Ayer' 7l,lAeit SAItSAPAR4 TUX wouma am: 1/13110T 10a, . Scrofula end SmfMon Diseases. From Emery Edes,_a Indintwomit siordkosu' 0 Oa ford, Afafrae, _ I have sold large quantities of your BABSAPA. PILLA, but never yet one bottle which filled of the lksined area and hill satisfaction tothose who toot it. As feet as our people try it, tbsyngree there ha, been no medicine like it before in our comuutnity.'• kiruptioris, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules. 17/‘ cers, Bores, and all Diseaselief the Skin. Ilev. 12 obi'. Stratton. Bristol. England. •• I only do my duty to you and Hui public, when add my testimony to that you publish of the me. .Bernal eirtitem of your SARSAP4IRILLA. daugh. ter, aged, ten. had au afflicting- humor ha her eyes, and hair for years, phial wo were unab le rare until we, tried your BABSAPARILIA. She been welt for home months." feam Mra. Jane E. Rlce, 4 tocianawn.coui much mid lady of Dennisvilk, Cape May Co., N. J, " Jly daughter has suffered fora year past with a to, cordons, eruption, which was very troublesome Nothing , afforded any relief until we tried yaw titsar..thiudi,whichsoon completely cured her frail Gnarls P. Gags. Seq., of soldelramosou Gage, Murray it Co. i manufisefurers of enausiled palters in Nashua, it'. H. I had' for several yeas & very troublesome humor in my face, which grew constantly waft until it tilsra my taatures and became aqintel erable amkt tried almost every thing a maa could of both Ohs and medidns, bat without any relief whaterstrat.j teek your asesaraintu.a. it immediately my lece worse, as you told um it might fora One bat In a am weeks the new rein began to form nudes' the blotches, and con tinned • until my face is as smooth as any body's. sad I am without any symptoms of the diastase that know of, I enlOy p eribet health, and without a doubt owe It to your AfInatASSILIA." Erysipelas—General, Debility—Purity the • 810 d. Pooin. Dr. /Mt. Stnein;l6/otiaton St., New York. ,• Da, AYER. I seldom. All to move Eru,plions and Scrofulous Sores by the pettiewerint timer our i .., T . , - ;AP,AIIILLA, and I ettia ti llAt now cared an attack of Malignlrnt Eresipelat IL No alterative we 1,.5.,,eas equals the SAI I9 6PARILLA you have sup. f , /zed to the profession as irell as to the people." Front J. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio. - For tire+, e years, I had-Atte yellow Erysipelas On iny rtir.ht arm, durlug which time I tried all the ..., kbrated physicians I could reach, and took hun ofrds of dollar, worth ofniedleinett. The ulcers ki,.rc ao badt Alto cord - vildble and the r th doetora ,ta d cd at iny itritt.tau amphitated. I rt I, ~, to lug y SARSAPASILLA. Toot two bot tles, and ant of your rit,U. Together they have . nrrit iliv. I ,flu flow as weal tad sound as any body. is.. al.; to a public place, my ease is known to every wit); su title community, &air excites the wonder of Lit ', .r,,un Hon. Henry Homo, M. P. P., of Newcastle v. W., a leading number of Mt Canadian Paria valid. " I have used your SARSAPARILLA lam, family, t,,r general' debilit , and for purifying the blood, "ill, very benetletat results, mai feel contkience In commending It to the afakted." Bt. .Anthony's rise, Boss, Bali Ahlintn, Scald Head, Boss Files. J,o,e Burrell Mazer. Esq., as dais editor of Ike Tuuthaauoek..Deviocrat, Peuniyhunia. • • Our only child, about three years of age, was ,tracked by pimples on his forehead. They rapid! • spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sure, which covered his Atte, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A. skilful physietastapplied oltrate of silver and other remedies, without an uppahnit effect. