The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 22, 1865, Image 2

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    ogrit burbtr.
Stamm 'hours= sr m Poona Is IPA PllOl e✓
Lanais Lainerr.—Andree Jacipos.
Interesting Reading Matter es every
Page of this week's hive.
lion. Wm. Bigler and lady started for
California. a few dayi since, to visit ez-
Gov. John Bigler of that State. They ex
pect to return in October.
Ten Trams announces in a tone of dis
tress, which enlists our liveliest sympathy,
that " all the provisional officers thus far
appointed" by President Johnson in the
Southern States, " are opposed to negro
• Tax Pittsburg Fast came to us on Mon
day enlarged to the extent of four addi
tional columns, filled to the brim with in
teresting editorials, locals, . telegraphic
items and general reading, and looking
in every respect much improved. The
Post is one of our meet highly prized ex
changes,- and we do not see Lion it would
be possible I tq" keep house" , without it.
It isthit al* Democrati3'daily in Western
l'eppsYlikkiii.ikad all the friends of con
servative-principhss must 'rejoice at its ap•
wirent prosperit y.
12.1,1; .6 I f4ftfe increases in its ardor for
riegro eccase, in apparital l ignpramoe of
the feet Llaat i f'regident Jobvon has (Voi
ded that it ltl question for the peoph V'
Southern: - States to N i isje fur
selvei, and theik• ftoeor di ns •
,KetOro, its own
e .st theory of our institution.
the height
of " disloyalty" to cliff :dr with him. In
its last issuoit confrlins two leading arti
cles on the 801 1 ;ect ; - one in answer to an
editorial of the:•.Dispatek opposing the pro
po3eil extension of suffrage, and the other
in reply to .lit shit paragraph in. the Oa
stavta, ridiculing the assertion that the
negro is entitled to vote simply because
he has bornearms• in the war, and argu
ing that if such an opinion was carried to
its legitithate conclusion, the boy of 18
who had been a soldier has as strong
claims to the right of suffrage as the negro.
In the first we have no interest, aside from
its general bearing ; to the second our
limited time at present permits us only to
make this brief response :
The while boy and the negro, in the sight
of the law, stood precisely on the same
footing with regard to citizenship, when
they entered the at y. Neither were re-
garded as citizens, nor capable of voting.
although the negro had the advantage
that in cue he was free, he could acquire,
hold and dispose of property. Assum
ing that both enlisted from motives of
patriotism solely,—which was much more
likely on the part of the white boy than
the negro,—by what rule of justice should
the black man be immediately conceded
the privilege of citizenship and the white
boy held back from the same farihree
years longer ? Certainly not on the ground
of superior intelligence, • for in nine cases
out of ten the white boy of eighteen would
be vastly the superior of the negro at the
age of thirty. Neither can it be urged en
the score of bravery, for no one will allege,
with all the exaggerated laudation of the'
negro's services, that he exceeded in
courage the thousands of young white
boys in the ranks of the Federal army.
The Gstretq's loose assertion that the
negro " never had a country ; never•a sin
gle right accorded to a citizen," is very
pathetic, but unfortunately for the cause
of truth, widely incorrect. He not only
" had a country," but, in addition thereto,
all the rights belonging to its most favored
citizens, except those inseparate from
his condition of slavery. With few excep
tional cases, his, treatment has been of the
kindest description; and he must have
been blunt in his mental senses indeed, if
he could not perceivn that the prosperity
of the country was as much a matter for
pride and congratulittion on his part as on
that, of his white neighbors. If we are
mistaken on thispoint, we should like to
be cited to the inttance of any reasonably
Intelligent negro, North or, South, born
and raised on Inz;rican soil, who
not before. the 'Mi' regard this 'country as
the black man's paradise, in mite of the
exclusion ofliiii.raoti from the ballot-box.
The Gaulle. also errs in its statement
that' the Stiprente Court of the nation
pronounced" the negro " destitute of all
rights which white men are bound to res
pect." The expression is one of a char
acter with those which the Republicans
are to prolific in inventing to promote
their purposes, and, like most ef them,
destitute of basis of any sort. If our co
temporary is in doubt upon the point, he
will be readily satisfied by turning to the
decision and consulting it for himself.
Leaving out of consideration for the
pr'esent the question of the negro's fit
ness for voting, and the other theories
which have been urged, arising out of the
distinctions of race, we will state briefly,
for our neighbor's benefit, the views we
entertain on this question :
Ist. The acts of secession did not take
any of the States out of the Union, and
they still possess, as States, the same
rights they did before the war.
2d. The Constitution concedes to each
State the right to fix the qualifications of
its own voters. -
..; 3d; As the :13outherb State" aloes
can fix the qualifications of their chi
zens, the subject is oot`on• in` which the
people of the North can legally or justly
interfere, nor has the President or Con
gress the power to do so, without nehange
in the Constitution.
4th. Mumma the Eleuthera people,
by a for vote, skill Amide •to give -- ne.
gross the privilege di =IN* we Oh d!
acquiesce in the; r", "
.4.2 that the rigtu I.vtiongs U.
si'tely, and that they are the best judges
`431 the qualification' of their own citizens.
The, t iast batdeof the wee, of which we
4176.idixaorm*jou. was fought in Texas,
on - May . We'have had' no' amount if
_fighting since, then. Thenerrend ,
hi' haston Lea'#l"ltelihr*
- -: . 'attatkitbratitarci4 . **PP" •
The Wit: osoirmarfdind bhp
l'inisrp. *myth 2apainuipionem: to e.„.
at /414211811, in MAY 25. There
.1 4# .ProcalMuso 3l Ptlsos,
* but it is pnel4llt,understoo& Abet pine
came with the evitolation otthe list or
ganised force of Or rebellion.
