The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 08, 1865, Image 3

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    c Clic Wok's (ObAcrucc.
ERIE, PA., JUNE Bth, 1865
DUB EXAMPLC—A watchman in the
ury Impartment has set a good exam
-9 resigning hie petition in fever of a
ded soldier.— Ex .
ea shell no hale the sssss of rectoril•
he rebignilion of any. of the public offi
i t h le section in favor• of tame of the
diet boys !"
as Susauve ASV itosactaams.—A tele
i e dt•tp &tett train Buffalo to one of the
ure hers the'. Gen. Sherman would pass
.gh Erie on the half-past Ate o'olook
tic Tuesday afternoon was rapidly
I abut the city, and drew together an
ase crawl at the depot, oo nsisting of
le of every class, sex, age and size . The
arrived to due time, and it ISIS soon
cline i that Shermru was in the rear oar,
ich the peolc wade au immediate and
realism rust.
Fite General thrust his
Arai out of the window, and it, was ee
eetzei by scores of pet sous , who
a t.) thee disp l a y their gratification at
wow career After this pi'ooess had oon.
d a couple minutes, a ocuninitte'a of lead•
citizens eicurel au entrance to the ear,
prevailed spit the General to make his
iraoce on the rear platform, which Will
enrrounded ilea. Rose4lrsus, who co-
o - L.O two• was also brought out, cud
aosutel , •lticera were oompell
j node o I series of band ehekiuge which
leee treti vrerelv tr, tug to their good
are cad physical endurance Men, women
011,iree gathered about theta io a'COUI
t visa , thrcuo'-whiott it was almost
:ible I) mike bead vf 4y, cud the disown
lone wittitu Setilob was made doubly
Freesbl4 try the per-1114cent and ridiculous
.j.(t of pirtled in tine rear endeavoring to
ke . their *ay to tbo•front. One enterpris•
m a iv iduel g,t upon the roof of the oar,
d reaching over his arms, made some swum,
durta to natant the officer's attention,
eh finally resulted in obtaining a shake of
bands of each of them. Both Generals
Did to quite pod temper, and went
ough-the fatiguing exercises of the otitis.
with commendable patience. Sherman
especially cordial to the ladies, invited
he prettiest up to him, said he had never
more good to king ones before, and
, ed to enjoy the eduction very inuoh. ,
‘rans caught - up a ; littlo girl Into his arms, ,
kissed her amid 6o applause of the mul
de A call was wide upon Sherman for a
•ch, which he re,ponded to by a significant
di and nod of his head towards Rose
,s The crowd took the hint, and cried
for Roaeorauz, not - to be outdone in
nese, he put un d e tge expression, gave
&raging shake of ttie head, and pointed
nit Sherman, as if to say •• he's the lion
uccseion ; led his duty, not Tinto " The
oared otf in about twenty minutes'
, be o ' l ,Llers siandlug on the rear pist—
ol Wiring in return fur the applause
the crowd
Sherman sad Itosecrans both look much
e tie pictures of them, - althouzh 11 must be
blessed ale latter somewhat flatter both.
ry were dressed in Major.aeneral's uni-
U.", but Roaecranz had his covered with a
,es cost, Sherman is decidedly tire plainer
iesring Loan of the two ; he wee dressed
and in alt respects looked the
nervous, straightforward person public
.tuou believes him. to be Rosecranz's face
4to a constant smile ; his dress - was nester
Sherman's ; and he is undoubtedly a man
nor. acquaintance with the forme- of so
* Is height they are both: about five
ten or eleven inches, but Sherman is the
bier of the two, Red does net, give the tin
esrion of tieing as tall as be really is. Aside
o n Sherman's remarVably high and fine
rebead, there is nothing striking about
tier, and no one unacquainted with them,
Juld be likely to single them out in a crowd
men of especial proutineun'e or ability.
lien. Sherman was accompanied by his
Lfe, a rather atouPy built and plain looking
iy, of courteous and unassuming manners.
may be mentioned as a matter of sops local
larva, that Mrs. Sherman is a otrong Catho
e sentiment. wee ,a member of the
cngregsiion at L t ficaster, Ohio, of which
lishop Youtig, of :oui• city, wis formerly
iciest. She is also \
relative of Mrs. Captain
The city council, on
c ,noty evening, aprop g r l isted $5OO to pay
'.e expoases of proo }r in g an. orator. pnrohasc
~ g firewotlts, &o , f r the celebratiOn of the
iproathiug Fourth of: Jilly. We infer from
Ink though we bav iicit t been authentically
formed on the sub ect, ,hat it is in contem.
i latioa to obtFuS 14 serf ices of some distin
palled speaker fro, abfload for the occasion.
The Laripatch, whose putlisher is one of the
cutatalttee on the Celetniation, says the ar
ranguakots contemplate l one .of the most
=picot affairs In thh country, and the
'telt ever seen :a this city. We sincerely
us that such will bi. the case. The people
ilea It, the circumstances of the times
=and It, and there is a general disposition
sh toe Fact of all to contribute liberally to any
kleruzuration got up in the right spirit. We
teller? It would be easy to obtain $1,600 or
i?. tkv, to addition to the appropriation of
coarwils, (ruin the voluotery contributions of
.or cuttene - .
costecriosatiss AND Fill Woitze.—Men
sr.. Bever S Burgess, Erie, Pe., ere largely
engaged to tie Wholesale Confectionery,
Fruit, and Notion Trade. They have the
reputativo at manufacturing the very finest
Candy—both plain and fanny. Their stock
Notion and Small Wares is large and ez •
.entire Otangea, LCCLIOU4, Oyster., at.c., they
Utite d speciality, and can furnish them iisl
yamunel to suit. They are agentpfor the
Etetlidoe Fire Works—Ale best made—and
co Ell orders for the country trade or exhi
boAs (kronen and dealers in their line
gill do ■ell to cell isad sad ere their stook ; or, if
trienug gouda, they - Euay be s u re of having
tees orders filled pro/aptly 1- They promise
t+A+yplyfire' Cld•Sti goods at lowest nailirket
may 11.415 tf
Series ro PISSOIid Demo Paoouc■ roe
SAL& —Vi e are uow waning a Market Line
frtta Erie to ltenova, on the Philadelphia
Erie railroad. and wishtng to leisure all
kik issf Vegetables and Country Produce to
terry it on, have established a Depot on Fifth
ttrett, is the rear of the old Reed F.ouee, be
tatty State and French streets, where we will
teat !ill times ready to receive and pay the
tait,eet market price fur the same. All having
PLiuce fir sale are requested to give us a
"ti ihquire far Market Depot,. Fifth street,
Lite May lti , 1865—tf
'he new town of Paholo, -- laid WI on Ile
11 . s. Holman Farm, ie growing at a fast rate.
th /rutty Ire, there was only utie buildiag
puott. • of erection.' Our - latest intelligence
1 "4:11 ' , tut point atstey that Lipsey two entire
totes are already built up, and a large num
ber of houses still in process of erection. Fag
gut!, this, where a town is built up in a
we d -011 B•Oilter•
1.15ru Raotuart : —The 145th regiment
reached this fifty on Monday afternoon, by
way of the Erie & Pittsburg railrocd.
been disoharged from farther service Choy
were met at the thou: by a large oonoou, ee of
citizens, anti weloonied home in a speech by
O. W. Kelso, Esq., !which was , resended to
by Lietzt..col. kloCreary, cotamarki!#7he
regiment. From the depot-they wars escorted
through a number of the 'tenets of the city,
to tk. lklettirs Park, where 0' One soilitiow
butb444ittllseet .
