.! ea, 1118-. Our . t tha ex.entire t r f , Vo I(' t idttlge tat.at .•Irit with a slAtit whin luny r 'LP 1/11 - r. u.h a prartidoU of elegant Wetehos, uaic lltugs. T.ar •ing• aud, to eh. t, 0i iserelr) of et er, k u.. and deraipLiOn, ve es t e• before 1.1 Dreamt. Their ether and plated ware is •aporh ,nd almost cute into the WA b• (tie ap 0 0,1 1 4 es. tab*.sotnea's whine bare I •n..; beau the no i-t of our ea) It I...estimated that their &toot is wurtit not lout lan one tuil.lon of doliara.. How You Can Cot a Prize. 9.04 eel.. LU Un, abiod am 114,4. Au, we re. •ntlvit It we will mail you • Corti/LAU. showlue groat Ica are entitled to. If the artle or attle'ea oa. end beet the r ertliteato and One Dollar aril we will ,orward to yes the article, no matter how wetly It ma) U the et.tie.e la Met whit Yon wish, elate, wh y %ort vied the Certificate and dollar, ',tutt other entLje „t the um* value ou prefer end we wilt Pend it. If Oa irlotA non seud on $1 et. , d we will send Mee; for $3, eleven; lot jb , thirty ; fJt $lO, .city ; for one hundred. agent., are wanted Lai the ilroty and in every Ave Ns nave so immense 'noes of goods to d..pote of, sod a-td • Libre camber of Attu!' Oar terms to Aosta see very liberal and some even of our Lady agents are oatiog from $5 total • day. We give Agents 50 ter ant Sc all Certiticstes they sell yrosidad they r.rolt not ter U ssl roe Cr Write your ..ems spa •Sdrer distinctly, and say only Whit. 111 nra.rery . GiltAgLO W. Dia tubfl a: CO., 15 Maiden Lane, hew York. ARCANA WATCHES. An Elegant Novelty in Watches. Toe eases of this wateu are w suavely new inven.iou composed of ale d.fferent metale combined• rolled togeth er 604 planlake 1 producing an exact Junta. lon of 8 carat gold, milled Arcson, which will alsaya keep Its color. They are as beautiful as 'mild gold, and are at forded at ouir elfin' the VOL, Ile case it beruitilu ly leiligneil wI la I anel and shield tor name, with Patent Push Pio, and engrived in the exact at. I- of the ceie brated Gold Bowing L.OllB, end are really haudwtne and dealrab e, and so res. t an limitation of geld as to defy detection. The movement Is manufactured by the well known lit. Jlmer Watch Company of I , uto y I and ate superbly Ontshed, has lag engeaved psliets fine, wired badges, aolusclow zee. iletor, with gold balano, ead the li:crowed jewelled action with I ne dial and skeleton henna, and is warranied a goo r laie keeper These Watch's are of thus differentalsee, ,he amsllest bring for Ladles, and are all Hunting ease,. A case of eta will be sent by Mail or F.apreas for f 1 ltd. A single out seat in ban 1101Z1b WOrolCO C&N. (IC ; witl tea•.t ly sell for tree times their coat. We are so eageota for this watch In the United r4tss , and moos are ginulae which do not bear our Trade mart. •ddreas GlitARO W. OEN' .UGH it CO, waai*l'6s-81a Importers, lb Maldea Lame. N, Rosalltio A Wilson, by her In the Common Plus of nest fried, Lattice R. 1,414. kno county, re. Ito 18, Nor. Term. 1884 WILL= 0. Wilson. Nuoporno In DIV° eo. Attu so. 7. Fey Term. m .88/1 Holu *. Dino.