The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 15, 1865, Image 1

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40ssames MumNM: STAT. :
011.051711 Tall POW 0/11/1011. • •
jog—Two DALLAS* AND Vim Corn per
paid is adninee ; TWAIN DOLLAZI u Dot
m y' the • = F lrattoD of the )sat. Subsection
by rortior bI charge ItatT Carta
u s .1., NUT/ 0( ran Lune este in
gino ; tmt. iseert , .ue.fil 60 three Wee
-0 ; op„ touotb It ; two smooths 112,14
„ lhr (ADO. At mvUtlaitep UP; oos year $909;
proportion. Theme fetal
p(nct ,, d ,1b.r. , 1 se, wallow chimed by egasidat
the oatuta of the publisher*. Alldi •
Ihrorose sad' the sJisvrtise
• I,l,,,latetrainee %to Mae Ss",• Lova
Io l a; Warring liffritlalllaTWZ‘TT .
4,,a. riot - lees (over three Item
ec.t. per Itua Origins' poetry,
„fl a:
the r. goon of the editor, rua d
:II adrr, rite seats aid be continued
~,e'rr,e of the perawn advertising, until or 'dm,
directiou, unless is specified pari..l
t r its Inaertlon
I sristf _Re have one of the twat Jobbuid
in the State, and are ready to do au) • lab to
IlLc that to• a ntrapdord te as, to MiuAl styli,
,taaLi.nawet outside of tb• largest oilier
cAth,ns anuttl4 be addytypid to
tittraJ'N Wlll' MAN;
f'ub' lobes Gag Ptopr3etdr,
- _
, 0 „„, cads inverted la this salami at WI
,v. DuAlarg par year—sceording
• n4.htl.
,rroRIAT AT LAW, 6i1124, Die Cont.,W
ti rut ILLId Other baslnau atiliaaed to•Arith
• diopateh
bT 3 w ta WalkSes CPC
AtTolaill • A •
,efioth ergot. £.t.. hi.
Lirsity't 11!lock, North Aid. of the Park.
Kr* P. . tl.
• and Dealer in iltatlonary,
I.garlata, Nevapapars, &a. Country dealers
ruder Brown's gotel,froating dm Park.
Catlin kw taken the Lime I.lln at
,ftreash Street, Deem the PbLaAel depot,
t o L e prepared to tonal& Wh:te Lime. to large
lusittla, a the lowest market prlese.
ACl stt A
31411111 N.
pus goo Block, our North West corner of thro
ram Eric, Ps.
CIT Y ratotlais, bolsi away , yeaza * my
is prepared to Survey or make Plana str Yaps
intr. P. Ono In Common Council
614-1 y Room,
JTrrloll or Till PIACI , 011leo D 00004.1
00 1110e1, Ins& Street, bet worna n•l6 Fifth and
Ezclutiot Pmorooacric GALtzst,
lila Block, Erie Pa.
.14 As
ATIORNII B at Lk', Ridgway. Pt.
sa, McKan; Camro° JadillOU counties.
APIS. jusolll.-1 v.. I W. W. WILBUR.
rr of iecood end Market Street—cue square east of
11e/ EXCII2IO, Wimp. Pe. Sept. 2-17.
JUSTICZ x 1797 PllOll., Farago■ Block,
alai West of Farrar Hall, Erie, Pa
W. titiftNlSON,
Attorney at I.awand J. P.
ant Clem agent, Coureyaacer and Collector.
l i aats building, so uthweat corns: of Fifth and
at, Eris, Pc aplP66-tf
_ -
Jonx Cuntanimus, at the new
~ 'Mare * has , n hand a tarp nort
irtetrißß, ProTWons, Wood and Wallow Ware,
quart, Tobacco, Saran, ko , to which be Its
is.ll6 the attantioo of the public. Battened that
Mr as geod harping an can Br had, In any part
atty, marao'66-l7
French street, between 4th and Jith streets,
ethadelphie h Erie Railroad Depot, Erie, Pa.,
somsker, Proprietor. Extensive acoominoda
draggers and travelers. Board by the day or
Good stabling' attached. , apr26 littr.
l.llltttit. eic BROTHER,
Paunoiasu Taiwan and
to Pl.ner & Kayser's ?anent Sewing Ilankinee
it In nee - State Strest i between sth and 9th VW,
A. Clothes made to order in the finest styli.
LlrilT AND Sala STAZIA ON Eighth
Itasca State and Freadb. Fib/ Horses and Car
let oo names:table farms. maySlr 64-17.
ilAmocrrintass of eteas Enginao,Botlors,
di . riciattiml implements Railroad Cats.
;It. Pa
Drama?, oMcs to laossa-'
Block. aorTh rids of Om Park, Iris, Pa
RILOWAY, kti CO Pa. nig Y. is 1.11.221011?",
ir This is a ma and handsomely titled ap
'is midst of one of the bast Treating and Haat
'a itsaimpimiala.. Cosnaodium
Timis sad ■oderate Prima The public
respectftdly solicited. sertia-ly•
AITOJUIZT AT Lem—Oflee on *lit street,
oppoaits the Court House, lizie.Ps.
lilitiOULD, SI. D.
0171G1 or SMITS STssar, near
Nor. 4,1864.--kioes.
DL►saa a Dar goats; azoosszes,
&rives, Nails, Wan, Said t Piaster, ate, ow
wait and PublikSymayn, ILAN Ps jartU.
WzousaLza £I WIT Dauxas 11
1:4 Prositiosa, flour and ford, Wood sad
fare, Wiass,Lfoors.Tobsoso l
, ;Art to Twang's Homo Farsuning Sap id=
r 21441
LK MOTEL, Waterline, Pa..
Boom Leasrs, Pnoinurrot
mmodationa, and CV Vial attention gins to
(ort of gout/. apelb-lye
D. WALliEli,
Foawaziuto Aso Conansefon
'a. Warenoun on Publle Dock, teat Corns =m
itreet. also, dosler la OW Sat, Fink, Moog.
Witas Tice , ts. N. B.— attention
MD to to, Readying and Forwarding of Petro.
Crado sad Reined, to an pub of tb•enultri•
/*TIAN Kalmuck,
Dula to Grocarks, Produe, Previsions,
Willow and Stone War Cass, Liquors, ass, Liquo,
traet, apposite the Pantolice, £44,
1ia1131.11 CLARK IMMO
luau & Ewirm,
3 Oti B PRING oppoatte Critdasuian gill
r' ll, , PA COHOCUO/11 and all other Impel bast
tweed, trenanto. Yrie, and Tom
trioattaided to es Wally and promptly.
untscss-142. A. Gia7bralth, A' Mu= it Brecht
8=: in* 11141. 1 / 4 .