I. bold soldier boys " partook of iu a "pitit
that fully erilleol their appreciation of the
rioJ piings of lite. The conduct of the sol—
diers !lace has been remarkably orderly, - and
cheek* volumes in favor of their moralchar . —
acter. Not w dieturbanee.of any kind in which
they participated, has' come to our notice
daring the time they lajtve been in the city - -
The number of men in the vitgintent at the
time it was mustered out was about 450 A
.nsiderable portion of these, whose period
of service had a long time to run, were trans.
(erred to-other regiments; and retained. Oh
the route from Pittsburg to Erie most of the
men belonging to localities south of here got
off the care, and remairied bottled, leaving
only &both eighty when they reached the city.
The •• boys " all looked rugged, but tired,
and their long ride had covered theta with
dust, so that they did not present as favora
ble an impression as they would on ordi
nary parade. By this time, they have all
been welcomed to their respective homes,
and we fervently trust the day may be long
distant Ware they will,egain be called upon
to endure the privations and dangers of a
life in the army. Let appropriate honor and
kindness he extended to them everywhere,
and let them be taught to feel that a gruite
ful people deli appreciate the services of
their patiou'e defenders.
!loess Hoe.—We would again direct the
went* of our farmer readers to the Horse
o red for sale by liaises. Pierce & Co.,
if thip j city. They claim for it that it is the
best add chespestartiole of the sort ever in
troduced into this part of, the country, and
if their rapid sates are any Indication, our
agricultural friends who have - examined it
must fgree with them. They are disposing
at an average from half a doyen to a dosed
a day, and on one day of the present Week
they sold as high its twenty. It may be
profitable thing for our readers to tura to the
stivertisemont of Messrs. P. & Co., and study
their description of the implement. it
TERRIBLII 41.001D111181%-tt sudden And tern.
ble accident, occurred on Tuesday at the oil
well in Waterford, in this county. The
workmen were engaged in raising the tools
when the "bull wheel"—a large drum by
which the cable is raised—broke loose, one
of: its arms striking a man named James
Short, hitting him in the bowels and ripping
him up instantly. He died Within a few
minutes. Short was employed at the well,
wss married, and a son• of James
°Witten:, of Waterford.—Dispatch.
_ T
Bencr & Burgess have the best lot' of cigars
to the city. 'they sell at wholesale' and re
The Cuba (N. _Y) Patriot argues philo—
sophically that oil will either be found in that
vicinity, or—it won't ! We think so, too.
The price of gas in tbie city has been re
duced fifty Dente per thousand feet, providing
piyment is made within five . daye after pres
entation of this bill.
Mr. M. M. Moore his shown us - a letter
from Plumer, anionnoing the opening of a
new well at Pithole, just above the IT..itett
States well, which flows 600 barrels a day
Meeers. Minntg & lioadley offers reward of
$BOO for the apprehension of the parties who
broke iota their store_; and if they are con
victed awl the money recovered will pay the
full amount stoles ($600) to the parsons bring.
log the culprits to justice.
The Democrats of Mercer county have no
'county paper, au are determined to start
one. - They offer to support an editor well,
and ;invite correspondence with a view to se
curing the services of one Address 3. P.,
box SS, Sharon, Mercer c unty, Pa.
I The Gazette boasts that its carriers are both
Sabbath school seholars. We dc:'not know if
guts are ;or not, but 'we IMO inquire:and if
not, we aiedetermined that they chill become
so immediately: We never permil the Oa •
egRVIIIt office to be behind hand in any sect
of enterprise. _ •
A Taylor sewing machine, In good order,
and which has never - been used much
is offered for sale. B coat $l4O when new,
and will be sold for less than half the price.
Inquire of Mrs. Grubber; corner of Chestnut
sod Short streets. if.
Copt Thomas Lenon has purchued the
Liveiy Stable owned by Win. I. Sterrett, and
intends carrying it on in tip-top style. He
has already added a number of new convey
ances and some good buses to be stock, and
will continue to add more u the necessities
of the business demand. if you want a smart
horse and a neat carriage call on the Cap
We gave the Hutchinson Falai, in our no
tice last week, the reputation of having mis
erable politics, bat being very sweet singers.
After having beard them half an hour. we
withdraw our complimentary nodes of their
musical powers. A more silly, or tininterest•
ing concert than they gave last Monday even
ing we have not attended for years. They
had better stop giving public ezhibitions, and
go to nursing little contribends.
We are indebted to our good friend, pr.
Spenoer, for a splendid mesa of brook trout,
a present of the sort that - we never fail to
appreciate. The Doctor has
,bes 4 on a fishing
excursion near Emporium, Cameron county,
and in twelve hours caught five hundred of
the " speckled beauties." His successful trip
has created quit* a sensation among our
sportsmen, and we hear of several parties in
tending a visit to the trout region. Ye editor
has caught the contagion, acid If- be turns up
suddenly missing some of these days, he will
probably be discovered somewhere In the
neighborhood of Emporium.
We are Informed that the blame for our de
deist:it mail arisagentants from NeW York
oily lies between the local mall agent at L t
tire and the baggage masters on the t.,
& Erie railroad. The poet office people 0. It
the mail agents on the , lake Shore rota •
fault, they basing nothing whom r
with the midnight mail. It seems a: .!,,s
Government pays the baggage weeders+
dollars a month extra for attending to the
night msils, instead of employing, 11l regular
agent, as it should do. The baggage men
' either do not attend to their duty, oat the local
agent at Dunkirk does ant faithfully transfer
the mails from the New York it Eno road, and
between the two our community has been sub•
jeoted to a eeri9s of ennoyanots list should
not and will not be inlorated much longer.
We still adhere to our belief, that a fail state
ment of the facts, if seat to the proper au
Warbles, Weed soon bring tkenuasii salad
The Detroit ?fibulas of Monday oesteloo the
following ochaplitoonts4 a ode* of lb. visit it
Copt. Roe to that oily :
COMMANDER floe.—Chm raiders will sot
hare forgotten the gallant mad of• the 11. 8.
wooden gunboat Baum, os the rebel mum
Albemarle is th• North Camillus waters, ea
the 5;11 of May. of Met per, whlobresolloti
in the driving beak of the rebel mamas for
tress and the abeadosmest of her phis. Capt.
floe; who thus nobly and victoriously grip.
pled .with one of the most formidable iroi
clads. is the present commousder of are U.S.
