ric it cchig Oborrer. PA., JULY :2.0, 1865._ " THE find in the u paper put , letitliy and 'tit of the extravagant course :1•• .rove loltes in this State, an „. v eil we 4h ill endeavor to print file article shows plainly that ei vases of Goverament were p at as enormous and startling ~t e of vad citizens were alarmed 4 r.0v.:1 of the National and State of the Legislature, the rw eple of the Commonwealth It;re•ti, instead of practicing were more liberal in ,114 and careless in their leg rinJ a shocking state— tDo true. The fol r1:—.111_ f..)0l the Record's article interest.: ~,I • —TI.O constitution (Art. 1, Le,:i.litor from accept luring. his term. For - r „,t,r. of Harrisburg were of opening the 5e5..,,„ ..,,„ irch prayer. Last year, and proposed the ap " • I; lon This year, Mr. Hill, , ; 1, 0 House, was di.qinctly But, to fend off the rr cf constitution, the hi n.i.300 for t• extra ser e, l , , p,tiz the devil around cili;l , 4 him ° extra service" • Chn!atn the House," as they mil ,. h i I‘ . their act. Ten day. g.p.n he wt.; elected, and he did Suppesing him to have .I, ( ...pofi:ng of forty sessions, he ;, , retch prayer of two or three ;kr But to Rev. John W. t•trforme I the duties of chaplain .!e ! Neel' of Mr. Pershing at the :,e4r, in Camp Curtin. the tersh Legi.tlature granted s6oo— by for the entire compen „F A . 'a a on I nurse, waiting on the .;:11 and d,y, summer and winter , h , r e ,•.ml•er," already .receiving ; r !iffy one or eighty one t') , y $3OO extra, or about I.re !..r pricing:Now, if those ;n2 niNnberg better men. ice 1 - .een well bestowed. t 1i.;1.re , -ion' is that:no II of • •f r rho public, or more for n 'll,l of ISt,5. a• a tu,nute for praying" is g. It beica oil specu_ in! nost a good as a , • s ..' i Ct mind tlking the .r 7 :ll,' State L:glblaturc ,r round. No wo K ,, • . wl•li,hia experience i not decline a re -71 rnen would—espe N ii 7-1, whose salaries I. • cl r: . H a a Bober, indus , ,;.Y2: i Ira if he had work all -11 to learn that, not.- 1.n, - ; :11 •e pr ,ti:able prayers, the I r hive degenerated ~j. h i ,. on consideration, the r „• , Irpriie.d. The members :L taking all the time the pray ich u ti good thing the Chap eot of the operation, and • c -e attention to the spiritual from his lips. though, is it not a sham Huirels of thousands' of our w, , aring out their existence. at the beggarly sum of Irene the public debt was daily I the national taxation like this should have occur- a)t. as a partizan, but as one rite sentirunats of the entire n we say that the wisest measure %.I,pt will he to return thiit $3OO Tre-ury, as soon as mails and permit him —Mrs. M. It: Warren having de c'eee her Millinery est;lblish• Ole goods for sale at cost, and will re.— The partnership between in the Edinboro stage line has eel. The accounts are in the . Colt, at. Fdinhoro.—The fol— he officers of the Ladies' Aid Society ing quarter: President, Miss Kate iee President, Miss Helen Ball ; Liss Eliza Clark ; Treasurer, Mrs doses Barnett offers for sale i) acres, in Fairview township. a half from Swan' station.— I:ion far the incorporation of the tr..Ll Ground of North East town grry.td by the court.—Dr. 6Ler;cc., dentist, has located in 11'.,ck —The highest market price 1 ix w )J1 by K. S. Hunter, of this ire el;i ,r of the Gazette, like most ,vr..1,,11 with original" COED t) his correspondents w.)rk of numbering the be completed. Mr. W. , r . .1-•b?..nl:.plinted to the duty of who first undertook coy in a " miff." I%'y Association hel \ r E durin4 the early par fr t:u the fact that th! pro trere :t• trui.he 1 to the Gazette. vi pipers are desired !re-ume they contain w:•i,e.l that Demnrats Xll --1.:c; . Thomas serves Cr. Chauncy Robins 1 .1. )!,? I crleavor to get the 11:1, :a ttrimonial noose 14 —.ca 1:1 unpleaiant partner itto to his wife, Abi -- 1?f.‘.1 Br wn will sell at public 7th of August, at 2 n M tl,r I:ff-rnt properties, the • of whist' are not given io,r;:i:mt T•+c canditions of sale ME • :-..,•Ley I R:1 imtnediataly after trY.• , t-ut: (ff, it drill be put up •:!.1 ml I r•ri;ln.al purchaser ..or Lsd. '*•n; are =et d)wn for trill : on the first Mond►), e: s', T) fr:ei; ; Wilkinson, et n 1./w vs It iwle ,k Tennant ; Ke 1.1.2n,):1 Mae in. ME C —T he frllowing ap— ~t 't'n.m•tera to the Methodist Epi4. thil District are announced : L Pre , i ling Eider; Erie, let k I,h n , Sitnpeon, J. 11. Tang; T L . La n ; Green, J. K. Men- N 1:11.1, A. J. Merchant; WA• Millville, C. L. Beton W. Jones ; Edinboro, S. F , irvitw, A. Hall ; Girard, W. UL:' , n. id L. Mead ; Wattsburg '„. W ‘l J Allen; Kingsville, nne i it, J. Robinson; Spring- I•ri • A '„ n. A. Burgess: • J. 0 Fisher. J i ., l“.r.nuary, left without an cp -A - ,wn request. c ‘• 0 -borne goon to Akron, Ohio "•'t•re'k Te:Lehers will hold their ner :e at Eagle 'Village Schoolhouse, Sat July 2 4 th, at 9 o'clock ei. m. LOCAL BREVITIES. EEC= Did any of our roader3 ever heir of an oil well being put d3w3 thlt didu't hive a first eitl4S $/IOW Ou: of Cm b , t3iu , :s4 uv2a of Jamestown, N. Y : sus the Demerol, pays au iacauatt tax or, ;0 000 for 1864, out of a'straight-foraaril gaitnate bw,iuebi Tile time of holding the Annual Fair of the As!_tabula county Agricultural Society for 1865, hoe been changed to September 25th, 27th and 28th. Tho Dispatch urges the nomination of Col. McCreary as the opposition canditla'e for Legislature. As that gentleman has the sup. pert of bath the papers of his party in this city, we look upon his nomination as almost certain. Some nopleasaat matters in connection with he present management of the U. S. steamer tichigan are repeal to us. As we do not like to criticise without goof foundation, wo shall be tirsukful if some oao fully acqusiated with the facts will furnish them to us. The Venango Spectator says John M. Lane, a member of the 16th cavalry, who lost a leg in t.be servie3, was a candidate for Treasurer before the Abolition primary elections in that county, and was defeated by a civilian. When it is /Traci:abaci that this party is continually harping about the poor soldiers, the defeat of Gauls a fitting comment on its hypocrisy. The wages of the brakemea and oilmen on the Erie railway have been reduced from $2 00 to $1 75 per diem. This regulation took place June 15th. We hear it is in con. templation to reduce the wages of all em.. ployees oa the rold, ten per cent. in a short time. A general reduction of wages is being made on all the railroads in the country. An exchange gives the following sensible QOM " Stick to your home paper. No matter if you are poor, remember none are so poor as the