11111 - nrinoueoe with feelings of lade
ecritAble pain, the recent disloyalty of *-
number nt heretofore very "loyal " pre*
es and politicians. It is well knowtttebis
an established creed of the imiltetpted It&
publican party that infidelity to the 'Wei
ing Administration is ti to the goy-.
ernment, an4l it is equ ally wellknown
that the President hu coMmitted himself
fully to the idea that the l question of ant
&age in Southern States shall be entirely
left to the loyal white people residing
therein. Now. in spite of this plainly un
derstood fact, we find the papers and per
sons alluded to ; strongly clamoring fire the
Federal authorities to give the 110110 the
ballot, and wit a few of thpm openly blot
that unless the President changes his
views they will make bitter war upon bin&
It its sad indeed to contemplate the twain
tunate situation of the parties wt ~have
taken this position. Only a feria Igo:oath*
ago, each and all of them were louttly ar
gueing that the Aciministratipn iethe.gcrr
ernment, and now to fipd themselves so
suddenly placed in a" disloyal " attitude
by their own' professions, most be dis
tressing beyond measure. We tender our
friends our aineerest condolence. Tollud
themselves defeated in their long akee.
ished schemes for personal as;is out,
benefit by the very man the sl , ass i s t e d to
elect, is bad enough, s. at if to mak*
the situation still too-, r , h es rt_reediog,And
cut off all char ,
. for criticism. 00m** up
Y 6
th pe ose mo
.ign doctrines of
4181 the lest four
, - 4IC h b fooled so many well-inten-
A people. The Republican leaders
AI gin probably to surmise by this time
that other things besides chickens and
curses come hems to roost.
The Harrisburg Patriot. of June 13th.
published a letter from an imaginary loyal
office-holder, to a clerical friend, which hi
one of the best specimens of political satire
we have read in a long period. It is too
lengthy for our columns, but we cannot
resist the temptation to publish the fol
lowing " pungent and vigorous " para
graph. Alluding to the common and in
sulting intimation of so-called " loyal"
le cturersk that Democrats will be so
ashamed - of their course that they will
want to change their names and . those of
their children, the writer facetiously says :
" What shall I change it tot I call
myself Greeley they might think that I
wrote that poetry about the ' flaunting
lie' and the ' starry rag:
.If Can myself
Garrison they will swear that I was the
chap that denounced the Constitution of
the United States as a covenant with
Death and an agreement with Hell. If I
call myself Sumner I might be mobbed
for saying that the man who obeyed the
Constitution was a dog. If. I took the
name of Wright, who knows but that I
should be followed up as the howling in
fidel who said that it God Almighty did
not abolish slavery, He was a any ,groat
scoundrel. And I certainly shan't call my
self Phillips, for fear excited bondholders
should lynch me for proposing to repudi-
Ate the national debt. • * If I lave to
drop my old name and take a new one,
you have a poor =wrens* in the Abe.
lition vocabulary to chaos* from 1"
President Johnson hae put hie 'hot
down decidedly and firmly upon the ques
tion of negro suffrage. In the proclama
tion defining the powers of the Mississippi
State Convention he says :
" And the said oonvention, when con
vened, or the Legislature that may there
after be assembled, will prescribe the
qualification of electors, and the elegibility
of persons to hold office under the Cos
stltution and laws of the State—a power
the people of 'the several States comprising the
Federal Union, have rightfully exercised from
the origin of the Geverwrit to the prove time."
The lines in italics de not appear in the
North Carolina proclamation. That was
regarded with distaste by the extreme
radicals. What will they say to this
stronger and more emphatic announce
ment of the right of each State to decide
who shall be entitled to the exercise of
the elective franchise within• its limits I
We expect to bear them howl most .die
many ;• but we rejoice in the assurance
that they cannot mine the President from
the wise course of action which he has so
decidedly adopted.
One of the most sensible, and oertainly
one of the ablest of the opposition leaders
in Pennsylvania is Col. ♦. K. McClure, of
the Chambersburg Repuitory. We have
had occasion repeatedly heretofore to
commend the soundness of his views on
important points at issue. Here is a para
graph from the last number of his paper,
which contrasts very widely in its tone
from the language et many Republican
We joyfully hear and believe that the
President will speedily issue a proclanta
mation restoring the privilege of habeas
corpus and ordering • very general clear
ance of the military prisons. The imuoliag
of prisoners of war on - their taking the
oath of allegiance is going on rapidly, and
we trust will not cease while an willing
to take the oath and not of vio
lating the rules of civilised warfare, re
main in durance. The country is swiftly
returning to the ways of peace, order,
thrift, and law-guarded liberty. Let us
hope that the approaching 4th of July
will see all mere prisoners of war libera
ted, and the civil law everywhere bearing
unrivaled sway.
Accoantxo to the New York rlBB4ll both
Gen. Lee and Alex. H. Stephen. hale ap
plied to the President for pardon, and re
instatement in their rights as chimes.
Mr. Stephens' application covers some
seventy pages of manuscript. He-enters
at length into an apology or vindication
of the aotiat he has taken, Among the
reasons which noised him to espouse the
cause of the rebellion, he refers !to the
fact that the New York Mum, known to
be a powerful and influential supporter of
the Republican Administration, openly
advocated the right of the Southern pee
ple to independence. Hr. Stephens in
ferred from this that independsmee would
be conceded to the South without war.
He acknowledges that the question luta
been decided forever, and he deems here.
after to be, and to be considered s good
and loyal citizen of the Vaned States.'
-Via have at length seni4ofiloial Amur.
&noes from Washington, that no new de•
nand has been made upon Engbuul with
oe to the Abbess* claim.. The
-claim for damages has balm made frOm
time to time during the past three
yaws, but no more eutphails has been
oeutli girge it than when firstPusfenkell.
Otte thing is very certain; the people
of the United fitatm and their gconwsunonti
have made up their minds to stop m a p
for the present. War has no longer say
attractions for us. Whatnot we may my
Very Sarreetie. -
abort the Monroe doctrine, or the Mari
no deredetheui,. we do not propoes to so
to war : with !- Zoltan(' or Flange if I
we eeei docon tly maim w oindiiet
ftvidair ea Ibiddr.
