The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 29, 1865, Image 1

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Orroarrs TEM POST 077113.
•irrloN—Two DoLwes LTD FIPIPT OEers per
ut , if laid In &dean°, ; Tuna Dota.mta if not
oil the expiration Of the year. Subscribers
by carrier will be charged Fist; Cafers
~,F,UF.STS.—One Square of Ten Lines ene in
sl,o ; two Lesertions $1,50 three puss"
$1 , 73 ; one month $2,00 ; two months $2,75 ;
4 ,, r , gi,59; six months $5,60; one yeas $9,00;
.1i...rt.-incubi in proportion. These rates
, , t -, a., a dhered to, unleae changed by special
ret the option of the publishers. Audi.
Stress, Divorces and like
; i tdcuretrator's Notices $3,00-; Lg.esa
totV I. n te. Inns; Marriage Notiaes TWIST'S ,
()Lacers Notioes(orer three lint'
• r
cents pea line. Original poetry, on.
• uet the request of the editor, one dither
inc advt.: ta,e reran will be continued at
• o f the r er,,,n advertising, until ordered
,tn,e,t.on, unless a specified period in
ppon lino
!.47 It• Int,' •
: s riNG _We have one of the beat Jobbing
to do any work in
. , .0 eal are ready
t'atrnib be e ntrusted to us, in equal styli
eet.6li, at outnnle of the largest cities.
, u.• shoul dWlllT be addressed to
Pub' letaer and Proprietor.
this *Wotan at the
~, per year—according to
AnJ :•tr,
a. TLE.U.
• -•
TTO332T Al LAW, titrard:Erie County,
and other bosinese attended to with
151.TMOU E,
ArronyET ♦7 LAW, in Walker's Of.
vc , t l, en.rt, Etta, Pa. ana 7'62
pw.g . , ! it .) 'tt 'Clock, North side of the Put,
aprll'63 . Erie, Ps.tL
• o4ll(sKtuta and Cellar in St/Motility,
„,•ifrincr,, Saaapapers, &a. Country dealer'
-. ;• tor , Brown's Hotel,fronting the Put.
h-J..s. ell 1 LDShutakenthe Lime Kiln at
- 'cat-eel near the PhilsAelphis. depot,
- • ,
"4 prepared to furnish Wht . te Lime, is Lugo
Lowest market prices.
, OC I L
& 111{1'01,
Arroxin - rs CothrlllLo2.ll AT iLLIA.
P I,ock •nrar North West corner of the
Smarr, Fne, Pa
being many year 3 County
oactye.s. SL-rey make Plans or Maps
fLe in Common Connell Room,
Bi. apr'Z'64-Iy.
11.1) ItENNETT.
Jr , r.cie oP TR It PIACI. OMNI INICOrId
~k :•treet, between Flftland
% LIC'
Y 3: W 11.111"
kit. ,, /T 3 AT Lip, Ridgway, Ps.
SL•6r• it.. C..rarron and Jefferson counties.
,t-L•; \V. W. WILBUR,
n I I:arket Street—ions square seat of
I,,htinge. %larr.n, P.. - Snpt.29-17.
)11'1.111' 4 EN,
Josnex or TO Prix; Paragon Block,
ifeet u!}►nar Ene, Pa
Attorney at Law and .1. P.
• :on% Cosr..yancer and Collector.
Guktt, nth. est corner of Fifth and
Ens, Pa. apl3'66-tf
Joipi Ccosesexanari.„ at the new
has hand a large wort
l'i,ri•oonr., Wood and Willow Ware,
b o, :•eg.a.rot, k.c.. to which he re
ton of the public, eatlefied that
02. kirganae an can be had in any part
:::r. mar3o'6s—ly
15ITE tinTEL,
Frruclt .treet, between 4th and sth street;
1 Erie Railroad BegSt, Erie, Pa-,
. cater, Pr , prietor. Extern/Iva ateoremoda
it.arqe, au: tracriera. Board by the day or
. attached. ` apr2S63tf.
& Kayser's Patent Sewing Machines
. -:•tate Street, between 6th and Oth Sta,
UotLre made to order in the ineat style.
. O.IIOILN ft,
Li rata LTD SALE STABLE, on Eighth
and French. Fine - Homo and Car
,as...nable terms. my28134-Iy.
• El. I— & M CARTER,
% , ...:..rrAirreiurati of atease Ecrines.Boilers,
^xt. Arrirsitural imp!proinits, Ratiraid Os"
31AGILI., or-
Offiee in Rotel:, 111 / 8 4••
• north aide of the Park. Erie. P.. .
R•:.(.IrAT, ELL CO, )lls E. U LX/lONI3,
This in a new sun Landunnely titled up
of one of the beat Trouung and Hunt
, in l'ennaylamna. Cot - x.4111.16u, liooma,Clean
• d Table and 3.oderatv Prmea The public
rampeetfully Anted sep'64-Iy.
drfOltXblT AT Leer--Otdee ea totla 4treet, the Court House, Erie,l%.
h,-01.)1.1), M. U.
, Cxii, Pa: Now . 4, 1864.-3awso.
IIaILEIt IS Day &JODI% Qttoczei la,
Nitta, ilium, Seed. Plantar, eta., cot
and Pubic Square, Erie, Pe. jal7tl.
;ICIIIIOI & suroit,
IVuouteala Ann Reran. Di!OARS 111
t'ruTizlwas, Flour and Feed, Wood and
, Liquors, Tobacco,l3eZikas, State
it to Too4's Hons. Funtiah mporinm
()TEL. IVacerford, ra..
and eatelul attention given to
otn:r. aptYBS-ly•
tl At.H.N.Lt,
otwAill..l3ll su COlll/41110N M Z RCBAar
V,Arei.un.e on ruVic Donk, East Corner of
t. AI o, dealer to Coal, Balt, Fait, Mow',
,ter N. B.—Particular attention
to We Receiving and Forintritng of Petro.
I,:e and Raced, to all parte of the oottatry.
1.11 s*LEIL,
n,'Or Produ coo Previalone,
an! .a• Ware, +Cioea, Ligeorq &c.,
:'ostottee, Erie, 'a.
