ric ;Veit% Obocrver. lE. - PA., JUNE 29, 1865. IM 0 Who. It May Cimeeru. e commenced making the semi-en ections customary in this ace, and knowing themselves indebted, will to promptly settle tip their accounts lied upon. "Short credits," Dr. ,iyg. "make long friends," end we in believer in Mr. Lincoln's theory, groan debt is easier paid than* large 'e hav e accordingly adopted the rule collections twice a year, and think generally approred by the Mends to . Our experience has taught us, Wet reason why so many newspaper consirts in allowing their accounts r s long period, at the end of which ent nearly always leaves unpleasant fire cases out of ten, the debt is ether. none towom accounts are sent ' y attending to h them promptly. They the aggregate to many thousands and it is not right to deprive us of our just dues any longer than is necessary. Those who know them. be indebted will save us ocauddersble • espense by remitting at once, with. g us. to the necessity of sending tf a SALOISS Arrow :—The braves of of Mussussaugies will meet it the of the Medicine Man "on Saiiut jog at the light of the pine torch, to urea to accompany the "pale faces " lebration of the 4th of July, in their costume. The braves, old and young, eJ to attend... The Chief commands, racist obey. der of Chief " Ihitosessugle." and ut 0. the War-Club Man." ADTTITISSIIINT Tee SICK. HIALID WITHOUT MIDI— Dr. Scully, from England, Magnetic pee opened an office at parlor 36, 'e Hotel, Erie, for sixty days. Charges o Office hdurs from 9to 12 a. m., *.! to 6 p. m. unable to pay are cordially invited sU sod examine the numerous testi of curio. OCA L BREVITIES. dial, region is again the center of at to oil specalatoi , , two large new bring recently been opened there. rn from s reliable source that Mr. otto, General Manager of the Phila— Erie railroad, has tendered his res stol that au important change in the f the road ig soon to be made. .ps in this vicinity, almost without lock well, and we have confident o no of an abundant harvest, Our ,a ie, that the prices of every sort of .duce will be the 'per this fall than tiod within the pat four years. run off the Philadelphia & Erie tract, near thu lake, on Friday even- August Gerlach, yard master, had bralon, - and MIL Millar his leg rge Perkins, a prominent dentist of , bed on the . 22l inst , aged 84 years., p!tint was ery.ipelas and pleurisy. men of many good qualities, skill• profession, and bad numerous warm :awns in Erie county design cols* the Fourth on an extensive .scale, but, .1 this city, the most expensive de— •uns will probably be made at Corry The people of these two place. lag in us their muscle" preparing teen , , and will undoubtedly have an y plessar.i " time." They extend ,nvitation to the people of this part ate. Judion's History of the 83d Regi announced to be soon ready for sale. ill be a highly entertaining book few uion who know the gallant Captain's a writer, and we hope it will meet liberal pecuniary encouragement to will be entitled. cavalcade is proposed on the 4tb, .posed of horsemen from all parts of .'og country. It is intended, also, birty—six young ladies, representing as States, take part in the procession be arassed in mourning for Illinois. barn and Dr. Germer have special the arrangements for the cavalcade, all, aeiiriag participate are re to report. ' %tir for . the Fourth has not yet been I We un lets and invitations hare ended to Horace Greeley, (Wash& , and Gen: Gantt, of Arkansas. Our an judge from this list, the class of (hot it is intended to have delivered. •miesory note for $ll5, given by Wm. in Ent. of Wm. Price, was fettled on Shore railroal, about two miles east 't:o. The or'ner con obtain it by call •is office, or upon John Fagan, on the Itest of the city. ges of the Petroleum and Venango Unto, incorporated under the State banking law, amounting to $195,000, stroyed by fire nt Ilarrisburg, on the t.. by direction of the Auditor General. Lk! Ire now doing business under mil ' , inking law. Schomer Andrew, owned by Gen. sod commanded by Capt. Wm. Norris, le the trip from this city to Marquette .k, Iswied on her return voyage with ns of iren ore, in twelve days—being ickest on record. Taller & Tinker's Stereopticon renewed iibitions in Farrar Hall on Wednesday g, and viii epatinue on Friday and oa . oar friend Chevalier has labored iostrzerstle obstacles, but that he thi enterprise into final successful Border, none who know him will doubt. rreipoodent of the nivafeh afaJ .Gen. Frank Herron, well known 617, es the nut opposition candidate 'fur. The nomination appears to be el by both parties to the western por tile State. daily Di , p,oteh thinks it curious that otti anthracite and bituminous, can be ed cheaper in Buffalo than here, al— • •e are nearer and hare more direct to the mines. A great many persons effected in like manner. UV City ordinance relative to doge es that if any canine shall be found .g It large without being securely mu: shill be I twful for any person to seize I him if Le is interfered with, the pert dolug is subject to a penalty of twenty I; ir ,-sad the aspens. of burying t e dog hepsid by the owner, if he is kno a; if '7 the city, - Democrats of Crawford county! will ate the Founh at MeAdo& Grove,lVresi township, on the line of the A. & • railway. They invitepatriotic n tlitutionally loyal people" to attend. The returned conscripts give very unpleas ant reports of their experieine iu the service. They all agree in saying that their tre.ilment was inhuman and disgraceful, and we h:tvt• not heard one uprise ea opinion favotahle to the service. t:Theii "nilitsere,..thet ate,, tseq unkind, their food poor: and scarce, aid they were coristentiy . treated es it the fact of their being 030,*rigt4 trite *:disgrace . One onkel* said to ail, day,: write fiovurnmeizi oonidn't print greenbacks enough to get me to serve three more Inch months u I have." The City au Cortkpany, itpding it nec es sity to make seine repair., shut off the gas' from their customers. on Monday evening ) andhaen kept it Closed off abuse that time. -Ass ooh. sequence, issepiemid candles-hate been to so= tie! demand. and. ihii graces, hate suddenly jumped into a thriving trade. A great many who are obliged to renege s" ini f yisaew, intend continuing their use, in the belief that they are cheaper than gas, at he exhorbitant price charged. . The business of the- "Prevost - Marshal's office in this district is nearly closed up,-and. mcist , of the furniiire - has boon sold at anction: in Ridgway. Only two' persons