16 WEEKLY OBSERVER „at tiVI. IiCILDISTEI t ” STATE STAZIT, 41, lIIN UPI ICE. ;lON —T , 1 , , t.t..i0 FirmCI,TS p,r &...ivonco ; Tunow. DuLt.A.no it not I •'. ./p1...11.11 4I Li..StIJACILLef rirr Xlll be charge I }brill' C 6117.1111 =IIEI —One Svittre of Ten Line, one in , ';'. , ) l ; two invertione $l,O ; there loiter it ; one month ; two mouths ; ~,,”tne $1,50: eix months $5,50; one year $9 00: „ t o nto•vutente in proportion. Three rates adhered to, naive■ changed by special att . , option of the publishere. Audi \ .: 4 trayn, Divorcee and like advertise •trator's Notices $3. 4 •0; Local , lit,e; Marr...ige Notices SWEVTY , ~ t ibausry Notice/ (over three lines .vot- I.e, Due. Original poetry, an . , t` r- , ,uext of the editor, one d.llar r.,:Lonent; wil be continued at porioci advertising, until ordered utitese a specified period is lEEE vue of the best Jobbing ready to do any work to otruAted to as, in equal style r.t °fate largest cities. xbould be addressed to 111.:%,1'N WHITMAN, Pub caber and Proprietor. T usiuess Directory. If I E . : J.. ATIrWLNIT AT LAW. Ridgway ; rActica, in adjoining Counties ef; t TI.Elt. T Tows 1 , T AT LAW, Girard, 'Erie County, , „, blames& attended to with E. %TT , ,INP:T A? LAW, In Walker's Of- Pa. ane7'62 01. h. ivnett, BLA.x: Boo& MA.aysurirtnuu . • 4 .n 4 4rnanht's PA. BEM JOSSIMLIRR and Deslor In Stationery, C.mipapers, km. Country dealer, • :e Etrown'a liotelgrooting the Park. cos has taken the Lime Kiln ►t near the Philadelphia •depot, ,re i to tarnish Wb:te Limn, in large lowest market ?Hews. tlt ,t; V tft TIN, • , 1 AND C0C:f1 4 1[1.L017.5 AT L.AW. tlyar North Went corner of the =ME I II Bi NNFTT, j, ,•$ .1 rte PSACY. oisee SPCOOd t Street, between Fifth and junels-2.; I. 11 It • •••• Paorocakru GALLERY. isnl6.t.4tf. I.!, RI LIB It. STS 0 • Y. AT JAW, Ridgway, P►. ,r nn and Jefferson countie_. •J W. W. WILBUR. =ME PROPRIETOR. HOUSE. -t:-et—one square east of Sept. trA--I.T. ,11.11 NI - . \, n• r Pickni, Paragon Block, 1N11253 ‘unroey n; Law and J. P. , . .• •, , ',.nv.yatacer and C.,ile.tor. • u;natat corner of }dal and npl Tt.s tf • run o`tN riZONFNESIIRGrR at the new . LI hand a large asnort .l... WO./ and Billow ••. .care, . to' wh,e., t i e re. VI- public Pat n6ed that .- -ow; an can Pe bad in any part mar:lo'6s-1y ETU 1111TEI, • , brtween 4th and sth streets, Frit. Railroad Depot, Erie, Pa., • i-,etort Extenaive aecammoda • : Board by the day of . Z atta,tieu. apr2s . 63tt. BEI, S. lilt()T1.1 Fat FAB/LONA/3LS TAILORS Arid 'l . 4.L2at Aewing Machin,- -•,•, , tieet:lbetereen Bth end 9th Ste, -• :e to order in the flneet style. %ItMINI.. l.lrf HT A ., 1, S•LIC ST•BLIS, on F.lghtb •^ ` . . l • l•wd Freceh. .Finellorees end Car ~ , e ntoie terms. rek . d: q ( ' ItT it It, r ea . - mucks of Stwam Envinags,Botlirs 4„-I,llltural implrmanta, Railroad Cara, I ‘1•11.1., • sr — Dr.vrievr, Office In Res In- , /fa. .• .11e of the Park. Erie. Pa. 28. ~ 1 11 WAT, }.LIC CO, PA. Mn, E. 0 ettaloani. a new and handa.,mely fittad or .I-t of (Went the beat Tronting and Hunt n Penallylv tom. Commndi , c‘a tionma,CleAn Ta..le and Moderate Prices. The public rem , ec , fu Iva I,e,ted aaq'ttl-t,• GALBRAITH. ATTOILSCY AT LAW-0134:00U 6thstrest, th. Cnurt House, Brie. Pa. OU I.D, 31. D. 01/101 Oa SCriNTLI . TILNKT, anat Nnt- 4. ISM —3tnna*. EMI IN DST GOODS, GROOS , 1111 '.‘s are, Halls, Lassa, Seed. Piaster, ets , a ...et and Pue.ie Seiner*, F.rle, Pa. j+ VI .1. I'(KER do SUT 0 IL, IV HO LES•I{.I AND KITAIL Di LLB'S TX Provlrtuna. 'Flour and Fec ,, ,, Wood anc Tobacco, S• gar 4., kn., Stat. Farntrl En.oriurn tn r 'fib-tt • 110 t ta., Wiaterfortl. P•t•. Hosea? I PROPRIETOR. aud eau elul sttentton Oven to 11,6 6.5-1)• CS 1 / 4 1 hl:It 4; AND Commission! If xscas.mr, n I Cook, Fast Corner of ,r) Coal, Salt, F)312, Flour, N. 8.--Particulur attention L - to n.! sud Forwarding of Petro• e l, to all parts of the °Quail.) Tllv K LEH. •, ~ r Priv.lnce, Proviniona, ; • ' •.; inen, Liquors, &e., t , • - -•• Enn, es. 111 VI HI. -1 • is. Treavurr Department and , .• • for r‘oldiere, Wa•hlogton, • •,.;-• • , ES,vjamtn Ora it. Esq. _ I •,,• Er e, Pa, t • t • • e•tv,t. with 6,lehty and thi• and eoliectect. Applieationx • e t o Mr. Y. hariaz had s'v . •• a of the Various De • • •••., I•:•r most A duirActory Government elaima. EIZEI URIC S: k AB •ND CarlitlELLolol•T LAW :.'1 , 1N.; , eryoello Crittenden and all other ~i t*l bat" ze o r A, Ar AI E,, Warren and FOrrt. me! promp.ly. ' A hantan & Brecht r.,Pa. • P. Juhnson, W. D. Brown .., '• .il. f ' • 'ltTill\ To Ner 'one sutler - .•, I of Nervous llrbihty, ltt• Youthful Error, to •. w t others, will be hspp:. to • .f.se of chime) the recipe the e.mple remedy need in w P.g . to pobt by the uivertteeee ;' •. wst - e and vatutble renteds, , pace at his place of bust , 'ortaation—A' vital impot• eet.t by return .I , IIIN It. OGDEN. Naseau tet , New York. • ot both sexes will find the apl3'63 3m ME I t . ‘%l'ol To HY. CURNDV—DR. BU. " r; •Pr.clFic PILLS gam in I. U NERVOLYSNEtit, Imp°. z•zotoloal Weeknees, InannitYi Nsryous Affections, no mat •" Prlce one d.llar per box. r+ 'n reee,pt of an otter. One bon • ,n Le,•!. ea., ....litres' JAMES 8 BUTLER, ,:eat, 4.27 tsroadway, New Y ork. " ‘ V I- .. " 1 0 ISN,PECItI ENCE 01 A NY:liVui/S INVALID. and es a caution to young from Nervous Debillty, Pre &c., supplying at the same By Onal.rbo tuka cured himself rnble queekery. By enclosing coulee may be bad SATLIASIVI. ESQ., llTOOklyn. Kings Co.. N. Y. - - _ 1 1 `ti , "It.. Th. Mk whitings fine let of lehilk• t r a b•autiful head of glossy ." 1, card of Td(id. F. CHAPMAN, adt:-3m. EV ` K NEW' . pluaphlet direct.- '" 's tillnt ite tea ai 1 wITw up doe P.: by mlll, (rye. on ree•lpt of 10 E. It. 14)0ff., It D., 11:10 firod.ay, • •ow York. OE Y. Bin I) t V.IIBBIt, an F.siay of Warn. " hr Young Wen—publlihed by ." I,,,,, nitlon, A nd saint free of chirp in sealed "". 1 , Di. J. MUM( HOUGHTON THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated •Painsle Pills. HOTECTED 4: - . " • LEITERS BY ROYAL eAk 4 ',e h % PATENT :41 1 r '*et pared fro% a Prescript:en of Dtr J. Clarke, M. A, Physicuix Faintord,nary to the queen. his li:trainable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all Lore painful and d.engeroas diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- MOT!s all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on It Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on th e monthly period with regularity. Eseh bottle, price One Dollar, bean the GoTernment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit& Tkeae Pille eitoithl mot be take,. by Females daring tit FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as Mg are fare to bring oa Nisei:magi, but at say other time City are mid. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Attentions, Painsin the Beek and Limb., Petiole on Flight exertion,Palpita tton of the Heart, Hysteria and Whites, theta Pitts will effect & cure when all other means hays failed: and al though & powerful • emedyedo not contain Iron, calomel. antimony or anything hurtful to the cOnstitution. Full directions to the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York. N. 8.—51,00 and 8 postags stamps enclosed to any an horlsed agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills i59.84-Iy. DR. ell I LLrst CAT Ittlll rINUFF.—This Sn AI has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curing CaTAasn, COLO to Tau Hain and Misname. It has been found an excellent remedy to many CaS.l of Soot ETES. Dia/NrB3 haa been removed by it. and HF.I.IIING often been greatly improved by its use. It is fragrant and agreeable, and gives ItilliEnt. ATE RELIF.• to the dull hexer pains caused by Inseams of the Head. The sensations after using it are delightful and in,gorating. It opens and purges out all ob structione strength.-ns the glands and gives a healthy action to the Parts affected. More then thirty years of sale and use of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Sotid has proved Its great value for all the common di...roes of the head, and at this mo ment it stands higher than ever before It isreeommend ed by many of the best physicians, and to used with great success and satisfaction every where. Read the Certificate of Wholesale Druggists in 1 , 454: The rindersi4ned having for many yews been acquain ted with Dr. Marshall's Citarrh and Heads he Snuff, and sold in our wholesale trade, cheerfulfr state that we be lieve it to be canal, in every respect, to the recommenda tions given oft for the cure of Catarrh Affection; and that it is decidedly the beet article we hare ever known for all common diseases of the Bead. Burr k Perry. Reed, Austin .t Co., Brown, Lamson & Co.. Reed. fut!er k Co. Seth W. Fowl,. W,lann , Fairbank k Co., Ho-ton ; Renshaw, Edmands & Co., H. H Ha; Portland, Me.; Roe-ne. k Park, A B. & i.. Sande, Stephen Eee= QM= van' k inrael ‘llnor & Co , IfcCessmon k Robbing, A. L. Senvill & Co., M. Ward, Close & Co., Bash At Gee, New York. Fnr .ale 1.• %II - trorrio. Tr. it. lilt Pi I.l.x.—They expel this poi sons which threaten 1 fe. Every time • sick per son is purged by this vegetable real.dr, he has less vi tiated humors and more life and vigor, ris soy one can prove by taking a sihgle dose. Persons of spare halite gota flesh and strength while using them. Every time we rest a few days Or weegs from this purgation.we male new natio from our foul, which replace the unsound ones that tin pillo Lee cou-ed to be evacuated. Each time we repeat this process we expel further gum:v.:Men of impurities, which are ii;olo replaced by Boli'e less and leis impure, ea tint in • short time, by continuing this treatment, we bring bock the whole mars of fluids or humors to that state of purity which constitutes health, for Brandreth's Pills only take away humors wbtch are unsound. Sold by all respectable dealers In medicines. T, l IUIsIrStED Feise lighta are extlngutahed when • I's great truth shisk-s forth, and the inconteatible fact that the h.i: tame fro Af' ay, red or sandy to a glori• ous black or brown, h ht tt the ehamellon changes Ito hues, under the operation of now known tgrorghont the American continent. It h,r uleee, Contains no caustic, improves the fibre►, produces a rich, a►tnral and testi g color of guy shade 'rum ► warm br ,wa to a glossy ishle.sod Ls endorsed by the most e ninent analytic chemists in the United lialaufautured by J. CRISTADORO. No. 0 Astor House. New York. Sold by all Druggists sad applied by all Flair iresi.r a. marY6s-lm. 4 CARD TO TOR ‘UFFIRRING, —DO YOU WISH Tea BR CURED If en, swallow two or three hogshead+ of .8:mho," "Tonic Bitters," ..6arsa. pantie," -.Nervous Antidotes," &e., &c.. , and after von are satisfied with the rewilt, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR FiNGLNII ePECIFIC PILLS —end be restored to health and •Igor in less than thirty de... They are purel7 vegetable. pleaaant to take. prompt and salutary to th,ie effects on the broken down and •hattered wuntliutinn. Old andyoung can take them with advantage. DR. t 4 UCII N'S EvGLIB:I CPiCIFIC I'ILLS cure in leas than 30 dam the wont c.a.; of Nervorign•ss. Im,otenty, Premature Dec,,a 4 em , n Weak,w. Inssoltr, and all Urinary. Sexual, and Nervous tffeetione, no matter from what cause pro. diced. Pnee, One Dollar per box. 'hint, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Addren, JAS. S. BUTLRR, No 41 Broadway, N. Y., General Agent. P. .9.—A box cent to any &admits on receipt of price— which le rhee Dollar—post free. A diner piles Circular sent on application. J719.2m Zo TIID NISItVOUN, DECHILIT‘TED AND DESPONDENT OF BOTH SEXES.—A great sof /ever having been restored to beelth in a few dam after many years of misery, is willing to usist biz mattering feDow-creatures by sending (free,) on the receipt of • postpaid add•essed envelope, a copy of the forstihs o cnre empin ed Direct to JOHN M. DAGNALL, Box 163 Poet Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. muB 65-1 y DIL. TO HI A !.4 , VENETIAN HORSE L/LNI meat.—lD pint bottle+, prier 60 coots. 540 Main St. Hartford, Coma. Dr. Tostse—De sr sir : I bees been in the livery bald ness for the last twenty years. and during that time have used all the various liniments and lotions of the cloy, but never bare found an article equal to yotir Ven etian Horse Liniment. I have fairly tested it on my horses in distemper, sprains, cats, calks, swelling of the glands, toas also for rheumatism on myself, and have always found it an invaluable remedy. Respectfully yours, 11. LITCIIITIELD. • stold by all druggists. Ofilca, be Cortiandt Street, Vow York. may i I'tb-6m I=l AUNLVEItS iL MeniciNs•—'y what we eat, by the air we b.eathe, or by the water we drink, we can be made sick ; or by fatizus, OT from debility Induced be heat, because these effi , te end by producing impurity of blood To regain beCth we must purity the blood, oy the organ of the stomach and bowels ; these organs mast b.) continued to the wilier performance of that duty which nature has suisigutal them, and should there oe any impediment, to wh , t does experience pointy TA L BRAND:IEIII'3 PILLS, whteb cannot Wier", and which will merely restore the bote.le to the regalar petforrosttoe of their dullest. The dyppeptic, the bilious w.II find them a treasure of health. and the same ma* be said in all ►hn are sick in any way —take Brandreth's Pals and be cured Sold by all respectable dealers is trieliteirleg. apt'6S- lm A CANDID NTA.TEfiIENT.