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with thent he should tear open the fee. t,ring and corrupt wed which covered We whole Lice. Baying tried t hing e the we bad any nape from, we hem, LA, _sad app , lying th potash lotion, as you direct. Litt stn.. v.•-• , ,,•50 to heal when we had given the tint honk, was well when we had finished the aecoml. eyelashes, which had coma out, grew egse, r nit he is now s healthy and fair ky any tatht . :7. The- eviinto Reighoortiood predicted that the chlg.i zount dit.•." 85 - 4 ;,:allis ea: 21.4vourial Disease. From noun sioat.est. LOWS* AfinOtiri. I dud your Saasavaattus a owe effectual nmedy for tbo retxxidaz sm aymptorne of Syphilis wad for syobiat Lit t disuses any other we possess. The profession uto ladiebted to you, for some of the tedt medicines We ben)." .1. raw A. J. .nench, M. D., an eminent 'physician of Lawrence, Mars., who it a in'elanat member to the Legislature of Afaseneolnwret Ph -Dn. Arlin. My dear dire I have found your SARS,APAgILLA en iteeneDtiVildaifillAlalt. tOtka the primary and accordant , and Mt*. t ual in Sol eases that ww*too 0 to yield to other remadtes,- -I do not know what moon en vioy with Mora entandy of imeness, wham s power. la I alteratite is Milted." Mr. ('Ant. a Van Mew, of Ken, Brinieedetik . 7 .• hmt dreadifil ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse a dne a mercury, or mercurial disease, which more mid more aggravated for years, in of every remedy or treatment that could be until the i.erhevering use of AYER'S Buses relieved L. n. Few oases can be found mons breetente and m , qressing than this, and it took several Omen Louie! to cure him. Leneorrhces, Whites, Female Weakness, Ate generally produced by lutenist Hero/Wow tll .i awl are very often cured by the alterative th_vt or this iistisapsurzs. Some PINS mpulre, tuuve% Cr, iu aid of the SAISSAPXRILLA, the ildiful , q)plication of local remedies. r well knolen .!inel;tokieittelf,brafed Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. " I bac, found your SMISAPARILLA an excellent atterutive la AiIIeMILMI Many cases of lrregullttty, Lencorrlices, Internal 'Ulceration, and debinty, edging front the scrothions diathesis /Oat' podded to It, and there are few that do not, %, hen its effect la properly aided by local treatment , ' fady, to,Wening to allow the publication of her name, writes, My_tlaughter and myself have been cured of ry dailitsting Let:to:melbas of long standing, by u bottles of your SA_R&SPAILILLS." titteuinatietti, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, fireureigie, but caused by Screftda in the system, ete tepidly cured by this XXI'. BtII.9.IIPABILLA. AYER'S'; CATHARTIC :TILLS I,6seess Bo many advantages'over the other lairmitives in the market, and their superior )rtuea are so universally knoirti,that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is naaixttaiml equal to the best it ever has been, etO ! I ')*v may blo depended Q 4 to du ever done. Pre' YTrR, 31 . D., & Co., 1.43%r , • NEW FURNITURE STORE. J. H. RIOLETA CO., le.pectrally inform the padie that they ben opened a FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, : IN GABLE'S BLOCK, Hatwean Bth and 9th Streets, on 0 * wtbre they Mood to keep eoutuso— assortmee' NEW CID Tn.. cirw. SELECIIIED MURTI4II. rupacifullr eoliolt a Aar* of tbohitalopst. J. H. BMX! H.' W. Remy*. 