besides Col. Campbell are employed is the office at. present. It will be a gratifying event when the an t nonnoement is made - that no vestige of the hated conscription any longer exists in the land. We regard it as a matter of simple justice to say of Col. Campbell and those as. sociited with him, that so far as our experi ence with the office has gone—happily it was never in a legal line—we always found them accortunodating and courteous, and we believe the causes of complaint have been less than has been the cue in almost any other simi lar establishment in the State. The Government is building three addl. tional gunboats for service upon the lakes, each to be pierced for eve guns. One was launched at elated*ld on Thursday of last - week. One more is being coastruoted at Cleveland and one at Tunas/ands, N. Y. Erie should hate had a chance to try her hand on at least one of these vessels. The drafted men have mostly returned to their homes, and aro preparidg to renew their previous occupations. Most of them look hearty and rugged, but a few 'have suf— fered considerably. Some half a dozen remain in the neighborhood of Washington, having been too unwell to accompany their comrades. The return of Peace is hailed by none with mare unfeigned delight thari these returned conscripts. W. T. Kirtland, of Albion, a returned mem, ber of the 83d regiment, who became insane lately, and was placed temporarily in the jail, for safe keeping, succeeded in breaking out early on Tuesday morning, and amused him self with entering a number of stores on Fifth and French streets, breaking windows, smashing goods, and , 4 kicking up - the deuce generally. He was secured, but net before he had done considerable misobief. Three persons stopping st the Park House were robbed on Monday evening, one losing a watch valued at $BO, the second $3B in money, and We third'siztyttive cents,sall the money he possessed. They slept in a room containing five beds, and their pockets were picked while they were asleep. Milton Courtright and John A. Traoy, Esqs., of this city, have been elected Directors of the Buffalo & Erie railroad. Dean Bich mond has been chosen President of the com pany, Chas. H. Lee, of Silver Creek, Vice President, and Henry L. Lansing, of Buffalo, Secretary and Treasury. The expenses of disinterring the remains of Cel. McLane, and forwarding them home, ware shared by the 88d regiment, and not paid by Col. Roger's alone, as at first reported. In a modest letter, the Colonel disclaims any ape cial credit. The Erie county Teachers' Association will meet at North East on Thursday and Friday of next week. Items of All Sortr.3. The Virginia Baptists think they can take care of the souls within their. jurisdiction without the aid of New England missionaries. James Gordon • Bennett, of the New York Ilerald, and W. C. Bryant, of the Evening Post, are both over seventy years of age. Both have greatly diatisguished themselves u writers cf fietion. A gay and festive Englishman paid a visit to Washington market, and espied some water melons. "Aw !" said he, "mint you grow larger apples than those in this country ?" " Apples !" exclaimed the vender, " they ain't apples. They're sone green peas I've been shelling." How small a portion of our life we really enjcy ! In youth we era looking forward to things that are to come! in old age we are looking backwards to things that are put; in manhood, although we appear 'to be more occupied in things that are present, yet even. that Is absorbed in vague ' determinations to be :vastly happy on some future day, when we have time. We have beard of coon skins, wolf scalps, and "garden sass" as "legal tender" in payment of marriage fees, but a few days since a minister at Lafayette, Indians, on concluding a marriage ceremony, received as compensation three brooms from the happy bridegroom, who is a broom maker.—Ex. . Bev. Dr. Dixon, now of Baltimore, once received a bushel of sassafras roots as a mar riage fee.— Venango Spectator. It is stated on good authority that fully $300,000,000 worth of property in this State is untaxed, not being upon the - assessor's Looks. The recorded personal property is Ohio is $857,000,000, and in Pennsylvania but $77,000,000• The assessor's books of New York State chew an amount of taxable property three times greater than that of Pennsylvania. John asked Julia if she would have him. "No," said she, "I will not have you;" but before John could recover from the shock; she archly put in, " but you may have me." " You said," said the Judge, "the parson who married you to this wife authorized you to have sixteen?" "Well," said Hans, "he told me dat I should have four• petter, four vorser, four richer, four poorer—and in our country four those four makes sixteen." A letter writer says Washington can bout of a marvelous proportion of beautiful women, but a greist many of them look better than they behave. The Harrisburg Telegraph states that there appears to be a general agreement among the railroad companies and prot•rietora of ma chine shops, etc., to reduce the wages of em ployees fifteen per cent., commencing with the present month. Knew 'men Hs yes Wenn prr.....4 Jersey man was M, and was not expected to recover. His friends got around his bed, and one of them says John, do you feel willing to die V! John made an effort to give his views on the subject, and answered with his feeble voice, "I think I'd rather stay where better aiittainted." _ A fiery happy comment on the aaniltilalloa of time end space by locomotive travel wee made by a little girl - who 'had' ldadn fifty miles in a railroad ,i i rs4lit, 614 -.then 1 :04 : „ cyicli to her - unele's'itliase - setae tivelaWder farther. " We ooze a little wry In the teals," said "and then ill ' the rest the way in a ferriage." €YlF;htut been ascertained that large apprO .Priatlons will have to be made to defray the expense of refittiag cad refaralehing the White Rouse to mate it a respectable resi dents for the Chief Magistrate of a great within. The carpets are worn and spoiled, the furniture damaged and broken, and. the silver wars in ao presentable condition. One of the Norristown clergymen posted ihe.following notice on Ida gate one.day last . yeti : —,• FonsoLWas tetrad in aly strawberry patch, two halo. .Ths owners pan bars thew by owning forward and proving propeaty." It id not likely that the owners wlll'Appear and eltiat the hats. A new mode - of raising funds at fairs has been devised at Bt. Louis. A vote is taken on do queition, 44 Who Is the most popular clergyman of the city!" with a dollarauall— Beationfor a voter—the successful candidate being presented with a gold headed cane. A reverend divine, who was but a so-so preacher, Wag °ailed upon socidentally for a sermon, asked a friend what be should preach about ; to which the other coolly re— plied, " About; five minutes." We Would respectfully tender our oongrata latione to Governor Fenton on an event which esourred in his household yesterday—the birth of a eon and heir to his excellency.