—Ifori eon procure o any drugest in this city and vicinity [Jr. Tabled Venetian Liniment. It is a sure and speedy cure for sore throat, be sdaebe, toothache, chrome rheumatiqn, colic, croups and pain in the - ileitis. We ►dnn every nowt° give tt a trial. The expense it a mere trifle-IS cont.-and we are confident no person millersr be with out it. Everr family should hare a bottle in the house in case of sudden aecidenic such as cuts, barns, scalds, Al. Its pew relieving qualities are miraculous. Al for croup. it hap saved hundreds, we have the certificates to prove it. Price 4.5 nod 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. Office 56 Cortiandt Street, New York. marl-Im. TSIVSLI DS, TANIS cdoTicK: 1 Drs. Firmenich & Co., of Buffalo, have discover, d I Dew Caring method, by which ail digeliapp an be readily and radically cored by the patient, without the aid of a physician.. Dr. P. Is the author of a toadies' work of 800 pages, price $2 00. giving a full explanation ~ the Indoor treatment. They also publish a mouth!. Medical Journal; of which esusPle embers will be ..at free, by addressing Drs. J. FIRIIKNICFI h 04/ Cue Baffin°, N. WFII4K EMI no you wept Whlskins or Moustaches ? Our Oreetan Compound will forte them to grow on the smoothest ta.A or chin. or heir on bald bead% In ilx we-k■ Price SI 00. Sent by mail everywhere, closely Sealed, no reesi,t of pries. Addreee. k Cil. , Bn: 1311, Brooklyn, N. Y quiet BRIO tI. 12111‘71131fli.—A. Note of w irniog 1 and cc vice t • those audrriug with Seminal Weak. erre, 11.neral Drbility, or Proca•ture peal, fora what en canes proclaead. Read, ponder, and reflect! Be wile le time. Peat tree to any address, ka• the benefit of the ere* Sesibmbra mall. Address JAVits 8. itTrLut • t _ £29 Broady, Kw York. THE ERIE Special Notices. TO MARRIED LADIES CAUTION. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Cristadoro's Hair Die. TWO DOLLARS AND A-HALF PER YEAH, IF PAID IN ADVANCE; $3,00 1P 'NOT PAIL) UNTIL TUE END OF TILE TEAR _ _ OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. We would respectfully call the attenUon of the public to our (militias for doing Job Printing or every descrip tion. Having rapid Presses alld the latest Styles of Type, we are prepared to do anything iti,the Jobbing line, in • manner equal to any other establishment, and on terms as reasonable as the Btillaio or Cleveland olmet. Ws have a hied nearly two thousand dollars worth of =tee real to the °face since it has bee., in our possession, with the object of mating it what we thought the communi• ty needed. Hew wellies her, succeeded we leave the specimens of our Jobbing, which may ne seek in every part of Ni rth Western Pennerlininia, to testify. Theis who went tasty work are invited to eve us a call. W. can do any kind of Printing tLat can is done elsewhere, —such for instance is All kinds need by Coal Operators, Ail kinds used by Coal Shippers, All kinds need by Coil Pellets, ' All kinds oust by Merchants sod Storekeepers, All kinds mod by Retailers and Grocer,, All kinds used by Manufacturers. All kinds used by Medicine Dealers, All kinds used by Anctionern, All kindsused by Railroad Agents, ..11 kinds need by wanks, All kinds used by Insurance °Mom, All kind, used by Stook Compatible, easerally, Il kinds used by Brokers, • All kinds aced by C 0.,. and For. M.ershaata, Allkinds used by Esprru Yen, s kinds need by Pro'essional ken A 11 kinds used by Literary Societbd, All kinds used by Public OMmert, All kinds used by Patentees, All kinds used by Producers of Articles, All kinds used by Mere haute of all Tender, •it kinds aid by Architeets, All kinds used by Dagnerreas Establbelunients, • All kinds need by Artiste generally, All kinds need by Public Kshibitors, All kinds need by Managers of Social Asnestabliss, • All kinds used by Political Managers, All kinds used by Travelling Arent; Ail kinds need by Farmers, or sellers dried estate. All kind, weid by the sellers of Poisoned Property, All kinds used by Renters, In short, all kinds used by all clams. Orden by mail,when sent by responalblie parties,Prompt ly attended to. Agents for Shows, Concerts, &b., whose reeponsib lily we ars net acquainted with, must pay In advance. In cases where packages are sent out of the city by expreaaand the oersans for whom they are intend ed have not a reguLaraccount at the canes, the bill for collection will inraziabli be forwarded with them. Important Announcement. GREAT SALE of Watches, Chains, Dia mood Rinke, Ito One Million Dollar,' worth to be disposed of at One Dollar Rich I Without regard to Va ue I Not to be pald for until you know what )ou are to receive I Sploodld Lout of Antolini All to lee sold for One Dollar each. I.eh. 250 Gents' Gold Guntinrease Watehes 230 to $l6O 250 Lades Gold and Enamelled hunting case Watches ...... g 5 to 70 600 Gents' hunting-cave Sliver Wab.has 85 to 70 2" Diamond Rlnrs 60 to 100 6,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains. 4-ta 30 • 3 " Gold Oval Band Bracelets 4to B 6 " Gold and Jet Bracelets 6to 10 2 " Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains— 6to 20 7 " Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4to 1 6 . Coral, Opal, and Emerald Brooches.... 4to 3 a Gold, Cameo. and Pearl Ear Drops 4 to 6 " koala°, Jet, Lava, as FlYntine ear drops. 4to 7,6" Coral, Opal, and Emerald " 4to 4 " California Diamond Breast-plat 8,50 to 1 3 " Gold lob and Vest Watch keys 2,60 to 4 " Fob and Vest !Rahbon slides 3to 1 5 " sets Solitaire Fleave-buttans, Studs, kc. 3to . 3 " Gold Thimbles. Pencils, &c 4to 10" Miniature 1 nekets 2,50 to 1 4 " leariustore Lo9r-ta, Magic Spring 10 b 20 S " Gold Toothpick*, Crones, 4c.c 2to 8 6i. Plato Gold Sums 4to 1 , .) s'. Chased Gold hinge.... 4to 11 9.. Stns. Set and Signet Rings 2,60 to 10 9 " California 11 almond Glop 2to 10 75 " set. Lalies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold—. 6to 16 6 " seta Ladisa' Jewalry—Cameo, Pearl, Opal and other stones 4to 16 9 " Gold Pens, Site., extension holders and Pencils. ' 4 Gold Pens and Gold mnanted Holders... Go.d Pens and OAd extenilon " 16 to 26 b " Ladles• Gilt and Jet Buckles 6to , lb " Ltittra' Gilt and Jet Hai , Bare it 81111.. 