The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 25, 1865, Image 3

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    rtricTWeeklm ebomer.
11.1, PA., MAY 25th, 1665
iiubscrlptiou Terms.
dotiou tum• ors ow" $ SO log Id►
not ptif iatli do sal of t►s Foot. SI ArlUbe
All suboulptioul owe top paid dodo; SU
L e 01101 Ot 114 a rigid abases's! to them
'if pipers oat old for whsa the rat kis
to 3 discoationea.
dug Reading Matter an every
Olt week's lane.
Prluter Wauted.
Job Printer, capable of acting as
tu i„, o ff i ce, eau obtain a steady
t l,l,era i wsges, by umiak icume
lication to the ater of the Ouseavaa.
lar time has been too cauchi occupied
other teateres of out bUsioette d it
1 .1.1 week to permit us to devote a' de
natouut of .ItvutiOe to the Weal end
departments of the paper.
To Palmas Haviso Pactouct rot
re are VOW r unning a Market Line
ie to Hews , on the Philadelphia
railroad, and wishing to secure
f Vegetables and Country
ou, hare established a Depot on Filth
to the rear of the old Reed Rouge, be
{Ate and French streets, where we wilt
ail ti th e + ready to receive and pay the
market pries'cor the same. All having
for sate are requested to give us a
i n quire for Market Depot, Fifth street.
M a y Iti, 1845--41
ier Burgess: Erie, Pa , are largely
I in the Wholesale Confectionery,
awl N otiou -Trade. They have the
(ton o f manufacturing the very finest
b,th plain and fancy. Their stook
ous and Smell Wares is large and ex •
Orauges, Lemons, Oysters, Sitr,lhey
speciality, and can furnish them to
ies to Buil. They are agents for the
ir Fire Works—the best made--and
orders for the country trade sr exhi—
ttrocers and dealers in their line
well to call and see their stock - ; or, if
goods, they may be sure of . having
Jere filled promptly They 'promise
ly first class goods at lowest' market.
wayll'Bs tf
reaarrl tlesirtug to
e grceariee, at retail, will, fad a very
,rock of all the staple articles, at the
Nir I' .1. Becker, northeast comer
Park and Sixth etreet. His goods are
roatt New fork, •ind will be sold at the
iitarketre. 9 . He in rites special at
to a ,'bocce quality of flour Which be
u hand, itoo2 wilt warrant td be what
„toritwoods delivered to pirates-
.ay part ut the city halite Mr Becker
Ir.) towed largely iota oho wholessle
tad r,ll , the attention of country deal
= same We oast cordially reeommead
Prompt ao i reliable business man.
rney4'Bs ha
l e alert/Unmet:it, got up under the ans
. two of our citizens, opened in Farrar
U. on 'Tuesday evening, and was at
t,i htige audience. The exhibition,
zh itih,igtu one or two respects, which
6- remelted hereafter, was certainly
I.lhe Wet pleasing and instructive we
.een to a long period. It was the oripi•
viol to give en entertainment for sew
:,;..saws days, atosiug en Tuesday next,
dilarrangement of the appa c iatus has
potponement necessary until Friday
the 25th. We hope to see the enter:
r Mews. Chevalier & Tinker well ma
ny our citizens. As a home production
ICiditad on their patronage, and it should
are attn and pride of all tolive it a liberal
,tigo-MAitga Waists.--Onr townsman'
13 %aster John H. Welsh, of the U. S.
, who has bees lama on s furlough for
tl weeks, will return on Friday to the
impi equates's, with winch he I. at
We are glad to know that lid has suo
in earning a high reputation as an
andibecome a favorite With all of his
%tea to the navy. This is no more than
acted, however, for we were well aware
poisesie.l qualities as a man and ses•
,at could not fail to win him approba
il sinews The followlow letter, &d
-i to tite brother iti toile city, by one of
fellow-officors, will be read with
3t by his uumerous acquaintances here:
Ore Moans , March 20, 1885. j
fATUICK WltLiki—Dies 81a :
would be gratifying to yourself and the
le of . your brother, John H. Welsh, Mt-
Master U. 8 N., I have been requested
trent officers, formerly his shipmates,
is you a brief sketch of his career with
r knowledge, and also the estimation in
I be is held by those who have sailed
and with him.
't of 1884, Mr. Welsh was ordered
the U. 8. 8. Undine, then an Kling
to take the position of Executive
in which oniroas position he exhibit-
Ality,and skill which gave entire set
-1.0 all parties. His gentlemanly
tg and tusiform courtesy to superiors
aferioro, very soon won forAintsetif the
Noce and respect of every one with
he came to cootact. Under his sup•-
management, his vessel became the pride
or'commander and the envy of all. The
toe‘ was kept constantly on active duty,
:L called into play iii tim easotaite atilli"
,1 the %object clads eket:h, and it is with
',arc that 1 beer testimony, that, no mat
how trying the occasion, he never was
wanner. lie seemed equal to every
Igeiny. On Due occasion, whoa the yew
wee sunk, on a snag, off Clifton, Tamur—
a was mainly owing to his untiring ell—
' and perseverance that she was saved
being a total lone, and he was rewarded
is zeal by promotion to his present posi
bavieg first passed a creditable nasal-
tring the engagement at Eutport,
river, is October. where the inoboati
the j r.raiy from total annibilatiois or
re, Mr, Welsh displayed all the tinaßties
uol and brave officer. And &gala, on the
of th• same month, when our gallant lit
ts.,t found herself facing the enemy at
Leading, Toon., surrounded by ben&
ts,l atiapsht °tens on every aide, he ex
,e.) the same determined spirit, and Inn
tily aided, by his heroic example, la ea'
flo g the crew to resist the overwhelm—
.ree, for six hours. And, when it was
i necessary by our breve commander to
ter on fire and leave her, Mr. Webb was
2g the lint to leave his' vessel. after seeing
I)ttiog.that could be done to save ber from
firir irito the hands of our overwhelming
• clhoueh, at the time, we were exposed
a fire which almost precluded the possibili•
't win bring aboard of her for • moment.
Th.?e one little incident, which took
~e 'fort time since, which illustrates the
11 'ton in which he is held by the men.
tt• the crew of the Undies bad bees
ishrred lu this vessel, caul , on our ley to
I trrleans, we stopped to cost at Zed River.
VVelsh, slier the loss of the Radiate, was
bred to the iroielad Lafayette, which vu
sail lying off this point at the time, and
Welsh came on board of as. When the
became aware of it, he was obliged to go
on the gun deck to satisfy dish' da—
l' to see him. Immadtately.e• faV"'
les they all got hold of bin U moo. or
as could, sad I thoild saw would
shake him to pieces: He told them it was the
proudest moment of hie life, and well it might
be, for it was the beet endorsement of past
I conduct which any man tr;uld have. Lung
i way be Ui i. s uruantent to his country. load
; the service to which he is attached.
Respectfully, R -D. Mitzi% • -
lActing First Assistant Engineer, U. 8. N.