— Tray 45nies,141A. .histtne Ranuxap.—" Row awkward you art," paid the lady. "r do not hold my head down ; Ido not turn my toes as I walk ; do, riot lean my elbows on the table." . "I keg 'ycs:ar pardon, mamma," said the child, who was really a well—behaied little creature, " but !Pre you not rather fond of praising yourself !" The old fashion of a " feast at a funeral " is not obsolete in Lebanon, Pa. Over five hundred persons recently partook of a dinner at the louse in that vicinity from 'which that morning a corpse had been buried. Political Items. The Pittsburgh Gazette, Armstrong Demo— crat, Norristown Herald, Bradford Reporter, and other Republiciaa papers, are in favor of negro suffrage, and the striking of the word " white" out of the Constitution of Pennsyl— vania. The Chicago Republican (Ab.) says "it is plain that to claim indiscriminate suffrage for the blacks throughout the South, is not only to defeat black suffrage entirely, but to de serve defeat." The editor of the New York Independent says the method of treating the Southern States, proposed by the President, invokes the inter. position of divine Providence for its defeat. Does Mr. Tilton intend to Invite anothei mast .sinition The Allegheny county Republican-Conven— tion have inaugurated as the principal ques tion at issue, between the parties at the com. ing election, that of negro suffrage. BREAD AND BALLOTIL-.-411 appeal is put forth in behalf of the liberated negrees of Alabama, thirty thousand of whom are said to be ins a state of destitution in that State alone. While an uproar is raised about giving these people a chance to vote, - they are dying off for want of food. The ballot—box is an excel lent institution, bet bread and butter are also useful, and the most patrietio darkey alive would prefer victuals and drink to starvation and ballots. Ax lactozwz.—The Louisville Democrat of Tuesday has the following : A Confederate officer, who was on hie way back to his home in Georgia, was out near the Nashville depot yesterday. He was suddenly attrpristd at being surrounded by five or six negioes who had recognized him and jumped down from their wagons to run and meet him: They were driving Government teams. He recognized them as his own negroes, who had followed the Federal army off. They begged him to take them back home with him, that they would be " de beet niggas he eber seed "if he would. Arrangements were made, and master and negroes all left on the train for Georgia la-gather last night. LIT vas Pawner!. i3TASD Ftax.—The Cleveland Plain Dealer gives President John son this counsel: The New York Observer is vehement in favor of negro suffrage. It denounces President Johnson, and says " his polioy cannot be an. cepted as the final method of adjustm3nt." We do not think the ravings of these fanatics will frighten Andy Johnson into a surrender to their policy. If he will stand firmly by the doctrine of State rights and oppose negro suf frage,. the Democracy will help him fight it out on this line The Democrats of Harrisburg, finding that the so•called Union celebration of the Fourth, in that city, is to be an Abolition movement in disguise, have concluded to have a cele— bration on their own account, and secured Hon. Charles J. Ingersoll as orator of the occasion. The following communication oa the Subject, from a returned soldier, appears In the daily Patriot: EDITOR PATRIOT A.ND UNION : I lee my Mime used in connection with a celebration of the coming 4th of July, to be bold irrespective of party. Nothing would give me more pleasure then to join my fellow citizens on such an oat °mien, but since my return to the city, I have seen and heard enough to convince me that it is to be a Contractor's glorification, (a class for whom the soldier has no great love,) and I therefore respectfully decline the honor —preferring to celebrate that holy day with those who entertain more liberal principles and are decent and respectable enough for my association. E. S. WITMAII, Late Lient.•CoL 201 et P. V 031 Erricr or EwaNova:cos.—The eman cipation of slavery will give the Southern _States an increased representation of fourteen members of Congress, and this, too, whether the right of suffrage is extended to the ne gram or not. Heretofore, the Southern peo ple only had a three-fifth representation for their slayes--now the entire population, black as well as white, will be counted in per capita, the. same as is done in Pennsylvania and other. Northern States. To make this still more plain ; IL is estimated that there are, or were, 8,600,000 slaves in the fifteen Southern States. Two-fifths of that number (1,440,000) were not counted in the enumeration for Con. gressional purposes. The ratio of represen.. tation is, in round numbers, 100,000. Make this the divisor and the other number the dividend, and you hare an additional repre— sentation in Congress, for the black popula tion, of fourteen and a fraction over. This is so transparent that the moat obtuse intellect can see through and understand it. The bill fiziag the legal status of the negro, which has just passed the lower boas° of the Tennessee Legislature by a two-thirds ma jority, guarantees the sanctity of the matri menial relation among them, but forbids their intermarriage with whites. All laws in force for the benefit of married women and children are to apply to them, provided that colored children are not to be admitted to the same schools with while children. Col— wed • Pima , . may be witneaset in An state courte,ifer -- or timing each other, but net in cues to which the parties are white, and no 9ntraat between a White andAilbred person an be binding, - unfeis iodised to *thug end Witnessed by a 'Otte- person. Colored perseas are auteot to the same penalties for. ails " 'OM* , idPi : 16 009 4 Piet by • negro open a white woman is punishable with death. These are the meet prominent end important features of the bill. Pnastnerr JOSitson mum wrrit • Resit. Washingion dent of sow. York News itii la. Mari ' To show how iii at ease had