6to 10 " Silver 0 biota and Drinking Caps 6to 60 " Slyer Caatora 15 to 60 " Silver Frult,Card, and Cake Baskets.... 20 to 50 " dozen Silver Tee rtpoons I per d , a) 11 to 21 " dozen 4 iiver Toole opoons and Yorks—. 21 to 41 AR Re D Yanara•terers' Argils, N 0.167 madway, New York. announce that all of the above st g ode will be sold for I lee Dollar each. In noose 'nonce of the great etagnaton of trade in the menufzeturing distriata of Ragland, through the war having cut off the supply of 041 in. a large quantit• o valuable Jewelry, originally tote-ids t for the Kaglielz market, has been sent off for sale In this country, and meet be sold at so• sacrifice I under thee* emirs stances, SKR •NDSLE k Co., acing as agents fir the principal European ma Lufacturen. have resolved until a Great Gift Distribut.on, subject to the Cottoning regu lations : rontfiettes of the various argots* ere finft font into envelopes meted up, sod mined ; so,l when ordered, are taken out without rega•d to choice, and sent by mail, tans (tater all a fair chance. on the receipt of the certificate, you will si • what you are to have. sod then it lest fur option to send .be dotter and tate the arti ste or not Foramen may this obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any Set of Jewelry on our Litt for one dollar. fiRWD 25 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE in all tr nasetlona by man, we ahall charge for for warding the CerUltrate, paying postage, and doing the brielneve.,26 cents va.h which malt be el:lntoned when the Centßeats Le sent for. Flee Certificates will be sent for $l. eleven .nr $2, thirty for .$6, sixty-fire for $lO, and • handrrd for $l6. AG TN TS.— We want agents In every regiment, and in every t .wn and now tr to the country, and those acting as inch will be allowed ten cents on every Certificate or nem' for them provided their r..m.ttance ainonnta to one dollar. A gents will collect 26 c-nta for every Cir. Uncut., and result 16 cents to as, either in au& or poet. age stamps. _ Address, IRWINDALE k CO apx.:l3.3m 107 Broadway, N. T. L. BROWN & CO.. Mato 806116, Brown k C 0..) BANKERS AND COLLECTORS or Military & Naval Claims, 2 Park ?lace, New York. . Corresponding house to Washington, D. C., .7. W. Mah er & Co., 474 14th dtreet. Mario.: had three years' experience in the collection of Claims and the general Inoue lon of business In all department. of Govcrument, we eau assure our clients and e rrespondents that all businems %garroted to us add be vigorously and promptly attended to. We are prepared to make advances upon and negotiate the see of claims, and purchase Quartermutees bills and checks, as well as collect the following classes : Penelope for invalids, Widows, Mothers and Orphan Children. Bounties for Soldiers, disch•rred to: wounds received In battle, those who have served two years, and the heirs of deceased; also otate bounty to such as are en— titled. A rreari of pay for Officers and Soldiers, and the heirs of deceased. Nary prize money for all captures. Navr pension and balance ol pay. Accounts of discharged Akers settled. ordnance sad clothing returns properly made out and collected, and clearances obtained from Ordnance and Quartermaster's Departs.en ts. U.S. Harem:L.B[llmpg for sale at a discount of 3..1( to 4) per cent. HEAD QUARTERS -FOR CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail - GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUORS. F. & M. SCHLAUDECKER„ are now receiving at theirold stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES,' LIQUORS, WILLOW, WOODEN, AND STONE WARE, FRUITS, NUTS, itc., /tr..; together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They ben also on hand ons of the lupe and finest Stooks of Toboeso sad Megan ever breath,. to ids, to which they invite the attention of the patina ar all and en es- a nimble sixpenee is better than a slow shilling, conamisently Cash bay= will And treat bargains by atlnnt at the Grocery Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE. STREET Jilm2.lBBo . r.igtommsnwm. Pleasure Excursions. PARTIES DESIRING TO HAVE SAlL tin Zulu:ions on the Bay, art° stilt tha Panics* wilt Sod tba as le sigma always roily to actoodoo. date 'tom vth good boots. I hay. 2 Yachts *spread, attad oat f pl. start parties. In *Mit no to • o nos. of Mow Boats. Fishing Tackle sad Balt all the time on hand. - Persona &siring to biro the on. of owy of ms boats will 1101 no aosuitsatly on hood, J n. fi the al stand, loot of Blots street AL Nsati Ray 11, 1566-laM - ---e_ \ .„...,....7-... - 7 1 -. • - -7--- '''...-• - • -:-.,•afr". -i: A•G ..--.Z;:1":*-. ,-- - - -.:.-1..•••`,..._--.7,..7-_---;-:"-----. - . s. _:• ' •,:c..a.t. , ....7,, _ lE, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON; JULY 27, 1865 A resit curtained cradle, where, nestled within Soft cambiio flannel, lie pounds seventeen, Ia the throne of a tyrant that pink little thing Lathe autocrat august, for Baby Ia King. Good, solemn grandfather dares hardly to speak Or walk lest the sleeper should hear his bopts creak. Grandma is a martyr, in habits and cap, Which the monarch' unsettles as well as her nap. Papa, wise and mighty, just home from the • Rouge, •0 - Grows meek on the threshold, and moves like 11 MIIIIIIB, To stare at the bundle, then outward be goes, Like an elephant trying to walk onlas.toes. The queen of the ball-room throws loyally down Before him the roses she• wore in her crown. And slogs little love•songs of how she loves best The fair baby-blossom she rocks on her breast. Good aunties and cousins before him bow low, Though be rumples the ringlets, twists collar and bow ; • He bids hie nurse walk with his majesty's self, And cries when she stops like a merciless elf. Re lings rigid andleft his saucy fat fist, And then the next moment expects to be kis— sed. He demands people's watches to batter about, And meets a refusal with struggle and shout. Then, failing to conquer, with a passionate cry Ile quivers his' lips, keeps a tear in his eye ; Aod so wins the battle, this wise little thing Ile knows the world over that Baby is King. Accidents and Crimes. Two BROTH2II9 MIINDERID BY A WOMAN —A Km. Adeline Ridey, last Monday night entered a drinking-house on Third street, near Girard avenue, Philadelphia, and, without apparent provocation, drew a dagger and instantly stabbed one of the proprietors, named Joseph Sides, and his brother, Isaac Sides, who rushed to Jo seph's assistance. Both the men died soon after. The woman fled and conceal ed herself, but Was subsequently arrested and committed for trial. The murderess