The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 15, 1865, Image 3

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    is ifttitim Obotrutr.
, PA.. JUNE 15th, 1865
Whom it May Concern.
zotuuteucted tasking the
, ta us customary in this office, and
Luewilog themselves indebted, will
promptly settle up their accounts
led upon " Short credits," D r .
eye. " make long friends," and we
believer to Mr. Lincoln'', theory,
tall debt to easier paid thane large
have accordingly adopted the rule
collections twioe a year, and think
'generally approved by the friends
Our e xperience has taught us,
t(ef reason why so tartly newspaper
dasrts to e4lowing their acoouTts
poled, at the end of which
always leaves unpleaestit
ilt avd c.erd out of ten, the debt le
uuuu w whew aacunnte are sent
&Muting to they' promptly. They
the aggre gate ta many thousands
I, sod it is nut right to deprive us of
longer than in
of our pet dues any
Bec e„ary. There who know them.
be zudetited will eal , o us oonsiderable
expeor by remitting at ones, with-
Lig ui to the necessity of sending a
e e r cites of persons in Erie, just
peve io every other place, who are al—
Ni r t ivas the enterprise Ma prosperh
owa ia which they te,hie Nothing.
it to suit them, and every day of their
ay are ding•dongiog into the earl of
iy their doleful complaints If a strait
,' to lowa, they are sure to get hold
end instead of pointing out our ad—
, of laoation, 'and the public iipirit of
they appear to take delight in
him so bad an impreeeicin as possible.
we have traveled some little in our time,
m a couoi3erable number of cities, large
and we are decidedly of the lul
us that Erie it shout as good a place to
as any of them We have yet to vielt
mow!) , of the same size that ezoele it
number of ,good public buildings, the
of its prilste residesoes, the number
Int of its places of huskies's, the
loess of vs I.cation, the general en—
of ite busineet men; or the eooiebility
.itizene. We could mention many places
Aar ni these respects, and do not know
superior A few things we may fall
in, bi.t they are of a clue that the
ig population aid wealth of the city
at will soon be remedied. Neither
ey any worse or more numerous than
met with almost anywhere in the cons-
We think nothing so contemptible as
mons who live in a place, who make
mosey in it, and who depend upon
luny for their success, to be incessantly
Aging it. Every town has a class of
tats, and (Ley will generally be found to
least useful porjon of the population.
Ot to he the aim of all to increase the
;erity of the community where they re—
told if any one consoientiouely feels that
toast speak well of it, let him by ell
pick up traps and go where he can be
better—eu can get along without him
wortos or Ovativakt. GRANT —The re
in of Gen Grant in this oily, on Friday
loon of last week, was one that ret3eoted
oredit on the patriotism and publio
it of our oitirens. Long before the tort-
the traiu, an immense throng of pee—
bed gathered at the depot, and we think
are perfectly safe is supposing that not
-3 then three thousand persons were pres
sto greet the General on his arrival. A
'tuber of ladies and-gentlemen had prepared
beautiful arch, and erected it ne tr the
ige over Mill creek, at the top of which
mammoth letters the words " Welcome
ot" reflected the sentiment of every par
ein the crowd Considering the time in
~ i ch this arch was got up, it was an unborn
only fine affair, and the partial who parad
ed in its arrangement may well feel proud
their efforts.
The train arrived in due time, and was no
oner in eight than the familiar countenance
General Grant was recognised by the peo—
le, who gave bim as hearty obeerei -asever
An received. Before the oars had i stopped
General stood upon the rear platform, and
crowd gathered about him in a mass ro
ease that it is astoniehing some persons
era not suffocated. Two of the General's
ids took places on each side of the platform,
preventing the people - fedi:a rushing upon it,
elide he himself employed his time in ehak
ng hands with the ladies and a few of the
prominent citizens, now and then dropping a
ward of courteey in reply to the salutations of
tas visitors As * general thing he refused
to shake the hands of men and boys, and not
t lee who so,lieitcl the honor were obliged
to gni it up as a hopeless task. He used
his !eft arm altogether, the right having been
op,'• so far es handishaking was con -
cernei, .0 the route from New York here.
The General looked and undoubtedly felt, as
demonstrations were a bore to him,
and it a really singular that people should
bzea so thoughtless as to increase his
discomfort when the unpleasantness of his
?union was so apparent.
Mn.e Grant appeared for some time at the
ear door, and tor a while the "honors" of the
vermin were &bon equally distributed be
tween her and the General. The train rs—
zanied about twenty minutes, and as it went
away cheer atter cheer rang through the air,
attesting the affection of our citizens for their
annoy'. favorite general. The proceedings'
were made up of a strange conglomeration of
the lively, absurd, sentimental and patriotic,
at:fading abundant material for a sketch of
the mart graphic and.intereetiog description,
bat at MIS late date we are contentwith lim•
114 ourself to a mere mention of the more
erounceat incidents.
Ileuerel Grant himself, we were bet
cer pieeted than we have been with any of
teediog generals erLo have came under
car cttervattou ^ IV later, pictures which
bare avpearect Mire stores are perfect like•
teases—or, rattier, we should say, they ap
Preach as near perfection as it is possible for
camera, bruSh and pencil to attain. But,
thou g h the resemblance is pod, they utterly
ful to give the modest, unpretending end
mealy expression that he wears upon his
face, or the look of firmness which impresses
every cue that bees him. in short, he appears
better than his pii.turee—and yet he is asset
4113 would not be likely to attract any atten
-1:41 lie to ILA known. tie id one of
Mat ci tes o f pernous who must be etudted Lo
be appreciated, and who grow in our affeo•
11.4 the incr.* we eat and know art t hem. The
tieuerel wor e ,ti uniform coat, with the Lieu—
teonot tiesersi'n three eters upon hie eliould
vrthutti light - pantaloons cod vest. Unlike
cf.ermso, h e had on a oteeu shirt seller end
Dueem, and. his arena, though nut pretea
tine, was dectdedly en inkprovenkeut on that
ef the hero of Atlanta Mrs. Grant, like her
husband, is 4 modest appearing perann. alma°
=—but we almost forgot that a woman's like
must never be mentioned --and evidently
sympathized very siron,tly in the physical
torments to which her bulb:mot WWI subjected.
We are not nitwit given to 'litre worship, tint.
the little we :now of the tieneral gives Its a
very kind feeling for him, mud If tie continues
to oonduat himself in the same unassuming
manner that he hasythibite4 heretofore. we
predict that he will continue t• be, no be is
now, the favorite puhlie turn of the nation
lefrra REGIIIIIIIT.—Lu itueorilance with the
rule be hie adopted, previous to rho tuustar •
ing Out, it the .196th reginiatailor. Curtin
mole the following promotions:
Lieut.-Col. D: B. McCreary, to Calcium ;
Major Charles M.' Lynch, to Lieut. Colonel;
Brevet Major James N. Hamlin, to Mitjur;
Sergeant Charles C Merritt, to Captain co.
