The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 03, 1865, Image 3

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    tic Wahl!! 00$truer.
E. PA.. AUGUST 3, 41..M5.
aveler's Guide.
ri., , nnet Exams ---.-_—
[la I Exprema
. . 0 Iti. pco
.sCal vset . r •onomodatloo AOO a. tn.
viOt Elk pryloc. ........ 3106 is,
....j.,1,10 Expreu 10.00 S. in
. ..
.011,111 k & ERIE RAILROAD. .
Criirr Arcemev+tittien .... 12 '5 p. m
• - i/I rol gh Moil ......... •685 a- m
-,.„.,, 1 ...,,rm J dation .... A4O p m
~ are , A.,...mmodstion 1040 K . m
t tiV V I“; it RAILROAD.
11 60 P
t ) ohttin & $325 Oro.
lin) c n procure one fifty dollarr
o th rr:ce rit the music stores, by
c.,14 Th, , piano will be en—
nl scl-rint.,14.11)11 to any of the
antCri minufictared. ti
:he Digpaides recent
, g to,3r dawn the street
had a circulation of
`pe ee htrvirel mare than " own,
el nii.r,P7es"'Ulti°l2." We dislike
wich our eiternporary on a ques
Ow . ; far Our TeiltiODP
raei•j, fur
o f the mo-t pleasant nature, but
olyer 00-npek us to &avert that
9,4Pmen, is literally true.
Lot MlOlll9 of 1864. our oireu,
r wi ninete.n hundred copies, and
three secasi Ina WM as high se
e Wired, being, we are well
f r 7 two to eight hundred mare
:,I,,+t number ever reached by the
9f , z 1,, the careful system we pur
nos:ement of our business, the
eoptarts cries considerably at
„wag, hut we run no risk in saying
TeN,:e sea)* circulation since the
ryes the paper came into our
hundred in excess of
tti e stlle these facts in no boast•
ani without any disposition to
ontronr•v bet ween our neigh
t•. is due to our in—
.ll. when tie E.lhjoc. of the tympani.
(f tw) papers is alluded
1, hne correctly.
Land Patentq
CduaT d of the State has
• 'cit. , I r I , ill ta the following par—
tit+ city, and Cv:e 1 tkem in our
• di,dribuli -crone for whom
' :ntPc led am obtva. them by balling
pa S6[LR .dli v. The charges are all
d tznzc f any kind eon-
, T ,b ; ne n , or Mary ("Um], Dr.
II :hos. Jones S: Mal.
rr s J n. D.mtlas (2). St
11 .- cnur , ). N 'nom E Teel and
.I , ,Jtaing and Simnel
,-, Di er W. Fitch
t. INA F ,Ike, James D Dan.
E J..' ~ idy. Mrs. Mar
r.l ..,.. is i” I J•onni Rounds . Susan 3
agner, Jarn..e Chain
,l •r, David and C. E.
I Kelsey and E lward
I' IT in' ri. Augusta • gner,
i-b irt K"Tier, John
II 41.-1 Dehmert, Thomas J.
W. R. Davenport, E.
t r re t. state that patents
tac f 'lowtn: parties residing in
' Lire been granted, and can be htd
e,•l,,ct co the Surveyer General, at
B W. Vansise, D. C. Duch,
, Lurioe Phelps, Mary R.
?... , :•j-ct to the life estate of Polly
r 11, .01 , 1 Campbell, Ste., D.
rue', Jul
I) .uzl is. Lydia M. Lee, B tY
w , 'tun T Dirt, Theron S Do
,T. I &11, C. J. Smith, Jane Oliver,
y Nlr4 Hannah Cravens, Polly
L White, Samuel G. Brothertno,
g r• h. And-ew George Bar
, Oliver, Simon ilieut, (8). II AV
, 1 11. !5 , Rabert M. Douglas,
'nu, Solon Weston. -
this occasion to protest in tdvence
:IA design+ of those dangerous per
1 , are seeking to.rid the people of
honOr of Mr. J+mes Skinner's
_tc.i the, benefit of his counsel to our
7, I , F endeavoring to have him se
i•rlr-General of the State. They
Skinner and to the chi.
~ whine base designer deserve
evroful exposure. Knowing his
hzi the remarkable seal he poe.
th• we'Lere,, they feel him
personally, and want to
rera)v.l 'here he will no longer
L. `nl•ri the success of their
w.t.!t tan•tzb their ertfal me;
n^.l ar dtterm'Aied, if possible, to eir
n, t a r:
,e-r> :f Erse cannot spare Mr. Skin
ti El ar-I-`,lrz, or anywhere outside
• IV:thout his sagacious
s•cir -ince our affairs could
c , ull—e I. They would fly
tiernc 11;:e confusion—from
>a•' it in 01 cou'd bring them
State of delightful
•iie person who could
C r C-fix in his absence'
'a -a. w'%• l in . ' 7 W 1 , 1 14 , r pr pri-iy in their aetion?
1 . 7 ta , w..'na• n) o•ner persen in the
-r - .c:upyinz the Timmer
,m:i•iyai rusts to which ha
on l M.:nailmously devotes
Taw ;,J I r - de management of mat
if go on without his
id` A 5 I,ily presence around
:I a' ely necessary to
itty business ; with'
a'l would tumble
' 2 "ko Tte cp, of the mart you'd
.t; ill!. Ivivene occupation
I of supply for the
w t I -- un, and the
f 1 91511, crumble to
sT;, i 'nf , to take the lead
in hailding up
2 - .1.t11.9 Mr S.
has I •ne more to adorn the
aTa er tn His large f3rtune.
'-'•-••.',ltironen the varietal trusts
sr— zener.itis and devot.
•:‘•ny,•y been consecrated
•• , o of manr cpinioui and costly
T-., T manly - Gents of architec
• va ca oa a'l sides rise to attest
0 it in emphatic protest
. 1-j Trit e which would drive him
L :)7.lzl c:y he loves with BO deep
ee:v:ln• int; t'o• , ritils and temptations
C • r "Pari' sArrice at Harrisburg. •
en.•• . •
~• —enl not • be. Mr. Skinner
I fr,m Erie. This vile designs
not be permitted to sue
people, to whom he is en,
0 " - - . -- nembrance of a thousard
enterprise and invaluable
will insist upon retaining him
;:!:r r•••
is., and smoothing his pathway
l! ttAeni of affection which they know
hire earned far more than they can
Look BIIIVITISII. — The ofileterot the COD.
