The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 27, 1865, Image 3

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    Dr Me *Wm eborar.
ERIE. PA., JULY 27, 1E65.
-It is too hard work to serve both Clod and
the devil."—OaseUs.
Our ootetaporary should assuredly know.
ne has been trying it long enough to be able
co give a pretty thorough opinion on the
Horst.—Our country readers
who desire to put up at a good, plain, well
lope and pleasant house when they visit Erie,
cannot do better than to stop at the old Far
rner's lintel, at the corner of French and
roih streets. Last fall this well known
house underwent thorough repairing and
ovrhiutiog, and it is now just the kind of
Irt which our country friends like, being
co nvenient to the business centre, fur—
tiobing clean and substantial fare, and oharg.
my LllJiarate{y. . The proprietors, Messrs
Worden y Dusts, are gentlemanly in their
chirle!er, aid tireless _in their endeavors to
1131 , 0 gu4:l9 c,infortable. We repeat, that
t he Fermer's is just the place where our 10.1 like to put up.
i d -The firm of Bener Burgess, Erie
city, Cottmue to keep their trade before the
public. They advertise extensively, and well
,h ey r osy, for is is impossible to find a better
Jzock 6( goods in their line, in this section of
t he country, They are largely engaged in
the•taaaufacture of all kinds of confeetionery,
and dealers will find their goods to be of the
tot q uality and most saleable kind.
They also keep constantly on hand an as
s3rthaeot of Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Foreign
s o Domestic Fruits, Canned Fruits, Pickles,
Orsters, Cigars, Tobacco, &o. Their Notion
.sol Top department embrace all the small
Tares in daily use. Paying particular atten—
tion to the wholesale trade, and buying in
svgs lots, they are enabled to supply dealers
at lowest cash prices. Orders promptly and
(Artfully filled.
The Mo,s and Elm Cough Candy continues
in leusand The wholesale price per gross
lor seen reluced, giving the 'retailer a larger
alaT 11:1. ,5y2T-1f
Carnmadore James Stewart desires us to
tat; that he intends being a candidate to rep=
rePnt the cantraband population of Erie at
the ta'arel convention soon to meet in Her—
ri,s'oarg,. Hit competitor is Charles Voeburg,
, and a lively controversy is going on
between the respective friends of these dia.
tinguiahe I individual's as to which is most
worthy or the holor. The Commodore's
mpp)rters claim that he is entitled to the
pattati by virtue of his acknowledged
rlireirloe3e, enterprise and eloquence; but
the trie+ll- of Vosburg contead that these
are not so important as weight of
e naralter, dignity and impressive personal
appearance, oil of which they allege him to
p '3 4 e9 to a remarkable degree. The Com
m, t,re u highly indignant over a recent
ca , :e instigated against him, which he
etp wig got up to prejudice his claims. He
wot king with superhuman energy and his
:.k to secure the seeetion, and having
.t.t‘in , tl the influence of a number of promi
neat ei:ix.l9, feels confident of success. The
eJmniadore's genius would undoubtedly cre
re a sen34tion at Harrisburg, and it he is
!Est as a delegate we shall look with interest
lain; the prtceedings for the doings and
•Iyings of the "gentleman from Erie."
Tt PIIEA rPOINTLD.—Our absence from
acme 11:1L week prennted us from publishing
a fist of the teachers appointed for the city
tettouit during the next term. They are as
follJira :
. 1. Principal—ne appointment made;
1-t Mile Bell Cochran ; 2d, Mattie
frornrey. Intermediate Department Prin
cipkt, Mies Lizzie 't. Hunter ; let assistant,
M C. Burton ; 2d, Hattie Cummins
No. 1. Principal, A. M. Folger ; let assis
tint, E
E Tyler ; 2d. Louie F. Wilson. In
termediate Department. Principal,. Mrs. M.
F. Dunlap ; let asaistant, F. L. Cook ; 2d
Kate Sibtet ; 31, A. A. Atkins Primary De
partment. Principal, Annie Golden ; let as
sistant, It, E. Hayt ; 2d S. A. Hardwick ; 34.1,
Mary Ranter.
No. 3. Principal, Abbie Lowe; assistant,
Mary Cochran. Primary Department. Prin
cipal, Belle Wincbell ; assistant, Mary Swan.
No 4 Principal, E J. (lids ;
.assistant, C.
V lialeort Primary Department. Principal,
Nhry Landen ; assistant, N. M. Randall.
5 Printipal. Abbie Hilton.; assistant,
E A Dickinson. Primary Department. Prin
al. Maggie Brewster; assistant, Cyrena
eclored School— Principal, 8. A. Bosworth
German School.—West, Ward. Principal,
iti•eLindt. Fact Ward. Principal, Berman
Leo• aesi,tant, Mrs. A. A. Schoenen
c i ivo,v l) I r o t g.— We glean the following
from the •Unme of last week :
THE 4 OLDIER9' Morin:ism% The moon.
mint, whtc) it to he erected by Col. Dan
Rice. i 3 memory of the gallant soldiers of
Foe County, who have fallen in defence of
their country, is now in an advanced stage of
c.:nip:etion The dedication ceremonies will
take phce on Wegnesday, the let day of No
reri,)t•r next, when it is expected that some
the men of the Nation will be T . re...
tat to take part in the inauguration of this
,a 4 tribute of respect to our departed heroes
'irf rig L'eg St - rentow.—A very delight
;Arty of friends left our village on Monday
4 v' NI a pleaaure trip to Lake Superior.--
Anonx the part, 'ma uavid Olin, 8 . A., and
4. Dr U. E B.lkosp and lady. Mies Kate
Poet. 11ioe Stureeon, and Mr. Wm. Belknap
pas.age from Cleveland on hoard
t s es'eme r Pew %hie. which left that city on
N,ht.isy evening laet on a pleasure trip for
'.^..n 1 1 if Lake Superior. Moety of the pat
-7',o'ind being absent about two months.
t Crawford Democrat relates the• foi l
iccirlent : " About & week duce al
was killed in the alley, under one ef,
our tfiee windows, in a carious manner.. Two l
were standing attached to a crackyj
1, 1;, ficing toward the railroad. Two
°"r attached to a wagon, from which
he driver erne unloading staves at the rail-
NO, became frightened at a locomotive, and
nlt ql l "4 iurirtoly up the slily c:tme in con
't with the horses hitched to the cracky.
Tae Pale of the wagon entered the breast
of the cranky horses, penetrating
Ind, or course, killing him instantly.
4.4 of the other horses were injured."
