The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 20, 1865, Image 1

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t r Orricß.
T ,l ..64
r„, : , 01.1 AIM A•b Fir TT CrNT,% per
~,„,„ 11,d vt. i.dcALICe ; TuRKs OULLAky if 001
I of the f ear. Sabeeribere
tg• charge I lien ChNes ft
4,d /10)1
Mi Nt,
—.loe Syctise of Teo Linea [lna In
i ; .st s ro; three Inoer
-75 ; ono rn,nth $2,09 ; t.rn months it 2 75 :
montio $),50: wiz Inno.thass,M; one you $9OO,
h ‘ lre•rtiEelnentm in proportion. Theft Ilan
adher..l tn, unless ebatiged by special
Or et 'the Opting Or the publishers. Audi.
Notlrrx, etraytt, rliroras and like
Aiminiatrator's Notieeil 83,00; Local
F;Vr. colts a line; Marriage Notices Ilicitret
,,,t:cce.; obituary Yotices (over three lines
Finn cent+ pi: line. Original poetry, us
.. entree the recnest of the editor, one dollar
44rer11:40:!IP.011 TrIU be ooathrtued a:
or thr person advertising, until ordered
L. unless s speeded period is
1 j n f
:NTIN",; Lare one of the best Jobbing
„ ;,. Stare, and it re reedy to do any work In
• . 3, 1,. entrusted to na, In equal idyl*
outside of the !arrest cities. •
us should be addressed to
a r A •
Pub' loiter and Proprietor.
IllSitieSS Directory.
j, MAHE",
ArTuannt AV LAW. Ridgw•Y
r ' s!so prJetiera in adjoining , Co:lntim
.trich3:l. 4 . 7 LAW, otrard. Erie COULity,
o•:,er Lwineu tatawded to with
Wk.1 910.1.;1. t
ATTOLZILT ar LAN, In 7i - taker's Of
rp,cv.ntli Krret. :AIN Pa. wig 7'82
11 °Lc.
,„,„ ,r Rylo. Pa.
•lon,KAILLSR and Setter in Stationery,
Newspapers, &u. Country dealer*
Srown's Hotel,fronting the Park.
1 11 F. •
J • CUILIA bas taken the Lime Ran at
•it el tenth treet, neer the Philadelphia depot,
e pre tared to tarnish WhT,tei Liens, 1.11 tarp
,e et the lowest market pekes.
eiNt ett S ?11 112{1\•
n or , to e'., neer North West corner of the
1 , 1111,0 BENNt:T . r.
JC-T:Ch oP TBZ PllOl. Oak. eecnnt/
. valor Block, nmch street, between Fifth and
c I, k I
LAM& rtaoTociiittru GALtalax,
:.•. iszle64tf.
41%1'0 & ISli,ltl, It,
vtr. , o , LTS AT Law. Ridgway, Pa.
- •
and Jefferson countia..
.;,;..05-1%. 1 w. W. virlLseß.
•r. ; Street—one square cut of
" '•
• u Ps. Sept. '25-17.
oF Taw Praci, Piragoß Block,
u ,•+ e‘: 3%0, Erie, Pa
Ittor ney nt LUNY and J.
Con,..yaucer and (lolle.,tor,
r)utilorest corner of and
ap13%.5 tf
.10l'Uoy/Snlik , :gil, at the aeW-
Fi: • Vit:Az.., tae • a hand a large aas
•*: • ?, s.,arai, Wand arid Wthow Ware,
• • . to which t, re
• t On of the public_ catialleti that
hlr,7ania eta can be bad In ampart
. mar:3o4-1v
t, between dth and bth Streets,
Erie Railroad Depot, Erie, Pa.,
Vropretor. Eitel:mire SICCO(111110dal
11,1 travelers. L'oard by the day or
attached. apt2.s63tt.
•r Knrcer's Pateat Aewiug !fad:imps
••••, 1111. , e - State 'Street, between 6th 414 d Kb, zits,
l,olueh Made to order 1111 tbo tineet style.
11. 0•41()ILN P.,
ve'R.T evn S 41.1 Sl...te La, on Rientb
State and Preach. Fine Liorees and Cat
, reSA 0113 nI e terms. taro3'64-2y.
4.; I U-1 1tTLit,
A NC? AVTC 8.43 of Steam Raginea,Boilers,
implements, Railroad Cars„
1' E• tl LI.,
. DeNtley, Office in ROSA3II .II Sn
• , north sale of the Park, lie, Pit
1 . 1, 111.1( 7 .4.5
itilAM AY, F./5 Co, PA. Ilre. E. CI. CLILNOX7II,
•or 1 h's is a new and kundsoruely tilted up
. , tl,e Lrudet of one of ale beet Trouting and Hunt
ta.rlecisylasnis. CortustruiiJue
& G :sole and /Soderate Prices. The public
• „ 411 respectfully e ditited. sep'64-I.y•
131. A. GAI.BitAITI.L.
Artoann Jor Lav--tofileo on ethatrost,
• npponite the Court lionise, Sri% Pik.
11 6141.(0e LD, M. D.
07)10103 SISTIVATEL gTILVLT, near
raz, Ent It, PA, Nov 4, 1864 —3mor,..
DaA.Lxs za Dar GOODS. Geocrierg.s,
.:.,.kel7, Hardware, Nails, Glass, Seed, nester, ere, ear
street sod Pubite Square.l , :rte, pa. }ant. -
Wi1ui.210.1.1 ASV lixTizL Di 43.12111.1
~.. 4 nd Provixions, Flora Lod Feed, Wood and
. , tN ibre,Laquon, Tobacco, Swag. bc, State
•, :.rot to Young's BOWe}omitting trooorecto
iI:[t.IiOTBL I Waterford. Pa..
Rooker Lioitu, Panettieros
u of ate.cica•Astions, and metal attention Rim' to
• ,tla. ,41.1 , -P•P. ape, 65•13•
WA 4 l :, ii •oti l a t o ' lss Aso Coustaatos MrsosAstr,
• Ware..ou-o on Public boet, East Corner of
A' dr.tler In Coal, Salt, Ftab, Flour,
. :to. N. 13.--Partientar attent/no
• t') e...Zelsicig and Porwardiug of Petro..
lt,ra k. >r.l aued, to an putt of the country.
(1111il.F.T1IN i,t :+.41.AF.1.1,
:11 tir,,certes, Produce, Providoes,
, Ware, Wines, Liquors, &c.,
ee • ••-c t'e.
. .
, t' Treatttry Department Wad
r1, 4 1 : 0 1M:1101 , 111Ir for 6013,er5, Wa•hington,
with Benjamin (Ira it, Eel..