Boa. 8. P.Johnaon, W. D. Brawn
tton , asek, arm, Pa.
erokiwked end papilla* toedlotne has been
atamlyely Una Quiz r the lest t•sat i Y ea
r Throat and Lae: dome with more decided .J.
thee Any other medicine before ikeepkoblue. Not
cl recommendation ts toweemery to thaw fasaillias
le =ram h i nutatrous end speedl.guree. tp cwt
:ere tap a degree of confidence it 118 TWOS
MOClttfta This remedy ie MO, phollutterar
zroulb In its operation—is soaped to a
1 artitutious—tod should be kept in wilt 7 11 " 1 "
,41:11Mbhite LSO vhfa required. U throat and lung
uccs tra treated with tie use of Wei Rowdy in
onsum p to
lees umber of deaths will br
COUI3II REMEDY le the beat remedy kaowu
COAU:Sgtirantbcra sArnsa, -
ROA R RAW 8, frafOOPHIG. CO trlik
*clam tee Yaw sal fer;pgratee Lim"
!telex Price—de Conte to 111. Per Kende.
door and Proprietor;
AU street keypad earth of Neventat street Altrie.
ik by Druggists cod dealers throughoet the
n'TR. - 01 , 14 TISMTI MON y.
14 ' 11 ' . a ulaluplot altinans of trio Olt, and Adult
WI t0..1 [lc. PI uu.t.'n Oinetustad Conlin
t r nanonats, fa cluing disowns dike Moat mut 114
lad bd. 'lcarus In ncoosunonding Ito nso to tho
u 6 1 04 4 Y cad effoctual raumoty, tally worthy of piddle
I LLI.I Thconloo, Mattbow Ronsfl too, D. alhitit,
Satz Lawn, 3r J. W. Ryan. Richard Him.
lota A. 11 , 14 , . Rabat coggigg a , J. T. Cam,
../.',hi'W. li'LZ2•, GI °sung Boit, ttguill HR.'S?.
44 W. alYll,itobiaicq,BlWA;
144 a c...a..., dv. F. Hin di Hecht, J. Muuasis
icin 1 Damara,n, J. W. Onlnu
Aqui It W lain. Alaiii64 gbenroo4. Win. t it t:
Jois &crs W. U. Cooper, A. IL
3 L Y3rn,:. Jolopb Nunn, C. A. Beamett,
i '4. gall, .ga. Gran . J. SAlnbary,
Gaut ;!.nita.,, Lu a us A. Woili4 Y. It r , C. bans:,
th:MAll ICUS, J. L Lang,
d a 11,.,,i' ,
W. 14 thlJtAilter, J. itaninnaNA
114.... C4i. Cluj. Kill*. Sinks n• Mel,
. . asgn, L 1.1). Haws%
, P. 0'.110.1
Cris, Don 22,'64-11m
to UMPTi Vt.e..
TUE ilutieriber CuNd
will obaertu,ly rang i tree,
" 4 am ky Largo) to all •hoduair• it, the cup / ,ut • MI/drub
which he aria awed •1 trial mar 414•••• rlus
6414 01.11. : r
•urririii'••• Coma:Arnow. • drAsa, Sausoatia., ..
4) at agallecW.a, Ls *Warmly bops irtil Cry trii• It•cdpe,
Ilyti satula s a If ttuy d u su they Win toe more than satiated
t 4 try ...alt. Timuuklul ha bb atria ouarkl•I• antorit
-614, r• • anxious to ptacian Ilz• bands or ovary Whine
W.1'1.41.31 cum rhos, makiag tlis mil* with tau
lull vi„*ill phase ea se or address
No. 11. JOS Illowk Now To*
VOLUM'? 36.
siR JAMES t;Laßittos •
Celebrated Percale Pdle.
HoTECTED ~ . LElrittii4
Uf .
ROYAL :;"& .x ,--7.4,._ Pelrour
awed/roe • Praseriptia* of tile J. Ciarlks, - M. 0,
Parana Zatrasmituarg to as llama.
orsinvaluable minitchis is unfaillag b the care of all
awe painful and dmigno is disease, fo which the baud*
.4anatitatios la subject. It moderates all excess sad te.
Mores all obstructions, and a speedy we meg be riled
tl. peculiarly salted. it will, to • 'dart time. Wag oa
the monthly period with regularity.
Zech bottle, prim Orm Dollar. bears the aorerameal
Stamp of Great Britain. to gravest miesitarldis.
CAM Olt.
Tim Pills sissid eat is takes by Fora* arty Me
FIRST TRIMS MONTHS qf ityrassm", slam ars
Nos to iris, on Miscarrisgs, hit et my ~Jim gag
ore Wt.
In all masa Of Nlll7Oll/1 and /Waal AlsrAklnt. him In
the Back and Lhabs. Fatigue oa
Boa of the 'Dart, Hysteria sad white, them NM inn
elect a cam whoa alt tither mean ant at.
though • powerful moody, do notitcskidaititn i natild.
antimony or anything hurtful to the ceastltation.
Full directions to the pamphlet movad palietm.
which abould be carefully pratervaiL
SOLD BY ALL 111111G81llTfi.
Bole A gout for the UMW Blatas &ad
• JOB moan, t 7 CorUaadt at. New Yink•
N . tl -41,00 and 6 postage stamps inuaosad to any su
borned agent, will imam • bottle. etartias lag SO Ma.
Dld. MAlittlat VAITARAISSIIOIII7.—T 4 ie
Saul boa thoroughly !roved Itoelf to be. Om heat
arthfle known for curing Cm amt. COLD i till Sian
and HILLDACIaII. It has Men band an a:salient :steady
to many cams of Sots eras. Mama to bass hawed
by it. and Rtanzte has oftea teen really Improved 17
its nos. It la fragrant and agnseablei sad ghee DAUM
ATE RZLIgr to the doll heavy palms Wised by Camases
of the Head. The esosattons after mats it sue "Otte!
and Invigorating. It opens and- lanes ant all ob
etruetlocks, strengthens the glands and given a healthy
fiction to the parts allbehml.
More than thirty years aside aad see of Dr Matehalits
Catarrh and Headache Snag has Proved Its glut mine
for all the summon dissuade of the km& and at this an
meat it stands higher than ever before Die reeononend
ed by many of the but physicians, and Is used with great
suseess and satisfaction everywhere. Read the Certificate
of Wholarale Druggists in ISM :
The understood having for many years been sequin
ted with Dr. IlLarshalTs Catarrh sod Reada•he gauff,and
sold in our wholesale trade, cheerful!• state that we be
lieve It to be equal, in every respect, to the nwommenda.
tions given of it for the cars of Catarrh ♦Bsettons, and
that it la decidedly the beet article we hays ever knows
for all common diseases of the Head.
Burr di Pen 7, Reed, Muria ki Co., Brown, Lamson k
Co_, Read. Cann k Co., Seth W. Tow* Wilson, tralrbask
& Co., Boston Menakaw, Ramada k Os, a.- EL Hay,
Portland. Mc; Baran & Park, A. B. e D. guidaaltapkas
Paul ts Co Israel Minor & Co-, liaoroaos & nolobra, A.
L. Swain 4k Co., Y. Ward, Close & 00., Beak & Bala,
Now York.