T 9? ettar of the Gazette endeavors, in two
or three paragraphs of his last issue to be
fi 72 7. We din't like to discourage maiden
Iff ?ts, bat a due regard for the health and
4 tp?imei i of our neighbor, obliges us to re—
)o44al htn to desist from any further
is that line. The strain upon his
I' 4 Plesl and mental energies necessary to
such ponderous effusions as the lam*
"we refer to must have been very great,
141 re sigh to think of the conse
9'tt:!t3 that would ensue from a persistense
sievlar eft' ital. Our neighbor is a very
fell , Jsr," but he was evidently not in
ttJ 'i (Jr a "funny fellow." Re had better
"•tk to prosy prose.
rat v1n.114 ttes for Pre identitl electors in
1^4.1 Cl ngreslionn2 district, in the campsign
'4f M, were : Democratic, Vincent Poeips,
Nitord ; Fremont, James Skinner, Erie ;
Filccre, James Webster.
Trr Sm.—Fans k Stearns advertise for
White Ash and White wood lumber, delivered
at their dock, at our harbor.—Jae. Camp.
bell, of this city, offers for sale a tract of
118 i acres of good timber land, on the Erie &
Wottsburg plank road, tea miles from the
fake.—A corps of engineers are busily en.
g%ged locating s Rae for a railroad from
Phillipsburg, la Center county, to Franklin,
in Venango county, sod have made the sur
vey as far west as the town of Brookville.
—A n extension to the building occupied by
Arbuckle & Clark as a wholesale boot and
shoe store is being made, the firm having
found it necessary to atteomrnodate their in -
creased badness.—Capt, Sexauer, late of
the 111th regiment, has opened a saloon
Under the Ameriaaa Express office. lie sets
a free lunch every morning, between 10 and
12.-.---Wm. Leech has opened a new livery
concern in the rear of the Nlansion Rouse, on
Peach street.—The papers of Build° are
claiming a population for that city of Iron
111,000 to 130,000.—Nir. 0. Miller, pro•
prietor of the COlt Pius, airertiseo that he
can still accommodatehalf a dozen more board
ers.—We earnestly invite our readers and
all other' who take en interest in sustaining
a Democratic) local paper, to send us all itoma
of interest which transpire in their localities.
We also desire to have notices of all the mar
riages and-deaths occurring in this county
and other immediate localities, sent to U 9.
—Von Firth offers fir sale a farm of fifty
acres in Greene township„ at $l5 per acre.
—Geo. C. Dunn offers for, sale his Photo-,
graph room, in Rosenzweig's Blook.----k
new candidate for poetical honors has ap.,
peered in the person of Mrs. R., N. R. Goff,
who has lately furnished the Dispatd t with
number of contributions in rhyme.---Labor
era are in demand in Titnaville, and at very
good wages, mechanics commending from $3
to $5 per day, and common laborers from
$2 60 to $3.. Female servants are scarce and
commanding from $3 to $5 perweek.—The
pic nio of Park church Sabbath School, at
the head of the Bay, on Thursday of last
week, was an unusually pleasant one, and is
spoken well of by all,who attended. We regret
that it was impossible for us to be present.
—The tide of speculation in and about
Pithole is wonderful. The place has sprung
up trom a wilderness into a bustling city. In
one day, the number of persons who visited
it is estimated at 1,427 by horseback, and
450 on foot. The sales of Territory on the
20th amounted to sl3s,ooo.—The Mead
ville Democrat says: ""The late 4th of July
celebration in that place was a Republican
partizan affair. Many of the soldiers wore so
disgusted that they would have nothing to do
with it. About 200 soldiers appeared in pro
cession, instead 'of 2,000, as was expected."
Max Strskosch, with his opera troupe, will
soon visit Erie, and give one or more enter
tainmente.—The census returns just com
pleted in our neighboring county of Chats
qua, N. Y., show a lose in most of the towns,
compared with the returns of 1860. In Dun
kirk, though, there has been a very consider
able gain. The popillation of that place is
ascertained as
_being 7,459, an increase of
I,734:since 1860. Westfield has a population
of 3,510—a loss of 91 in five years.—lt is
stated in the Buffalo Commercial that a pan
then its appearance in the vicinity of
Sherman, N. Y., last week. Since then, an
other panther has been seen on th• banks of
the Chautauqua Gulf, about two miles from
Westfield. and also on the west side of the
Gulf. There appears to be no doubt of the
existence of a panther in the vicinity, and
that he has his haunts along the Chautauqua
Gulf.—The Crawford Journal judges by the
great number of marriages occurring in that
county, that s , the ravages made by the war
in the population of the country will soon be
repaired."—Pit Hole city is eight weeks caa
and already boasts of sixty-one liquor saloons.
---Snocunct OrraAos.—Theerawford Tour.
not chronicles " the commission of s rape, in
geadville, upon the person of a young girl,
only thirteen years of age, by a brute named
Mush, who has been employed as a team.
ster by L L. Barton. It appears the girl was
coming into town on the Franklin road and
was overtaken by Flaugh who induced her to
ride, saying there were some niggers ahead
who would kill her, if she did not. He then
drove round above the park Into the woody
and there violated the child, leaving her lying
upon the ground - . After some time she drag
gad her.elf to a house in the upper part of
town and fell el:hanged upon the door—step
A few days after she was sitting at the win.
dow and Plough driving by, she at once re
cognized him and he was arrested immediate
ly. It is to be hoped that his punishment
will be the most severe the law will allow."
—The editorial room of the Dispatch, which
for moats time has been- in the third story of
Wright's Block, has been removed to the
building occupied by the other departments of
the paper:, en addition haring been made to
the building for the purpose.---The lot at
the corner,of State and Eighth streets, blown
as the Laird property, has been purchased
by Mr. A. J. Walther, who intends erecting a
fine brick building upon it. The price paid
was $l5O a foot:—The new Union depot at
this city, will cost about sloo,ooo.—Har- ,
low & Slocum have in use a wood mill, with
-which they propose to cut up the wood pile
of any person who wants their services. .
Capt. John Dunlap has become sole pro
nrietor of the Erie Dining Saloon, on the
McElhenny Farm, Oil Creek. His numerous
friendi here will be pleased to learn that he
is doing a good business.—Some people
are curious to know if summer is going to
visit these parts during the present year. At
yet we tiara had only what might be styled
a prolongation of spring—two or three pleas
ant days for every half dozen windy, rainy
and chilly ones.—By virtue of an attach
ment issued at the suit of W. W. Loomis,
upon his claim for refitting sad repairing the
vessel, Sheriff Drown has attached the achoon
er Alice Griever, of Toronto, Canadn,dately
commended by Daniel McLaughlin, who 'is
also her reported owner, and will offer her
for EAU within three months from the 2.oth of
July.—Up to the first Monday of the month,
the First National Bank of North East had
received from the United States Comptroller
$31,600 of notes for circulation, and the in•
dividual deposits to that date were $21,879,73.
—The Sentinel, published at Jefferson, Ohio,
has been enlarged. --An extensive pale of
government mules is to take place, under di—
rection of General Ekin, at Cleveland. Ohio,
commencing August Bth. Our stock deslera
may find it to their advantage to attend.
Taw LTLIJITIC.— We are Indebted to the
publishets, . Messrs. Ticknor and Fields, for
an advance dopy of the Atlantic for August,
with the following table of contents:
Among the Honey-maker"; by•ltirriet E.