Kelsey's paper.-1,
newt Reporter—Sidney
offered fn' sale. The material comprises, in
addition to newspaper and job type, oar
power and two card presses --The Dispatel
says: "The Court Roam is being repairee
and fitted up in good style. The railing, &e.,
has been re-grained, and the room will be it
good order for the coming sessioh."—The
spirit of enterprise displayed by Messrs. Roof
Sr. Loomis, In the management of Brown't
Hotel, is deserving of commendation. They
have already made great iniprovements to tht
house, and do not intend stopping until the;
opt it into a first class omidition.-- t few
days ago, an inmate of the jail, temporarily
confined in an upper room, attempted tr
break out, but was prevented by the watch
fulnees of Mr. W trren. He had out a hole.
lane enough to admit r.f the passage of his
body, through the wall, his only instrument
being a common jack and case knife.—Mill
Chamberlain will contietue her female semi
nary, in the Hamot Masa, on the bank of
the lake, during the coming winter. The fall
term commences September Ist. From some
cause, the Seminary does not appear to have
been well patronised heretofor - e.—lketee,
8., originally commanded by Capt. Miller, is
the only organization from this city remain
ing in : the military service. Its last ststion
was at New Orleans —Drop letters put into.
the poet-office are only charged one cent now.
instead of two, as heritofore.—A flirtation
with a young daughter of one of our most
respectable residents, on the part of Prof.
Limhurg. resulted in his receiving a cowhid:
ing from the father, on Tuesday night of last
week. The Professor found it advisable to
leave the city.-..--Wm Retoher, a returned
conscript, has re opened his barber shop
under Englehart's shoe store.—The Die
patch opposes the nomination of James Skin
ner as the Republican candidate for Auditor
General, thinking he has held office lone
enough, and that we have numbers of -re..
turned soldiers whose claims and cinalifica.
lions for election are superior to Mr. Skin
ner's.—Capt John Graham has purchased
and is carrying on the saloon lately occupied
bv John Perkins. on Fifth street near State
It is the neatest alai plealantalt place of th
nort in the city.—Most of the young me
from this city and county, who enlisted in th ,
navy lstt fall have been discharged and re
turned to their homes.—The report started
he the Gazette that the Dispatch office wa'
offered for sale, is denied•by the proprietor
of the latter paper. The mere offering to eel'
a printing estahlishmeot is not in itself a
indiefition that it is not in a prosperous cow
dition—for the owner may have become tire , '
of the lioaines, or may see an opportunity to
do something better—but the tone of the Ga.
:ette'a paragraph was evidently intended to
convey an intimation to that effect. We
always like to see fair play, aid under the
circumstances we think the publisher of the
Disp.tch fully justified in demanding the
nam e of the author of the report. It is about
time that a certain class of gossipers around
nor city, who deligt. in nothing so much as
creating bad feeling between their neighbor.
were shown up.—t contrtet has beep let
and around broken for the building of a rail
road from Union to Titusville, of the same
gunge, and connecting with the Phila. &
Eric railroad. The charter of the company
allows them to build hraoches to any part of
the oil regime —Dr. P P. Rerechell bee
opened an office in Room 39, Brown's Hotel
if we are to judge by his advertisements
here is nn use or nny person's (Wing. while
the doctor is around.—The editor of the
Bunkirk Union has been presented,—by hie
wife, of course,—with a" nice, plump; nine
amend baby," and is ao proud over the event
as a turkey cock. We jadge that the occur
rence is the:firet of the Bert that, has taken
place in our cote , nporary's family.—The
newly appointed Governor of Florida, Wm.
Marvin, lea , is a cousin of Judge Marvin of
this city. --The Erie & North East Railroad
Company have declared a dividend of five per
cent cash and fifteen per cent. in Erie &
Pittsburg Railroad Company bonds, both free
of Q . S. Government tax. parable August 1,
1565, at their office. corner of Seventh and
State streets, Erie.---• Commodore James
Stewart is highly elated over the prospects
for success in his great contest for the exalted
honor of representing the contrabands of
Erie at the colored convention in Harrisburg.
By one bold stroke of that peculiar system of
strategy." which has rendered the Comoro
dore so celebrated, be hos distanced all corn
Petition, and stands without a rival. His
friends, having a proper regard for the purees
and chicken coops of the people of Harris
burg, intend presenting him with a consider•
able sum of money, so that he will have no
necessity f)r falling hack upOn his custcmars
resources —A through express car is now
running between this city and Philadelphia,
via , the P. &..E. railroad, enabling packages
to be sent without the expense and delay in
cident to the roundabout route heretofore re
gnired.—lt is generally understood In po•
litical circles* that George W. DsCamp. Eeq.,
will he a candidate before the Republican
County Convention for the Legislative nomi
nation from this city. He has labored hard
in the party harness for the past fiar years,
and if be is nct rewarded soon, it will add
another to the many instances of political in
gratitude.—Messrs Clark Ewing and Roger
Sherman. of this city, have formed s copart
nership with F. B. Guthrie, Esq., of Warren.
and John A. Content. of New York, for the
transaction of a law and . land office business
at Pitbole. The title of the firm is Guthrie.
Ewing, Sherman & Co. If any of our friends
have buslneisin their line to be managed in
the oil regioM.lthey cannot do better than en
trust it to these gentlemen —Mr. Matthew
R. Btrr% il. is reported, will be a candidate
before the Republican County Convention for
nomination to the Legislature.—The farm
ers are all busy getting in their crops, and
seldom visit the city. Trsde„in coneequence,
is vory dull, as it usually is at this time of
the year. Our streets, at times, during the
past conr le weeks, have been almost as quiet
as those of a country village.—The large
store rooms in the new Reed Block have been
rented fcr $1 2)0 each. The one is to be oc
cupied by Mr. Geo. W. Merrill as a dry goods
store, and the other by a firm from Water
town, N. Y , as a wholesale carpet and fur-
niebing store. As an instance of the growth
of trade in our community, and the tendency
to improvement. it. may be mentionel that at
Irma half a dozen applications for each of
these rooms were made.
An " irrepressible oondiet " hot sprung up
between the Ditpatek and Gezelle, in which
sharp language Isse been used on both sides.
—The rumor that Sties Chamberlain had
determined to discontinue her Female Semi
nary appears to be iloorreet, as the school is
annoutiovi to reopen on the let of September.
From some ean4e. it hoe not been successful
b.r e tor o ra.— tom) twenty men of the 111th
regiment relabel h ere on Murder. and were
Riven s public reception. About 150 started
from Pittsbargh, bit most of them dropped
Of by the way, at their respective home..