- WHEREAS ROZALTEIE 'A. WI 'ON _v.), did prefer her petition to the Booorabie dud tee of,the Court of comm ut ?lam for the Couuty of Side. ? raring for the imam th•relo set forth sb• tuldbit be Divorce! from her basbuid. William H. Wilson. Daum is hereby IftTed ho the Said VIM= H. Wilson to be ono appear before the Judgert. at Exue.at • Court of Common ness, than sad there be hoiden for the County of trio, o a the Flo at Monday f a r ebroary, 1864 to ►newer add pe tition, sad abide the udgmerit of the Court to the prem. s e e _ H. L. %LOWS, Ybertd. Tax:gross, Oat. 21,1863. D. W. B.I7TCHINSON, Jnited States claim Ag't, GIRARD, PENNA., PENSIONS, BACK P-AY, BOUNTY, And all other Claims against the Government, attended to with promptness. CUAR(itf.ta REAtSUNAB LL {Application by NW attended to the same as it ...6do t person. am*. Livery Stable. riE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR clam> Up. well-knows Litery +Med, bentolore eampled by Wm J. Sterrett, desire., to Worm hie Meads sod the public that he ertil coetieu• the baldness, mud invites their patrosiege. THE STOCK Will be largely inaretuied and tnipeeved—neer convey ances bar, been procured, and i, of the beet Liven Fiume in the cutiotry. IAM determined to so conduct the establahment as to give satisfaction. These who want to obtain the arrive of a good Mani yid an I me ready et all time, to see iitiorriate them, at reaernabie prices. It‘eolleot the place, mreaturrrs OLD STAND, rim street, rear of the Reed Ranee. Us, Julie B,l B B—ti TEII3. LENNON. AMERICAN..tiOUSE, Swat%west former . the Park aria State Pat, ERIE, PA. TORN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. THE UtIDERSIGN ED HAVING TA- W charge of th• above we , l known Antal, and re ined # asps tar styli , , reeptrtfully sedate a 'bars of the public patrons:a. Tams nalonabla, and &comm. dation' equal to say is the atty. For u s easywoos, of room from tba conntry a good Alas has attsodod So the pram?... joefl4l JOHN DUNCAN. cn ti iii 0 q -.- 0 a - P 5a a tz , 0 gi I t t 0 A FORTUNE 1 From the n.spaccb "of February 6, 1105 Prom tae " Mirror of lash Ion," March 1, 146, herin °Dia', Jim. 4, /8413:11r. Reddiies built Salve ! rww.l.m - r - gwA:i - awfully eetebliehed the nape.riolity o REDDrNG'S RUSSIA SALVE Over an other healing preparation& REDDING'B RUSSIA SALVE! • BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I CUBES SCALDS BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES PYLONS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE? , autss CHILBLALIS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURLS CHAPPED HANDS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CIIREN FLESH WOUNDS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE] CU8.8.3 OLD SOUS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURS ERYSIPELAS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES CANCERS E REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! SALT PAWN. • • REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CIIRES BM& =II REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! ' - CURES coiota REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CUM PIWYLI.S. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! • CUM FILM REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES BUSTERS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES FRO.3T BI rum PAICTS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES A LT. CUTANEOUS DISEASES AND ERUPTIONS OF.NERALLY. • REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! Ii perfectly free from any mercurial matter or Wm+ Das particles', and In no CUD will its apps (midair Waiters with the remedies that to .y - be prescribed by a regular physician. The ited,cal Faculty, thrbeighoutthe Enloe, ate iIIIMODDOU6 in its praise. The more its elr: ace become knorim the greater la the remand, and it in now ''010 , 1Od• 'red an indispensable article ..f household n•cessity being used alike by rich and poor. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I Ts prouTt to action, removes pain at out., and reduce/ the moat angry looking aueiliog• and Intlaminations, ita Irby tnagle.