For sale by all Droggiats. Try tt.
raILAPIDRIPPEPra PILLIC—They expel the itel-
D soca whisk threaten late. livery time a slek per
son Ls purged by this vegetable remedy, be has leo vi
tiated humeri and more life and vigor, as an ow sea
prove by taking a single doe*. Persons of opera belga
gain dash and strength while using than. Every time
We mgt .& hsvdays or ivies. from We prargatlon.we Maim
new fluids from oar food, : whleh replase the qualetted
onesthat the pats have sawed to b. evacuated. Rea
time we repeat this prom= we expel farther. liesabillee
of Impurities, which are again replaced by lalikleaswill
bee Impure, so that in a short Arne, by era atlinthe
treatment, we bring bath tit* whole taus of, tail a
humors to that state of parity which calalitatee bed*.
for Btandrettea Pill. only take away Wm*e midst ace
atom d.
Sold by all vaptctable dealers is etedlatnea.
CLIPPED Use lights are astiavalahed Than •
great truth shines forth. and the tnaostastible fast
that the hair turas fro ay, red or wady to a &d
-ans black or brown,lair ... hart the ahaaselias aka' ago
Us hew, ander the operation of
Cristadoro's 'Heir Die.
now known throughout the Antariata matinee. It
h *rates% tautens no asaatt•, hoproven 4• t►re*;
protium' a dolt, asturat 11:44 butt nr•tlar ad any s►ads
treat a tram blown to &glossy sable. and la *agoras& by
the most • alma snalytio abounkno la Ike Zlaald•
. ldanatiettund by J. ORLATADOSO. Ss. 6 tutor Roue,
Maw York. Sold by *II Drugglstaaatt applied by nlllllO2
Dreelo7ll. 11111:14.4.131.
DEdYO I4 7DICNT Or BOT 9 groat Ala
timer bating been restored to health to aim days, after
essay Islas of misery, la willing to aesa , Jetskaairselter
tollowzgeestares by loading (free,) Ams...tler tessild of
postpaid addressed 'envelope. a copy at the forensia o
care ealplorod. Hire* to
JOHN Me DIANA L.t., Box 111 Past Ofdaa,
Baooldll4 N. Y.
atest.—inn Vat batties t pai#
Dr. Taus—Deer ids t I hale Imo to tba livery bud;
ame for the last twenty years, sad dating that than
hare used all the nem dadaists sal Mina el tie
day, bat newer ham fbind as artitleepel to year Ven
etian Same Liniment. num, fatrlr tested It ea lay
bonne in distemper, *rains, eat; mike, swelling et the
glands, as., as also for rhannatissa cue mayself„ sad barn
always &and It an lauslaabbe rawly.
Respeetlially yours, • U. LITOSSIELD.
sold by all druggists Odes, $ Gortlendt *asst,
Now York.
AA UNITEMAL 11112DICINC—Ry what we eat.
„ by Jima air we breathe, or by the water w drink we
lam bil4 be mad impase " mm e sick ; or bl eabe ll te
isi V l4Blll pmusiii. theta ”
blood. To regain kaeltir nett paddy me tOO%
by the organs of the stomach sad bowels ; these
must be cesthmed la the mule pertermosee of
duty which Ware has assigned them, sad shoaktheße
be say impedimest, to whet dose saperissee vets*?
which sweet sod whiell will tardy sistae the
balsam to the rersisx,petibrissaile of their (intim
The dyspeptie, thebillotui *O3 dad them a treseare of
best*, and the came may be said le ell who an skit is
soy waye—taia ileendretk's POissied be eyed. hid by
all respectable deem la imedieditee. spilMsa
A ISTirliallitriT.—Tes en et
asp &mutat In this city sad rteialty Dr. Tebbe
Ventlas Llnlnest. It I. sun sad speedy. ears - be
son throat, headaobe, toothache, Amato iiisamstbso,
collo, croups and prim Is the llothe. We aria array
on to gin le a trial. The arpause la a men trils-211
onte—and Re s» eanddeat no parses Illrillfiffitie with
out it. Seurp family should hare a bottle Is the bons
in case of sudden maiden% nab as sate, bane, Golds,
hr. Its polo Mining qualities/us sulraeshmes. As for
croup, lt has sand Inudrods, Inks,* the oartllkati;
to prove it.
Price sad 110 assts. Sold by all drusests. Mee
IS CortlandtStralt, New Tort.
Drs. Finnanfah k Co.. of Bsflblo,biso Illoacreareed
a . Dow entries method,, by widieb an WOW, ma be
sod rallW IJ eland by tko 1011 mat wllkeit Use
aid of • phyaidan. Dr. If. is the antkor of a medlaal
work of tIOQ pages, pries $3 siviig a fall aplamillon
of the uwxletuf treatment. They ales Wilkie amollbly
l(wIleal Journal, of Which &mph as sic wW be mat
free, by neldrassiog Drs. J. FIRIGUICII k Do..
A Card to the thiffering•
0 WA LLOW two or three thimit of • 4 13eska."
0 "fools Bitterer 'llarmpt4W , iss o rma A n ti.
dotes," ise, its„ he, sad after you aft mthillpd with the
tomtit, then try oaf bon of OLD DOOTOR
ENGLISH SPNCIINO PILL I—and be restored to health
sod f ifor Is I.n tligui thirty dam They are
regeMble, pleasant to tab, prompt and Watery LI P =
offsets on the blokes dors end shattand sonstltation.
Old and you; can take them with adnatage. Impor
t/al and .old in the United Ithdas oaly by
JAS. BMUS. No. 427 ftosdway, •
flew Toth,
arrnt for the Uattod Mates
P. 21.--. A box of the nib, ascarely packed, will be
ed to soy address on notipt of pees. whiah is Ohm Da
lai% rillidg--11300111 rentadsd by the Aged If maim
eatsdasUon is not fivon. •
•..vDtTOII. 11/141SetV1111.—Deas lii s—With
your kind panatellas I what to elf to the roadie's
your paper that I will wad, by ratan *snits all who
odd/ It, (Imo) a Iteelpe. with lOU Aviation l ift stahlas
sad Was,,Copt, lfeeetabdo Sala, dud will wilMemally
remove, la tan days, Pimples, lithddies 4l : 4 l id.
awl all impurities of the Akio, bails' welt ANT
smooth and boaidital.
will, also mall tn. to thima haring Bald Beak or
Ws Flaw do* direstiona atri laibrualion WA will
aught theta to start.* fall grow lAiltdallt gairt
WbMkura or moot's!'
andlatlons oarrand, My= a l mlikold
akargo. leir4l
seina. in linsimr,Xertiost.
. -. •
• •
• .
Tc 4 G
TWO DOLLABS AND A-11L1311a.'73411.
IMO Nati SC Milford, Conn.!
be grit 'WA% OM**
An Lie:lasi *Oast'
It or.• a goad day, is the 014 ektvaktt tbas.tbo wbs
41 , 6114 around Ma board fa • liable ball; aid Ida is*l
tared walla rung tottb watuosat ewe. TM 7adY
sash talghtly heart wai pledged by cam* sad cults
syllabi' slanillaaat of lortliaess had basil attired, isbn
it wan to Bt. Loon's tam, trim, itftbair the opubibli
sap on klib, ba sail :
" I drisk to ono," he - said;
• Whose image sever moy depart,
Deep graves ou a gratetsl Yuri,
Till memory is dead.