4 0 .... , cael tr CREAT SALE Watches and Jewelry. ,000,000 WORTH 1 TO BE DISPOSED 1 of at One Dollar rack, without rogarell to Valise, aot o *aid for until you know what you are to naive. By 41 H. Rowell & Co., (Agent for the Maootketorers,) .N u. 38 Beekroact street, New York. Rrad the following slat of Artteles to be cold for ONE; DOLLAR 'lOO Gold bunting case watches, $125 100 Gold watches, various styles, 75 200 Ladies' gold watches, 50 500 Silver watches, $2O to 35 6,000 Late style vest & neck chains, sto 20 T,500 Gents' Cal. diatnond.pins, sto 20 4,000 Cal. diamond ear drops, sto 10 '3,000 Miniature revolving pine, sto 10 2.000 Cal. diamond and enamelled ,gents' scarf pins, new styles, 6to 10 2,000 Masonic St emblem pine, 3to 10 2,500 Gold band bracelets, 3to 20 2,000 Jet and motto brooches, 3 to 10 14000 Cameo brooches, ' 6to 20 3,000 Coral ear drape, : 4to 6 2,000 Ladies' watch chains, Bto 16 6,000 dents' pine, splandidiss4rtl, 2to 10 4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttons, 3to 10 3,000 Sets studs & sleeve buttons, .3 to 10 0,000 Sleeve buttons, plain & sag., 2to 8 10,000 Plain & engraved rifts, 2,50 to 10 8,000 Lockets, richly engraved, 2to 10 16,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new latest styles, 6to 12 5,000 Handsoine seal rings, 3to 8 2,000 Sets bosom etude, , • 2,50 to 6 1,000 Gold pens & gold holders, 15 to. 25 2,000 Sets jet & gold plius4ear drops, latest styles, 6 1,1 to 2,000 Gold - pencils N I 0 10,000 Gold pet,- toter to.. • 10,000 Geld veils, bold. ' This entire het of beautiful and .vataata. goods will $ *old for-Ona DoUse each. esstp . rains of all tbstabove articles IN ill to plated In envelopw end issided. Time envelopes sew se•t.br esstl,, as ordand,wlthout sapid choice. Oa the ftesipt of thsauillest•yoa wUI no obit sou sv• to bit*. sat thosillb la at your option to send the dollar and tottotiwartiebe or sot. ft Its certificates can be.ositirsollsr st ; Qrs. for $2; mire , fur $ 5 ; Or s2o* And *VI hundred toe sl2. Ws will send a sines'MS realist of to auto. Agents wanted, to who piker., amid Wa g sand 26 coati fur 01111 WO Mid Wil O* 'au altealar With as UMW. A. B. 11,0 la aOn Bosininss Otteet i lltver 'Wo rk. 0f5,2541611 P 0, Box, 140. Dissolution of 'Partkuniship. ►IIIHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing totems* CUM taed Hostemars, in the Lather and Findings Madams, is tie day Meshed by lastest consent. AU persom 'mowing themselves in debted to the above era are mamba to sal and set tle immediately, The Minims will be Avadaetedia the !attire by P. B. Roman, at the old Mead, whets UM books of the firm will remain for settlement. .3. A. CABVIR, Erie, May 17 1 n0-tr P. II.OIIOIIOL N EW Tfx TIIENr. I DENT! AI. AiEDICA ADVICE ICI At It. LA.TISKT, bUltg. dint tuur fu the -It'll*, Hailatirt toot or • uptqiur ttrtri, Olavelmod,Oblo. T.:lc :OLEN I' VlitztfD ~u ti.. Nature, 'retaliates,' aml Cure nt Her v.... 4114 elosieel Debility, Kstienatluti, speruattorrhal4 .1, 1.1.1 u,, geultal Di/oases of lbw Nesruna system, I.l44.lasliker tiAnC/11F8, incidental lu but' gets* prods= th