The colonel and a portion of the regiment re
main in the "smoky city. * --;Tne * Dieita"th
urges the chime of returned soldiers to ogee ;
don to public office as slimier to those of
politicians, an opinion which will be concur
red is by the mils of the people.---.lleve.
and has Wormed 18,83 G in lea; thaq . five
team, and•now has a, population of 62,10 . 6
The Increase of Beale In the 'same. parboil
vas over 30.003. The increase in-the pope
'Mien of Erie, we venture to assert, will be
'Good proportionately larger than either Bur
'Co or Cleveland.--.t monster chimney has
helm built at the new shops of the Philadel
ohia A Erie Reilroed Company. It is 102 feet
in height., and contains 140,030 brink.--The
period during which an abatement of State
athas was %Rowel. expired on tho lit of Ant
l ust, and from this date all who have ne
;looted to pay their taxes, will be obliged to
pay an addition of five per cent, on what they
would have been asked, had•they attended to it
..comer.-0a Friday evening, says the Dis
patch, a laborer name I Krollmst was drowned
in the harbor. 113 hal b'etta engaged with
others La unto% Log a canal boat, and the
captain, in accordance with custom, had
bought them a gallon of beer. After leaving
the boat, it was found that a borrowed beer
elsei hed been left behind, and Krollman
went back for it. Nothing was seen of him
from that time till yesterday morning, when
his body was discovered fl mating near the
io'ck.—Morris & WNW!' Minstrels will
give a concert in Farrar Hall, on Friday and
Saturday evenings.—Prof. A. W. fleeter is
giving a series of mneioat concerts in Farrar
lall.—The New York Tribune says: "The
general Agent for the P. & E. railroad at
Williamsport, Pa , has been arrested and held
o bail is $10,030 for al alleged defizienoy of
several thousand dollaVs in hie accounts with
he Company."—We have never known,
lays the Crawford Dcfpntal, apparently more
.unfavorable weather far hamming than Last
of the last two weeks. In that time there hie
been but a eing's day, we believe, on which
we had no rain. —Mr. Felix McCann is
+ranting a new buil sing a ij oiling the 1Innoil
•on [Louse, deeigned as a saloon an i lodging
elves for ream" I travele-s. —Toe project
orrvizing a new county oat of parts of
c :rie, Crawford. Warren and Yemeni, with
Motivate as the capital, is a; ain revive I,
and meets with strong opposition from the
tleedvillepress.—Titusville contains thirty
hotels, all crammed to their utmost every
lay.—A.s an inetenos of the i mmence lam
her trade at oar harbor, the Dispatch men
tions that a million of feet, mostly from Cans
la, were delivers iit the dook, on Monday.
_capt. E F. Christian has been appointed
'lerbor Raster.— break has occurred in
•he canal, near Conneaatville, temporarily
Waging navigation,—l, detailed acoonot
of the lake excursion of P ark church eongre•
retain, on Thursday, will appear in our next
. ..Sua.—Three allege I pickpockets, giving
their names as John Davie, John Bunker and
"J. Scanlan, were arrested at the depot on 8a-
turtle'', by Mr. Sweeney seed officer Sander -
lead. Two were tried before Esq. Camp•
hinges, on Mon icy, but the evidence not
being sufficient. to convict them, - they were
lischerged for further hearing on Friday.
uittle doubt of their guilt is entertained.
writer in-the Dispatch advoo etas the divis
ion of tho Epienepal diocese of Pennsylvania,
and the organization of a new one west of the
Innuntainc—t returned member of the
145th regiment, named Patrick Harlin, was
ran over by the cars at Springfield, on San
jay, and almost instantly killed.—M. W.
Hammer, A. Hammer, 5. Keil and J. Kuhn,
were tried before Mayor Farrar, on Monday,
charged with eetting fire, to buildings, in
Corry. They were held to ball in the sum
of S5OO each.—The Old Fellows will hold
a picnic, at Mass +slap Point, on Saturday.
—Gee. W. Gunnison, Esq., has been select
ed as Professor of Commercial Law in the
Erie Commercial College. A good selection.
Oo the 31st ult., about 11 a. m., while drill
'ng the Graff-Ilattsen well, on lot No. IS, Eg
bert farm, a large crevice in the third sand
rock was struck. which had the effect of im
mediately stopping the flow of the celebrated
Coquette well. The Graff-llassen well is
now being tubed, and gives indications of
being one of the largest wells on Oil Creek.
—The Methodists, with their usual enter.
prise, have already organized a congregation
at Pithole, and made arrangements far hold.
ing regular services. Their services at pres•
ent are held in an unfinished livery stable,
—Miler's Cleveland Theatrical company
is playing is Titusville, with pot success.
—The Oil Creek Railroad Company are to
commence the extension of their road to Pit
hole immediately, and they say it will be fin
ished in the next ninety days.—The num
ber of passengers carried over the Franklin
branch of the G. W. Railway, amount.
to abnat two thousand daily. The lino is
twenty-seven miles long, and pays as much
as the main line of four hundred and thirty.
two miles. It pail during the month of May
two hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars.
—Brother Morris, of the Warren Ledger,
has been out on a fishing exeursioiein the
woods of Elk county, and gives a comic
report of his adventures in his last issue. We
feel like congratulating
. hitrt on his opportu•
nits to rusticate a little. If we can't get time
to enjoy a little of that sort of thi eg ourself,
we can at least appreciate the good fortune of
those of the fraternity who do . Now is the
time to buy your coal. D. Burton & Sons,
Eighth street, are selling both soft and hard
coal at low figures.
Wednesday of this weak was the warmest
slay we have yet experienced this season.
Summer, after a good deal of dallying, has
set in in full earnest.--A man giving his
earns as Berger, and claiming to be from
Richmond, Va.. was shot on Wednesday morn
ing early, in an attempt to rob the hardware
store of Mr. J. V. Boyer, on State street.
About sixty No. 6 buck shot lodged in his
back and shoulder, crippling him so severely
that he is not expected to live. Ile is under
Dr. dormer's treatment, in the jail.—Copt
J. 8. Childs bas purchased Mr. Kell'ogg's
interest in the Presqus Isle Pottery, and the
business will be conducted in future under
the firm name of Webb & Childs. Tbey are
turning out some excellent work, and dealers
will find it an advantage to give them a call. Democratic friends in Lawrence county
may well congratulate themselves upon the
vigor and neatness of their local organ. The
Gazette, since it went into the bands of Mr.
Black, has become one of the very best coun
ty papers in the State. We sincerely hope it
is receiving the liberal support to which its
merits entitle it.
Oodey'e Magssine for Aagust. Is on ear
table. The frontispiece Is a beautiful en
graving of " The Fair Haymaker." The
usual doable sheet covered fashioned
accompanies this number, with over twenty
other illustrations of the fashions and truant
arts. Marian Harlan contributes to the work.
Edgar Cowan, Eeq., one of our Senators In
Canvass, will deliver the animal address
before the Pennsylvania State Arlsollinl
Society at Williamsport, on Friday, Sepias.
ber 29.
Mt anchorage gives the following lowa ed..
vice; under-the heeding it Word to Appied•
flees :" 4. fit:oir, to your trade, boys, and learn
bow to work if you be independent.