Ta one whose lone for Noe WWI bloc
When lighter passions long hate pined,
So hely 'tin and true;
To ope whose lose bath longer dwelt,
More deeply. Axed, atom keenly felt,
Timken, pledged by you."
Bach guest upetarted at the word.
And laid • hand upon his sword,
Witham, dishing eye;
And Stanley said : Ws erase the name,
Prendknight, of this most peerless dame,
Whose lore you count - so high."
St. Leen paused, as It he would
Not breathe ler name in careless mood.
Tlina lightly to another;
Then bent ids noble head en though
To give that word the re eeeee oe due,
And gently said : 4. Mr Moran I"
PoUtioal iteass.
Wendell Phillips pronounces the new
Republican platform—" Negro suffrage;
or, Repudiation." The war, he says, was
so purely of the negro that if the negro
fails to get voting power, then the North
has been cheated, and he declares for a
repudiation of the war debt.
The World remarks: "It Is notorious
that President Lincoln said and repeated
ly said, that ' the rebellion once puedown,
the South thoroughly conquered, no man
shall be denied a pardon who will ask for
it./ ~
A Sion OP Tut TlMM—Last evening, at
the Canterbtiry Hall, just as the beautiful
tableaux at the end of " Uncle Tom's
Cabin " was presented, which consists of
a beautiful allegorical sketch of - President
Lincoln ascending to realms of bliss, got
ten up by the stage manager, Mr. Joshua
Hart, a fellow among the audience showed
his contempt by hissinr. A rush was made
for him, but the soldiers got him and
locked him up in the Central Guard
House.— Wall/. Union.
We clip the following from the Wash
ington correspondenoe of the Tidiest :
The cowardly hostility toward the inof
fensive blacks is still entertained by many
of our soldiers, and assaults on colored
men in this city, for no offense except
being " niggers," itrenot unoommon. • On
Saturday some soldiers fell upon a quiet
negro near the Capitol and beat him, and
yesterday another was attacked and bra
taffy beaten at the Circle—several officers
looking on. As usual, the negro (net the
soldiers) was taken to jail. The Intersgemer
rebuke* this last outrage because it was
committed "on God's holy day." Theme
assaults are invariably made by fellows
who enlisted for the bounty and sneaks
Who have never been to the front. Color
ed people eve still practically excluded
from the Pennsylvania Avenue can.
Ajury in the city of Boston—composed
of citisens of the " hub "—has rendered
4 verdict of fifty dollars in favor of a man
who had been called a traitor. and thirty
two•thousand eve hundred dollars for the
arrest and imprisonment which resulted
from.that false accusation.
A Chicago uuniiter, evidently spoiling
for a fight, took ooMaion some days since,
in a prayer, to-insnit Heaven, as follows
God, if it is not right to visit loyal
indignation upon . Democrsts in the street*
of Chicago, by knocking them down, grant
to the local the power of forbearance.
" intenealy loyal" citizens, and a devoted
member of the." U_. L." undertook to read
Waahiniton's Farewell Address on the
22d of February. He read silently and
sullenly for some time. At hot he arose
from his seat, grated his teeth, and threw
the book down in a passion. " Why,
John 1" said his astonished wife, " what
on earth ails you I" Why," said John,
" be cussed If I can sit still and hear
the Toonyint Party *baud by old Washing
ton himself I The good woman knew he
had cause for anger. and she chided hint
not, but commenced singing the babi to
sleep with the National Hymn—" John
Brown's Body," etc., etc. The whole
family are loyal.
Palsoxy...—Hon. Samuel Hooper, of
Boston, whom Mr. Lincoln intended to
appoint Secretary of the Treasury, arrived
in thewry lest evening, and is the ',teat
of Hon. George H. Pendleton.—anentanti
What 1--" the traitor Pendleton," " the
Copperhead Pendleton," " the rebel sym
pathiser Pendleton." " the Democratic
candidate for Vine President Pendleton 1"
Here is a ease in point to prove how often
men's actions belie their wards. Yr.
Pendleton became, in Republican estima
tion, a patriok's statesman, and a gentle
man, the moment he was a defeated can
didate, though, in point of fact, he was
all this before.—X. Y. &Jima.
At Indianapolis. Ind., firemen suspect
ed at being • rebel sympathisers," and
supposed to be pleased with the death of
the .eddint. were seised by a mob and
hung. A man was shot dead in Toledo
for merely saying that Lincoln had osused
the death of as good men as himself. Sev
eral were beaten almost to death in Cleve
land for like offenses; and these are not a
tithe of the ontrape perpetrated, nor has
the least attempt been made to bring to
punishment any of those engaged.
Andrew Johnson wan one of the nine
teen senators of the United States who
toed for the Crittenden Cotnpromise,
which, if it had passed, would have sand
the country from the put four years of
&Gaieties war. The following was the
sots on then resolution :
Yeast-ritessra. Bayard, Bigler. Bright.,
Crittenden. Dout&a. a win. HOMO?. Josu
e:is of
Tennessee, Xennedy;lani,lattiam,
Mason, Nicholson. Polk, Pugh, Bice, Se
bastian,-Thompaon and Wightll-19.
Nsys---Messrs. Anthony. Bingham.
Chandler, Clark, Dixon, Doolittle, Dar
'tee. Fessenden, Foote, Foster, Grimes,
Harlan, King, Morrill, Sumner, Ten 'Eyck,
Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson and Wilson
What papers in .Philadelphia and else
where that went into mourning over the
assassination of Mr. Lincoln, rejoiced over
the attempt to assassinate the Ingersoll.?
--Caralls Benzld.
" What papers?" Well, Forney's .Press
was one, the Bulletin another, and the
NertA .ebitaicsrs another. Da read your
exchanges, neighbor, for we dislike to an
swer your foolish questions as they de
serve to be answered. Did the Herald
self condemn the cowardly, murderous.
infamous nob that attempted to sesseti
nate tha two- Ingersoll*? Has it not ea
courage& mob iinv for, die last fon, yam
If it has not, did it Ow coltthetp .them
°Wipe think not.:-..oni Viattn•
SW. _
ERIC, PAITHOtSDAY An)ll4k4ft" g iVNE 15 ' 1865.
. _
ett have . '
w grad be . • ifed-t—the great-pviott-
Iles of 'Our BerpubliO-4he question* dil l
oussid'ity Washington, Adams. Jefferson;,
Hadieen and Hamilton—wilt oome - nDD
twain - Ake& better* the people; and with
-signifleanoe and importance, than
iv it i g !' Let - every 'Democrat, whose posi
tiO founded upon the principles of free
gOVernment and the rights of the people,
stand srai. . Siviftly as the never ,cessing
'wheels of time, we are approaching it diy
in which first principles are to be discuss
ed ; and in that day the Republioin party
'with its incongruous elements must be di - -
sided and sub.divkled. The men who be
lieve in the doitrines of Jefferson will
rally round the Democratic banner.