ignorant. exc- , pt it ba the depraved, sad they too often go together Keep your home piper. Remember, that, if it is not so large and imposing as some, it is the advertiser of yo it neighborhool and daily business, and tells you what is going on around you instead af a thousand miles awty." The Keystone Ilarmonists, last week, elect• el the editor of the 01:19ERVILIt, in connection - with Rev. J. 11. Tazg, 13. F. 11. Lynn, ani J. P. Graham, Ejg3., an honorary member of their association. We accept the compliment in the spirit in which it Wa3 intended, but cannot help feeling that, considering our total ignorance of the first elements of music, it 13 113 less a joke than hono;. The Ilarmo ni9t9, however, are a body of gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure t 3 be associated, and we expect to realize a groat deal of enjoyment from our connection with them. The daily Dispatch furnishes Ili the fallow— ing paragraph. Were it not fur the unim• peachable character for yer tcity sustained by oar rung friend, the local of that paper, we would confess to some slight hesitation in believing that any person tri green was in ex istence about this part of the coaatry ; The other day, an intelligent appearing wothan stepped into the railroad telegraph office here, and taking out a five dollar green back, asked the operator to sond it to her son to Wisconsin. She explained that her son had written her for money, and she was anx • in us to have some reach him at once. When Informed that it was not possible to transmit the bill by telegraph, she was quite disap— pointed, and left, evidently thinking telegraph lines were a huMbug." We have schlOm attended an exhibition which we enjoyed so much as the entertain • meat given on Thursday evening of last week, in Farrar Hall, by the pupils of the East Ward schools. It was the best of the sort we have ever seen, and ro.ficots very much credit on the " organizing" talent of Mr. Folger, the Principal. Every part was performed in a highly successful manner, but the render— ing of Little Workers " and " Johnny Schmoker " was perhaps the most generally pleasing, and brought down unbounded indik cations of gratification on the part of the au- dience. The attendance was remarkably largo,-.and we have not sewn one who was present that did not express delight at the successful manner in which the entertainment was conducted. Just before its close, the scholars surprised Mr. Folger_with a present of an elegant Bible—a token of affection and approval that we jud,Te him to be every way worthy of. We have thought it somewhat strange that Senator Lowry has not up to this time given any public announcement of his position rela• Live to Andrew Johnson's administration. The Senator is not, ordinarily, very backward in ventilating his opinions, and sometimes speaks them out in a way that alarms his friends a great deal more than his enemies. In rum, aging over an old file of the Congressional Globe, however, we came across a speech of Nlr. Johnson, then a member of the United States Senate, which may possibly account for Senator Lowry's heretofore unaccountable silence. It was delivered on the 10th of De comber, 1859. One extract from it reads as follows : 1" John Brown stands before the country a rilarer. The, enormity, the extraordinary ferociousness of the father set the son mad. the bloat( of these murdered men—not unlike that of the sacrificed Abel—cried even from the tongueless caverns of the earth to him for pity, and to Heaven for justice, but his iron heart, not soul, refused to yield; but Heaven, in the process of time, has meted out to him justice un the gallows. Justice divine to pun ish sin moves slow—the slower the pace the surer is its blow. It will overtake us if living —it will overtake us if deed. Justice has overtaken its victim, and he has gone t) eter nity with crimsenel hands, with blocd upon his head. * * * What i 9 it, I ask the country, I ask the Senate, if it is not stealing, robbery, highway robbery' And yet these things are thrown out, primps not intended, but they operate as an apology and excuse in the minds of many for the infamy, the mur ders, the thieving, the treacherous conduct of this old man Brown, wno wts nothing more than a minister, a robber, a thief, sad a traitor." When Mr. Lowry's warm admiration of John Brown is remembered, it is not surpris• log that he should hesitate a long time before giving an outspoken support to President Johnson.. How could he, with any sease of self•respeot, become a very devoted !Wolfer of the man who called his favorite elicit a "murderer !" " Fail ? in the lexicon of Youth Which Fate reserves to a bright Manhood There's no such word as FAIL !" ~.. And in the history cif - Dyspeptic Man there need be no gloomy future full of hypoohon• driacal fears, for one draught of the wonder ful appetizer and healer, Plantation Bitters, - will scatter the dark clouds of Despondency' and bid Hope "tell her tittering tale " again. For Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heav iness, Langour, Headache and Low Spirits, this is the only remedy. if you are suffering with Dyspepsia or any of its attendant evils, use Plantation Bittars, and you will find there is " no such a word as fail." ' The Paintings representing all the in cidents connected with the assassination of the President, advertised to be exhibited in Farrar Bail, are represented to us as posses ing unusnal merit. Large audiences will un doubtedly attend them in this city. GENER,AL NEWS. An old man in Boston, on Tuesday, shot a bey who threw some fire•erackers at him. The boy died in a few hours. Tiro relatives-of Admiral Dupont con tradict the report that he left his prize money—which they ‘3:ty . does not exceed sso,tloo—to found an usylum for the or phans of soldiers and sailors. Mrs. Trehune, the wife of a respectable mechanic at Chicago, on Tueaday attacked Miss Amelia Frasted with a knife, injur ing her so severely that life is despaired of. Cause, jealousy. An extensive fraud has just been dis covered in the Cook county. 