rr,eue.razy mental auJ physical drone& usnug iu luta/ Jellilty &ea lucapiteity showituy isby these ill/wants .0 Wien Ineurabla, whoa la reality they nab be effectually removal by the wool ahem mains. ' 6 - 1101' :WIEN/WIC INVENTION. Au ourtrunieglNu curs of esaarat Debility or Noaturiusi Emissions, mate proporly ktuma sa Nominal Weakness, An. Can be permanently mired in from /6 Csya 1n by the an this Inatimment whim avid conjointly with otedielims. YOUNG EN TAKE PARTICULAR Nu.icie. urs. W. ai ft Lamest take pennant Is annouschto that they here fureete4 • moat important Inatreareet tar the care of the &tore allialifte. It hie teen subjected to e teat by the must maineat physicist' a ut London, Pada, Phtlaaelphia awl New York. it tea bun deoLted only auto! testrurout ever Invented for the ooze of Seminal Waukee's, or any Maws of the (millet orgsee, sauced by the ouzel bablta of youth. Dn. W. 4 It. Lunen, la oilier to satiety the Moat imp ticel u to the mutt, of their laillanuneut, pledge that. eeleee thit In boy tuataras when tt may War/ ilialitts• factor', after e tear trial, the inOisey will he Nteaded by figurate", the tnatroioutut lit good order. Pit:Wet !Astra meat and medicines $2O. Maw AND 11401 CR CURite Tot thm Timareal Dimas awl all Private Comp Wale cleat., strictures, morainal iroakataa, pales b Wr i t : M affectioas of the aim Mamma of the lord, now and skin. sad all those dreadtel afectteas midair Prom a moot b4blt of youth, which produaeo ocutatata• Usual debility , nailer marriage Imp/mitt* stud la the sod destroy both body sod mod. The traatomeat they adopt Is the result or staraid• of thirty isms eslenatme 11114 i succeutul ;arctic* is Europe azt.l Arne:tom. COUNTRY INVALID* rersona ot say part 011ie radii map to easeemitsllg' treated by totwanitsz a comet detail of their case, with • taut/Itasca for moWeloss. sta. W. A R. Lain; Atwater Itutidiag,loot of Superior et.. octilSa-tm. Clayslarid„Ohlo. ERIE E cLlAN T ti uti li t tF ,y llt u ff e ß V , ENV! Nii TtAilaa will teAt• Untattk atsbout tbstulioulAit boars : &reward Bound—Depart. Train No. 14 9 40 a. oa. Train No 16 19 JO A. so. Train No. 6 • 600 4. 03.. Train N 0.4 f 111 p. au. TLa Aatommodatlon rans evert dill CHAR. MINOT. 4364'1 aa Revolutions In Europe. IN ON OCTAVO, SOO wits, 1111110XLLISHILD WIINCI4IIO MaRAMO& the above book for the time, giviag • Water, Of is rope, tram the evilest to the present pstiodebarlai qt alai reference to the snowsuit, renditions, boss IN sabre:estop of the Rome lim=webtislint enchain= in Ore•os, Poland, %leans, Italy, bases Biala& liruagary,' wench RepublW to election oficoris ltagoleors, to year 1847. Skaary.rWho would not taro • little trots the ot booke one gigantic rebellloo, and tate a Wit! tar voyage, this bet weather, across the water, to look loth the - causes and toning of the varied swoohrtimes of which so alt "all Europe nag boas side to aids 1" Above work published by entestiption. likood term So altillsooril, Ake Hot, t ad, Oa feebly' otption, hi the (isn't Agoot, K. B v The Ninth Ns" ...canal Bank of Ike CITY OF NEW YORK. Capital $1,000,000, Paid In. mut. than , ore las um= nom an band • full mad Spocial divot fin Jay omit; Sabo*lian irrate WILL DKLIVSR 740 NOUS, FlMt OF OHMS, by sumo, to all pasta of the estontay, sad nutalra ta PaYinan - t , Checks on Nov York, PbUldelptda sad 1011110 A, currant bills, and au fits pot