The Allen Co. (Ohio) Democrat makes
the following quotation from a speech of
the Rev:: Mr. Molly, at Lima, the day
after the ateassination :
"I had uotioed by the papers for a week
er ten days prior i° the assassination, that
Mr. Lincoln was adopting and pursuing
policy that would eventually bring those
scoundrels down South back, and giva
them aga i n the right of suffrage; and When
I heard of the assassination, I just thought
to myself that God, ih insirutable
Providence, had taken him (Lincoln) off
just about the right time."
The number of Abolitionists who have
inculcated the same idea is very large.
At a meeting of citizens of Stevensville,
Bradford county, on the evening of the
Ist of May, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted and requested to
be published in the Reporter, as expressive
of the sense of said meeting:
Resolved, That the accursed body of
the execrable assassin, Booth, should be
elevated at the end of a cotton rope in mid
air, twenty feet higher than Haman, over
a Rory furnace, and exposed to the shots
of as many soldiers as can be brought to
the most eligible point that may be sa
luted for that purpose. The distanoe to
be sufficient to tax to the utmost the skill
of the marksinen. The furnace being de
signed to consume the pieces as they fall.
This done, and' the whole body reduced
to ashes, let the dregs be conveyed by
ship and sunk in Charleston harbor.
The correspondent of the Boston Trav
eller writes from Washington : " An artist
in this city, who was present, a portion of
the time, during the death scene of Mr.
Lincoln, began a picture a few days ago
from memory. It having leaked out that
he contemplated a sketch of the scene,
he was warned by the authorities to de
sist. The artist is a staunch Republican,
but be does not relish despotism of this
kind, even if administered by party
The essence of a sermon, in the absence
of the regular minister, in the Lutheran
church, on hat Sunday, was as follows:
James the First ouoe heard a sermon,
in which there was more vilifies than ie.
!igloo. and he , asked Bishop. Andrews
what he thought of it, and whether it
was a sermon or riot. " Please your ma
jesty," replied the bishop, " by vary chari
table construction it may pass fdr a ser
Some months ago it was " oopperhead "
to any that we were spending three mil-
lions a day. Nevertheless, as in duty
bound, we said it, for it watt true. Now
the 21ibtats admits that even in the fiscal
year ending last June we spoilt more than
three and a hall millions a day.
The Ls Crow. Democrat, in noticing
some of the recent speeches of Miss Anna
Dickinson, makes the following rather
ungallant remark about the " gentle An
nie ;," " It is fortunate for somebody that
she is making speeches instead of raising
a family. For a babe to draw kindness
from the breast which - hie so much of
hate and, redicalisin in it';*ould be like
getting pepper - sa.ute or nitric acid from
its nursing bottle."
Wawa Hoax f—Whilst the Republican
journals profess to admire the character
of Mr. Lincoln, because of his alleged
humanity, they urge upon President John
son to be inhuman. -.They say that Mr.
Lincoln was so merciful to the rebels. and
" he was a perfect man ;" but Mr. John
son ought to, treat the. rebels without
mercy. Now, each people either do not
believe whet they say about Mr. Lincoln,
or they are very hypocritical'.
Beast Butler ie to have a military trial,
with a view, were told, "to have justice
dons hint." We should' think he'd be
like the Irishman, who, when told by a
learned Indio that they would do him
justice, exclaimed, " Jabers, 'and that's
what I'm afraid of I"
We see it stated that 'odors the war a
person worked but half a day in the week
for the government, and.. the remaining
five and a half days for himself ; but now,
owing to the heavy taxation, which the
country will have to bear for several years
to come, and of which the laboring classes
will have to bear their share, a man will
have to work two days for the Govern
ment, leaving but four for his own benefit.
Hen. Martin F. Conway, formerly mem
ber of Congress from 'Kansas, has perma
nently located himself at Richmond in
the practice of - the law. Mr. Conway is a
radical, and attracted some attention just
before the expiration of his term in the
House by making an blsborate speech in
which he advocated a tall recognition of
the Southern Confederacy. He la the
only man in the North, who during the
war, advocated the dissolution of the
'Us RAWAILD or 21111 UT.--Joseph How
ard, forger of the President's proclama
tion, who sojourned for some time in Fort
Lafayette, has been appointed official re
porter at Gen. fix's headquarters in New
What sort of a republic waa that found
ad by Washington t and what became o
it IL-Tribune.
Please inquiet, at the " Bureau of /dill.
tary Justice," Washington city.
Some of lbw - radically Radical papers
east of nn are down on Horace . Greeley.
"Greeley 'will be a regular old Copper
head after a. while," are the words of one
of them. ;
.Tbe Philadelphia North American (Rep.)
is under the impression that kindness
will do more to soften the Southern mim
es than ,wholesale blood-letting • ameng
their leaders. • ,
In Richmond, no' one is allowed to
marry without drat taking the oath of al.
legiauce.• Such are the orders of Grand
mother Elalleck. Whit next? Will ba
bies have to take the oath before they
Can be born ?
The Fremont Journal, an Abnlitioa pa
per, calla Sherman a "Copperhead Gen
" Come held, my little follow," asid a
gentlemen to s youngster , of five sears,
while sitting io a parlor, where a large
com pany were assembled. •• Do you know
Pe -
" Yetb tbir."
Who am I f Let nne bear?'
You lib the an Who kithed maim*
. . pips.with in Mei! Awls"
" Our beloved President I"
"J. Wilkes Booth I"
"Jefferson Davisl"
ID conclusion t"
" Amen I"
—LBeciford Gaz
ltsimi of All Bort&
The rage for relics in this country is
.soniething_ astounding.' A. reepectsbly,
dressed man. was noticed, the other day,
putting in , pocket a brick from the
wall in front of Mr. Lincoln's brines rand
this is but one of ten thousand follies.
Teel entire stairway upon which Colonel
'Elliworth was killed, in Alexandria, has
beennut in chips, and carried away. The
tree, at the foot of which Sickles shot
Key, in Washington, has been barked and
cut by fools until it is dead. The oak tree,
under whiSli, Grant talked with' Pember
ton, and arranged the - tame of the sur:
render of :Vicksburg, has been 'annihila
ted ; and, reoen3tly, a party dug intoAhe
ground ten feet. for the roots of the his
torio oak. An elm treb, which Abrahani
Lincoln planted, stands in front of hie
old house in Springfield. Of muse, it
will be torn pieces and destroyed ; out
of veneration for the man.
Some cold.blooded - wretch perpetrates
the following, and it is to be sincerely re.,
vetted-that the law doss not "leech 'his
case: .
Poor fool, avoid the fair, with their silken
crisp haw,
Lest they tangle your heart in their - soft
cobweb hair ;
Nor heed the bright girls, with their convolute
Lest they wrench out your smut with their
round cork-screw curls ;
But 0 fear above all the bright wate rfall, .