111., bonds, $20,000 worth of bogus scrip having been negotiated. Six banks were victimized by the forgers. The sales of papers for the year 1864, by the four English daily and weekly newspaper 'establishments, of Cincinnati, were returned as follows : Commercial Gazette 236,000 ' Enquirer 145.000 Times ' 84,000 A school-teacher named Munson, of Basymanyille, C. W., while out riding, called at the house of one James Kerr. at Orono, and invited him to accompany her. When about two miles from Bowmanville, at 2 a. no. yesterday, Mies Munson shot Kerr with a revolver, mortally wounding him. She has been placed under arrest. No reason is assigned for the act. Stephen Hiss a worthy citizen, was ac cidently shot dead in Baltimore on Tues day, by a policeman who shot a mad dog. The ball pa.sed through the dog and then through Hiss, three hundred feet off, killing both. The Washington Chronicle denies the published statement that Secretary Stan ton intends to give up his portfolio so soon as the President can find a successor. Tue expenditures of the Government during the past year amount to the enor mous sum of $1,200,000,000, or over $3,- 500,C00 per day. The Washington Chronicle brands as ri diculously ft.'s° the statement that Secre tary Seward has placed his resignation at the disposal of the President. At Belfast, Maine, last week, Mrs Grace Whiff, wife of Job White, went into her husband's mill, and passing near an up right, revolving shaft, her dress caught in the coupling, and she was instantly drawn around it and her body shockingly man glut. -Her head was p literally torn from her body. In New Haven, C.inn., on Friday night last, an estimable young lady nemed Green. moving in the best circles, was set upon in the street and brutally outraged by ten ruffians. She will probably die of her injuries, and has become Insane from agonies of mind. In Pennsylvania, Indians, lowa and Kansas,, the crops of wheat, oats and corn are " perfectly enormous." Harvesting is going on successfully. A child named Alice Burns, who at tended a pic-nic near Boston, on the 13th, was seduced away from her young com panions, and brutally ravished by three ruffians, aged from seventeen to twenty two years, named hichard O'Baine, Ro bert Lambert and John McGuerny. The scoundrels have been arrested and it is to be hoped will be severely punished. Alice, after the perpetration of the horri ble deed, was discovered by her friends in a perfectly insensible state. • .7,,Axas will come out of this war nearly doubled in• wealth. The rebel currency has not been current for a long time in the State and all kinds and descriptions of goods are positively as cheap as they are in New York ; as, for instance, star candles sell at from eighteen to twenty cents ; Coat's spool-thread at sixty cents per dozen ; Congress gsiters at from $2 to $2 50 per pair ; bleached cotton from eleven to fourteen cents ; gray cloth, best, at from ninety-six cents to $1 10 per Yard, and other things in proportion. The St. Louis Republican says that Mat. McConnell, a sprightly young officer, who at one time officiated as Provost Marshal in that city, has eloped with and married a daughter of Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylva nia. The Major, while here, was decidedly a ladies' man, and just the boy to carry off a boarding-school girl with a rich old governor. A correspondent of the Richmond public, who has just returned from a tour in Southern Virginia, writes ; Except just around Barkesville there are no visible traces of war ; the crops are good ; there has not been such an oat crop for many years, and the corn promi ses well ; the people are quiet and indus trious. The returned soldiers are going manfully to work, facing existing difficul ties like good and brave men. The ser vants are, as a general thing, well behaved and at work. The Richmond Times gives the follow ing acciunt of the punishment inflicted upon Ned Scott, a negro, who had been guilty of insulting some gentlemen in Richmond, and of cutting and stabbing two United States soldiers, belonging to the provost guard : " The negro's name was Ned Scott, who had previously insulted two gentlemen, and was pursued by Allen and Clarke, belonging to Col. Krautzer's guard, sta tioned on the corner of 24th and Main streets. Being overtaken, the fellow drew his' knife and by the vigorous use of it in flicted such wounds on his pursuers as to prevent his capture. About half-past eight o'clock,ion Tuesday night, however, he was captured by Clarke, who had been constantly on the lookout for him, nearly opposite the military rendezvous and com mitted to Libby prison—where he re mained until this mornicg, when he was taken to Col. Krautzer. There being no doubt as to the identity of the fellow, Colonel K. passed sentenca that he should be bucked and paddled for an hour by a posse of neiroes, and then placarded with " I stabbed %two of the Provost Guard," and marched about the streets for a specified time, preceded by a drum and' fife playing the " Rogue's March," with a file of soldiers on each, side at a charge bayonets, after which he was to be taken back to the Provost Maishal's office, placed in a coffin s from which a piece large enou4h for his face to show was cut, and after being - securely nailed up to be taken outside of the building and propped up, where, with his face whitened with flour, he should remain a couple of holm before being turned loose, all of ,which sentence was faithfully per formed. We witnessed the execution of the last clause of the sentence, and can truly say that we never saw a more ludic rous or amusing• scene. With all the gravity which would accompany the pre liminaries for burying a man alive, he was placed in the coffin by a few soldiers, his hands folded across his breast, his face whitened with flour, then the lid pressed over him and nailed down, after which he was interrogated as to his desire, for the services of a minister. At this juncture the fellow commenced begging to be spared death ; but meeting with prompt refusal, he apparently resigned himself to his fate, and solicited the at tendance of the pastor of the Third Bap tist church, to Which he said he belonged. The proceedings were carried to the ex tent of ordering a guard to go for a preach er, (who of course did not go) ; whereupon the coffin, containing the hero of the oc casion, was, taken into the street and set up against the building, where he remain ed for two •hours, during which he was surrounded by hundreds of persons, who enjoyed the spectacle hugely." DIED. Srnazzrr—ln Erie, on the evening of the 8d init., of paralysis, ?der', wife of It. T. Sterrett, Esq., aged 75 years. MARRIED. DAY—PAIMATIR—in Franklin iownegip, on the 29,11 ult., by Rev. Strphin 157ashburn, Mr. Charles Day to Miss Lidia A. Par tooter, all of Franklin. ALLus—Buutmrtau—On the Isth illUt• • by Rev. J. W. Dizitry, Mr. G. A.llllen, of Vers. one.