'at Ere, Pa 3111itar.Y.
1, 0 , 4 y.,1 , 1711 611.1^11 , ~ l e^ted with tided) , *Lid dia.
1 4, " ,, ' lotcool t.totr.:l Rod ..I:eeted. Applications
vo.,t y I to. Mr. Y. harts; had SP T•
a detai's of the 'l.
A-I'3 , :t.tA, te«h c 1: c'n rend«r most co
1... Z 1,0;en:: of Gorernmemt
if:CZ ON :.•1•:.,:si• :'r , oi.pusiTe Crlttenden Hall
• ( ts and all other legal busi
Le ' , r*.f , nd, Warren and Forrt
and proeup'ly•
'" , v , rr , -- I ‘rn I:4lC.rmith, Whitman Brecht
It, Pa.
= r, L. P.Jobuson, W. D. Hrown
r ( VORTION FB.F.V.: To Ner vans Suffer.
+ • Nervous Debility, in
' V.....0vr.1r,zr.,•, De,!.y and Youthful•
' others, will be hsppy to
“. (free of charge) the recipe
•• %,A,1;.; the ctopla reinedy used in
,p,:ne to profit by the advertiser's
Lll A Pucemud valuable remedy,eu.... ZI 11.:relf.t.aZ EOM at once a his plains Of bust
iutormastfoa--ot vi 1 fropor.
rent by return mall.
No 60 Nuswr St, Stir York.
Sufferers o f bora sexea will find the
1413 . 65 lm
%V.! •„
iO,IOC WPM Tor 11l BD.
"' {A ' E%aLt;l! Srtctric PILLS tore, In I, ea
7 ' , re , cr. , ..1 of SEP,VO CBNE.SA, Irina
„:";••,‘.'rme.ur. .-zeroopal Weak/ism, Ixrartifh
• L. L Serrone Allfeeftorar zIO
ryluc,,i. Price orted. , llar per box.
fad• by re• ior. of as order. One box
S M.U.t CAA.. AddrASS
~,...,f3..Dend agent, 427 Broadway, Nair York.
P i t V ONFE I, ..IO.•S do etNeli
for :no Caution to young
'"= stater from Nervous Deblllty, Pro.
,_• - , rcv cl Bannooti, Ac. , supplying at the same
titans ora.if-curr. By °Down° haacured hitaself
c , na,detable quackery. By enclosing
I;M•;A: 4 , l.!renu-d so yelope.aun le copies may be ,had
SArirsircit. hIATI/all4 FACI4
—4-1 v Drookiyn, Eines Co., N. Y.
— Mose ',lolling • nos sot of whisk.
0,,0 Los mouts,t,e, or a -saHtdl hood of fe l°4 " ,
jal4 e'llt tan ot r , ad :b. card of THOS. F. CHAPMAN,
tic ixtr2-3m.
LS paiAnr.
"ICA E punnblet direct.
)1' to y rettorn sicit•od give up duC•
sit by mail , frge, on receipt of 10
E. St. FOOSZ, Y. D.
SIX New Tart.
TIN Huth CUAMIIISIIt, an tinny of Warrr
wot eat ll:Hart:idiom tut Young Ven—uunalhed by
4"° ap.ociattou and sant free of charge ha uonied
' W •go/A
P... i•eas /14. J. EIiCILLIN HutRIELTON
ink r.,
VOL ME 36.
Celebrated Female Pills,
4.lCcr ;
. 4 • 4 ... AP , PATENT
perecffrosta Prsuripiton of Sir J. Clerks, Af. D.,
Nitrides rarsortliaary N the geese.
At, invaluable medicine Is unfailing in the cure of all
no•e painful end danger° as diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied
it Is peculiarly stilted. It will, In a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity. •
Each bottle, price 000 Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit*.
Ties' Pills skorld net to taken by resales Arias tat
FIRST THREE MONTHS of as they ere
sure to bring on Miscarriage, bat sf say othar tiau tksy
eve safe.
In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on flight exertion,Pelpita
lion of the Efeart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other mean. have failed: and al
though a powerful •emedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions In the pamphlet ground each pee tags,
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
.10/3 MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York.
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an
horised agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60
Snail has thoroughly proved Itself to be the beat
article known forecnring C , COLD LA TEL. Ilx•D
and Haansoge It has been found an excellent remedy
to many Cams of gotta Eyes. Duren' has been re moved
by it, and Hitanixa has often been greatly improved by
its we. It is fragrant and agreeable, and gives Num-
F: Rrue e to the dolt heavy pens caused by diseases
of the Head. The len/anon, after using it are delightful
and invigorating. It opens and purges out all ob
air-notions, atrengthcne the glands and gives a healthy
kettno to the parts effected.
More than thirty years of sale and We of Dr Marshall's
Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved its great value
for all the common diseases or the bead, and at this mo
ment it stands higher than ever before It is recommend
ed by many of the best physleiarus, and is need with great
enema and satisfacUon everywhere. Read the Certificate
of Iffholesale Druggists in ISM :
The undersigned having for many years been seinen
ted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Heads he Snuff, and
sold in our wholesale trade, eheerfullY state that we be
lieve it to be equal, In every respect, to the recommends
Dona given of it for the cure of Catarrh Affections, and
that it is decidedly the best article we have ever known
fop all common diseases of the Head.
octErr4 t 1.
Barr it Perry, Reed, Austin it Co., Brown, Lamson &
CO.. Reed. Cutler k Co.,Seth W. Fowls. Wilson, rairbank
k Co., notion Hensbaw, Edmunds & Co., R. PI Hay,
Portland, Ye.; Barnes & Park, A. B. /lc L. Sao da, St *Olen
Paul k Co., Israel Minor k. Co ~lleCeason k Robbins, A.
L. &aril( & Co., Y. Wiwi, Close & Co., Bush At Gale,
New York.
For sale by all nrocrists. Try it. jr9414-ly.
13It &NUR tcrill'4 PI L. I.•4.—They expel the pot.
Bona which throttea I.le. Every time a Rick per.
eon Is purged by this vegetable remstly, - he has less vi
tiated humors and more life and vigor, as any one can
prove by taking a single does. Perseus of awe hatits
gain Slosh and strength while wing them. Every time
we rest le few . days or weer./ from this pargation.we make
new duide from our toed, which replace the unsound
onestbst the pills have eauwl to be evacuated. Seth
time werepeat thin process we expel farther quantities
of impurities, which are again teplaced by Saida leas and
lees impure, is that to a short assay by continuing this
treatment, we bring back the artteile man QS raga or
homers to that state of purity thigh wonsilksdleibleatike .
for Brandrettes Pula oar take awaylroason wbaala art'
Sold by all vs pe:etable dobbin bi 11114111141114.