F; Sergeant J. S. * Coltell, to Firm Lieutenant
Co F; Sergeant Charles Steadman, to First
Lieutenant Co. A ;'-Q. til Sergeant Jonathan
Spaulding, to Quartermaster, to rank R 5 First
The fait three comutissiulis date from
dauyary 7, 1805. These promotions, it must
be understood, are merely complimentary,
and are not recognized by the Federal au
A ball will take pleas at the hotel of E.
Yright, McKean Corners, on the evening of
he 4th of July.
The people of Union propose celebrating
the Fourth on an exteneive scale, and are
making preparations accordingly They do
not intend to allow themealvee to be outdone
by any of the neighboring places.,
The closing exercises of the Waterford
Academy will take place on Thursday even
ing, the 29th iust. Au interesting programme
has been arranged for the occasion. The next
term of the Academy will commence on Mon
day, August 21st, 1896.
The Councils, on Monday evening, adopted
a resolutioci to license Farrar Hall for $lOO
a-year, instead of making a charge of slo'
per night, as heretofore The proprietors of
the Hall had dotarmiued to rout it for other
purposes had not this action been taken.
A gentleman who hae had much experlenoe
as an editor, and who has tw• eons, both
practical printers, who will accompany him,
desires to hear of au opening for hisaervicee.
Application may be made to the publisher ut
the Observer.
We notice by the Lancaster Criteltlyencer
that our former fellow-citizen, Gen. William
Patten, has been elected n delegate from the
town of Columbia, to the Democratic, county
convention. The General is one of the Class of
Democrats who stand firmly by the cause
through good and evil report.
As an instance of . the rapidity and prompt.
nests with which tho New York mails reach
this city, we may state that nn Wednesday of
this week we received the daily Tribune,
World and News, of June itb,—the trifling
period of one week only having elapsed be—
tween the day of publication and that of de—
On Saturday la,t a party of gentlemen,
comprising Mr. Delacamp and his associates
in making surveys of the lake harbora, sailed
from this city to Conneaut, Ohio, a iffstanoe
of thirty miles, in a vessel about the size of a
large nailing boat. The boat -is named the
Northern Belle, and was managed by Jas R.
Aeting Master John H. Welsh, of this city,
has been assigned to the command of the U.
8. steamer Mist, now lying off Mound City,
She is a large, new boat, and one of the
finest light—draft vessels in the Mississippi
squadron. The friends of Capt • W dish will
be pleased to learn of hit good fortune
A fire occurred nn Friday night of last week
in West Mill Creek town.illip,,whinh destroyed
the shingle factory and dwelling of Mr Ellslia
Blake, with all their contents. The leas
estimated at $3,000. Mr. B. and his wife were
sway from home, and when they returned,
found their little property a heap of ruins.
Two of their children, who were n,leep in the
house, were rescued by netglati.irs.
Our Garman citizens are premring to cele
brate-the Fourth ou their own book " Nine
or more societies will participate. An ad
dress will be deUvered by Rev. Wm Semler,
of 81. Paul's Lutheran churoh, and the De
olsratiou Will be read by Rev. Ur. Limburg.
business session of the Bishops of the
Methodist Church in the United States will
be held at be residence of dm E. C. Wilson,
in this city, during the present week, com
mencing on Thursday, the 15th lust The
following distinguished divines Will he in at
tendance : T. A, Morrie, D. D , Senior Bish
op ; Auketi, M. Simpson, E :Thomson, L.
Scott, D. W. Clark, 0. Baker
Capt. Clayton.W. Lytle has been appointed
by Collector Wilkins to a pumt in connection
With the Custom House. We have seen no
appointment lately that. we can applaud more
heartily than this. Capt. Lytle, besides being
a brave soldier, is a gentleman of inielligence
and energy, who would fill almost any of the
public) positions iu our country with honor.
Collector Wilkins evidently appreciates the
services of our soldiers, for he has selected a
insjority of his officials from the army. We
hope to hear before long, that other brave
boys have got positions in the different public
aloes here.
The Erie octauty Aledioal Society mei:in
this oily, on Thursday of last week, and diet
ed the following offteers
Pregidient—W. M. Wallace, Erie
Vioe'Preeident—C. Brandes, of Erie.
Beeo)dlog eecretary—'4. L. Stewart. of
.Corresponding Socretary—G. C. 13, 3 Tm e tt,
of Brie,
Treasurer—A. Thayer, of Mill Creek.
Board of Censors—fra Borten, of Water•
ford ; J. C. Wilson, of Edinboro, and W. C.
Event, of North East.
, Board of Examiners••Drs. Phelps, of Union,
Burroughs, of Corry, and Jackson, of Fair.
A large amount of business in connection
with the interests of the profession was trans
acted. The next meeting of the society will
be held in this pity; on the 4th of July, com—
mencing at 10 o'clook, a. m. j l
The Titusville Morning Darold, edited bye '
.W. W. & H. C. Bless, made its appearance oil
Wednesday, and shows signs'of a liberal anii,
permanent patronage Its editorial and local'
columns are Well filled; and it oontains the
telegraphic dispatches usually furnished In
daily papers Were it not for the well under—
stood feet that the people of that lcoality
never allow any enterprise to fail after it has
once been started, we should look upon the
experiment of Messrs BlOss as one of a very
risky character; but wo are assured that it
is established un au entirely reliable hiisis.
The 'Jerald will undoubtedly secure many
aubeoribare among oir business men,- sad
they will fled it the best advertising medium
in the oil region.
The exercises of laying the coruer.stone of
the new Episcopal church of this pity. took
place on Tuesday afternoon last, and ate re•
presented to as as having been of a remarks-
Idy interesting nature. An eloquent address
way delivered by Rev. Mr. Stop♦, of PlM
burg. Previous to the placing of the Oorner•
steee in its position,a bolt was pissed therein,
containing, among other artistes, a brief re
cord of the church's history, lid of Directors,
wardens and vestrymen, a espy seek of litis
°assay an, Gazelle and Dispagek, a :timber of
religions publications, and some specimens of
our present national money, including a
Treasury note, shinplutors and small coin.
The building is erpocted to be oomploted
within a year, and these who have Nell the
'design inform us that it will be ens of the
handsomest anti west soaventen► Videos in
the country.
Neighboring LoosilUse.