Ilk, steamer, the " Michigen." 1 istimbor
of our citizen waited upon 'Wm last week,
and doubtless many more wilteztend to him
the grateful baud of welsome, whoa ltury
know that this naval hero is sow upon our
our waters: They will And him, like all true
heroes. a modest man. who seems unaware of
3ny expinics beyond that of simple e• daty."
Let Nliohi t tan learn to know and honor a man
whose n me will forever shine in the annals
of ENAral story.
The success of the Extract of Swart Weed,
manufactured i hy Dr. John 8. Carter, of Mit
city, is one of the wonders in the 611111111 Of
uiejlicino It has become one of the staple
articles sold in nearly every drug MAN, Ala
there is a etesilily increasing demand for it In
ever' pert of the osuntry. Mr. °brier Ass
arranged for tosnufaoturinOt on s more Gl
tonsive sepia than ; ever, during the °omits;
• .
As a striking incident of 'the Omen. it any
be mentioned that a vessel ;loaded With Goal
destined for Cinvelend left Ode port hist week.
That city has heretofore obtained its supply
direct from the mines, by'ineans of railroad
and canal. The fact of precurin the untile
here shows either that the source of supply
heretofore depended upon
. 114 `run out, or
that the dealers in Cleveland did it cheaper
to buy cool tot our hirbor. Welook upon the
matter as certain that before tens years Erie
will become the great coal mart of the lakes.
The Dispatch corrects oar paragraph to the
effect that the proposed roping mill enterprise
has been given up, and icays it baa merely
" been postponed until materials and labor
balloon cheaper." We are glad to hear that
it has not been totally abandoned, but our ex
perience of such movements has taught us
that unless pushed forward directly after their
inception, they are very apt to falL
A fellow calling himself i.e. J. E. Ran
dolph is getting a reputation as a great ras
cal. Like most rogues be oontmeneed by
cheating the printer. He swindled the Can
na entwine Courier oat of its bill for subscrip
tion, the Dispatch office out of $l2, and an
other printer in this city (not us) out of $6 60
for cards. He bought a saloon here, but
could pot pay for jt, and was kicked out by
the coiner. At last amounts he was in Corry,
and we give notion to our friend of the Tel.
graph there to be on the look out for him.
The catalogue of theft, and robberies In
this section is becoming alarmingly largo ?
and indicates the existence of a regular or
ganisation of rogues. On Saturday evening a
piece of black manilla silk, pleasuring for—
teen yards, and worth $5 a yard, was stolen
from the dry goods store of R S Morrison &
Sons. The same day a pleas of red silk, worth
about $lOO, was taken from Gabel .& Hein
rich's store.
The Dispatch says: Forty—nine members
of the 831 regiment arrrived home to this
county on Saturday. They oonstitutuall the
privates who are now subject to muster out.
They were not accompanied by any d the
officers. Their return was quiet and unher
alded, and each man proceeded to his home."
The Western papers got up a story bat
Col. Dan Rice le dead., Dan was never knows
to be heat in a Joke, and positively reseed to
die up to last edifices/
Reductions in the price of labor, strikes
among workmen, and the stoppage of many
manufacturing and mining operations, will he
the order of the day for some time to come.
On Friday eveninp:last, Jas. Skinner lost
an envelope containing two $l,OOO and one
$5OO U. 8. bond. It was picked up by Mr.
Jacob Tbirtyaore, in front of his store on
State 'greet. and shortly after returned to the
owner. The manner in which Idr. T. acted
in the matter speaks well for him.
The wholesale grocery store of Messrs
Mani; & Hoadley, nearly opposite this Mhos,
was hr ikon into by burglars on Fridity night
last They drilled a bole into the safe, blew
open the door, and robbed it of some Are or
six hundred dollars.
The new Episcopal church of this city is
progressing with considerable the
foundation walls being completed, find the
materiel all prepared for the hands of th'e
workmen. We are-glad to know that the
building is to be erected under the euperwis.
ion ollone of our own mechanics Mr. Lytle
is every superior architect, and if he Is given
the opportunity will take a high rank in his
. .
The police have taken possession of Heston
Hall, with the jewelry implements to., of the
New York Manufacturing Jewelers' Assents.
Lion, and arrested the prlacitial and ssidittata
on a oharge of swindling. Eridencs was pro
&toed to show that the Gift Concert partook
of the character of a 'stabling institution.
The part lea were held to bail before the crinti
nal Court.
The shove is a dispatch to the daily papers
Of Sattripy. The concern •pokes of is the
same one which had a branch in this city not
long ago We were convinoed at the time
That it vas s humbug. -
The docks and railroad of the &nthraoite
Coal and Iron Company, outside of the pros•
ent htrbor, are nearly ready for use.
The Fast day of President Johnson was ob•
served in thi3 city with unlace' strictness.• All
the stores, saloons and lasnufaatories were
closed, end the day appeared like Sabbath.
A. retort that Gen. Sherman wall to pass
thrcugh this city on Thursday of last week.
attracted a large crowd to the depot. After
waiting patiently, aqd getting rad) , for a
grand hurral2, the train arrived salsas the
General, and the people disposed feeling that
they ha , l been badly "sold."
It. E. Murray, for many years a .pOpular
conductor on the Cleveland and Brie railroad,
the Buffalo Courier says, has been appointed
Ginoral Passenger Agent at Louisville for the
C C. and C. and Lake Shore raiiroaas.
Two bad cues of Pile toured by Dr. Strick
land's Pile Remedy. Mr. Glass of /guessing,
Wisconsin, writes for the benefit of all who
gear with the Pilis, that he has been troubled
for eight years with en aggravated case of
Piles, and his brother; wair diseharged bum f
army as incurable, (be being = sa ws.
lysed with the Pike). Both these ins
oases were cured with one bottle a Dr. Strict
land's Pile Remedy. • The on of
these gentlemen, beside the imonials
received by Dr. Strickland, to coasince
those suffering, that the molt 'granted
chronic oases of Piles are cured by Dr. Strick
land's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists
everywhere. aturinl.Bmeow
"Two paupers, says as ezaheap, who es
caped from a county poor house up la the. oil
regioncof Posseybratais, made $lOO.OOO snot
openting l oil lands, before the overseer,
caught them. o
It does sot add whltalor or zot
Op °veneers returned them to the poor
The above story, Instead of bagtiudni two
-PooPoro," obenld my "sae winner."
Cot J. B. Brown, of Rochester, asigoess-
Ini oU operator, has laid lint a town on the
Tyrrell Par", utak the 011 City and 1411111
aitini,iollEt birth gil
eight sentheset of Titusville. which he pre
ttifies caning Petrologia City. The Titusville
Aliperiwe noirespead,OF !Willi sOlk Age
Chita 1 661'414'160n thi Witold' Odom'.