A CARD.--John H. Miller, late Otty Bur
♦eyor, begs leave to return *soars thanks to
the citizens of the City ' , and County of Erie
for their patronage and generous suppOrt for
klie past pita.. ,
Haviurbecome disabled in the ee►ete con-
test through which our country bus so -
umphantly passed, he asks and confidently
relies on'the oharacterletio sympathies of the
people tor old soldiers for the cOntinuance of
the public support.
He has a good set of Engineering and Sur
'eying instruments, with copies of the official
Slap of the City and County, and le !here/ors
fully prepared to re.traee the orixinal Tract
line , ' and - their aubdivimioos; and ako the In
tone and Ont. Lots of the City. And when
grades are adopted by the City Councils he is
prepared to meet any grade that may be re.
Particular attention •given to Drawings,
Plans. Maps, Specifications, Betirsosies, Sto.
AU the Partners, Citizens, and Business
men, who have heretofore employed him, are
hie References.
OMee over Millar's & Cumtnias' Grocery,
Hughes' Block, State street. Erie.
Ede, May 26, 1866-0
Capt. Judson's History of the 8S& Regi
ment is entirely written, and he Is waiting to
see if enough subscriptions can be obtained
to justify its publication.
la -accordance with previous notice the
Bank of Crawford county on Monday com
menced doing business under the National
banking system, and will be known hereafter
as the "National Bank of Crawford county.'
The body of Col. McLane was deposited in
its final resting place in. the Cemetery, on
Friday afternoon, of last week. The cere
monies were remarkably impressive, and the
funeral was the largest been in this city for
many years.
Artemus Ward, the Buffalo Curio says,
will sail for Europe ou the let of July next,
under an engtkiement fatnne year._ He will,
we understand, make the tour of the Conti-
nent before he returns to ne. We wish him
a tour both pleasurable and profitable.
At the late session of the iagislature it was
enacted that it is lawful for a party to sake,
in addition to the six per cent. interest on
money loaned, an amount sufficient to pay
the taxes assessed on moneys at interest.
We learn from Washington that since the
caving in of the rebellion, the " reliable gent
Haman " and the "intelligent contraband"
have entered into partnership and gone into
oil operations They are presumed to be
eminently fitted for carrying on that sort of
The flits , Councils have passed the ordi•
nonce providing for the labeling of the streets
and houses Every corner is to have a suits.
ale sign 'dazed, with the names of the streets
upon it Owners of buildings are required to
have their houses numbered, and the figures
placed in a conspicuous position. If ibis is
net attended so within thirty days after
notice, the parties neglecting will be sub.
ject to a fine of flee dollars.
The Hone Hoe, or Cultivator, offered for
eels by W W. Pierce•& Co., we are assured,
is one-of the best articles of the sort ever In,
troduced to publio attention. The dealers
warrant it to be all their advertisement repre
seats, and we know them well enough te,s4y
that their " word is at good, as the gold "
Those of-our readers whii wish i an agricultural
implement of the sort, will oonenit their inter.
est by calling at the store of ;Messrs. Pierce
& Co.
An exchange relates the following incident :
Mary O'Connell, employed at the Railroad
House, Corr, , while arranging a room for one
of the guests, took from a vial a large dose
of the Oil of Hemlock, thinking it essence of
peppermint. The poison took effect at once.
and her life was despaired of; but through
the eminent skill of Dr. Burroughs. she was
restored." -
To which the Cleveland Plain Dealer adds:
" The curiosity of the inside is notorious.
We know of one who, upon one occasion,
oiled her hair with redi"precipiiate !"
Our citizens are again talking of endeavor
ing to secufi the Lake Naval Depot . at this
polut. We beg leave to assure item that
neither newspaper articles, nor street corner
arguments, alone, will effect . the purpose
The only way by which It can be accomplish
ed, if at all, is for some of our wealthy and
Influential citizens to take the anther in hand,
go to Washington, and present the advantages
of Erie directly before the officers of the Navy
The lecture of Rev. Dr. Forrester, on Wed
nesday evening, was not as well attended as
the admitted ability of the orator, and the
theme of hii discourse, led us to expect. His
subject was the " Life and Character of Mr.
Lincoln," and we need Noticed.* say that it
was treated in the most polished 4 l and capti
vating manner. l / 4 Dr. Forrester is en entertain
ing speaker on any subject, but on this 000110.
aims he seemed to excel himself la the rich.
sees of his language,' the beauty of his imag
ery, the climbed nature of his composition,
and the stirring eloquence of his delivery.
There were•of course many things in the leo•
Lure to which we did not agree, and some that
we thought rankly extravagant and absurd,
but the fact of our difference of opinion will
not prevent us from giving the effort just credit
as a literary and °Tab:irks' production. To
an honest and unprejudiced mind the pleasure
of listening to s good speaker of opposite
views is not less than that of hearing one of
his own side; and we trust the day will never
collie when we shall fall to acknowledge genius
and sincerity, no matter from what quarter
they may spring.
The world renowned elephant, "Hannibal,"
who for almost half a century has been the
greatest wonder of the *alma! kingdom, died
in Bedford oonoty, Pa., on the 17th lasr.. He
belonged to Van Ambers & Co.'s libusgerie,
now traveling with Thayer, Noyes & Co.'s
Circus. The Girard Mies says . 1 he was the
oldest sad largest animal ever placed on ex
hibition in America or Europe. .For twenty
years he was ugly and cross, not to znankisd
in particular, but to horses and other animals.
In 1862 be wet , on exhibition in a small town
in Ohio, and after the performance closed be.
came annoyed at a person under the influence
of liquor, and accidentally haled him by .
pushing him away, and through the urgent
appeals of the eitizens,_l4 , r. Frost, the mats
ger, had his tusks sawed Off some six or seven
feet, since which time he has shows no dispo
sition to hirri say one, not even a child. For
the last twenty years- Hannibal has not been
used as a performing elephant, but merely
kept on exhibition for his immense site. He
weighed thi enormous weight of 16,000 lbs.,
sad stood feet 8 Moles high." The Bed.
ford /swim says be consumed 800 potted*
of hey, 8 biudishi of oats, sad 48 gslioas of
water per day. He was 'appalled to be la
his MIA pas. at the time of its death. Fee
3G years be traversed this continent, at to center of attraction. The association is
„,„ ao f 3 , 0 00 m i ke per year, the vestal composed of the following tubules: Nettie
curiosity ever exhibited to the wondering !P ar ? , airs Steen, Annie Walker',
and admiring _ mutate Scott, Cora Kepler. Nellie Kel-
FATAL ACOIDSIIIT.-0a Friday afternoon a
boy maned Charles Blake, aged 18 years, and
the son of a widowed mother, Was *bet and
instantly killed by a companion, who was
bundling a loaded pistol. The *coldest •oo•
cumd at the Cezaetery„ just after the fastirsi
of Col. McLane. The boys hid gene 'hither
to tire at &mark for sow meant. Both boys
were of good character, and the misfortune
WAS purely accidental. Charles George, As
boy who held the pistol, is only ten years of
age, and lived in the Perry - Block. Blake
lottl'oosited hint to fire, and handed hint the
weapon fur that purpose, when it was in some
way prematurely discharged, the ball striking
slake in the forehead and killing him instant.
ly. Ile was in the employ of Moore & Riblet,
au& is pronounced lo be a good boy. Ilie
young companion is almost frantic with grief
over the aad event.—Dtapateh.