—thne affordteg relief sod a eomplete-care th e length of thns this salve has Iran before the pub le to conclusive proof that It Is no ''ea eh-penny" pro era r, I,,ra.L to have a Etcuictoua popularity, and then sink to rise no more. inl"ly 2S Oats a Box. lig For Bs • y J. P. DIN•IIOftE, No. 491 Broadway, K. Y., d. W. Fu WLE & CO., h o la Tremont Street, Boston, and by all Oregg(ste and Country rekeepars. ang6',4-Iy. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One to Answer ! Are you bald ? Does .our hair fall Off? Has 10111 hair t.ottone thin ? Dom it feel harab, and dr , , and feverish? Is It turning grio, before its time ? "re you troubled with itching, burning sensation of Lite scalp Are you tront.lad wife Dandroil? Are you troubled with chat is usiled Scrofula or Salt `thrum? Have you had tlia Eryelpelax, and lost your Bair? Hare yuu had the Ile/isles, ar.d lost It? flair Jou had the Typhoid ...ever, and lout it? Hare you lost your halt hi any aicknala Do you w sh luxuriant hair? Do you wish molt and lustrous hair? Do you wish gray hair tvn tor.d Do you wish your whisker. glossy? Do you flail them mato, ed In color ? Do you want it for your children? Do .on want It for yourself, for father or soother, for brother, stater or friend t Do you want to make a prepent ? i you want : p-rtume for our toilet ? Do you went • Aarstless article ? Du riu want • pure article? Do you want • double distil , ed article ? Do you want a cleansing articl ? Doy oil want the brat preparation out for dtesaing, stimulating, protectins, restorin.: the color and render ing_eurt, 'inky lusttncus the Human hair Liao, we warrant CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR THE lEL9IR, TO BE UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR, TO ANY PREPARATIUN EVER 6031 POUNDED AND OFFERED TO Satisfaction gn-ranteed, or the •money reit:ailed It costs but SI for one bottle, or 6 bottles for IS sold by - Drugglsts and Dealers everywhere. C. G. CLARK. sic CO., Proprietors. S. BARNE3 & CO., N. Y., ral Agents READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT And Show it to Your Friends WHEELER & WILSON'S :)4 , , , ACTeDi'lM:ll , 3slzii They are aeknowtrArtul to be thll3l:3T MACHIN'S ewer Introduced into this country. Thou annulled armour oot only to thtac.uutry, but all over the Word, bu made It by far the moat popular Marline sow to are. FOB SEVERAL YEARS They hare tams the iemi or all other kfrithin.s. hot grow the late improvement. 12. ire beets added, every va riety of work se performed with rtteh ewe sad tapidt ty that the LADIES ARE IN Ecsr.ticiEi OVER ITt And it wine the admiration of ALL. We wacrait them to each every variety of gooda,frosio the thinnest muslin to the thickest cloth. They msks the celebratcd "lock stitch,' web is impossible te. rip or revel. These ffa chines wt . .] du t he fstioatng w ore WiTROOT ANY BAST IRO OR PREPARATION, • a : YELL, COOS). GTATLISK, BRAID, TUCK, BIND 6; QUILT. nor make any width of Lem olibont pravionaly tanking or batting it : they will gather and atiteta or SOW 00 Val earns; If you don't believe it, COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. The demand for those celebrated asehinra shies WC have been loaned in Erie, tura been astonishing. At thine we and gnat difficulty la filling our orders, but we have • hall stock Just merited. and are ready to see any and all who may tall or send es their erdeus. Our rooms US elegantly fitted and lurtimbri 1, and our sceotamoda• tarns (or eondueling the hi:unarm are not equalled These were aireaded the highest premiums at The WORLD'S FAIR. in Londo n. 1881 • The INDUSTRIAL. EXPCHITIO Y. Paris, 188 L Th• iVuhlegtea. 