—The town of Flamer, titillated gloves
miles from Franklin sad the sea. • from Ti-:
WWI% kaa..grewslato a iproopesage Sass;
It has Bear hotels, two national basks, a slum
ber pFrolliner*„
Fifty new building. ere in course of erection.
—The vacancy on the 0. C. railroad, caused
by the resignation of Mr. Thotopson, has been
filled by Mr. - .D. MoCargw:----dlUsglEstirDen
in, the sensation •aistress, has'contmenoid an
engagement at the Titusville theater, appear.'
ing as "Julia," Cn the Hunehbock,—Aotiog
conductor Sumner, on the ilOwn train from
Titusville to Shelter, Friday k4entng' a week,
tell from a ear &tithe Inight cap," ii< each a
manner that sixteen .carkpused over his left
log, severing it about three Lichee from the
body. Amputation stria porFOrated twenty
fear boars after chi accident" The patient
Unwind only about nine hoursi He leaves a
family.—Joseph H. Simon ds, df Franklin,
Pa., testified before the court now trying the
assassins in Washington , that Jo was Booth's
agent in the. oil business, and that Booth bad
$6,000 infested in that regiog. That he owned
a third undivided interest in' a lease Of three
and one. half acres on the All; tteny river,
DUI Franklin, and had an in in &wino'
elation owning as unaividat irtieth of a
trot ; and that this W 44 all bairn possessed
in Venango. —One million doilars is the
price asked 'for 160 acres of land' known as
the Molten farm, lying near •the Coquette
well—s6oo,ooo had been offered and refused.
--41ifensive preparations are being made
to complete the Oil Creek railroad as far as
Petroleum Centre, by August, pr September
nest. , We era informed that 380 men are to
be put on the work this week.—A burglary
was committed at the tunas* of Mr. Bartlett,
on the south side of the creek, lost night.
The windows of the house had been left open,
and Me thief entered without disturbing the
tastily. A gold watch was taken from the
head of Mr. Bartlett's bed, and $2O or $3O in
money was taken from the pockets of a dress,
belonging to one of the family. - A silk dress
was also stolen. and several other articles of
less value. There Is no .flue to the thief's
identity.—There hasteen considerable de
crease in the supply oflti within the past
month, the average- d4l production being
about 4,500 'barrels. Elvers! wells,,how•
ever, which have been dry for some time,
have commenced prodtMing again, and we
may soon look for a large increase iu the
daily average. —Titusville has now twenty
six hotels, many of thenbeing quite large
and well-conducted establiehments.L—There
is • project on fuot fur a hone railroad from
Plumer to Ott City. One hundred cars, and
as many teams have been ordered to Oil City.
—Franklin street. Titusville, is being mac
adamised. The stones are to be covered with
gravel.—The hanks = of Meadville have
agreed to receive from their depositors the
notes of Eastern. Pennsylvania and Ohio
banks at three-fourths of one per cant. die,
.cunt, and return them to the places.of their
issue. The following banks ire sioepted,
and their notes will be retteived at one-quarter
of one per cent.: Philadelphia and Pittabueg
hank., Bank of Crawford county, Bank of
Lawrence county, PercaleTs Bank. Oil City
Bank, Venango Bank.—.-Col. D. -C. M'Coy,
after gallantly serving his country ever three
years, has resumed the practice df the law.
A well informed correspondent writing from
Farel Farm, Venango county, says: '
"I do not And the Noble:well producing
200 barrels per day es was reported last week.
It is neither lowing nor pumping, and has
been doing only - a feeble business for a long
time. The tubing is oat, the tanks are get
ting dry, and things generally look rather
blue. It has probably piled up mere millions
for its owners than it ever will again. It
seems to be exhausted and not disturbed by
water frem other wells. This wNloommencid
lowing May 28, 1882, and continued -to flow
about nineteen months, yielding about 480,000
barrelkof oil: This you may rely upon, al
though varying from reports of other opto
nally good authority. . From sales weds and
from an estimate of what was in the tanks.
Nay 28..1884, it was found that the wells had
averaged about 1,000 barrels per day up to
that time About 85.000 barrel, were pro
duced during the next seven menthe This
yield r f nineteen months made several mil
mionsires, and gave snug little fortunes to a
soon or more of other amnions oil men Over
$2,000,000 of greenbacks have been received
lir oil actually sold. Besides this a large
amount of stock has exchanged hands, neon
its credit. • flow much of this is valuable I
have no means of knowing. I would not dare
to risk 1;tuoli based t pon the future yield of
oil, 614 it 'tendons nobly.
The Sherman well,was opened in March,
1882, and flowed twenty-one months It
started of at about• 1,100 bbls. per day, but
like other large wells ran at a time when oil
was so low that its „yield of money was com
paratively small. r I have seen thousands and
thous - gads of barrels of nice, green oil sold at
this well for fifteen cents per barrel, or a lit
tle over one fourth of a cent a gallon this
wall is not lowing ninety barrels ti day, as
was said to me, on last week, but lows and
blows about sixty barrels in twenty-four
hours. It laid still about thirteen months
and has been yielding from thirty to sixty
barrels tine last January It is said to be
on the increase, yielding double the *mount
it produced at the beginning of the year.
The "Noble well'; is defunct,; the "Sher•
man" is superannuated ; the "Empire" is
dying out, and all the other large Wells are
greatly reduced - or " done gone for," so that
but a small amount of oil is being produced.
It will be seen that this production . is much
lees than the demand, and unities some gotta
" strikes " are made before fall and winter
trade is over, oil will command a high price.
Mind that, now."
The friends of Capt. D. P. Jones, of Titus.
Mlle, late of - company "A " 88d regiment,,
Pennsylvania volunteers, who served is more
then three years of the war, sad who has been
may times limeade 1, will present him as a
maids** for .Treasurer of Crawford county,
subject to the decisloo of the Itipnblican .
party •at their Primary meetings. That's
right; let the Abolition , politicians stand
aside sad give the soldisevi's •Ithasee.—Des •
11%y giros* the first of ibe season in .his part
of the country, is to be ci Warren on the 13th.
—The Werrea Mini ()loses a oomplimentary
mottos of the visit °CHI.. Gars, late of the
,Gosells, - to that plum. With the follserisig ob
servation ; " Who too is hot some paiagraph
of his -sehieting,pr'ioinst-timitight : . : : Gripping
busy brain end ergo hies on to' bacons tr
Sheridan or Grant, a Uncial Or &Masking
too !" Oh, steer f—Xtr. Geo: B. Lord, of
Jamestown .N Y.. is huildimg3a Warren*eddy
a sort of tl paint 'I Rol for p trite' at Oil Creek.
it will co.t shout £3.000. it is RO feet long,
25 wilt* ituJ iL high phs dining room is d 0
feet lung awl 12 feet' wile. It has 20 stele
room, et by 41 foie with ,. two single betla
each, being able to lodge tiny -grersotts;
room is ventiltiolotl 1 h.:1.1 window 8 by 24
hashes: Tb. 68144, is 20 by 25 feet sod th e
kitaltto i i by 2J. it bas sin diioble. sash
doors on t h e sided *act sods, CO It _law,
bed room, SWOP MIAs brig-roes 414
pantry. It is being finished In fine style and
iftrbelsiated - side. - Th. &slag sees - hr
tplatill:ll44ll44by etttln,windoWll6
diy nigh t of last week, the luirdirire store 'of .