f rte the M. Y. %%sae of Jaw lel
In our judgment, of all the men who
hare sinned against the Republic in her
recent day of trial. those who have swin
dled her with azorbiuust, charge'. -rotten
transports, poor iron, and any other of the
kindred resorts of rascality. should be the
last forgiven. The natural, genuine
rebel is a bad egg: there was marosly
blackleg. libertine, rowdy er o jeedillste
the South. whowas not one them, or in
&hit - North litho : did not wish them moms :
bot•tho miler in Shoddy was a more
hypcieritima„. detestable soomidrel, in the&
,he oftener affected patriothea it not piety
'also, and. while Rebel was sawing at the
'throat of Unele tam, Shoddy was picking
lowitet.---of,es with his eyes turned up
to waived arift with protestations of loyalty
on his lips— the incorrigible villain I Sev
eral ham been cashiered front high oil
eisi trusts for swindling their country
when she was on the very brink of ruin ;
others have just .soaped a sleight: fate by
hiring Senators and other " big " to
engineer for them -- as " VI o f
Mune. Ooe, if we tuistaioe not, was Sur
geoorGeneral, and bought millions' north
of medicines for our armies at rates twen
ty-five per cent. higher then he need have
paid ; one, we bear, bought $6.000,000
worth of coffee for- the Government just
when our currency was most depredated
and coffee consequently highest--and. ao
on. Probably, some hundreds of millions
have by such means been added to our
national debt ; and Er. Cooke must ex
cuse us for not regarding those who thus
lined their own and their friends' pockets
as public benefactors. As building monu
ments seem now in vogue. we suggest the
erection of a pyramid on' which the names
•of all these gentry shall be chiseled deep
in everlasting stone. with the amount of
each man's stealings debited opposite his
title. A good portion of our moneyed
aristocracy might be thus favored ; while
our " first families " of •following ages
might trace back their pedigree to one or
more ancestors here emblazoned. being
thus enabled to establish a strong pre
sumption of hereditary talent for Muncie.
Kura's MALT House Dss:sovgn.—Tbe
extensive wooden building. owsed by
Hon. A. King, situated on •the canal. be
tween 7th and Bth streets, and used. for
malting purposes, was destroyed by fire
on Sunday night last. About ten thous
and bushels of grain were in the building,
and the loss is estimated at from $30,000
to $35,000, on which there is an insurance
of $21,000. The barley warehouse adjoin
ing was saved by the exertions of the citi
sans. The origin of the fire is not known*.
Hr. King. intends- erecting substantial
brick buildings on • larger scale than
The oration at the commencement ez•
erotism of Adrian College, Wok., on the
15th last., was delivered by D. C. Thomas,
Faq., of Mill Creek township, in this faun
ty, ainember of the claims of 1882 in that
institution. The Tratchtowa, published
in Adrian, says " the oration wee written
in a terse, vigorous style, and, notwith
standing its metaphysical nature and the
fatigue a long day's exercises already en
tailed upon the audience, it was listened
to with marked attention."
Murree Maw To Coes Hona.—A special
order from the War Department has been
issnici, discharging the men from this dis
trict forced into the military service by
the late draft. We may therefore confi
dently rely on seeing them home in •
short time. This will not only be cheer
ing news to the conscripts and their fami
lies, but to the entire community.
Neighboring LoosliUss.
A short time ago a chisels of Meadville
visited Franklin on business, and put up at
the United States hotel. At 9 p. tn. he was
put late a room to lodge, to which wad two
beds. The gentleman referred to ooespied
one ofthe beds, and about half past ten
o'clock the clerk of the house conducted two
strangers to the other bed. In the morning
the guest from Meadville found- kis clothes
scattered promiseuously around the apart,-
mut. his watch and $lOB gone, as well as the
aforesaid occupants of the other bed. The
needs had even stripped his pockets of the
last gve Nat ,Drip.---It IS rumored that the
wire -workers of the Republican party is
Cranford county have some difficulty in die
suediag returned soldiers from becoming
candidates for ono*. $o far, however, they
have succeeded excepting in the matter of
Treasurer. It is well enough for the " boys "
to go to war and di the lightlai, provided
capital is made for the stay-at-kome politi
glans. New, why don't the old hacks stand
back, and let soldiers be nominated for ail the
°Mai 1 That would - manifest real Mead-
Thempson, aged 18 years,
of Meadville, was drowsed while backing
in French creek, just above the latter plus,
on Tuesday evening of last week. A 'umber
of other boys acre is or near the water at
the time, but were either afraid to make the
attempt or unable to rescue the deemed.
A correspondent of the New York Peiretwan
Recorder gives the following graphic skate* of
the thriving young city of Titusville. Re
aye: Titusville consists, as surly as I sae
make it out, of eighteen inchesof mud, greeted
up into paste, (which is rather a data this a
solid,) 1,000 houses, 160 derrieke, half a
dolma elnekes, My or sixty BUMS eagtiliel
one theater, two beaks, four or lee schools,
tio'nles of wooden side-walks, 100 oil tett
eiries„ '4600 people, including 8,000 spuds.:
toss sad leaden, yoispt attestant population ;
3,690 bands of oil, several hotels, whisk
hare " struck " 'more oil than any well-dig
Os la this quarter, a weekly newspaper, (to
be lesued a a daily before long,) seven'
thawed pip, (which are exclusively excited
over the . " seurfaes inflations" this. spring,)
8,000 pair let big-legged beets (whisk were
ones shlittelack.end stilt retain Come ap.
smisin d tin original ebony to two Weiss
below the knees,) a railroad depot (which
was eatiattli coastruted nailer the appret
1 1 9/1 1 1 10 a.gia*4 1 4 4 ..) Leg rat higalgialm
Skala al thee. *tun after reading this
einitelli.Ar-The oil well of Pete Towel",
Short thinness from tows, the Cony Tote.
freptssysy is new produeing oil of • very
lie ;polity., flow mach, asighbor
Wallace easosseid as a candidate
No ni-elesties to the Stets Senate. The die . -
*let is onteposed of , ilk, Vernet, Cameras,
Clarion and Cleirdeld onstieet. Re is able
Aid ihoOsiiilft genie/ 'nu, and wars we a
maddest of distriet, we should labor zeal
ously to lave kim returned to the Saute.—.-
Theether day . I poor worn= of Warren, the
41107 oak Mau oomplaint of her boy, aged
doses years or so, for abaft her, aid he
weitiodginl in jail. • Some of the boys WAS
tlllostianst his elluedierly evading &dent
that he served her right-41ga she giusdasf
him I There's Tang America for yes, is the
tough !—Oll wells ore going down In every
&unties abut Cony 'dose of Ike people"
there bays gresteeslbleseii QM ell wui be
tows* in paying qusatiflee.---Mr. ,11. C.
Gibens 4u good Wpm* se Wait Mo.
@kW° oa de Oil Cask L L /MOW be.
twits MN sad lbs auperhitaadest are giros
u the seise.