was also the keeper of a drinking. house, in St. John street, between Wiflow and Noble, and had 2 a number of women boarders. She is married, but her hus band had left her, and was living atithe house kept by Joseph Sides, who'also en tertained female boarders. Rum and jealousy appear to have been the cause of this bloody tragedy. Adeline is twenty four years of age, and has once been hand some, but bears upon her face the wrin kles that are the signs of ungoverned pas 'ions and habits of irregularity and dissi- pation. AN ILL-FATED WEDDING PARTY-FIVE DROWNED —We learned late Wednesday evening Jf a terrible accident at Dyers ville, by which six persons, citizens of that place. were drowned on Wednesday morn ing while returning from a wedding party. A party of nineteen persons; all of whose names we did not learn, went on Tuesday afternoon to a wedding at Colesburg, where they remained over night, starting to return early Wednesday morning They had got within about a mile of Dy ersville on their return, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, salien, in attempting to cross Bear Creek, the tatal accident, which so sadly put an end - to the pleasure on the trip, occurred. The stream had be come swollen with the heavy rains of Tuesday night, and the water was above the bridge, but the driver of the team which conveyed "seven of the party thought he could strike it and made ihe attempt. The bridge is approached on each aide by a turnpike road, and failing to keep this, when nearly upon the bridge. sod in quite deep water, the horses and the wagon with It' living freight were precipitated down the embankment into the swift current, where five of the seven, four men and a child, were drowned in the presence of the remaining twelve, who were in the wagon behind, and were powerless to pave them from their fate. The wife of Mr. Holscher, of Dyersville, and the mother of the child, was, after some time, heard calling for help a king distance down the stream, and when found was clinging to the bough of a tree, and nearly exhausted. A farmer, living near by, mounted his horse and swam in to her, and with much difficulty succeed ed in taking her ashore. Our informant said it was not expected that she could live, and she died on the evening of Wed nesday. Mr. Holscher's father-in-law was also one of the number of those drciwned. But one man of those in the wagon was safely rescued. The party were princi pally Germans, and were among the best citizens of Dyeraville."—Dulaque (Iowa) Herald. 4to It' Bto 10 ATROCIOUS OUTRACT..-011 Thursday even ing last a young woman of most respecta ble family, and herself most respectable, was, white crossing the New Green, set upon by a gang of soldiers, said to be ten in number, and most horribly outraged. All she remembers is that she wag thrown to the earth and gagged. She then be came insensible. She was, after the fiends had accomplished their purposes, found and tenderly cared for, and taken to her home. Medical aid was called at once, and since then everything possible has been done for the unfortunate young woman ; but there seems to be little hope of ber recovery. She was most dreadfully abused, and if she lives it is doubtful whether she will ever be her former self. Every effort is now being made to appre hend and bring to justice the wretches who were concerned in the horrid crime, but there seems to be really but little prospect of their being found. The poor girl's agony of mind is even greater than her terrible bodily sufferings.—New Haven Palladium, June 9th. 11ORRIBLI ACCIDENT.—Of all the Fourth of •July acoidents which we have ever read, none equals in revolting and heart sickening horror that which happened on board the steamer Ottawa last Tuesday, while making a pleasure excursion to Put-in-Bay—the particulars of which are furnished by the Sandurky Register: "The shaft of the vessel is situated some eighteen inches above, the main deck, and spliced in the center. From the splices a nut protrudes, which in its revolutions, caught the crinoline of a Miss Whitehead, who, in her efforts to extri cate herself from being wound around the shaft, caught hold of a Mrs. Montgomery with a deadly grasp. Mrs. Montgomery immediately grasped a Mrs. Fisher, and the three 'were wound around the shaft together, end crushed in the moat horri ble manner. The parties all belonged to Locust point. The husbands, children and friends of the unfortunate persons were on board, and beheld the horrible sight without any power to relieve them. The boat was turned and headed for home, and the party that bad started out for a day of pleasure end rejoicing; re turned in grief andsmourning." The Conneaut (Ohio) Repartee says the parties were from that vicinity, and gives the following additional particulars : ." The statement as given •by the Ban duslLy Register is partly correct, partly in error. The name of the steamer (a one Baby Is Mtg.. O 1 SERVER. de^kerl is correct. She is commanded by Capt. Reuben Grant, son of Whitney Grant, of this town, and the "Mrs. Mont gomery " spoken of, is a sister'of the Cap tain's wife ; and the " Mrs. Fisher," wife of Mr. Southwick. Mr. S. having been employed on the same boat until the day before. Several ladies were on board, and had been cautioned to hold up their clothes in stepping over the shaft. Mrs. Montgomery having a headache had lain down in a berth, directly over the shaft, and. contiguous to the crossing, while - Mrs. Southwick sat near by in a chair holding a babe. Miss Whitehead stood astride the shaft, talking to Mrs. Mont gomery, and as soon as her clothing was caught, seized hold of , Mrs. M., lying in the berth, who, as she was dragged out, caught Mrs. Southwick, when the three were killed, as above stated, before the machinery was stopped. Miss Whitehead. went round with the shaft twice, Mrs. Montgomery once, and Mrs. Southwick halt way. The bodies of the first two were badly torn, the clothing and flesh. being tangled into a shapeless mass ; Mrs, Southwick making but a part of a revo lution, was not as badly mangled, having only her legs and back broken. The child which Mrs. S. was bolding at the time, though covered with blood, was not injured, and is supposed to have fallen upon deck as the mother was caught. Mr. Southwick did not witness the terrible scene, having but a moment before gone forward, where fare was being collected. The first intimation he had of it was some one came towards hide bringing his child covered with blood, and then the sad truth flashed upon his mind. IMPOSING ON AN EDITOR—FATAL RasoLT. --Seine cowardly Fcamp sent us a while ago a notice of what purported to be the marriage of a couple at Oneida Valley,' Madison county. We published it be cause we have a number of subscribers in that place. We have since learned that the notice was a cruel hoax. The names given were of well known parties, but no marriage between them occurred or was ever d7eamed of. As it turned out, the affair was attended with a very sad result. A correspondent writes us that a young lady was .accused of being the author of the hoax, and her feelings were so wrought upon by the . opprobrious charge that she went into spasms and died almost IMEGG. diately.