The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 13, 1865, Image 3
P tic Atterlag Obgrreri. h.titE. PA., JULY J 3, 18G5 ON A GRAND SPREE. -A servant girl , 4 , un:crtairi region known as "out West." ~ tly tried whiskry to kill rats. She made eet with sugar, crumbled Ili bread, and he tikh ih the cellar. A few hours after, eat down and found several rats glori— , ofa I lied," engaged in throwing potato Is and hauling ono another up to drink, e were wily disposed of ; those not kill . - it tl,c p . remises immediately, undoubt• offering with a severe headache. 1:5 account of the Abolition celebration 4rh of July at Cleveland, the Plain tr fursi3hes this statement : tae feature of the procession we have t , the last as the most disgustipg con— ble. A icsge express wagon had seats ins around the outside, rising in the of a pyramid in .she center. Oa these de seati were ari:anged beautiful little neatly and tastily dressed, filling the t trls top of the pyramid, leaving 9C ua tue apes vacant. Upon this seat laced i nezress We say no mere. It i cve m ti tre „ ely disgusting to any f a reel nand. Dtwes.trlc Pazss.—Do Democrats e the Mc: !hit the burden of maintain— sir priaciple3 rests upon the publishers a Democr.tie press' Out of large cities is not a Democratic paper that is not . Publi.hed at a -lets to its proprietor. - ..tdmialstration papers have the treasury .e General and State Governments to de• urn The banking and manufacturing lof the country sympathizes Strongly the administration and lends its aid to ,:prolion of the Democratic press I.lDecoaerats permit their defenders to 1,0 .scrifi:ed, or will they come to the •!! Let the man who takes a Democratic Asper be the rule, and not the excep— it now. Let it be a matter of pride cl ay Democrat that he takes, and pays Ftly and liberally for his local paper.--, raTEI Cr DUNEIRK —The Dunkirk °ale— :11 of liaVpearlerice.dAy ie repryented epaprs of the place to have h4en, in r e spects, a very successful one. The while expressing extreme gratification 11:1;the 3 :her parts of the celebration, is ad hussar pith the oration, which was rat by Rev. Dr. Forrester, formerly of MIZE e oration was a fine production as a oritory, but bein; of a partizan and al character, It was a disgrace to the on, to s ty the least that can be said of was probably written for an election document in Onto, and if it Is deliver fore the Loyal League at Oberlin, will .ht give the best e satisfaction. Here, Itlrk. up ma sue i an oenasion, the peo -1 a right to expect an address which lo credit to our forefathers, credit to :hers, credit to our institutions, credit salve', and he a credit to the speaker. or , n.)n, this wis a failure in each of and the assembled multitude t:,;ht ro feel outraged that they should Maud in the heat, and smoke, us:, 1,7. nearly two mortal hours, to lie . en itreniously written argument in c,f t.;ro suffrage." . ir;! • , hr Dr. Forrester's sake, that the 'rrecnarks may not be well founded. We ktown him for a number Of years, and td. :Ti:ult to believe that he w3uld be of doing so unworthy tin act as to as rmertin; a patriotic occasion into a 1 1 .11:115.1 meeting Letter from Lieut. Lowry. Tammany Society of Democrats, in ' Jrc city, held a celebration on the 4th, • v 93 largely attended, and passed off in :eei:ngly pleasant manner. Among the i guests was Cern. Lowry, of the U. E. formerly a regident of Erie, who wrote .11owing letter in response : UNITED STA.7I9 &EAKIN. SUMIN, j :rw - LONDON, CONN., July 4, 1865. * Dr se Stn: The invitation to join this aa,v Society in its celebration on the fJu'y has been receifed. Thanking you I,e polite compliment, I fear my duties place will prevent me from accepting. pond to the sentiments of your invita. The glorious principles of,the Demon lte° been cherished in my heart from it youth, have strengthened with man end all through the past four years e tad no reason or desire to change Abused and misrepresented by pond ties, Democrats have still unflinch. to;1 in the front rank, wherever blood el, valor displayed, or sacrifices were , :r the " Union and the laws." Hosts m have died, thousands on thousands out their blood through their wounds, e mutt(' and broken in health for Mn'tuales have opened the purse and 1 with heart and brain, all with one purpose, " the preservation of the :f thts notion, the supremacy of the ,u'ion, arol enforcement of the laws." too bud intolerance having been crush reb fee 1—le: us hope that the lesson deep into the understanding of every .atatl Erure attempts at revolution, dlsmemberment of this nation of free. 11/ ba pu: teen by the same men or --zeniAnts, un the same principles. I ,u in tnan:fulness and in gladness, he s'name nn 1 misery of civil war is at ati.that the flag cf the United States ! t:n orer tie wit .le land. Let us plant Trb:re, immovably, in the grave of 1, rase our prostrate foes and country. em arms against us, from the dust :r hatter humiliation, and with joined renew our march toward national ees I g.te you: Tears for the deed. `,:r tits pot. Fraternity and hope eflture. - te.fully and fiaternally. B. B. Lowar. ' Lieu -Com'dtr t U. S. Navy. F Par 17, Et , a 6., Tammany Society The lieu Oil Dorado. bee: to Oil Creek a few days ago, ae-,r e'se on 'he road but ohl }lobe." I found the r.y 1)::re:y roosting places of our spec • co the creek almost, deserted ; no ;:se, oil at aI ; the boarding dissatisfied landlords staying c;• : I 'y-aro:m.l with the &wind truth 9a n•tl that the time of golden harvest, er c)o I, with impuaity, put throe .r in sae tel, •besil a legions of the may be : had gone forever ; rou t t mike more money they Jr/ the current—pack up their ;a...ts, beds and move over n—s The groceries are deserted, too, issi-l.ey is gi:tiog sour. Oil Creek a zystofol picture to the man who to hit its glory. 