hew tha people of this goodly town of Washington are, an in cident happened a day or tarefinee.will tor rt Its an illus4aUaii..l - On :Broaday:elatnine ??resident Johnson wu discovered riding in a carriage on Capitol Hill quile_oosily with a gentleman whose features, dress and general snake tip, looked very like the Hon. Albert O. Rrown, former Senator from Mississippi ; and A couple of rampant Abolitionists, who used to see Brown when in the Senate, were ready to swear that he was the very man. The tididgs spread—Loyitl Leaguers' lips convey ed it to Loyal Leaguers' ears, and it flew with the speed of the burning torch of Roderick's henchman, that President Johnscin, the suo mese? of Abraham Lincoln—the elect of the Abolition party—was riding oat with a slave owner, slave driver,. slave purchase!, slave seller; who was also a lcsaesh, copperhead and traitor. The dreadful tidings Sew, and gain ingeredit and enlarging its shape as it spread, the Preeident was denounced in filing terms by these patriotic gentlemen, as one who had sold out to the secesh. Whether the myste rious man was Brown or not, is yet unknown to the •public ; but the President was certainly " done Brown," if curses, deep and loud, could do it. IT is probably forgotten, in the general rejoicing over the triumph of "universal freedom" in this country, that there are two States yet in the Union where slaves may be held, bought and sold with all the ,Impunity of the olden time. These two States are Kentucky and Delaware. The Proclamation of Emancipation did not apply to the slaves there. The people have not freed them by any act of their own, as has Maryland, Missouri and Ten nessee. The Constitutional amendment still lacks the ratification of a few States to enquire force and validity. Thus it will be seen that the peculiar institution may yet be enjoyed by its devotees in this country by emigrating to Kentucky or Dela Ware. “Throw 'Ayala to the doge, I'll none of it To make assurance doubly cure I'll take"—Plantation Bitters, They never fail; This great Stomachic Healer, so lent and favorably known to the American public, is just what the people need. It is a remedy they can rely on. For Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Headache, Dizziness, Ague, Liver Complaints, Pains in the Side and Back, ; Ito., it has no equal ; not the least among Ds virtues is its extreme pleasantness to the taste and unman. ate beneficial effect. Try it, ye dyspeptics, and be cured ! Brown's Bronchial Troches, advertised in another column, are highly recommended for public speakers and ethers, for the relief of colds and to clear the voice. Their efficacy is strongly attested by gongreismen,-, clergy— men and gingery, who use them. Among the certificates to their merits we observe letters from Henry Ward Beecher, N. P. Willis, E. H. Chapin, and others of eminence.—N. Evening Post. "Doubt thou the stare are fire ; Doubt that the sun doth 'neve ;" But doubt not that Dr. D. H. Beelye's Liquid Catarrh remedy will cure that disease speedily and permanently. Obtain a circular of your Druggist showing symptoms. “The perfumed light Steals through the mist of the alabaster lamps, And every air is heavy with the breath Of orange dowers thit bloom In the midst of roses." Such was the flowery land filled with heal ing airs and life-preserving product, where Dr. Drake discovered the chief ingredients of his wonderful Tonic Medicine—Plantation Bitters—the enchanted tropical island of St. Croix. The Plantation Bitters, combining all the medicinal and tonic virtnei of the healing and life-snstaining products of the favored clime, are, without doubt, the World's Great Remedy for Dyspepsia, Low Spirits and all other Stomachic difficulties. MAINON & HAMLIN'S CABINIT Minicians are agreed in reference to these instruments that they are unequalled. Mr. Gottschalk. the distinguished pianist, pro nounces the Cabinet Organ "truly a charming instrument, worthy of the high praise it has received" and "sure to find its way into every household of taste and refinement which can possibly afford its moderate expense." He , also declares it far superior to everything of its class he has seen. He knows of what he speaks, having tested them thoroughly in hie concerts. Our most eminent organists in Now York fully endorse this testimony.—N. F. Pathfinder. "Haste me to know it, that I with wings as swift* As meditation, or the thoughts of loss, May prove to you" That by the use of Dr. D. H. Beelye'e Liquid Catarrh remedy s permanent care will be effected. Zo-gag's 4dvatistmtuto. Executor's Notice. bETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE Estate of Catharine Haytarger, deceased, Late of ore sae township, Erie sounty, Pa., haring been granted to the underadmeed, notice la hereby gins to all indebted to the said estate to make innnedtate settle• ant, and thou hating amounts against the suns, will present them, properly authenticated, for payment. HENRY WOLF, Executor. North Eut, Jane 99, 1485-13wo Administratrix'SNotice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATON ON the Estate of Christian Belwengel, demand, late of /Kill Creek township, Erie county, Pa, having been granted to the undersigned ; notice Is hereby riven to Si knowing themselves - indebted to the said estate to leaks immediate layman; and those having claims against the said estate will present them, properly au thenticated, for settlement. ELILLSET/1 scirwinraim. j029115-6w Administrataix. Administrator's- Notide. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON the Lists of Frederick Heisler, late of the 17nitad States Army, heeler been granted to the noderslgned, notice le hereby given to all Indebted to the said estate is mks immetliste payment, sad those laving claims agsLevt the same rill present them, properitanthenti cited, for settlement. THADDZUd RICIBLER, jsZO'66.6w Admialstritor. Administrator's Notice. IiceETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON the Istate of Artisans Severance deceased, hits of on townehip„ Erie coney, ra,ba boss /mated la to the undersigned, notice hereby given to el In debted to the askl estate to make payment of their la debtsdnees on or before the lath of August sad those having dens Beene the same VIII present presses authentiesteZ, for settLnasot. 3419 . 