There is no mitre pitiable eight than a halt
Wanted mechanic applying fn. work. Re i t
always et the foot of a bill, labor as be relay,:
unless be has become perfect is Ain, o w *
before he attains the years of Maturity, hi
VIII calculate on poverty as his portion, wit%
a good deal of safety. Parents, if you wish
well of your children, urge them to leant
their trades properly.,
Rev. ?ether CO.uly, for two or three years
past connected with St. Patrick's church it.
this city, has been transferred to the chew
of the Catholic' congregation at Oil City, our
of the largest and wealthiest in Western Penn
sylvania. The members of St. Patrick's
.church will part with Father Coady with
feelings of the deepest regret. Ws courtes3 ,
and benevolence as a man, and fi delity as a
priest, have won the attachment of all who
have formed his acquaintance. We trust hi.
new relations will be of the most pleasant
. -
War.nrr CRLSIC Mrtts.—Messrs. Weigel
Bros. hove taken these Mills, so long and fa
vorably conducted by Mr. James Sweet, and
intend carrying them on in such a manner as
to retain and extend, if passible, their /resent
wide reputation. They are careful, reliable
and enterprising men, with whom, we are as
sured, all dealing in their line, will find it a
pleasure to trade. Mr. C. F. Weigel, one of
the new firm, has, for two years, been Super—
intendent of the Mills.
The Big Oniannte, and Limber Bow were
delegated by the lifassasaugies, at their COUI2-
cil meeting on the 28th of July, to represeet
the Tribe in the Great Convention to be held
at Fort Gibson, on the let Of September next.
Maesaeaugie himself will accompany the
delegation, I roviding his duties on the ola
Hunting Ground will allow him to leave.
au3 It Tianaaroe, Scribe.
M. Park Davis, Esq., Chairman of the
Democratic County Committee of Crawford,
has called a convention, to meet at the'court
house, in Meadville, oa Tuesday, the fifth of
September, at one o'clock. The delegate erec—
tions will be held on the Saturday preceeding,
between the hours of 2 and i p. m.
Counterfeit- one dollar Treasury notes are
in circulation . —of very good appearance. but
printed in a lighter shade of green. Some
parts are scratchy and blurred. and the figures
one on the green saroll•work on the luwer
right quarter of the note are printed in green :
in the genuine they are white.
The'St. Vincent de Paul Society, a benevo•
lent organization attached. to St. Patrict's
church, will holds Pic-Nic at the " Cedars,"
on Tuesday, the 15ai inst. The proceeds are
to be approprilted for the benefit of the
poor. We predict one of the pleasantest
gathciinga of the season.
La li*s riatronizß the faro banks at Saratoga
this Summer.—Ez.
Our cotemporary must be mistaken. They
may be females ; they certainly are not
ladies "
New Advertisements.
pic-Nic by the St. Vincent De Paul SeeW
The ple.nts will b, held In" Rennin's Roods,' and
e• re effort .111 be m►de to mole It ens el the meat
plesetat tad Inter•atter altars at the meow.
By Outer o I the
at3•2t Collllll'ilig AF ARRANOKIIIRNTS.
TILIL V Ilt Ilk—Vrom the fleheeriber. some time about
L 75 the let r f July, a aorml lime, neer tee years old.
Ha. h•°, atiff4e• I. and la ermined snore where am tits
fe.t. I Ilvelt, Mot eertalul ; liva%out medium An,
p.r.00 ering fofortnatlne. ortolan:line 'be acid horse
t the euh.,:lber. in the ?abilibitAii 'Palen:mat, Water•
ford tonro.hip, will be euitabli terwartted.
Waterford, Augett 31.1116. sr 11-3 t
►4 CULT T;
T. Coox—liesidirot PrtsOpsi. ' Gonnseir. TR.
Prof of Commercial I an
Pooklie4plng new .ChwielMatfett of Ao.
cotters. letaa , 131:14h1 5% P111. , % . C.. AlOrmsamrat cad Out.
n. 44 Po-manrhip Corrnirrtl4l Law. rocorietetal A.14 , h•
tactic. boatnees titres, ke., for ladirs and Roo t s
ten Tnitia'ort Cards comp•ehand the whole biol.. of
dluble entry ac•oonta. wad exhi*lt every poisalbte Tarift.
tint+ on opeoln• a*d cics , ng books expnike will to
omitted to mate thin a oleuant • prrogral and prrati
vent toetitottnn,. The City of " Practical aa
al!tsint Teachers will be smp need. Terms—Teiti4 a
till 03 is .1 , 414 Thq best fe•ilittra aad greatest In
dacemanla possible. Mend for Cir.ulirs.
au.TSS-ly• T. COnic.
The tinderairnod har• a , n•la••1 tlottaaAroa, ardor
the tlron and et le of Webb k Chile's in the Pottery tool
D•ee, s . the old ear:, on thn UDlli , between See ,od
aad Ibl•d atre•ta
Ae snlielt the pttronsge of the customers of the old
Jinn and the mistral of the pntale geweraltv. rr"mieto
to use uur utmost sodeaeor to give perfect ea lifer. ion.
It has Reached the Lowut Prue It will go this Beason
At the Eighth Street Yard. Erie,
Rave on Hand
Whuh they offer to sell at the
Give tic a call. We warrant aatigaetton
ern coNwritPrivl:4.—qaftnen with CoOloMo
- Moo, Astbess, Rrouebitis, or any disease of the
1 brnat or I ultra, will be rh.erfally furnished, without
charge. w tb , he remedy br the use of which the Rey.
Fde.ri *Toon, of New Yolk, was
complete,' r .toted to hoalth, a.ter hallos ImEered see.
ere) rears with tbet dread dierese, Coosump"i , rt. To
("NM/Mail:ll'lrd .Offerer., this remedy le worthy of an im. trial It will colt sethief. &WI may be the
mes .e (if ih-ir perfect resturattow. Those aestring the
■ me w.II pierce address Rev. Y der .d A. Wilson, Iltb
South ....wood street, n ill 11.128harg, Kulp County. yew
Yort. au3oft-3t
rne. .—W.• we making a ample rosehme which a.m.
bloat tits beat sad cheap... 4 r. °ebb!. Wine and Cider
Pres.. t dry. t Clothes Wrioger, sad the most power.
NI Lifting Tack Is the worTI. It is tie owy p.m adapt
ed I. makineApply "waive, which I. now r•s•rded
so 000 of the nit impanel:at d.sweeties of he see. A
g , od nput wetted In every bounty, to whom we aril.
I oat such indreementa is to Ingots $l,OOO bent.
Chrlstutse. The first tee =blot apogean°, from ally
enut.ti *halt have ti e ezeuaiverageacy. fell parties
lars, tt rms, Ac., by Circular. Address
No. SS Liberty street, N. Y.