ECIA PASCO: Felt, liette sire eilialrelehed Ashes a
greet truth &blurs forth, aid the heeeilteetaletielk
that the bat: three fro .4ic ay, MS or Way -to teed.
eel black or brown, " ban the chameUrelt ••
its heel, under the operation of
now known throtighont the American continent. It
h trnles., conta'ns no caustic, improves the fibres,
prodnees a rich, attars]. and testi •g color of axe, shads
from a Warm brow* to &glossy ashl*.and is endorse dhy
the moat e ninent analytic chemists in the United
ifssiabietnred by J. MUST AIDONO.No. 6 Astor Howie,
Haw York. Sold by all Druggistaasid applied by all Hair
Drewril. roarl'66-Im.
DR,sPOVDENThr BOTH .igX6S. A great sal
firer hariog been restored to health in a few days. after
many years of misery, is willing to assist Ws suffering
fellow-creatures by sanding ((rah) on the receipt of •
postpaid add , eseed envelope, a ropy of the forwatia . o
nave emplo-ed. Direct to
JOHN N. DAGNALL, Boa 183 Post Office,_
Brooklyn, N. T.
meat.—la pint bottle*, Ortct ao cents.
640 gain St. ihrtford, Calm.
Dr. ToesAs—Dear air : I have been in the livery basi
ns:el for the tut twenty years, and during that time
have used all the various liniments find lotions of the
dty, but never have found an article equal to your Ven•
attar Horse Liniment. I have fairly tested it on my
bones to diatemper, sprains, eats, talks, smelling at the
glands, ko. as also for rheumatism on myself, and base
always found It en invaluable remedy.
Respectfully yours, Q. LITCHFIELD.
Sold by all drat/vista Ofiee, bd Cortlandt Street,
NOV York.
4 UNIT Eng Al. MEDICINE 'y whet we eat,
/1, by the air we b , asathe; or by the water se dri• It, we
can be made gee or by fatigue, or from debility induced
by heat, becanee these effemto end by Arpdnting impurity
of blood So regairchealth we moat purity the blood,
by the organs of the stomach and boweia these orgies
nivat be continued to the ?tattler performance of that
duty which nature has assigned them, and should there
besuf impediment, to whet does experience point?
mar9 . 65-1y
which cannot injure, and which will merely restore the
bowels to the regular performance of their duties.
The d)speptie, the bilious will find them a treasure or
and the same MA! be said to all who are sick in
any way.—tak, Brandrettes Pills and be cared. Sold by
all respectable dealers is medicines. apt'S.S.ter.
A CANDID !MAT NIILENT.—Yan can procure o
I?. any druggist In this city and vicinity Dr. Toblasf
Venetian Liniment. It is a mare &ad speely care for
sore throat;hesdacise, toothache, chronic rheuccusti.m,
colic, croups tn.,. pain In the limbs. We advise orrery
ons to give it a trial. The expense is a mere trills—ls
cent'—and we are contileot no person will ever be with
out it. Ever, focally should have a bottle in the bonier
in cue of i:Olen eceidente, each as cuts, barns, scalds,
a% Its pain relieving analitise ere rnitwealoas. As for
map, it hu caved hundreds, -we have the terti6cates
to prom It.
Price 25 end 60 cents. Sold by all druggists. 015ta
66 Cortlandt Street, New York. marl-Im•
Drs. Finnanleh di Co, of Bulfalo,have discovered
• new curing method, by which All diseases can his
readily and radically cured by the patient, without the
add of a physician. Dr. F. is the author of a medical
work of 300 pages, price $2 00, giving a tall explanation
of the mode of treatment, They also publish a :monthly
Medical Journal, of which sample numbers will be sent
tree, by addressing Drs. J. FIRMENICH &
Sro• Dadlio, N. y.
A. Card to the Suffering,
SWALLOW two or three hogabeads of "CI:WM"
"Tonle Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous anti•
dotes," &c., &e..., and after you are satisfied with the
result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR RUCH AN'S
ENGLISH 21•SiClifIC PlLLS—and be restored to health
and rigor In lees than thirty day'. They areptugiy
vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and military to their
effects on the broken down and shattered eonsti'agtism.
Old and yonng can take them with advantage.. lisrprz.
ted and sold in the Molted States only by
JAS. S. NUMMI, No. 4127 Nroodiroy,
N.. fork,
Agent for the United Mats.
P. B.—A box of the Pills, seenreg e l: wated. will beaten. ,
sod to any address on reosipt of p rtea, whit:kis Ons LiM
for, pest it — money refunded by e agent if entire
eati4l is not given. 1T23411A.
Virf11141(8138: liffEllatiattitt
Do you want Whitten or Moustache t Oar
Grecian Compound will fore* them to grow on the
smoothest tsar or eldn, or heir on bold Wail% in elw
wean. Price $lOO. dont by mall overylrbfirooll o 4o l s
sealed, on 0n001.4 of price.
Address, B ; kINNR k CO., Box 13$, Brooklyn, N. Y
Ijni BRI Ott. 11.3114,1111Hite—A Note of warning
1. sod a• flee to those sneering with Seminal Weal.
Ilea, General Debility, or Premature De, [firm what.
ever maga prods:med. Read, yowler, s od rabid I Do
Tashi tire.
Fiat t is may address, for thsbooofit of Ms sir ei.l4*
4b7Mltiro =IL Address
. .
.. N .
. 4 .? •, ' . . _
' •
_ .
Special Notices
Cristadoro's Hair Die.
/Alai 8. 11117118
0 Broathray, Now Tort.
- We would respectfully mill the attention of the public
to our (unities for dolag JobMajingsnrrer .
ttott. traelnk rairrFressee and the latest styles of Type
we are prepared to do scything in:the Jobbing line, in *
manner equal to any other establishment, and on terms
acressonsble as, the Buffalo or Cleveland ottices. i.
Imre aided nearly two thousand dollars worth of inalse
slat to the °Men *tome it Mu brew I o o ur possession , with
the object of making It what we thought the contlll22l.
tr dfdded. Hew wefiwehay, =Mb& tl we /.an OS
'postmen', of our fobbing, which may Ca seen in every
part of 1 , 1 , _rt4 Western Pennsylvania, to testily. These
wise want tasty work are invited to give us a Mil. We
can do say kinder Printing that On 1 0 done elawhilini;
—such for instance as
All kinds used oy Coal Operators,
AU kinds used by Coal 'Skippers,
Ail kinds need by COAL Saner;
All kinds used by Merchants and Star ton/mu t
All kinds need by Retailers and Grooms,
All kinds used by Ilumfactauvrs.