81414 lIIVELIINCI, Ada% Administrator's Sale. vY VIRTUE, AND PURSUANCE OF an order of Coort to me &recta, I' wlll upon to at al i t m leadoe or eat.ary, at tie Pet:elms Hoene, of Union, on the fth day of aunt, Mak all the t, Wig, Lateral% de tad dasnag - ikl , Janine G reat, of Illelonotmemea ct it aad Inman- L otion. Moly before hle demise to and to the lb seta deemtbed plea 4V parcel of land, to wit: el i and bela In the townahlp of M ewe of State g of Ponasyleanla,bonaded OW and bed an sad to wit: Oa the west by had of ileary Ilthieby oa the =r u t tv mu=k4 i ° t haw ling, on the south by land of lms Ne a, sad :en toe east by land o! JUDOS Hurls, con g Silty Awn of Load, be the lase more or less Touts s—Onethird In hand and the Mikan Is three Keel anneal Pdfiesate, to be neared by lodgment bond and mortrefgo els the promisee. Or at. toe °pupa of the porelmser, the parttime looney akliy au be L p i dd is bamband. ITII7II, Union, Jane 119, 1613-31 Adner of haws Grant. MHZ BUUDAL CHAMINSIL-1. Nets of warning and advice to them inderind with Seminal Rat. nee, General Debiliti, or Pr maters Dew, b ow T ut• ever ems pram& NW, pander, and West I Be piss is time. s l ot trio to any address, for tie Nandi of alie iiff.setek . Seethe ream mail. Adqrewl ANL; I. DOWN qd Irdedliar, New Tait . ibx — br....___ .1., Allentown. Pa. 11 dimes, of the Eteaseb. Hbood. lamp and am. epeedtly and whitely wed. Healthy stood' will be ht tato the blood state of perhetLoa, and out to two a week's et weal nine to hosd work an belowtweedlag stock it WA, sail saved tkoneausie et videable home eon ecostigisam dime% a• well at the barnier4 iota the Amy a the Peteme. -. . Tin 1421114111 WORM CIONFZUTIONS Vileobukily ovum= an tho ohissta which llamall7 put. van the aspelling of Woos; are plomat to tabs, and ales ono of the most agreesble purgatives for Children. lko confident is the Inventor, of the memos of his labo rious studies, is the pathological eouipmition of this prepantton, that be fittnishoo mow graduated Physician with a written prescription, am a now era is Materia Modica. THE ONION ROACH, RAT, 1110 E, AND ANT ILXVICIUMINATOR • • Is • Powder for the me exteroihmailos of all Vermin, will serer chow with ap or climate. and mush prefers. hie to the old Phosphors's& Puts, widish hardese is • abort thososaliag it worthless. • Tor directions and partieohsts ass the small Me In the Bosse. hose elm IJghtr.th s ree Presdriste Awarded to these lirspars- MG. Dr. Nick, end Cuter dr Carver, Brie, Wholesale and BAWD ♦gents for Brie county ; It. B.Sellers & Co, Pittsburg; John Henderson 6 Bro, Pittalmrg, and Ben • ton & Rim, C'evetand„ Wholesale Jobbers. Southern Emigration! INVEST IN SOUTHERN LANDS!! THE ATTENTION OF CAPITAL'S FS, and also of thorn who dente to setae* profitable farms in the Soothers Staten, is invited to the excellent opportanity now premintad for procuring some of the best lands in the great cotton growing region of the Misaissippi 'Valley, at plebe ranging from Five' Dollars to Men Dollars PEE 'ACRE. The undersigned offal for sale at the alms prior, ONE COTTON PLANTATION Of 3,800 owes. Minted on the Misslarippl riser, sixty miles above Memphis, Senn. All high land 0 a steam Gin sad Saw and Grist mill in running order, good dwellings, cabins and out bnildinge-970 acres In matt ration. A splendid investment. Also, 700 acres of cotton land, with buildings, ke i. les Also, 600 acres of cation lands-200 In cnitiration, with buildings. ks., Also, small bodies of land, to salt parchaams who de• sirs small farms. All the above are its property of loyal men, who wish to seek new homes, and the title Is unexceptionable. For farther partlimlars,anquire of or Je7216-4, ROGER SHERMAN, Erie, Pa. THE GREAT SHOW IS COMING! BALL & FITZPATRICK'S ORSAT NATIONAL AMPHITHEATER AND VARIETY COMBINATION. The largest and best Troops in the Walla, will ea , habit at FARRAR HALL, ON Thursday Afternoon and Evening, JUNE 29TH. 1865. ADMISSION TS CENTS. BLURTED SEATS 60 CENTS. rip- For particulars, see Illusniaated Poster and Dr scriptire COL. J. C. STUART, ja2765-It Brudness Agent. BBANDRETLI , B PIL I.M.—The Weak, the Con unaptly% Rheumatic, Cbative, Billions and Delicate, after lame days' use, will find renewed strength and life pervade every organ of their frames. every does makes the blood purer. The nerves com mence In the arteries sad terminate in the voles. These pills, as a first elfeet, set upon the uncial blood, in creasing the einsuladen, by which Impurities are define- Bed In the veins, and they throw on' inch oollecUons into the bowels, which organs, by the energy derived from Brandrsth's Pills, expel them from the system. When first need, the Pills may occasion griping, and even make the patient het worse. This lean expellent sign. and shows the disease will soon bemired. No ggnraaat good la often 'whirred without some trouble in Its attaiameat, and this rule applies to the *Pommy of health. Bold by all respectable dealers in medicines. ~ Jernli.tf 1865. Spring Trade. 1885. DRY GOODS. JOHN C. BEEBE INVITES THE ATTENTION OF BUY za to his large sad carefully Masted stool of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY COODS. N7robr4e,'llls-2... Painting. GEORGE D. ATKINS RESPECTFUL LY Informs his old friends and the radio that he has assordated his Son, G. D. Atkins. Jr. with him, and that they have opened a shop on the no rth idde of Sev enth street, between State and French, gate city, where theism* plowed to receive orders for all Mods of House, and Ornamental Painting, Gilding, Glazing, Grain. tag aad Paper Hanging. ParUctilar attention given to peettally solidted. j Carriage intig. The patronage of the commichity le resell2'6s-eat New Clothing Store. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPEN ED a Clothing Store on the corner of Fourth and State 'beets, where they propose to keep always on hand u good an assortment of Clothing u can be found In the city, made is the best mamma from th. but ma• terial, and so finished as to afford satisfaction to the most critical customer. P.:tinier attention will be paid to Custom Work, in which branch we propose to noel all other establishments in the city. Wo will al ways keep a fine stock of Cloths, CUISIDIOIIIII, Footings, &c , from which enstomizi an select to the very but advantage. Gents' Fuinishing Goode. Of every descriptios, compnalug all *Minks in instils*. The Clothing of Boys will also be made a speciality. Give us s call. BASSERBSII & 0 co. Buszaw, AMUR? W. BLILIXIDIL. Late Cutter with M. Koch.' je21785-t( . Sewing Machines! . THE CHEAPEST & BEST. • BUY EITHER THE EMPIRE OR pINGER. I d , de:llh The en aisi the been appointed agent in Itzie city for the celebrated Ifichines, reepeetllll) calls the attentio of the public to the mew they are rano lodged to be the beet in use and are the cheapest in market. Each leaching all the latest improyesureta, which render them far parlor to nay other now sold . ?mons to pa a Sewing Nubia' will End It of ads= to ail and =Mine these bonen buying elsewhere. Block, bet Samp les ween the on exhib i Parit sodtion at m & y gore, stmt. No. 6, American m oth lea% 66-Imo T. NAOMI. Important Notice. FrHE UNDERSIGNED, DESIRING TO hare • settlement of his scemmta, gives notice to peneas indebted to him to call sad psi Imams the let of July nest. If not attended to by the stated, the amounts will be left to the hands of an akar for collec tion. This amuse is rendered necemary by my failing health, which renders it Imperative that I shanid stein. don practice for • brief period. JOHN BENNSTT. WenkYvin*. 