1 .e co:y, a, place of very recent date or than two or three weeks—num• • ao - ff three hundred houses, or rs Carla every 07e a boarding house. a , 'e not going to stop there. Right LC, 10 tile celebrated United States sal acre you fiat an excited crowd, trying to nuke all the money for leases on I. at.;ea fJr o her purposes than boring • [Pit w 'rib a chilling to the acre. p - r y pald as high as $15,000 rare with a royalty of half t:,e rut rrice is now about $4,000 Jc) let half acre, on the licilmden farm, !re I:, t ,d s. ates W e ll is located. iu; , tak.e, tha success which min u+y. n.gatrle I here is unparalleled, aLtit fJur years ago en Oil Creek. ' 7 ' cow lire wells producing, Sour Ills r-ds of tram 50'd to 1,003 barrels Very superior oil, with every of rapid increase. Numberless will be started in less than one month um, Led if Daly t► moderate Success crowns the eager miner, the production of oil will rise to n height which cannot fail to make it a greater staple than cotton used to bebeforo tho War. Oil Creek is euffering considerably under these new strikes. All the tributaries of this stream in a short time, With the exception of Cherry run, will be almost entirely aban doned, and Oil Creek itself of_ secondary im. portance. Another question arises here, will not the greater number of wells going down on Pithole exhaust this newly discovered ter• ritory ? lam afraid it will, and quicker than Oil Creel. The operations on Oil Creek have been gradual, and not all the boreable torri tory is developed yet. The consequence will be that a good many—that is those who own interests, is about one year from now on Pit- hole—will suffer severe , loss. This is the opinion of every cool observer. - Of course, at present, all and everything is lovely, and in i•a glory, and if a man buys be cannot help making money, becau3e interests are going up all the time and will be for a good while to come. Prather and Duncan, the most interested parties in the Holmden farm, laid the )illy part of it out in town lots, and are realizing out of this alone enormous profits. A build• ing lot in Pithole city cannot be had now for lees than $7OO or $BOO, 83 feet and 100, and will be higher yet. But they pay willingly as the people make moaey, and that is the principal object. DICEICICNT UPON THI ClAicaLzas.—The gam. biers were in full feather at the Fair Grounds on the 4th; and did a very fine business in the early part of the day. The "sweat board " was the favorite game, and three or four dif— ferent stands were in very successful opera— tion till the arrival of 'Squire Burgess. Upon reaching the grounds, and discovering these perfcrmances, the magistrate made a dive upon table No. 1, sweeping the cloth'of Bev. eral hundred dollars at the first descent. He thee proceeded to the next, where he repeat— ed the performance, but did not realize such enormous profits. At the third table, the operator got news of his coming and made a timely disposition of his greenbacks, but lost his implemente. The crowd enjoyed the spectacle, for riot a few had been victimized by the sleek and plausible scoundrels who run " the wheel of fortune."—Titusville Daily herald. ==! ger Till SICK HLALIID WITHOUT MEDl ersis.—Dr. Buttley, from England, Magnetic physician, has opened an office at. parlor 86, Farmer's Hotel, Erie, for eizty days. Charges modorate. Office hours from 9to 12 - a. m , and from 2 to 6 p. In. • Those unable to pay are cordially invited free. Call and examine the numerous testi monials of cures. Nor BAD.-A little girl just passed ha. fifth year, while chatting about the beaux that visited two of the sex in the same house, of more mature age, was asked, " What do you mean by beaux, Anne 7" " Why, I wean men that have not got much sense." LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. Gars, late of the Gazelle, is rusticating in his native county of Lancaster. • Chevalier's Stereopticon left for Meadville on Monday, where it has been exhibiting during the week. Gen. Kane, of the tows cf that name in Cameron county, has donated a beautiful chlecti site to the Catholics of that place, and alio a large amount of building material. We are now in the midst of the dull season of the year, and all kinds of business— pneseti. The farmeis are busy with their crops, and few visit the city, unless when they are positively compelled to. We have noticed that it is almost generally the case, that the 4th of July is succeeded by a month or two of business stagnation. We are pained to hear of the sudden death on Tueeday evening, of Mr. George W. Brecht, of Mill Creek, at the age of 62 years. He was widely known throughout the county, and bore a character beyond reproach. The Erie conference of the Methodist church met on Wednesday, is Jamestown, N. Bishop Baker, of Maine, presiding. A considerable number of members of the de nomination. from this city and countyi are in attendance. The, conference will appoint ministers for tho different churches within its !pundit. Rev. Mr. Tagg, of the Simpson ohuich, will probably be returned, his con gregation having made a unanimous request to that effect. Rev. Mr. Osborne, of the Bth street church, will be appointed to another place, having beea stationed here the full number of years allowed by the rules of the ,denomination. `A, returned soldier, named Foster, was kill ed on Tuesday morning at the Gingrich well, about a mile and a half south of this city. He was standing near the derrick, when some portion of the machinery broke loose and fall upcn his head, fearfully mangling it. Mr. Louis Schumaker, .‘ mice host " of the Lafayette Hotel, is about te open a refresh• meat saloon in Fairview. The people of Fair view are to be congratulated upon obtaining so jolly and good-hearted a fellow as one of their citizens. "Put this in your columns ; it will help to fill up." How often are editois inflicted with this expression. Good friend, don't imagine for a moment that we find it difficult to " fill up the columns of the Gonave's.. Our trou ble is to obtain room for one-tenth of the mat ter that we think would be interesting to our readers. The, chief annoyance is to decide what to keep out. A desperate effort is being made to revive the speculation in oil territory, and it may be successful. Practiced oil • men express great confidence in a revival of the specula tive spirit, nndsif, such is the case it will not be long before the "oil fever" will again sweep everything before it. We have our doubts, though, of the probability that as much will be made by it as heretofore. Capitalists have had their eyes opened on the subject, and will not be apt to invest in anything but thorough ly tested territory. The following are the delegates from this city appointed to attend the Commercial Con vention nt Detroit: John H. Walker (where did lie got his commercial experience P), Mat thew R. Barr, John W. Shannon and John • Clemons. The Dispatch says the new Episcopal church will be "built of stone throughout, the body will be of faced rabble, the caps, sills, cor— ners and finish, of cut gray sandstone. It will be In the gothio style of architecture, with heavy buttresses. It will be an elegant structure, and a great addition to the archi— tectural beauties of the city. About one year from this time will probably be required to complete the work." There is great complaint in this city of the soareity of brick. The Reed Rouse Eizook has been temporarily delayed on this account. A number of parties who intend building have been obliged to postpone operations for the same reason. We know of a dosen good build— ings that would have been put up during the present year, if brick could have been obtain ed. Why the article should be scarce is bel yond our comprehension. The Morton