—Altany Tax Era DE lc or Citric—Our exchangis from all sections come to us with their columns loaded with "Horrible Murders," " Suicides," "Rapes," "Robberies," "Gar— roting," "Executions," "Counterfeiting," &c. In fact, we are having a perfect flood of horrors now-a-days. A yout. ,, man named Lucas, who had just returned from Sherman's army, was shot and killed in Mscan City, Mo., a few dip' ago, by a " colored militiaman." The Times, of that place, calls it an " unfortu nate affair." Mrs. John White accidentally caught her dress in the coupling of a shaft in her husband's mill, at Belfast, Me., the other day, and her head was literally tors from her body. She was 68 years old. Au Exquisite Ballad. [The following ballad is the imagery of an Irish poot, whose name has escaped us, but all Iva' agree in pronouncing It highly imagina— tive, purely affectionate, and singularly melo dious :] Come to me dearest, I'm lonely, without thee, Daytime end night-time I'm thinking about thee ; Night time and daytime in dreams I behold thee, Unwelcome the waking which Gauen to fold thee ; Come to me darling, my sorrows to lighten, Cume in thy beauty to bless and to brighten ; Come in thy womanhood, meekly and lowly ; Come in thy lovingness, queenly and holy. Swallows shall flit around the desolate ruin, Telling of Spring and its joyous renewing; And thoughts of thy love and its manifold treasure,' Are circling my heart with the promise of pleasure; Oh ! Spring of my spirit, oh ! May of my bosom, Shine out on my soul till it bud and blossom ; The waste of my life has a rose—root within it; Aad thy foadness alone to the sunlight can win IL Figure wltioh moves like a song through the even Features lit up with the reflex of heaven, Eyes like the skies of poor Erin our mother, Where sunshine and shadows are chasing each oiler ; Smiles coming seldom, but ohild•like and simple, And op'aing their eyes from a heart of a dim- ple • Oh, than ks to the Savior that even thy seeming Is left to the sleeper to brighten his dreaming. You have been glad when you knew I was gladdened; Dear, are you sad now to hear I am saddened ? Our hearts ever answer in tune and in time le ve, As octave unto octave, or rhyme unto rhyme love. I cannot !mile, but your cheeks will be glow ing ; You cannot weep, but my tears will be flow ing; You will not Huger when I have died, love. Come to me, dear, ere I die of my sorrow, Rise on my gloom like the sun on to-morrow. Strong, swift and fond as the words which I speak, love, With a song at lip, and a smile on your cheek, Come, for my heart in your absence is dreary ; flute, for my spirit is sickened and weary ; Come to the arms which alone ■hall caress thee Come to the heart which is throbbing to bless thee. DESIRABLE.-A small reward will be paid for the discovery of a dozen original ad jectives to• be used in complimenting actors, generals, teachers, and steamboat men. All the American adjectives in cur rent use are now worn threadbare. There is no-river man who is not weekly • pro claimed in at least a dozen newspapers, " Courteous, prompt, energetic, reliable, gentlemanly, affable," &o. There is no star actor or actress who is not puffed ad nauseam as "brilliant, natural, versatile, gifted, admirable, talented," &o. There is no general who is not landed while - he is in command as " brave, skillful, clear headed., judicious, soldierly," and the like. There are no teachers who are not " competent, laborious, worthy, devoted, and faithful," and there are no school children who are not " praiseworthy, in telligent and studious." The adjectives now used are generally alittle too sweet. A DAltEllell IDRA. cr Woxart.- - -Dey may rail against wimmia ae much as dey like, dey can't Bet me up against dem. I bab always in my life found dem rust in luh -fuat in a quarrel—fust in dance—de fast, in de ice cream saloon—and de fast, best and last in de sick room. What would we poor debbles do without dem ? Let us be born as little. as ugly, and as help. less as you please, and a woman's arms am open to receib us. She it ma who gibe up our helpless naked limbs, and rubbers as our foots and toses in long" Sinnen petticoats, and it am she who, a* we grow up, fills our dinner baskets with apples as we start to skool, and licks us when we tears our trousers. Pew Talk. That tall young fellow's here to.day ! i I wonder what's his name His eyes aro fixed upon onr pew— Do look at Sallie Dame. Who'a that young lady Dressed in maul It can't be Mrs. Leach; There's Mr. Jones with Deacon Giles— '. wonder it he'll preach? Lend me your fan, it is so warm ; We both will sit in prayers ; Mourning beoomes the Widow Ames— /low Mary's bonnet tares t Do look at Nancy Sleeper's veil, It's fell a breadth too wide ; I wonder if Snsannab Ayres Appears to day as bride Lord! what a voice Jam Rica Lae got ; Oh ! how that organ !oars ; I'm glad we've left the singer's seat ; How hard Mies Johnsm snores ! What ugly•shswle those are in front ! Did you observe Ann Wild 2 Her new strew bonnet's Maimed with black— I guess she's lost s child ; I'm half asleep ; that Mr. Jones; His sermons are so long ; This afteraoart we'll stay at hbate, And pTtice that new song. Girls Should Learn to Keep House. 