Batertahusent ter tbe- Benefit et the Ladles'
kid Seelety.
[We did not. attend the entertainments
of the Ladies' Aid Society, last week, but
judging by tier applause nestowed upon
them by all who were present, we think
they must have been extremely successful,
and worthy of the warmest eulogium.
The following description of Wien, mainly
prepared by a mutual friend of. our ofilee
and of the associatiois, will be rend with
interest. If an person o. part deserving
mention have ► een overlooked, it must,
be attributed to oversight, and not to in
tentional omission on the part of the
The entertainments at Farrar Hall, on
Thursday and Friday evenings of last
week by the "Ladies Aid Society," given
for the purpose of raising funds to carry
on their work of philanthropy, was,a glo•
riouS success, and mu-t have contributed
heavily to their purse.
The'principal of the society,Mrs.Strong
Vincent, has dome herself and the associ
ation great credit in bringing this truly
pleasing entertainment to so successful a
'close. "A laity of the - moat refined taste;
added to a mind well stored with intelli
gence, we were led to expect a good ac
count of her stewardship, but she has
more than tilled the measure. In elevat
ing her to preside o er their charitable
and profitable movements, the society not
only paid a compliment to herself person
ally, but to the memory of her lamented
husband, Gen. Strong Vincent, who fell
Mortally wounded while battling with the
enemies of his country at. tlettyeburr,
Mrs. V., however, tuust be much indebted
for able assistance from other ladies of the
society. Mrs. J;'h, W. Walker, Mrs.
liars, Miss Kate Beebe, and others—all
ladies of refinement. and tests—were able
auxiliaries and degerviiie of their s tall
weed of praise.
The following was, as nearly as w
could Obtain it, the principal feature oe
the programme on Thursday evening:
Play, "Roory 011eore, or, The Irish
Lion." The_principil wirricipsute ;
Mrs. F. F. Marshal, Mine Helen mit. Miss
Jessie Reed, Mr. Whitley. Ur. Atkinson
and Kenneth King .
Joan H. hiti.LAK
Tableaux, '•Artt4.'s di:)"—arranged
by Miss 'Helen Ball. Tne 'Plower-Girl"
represented by • Bliss Emnlt Chevalier.
Group of statuary, represented by Misses
43rown, Cooley and Zuxnerly. -
Tableaux, -Witch of Endor"—Mr. J.
W. Douglas represented caul, and Mr.
Atkinson. Samuel.
:Tableaux. "Mourning for Lincoln"—
represented by Miss Elizabeth Kelly. Miss
Mary Ensign. Mr "Araisiroug and Baron
• The music was as follows: A. duett, bt
Mrs Byron andltfiss Agnes Caugbey ;two
solos by Mis. Claughey ; two solos by Gen.
Brown ; a quartette by Mrs and Miss
Caughey, Mr A L Loomis and Mr 0 G
The most pleasing portion of the enter
tainment was given on Friday evening,
when the pantomime of the "Mistletoe
Bough" was played in character. r .This
piece was rendered in such a classiand
truthful style as to throw a thrill of joy
and romance through the bosom of
every person present. The actors in full
costume of the olden time 'were truly pie.
turesque—the, ladies in particular Were
charming. Erie has always been celebrated
for "pretty girls," and it would appear as
if the managers had made an especial se
lection for this piece ; and our young gen
tlemen metamorphosed in their gay cos
tumes-looking and playing the plant
_pertoriued their parts admirably.
As a pielude to the piece, Miss Agues
Caughey sang the song, " Mistletoe
Bougn, ' in such a bewitching st3ile as to
charm the audience as it they were spell-
bound. tier sweet voice wafted through
the hall like the suit and melodious tones
of an Ellie') harp. The eong and the
singing were in complete aceordaune with
the play. The Curtain then rose fir the
'Brat scene, and discovered to thy eager
"li.e Baron's retainers, blithe and gay,
Keeping their Christmas holiday."
So delighted were the audience that sev
eral scenes were repeated iu answer to
their. call.
The leading charactrs of the panto
mime were represented by the following
ladies and gentlemen :
Mrs F F Marshal, Misses Lilly Tibbs's,
.Mary Ensign, Belle Llaverstick, Elizabeth
Kelly, Kate Clark, and Agnes Caughey ;
and Messrs Samuel Carter, Douglas Ben
son, W H McGill, Mr Atkinson. Kenneth
King, and Baron Liebling.
The balance of the programme was as
follows :
Tableau:, "Death of Queen Elizabeth"
—Mre F F Farrar, His Lilly Daven
port, Kate Clark and Sarah Reed ; Laid
Ides*, J W Douglas, A H Gray,. A L
Loomis and Atkinson.
Kunio: Three solos, by Miss Dobbins,
of Buffalo ; two solos, by Signor Garibal
di, of Buffalo; and two duetts by the
For the musical portion of the enter
tainment our citivins are inti,th in•lebted
to Miss Anna Dobbins and Signor Gari
baldi, amateur vocalists, and to Mr. Blod
gett, pianist, all of Buffalo.
Added to her personal attractions, Miss
Dobbins possesses a thorough knowledge
of music, which was fully developed by
the ease and gracefulness with which she
mastered the difficult pieces. She has a
fine and highly cultivated soprano voice,
and our opera-loving community, in par
ticular. -were enthusiastic in their praise.
Miss D. is a native of Erie, and we assume
that we liave a right to feel, proud of her.
What? of Signor daribaldi is rarely
&piked fiver surpassed. In the' &let
from the opera of " Child of the nee
ment," hie rendition was coteplete.
Mr. Blodget is celebrated fer rare musi
cal talent. and his finuezieution on Fri
day evening was the theme of praise To
these amateurs, who 60 generously prof
fered their service, and without whom the
entertainment would have lost much of
its interest as a matter of eurasement, oar
citizens are under many obligations. their
rinerosity and the splendid musical treat
they gave us, will long be remembered,
-All the.ebaracters were well sustained,
and some of them particularly so, for
amateur "perfortners, but the acting of
Mrs. F. F. Mamba( es the bride of Lord
Lovell, in the pantomime, wits r pet:natty
noticeable.:= Her representation •was of
the most natural, grsceful aud impressive
kind, and attracted the general attention
of the audience. She pommeled of dra
made talents of a very superior order.