A valaable Patent Right of an article, rt.:paired la
firmly in Kris onsiety. for sal.. Oidere from
ITl l agrare liferchauta in Philadelphia city amounted to
6,t 00 lo one week. Aodrree, KUHN <l num,
h Vl4ll ii Ileetown, Buck, county, Pa.
H017:48 AND LOT PM PALE. —Tbo convent
eat and deelr.ble resideoee now *coupled by O. A.
tollad , D. on WIWI 'street. b.tareen Peach and Atm., w It
be sold low for cub. Tontote on given lit of April
nut- The Lot Is 32% br .223 x, sad the Duna. is well
built lad In excellent repair.
jyruNle-cf WC A. GAIBRAITIT.
BK A NDKirrirm ri Lim -mil Week the COD.
s aaiptler, Ithimastatie, Costly., iiillioasead Dentate,
att. ,. ow dive w ill dod renewed stieegth sad We
pervade every eerie of 1 heir frame..
Every date makes the b .rod parer. The Roma cow
memo la the art...rive and tend...ate to the velar. Thswe
pill', se s ant effect. act epee the arts , lil blood.
footslog the eiseolatteds by 'bleb igeouriu m
UM to the yeas and they throw off each roll=
into the bowels. which o ens, by lb. anew derived
[me Prardnetbli VII e. 'WI them NM the natwm.
11140 brat esed.the any occiabm 00, 44 sw er.s
mho tha pato% Owl wore. Thletse• .1...
sad eh owe the dbeeneea 111 , 1111006 dirt/Het mot l in
ot , es 'Mimed without some Wahl* la Its attaisami
God swamis ap t r i l i r a r th• ",ecns7 of boils& kr
nipsirtAble is modulus. pre d
Ir• ;
21 Con/Windt St" Maw York.
Pews,.Poacilic AV, Mc •••••Half • /Maar
.ollve I To be sohs IS CM* noble ugh withost men
to value. /Lad to be paid tat meal you kaow wkal .
pea ant to reen4wo.
800 Ovate gold Watches,
800 Lutists' gold Watches,
400 Gents' silver Watches,
200 Diamond Rings, 6O to 100
8.000 Gold Vest $t Neck Clitaitte, •15 to 30
3.000 • do. ' 4to 6
d.OOO Gold Oval Bard Bracelets, 4to
1,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6 to
IWO Chatelaine & guard chains, 6to
1,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to
2,000 Lava & Floriniine brooches, 4to
2,000 Coral, Opal & Em. brooohee, 4to
2,000 Mosiao, Jet, Lava & Floras.. .
tine'Ear Drops, 4 to
1,500 Coral, opal & em. E. drops, 4to
1,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,50 to
.1,000 Gold fob & vest watch keys, to
4 000 Pob & vest ribbon slides, 3 to
4,000 Sets sleeve buttons, etc.,. 3 to
3.000 Gold thimbles, pencils, eta., 4to
6,000 Miniature lockets, - 6 to
4,000 Min lockets—magic spring, 3to
4 000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to
5,000 Plain gold rings, 4 to
5,000 Ch,..sed gold rings, 4 to
7,000 Stone set & signet.rings 2,50 to
5 000 California diamond rings, 2to
7,500 Sets ladies' jewelry—jet W a l
gold, 6 to
6,000 Se's ladies jewelry-cameo,
pearl, etc., 4 to
5,000 Goad pens, silver extension.
holders & pencils,
6,000 G.Ald pens & gold-mounted
- holders,
6,000 Gold pens, & pen lolders, 6to
5,000 Silver goblets & cups, 6 to
1,000 Silver castors,' 15 to
2.000 Silver fruit as cake baskets, 10 to
1,000 Dosen silver tea spoons, 10 to
1,000 Do. table spoons & forks,
Certificates. gemieg inch art.ele, and Its value, sive
pipe's! in Sealed Envelopes. wad 'well mined. One of
these envelope., coutaining the Certificate er Order for
some Artie's, ( worth at lea.t one della , at retail,) - will
ne sent by mall tr. any address without regard to choice,
on receipt 2. cents. To• purchaser will was what at -
Isle it &sec sod its value, which may be from One to
rive Hundred Dollars, end can then send One Dolls Ltd
••-eive the Article llama, or any other no the Ist of
the same value, and alter seeing thi article, if it dues
set give perf-et satisfietlon, we oiralre It to be Immedi
ately married and the amount paidwil be refunded.
By this mode we airs relectl tom from a varied stool of
fin. geule, of the best mate and let-st styles and a in
I I laic worth, at &nominal pries, while pill have • chance
of securing az Hes of the very highest value.
In all en.aa we charge for forwarding the Certificate,
postage cud doing the busine , e the sum of
Cents, whin must he enclosed in the order. Five Cyr-
iiiiestra will be sent for $1 ; eleven for $2; thirty fer $ll
ext. f $10: one handred for $l5.
Parties dealing witb us may depend on haring prompt
relurna. and the article drawn will be immediately sent
to soy Mdse., by return mall o impress.
intim •atiafactiou Guaranteed in all cues.
Write your Namt, Town, County aed that* plainly,
and n 4.11 PIK SIELDVO & CR.,
ea 525155 em 27 Courtlaudt street, New York.
0 s F Rtv e ,
A lt 17
4,1 1 , IV - ,•, t . •
1, • ;*" rivein ,
..., • ;•• ~..--„,,,i - ,g • •
.. 'MA '..
L ' •
a P , i". - 1 . •
t _ 9
Ladies, take tartiett!ar NoELts
riallESE PULLS. so • celebrated many
1 years ago in l'aris for the relief of female
irregularities, and attrrwar.l so notorious fur
their criminal employment in the practice of
sboition, are now offered for sale fur the first
time in America. They hate been kept in
cumparatise obscurity from the fact that the
originator, Dr. Velpau, is a physician in raids
of great wealth and strict conscientious prin
ciples, and has withheld them from general
tire, lest they should be employed for unlawful
t?urposes. In overcoming Female Obstructions,
Falling of the Womb. Whites, Green Sick
neat. huppre.sion, Retention, or Immoderate
Flow of the Monthly Dischargts, they seem
to be truly omnipotent, bursting open the
flood-gates from whatever cause may have
stopped them ; but they are offered to the pub.
lie only fur legitimate uses, and all agents are
forbidden to sill them when it is undenloxl
that the object is unlaa fol. Married ladies
should never take them when there is any
reason to believe themselves pregnant, fur
they wil i rbe sure to produce a miscarriage.
hese pills are entbely aafa r.r.d..;* nil dr
rumshunsat, being composed entirely of
stances from the vegetable kingdom.