, murB'6s-ly
C', ri 771; yi: r , 0; I LPN. Crittenden na.ll
and all other legal bail
Erie, Wurr;laad Forrt
. too and protalp:ly.
srt—A at A. Italtratth, R bitacu.n & fireelt
~ tttcccr Ene, Pa.
•••a, hon. P.Joisauton, 17. D. Brown
Lek, Kasten, Pa.
popolar med elms his been
" 17 " u.r.:ir the last twenty years in
,reit erd I i2t caeires with more den ided ea
to u'7 zec.cioe before the pub!. e. Not
re mmloktiii,cr, ie oecess.ary to those L =MUM
e Li. b4r-erutir and speedy came 11 1:lit
r° ' 4, 111 . 1 c”,bde.ce in It' Tali long
abovd %./.• remedy ie safe,philuisitt e s pee dy
••f t? , , peratlon—ie adapted to a ll ages
ILIA:id be kept in every /intime
'.use tie vim requfrid. II throat ant lane
ire treor.i with tLe use of this Rem edy In
etto, r Itrs Lumber of death, a ill b
ORGLI RVEDY Is the best remedy wen
.r ri/nl/.k1(.; /IRO/VC/HT/4 r
s at i.e., aid bertgeratu tAe Leo so.
I'rlee-30 Ceuta to $1 Per Bottle.
W AttiEl e ii.inuteeturers and Proprietor
cord door north of Seventn 'treat, vie. y 11,u;,,.t s aud dwell' throughout the
w , holosoed eitmeoe et Eris City and 71041i!,7 0
P. HA +•+.'e Celebrated co nußoundatt g r
enriar of the Throat ArAl
tr. In reennainendung Da tun to the isitikrta
A eyeetnal remedy, TOY wortkr of "bile
Sfattliev i tnalltoa, D.
arn dr . Rys ftlehar! ghbi lL
'347, Robert Co tusk J.T. Cu,
Liza Daniel B« t, Daniel Ham,
'tau, W. r. .sirosobt, J. lloomsy,
41-'42; P. E. %knou t J. W. Calm.
" , 11u. Manson Shrryoo4, Wm. ILL Wait
!, W. H. Coo ?r,, A. X. Timbal/.
Joseph Dew ' E. A. Beaneit,
Real. GranS J.Salsbuy .
All. Lomas A. PI Y. mkTur'
Thomas .:10,Lost,
W• it Gels ' J. Roblastn,A,
chse. W. g •+ it'
U P. Snail r, autl,
Tl) CONSUM 1 t • - r t2t. • -
•ii .,
lihseri 1 )e r will C tr. 'ally sena (free
i t0... 1 who dela' s it, • &spy of a Sterns
Ith 1, was aim of DMA dtllll/611 Con
tb'costriirrioN, Airs •
a, Baca=Wl"
..os, Ls mum!) bo 1:111 try this pe,
• tlisy du so they sit bll.more theme estist•el
/IL thankful far its ova eotupista sestor•-
"a , ous to - place in the tiara 'gratin' stoma
'ears. Those wishing tab recipe eritb ND
will please can on or addreal
He. 61 Joh* Steak New Teel.
Celebrated Female Pills.
.0Y Rd/d i Jr . ' PATENT !
tared fro* a Prsuription d Sir J. parks, 111. V.,
Physician Extraordinary t U. QUeea,
aim invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
hose painful and danger° 11 ate - swain which the female
constitution is mitilset. It moderates all eagess and re.
morel all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be rolled
I t le pienliarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with re`tilarity.
Each bottle, vies One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent eounterfelta.
Thus Pills iambi mot be taken by Tessales during As
FIRST THREE MOITTES ofPrsgwey, as they ere
sure to bring on Arsscarriiirs; but at any ether fiat they
are mfe.
In all cues of Nervou and Spinal alfectkina, Pains in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion,Palpita-
Bon of the Haut, Hysterics and Whites, Hume Pals will
effect a cure when all other means hare felled: and al
though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel,
antimony Or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Fall diractione in the pamphlet, around each pa , kap,
which ahonld be carefully preaerred.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, 27 Cort/andt St., New Twit.
N. 8.—51,00 and 0 postage stanips 'named to any an
hortind agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 PUle.
Snuff has thoroughly proved Well to be the beet
artiste known for curing CADtimi, COLD Of WI MUD
and EIKADACHIL It has been found as excellent remedy
to many cases of Boss Eras. DIAIVEZSI has been removed
by it. and ALAIMO has often been greatly Improved by
Its nee. It is fragrant and agreeable, and gives IMMEDI
ATE RELIE e to the dull heavy palm: canned by diseases
of the Head. The sensations after using It are delightitil
and invigorating. It opens and purges out all ob
structions, strengthens the glands and given a healthy
action to the parts affected.
More than thirty years of sale and use of Die itinhari
Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved its great value
for all the common diseases of the head, and at this mo
ment It stand' higher than ever before It is recommend
ed by many of the best Id:pie:tans, and is used with great
imams and satisfaction everywhere. Read the Certificate
of Wholesale Druggists In 1854:
The undersigned having for many years been uvula
ted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headvhe Snuff, and
sold In our wholesale trade, cheerfull• elate that we be
lieve it to be equal, in *vary reinsert, to the resrommendw
Hoag given of it for the cure of Catarrh Affestions, and
that It Ls decidedly the beet artlele we have ever known
for all common &miss of the Head.
Burr kr Perry, Reed, Austin & Co., Brown, Lamson &
Co., Reed, Cutler & Co., Seth W. Towle, Wilson, Falrbank
& Co.„ Boston ; Renshaw, Edxnands & Co.; H. H. Hay,
Portland, Ye.; Barnes & Park, A. B. &D. Sands, lite Then
Paul & Co., Israel Minor & Co., MeCesson & Robbins, A.
L. Booeill & Co., IL Ward, Close & Co., Binh & Gale,
New York.
For sale by all Druggists. Try it. jr764-Iy.