The citizens of Conneaut,'lle bold a meeting
last week, and resolved to have an "old fash
ioned celebration" of the Fourth, on a grand
scale ----Capt. be Los Walker, of Conneaut
ville, has received the unanimous vote of the
103 d Pennsylvania raginient for Lieut.-Colo
nel. and a letter to that. effect has been sent
to Gov Curtin —A new boiler used in the
sash factory of A. B. Newton, Jefferson, Ohio,
exploded last week, with terrific force, but
fortunately injuring no person, 'the workmen
being absent at dinner,—On Monday last a
Man named John Dunnell was killed ou the
Erie & Pittsburg railroad, near Itawle's
naoe, by being run over by I train of oars.
lie was an employee of the road, endeavoring
to discharge his duty in a state of . intoxios
lion. --A match game of base ball took place
at ilarmonsville, Crawford county,"tin Friday,
the 2d inst., between the Eviniburg aid
Louisville and Conneautville clubs.. at half
past six o'olook the sides being a tie at 68
points, and there being no prospect of finish
ing the 100 points before dark, it was pro
posed and agreed that the-game be declared
a drawn one, and that the match be played
on the same grounds on Thursday, June 16th,
at, 1 o'clock: Both 'ides are said to have
played finely.—Preparations are making to
have the houses on Water and Chestnut
streets, Meadville, numbered.----F. B. Brag
ging, edit'or of the West Greenville Argus, and
late mail aent. ou Mir B.' it P. railroad, lost
an infant daughter by erysipelas, on the 29th
of May.—The Universalist &ate Conven
tion was in session atConueautville last week.
—Harvey Renderiou, Esq., chairman• of
the opposition county committee, in Crawford
county, issues the followiag notice:
The Republican Primary Meetings, for the
year 1885, will be held in the several else-
Lion precincts of Crawford county, on Friday,
the 23(1 day of June, under the following
regulations, adopted by the County Commit-
tee at their meeting on the 11th day of 'April
last. The election board will be organised by
the appointment of a judge and two clerks.
The polls will be opened at 2 and closed at 7
o'clock p.lo. All qualified voters who have
heretofore voted with the Republican party,
or who obeli express their intention to do so
hereafter, and no others, shalt be entitled to
vote The Return Judges will meet at the
Court House in Meadville, on the Tuesday
following, the 23d of Jane aforesaid, at 1
o'clock p. in.
The 4th Annual Quarterly Meeting of the
M. E. church, on the Ridgway circuit will
he held in the Court House in Ridgway, on
Saturday and Sunday, June 24th and 25th.
Rev. Geo. F. Reeser, a venerable and popu
lar minister in that part of the country, will be
in attendanoe.—Dr. C. R. Early is an
nounced se a candidate for Legislature in the
Clearfield, Elk and Forest distriot, eubjeot to
the decision of the Demooratio Convention.
__P. W.. Barrett, Esq., editor of the Elk
Advocate, is urged as the nest Demo °ratio
candidate for sheriff in that county. He is
now deputy.—On the Elk - 1¢ *Mean oom•
pany's land, fourteen miles above Ridgway,
on the east part of the claim, the sand pump
brings up each time about a pint of oil. Mr.
Newbold, of Spring Creek, twelve tulles below
Ridgway, gets oil in email quantities at a
depth of 540 feat. Judge Diatom:in has " good
Indications" in his well at Ridgway, at a
depth of 140 feet.--The editor of the Clarion
Banner gives an account of a visit to the Po
o•hontas well, on Clarion river, below Deer
Creek, which he claims to be flowing sixty
barrels of oil per day.— A man named Cor
nelius Calighan was Instantly killed on Ha.
Williy last upon the P at E. railroad, about
three miles west of St. Marys. He got upon
the westward bound freight - at St Marys,
without the knowledge of the conduotor, and
whilst the train was under 'full headway
jumped, strikiug one of the wheels •ad badly
smashing his bead. lie was • laborer upon
the P. St E. railroad, sod podded at Wilco:.
He left no family. •
At a meeting of the Crawford minty Dem
ocratic Committee, held at the American
Hotel, in Meadville, M. *Park Davie, Esq.,
was appointed Senatorial delegate to the not
State Convention, and G. W. Hooker, Esti
and M. M. Meyler, Seq., Representative dele
gates. The Committee also designated Friday,
the first of September next for the Democratio .
primary election, and Tuesday the sth of Sep
tember for the meeting of the nominatiog
convention.--During week before last four
teen persona were arraigned before the Bur
gees of Oil City on the charge of drunken
ness, nod fined, in the aggregate, $l9 60
Drunkenness is a fineable offense according
to the laws of the State; and if all who get
- drunk were made pay the penalty, a large
revenue would he derived therefrom.--On
Sunday, the 4th, a horse and buggy, belong
ing in Mr. Daniel Weikle, wasirtolen from
near the Methodist church, in Meadville. Mr.
Weikle had blushed hie horse in the vicinity,
and went into the meeting house. He re
mained nntil•the netting broke up, and upon
coming out, looked for the horse and buggy,
but discovered they were gone.—The Post
Offices at Shafer Fenn and Miller Farm, on
the Oil Creek railroad, have been consolidated,
and celled Dennison. Mr. Crane has been
appointed postmaster, at a salary of a thous
and dollars. A daily messenger service has
also been ordered, by the Pest Office Depart
ment, from Dennison to Plume? in Venaugo
county, to the great convenience of the citi.
tens in that- community:---Deserters and
skededdlers from the draft are now returning
to their homes in various sections of Craw
ford Bounty, and the Meadville fostrnal will
be under obligations to friends in different
parts of the county, if they will furnish a list
of such persons for publioation.—On Wed
nesday, the 24th ult., Mr. Stephen Tingley,
aged 2.2 years, and son of Mr. James Tingley,
of Wayne township, Crawford county, was
drowned in French creak under the following
oiroinustanoes : Mr. Tingley had been
gaged at planting corn during the-forenoon of
the day mentioned, on the farm of an uoole
living a short distance below Cochranton.
Before goiug to dinner he and two other per , .
eons at work ooncluded to look up a pisee for
washing sheep. Upon going to the creek they.
discovered a skiff on the opposite aide, which
young Tingley - proposed to get. He accord'
ingly stripped off and pinged into the
stream, then quite high, and hod not proceed
ed in swimming further than the middle of
the stream when he "'gave out." He called
for assistance, but it was not in the power of
those on chore 16 render any; and after
hard struggle Mr. T. was drowned. HO body
Was fouid the "next dej half a Tulle Tardier
down the stream.---on Friday evening, the
2d, a young man named William Ryan, a
railroad employee. had his right hand crushed
at Meadville, while engaged' ia coupling care.