Prescott; Counlesti Laura, by George 11. lie.
ker ; Strategy at the Freside, by . apes Sar
gent ; Around Mull, Part 11., by Marie 8.
Cummins; John Bright and the English Dad
icals, by 4. W. Towle; Needle sod Garden,
VIII. ; The Willow, by Elisabeth A. C. Akers;
My Second Capture ; Doctor Johns. VII.. by
Donald G. Mitohell ; Let ter to a Silent Friend ;
The Manley Corner, YIII. , by Alta H. B.
Stowe; Peace, by Mrs. A. •T. D. Whiffle, ;
Reconetnaction and Negro Suffrage; Reviews
and Literary Notices.
Correspon donee
WBOT OILSWILLI, Pa., July 17, 1865.
Dian Onssavaa :—Often, while circulating
around the country, things occur to no which
we think might Interest you and the patrons
of the Observer, yet, taking no note of time,
they pass - and are forgotten. Leaving Erie,
one dey,this week, we joined an Impatient
throng of passengers for the oil regions ; oar
destination being, for the time, the great city
of the oil trade, Corry. Not having been at
this place since its birthday—as it were—we
ar__•is more than astonished at its wonderful
grth. In '6l we "sited" the place when
a email, very small hotel—now among the
ruin wrought to give way for grander struc
tures—and a shanty grocery, kept by a col
ored individual, constituted the public buil
dings. Now, it boasts of twenty•six hOtels,
large stores, and is, as .most know, really a
city. Did you ever see a place so completely
built among the stumpe —in the woods ?-.-
The " Maseppa Howie," apposite the depot,
is one of the institutions of the place, where
our bodily wants were attended to by the gen
tletrianly host, formerly a citizen of Girard.
After taking a good look at the stirring little
city, we took passage for seadville.. W
have known Meadville for years—always a
comfortable country 'village. Everything
seems, now, to savor of city style ; large
brick blocks, commodias stores, paved streets
and good hotels. Should you or any of your
readers have a calling to Meadville don't for
get the Clark Bros., at the " American; "
they are good fellows, and John is the prince
of landlords. Weatoticed that the names of
the different streets were being posted upon
the respective corners, a good thing for strut.
gets and adds to the appearance of any town.
A mote acoomodsting locatiOn for the Post Of.
floe might easily be found ; the extra expense
would soon be saved by the amount of shoe
leather worn out by the besiness men in
trudging tke present distance. The McHen
ry House is the great institution of Meadville,
yet outside of its $l,OO dinners, there is noth•
iog to overawe or strike with astonishment,
the common traveler.
Our friend Chevalier was here with his
wonderful, scientific instrument—the &crop
tican. He was favored with good, apprecia
tive audiences, who were perfectly delighted.
Chevalier & Barr have a fine thing-; and, in
our opinion, cannot fail to realize from their
undertaking. Greenville is the same old fash
ioned place ; solid in a good country business,
yet living in its undisturbed repose.
Judging by the wedding notices in the
Crawford county papers, a matrimonial epi
demic must be raging down that way. The
Conneautvine Record contains no less than
eleven announcements of marriages in a sin
gle week's issue. A marriageable young
lady. looking over the list in our office, the
other day, was overheard to remark that she
wished the young men of Erie were like those
of Crawford county.
Prof. William Sherer, of Osford Female,
Institute, Ohio, proposes to start a class for
instruction In the theory of music. With the
large amount of music al taste and talent in
oar community, he should have no difficulty
in obtaining a fine class. The professor has
good recommendations as an instructor in the
branch to which he devotes himself.
A petition has been sent to councils, asking
01001, if they will not put up a new one, to
remove altogether the present fence or parts
of a fence around the Parke. The ides is a
good one. No fence wonld be ranch better
than the shabby one now disfiguring the
?Jr. Luke Taylor, living in "Jerusalem,"
has in his possession a tame (oz, procured in
Canada, which is a real curiosity. It is as
gentle and playful as a dog, answers to its
waster's call, and in a!! respects behaves
itseflike a "civilized critter."
By an advertisement in another column it
will be seen that Messrs. Green & liendrioks
have opened a new furniture store in the Park
Hall building, French street. They are young
men of enterprise and industrious habits, who
richly deserve gumless.
The Democratic State Convention will
assemble at Harrisburg, on Thursday,
August 24, 1865, at one o'clock p. not.
Gen. Grant is reported to have said, in
a conversation with the Mexican Minister
a few days ago " the French will have to
leave Mexico."
Both Houses of the New Hampshire
Legislature (Rep.) have passed the bill
cluing the income on United States bonds
2,5 per cent., and it is now a law.
The New York Herald maintained sixty
three war correspondents during the .re
bellion, at a coat of over half a million
A number of rebel of have recently
been released from Fort Warren, includ
ing Generale Jackson, Harataduke and
The political canvass in Kentucky is
said to be waxing warm, and much inter•
est is felt in the result. The Democracy
are sanguine of the success of all their
Congressional candidates, and the Repub
licans are afraid to accept any wager upon
a single candidate.—.N. Y. Tribune.
Gen. Butler's resignation, which was
sent on the Ist of June, has been return
ed marked "not accepted," and he has
been sent for to Washington, where he is
likely to be assigned to duty connected
with the Freedmen's Department.
Possession of Ford's Theater in Wash
ington, will be taken on Mends) , night
by the Government, which will pay Mr.
Ford rent for the building until the
meeting . of Congress, in anticipation of an
appropriation for its purchase. . -
A party of some twenty gentlemen isn.
tertained the Hon. Mr. Pendleton, Dem
ocratic candidate for Vico Presidept„ - in
1.864. at a dinner at the Parker HAtige•
Boston, on Friday last, as a token of the
personal respect and as an eapt*Sitof
their gratitude for his eminent- bite
services. --:.- -T4 .. ''::
- Hen. Preston King; of New tiiric, 4
living at the White House. lie hva.pntive
charge of the -President'sibotiii. Mora
often seen in negligee costaita; sthiSing
or instructing parties, probahly,to%lightlett
the labors of -the Executfire; , -1 - '
To TUE DST TORTUGAt i .Li t he V i rellsiont
has changed the place of oonaugulefitot
Dr. Mudd, Spangler, Aii2o3d and VLattith
lin from the• Albany: tt T.,10 the
Dry Tortugas, a securaile onttoo eilergWa
reef a few miles b e visatfifor-lireit." ,-- lo
visitor can reach tusk' Pi of- =Able
meet except byerOcg• Pertfiltglint Of the
Government, and- IheteAs4Tsieltaiety no
chance of escape.-- ,-- .."-.:' ....„
The rebel Geotifolo= Jack
r, Ma'
gruder, Price, Sbonlye
man, and - tile 'lobar.. ,00T-, OOT Moore ,
Allen, Clerk roil.gartse*W.Lifr 4oo men,
officers and itf?Vtill_thOrthett."_Texas
Mexico. - : '...",,„:- .; ,-.' '' -;;-',.; -4
On the Bth $44/kisakkeeiscarowdy,
named BOAfAliffseci. allele - and killed
j jo U meiv
two men *coilip der an attack
of delirigelt tfr itateltiras himself im
mediateltes:o.l 441011$1 1 11$ 01 ice ma n•
Benjet*Oedie:iil* cabinet, who
disappeeratOtteVreely during Davis'
g tar' • egis -He is said to
f i l .,, i it' -:- ' ' lakidsdatit * means before.
handy 004 eatigency that is now
urge' WA'', ,''.