Pearce & Shaffer, next to the Carver 41onse,
Warren, was entered by breaking out a pane of
gbietin the first door and eliding the brlts.ati
Ike top mid bouoin. The burglars broke open
the safe, from which they took over $1,200,
sad a couple of revolvers from the show nese.
Oar Government is becoodog etsel to its
soldiery. It compels respectable men to two.
elate with Jeff. D►ris night and day. We pro.
test agslost such cruelty'. He should hate
negro itwarde if any. But we submit that
ipad but convicted felons ought to be eon•
ftmeed to such a fete,— Warren Sail.
We are astonished: What can otir . olaver
ootemporary mean ? Does he intend to war&
that negro guards are not "rispotable," and
only on a par with '• oonvloted felons?" Bare
ly this is rank " disloyalty," We puma torn
an explanation.
43TOP TEAT Scuarnannil—Which you( can
do if you drive the impure, hot and acrid =e
lm...out, of your system by taking iniardly
Carter's, Compound' Extract of Dandelion and
Bittersweet, 14od applying outwardly Outer's
Yellow Ointment. Hundreds can testify that
they have used these articles with satire sue
eess and satisfaction, after having used many
other,thinge to no purpose. TiOerefors, we
say use these two articles and otopfthst scrota&
Ow. Price of Bottle and ißox together, one
dollar and fifty cents. Bold by Carter & Car
var. If
We would mapectfblly call the attention of the utak
to our faellities for doing Job Printing of every demi,
Mon. Having rapid Pressees and the latent styles of Type,
we are prepared to do anything is4the jobbing line, is
manner equal loamy Mbar ertabliskmont, and on terms
as reasonable as the , Butbdo or Cleveland aims. We
have added nearly two thousalidoilan worth of tuto
rial to the once since it lute been in our possemion, with
the objector making it what we thought the communi
ty needed. Hew well we have succeeded we leave thi
samimens of our Jobbing, which may be seen in every
part of North Western Pennsylvania, to testily. Timm
who want tasty workers invited to give us a call. W.
can do any kind of Printing that ran be done elsewhere,
—such for instance as
All kinds used by Coal Operators,.
•Il kinds used by Coal Skippers,
All kinds used by Coal Sellars,
All kinds used, by Merchants and Storekeepers,
All kinds need by Retailers and Grocers,
All kinds used by Manufacturers,
AIL kinds used by Medicine Dealers,
All kinds geed by Auctioneers,
All kinds use 4 by Railroad Agents, .
All kinds used by Banks,
All kinds sued by Insurance Ogees, -
All kinds need by Stock Campanile, generally,
AB kinds need by Brokers,
All kinds used by Com. and For. Mombasa/,
All kinds used by Expose Yen,
All kinds used by Proffsealonal ' Men,
All kinds used by Litetary Societies.
All kinds aced by Public Oaten,
All kinds used by Patintees, •
All kinds used by Producers of New Articles,
All kinds rued byMerchant s of ail Trades.'
All kinds used by Arehlteets.
All kinds need b Dagnerrean Rstablishments,
All kinds need b y Artis t s generally,
All kinds used b Rxhibitors,
All kinds used bManagers of Social aseembliu
All kinds used by Political Managers,
all kinds used by Travelling Agents,
All kinds used by Fairtooll, or sellers of Mai mrtate,
All kinds deed by the sellers of Pei Douai l'inperti,
All kinds need by Renters.
la short, all kinds used by all dame..
Orders by mall,wheneent by respoeutibie partise,prompt
ly attended to: Agent* for Blows, Coneerti,kit, whose
reeponsib lity we are net acquainted with, must pat la
advance. In CUM where packages are , seat out of the
city by expreakand the sauna for whom they are intend
ed have not i regular account at the oaks, the bill for
collention 11l invariably be forwarded with them.
best Prepustiow ever pmented to the rabbi ; le
hat to which Wombed" elm have v used it era ready to
- - -
• feu spot ladies' of this Compound will change bluely
dry and wiry Hair to the most beautiful
4 0
If the Rain is falling off, or beaming ray, the use of
the Renewer wiU sandy 'nest its dens sod mum It to
assume, in a short time , all 'lts former ty. It com
pletely eradicates gem f and Dandruff.bad kills Hair-
osiers, so destructive to the roots of the Hair, and
Cures all Diseases or Htpitors of the
The Renewer le unequalled by any other flair Preparation
Being a Vegetable Compound.
T HE Proprietera offer the'
Sicilian Hair
Renewer to the public, entirely confident that it will
Promote its Growth,
end In nearly ili CUTS where it has WWI off. will Tow
tore It, utiles' the pormonAs very aged This Is
not like ether Preparations, outilleg the hale
- 0 4 dr and Mashy. but will imp it moist,
1 soft and glary.
R. P. HALL & roprietors,
No. 127 Nolo CO., ?West, Nashua. N. H. r
HALL h WARPIL, Rsallusre demi, for Witstsiti
Pentnylmnla, Western New York tad austere Ohio.
Horse Hoe, or Cannier Plow t
' 41 11% ,
• 111 4 1.1.° ‘
• """••--
iirtliT has always received tho Plat Premium ethos
aver exhibited : and all eh., have used it pronounce it
far superior to anything else of the kind. The
lag ars some of the adviwitages this Cultivator has over
every oth• r • tad now in use :
lit. Lightness and durdeiiicy : being made of the but
quality of steel, highly p •lished, and the whole imple
ment weighing irom fifty to sixty pounds.
2d. Alaptnion to to ire kinds of work than soy other
Cultivator known ; being a perfect and thorough Cold-
Tatar when need with •li the teeth on, ',geeing the
round even aid level, and winking nearer the rows
than any mber Cultivator- '
3d. By removing the small teeth, and attselsiag the
wings to the shovel, it is the moat peifect implement
for billing that can be found.
stk. It is the beet implement for cevering and digging
potatoes *Ter invented. A man and bores can cover po-
tatoes as fast air bores can walk, and a min and team
can dig from three hundred to firs hundred bushels of
potatoes in a day, when the crop is a Lair one.
sth It works *quietly well in cora, or any bled &temp ,
requiring cultivating, and is most cane hand hoeing
can be dispensed with.