Ail Mods used by Medicine Desists,
All kinds used by Auctious en .
Ell kinds used by Rallroa4 Agents,
. It Mods used by Ranks,
all kinds used by Insurance O&M,
.111 Mods used by Stock Companies, genmstly,
, II kinds used by Brokers,
Alt kinds used by Coos. and Tor. lierehaata
Ali kinds need by Enron Wen,
U kinds used by Proresalonal Men,
A II kinds used by Literary &castle;
All kinds used by Public Oilicers,
An binds used by Patentees,
Aft kinds, used by Producers of New Artiste;
All kinds used by Merchants of oil Trade;
All kinds used by Architect;
All kinds used by Dagnerrean gstablishasanta,
An kinds used by A rttsm aeserally,
All kinds used by Pablic Exhibitor;
All kinds need by Managers of Social Aisothlies„
All kinds used by Political Managers, •
AU kinds used by Travelling Agents,
All kinds used by Partner; or sellers of real Mat;
All kinds need by the ostlers of Poisons) Property,
All kinds used by Renters,
In shorten kinds used by eliciting,.
Orders by insil,when sent by responsible puties,prompt
ly attended to. Agents far Shows, Coneerts,its., whom
respsasib Lity WI are net solushtted with, trout pay la
admn. In eases whore packates are sent oat of the
city by espreu,and the persona for whom they are intend
ad bare not a regular account at the arm, the bill for
collection will Invariably be forwarded with them.
Important Announcement.
CIREAT SALE of Watches, Chains, Ma
ul mood Rings. itn. One Million Danis worth to
be dieposed of at One Dollar Kuehl Without reprd to
Vs tie 1 Not to be mid for onUi Jon know what ion are
to receive 1 Splendid List of Articles! All to be acid
for One Dollar huh
260 Gents' Gold llnoting-nue Watiates $3O tLo
250 Gold and Enamelled hunting case
Watches 36 to TO
600 Gents' hooting-case Sills: Watches 35 to TO
2" Diamond Rings 60 to 100
6,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains.. 4to 80
3 ' Gold Oral. Band Bracelets Ito 8
4 " Gold and Jet Bracelets • 6to 10
to Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains.. 6to 20
T 0 Solitaire and Gold Brooches. 4to 10
6 " Coral, Opal, and Emerald Brooches.... 4to 8
3 " Gold. Cameo. and Pearl Ear Drop* 4to 8
6 " Mosisc, Jet, Lava, 3, Flintine oar drop. 4to 8
7,6. Coral, Opal, and Emerald s. 4to 6
4 " California Diamond Bleaat-plus.' 4 ,60 - to 10
3 " Gold Fob and Vest Watch keys 260 to I
4 " Fob and Vest Ribbon slides 3to 30
5 " seta Solitaire Sleeve-buttons, Studs, /sc. 3to 11
3 " Gold Thimbles. Pencils. Bo 4to 6
10" Miniature Lockets .2,60 to 10
4 " Miniature Loekvta, Magic Spring I 0 to 20
3 " Gold Toothpicks, Crones, &c. 2to S
6 " Plato Gold Binge 4to /..)
5 " Chased Gold bingo 4to 11
9. 4 Stone Set and Signet Rings 2,60 to 10
9 " California D amooa Rings.... ..... ..... 2to 10
76" sets Laglei Jewelry—Jet and G01d.... 6to lb
6 " sets Ladies' Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl, °Pal
and other stones • 4to lb
9 " Gold Peal, Save). *stealth= holders and
-" Gold Yens and aold mounted Holden— Bto 10
" Gold Pens and Gold extenslnn " IE. to 28
6 " butte"' Gilt and Jet finals, 6to 16
" Ladies' Gllt and Jet Gal, Bars it Balla— 6to 10
" Silver G,Glets and Drinking Caps 6to 60
" Sliver Castors 16 to 60
" Silver Frnit,Card. and Cake Baskets.... 20 to 60
" dozen Sliver Tea ttpoooa (per &Al 11 to 21
" dozen 'lnver Toole Spoons and Yorks.... 21 to al
ARRAN D ALE A Co., klanufaotarere Agents, No. 161
roadway, New York, am:manes that all or the above
Als a took *WI be sold for One Dollar each.
Io 0010111•11410 , 0 Orth• groat staguatioa of trade in the
onanataeletteer dlstatater et Sdeaed, through the war
,bsirlag sit WI; tae li et
a L.w.„...11 hirgle quantity a
salaable lewalre, ntooded rot , guest%
matte; Os been F if thiiisios=
EWA - baftl-at las stadia t, 'Under Ufa
sans., ...411)ALle k i Z i gvz , igifi lt 14
4 pritaipsi ittnnwiiiii sasa I,*
/A Great eft Distribmitriknifid*,llll4loo2llloo.
4 isesiev.ritt
blitio r4 4
envelopes. milted tap, sad vistas*: irlaviesftWed. tits
Littera out trithOat epics. oat lon by oat,
thus giving all a fair chancio.--04 $b 301104 t If _the
certificate, ion will are wilt you arislia twee, sad S lat
it is at your option to send .he dollar and laleenlesaitle
010 or Oat IN:wawa rosy thug obtain a Gold Wet*
Diamond Ring, or ant Set of Jewelry on oaf list for one
In all 11Q:factions by mail, we shall charge far for.
warding the Certificate, ;eying poetise, and doing the
bosiness,26 tents each, which woof be enclosed when
the Certificate is rent for. Flee Certificates will be sent
for $l, eleven .or $2 , thirty for lb, sixty-live for $lO, and
a boodtrd for $l6.
AG whl te.--Ife want agents in every regiment, and is
every town and (.011L ty In the country, and Those aiding
as aneh will Cr &Dosed tan ants on every Cartlilesta or
dere for them. provided their reit/manes amount' to
one dollar. Agents will collect 25 clots for every Car-
Waste, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or post
age stamps
(Lata Boma, Brava C 0..)&
ffiiliteay & Naval Claims,
Park elace, New York.
Correspouding house in Weabtuston,ll. C y i. W. Mk.
er & Co., Ste lith Btree.
Haring had three years' experience in the collection
of Calms and th• poen( trainee ion Mtn:Wean in all
department[ of Government. 1.1) can 111111111111 oar clients
and c rrespondente that ell Motown intrasted to u
will be ei f oroualy and promptly attended to. We are
prepared to wake adranow upon and negotiate the sate
of tlatma, and purchase gurtermeater's Mlle and
checks, is will u collect the following classes t
Pensions for Ineslids, Widows, *others •ad Orphan
Bounties for Soldiers, dtseb , rired fol. wound* matted
in battle, those who *eve served two pros, sad the
helm of dewed; also state bounty to snob as are **-
a rrean of pay for °Mars sod Sabers, tad Om tub,
f &owed.