We must not forget to give due credit
to the efforts of the " Busy Bees" society.
an 1 118 004Sien of yoong wines, whose be
bora in the cause of charity have ,been at
teladeS-sviticetngular stuxier- -Amon, the
nutnetine'rielly stored abui - of reit Nai
moli' and curiosities, attended by band-
MOM shed reined ladies, - their's was the
At the close of the ea tiotamment:
Dobbina u* the Star Spangled learner
in a manner that stirred_ the heart* of the
audience to the utmost raptare t and called
forth loud 11 ! / 1 A PI e r. 3true4011111,!!
14100 Ads at
• ,-- — 7 -- ,
Ott' .., l i g iaiiii , f J. fray ed - or
blue Can, beieeniag to the eadesidipoi„ w takes
theme lameness Os wylug_
_sum in -WU flZ i felft--
ably, Mil letantli PE. Btorultestossed tir Vali
takes by is Mk who represented self to be beet
,OtriebizokSi p t loclltlea..A. Y., ea- sooit tinewerhwy
the deser ' ~pain
nee in W andbleliwy,ll. Y I V I M II eM
staters, thick est, boa abort wb Isi. era. and &puke tepidly
—his name not known. •Y•• nail lise Lied Bay, has a
blue on M. forehead . boat three Litchis wide, extending
from the eyes to the woes , awl is two years old A lib
eral re wart wilibegiree for tier return, wean infatlNS
-1104 that willbattnelsmromfewer“Adannw *----"-- --
A. W. NOBLE, Erie I. cr., it.
. (true. pipers will conifer a favor by noticing.) lt•
U. S. 7-30 LOAN.
Third - Series,-
- -$230,000,000. -
By authority at thetiZetary or the Treasury, the an
deragee4.,tbe clanetul Subscription Agent for the sale
ot Satan !it dee Socaritlse, offers to the patio the third
sal lee atomisers Mono, heastag mum andttune z tenthe
per cent. lutanist per annum, known as the .
7-30 LOAN.
These notes are issued nitdar late at July 16, 111115, sod
arapayabbr throe years from that date Jo elsrloorli, or
are toovartible at the option of the bolder Into
Thew bonds are now- irorth a handsoma modem, and
are °tempt, aa are all the Government Bonds, trait State,
County, and blunielptt taxation, which adds frota one
to three per coo* per annum to their value, aeconling
to the rate leeled upon other property. The . interest la
payable semi-anoualir by coupons attach*/ to each note s
which may be cut Mr and said to say bank or banker
The Interest at 7 3) per cent. amounts to
Ow cast per day oa a $ i 0 vote
Two canto " " 100 "
Tea " r "' " 1410
20 " ' 10110.
It so so
a a &X* "
Notes of all denominations named will bs promptly
farnishad upon receipt of nabscriptlons.
The MAC@ K this ThinlSeries are precisely similar la
form and vilifiers to the Sevea-Thlrties already sold,
except that the Iloveinment r e serves to Reel' the option
of payiog interest in gold ealciat 0 per Instead of
3-10tba la currency. Subscriber! eral deduct the lit
terert in eurieney up to July 16th, at the time when
they euiscrlbr•.
The aellrere of the notes of thin third aeries of the
garrewthirtiat •ilt mime:woe' oa the let of June, and
wall be made promptly eel eentiunotte ly after that date.
Tan slight change used. in the conditions or this Third
Series ad.cte only the matter of intermit. The payment
is gold, if mad*, will be equivalent to the currency inter
oil of the higher rat.
Thdi reduk tTApaµq R 4414114, is lb. erpat'od width
•ouly will it'i oPilo,i Iu pa/ raureal Tai dial tie `asillid
of, would as . educe uird es that, punk!' au
mplo oath .ox per ceut: lu gold would Du tally egad, to
iti•wio coati with *ova . and throe-teethe per mut to Cu.--
Now offered bithsfictestirwint i and its iisisrtor sidiran
tastes ma's it tha
Great Papalar Lou of the People.
tows than it es,oor,Otat of the Loan anchorite.' el the
Met Coeyresa ere sou :eV toe market. 3 bla amount, st
the rats at which It U being absorbed, will all to sub
sordreil for within two months, winter the nett* Rill ow
d tubteatr nommen i a i;i191(1111;
the cgs ou m•miug toe subeariptitnis to other Irene • •
to order that eitiams to every town and station of the
oduitry at if bst ..J.r fteti' tier for tas.ibg the our:,
th a ,t • .1 1418 , 111 dsokrrs
thrlitgaout the cauotrb generally agreed to receive
Uri triptions et par Subscribers will indent their own
ageona in "trim at/ Els'', cooed eons, and who.only are
to be reapon,icte tar lb, delivery of the notes ter Width
they receive order. J tY COOKIN,
' 'zirnsuaterion toed; Philadelphia.
' Marfa 65:t1
blabeat Market Pries pat,' for erodacc, La Ott*
trti.. ma a call, If you wild) t secure goat bar
emu. 1 totedge 'Myself WWI ea not Lawar,litook
arty other Mors the city carlrltttl.
ftstoie Stove Works
Tibbab, Sklrk it Wl4tellead,
litllC/A011:1711111114 07_.
Have a largo and aittanattre amatttan.t of 110011 at
intdosak out lidtad.
la a 4tH data Qial Cook &ore, Witter Vitimiat
volt, lot bard or soft etAii, or wood, sal Is
Wual u tuahutactarettot
4 WHEAT anus & NEW SEA,
Bata km wreck Gust vocal stores wita wood/mon—
. am be us.d ot,wood
^ wall osasfactanas this cootoratall lair ono
stars /or wood—with ~r ihltdoitt resiortoir
Imo Oren Steer ler W. 1.44. Thls la a saw Won of
beaatihl Iselin.lud Wm for oalo—toget:iar Nti
r largo oasortmont 1f clouted 'Orro cook, •
• Ha:l , i Cook for wind or emload Pubs
and blot 1314;mee. aor wood-or and,
11. 1111 , tALS, O Stall it, W. H. WRITEHICAD.
gess. Jan. 4. 11465—t,
W • Fl R.kt
. rourrusse AND um:mamma
W - A R. E - R 0 0 X' 81
ilodtaut bt.,,biftweeta.tkireatli and LOA;
nekbenitorahrtoeu - Mind hito the Cabinet Nakini end
ad propnie mating to order and keeling eoartaittif on
band ell kladaot PerniWre.
irdere wid moire prompt ittenticm. depletq done
on Abort notice.
the Goble:Ml*o will gm speeded attention to Ale do
nthoent of their auaiumie They will alsauhatare and on head • large finklettaatit el Neiman
and (lotion and
- hold theinseiree morlismas
• re their Itteedsland: sae puma Hot ibi r
ben oa ste abet* tinneee, on the sot aide of the
Memos& aunt door to Xt. - Mier Sonholl forf en&
1401., Irbil* hey oar Sx saisthe beet alwent. Ash
little trade west of New York. selected how four dif
ferent tittenfeetottee, sad to.viht , r
Reduced Prises,
AND WILL BN -410-feft- 40diORti IN aty•
Spseiat utettatioestewa.., - - .