° ,Pa, to Miss P. Aj Unchristian', of Edinboro. New Advertisements, E[oUse AND LOT BIM MILD. The minuet sot awl desirable resicLeeca now osupieli by 0. A. Leaden, on Eighth street. between POlti and Sloth will be sold low for cub. Posseesias irlOn Ist of April neat. The Let is 32% by SVC 1124 th 4 Rouse is well built and In excellent repsir. jy2tr6Sit WW.A.GALBRAITH. AHORSE VOR SALE OR EXCEIANO K. —A Grit rate farm or Tenn Elms, noted and kind. 7 yeart old, for sale ; or will b• exthargred fora good faintly or baggy hone. Enquire at Ulla *Moo R lIALL, ERIE, PA. F AM •U FRIDAY, SATURDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENING+, JULY 21it, 22d, 24th. 2411 and 26th, 1666. THE MARTYR PRESIDENT: A Glowing and Beautiful Portraiture of an the start line /CM:1101 and picturesque pageant in the Mournful National Tragedy, from the second Inauguration of ABRA,I4II LINCOLN as Sixteenth President of th• United States, to his final burial at Springfield, iilrunt■, including the aeasseication at the Theater. Itooth's Plight. The Felon's Fate, and the Unparalleled Fun eral !Larch frog" the White House to the Patriot's One*. The propriebire, conscious of the pub le desire to ob tain • thorough knowledge of all the scene" and facta eannected with the late NATIONAL CALAMITY, which robed the land in mourning. promotlj enraged. at a vast expense, no less than twelve competent artist* to employ their whole time and genius in the Droduetion of thl, extraordinary eerie" of Pictures, for the tidelsty of which they confidently vouch. RUF U 3 8011E1111Y, the silted ElocoUnni.t, will deliver a lecture at each exhibition, descriptive of the various deeply exciting scenes. ri- Tickets 2.5 recta. A limited number of reserved mete ma- he obtalood at 50 cent+ each. Doors open at V,: o'clock, to Commence at $) Yrs clrely A D 3 IINISTRATORPA NOTlCE.—Lettere of Ad ministration on ,the estate of Frederick Struchen, deceased. late of Girard townehlp, Xrie county. P 4 having been granted to the tinderstgDed, notice is hereby 1„1.1,13 to all indebted to the same to nick, lamed ate payment, and those having claims against the said es tate, will present them, properly authenticated, far rat meat. JOHN BTRUCIIEN. Girard; July 40, 1/365-6w. OAKLEY'S MU, RPPA HOUBB DINING HA L L .—Dinitcrtm OPPOUTX PAeasaaaa D. ror, Com, PA.. Being newly fitted up in the most ap proved style, Is now open to the public. Weals will be ready on the &Meal 4 all Puseater Trains, either night or day.• -- "M'AKLEY BROS., Proprietors. A eMD TO THE AU FRERING.—DO YOU WISH Tn RR CURED ? if an, swallow two or three hogsheads of "Bodin," "Tonic Sitters," "Sarsa parilla," "Nervous Antidotes,", and after ynu ore eatisfled with the result, tt:en try one box of OLD DOCTOR RUCH 4N . 3 RNOLI4II tIPF:CIFIC PILLS —and be restored to health and rigor In less than thirty dam They are purely, vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in thlir effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. DR. RUCII SIVA ENG LISN eIPECIFIC PILL' cure in less than 30 days, the worst e use of Norronatirsa impotency, Premature Decay, Serolnal Weakoess. Insanity, and all Uneary, Sexual, and. Nervous affections , no matter from what cause pro• docsd. Pnee, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address, JAS. S. ItUrz.Rit, No 427 Broadway, N. Y., General Agent. P. 3.—A box sent to any address on receipt of price— which Ic Use Dollar—pod free. A dzscr:ptive Circular seat on application. ' )y 19.2 in la ("WARD AS`4oel tTION. P 1111.4 MIL PUIA, PA.L-nill'l4o.l of the Urinarr tied Sexual Systems—new and relied. treat.ro It. Alen the lir:eal Chamber. an E 1827 of %Yarning and Instraction, seat 'n sealed envelopes, free of charge Address Dr. J Boughton, Howard Association, No. 2, !South Muth street, PhllAidelphia, Pa. jr20135.1y THE LEHIGH CATTLE POWDER DOVOI2B Horse and Hole POWDER Is the only medicine le gally patented in France, England, Switzerland, k Holland, and duly ad mitted by their Courts, ad invented by Kr. Duroy, oz the Imperial. 'oilers for Agriculture at Paris, and now manufactured by C. ti. Metier, Dr. of Z, `And A Allentown, Pa. Alt &saws of the Stomach, Blood, Lungs and Bow els, speedily and certainly cored. Healthy stock will be brou'it into Vie highest state of perfection, and one to two tablespoonfuls a week, is of great value ta hard working hersea, breeding stock, and Colo, and Bared thcrisands of valuable hones from COOTAgiolls disease, as well at the barn-yard as to the Army of the Potomac. THE LEHIGH WORM CONFECTIONS - Effectually overcome all the objects which usually pre• vent the expelling of Worm; are plee.•ant .o take, and also one of the most agreeable purgatives for Children. So confd•nt is the inventor, of th, success of his lati%- rlous studies, in the patholog cal composition of this preparation, that he tarnishes every graduated Physlelan with a written prescription, as a am ara in Mated& Medics. Tlld UNION 1304011, HAT, MICE, AND ANT EXTERMINATOR Is a Powder (or the gore ester n (nation of all Vermin. wiliness'. chance with age or climate. and mulls prefera ble to the old Phosphorous Paste, which hardras lu • abort time =Wog it worthies.. For directions and Natl.:Liar; see the small bills in the Boxes. 'tights-three Premiums Awards, to these Prepare, twos sloes 11.54. Dr. Nick, and Carter & Carver, Erie. Wholord° end Retail Agents for Erie county ; R. T. Sellers k Co., Plttsbarg ; John Henderson k Bro , Pittsburg, sad Ben ton & Bro C'eveland, Wholesale Jobbers. je29r6.5.17 R. S. MORRISON & SONS Beg lure to inform the citizen' of iris and vicinity that they hare removed their stock of DRY COODS To the REESE BLOCK, in the building formerly occu pied by Means. HATES k KEPLER, where they - intend keeping a large easortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Silks ) GLOVES, HOISERY, &c. Returning thanks to our customers for their put liberal patronage, we respectfully uk a continuanse of the same. Eris, Jan. 1,1865. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFUL LT inform their friends and the public that they tare opened the above business, on the east side of the Diamond, next door to Ur. John Beebe's dry goods store, where they offer for tale the best swotted stock in the trade west of New York, 'sleeted from four dif 'rept manufactories and bought at Reduced Prices, ,ND WILL BE _SOLD ACCORDINGLY. Special Invitation given TO THE LADIES. Without tbetr patronage, Malmo would be blockaded. NOONAN k BtralCK. may ires.c Executor's Notice. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE /Wats of Catharine Hayharger, deceased, late of North East township. Erie county, Pa , haring been granted to the underalgurd, natio' hereby given to all indebted to the raid estate to make Immediate settle• mint, and those haring accounts 'gains, the same, will present than, properly authenticated, for payment. HENRY WOLF, Executor. North East, /lane 29, 1965-410 11ANDNETIII'S PILLS—The Week, the Con. B eamptive, Rheumatic, Costive, Billions and Delicate, after some days' no., wi.l End renewed strength and ithe pervade every organ oft heir frames. Beery doee makes the Wood parer. The nerves com mence in the artrries and terminate in the veins. nem Tolls, as a first effect, act upon the arterial blood, in creasing the circulation. by which impurities are depos ited In the veins and they throw off such collections into the bowels, which organs, by the energy derived from Brandreth's Pills, expel them from the system. W hen drat used, tb • Pills may oemidon .--'" 4 Ples, and even make the patient feel worse. This is an excellent sign. and shows the disease will soon be eared. No great vod is often achieved without some trouble in its attainment d i p this rule aplies tome recovery of health. Sold by all dealers sedichlm BELDEN & CO., MANUFACTURING JEWELERS, 27 Courtlartdt St., Now York. 00,0 ii) WATCII.6:4, CHAINS. GOLD Peocail. Se., vertu "er a al Winn DO/IVA! TO be ao'.l at Quo Dollar Each witooot rv,31%1 to value. Aad not to bo paid ter anti/ yon armor orbit you ate to truly,. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES All t.) be Sold Ira One Dollar rub. 300 Gents' gold Watches, :150 to $l5O 300 Ladies' gold Watches, 35 to 70 400 Gents' silver Watches, 36 to 70 200 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100 8,000 Gold Vest & Neck Ohains, 16 to 80 3,000 do. 4 to 6 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, - 4to 8 4,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6to 10 2,000 Chatalaine & guard chains, 6to 20 6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to 10 2,000 Lava & Florintine brooches, 4to 6 2,000 Ctrs!, Opal & Em. brooches, 4to 8 2,000 Ilcsiao, Jet.,_Lava St Floren, tine Ear Drops, 4 to 4,500 Coral, opal & em. E. drops, 4to 4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,60 to 3,000 Gold fob & vest watch keys, 44 to 4,000 Fob & vest ribbon slides, 8 to 4,000 SEtq sleeve buttons, etc., 3 to 3,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, eta., 4to 6,000 Miniature lockets, 5 to 4,000 Min lockets-magio spring, 3to 4.000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to 5,000 Plain gold rings, 4 to 5,000 Chased gold rings, 4 to 7,000 Stone sot & signet rings 2,50 to 5,000 California diamond rings, 2to 7,500 Sets ladies' jewelry-jet gold, 6 to 6,000 Sets ladies jewelry-cameo, • pearl, etc., 4 to 5,000 Gold pens, silver extension. holders Sr. pencils, 6,000 Gild pens & gold-mounted holders, 3 to 6,000 Gold pens, & pen.holders, 6 to 6,000 Silver goblets & cups, 5 to 1,000 Silvetcastors, 15 to 2,000 Silver fruit & cake baskets; 10 to 1,000 Dozen silver tea spoons, 10 to 1,000 Do. table spoons & forks, jyti6s-3t MANNER OF DISTRIBUTION. Certificates, naming each article, and Its value, are placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed. One of there envelopes, containing the Certificate er Order for some Article, (worth at least one dollar at retail,) will be sent by mail to any address without regard to choice, on receipt of 2) cents. The purchaser will see what Ar ticle it cinema, and its value, which may be from (foe to Five Hundred Dollars, and can then send One DolLarand receive the Article nimad, or any other on the let of the same value, and atter seeing tho article, if it does not giro port-c t eatisf talon, we desire it to be immedi— ately returned and the amount paid wall be refunded. By this mode we slve le:ectione from a varied stock of fine good:, of the best make and latest styles and of in. tr uric worth, at a nominal price, while all have &chance of securing alleles of the very highest value. In all case. we chal-gs for forwarding the Certificate, postage and doing the business the sum of Twenty-five Cents, whir i must be enclo.ed In , the order. Five Cer tificates will be sent for $1 ; eleven for 12; thirty for $6; sixty Gvr f it $10; one hundred fir 111. Yarth•s tl,ling with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent to any addr,s by return mail or express. Ire •atiefactiou Guaranteed in all eases. Write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address SELDEN & CO., rns23 65 Gm 27 Conrtlandt street, New York. W. W. PIERCE & CO.'S. HYDE & WRIGHT'S PATENT Horse Hoe, or - Cultivator Plow. IS WAIRSINTZD TO BC the most pnverfal agent for th• Stqrolch and Blood of Cattle, S•ine, or Sheep, in prom•tiag digestion, dewing the system and trinsferring the purified animal Bald in flesh, fat, milk, butter and strength. and estab— lishing health and viva. TIDE ABOVE INVALUABLE IIIPLE -111/1v has always received the First Premium when ever exhibited ; and all who have used it prououuce it far soperlor to anything ohs of the kind. The fallow ing are some of the advantages this Cultivator has ever every oth4 • hid now la use: Ist. Lightness and durabiiiiy ; being made of the best quality of 'steel, highly pulished, and the whole imple ment weighing from fifty to sixty pounds. 2d. Adaptation to nvire kinds of work than any other Caltivater known ; being a perfect and thorpugh Cant- Tatar When need with all the teeth on, leaving the ground even and level, and working nearer the rows than any ether Cultivator. 3i. By removing the small testb, and attaching the wings to the shovel, it is the most petfeet Implement for billing that can be found. Ith. his the best Implement for coveting and digging potatoes ever invented. A man and horse can cover po- tatoes as fast as ho•ss can walk, and a man and team can dig from three hundred to five hundred bushels o potatoes in a day, when the crop is a biz one. Uth it works a !natty well In corn, or any kind of crop requiring cultivating, and in most cases hand hoeing can be dispensed with. . 