Navy prize money for all captors*, •
Nal, pension end balance ot pay.
Accounts of discharged been settled, oidnancie and
clothing returns properly made out and collected, and
clearances obtained from Ordnanco and Quartermastar's
U.S. lterenueStanips for tale at a disoount of 3)if to
f){ per cent.
:Whotesala and Retail.
are now receiving at their old stand, Amer.'
can Block, State street, a large and superior
stock, of
NUTS, as., &a,
together with every thing found in a House
of this kind, which they will sell as cheap'
as any other establishment in this city for"
Cash or most kinds of country produce. '
They bare also oa hand cos of the largest aid !assti
Stocks of Teboooo sad Began over %sought to' lfhto, to
which thatalte li t i r anon= the plai drpsaa t
am :
Eirak 4 l.l 26g oo t h rir tly Cash boyars leek Sad aria
Grocery Head Quarters!
Juliet 1460-42 T. t 842E12417DAUX.
Pleasure Excursions.
ITO P:roaniotta on the Say, or to viait the Nohow
la, will Bad tba osiontigood always toady to ammo.
data Itiaro w,th good boots, Um , * 9 Yattlta o:raft*
tined oat in' pia moreistrtleo. to addtt on to I n crab*.
of Kos! Soota. ,ilaktor ?sotto ma start stt tic ltso
Persona Wring to Imo tit err -* 1 aa? al sr as" ,
wilt dad too erozotastly ost Mad, at the old otan i Moot
of State drat 148. a XZB.
.. -
Noy It, 1.010-4104°.
I late my country's noble ships
That rule the watery plain,
And the unahrinking men who guide
Their progress o'er the main.
How pliantly their steamers float,
Row keen their lightnings fly,
And braver brute than these are found
Beat not beneath the sky.
White u the glancing sea-bird's wing,
Their swelling sails expand,
Beside Abe bright Email isles
Or green Fermosa's strand,
Or where the sparse Norwegian plan
A sudden summer shares,
Or Terra del Fuego's torch
Amid the tempest glares.
Uticiov'd, their trackless way they bold
Though vengeful Boras roars,
And make their port 'mid stranger coasts
Or undiscovered shores.
Buds people of s foreign speech,
Have heard their cheering cry,
"Land ho!"—“Ahoy!"—and "Aear•a•hand,"
With (he ready tars'_.reply.
The spices from the Indian realms,
Tile pleat of China's care,
The cene's sweet blood from tropic vales
- Yon merebsot vessels bear
Wherever Com nerce points his wand
They staling the crested waves,
And link together every sea,
This rolling globe that laves.
SO nearest to the Antarctic gate
Our daring seamen press,
Where storm•rapped Nature thought to dwell
In her hermit loneliness ;
gt Whose masts are there, so white with frost
Where fearful icebergs shine ?"
My Country from her watch-tower looked,
And answered,—" They are mine 1"
My Country's ships I with dauntless prow
The tossing deep they tread ;
The pirates of the Libyan sands
Bare felt their prowess dread.—
And the British lion's lordly mane
Their victor might confessed,
For well their nation's faith and pride
They guard on Ocean's breast.
When strong opposition fiercely frowns,
Her Eagle rears his crest,
And weans no other bird shall pluck
Hcr pinions or his breast ;
Seel—brightly an the threatening cloud
'6(eam out those stars of gold,
gutte l—tor my dear Country's ships,
And for her seamen bold.
You would have known it for a bachel
or's the moment you put your head in
the door Blue, spicy wreathes of cigar
smoke circling up to the ceiling —news
papers under the table—ctstile soap in
the tiny bronze card receiver—slippers on
the mantle piece, and general confusion
everywhere. And yet Mr. Thornbrooke
—poor, deluded mortal—solemnly believ
ed that his room was in the moat perfect
order. For hadn't he poked the empty
champagne bottles under the bed, and
sent the wood box to keep them company,
and hung his morning gown over the
damp towels, and dusted the ashes.sprin•
gled hearth with his best silk pocket
handkerchief ? He'd like to see a room
in better trim than that ; guess he would!
And now he was mending himself up
preparatory to going calling, to call on
the very prettiest girl in the town. 'Not
that he was particularly fond of the
needle, but when a fellow's whole foot
goes through the northeast toe of his
Woking, and there isn't a button on his
*kW, it is tutee to repair damages.
,Ifolv.ias)tr. Thorn schoie stock
131--itiduattial AtttpliMASOAt - 0914114*r 54-4,
birapll - trea,_ enOrnitess
. Pair, of sok
sors;ead riVidll44_4otnentiblit'aidn't
progress' rapidly: :ffinitiot-if Menagtag
&be bat ,on qneetion* toe, netAinutiiy itto•
volved -acme dela/ ;., bad -10 ' 01 . 7 4
those useful little "ppendsiges -from so
other shitt • and sew men:L.oa: attd' neat
whey the second shirt was waisted,
why, it was easy enough to make a trarts
fer again. See what it is to beat bacuelor
of genius, as it never occutred to him to
buy a few buttons extra.
" Buttons are not much trouble," said
Mr. Thornbrooke to himself , as he wiped
the perspiration from his brow; "but
when it comes to cuat sleeves, what in the
naischiellis a person to do? I havn't
black thread either," and he looked
dolorously at a small tear just in his elbow,
where some vicious nail had caught in
the broadcloth. " A black pin may do
for to-night, and to-morrow I'll sand it to
the tailor. The act is, I ought to be mar
ried, and so 1 weuld if I only dared to
ask Lilian. Oh, dear I know she wouldn't
have me—and yet I'm not so certain
either, if I could only muster the courage
boldly to put the question But just as
sure as I approach the dangerous ground,
my heart fads we ! And then that puppy
Jones, with his curled moustache and
hair parted in the middle, always hang
ing around Lilian and quoting poetry to
her. If I could have the privilege of
kicking him across the street, I'd die
happy I He isn't bashful, not he 1 If
somebody would only invent a new way
of popping the question—something that
was not quite so embarrassing !-
Our hero gave his black, glossy curls an
extra brush, surveyed himself critically in
the glass, and then, with a deep sigh, set
forth to call on the identical Lilian Ray-.
mond, resolving ; as he had done a thous
and times before, that if—perhaps--may
167 Broadway, N.'!
" Oh 1 the - bashfulness of bachelors 1"
When Mr. Thornbrooke arrived within
the charmed precincts of Mr. Raymond's
handsome parlors, velvet carpeted, clian
deliered with gold and ormula, crowded
to the very doors with those. charming
knick-knacks that only a woman's taste
provides, Miss Lilly was " at home " in a
bewilderment of pink merino dress, edged
with white lace around the pearly should
ers, and a crimson moss rose twisted in
her soft brown hair, She never looked
half so pretty, and thank Providence,
Jones wasn't on hand for once in his life.