• 6th. Its cheapen, convideting the many Made of
wink to which It can be applied ferns herbs la
oar implement all that is nweessey for cultivating and
billing any kind of (guy, or covering lo t / digging Pets
N urotwiless certificates from the must inlinentud farm.
flits the (Toiled States might be feria of the
of the shove implement over all others designed her
like pares.
e ',WI be pleased to receive a all from say one wb"
sons a Cultivator or Shovel Plow sad "span to they
the ants of the above Beres Noe nee all other
Muds of the kind. We rawest Ills Horse Has to work
se a Cultivator so wall as say Oaltiestor weds-us
Shovel Plow as well a. soy Shovel Plerw—sad v Oilers
Hoe a couplet' sacern or refund the most, It it d , •
set meet this warrantee.
lie 'booboo as bead la entiestias wick ear Raft ,
ma, Stone, Manse ead tinsillaesiddeg Gans,
coaelete assonant of barn d
Mabee, Mo Raker,
Ileytbse,thation 't Ania *Mks. Pasts. Hass, Munk,
Spoke, lc Don kll to gni us a can
W. E co..
Sole agents for Hens Hos is Brie Co., Pa, sod Antiguan
Co., Ohio, Corner state sad nth sta.,
,Hrla, Pa. _
Wa . W. Pans, t
Geo. J.ltsoosta. S . Iris, Nay 26, laitt.3a.
The following firms are oar enthorked monk for the
ante of Wrighea Norse Not or Oentrator Plow I.
ft A. Hefei is Oa, W sterfot4 W. L. le IL D. fiernWeiM
North East ; Oultifortt . Hey h Co.,Oirari ; J. A. Whine,
Mlles Orora : A. Landers*, Union; Webster & siegi.
Conneaut, Ohio e.T. Nothilre, firklabula Ohio ; Talent*
k Hodge, fieninre, Ohio ; VV. Pierre! Ca., arneek.
.- - -
teRANOICBIIII44 PlLL : it—The Weak. the Coe
Rampur•, Ithwunalte,cwatire. Billiets softball!**
after tome dive use, will Ilwireaawed aa4
puvete every orals of t bete fvemee.
livery dose makes the blood pane Me saves ear
Wiellea to the strtraire terisisas is Uer velem. Thaw
pills, se f Kra sleet, set upoe,the arterial blood, ter
issuing the circulates. by Ishtar tisiattla see=
het to the vela, and they throw eft' etch ao
fate the bewails, Welt °WU" by ties_ INFIDE *rived
tram tlverstreth's Pills. expel thou MIS tee
mesa etateeed, the Pills way make grlibigh art
soaks*, Wiest feel wade. Th is is so hamihret else.
sad sifts Um disease will sew bouresi ><o pat
is elle. athierad wltheat saes tres* faits
sal Wan* tie
agliwasbilii molialais. ft
- -27 Couillandt St., Now York.
Peon, Penny* ia., &c. , worth over Ralf • Million
pollens 'lobe sold pt Ann Dollar Hach witnont retard
10 T ina . Asel not to ba paid for until you know what
7cen'aro to roe, iTa.
All to be Sold for Ono Dollar FAA.
800 Gents' gold Watches, 860 to $l6O
800 _Ladies' goid- . WatCher, 85 to 70
400 Gents' silver IVatclies, 85 to '7O
200 Diamond Rings, 60 to .100
8;000 Gold Vest & Fleck Ohains, ' 16 to 80
8,000 do. . 4to 0
"8,000 Gold Oval lhod Bracelets, 4 to 8
4,000 Chased Gold .Bracelets, 6to 10
2,000 Chatalaine gtuard amino, 6to :20
6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to 10
2,000 Lava & Florintino brooches. 4to 6
2,000 Coral, Opal &En e brooches, •4 to 8
2,000 llosiac, Jet, bun & Floren ,
tine Ear Drop., 4to , 8
4,600 Coral, opal & ctn. E. drops, 4to 6
4,000 Cal. Diamond brea,tpina, 2,60 to 10
8,000 Gold fob &vest weld, keys, " to 8
4,000 Fob & vest ribbott elides , Bto 10
4,000 Sets sleeve buttons, etc., Bto 8
3,000, Gold thimbles, pencils, etc., 4 to, 7
8,000 Miniature lockets, 6to 8
4,000 Min. lockets—magio spring, Bto 20
4,000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to 8
5,000 Plain gold rings, , 4to 11
6,000 Chased gold rings, 4to 11
'7,000 Stone set & signet- rings 2,60 to 10
6,000 California di: mod el rings, 2to 10
7,600 Sets Indica' jewelry—jet & ,
gold„ •
6,000 Bets Indieg jrcvelry-cameo,
pearl, etc., 4to 16
5,000 Gold pens, silver extension.
holders & pencils, 4to 1.0
6,0(4) Gold pens ,X. gold-mounted
holders, 3 to 3.
6,000 Gold pans, & pen.holdera, 6to ;
6,000 Silver goblets & cups, 6to 60
1,000 Silver castors, . 16 to 50
2,000 Silver fruit Sr. cake baskets, 10 to, "50
1,000 Dozen silver tea spoons, 10 to 20
1,000 Do. table spoons & forks,
Certificate; naming etch article, and its valuei are
placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed. Chas of
these envelopes, containing the Certifloste or Order for
some Article, (worth at dollar at retail;) will
be sent by mail to any address without regard to choice,
on receipt of 1i cents. The purchaser will see what Ar
ticle It dm.., and its vales, which may be from en. to
Five Hundred Dollars, Mil can then send Ow Doilirand
receive the Article named, or any other on the I at of
the same value, and after ceiling tho article, U II does
net give perfect satisfaction, we desire it 'to be inintedi
stilly returned and the amount paid will be rethaded.
By this mode we give *elections from a railed stock of
Ens goods, of the beet musks and latest' styles of
Waldo worth, at a nominal price, while ail have ta,
of mewing &Weirs(' f the very highest value. t:
In all cases we charge frir forwarding the Certifloste,
pottage and do( n.; the boaueo, the sum of Twenty live
Cents, which mast be enclosed in the order. Aye Cer-
Whites will be pent for ft ; eleven for t 2; thirty for $6;
afati.dye fur $10: one bu mired for $l5. ;,
Parties dealing w rl it Ile ;nay depend on having prompt
returns, and the :ethyl& drawn well be immediately pent
to any &ado-e by !.tern ;nail 0. express.
Retire eatietwetion t; rereut.o.d in all, Cale/.
Write your u, 4 aunty sod Slat* plainly
and addreai SELDEN & CO.,
ina.25'65-dm ..,ttlAndt street, New York.
Romithe A `kik... to. h... i In the Common Pleas of
Dent friend, I.llthoe 11 F.l:r. I Free county,
se., Yo IS, Nov.. Term, 1864.