oast Interest 10tH, with Wand to data oil sobsu4thoa. Onkrs Nat by mall will to promptly mid. The Hank realise the aumants of Saabs and &takers on favorable tams i also of taillalatala kosplag New Yo rk amounts. .T. BILL, Cubits. J. U. OHM suit- of SUMP Cow. CAKE TO THE PREIfit3IN - OF THE Subscriber, la ammo knrsablp, ea Um Webb Road. quarter of a mils from the Winston Plank Road, Mid Omit 10 miles from Moo Dark NW Cow, about sores or sight years old. SU his a white spot au the liseh, and a whits tail. Has had a all dam she mom rboorner is requested to come forward, pprrove property. pay charges sad take her sway, otharwLs she Mitt be diapotet at wattling to law. 1066-St DOM MILLING. FOR THE BAIR. THIS EXCELLENT HALE DEEMING mad soatiorlid Bah. Ittatemitive sflll Maas lb presidents tq lbal&mable drake, _sad u salitriablag all' other paparaltoba, sot Gallia WO oast', pat aimla mo mid South Astarte& velarala Wks OA a ßa assaUy sod Is tbe Owl *Pea at in Pm* at Isoalksif, Pets_ nug and VW& amPlaw Abe l Oa) Is MO& tamp. RUM AMBROINN ally 4a.., trait from barbed/ vomiters! elilWa,awd tad with w asatall & at M it ai tallatte petacia. It eillsteally -parasta tba bait est, sad masts Mu pow tar Id% Wet &Wiliam lima)** the halt ad id • lt a hisstrm No toilet la otellyNte WI • it. oasts pat bupbottla. soli by dreggista awl Moles bag boobs la all parts tbe agile** world. Wboloalo by gl DRPOT wholesale druniste la every city, aa4 at MVO' AMBROSIA No.SS ratteSStreet,M. T. TRIM% RICBARINI & CO., Plilladelpsla, Oteatel Areal. toe Yeastylvalla.' : C .01. -- co 7 .., 'i.:' , la 411 I 3" - ..: - Z . ~.10:1 r • .r:.l ,‘,. 91 ~ .. -1 1 lot - CD cn *N4 ql • CL 0 r• - • C-". 1 113 'V .'2.: 0 --,... JO U) CA No 11114111... 1t5a 4444, saillls Sacra htieimitim• roMeli sad Milord,. OLT. CLOTH ; !RICH ONLY $B,Oll D. W. HUTCHINSON, (Jutted States Claim Aet, GIRARD, PENNA., PENSIONS, BACK PAY, BOUNTY, Ind w Atha Claims *Wad thh al4stitown adtgaded towith proteptateo. CILIUM'S NULIUMOULIILB. as& ni".lpplichtion by Usil atlooded to lA. wale as tt is plume. Usk Reeves' Ambrosidu Brown's Hotel, eerier of kilts atrapTt ionla -Os root. dr* THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN HOUSE .11. an Into lin oastrol at. Ow tialiodignsib, wbo an dionorialsed ***pm as ~I Litot NW laid* undo it a plonsant 01101910 d Pima fat Go 0101111 % Lk. a manor of lavattaat inpoinablitts Wm MN lad* and oases to Int ona Id &lA.* +HU gamier it ors ell Or LOW lOW. la UM OM MIMI* we to labs to Ilizsini tie table in* assasmar:i* Islamism* VOlti i i R by ansinots. It al w vttli tie to make It cri ed an *We at tie Natio. regal" and MI nonddastoiA W r W addeabignaz otonr itiik. umns s mi A. t Loons, k Pleintstiss. . L. dad $. Way 41111114 t WE ARE OFFERING A hare assoilmset et ambit. Cloaho, Snub" DoUa, DoU mad assamoreatt etrAterass, Pet" ManilMiatiom I:1 INttoliiiire Ituuda Savit FORTY YEARS EX PERI EMIR O -,~ Rit,lll)lNW' fi USNI , \I V z tit kElibrites 1.V11;! (14-F • itEletirs:l4 . ". 41 1 581 A •-' , itLVEI it.tyk REDO' it(1 , :• 1 A -.AMIE! ti vz 1 C , as ttt.DLANG4-.. , • ••1 Oil lairlaNe EtilSdiA SALVE! ctio.., 4ePsu 41 1.. hrti)titi.