6th. Its cheapness, considering the many kinds of work to which it can be applied ; the farmer having In our implement all that is necesaary for cultivating and billing any kind of crop, or covering ard digging poia tofs Numberless certificates from the most influential farm. ars in the Hotted States might be given of the superiori ty of the above Implement over all others designed for like parnomil• CV a shall be pleased to receive a call from any one who needs a Cultivator or Shovel Plow and explain to them the mantle of the above Horse Hoe over all oth r Imple ment• of the kind. We warrant th'■ Horse Hoe to work an • Cultivator as well as ant- Cultivator made—as a Shovel Plow as well a. any Shovel Plow—and as • Hone Hoe a complete success, or refund the money if it does not meet this warrantee. We also keep en hand in connettion with our Hard ware, Stoves, 'tinware and House Furnishing Goods, a complete assortment of Sone Rakes, Nand Rakes, Scythes, Swathes, Grain Cradles, Forks, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, be.. Don't fall to give us a call. W. W. PIERCE k CO.. Sole agents for Horse Hoe an Erie Co., Ps., and Astabola Co., Ohio, Corner State and Bth its, Erie, Pa. Ws. W. PIIRCR, GEO. J. !Lanolin. c Erie, May 25,186.64 m The following firm are one author's .d agents for the male of Wright'. Horse Roe or Cultivator Plow : O A. Heine k Co., Waterford; M. L Jk H. D. Selkregg, North East; Gulliford, Hay & Co., Girard; .1. A. White, Miles Grove ; A. Landsrath, Union ; Webster & Blood. Conneaut, Ohio; T. McGuire, Aahtahula, Ohio ; Talcott & Hodge, Geneva, Ohio ; W. W. Pierce k. Co., Branch, Spartaruiburgh. Corner of State Street and the Palk, Erie. THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN HOUSE has posed into the control of the Undersigned, who are determined to 'pare no efforts that will tend to make it a pleasant stopr nag place for the traveling pub lic. A number of important improvements have &needy been made, and others to be competed at an early pm lad will render it one of the flout hotels in the country. Especial care Is taken to tumid' the table with all the seseonable article', served up in the moo' approved style, and by socommodat mg waiters We took charge of the Hotel with the resolution to make it such u the wants of this section require, and feel confitlent'of meeting the approbation of our guests. L 00111.3 & ROSS, A. T Loon le,t Proprietors. W. L. Roes. May 4 G.5-It t 471 4 MANHOOD 9 How Lost ! How Restored, JUST PUBLISHED a New Edition of Da. Cra.veswit.ee Cat.cauarin Easel on the radical cure (without medicine) of STMIXAToIUtEOI.I, or Seminal Weaknene, Involuntary Seminal Lows, I'M- Tueor, Mental and Phreical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc. ; alto, Comirxrriox, ErttarilT and FITS, Induced by self-indulgence or tteisuil extravagance. re Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebtated author. In thin admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yearn successful practice, that the alarming conrequenees of self-abuse may be rad ically cured without the dangerous use of internal med icine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by me .ns of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, can cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Irv- This Lecture should be in the hand' of every youth and every man is the land. • Sent under cull, in a plain envelope, to any address, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CHAS. .1. C. KLINE k 127 Bowery, New York, mar3o7s-tt Poet Ofeee flay. UM. THE SUBSCRIBER WHO HAS OCCU rum the limula• Howe, just above the peimt, for the peat four yaws, ham removed Into the . NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER or PEACH AND BUTPALO SUSHI'S, Where he will try to accommodate nice as many guests. and as well, uhe did to the old stand. He hopes that the iatronage which was so liberally sateeded to him then, will be ;Dreaded to him to his new quarters. His stabling is attelcient to acoommodate alt taamstan who may tenor him with their patronage. 5p.70131-tt JOHN BOYLE. Spting and Summer Goods ! MRS. S. H. HALL Would respectfully call attention to lwr JARGE STOCK OF GOODS,' Just reeel4d from New York, mobiseing onnets, ; Hats, Ribbons, &c., Topther with some D,RYL GOODS! Which she will seU CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAY. Er Putlealar attention paid to bleaching, eoleliai sad proeing. P• Store oa hash Sty t dome above the Depot. Id% . apt/Weft 0 4to 10 Brown's Hotel, Hotel Removed. 11UBBEL'S COLDEN BITTERS,. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC Futtdlr• ttr 2. tie= ...x.sou2t the , evil cffeels of unwb•lo aoLta water W 11l etre Dppepete. W 111 cure N eakueu. Will cure Gemini Debility WU! cure Heartburn. Will Guru Headache. N Maitre Liva Complaint. Wilt excite and create • healthy appetite. Wllliartgorate the organs or digeatioo and moderate ly Increase the tetopemture of the body and the torte o• circulation, Leib gin fact u a stow al coreoborant of th' system. containing no poisonous drags, and THE BEST TONIC HITTERS IN THE WORLD A fair trial is earnestly solicited. GEO. O. GIMBEL k CO., Proprietors, Eludsoa, N. T. Central Depot, AlnaliCAll Express Building 55 BUD SON ST.. NEW YORK. For sale by all Druggists, Grocers, nr k HOADLEY. Erie, Wholesale Atari.* and for sale by Hall it Warfel, Carter & Carver and WU. At Boctb, GEORGE DEMERIT & CO., JEWEVERS, 303 Broadway, New York, (CORNED. DITASID STREET') 100,000 Watches, Chains, Gold Pens, PENCILS, &C., &C., WORTH• 8600,000! • TO BY SOLD AT ONE DOLLtR EACH, WITHOUT REG,OLD TO VALUE, And not to be paid until you know tacit you will receive ! SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES, All to tio.sold for ONE DOLLAR tacit t 100 Gold Hunting Cuss Watches, each__..____ $lOO 00 100 Gold Watches 60.00 200 Ladies' Watches 3.5 00 600 811,er Watches $15.00 to $25 011 COO Gold Neck and Veit Chains 12.00 to 15 00 100.1 Chatelaln and Guard Chains 5.00 po 15.00 3000 Veet and Neck Chains 4.00 to 12 00 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches._ , 3.00 to 8.03 4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, dm, Brooches,.. 3.00 to 8.00 7000 Gold, Jet, Opal, he., Ear Drops 300 to 800 6000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins '3OO to 800 6000 Oval Band Bracelet, 860 to 800 2000 Chued Bracelets 5.00 to 10 00 8.500 California Diamond Pine and Biagi.. 2.60 to 800 ..^l/00 Gold watch Keys 250 to 6.00 60,0 Solitaire Sleeve Ballow and Stade.. 2.00 to 8.00 3000 °old Thimbles. 4.00 to 600 6003 Miniature Lockets 200 to 700 8000 litniatute Lockets, Magic 400 to 0.00 2.00 Gold Tooth plea, Crones, 2.*.c , 2:0 to 600 3000 Fob a. d Biblon Slid. e 200 to 000 WOO Chafed Gold Icings 203 to 500 4000 Stone Set Rings 2.50 to r,tU 05(1) Sets Ladies' Jewelro—Jet and Gold.. 660 to 15 00 8003 Sete Ladies' Jewelry—vaned ,ty:es.. 0 010 to 15 0.1 8009 Gold Pena, Silver Cote and l'. 0ci1.... 