Wittiest theft patrisnao, butane inlaid be-Ided
may .
Mstik,intion -of INsittiddli:
itril KSH IP' Ifingtottid
'raw) Caavats-aa4 liaissOli t % in -die .
14 ". 411 1 ologiare biainit.a. 4.14 day didiolead
goacou CattAellt. A I.per ow lisoithoe tipieweirsikia?
debt" t• f.t!Pi. flc a Ma !Millfdad to qaU dad aft
*, ism.9l.distaly. ILis bailouts tisiocr~4 4to lbe
tutsfoor r. R. froaiitaW,lit all, share ay
boob/1,44w. elc! 411 1 14 . 1 •1!ati* (6 y I .
SO. I 161, 9/ - P . .404144.
_ .
ripab ausum.Vimitseause„.l
J. sit *Oleo to theli wt 1111•6114 :Lake
soy Wand Uslialty. Now. *see i ,
ever @moo viSdsiced. timi4ll, WOW. juicaihns.
irlida slow t
Plot trit.l o atigiV ei t 6 ell . —
2 - • , • Yak*.
Pooolla t 'MU ova Salt a Dinka
Dononit To boaora ot Oso Dollar task wittiest swank
to vela*: - IM Mot to be -pal/ for until pa know Witt
Yoe no to roo.tro.
300 Genii' gold Watches, $6O t 0.5150
300 Ladies' gold Watches, 86 to 70
1.400 Gents' silver Watches, 36 to 70
200 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100
3,000 Gold Vest & Neck °Wane, 16 to 30
1 8,000 do. 4to G
3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 4to 8
4,000 Chased Gold 'Bracelets; ' '6 to 10'
2,000 Chatalsine & guard attains, 6to 20
6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to 10
2,000 Lava & Florintine brooches, 4to 6
2,000 Coral, Opal & Bin. brooches, 4to 8
2,00) Moeda°, Jet, Lava & 'loran..
tine Ear Drops, 4to 8
4,600 Coral, opal &eat. E. drops, 4to .
4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,60 to 10
8,000 Gold fob & vest watch keys, " to 8
4,000 Fob & vest ribbed slides, 810 10
4,000 Sets sleeve buttons; eto., Bto 8
3,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, .to. 4to 7
6,000 Miniature toe,kets, 6to 8
4,000 Min. lockets—migio spring, 3to 20
4,000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to 8
6,000 Plain gold rings, 4to 11
6,000 Chased gold rings, 4to 11
7,000 Stone set & signet rings 2,60 to 10
6,000 California diamond rings, 2to 10
7,600 Sets ladies' jewelry—jet &
gold. 6to 16
6,000 Bete ladies jewelry-osnteo,
pearl, etc., 4to 15
5,000 Gold pens, silver extension
holders Sr. pencils, 4to 10
tl,000• Gold pens & gold—mounted
holders, Bto a
5 ,00 Gold pens, & pen.holders, 6to 10
5,000 Silver goblets & cups, 6to GO
1,000 Silver!cestors, 15 to 50
2,000 Silver fruit & oaks baskets, 10 to 50
1,000 Dozen Silver tee spoons, 10 to 20
1,000. Do. table spoons & forts,
Certificates - naming each article, and HI Mau% are
placed to nailed Envelops', and well suited. One of
these envelopes, containing the Certificate sr Order for
some article, (worth at Lead, ono dollar at retell s ). Will
be sent by mall to anj address without regard to choice,
on receipt of 2, cents. The purchaser will ene what Ar
ticle It draws, and its valise s which rimy be from Or to
Rim Hundred Dollars, and can then °sod Gus Dollarand
receive the Article named, or any other on the I et of
the more value, and altar seeing the arWle, If It does
uet give perfect satisfaction, we desire it to be inintell-
Maly returned sad the amount paid will be refunded.
Di this mode we give selections from a varied stock of
One goods, of the best make and latest styles and of In.
ti Maio wor th , at %nominal price, while all hams chance
of securing articles of the very highest value.
in Al cases we charge for forwarding the Certificate,
postage and dot ng the laziness. the sum 2f Tventy-ate
u•ota, whien must he enclosed in the onMr. Pave COl
tilicates will be sent for $f ; eleven for ja ; thirty fir kb ;
siity.five for $lO ; one hundred if a $l5 .
Parties dealing will us may depend haring prompt
returns, sad the article damn will be Immediately sent
to any address by return Inn or Oxprea.
Ruth* xatithiettoo Guaranteed in all caw.
Write your Name, Town, County sod Slate plainly,
and addreaw. , SYLDICN *CO.,
ma26'65-6m Corlandt strait" War_bglgy,
Watches and Jewelry.
of at Ono Dollar each, without tepid to yaloo, sot
to be saki .or until you know 'that you are -to reoelee.
By A. H. Rowers I Co , (Agent fur th• Manufsetureri,)
Zio. aglieedarisu street, Neff York.
Eir Reed the following bet of Articles to be sold for
100 Gold hunting case watches, $125
100 Gold watches, various styles, - 75
200 Ladies' gold watches, 50
500 silver watches, VI) to 35
6,000 Late style test & teek cnuina, 6to . 20 .
5,500 livid' Cal. diamond puts, sto 20
4,000 Cal. diamond ear (fro; s, sto 11./
3,000 Miniature revolving piny, 6to 10
2,000.-Csl. diamond aad eiameiled.
gents' scarf plus, uew styles, bto 10
2,000 Masonic St emblem pins, Bto 10
2,500 Gold bond bracelets, 3to 20
3,000 Jet and mosisc brooches, 3to 10
2,000 Cameo brooches, sto 20
3,000 Coral ear drops, • 4to 6
2,000 Ladles' watch chains, 8 to •15
6,000 dente.pins,-spiendidassort't, 2to 10
4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttons, 3to 10
3,000 Sets studs & sleeve buttons, 3 to 10
6,000 Sleeve buttons, plain & eng., 2to 8
10,000 Plain & engraved rings, 2,60 to 10
8,000 Lockets, richly engraved, 2to 10
15,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new &
latest styles, 6 to .12
5.000 Handsome seal rings, ' Bto 8
2.000 Sets bosom studs, 2,50 to 6
1,000 Gold pens & gold holders; 16 to 25
2,000 Seta jet & gold pins & ear
drops latest styles, 6to 10
2,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, act:, 4, ? t0 6
10.000 Gold pens, & silver cases, 64 - o 8
10,000 Child I ens, ebony holders, 4to 6
This eutite list of beautiful and valuable goods OM be
sold far clue Dollar ouch. Certificates titan the above
article, will be placed In envelopes and molded. Thies
entolokaa aro Rout by mail, an ordered, without
to choice. Ou the receipt et the certificate von wrsrele
what lad arc to bare, and then it la at yogis option to
eaud the dollar and take the article or not.