The following is an extract from a pri
vate letter from A. 11. Stephens, is the
Augusta anstinnional;it : "I am permitted
to communicate with no ono here, except
those in whose charge at./ custody t atn.
But I ant permitted to walk out each day
with au officer, and have access to hooks
and the daily papers. Tell my friends I
am in usual health."
It is understood that John T. Ford is
about to bring suit against the govern
ment, or Secretary Stanton, rather, for re
taining an unlawful possession of his thea
ter. The dart:bilges are not yet named.
Henry Winter Davis, General Ewing and
others are retained as -intim'.
In.Auguata, Ga., on the 4th, the negroes
walked in procession, carrying banners
inscribed " Freedom and Equality."
Some particulars of the burning of the
ship William .Nelson have been received.
The ship took fire while the decks were
being fumigated. The captain and crew
and most of the cabin passengers appear
to haveibeen saved, while the steerage
passengers, nuu3bering : over four hun
dred, were lost.
The Democratic State Conventions of
Ohio, Pennsylvania and lowa are all to
be held on the 24th of , August this year.
The elections are on the second Tuesday
of October.
The States which elect Governors this
fall are lowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Ver
mont, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Wis
consin and Virginia.
McCutas-=ln Girard, June 28th, at the resi
dence of her eon, Thomas McClure, Esq
Mrs. Catherine McClure, aged 76 years.
New Advertisements.
We havejnst opened a new FunalturOtore,
Aud latend to dispose of our goods EXCEROINGLY
Ckleae. flaw 04 Ilia calf, and we ism sodesvor to
suit woo. Gag 4 LICNLIKICK.S.
CLITO.kir 31. 1 1 KIN.—Caine into the enebsures of the
kj Subscriber oft or abo•it the 'Jinn of Jung., two Bay
Maros, one with a Whqo Ngdpe in rho Face and O.
Blind Eye The owner is requested_ to come forward,
piece property, pay charges and tare said mates away.
call min et were taten up and pot on the Town Book
by Wm llci ntu e , of Wain', and are now in the posses•
con of F' B. S.tanahan, Concord, Erie county,
jy27-11 . Y.
valuable Patent Right tl an article, regnire3 lc
every family in tale county, for ail... °mese from
Hardware Yerch►nta in Philaielphia city em•,uoted to
b,lOO in one week. Address, KU US k H hiSH,
jy2l.3t DJ, lestown, Bucks county, Pa.
2eBicAL clisruucrios.
Wm Sherer, Professor of Stotts. !torn Oxford Female
Institute, Oh o,respeclially invites the lathes and Gen
tlemen of Erie and vimot+y, to meet atth him at 110iart
Hall, on the evening of Ilonday, July ale to cous.der
the opening of a court') in the them.) of mus e. Ihe
testranttons to trest on harmony, thorough bass and
other scientific branches.
nince only s eer•Ain need Amount is chatted fur each
conceit, It will met the lets tun great number al Attend.
Should the ladies and gentlemen decide to engage ray
aervlces, the couree will commence immetheiely and
contlitie etiiint Lupe weeks - in this city : Profs. 'Ainit:Rend E. J. tiller.
Subecriptioo■ may be left with the Above Piactsere,
in at twy sestdshcs. Sliaut Raul.
Mu►t reavectiutly,
Ptcfssaor of Music froin-0. F. Institute, Ohio.
The undersigned, fertling the neccowity of such 4 !nosiest
not-mein thiacity.,would respectful!' say to those els tug
to improve thereteetha.. bra thotooeh course of inetruc
t ou, that in oy °patrl no r opportunity has !Arai
offend to Er,e to du so than the oft rat Prot. e.herer to
stay a short time With us ior that purpose Let a I in;
prove t e opportunity, sad I have uo doubt that att
stud) tills course will be highly satistled. Ile tomes to
us well tccocuateuced, therefore let us wee him a hearty
WP:enl:l2e. h Si. VI ILLIN G.
Jyti7 it*
31 AZ tiPPit 110U.41f. DINING
tipposiea rill P.VlSKlftlikt
Kr, CONY, Pa being newly tittetl Up in the' most ap
pruTect style, now ilea to the public. keels wit/ to
ready on the /arrival of all Pateeagor Trains, either
night or day. OAKUM SHOS.,Proprieters. '
U . DUSK AND LOT FOIL P4A 1.. E. —The convent-
ILL eut and deetreble realdeuce nuw oectiplet by 0. A.
Linden, on ALattb street, b , t green Feech and date, tr.!.
be sold low for sub. No n given let of April
next The Lot ta nt,i by And tto Route la well
built end An excellent repair.
jy ilid6-11 • WiL A. GALBRAITH.
etas ruts tam or Toon R useaound and kind, 7
yours otd, tor pale ; or will be eiblaanged fur a good
temity or baggy hone.
Enquire at this odice. jy2o'6s-4
Alt.A DMINIISTItATOILIK NOTlltlft.—L•tters of Ad-
Ministration on the estate of, Froderiak Struchen.
deceased. tote bt Girard township, art• county, Pe,
having been granted io the undersigned, notice is beret,
Oven LO all indebted to the same to make Immethate
payment, end those baying claim against the said er
tote, will present them, properly authenticated, for ma
Girard. JO, 20. 1202-ow.
BRANEttf.STIit'S EILLIS —The Weak, the Cop.
sumptive, Rheumatic, Coatis, Billions and Deileate,
alter r ume days' use, will end renewed strength and lite
pervade every organ of their (mums.
Blurry dose mikes the b nod purer 4 The nerves com
mence to the arteries and terminate the veins. These
pills, as a first elect, act upon the rtet too& in
creasing the circulation. by which Ito I s
ited intim veins, and they throw off each colleatio
into the bowels, which organs, by the energy derived
from hrandreth'i rills, expel them from the system.
When first used, the Sills may ocessima
griping, and even
make the patient feel worm. This is an excellent .ign,
sad ahows the disease will soon be cured. ho great g c ud
is often achieved without some - trouble in its attainment
and thou-ale spoils* to.the recovery of health: Sold by
all reapectsb'e dealers in Medicines. Jig 6h tf
the on powerful mieut
for tha etwb Leh and
Blood of Cattle, S lne,
or Sheep, is promeilag
digeation, clewing the
system aad trataterting
the paritltd anlmel fluid
in dash, fat, Milk, butter
and attength. and eatats
beaith and vigrr.
code:• for Agriculture 2:t
raria, and now manufactured by C. H. Hiroo; llr. of 2,
and A , Allentown, Pa.