Each box has the coat of arum for the fit
of Paris iitatnlasi on the box, with the . '•
" Trade Mark" inFrench, to countrrfeit ' , ''' ,l
is a misdemeanor, and all pawns will lle% - ' , / c .
with according fo law. . „..- f . ,.
1.:." - •,:'
1. ,
„lair Full directions itect,mpany every to ---
Dulles can obtain a box sealed irom the '' -
of the carious by lin:losing One Dollar and :x
post ulliie st.oups to any respectable (Init.
gists, or to 0. G: &FAMES, Genera Agezti
for the United States, Watertc - vu, N Y. •
A GENT& k ttillott. ffait 4 Warfel, Males k
Booth, Ltd ell & &re . Carter k Carer , Zile: Loop k
Pro , North Kest : , telltsispa Bro n Clissnl; P. lleCnestry,
Fairview ; Kiley Potter, West Sprits/Geld
Spring and Sumner Goods
MRS. 8. 11. HALL
Would respectfully call attention. to bar
Just received from Weir York. eresbrasing
onnets, Hats, Ribbons, &0.,
Together with some
Which she •ill sell
Er Particular attention paid to bleaching, Wetter
and pressing.
Store a■ Peach St., 7 doors above the Depot. I
Pa weinwestf.
•:till, Y. WV.RB.
Administrator's Notice.
the Petate of Aromas Se•eranee, deceased, latt of
ti.t a township, Fria mutate', Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, notice is hereby green to all in
debted b. the mod estate to make parment of their le—
debtedtwa on or bernre the 14th of soviet next, and
v.'''e heeler clalme against the NUM WU/ pusat theca,
prow y sulhenticiltad, for settlement,
je29 b, d• W. 0. bIiVERA.NCS, Adel*.
r;orate of atbartne Harbarser, do:lased, late of
North Yost townahlp. Erie eouot , :PO baling berm
ranted to the god.rsign d. Dot oe to h.reby wins to all
tod.bted to the paid estate to make hamed•ate settle
meat sad Ulnae havtotaceobots siratuat the same,
pleorot them, properly autbro..tarated. for payment,
HENRY Mutt, h.:relator.
North East, Jens 29, 145-4iro
Administratrix's Notice.
the Petite of lthristian Febreopt, decested, late
of JUi Creek tewse Ip, s vie Ya , having tees
Planted to th. andoialstud ; sane la harsh; riven to
al. Scowl 1 tbomaalres alighted to the .aid tab) • to
alas Inion•dtat• truuont, and those haying rialtos
against the said astate will present them, properly as
thant.eated, for sattletnan..
829 65-6,
it DMINI PIT It ATO LIM NOTlCR.—L•tters of Ad
ti tolotstrotionom the Watt, of Frodorisk Striteluto,
(foamed, lots of Girard loon•hip, i Tie moot', Ps.,
havoc boo itrsotitd lo thettodnolimed, lathes to WM,
siren to i ll todobtod to tto woo to Mae tOlaledgatlll
pat meat. and those having claims sodost the tom es
tate, wtU 'repeat them, properly sothootlestod. for set
t 4 moot JOHN 6TRUCLISX.
Otratd, hey 20. 1802,0 w.
Career of Mato Street wad Map Vat k t SA&
.11.. has pawed tato the osatiol of the Understood,
who are determined to *pare ao efforts that wl,l toad to
web it a pl.asant'toppla/ glare for the tainting rib.
fie- • elawbfw of importaat fasprosewsentakesontresti
been mad/, and °thin to be eossolatad at ea early pa , tod
will reader It coca of tho amen totals la time amatry.
ItspeoLd oars la taloa to taraish the table 'ffltik ail the
iwasonsb** articles, agreed up la' he mos* arproved styli,
and by a-exanosodshrig waiters we took charge of the
Bob.' with Ito reesolatton to mats It sock as the wants
Jiit this oction require, and tool maddest of weetlaa the
approb ill.' of war grout/. LOWLid ROO,
A. T Looms. Propes ton.
W. L. boss. $ Kay Slott
hey smortosest et Rabb. 4We, Omit,
Pemba. Del% Dell . Wass sad Ississamals
=LI"' 1"7 la.
C OkDl
SIELDEN a do.,
Auto b• Sold Mr Ovit Dollvirieb
Executor's Notice.
Brown's Hotel,
L' 1)r
forties thi Agit against ill!, ayil offsets el . unirlisty
. -
Witt eft* tti=
Win MO
W Wi owl Oeserst Ziebiliti
WU I enue fisartbiali.
IR HI cum Fiesilskeitio.
IS ill eisnLieer Coniplaint.
. Will emit* and otente o healthy appetite.
Will Invigorate tire organs of dignetion ups main*
inenease the hnoporatute of the body Ludas three o
iron lotion. soli., In hot as • surscal ennoblement of th
yam. naataining no poisonous drugs, and L.
• fair trial is earnestly 'colonial.
t6O (o $l5O
8t to 70
35 to 70
OCO: C..III.TEIBEL & CO., Proprietors.
Hadzaa, N. T.
Central tkpnt, Autortcan Itaprraa HaWing 63 HUD
80,31 BT.. NKW Tottg.
Yor sale by all Druggists, Groan+, &e,
tar NINNIG k ROADLEY. Et* Wholesale aler-ti ,
tad for ale by Ball & WarfaL, Carta * Carver az WD
b Booth.
303 Broadway, New York,
(coarse DUABI OTRIZT,)
100,000 Witches, Chains, Gold Pens,
PENCILS, &C., &C:,
WORTH $500,0001
And not to be paid until you know what you wit
All to be sold for ONE DOLLAR ilea I
4to 10
100 Aold Hunting Cases Watches, each $lOO 00
leo Gold Watcbeu 00.1/0
SIA ladles' watches oo
IWO Silver Watchia. $l6OO to Us 00
3 to
61.0 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 121/0 to 16 00
100/ Chatelarn and Guard C4aias 6.00 to 16.00
8010 Vest and Neat chains 4.140 to 12 00
1000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooshei,.. 3. 0 0 to 8.00
4000 Coral, Lave, Garnet, an., Mooches, 3.00 to 8.00
7.00 Gold, Jet, Opal, ern., Bar Drop 380 to 800
WO Guts' Preset and 'Sul f Pine is 00 to 800
6000 Oval Pend tiro elate . 800 to 800
:000 Chased Breeelete..- . 6.00 to 70.00
8660 California Diainoodliaa sad Rugs— 2.60 to BtO
siooGold watch Keys 250 to 6.00
10.0 Solitaire "delve Buttons and Stade.. 2.00 to LOU
3000 Vold Thimbles 4.00 to 600
6003 liiniatnrnLoileta..,. 2.00 to 700
WOO :umiature Lockets. Rash: 400 to 6.00
2%00 Gold Toothrilet, Crouse, to , 2. oto 000
3000 Fob a dR b on 811 d. a 200 to 6 (s 0
6000 Chased Gold Rings 200 to 600
400073t0ne Set Rios. 2.60 to 000
.50'. Sets ladies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold.. 600 to 15.00
6000 Sete Ladles' Jewelry—varied :3 00 to 15 0
8000 Gold Pensidsilver Cue and Pencil._ 410 to 800
4000 i;old Pens, Moony Bolder and Cue._ 6.16 to 10.00
6002 Gold Pens, Mounted Bolder 200 to 6.00
All the goofs in :he above List • 111 be sold, without
reservation, ta Wig DOLL, tit EACH. Certificates of
all the "viols' articles are plated in similar envelopes,
voted and mixed. These envelopes will be an' by snail
or delivered at oar office without retard to chilies. Ida
'receiving a Gortidette. you will we what rat et° is repro.