—We learn fro to a letter written• by a mem
ber of .Co. K , 160th P. V., that the company
bead reeeived'a present of $lOO from Hon. 8.
Newtoa Pettis, to be used for the purchase of
new instruments. The boys were, of course,
very grakedai s sad promised him a Bnit•class
serenade oa their return.
The elfiee of the Ledger, the Democratic
organ Of Wastes county, a shortie ago,
"was leaned by a sa il from I. B. Esq.,
late editor of the Erie Gurtte, Han. G.. W.
Behofield, sad B. Cowan, Esq., editor of the
Mail." [Rep.] . The editor says: s 4 .A trio
like this (rem the ranks of the opposition, an
a visit to the Lemma, is a pleasant rarity,"
and bails it as indication of the harmonious
times ooming.—At a meeting of the Warren
county Democratic Committee, on Tuesday,
the 6th, K. P. King, Esq., was chosen as a
delegate to the State Convention.—The rush
to Oil City is repOrted less than it was six
weeks ago. The reason, says the Warren
Ledger, ie that capitalists are turning their
attention to Warren county more than for
merly.—Some months ego there was a good
deal of talk about building a new Presbyte
rian oiturch—about $12,000 having been sub
scribed for that purpose. The season is ad-
Tutting, and yet the Ledger hears nothing
about the ohuroh.- 7 —The Warren Ledger re
ports the following curious cue as having
taken pistils before Chu. Ditunneor, Esq., for
that borough, an the 2d inst.: • _
It will be remembered that Oel. Cobham's
remains were brought home for hariel in Au
gust last; on the arrival of which there cross
a division of sentiment as to who should re—
ceive them. To avoid any undue exhibitions,
the Town Contrail arranged with the parties
to receive the body, and bury it, which was
done, and the body placed in what is called
the Soldiers' Ground, in the Cemetery. On
Wednesday of last weak, Mr. Henry Cobham,
brother of the deceased, together with others,
repaired to the ground, disinterred the body
and took it home to Cobham Park, by the de
sire of the mother. The fiat becoming known,
the Committee having charge of the grounds
brought the parties before Esq. Dinsmeor to
answer. Hon. W. D. Brown conducted the
prosecution, and Hon. C. B. Curtis, the de.
fens.. The main portion of the allegations
were admitted ; but G. Cobham, Esq., being
sworn, testified, that it had always been an.
deretood between himself and the Committee,
that the arrangement was only temporary—to
avoid trouble—end that he always intended
to remove the remains, and his determination
had been assented to by members of the Com
mittee' and other gentlemen. And, in con
formity with that •tindirstanding e the remains
were removed. The prosecution maintained
that, acoording to an act of the Legislature,
soy person wilfully and malioionely'rtmoving
bodies, or defacing edifioes, ho., is liable to a
year's imprisonment in the Penitentiary, or
one hundred dollars fine, or both. It was
upon alit point that the Court bound tho par
ties over.
The facts were presented to the grand jury
ou Tuesday, and the owe was thrown out by
that body. Thus ends another " tempest in a
teapot "
For some time pest Col. lieu hue bad
n course of - conearuotion by Mr. Volk, ti e
leading sculptor of Chicago, a beautiful and
very appropriate monument, which he pro
poses to erect in Girard, as a tribute of res
pect to those gallant officers and soldiers from
Brie county, who have died in defence of their
country. This monument- will cost shout
$5,000, and will stand about twenty-eight
feet high. It is now in an advanced stage of
completion, and will. be finished and ready for
public inspection on the 4th day of November
next. Col. Rice tendered it to the borough of
Girard, through the Burgess and Council,
with the request that it be placed in the cen
ter of Slain street, midway between the Pub
lie Squares.—The " Dan Bice House," at
Girard depot, is feet becoming a place 'of
popular resort by those who have occasion to
visit this section either on businese or pleas
ure.—The assignees of the Meruhaut•s Bauk
of Westfield give notice that the bile of the
bank will be redeemed at the Banking Douse
in Westfield, until further notice.
There is an extensive strike among the coal
miners along Shenango Valley, and work is
about suspended in several places. Some diffi.
entity Is anticipated in the vicinity of Sharon
anti Sherpreille, as the miners refuse to leave
the houses which they occupy, and which be_
long to the coal - companias.—The people tat
Meadville are preparing to celebrate the 4th
on a grand scale.—The Venango , Sieetator
states that on Saturday evening last, about 9
o'clock, a man saamd.Jae:-11: Peeler, a team
ster from luau; swim,: waif drowned in the
Vensaiokiver, opposite Franklin', while bath
ing. Several persons were in eompasy with
him, but none could give particulars. It to
eupposed he wee taken with the cramp. Hie
body wee taken to Ms home on Monday morn.
ins. On Sundaq morning, while awntaber of
men were bathing in the river, above the
upper dam, one named John Allen, of Miciii
glen, a taborer at the Dale refinery, wee
drowned. His body wee 6000 after recovered,
Awl Omer/ in the charge of ewe° 4.1' his
friends, who tell with it ott Muuday
Micthigau.—A new hotel is being built to
Corry, which will be one of the largelt to nue
part of the country. The wails are up, lour
stories high—and enclosed ; and the roof tim
bers are going to their places, and gallery
doors laid; and it is pierced for two broad
sides of balcony. It is to have 125 sleeping
Atoms and guest chambers ; and elegant par
lors; and cosy drawing rooms; and all
the accustomed convenience, of modern hotel_
lecture.—Another new and splendid hotel
has been opened In Corry, capable of accom
modating one hundred persons. --The peo
ple of Corry have secured the service, of lion.
L. S. Sherman, of Ohio, ai orator for the 9th.
The Tel speaks of him as being " one of
the ablest advocates of *the present genera
tion." At a meeting to prepare for the 4th,
the following resolutions; among others, were
Resolved, That we will spare no efforts to
procure the most eminent speaking talent,
and make this one of the most impostng sale
brations ever held in Western Pennsylvania
—worthy 'of the day and creditable to the
Resolved, That we cordially invite our
friends of the neighboring, towns and villages
to unite with us in paying a suitable ovation
to the day. - -
Taylor sewing machine, in good order,
and whi3h has been used much
is offered for sale. it cost $l4O whan new;
and will be sold for less. aeu halt the price.
inquire of Mrs. Grubber, earner of Chestnut
and abort Mullets. - • • tf.
,iferber Orieh, •en Wednes
day eieniag Jai* 1.4, Lycona• Litchfield,
apd 76 yeas.