AB diPlutee of the Stomach, Blood, Lungs and Bow.
el., speedity and certainly cored. Healthy ■lock will
be brought Into Vie highest state of perfection, and one
to ten tableepoonfols e week, is of great taloa to hard
work og heraea, breading stock, and Cola, and laved
thow indent rainable horses from contagions disea s e,
as weal at the bern•yard as L¢ the Army of the Potomac.
ledgesta•Uy overcome an tha objects which usually pm ,
suit thelsOrpolling of Worm*, are plea.aut to take,and
Oa spa of the most agr•eable purgatives for Chidren.
fillellawst 10 thelnyentor, of the success of bui
ttaiatftadira, in the pethotog cal composition of this
that be fa/last:reit every readaltad P 142 1 ,4211
ti l =ltten prescription, u • uew era in Itatakria
MOW. •
s Powder for the sore externthatioct of all Vermin,
wfdlibevie ehsose with age or elloo ate. and rolvii prefers.
sus. m a old phosphorous Paste, which hardens io •
Short *me, lasi tog it worthless. For directions. and
--gruttostlers see the mall bills in the Oozes.
Night y-three i'ressinns Awarded to these Frew'.
Woes eines Md.
Dr. Nick, sad Carter k Carver, Erie, Wheless! , and
Retell Agents for Erie ≉ W. L.Bel4rs & Co-,
Pittatkarg ; John Etesederson& 800 Pittsbnrg, sod Ken.
ton & aro ,C'erelsod, Wholesale Jobbers.
A 1.1 inform their friends and the pubikt that they opined the &bora bisiness, of the eut side of the
Diamond, gel s door to /fr. John Beebe lt dry coals
store, where they offer for Sale the host assorted Wok
n the trade wept of New York, geject i gt flora bm,
Went manufactories and bought Si -
- • Epode invitation
11111thont Their patronage, buineas would bledisded.
slay irist-ts
Horse and Hale
le the only medicine le
gaily patented ,e France,
tcgland, rwitterland, &
Rolland, and duly ad
mitted by their Courts,
a Luyetated by fir. thavoy
Reduced Prices,
qutlaudt Bt., Now York.
100,0 a
P aa
bolla•a t
to rata*.
you an •
I reveal, kw_, &e., worth over Half a liltilitue
To be sold at Otte Dollar Each witbont reward
And not to be paid for mall you know what
• reran.
All to be Sold for One Dollar iamb.
a ts' gold Watches, 4;60 to $l5O
ladies'e gold Watches, 35 to 70
(etas' tither Watches, 35 to 70
**mond Rings, . 60 to 100
old Vest & Neck Ohainw, 16 to 80
do. .. 4 to 6
,td Oval Band Bracelets, 4to 8
seed Gold B racelets , - 6to I 0
Jatalaine & nerd chains, 6to 20
Make & gol brooches, 4to 10
ava & Florin) ne brooches, 4to 6
ral, Opal,kgin. brooches, 4to 8
;osise, Jet, Lava & Florence
'tine Ear Drops, . 4to 8
rat, opal & em. E. drops, ' 4to €
1. Diamond breastpins, 2,60 to I(
Id fob & vest watch keys, • 4 to :
b & vest ribbon slides, 3to 1
t• 3 sleeve buttons, etc., 3 to
ild thim6les, pencils, etc., 4to
sitiature lockets, • 6to
n lockets—magic spring, 3to
uld toothpicks & crosses,; 2to
sin gold rings, 4 to
lased gold rings, 4 to
ne set & signet rings 2,50 to
\/furnis diamond rings, 2to
s ladies' jewelry—jet &.:
gold, , 6 to
Is ladies jewelry—canseo,
pearl, etc., • 4 to
Id pens, silver extension.
holders & pencils,
Id pens & gold—mounted
holders, , Bto
litd pens , & pen.holders, 6to
er goblets & cups, 6 to
sr castors, 15 to
Over fruit st cake baskets, 10 to
ten silver tea spoons, 10 to
. t tble spoons & forks,
WANNER or ntsnuaurtoN,
300 0 1
400 ti
200 fi
3,000 0;
4,000 C
2,000 LI!
ti 3 OUO 2.
2,000 CJ
4,5 . 00 CI
4,000 Ci
3,000 Q
4.000 F 4
4,000 Se
3,000 Gi
0,000 hi/
4,000 111
4.000 Go
5,000 Pl,
5,000 Ch
7,000 S 4
5 000 CI,
7,500 Set
6,000 0
6.000 G
5,000 t
5,000 SI
I,ouo Si
2,000 Si
1,000 I)
1,000 D.
, .
Certifies ea, naming each article, and its value, are
plitc,l In N eeled Envllopes, and well mixed. One of
theta cove opus containing the Certificate et 113rder for
some Artli'e, (worth at least one dollar at retail,) will
be sent by Mall t, any addreaa without regard to choke,
on receipt ,1 2, cents. The fforchaser will bee what Ar
ticle it driee. and Its value, which may be from One to
Fire Homited Dollars, and can then send One Dollar and
ie , eire the Article nemsd, or any other on the I at of
the same +toe, arid after eselag th.• article, tf it does
nut give piirf-ct satiiif action, we desire it to be iroccedl
tasty retiled and the amount paid will be refunded.
fly thi s u de we Ore feleetiVilll from a varied stock of
One good. of the best make and latest styles and of lo•
ii imic ir.iii.h, et a nominal price, while all bare a chimes
of recur luj, anti-tea of the very highest valise.
In all ca 1.... we charge for forwardiog the Certificate.
v.stage &oh doing the .busine.• the sum of Twenty-five
Cetits, will i mast be enclosed In the order. Five Cer
tificates will he sedt for $1 ; eleven for $2; thirty for $5;
slat, Ur , Cre $lO ;one tundred fur $l5.
Parties i.e'ing. with no may depend on having prompt
d t.
1141.11111. S. drawn 4 the article will be Immediately pent
to any add ...a by teturzi mall 0 express,
}bares sitistaction Gavel:awed io all cases.
Write ydur .timmt, Town, County add State plainly,
and 4d.lies . SELDENI & CO.,
mi42s'6s.fim 27 Courtlandt Street, N ew York.
a.Nr Loa always recvivei tho Vint Premium when
ever eghttutrd . and all who bare need it pronounce it
tar supartor•to anything else of the kind. The (allow
ing are erica of the advantages this Cultivator has over
everyotb.r led now in use:
Ist. Ltgb °se and durability t being made of the best
i t
quality ors eel, high , , pullsbed, and the whole imple
ment weigh ng tom flit y to sixty pounds.