Bent., mad it is optional with on to send one dollar sod
near e the attic,* mimed. or any other in the list of he
sum* value.
By this mode we give se rations from a varied stock of
fine goods, of the beet make and latest styles, and of In
fainter worth. at a nomlual price, while all have a ehau.e
et ireatuing &Wolin of the very highest value. •
•In all traaaactioom by mail we eharkre for forwarding
the Certificate, paring porters. and dolor the bestow
516 cents each. Are ccritientee will bens! fo , II; Itles
dal*, Titindor $6; Sing tor CO; sad Ou dux-
Erato SUL
We should sup ly your wants; our (sedates are 13.01111 ,
pistl; our work of unrivalled excellenas; our prom:lmes
ptinetually observed. I.lllrcentral lout on briugs as near
the most remote points Our gouda ere nee , tram the
Mae U./Attu II re, and of the latret and nuut desirable sty les
the goods mud be sold, and the terms are unequaled.—
_A II articles ordered ars forwat ded br return mail.
We guarantee fibre sati.faction in every instance.
and tither, should be soy peraoo dissatisfied •itti au
article they mar metre, they will inunediately ratan
It and the pet e alit ne refunded;
enures —We allow those acting as agents ten cents on
each Certificate ordered, pi ovidt d their remittance
amount to one dolor.
They will collect 25 cents for ovary Certificate, mad rce
taloiorg-10 con% remit to us 15 c.nts for each.
eddreqt, GEO. Dli3l ICHIT dr, CO. I.
escUica. 803 Hroidway, Now 1 ort.
Crawford, Christian & Rath,
Dealer. In -
Dried and Sealed Fruit',
Ship Chandlery, Boat Stores, ee•,
Also, Public Dock, Foot of State £t:o&,
Mi. A. raswroae. • L. , 11;
jeaß4'66-t1 J. BYRON RL'TII.
Administratof's Notice.
the t state of Frederick lat • at the United
bialol Army, having been granted to the undersigned,
uoUce la hereby given to all Indebted to the said ..tale
to make tinne , diet* payment, and those harlag claims
egaletat the vane will present th , rn, properly authenth
Sereettlement. THAW/airs tiF.IALRft,
jet U Admialstrator.
I -- P ---,13. HONECKER,
:..,ii,_--7-;z: . : ..,-
, f iki d aiii.,,,,..,.,
.. _
-,4-exitnts.i,tiorrEctze B,
.•?..-,..,,,, , :.,!•-i:,
~.,.,115,•,•10, ,. .n. I.MM 111 .
':z.l'llidefig . dtc.,
No. llPiarriliiir, Sisl• M. tais, Pl.
ConstaaDy es Mad 111•Oss desk et— ^ •
*Lao, • TULL
ill of which they offer low (or
CAROL Olt Pu.ofrieT PAY.
IffislB'Oi—O. '
New Grocery!
JACOB BOOTZ would, respectfully an
. s . n o lneato the people of Eris ea . lad county, tha
ea as Wait Siete of Peach Strut, • Steed Diesettee Sena
of Ute Mks Sitars Depot,
Whir* ha will keep on hand a' or irosior t of
Ancl oven thing usually kept in a grit elne ore
Wine,. Sweet elder awl Liquors.
The bhrheet Market Peas paid for' Proanes ti aen
Z'7 Give me aosli t If you with t• wars good tar
come. I plaits myself bull as Low, not bower, nuts
aor other store In the atty. orrlTO4tt.
Now Clothing Store.
en a Clothing store on the corner of Fourth and
Stets sweets. where they probe*, to keep *learn on
hand as good su a.aortment of Clothing a• can be found
in the city, made to the best stotnner from th best ma
terial, sad an dalehed as to elrord sear action t, the
mart critical cu. tomer. P-rt , cular attention will be
pad to Custom Work, In breech we propene, to
excel all o o•t,blrshmenta in the city. W. writ al
leys beep • ace stock of Cloths, Cassltneres, Vestiges,
ke from which erietemeze am select, to' the eery but
Gents' Furnishing Goode,
nf nvery.desertptlnn, cr.taftr sings!! .r titles to tnat Ilne
?be Ckitlitog of Boys •t I al•o be so Ide • pp,rial;ty,
ass call. Ba.stEKliAhr k IiNEIDER.
010 SAMITIIIIII, itT W. S. 1111.31 , 16 R.
Lau Cutter • Rh M. Koch. tt
Big lean to inform ths catkins of Iris and vicinity
that May have removed their stock of
to the BUSK BLOCK, he tbs building [primly owe
pled by Messrs. HAYE3 h MUM, when they
Intend keeping a lap amportmat of
Ulanins thaolus to oar toultosou !or thot i f put
. p•trososo, n nopoottally air s osothriotro
Ow ram
ions* water:
receive !
LI ROO IC al lus.
i 06.6.
t3'llll . 7,n1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 I -
■lB years satablishad la N. Y. City." -
.4)121 y Infolbblo alakathal kresarf." " •
'Fro. beim ?Digo ar,P
"onidoosorosut tolls Unman Tinily."
-.Rota wow oat of eta, bolos to
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, dm, .Etter's,
Is a pave—abed ter Peas,. -
Mies Radicles, Mark gad
Bed dear, Ste, ke, ac., ac.
"Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator.
Is • liquid or wash, used to
destroy, and also as a pro-
Teatire for Red-Bogs, &a.
"Costar's" Electric Powder for insects,
1• for Naas, Mairrifoes,
Fleas. Bed• Bags, bisects as
Phials, lords, dammed,. •a.
or Fold by alt Braggl.& and Retailers IRO', M hon.
Lir 11 I BawAaz II I of all wortblau inittat:ona.
rir • es that '• COSTAI'II .' warm la Cop ipsch Boy, Mal . 41,
and Flaak. before you buy.
cr Sold D 3 all Druggists aad thalats la Exit, I.