We have bun at Boole , polio to ascertain
what instrument of the rusty now soliciting
the publie favor combine* the greatest amount
of reel excellence. We have preseouted this
inquiry entirely independently of aid or di:
notion from interested paities. The opinions
of some of the best musical critics; composers
and performers have bun obtained. Reports
of expert runts made la the ordinexy use of
various i astrumeate in ehtirehes,l schools and
f am ilies, have been compared, all of which,
with singular unanimity, concur . in assigning
t h e grit place to the Cabinet Organ of bluest
liamtin—a decision that oureeponas with
our previously formed convietiosis reeeivid
from personal observatlons.:—.Y..Y. Christian
slieeeste. ' •
. . .
Po or- flonsroatna I.—Whiek you can
do if you drills the, impure, hot and acrid at
ter out or'jtuir Osten by taking inwardly
Carter's Compound Extract of Dandelion and
Bittersweet, and applying outwardly Carter's
Yellow Ointment. Hundreds can testify that
they hare used these articles with entire sue•
cess and satisfaction, after having tiled many
other things to no purpose. Therefore, we
say use these two articles and tap that scratch
ing. Price of Bottle and Box together, one
dollar and fifty cents. Bold-by Carter & Car
Covous.—The administration of nionicinal
preparations in the form of a lozenge, is of all
mods; Lb. most eligible and convenient, mere
'especially as regards a sough remedy.—
"litrown's Bronchial Troches" or Cough Lis—
tings, allay irritation, which indium cosset
ing, giving instant relief in Brenclitis sad
Hoarseness, Influenza and Consumptive and
Asthmatic sesepiiints.
"Eger till now,
When meat were fond, I smiled and won
dered bow"
People were cured of that life destroying
disease Catarrh, but upon inquiry at the
DrUggists, I find that Aids hapinsits is pro
duced by the use of Dr. D. R. Bealye's Liquid
- Catarrh Remedy. Try it.
"Poor worm Thou art iaffotad,
Tho visitation-shows:"
But by the use of Dr. D. U. Beelye's Liquid
Catarrh Remedy you can be restored to
health, which is More precious than gold,
ye*, than fine gold.
We would respectfully call the attention of the nubile
to our facilities for doing Job Printing of every dmerip ,
Hon. Raving rapid Prelim sad the latest styles oilyym,
we are prepared to do anything is Ohs jobbing BIM in •
mamma equal to any other establishment,. and em teems
as reasonable is the Buffalo or Cleveland ogler. We
tam added nearly two thousand dollars worth of Mite-
Ord to the once sines it has been in our poseneios, with
the object of making it what we thought the counnual
ty needed. Hew well we have Minmedini we les» the
specimens of our jobbing, which may be ism in every
pert of North Western Pennsylvania, to temity. Them
who want tarty work are invited to give um a MIL We
can do any kind of Printing that can be done eleamitare,
—such for instance as
All kinds used by Coal Operators,
All Mods used by Coal Skippers,
All lands used by Coal Aellers,
MI kinds used by Merchants and Storekeepers,
All kinds aged by Retailers and Grocers,
All kinds used by Manufacturer+.
All kinds need by Medicine Dealers,
All kinds used by Auctioneers,
All kinds need by Railroad Agents,
All kinds need by Nanke,
All kinds need by Insurance °Mesa,
All kinds need by Stock Companies, genets',", '
Alf kinds used by Brokers,
All kinds used by Coin. and For. Merchants,
• •
All kinds used by Express Men,
All kinds used by Professional lisp
All kinds used by Literary Societies,
All kinds used by Public °Moors,
All kinds used by Patentees,
AU kinds need by Producers of New Articles,
All kinds used by Merchants of , all Trade",
AU Made weed by Architects, "
AU kind& used by Dagnerrean Establishments,
All-kinds used by Artists generally,
All kinds used by Pablio Exhibitors
Ail kinds used by Managers of Rome Assemblies,
All kind+ used by Political Managers.
All kinds used by Travelling Agents,
All kinds used by Farmers, or Wien of real estate, '
All kinds need by the Wier" of Personal Property',
All kinds used by Renters,
In short &Blinds used by all amain`
Orders by maU,when sent by responsible partim,prompt,
ly attended to. Agents for Shows, Concerts, doe., whore
teapot:Leib:My we ars net acquainted with, must pay in
advance. In cases where packages are sent oat of the
city by ezpress,and the vermeil for whom they ars intend
ed have not a regular account at the office, the bill for
collection will invariably be forwarded with them.
best Preparation ever presented to the public ; •
(set to which thousands who have toyed it are ready to
!" tif f .
Afew appis,atians of this Compound will change brash,
dry and wiry Hair to the most bwantiful
If the Hair is faille( Off, or becoming my. the On ter
the Renewer will surely arrest its decay, an d mass it to
assume, in a short time, all its former bmaty. ft com
pletely eradicates Scarf and Dandruff, and UM Hair
seers, so deetructive to the roots of the Hair, and
Cures all Diseases or Humors of the
The iteldiwer is utiegnallarl by any other Hair Pleparatlon
Seing a Vegetable Compound.
Propriet.ra °trot. the Sicilian Hair
Renewer to thepablic,entirelycoaedent thatlt wßt
Promote its Crowth,,
And in urerly.4ll omit* where It has Ulla off, will nit
to. • it. unless the person is very aced , This is
rot rither Preparations, making the hair
dry end brunt'', but will keep It malt.
soft and glossy.
R. P. HALL Ai CO., Proprietors,
N0.12V Men entat.Nialaus, N. B.
HALL lc WARfIL, Itzeitmerie Apses kn Wagers
rennillvania,, Western New York and Itastinunbto
W. W. PIERCE & 00'8.
Horse Hoe, or Cultivator Plow.
A near has alwry a received the First Premium when
firer exhibited , and all wk . () have used it pronaduite It
tar superior to anything else of the kind. The fellow.
tog are some of the advaritages this Cultivator has over
every other .led now f a nee
LightDOIJI and durability ; being made of the best
quality or steel, highly polished, and the whole imple
ment weighing irom filly to sixty pounds.
fid. Adaptation to morn kinds el work this soy other
Cultivator known ; being • perfect and thorough Culti
vator when :need with all the teeth on, leatriag the
ground even and level, and working tourer the rove
thin any other Cultivator,
3d. By remoeing the small teeth, and attaching the
wings to the shovel, it Is the moat puked implenteat
for tailing that can be found.
4th. It is the best implement for coverled bad dk-iftlid
potatoes ever lavented. A man and horse can clover po
tatoes as fast as • horse can walk, and a man sad team
Clan dig from three hundred to dye hundred .buthele o
potatoes hi a day, when the mop is $ fair one.
bth it works equally well fa corn, or any kind at nap
requiridgmdtiv &tins, and in most cases hand hoeing
can he dispensed with.