NI Adapt tont to MI •re kinds of work than auitother
CUILITI . Or own j being a perfect and thorough Culti
vator when used with all the teeth on, leaving the
,round ivekik and level, and working wearer the tows
than any other Cultivator. -
IL By removing the small teeth, and attaching the
wince to the shovel, it ix the most petted implement
for !Idling that can be ((mod. •
4th. It is the best implement for covering sod Cleat
potatoey ever invented, A man and horse can e ,, ver pot
as fact si a hwee can walk, and a man and team
can dig from three hundred to live hundred besktel* o
potatoes lo a day, when the crop lea fait one.
sth It work. e lust'' , well In earn, weeny bind of crop
v.:latrine cultivating, and in most cases band hoeing
eau to dapenseil with.
Its ehe.petess, considering the many elide of
work to ebidt tt con be applied; the farmer Intents to
nor implertivnt all that la necessary for coltiveting and
billing any kind of crop, or covering atd digging pour
t+:“ s
Numberless certificates from the moist Inguential &rat
ers In the United States might be oven of the superiori
ty of the above implement over all others designed fur
ike purons.s.
e shall be pleased to receive a call from any °Dewlap
ueede a Cultirator or Shovel Piow and 'expislo to there
the tents of the above Horse floe over all oth r mule
moot- of the kind. We warrant thiL Horse Hoe to work
sea Cultivator as well u arir Cultivator made—as a
st,,yel. Plow as well a. any Shovel Plow—and an a Horse
Hoe a complete surrey., or refund the motley if It does
not meet this warrantee.
We els° keep so hand to conneltion with oar Hard
ware, Stoves, Tinware and bona Furnishing Goode, •
comolyte assortment of Horse Rakes, fiend Rakes,
''or thee, Snathes, Grain Cradles, Forks, Hoes, Shovels,
:4_ sitiles, &c. Don't tall to giro as a call.
W. W. FIERCE & CO„.,
Sole agents for Horse Hoe in Frio Co., ra., and Astabula
Co., Ohio, Corner State and 9th eta , Erie, Ps.
W.. W. PIERCE, t
Gk0..1. RECORD Erie, Nay 23, 1983-3 m
The following firms are one atithoris .d agent' tar the
sale or Wright's Horse FlOl5 or Cultivator Plow
G A. HMOs & Co, Waterford ; M. L &H. O. Seltzegg,
North Fast; Gulliford, Hay & Girard ; J A White,
Miles Grove ; A. Landereth, Union - Webster & Blood,
Conneaut, Ohio t T. McGuire, Lahtihula uhio ; Talcott
k Hodge. Geneva, Ohio ; W. W. Pierce it, Co, Branch,
Brown's Hotel,
Corner of State Street and the Peak, Erie.
has peeted into the control of the 'Undersigned,
wno are determined to spare no efforts that Isla tend to
make It a pleasant. atopying plate for the traveling pub— ,
lic. ,A number of important improvement' have already
beeci made, and others tobe completed at an early period,'
wilrrender it oce of the Mewl hotels in the country,:
Especial care le taken to furnish the table with all the.
peaannab'e articles, serve4l up in the mos' approved style,
and by alcommodsting waiters. We took Charge of the
Uotel with the ref/Dilation to make it inch as the wants
of this section require, sod feel confident of toestion the
spprob Moo of our shuts. LOONLS 6 ROSA,
A. T Loonis,l Proprietors.
W. L. Ross. itay 4 Vett
Spring and Summer Goods i
Would respectfolig call attpntioa to her
Jost received from New York, imbruing
onnets, Hats, Ribbons, Ake.,
Together with IMMO
Which eh* will MR
cr. Particular attention paid to bleaching, miming
sod meting.
Store oa Peach St., 7 doors above the Depot, Itrisi,
Pa apr3Wiltf.
• Administrator's Notice.
the fetate of Artemis Seremnoe, decessoli, Intevny
Union township, Erie county, Pe., haring been granted
to the undersigned, notice la hereby given to all in
debted to the said eatate to nuke payment of their
debtedaeU on or before the i&th of August twat, and
those harine chime again s t the mute win present Ouzo,
proper 7 'intimate:Lied, for settlement.
je291:15 der W. 0. SIMZEINCI, Ada*.
Executor's Notice.
Aj Estate or Catharine liaybarger, deceased, iste of
Ilorth East township. Eris county, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, sobee is hereby elven to all
Indebted to the said estate in stake Immediate settle
meet and those having accounts against the same, will
present them, properly authenticated, for payment.
HENRY WULF, Executor.
North Fast, Jane 29, 1145..4tr•
Would Teswthaly inform the ;Milk+ tbit be baa growl
Ron In
No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie.
WU*, ha wW shwa Imp on hand a bulge supply of
Ll4/1701114, MARS, •
iad.eilirAlitag ;many for Bala is as iiitalgishialit of
the kind.;
Eir Tarsts as namable is aay ethers Um le tka
urvicourwa s enoTeraupre, •
fortifies the ilitain 'fault tie ird/ elbetiOl unbolt
Will ewe Dyspepsia.
WW eons Wesknees.
W W can Ovsmal Deddlitp..
wtticon Elemtbntm,
It Wenn Hesdacha.
Will can Limit Complaint.
Will esMta and emote a healthy appetite.
Will invigorate the organ' of digestion and moderate•
ly inantom the aluminum of the body sad the tone o -
circulation. sating ia hot ea a general oonotorsat of the
systems, containing no talsonons drags, nod te
♦ far Uhl h angst!, mottclt*d. •
GEO. C. RUBEL k CO, Proprietori,
Geckos, N. Y.
Cagan! DepotAteaTiesa Empreaa Halals% bb HQD
80N 8?„ NEW YORK.
rat sale by all Druggists, Groom, ke.
tir k ROAOLEY, Ertl, Wholesale Arab,
sad fee axle b Gall k Grartal s Cartar Came sad WU.
Mae Al Booth.