400 to BGO 4000 Gold l'enP, Ebony Hohler nod Care.. 6.13 to 10 00 BOW Gold Pene„llounted 200 to 6.00 All the goo:c in :he above Lint will he sold, without reeervation, cur OM: DOL L tit EACH. Cert.ficates of ail the varioha ankle. are pieced in ximilar envelop. sealed sad nined! These envelopes will to Fent by mail or delivered at our othco without regard to choice. receiving n Consent.. you will Kee what net cie it ri,pre sante, and it is optional with on to crud one dollar and receive the artic:e named, or nay other in the list °tale same value. fly this mode we give se:ectiona from c. variid siockmf fine goods, of the best in.ike and latest stylm and of in Wriste worth, at a nominal price ' while all Illicit change of aectiringartielee of the very hign est ralue. In all tranractiuce b!, rail ire charge fur forward.ng the Certificate, rarinK poktace, and cluing th‘ bagmen/. '25 cente'each. Five ceriOrates r:11 be sent' fee $1: Elee• en'for $2: T.Strtyfor $:.; Sivy fur $0.); and One Hun etredfur $l5. REASONS Wily We abould supply your wants; our faciliates are unsur passed; our work of unrivalled excellence; our promises canctually,observed. On:central locat.on brings us near the most remote points uur goods are new zrom the manalsxtur era, and of ttie latest and most deeLrable styles. The goods 'Rust be sold, and the terms are unequalled.— All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail. We guarantee • ntire satisfaction to every instance, and it then, should be any person diszatistled with any article they may receive, they will Immediately return it and.the pri e will be reluuded. Auxxes —We allow those acting as agent, tcntenta on each Certificate ordered, provided their remittance amount to one dollar. They will collect 25 cents for every Certificate, and re twining 10 cents, remit to us 15 cents for each. Addrehs, IiEU. DEMERIT & CU• mr2-3m. 103 Broadway, lew York. Crawford, Christian & Ruth, 'Dealer* to GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Dried and Sealed Fruits, PAINTS & OILS, Ship Chandlery, Boat Stores, &0,- ; C:-2., 80. 7 BEATTY'S BL9Cd, PARE RC Also, Public Dock, Foot of State ERIE, PENN'A. WY. A. CRAWFORD, jAn2Bll5-tt .1. BYRON BOTH Administrator's Sale. BI VIRTUE, AND PURSUANCE OF an order of Court to me directed, I will expose to sale at public vendee or out-cry, at the Petro House s Borough of Union. on the 4th day of August, 1865 all the right, title, interest, claim and demand of Jame James Grant, late of Union, .deceased, at and immedi ately before hit decease in and to the following described piece nr parcel of land, to wit : Situated, laying and being In the township of Union, county of Erie, and State of rennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the west by land of Henry Aldrich, on the north by land of Jasper King. on the south by land of Nd.., Thompion, end .on the east by land of James Harris. containing Fifty Acres of Land, be the same more or less Tzars's :—One-third in hand and the balance la three equal annual paymelota, to be secured by judement bond and mort ;age on the premises: Or at the option or the purchaser, the purchase money n 217 all Le paid in hind. .1. L. TITUS, Union, Jane 29,186341 Adm'r of Janice Grant. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON the Estate of Frederick Heisler, let, of the United States Army, haring been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all indebted to the eaid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims spinet the same will present them, properly autbenti. csted, for settlement. THADDEUS HRISLER, je29'65 6w Administrator. Administrator's Notice. "VETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON _LA the Estate of Artemua Severance, deceased, late of Union township, Erie county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, notice is ,herehy given to all in debted to the raid estate to mike payment of their in debtedness on or before the Ihth of August next, and those havine Claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. Je29'65.6w W. 0. SEVERANCE, Adm'r. P. 8.. HONECKER, aroocason TO CARVER & HONECKER, WHOLIIIILLX & RETAIL DiALKS. IX Leather, Hides, &c., No. 3 Perry Block, State St., Erie, constantly on hand a large stock of SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS BINDING*, • FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, SIPS, UPPERS AND SPLITS, LASTS, PEGS, LASTINGS, GALLOONS, &o. , ALSO, A TCLL ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, AD of which they oGer low for c sti OR PB.OMPT PAY. /fay was—tr. • New Grocery! JACOB BOOTZ would respectfully an flounce to the people of Erie tit : and county, tha he has opened a NEW GROCERY, STORE, Qs'th• Wed Side of Pesch Street, Short Mobutu SoittA of the Lois Shore Depot, Wker• to will keep on hand al ►r • Amor tot GROCERIEN PROVISION 3, WOOD /ND WILLOW WARE," LOUR And eaerytblag usually kept In a ant alas • on ♦cso, Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquors. The highest Market Price paid ?or Produce, ao au Lfaugured. t ir Give me a ea; if yon wi.h tr ware good bor. gums. 1 PLalge myself to moll an Low,i 'not Lower, than ace• other store to the city. mrIZINtf. • • New Clothing Store. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPEN so a Clothing Store on the corner of Fourth and State streets, where they •propose to keep always on hand as godd au alsortment of Clothing as can be found in the city, r.a/ilf in the best manner from th- best ma terial, and so floiel.ed .as to afford sally/action t./ tt e most critical co/ tomer. F..rticular attention will be paid to Cesium Work, in which branch we propoee to excel all other ettthlishmente in the city. We will al ways keep I. fine stock of Cloths, Cusimeres, Vestioge, he , from witch customers can select to the very best advantage. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Of every deticription, comprising all articles in that line. The Clothing of Boys will also be mule a speciality. Give ass call. BASSERMAN & SAINEIDER. Gso. BAJIZIRMAX, 4.1.3122 W. FICIMIDEZ. Lots Cutter with M. Koch. je22'63-tf 1865. ■ • • • • • 98 years established in N. Y. Cltl." . 9olytufsilibls trmedles known." "Frs. from Potions." "nu:dangerous to the Human Family." .Rats come out of th, Ir holes to die " "Costar's "- Rat, Roach, &c., Exter's, Is a paste--used !or Rata, Mice, RoacAes, Black and Red Ads, "Costar's" Bed-iiilg Exterminator. •Is a Itniya or wash, used to destroy, and &Noes a pre ventive for Red-fluirs, &c. "Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects, Is for Moths, 3.flogiloes, • "km, Bed• Ergo, /'seek on Phila., Folds, Anintal4, Le. rif Sold by all Drnwests and Retailers ever7wh-te. re!!! 8zw.21:: I or all worthless imitations, rjr • en that "COSTAR'S " name Is on each Box, Mottle, and Flaah, bef,re ;01 I.IV. . - HENRY R. COSTAR, re- Piii7c:raa.DitroT. 412 BROADWAY. N. Y. So:d ny all Druggists sw.l Dealers in Erie, I's. INCREASE OF RATS.