The editor of be Gress By (Wis.)
eeptd bee reatatly boon ea • tour of inveetiga.
lion through dm oil country. sad Writes back
to Ms paper • eerier of baserous istterkden
striptive diaroot. Rh, sketch of oar thrldiog
little •oigbbor. Cony, la capital. and we are
ewe will he read with laterest :
Cony is la Brie toasty, Pa., on the line of
the Atisalki & Oriel Western railway, and
some other tinny Wham name we have for.
gams, sad at the inaction of the Oil City
railway. It Is 88 stiles east of Brij Bo mush
for gesgraphy. Cony is the gateway of the
oil zigiiat of l'imasyleamth. It is s town
about three yam old, larger than Green Bay,
and smarter than Cblosio. Timis all oom•
perigee steps. Belida/ es the earth, nor in
the waters nailer the MAO, is like it. Possi
bly, If yea amid issagthe a rough trod tumble
light Wilma a oily and a forest, to secwhitik
should pnrall, you might have some iierottp
lion of it. Bet Cony whipped. • That fails
to givd the ides — liewerer. If you can imag
ine a city I , breskiag oat" upon the face of
the am* as the marks of smalli poi break
out, It will be nearer the ides.
If yon kaoo.oovor boon to Corry, it will pay
to go these. There is so trouble' in 'hiding
the piano. After Watling Ch e, in going
from the West, or after leaviag Now York, in
LlEfrom the Sass. just follow ithe crowd,
will take you to Cora. The first sen
sation you e=peeie we on arriving, is one of
snir is, if you are there on a hot
anemia, ae we were. Tee air is tilled with
smoke from the berate' suunplZ and fallen
timber; with the overpowering smell cf
treleum everywhere, ea laden trains, iii hosts
of barrels on platforms, and drizzling over all
things; and with the odor of all possible ar
tless of trade which crowd the 'little depot
platform. A depot so ridiculously ill adapted.
to the demand that you think o( the camel
going through the eye of the needle. Twenty.
eight , Wane a day arrive at and leave Corry.
With that facility for getting away from the
plane, it is no wonder that the landlord po
litely invites yea to pay in advaisee. There
are seven or eight hotels, and Yet we saw
snub's' wandotiag around at night for a
place to lay their bead.. Bonsai are a se
modary thought in Corry. They,, open stooks
of goods beside the street„ and then build a
hones over them. We saw a churish in course
of erection ; the basement and main floor were
planed, sad service was to be held text flab •
bath, roof or no roof. There are two national
banks, swami churches, an immense oil re
finery, some as handsome residences as we
know of in the Wait, afull complement of sa
loons and billiard rooms, expres•Offices, news
stores, a piano sad music store, 4 newspaper
office, and, most wondarfal, onirozio lawyer!
How he atanages, we have ao idea. - Possibly,
with agility cessmassursie with the spirit of
the phut," he argues both sides 4f the case.
We were told AO in every house in Corry
there was a bap A baby in every hones is
a welLapring of pleasure. And ',if that well
spring be an ell well also, there is indeed fe
11bIty. The sum of earthly happiness must
be, striking oil, a baby In every house, and
only one lawyer. .
The following candidates are announbed for
Republican support I. Crawford county, sub
jeit to the decision of the primary elections
of the party: Treasurer, Capt. D. P. Jones,
Titaiville; Sergi. A. J. McQuiston, West Fal
lowilold; Commissioner, B. H. Neids Begin
town; Darius Shrove, Bloomfield W. W.
Sterling, Sparta; Assembly, &' COI." Geo.
Bonus, Meadville; J. 0. Sturtevant, Spring;
District Attorney, Harvey Henderson, Mead
ville; &Mita, JOG. Levin, Meadville : County.
Surveyor, T. W. Whits, Itioniqs. Mr. Jas.
Brown, of Hannoasburg, has declined as a
candidate for Treasurer, is favor of the two
soldiers whose Ramps are given.—Captain
John B. Hays, of Meadville, has been pro
moted to the rank of Brevet Major in the
minim` army.—Among the speakers invited
to address the people of Meadville, at the sp.
prosehiag celebration of the Fouirtn, and who,
the Bensaticon says, have signified their as
°Wane% are Hoe.. Wm. D. Kelley, of Phila
delphia; Hon. G. A. Grow, ex-Speaker of the
Hens aad • Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., of
Pittsbarg. It wits be mom honi this 1 2. st, that
in MOlChiliO, as I. almost every 'A k er town in
this Pest of Ike &ate, the.ktiolitionists have
damage." that the Yterth shall be eelebrs
tad in no spirit of unity, but ia, suoh a way as
win minutes tb their miserable party ends.
--.Taeltra licenses to sell liquor were last I
week granted to the following Persons in Wor
rell county: S. A W. Green, Bensua ; Perkins
A Holleabook, Horton & Berrien, W. P. Shaw,
G. P. Whits, Tidioute ; G. W. Annie, Warren ;
Wm. McNair, BheGteW ; J. W.:• Bump,- Pitts
/old ; W. 8. Cohan . A Son. y Brokenstraw ;
Solomon Canaan, South West ;, Chapin E. Big.
gins, Henry Brayton, Touognille ; P. B.
Hoary and H. P. Manus, Columbus bo
rough. The following eating-house and mer.
malts liquor lionises were also granted :
Philip Loehr" eating-hone', Warren ; A.
Monism, mercantile limas., .! Warren ; John
Honhart, mercantile license, Warren ; Fry A
Crosby, mercantile Unease, Columbus.—The
Republicans of Oil City are eery anxious to
secure t h e member of Legislature for Veneta
go county this year, aad an less than firs
candidates are in the Geld from that place.
—The Now • Castle Gaulle Complains that
they have ao publics market place in that town.
If oar itotemporery were to Vail the market
is this city for half as hour, and see the ex
korbitiutt changes made for articles, ho would
be nog to thank Providence ;that New Cas
tle has no market 'place—Previous to biing
mastered out of the service, COL A. B. M'Cal
moat, of Fraaklia, received ti,llrigadi er Geo
oral's couaissioa.—sThe Cotinsautvills Re
cord contains the following : •
Farm, ADOIDEST.—A lamentable accident,
resulting is the death of Mr.., Silas titowszt,
tiring about three stiles east of Wellsburg. in
Elk Creek towashiP, Brie county, occurred on
the NI inst. it seams Mr. B,lhad been called
by a iikbor for " the purpose of shooting's
Oaf, and while walling for the animal to be
brought, a neighbor had taken the pleas,' a
double-barreled shot gun, and discharged one
lead at a mark, and had plummet the gun on the
ground, the mauls resting on the dash of •
with the butt botweealthe thine.. 'The
deceased in &limping to robe the piece, so.