303 - Broadway, New York,
(COMM DUAJI eras::,)
100,000 Wattlies, Chains, Gold Pens,
PENCILS, &C., &C.,
WORTH $500,0001
And not to &paid until you know w4at you will
All to be sold for ONE LOLLAR each I
4to 10
100 Gold Bunting Cease Watches, tech .8100 00 1
100 Gold Watches 60.00
200 Ladies' Watches 85 00
600 Silvia Watches. $16.00 to CA 00
600 Gold Nerk and Vest Chains 1240 to 16 00
100 Chatelain and Guard Chains— 6.00 to 16.00
3000 Vest and Neck Chains 4.10 to 12 00
4000 Solitaire Jet sad Gold Brooches... 8.00 to 8.00
4000 Coral, Lamm, thrust, Ism, Broothes,.... 8.00 to 8.00
7000 Gold, Jet, Opal, lie., Ear Drops 800 to 800
50 0 0 Gents' Breast and SeaufPista 300 to 800
6000 Oval Hand Bracelets 3.00 to 800
2000 Chased Bracelets . 6.00 to 10.00
6566 Celiforate, flisenoad Pins and Ruts.. 210 to 860
vOOO Gold Watch Keys 260 to 6.00
60.0 Solitaire Sleeve Bottoms and diode.. 2.00 to 8.00
3000 void Thimbles. 4.00 to 600
600) Miniature Lockets 200 to 700
auce Agialatare Lockets,- Magic 400 to 9.00
240 iloßt Toothpicks. Crosses, Osc,, 2. 1 oto 600
3000 Fob a. d ft‘boon Slid.. 2.00 to 500
6000 Chased Gold Rings. 200 to 600
4000 Stone Set Rings 2.60 to 13.00
650 i Sete Ladies Jewelry—Jet and Gold.. 6.00 to 15.00
6000 Sete Ladies' Jewelry—varied styles— 3.06 to lb Oli
8000 Gold Pens, Silver Case an 4 Pencil.... 4.60 to IS 00
4000 Hold Pens, Ebony Holder and Caws— 6.05 to 1000
6009 Gold Pens, Mounted Bolder - 200 to 6.00
All the goods In the above List will be sold, without
resereation, to ONE DOLLeiR EACH. Certificates of
ail the varioas ankles are placed in similar envelopes,
stated and mixed These envelopes will be rent by twill
or delivered at our office without regard to choice. On
receiving a Certificate. you will see what Artois it repre
sent., and it is optional with you to mend ore dollar and
receive the &aims named, or any other in the list filth.
tame value.
By this mode we give me cottons from a warted stock of
floe goods, of the best mate and latest styles, and of to
triutiO worth, at 4 nominal price while all hawse change
of mooring articles of tbe very highest value.
In all transaction% by mall we charge for forwarding
the Certiticate, paying postage, and doing the business.
25 cents each. Foe certifirettirtil be seat for III; Men
ewfm• $2; 72iirtyfor $5; Maly for $10; 431111 One Rea
fre Ar $l5.
We should lowly your waste; our facriiitelare mirror
rased; our work of unrivalled exoellence; our promises
punclually observed. Out central locat on brings us Dear
the most remote points Oar goods rue new from the
snanuraeturem and of the latest and moat desirable styles.
rho goods oast he sold, and the terms are mosivaalled.-.•
II articles ordered are forwarded by return mod.
We guarantee tithe satisfaction in every instance,
and it there should be any person disaatselled with any
article they may receive, they will immediately stern
it and the pri e will be refunded.
dour's —We allow those acting u agenteten cents on
each Certificate ordered, provida their remittance
amount to one dollar.
They will collect '25 cants for 'ivory Carttßoata, cad re"
tatotsg lo cents, remit to tis 15 cants for each.
!Odra's, GEU. 11101KILILT 6r. 1130",
zar2-3m. 803 Broadway, New York:.
Crawford, Christian & Ruth,
D.J.. in
Dried and Sealed Fruits,
Rao Chandlery, Boat Stores, Ca,
AlBO, Publlc Dock, Foot of State Street,
WM. A. rRAWFORD. I. 7.
jai:l2B'6s-U J. BYRON ROTH.
Administrator's Notice.
the estate of Frederick Heisler, lets of the Hatted
ntates Army, hating Wen granted to the cadent/zed,
bodes Is hereby given to all Indebted to the said estate
to make lmandiats, paynsent„ and those baying claims
'pipet the same will preaent them, properly antbeatl•
Wed, for settlement. THADDSOn HELILILR,
1e29115.6w, Administrator.
11100210101 TO
Leather, Hides, &cep
No. 3 Perry Block, State et., Sri% Pa.
Con•tAntly on hand a largo stock of
All 010'14 they aim low for
New Grocery!.
JACOB BOOTZ would respectfully an
Down./ to Ms people of RxL Cit, lad *may, tits
411 am opened a
tAs West Sias of Peach Atosstot Akan Disloato SoatA
of As Las Shore Dspot,
'When be will keep on hand at or. • mot t of
And even thtas aszally kept in a Ent 011ie or
Wine, Sweet Cider and Ligneret
The highest Marta* Pries paid for Prod's.% IS 0111 K
IS seared.
Q's in• • eel, u yon Irish t' secure good bar
team 1 ;Suggs myself to sold u L00.,1 'not sAryser, then
saz other store to the CHI. mania
New Clothing Store.
in a Clothing Store 00 the earner of Fourth and
State streets, *here they propose to beep altroya on
hand as good en ersortment of Clothing u can be found
In the city, made in the but meaner from the beat W.-
WWI, sad so finished u 'Cord setisfeetien to the
wort critical turtotn•r. Paitenler ettentloa will be
paid to Custom Work, to *bush breach vs propose - to
mei. all other establishments in the city. We will al
ways keep a fine stock of Cloths, Cafisimeres, Featly"
ho, from which euttomers can select to the eery best
Gouts' Furnishing Goods,
Of every deseripliori. comprising all srtlebes in toat►tns.
The Clothing of Bop wt t al'o be mode ss-peutose. me.
tts s sail. BASSEhIthN
a to. BAILIIIIMAN, 41.13 Lat W. Si.H.IfaIDZIL
Leto Cutter with Ng Noeh. Je22'65-tf
Bag Imre to Inform the dila= of Erie and 'Watt:
that they have removed their lam* et
To th. RUST. BLOCK, to the tralldiag formerly octet
04 by bream MITES k HLPLYB, Wises they
btead keeldieg a larglaaaeliarast 0
Dress Goods, Fancy► Silks,
mown thanks to we eattsmons for their tut
lit 4llll Piticksits;ini ruputtitilly oak a eoutinziae• of
Oa seam
receive I
tea, Jag. 2, Illf.
0 18 parr ortablishod In N. Y. City."
0 091 y tYf 11IE1. romoollias knows:o.-
0 1'nm froto.Polsona."
..eot &sera tut to the Amen Tazilly."
*Rata oonakoot of their holes to Me."
"Costar's" Bat, Roach. dma, Eater's,
Is • puts—used for Ras,
• Mks, leaciae, Blase sad
Red /au, ko •o ea, am
" Costar'. " Bed-flug Exterminator.
Is a Itqa.d or wash. used to
destroy, sad also as • pro.
"suttee for Bed-Bap,
"Costar's" Blectrio Powder for Insects,
la tar Marko. Mairatmes,
Flues, Hit• hogs, Mutts ins
13,^ Sold by all Druggists and Retailer" ovirywho to.
111 Sawa:a I t t of all worthleaa kaitat:a u .,
a. that "Coaraa`a " nano" Is on sub Sox,
and flask, bolero yam boy.
rir ?WINDMILL Divot. 492 BROADWAY. N. T.
Sr Sold by all progstito and Usaloto la arts, ra.
INCItELSE Or RAT.I.—The Fans:VD Gaunt 1, rut.