BILANDRETWas Pit LS.—They expel the poi.
eons which threaten life. Every time a sick per
son 11 purged by this vegetable remedy, he has less vi
tiated humors and more life and vigor, as any one can
prove by taking a single dose. - Persons of spare hatlts
gain flesh and strength while using them. Every time
we rut a few.days or weeks from this purgatlonore make
new fluids from our food, which replace the unsound
onea that the pills have caused to be evacuated. Each
time we repeat this process we expel further quantities
of impurities, which are again replaced by fluids lees and
leu impure, so that In a short time, by continuing this
treatment, we bring back the whole mw of fluids or
humors to that state of purity which constitutes health,
for Brand:often Pills only take away humors wbieh are
Sold by all r spetable dealers is medicines
Eicurama: False lights are crtingenahed when a
great truth shines forth, and the ineositextito Is foot
that the hair tarns frooW ay, red or sandy to a glori•
012.1 black or brown fa t i''''' ban the ehamelion changes
its hues, under the operation of
Criatadoro's Hair Die.
now known throughout the Amulean continua. It
harnless, contaCns no misfit., improves the fibres,
produces a rich, natural and butt ig color of any shads
from a warm brown to a glossy sable, and Is endorsed by
the most e ninent analytic chemists in the United
Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO. No. 6 Astor Howie,
Now York. Sold by all Druggiato Lod applied by all Flair
Dreawa. marl'6s•lm.
rarer having been restored to health la ate, days, after
many years of misery, la willing tomes% hla alifiaring
fellow-ereatures by pending (WO on Me -receipt of a
postpaid addressed saveloys, a •aory of the format
tare emple•od. beet to
JOHN IL, KIAGMALV,Box las ?oat
TOL 1 1 011144 , :i.C15T/All .1110ILSS .1.1141.
meat.—fn WSW, prlot SO cults.
Dr. Tottres-=Dear sfr : I bar been br.the Hraflad•
men for' ths4ast, twenty years, and during ,that time
have used all the various liniments and lotions of the
day, bat never have found an aril tie equal to your Yen
atlas Horse Liniment. I hive fairly tasted ft on my
bones in distemper. sprains, cuts, calks, ■welting of the
glands, kc., as ale) for rheumatism on myself, and Dave
always found it an invaluable remedy.
Respectfully . yours, U. LITCHFIELD.
Sold by all druggists Oda, 68 Cortlandt Street,
New York.
'by the air we breathe, or by the water we drii,k, we
can be made sick ; or by fatigue, or from debility induced
by beat, becatim these el:recta end by producing impurity
of blood. To regain health we mast purify the blood,
by tho organs of the stomach and bowel/ ; these organs
must ba continued to the regular performance of that
duty which nature has Judy:it'd them, and should there
be any Impediment, to whet does experience point ?
which cannot injure, and which willßarely restore the
bowels Jo the regular performance of their duties.
The dyspeptic, the bilious will find them a treasure of
health, and the same mar be said to all who are sick in
any way,—take Brandreth's Pills and be cured. Sold by
all respectable dealers is medicines. apV6S-lm
ACANDID STAT Li NT.— You nark pro cure of
any druggist in this city and vicinity Dr. Tobin'
Venetian Liniment. It is a sort and speedy cure for
sore throat, headache, toothache, chronic rhesuastl‘m,
eolle, croups and pain In the Units. We advise ever:
-one to give it a trial. The expense is a mere trifle-26
eents—and we are confident no person will ever be with-
out It. Every family should have a bottle In the house
in case of sudden accidents, ouch as cuts, burns, scalds,
km. Its pain relieving qualities are miraculous. As (or
croup, it has saved hundreds, we.bave the certificates
to prove it.
Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. Once
64 Cortlandt Street, New York. marl-lm.
Dn. Firmenleh & Co., of Buffalo, have diseovere d
a new curing 120 thud, by which all diseases CIA be
readily and radically cured by the patient, without the
aid of a physician. Dr. F. to the author of a medical
work of 300 pages, prim $2 00, &bag a fall explanation
of the model:l:treatment, They alas publiah a monthly
kedleal Journal, of which sample numbers will be sent
tree. by addressing Drs. J. FIBMENI k 00,
link• B CH MW°, N.Y.
A Card to the Suffering.
°WALLOW two or three hogshead, of "Ruche,*
0 "Tonic Bitters," "Sergipe:We,. "Nervous Anti•
dotes," he., am, he., and after you ire satisfied with the
result, then try one box of -OLD DOCTOR RUUD A B'B
E.SOLLSH EP L.Ol/10 PlLLS—end be restored to health
and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely
vegaftble, plesiant to take, prompt and salatazy in thctr
effects on the broken down and shattered constitution.
Old and young can take them with advantage. impor
ted and sold in the United States only by
JAS. 8. BUTLIT.B, No. 427 Broadway Y ,
New oir.,
Agent for the United Steles.
P. 8.-1 box of the Pills, sectint p l i red, will hornet
od to any address on receipt of - which is One Doi
to, post ',ea.—money refunded by Agent if entire
utilisation Is not given.
171)1V/it OF OBSERVICR—Dams Bra s —With
you: kind permindon I wish to my to the cedes
of your paper that I will send. be return null, to all who
wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making
and Cling • simple Vegetable Baba, that will effectually
remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, as, rrscklea
and all Impurities of the tub, leaving the same clear
smooth and beautiful.
I will also mail fro, to those haring Bald Beads, or
Bar* Yam, simple directions and Information that will
enable them to start a full m)sltts of Luxuriant Hair,
Whiskers or moustache in lers than thirty days.
All applications asunrered, toy return mall, without
charge. yam_
V. CHAPMAN, Chemist, •
m'g km 031111oaturay, Now Tort.
E ...
SO Katmai. Birthed. Cciim.
TWO . - " ; • ; • , 1.I) • .11IF k II • . 111 WV' / Z
Orit etteltig @bower.
ERIE, PA., ,?'IINE 29, 1865
Bryant's " Song of Wooing."
Bost thou Idly auk to hear
At what gentle seasons
Nymphs relent, when lovers near
Press the tenderest respond ?
Ab, they give their faith• too oft
To the careless wooer;
Miidens' hearts and always soft,
Would that men's were truer !
Woo the fair one, when around
Early birds are singing;
When, o'er all the fragrant ground,
Early herbs are springing:
When the brooked., bank' and grove,
All with blossoms laden,
Shine with beauty, breathe of lore,—
Woo the timid maiden.