25 0.0. ;slid Administrator's Notice. baIiTTERB OF ADMINISTRATION fumes been rusted to the Ilaboariber on Oa L. s of Thomas 8. dlsalalr. late of the city of Ezie, da mod, motto is hereby gives to all persons sadebted to mad Wats. to maks Immedlatipsymeat. sad those Wm. jug slams want It will present them. duly sathentl, astedi, for settlement. GEO. W. OUNSIBON, At the O.& Pandos and Calm 02es, southwest ear am of Mats Lad FM stmts. Erie, Pa. jeradirr Wool f WooL ITOOL WANTED, FOR WRIER. TIF F blend motet Woo pat bp palA B. 4 by Jens 112. ass—F atrwrn, A. CO It LIC, 6: 1. assoads s e graßoes aminarfinsa rii lib*, gdo. pli. , Wei sisee lli nt *soot%ewithti wet the tosteeb mad SELIDEN 111 CO., NEWFACTIIRING AWE** 27 Court Mutt St" NOW rori. et Ciatill.B • is% 1 1 abasp, ta prourtlag egortias, at" spivs sod the partied iiir;s - 1 . 10 Sok W i wi!), batter fialiimsft. and MO- Whim' Irstiksed "WOWS • , 'se sad laic 100,000 WATCTES, CIGUNS, eoLo , Panels es., le., worth over list a Million . bs so Aden I fold et Ulla Dam' 1111 * with4ll9 to vales. /ad tot tole paid for man rr you Ilse i' Vt yea sea b sawes. POWDZA .ato oily sedielse la c k aml patented la Tram* 4 Switairlaad. di 1 1 and duly a& Med their Courbti vas by *r. Dm!, lb! Ayrkulbus at `, - Maw. Dr. ol Z. LIST' OF JUCTICLIkti 300 Gents' gold • Watches, 4 50 to $l5O 800 Ladies' gold Watakes, 35 1 -40 70 400 Gaeta! silver Watches, " 85 - to 70 200 Dismend Ringo; _ '6O to 100 8,000 Gobi Vest & Neck Chains, 15_1a 80 8,000 do: - 4,te 6 8,000 ,tiold-tival Bed Bracelets, 4to 8 4,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, sto 10 2,000 Chitalaine & guard chains, to 6le 20 6,000 Salters & gold j.trooches, i 4to 10 2,000 Lava &Florinttee broodhes, 4to 6 2,000 Coral, Opal & Em. brooches,t 4 to-_8 2,000 Moaliie, Jet, Lave- & Florence - tine Eat: Drops, 4,500 Corsi 'opal &an. N. drops, 4to 4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,50 to 3,000 Gold fob & vest watch keys. ? " to 4,000 Fob & vest ribbon slider, 3 to 4,000 Sets sleeve buttons; etc., 3 to 8,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, etc., 4to 6,000 Ministure lockets, 5 to 4,000 Mia. locketii.-magio spring, 3to 4,000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to 6,000 Plain gold rings, 4 to 6,000 Chcsed gold rings, 4 to 7,000 Stdite set & signet rings 2,50 to 5,000 California diamond rings, 2to 7,600 Sets ladies' jewelry-jet & gold, 5. to 6,000 Sets ladies jewelry-cameo, pearl, etc., 4 to 5,000 Gold pens, silver extemdon. holders & pencils, 6,000 Gold pens & gold-mounted holders, 3 to 5,000 Gold pens, & pen.bolders, 6to 5,000 Silver goblets & cups, 5 to 1,000 Silver castors, 16 to 2,000 Silver fruit & cake baskets, 10 to 1,000 Dozen silver tea spoons, 10 to 1,000 Do. table spooni & forks, j•29'65-ly Corti/Seat% naming each article, and ira value, are placed in hea led Enveles, and wet mixed. Ow of thaw envelopes, ooetalafnt the Cerebrate*: Order for some Article, (worth at least one dollar at retall,) will be sent by mail to soy address without regard to choir" on receipt of 25 cents. The purchaser will see what Ar ticle It draws, and its value, which may be from One to Five Hundred Dollars, and can then send OneDollarand receive the Article named, or any other on tke 1 st of the same Ten., and after seeing the article, If it does net give perfect satisfaction, we desire it to be immedi ately returned and the amount paid CU be refunded. By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles and of tn triage worth, at &nominal price, while all have a chance el securing artieles of the very highest value. In all cases we charge for forwarding the Certificate, =and doing the tmstnesa. the sum of Twenty.tive which must be enclosed In the order. rive Cer tUicatee will be sent for $1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $5 ; sixty•five for $10; one hundred for $l5. Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent to any address by return mall or express. Entire aatistration Guaranteed In all eases. Write your Name, Town, .County sad State plainly, and address SELDEN de CO., taa2.5'65-0m 27 Conrtlandt street, New York. W. W. PIERCE & CO.'S. HYDE & WRIGHT': ?ATM Hone Hoe, or Cultivator Plow. THE ABOVE INVALUABLE IMPLE xur hae always received the First Premium when ever exhibited ; and all who have used it pronounce it far superior to anything else of the kind. The follow ing are some of the advantages this Cultivator has over every other Clad now In nee: let. Lightness and durability ; being made of the best quality of steel, highly pulialmh sac] the ',Ledo laapt• meet weighing from fifty to sixty pounds. 2d. Adaptation to more kinds of work than any other Cultivator known ; being a perfect and thorough Culti vator when used with ell the teeth on, leaving the ground even and level, and working nearer the rows than any other Cultivator. Bd. By removing the small teeth, Ind attaching the wings to the shovel, It is the moat perfect implement for hUling that can be foand. Stk. It Is the best implement for covering and digging potatoes vier Invented. • man and horse an corer po tatoes as fast as a horse can walk, and a man and teem can dig from three hundred to five hundred buthele o potatoes in a due, when the amp is a fir one. sth It worVually well in corn, or any kind of crop requiring cult log, and in most eases hand hoeing can bed bpe with. 6th. Its cheapness, considering the maziy Made of work to which it can be applied ; the farmer having to oar implement all that is newstacry for cultivating and billing any kind of crop, or coeering and digging pota toes. Numberleu certificates from the most intnential farm. *rein the United States might be given of the superiori ty of the above