Bib) aaaarta and prow by Ilgutea that on* plat of I.te,
lei I bare a progeny au deiviadd ate Do 10$11 %Imo 01 041
Io Wee juts. Noe, this twat:ups tastily eau b.,
kept doom, they would consume more food tbau would
suatalu 63,0011 Duman triage.
fir des " Cores& s" advertireateat fa tab paper.
RATS 'ems SMDS.—Wbovrar wimps In
'smut buds i& & &reef m a n • ',kn...., Melo 1...v./ermine.
tog raft is • tieniefustor. W. stionid lite seine of our
correepondents to eye ns the benefit of •sperivnee
in driving out three pests., We need something iv , des
dogs, eats, sad traps for this toustoess.—Solsatik Awn:
cala N. Y.
16," bee " Cairrsa's " advertisement in this paper.
, "COSTARS^ RAT ErfttitilDlATOS b orimp , e, eats
and sure—the most gest-ct gee ideation =wiles wa
have ever attended. Every Rat that can get it, properly
prepared.according to directuana, will est it, every
one that eats it will die, generally et squat plsc o u die.
tant as possible trim where the medicine 1161
to ea.—
Lake .ilore, NN k ,
are we •'Clonrast's" adeertisement in this,
nOV3EKESPir,R3 tionbled vith Tenant need be so no
longer, el they Coteau's" Eaternatnatoc. We have
nred it to our satisfaction; and it • box cost ft., we
would hare it. We bare tried poisonc but the) effected
faothltesr ; tut .• Coatara" article knoata the breath
of pats. Wee, koach.s, Ants, and tied.lfuga, gneeker
I).eri *anus writ... it. It he In Great demand all over the
eountry....Widuga, atio, (Mutts
cram manure" advertisement in this paper
A VOUS /TOM VIE FAR WEST.—Speakheg of "Cos.
rats" Rat, Roach, Ant.; ise., Raierminatoe- Imq:a
grain and provisions an destroyed animosity in tizso,t
county by vermin than wonid pay for toes of, ULM Rat
and insect itiller."--Leataster, Wis., lived.
See " COBTAlea " advertisement to ltd.* paper,
that hundreds of dollars' worth of Ortiz, Ps.v Woos,
azo, are annually , destroyed by Rata, Mkt end
other trisect' and vermin—all of which nu Da r.r,vt.t
by &few deflate 'forth of "Cow'''s" Rat, Ito cb, Aut.
ke Extormlnator, breacbt and used freely.
Rem "Cow'''s;' advertisement to this papa:.
Bold in Erie, Pa., by all Druggist& *ad Dealers
E. H. ANTHONY di co.,
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials,
In addition to oar mho buainese of PHOTOGR
It sKLL9 , re are headquarters for the following,
Stereoscopes and Ste.reoscopic Views.
;X these ma nave an toomens• assortment, iincludlng
War Scenes, American and foreign Cities sad Lanu
;tapes, Groups, Statuary, &c, fc.o. Also, ktevoiving
S eie. , ac pes, for public or private exhibition. Our cat
alogue will be sent to any addresa on receipt of stamp,
We state the ant to Introduce three into the t cited
States, and we manufacture immense quantities to great
variety, tinging In price from &u meta to PO each. uur
Albums have the repuratioo of being supe rior beauty
and durabilsty all others. The) .rill tw moat by m0..1,
free, on receipt of price.
Or rine Alticusut Dude to attor.4:ll
Card Pholographe.
Our catalogue embraces over nee thousand 4itkr,„
subjects, (to which additions ars centionalir being
°add of portrait. of eminent Americans, &c:, viz- about
00 Major Gene oils, 550 at/lumen,
1,00 Brig. Generals, 11.0 Meioses,
1,76 Colonels, 126 Authors,
1,00 Lieutenant Colonels, 40 artists
160 Other otlieere, 1 126 el/4e
76 Nary officers. J 50 Prominent Women.
160 Prominent foreign Portrait
Three thousand copies of worse of art, includ ng re
productt ns et the most celebrated engravings, paint:
Leg% statues, Jig. Catalogue sent on receipt of 'tamp.
An order for one dozen !Amara. from our catalogue will
be tilled on the receipt of $1 80, and sent by matt, tree.
Phoographers a d others ordering goods C. ti
will pulse. remit ter goitres jet cent. of the amount
With their order.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO ,
Atwrfariu►trs (if PkotogrepAid
ENI esRl)&4) OC•Ii. N. Y. 7
arTh► salon and gn►lity of oca goods c►uu.,t Ma
to satisfy. ;.L•1 Gal
THU/104Y, DSO. 1, 1861.
Trains will Ism Dunkirk at &beet the font:min g hoary,
Eastward Bound—Depart.
Train N 0.14 . 9 40 a. m.
Train No 10 10 10 a. m.
Train No. 6 5 00 ta. m.
Train N 0.4 4 15 y. m.
The Aersommedation rune ovary day
CBAI. 111 NOT. Ciegel go Vt.
• -
,Sewing Machines!
The undersigned having teen appointed agent in Sris
city for the alion oelebteted-respectfully
Alta the attantio6l of the pnbltc to the tal
1 hey are aclinowledged to be the best i mams and an
the cheapest in the. market.
Each Mulline has all the latest improvements, which
render them ter superior to may other now sold
Persons desiring to pierthese • Sewing Maculae will
Quo it of advantage to call and •thmine theme before
baying elsewhere. • '
caroples ma inhibition et my store, No. 6, American
Sloth, between the Park seed Seventh stmt.
jan26 65.6m0 tt. WAGNER.
Keystone Stove Works !
Tibbals, Mit & Whitehead,
Have a large and extensive assortment of St: resat
Whatesala and /?statl. ,
La first-class Coal Cook Stow, withrirlthont row
yOif. tor hard or soft ousl. or wood, and Is
We also masrafaaturs.the
Bata low oven Cool Cook litoyoo—wits wood pots—
eta tts laud 'Ube: for coat or wood.
Irs ars still m►nnitotartng this oWsbastsd low otos
Mors for wood—with or witamat reservoir,
.4 Um Mat State fir Wo , 11.. This to a now Stows of
boaatttril Outgo, had nor for atio—togotaor with
a lam asoortowoot.rf idorstod Oran Cook,
ratite 040 k for wood or coal, and Vatter
and Ogoo ato, for wood or coal.
O. 31.119 , 4a.14, D. BMX,W. fl. N lIITSSZAD .
Mrs*, Jan. t 7. 11166—ti.
Adrainistratrix's Notice.
14 the Istate of Christian Belmage, drowned,
id dill Creek tereehly, tirie county, Pa, havirte ftaa
mated to the undersigned i 'Weir I. hereby Rhea be
all tolowlas tbilineelves indebted to the loin flame to
sable iinioedtsis 'clement, end thaw baying claims
opinet the odd imitate will preheat them, properly au
thesbasted. for nottliaaa.
1111L438111 SOZWICItezt..
1.2016-6 v. , Adinlaistzstrig.
jitY'S'l •:r.