'eldeatally caught tits hammer upon the abatis.
lid the jgap was discharged, rho enatenta ea;
gegi=liat 47*, causing instant death.
The Wu a highly
respected citizen,
sad leaves a wife sad eis children, read •
e V libels of frisadi t •to moan his untimely
. „
At the Ciaivemitet dalmatian is Commit.
rine, lest week, "lbw sesoliatHlose were ite.
presi seed, the Lb' Philatielphis,
the.Pittebarii sal the Bwstuebnaiii. Mae
sheiyaten were fa etteachme. Bight air
atm were promint Tilt badness of the
esarsatisi was triesaessi.ta httlitaliT• The
mote Mai the varietal esitoolitioas show a
good degree Waist deatnoinetlatiel
prosperity. Ilia esareaties adJoszant to meet;
latHreed, Pa., oa *abet Wedeseday is Jane,
1866." , „ ,
Saar Wattaa.,- - -PhelakWette GIU:"'Pro-
Muted to toe ask kr sioiiiithoi mist
of Atataisawilrewiate, aid' taken flan ilea&
tills, for Out purpose set eriatlY,iteted, at
of the - War; will pubs* he
Mimed to that eat;of-the-way
Coow, aosi of ion• anal
jokes al osposoo of oar
as siostaof•tiwoosy pl 000,"; bpi a;
surprised at the improvements that have
sprang up within a few years.—Thkenival
examinatiox v ,like gemisatlag dies ottlite
Northwestegla BOW Ape: 4 40 0 401 : 8 4 11 .
bard, will, ota 'tatieerre yea 'Rae:l l 4l7 4 1
week; sad r edit4l , llo thette, : ile.r. "T l 4 awes
sambas Mot eiebdidf‘tes ila!Pit &R AI)"
has ever radiated al' an before.
—The "PropMalin of five amused dollars
to the IdlaboreHorotel Au!, made by the
Lelgehle , last visitor, is being judiciously
expended. A new saes around the "'roulade,
sittingof iXere skadit - trest:eltdmlniew ttikat•
bnprevessents, are atillinpeogrese.4—about
throe weeks ago, says the Conneaut (Ohio)
Rqmeier, a dog belonging to Sylvester Tinker
of this township; eaddeily disappeared and
nothing mon was thought. if it about a
week ago. When oats of his ponies begun sick
and died, after seder* great magi for two
er three days. Seery symptom of the animal
show* strongly that it has come la contact
with eau rabid dog sad was bit on he nese.
As yet the deg has net been heard from since
its departure.-0o Thursday afternoon, the
let inst., is three little boys, loos of Joel B.
Clark, Copts. A. Leal and C. W. Howard.
were riding in a small beat in Conneaut creek.
below the railroad - bridge, the boat by semi
means was upset and all three were thrown
into the water, eons sit or eight test is
depth. A brother of young Clark, being in
the neighborhood, plunged in and brought
him ashore almost lifeless, but the other boys,
it is supposed, caught each other as they
went don and were droirned, 'and their
bodies were not recovered until about two
hour* allerwards. Freddy ,J. was an only
child of Andrew sad B. C. Lent. and nearly
thirteen years old ; Willie, son of C. W. How.
ard, was about tea years ; sad both were in—
teresting boys, dutiful, courteous, little men.
Both were buried I. ou grave the Monday
fallowing. Captain Lent, at the limo of •the
sad affair, was at Bay City, Saginaw ; the
news reached him by telegraph and he imme
diately hastened
,home.—Mr. C. O. Griffey.
late of the Girard Mitts and Cony New:, has
gone into the grocery and crockery ware bud.
ness at Comment,: Ohio.—The Jefferson
(Ohio) Sentinel is " sorry to say that there are
some wanton boys in that plaoe who are gaily
of throwing stones against and otherwise in.
jurist the dbatinents in the burying ground."
Those bad boys deserve a severe spanking,
and if no one else will do it, we suggest the
Sentinel editor as a committee of one to apply
the doss.---A switchman. named, debases,
was killed at the railroad depot hs Meadville
a few days ago. Upon searohbau Ms pockets
a false oar key wis discovered, and as the
eompsny has missed a sonsidarable quantity
of goods, it was decided to examine farther.
Upon searching his boarding house on Dock
street, kept by a man named Heitman, a
variety of stoles utilise were dieuvired ems
°titled in Unreal pans of the house, amount
ing in value to aver 1800, all evidently having
been taken frottcarx • Hettsman was held to
answer at court.
Ooirsionoiaaras MID Pus Wow.—Mes
tri. Boner &Aargau, Erie; Pa., are largely .
=7l is the :Wholesale Confoctioauty,
and Notiew lived*. They have the
reputation of mannfeetarimir the veer finest
Candy--both plain sad limey. Their stock
of Notions and Small Wares is large and ex
tensive. Oranges, Lemons, Oietere, ho., they
make a speeiality, aad can furnish them is
quantities to snit. They are spats for the
Etoehdor Fire 'Wort—the best made—sad
cart fill orders for the country trade or ezhi
bitiou. Grocers and dealers in their line
will do well to call aad see their stook; or, if
ordering goods, they may be ears of having
their orders filled promptly. They promise
to supply first-class goods at lowest market
New Pub licatlons.