implemesn over all others designed fur Mrs purposes. We shall be pleased to receive $ call from any one who needs a Cultivator or Shovel Plow and explain to then the merits of the above Horse Hoe over all oth. r Imple ment. of the kind. We warrant this Hors. Hoe to work as a Cultivator as well as any Cultivator made—se • Shovel Plow as well a. any Shovel Plow—and as a Horse Hoe a oomplete success, or refund the money if it does not meet this warrantee. We also keep en hand in cannel :tion with our Hard ware, Stoves, Tinware and Rouse Ittrulablng Goode, a complete assortment of Hone Rake: Hand Rakes, Scythes, Scathes , Grain Cradles, Porks,'Hoes, Shovels, Spades, kc. Don't fall to give na a call. W. W. PIERCE k CO., Sole agents for Horse Hoe in Erie Co., Pa., and A/tabula Co., Ohlo, Comex State and 9th ste., Erie, Pa. War. W. Praacia,l Gititi. J. Emma:. Erie. May 25, 1905-8 m The following flans are our antlunisA agent, for the eels of Wrightrs Horse Ho. or Cultivator Plow : 0 A. Heine & Co., Waterford; M. L. &LH. Setting& North Last ; Galliford, Hay & Girard; J. A. White. Miles Orave • A. Landarath, Union • Webster Jr, Blood, Conneaut, O h io; T. McGuire, Aelitibuts, Ohio ; Talcott & Hodge, Geneva, Ohio ; W. W. Memos & Co., Brandt, Spartansburgh. -Brown's Hotel, • • ... C el State Street stud the Path, Erie. Milt ABOVE WELL KNOWN HOUSE A. has paned into the control of the Undersigned, who are determined to spare no efforts that will tend to make it a pleasant stopping ;dace for the traveling pub lic. A number of important improvements have already been 'made, and others to be completed at an early plied will render it one of the finest hotels in the country. Especial cartile taken to furnish the table with all the seasonable articles, served up in the moat approve d style, and by accommodating waiters. We took of the Hotel with the resolution to make it such as e mote of this section: require, and feel confident of meeting the approbitien °four guests. LOOMIS It ROSS, A. T Loom*, / Proprietors. W. L. Rose._ S May 4 115• It - - __l - MANHOOD; How Lost I How Restored. TENT PUBLISHED . a New Edition of T.I Dn. Cor.viawar.es Mammas:a Ileamr on the radical awe ((without medicine) of Sranmaroaszosa, or Seminal Wealoem, Involuntary Semi al Losses, Iwo- Tarn, Mental and Physical Incapeolty, Impediments I. li=etc. ; also, Conscrirrios, Nritiviv and TM, by aelf-indalimor or sexual sztravaganee. ff . Pries, in a sealed envelops, only II cants. The celebrated author. in tide admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years sueosedul practice, that the alarming oonsequeness of self-abase may be rad crefalia4 'say cared without the du tic nee of internal mid- Ides or the application of the Intim( out a mode of cure at once Ample, certain and b ) me .b, of which every sufferer, no matter wha Ms Condition my be, ear. himself cheap) re privately and rodiosali, „, This Lecture (rhombi he In um hands of ems 7 yaw' and awry nun la the land. ' Sent ander sal, la a plain envelope, to any address, on the reoel t =six mats, or two poetagectalos. Address' the pu CHAS. J. C. Ue ,na & CO4e 121 &wiry, New 'York, Piet Oita Ikrz. ON. SUBSCRIBER WHO HAS OCCU -1 run the Manilas House, jut *boys the Depot, for the peat four years, has removed into the NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER or PEACH AND BU/PALO STP.EETS, When he will try to aseemmodate twice as many griesrb„ and as wall, as he did in the old stand. He hopes that the patronage which was so liberally extended to him there, will be Wended to him to his new visitors. His stabling Is sulicient to accommodate ail taamstirgwbo may favor him with their patronage. spilo'6l-U JOHN BOYLN. CVLDI 4410 be EWA for Ogre voll+i• tech MANN'S Or DDITRIEITION nur3s7 , 6-tt Hotel Removed. Spring sad Sumer Gods ! KM. S. H. HALL Would respectfully gall attention to her L kRGRIVOCK OF GOODS, hat rembilit from New York, imbruing °anat., Hats, Ribbons, 40., Together with some DRY GOODE!! Which she will esti OREAP FOR CABS, OR BRADY-PAlri , Taztlaalar nalintion paid , to blesekinm colorlwg Mere on ream Ett. T doors More too Due; &le, stisme. • -- t GOLDEN. BITTERS. A PURELY VEGI4TIATILF. TONIC. INVlGOltA'ftlla 4 Ift7JI3IOI'6IIIDIG, ) crtillta IN) Byrom 001614 tie soil fade of aoirb.io - . . Will cats . Will mum i rser tiL asta. . . .. ROI OUZO Geseral lalotiltr. ... . . Will erase lissaltana. • • • . W ill gars Raidaeha W Mars User Oompbtint. • Will 'oxen* and alaW a loan - ID W iorigOrdt• itto organs of and auxisrals Tatas tag lorpostin °NM tad, gad Qs Wes o ation„ acting in bat as a metal ootrotaraat at tt, system, containing co poisonous drop, sad is Tag FIRST TOKIO BrITIREIIIg - TBZ WORLD. • A Sir Wel ie . niluely eliUsleed. ago. a. Inman a CO.; Prairtisson. liedeee t . . Central ',spot. Ametlean lapin lielldies a* HUD BON BT., NE'W YORK. /or isle sr ell Druggists. Groosed. ha. ar WHIM 14 sampunr, &1., inismiwip a yses. sad rot sale by Hall t Werbikearter (liner Int bins k Boeth. Geared., GEORGE DEMERIT & CO., JEWELERS, I to 303 Broadway, New York, (CORM MUNI 111111111?,) 100,000 Watches, Chains, Geld Pew PENCILS, WORTH $500,0001 TO BB SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, WTVIOUT BBOARD TO VALUE, And not to bepaid until you know what you will SPLENDID LIST OF ; ARTICLES, All to be sold for ON DOLLAR each I 4W 100 Gold Hooting Cease Watches, each $lOOO9 190 Gehl Walsh's 411140 200 Ladles' Watches ......... .... . 66319 600 Silver Watchas.. ...". ' 11 ' 40 'Ca $26.09 000 Gold Neck and fest Clutha 1206 to WOO 1000 Chatelain and Guard Cholas. 6.00 to 16.09 3000 Vest and Neck Chatna. 4.00 to 12.00 4000 Solitaire .Ist and Gold /kowtw.. 6.00 to 640 4000 Coml Jet, , La fro l s4 Ganiet, ins., Brooches,— LOG to 840 d, 7000 Gol he., Bar Drops 800 to 1.60 6000 Gaits' and Swan= 3.00 to 8.09 MOO Ovol Band Bracelets IWO to 800 2000 Chased Bracelets . 190 to 10.09 UM California Diamond Pins and lisp.. 200 to 11.00 . , . Gold Match Keys. .. ... .. .. ..... 2.50 to 6.00 ', .. Solitaire Sleeve /Sultana ind - Staub— 2.00 to 6.00 3000 Gold Thimbles 4.00 to 0.09 6003 initiator* Lockets 2.00 to TOO 3000 Miniature Looks ts . Magic. . ..... 4.00 to 199 2600 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, ilic., 200 to 849 3000 Fob acd Ribbon Slides. LOO to $OO 6000 Chased Gold Rings. 200 to 1.00 4000 Stone Set Bingo— ..... . . -.. LAO to LW 6600 Sets Ladies" Jewelr y —Jet and Go ld.. 6.00 to MN MOO Sets Ladles' Jewelry—varied styles.. 