'No young lady can be too well in structed in anything which will affect the comfort of a family. Whatever position in society she occupies, she needs a prac tical knowledge of household duties. She may be placed in such circumstances that it will not be necessary for her to perform such domestic labor ; but on this account she needs no less knowledge than if she ware obliged personally to attend'over the cooking stove and pantry. Indeed. I have often thought that it is more cittE3ult to direct others, and requires more eaperi• ence, than to do the same work with our own hands. ' Mothers are frequently so nice and par ticular that they do not like to give ill any part of their care'to their children This is a great mistake in their manage ment, for they are often burdened with their labor and need relief. ' Cnildren should be early taught to make them selves useful ; to assist their parents every way in their power, and to consider it , a privilege to do so. Young people cannot realize the im portance of a thorough knowledge of house-wifery ; but those who have suffered the inconvenience and mortification of ignorance can well appreciate it. They should be early indulged in their disposi tion to bake, and experiment , in cooking in various ways. It is often but a trouble some help that they aff)rd ; still it is' a ,great advantage to them. , I knoW a little girl who at .nine yeirs old made a loaf of bread every week dur ing the winter. Her mother ,tausrht her how much yeast, and 'salt arid flour to use, and she became qUite an expert bakir. Whenever she is disposed to try her skill in making simple cakes or pies, she is permitted to do so. She is thus, while amusing herself, learning an im• portant lesson. Her mother calls her her little housekeeper, and often permits her to get what is necessary for the table. She bangs the keys by her side, and very musical the jingling is to her ears. I think before she is out ol•her teens. upon which she is not'yet entered, she will have some idea ho,v to cook. Soma mothers give their daughters the care of housekeeping, each a week by turns. -It seems to me a goimi a-range• meat, and a most useful part of their edu• cation. Damtstic labor is by no means incom patible with the highest degree of refile ment and mental culture. Nisny of. the moat elegant, accomplished women I have known have looked well to their houie hold duties. and have honored themselves and their husbands by so doing." Thus far from Anna Hope ; and who Anna Hope is, we know not ; but one thing we are sure of, she is not wise above what is written. Solomon speaks the praise and properties of a good wife, in Proverbs, xxxi. Girls will ypu read it ? Begin at verse 10. Economy, taste, skill in cooking. and neatness of the kitchen, have . a great deal to do in making life happy and prosper ous. The charm of good houSekeeping is in the order, economy, and taste displayed in attention to little things, and these lit tle things have a wonderful influence. A dirty kitchen and bad cooking have driv en many a one from home to seek com- fort and happiness somewherts else. None of our excellent girls are fit to be msrried until they are thorough educated in the deep and profound mysteries of the kitch en.—Presbyterian. GRANT'S PASSION TOR SMOKING.—The June number of garper's Hagizine has an interesting article, entitled " Recollections on Grant," giving anecdotes' illustrative of his character and an estimate of his military genius. It seems that the niotto of the Scottish clan from which Grant de rives his surname, is "Stand ; fast, stand firm, stand sure." 'The following extract is interesting: • i " He is a more inveterate smoker than either Sherman or Rosecrans, but he smokes in a different style and for a dif ferent effect. Both Sherman and Rose crans take to tobacco as a stimulant to their nervous orianizations. (rant smokes with the listless, absorbed, and satisfied air of -an opium -smoker, his mind and body being soothed into repose rather than excited by the effect of the weed. Neither Sherman nor Rosecrans are neat smokers, the velvet breest-facing of their coats and their shirt-bosoms being gener ally soiled. Grant, on the 'contrary, is very neat, and smokes only i the best of cigars. He smokes almost without cessa tion, and is never at ease when employed at anything which forbids smoking as an accompaniment. During the famous in terview with Pemberton' before Vicksburg he smoked with his usual' ; composure. 5We pardon Gen. Grant for smoking a cigar as he entered the smouldering ruins of the ,town of 'Vicksburg,' ;said a rebel paper after the surrender. ' b little stage effect, it added, is admirable ,in great cap tains.' .put Grant never smokes dramati cally. His cigar is a necessary part of himself, and isueither assumed nor aban doned for state occasions. He has been known to smoke at reviews, and has fre quently been brought to a halt, and Noti fied by sentinels or, guards over commis sary stores, 'No smoking allowed here, sir.' On entering ,the Senate, Chamber he had to be requested to leave his cigar out side."- A WZALTHIr Cuuacu.—The real estate of Trinity Church, New York, originally consisted of 2,068 lots, grinted it by King William 111, in 1897, Since,l74B, 318 lots have been, - given away, 1,050 have been sold, 691 remain ; yet, owing to the rise of property, the value of the remaining lota is very moth greater than the orieinal value of the .whole. William B. Astor 'leases a large number of the lots, which !elutes will expire at the Close of May, 1866, When the Chuieh'wilt eCoine into full possession of them. Their value is esti mated at $6,000,000. The Astor lease in eludes 336 lota, which were let, in 1767, at seventy-five cents yearly per lot fora term of ninety-nine years. They are all occu pied by buildings which bring Mr. Astor high rents, and comprise ,some of Abe most valuable sites in the First, Third, Filth, Eighth and Ninth Wards. Mr. Astor pays Trinity Ciiapel $269 per annuul for all the lots, being about seventy-five cents each. If we estimate the rental f►om each building on these lots at the low average of $5OO, the .fortunate lease holder must receive on an invested capi tal of $269, an income of $169,000 per annum ! In a few years all the leases given by Trinity to various parties will expire; and the property will revert back to the corporation. The value of the whole real estate will then, it is said, not fall short of twenty millions of dollars. NUMBER 9. To Me Editor of the N. Y. Tribune Will you kindly permit a small space in your paper to say something rel ative to the theater bearing my name in Washington ? In that building I have always conducted one business. For that purpose, after infinite exertions, I secured its erection.. In it I invested all the earn ings of my life and considerable sums ob tained from friends. I have offered it for sale ; the price was named as less than its Arable by (among others) Mr. W. E'. Spald ing, the owner of a similar theater, known as "Grover's," in the same city. The thea ter wee not 40 7 d. I waited until-July 1, so as to afford the parties every opportunity. My action in the premises has been ac knowledged as "courteous, kind and libeml." I now have