Messrs. Ticknor A Fields have sent us
Household Poems," by B. W. Longfellow,
being a oempilation of the shorter &meals
eempositions of .this writer. The beet con
tains Mesa Ulustratioas Ikea &wisp oa
wood, by Jolla Gilbert, 'Dirket, Poster. sad
John Absolon, wed Is the list of a series ea.
titled, "Companion Pests for the People,"
each number of wile& is to be handsomely
dated, sad sold at snob a reseosable price
as to briag them within the rased of every
household. The ascoad tad third volumes
will be respectively, Soap for an lilmumas,"
by Tenayton, and "Nations) Lyrics," by
New litnao.—We have neeirod from Hor
ace Waters, 481 Broadway, New York, in his
lest issue of musical aovelties, a seag, which
L llkewia i sense., called "Beaadat on the
Brain." We copy the following from the
American Bopliet : "To all who have beat
vexed and Unsealed by that, pest of society
—the eosaillai-monger---we commend the
pithy TOMS whisk Mrs. Kidder has written,
and the lively' soles that Mrs. Parkhurst sets
theta is. If any player or singer know; some
particularly insufferable eleaderer, let a few
'bars of this. music soma, be admialstsred as
a corrective. As soon as you hear any gos
sipping tongue baste with that familiar pro
face Vag sot'o—juoi, have ready year
pleas, and discharge s aselodiou . volley of
"Sands) on the Dada," at the 001111011
enemy. Whether it be Raid, wife. or widow,
or some wasouliae thing In petticoats, like
Jeff.- Davis' beets, be sure and let the offender
have a use of " Mrs. Kidder's Cordial," iq
the shape of "Holmdel en the brain."
We have received the Atlastie llonehly for
July. , The osatents sad oentributors are as
Volleys : Tones Hee be History, by E. P.
Whipple; Around Mull. Part 1. by Mori& S.
Candelas ; The Champing, by John 0. Whit
tier; lilies, by the author of !, Life in the
Iron Mills" ; Winter Life in St. Petersburg, by
Isysrd Taylor; Needle and Gerdes, VII ; A
Paper of Candle-Dads; Dr. Johns, VI, by
Donald 0. • Mitehell ; Deep-Bea Damsels, by
George W. Hoesser ; Skipper Ben, by Limy
Lareoes ;- Aseassiaatiee, by 0. O. franwell ;
Amwaylime, by T. B. Aldrich*; The Mammy
Omer. 1711, byK. B. Stove; 'TM Cla
use Coaopiaeey ; Reviews aad Literary No
tices. The &Wale Willed. di The Chicago
cowing," is an euggeralid account of
the alleged *asap& to releue the Buthent
prisoners it Clamp Boogies, ud is oar opin
ion. Goats* mach mare lobos that truth.
The satertloa lit the oestribatles that the co.
called order of the Lights of the Goldin W
ale had any cesildeiable somber of members
from the Dimicretto party, we Ere osalldeat
Is mot correct.
• T i ., igtvad 4 1 " 4 4/ 41 Din to bi isylvtd, lta
folltv pwa 01, - (wletwr. Ye. Anti 11. lhnsF
saimuwei. It wig tkw boat Wiwkly risr
.pßigiFlWod li:2f wYe awl ha *Meal wilt
piasloW, at !err WI *low
layid *tip - ton bow valtad.
Oda; dutete •Inasrgy ability of
Ili linter; will boars II mow lie illimwvoil Imo;
' Two bud sesse d Nes sand by Dr. Iltrfok;
lead's Pilellemedy. Mr, ekes of
Wisoessla, welter , for the ; boas& of all vie
saw wilb the tilst o lb* be Ism ben troubled
for eiggit yew* Kith sa sursrsted eon 'of
eilwe aid its titstbas was distaaron:from
the ormy se beurable, /be being quite tits
„ty sod trill' Lis PILO, Notb Awe' diM rivettsg
'elm were lead.ri* oaebotttett Dr. sOW
besofs Pitt Restedy. - rid ” or
Iplanito•S; besldelbe
received bi Dr. Strloblaid, Wesurieoe
Diem OWerfsg, Mat the' Stow sursested
satirosio . crier of Pllse ire mid by Dr. &tick
lsues Pile Balsedyl Weald by Dr/40U
'ieeryteleirs: "' " • •NI - isselkt4lneew
Km, Linoeht hanwrition. Iota& to the
National Molunaint Anatointion notifying
them that unlowithentannteent ito wed
ed over .the.Premidengto rionslas'
Itido, ands deal given t Mice the lot
CO wank) -bopianakaina would
ocomPO - a }Mosaics for kb* MP* of
the remain, /a Weald:Won.
City and County Surveying.
Is to ro - sol on/ 11 11 616 sod 10-lI.Mil oor-
I te lad Ontvlote of thistly. and th e T r acy
taro Ike eometl•
Bar keektor molly yore employed erraa, alai p.m
ty Itneveydrale herbaria° refer to ots u m , (amen and
bmstoode Melt who Wife heretofore ekr u i e y e d hi m
Partkelazattaalles OM to KtOoping. Pleas. 8 10 6811 '
tattoo., 0* Napa prepare d on t'„. ' h o m e d m aw ._ •
°lke or Miller k Cumellria. oroorry store, militate
Abed, between 'Seventh sod S'Arhth street; Illiii, Pa.
, All orlon left at I'. A. U echoes atonrovrner of 11111 h
sod Preach streets. proms/cly attended to.
Brie, Jew Id, 196.5,
application will be received at tbs Mao of tho
tar, of the Kris City School Howief parrorafW
situatlooa to the Public Schools of tblaeity Y Pmn
elpala and assistant "sachem
Applications must be In writing. applicants ate Ir
quieted to meet the School Board on tho fourth Friday
of has, the 23d lust., at the Mat Ward `Wm.)* Boa"
at 10 °Wad, a. m.
The County Superintendent will bold an esaralso-
Una, in the Seat Ward School Bosse, o 0 illeaday. Juno
cammeneing at 10 o'clock, S. 11.
Jun la, 18416—Itt P. BLOOM &hey.
INCORPORATCLeisiti. ,• 4 ri1.,;1, jt,0011,000.
,T.U. AUX.', Prw.L. a. Y. con., seer
wiLi. LULU, Nem a go. W. LOUR, Seel.
TNSURANCE in the above old and roll-
MM Co s j aCciat calm eau be obtained au appLiostke So
R. W. RUBSILL. Agent.
the Undersigned, in The city of grin, on Pend,
street, second hones north *of 12th, on Thursday. Nay
nth, Red Cow with black striped, brass battens es
her borne. stam p about sirloin old.
Any Indarmathen &boat the above Caw will be thank
hilly reoehlio4 by PR ANY El AMU.
I:mania the welk-known Livery Stand. he:steam
ocoraploi by Wm. J. Starrett, deeire• ta Inform Whinge
WI the
_public that be will continue the baslasee, aid
Write, their patronage.
MU be largely increased and 'improved—new norm
sues hue been procured. and some of the but livery
House to the country. lam determined to so cesdast
the establishment u to rive matiefullon. ?bow she
"want to Otain the servings of a good teas will Sad sae
reedy at all tines td accommodate thou, at reasouble
prima Butellect the place,
Fifth duet, rear of the Reed House.