6th. its cheapness, considering the many kinds of
erotic to which it can he applied ; the farmer having in
oar implement all that Is necessary for cultivating and
hitting any kind of ,arop„ or covering and digging pots.
Numberless certificates from the most influential farm.
en in the United States might be given of the superiori
ty of the above implement over all others designed for
like pelves's.
e elteU be pleased to receive a call from any one who
weds a Cultivator or Shovel Plow and explain to them
the tdenta dr the above Born Hoe over all other Imple
ment. of the kind. We warrant Oils Horse Baste wet:
as a, Cultivator as well as any Cultivator mad•—a -
Shovel Plow as well se any Shovel Plow—and as a Bc
Boss complete success, or ref oad the money U it dr
sot meet this warrantee.
We silo keep en band In connextion with ewe Harr:-
ware, Stoves, flowers and Moues furnishing Goods, a
complete assortment of Horse Rakes, Head Rakes,
Scythes. Soothes, Goat ensile*, Yorke, HUON Shun*
Spades, kri. Don't tail to give as a call •
W. w.rulitcr. a co..
Sole agents for Horse Hoe to Sri. Co., Pa., sad Astabtila
Co., Ohio, Corner &Maraud Sib sta, Vie, Pa.
We. M. Pcsions
Ono. J. Racoon. S Into. Ks, 2 1 1, 1165-ft
.The following firms are our anthoched Islets for the
sale of Wright.' Horse Hoe or Cultivator 'low
• 0 A. Heins k Co., Waterford; it 31. L. H. D. Be
North Rest ; Oulliford, Bay It Co., Girard; J. A. = 4 „
MAW Grove; A. Landers* Mind Ofribtter k Blood.
Conneaut, Ohio; T. McGuire, Ashtabula, Ohio; Warn
k Hodge, Asses, Ohio ; W.' W. flame B G, Desaish.
tive Pl4.44o—The Walk
samp, Ithermatie, i
Costive, BilliosseadDellests.
stmt. r ome days' nee, will find meowed eireagthead life
pervade every *rata or 1 heir Crum.
Nears does metes the blood parer. The serves cobs
*mace io the uteri/0146d tantalite is the Mew Mare
rolls, es s lint stem, act upon the arterial blood. itr.
eresstae the elre Wallop by which Itsperithe =es
.itei In the van 0, as the; throw of each
into the bowels, which orates, by the Ewa apiihreeH m l
foga Nrsatres.tes Pills. lupe theta :rota tli• systems.
Whets first us )d, the Pale may ooreados Opts', sad even
make the Imo .ent dmi worse. Thiele tia imoWeat slaty
&minim , * th s disease will soon beamed: No great food
is often *chi. 'red without some trouble to its attainment,
and thisrale .11* to the reeomity of health. Sold los
all respoteb la issaidats. 14,6114 •
27 Courtlandt St., Now York.
pens, eilsObe., &a, worth over Dalt a Million
Dollars! T h e aold at Oete Dollar Mach without rewire
to value. And not to be paid br until you know what
pm are to melee.
Ali to be Sold for One Wise Itaek .
800 Gents' geld Welshes, $5O to 6160
800 Ladies' gold Watches, 36 to 70
400 Gents' silver Watches, 36 to 70
200 Diamond Rings, : 60 to 100
3,000 Gold Test & Neck Obelus, 15 to Uu
8,000 do. 4 to 6
8,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 4to 8
4,000 Chase&Geld Bradelets, 6to 10
2,000 Chatelaine & guard cholas, 6to 20
6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to 10
2,000 Lava & Plorintine brooches, 4to 6
2,000 Corsi, Opal & Em. brooches, 4to 8
2,ooo , ldosise, Jet, Lava & Doren,.
tine Ear Drops, _ _-
4,600 Coral, opal & em. B. drops, 4to
4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,50 to
8,000 Gold fob & vest welch keys, , o to
4,000 Fob & vest ribbon elides, 3 to
4,000 Sets sleeve buttons; etc., 3 to
8;000 Gold thimbles, pencils, etc., 4to
6,000 Miniature lockets, 5 to
6,000 MIR. lockets—magio spring, 3to
000,Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to
6,000 Plain gold rings, 4 to
6,000 Chased gold rings, 4 to
7,000 Stone set & signet rings 2,50 to
6,000 California diamond lingo, 2to
7,600 Sets ladies' jewelry—jet &
- gold, sto
6,006 Sets Wks jewelry-ssateo, •
pearl, etc., 4 to
6,000 Gold pens, silver extension.
holders & pencils,
6,000 Gold perm & gold-sionnted
holders, 8 to
6,000 Gold pens, & pen.holders, 6to
6po Silver goblets & cups, 6 to
1,000 Silver castors, 16 to
2,000 Silver fruit & cake baskets, 10 to
1,000 Dosen silver tee spoons, 10 to
1,000 Do. table spoons & forks,
Certiflatica, naming each article, and Its value, are
placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well mined. One of
these envelopes, containing the Certificate or Order for
some Article, (worth at least ono dollar at retail,) writ
be sent by mall to any address without regard to choice,
OD Malt Of 21 sent/a. The parchaser will see what Ar
ticle it rime, and its value, which may be from One to
Five Hundred Dollars, and can then tend One Dollar arid
receive the Article named, or any other on, the 1 st of
the same value, and after seeing the article, If it dote
net give perfect satisfaction, we desire it to be immedi
ately returned and the amount paid will be refunded.
By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of
Owe of the best make and latest styles and of in
t e worth, at a nominal irks, while all have a chance
of smuts( entices of the is:, highest value.
In all eases we charge for forwarding the Certificate,
postage and doing the b nem. the sum of Twenty-eve
Cents, which meat be en rod is the order. Five Cer
tificates will be sent for s l,' eleven for $2 ; thirty for $4 ;
MeV-five for $10; ono hureired for $l6.
Parties dealing with us ray depend od haying prompt
returns, sad.the article drawn will be iimnsdiatelr sent
to any address by return mall or !sprees.
intim satiefiction Guaranteed in all cases.
Write your Name, Town, County and Snit, plainly,
and address,o SELIMN a CO.,
ma2V66.flm 27 Courtlandt street, New York.
THUR3DI,Y, DEO. 1, 111:54.
Trains will lameOnnkitk stab.r,lthe folios-Lag how.,
tia : •
• Eastward Bound—Depart.
Train No. 14 040 a. ra.
Train No 10 V) 20
Train N 0.6 8 C.: a. in.
Train N 0.4. ... 16 y.