House, opposite the Union depot, has been greatly improved, and is equal to any in the city. Mr. Van Tassel, the proprietor, is a ta to of rare enterprise, and certainly knows how to " keep a hptel." We regret to loara that parties who have lately visited the beautify' graunds at the head of the b Lama as assa3sangio Point, have committ.,l esasider ahle damage to the tre Ths o-ra sr ‘.l esiros LIS to ettte that if them dem iustr alone onntinue he will be obliged to enelose the grounds, and refuse permission for their use hereafter. He has a ottani pride in them, en I we tire not surprised tint he e'veuld feel vexed . at, the careleesaese or misehiavousness of those who have been guilty of defacing them. The Titusville Duly Herald has come out or negro suffrage. Every Republican paper ityCrawford county now advocates the doe-- trine of "equality to all before the law," and the Tarty in its late convention unhesitatingly a 'opted the new creed. Yet hundreds of con servative Itspablioans there, as elsewhere, who profess to be decidedly opposed to negro voting, will support the party ticket, and by their direct aid assist in foisting upon the country the very thing they now admit to be so dangerous and absurd. Most. of the crossings and flag-stones about the city have been defsioed by a ivertisements of two quack medicines painted thereon. The party who placed them there took good care to do it in the night. If he had been caught, it is quite likely that he would have been treated to a " soothing " application of boot leather, applied to the sensitive part of his body, We glad to know that Erie is at last to have a permanent fire company. The young men who had charge of the Perry engine on the,Fourth have determined to keep up their , organization and endeavor to increase its membership. They comprise some of oar most enterprising young citizens, and if they receive proper encouragement , we are satis fied that they will soon have a fire company established equal in efficiency to any in the country. The Erie county Medical Association will meet in this city on the Bth of August. A number of essays on subjects of interest con nected with the profession wilt be read. The interest of Wm. 11. Harris in the Colt Place Bearding HOMO and Ice Cream Garden has been purchased by Mr. 0. Miller, who will continue to run the establishment in a superior manner. Harris retires, we presume, to embark in some new enterprise. Of the incomes reported in Rochester, half a million have come from oil specula. tions. That city seems to have become the', favorite locality for successful oil men. .' The drafted men from Erie county,. with comparatively few exceptions, have been dis charged from the service and reached their homes. Governor Curtin and Judge Holt are ex petted to visit Oil City the present week. Items of All Sorts. At a Protestant church in Devonshire, England, a confessional is in full force. There are now twenty thousand Americans in Europe, who spend on an average $lO per day in gold. Two cues of children's death have occurred recently in Hartford, Conn., in consequence of excessive exercise in jumping the rope. An old gentleman of great experience says he is never satisfied that a lady understands a kiss unless he has it from her own mouth. There is said to be a hen in Litchfield, Conn., which deposits an egg every day but Sunday, on which she scrupulously omits her usual effort. She is owned by a minister, which is supposed to account for the pher nomenon. Some surprise and a good deal of indigna— tion is expressed at the mercenary conduct of Northern attorneys located in Richmond, who have engaged in brokerage on the clemency of the Government by selling their influence in the service of procuring Executive pardon for wealthy rebels. It bas been decided by a court at Waterloo, New York, that r assengers getting out of s oar have legal precedeace over those getting into a car. CAN ir a■ Taus l—The Pittsburg Post says that three.fourths of the judges in Pennsyl vania who are.accustozned to comment frpm the bench upon the evils of intemperance and the beauties of total abstinence, " pur. chase their beverage in large quantities, and demolish it on the sly." An old Dutch tavern-keeper had his third wife, and being asked his views of matrimony, replied : " Vell, den, you see, de first time I marries for love—dat wash goot ; den I mar ried for beauty—dat-waeh goot . too, about as good as de first ; but this time I marries for moaieh—and die is petter as both !" Stuttering Ben, who was touting his shins, observed that the oil merchant was cheating a customer in some oil, and called out to him, "Jim, I can tell you how t-t-o s sell t-t-twice as much alias you d-do now." " Well, how ?" groaned Jim. "F—fill your measure." There is a young lady in Rook Prairie, 111., seventeen years old, who drives her father's reaping team, and frequently takes a load of grain to market (fifteen miles), and sells it. She play the piano, sings charmingly, does the honors of the drawinrroom with dignity, can make a loaf of bread, or play 4 . Bridget " in ma's kitchen, with equal readiness. She is valued at her weight in gold to a sensible young, man. It is reported that Miss Anna Dickinson, well known as a publio lecturer on politics, is studying to fit herself for the stage, and will shortly appear in New York city. She has, says the A/bion,.one essential for success at the start ; an entire freedom from 1/14W)Clide Route. A good lady who had two children sick with the measles wrote to a friend for the best remedy. The friend had just received a note from another lady, inquiring the way to make pickles. In confusion the lady who in quired about the pickles received the remedy of the measles, and the anxious mother of the sick children read with horror the following: Scald them three or four times in very hot vinegar and sprinkle them with salt; in a few days they will be cured." . The St. Louis Dispatch says : " There is not a more hopeful sign of reconciliation and per• manent peace for the whole country than may be seen-in the mingling of blue costs and gray coats on every street corner in St. Louis. There are thousands of returned soldierd of both classes now in the city, and the Union soldiers meet and fraternize with their late antagonists in the true spirit of brave men, who are as willing to forgive er fallen fee as they were strong and determined to Gramme active rebellion. There is a movement on foot in Chicago to bring down priees. The retail prices for all kinds of staple articles are' higher now than' ever before. A meeting is about to be called of leading oltimas to take positive lotion in the matter. If dealers refuse to listen to , reason, an assottiatel'aters will be immedl. MeV started in' the Sanitary Fair building. where goods will b 3 supplied at a smolt ad vanes from the wholesale cost. MOSEDT ns A.LAwrna..