Mr* certificate* can be ordered for $ t ; eleven lot $2;
thirty jrf elity•five for $10; and otos hundred for
Sib. We will tends angle Certificate co receipt of :5
teats. • AgeDle wooled, to whom we over special Limos ;
scud 25 c ute for one sertificat e end over iambi? with
terms A. H. HDWZ V Co
THE Old STANDARD Favorites of the
whoa* motto 4,
NOM will assert /Welt la spite */ all oopoiatlna,
and the Was of which samood HUNDIMD THOU
The `rent secret of the uarivahat popularity of the
worts of this of lanit reliable hosts is, that they contain
such a happy eameta&uos of fatsrating quanta, Y to
pleas. the auderstasillog, Wale the, goof lad touch
the hearts of ail classed of Nadirs.
This it 4 0414 of /looter Lift Maori the halals, of
sorpeteleglatetesi, and will fatly sustain the wonderful
reputation already gained by ttre other neintiors of
the mattes of *Mali aro •
No. No. 1 .
1. The Hun term
2. The Tragpree Retreat.
3. The Petewt Highway
4. The fleeted D u iq u i.t.
b. The Truk of a Ire
,1 IL The Mau- Deters
7. Charlotte Temple •
g 6. The Death Face.
o t 9. The Ihdlaw•Slayer
lila. The Tiger of the Demi.
,_.ll. The Haulm 's Triumph.
pre The New amen.-
17. 7 he Very Onterithhl.
N. Zek•Sterno in, the Lion-
lb. The &wow atlas 5....
le. The Cask* Malden,
17. LourLeved Joe ; .or
The Dawn ei the
Moods. -
1!. The WU Scout of the
19. The roast Lodge.
SO. Thollonlokleir 2104919‘
21. Detliwooke Dkk ; or,
Ti... Xambarefse ehlek3
arm sod sod, plopelik ea
Pbetolismie to woke.
.T 0 BoatandAVesealOrms,
311;rnu v socket.—.0„.04.4:
gni; It", l a
of .a,mmer twourwrilid
boiled Vag lor en la veil lad *or MilleiNt
=ithigetieblota pnipinkt -
o swears darerea. JINNI • • • •
latitertido, bramble, ibio.; iss4 we Oh** •
Am. sad Iry think the taboo* atsil • 101.0111,
Ws pasts/Ad oils ,4tl to
AtAI.I. otaiiaieltif
sawl6, l tes ANVIL
• Farm'. for Ham.
froxlgstita .
Nair awm.aillated is lint Crook iinvaiditi.
Peer Ida, of the Irsthiliarif
entissialawitts semi d laad;bakeseclied themes
*o.....4 l mattst bases. with waist 400164 a haat
• lea tot esewory qat-its4.lllns• A 1.., a yougg
-aaira of dolt.. Periodos' piatimalaciaiigaite
Mite W. 1011.(1/136 trio, fawn' KUM 11101110dbir
= ilo l
" 4 , f r isk te, own Joe ow do se by ailikomier
us. I tiltips4 pm. irternst soemey sisteltbeittldW4
labrostbe. VIM siU saabielsiv ti now
ienrosotte• it agsar,
b oot y flit ant yew withisviet
yea milli Immartia clueset4lll mist yea.•
totutsistly eitaidertal Tb• dimbuit Ldlamstka atM• ,
0 mars asll, sad no 1. NW.. MOM MOM
PastaireriMmiletikt a. NW:
• aiilWlll7l7
ttais ClaipteriTotik;
, .
, .-
27: Motethula. flt.. liew York,
all to be Sold for Ow Dollar Saab.
36 Beekman stroti,Noir - Yoh.
4 n 25726178.0
l'. O. Box, 270.
MUSita'S rsv CEgi' NOVg49,
Now Roddy, No. se,
By L. Migutotus Junes.
The Flower of the
Z. Rickety Tot*. the ItOver,
The Imps of the Prairie ;
or, The Master of the
0. The Bobbees Terror.
;15. Joe the Harpist.
2e. Lightfoot, t &oat.
IT. The Otset Spy of Bank
er HUI.
24. Sear Grit.. the Iflld
' - tfair-Ilteed. • - •
29. 84eUbd-1,114 bob
30. *matey eao4lrsee. -
SI. RolllogTheeder.
Heariffatebet.the Bold
Urtiuted ticont
S 3. Sly Seal, the Quaker
Tbs Fatal irsalbsisb.
31; Vow Boldle3lo 6ealssr.
ail IstssAessis aid bask.
rimisipt al prise.
- _
last Has I. mann against tha gal ascii of now itsla
MI inn V=s t
Will cue
win an Geeing DO M:
wtltaate Regfloirit.
Will ear Itesdaebs.
NM etre Liver Oshiplast.
will white and waits • healthy's+ petite
it =te the orgasm of die...tiou and asodeTst.
ante .1
',body and the tome
ateulatleih, telle t. Xr ue liet se a ousted entrobareut of th
system. ossianiag so pawnor'. drsgr, and la
"A far trial fa earnestly velfelted.
Otto. 0. RDBIOtI. & CO., Proprietors,
udena, Y
Central Depot, AIIMPriCIIII kapreeo Ballthop, &t HIT
For sisleby all DropelsticGroeere,, ,to.
Er WHOM k HOADLRY, Rriy Wboltiale Agents,
and for gals by gall & W arfel, Carter 4; Carver end %vs , '
&like & Booth.
303 Broadway, New York,
- (coma DUANE STMT,)
100,04141 Watekes, audio, Geld Peas,
PENCILS, /LC., Sle ,
WORTH $500,0001
And not to bepaid until you know what you will
receive !
Allto be sold for ONE DOLLAR each
100 Gold Hunting Cases Watches, each... $lOO us
100 Gold Watches. 60.00
200 ladies' Watches 35 00
.410 Silver Watches. 215.00 to Pt 00
600 Gold Nock and Vest Chains 12.00 to 16.00
1000 Chatelain and Guard Chains 5.00 to 16.00
3000 Vest and Neck Chains 4.00 to 12 00
4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches... 3.00 to 8.00
4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, he.„ Brooches,.. 3.00 to 8.00
7000 Gold, Jet, Opal. ha., Ear Drops 300 to 800
WOO Gents* Breast and Scarf Nos 3.00 to 900
60000 val Band Bracelets 3.00 to 900
2000 Chased Bracelets 6.00 to 10.00
ssito California Diamond Pins and Slags . 2.60 to 800
Gold Watch Isis 2GO to 6.00
Solitaire Sleeve Buttons arid Studs.. 2.00 to 9.00
2000 Gold Thimbles 4.00 to 6.00
6000 Miniature Lockets 200 to 700
8000 lillnlatitra Lockets, Wants 4.00 to 9.00
$6OO Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, to., ..... 2.00 to 600
11000 rob aid Ribbon Slides 2.00 to 6.00
6000 Chimed Gold Rinp SOO to 6.00
4000 19 tone Set Gino 2.60 to 6.00
6500 Seta Ladies' Jeweiry-Jet and Gold.. 500 to 16.00
0000 Sets Ladles' Jewelry-varied stales.. &Os to 16 oo
8000 Gold Pens,Slirer Clue Pencil ... and'_ 4.60 to 800
4000 Gold Pens, Ebony Holder and Oise.. 6.06 to 10.00
6009 Gold Pens, Boasted Holder 200 to 6.00
All the goods in the above Edit will be sold, without
reservation, for ONR DOLL SR UCH. Certificates of
all the ration' sett , lee tire placed In similar envelopes.
sealed and mind These envelopes will be sent by mall
or delivered at out office without regard to choice. On
receiving a Certificate. you will nee what article it repre-
Ponta, and it Ix optional with on to send one d ol l ar an d
receive , the article named, or say other in the Nat of the
same value.