8.06 to 14.011 8000 Gold Pens,Bilnir Case and resell._ 4.00 to 8.00 4000 Gold. Pens, Mammy Holder and Cans— 6.06 to 10.00 6009 Gold Pena, Roasted 801der..—...... 200 to OA all the goods in the above List will be so) without reservation. for ONE DOLLAR EACH. O el all the various articles are placed in Mahar envelope. sealed and mixed. These envelopes will be sent by mail or delivered at our Wpm without regard to choke. Oa receiving a Certificate. you will me what utak tnprs. sent; and it is optional with you to send one dollar and moire the article named. or any other in the Rut alike IMO Tiltle. By tide mode vs give emotions from a sorted stook of fine goods, of the best make and latest styirs, and of In trinsic north, at a nominal pried, while all hare a shames at securing articles of the very highest value. In all trainee/dons by marl we charge for fervardiag the Certificate, peying postage, sad doing the Inuriaam. 26 cants each. raps cert‘dcares nit basalt In $1; valor 112; 711irtyfor $5; Sizty for $10; emf Rsa efredfor $l6. REASONS WRY We 'braid supply year wants; oer batlilt's are unser paand; oar work of unrivalled inzelleneet our ennobles punctually observed. Our central location beings us mar the most remote point,. Our goods are new hem the manufacturers, and of the latest and most deldrelde styles. The goodeanst be sold, and the farms are all articles ordered are forwarded by rstura. Ws guarantee ntire satisfaction in every Lustanos, and tf them 'herald be person dlaesUilled with aay article they may receive , hey will immediately rehire It and the pri will be Wended. aosorre.—We allow thaw acting as agents ten cents on each Oartlicate ordered, pi ovieltd their reasatase• amount to one dollar. They will celled 26 orate far sew Certificate, sad re- WW2, 10 ousts, remit to o• 16 mats for seek. Address, 431L0. DlOllllll7 y, otr2-11ce. 110111firokiway, Iles Tort. Q TODD MULLET, O. (Late of the D. g. Treasury D.partmept and Pearuylvania Conunladoaer for Soldlem W tosi D. C,) General Ohara Agent withßetgastin Gra_at, Attorney at Law, Wayne Block, &IA Pa, =him Naval and Civil claims eolleetod with Adslitzs ao4 Ma• patch. Pensions obtained and °allotted. A .ssit ra.m.r4/7 a tamda4 iss Mr. P. having=r eras years' experience in the details or the surto.. Da partosents, feels coalidetat he can re114111,111101411114/111114010 aid la prosecuting all kinds of Government claim. slaying-Gm Crawford, Christian & pith, Deans In GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Dried and Sealed Fruits, PAINTS & OILS, Ship Chandlery, Boat Stores, ft, w, C . .. ? If0:7 BRATTI" 8 BLOCK. PARK ILGA, Mao, Public Dock, Foot of State Streets Raul, PW(N'A. WM. A. CRAWFORD. Z. F. GA.--; jasaF66-41 J. BYROM ROTS. E. H. ANTHONY tic Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLF.SALI,ANO ULM. , i 601 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. la addition to oar male badman of PHOTOGALPiIIO MATLILIALS, rro are Beadquartara for tho follopiag, via.: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Of these we nave an immense aleartsue4, lacludiog War Scenes, American sad foreign Cities. sad Lail nape., Groupe, Statuary, to, its. Also, Retelling Stereeseopes, for public or private exhibitioa. Oar cat alogue will be sent to au address on receipt of strap. PHOTOGRAPHIC AlM:hi& We were the ant to introdiee thou Into OW United din* and we numaufacture immense quantities la great variety, ranging In prise from ISO cents to $lO Mob. Oar Album have the repatatioa of being superior In beauty and durability to all others. They will be seat by mil, fros, on reset_ yt ofyriee. rir Floe Album nude to order.,, 13 Card Photographs. ' • Our catalogue embraces our fire thousand dlitere subjects, (to which additions are continually hiln; model of portraits of eminent Americans, ha, via. about 100 Major Gene els, • 360 Statuses, 100 Brig. Generals, 180 nes, $l4 Colonels, 12A Authors, 500 Lieutenant Colonel', 40 Artists, ISO Other officers, I 125 !tag% 15 Nary officers, - 150 Prominent Weans. 100 Prominent rondo Portrait.. Three thonaand oopiu of work, of art, 'salad's; re• productb rug of the most celebrated engravincd, }stag gs, Status, hc. Catalogue seat oareesipt of stamp. An order for one dozen pictures from our catakigne be filled on the receipt of $1 80, and sent by mall, free. Phoographers a- d others •ordeting goods O. 0 D.. will ;elan remit UP esty-five her cent. of the manual with their enter. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Mansinctarers cf Pluto rripkie .kgatriata. 501 lifto ADW AY, N. Y. rir The prison and quality of oar goods- cannot fail to satisfy. tsbil•das Atlantic & Great Western liallread, NRW BROAD GOAD!. Famenger, Freight, Nan, Express and Tele graph BOWL Connecting at Babunanes, R. Ir.. with the Brit Rail. way, !Orme • continuous tibt foot Track _(roc N. Tort to Almon or Clint/Ad. 'Oa sad after MONDAY, NoVEMBDR • 16, 1803, Through Paean ger and Freight ?rain will be ran teen tarty between CLEVRLAND AND NSW YORK. NEW AND IMPORTANT PASSENGER ROUT, MOM I.lllooCli 1- , Peasenim by this Line hue choler el rive dipti Ronan between New York and Roeton. 7WROUGit MUTT can be obtained at any of the 011 em of the Eris Railway and all rater. 011iese of emsneedng Linea West or Southwest; also, at the Central West OSee , coder the Weddell ßoush Cleveland„ Ohio. Ask far Tlchetp via. the A. At (1. W. AND ERIS RAILWAYS. pump: Tralmrstop at Meadville thirty atinnteA Liv ia, pimento's 1111 1 1, •Ull• to dia. th e try . .. EOllBll,. thi beet Railway Hotel ia country. NEW AND EXPipl77OOB FREIGET LINZ, ALL No transhipment oo or 11.11 L d. lan mental Freight between New York sad At. t Cleve Merchant, in the West aed Southwest will end It to their adviustage to order their goods to be torwasted vlee the Erie and Atlantis a< Gnat Vattern Railway% than raving trouble sadism's*. KATZ* OF FREIGHT AR LOW AS AMY OTHER ALL RAIL ROUTE. Especial attention will he given to the speedy treepor talon of Freight of all kinds, East or West. The Famines, Cars and other eqaipments atlas Cies pony se entirely smand of the moat Improved modem et e. The only direct mote to thi MONDERZUL OIL REGIONS or PRIFIfMYLVANIA, Via. Meadville er Corry. From Learvibiburgh, the Ilahonhe Breath ma to Youngstown and the Coal bilees. This Road is Wag extended, and win soon WA eon. pletirunniug order to Gallon. Crimea. Daytee mad CU ,thioeti, without break of vase. .1. FARNSWORTH. Goan Irreight Agar, T. R. GOODMAN, Gael Titbit Amt. D. F. SWALIMAIR, Ses•l Rapt. FIZZ WE Alia OFFERING D/1 1 := 8,26.1 , Giatt:a 143"4. %1 • ,.. CI MR ?cal* Kuno maw receive !