--Moszby. the noto rious guerril:a efieftlia, ityritiL; bees parLlcd at Lynchburg, on a secoal•lic.t!ioa to be admitted to that privilege, hit, vita eharac - teristic pronaptituilo earl en-rg:, hirea,ly ac tually opsuetl an fir the tine' ice of law tt Culpepper. The contests in whicb her will there engage miy be very eharp, but they will ban the alvantaze or being :note peace ,ful and leas dangerous than those in which he has figure 3 es einspicuoasly upon another field. If ho shall display the stall shrewd ness in the prictica of law waich he eithib i. tad as a partisan lealir he will bo hard to head off in the nava igemeat of causes. _paters ov LEistGosseuczwee Taut' DES. T/Nl7.—Whoa Philhilleary sought the hand of the only dtughter mad heiress of Mr. Mat— thews in marriage, an objection %vas made by her father, who admitted (hit be was a gen• t,lem.n, a scholar, bat " They did not even know where he came from." " True," said the daughter, who had well weighed the ex— cellentqualitles and graces of the stranger, "but I know where he is going, and I should like to go with hiM." And they walked life's pilgrimage together. flow ditftrent would be the world's estimate of men, if they were judged lees by their origin anti morn by their destiny The New York papers era exorcised over the high price of meat in that quarter. Bath the Time, and the World suggest that people stop eating meat until fair prices come in play. Tho World says : "It is quite time that the retail price of meat approximated to the gold standard. While all kinds of fa:m produce have been steadily cheapening, meat has cc me down but very little. The consum ers have got the remedy in their own hands,. Summer Is 'upon us and meat is no longer a necessity as an article of daily diet. It is notorious that our people would be much healtnier if they reduced by one-half their consumption of flesh during the summer months." Capital copying press6—a good many of our exchanges.—Boston Post. Special Notices. I survive, To mock the expectstiou of the world: To frustrate prophesies ; and to raze out Rotten opinion, who bath writ me down .liter my s.eeming, to be past recovery " From that fell destroyer Catarrh, b the judicious tve of Dr. D. 11. Seelye's Liquid Ca• tarrh Remedy I stand here in the enjoyment of perfect health. "Spread out earth's hottest records her:, Of days: and decd to reverence dear ;" Let the world understand that Dr. D. 11. See. lye's Liquid Catarrh Remedy is a, pleasant and certain cure for Catarrh, Cold in the Held, and all dit.ease of the head coned by the abnormal condition of the membrane lining. A Sorsaton Rrstrnv,—W e caa conscie tiously recommend to those !•uu...ring from 0 distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's Melliflu• ous Couf,h 'Balsam. It dives relief almost in stantaneous, and is withel net disagreeable to the4aste. There is no doubt but the Mel lifluous Cough Dal , am is one Lf the best pre parations in us2..and all that its proprietor claims fi r it. We hive tried it during the past week, and found relief from a most die. tressing cough. It is prepared by Dr. Strick land, No. 6, East Foursh street, Cincinnati,' Ohio., and for sale by druggists. jyl3 3m • The New York Observer, in an able article on church music, by its senior editor, thus speaks of the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ : " Here we have an organ, sweet, solemn, so norous, and grand ; with your eyes shut you cannot distinguish its sound from that of the pine organ itself. It is so effective and beau- tiful as to meet the desires of the most re fined and fastidious, and,'is all that iJ needed in any church of ordinary size." Harvey Sickler, Esq , tlio able editor of the Tuukhaunock (Pa.) Democrat, publishes the following in his issue of 30th October, 1861 We deem it duo to Messrs. J. C. Ayer St Co., and the public, to make known our ex perience with the use of their Ext. Sarsapa rilla in our family, by stating the circum stances under /which it was taken and its effects. When our only child, now in his third year, was about eight Months old, a sore ap peared first in small pinitples on his forehead over his nose. These rapidly increased and uniting formed a loathsome, virulent- sore, which finally spread over his ferehead and face, not even excepting his eyelids, which became so swollen that his eyes were closed. We called a skillful physician, who adminis tered the usually prescribed remedies. A solution of nitrate of silver was applied until the mass of corruption which covered his entire face turned jet black. The sore again and again burst through the scorched anti artificial skin formed by this solution. Mean while many remedies were employed without any apparent benefit. For fifteen days and nights he was constantly held by his parents to keep him from tearing open with his hands the corrupt mass which covered his face. Everything having failed, we were induced by the high recommendations of Ayer's Sarsa parilla for the cure of Scrofulous disease, to give it a trial, In his treatise on Scrofula, Dr. Ayer directs a mild solution of lodide of Potase to be used as a wash while taking the Sarsaparilla, and it was faithfully applied: Before one bottle of Sarsaparilla had been given the sore had lost much of its virulence and commenced to heal. Another bottle ef— fected an entire cure, and the general predic. tion that the child must die was contradicted. His eyelashes which came out, grew again, and his face is left without a scar, as smooth as anybody's. It is unnecessary for me to state in how high esteem we hold Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 31ISSI,IG. Dean lisapaa: Has and experience taught you the fearful Import of this word ; is there a vacant spot at your tlieetdel Vei, mining—J. W. litcCtay. Ho en listed in the 145th regiment, P. V., in August. 1962, and was taken prisoner late 19. 1963 ; wee east to Am dersonville, Oa., and in September was Utica so ill he wu obliged to go to the hospital ; bade his comrade. adiee,,cheer; ally expressing a hope he would coma out all right. Bat, alas! poor boy, he will never come again. Oar fondest hopes and brtzhtest dreams can never be realised, for he is missing. He had a noble mind: quiet and unpretending. Those who knew him best loved him most. t.h I hoe my heart sickens to think of it, that so runny of our noble boys ahould die fins, with no one to whi.per one word of comfort, or lovong hand to wipe the death damp from their brox., If I could, f would evea call them ta:k to ropy our Country's Peace; for who- could enjoy it more than those poor prisoners who hive fought so nobly and muttered more than tongue cam ever describe. Bat he 'deeps far from hie childhood home—far from the friend' who weep. Ile will never be awakened for one of those tiresome marches ; nor the shrill call of the bugle dis turb his rest. I shall never for4et Tat? goodoye he gave me when last we met He trailed, but 'twits a sad, sweet rails. Would I could visit that lonely spot, and plant a pure white rose upon his rave. as the last kind act of eiffdion. He leaves a wife eni three little ones, tealde a widowed mother. Heaven bless them. Ceacord, Pa., Jay 13, 1505. bias. C. R. H—. IkNATIII,IONIAI.