%*-- 1113:3:31A iiAI,NEI tt - ttUSSIA bALVEt ccSE• NAIVE' mm 4 tiglir-tritiA, IttlNstA rK BS 'A NOVO REDI)FNW.t. 1:11;'i•41A. us -4 • +IA R141,0b1 HKDI. I I ittl . ..;:ql A' •' tr ii.k,us lIEDDINti:' 1-11.1 - :AA :iALVEI EIVING':i FM:is! A ffA LYE! Itiftiq A ; , ;A E tiEDDiNif'S R W3 , 1:1 MA IN E I .1..kf3 dl 1,1911td REDDImps RUSNIA SALvEr etlikk.l IRO 14 rlltkr REDDING'S tILIMIA "SALVE! CUIRIN ALI. eFrAPauCls uldt ii •NDK4IIOI4I fitNglialAS REDDI NOW RUSS I & SALVE! La paatheth I. from au, autteustai watt*/ or LoArt ova patted" wills sta CAN yid ne application tutostrts with thy remake that at 43, a prespited by • molar physician. Ms !Wettest Vacuity, throughuat Jib tlatea, am susalatuus in IL prat'," lb. mate it. vtrtutatooomor haulm thitglastar is fh• dexuati.l toot It hi sow •oasid• and as tuditputatil• Athola of houtahuld adielaidtp - Mao' awl alitoLax rice atO poor. - la prompt la &clam, tamales luau at awn, and radium tb• toad wry looking swotting. and idasaisatialle, a Irby asagla,—thaa altarttiag rebid and • eotatplata cam The Longa' of tlta• this rive ham boat bola,» taw pabaki easalaalva proof that he 80 "eatab•taltuty" pro, Ara tkou put forth to hare a tidlcious popularity, sad Was alttlito thee Do wore. . r" thai 2o ()cats s Nov. 'VA tar sate JY. DINAIO.IIk, 481 Brakktst, k Y.. 11. Lir° Wl,ll k CO,, No.lB Tremoot Strest, kodea, Lad by all Dzikulata bad Country st , reibeepere 880141-11. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One Ars you bald ? Don roar hair bill ? Has your hair bonen thlo I Dan tt teel harsh, aud dry, and Grain Is it turning pay beton Its time r tarsyo' yo troubled with Doting, taunts( sensation of and I Ate you troatdsd with Andrus/ An you troubled with what Is mini datotalw or dolt Rheum t • than o you bad the it ar rAes, and lost your hair / Sava you bad the and loot It t inn yea bad the Ty few, and lost It Ban you lost your hate Lay Maass. / Do you aria lazastast bob'? De you, who% soft sad lustrous lair t Do you wile low lialznatorad yon visit poor Whlldutra gioas l x t De pos wish them natured chi l d Or Do you want It tor your ? • Do you mat it lbw pound?, kr tither or isoOliwi for btetbst; slaw' or Mend t Do yea "sat to oaks a iptonnt Do you want a =A:r=r hallo ? Do log woods Do yet want pars ankle ? Do yon want • doable distilled article ? Do you want a ulaaaang While I . ...11,mvast lb* but ptaparatton Nr *at Ls O bars'' Dritbsotlag, teatorl tits Lag as sad kistrou lb* MOP' niat. U wore warrant • CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, TO RE UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR TO - ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOUNDED AND OVHRED TO dallabintlan 'sauteed, or the may tatsolled. It awls_ Inn 01 for rise Sallie, or II bottles tar la salty DrauMta and Dealers evirrywliers7 V. U. CLAIM dk VO.,:Proptifitani. S. SUMO • CO., N. T., Osumi Apia& 171e114. TES ADIIIRMMUT And lhow It to Your Friends. WHEELER & WILSON'd F:i:j'isls .-J:sIp::)J The are sieltnewledeed to be the WIT iLIORINI noir into *la eountrv. Their unrivalled inceala liatvaly U ale swim but all era tha Woad, hat mode it bi tar Um moatpopalar Yachts. see le sue. They base takes Whod at all other itaeldass t hat dais the late isoprovemasta km bees selds4 etsztes eiterstt is perforated with such ease sad repletti •, • , ' hist lestoStboiaiirstkos of ALL. V* waissot Mims to otiVostiotr ot i clalkoos UM atm* tositht ikagtsioth. mite ttio toittestisi sloe lokti,s___VeimmeNsi. Allow Ift• the ANT BAIT. WO an PHresyn awww W, . yr i _. seism. mem WILL VOlitil , Okraiiis 'MAW TOL SOD - Is 4vux , y, b ir awbo,i4ati iti4., witiout w doigiv. 