Or you'll drown in the waves of th e glisten
ing faU, •
For 'tie false though We fair, all that soft
gleaming hair,
For they buy it, I swear (and cheap, too,
anywhere I
THR PART. or PRINTING Parsa.--sMlff
has fallen from 290 to 135, but it is amaz
ing how slow prices of oommodities, which
went up so quickly with coin, are to oomis
down. Printing paper is one of the arti
cles that falls slowly. It is five cents per
pound higher now than it was this Ure
last year, and more than twice as high as
in 1860. Good paper is now selling ip
this market at 20(421c—the same quality
that we bought a year ago at 14®15c, and
in 1861 at 9}®9ic. Manufacturers say
that 'rags are scarce and dear, and 'hence
price of paper keeps up. It is true that
rags are high and scarce, and labor is also
high, but chemicals have declined large
ly, and this should affect the price of
paper more than it has.—an. Gazette.
A lawyer in Hollidaysburg, Pa., was
employed by a lady to make her will, in
which she disposed of abou $40,000, molt
ly,in real estate in New Y c rk, and judg
rdents against parties in Philadelphia and
St. Louis.• The lawyer was bequeathed
$lO,OOO on condition that he at once col
lected ft debts and turned all the prop
erty in ar money. After visiting these
cities io a fruitless chase after the alleged
property, he returned to find the lady
was a lunatic who had a monomania for
bequeathing , property which she did not
will have their joke even if they should
die for it. A - dry-goods merchant in Phila
delphia has suspended from his .second
story window a large flag draped in mourn
ing, bearing the inscription "we mourn
our loss," alluding to the death of the
President. A malicious and villainous
wag, contrived to write beneath it "we
refer to bur loss in the fall of the P.icse` of
dry goods."
We saw several negro refugees at the
Lexington depot yesterday morning. We
asked one of them whither she was going,
She answered : •• Lor' bless ye, young
unlade, don't ax me kale I's jes'
Lode', an' de Lee knows where dey's
gwine—l doesn't."—Louienille Demeol,
May 2.
A German, in Dubuque,:lowa went to
the war thirty months ago, leav ing behind
a good-looking wife. At Vicksburg he
was shot and : supposed killed, and his
Rife married a Dubuque miller a 'few
months after. Last Saturday morning the
supposed dead man came home agtlin,
told his story. and after a long discussion,
got his wife back by paying twenty-five
dollars to the second husband. -
The confession of a fond mother—aver
indulgence, . like too much sugar, only
spoils whSt it was meant to sweeten.
A fellow at a race course was staggering
about the track with more liquor than he
could conveniently carry.
" Hallo 1 what's the matter now I" said
a chap whom the inebriated individual
run against.
" Why—hio—why," said the fellow, 10
drunk he was hardly able to articulate ;
" the fact is, a lot of my friends hare been
betting liquor to-day, and they have got
me to hold the stakes 1"
A physician, learned, skilled, but poor,
once asked a quack who lived in purple
and fine linen, him he succeeded so well.
" Look out of the window," said the quack.
It was done. " There have a dozen men
passed," said he ; how many of them
are capable of close reasoning " Possi
bly one." " Very well, you may get that
one ; lam sure of the other eleven."
A RIBIL Pattosornza.—When the Lieu
tenant, in charge of Governor- Brown, of
Georgia, was conveying him North, under
arrest, bad arrived near Dalton, Brown
rallied him pleasantly aboht his email
force. The Lieutenant asked hint what
he should do if the squad should be ever
powere.i. by guerrillas. The Governor re
plied that he should run with the Union
The Stitt e Agency at Washington offers
to collect any Pennsylvania soldier's back
pay, pension wittd bounties free of charge.
Last month over $40,000 was collected.
A little paper published at Alexandria
Hospital, called the Cripple, has the fol
lowing lines on a dead soldier:
Only a soldier
• • Gone to his rent,
With the dear banner
Wrapped round his breast l
Only a private,
Left the stern wars
For a promotion
_ 'Mong the bright stars!
A WARMING TO liarcau.szsas.--ehnefiin
—" Did the preacher put a stamp on you,
when you were married, Mary
Mary—" A stamp Charlie! What fo ,
PM 7 '
Charlie—" Why, matches ain't legal '
without a penny stamp you know 1"
"Why don't you ask your anvetheart
to marry you ?' • " I have asked her."
" What did she say ?" " Oh, I've refused
It is at first - a• little difficult to pro
nounce the name of the late prime minis
ter of Mad agascar—Rainyvoninhitriniony.
A pothouse politician was boasting this
he could bring an argument to's pint as
quick as any other man. " You can bring
a quart to a pint a good deal quicker, ob
served a wag. •
In Chins, if a. man is not married by
twenty, he is drummed out of town.
There ere 20,000, people in New York
city who live in cellars I A city larger
than Erie under ground I
H ow is opa nowl" inquired a gentle
man of an Irishman, who was "dumping"
the street. "Mack as - ever!"
maponded Pat. - -
I T• Nor view MAW
ZRA: •gentiennatired of ?tortoni Debility,
106 47 4 . 1 . 60 *e7: manure , aid Tqutlrfal Error. sta.
tested •by ra Moire to benefit Others, will be happy to
Pori al to all who need it (free of ahem) the reele
and dlinetkine for osalstalgtba ample remedv.aseci to
Ids teas. Buffers wishing to profit by the ailvorth.r'•
ladrevaiweeourd pomew a ewe and valuable rweiedr,
010 do 80 by Wramet him at acme at his plea* of bog:
me* The recipe aid fall infonnation—or Ow homer.
tenesr=theertilly sent by return nod.
• /RAN B. 06DIN,
• No 00 Hautek.
T.ll , —Nefveres Elefferers of both sew: ow Yol lt iled the
shameadea twrahroble. spirali•in
• 0111W111111GLI8II SPISCITIO PILLS am, in lee
SO dam the morel cases of NICRPOUN ZS+, bunco
,tesay, Premature Decay . Seminal Weatnele, bounty,
anibanfhtsary, Sexual arntlierrone affections, no mt.
tar tram *bat Noun produced. Me* one dollar per box.
Seat, post pgi,, by mail, on neap% of an aide:. One box
will wed arum in moat came. Addrme
almesal Arm; 421 Broadway. New York.
5 111161.401.
• ft liste : 1 001 1 1VJOIMM01419 & MINIMA ENOS
for the .benadt and as a caution to young
1008, tad others, who suffer from Names Debility, Pre
mato* Ncsiy of Manhood, he., supplying at the urns
Vine the enema of self-cure. By ona who has eared himself
afbefun&rgohug conidderable qtuidurry. By eneloalng
a poitoltbkaddrunid.wsbegegdnglo oopies may be had
offfie anthor, Eng. •
• /.1. . ~...BroCokkra. Zings Co, N.
Do you want Whiskers or If matador t Our
Oroolan Compound will fore* them to grow on tbe
smoothest hies or aim, or hair on told hoods, in six
weeks. Prim 11 00. Pant by moil irvorywhero, oloooly
foaled, on reeelpt of prim.