—LADIES AVD GRSTLEIIE L N: ill If you wish t r marry you can do so by addressing tne. I will you. without money and without price, valuable information. that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, irrespective of age wealth or beauty. This information will coat you nothing and if you wish to marry, 1 will cheerfully assist you. All let ters strictly conftdentul. The desired information sent by return mail, and ne reward asked. Please enclose postage or stamped en. elopo, addressed to yourself. Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, - msig66.3in Greenpoint.Kino Co., New York. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Winn been granted to the Subscriber on the Es tate of Thomas S. Sincisiraste of the city of Erie, do wsed, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to make imt,ediate payment, and those hay log slalom against it will present them, duly authenti cated, for settlement. GEO. W. GUNNISON, At the U.S. Pension and Mika Office, southwest cor no of State and 7h. streets, Erie, ra. BitANORSTIVN !PlLL'!—The West, the Con sumptive, Sheol:n*oe, Costfre, Hilliouesud Delicate, alter r once days' no, will Sod renewed strength and Ilia parrs* every organ of their frames, Every dose mikes the b'nod purer. The nerves rum ' mence in the arteries and ten:aunt* In the yelps. These pm., a . a gm ei y eeb, i d upon the arterlil blood. in creasiug the circulation. by which impurities are depos ited in the veiny and they throw off @Gob aollecuone into the bowels, which organs, by the energy & l i ve d ill),. expel them from the system. lint used, the Pills may oe vision griping. and even make the patient feel worsa. Thls Lan alealieot 'ego. mad shows - the disease will soon bemired. No great g rod is often ediataits. aehltred ultho at Foam trouble In its a W ttainment, this rule applies dioalereta tba moray of bawl'.tetra& g o ld b y reepect sble to al tf THE LE,'HIOR CATTLE POWDER - / A le Wanglain, TO DM t:', - Zstt'Y the meet powerful agent .. /f.t.`-`..." - Ne„..; -;„:14, for the e't maleh and ii.... ..,,k 4. , blood of Cattle, Swine, •i✓ or Sheep, in promating /t. `‘‘).. dnze t etiuu, nleanting the , \ Pys inn and transfornng - ,7 - I f IgIA • ••e, , the purified animal Sold 1 i in flrAb, fat, milk, butter •• , ~ '•0i...44 ;:'''' and attength. and *slat ]•• t , Selling health and vigur. 1 4,!: • 2- ~, b i, . .:, „ .- . DOVOIPS ' s~ . '..Nt. V ( . 1 Horse and Rule '-• - w• 4-. c '- • • ......„ Is Ple only raedielno Ia• ..:,....3 ',:;N- -" .'-,.'!":,„.:::-(.::,, gal, patented An France, ' , :N• - .: - ,aCH:7:l•_:,_.. Eng.:and, Switzerland, k . -- c ..... lio land, and duly ad / LL.C.NITO'•`;• 1 ' milted by their Consta, honored wit:, Prize medal?, and inrented by Mr. Duvoy, Profuelr of the Imperial Connie for Atrial:attire at Parta, and now int nufecturod by C. G. Ulmer, Dr. of Z, and A , Alleatown, l'a. All dir,.•aa.s of the Stomach, 81001, Lzngl 41,1,1 Bow. elm. speedily and eertatuly cured. Healthy stock will be brotg'lt Into Vie highest state of perfection, and one to two tab'e•poonfuts a week, is of great value t 3 hard workinz herees, brendin: stoer. and Cola, and saved tholsands of valuable horses from contagions disease, 83 well at the barnyard as In the Army of the Potomac. TIIE LEEtIGII Walt:11 CONVECTIONS Effectroilly overcome all the objects 'which pre• root the expel:mg of Worm.. are plea-auC 'o tate. and ' , lto one of the moat sp.- eab:e porgillrea for Children. So coned •nt is the loventor, of thf aneceas of hta lab i irons cudiea, to the patbolog cal compositiom of this prepanition. that he furnishes every tract maid Phyalelan eit'i a written preacription,.re a cow era is H►teria Tilt; UNION HO %CO, RAT, MICE, AND ANT EXTER3IILNATOIt lea Powder for the rare extermination of all Vermin, will never change with ago or climate. and mush prefers, ble to the old Phosphorous Paste, which harilexs iu a short time, mating It worthless. For directions and particulars see the small bills In the Boxer. Elght;-tbro t•reraioa+ Awsrdel t, the's Prepara tions since 1855. lir. Nick, and Carter & Carver, Erie, Whotulle and Reptil dgrnts for Brio county; R E. Sellers & Co, Pittoburg ; John Hendert.N. Bro ,PlttaSurgt.and Bon• ton & Br°, C'ereland, W ate Jobbers. je2VO5-ly R. S. MORRISON & SONS flog 10/113 to inform the citizens of Erie and vicinity that they hare re:nosed their stook of DRY GOODS To the RSE32 BLOCK, So the building (ormerlypccu• plea by Maim ELITES & KF..PLT:tt, where they hand keeping a large wortnient of Dress Goods, Fancy Silks, GLOVES, HOISERY, &c. Raturzing thacts to our customers for their past 11' ere' w.tionete, we respectfally ask a continuance of the same NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WHOLESALE AID .11ETAIL. SHE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFUL '. LT infotm their friends and the public that they have openeo the aboge bulginess, on the nut aide of the lhanund, next door to lir. John Bee'woa dry goods store, when they offer for :isle the best &twitted stock n the trade scoot of New York, .elected from four dif ereat tuinufactorici and bought at Reduced Prices, AND WILL BE SOLD ACCORDINGLY S•pettsl'tdvttatiou Ktft.l TO THE. LADIES. Without their patronage, butanes' would he blockaded.' NOONAN & 81.7.31 CY. may 18'65-tf . , New Grocery! VACOB BOOTZ would respectfully an. sanune.. to the people of Elie eft ; %ad oeauty v that Imp has opened a NEW GROCERY `TORE, Qn 1s West Sole of Peach Street, a Short Dist lined Sorg of the Lake Shore Depot, Where he will tarp on hands', ar e nectar t of GILOCEItIiza PROVISIONS,'WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOBE And vier, thing usually kept in a And clas a ore ALE 0, Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquors. The hl ;heat Market Price paid for Prodnor. is 0 ain it deka/yd. 27" Give ms • call, if you wish ts escure good bar cams. 1 plc gs myself to sill ea Law,i 'not Lower, than say other store in tits city. mr12134t.r. Painting. CI.EORGE D. ATKINS RESPECTFUL ILA LT informs his old Mends and the public that be bee associated his Son. G.L. Atkins, Jr., with him, and that thee have opened a chop on the north aide of Sev enth street, between tqate and French, Erie ell'', where th•r are preparet to receive orders for all kinds of House, Sign, and Ornamental Painting, Gild:nr, Glazing, G:aln• Ins and taper Hour Ds, l'ortleutar att< - ntion green to Carriage Painting• The patronage of the commuultr is respectfully solicited. jetITS Om New Clothing Store. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPEN ZD a Clothing Store on the corner, of Fourth and Stste streets, where they propose to' keep always on hand as good an assortment of Clothing aa can be found in the city, made in the best manner from th- test ma terial, and so nnished as to atford 'satisfaction to the most critic‘l customer. P-rtoculu attention will be paid to Custom Work, to which branch we propose to excel all other estsblishmenta in the city. We will al ways keep a One stock of Cloths, Cush:Bente, Vestings, &c , from which customers can select to the very best advtutage. Gents' Furnishing Goods,, Of every description. comprising all srticies in tint line. The Clothing of Boys will be rosde a speciality. (lire us a call. BASSEKSIAN fi B,II2:EIDER. Gco. BAeasnxir, ALBERT W. S..II3IIDER. Late Cutter with I. Koch. je::"tS•tf Sewing Machines! THE CHEAPEST & BEST. BUY EITHER THE EMPIRE OR SINGER. . • The, underalgrea having been appointed agent In Erie city for the above celebrated Machines. respectfully calla the attention of the publte to the same. 1 hey are acknowledged to be the best in use sad are the cheapest in the market. - Each Machine has all the latest improvements, which render them far superior to any other now sold rernons desiring to purchase a Sewing lacbine will find It of advantage to call and examine these before baying elsewhere. camplea on ezhibition at my store, No. 6, American Block. between thePaek end Seventh street. I jant:ls 65-Cmo I'. WAGNER. Keystone Stove War Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead, , . lIAIIIT7ACTUILEX.3' Olf STOVES & HOLLOW WARE, Ban a Urge sad extettßive auortmazt of Stoile at and Retail. THE IRON GATE Li a ant-elan Coal Cook Store, with or without reser. •otr, for laird or soft _al, or wood, and is BETTER THAN THE STEWART STOVE We al:o zoannfactrre the WHEAT SHEAF & EEW ERA, Soto low omit Coal Cook Store—wlta wood grate— csa be used skther for coal or wood. THE . POBEST OAK. We ate still nuumfnetnring this oiebtated low oven Store for wool-41th or wituont reeerrotr. • THE MENTOE, .4 be Oven Stove fa- We'l. Thu it a new gtovo of bee radial ee•lga, end now for ta:•=togetaer with a large assortment of elevatod Oven Cook, Part , : 0 ,ok for wood or coat. and Parlor and glee— °meet s :or wood or coal.' G . viioorel, D. Rini; W. R, ivartea u p alle, Jan. Lt, I.l*-41. SELDEN & CO., MINUFACTURING JEWELERS, 27 Courtlandt St.. Now York. 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, GOLD Peat, Pencils, 3e, &c., worth Geer BM/ a Niihau Dollars! To be sold at Otte Dollar Each wltnout retard to vdne. And not to be paid !cr until you know what you are to rmlre. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES ALIA° bo Sold IGrt.him Itch. 300 Gents' gold lVatchcs, '430 to $l5O 300 Ladies' go;d Watchee, to 70 400 Gents' silver \VeteLee, 33 to 70 200 Diamond, Dings, CO to 100 3,000 Gold Veit & Neck Chains, 15 to 30 3,000 do. 4 to 6 3,000 Gold Oval Data Bracelets, 4to 8 4,000 Chafed Gold Bracelets, sto 10 2,000 Chat alaine & guard chains, 6to 20 6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4 to, 10 2,000 Lava & Florintine brooches, 4 to* 6 2,000 Coral, Opal & Em. brooches, 4to 8 2,000 3tosiae, Jet, Lava & Floren, tine Ear Drops, 4to 8 4,500 Corti), opal & em. E. drops, 4to 6 4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,60 to 10 3,000 Gold fob & vest. watch keys, to 3 4,000 Feb & vest ribbon slides, 3to 10 4,000 Sits sleeve buttons, etc., 3to ' 8' 3,000 Gold thimbles, pencils„eto., 4to 7 6,000 Miniature lockets, sto 8 4,000 Min lockets-magic spring, 3to 20 4,000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to 8 6,000 Plain'gold rings, 4to 11 6,000 Chased gold rings, 4to 11 7,000 Stone set & signet rings 2,60 to 10 5.000 California diamond rings, 2to 10 7,600 Sets ladies' jewelry-jet &..; gold, sto 15 6,000 Sets ladies jewelry-cameo, pearl, etc., 4to 15 5,000 Gold pens, silver extension. holders & pencils, 4to 10 6,000 Gold pens & gold-mounted holders, 3 to 8 6,000 Gold pens, & pen.holders, 6to 10 6,000 Silver goblets & cups, 6 to- 60 1,000 Silver castors, 15 to 50 2,000 Silver fruit & cake bxskets, 10 to 60 1,000 Dozen silver tea spoons, 10 to 20 1,000 Do. table sßoons a: forks, Certiflnat.v, naming each article, and ita ♦alne, are placed in Sealed Envelope., and well mixed. One of these envelopec, contalnio; the Cent Gnats er Order for tome Artie!. , (4orth at 1044 0130 1101110 At retnid will be tient by mail to any addresr without regard to choice, 011 T0.3,11t of i. cents. Tim purchaser will coo what 11010 it t.ra 8, nod ite value, which may be from One to Fire llucdr..l Doliare, and eau then send One Dollar and Iceite CA: Article uanoM, or any other on the I st of the same value, and after mein;; thi• article, if It does t i;ire perf-c: sot isfictiori. wo ctsi re it to be immcde gtely returned and the amount p.;id cal be refunded. Ili thin mode we vice lelectiths from a ot.tboi stock of foe in 'dr, of the bett ins'Ae and lot •Pt etyice and of in• tiimic worth, at a nombhal price, while all hare &chance 1; of eecaring articles or the very ighett calm, In all to,. we charge for forivardiug the Certificate, postage and doing the bnainms the sum of Tweuty•live Cents, whit mutt be enclutel In. the order. Five Cam tificotes will be tent for at •, e.eren far 52; thirty fur 15; shll fly" f :10 one hundred Cm . glfi Eli% .1=61,1855 Parties thlting with us msy dere° 1 on having prompt returns, and the artier-dr - 11ra w. , 1 be immediately sent -to at.,) teturu mail o. Pothe Ar.tlsrte...dn Guaranteed in all cases. Write yo.r 2.‘„lrat, County a. , -1 State and ad-I,es SELDEN x CO, '2.7 Cow tlandt street, New York. . W. W. PIERCE & CO.'S. HYDE & WRIGHT'S PATENT Horse Hoe, er Cultivator Plow. 11llE ABOVE INVALUABLE IMPLE EAT has always receive} the First Premium when ever eshebil:d ; and all who hare need it pronounce it fa: superior to any thlng else of the kind: The follow ing are come or the advantages this Cultivator has over every other .ind now !n use: - lat. Lightness and duiabelley ; being made of the best quality or, steel, high:v pnlb.bed, and the whole Imple ment wel:thing root fifty to sixty pounds. Adept•tion to m'ere kinds of work than any other Cultivator known ; being a perfect and thorough Calti. vator when toed with i.ll the teeth on, leaving the ground even and level, and working nearer the rows than any other Cultivator. V. By removing the small, teeth, and 'attaching the wings to the shovel, it is the most perfect Implement for till:tog that can be found. 