Willis H. Wilk ~ • I Subpoena in lemmas.
t 1.r.,"•.,,, 7. Feta. Term, 1885. I
11..turri tt nibil.." S I1t)7.41,1'118 A. WILSON
'did i.refrr I,rj.oltion to the Honorable Judges
of the Court of c‘ n:”, ~, Mean for the County of Kris.
praying for ;In ~t, .. (h rein Rot forth she might be
ilitroroel from he! flux!. nn , t. William 11. W 116011.1200511 he
hereby given to 111. Ito! 0 . It. Clean to be and
appear before the Ju...., , ,.., at Erie, et a Court of Common
Mu, then and them Le. h olden for the County of Fr*
on ffee First 11,,nd 4y nn Au..,ult, IBGi, to answer mild pe
tition, and abide tit. in.tvnt.ot of thief:mitt in the prem-
Law 11. L. BROWN. Sheriff.
Shelia's Office, 11. , y .9, 1,53. jel-4w
Important Notice.
horse settlement of his accounts, gives notice to
persons Indebted to him to call cad pay before the let of
July next. If not attended to M the period stated, the
&acacias will l 44: In the hands of an officer for collec
tion. This coon, iv ttovlnr.l ceelwaary byyny falling
Wealth, which ren.lore it imperative that I eheSitil aban
don practice for a brief period. 'I)H BENNETT.
Westerville, May jeltd
Proposals for Furnishing the Material
Building a Bridge over Walnut Creek.
by the ttuad Ceinini.-tuntr4 , of the Townships of
Mill Creek and Veinier for Furnishing the Materials
and doing the rode for a WAR, over Walnut Creek, on
the Town Lino 1103 , 1, iron the ftrice Road to
McKean. Tt,r pr. , . ) i,o deliv ered the Town
Hall, in Mil •'t b F L. 17th day of Jane,
1566. Jo"; 14 a 178 ST,
J•165-2t- 1-• r Road Commissioners.
Stray' Cow. .•
the Sub.criher, o :Arnie street, between Seeend
and Third, krie city, Ua the 'Zlth uIL, st Dare Red Cow,
seven or eight yearn old, with a white spot on the back,
white tail, to.lbro.:ti horns. Any inintnietion leadtng
to her reeer,•r;• be th2olatilly received.
je1Y4.30 SAN% mgaiiirr.
Administrator's •Notice.
beep. gram , ii t , , the Subscriber up. the Ks.
tats ton S rliuclatr, late of the city of Erse. de
tpuistiopd. Retire 1. hereby given to all parsons snubbed lo
said retats, t , fr,t 40 /t, •ea+a 1 , payolvot, awl Chore bay.
itte Caicos spluat it ail: pres,rit thins, duty autheutt
sated, for settlement GEO. W. GUS:ilia:4',
Atthe U. rl. Pc oe,ou 'lO I t;lshn oftlas, southwest cor
Bar afatate an 1 r if ;ti x,t rte. r. s, il ri r i ris. jel'ar.43v
• Boarders Wanted.
find goo! r.i.:•..rnt Lti.)ui At itto 6o nee of .1 M.
Rohn, tornero'T....
Sewing' achines!
Pli E CI 1 11, A 1)1(,1 1 ' BEST.
Tha tind.rfni.nrl L. , <Tk appoi nted agent in Reis
city for the Di. It aehineo, marmite''
cane the 5t1 , q.1., ti pulota to tho mum.
the y ace ed., le( ?zed to bo tkcll.l,nt to one and ate
the cbeaneet
Eecb M., Li, r i j ie .at, „t improvement', whiah
render antra far attper..4 to Iny other now mold
Person]: di.sirtug if purchase a Sewing Moraine will
End It of sol,nntay. n, cal and vain:tine theme btfors
baying elo.wh..rn
oampleFi r.: w, 6:Ante:iota
Block. b. ilr , Oll Y , rib Otliff
jao4B6in lo , V. Aqyza.
Wu. Hi a-, J. 31. 311,7,5 r, %TM. grsikiforotlo.
Pent; nsl.r. the 1 1:4a1511.4.t, fru; Pe.
Henry, Bryant & Sherwood,
( Mee. P.M . + At Ippwn eory, I
• TIN L t4in:Lr IRON WARR,
bevy Shiro ho! : 4. , ,rAntfot to give satisfastios.
Kettle t 81,1 h-shook. And iron*, al t es bowl cfr 004.•
sketared In 0•.!••• - :
Mown Cla , PLOW ni suporior.ouilop and thus•
moo) on A ealland o fair tag orris aril.
~ is
Dried ant Aled Bruits,
Bhip Cliandlorr ?oRt stores,- Cs;
• t () CK„ Emit. R
Als of. State Street,
k risme*:
A. ..R.A.W 01111 R. F. fit_ .tl''s
jaa2c6b-t1 J. BYRON RUTH.
webs rispoiftillyinr6nn th. publia Th►t thal WIAM
'stetson Bth and 9th Urea* on Btato,
Where th•y i nt.nd to k couttatly on bead •la
assortment of
voi E: reoPeothticqVeit a attars of dishing,*
I U , L . W
Portage the aiding against the evil snub of lima**
Mil earsDyrpopuis.
Win ewe
WW cane noisrai Deigittir. .
Will cars Hautbiun.
Will ear* liesdaelte.
a ill ewe Liver Complaint.
Will excite and main • kaaltb_y apiaddis
will intigorste onus of aviation and modirais-•
Iy Icemen the temperature of the body and the term a'
eirentatton, acting in het as • germ al corraboraat of Ile
ovum, aoutainlas rio policeman drum and is
A fair trial Is tamely aodel led.
GRo. C. RUBBEL k CO., Proprietors, "
limbos, N. Y.
Central Depot,Ameilann Express Bonding_ 55 HUD
sov sr. NEW YORK.
For min by al Drs ggist% Grocers, he.
rr MINNIn A TlOAntal:Y. Eris, n'tioloaals Assn*
and for We by Ilan & Warfel, Carter Carver and WU.
kips 1 1 Booth. -
OS sroadway, New York,
•'i noun■ sTairr,)
)90,000 Watches, Chains, Geld Pete,`
PENCILS, &C., &C.,
W 0.14, 11 H &500,0001
And not to tapata* . tlntil
.you know what you toil;
6 to 15
, receive !
... .