Address, WARNS'S lb CO., Box US, Brooklylk N. T
OLD Elfita NADA pamphlet &mt.
We how to spoodilvv - • • s.' mid glee ap doe-
for of isixlieine. Sent , 43 receipt of 10
seats. Address , DTE, Y. D.,
, oway, Now York.
WHISAMIIar..T.PM Si" n a gag aft of whim,
if V. 01,6 DIOS 1:110111Aaab. r kaad of g limy
hair, wlll phase road the r. 3 • - " F, CHAPMAN,
to saothar part of We paper. mr2-Bor.
Tug BIMURAL CHAMBER, an Essay of Warn
log and Instruction for Young Men—pullalied by
the Howard Assoillatlon, sail sent tree of allure in sealed
envelopes. adarsea, Or. J. /MULLIN HOUGHTON
Important Announcement
G("BEAT SALE of Watches, Chains, Dia-
ILA mood Mugs. ker. One Million Dollars' worth to
be disposed of at One Dolls:Each I Without regard to
Value I Not to be paid (or until you know what you are
to receive I Splendid List of Articles I All to be sold
for One Dollar Each
i Each.••
260 Gents' Gold lihnUorcawi %Vitalise $6O to 9160
260 Lad,es Gold and Enamelled hunting case
Watches 35 to 40
600 Gents' !uniting-case Silver Watches 36 t 0.70
2" Diamond Rings 6o to 106
6,000 Gold Vest and Neek Chains 4to 89
3 " Gold Oval Band Bracelets 4to :8
6 " Geld and Jet Braoalete 6to 10
I " Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains.. 6to 20
7 " Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4to 1
6 " Coral. Opal. and Emerald Brooches.... 4to
3 " Gold, Cameo. and Pearl Ear Drops 4 to
6 0 lgostao, Jet, Lava, h Tlentins ear drops. 4to
7 . 6 ' Coral, Opal.' and Ennrald MI 4to
4.. California Diamond Breast pine2,6o to 1
8 " Gold fob and Vest Watch-keys 260 to
4 " Fob and Veit 'Ribbon-slides Bto 1
6 " sets Solitaire Sleeve-buttons, Stade, he. 3to
3 a Gold Thimbles, Pencils, ko 4to
10" Miniature Lockets 2,60 to 1
4 " Miniature Lockets, Magic Spring 'lO to 20
8 " Gold Toothiiicks, Crones, ikii 2to 8
5 " Plain Gold Rings 4to 10
6 " Chased Gold Rings 4to 11
9.. Stone Set and Signet Rings 2,60 to 16
9 " California Diamond Binge.. . • .... 2to 10
75* sets La lies ' Jewelry—Set and Gold.— 6to 15
9 * sets Ladles' Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl, Opal
and other stones .. 4to 16
II " Gold Pens, Silva extension holders and
Pencils 4to 10
9 " Gold Pens and Gold mounted fielders.— 6to 10
6 " Geld Pens and Gold extension " 16 to 213
06 " Ladles' Gilt and Jit Buckles • 6to 16
6 " Ladle' Gilt and Jet Hair Ban it Halls— 6to 10
3 " Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 6to 60
3 . 811VIRCastois 16 to 60
" Miter Trull, Card, and Cake Baskets.— 20 to 60
" damn Sitrim Tea Spoons (per dos.) II to 21
8 " diem Allis! Tants Spoons and Forks.... 21 to 61
AIRANDLLE & Co., Manufactaren• Agents, No. 107
Broadway, Nem Tort, announce that all of the above
list of gods will be sold for One Dollar each.
In consequent* of the great stagnation of trade In the
msaufaeturing didricte of England, through the war
having cut off the supply of rattan, a large quantity o
valuable Jewelry, originally intended for the English
market, has been sent off for sale in this country, an 6
mail be sold at any wades t Trader these eircum
stemma, AB/LANDAU & Co., acting as agents for the
prineipal Europese' tasnufseturers, have resolved upon
a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the folioed:lg rev
certificates of the clarions articles are first into
enirelopre, praled. up, and wired ; and when orde put red, an
Lien out without regard to choice, and rent by mail,
thus tieing 'all a fair chance. On the reoeipt of the
akettaeata, yon will are what' ea are to hare. and then
ISIS at jour option to mend the dollar and taka the arti
cle or net. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch,
Diamond Atha. or any Bat ofJawalry on our Hat for one
In all trulelselloes by mall, 'we dual charge for for.
warding the OenMesta, paying postawee and doing the
bushiess.2s cents each. which must be enclosed when
the Certificate is sent for. new Certificates will be sent
for $1 eleven :or $2, thirty for $6, silty-live for $lO, and
a hun dred for $l5.
All6NT9.—We want agents 111 every regiment - , audio
every town and county in the country, and thou, acting
as such wlll be allowed tan cents on every Certificate or
der*" for them,: provided their remittance amounts to
OM dollar. Agents sent collect 25 cents for every Cer
tificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either is cash or post
age (Yung*.
• Address, ABBANDALE & CO., •
apie6/1-110 • 16? Broadway, N. Y.
ry Maio Batn, Brown &C 0.,)
*Military & Naval Claims,
2 Palk Place, New York.
Corresponding hoes* in Washington, D. C., J. W. Fish
ar & Co., SU 14th Street
Having had three Sears' experience In the collection
of Claims and tit • general transaction of business In all
department. of Government. we can assure our eiiente
and caxespondents that all hushises lotrustsd to us
ern be vigorously and promptly attended to. We ere
prepared to make advances upon and negotiate the sale
of claims, aed purchase Quartermaster's bills and
cheeks, u well as collect the following classes ,
Pensions for Invalids, Widow., Mothers and Orphan
Bounties for Soldiers, discharged for wounds received
in battle, those who have served two years, and the
heirs of deceased; also state bonsai to such as ere en
Arrears of pay for Others aid Soldiers, and the heLra
of deomastd.
Navy prise money fur all captures,
Ni,, pension and balance of pay.
ft tenants of discharged Ateediettled, ordnance and
clothing returns properly made out and collected, and
clearances obtained from Ordnance and Quartermaster's
U. S. Re»an►dtampe for *ale at a discount of 336 to
dye goer cent
-40 -
Wholesale and Retail
ere now receiving at their old stand, Ameri
ca., Rate street, a large and superior
l• • i• ;
....1 , 1% )I,IE
W a I:I - I
together with every thing found in a House
of this kind, vihich they will sell as cheap
as any other estetbli*ment in this city for
Cash or most kinds oT country produce.
They tome alma ostwt i or tits largeit awl asst
Stooks eetebteeo aad ever brought to Kris, to
Wok they UMW the attea of the publia
liplrctiti aad see as—a *hale sixpesat to better than
woo atiM ag eoeseq s sitiqtly Cult buyers will glad great
ttlw '
Grocery Head Quarters!
Jam 2. 1221-21. T. k Y. SOKLAUDAM.