4th. It es the best implement for covering and dlreng potatoesever invented. A man and horse can c3ver po tatoes an fiat as a ho-se can walk, and a man and team can dig from three hundred to Gee hundred bushels o potatoes in a day, when the crop is a fair one,. • sth It works einally well in corn, or any kind of crop requiring cultivating, and in moat cases hand hoeing can be despeneel with. 6th. its chespneaa, coneidering the many kinds of work to which it can be applied ; the farmer having in oar implement all that is neceasary for cultivating and hilliny, any kind of crop, or covering aLd digging pota toes Numberless certificates from the mrat influential farm ers in the United States might be riven of the superiori ty of the above implement over all others designed for like purpose& W e shall be pleased to receive a call from any one who needs a Cultivator or Shovel Plow sad •:plain to there the urents of the above Horse Noe over all oth r imple ment. of the kind. We warrant th's Horse Hoe to work as a Cultivator aswell as WIC Cultivator made—as Shovel Plow as well a. any shovel Plow....audas a Horse Hoe a complete mimes', or refund the money if it does not meet this warrantee. . . We also keep en hand to conne!tion with oar Hard ware, Stores, tinware and Douse Furnishing Goode, a complete areortment of Horse Rakes, Hand Rakes, Scythes, Scathes, Grain Cradles, Forks, Hoes, Shores, Spades, &e. Don't fail to give na'a w. W. PIERCE it CO.. Sole agents for Horse Hoe in Erie Co., Pa., and astabula Co., OSIo. Corner State and 11th Its, Erie, Pa. We. W. Planes, t Ono. J. RECORD Erie, May 25, ISt5-Sen The following firms are our antboris-d agents for the gale of Wright's Horse Roe or Cultivator Plow : G A. Heine it Co., Waterford ; M. L &H. D. Selkregg, North East; Gulllford, Hay .h Co.. Girard : J. A. White, Miles Grove ; A, Landaratb, Union ; Webst.r & Blood, Conneaut, Ohio; I'. Mcgulre, Ashtsbula, ()hi° Taleott & !lodge, Genera, Ohio ; W. Pierce & Co., Branch, Spartansburgh. Corner of :store Street and the Patk, Erie. THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN'HOUSE has payed into the control of the Undersigned, woo are determined to spare no efforts that will teed to male it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling pub lic. A cumber of imports o t improvem.entshaee already been made, and others lobe cam p'eted at an early pe:iod will render it one of the finest hotels in the country. Especial care is taken to furniah the table with all the seasonable articles, served up In the mom' approved style, and by accommodating waiters. We took charge of the Hotel with the resolution to crake it such am the wants of this section require, and feel confident of meeting the approb Alen of our guests. LOOMIS .b R 03.9; A. T Looters, Propneturs. IV. L. Hoes. Iday 4 Galt - Z 9 . L MANHOOD • How Lost ! How Restored, JUST PUBLISHED a New Edition of Da CCI.V6RWELL.B CKLSUSATKD Et3el4l" on the radical cure (without medicine) o t SrEansruannoes, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Istro• Tina, /lentil and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. •, lac°, CowsrarrioN, -Ernerar and Firs, Induced by acif-indulgeuce or sexual estravagante. rir Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, trout a thirty years successful practice, that the alarmist: consequences of self abuse may be rad ically cured without the dangerous use of Internal med. kin° c r the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of care at once simple, certain and effectual, by of which every sufferer ' no matter what his condition may be, can cure himself cheaply, privately and raelicadv. this Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under cutl, in a plain envelope, to r ny address, on the receipt of dm: cents L or pot tane stamps. Addiess the publiehers, J:C. ELINE: &- CO., Low. ry, Nc - ar York, Poet Offlew Box. 46F.6. mar3ol&-:f THE SUBScRIBER WHO HAS °CCU the )faa•toa [louse, Ind above the Eepot, for the put four years, has retooyed into the NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER OF FEAUR AND BUFFALO STREETS, Where he will try to ottomtnodote twice as many guest., and as well, as he did in the old stood. He hopes that the patronage which WWI ILO liberally extended to hint there, will be of ended to him to Ills new qtfarters. His i t ts nuthelent to aFcemakodate all team:iota:* who may tairor f ilm with their loitroosCo• apareiti-tt JOHN BOYLE. Spring and Sunnier Goods ! HEM S. H. HALL reapectfally call attention to her LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, hit received from New York, embracing onnets, Hats, Ribbons, dm, Together with come • DBY GOODS! Wbieh she will sell• CHEAP FOR CAB!!, Olt READY-PAY. yr radio:Liar attention paid to bleaching, coloring and prenela;, fa Stan l'eroti St.., T doors above the Depot, Elie, ar817461!. GOLD! nANNER Or DI.STRIi3UTION Brown's Hotel, Hotel Removed. 1 tBBEL'S GOLD N BITTERS. A PURE VEGETABLE TONIC. INVIGO TING k STREPIGTHENING, Fortifies the systole against the ITD Whets of atrerlteke scow water. Will care Dripernia. Will ear* Weakoese. _ Will cure General Debility. Will care Heartburn. It ill mare Headache. Will cure Liver Complaint. Wit !excite and create a healthy &Nettie. Will invigorate the organs of digettion and moderate* ly increase the tawperature of the body' and the force circulation, acting in fact is• gene, al eorroborant et tlor system, containing no poisonous drags, sad is • I THE BEST TONIC BITTERS IN THE WORLD. A fads trial le earnestly solicited. GEO. C. }UMBEL k CO-, Proprietor; Hudson, N. Y. Central Depot, AMPIiC&U Express Belding be HUD. SON ST.. xE W YORK. For sale by all Druggists, Grocers, hz. RINNIG k WADLEY Erie, Wholesale and for male by Ball Warfel,.Carter OMIT an 'i nt kimik Booth. oetlire4. GEORGE DEMERIT & CO., JEWELERS, 003 Broadway, New York, (CORNER MIAMI ITRIti?,) 100,000 Watches, Chains, Geld Pens, PENCILS,• &C., &C., WORTH $500,0001 TO DIC SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR TACR. WITHOUT DRAWID TO VALUE„ And not to bepaid un/il you know +gat you will receive SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES. AU to be sold far ON DOLLAR 'mai I ... 100 Gold Hunting Oases Watches, each . $lOO.OO 100 Gold Watches 60.00 . WO Ladies' Watches 86 00 600 Silver Watches $16.00 to 526 00 600 Gold seek and Vest Chains 1200 to 16.00 100) Chatelai a and Guard Chains. 6.00 to 16.00 . 3000 Vest and Neck Chains 4.00 to 12.00 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches... 3.00 to 5.00 4000 Coral, Lam, Garnet, &c., Brooches,.. 3.00 to 8.00 000 Gold, Jet, Opal, dO.. Ear Drops 300 to 8.00 6000 Geote' Breast and Scarf Pins 300 to 8.00 6000 Oral Band Bracelets 3.00 to 800 •COO Chased Bracelets 6.00 to /0.00 . 3000 California Diamond Pins led Binge.. 