But, what was almost as bad, Lilly's cousin
was there—a tall, slender, black-eyed girl,
with arched lips, and cheeks as red as a
Spitzenberg apple. 0, how Thornbrooke
wished that Miss. Ester Allen visa at the
bottom of the Red Sea, or anywhere else
except in that particular parlor. And
then her eyes were so sharp—he hadn't
been doing the agreeable more than four
minutes and a halt before she exclaimed :
" Dear me, Mr. Thcrobreoke--pray ex
cuse WE-but what on earth is the matter
with your elbow ?"
Mark turned scarlet thetraitorous
black pin had deserted its post.
"Only "a compound fracture in my coat,
Mini," said he, teeing as though his face
might do. the duty of Mr. RayMond's
chandeliers put together, " you know we
bachelor are not to be exempt from such
" Hold your arm, sir, and I'll set all
right in one moment," said Ester, instant,
ly producing from i secret. recess in the
folds of her dress a thimble and needle,
threaded with black silk, and setting ex
pertly to work.
Mere, now, consider yourself whole."
" How skillful you are,' said Mark, ad
miringly; after he bad thanked her sic •
cerely; But you have so many little
concerns to work with. I have oily -a
needle and 110138 Iva; beside my scissors I"
i• My coludrri, Ships.
A Bachelor's Love Making.
" You ought to have a house-rife, Mr.
Thornbrooke," said Miss Lilly, timidly
lifting up her long lashes in•his direction.
i ly could never speak to ThornbroOke
without a soft., rosy shadow On kee cheek.
" A what ?" demanded Mark, turning
very red.
"A house-wife."
"Yes." said Mark, after a moment's
hesitation ; " my—my friends have told
me so very otten—and I really think so
myself, you know. But what kind of a
ono would you recommend, Miss Ray.
mond 7"
"Oh, a very pretty little concern. I'll
send you one in the morning, if , you'll
accept. of it." she added, with a rosy light
on her cheek again.
it t" said Mark, feel.
ing,as if he were in an atmosphere of
pearl mad gold with two wings sprouting
ont of his broadcloth, on either aide. And
just as he was opening his lips to assure
Miss Lilly that he was ready to take the
precious gift in his arms then and there,
without any unnecessary delay, the door
opened and in walked Jones.
Mirk was not at all cannibalistic in his
propensities, but then be could have
eaten Jones up with uncommon pleasure.
And there the fellow sat, pulling his long
mustache and talking the moat insipid
twaddle—eat and sat, until Mark rose in
despair to go. Even then he had no op
portunity to exchange a private word with
" You'll, you'll not forget—"
" Oh, be sure to remember," said
she, smilingly, and half wondering at that
unusual pressure he gave her hand.
" Ladies often do provide their bachelor
friends so."
Mark went home the happiest individ
ual that ever trod a New York pavement.
Indeed 'so great was his felicity that he
indulged in various gymnastic capers in
dicative of bliss, and only paused in them
at the gruff caution of a policeman, who
probably had forgotten his own courting
"Come, young Juan, what are you
" Was there ever, a more delicate Way
of assuring me of her favorable considera.
Lion! 'Rai there ever a more feminine
admission of her sentiment.? Of course
she will come herself—an•angel, an angel
breathing airs from Paradise—,oh the
delicious words! Wonder in what neigh
borhood she would like me to engage a
residence—how soon would it be best to
name the day ! Oh ! if I should awake,
and find it all a blissful dream!"
Early next morning, Mr. Thornbrooke
set briskly to work, " righting up things."
How he swept and dusted and scoured—
the room was aired to get rid of the to
bacco smoke, and sprinkled with cologne,
and beautified generally. At length when
the dust was swept into a corner, and cov
ered by a carelessly (?) disposed news
paper, be found the window glass murky,
and palished it with such vengeance that
his fist, handkerchief and all, went
through, sorely damaging the hand, and
necessitating the ungraceful accessory of
an old hat to keep out the winter blast
for the time being. However, even this
mishap didn't damp hie spirits, for was
not Lilly coming?
Long and wearily he waited, yet no
tinkle at the bell gave warning of her ap
proach. " It's all her sweet feminine
modesty," thought he, and was content.
At length there was an appeal below
and Mark's heart jumped into his mouth,
boating like a reveille drum. He rushed
to the door, but there was no one but a
little grinning boy with a box.
" Mita Raymond's compliments, and
here's de house-wife, sir."
" The house-wife, you little imp of
Erebus l"
- --41. ark slunk back into his room and
'raPetpatt, the box, half ',expecting to see a
iul!fill4V Mtn lady issue from it a la
&Wen - Islas ; but ao--it was only a
' iaie bklie velvet boa, and full-of odd
mats, In =oxeye oontaining
-tem nidenel;Thaektsoni, silk, thimble, and
'alttbe Wee , littdaseldiNeble *ccelforkta.
• ~. .tna she Oats* this .14_64sttitirsP.
groanedhi inedible iterst=sdree'
spirit atzttietlewalidlethishdgkeiffliffitik
"Bat I won't be Out - efrapr b -
Desperation gavel:din couregs i.. lefktoir
he hied to settle the matter if there were
forty Joneses and Esthers there.
But Lilian was alone, singing at. her
embroidery in the sunshiny window case
men t.
" Dear me, Mr. Thornbrooke, is any
thing the matter?"
Pe•haps it. was the shadow from the
splendid crimson cactus plumes in the
window that gave her - cheeks such a deli
cate grow—perhaps—but we have no right
to speculate. _
td y it o
And Mark sat down by. her - side, and
took the trembling, fluttering hand.
" You sent me a house-wife this morn
Wagn't it right ?" faltered Lilian.
"It wasn't the kind I wanted at all."
" Not the kind you wanted I"
"No ; I prefer a living one, and I came
to see if I could change it. I want one
with brown hair and eyes—something, in
short, Miss Lillian, just your pattern.
Can't I have it?"
Lilly turned white and then red ;
smiled, and then burst into tears, and
tried to draw away her hand, but Mark
held it fakt.