1888, And let almost every State and Comity Tarr where tr. Libited. They are warranted three years. They are perfecti!simple in construction. They sea with the greetrit ease. The, are almost noiseless. INITRUCTION rites. Lar and see than Is operatic n. If yeti muted ram, wind ibr sortie!e of work and a r.irentar by matt. HOLT Ai BOOTH, A ge-ta. Union Block, jy 23 ' 64 Am. (Haat Parii,) GEORGE D. ATKINS RESPECTFUL. LT talon:um his old Lieu, l e and the poblto that he hat aaaoetated hta son, 0 Ir, ttklea J r., w 411 blot, and that they have opened a chop on the ootth lido of Aar path Strait, betatron mate and French, Fria city, whey. that ay. PrsProttil In remit e ore .yry for all ki^ do or Hone, hide, and Ornamental g. id Inv. Waring, 0. sin. log sod Papar biangiog„ Par tionlar att mit)* given to carriage Painting: Tha pairg pan pt the community" la opmakally solladtad. ja22l44as CURES BURN& QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, THE PUISLIC OEM CUT IT OUT IMPROVED Painting. f. esainsi: r . o. *Mos , V. a. amisser. s. I. BMW& - NEW FIRM. MI MS, CALGHEY & URGES, ihoossoors to aeiseasAanhey & Co. and J. C. Burgess iCik, Wholesale Grocers 1 wad liazinficturan of Crackers and Candy ! GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, SALT, NAILS, ROPE, CARBON OIL, ALE, WINES, LIQUORS, &c., d a. Onr Stock of TEAS, StrGA;IS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, FRUITS, - TOBACCO, IS LARCE. CRACKERS Manufactured at the ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES I OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE At the lowest Market Priam Commercial Buildings, kris. Pa. ..,se•eacr. Erie Ale Brewery, XiMEE OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STKEETS. Erie City Lager Brewery, CORNER OF 'POPLAR AND RIDGE STREETS. • Erie Malt & Barley Warehouses. CORNER OF 7TH STREET & CANAL BASIN. Pale and Amber XX end XXX ales, The Best Quality and Oeo►l Varieties of Lager, Prune Sele , t.d kearero Hope, The Claolceet Quabtles et Malt and Barley. On hand and and for sale by A. KING. dearear. THE PLACE TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, 1i E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT & SHOE STORE ! State street. Nearly ()poultice the Peel (Vico. E. Couolin Root and 'hue. Dealer, tespectfu)ly niforma the Pubitetbat he !,as removed his stand to the Store Room no state street, neaey opp-eite the Post Office, ether, he invites all his old friends aco customers to give him a call. Particular attention given to REPAIRING! Having cereal workmen, and superintending all his btu-ince' himself, he believes he can give as good satisfac- tion and sell at as low prices as any ot4er person in the city. Goo Tits Warranted. apr9l4tf. AMERICAN HOUSE, 801TTEUWEST CuoN ER o THE 1 .i & STATE ST.. _ ERIE, PA. JOHN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. The undersigned having taken charge of the above we. I -known Hotel and retitled It In superior ativ, re spectitily solicits • share of the public racoons. ?Terms ressuaable, and accommodationsressuaable, equal to any kt the city. iv- For the convenience of persons from the country a good stable has been attaehed to the p r•miltoe. secßet-Acn. ii)11.5 DUNCAN. DRUGS AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL ! SAMUEL CARTER au associated with him lo the Drug Trade 1f5..1. B. CARTER, nadir the Finn title of Carter & Carver, By whom the the businews will continue in be eondeetee at the old Starld. With anla3 ged 