Die, June 8, 1885-rtf THOS. LIMNOS.
&HIM elenelt Comer of the Park ud !kayo lat.,
ERIE, P.ll.
sox charge of the above well-known Efotal, and re
(test it to rope for style, respectfully sonata a shame of
tho public pefronara Terms reasonable. sad anassonto
dationeamal to say In the city.
Tor the oonventence of persona from the coaatty a
good stable has been attached to the
Jardirott &121711:11.UNCS.N.
United States Tax. Appea/s.
Asetstion's Omen, U. S. ImennstA2 isnresit2,
litsnreurra Dummy or PaZirirrLYASIA.
Ccrairwramiiii, May 20th, 111116.
CITIOII is hereby given, that the assemsbusit Ude,
valuations and enumerations, made and taken tigh
ts the Ttli Division of the, 19th Collection Dist. of Penn
wheals, composed of the city of Ede, and the Bth Di
vision composed of the Boroughs of Wettable:l, Corry.
North EMI, and Union Mille, and the towns of A c u r tk
Concord, Coot, Edenville, Millvillage, Harbor
L Seoul, Wceleyvitle, Wayne, Valance and Lom' ;
esidthe 9th Division, composed of the boroughs of Eiden-
Moro, Albion and Obard, and the towns of apringdold,
00nnesat, Elk Creek, Girard, Franklio, ralreiow and
_sad the 10th Mania' eompoied of the
larof Middleboro sod Waterfo rd, and the towns
resic„ McKean, Waterford, Summit andlOrsens,
Of the county of Erie and State of P,nntylvaala, by UM
uMitant asseesors, ender the laws of the United States,
will remain open to all persons concerned for a:mini
um, for the mom of 15 days from the eth day of Jane.
111162--Ihr this ith Division, at the office of Wm. C
Zug., asalstant assessor, in the city of Iris ; for
the Division ' at the oleo, of Thomas 5111, gag, as-
Mabel& easessor,Union ; for the 9th Division, at
the ease of T. C. Wheeler. Esq., assistant asamar, bo•
rough of Girard, and for the 10th Division, at the ogee
of 43. P. Ostrushmo, Le 1., assistant assessor, city of CAL
And the undersigned, Aaseuor of this Collection Dis
trict, will attend for the ith and lOth Diwisioni at the
saes of Wm. C. Kelso, seq., city of Eris, on the 2si day
of Anse, and for the 9th Division at the °Mee of P.R.
Irtissisr, Elm.; Girard, on the 24th day of June, and fr r
the 6th Dion at the office of Thomas Sill, Lg., Calms
Mills, on the 4d day of lone, to receive, hear and di;
teradas all appeals relative to any erroneous or emestm
valuations or enumerations by the said assistant assess
sOrs. •
La regard to appeal', the law provides," That the cue-
Non to be determined by the Assessor, on an appeal Ns
peettng the valuation or enumeration of property, or
object' Liable to duty or taxation, shall be, sehether the
valuation complained of be or be not in a pull rdatlon
or proportion to other valuations in the mane semsemeat
ilisWet, and whether the eenausretion be or be not cor—
n& And all appeals to the Aiseesor as shiretaid, shall
be nude in writing, and shall specify the partinalar
easee,matter, or thing respecting which a decision is re-
SZI• and shall, ocireciver„ state the ground or Fla
rti flliequality or error complained oL"
Assessor of the Nineteenth Collection District.
1865. = 1866.
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, &a, Bator's,
Is a pasts—used for Rats.
Mice, Roaches, Block soul
Red Ads, Ace , he., &a., 15. -
" Costar's " Bed-Bug Exterminator,
is a liquid or wash, used to
destroy, 11,111.1 also as a
waotave for Bed-Bugs,
"Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects,
la for Moat, Mrsysitates,
Pass, Bed -Begs, Insects ins
Plaits, Fowls, laisele, ls.
ITBold by all Dmaiste and Retailerseere.
111 81W.4.11111 tat all worthless tnil= . •
BM that ..00/1741ei1" Darnels on Nish nos, Bath,
and.Flusk. Were you buy.
PitimairAt. DiroT, 492 BROADWAY, N. Y.
Sold by all Drugghts and Dialer, is die, Pa.
INOINAST. OF .RATS.—Tte Farmer's Gazette
lid) warts and proves by figures that one pair of rata
will have a progeny and desosndants no 18111/ than 661,060
In throe years. Now, unless this lunessaas thaily can be
kept down, they would consume coon food than would
=stale ent,otio human Wage.
ar fan " COSTAil'a " advertieettioat in this paper.
RATS Hums BlRDS.—,Whoever engages la shooting
mall Pints is a mini man whoever tide in saitsrminst.
lag rota Is a benefactor. We should Ilk* mum of our
tontspondeats to give as the benefit of their szperisnal
l driving oat these pests. We need something besides
dogs, eats, and traps (or this bastneic—Scisortik.gateri•
awn s Pr. Y.
torso , - cosTay..... adyertlsenient In We paper.
sod sere—the most Aar-ideation weetieg we
have free attended. Every Rat that can pt it, properly
rowed according to directions, will sat It, sad wiry
am *kit esti It will die, generally at sons place as dia.
tint se possible &cm where the medicine was UHL—
Lairs liars, Mic.A., Mirror.
Soo • Ckurrat'a" advertisement in this paper.
1100112fEEPICEL9 treabbid with TIMM seed be so so
= h
it tlwr am" Cowes's"ltxtenethator. We bare
to ear matieraetion ; end
en lf a box eon ere
Imitidi We it. We hare tried poiely bet ther sada
*Gala. ;_beit." Costar's" artier, brow the breath eat
et. BMA, RUM; Baaaboti lath and Red-Bsp, 'Meter
ilea woos write It It la in peat demand 11l over the
esuairrd, Olio, Gautts
♦ inolos nom THE FAH W EST. —8 patio g of "Cos.