By tbip mode we give seiections from a varied stock of
flue gorge, of the best make and latent its lee,. and of in
Waldo worth, at a nominal price, while all bares Astute
of securing articles of the very blirbest veto P.
- In all traasactlone by mill we charge for forwarding
the Certideate, paying postage, and doing the business.
94 cents each. lin e certificates mill bests* for ; !Me
ta I for $2; Tlibigfor $5; Sixty for sle; and Due Hue
W. ahould supply your wants; our faciliites are 1110•111-
pasee4; our work of unrivalled excellence; oar promises
punctually observed. Oar central le.:atm:l brings ue Dear
the moat remote points Via goods are new from the
. manulacturork, and of tbelateatand moat desirable styles
The goods ware be sold, and the term. are unequalled
All articles ordered are forwarded by return
W.lnamotee ntins estietaction in t , err instance
and if them should be any perion dimat.dard with an,
article they may receive, they will lintnrdistely rat iris
it and the pri le will be refunded.
AOILITII. We allow those felon IN agents t.n cents on
Oath Ciertlecate ordered, prorldr d their remittal:l , e
arnennt to one dollar.
They will collect 26 ants for every CeMeer 1., end r
talateg 10 cants, remit to us 16 unite for exch
Addreee, 4ttO. 11/13IISIIIT dr I'D.,
mr2-91n. 803 ftrridirs.r. Nowlio.k
Would respectfully Inform the Pablo. Ms, the) to,
put chasm' the
004.111 R of ant AND EITATi .Td , •
Where they Intend to keep as gond an assortment co
as Ii kept In Rrle.
Best Brands of Erie County Flour
Kept constantly on band and
Country Produc
rir The highest Market Plie.• paid ler all kinds n
or Goods delivered free of sharp to any part of the
A. MINNIG. _[mar3o4l6o.] J. RUSSEL L.
Orphan's Court Sale.
toe Metier Of the Farhatlt of lAs Real lilac of Wel
come ALMA, *asset.
the Orphan'a Court, to me directed. I will expose at
ruble" gala upon the premises, on the 7th day of /Luc
OM, at one o'clock p. m. , the following described teat
estate, via : AU that certain piece or parcel of land, situ •
ate in Concord township, Iris county, known by below
part of Tract No. 49, beginning at the northwest earner
of the whole tract, thence along the north line of said
tract east 132 perches to a post in the northwest corner
of land contracted by Samuel II Fisher, thence along
the west line of said land south 128 perches to a post on
the north line of land of John Logan, Mean. along said
north line and by the north tine of tract No 48: *stet 132
perches to a post the corner of tract No 49. thew.*
along the west line of said tract, north 1.8 perches to
the place of beginniog, containing 99 &ere,. and OM
percher-, more or leas. '
A leo that certain piece of land in Wayne to wushL•,
Erie county, hounded as follows, vie: Regal:Aug at the
intolloseet corner of land of Daniel Yeager, deed. .1 by
Ilibbanl & Terrell to said Yeager, thence east 3.6-
perches to a post, therms north:2l percher, the. re :meet
39 640 perches and them o south .l 1 perches to the place
at begiuning, 'containing 6 acres an 10.7 porches flier
Oarw described two pieces of hod befog rurpart No. I
in the rartition of float Yetata of Weleome Aldrich, de.
Also, all Utz t certain piece or parcel of land situate in
the township of Wayne aforesaid, being pert of tract No.
29 sad 80, bounded as follows, Os Beginalog on the
mat line of land contracted for by HOU* W Ivrea, and
68 perche, from the south line of land of trauma' Smith,
101 perches to a post, thence be residue of tract No.
30, out 143 perches to a poet on the west line tit from
No. 49,thenes by saitlArset and residue of tract 0.0..0
north 84 perches to a post on the with line of lend of
Wm. Smith, thence by said land west BS perches to a
past on said Smith's southwest corner, thence along
odd Smith's west line, north 17 6.10 perches, thence west
76 perches to the place of beginning, contending 7*
acres, with allowsuce, be Illt(141more or leas Mow l'ur
p art No. 2 iu the rartition et Kea Estate of P. et Gate
*admit, deceased.
TIMIS Of 811:11.- rd of the purchase uu.uwr to
be paid at decease of Lydia Aldrich, widow Of kelil Wel
come Alitrich, tittered. on said third to to* lend to r*id
Lydia annually during her life. One. fourth of Clio tet
anal of the purchase money on contirmettim of eve,
balance in threw equal annual imitaiments te*ftsr,
with annual interest, secured by lodgment tooM sod
mortises* on the premise* ; or, multi dOmr It. • t the optima
old!** pincher."... . ELIAB
(Mardi= Gills Minor Childroo of W. Alt rit.ll, den
May 4, 1865 itte
4-iiii MANHOOD ;
Row Lost t'llsw-itestoraL
J 4 I3BT,PUBLiff,ED tt AtitcT__Editiuo of
. Dn. CCILYISWILL a Unsonstonsra .V. 411.1 I i.L. the
•roiicei nors t without unotielsOf OffernAlrao..sutorA. or
Somali Wasdiunny Iniolinehry; datotasil Low.; Into
_Mon, Vont* And' ttkiikiD Inioqattr i: linnedhoppi to
- 4 7, 444*.'1an5.1 entrogAneo " .
„ only 6 coots.
Maar. to Ma adattrable way, chart,
in , thirty polo. noossiarot practice,
-- 6111.111111otaeliabicee may ho rod
, - pinallellionto nnfolltdarSlll wed.
Iv A .,.. ; , •-r, 7' • 1,- ,- trrroitrog letl , ontawadi
.1 by mo obs'or
. .. t Me condition 'my
.hawl radirailih
e. hands of .ory
{l4 I
• .
. - +,. to stir a4..lmig, on
illn - I r .- -I.A al 4:11 , .. . . 4"entsannt- Adinns
-th, „paid/bar!, . - Cs ll. RUMS ..t. CO.,
:.1 On . Nno York, .
asteXtf 54f Post 0660 Rat. 41%11.
pßzr. ! • (..) 1) INu AND OTHER,
4.4 mos . • 4 .