Woo her, when, with rosy blush,
Bummer eye is sinking;
When on.rilis that softly gush,
• Mail are softly winking;
When, through boughs that knit the bower,
Moonlight gleams are stealing;
Woo her, till the gentle hour
Wakes a gentler feeling.
Woo her, when autumnal dyes
Tinge the woody mountain ;
When the drooping foliage lies
. In the half•ohoked fountain ;
Lit-the scene, that tells how fast
. Youth is passing over,
Ware her, ere hsr bloom is past,
To secure her lover.
Woo• her, when the north winds call
At the lattice nightly;
When, within the cheerful hall,
Blaze the, fagots brightly ; •
While the wintry tempest round
Sweeps the landscape hoary,
Sweeter in her ear shall sound
Love's delightful story. -
Southern News.i-
The Tribune, under the' heading "Spirit of
the South," has the following paragraph:
"All the petitions for pardon presented by
rebels breathe the same spirit of unrepenting
faith. in State rights and State supremacy
over the National Union."
The most valuable estates in North Caroti
ns are being offered for the nominal sum of
sl®slo tier -acre, the proprietors having re.
solved to emigrate North.
Fifteen dead negroes were found in the
river below 111acon, Ga., some days ago. No
marks of violence were found upon them.
The : Atlanta Intelligencer intimates that they
died of starvation.
A. card in a Richmond paper denies that
General Lee or his family have been drawing
rations from the Federal authorities.
Gene. Ed. Johnson and P. T. MOM . ; A. 0.
P. Nicholson, Arnold, the Mayor of Savan
nah, Gen. Joseph R. Anderson, of the Trede
gar Iron Works at Richmond, and an immense
number of former regular army and navy offi
cers 'are applying . for Executive clemency,
and the settlement of their questions involves
much discussion. •
There is a great change coming over the
Old Dominion. The late elections have con—
vinced the Union men that unless they in
some manner receive the support and protec—
tion of the Government they will of necessity
be forced to leave the State.—Tribune.
No MORN Rosen lINIZOBIIB.—Gen. Ord, en
the 10th inst., issued the following order: A
sufficient time having elareed since the sur
render of the forces late in rebellion with the
United States for all who were of such forces
to procure ether apparel than their uniform,
it is hereby ordered that no person, after
June 15, appear in public in this department
wearing any insignia of rank of military on •
naval service worn by officers or men of the i
late rebel army. Where plain buttons cannot
be procured those formerly used can be cov
ered with cloth. Any person violating this
order will be liable to arrest.—Richniond Re.
A correspondent of the World, writing from
Charleston, June 10th, says:
"The negroes are in a great btate of disor
ganisation, refusing to work under any orders
coming from the owner of the land. Allotting '
to themselves patches of land, which they are
working in separate bodies, no longer recog
nizing any authority to compel obedience,
they are breaking open barns, stealing rice,
baopn, corn, and provisions, killing the cattle
—in fact, behaving like any highway robbers.
The unfortunate loyal inhabitants are in a
deplorable condition, and no military com
mander with the head or the heart to appre
ciate their sufferings and afford them the pro
tection they hoped for from the flag of their
Rev. Charles Lane, who has just returned
from Charleston, relates an incident concern
ing Jeff. Davis' homehold which has not be
fore appeared in print. In disposing of his
slaves the great traitor committed to the es•
pedal care of Gen. , Baxton a lame negro boy
who was about the same age (some eight or
ten years) of Davis' young son, and who had
been the latter's most familiar companion
from infancy. When the time for separation
came, both lade made the most demenstrative
expressions of attachment; literally being
from each other's arms, crying bitterly,
and soon after the colored boy had been
placed on board another vessel he jumped
overboard, in order to go back to "Bob
A N2ollo'll OPINION or FILNIDOX.—WO were
very much amused, a few days back, at bear
ing an old darkey (who had been of the opin
on that to be free was the height of bliss),
giving his " opinion " of what he thought
freedom was, after having tried it for a few
weeks. He was giving advice to some of his
"colored brethren," and said, " stay wid your
massa and work, he'll feed and clods you, but
you cum to town and gite freedom, 'tie like
Coated. money, de more you hsb, de wus it
is."—Petersbury Nem.
Among others said to have come out in
favor of negro suffrage in Virginia as the only
hope of the loyal, are Judges Brown, Hawks
burst, Sneed, lawyers Beach, Hill and the
Watson's, all of whom ere thoroughly disgust
ed with the present administration of Gov,
Pierpont. The Legislature, which was se—
cretly called together, according to the play
of secessionists in days past., turns out to be
the late Legislature of the restored govern- .
ment of Virginia and not the Legislature
under secession control. The old Pierpont
Legislature consisted, or consists, of five Sea•
store and eight or nine Representatives.
Three of the Senators are right and two
fishy." The Rouse of Representatives ere
of the same character, comparatively. The
true men are disgusted with the whole thing,
Gov. Pierpont included, and will not go to
Richmond, so that only the few of Southern
proolivities will be in favor of his projects.
The Only one whio has gene from the counties
of Aletandria and Fairfax is Reuben John—
eon, of Alexendrii; whose conduct Is' well
known to the loyal, and of which we have at
example in his persistantly attending the ser—
vice of a clergyman Who, during the war, re—
fused to pray for the President, and who was
rejected from Christ Church parsonage for
rank disloyaity.Tribune Cot.
The Richmond Republic 'of the lfith says :
The officers of the Federal Court ere now In
the city, preparing business for 'the term
which will be held in October next. The poli
oy seems to be to proceed against the prop
erty, real and personal, of alt persons inolud‘
ed in the fourteen classes who are denied the
benefits of the general amnesty by the late
proclamation. Nearly three hundred different
properties are already embraced in these pro
ceedings, and the number is of course increas—
ing rery rapidly. - The tendency of this state
of things is of course rery prejudicial to the
business of the city, which in many depart
ments is brought to a stand still. It Is stated
that seventy—five pieces of property in Rich
mond hare been already libelled for confisca
tion, which is only a beginning. The pro ,
needing is against the property itself, the
owner not being made a party to the cause.
Some of the sutlers who followed the army
and rushed into Richmond with their wares,
in anticipation of doing a tremendous busi
ness, on the supposition that the Southern
people had plenty of good money, are closing
out, one by one, and returning to the . North,
wiser, if not richer men.