240 to 8.00 9000 Gold watch fey. 260 to 8.00 60,0 Solitaire Olney. Buttons and Studs.. 2.00 to 11.00 3000 Gold Thimbles. 4.00 to 600 0003 Miniature Lockets 200 to 700 3000 ntniature Locksts, Hagic . 400 to IWO 2;00 Gold Toothpick.. Cremes, Lc., 2/0 to 600 3000 Fob a d R,bbon Slidm 2.00 to 6.00 . 6000 Chivied Gold Itlngs 200 to 600 4000 Storm Set Rings 2.110 to 6.00 160 'Sets Ladiee Jewelry-Jet and Gold.. 6.00 to 16.00 6000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry-varied styles__ 3.06 to 16.00 6000 Gold Pene,bilver Case and Pencil.... 4.00 to 600 4000 Gold Pena, Ebony Holder and Cass- 6.06 to 10.00 6009 Gold Peal, Mounted Holder 200 to 6.00 All the goods in the above List will be sold, without reeerration, fur oNs. DOLLAR SACEL Certificates of all the variout arti:les are placed in similar envelope* sealed and mixed. These envelopes will be sent by mall or do:trove lat our oalee without regard to choice. On receiving a Certificate. you will see what arttele itrepre taut+, and it is optional with you to send one dollar and tece/re the artic.e named, or any other ig the list of the tame value. By this mode we give wrections from a varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest stylea, and of in• Waste worth, at a nominal price, while all have ethane* of securing articles of the very higheat value. In all transactions by mall we charge for forwarding the Certificate, paying postage, and doing the btutinese. 2.5 cents each. Fore certvirates will bawd !grin; War en far $2; TAirtyfer $.5; Sixty for $10; sal Owe Rua dredfor Slit. • REASONS WAY We should supply your wants; our redlines are nom-. passed; our work of unrivalled excellence; our promises punctually observed. Oar rears' I oce Lon brl gs us near the moot remote potato Our goods are new from the manufacturers, and of the latest and moat desirable etylos. fbe good/ must be sold, and the terms are unequalled.— All articles ordered are forwarded by return mall. We guarantee ntire latlaraction la every Inataces, and if there should be any person di/meta/teed with any article they may receive, they will immediately return it and the pri e will oe refunded. Raters —We allow those acting iu agents ten mute on each Certificate ordered, pi ovidcd their remittance amount to one dollar. They will collect 25 cents for every Certifies* mid re taining 10 cents, remit to as 16 cents for each. Addref s, GEO. DEMERIT ilit CO, =2-3m. 803 Broadway, New York. STODD PERLItY, „, (Late of the U. S. Treasury Department sad Pennsylvania Commissiouer for soldiers, Washington, D. C_) General Claim Agent, with Benjamin Grant,sasq., Attorney at Law, Wayne Block, Erie, Pa Naval and Civil claims col'ectest with fidelity and dia. patch. reclaim:is obtained and collected. Applications by mail promptly attendel to. Mr. P. having had sev eral years' experience is the details of the retinue De • partments, feel,' confident be can render most satisfactory aid in prosecuting all kinds of Government claims. may ll'eb-Om Crawford, Christian & Ruth, Dealer' in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Dried and Sealed Fruits, PAINTS & OILS, Ship Chandlery, Boat Stores, E - c-, C:a; NO. 7 BEATTY'S BLOM, PARR RCA. Also, Public Dock, Foot of State Street, ERIS, PBNN'A. WM. A. CRAWFORD. S. T. cunall.:::. jan.2516-u J. 13YRON RUTH. Administrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE, AND PURSUANUE OF an order of Court to me directed, I will arse to sale at public vendee or oat-cry,- at the Petroleum Bowe, Borough of Union, on the Ith day of August, 1865, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand of James Brant, late of Union, ,deceased, at and immedi ately before his deeeme in and to the following described piece or parcel of land, to wit : Situated, laying and Ming in the township of Union, county a Erie, and State of Pennsylrania, bounded and deecnbed at follows, to wit: OCI the west by land of Henry Aldrich, on the north by land of Jasper King, on the south by land of Nelsen Thompion, end :on the emit by land of James Harris, containing Fifty Acres of Lani, be the same more or less Teams :—One-third In hand and the balance is three equal annual payments, to be secured by inclement bond and mort ;age on the premises. Or at the option et the purchaser, the purchase money may all be paid !a bsi J. L. Tlii=" '- Union, Jane 29, 1865-3 t Ader of Janie, Administrator's Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON the Estste of Frederick Heisler, late of the United ntates Army, haying been granted to the undersigned, notice Is hereby glean to all Indebted to the said estate to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against tho same will present them, properly authenti c.ted, for settlement. THADDEUS HEISLER, je29'6.5 6w Administrator. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON the Estate of A riemus Severance, deceased, late of Uoton township, Erie county, Pa.., haying been granted to the undersigned, notice la hereby given to all in debted to the raid estate to make payment of their in debtedness on or before the um, of August next, and those having claims egtinst the same will present them, properly awthenticated, for settlement. je2911541w W. 0. SEVIRASCE,Adrier. P. B. HONECKER, eroausoa To . CARVER &HOITECicER, WHoLUALI i =TAIL OW.O a Leather, Hides, &c., No. 3 Perry Block, State St., Bris, Pa. Constantly on hand a large stock of SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS BINDINGS, FRENCH Jr. AMERICAN CALF SUNS, KIPS, UPPERS AND SPLITS. LASTS, PEGS, LASTINGS, GALLOONS, &a ALSO, A 7L - 1.4. ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, All of which they offer low for elt4ll OR PROMPT PAY. If. ay 16'6.5—tf. Executor's Notice. LETTERS TEiTAMENTARY ON THE , Estate of Catharine Haybarger,..det:t nan d, La o or North East township. Erie toontv, en , b ar i n g boon greeted to the undersigned, crt e jin her e by give,/ teal indebted to the Mid eetlile to make immediate mottle meat. and those having accounts against the same, will piesent them, properly authenticated, for payasent. HENRY WOLF, Executor. North East, Jane 29, 1565-4 w• Administratrbee Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATON ON the Estate of Christian 13ehwengsl, deceased, late or Mill Creek teernshlp, Erie eminty,ln, haring keen granted to the understood ; eotice is hereby Oven to all knowing themselres indebted to the Pad estate to m i ke immediate moment, and those baring elaimr against the mid estate will passant thorn, properly a. tbstuticated, for settlesnz!, ELIZABCTEI SCEIWENGE I Admiuitr• jis..V6s-6w Stray Cow. CAME TO THE PREHISEi" subscriber, In lIUI Creek township kstli of Bay, a I.4ht Brindle Caw. a^ The owner is requested to come I , arty, pay charges sad take her ar ' posed of as the law Oros% jy6ls-it• II