"No, no, dear Lilly ; first tell me if I
can have the treasure I ask for r
" Yes," she said, with.the prettiest con
fusion in the world and then, instead of
releasing the captive hand, the unreason
able fellow took possession of the other
too. But as Lilly did not object, we sup
pose it was all right.
Ann that was the odd path by which
Mark Thornbrooke diverged from the.
path of old bachelorhood, and stepped
into the respectable ranks of matrimony.
AZAD Wonsx.—The Arab women marry
about the age of sixteen.. They are allow
ed great liberty, visiting each other till
late at night, without interruption.; in
deed, being in company with a female is
considered the beat protection. A woman
is enabled to divorce her husband on
very slight grounds; a had temper on his
part is a sufficient reason; and, if no seri
ous offence can be proved against the
wife, she is entitled to receive back her
dowry. Every lady, when she visits, car
ries on her arm a little bag of coffee—this
is boiled at the house where she spends
the evening; thus enabling her to enjoy
society without putting her friend to ex
An officer down in Georgia tells the
following story :
One night Gon. - was out on the
line, and observed a light on the moun
tain, opposite. Thinking'it was a signal
light of the enemy, he remarked to his
artillery officer that a hole could easily be
put through it. Whereupon the officer,
turning to the corporal in charge of the
gun, said :
Corporal, do you see that light I"
" Yes, sir."
"Put a hole through it," oraered the
The Corporal sighted the gun, and when
all was reedy he looked up and said
• " Captain, that's the moon.",
" Don't care for that," was the Captain's
ready response, " put a. hole through it
if we knew the tares and crimes
Crowding round our neighbor's way ;
If we knewk the little losses, .
Sorely grievous, day by day,
Would we then so often chide him
Far his lack of thrift and gain—
Leaving on his heart a shadow,
Leaving on his life a stain
If we knew the clouds above tut,
bold bat gentle blessings there,
Would we turn away all trembling,
In our blind and weak despair ?
-Would we shrink from little shadows,
Lying on the dewy grass,
While 'de only birds of Eden,
Just in mercy flying past ?
If we knew the silent atory,
Quivering through the heart of pain,
Would our manhood dare to doom thews
Back to haunts of guilt again /
Life has many a•tangled crossing ;
Joy bath many a break of woe,
And the cheeks tetr•waehed are whitest,
This the blessed angels know.
Let us reach into our bosom
For the key to other HIM
And with love toward erring nature,
Cherish good that still survives ;
So that when our disrobed spirits
Soar to realms of light again,
We may say, "Lear Father, judge us
As we judge our fellow men,"
Mrs. Eturratt's Daughter.
The misery of the pretty and heart
broken daughter of Mrs. Surratt is the
talk of the city. This girl appears to have
loved her mother With all the petulant
passion of a child. She visited her con
stantly, and to-dai made so stirring an
effort to obtain hel life that her devotion
takes half the disgrace from the mother.
She got the priests to speak in her behalf.
Early to-day she k nelt in the cell at her
mother's feet, and!sobbed, with now and
then a pitiful scream till the gloomy cor
ridors rang. She endeavored to win from
Payne a statement, that her mother was
not accessory, and; es a last resort, 'flung
herself upon thit steps of the White
louse, and enadecthet portal memorable I
by her filial tears. V Abou't half-past eight
o'clock this naoriing, Mrs. Surratt, ac
companied by a feinale friend, ag, thavisit
ed the White Udine for the purpose of
obtaining an interifiew with the President.
The latter havingrgiven orders that he
would receive not one to-day, the door
keeper stopped Miss Surratt at the faot of
the steps leading 'up to the PresidentAi
office, and would not permit her to pro
ceed further. She then asked permission
to see General Muzzy. the President's
military secretary, who premptly answer
ed the summons, and came down to where
Miss Surratt was standing. As soon as the
General made his appearance, Miss Sw
eatt threw herself upon her knees before
him, and catching him by the coat, with
loud sobs and streaming 'eyes, implored
him to assist her in obtaining a hearing,
with the President. General Muzzy, in as
tender a manner as possible, informed
Miss Surratt that lie count not cordply
with her request, as . President Johnson's
orders were imperative, and he would
receive no one. Upon General Muzzy re
turning to his office, Miss •Surratt threw
herself upon the stair steps, where she
remained a considerable length of time.
sobbibg aloud in the greateit anguish.
protesting her mother's innocence, and
imploring every one who came near her
to intercede in her mother's 'behalf.
While thus weeping, she declared her
mother was too good and kind to be guilty
of the enormous crime of which she was
convicted, and asserted that if her mo
ther was put to death ebe wished
,to die
also. She was finally allowed to sit in the
east room, where she lay in wait for all
who entered, hoping to make them effi
cacious in her behalf, all the while utter
ing her weary heart in a woman's touch
ing , cries ; but at last, certain of disap
pointment, she drove again to the ,jail and
lay in
,her mother's cell, with the heavy
tboo'-lof wile who brings ill news. Tne
"Agate," the special correspondent of
the Cincinnati Gazeue, (Rep.)• writing off
Fort Macon, N. C., June ith, gives an in
ierasting account of an interview between
General She rman and Chief Justice Chase,
which took place at Newbern, when the
hero of the Carolinas was on his way
North. We quote as follows :
General Sherman was boiling over with
pride at the performances of his army
through the winter, and all the more in
dignant, by consequence,
at the insults
and injustice he imagined himself to have
received, in consequence of his arrlnge ,
meat with Johnson. "I fancied the
country wanted peace," he exclaimed. "If
they don't, let them raise more soldiers."
The General Lomplained, and doubt
less with some truth, if not justice, that
thO government bad never distinctly ex
plained to him whet policy it desired to
have pursued. " I asked Mr. Lincoln ex
plicitly, when I went up to City Point,
whether he wanted me to capture .led.
Davis or bit him escape, and in reply he
told me a story."
That "story" may now have a histori
cal value, and I give it therefore as Gen.
Sherman said Mr. Lincoln told it—only
premising that it was a lavorite story with
Mr. Lincoln, which he told many times,
and in illustration of many points of pub
lic policy.