The accounts received from all parts of the
South depict a condition of distress such as
might naturally have been expected from the
exhaustion of a great war, the ruin of their
currency, and the great social upheaval which
changes the whole face of Southern society ;
but Ouch as makes a most affecting impression
when exhibited in the saddening details fur
nished by journalists and travelers. Thous
ands are dying of starvation; hundreds of
thcusands famishing with hunger; in exten
sive districts industry and production are so
arrested, that the harvest of the present
year will not suffice to put an end to the fam
At a meeting of the people held at Centres.
Tulle, on the 16th alt., Col. Sheffield, of the 48th
Alabama, in a speech, said :. " I have done all
I could to establish a Southern Confederacy.
I carried my musket for three years. I am
whipped. I have been whipped for twelve
months. The Southern Confederacy does not
exist in the land to-day. I am like an erring
child who has been whipped by his father."
Major A. C. Baird said : "We have met to
bury the tomahawk, to smoke the calumet of
peace. All of us ought to reverence that gov
ernment 'which we could not destroy, and to
which we have been compelled to submit. I
shall do it cheerfully."
The arrest of Gen. Lee, the Petersburg (Va.)
News states, was ordered by Secretary Stan.
ton. Gen. Ord, in command at Richmond, of
fered his resignation rather than execute the
order. Gen. Grant then interfered, and the
order of arras? was recalled. •
Jeff. Davis_ is described as having lost his
appetite and his sleep. Somebody who saw
him recently reports " him sitting in hie bed,
his brow farrowed, his cheeks sunken, his
eyes listless, gazing on the blank walls of his
cell es-if he saw a great horror before him
and a pallid terror behind him. His nerves
are gone ; he starts at the slightest noise like
a fevered child, his physical organism is
prostrated almost beyond recuperation. His
physicians, after oonsultatio imposed abso—
lute quiet in his easement, and
now the - guards of the prisoners pace his cell
in slippers, that their footfalls may not give
a sound. The prisoner never reads, never
talks-except to utter querulous complaints,
and this last he indulges in much less fre
quently than he did."
AN A PPRICIATIVE Naoao.—Last summer,
Henry, a contraband, paid a visit to the
city of Philadelphia, and on his return to
the army was in the habit of giving a daily
account of the wonders he had seen in
tJat place. Oue morning his master hap
pened to ask him if be had been to the
theater during his absence.
" Oh, yes, ash," was the reply ;'" L3'e
been to the theatre a good many times.
Still I don't like the theater as well as
the opera."
This was said with a sentimental air
that reflected infinite credit on the
" DG you admire the opera very much ?"
said the lieutenant.
" Very much indeed," answered Henry.
" I goes every night when-I possibly can."
" Which sort of piece do you like best,
—the German or the Italian ?" was the
next inquiry.
" Don't know sir," was the answer ;
" but I always likes that kind of pieces
where de young lady -jumps through de
It was evident from this, that Henry
had confounded the opera with the circus.
_ Coos. Werra.—At .this season of the
year a cool draught of water becomes a
luxury. By the following method water
may be kept in a simpre and inexpensive
manner, almost as cool as ice. Let the
jar, pitcher or earthen vessel used for
water, be surrounded with one or more
folds of coarse cotton, to be kept con
stantly wet. The evaporation of the water
will carry off the heat from the inside, and
reduce it to a low temperature. In India
this expedient is very common. It saves
the ice bill and is more healthful than ice
Canteens are covered upon this princi
ple. Mechanics and laborers, in this
manner, can always have, with very little
trouble, a good supply of cool water con
stantly on hand. Try it.
A Plitscnsn's Joel.—When preachers
do indulge in jokes, they generally let off
good 'uns. Here is the last. Away down
East, 'a clergyman was recently charged
with having violently dragged his wife
from a revival meeting, and compelled
her to go home with him. The clergyman
let the story travel along until he had a
fair opportunity to give it a broadside.
Upon being charged with the offense, he
replied as follows :
"In the first place, I never attempted
to influence my wife in her views, nor her
choice of a meeting. Secondly, my wife
has not attended any of the meetings for
any purpose whatever. In the third place,
I have not myself attended the meetings
for any purpose whatever. To conclude,
neither my wife nor myself have any in
clination to go to those meetings. Finally,
I never had a wife."
It is said that women first resorted to
tight lacing to show m ankind how well
they could bear squeezing.
The Empty Cradle. .
In the loaeiy quiet chamber,
There's an empty cradle bed,
With a print upon the pillow
Of a baby's, shining head.
'Tis a fair and dainty cradle,
Downy soft, with pillows white,
But within the blanket, folded •
Lies no little form to night.
Once the mother sat beside it,
When the day was growing dim;
And her pleasant voice was gaging
Soft and low a cradle hymn.
Now there's no more Reed, of singing
When the evening shadows creep,
For the cradle bed is empty,
And the baby gone .to sleep.
Little head that used to nestle
In the pillnws white and soft—
Little hands, whose restless fingers
Folded there in dreams so oft—
Lips we pressed with fondest kisses—
Eyee we praisedlor purest ray—
Underneath the churchyard daises
They have hidden all away.
Ah, tie empty, useless Oradie !
We-will put it out of eight,
Lest our hearts should grieve too sorely
For the little one to—night. _
We will think how oafs forever
In the better field above,
That young lamb for which we eorrbw
Resteth now in Jesus' love.
[trove the lianisbazg Patrioßl
Ballots and aulleta.
The New York Tribune says, senten
tiously : •
"If we give the negro a bayonet, why
can we not give him a ballot ? If he gives
his life to save the country, should we not,
give him a voice in its management ?"
It does not follow that every negro who
has held a bayonet has served the coun
try ; nor does it appear that every negro
who " gave his life to save the country "
—that is, who went into the army—did so
through patriotism. Perhaps the least
said about negro patriotism, in the face of
the bounties offered, the equality prom
ised, the persuasion used and the force
employed to get up a black army, the
better for both the negro and his admir
ers. As to the military service performed
with the bayonet by the black troops,•in
consideration of which the ballot is claim
ed for them, the country remains in very
dark (if not blissful) ignorance; in fact,
to use the current phrase, " they can't
see it." Taking their into con
sideration, there could not probably be
selected from any of the armlet, of the'Be
public an equivalent number of white
troops who have performed less service.