—The Forsarr's Gazette (En;. lish) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of Tat., wi 1 hues progeu) an • dr,r:vndinta co lea' than Chilli!) in three, }Date. Now, u Ale% this iromecre family eau t•e kept down, they would en 'sums more food than act.ild sustain 6.5,0(.0 human. tem gs. Er See " Ccirrau s'• adverthement in this paper. RATS VeT/US BIRDS.-17hocrer engages In shoot:og small bards is a cruel man: whoever side In exterminat ing rata to a Sena( intor. Wo should like some of our correspondents to gibe us the tem fit of their expert. cc. in driving nut these roots. We need something heaalee doge, este, an I trapS for this business.— SCUAJIfie /nitre tax, N. Y. 13r See " Cossales" ads,rtisesient in this parer "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMICATOR le rltnphs, see and cure—the most parf•ct RAT ideation meeting wo have ever at'enled. Kerry Rat that ran get it, prop. Iy preyartd according to direct:ont, will eat It, a,..d ever one that eats It will die, generally at 133190 place as &s -tunt an notedhle frein where the medicine was to Lake Shore, Mirk, Mirror. Or See " Conran's" advertisement in this paper. 1865. ROL'S EKEEPER4 troubled with Terrain need be so no looser, :1 they tat COnT•e " Elterreieletee. We bale need to r ur an tiaLictiou ; ar,d if a box coati 16, Me aced hr Te it. We have tried p..iscas,hut they eff ttett lac" '•• - ant "Costar's" arte_iu kneads the breathe , ent es "-• • 1' e, Roach. v, Ante, and Ped-Litie, qut,la'z .••• ?on it It zreat demand all cr.< r ccr..n'- - .7.-I , l.:d•ma, Oho, Gazelle r7".25? "COSTA:t . :I" adv.:rtii,:xnent 117 CAA 1111.0 t. A V.:.•:CF. i'dOM THE FAR WEST.—Spealang of • Cos. Tan's" Rat, Roach, Ant., /cc., Exterminator—" a ri, graln and proYbdona aro destroy ad annually In tax t county by rennin than would pa• for too' of talk Fot And In,ct Kdlrr."—Lonconcr, irts., /Jerold See "Colrin's" eure•ti.ement to this pnpor FARM: - IV; AND lI O U - W.IZEEPERS--ehould 14. -oi?ect till: hundreds of d Ilsrs' worth of GUILD, fret I, /V.O aro annuslly theiroy ed by Wits, Mt , e, Ants, 'ma other in,rte and f which can hs pre,. at by af. ir donuts' worth of •i Cusrit " Rat, Roach, AuL 3:c., Ester - min stor, ts tight and need fr ely. rev "CU.TAFC`I" Adirert:Rtlnent In this paper. Sold in Erie, Pa ,by all Druggist.; and Dealers. , E. H. ANTHONY & CO., lanufacturers of Photographic Materials, wrioi.EsALEAND 501 BROADWAY, NEV YORK. In addition to our main bulineee of PFTOTOGR /ORM II411.1:1AL 4 , we are Headquarters for the following. TIZ.: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Of these we ease so immense assortment, includ.ng War Srenet, American and foreign Cities and Lana rcapes, Groups, Statuary, &c, tsc. Also, Resolving B , ereosc ,, pe4, (or public or pirate exhibitoon. Our cat• alogue will be seat to any address on receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were the first to introduce these into the I.: tilted State., and we manufacture tmmen•e quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $5O each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to a l l others. They will be sent by ma free, on receipt of price. rirFine Albums made to order._ Card Photographs. Oar catalogue embraces over nee thousand difierb subject., (to which additions are continua* being made. of portrait/ cf eminent Amencana..k.c.,da. abuub 100 Major Gime cle, 550 Statesmen, z,OJ Brig. Generals, 130 Divines, E. F. CL. g 7 i Colonels, 125 Authors, gOO Lieutenant Colonels, 40 Artists, 150 Other oOloers, I 125 Stage 75 Nary otlizers, I 50 Prominenti Womt n 150 Prominent Forelot Portrait Three thousand copies of sroralt of art, includ ng re. prouuctb ns of the meet celebrated engraytn;s,.paint ~ l • Inge, Statues, Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp. An order for one dozen pictures from our catalogue int! ti filled on the receipt of 81 80. and sent by mail, free. hoographers a^d others ordering goods C, LI Bill pelsee remit tw may-tiro Jer cent. of the amount with their order. E. s H. T. ANTHONY S: CO., .1 .ilasoifacturers rf PAW orrapkie 131-10 AD NAY, N. if. arThe prices and quality of our goods tans mil to satisfy. fob') 6..0 ERIE RAILWAY. OWSPIPPENNAIRRIM74 CHANGE OF HOURS, COMMENCING THCRiD 4.Y, DEC. 1, 1864. Trains will leave Dunkirk at about the following howl, viz • Eastward Bound—Depart. Train N 0.14 9 40 • m Train No 10 10 20 a. m Tram No. 6 600 a. ni Train N 0.4 4 15 F. m The Accommodation rune every day CHAS. MINOT. Gen'l ',tart Sewing Machineid _ • • THE, CHEAPEST & BEST. BUY EITHER THE EMPIRE OR SINGER. Tho nodontigned having been appointed agent in Rita city for the above celebrated Itachlnes, respectfudy calla the attention of the public to the mime. lhey are , aekrowle,'ged to be the beet In nee and are the cheapest in the math. t. Each Machine has all the latest improvements, which render them Inc superior to any other now Mid Persons desiring to purchase ► Sewing Machine will find it ofadvantage to call and ex.rnine these before buying elsewhere. • :staples on exhibition at my store, No. 6, American Block, between till Park end Veventh street. jan26 65-6 mo WAGNER. Keystone Stove Works ! Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead, STOVES & HOLLOW WARE, Have a large and extensive assortment of Stoves at IVholuale and Retail. THE IRON GATE Is a Int•elan Coal Cook Stove, with or without Naar voir, for hard or soft o at, or wood, aria is BETTER THAN THE STEWART STOVE WHEAT SHEAF & NEW ERA, Bola low oven Coal Cook Stores—wits wood grates— ' can be cued lather for coal or wood. THE FOREST OAR. Re are still manufacturing this cerebrated low oven Store for wood—with or witgont resenrolr. Zoo Oven Stove for'Ffuni. This ta a new Stow of beautiful i:ehign, and now for sale—togetser with a large assortment cf elevated Oven Cook, Part , : C.,ok for wood or coal, and Parlor and Ofree Stoves, for wood or coal. C.ll. IIBoALS, D. SillitE, W. IL WIIITICHSAD Erie, Jan. 1:1,, Administratrix's Notice. LETTERS OF ADIIINISTRATON ON the Estate of Christian fiehwengel, deceased, late ct Cresk township, F.rie county, Pa, hariog teen granted to the andersigntd ; notice le hereby 'men to all koowiig themselves iniebtel to the said esta'a to make Immediate payment, and those haying chime against the said estate will present them, properly au thentleatet‘for settlement. • ELIZASETH 130HWICHIAL, Admit'lstrattlx, Js29'664Ew 1865. t• - • , , ' N 1111 ME / Jo - ...17116 ~r0.4,.."%e 1865. 1865. 1865. 1865. 1865. 11ANIIYACTUBERS OP We al - o manufacture the THE MENTOR. je9'2.5-sni