WOO Rat, Roach, Ant., an., Exterminator- 0 mono
pain aad provisions aro destroyed annually in Grant
IMO/ by "TWO than would par for toss of tbt. tat
mad land Hillar.*—Lososster, IPa., liana
IllseoCoarAn's" adroit:Umlaut in Oda mar.
that hundred, of &Ilan' worth of Grits,. Praha%
Itz, in usually dertroyod by Rota, Ine s, Soto, sa
other aside sal 'rata—al of tala e,a to, prorated
by s few dolls& worth of " Coaras'a " Itatylloach, Ant„
Istermastor, bought sad used frail. •
Roo "CONAJeII arertioarsout b this
Sold 1. lAN Ps., by all Drsaids sad
A larc u ssmorkmat of Roil. ack**, ow%
Pen% Booda, Gams and Mammomm t oits Ix
gil =6" .4 licaliallatit=aas
Teaeliers Wanted.
Stray Co*.
Livery Stable.
"19 established in N. Y. City."
roall lahllible remedies know."
"Fros from Poisons.
"not dangerous to the Human Family."
"Rate come out of their holes to die."
criko.oo/111.101" ad►ertiamaahia this paper
Watches and Jew
1 ,000.000 . WORTH ! Tot E
tsiat On* Dollar Olith. Withnilt t. 1 .04 1 4
I. bs raid for until you kno• )•,4
By A. H. Rolm. k Cu (Aorta for tL. v s ,
No. 36 Ktokroalkstroot,Now
Itios4 the followlei 11.4 of Atte,. to
ONZ DOLLAR itm:ll •
100 0014 hunting case wnichrit,
100 Gold watches, varinuA
200 Ladies' gold watasiiii,
600 Silver watches,
• *AI t,
6,000 Late style vest & neck chain s 5,,
6,600 Gents' Cal. diamond pup..
4,000 Cal. diamond ear drop., " t ;
8 000 Miniature revolving pain,
2;000 Cal. diamond and enamell e d
' genie' scarf pina, new styles F.
2,000 Masonic & emblem pine,
2,600 Gold band bracelets,
3,000 JeL and moeitte brpochel,
2,000 Cameo brooehem, '
3,000 Coral ear drops,
2,000 Ladies' watch chains,
6,000 Gents' pine, splendid as , urrt, 2, )
4,000 Solitaire sleeve buiton9, •
8,000, Sets etude & sleeve tomone,
6,000 illeeve buttons, plain & tag. 2 ,
10,000 Plain & engraved 4 ) 7
8,000 Lockets, richly engraved, 21 ';
15,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new
latest styles,
5,000 Handsome seal riugi,
.2,000 Sets bosom &Ada,
1,000 Gold pens & gold holders,
2,000 Sets jet & gold pins &. ear
drops, latest styles,
2,000 'Gold thimbles, pencils, ,1; • 4 4
10,000 Gold pens, & silver canoe,
10,000 Geld pens, ebony 4.
This entire list of beautiful ILhd
sold for One Dollar each. Derimmt,
STUCLIII will be planed in envelnp.., ,wed n
envelopes are sent by mail, u order,d,
to 'holes. On the receipt of the
whatyou are to here, and then
end the dollar and take the artide r
Five certificates can be oriirre , l t i ert
thirty for $5 • sixty-fire for 110, and OD , 4,,
$l5. Ws will . mend a single GertitleAte
lista. Agents wanted, to whom se r,tlrr sp x ,
wend 25 cents (or one certiticate and name rut
terns. A. ff. itoeiv
36 Beekman
P 0, Box, 270.
Ring's Vegetable AmbN
1 Neon Li
and has this nowppooon mcclint of }Lae,-
toter bang consolidated with, it by a
the ereprietoia of the two preparation..
an foment@ saki, for the following reasons I
let. It restores Gray Hall to ita origtna I col,
2d. It imparta a beautiful Auburn to
Laded War.
dd. It curia all Humors and diastase of timid,
4th. It la an Infallible eradicator of Dandnd
6th. It L a richly perfumed Hair Dreswini.
Ladies I Do you desire to get rid of your
artificial .Pront Places? Then use the At ,
seatore your Gray Hair to the daze, Inc
trews of youth.
Gentlemen 1 Do your beads show the Socip
of Baldwin' ? Thou use the Asobroaasad cum
airs which are catudng your Hair to come out
It tr not a dye I It does not color the e la n
'est linen I It Is not composed of noilois
&lady of harmless wegeta.bles, and is Num
Haatorative. Try it and be convince?
P.. N. Tubbs & Co., Proprietors, ?stet=
N. T. Hume, Union Hills, Erie Co
Northwestern Pennsylrania.
Local Aseota—Hall & flartle, Erin, Pa •,
Co., Titni,llle ; B. &roper, Waterford
Wood, Cony,
7-30 U. S. L(
Bondi in amounts of
On band for
Immediate Delivery
Who ar•
Duly Authorized Sub,
Keystone National
The above bank wil
Monday, Dee.
Rat side of Slate
Satisfactory papal
Mow received r
Col Untrue ml
Drat* Specie
♦ share of P•
New Music 'Store,
, From the following Mantel
• •
Steinway k Sona,Now York.
Wva. Inaba k Co e Baltimore. Md
Undarnan k Sous, New York
W. B. Bradbury, New York.
Job. B. Dublin, Neer York.
theveatown k Co., New York.
800. A. Priam fir 00., Baltalo, N.
Oaths" tisedhantik Co New Yore •
Prins at a Large bi l ea uji t
PIANOS FROM 7 $250 TO ' Vo
- Also, Instruction Books and Sh..t Boa
AB persona wishing a first rata Plaao routes",
on, are invited to call and cumin our •
taw puraturaing elsewhere.
interre Block, State stmt. nearly capon**.
11." P. 13.—Knot) lastrnmant warranted for
Reeves' Ambro:'
and wonderful Hair Restorst. ,
residents in fuldonable tittles, and
other prepsialloas e not only in ibis ci
Hama sad Beath Lirerries. Thous*.
aneuelly used in the Court elides of
Feta_ Mug and Madrid. and the sale
=OAS. =CM' AMBROBLA is cowl
toast from babe of wonderful virtue, ;
led with a rartety of exquisite l • Tipp'.
Wilis the balr out feu
thkk and long. it inekr , • I rbt
it a toy apparition. No to. ; u.
it. 0111" Th cants per large to
Bold by dragghits and dealer.. to
rata of the civilized world. W holew
druggists to every dty, and et
• Rgertfir AMBROSIA
N 0.62 Fut
Agents for renorylinate.
Pleasure Excur
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