Perhaps:this may have been owing to the
fact thal" that class of troops, through
special favoritism, were always kept in
reserve, in holiday trim—to grace reviews
and dress parades, and to take quiet pos
session of cities and battle fields after the
white veterans had defeated and routed
the foe. Whatever may have been the
reason, we ask if such is not the truth?
If denied, will the negro suffrage advoa
cafes please contrast the services of the
white and black soldiers, numbers with
numbers, and show wherein the latter
have been superior ?
It is well known that the late Abolition
Congress passed a law giving to the black
soldiers the same pay, rations, clothing,
bounties and pensions as were enjoyed by
the white troops ; and besides this, it was
ordered that camp duties and laboring
service should be shared alike by white
and black soldiers—thus granting privi
leges to the blacks never before.enjoyed
by them. bad yet, after thus giving to
an inferior race. (and who dare deny that
the Southern negro is greatly below the
most humble class of white man, both in
intelligence and natural abilities) such
extraordinary and unlooked for privileges,
it is proposed to grant them—in consid
eration of their mythical services with the
bayonet—still greater favors ; full citizen
ship and social and political equality.
Is this just to the white soldiers ? What
will the negro suffrage advocates propose
to grant to the white veterans, upon whose
shoulders have rested the burdens of the
fight, as an offset to these favors to be
bestowed upon the blacks ? Are ihe negro
troops to be the only gainers ? Are they
to receive all the material benefits that
the whites have received, and are they
then to be burnished up with glories stolen
from the white soldiers, in order that they
may go to the ballot•box and oppose the
cardinal principles in the political faith of
those very white veterans to whom they
owe not only their freedom, but that very
privilege of suffrage which they will thus
pervert? It will not do: If let alone by
designing politicians the negro will be
content with freedom, and wilt not ask to
be made the tools of ambitions dema
gogues at•the expense of the veterans who
have fought out-freedom for them.
B.ibies are of two kinds, male and fe
male, and are usually put up in packages
of one, though sometimes two, ,in which
case they are called twins, when nearly of
the same age. They are not confined to
any particular locality, but are found
plentifully distributed over all parts of
the inhabited countries. Their ages are
various, and have a wide .range. We have ,
known them as young as 'tie easy to cal
culate time on a watch dial, and then
-again we have seen them where they have
acquired the healthy age of twenty-five,
with a fair prospect of advancing still fur
ther in babyhood.
Everybody labors under the delusion
that all babies are gool for, is to kiss,
consequently to see one is to kiss it. We
cannot recollect of ever finding ourselves
in the presence of a baby, but what the
fond mother would say to it, " Now be'a
good little dewy and give the gentleman
a nice sweet kiss." `Of course we accept it,
though kissing ain't our forte. We are
willing to kiss a pretty girl occasionally
for her mother's sake ; or even for her own,
rather than have any trouble. We under.;
stand that. there are quite a number . of
persons differ from us in regard to kissing ;
if so, let them (fi.,f, we cannot stop to ar
gue the point, as our subject treats of
Their conversation in the beginning is
a little difficult to understand. ' They
abbreviate a great deal and throw away all
pronouns as perfectly useless. Listening
to their talk is like attending an Italian
Opera ; one hears the noise but cannot
understand what it means. The, Brit
"papa" or "mamma," distinctly spoken,
is worth exactly ten dollars to either of
the delighted parents. _ Babies must not
only talk themselves, but must be talked
to. Talking baby-talk is an art which few
ever acquire to perfection, though by con
stant practice, the most stupid can par
tially acquire it, yet it takes two or three
generations of babies to make a perfect
No one ever knew of a baby inferior to
any other preceding baby. Oa the con
trary, each one is a little in advance of any
yet born.
A MINTLBMAN mod of Nervous AMID Pre
/X mature Decay, aad the 'Dicta of youthful
Um:, will be happy to tarnish others with the mow of
cure, (free of admits). This zemedy is simple, isio, eat
eertsin. -
boy partlealses,by Alms mel4 plisse address
leBllll-11m % Nassau street, New:Toti.
TIIFOIf.II4TION 'ELM it To Noe gees thallrer-
ERS: pgentlenian cued_ of Nam= 'Debility. In.
am re
metency, Premature Decay, and Touthflil Error, so-
heated by a dears** benefit others, will be happy to
tarnish to all who need It (free of charge) the recipe
and . directions for making the ample remedy used In
hie cam- &Llama wishing to profit by the advertlmea
'bad esperience and a sure sad valuable remedy,
eau do so byOS him at coos at his place abut.
newt The rectos and tall infonnatlon—tif vital tumor
hums—will be cheerfully sent by return mill.
Address, JOHN 11. OGDEN.
No 60 Mira St, New York.
lifo Ea atl Invaluabl—Nervous Endears 01 both arms vill
apIT66-ihn led the
Tteon e.
80 days, tbe wont case of NaßVotr9Rras,b;h&
tam, Premature Deny Seminel Wealnns, Insanity,
and all Urinary, Sexual and NeressawAlbstiona, no mat
tar from what nun produced. Price one dollar per box.
Sent, post paid, by mall, oa receipt of en order. One boa
will parse a care In most ann. Address
General Alen; 427 Wroadway, Hirer Yost:
v23`64-em . •
'Fublished for the benefit and ea a nation to young
men, and other's, who safes from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay of Manhood, ire, supplying at the ilk=
Um the means of self-cure. By one who Ima cored himself
afer undergoing oaturiderable quackery. By enclosing
a post-paid 'armed envelopeodugle copies may be had
°Me anthcm, NATaunii WATTAZIP. MM."
mrpB4ll-Ir. Brooklyn. Ht Co., N. T.
TT - Do you want Makers or Mondial.. / Oar
Grecian Compound will taros than lb grow on the
aoioolheet face or elan, or hair on bald heads, la six
weeks. Price $1 00. Seat by mall everywhere, closely
maid s on reoelot of price.
Address, WARNS* k CO., Box 135, Brooklyn, N. T
TRIBILIThoss wishing a tat set of whisk.
ors„a nibs moastaahs, or. besatlful head of easily
lair, win plass mad the and of THOS. P. OHAPII-SH,
la another part of this paper. • aul-ass.