'stook and Increased re cillbee they hope to receive a l liberal share of publit patroaaga. - ESPECIAL ATTENTION win be devoted to the WHOLESALE TRADE. Deafen ln the neighborkg t , lins an raapectraly la vited $ give us scull before purchasing else% kere. THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT WM be coquet...l, is biretofore, Ins esmful manner and with a .Lepbeltlon to oblige oar containers. WI perthshlizty WI the notice of Physfeitee to oar Stock of CHEMICALS, WM - eh la the largest and tined erer brought to We Er Preicrlptions premed 441 heretofore, with MD and promptness. ' jyTsitt. NEW FIRM.', rrntxrtrofts AND UNDERTAKING WAR E-it 0 ON SI On State St.. Midwest, Seventh and Eighth. The Subscribers have entered into the eltb net Waking and FURNITURE TA:ADE, And propose making to order and heopm.; constantly on hand all kind, of Pi:traitor, Orders will realm prompt attention. Repairing done oo short notice.l UNDEBTA•KING. The imbseribers will ere special attention to this II& rtmeat, of their hairiness. They wiil mamilketare and keep conataatty oa hand a large amendment of Metallic Cans and Co 0., and hold themselvee ip res.:limo to meet orders In this lime, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to spore no efforts to give eatisfeo tion both in the Reality of their; good. aod.prials, they hope to secure • Muni share of pablic netronems. MOORF.I RI RUM summon to J. H. RIALIR. rriS Peat Una traTerses the borthern and Northwest tons:awl of rennsk yenta to the cit.) of i de. on Lake Erie. It has been leaned by th. Pets nigh-an:a-Rau'. read Company, and in ,•peratcd hi theta. , TINS OP ratillf-NOIM Tile:sl4 .T knig. NATrain leaves ................. .._... ... 4CO a. m W. Huai. J. N. 8111.127 : lYn. lieleeroora• Warren A "'"'' Tr. ' " /"" ' 2&lp. ur , rorry Arsons. No. 2 0 .0 a. or E AGLE FOUNDRY , ' Corry Acoora. No. 4 1" 40 p.m Mail Train urines... 6 34 p ni Peet* Si., shove tee Bejaia Reed. lerie, Ps Warren Ace o M. arttY" 10 10 a n,. Corry ACCOUL No.l arei% es _..1: 0:1p tn. Henry, Bryant 4z, Sherwood, Corry Acorn No. 3 ariiren L4O p to' Pasmacar tare run tbrouth without change both way, (summon to Acheson k Henry.) tetween Philadelphia and Erie. sumo7ACTOß>ga or Elegant Sl,....ping Cars on Eiprran train,' both watt between Williamsport and Ilaltlmore, and Wilriamsport PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, and Philadelphia. • TIN k, SHEET IRON WARE, For infoiroation respectin 1 romenear buniners gni , , 4 the S. E. coiner llt and 'srp -k.l i stn., and for Freiyb AND ALL RINDS OF intiv CA STING; 3. sees 01 on Coo.pany's a ;ontr., - Xtria7 Mora sold by na warranted t o g i v e eatursietion fS.D. hi Lade; R.lpb sqISTON, Ja.., corner lir..n and Market Eitroetn la. Kettles Sleigh-akoes, gad Irons, dic , Oil blind or roan 5 . Ns. RzyNOLDS, Erie. i doctoral to order. I ,' J. ILDItILL. Arnit N. C. Ft R .liiilltinrre• Puma ASDPWII Poiliell ofinsperior mai and dun i s R . StUtr 61 ' 8 11 es hand. A m 1111124 a f air trtal °fora art . B. HOUSTON. General F night Arent. Phil's. LEWIS I. NOUPT, Gen. Tici,..t Act. Phil's.. slam a all we ask. HOMY, .1111FANT di ISEIRI/000. JOB. ti POTTS, General Mariaaar,li illiazarort. - Isa2kl4—tf. Des. /104. • THERE 18 NO SUCH WORD AS "FAIL." CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. T. la prepatoo is partici.) tail,. to am InD.CAL JIPV-1:11014 and the PCI.SLIC,fm the iicup t owl certain cunt of 91: 4 W8.3 Or Tab; fq.AI)I?ER, KIDNRY4, URINARY It may be relied on as the best to•e3e for the adoilnle tendon of thoae rotoodlem to the large etas■ of dliseaso-a of both /its, to which they ere applie..b.e. It nee, r anter• hear with the dllestion, and by its concentration, the dose la mooch minted. N, B.