AlivilleY AT LW. YOU into
iligge,n. RIK sin pudic. in adjoining :oast
mai 1141106
O N widener Mon day ,
LEAVING LIIIE. wet i. roU.w •
I to A. if, AllgetAltipisis, atepplise ats
Dunkirk sad 81Ivst Creek, arrffes at Ba~Ri
470 A. IL
tO A. M, /Mail aid atess., dapping at dl Statifdll
antentt Babb, at 11 10 41E.
2 CO P• N,Dat pirram,atopping at North raft. Ind •
11•111, linakrfit, slim Creak, and Angala.
*rifting at Blithe at 640 P. M.
15 P. 11 4 Ciaefanati ..11trorma, stopping at Waltillifir
Pruddrksad EllverCaosti, sad amino at MaMMO
at 10 CO P. U.
rill. Day rapid aonaircti at Dniskiris end
the IS Ida Enemas at BMW* otlyi VW' Swank oaf..-
for Neer York, Pallattelptda, Boston, he.
6 to A. M.; Zak& *press, stopping at all dtatioae apt •
. apt Farnham, lapis, Crossing; Marebild *MO
Wealesvil le, arrival at Rhea* lt/ :0 A.ll. . .
15.5 P. It, Day &arras, stopping at Angola, MUM
"reek, Dunkirk. Wortlisld andltertbMast,anivials
' at Erie at G 4.5, P. M.
-4 a) V. Y., Mart* deem., stopping at all Stations/04
arrives at Erie at 9 LS P. Y.
lo P. U., /YrjrAS Exprwas. stopping at Angola, Sneer
Creek, Dunkirk and Weetnaid, arriving at Eris at
860 A.ll.
Railroad time is ten urinates taster Mum Brie 41120.-
1141 21, tBB3. . J.` LEVirLi Gltt.Nr,
Would respectfully inform thepubi l o that he has span"
a Store in
No. 2 Hughes' Block, ankh
inure be will'always keep on hand a large mippliel
bust e i rorithing oulually for sale la mui'ootabllshramit
he kind.
tr. torwa to rwocabla u any other store to tia
attl ' lasl6ll4tf
New Grocery!
I ACOB BOOTZ would respectfully ea
u Dana to the people ot Cris olt. tid.ollllth
tai has opened a
Ori Mo Wool Sits of Pus.* Strut, a SPiirio.l3Cll Jaail
of Os Lake Shore Dent, •
And •nr3tbing nasally lupt LA •Arat du" ora
high•Ot Markel Pilo* paid for Produee, tit oast
Ire me • all, if you wish 4 moors good bat
PO% Ijoisetre myself
ity. to sell u,l not Lower 4 th••
oar other store in the c torl7tL
stone Stove Works !
le • ant-ohute Coal Cook Stove, with or without neer
your, for hard or soft coal, or wood, sad ie
Sot/ low oven Coal Cook "Stoves—wits wood grates—
= be used either for coal or wood.
Ws ars still ittansfitaturing this oslebistsd low ona
Store for wood—with or witnout reservoir.
Low Ogre Moos for Inca 'lble la a new fltooe et
beautiful dealirn, and now for sale—toga with
Urge easortooant of 'Oersted Oren Cook,
Parinr Oook ibr wood or coal, and Parlor
and 011ioe Storni, for wood or coal.
Itrie, Jan. .% Dl6l—tt.
On Mate Bt., between Seventh and Eighth.
The hubscriben have entered into the Cabinet Islam nal
And propose making to order and keeping constantly ea
hand all kinds of Furniture.
Orders will TllO4OO prompt attention. gepairing doss
on short notice.
The subscribers will giro special attention to this de.
uartment of their business.' They will manufacture 104
keep constantly on hand .largia amortment of Metals
Cams and CoMna, and hold themselves in readiness to
meet orders in this tlay pr p ocptly, from any tart of the
wintry. Determined to sare no aorta to giro satishiep
lion both in the quality of their goods and prime. they
hope to ware a ljbaral ahem of public paten
spriF63-tt. throoessore to .1. s. Yuen.
Erie & Pittsburgh It. R.
Monday, Oct. u.t, 1664.
80 A. H., Sharon Accommodation, atopa at all SWIMS
and anymat New CaMe at 11 80A. IC
415 7. X., 'height No. 8. - ittoce at aA stations except
Ecoeses, Spring, Contra Road, Clark. Rawles
ice, Swan, 111., Valrriew and Espyrills--nrrirestat
r_vot at 11 20 P.
freight No. 3, stops at stations, and arrives
• ' , mon at 235 P.M.
. Pittsburgh Express, stops at all stations,
• Ales at New Castle at 4 80
14"Accorozmodation. stops at all Ststions and
' , east Sharon at 4 00 P.M.
Stiffalo Express, stops at all gat:tons, sad
• ISAL Erie at 400 P.
N 0.4„ stops at at all Stations *AMA
orb ' a hirnace, Espytille, Centre -S.M.
Spring and Crams, arrives at Erie at 11 15
6 80 A. M., freight No. 2, Steps at all rtstions except
Rawle's Turmas, Clark, hrp,rille. C 410 1 ,111, Spring
and crosses—arrives at Eris at 2 15 PAM.
lantreltf. R, N. RR/Mt/N. Rapt.
To Boat and Vessel Owners.
sale a large stoat of pante of all Made and
*alarm also, a large store of Linseed Oil, both raw and
boiled. The boiled oil is well fitted for boat and Med
painting, baring been prepared with strong dying pro,
patios to overcome dampneas. Every kind of painting
materials, brushes, &e., &e., are offers t at lowest narkst
prices, and we think the interest of all parties about I.
boy paints and oils will be promoted by giving us a call.
marlfi4to .• HALL At WARFEL
888Ceseos To
irufussass & Ri WI. immix or
Leather, Hides, &c.,
No. 8 Petry Block, State St, 'Kele, Pe.
Constilltly.ou hand a large stock of
• alairaNGl4, •
Azio, s k ru.
AU of which they offer low for
LI ay 18•66-14
1865. Spring Trade. 1865.
auto Igo largo and candidly ollootod 'task of
Now just amain&
Me, Mil 2111.
0.1. if yon wish to marry you can do so by addressing
ma. I will end you, without money and without prima
valuable information, that will rash', ion to marry
happiky And speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or
toenail'. Thin information will cost you nothing and ff
you Irish to isalTY.l will ewe:illy waist you. All lot
ion striatly aoaddswtlal. no 'holm' information mad
by return nail, and no reward faked. Please emboss
postage nrststnpod on elope, addressid to ourself.
Address, BAZAR B.
Mollftliktas Clresspolat, Kim Co., Kew Toeir..
Wkeut he will keep ou heads' otr e,aesor t of
GROC ERI 11.,.
Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquors.
Tibbaby Shirk & tilltehe;4l,
Have a large aad extensive amortmout of Storm at
Whoksale and Retail.
we also atanutaotore the
WNW, 'Good;
gnaw, e4l=tass mai Alzs k (halos t