(ILO ENOS Mini NNW.-4 pamphlet direct:
k./ log how to speedily restore sight and give ap doer
tor ot m Bent by mall, free; on meelpt of 10
amts. Address * E. B. FOOTE, N. D.,
dm 100 Broadway, New York.
rrue BRIDAL C11.11 . 31118R, an Essay of WWII
ing and Instruction for Young Yen—published by
the Howard Association, and snit fres of charge in sealed
envelopes. Address, Dr. J. 81BLIJR HOUGHTON
Philadelphia. Pa.
Important Annomooment.
GREAT SALE of Watches, Chains, Dia
mond Rings, &e. One MUlion Dollars' worth to
be disposed of at One Dollar Each I Without regard to
Value ! Not to be paid for until you know whatu are
to tocsin I Splendid List of Articles! All to be sold
far One Dollar Each
250 Gents' Gold Hunting•case Watasea $5O to $l6O
260 Ladies Gold and Enamelled hunting case
Watches 35 to 70
500 Gents' hunting-case Sliver Watches 36 to 70
2" Diamond Rings 60 to 1011
6,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 4to 89
3 " Gold Oval Band Bracelets 4to 8
6 " Gold and Jet Bracelets 6to 10
2 . Chatelaine Chains- and Guard Chains.. sto 20
" Solitaire and Gold arooelasi 4to 1
5 Coral, Opal, and Emerald Brooches.— 4to
a. Gold, Camso, and Pearl Ear Drops 4to
6 " Realm, Jet, Lava, & Flentine ear drops. 4to
7,6 Coral, Opal, and Emerald 4to
4 . California Diamond -Breast- plus 2,60 to 1
8 Gold Fob and Vest Watch-keys 260 to
4 " Fob and Vest Ribbon-slides 3to 1
5 " sets Solitaire Sleeve-buttons, Stade, &c. 3to
3 " Gold Thimbles, Pencils, &G 4to
10" Miniature Lockets - 2,60 to 1
4 " Ninianre Lockets, Maria Spring 10 to 20
3 " Gold Toothplaks, Crosses, ac 2to 8
6 " Plain Gold Rings 4to 10
5 " Chased Gold Rings. 4to 11
9 " Stone Set and Signet Rings 2,60 to 19
9 " California Diamond Rings._ 2to 10
75" sets Lain' JewelryJel and. to 15
6 " seta Ladies' Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl, O pal
and other stones{{4 to 16
" Gold Pens, Silver extension holdersind
Pencils 4to 10
9 " Gold Pens and Gold mounted Holders... 6to 10
5 " Gold Pens and Goltextonsinn " 16 to 26
66 " Ladies' Gilt arid Jet Backlu 6to 15
" Ladies' Gilt and Jet Hair Ban k Balls— sto 10
" Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups sto 50
2 . Silver Castors 16 to 60
tt " Silver Fro% Card, —2O to 60
A " dosen Silver Tea Spoonsand Cake Baskets.
(per dna) 11 to 21
" down lailver Table Spoons and Forks.— 21 to 41
" ARRANDALS & Co.; Manufactarere Agents, No. 167
roadway, New York, announce that all of the above
at of goanla will be sold for One Dollar each.
In coussitiencie of the great stagnation of trade in the
manufasturing districts of England, through the was
having cut olf the supply of cotton, • large quantity o
valuable Jewelry, originally intended for the English
market, has been sent, o ff for de in this country, and
mast be sold at any sacrifice I radar these circum
stances, ARRANDALS &Co., acting as agents for the
principal European manufacturers, have resolved up=
a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the following regu •
Gaddleaner the various articles are first pat Into
envelopes, sealed up, and mired ; and when ordered, are
taterrout without regard to cholas, and sant by mail,
Otto giving all a fair chance. On the receipt of the
vertiMiats, you will see whatyou ate to have, and then
it is at y our option to send the dollar and take the arti
cle or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch.
Diamond Ring, or any Sot of Jeweity on our list for one
In all tr,nsaetions by mei, we shall charge for for
warding the Certificate, paying postage, and doing the
iniainess2s cents each. which mutt be enclosed when
the Certificate is sent for. Five Cartalentos will be sent
for $l, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-dye for $lO, and
• hundred for $l5.
AlltelTi3.—We want agents in nary regiment, and in
every town and county in the country, and those acting
as such will be allowed tan mute oil every Certificate or•
dome for them, provided their redilttanoe amounts to
one dollar. Agents will collect ft.kcents for every Csr-
Omits, and remit 16 teats to os,, either in cub or post
Address, AzatixDALE a w it _
epic:M.3m 11 Broadway, N. Y.
L. BROWN t i CO.,
(Lt• &MY, Brown C 0..)
.or 1 •
Military & Naval Claims;
2 Park Place, NetO- York.
Corresponding house in Washingtdn, D. C., J. W. Vib
e. & co., 471 14th Strad.
Having had three years' experience in the collection
of Claims and the general transaction of business in all
departments of Government, we can samara our client"
and earrespondsnta that all business intrusted to as
will be vigorously and promptly attended to. We are
prepared to make advances upon and negotiate the sale
of claims, and purchase Quartermaster's bills and
check!, as wall as collect the following. classes
Pension for Invalids, Widows, Mothers sad Orphan
Bounties for Soldierly discharged for wounds readred
in heals, those who are served two mars, and the
heirs of deasaned; also State bounty to lush as are en—
Arrears of pay for Officers and Soldiers, mid the heirs
of deceased.
Navy price money for all capture;
Navy pension and balance of pay.
'Accounts of discharged qfficers settled, °Moos and
clothing returns properly made out and collected, and
clearances obtained from Ordnance and Quartermaster's
U. S. NevanueStamps for We O • discount or 3% to
4) per cent.
Wholesale and Retail
are now receiving at theirold stand, Amen- i
can Block, State street, a large and superior '
stock, of
NUTS, Lc., Lc.,
together with every thing found in a House
of this kind, which they will sell as cheap
as any other establishment in thii city for
Cash or most kinds of country produce.
They have also on band one of the largest and Oust
Stocks of Tobacco and Began me brought to Erie, to
which they Writs the attention of the public.