100 Gold Plunt4 g Casio watches, each $lOO te
100 Gold Watches 60.00
200 Ladies' Watches • 55 00
600 Silver Watches -
$l6 00 to $26 00
800 Gold Nark and Vest Chains 13.00 to 15 00
1000 Chatelain and Guard Chains 5.00 to 16.00
8000 Vest and Neck Chains . .... .... 4...0 to 12 00
4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Deo ...ilies... 3.00 to 8.00
4000 C 011,4 Lava, 9srust, 80,, Brooches_ 3.00 to 8.00
7000 Gold, Jet, Opal. kc.. Ear Drops 300 to 800
6000 Gents' Beret and Scarf Plus 300 to 8.09
8000 Oval Band Bracelets 300 to 800
2000 Chard Breceleta. 5.00 to 10.00
SW California Diamond Pins and Biagi. ,. . 2.50 to 800
.... Gold Watch Key. 2GO to 6.00
'.. . Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs.. ZOO to 8.00
3000 Gold Thimbles • 4.00 to 600
6000 Miniature Lockets ' 2.00 to 700
3000 Minister. Lockets, Magic.. 400 to woo
2600 Gold Toothpicks, drosses, ko , 2. , e0 to 600
8000 Fob acid Ribbon Slid.. • 2.00 to 600 !
6000 Chimed Gold Rings 200 to 800
4000 S tone Set Blew 2.60 to lite
6600 Sete Wise' Jewehy—Jet and-Gold.. 6.00 to 16.00
6000 Sets Ladles' Jewelry—varied e%yies.. SOO to 15.00
6000 Gold Pses.itUvar Case and Pernell.... 4.00 to 800
4000 Gold Pses, !bony Holder and Cam— 6.06 to 10 00
6009 Gold Puss, Mounted Holder 200 to 6.00 '
AU the goods in the above List will be sold, without
reservation, for ONZ DOLLAR EACH. Catharsis@ 'Ol
all the various articles are' placed in similar envelopes,
sealed and mixed. Thus envelopes will be lent by mall
or delivered at our once without regard to cholas. Oa
receiving a Certificate. you will see what article it npre
mats, and it is optional with you to send one dollar and
receive the article named. or any other in the list of the
same value.
y`B this mode we give semetions sty les,, L
andoo of
fine oods, of the best maks and lates of M
iriade worth, at a nominal prios r while all hate• chasm
et securing articles of the very highest twins. '
In all transactions mail we charge• for forwarding
the Certificate, paying postage, and dens the basins
25 emits each. ram certpiestes wal Must for $1; Vett-
Isfor $2; Tfebillev $5; &sty for $10; and Ose Mos
fired for ES.
We should supply your wants; our faciliites ars cum:-
'peered; our work of unrivalle d ercellenoe; Our promisee
punctually observed. Our central location Wore maw
the most remote points. Over goods areraw prom the
manufacturers : gad of the latest and most dOlrable styles.
The goods smut be sold, and the terms are Itneqaalled.—
AU articles ordered are forwarded by return Mall.
We guarantee ugh. Satisfaction in -every insigne%
and if there should be any person dlseahaiW with any
article they nay receive, they will immediately retain
tt aid the price will be Wended.
sonars.-.We allow those acting as agents tan cents on
each Certilloite ordered: . provided their remittance
amount to one dollar. .
They wilt (onset 36 oritrfor arm Ontillosto, sad re.
toiubmg 10 Nato, remit to us 16 ants for 'SEA.
Adttrom, GOO. DEMONIT is CO
803 Broadway, N,w ~
THE Old STANDARD Favorites of the
witoso motto in,
Merit will avert lOW to its of all opposition,
and this sales of wht*sotosod ONE HUNDRED THOU
The gnat secret eR the muivaled perdu* of the
volts of Ude old and tellable hoots' is, that,thol =than
inch Happy combination af interesting qualities as to
please the• modem:audio& tickle the fancy and touch
the heart/ of all classes °treaders.
Now Hes* No. 38,
( By L. Augustus Jones.
Thle Is a. story of ainitter Life Among the biller's, Of
81311 1>ining interest, and'erlll fully sustain the wonderful
reputation already gained by the other numbers of-„
the seines of which - are :
No. • No.
1. The lla tter.. - The Flower of the
2. The Trapper's Retreat - Wigwam.
3. The Patriot IlighWay- 22. Rickety Tom, the Royer.
& The Hunted Unionist. 23.
Th o e r i , m T Pli he o ß f l i Pah e e P r ra of iria tlie ;
6. The Track of Fire. Cave.
6. The Man-Eaters 24. The Robber's Terror.
7. Charlotte Temp'e. 25. Joe the Sarpint.
8. The Diath Face.
'26. Lightfoot, the Scout.
9. Thu ledian-Slaver. 27. The Giant Spy of Bank
-10. The Tiger of the Ocean. or Hill.
11. The Horde* Triumph 21. Sear Cheek, the Wild
12. The Ocean Rovers. Half-Breed.
13. Ihe Tory Outwitted. LI/. Squint-e , ed Bob
14. ZekeSterniato,theLion- 30. eoakey Snodgrass.
Hearted Scout. 31. Rolling Thunaor.
16. The Scourge of the seas. 3.4. Heavy Hatchehthe Bold
16. The Captive Maiden. Scout.
17. Long-Legaid hie; or 33. Sly Sam, the Quaker
The Demon' of the , Spr
Woods. 34. The Three Darin; Tr.ip•
It. The Wild Scout of the - per..
ifecultaine. 33: The Fatal ilara.naeu.
15. The Forest Lodge. 6. Eagle-Eyed Z-ke.
10. The Rollicking Mangers 7. Big Ritled Nick.
21. Rattlesnake Dick ; or, S 2. Tip. Bold Sealp Hunter.
These Novels are foreale by all News Agents and Liao k
sellers, had sent, propels!, on receipt or price.
Liberal terms to agents.
May 26614'
.73. (Late of the U. S. Treasury Department and
Pennsylvania Commissioner for dold.orr, W..hiegton,
D. 0.) General Claire Agent, with Sanjandu Or. it. Esq..
Attorney at LAW. Wayne Mace, Ens, Pa
Naval and Civil claims collected with fidelity and die.
retch. Pensions obtained and collected. - ApplleaUone
by mill promptly attended to.. Sr. r. haling had eer•
er.l years' experience In the detail of the carious lie
partments, feel* eealident heats.. render most setista4ory
aid in irrosecntlng all kinds of ClOwernment claims.
Spring ant Sumer Goods !
Weald reopiefts4 call attention U. M.
Jaat maim' frotalliw York, elllgrraning
onnets, Hatii;,.Ribbons,
Together with norm
Which eh, will sail
Cr Particular attention paid to bleaching., coloring
and preying.
Stara on Peach st, 7 4c ors above the Depot, grin,
Bill Heads, Certificates of Oil and
Stamping, Embossing, Beals, &0.,
Paragon llnildlng, West Park Row,
BOMA& Eknt, PA
LT Wont' their frt
have opened the above 1 :- •
Diamond, mixt door to .
atom, Thera they otter '
in the trade net of Dr..
rant manniketorfor. A
Without their patronage, ltrialsteer wok' be blockadad.
NOONAN k 817111 CI.
BEAu %arum
Dittirsa umetwd eu e= Woods, Ons et
Plum. toes du. r.e
CMii= "limiVrlNMl4ll4.,
All to bo ootd ler ON DOLLAR Gael
Nu. 137 Wliliano at., N. Y
Bede .
Spidat invitation etigta
toy !MN
that thy
'la east aide of lb*
'4eithe's dry goods
..rt assorted stock
4i 4 from four dif-