The Atecomrsodation max every do ,
MINOT. Ogu'l `lu;.l
Important Notice.
hare a settlement of We emanate, gives motive to
persons indebted to him to call sad pay beibre the let of
July next. It not attended to by the period stated, the
sooonnta will be lift In the heads of an otlicer for toilet-
Una. This course le rendered - name/Lary by my felling'
health, Which renders it imperative that I should *ban.
don practice tors brief period. JOll NI ',BEN N F.Tr.
Weisloyvtl!e, May 25, ISO. jeltd
PropooaLs fir Finibiting the Material
Building a Bridle over Walnut creek'.
by the Road Ooteonindoners of the Talmo&lpa of
ant Omsk end "lfairvietv for rumba'log the Materials
and doing the tin* fora Bridge over Walcott Creek, on
the Town Line Road, leading from the 114d1e Road to.
She proposals to be deUvered at , the Togo
Hall. to Uhl Creek, os or before the Iltb day of JO4ll.
1866. ' JOHN HURST.
ieras-11. - Poi Road Coauni.volonera.
Stray Cow.
th•Sabseriber. or? Myrtle street, between Second
and Third, Erie city, on the 24th nit., a Dark Red Cow.
Dem& or eight years old, with a white spot on the back,
white tail, and broad horns. Any information leadurg
to bar recovery will be thankfully received.
Jer6s-2t• sum lIN.RRITT.
Adzxiinistrator's Notice.
hum been grouted to the Flabirdiber on the As
ters of Thomas 8, lsts of Om city of iris, de
camed. notice Is hereby gives to all persons indebted to
wad sweat% to mats laweediste payment, sad those hey
ottitasdalisa twpdast it wiU present them , duly =Wadi
her aatt/lanaast. GPO. W. GIINNILSON.
At U.K. Panaion and Malin Ogles, southwest. Dor
llorr ftlf Mate sad TWilt streets. =rte, Pa. jell‘eir
Sewing Machines!
BUY lurspatiran EXPIRE OR
The - undersigned haring been appointed agent la Erie
city for the 'dive celebrated Machines, reepectol.l
calls the attention of the public to the same.
they arieseknowledged to be the beet in toe and are
the cheapest in the autriot. •
Loch Machine bay all the latest improvements,. which
render them fez superior to say other now said
Persons desiring to pnretiase a Sewing Machine will
Owl it of.eidrantsge to call and eiensine these before
baying elsewhere.
temples on sithilition at my store, No. 5, Americas
Block, between the Park end tisrenth street.
jart46 . 45.0a50 r WasIT:TMR.
Wat. Ham, J. it. BST*" IJ
Petta St., awn £k. Rif.. 11061, Eric, Pa
Henry, Bryant & Sherwood,,
' Tix a Sum Isom Wax:,
Every Stave sold ly us warranted to give malefaction
Rattails Sleigh-skate, Sadirons, ha, on bend or men.
ateetared to order.
, .
PLOWS ORD Prow Powys of aupfirtor make and dura
bility alstsyt as hand. A sall and a bur trial bf our arti
cle. is el we ask. HENRY; BRYAN{ k. etiaIIWOOD.
Jar:Bll3—g. .
Cranford, Christian ' & Ruth,
Daslora in
(, 1 3 r) t: . :l 'TTrs AND PROVISIONS,
sled Pruits,
Stores, C.;;•,
oar, r.tam 84 , 4;
ut of State SU(AI,
Also, Public Doc
WM. A. mum row% s. T. .
116 , 11 J itYRON RUTH.
Wooed reqoaffelly Worm the publle that they have
iiritN/TURE PaI"
is qrsßirs BLOCK,
Between Bth tad 9th Streets, on State,
Wier. nisi : l:MA tokeep eoeatiatly es hood
H eigntoest of
respoeifelh solicit a ahar• of thePabllopst
romp .v l 7 l. s! t • night
Ulna at
Acourriaracirt" aired of Nervous Debility, Pre.
nature Dway, awl the effects of foothral
ties. sill be hem to furnish others with the =LIDO of
cam (fret eherre). This remedy wimple, yds, &ad
Pot toil partitnilars;try Morn mail, please addreu
J0r,140%, ' Ei Nom duet, New York.
Fortifies the systems wind the e•u eti►ets at iurirkor
Will ewe Dyspepsia.
Will ewe Weakness.
Will cur* Genets' DeWitt,
Willman Heartburn.
WDI rum Heoe/asbe.
W ill cum Lim Complaint.
Will exalts and ereate a healtby appetite
Will Invigorate the organs at digestion and mo4ssste•
thermos the temperature of the body sad the taros o•
etrealatten, &AI og la hat as a gunnel eorrobonat of tir
system, °outdate/ no poisonous drugs, and le
A fair trial is ttirstsstly solicited.
ORO. C. 001111NL. & CO., PropriaWak
Hodsca,_ll. Y.
o.otral Depot. Autoricao &sires. Etsildlos el BCD
For sale by all Draggle* Orman', he.
MINNIG k HOADLNY-.. gds. Whaling* Ave*
and for gale by !tall h Wutal,cartar is Career and WU
hint, Booth
4 to
.1 - E,WELER6,
303 Broadway, New York,
100,000 Watches, Chains, Gold Peas,
PENCILS, &C., &C.", --
WORTH $500,0001
And not to bepaid until you know what you loin
AU to be sold - tor,ONll DOLLAS 'soh I
4 to 10
100 Gold Flouting Goa. Watohoo, each.,. /10009
190 Gold Watches • 60.00
200 Win' Watches . 16.00
NO 8119ez Watches. ‘. $16.00 to $l6 00
600 Gold Neck and Vest Chaino 12.00 4 11.00
1000 Gllatoladu and Guird Gh549.........r.... 6.00 to 16.00
8000 Vest and Niels Chains
4000 Solitaire Jet andAjold Brooches... 3.00 to 8.00
4000 Coral, Lava, Garse s ite.„ Brooches,— 3.00 to 8.00
7000 Gold, Jet,lel, Sic.. Bar Drops 300 to 8.00
6000 Cents' Bread and Scarf Pins 8.00 to 8.00
6000 Oval Hand Bracelets 3.00 to 800
2000 Chased - Bracelets - 5.00 to 10.00
3500 Calif.:irate Dissnood Pins sad Rrnss.. 2.50 to 8.00
OAOO Gold watch Bays . 2.60 to 0.00
6000 Sohtalni cleave Batton, and Studs.. 2.00 to 8.00
3000 Gold Tbunbles - 4.00 to dOO
6000 Miniature Lockets
3000 Miniature Lmitsts, Magic ..„.
2500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, &c.,
3000 Fob a , d Ribbon Slides
5000 Chased Gold Rings 200 to 6.00
4000 Stone Set Rice... 2.50 to 6.00
, .