I'll tell you, General," Mr. Lincoln
was said to have begun, " I'll tell you
what I think about taking Jeit Davis.—
Out in Sangamon county there was an old
temperance lecturer who was very strict in
the doctrine of total abstinence. One day,
after a long ride in the hot sun, he stop
ped at the home of a friend who proposed
making him a lemonade. As the mild
beverage was being mixed, the friend in
sinuatingly asked if he wouldn't like just
the least drop of something stronger, to
brace up his nerves after the exhausting
heat and exercise. " No," replied the
lecturer, "I couldn't think of it; I'm op
posed to it on principle. But," he added,
with a longing glance at the black bottle
that stood conveniently at hand, " if you
could manage to put in a drop unbeknotanat
to me, I guess it wouldn't hurt me very
" Now General, Mr. Lincoln' is said to
have concluded, " I'm bound 'to oppose
the escape of Jeff_ Davis; but if you coula
manage to let him slip out unbeknownst
like, I guess it wouldn't hurt me very
much 1"
"And that," exclaimed Gen: Sherman,
"is all I could get out of the Government
as to what its policy was concerning the
rebel leaders, till Stanton assailed me for
Davis' escape 1"
" I hope you will be able to support
me," said a young lady to her intended,
while walking out one evening, during a
slippery state of the sidewalk,
•• Why, .ye-yes," said the hesitating
swain, " with some little assistance from
your father."
If We knee.
The Soldier's Love.
Since I have seen any darling May
h seems a weary while ;
But war will end, and more
I'll march in Biagio file.
Clio:a Tom, you never issir toy love, ,
Or else you'd never moo
To- slag her-miss; for oh! she is
A. splendid little piece l
You would avow, all other maids
Bhe throws quite in the shade,
If you could only see ber once
' Como out on dress parade.
Her downy cheeks are rosy red ;
Her hands are small and white,
Her eyes are blue--the colors, Tom,
"For wbioh .1.11 ever fight:
Surrender was the word with me,
Before sach•tovety charms;
And when we marched you should hare seen
Bow she ' , resented arms,
Ah when we wed, I pray that Fate
For her sake will be kiad,
And in the ranks of happiness
Will keep U 3 well Aligned. .
For, Tom, you know, old Care sometimes
Playa many a wanton trick,
And send hip imps—on awkward squad—
Oft on the double quick.
But, then, a noble woman's love I
Though every hope be gone,
Where will you look for such reserve
As this to rally on ?
For minor ills, why we will learn
To fight them as they come ;
I'm sure I wouldn't mind at all
A little charge at home I
0, joy to go a down the years, '
Ilday's heed upon Iny breast—
To bide in peace till Captain Death
Shall give the order, " Rest!"
From the Franklin Repe. tort'.]
Our Returned Soldiers.
Let every one extend a most cordial
welcome to the bronzed and battle-scarred
heroes, who have just returned from their
victorious fields • to resume their places
among us as citizens. Let them be greet
ed as they deserve with generous hearts
and considerate 'elthrts to promote their
well-being. Their heroism and achieve
ments afford the richest material for 4th
of July orations and speeches of welcome
but the true test of a just appreciation of
the services of the gallant soldiers of the
Republic is to make their welcome home
substantial by providing them prompt.
employment and aiding them in every
possible way to resume the arts and la
bors of peace. They have been . ebsent
for months and some for years, and others
have filled many of their places in the
various channels of industry. Mapy of
them have f smilies dependent upon their
labor, and every true friend of the returned
soldier will manifest his friendship by aid
ing him to attain success in the industrial
pursuits of life. Many who time of
war were not conspicuous for their friend
ship for the soldier and his cause, now
foresee social disorder as one of the fruits
of a large army disbanded• into peaceful
pursuits. We do not fear such a result.
A good soldier cannot be a bad citizen ;
and•tho hiptory of warefare gives no in—
stance of a more heroic • and invincible
soldiery than was embraced in the Uaioa
armies. They wore good soldiers, because
they were good citizens; and they will
resume their places in society without
even a ripple on the surface. But they ,
will need kind friends. They must have
aid to procure employment, and let every
faithful Man see at once that the returned
soldiers in his neighborhood are proffered
suitable labor. It. would be heartless in
gratitude on the part of the people whose
tiberties have been preserved by the valor
of our volunteers, should any soldier seek
employment in vain and sutler want in
the land he has rescued from the perils of
treason by his sacrifices. Let one VA all.
extend a kind hand and a generous heart
to the heroes of the Republic in our taidst.-4
We owe it to them to do so, and iet
debt be paid promptly and cheerfully, and
all will beasell.
A lf.ttr Torsr.—Here is a very good
anecdote, reminding one somewhat of
Urs. Stowe's " Topsy :"
During the last winter a " contraband "
came into the Federal lines in North
Carolina, and was marched up to the offi
cer of the day to give an account of him
aelf, whereupon the following colloquy
" What's your name 2"
"My name's 8.1 m."
name t"
" I'se got none, sah—neber had none.
Pse Pet Satn—ain't nobody else."
" Haslet you any brothers and els-
tars ?"
" No, eah ; neber had none. No brud
der, no sister, no fader, no mudder, no
masaa—notbing but Sam.' When you see
Sant you see all dare is of us."
mus Ward says he went to Washington,
and, put up at a leading hotel, where see
ing the landlord, he accosted him with,
"flow d'ye do, squire ?".
"Fifty eenta, sir," was his reply.
" Sir 1"
• " Half a dollar. We charge twenty
five cents for looking at the landlord,
and flay cents for speaking to him. It
you want supper, a boy will show you up
to the dining room for twenty-five cents.
Your room being in the tenth story, it
will cost you a dollar to be shown up
" How much do you tax. a man foe
breathin' in this equinamkal tavern ?"
said I.
"'Fen cents a breath," was his reply,
ALWAYS ROOM UP Srants.—A young wan
yap was thinking of studying law, Raid to
Daniel Webster:
"Mr. Webster, I understand that the
profession of law is quite full, and that
there are more lawyers than are needed ;
do you think there is any chance for me ?"
"There is always room up stairs," was
the reply—and as true as it was ingenious.,
Only a few persons can reach the high
places, and these are always in great de
mand—" there is alwayis room enough up
stairs." First-class farmers and mechan
lea, well as physicians, lawyers, dcc.,
always lied plenty of work and good pay;
Whatever.calling you choose, and it mat
ters little if it bean honest one, resolve
to go into an 'upper story, but don't try
to jump there by a single leap, or you
may fall disabled. Rather begin at the
bottom of the ladder, and patiently step
up on each round.
"Grammer class, stand up and recite.
Tom, parse girls."
Pupil--" Girls is a particular tioun, of
the lovely gender, lively person, and
double number, kissing mood, in the im
mediate tenEe, and in the expectation
case to matrimony, according to general
" You are a nuisance—l'll commit you,"
said an offended judge to a noisy person
in court. " You've no right to commit a
nuisance," said the offender.
The wife of the Russian General of Artil
lery, residing at Kief. (Russia,) Was rricariay
burnt to death, from the accidental setting on
fire of her clothing by the ashes of a cigar
ette she was smoking.