MU Heads, Certificates of Oil pod:
°Tuts sioots: •
igsFnping , gligkOlzftt ,
14: Lifaillitilitr: -
Paragon Banning. , Wnst .- Plark Rows
ser64-d Vii. PA,
I • "
WMI O 1 3 4 1 44 ratft l e4at
bignisimpll _
-. 17,1141,. UMW; 104 4 4,
2'014,401W *TIM
wasit t Aii r•-e7 4 ;f itooko w er ",..
r i M i traile•o4 l 4 ll, talirteah.lW
rigr o gr i P i takiiWlP: nix
wpb watch who Voi=l V b. ra nd y to
A law epoltaitlima of Ude Compound will disarm break
rfry and miry Sur to the mart beautiful
It the Hair le fillies off, or becoming grey. the use of
the Itemiser will manly wrist Its decay and eases it he
"a m , in a awe time, all its former beauty. It amp
bleed, Madiebtm Seat and Dandruff. and kills Hale.
ewers, so destructive to the roots of the Mir, sod
Cures 'all 'Diseases or -Humors of the
the f!eneirer I; unequalled by aoy other Hair I'r:ovation
Doing a Vogetablo Compound.
TII E Pr prier •rs offer the Hieilish Ilair
Renewer ti, the public, entirely co 3G.l,nt that it will
Promote . its Crowth,
And In warty all canes where It ban fallen off, will rev
: tore It, unless the person Is very aged Tbis is
not Ilk* ober Preparation, making the hair
dry end brindle, but will keep It moist, and glossy.
H. P. 11A1,11. & CO.. Proprietors,
No. I:3 Ulla Street, N srbna, N. El.
11n1.1. k WARIFFI,„ I.:rclumre Agents for Western
Psun•ylaanla, Western New York and Mirtern Ohio.
tiOKRE/V i i
0 R *4!
Tbla preparation la amiqualled as a It4•juvsnator and
Rad mar of waited or i Rea t I oetiou r.
The aged should be certain to wake the Hietreria a
household god, Magma -h as it will rend. r them youth•
tel in feeling and in strength. Ind enable them to live
over again the days of their twist' ne joy. It not null
szhi'laratee, kat strengthens, and is really an invaluable
Glassing, especially to those who have been reduce I to
a condition fif serytlity, aelf-ahuse, misfortune or. ordi
nary sickness. No matter what the canes of the t po
tency of any human'organ, this superb preparatt will
move the affect at once and fore vet.
331. CI 313 C, EL I\T "El
delightful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous
system, and all who are'in any way proetraleil by oar-
Tone disabilities are earnestly ad2lred to sank a cure in
thin most excellent and unequalled prepsration.
Persons wb t, by imprudence, hare lost their nitwit
vigor, will bud *speedy nd permanent rare in the
$3 J. co It ro ix co .
The Feeble, the banguld, the Dlspeirlne, tlm Old
should give this calash e discovorr a t.lll, .t will be
found totally different from all uth..r !triple, for the
11 ;71 1P aG e ri . LES.—Thin preparation in Invaluable is
nervoas weaknesses of ell kinds, as it will leetere the
wasted strength with wonderful pormaneur..
It is also a grand toule,and will give relief Is Meyer.
Ma with the first dose. A brief persistence In Its nee
wilt renorato the etomsehlo a degree of perfect he/4th
a d banish Dyspepsia forever.
One do tar per bottle, or i•ir bottles (or $5. gold by
Druggists generally.
Sent t,l is Ysnirese anYmbere, b y addressing
HET CRINGS & HILLYER, Proprietors,
Si Cedar Street, New York.
-4: - .7 4 •
IF praserio.F: FOLLOWED.
sareall for a ri
MY k
The symptoms of ' At sa they generally eipp.s
are at not very alight ,•vt fln3 they bane col .1.
that they have frequent u . .Nra..1,, and are more sensitive
to the changes of tempera:at-4 In this condition the
nose may be dry, er a slight diseharite, thin and seri%
afterwards becoming thick and adhesive. As the dl,
ease becomes chronic, the discharges are ititTelied to
quaotity and changed In quality ; they are now thick
end heavy, and are briwked or coughed up. The seas
Vont are offensive, muting • bad breath ; the voles
thick and nasal ; tits eyes are weak the eeoPe or tt e
small le lessened or destroyed; deafness frequently taw
place. Another common and important symptom of
Catarrh La, that the person la obliged to clear hie throat
to the morning of a thick or slimy muctlq. whi c h 1,
fallen down from the head dr.",y, th.. night. Wit e
thb, takes place the person in • -arc that Lie disease
is ou Its way to the king, t i 1.,•.4 w. time 1e
arresting it.
above are but e
A single ,Bottit
to be used 7.4'
Tesind a iv.. e......
Prow Hon. Thomas, J. Tyner, Ez-Alimber
fro. Illinois, lola Speaker et 11hoots of Rep,.
snotatires,intif Grami Nailer of A. F. xhtl d. . J I'..
State of
Dana Slit reply to your notice of the lbtb in t
I would ny that I was earn ely afflicted with t •tarr;
for years. when I beenste acquainted with you. a• :
/Might two bottles of your Liquid Caton h karat d)
fore I bad nod one bottle. I was veritably hut roved,
before the second bottle was finished, RAP complete..
cured. I can recommend the medicine to all attliel..4l
slab Catarrh.
Respect!%llly )ouri,
rjr- 1.1,,b6ra tory at Ftet . part, Illivar
f+ rdKlt.ll, w 1 I :NT
' , THONG .t A RIISTRONO,.... . r 1314 J. Oh
.10t1 . 31 .1. PARK
JOHNSON , ., Mich
A ireilkirtnela—by...c.
_ll 4ISH: i'4o"ti7u tt gin •
&ROMA% 1 1 1))1h.14,,e, - F, &C..
Fifth bedi;oir elate Street,
tba Dispatch Prinass oat..
Core of Oren& ead-Fiftit Streets, Erie,
WORDEN & DUNN, Proprietors.
- •
'file above lintel havin4 hreuth rwttbni, is
cow systrto Usitiloodioststatqa ur ea pro Ar.
Stekt Otiatkamoryki So vpvr to looks all guests corn.
tortsblo- • • •
♦ lithitkirpiziqkFegialmri. to
t all the trains
ilislipt*m ? L od .Vtattsosri sties lesto. this *la
# Maio ot the public patfottevuqpipieet4nkly salki
area tf • • I,(NN.
• 'Opting and - Simmer Goods.!
l CBS. 14. H. HALL
• - irmorrispe.thiny oau annul. to her
kietrE STOK Oi (loops,
• 7Jolatlortead, fro litinr York, aglbssaing
onsets; Hait‘RibbOns, &a.,
.I"*AirB7 with POSEIe
are wcu tau
Priellas,kir atleottor ptldlo !Iplosetang, ookakii
444// **love the Depot,4llie.
gill V & A aV , 6 . -
P lll; ! * e , "7 o•l4zaT e
1 ~
),Iruiling all Symp
' r h trap
Mont b--
FmexpoßT.Ort '.:l, IN
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