—Pnrebssers are adriso d to ask for Tarremrs CompoundEztract CuLebs 4 apatba, and take nothing else, as t nilations and worthless prep orations, wader 13 sm.>, ar• to the market. twee $1,90. Sent by express en ree,ipt of I,riee. Manu:sotured only by No. 278 Greenwich Street, Cflrrwr Warren Street, NEW VINE, Arid for see by Druggist'. z BOOTS AND SHOES! WHOLESALE' & RETAIL ! T TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to I the public that I have added to toy t-rmer tact:it:es • complete Nett cf e4IIOE 31,1CilliNEWIC r Vadeb will enable me to roam:lieu: , and sell Boots sad dhows FISH, WATER LIME, GLASS, Rub, had tong at pPriettee as to the want,. of rnoto mere, I shell take epee at pana in pro , arwg Intr st.tek to suit them. I base the atclt.toce rtit . ht 3n thin c:lj - to make the PLUMER PATENT BOOTS & SEOES for the bens Et of mr customers, and ouly ask a trial of them, to satisty any one ue to :he:: cLanfort •Ter those made an the old way. The Plumer Bout needs on breaking in; it la ts easy from the start rie one w orn fore me time. My SYRUPS, Will receive my Alva mild Mr. J. COT EWi especial at • tantion--cnintuningsslLl .orkn..e. Which esnunt br excelled to the coJatry. tkote and :bort, rewired on abort not.ee. Comtant:y on 1,..nd s Lag.• hen , k of LEATHER. LASTS lAD Fr•DiNGS, SPICES, NUTS, Tessderiair mJ tasaks tcrmy fruen?a en.i customers for Dam patrolnwP, 1 hula! jat a•.a hOrlo4.lZ)Le 4:r4 , 11/ to Merit a 'Orli Iritlau , e of the Nam-, and core:.':V lonte all to call sad emu:alas my stoat Lefore parchaeloe else— where. am 5 61• f. CIGARS, By the name ot CW:lar2.on up, at the coif of s eeot's worth of oil, s ,r; it , be c toted —IV. Y. Trrborr.r. • imOt .1 0 .17 I'l 0r . ..J., rpruly for tpe In a mom-n[. - hart hand / I " , :f.V/ 41. / .r. • ..... Fitrr'e I.srap ',r r. • elties tbe day utrir f•" a great saving is crt , :e , „,1„. cles. cm be ma 'e t , , •cent persons : abicli la nctua Iv done on Li ,or C.ari whirl, entry the sick I feterLentl. Fee (ninny use, iii pie pier, g•o l iu, c , onre-ry n , sic ' 1<” tn In an a t:r r of 00cAnrt be and all proportion to ate co -t / direr Coal Oa Circulcr. TARRANT•S OOMPOZI4D tZTRA.CT OF =MEE TARRANT 4; CO., JOS. EICHENLAUB, SIANI.7 kr - Ll:At' i t , or CZEAPER THAN UERETOFORE CUSTOS' DEP.VIITItEtiI: Fish's Lamp Heating Apparatus BOILING - F4TINO - STEWING AND ‘O7:EPING With the Flame that L•ehte the it,,url Au semiocal , al cuut-ivs. ,-, - up -hest at short trtic- for c•-r , r•ry ate.zs, 1)111 011.• P one anport trt o:.! Sr t'r, rs.lng is Coat over co.sl Orel V 1. L-eisx /i:. PRICE PROM TWO TO 3TX DOLLARS CAt'AC.TY FY. ,N (NE 7 Totr, qUAgT4 Tr - MEL ARTICLES CU , ifih. ll kr ONE TI WITH , JtiE gre. Arratrd for Kerosecm cr 46 .kr (Ir.?. A eo , UT. 941:0p:Of Of thtrtr pagra fareotio.l Krx ier. Alsor, THE UNION ATTACHMENT, =I To be attached tow cocara,p Burner, by which water m.. te• r n do also arranged to support a F.v, NEEDi ONE. W. D. .4 g..z.t, No. Pe.r...71 St., N. Y my'Zl'm' . TO NERVOUS SU F ER.II.IiS _)P ROT II A R it..N r.t. F.'l:\ haring been rtstnreu to bealtb In 6 t r . w da . r, after under- COM g 11611/II C LAO e of treatment wittarnt 144, , 416•C.,..1 1•1,.,•••••i,... to.ommuoieate to ha ailtu.te,l f•l.uu c - ta or Lure. fence. uLi the re.crip: of au A 11 , . IA Will lend trine} • copy of the r.ll.4lCTipta. a tz.rd. tri •• 1 1- . 