no other resource but to resume my legitimate and lawful business. The claims upon the - building, the claims of raV own fitnlif—my owe rights as .2 eanti-li lus Net nud excuse this intention. I did not desire to ao vtutet.e... to public sentiment ; the failure to pur chase was in it..elf to me some evidence that the public was not averse to the le gitimate use- of the property. I could not perceive any disposition to interfere with me by violence; but on all sides in' Wash ington I found warm sympathies and gen erous patronage. When I announced the opening—which I did one week itt ad, vance,-a large number of seats were en gaged, and a large number of ladies went to the theater on the evening named. The Mayor of the city assured me that he had no apprehension whatever about any, disturbance. The Marshal of Police gave me the same assurance. At 6 p. m., on the day of the intended performance, my theater was taken in charge by the mili tary "to prevent any performance." Since then I have had two interviews with the Secretary of War. At first I was inform ed that the act of the military was " from fear of violence " I assured the Secretary. that I had no such fears and was willing to take the risk, and advised him of the views of the city authorities. At the se cond interview I was told " that it was de• cided that the theater must not be used for theatrical entertainments." I am, as I have been, willing to please those who desire to change the character of my pro perty by selling it at a fair price; but I mu - t protest against my being deprived of the privilege of conducting a lawful and legitimate business within Inv own property, if not purchased—the same business I have always conducted, and for which, as I said 'before, the property Was constructedt I but claim my rights as a citizen of the country. Very respectfully, There is something exceedingly melan choly in the accounts which are, given of the custom of courtship in Greenland. G2nerally,.wornen enter upon the blessed estate with more willingness and less so licitude than men. Tue women. of Green land are an exception to this rule. A Greenlander, having fixed his affections upon some female, acquaints his parents with the state of - to the parents of the girl, and if the par ties thus far are agreed. the next proceed ing is to appoint two female negotiators, whose duty it is to broach the subject to the young lady. This is a matter of great tact and delicacy. The lady ambassadors do not shock the young lady to whom they are sent by any sudden or abrupt avowal of the awful subject of their mis sion. Instead of doing this, they launch out in praises of the gentleman who seeks her hand. They speak of the splendor of his house, the sumptuousness of his furniture, of his courage .and skill in catching seals, and other accomplish- In en til. The lady, pretending to be affronted, even at these remote hints, runs away,' tearing the ringlets of her hair as she re tires, while the ambassadresses, having got the content of her parents, pursue her, drag her from her concealment, take her by force to tue house of her destined husband, and there leave her. Compelled to remain in there, she sits for days with dishevelled hair, silent and dejected, re fusing every kind of sustenance, till at last, it kind entreaties do not prevail, she "is compelled by force, and even by blqws to submit to the detested union. In some cases, Greenland women faint at the pro posals of marriage—in others they fly to the mountains, and only return when compelled to dojo by hunger and cold. If one cuts off her hair, it is a sign that she is determined to resist to the death. All this appears so unnatural to us that we seek for the reason of such an appa rent violation of the first principles of hu man nature, The Greenland wife is the slave of her husband, doomed to a life of toil, drudgery, and privations, and if he die, she and her children have no resource against starvation. The married state is a miserable condition, while widowhood is a still more appalling fate. .Josa BILLING'S ELEMENTS OE MORA.L 1 , Panosortm—We are apt to hait them who won't take our advise, and despise them who do. It is dreadful esy to be a phool—a man can be one and not know it. Elegant lezzure—chawing plug terback er, and - spitting in a dorg's eye. Real happiness don't consist so much in what a man don't have az it duz in what he don't want. Fear is the fust lesson larn't and the last one forgotten. Nqbody but a phool gits bit twice by the same dog. • A pet lam Mimi makes a cross ram. Epitatis aro like circuss bills, there is more in the bills than is ever perforined. Tew be healthy—eat onions and go naked. PILLS —The Weak, the Cou p suroptive, Rheumatic, Costive, Billions and Delicate, after 4 ome days' um, will rind renewed strength and life pervade every organ of their frames. Ivory dose makes the Wood purer. the nerves com mence in the arteries and terminate in the veins. These pills, as a Brat effect, ant upon the arterial blood, in• creasing the circulation, by which Impurities are depos ited in the veins, and they throw off mach collection' into the bowels, which organs, by the energy, derived from Brandreth's PUN,- expel them from the syetem. When first need, the Pills may occasion griping, end even mote the patient feel worse. This is an excellent otein. and shows the disease will soon be cured. No great g od Is often achieved without some trouble in its attainment and thth rule applies to the recovery of health. Bold by all rupeetabhe dealers In medicines. lereb Ford's Theator, Washington. Jortm T. FORD Ford's Theater, July 13, 18(15. Courtship in Greenland. HUU3Ii AND LOT it Ott SAUL —The eonteol out and desirable residents now at:erupted by 0. A. Linden. on Eighth street.ttstween Peach and State., wal be sold low for oseb. Pouseeon giren Ist of April nett. The Lot is 323 by 9234, and the House is well built ant in.excellent repair. • jy201 . 45-0 Wit. A. GALBRAITH. AIIOUSE PORS•LB OR BM:MANOR. —4 first rate Farm or Ten H Ina aoand and kind, T years old foe tale ; or will be 'welshed for i good family or boggy bongo. Voquiro at this Oka AD3IIiNISTRATOIPra NOM/L.—Letters of Ad minietratbin on the @date of Frederick Struchen, decemied. late .5( Girard town•hip, Iris county, Pa, haying been granted ro the undersigned, notice is hereby siren tenell. indebted to the mos to make Immediate Pigment, and tnose haying claims aolust the said. es tate, will present theta, properly authenticated, for 'at tic meat. JOHN IsTIAUCHMI. Girard, Soli 20, 188b-4w. jy2O . A5-3t