4•Tabiefotioung Kt tier sin isitiolopir os Ms woo; It los 'Wet timer* tt, 0. .. • l oon- AND mg FOR Yotritsnr.. • The I .isigiall, ter Woof irawsted IhaitioimOdass, n 1004111OldwAgla Rri4 ass bolo astaalabise.- __*Virlarignit4pe." t0 a1=rt54 .214 : 71 7 i" r w q a .... all Whis imOk ors...a isi WO orders. oar to-la• No lli Itt d and tuntiabol. sad oar aeramietlie *Mr for soadadiss tlto bulimia are sosevalisi t — elms Keebbsso ems Barmaid Use WIWI proolaass The WNW'S !UIR. Loorfara, VIOL 1 ,ThiTIV2EII,AUPWITION Puis e MI. Italbi Z tas'l."3 / 4 AM iktareiZrWrilitale ma linnln nmatf vim, es. Isiltsibr We winsatiml Ores years. lbw art i Ample Is soustrutlea. they ma in* the ems. The ire Wood goissism AU. I t t. Komi ... Voila oginstiaa. = lt yin aisast ions, lad kir i-. ' laa rear e ltOOT l R i :VirAleopi t. 1 IMINPOIIit - Oraii Irsatjailio . _ _ -• ICU OFAIDNINISTRATION ON Aro moor. or Patrieht Moth isaissal. aUmo o l l t lo o w t itnog t h th o i mmot iil tlsoollpt riooe_ , m as e tA a W s t etyo , I* olesot oimW pt roloisAosil put far oottlsomot. MOON CLAIM , • Hee I • ••tab' A •I+. 4 e •t .s 1=:•=!1!I REtigrAitg RLI:ISIA S &LYE 1 QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, to Answer ! -.141 roams -. alfai 1 , FOR THE HAIR, THE PUBLIC CUT IT OUT IMPROVED FOR SEVERAL YEARS LIMO AU DI 1011141,01118 OVER IT I i ♦. simian: • r. I. foams, (LOW, Malt t NNW, anieliktarcbitc and/. C. Berger keen Who Wool. ,Cmws I Crackers and Candy ! I:uftie-4 "rk Li) EISOCERI.SeI, FLAJUR, PORK. SALT, ALt, WialsB, LIQUOUB,,*t, a' o SUGARS COFPICS, KOLA SSle:, o•ki•.F.• rept 4 uei, rl•~r4\ ENIN CITY' STRAW BAIKILAV COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES! OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA A (CLUB asyVS'6Btf Erie Ale Brewery, .':ORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Die City Lager Browny, CPEN" OF POPLAR AND RIDGE Rms. . ST Krielfalia galley %meow% CORNER OF 7111 STREET k CANAL BASIN. Pals mid libbas XI sad XXX Me^ The Beet ges/I= i eeel Vedettes et Loot, Moe lieteeted The Cliatemit Qualities : i nt ea/ Barley, °RAW is/ sad ler ads by L. KING . . iGILOONUIVSI GROCllitiltiii THE Subscriber has removed his stock oteroaffiseheso the stand above thatlAke= Moot laths zoom la the Walt Utak as Iliwto comer of 1' oar* whoa he will be happy to ago lb Moab WI la sad hil %ill orlariblor La stook ot; thownise la tarp wail evalbillf et head *Ms linnet ram I Eta tie atipal wait as Wales all ht wool of us tt 14 lbw ti Mae • aoll. , we/It. 80/INXIDES. . THE PLACE TO dtET YOUR MONEY UM, -, ••.! 4 - • - skate 1. commune BOOT & SHOE STORE ! ewe Moot. llosely Owed% NW toot 011 so. a =re, Bed and illtoo •_'— Wand tiro • hogiemarnl ilia •••• . reblis that be as moo -* —.ant to *Men Bold 0 . igyit. emir Oprigiill it* Teollig . _ ..moor Weld Wad all tin old trio& sod P -- to stn Ida s l a g . Pastloalse A 1 E dna:do e ghos t . to aarefol workmen, dad saperbdoadlad all lde leudam botulism tot alagtve as good 111111160. Wan and all at *oleo Fled as nay tabu gesso la tite atty. Wood rib Wounded. apArlett. AMERICAN NOUSE, SOUTH MO, CORN= 01P MB PAU h MTh hi, PA. - • NAN -DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. . The tad kiettag haw sharp of the above ~0-bows Seta *ad rafted It la arierke M re. ogs=eottetti • shad of 11111 polite patessege. Tone atsoh• equal- to say t• the gr- Ter tps eesve•lstme