1 04.11 Daunat.t., I.lrOol, C. ENCELHART Dealer in Boots & Shoes ! ALSO, 11ASI:i , CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES ! WOULD take ti method of return ing bia • L,• fnri JH na ; p bur gra.r.o) for their liberal I.ritcotLlc,~ ber-tt,!e— a•c;rad.d to bun, ;tad hope, to ILI er a C,,,10.12Unt,r ' :L; I take pleasaz, to inforni the pu,b;k, ti at I tr., READY MADE 'OOT A . :7) S . :(lr-3 Cin,lP, If not a e Cf,cper, Than any Annan In th • p'ace, an.: I .In oln Slaking the b ee t ye a litte• 01 (J e ws* Bout!. a ti fk.l tow ploy hope but %t•. BE T 1,...rr LI, Super isiteodeuse of U. /LILL Fn. obtainrd al err. to r..:P the Plumer Patent Last, am now preparek: to r:34. F:004 and Shoes inn manner u to be aurp‘ lieu to z•t : le an. Workmanship. cr. alwars keep on hand a selection of the best Bisnda of rencb aLd Amrnr,.o Cad'and Kipr. P. S.—Repairing attended to tarl2ll4tf. A. IWYBK.I3. • JOHN NEW GROCERY , STORE. The undersigned bare optn-d a new GroLery Store, or the LIST SIDE OF STIFF ST. 32 fiOC,":SE .Al)fi iA OF Rdi/....hUAD R/J.91.,t, Where tLey attend ieepinz a full Lt.pply of catcoußul.E,..s NUTti; CROCKERY WIRE, VANEL:; -- WARE, COMVECTIONAIZI/iS t "; CM; 4, KS, And everything usually on her'-' " : .itshmeot of the sr.- We are determined to offer 7 ;"-:=1- ioenta as an other dealers in 'the city, and Invi'e the loP,lic to call ceohfent that we can give rt, tirc r J.. a 44.0 t 1,13. 0tt31 . 631.f. F WF.1.113 • Authorized Capital 8500,00 v.. CAPITAL P.M) IN, $200,000. THE SECOND NATIONAL BINH ?tilt open ft•r Lt:•• I II Monday ,Ilte wbrr 12tH, IriCl. In ILe Einl.A tut t•lT•et• to•at I c• t , '1 e tnt't , Bank, to Ile 1r n'a Hotel 11111 , :.:: - .7, norl h-e.tet C.l I,r of -tate attret bud 3tutot7. 'SM. h. SCOTT, I uktur.sl. • C. CURRY, C.tsr.ta ;'-!. •N it sTOT A. tll to of ". 1 C. al PeaL•ra JuS. MoCARTe.R, ••• flit , : - 4 , ..t Reca•tr.: •3ci•.. GFO. J MORTON roil - 13 Ito tV „A geut , JOHN C . , 8URG.r..:.: 4 , of r •1. E CROUCH. , n' firm of 1, r t••ur Eer'e a. H. LIARrt of tom .1 1., , Ye:tr.:eta, tttos. Mao Outwit: FARR/ R, Gra , & r J. ORP..-GIAK Grout. n.e 7 ,$.64 Engraving. BUSINESS, WEDDINU AND OTHER .t H I) S Bill Heads, Certificates of Oil and OTHER sTOcKs Stamping, Embossing, Seals, &c., BY J. M. LAPHAM, Paragliti Bull(Wig, %I eat Park Row, st2t 6441 I RIE, PA NEW FURNITUItE STORE. J. H. RIBLET & CO., Would reepoetlully tufo , zu th- pabi `ti t t1,..y burr upened a FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, IN GABLE'S BD xK, Between Bth and 9th Streets, nn State, Where they Intend to A't.)31.13 Con hatlti, a 10;. L.5807!..,111 vr %EW AND WELL SELECTED FURNITIRE. rrire respectful :3. rebut A Aar,. ~r nonage j H. is, ii .kertfot R. V.: qt>to,k \YR OM. Philadelphia & Erie R; R. ..a t• arrmin eti 13:. I.4tet • ...".:3 GUYS . 'tem . - rfik - P!TA . R.AT lONS. COIEPOr-11) ~'.',UlO ~iiil AGT BUCHIT, a Ea.i r...=e7 far diseases of tho Gra, el *at; Dropalcal tt,c ro - r:cro of dlacstWa, and -• ; ." - ty;°l - . 11c1:1 tho :Cr.'', Cf:': CU Cr-'lllVarfl err palm cza Intzra.raalloti, rnd t: BE - tf caul; cr,ca -4 1.',. - LtICCLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, ar:31137, from Itohits of Dl.;:lpt‘• Inaherct,oz, cttcadel with the followin: tor.r.crtto ' a, 4E, cf rovcr, Lx11.::...1:;, of Lrotaltin,g, ' of T,:r.r.al of 7L - .,(.n, r. - t .7:— L.. 7.:; Or I.Lc Body, cr to Face, tc! cr :.1 Co,:ractance, z_c-.r Thor :z...ptort, if ell to tn (which thli rstrittly rctiovc,),r.oon In cnc of 1.12:cb c7t..rc. 771.0 can lay lh:ra:c tot 17t1ncntly followel by theso "dirclta d!s• :4,0f CO`;'UMPTIO::? arc r.-. - nrc or tie eac - c . of t!:•:•.r Curcriz7,. bat none reco c C L.77:=Li C:1111.0 I - Car amp% r.