E r Call and see us—e nimble eixpenee better than
Le r w sl= g on:l e uently Cub bums will dad great
Grocery Head Quarters!
Jane 2.1840—.41 F. k IL 13011LAl7DAYKIL
A lugs assortment of Itabta mood., Co
B r uit" Dons, Doll Brady Gunn rad Annusarsabi hr
Miami l'aners, Port.
ite6llll ll2ll Pere aVh6ll. •
flilf and after Moad.ay, Oct. 31st, 1864,
J "mger Trains *ill rina OD
RIE. goad se folloirs
it., lIIIVAt ltipme, Mopping at W
pa aid* and &Iva Ciratd4 wives &Si=
4 90
CO 4. 11. .441:0411,04
lad II . •
2 00 P. /11.,D0v Wigrar. stopping at Ibiati.b.,,trark
UM, Dann*, Wm , Cm*, sad . Aa^ tid
. artteln; at Battle at I 1N) P. IL = ; ;
[ti IP ... aaosa:tit Dorris; stopping at Wattlield.
Dunkirk and elilimr Crat, aad — anivaa at saw.
at ID 00 P. 111. -
Th. D u aimaa coallacta at Daaldrk aid .Itallak . s
the Night Irprass at Buffalo only, with grating WA,*
for Way York, Platlaoielab.b.Bostoo,44.
6 30 A. it., Wedgy prpresi, steppiag at ail Stations ea•
eapt trunlisso„ .6.lplsp Crossing, itorslisad aad
Wesityvills, arches it Iris at 10 16 A. N.
1 63 1.: it., Da6
1 ping at Ana* Mbar
Creek, Duntirk, 29 l7%s a land Werth Ilt&t.antviag
at Reis at i 46. 1.14
II P. R., Yea + aicess., stopping at all Stations and
arttres at Reis at P.l[.
11:10 P.IL, NigrAi Aagola, Ulm
• Oreet„ Dunkirk _and i/otit.l g 4 arthing at Mir at
3 60 A. hi.
Railroad time is tea minutes Easter than In. time. "
Kay 21,1605. .1. LIWIS GRANT. Bast.
Would respactfally infongtho public that ha has spread
- a Stops in
No. 2 Hughes' Stook, Erie.
Wser* ha will always bap on hind a latp supply of
audmrything usually for We la w estabUeheeeat of
I,he kind.
t O IT
tt. Terme ea resseeabte ea aey WNW sten la the
New Grocery!
BOOTZ would respectfully, an
xious& to the .eopileef Lie la. tad lIPISWIIiat
Ii hair opened a
Os eAs 14.14 Seib ef Pura elersa; • Shari Diteseess Saud
of As Labe BAsrs Depot,
When 1p will keep en bead ILL sr • .a•or t of
And *mythlag usually kept In a And dui. on;
Wine, Sweet eldei•ind Liquors.
The blend' harks t Pries pakt tor Prods.% at ma
ire me a eall, lf you wish tr rears good bar.
cum', I pledge sorsalttonell aa Lev o l oot loom, Ur*
an, other atom la the oily. Darl2ll4tL
Keystone Stove Works
Tibbsls, Shirk a- Whitehead,
Hare 111 1&1111 and extensive wort: nut at sawn at
Wholudo and /Wail. •
Is a Arrt=Coal k=wilp or withonnsor.
yc hard or
im sie aua
We al•o manufacture tbe
Bola low oven Coal Cook Stores—wits wood gratis
w be used attlror kw coat or wood. _
we are still roaaafaatariaa , this celebrated low ores
Btavil for wood--arlth or witaoat laaarrair.
1r• Ores Steer for Wool. This fa a awer Store of
beautify.' design, sad now for solo—together with
a largo assortment of elevated Ores Cook,
Parlor Cook for wood or coal, lad Parlor
and °Zoe Stores, for wood or coal.
Erie, Jan. 12. 1805—tt.
WAR E-R 0 ON St.
On State Bt.. between &ninth and Eighth.
TherSubseribers have entered into the Wiest Elakiag and
And propose making to order and lumping eonatantly we
hand all kinds of Furniture
Orders will melee prompt attention. lispairtmg dime
on short mottos.
The subscribers will jive special attention to this dm.
parent of their business. They will snassolseture mid
keep constantly on hand • large assortment of Nets Die
Came and Coffins, mind hold themselves to mamas to
meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the
country. Determined to spare no eirO/ill to give latish&
tion both In the quality of their goods and prior, they
hope to secure a liberal share of Wile patroseip•
aprlrdfl-tf. Encoessors to J. H. Rierme.
Leather, Hides, .4.e.,
No. 3 Perry Block, SW* St. bt., PA: •
Goortsotly on hood a lane stook of
azao, ♦ Mai
All of which tloy odor lot for
Beg leave to Inform the eithttos of Brie and vicinity
that they e- hars rrmovell their stock el
To the RUSE BLOCK, In the hullaing tonstrly non
pied by Messrs. HAYES k KEPLER, where they
Intend keeping a large assortment of
DressGooda, Fancy Silks,
Returning thanks to oar 9astowers for their past
liberal patronage, we respectfully ark a ecatinuaoes of
the same. Exley Jas.!, um.
HEW. BOOT AND 4111011
LT Wotan their friends and the paths that they
have opened the above bulimia on th e wait aide of the
Dtanaosd. next door to K J
r. ohn Beebe" dry goods'
idols, where they offer for Sale the beet assorted dock
in the trade west of New Turk, .sleeted boot four dlf•
faint otanafactories and bought at*
Reduced Prioes,
Special tavttatton given
Without their patronage, butane would be blockaded.
say 1ir6641
In if you *tab t usury you can do mo by addreming
me. I will send you. without stoney and wilbout pia%
valuable information. that will enable Jot to ima m
happily and speedily, irrespective of aim wealth op
beety. This information will omit yaw =Wag sad
Ira* wish to womb I will ehearNl . ly assist you,. All laA
-1,0 s t r um s mmfidential. Th e essired infoneation mob
by /Mull Mau, tad no reward Wood. nee/B
. 1111116 mg
Sitar or damped envelope. addressed t i oe t,
Address, Ulan B. • ,
urarsean emeelpoint. Sim Co, Net