eteteseas front tie stoat', • good stable has bees attik4ed to the resto& MIX DOMAN. * • DRUGS AT WHOVINALN k RETAIL, ! tIXIIEL OARTBR seeeeleted with Ms hi the Dreg ?nee I caul; sedor the Vlrsilltie ot Carter & Carver, D hewn th b W utan r a oti * es* to b a e c eteirowWeileted 4 dillies they bop to metre liberal there et ;KWh yotrose4e. ESPSCLAL ATTENTION WEIOLNBALLIC TRAWL Dolan Pe tb• tower ars =dt! ft vtled Ss giro as swisli Wan PHI RIiTAIL DVARTirina 111111MatirlisetasailAassaisraaa viii 01.4101.11 MO dip ./11 . fir• telegibrir sat the asill,! hi d psi - , WOO.: edi „sr' Lies ilia. t 1 'lllll lfilt - hil el . alert. VB.! 1 / NIPIIMINW r ai...ti...a..*. Us llottbsti soil sem: att , e= "l ll4==bAelvwfbmk. '" —la raidlOwigaito sad Is oporsAoo by thia. 1 . MOP INF 1,0411001.11111 MUM Nan Trois Lana. ...... ... 1111/ aa. Massa AII/10. TeX Lsions-11 116 ..0r Cony Amis. Mo. =. A•- 0 104. as, Coat Anolsilid. & ' U Ur Na Taft mhos. OSi is, Wane allossa: antia..—.......... ......... MI 30 is Cony Mesas Xi. 1 ordros II lap. a. Cony Lona M. II mhos II 00p.ss. iyr.wl. =ltaTt asap SoUfallys Wogs Thiso on lisesso oios a t i = lisonsosinamportnall ilatisinsola W. 11. 11M= sassass iatst rusiolo l lookima la tall. & onaorl sad 1014 UMW Mims orals & & calatroV sati s is., Ana sal &min sem% Nil &WNW/1W Saw n. K. gliAllaust N. Cla is t. Kaktioss. K. MINIUM: S F tAllsoseal aig ht. /Pbaa. &MI L. sigurrom& VW & EOM Ihmalssoas Aia ^IL. NEW FIRM. 1=1:111311 F/811, WATBR LIMN, NAILS • GLASS, ROPE CA BON OIL, 'fur nook of TEAS, SYRUPS SPICE:, FRUITS. TOBACCO, 111 LARCE. CRACKERS staystaclrarrA at Mos CANDY! ♦t tim towed Mutat Prices Cotanureial RDlldlap. Fri*, to REMOVAL. will k daretaS_to the ornERR 18 NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." ' TARRANT'S • COW TOEING RX.TR•GT or Cjimpait AND COPASIBIL Tw o m i watios watailartt _nteasulaa4sol tier lIRDNIALIMMIMMitad the FITRMC,thr the preolpt *ad sertabi eon of NISIILSItS Or TIM SIADDRR, ,KIDN MA, VRIS ANY ' ORGANS, RTC: It nay be relied as as tb• beat male I•er time a.bettrle ratios alums retarelfee ha the largo Ore. of b of both 40111/1 ‘ to which they are epplie+bir It no., , ,ulet ha*, with the 41g r eetloo, alai by it. citocentralo•• t a tbo dues te muds reithated. It. o.—Harthertere are advt.-1 taivt, for Tarrant'. Compound &trod of Ciebeloiti ' pait.4 sad take eothtug elate, a I nitet:••nm• emml 11. •• prep &ratios", ostler similar Raba., $l,OO. ' Neat br et pr.,. *it .i.l "'yr/0e lieraetun.' . ThilkireANT tki ••'., 'nit 4. .n 14.1,1, •ttrto,•'••• ••I " :.e• • ' Anti for.,• 11 J.a tanaisaaa. a. a. rattisla. EICII EN I, •511 4 P%• 11:' BOOTS AND Sill) - 11:S! • WHOLESALE & ItaTAIL ITAKE PLEASUP,E, to ~ tkooutolng to •pabl to that I Lay« 11 , I.A V t r. 4 4, r %:osapirt• wtt of Htfur iht tt•tiltNhitt Which 0111 licuibir wr t‘: a34,,ut:,_ I , re II 6,,,t4 sad Shun CUFAVEM fiastsq h.d lost ..,10.1.111W. 1 , . the wssAtil tst tyßo talta, I shall take special pains lo pr..pstiug sne .tact to raft the= I have the tacfritcc ciplyt in tbla clty to mks the PLUNICk PATENT BOOTS & SHOES for the trenedt of mr C3l6loAleta, apd 1.11.0 h, pint of tam, to e.tisty en) nue se to their No to.rier rototratt over [Wow made al aka old way • the Plutser Bout uoado no I ..rreking iu • ft 1. an W► Item tla.otatt hi one worn tor .1 time Mt IV la r.e.ive ruy nivo and Mr. J. e.. 1. Ett'S especial at teutioo- a. ebieb