-Itne:,3 to BIM ERE 7.e ( or. , Otatlon. oa:e arcetvl by orgardc weatticu, t•Je Id of mcC.:7i::.e E.:::c.:,;thcb znaLartorge the E C7l, ~ .1 . 7 11 T.:I - TT:ACT Or ICU invariably doc 3, A trint will convince the pest stelAicsL. ,~"~ In many nrectlons to I etaales, the ErrnaCT t - L u.ncya—led ty otter remedy, and for all c-,mplatat.3 Inciacat to t:.c ate Dr.cuyE or: (711.12,71;T: OF LIFE, • EL - z Ss crs anosz. tSr No Family r.boulcl be without it. li. c: - _;lcaszat medicine for 1th..1.1..“) J 14-111111,la DUULLU A' D - —, c Cu:Ls :3:c:et Dizoases In all their stn^ee IL: •1! C' . 7 , cr: ): WC or no ebitzgo of diet, no lac-9.oecnien•2^,:: * ``c--;•" . Fir . e l I - - ~7 I :, ,:l V 4 \ I V 0 rd. r - csr,•HEL - AiiisoLD's EXTRACT BUC4U BEE= ERE z..1r.^:...i.t. , .tr.0rr..zt.trr Sow long . ;. resl.ure t4rz all of a lEEE lIELPIBOLYS. - XTTIACT BUCHU Is the Grent Diuretic. r art aln thq de:lml etrect IDnlldlDEa9G fcr .ec • •z BLOOD! =Loon: 21.,Cie.0! ..L_Le11111:-.) ITIGLIMY rnN, FLUID EX,TR" . . f,',T Foi.pnrirsin g the 111, /2: all rlrf tlonal dlFeaxs ; f and the only vuo of Swept: 4 of the Iloz Ft, Mol chef!. t: _ and all icaly Lraption3 of tla. , 33:11 BEAUTIV%. : G,11E21.12\-10 V. L A Ir. \‘ of the worst tilSOrdCr3 COMIpt101:1 coscrir— n in eEc,q MEE IIMINI!MilE111!!111 tl.e , f : wf.!c!, fanctloni of e_e ' tl [ , c 7 : and rankle in the 1,1c.0,1.tL .rcll ed on has tor.; t orn tow, 11; 11:,. Lrti time the public 1 ave. e•le as tlln h tliey ,10.,c nil. Car Fpace here doe ;Dot er...,e. ate.: P., but the trl 11 or a =In.;:o I.c,t r t: • it has Its vtrtnes .urp , r d•c; to taken. Two tablespoon,ful attic Extra:tor 5 Ir.,acantla added to a Dint of water is eq1..1 thq 1..hh0t . 1 1( t f•rink. and one bottle Is fully eq . 2l tonelll , nof S.rruP of E'arsa• parilln, or the fleece:lon u - made. 1* : HELIABQLD'S ROSE WASH, excellent Lotion 'for dissipation. rued In con-,." and ;iv ,aporillia.in 51r:4 : deuce of tl.e ioo,t re.,l OCCOII4.InF to t- n ,I* ward, of tory lecter, , ,inan:,* of enin,•nr VW, The Proprietor Lanct cr th•lrp - ;:lcation la th e ; Le dm" Lot LI, ; - I .c , :hat I:13 articles r tn.Y as cr,l du Lot Heal to be propped up hy The Cclcnce of ,I.canc.,l,lie 11,e Porte Column, Ftould stand e.lruple, pure, : I•4;rt toe L. Induction for its pttar. and Troth for Its Capital. i] My Extract i : : ; :'.::i.;cr , :ay rxtract, ilachn la a r lurc:lc, 1 r 111. • . :.:1 noth aro prepared ; tacuc—and Lre t: L.; t n .tat ran I.'e .' r. , a , ! . .*: u. 1( ' t( .t c a rom. parlson of their propertlr. v. Ith t - c cec for;:l la the lotrlfle wor'..;z: Leo ti.Ten::tors or t..• Fee l'rofessor Drt. L.. N alLa I ;•.• ~ r l;., on the Practice of r:: .c. Ece remark.l made 1 . 'I, • ez. , Lbr.:lc 1.1)c. Parsee, 1101.3. Sec rer..c.:l:s 1 ': 1 ,1-17 a ccle• bratcd c-. 1. : t.r I 1 Colle^ , e of Enrgeon..;, Ircl=o, an,l ::.' :1 'the Ir-unctions of the Glcg an 1 f:, - .c^-.• • • T • See Medloo-Chl7.:-. - : ! , ^,l t,. P1LN1., 1 , 1 Tnixr,q, rellol7 cf ti 'c 1 (. ”c^.o of .‘ier;:eon3. See most pf the late on Medicine. , COLD DT ALIADIIrGCLFTs . rvErn ,s ll - 1 1zE Addrelisle:tore for Informallon, conadeore, to Int. T. ITELIVIZOLP.. . Cliornist. .I:?,l'incipert Depots— ilehrEic;6's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, Zi;o. 694 FROADWAY, N. Y., OR 70 !iamb°ld's Medical Depot, No. 104 SOUT/1" TENTH ST., PELLA. Beware of Counterfeits ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S! T.....4.1i.1i: NO OTHER ! Wool, Wool yi - roeL WANTED. FoR. WITICLI THE y y h'ithent motet pike %al ty its, Jt.tts 214 1t.e...-tt s.LtIITIR. DR. STRICKLAN I/ (' (1 GU if • -,l‘l 1. ~.,