INCREASE OF .RAT3.—Tbe Famer's
Fab) saaerts and proves by !Irate that one pelt of lit;
wi I have a prog-hy an • des :a odt eta vo leas than 89E1 , 4
in tht re )eat... Now. o.lloss the to:memos family eso be
kept down. they would co AMMO atom food than woad
bttatain ati Otu hatnan betuge.
© 1 See " Coarse s " advertiensaat in thls paper.
RATS verses MRS.—Whoever ertgagei In ahooiiag
small birds I. a cruel man: whoever aids 10 exterrnuts t.
lug rats ia a eeneftctor. W. should hbr some et
coneepondenta to give us the benefit of th•lr etperiet ua
in dnving out these pests." We n•ed something
dog% cats, and trap. fur this buslnees.— Snot:tic Ann•
coo, IV. Y.
tar See " Cnsrale .1" advertisement ID thle paper
"COSTAR'S" RAT 11,1TiRRIvATOR is idmple, mate
and sure—the WWI parr et RAT tee&t.l.El IDe,etlog ,re
hat. seer attended. Leery Rat that can get it, proper ly
pt span./ according to direct.on., will eat it, a.. 4 cr. ry
•,ne that eats It will die, generally at some place as d ••
taut as oneeirde Gum where the mtdicine waa to en
Lake Aore, Ali A, Mirror
far Ste Coarse a•• advertisement in this' piper
FICIUSBIEEIIPERS troubled with vermin needbe so
lorwer, if they Dee Cuevas's" Exterminator. We htme
tired 4 t to mtisisetual ; and if a box cost fa , se
wro't: have it. We have tried poisons, bot thee elLetes
• rtl4"r lot ..Costaia' article kr.oria tits breath out
of PA's. Vim, Hoseb.e, Ants, and Bed-Hags, quithar
the , vreivu2 writ. it. It ht iu treat demand all ever ihO
tirmYth7.- !hire.. Ohio, Gezetts •
4, "COSTAJL.I3" advertisement is this paper,
A Ws:CEng , '" THE TAR WlSST.—lpesking of "CO&
Tales . Pat. itainh. Ant, Ae. Eturruminatar..."mma
craw and protf.loos are dent:cued aunuall. ju than%
county by vermin thau would par for tor. of this Hat
and taint Killer."—bancaafer, Wis., Herold.
See" CUOVAR . II" adrertinauteut in thla paper.
PARlirlt3 AND flollfdrKaF,Pgßa-4,,,,,kt rm At ie t
that hundordr of dollarpf worth of Crain. Pr ot i,,i,,o‘
&a , are annually ed Or Rata, Mt .•q Katt
nth. r Insoeta and vermln—all of wltten ran Na rut,*
by s few dollars' worth Of •. Coat &eel " Rat, Ito tit, A at,
Ace.. Ext. rrnlnator Ix richt and used (pal,.
Rec. ..CovrAn'm " advertisement In this paps:.
Bold la Sri., Pa , by all Druggists and Daalart.
i.Y6n sra
the most powerful moot
fbr the mea.
Blood of Cattle, Se We,
or Sheep, lo promettag
Age two, clam/lag the
eystern cad • awl4ferrtag
th. Purified salami fled
to need, fa 4 buttor
and stlengllr:awl Waco
haw*, heelth eral vigor*
1:4 1 / 4 t , L .
A t
Herne aid Had e
Ti the only madlefoolo •
gs'l, patented oaf/tam
Er wand. Sottmolaad,k
.14 whiny and dalyj- ....
147111V:1 '
1 4110 11 , - Mr' ,
.J 7 0,0. .•Cf-11 41. 1
k g,
illoro! Lim.,1110•1111;ea - ///
set illig toti sal law/viol
di. are"- .. —-. Y •., . 6%,0„...4.
tae be broad tato tan bat t; b
t o t wo i o lgoo w ,,, • *lift saftlitLo( i Alto glard
worklac Mow, aroodi al Willi 4111 ,1 r ' ikskul camel
tee/ mods of valle4Wa mica trade idipamiotte.Mlok - 4
as well attho betaltri I. to the Army of tho Potomac. - •
itabctitally overcome al the ObJ•ets ;shish tunsally ore.
vent the expelling of Worms, are pl•u , sit o tate, col
also one of the most age cable pergatlymt for Children.
So coned rot is the loyaotor. of th, • trees+ of tun
'ions soadira, in the ealopo.tcmo of this
prenration, that he fo, olshen ovary wr.utuatud i h f s, t u
I/Mira writteu prricrliktioo, ae a new era in liatarla
Is a Powder for the sure extermination of all Varsity
will Dever change with age or clime e. and murk predate
ble to the old, Phosphorous Paste, which has...fess to a
abort time, inallog it worthleas. ! or directions anl
pirtioulars are the small bills in the Roses.
Eight—terms Premium& Awards! to them Propene
lions since 16.16.
Dr. Nick, and Carter k Carver, Ellie. Wholmola &it
Retail Agent, fur Erie county ; H E. Sellers & On.
Pltteflar, ; John Henderson & Br° , Pittsburg, and 003 •
ton k Bro , 0 "eveland, %bulimia!, Jobber,.
Keystone Stove Works !
Tibbahh Shirk & IVhitehead,
IltkjukAotostas 9T .
Have s large and extensiTo assortrom.t of et:: POP it
Wholea.ule and Ram/.
Is a Ant-elues Coil Cot* Stow., with or without vow
vutr, for hard or soft o. al, or wood, awl Is
We al o manufacture the
Hota low oven Coal CWok Stoves—witn wood greah+
eau be need •tther for coat or wood. '
We are still wYnnuraFtaring this ce'sbrated low ono
Store for spud—with er witdout reservoir.
A j a w thestiStore fee 05, nit This I. II MA Ron 0
beautiful . o.lga, •nd now for asle•-togatase with
• larnO, amortment rf elevated Oven Cooly
• ratio, o , elt for wood or coal, and Parlor
and aloe Blom, tor wood or 03014.
C. 11. 7119 'ALA, . D SHIRK, W.ll. WHITIMUSJ:
Env, Jan. IS, 110 S—b.
Tosid ragpaccre.iy Worm Clef a
dem pu blic Quit be kid eimiell
No. 2 Htighes' Ella*, Erie„
When kasrUl &brays by en lucid a large sepell et
And erwitklag smelly tar sale la ea elltablisharet Al'
the Mad.
nr Tani sa nameable am ier ether ton lit tke
ct' r b. 104
( r t i : " D
ro irrt rt i " i t a g o
% I ji
Coast. Itotog swap Otliot op la tbo eL*4l
4, Is gooo,l .peo to Itt• ptlt to. WWI t y
_F l oe lb. ardril of all Pa••••cor o that
Si dsr• OAKUM DlU)S.,Proidosns,