61500 Sets Ladies' Jewslry-4et en d
Gold.. 6.00 to 15.60
6000 84s Ladles' Jewelry—varied styles.- 3.06 to 15.00
5000 G4d Pena, &tsar Gaup and Pencil.— 4.00 to 800
4000 Gold Pens, Ebony Holder and Cams.. 6.06 to 1041111
6009 Gold Pena, Konatad Holder 3 00So 6.00
All the goods in the above List will be sold, without
reservation, for ON DOLLAR LACE. Certidoatas of
all the various articles are placed in similar envelops..
sealed and mixed. These envelopes will be seat by snail
or delivered at our ogles without regard to choices. Oa
receiving • Certificate. you will me what article gt ropta
sent{ and it is optional with you to send one dollar and
r ece iv e thenrucla named. or any other in the list alba
Emil value.,
By this mode we s t,t susotions from • varied stock of
fine goods, of the best make and latest styles, and of in-
Wade worth, at • nominal prise, while all hays • shams
et securing articles of the may highest value.
In all traseestions by mall we thine for forwarding
the Cortilloste, p aying postage, and doing the buinsea,
25 cents sash, roe carsibestes will bs 11111 a for ill Mgr.
8 1110 1 $2; Tkirtyfor Os Sixty for $10; sad .Oas Ben
dredfor slli.
We shotdd supply you waste; our fecialtes are unsur
passed; our work of unrivalled excellence; oorpromiess
punctually observed. Our central location brlep nenear
the most remote point/. - Our goods are new trout the
manufacturers, and of the latest:tad most desirable styles.
The goods mud be sold, and the terms ere unequalled.
All articles ordered are forwarded by return
Are guarantee (rain satisfaction In. 'Teri instance,
and if there should be any person dissatisfied - with any
article they may realise. they will immediately rehire
It mid the price will be refunded.
AG., - Nlll.—We allow those acting as agents ten cents on
each Certificate endued, plovided their remittance
amount to one dollar.
They will collect 26 owits for every Curti!lasts, mid re
chieug 10 mats, remit to us 16 amts for dash.
Address, DSO. DEMERIT & CO.,
sir2-81d. 808 Bro iidwsy, New Torts.
THE Old STANDARD Favorites of the
whose motto Is,
Nutt will &mat Itself In 014 of all oppostti
end the se/se of which mood ON! HUNDRSID MOO-
no great Secret of the uudraled popedutty et the
works of this old oat Tellable boas, uist thty Waist&
mach a happy tuabluattort of intsusting qualities u to
please the underataudiag, tickle the buoy sad touch
the hearts of all duns of readers.
Now Rowdy, No. 88,
By L. Augnatus Jones.
Tide la story of Planter Life Among the Indiana, of
surpassing interest, and will rally sustain the wonderful
t.potatton Middy pined by the other numbers of
the names of which are
No. No.
1. The Hunters. The Flower of the
2. The Trapper'. Retreat. Wigwam.
3. The Patriot Highway- 22. Rickety T 1304 the Your.
28. The Imps of the Prairie ;
4. The Rented Unionist. . or, The Slasher of tie
6. The 'hack of The. Carve.
6. The Man-Inteni. 24. The Robber's Toner.
7. Charlotte Temple. 26. Joe the Rapist
8, The Death Face. • 26. Lightfoot, the Scant.
0. The Indian-Slayer. 27. The Giant Spy of Runk
le. The Vita of the Orman. a: Hill.
11. The Rentu's Triumph. 28. Soar Obsek, Om Wild
12. The Gowan Rovers. Ralf-Breed.
18. Th. T.ry Outwitted. 211 ed Bob
16. Zeta fitermn„ Ike Man- 80. Soaker
Hearted &out. 31. Railing Thunder.
16. The Ilsourgs of the Seam. 82. Heavy HatehetAks Reid
16. TM oyttn Y.idea. Stoat.
17. Long ed Joe
oi ; er $B. Sty
py. Sees. tits Quakes
The tbe S
Woods. 34. The - Three Daring Trap
IL. The Wild Swat of the pers.
llonntatne. 36. The l'ataLliaztaroart.
Id. The forest Ledge. d 6. Ragte-Eyed.Zeks.
20. The Rollicking Ranger.. 37. Big Bided Nick.
-21. Rattlesnake Disk ; or, . TM Bold Sealy Hunter
Them NOT* an for sale by all News agents and Roo k
sellers, and .s t, prepaid, on reerdpt of pries. - •
Liberal tame to agents.
GEORGE 1117NRO k CO,_ -
No. 137 Williams St., N. T.
May 2616-tf
03. (Lite of the U. 3. Treasury Department and
Pennsylvania Commissioner for doldiers, Washington,
D. 0,) General Claim Agent, withSettjamin Braat,leq.„
Attomy at Law, Wayne Block, Erie, Pa Military.
Naval and Civil claims collected with fidelity and dis
patch. Pensions obtained sad collected. Applications
by mail promptly attended to. Mr. P. having. had sev
eral years' experience in the details of the various De
pin Beata, feels coafident hymn render moat istileteetory
►id to •retecntlug all kinds of Governlarot '
• amyl 1'66- elto
Sprig sag Suitem Goods 1
: Would toapocatilly call attention to her
Jost madved from heir York, embracing
anneals, Hats, Ribbons, to.,
Together with mom
Which she will sell.
Ptaturdsx attaatioa paid *o blaudidat oolariag
%ad prosoing.
Store • on hash St., T doors &Doi. the Depot. litrie.
Bill Heads,. Certificates of Oil and
Stamping, 'Embossing, SealB,l &e.,
paragon -Building, West Park Row,
ip,p2l'6s-tt , ERIE, PA.
imrsopisemil • RETAIL.
4, LT Worse their fez- ' , Niblie that the?
have °posed the &bowl br .. • ..731 east side or the
MOW. seat door to 1 • deebee dry geode
star* where they offer for . • • , • : • 'sot assented stook
iwtke trade west of >ie.. • •7:14 hew ku dhh
forest easeutthetolite. / 9 "
Spatial unttattuo Emma
*Moat their patronage, butane would be blockaded.
v • • larto alsortazoot of iiloodo. Goa*
Brost" Does, Doll Bosili.Goale God Amammatto Ibr
oui=onao, ran. Mosiabl io Nta la llsintints.
vomit watar.
receive I
4.40 to 12.00
200 to 700
400 to 9.00
2,0 to 600
2.00 to 5.00