The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 25, 1865, Image 2

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    tit 13 hurter.
r e.xas. Viettaros at Ott news is tui Pauni op
Special Notice..
ri' - W. dolts to obtain a toriespondent to .ter,
township in nu carroty. Political sassy, ire can obtain
o nbandanos ; what we want (I the local news front all
parte of the onanty. Any person intik% to as inn de
pend on haring Manama kept etristly confidential : and
i I be but rears that the cannonnstation is not In proper
rhubarb!. publication, we will pot it In eppro vista trim
irr The boor at which flu Observer to pot to piles
. week, is 2 rich)* on Theirsdayiltentoon. A dwirtise•
ni,,,tq will be reesitiki tip to 9 o'elook or the dal' of Po&
f r City sabeesibete, served by canter, will backfired
n. ly erniii yet year oars. Persons wbo fall to
t, vi 13 theiryapent regoluiy wail eostfor • &Tor by notl
ty us of 11. e sax*. We prefer to bays all subscribers
1.. can cooreolently, µwore thelz yelpers at the ogee
M publication, -
1W AU Advortbrobrouri, Job Work and gabocriptloos
Jong perilous wbooo resposalbility is cot known to the
Rublistirs, out be pia is itiliosw.
Tux Lancaater fieriligaseer h a
Paper with which we fall more in love
every day. Ha editorial department is
especially well conducted, and we find it
()AL to resist the temptation to clip the
artlolin out end publish them by the
wholesale. We hope the Democracy of
glorious old Lancaster are 'giving it the
protit.thle patronage to which it is entitled.
The Truth of the Record.
Pilo Chic•igo Convention, and the reso
lutions prise,) by that body in condemns-
Ow course pursged by the Admin.
kly ion, are igain thrust beiore the • pub
be for (64.1, by certain embittered jour.
n‘ t i anal politicians, and judgment is de
tuande4 by default. The course of these
Jan -411 and persona is in very bad taste at
the present time, end them imputations
are as untruthful as they are ungenerous.
No intelligent, man in this country con
scientiously believes that the Democratic
pin ty has been untrue to the Union dur
ing the fone - years of terrible civil war
through which we have just passed. That
party; on the National election immedi
ately preceding the war, cast nearly one
h the votes of the Northern States, and
its r mks contained fully one•half the
fighting force of those States- Had the
Democratic party really occupied a dis
loyal attitude in this contest, had they
er ,, ,n abstained from participation in it,
we would not now be rejoicing over the
downfall of the rebellion. The "Southern
Cinfederacy " would today be aNiubstan
tial reality, tyld _nett _ Davis. instead, et
beeng a prisoner, would be firmly WA
lished in Sichniond—perchance in Wash
iueton. Thi4 has been no party war, nor
is any political party entitled to claim the
honor attached to its auccesafaMermina
The Democratic party differed with the
Administration regarding its line of policy
in carrying on the war ; but it was an
open, manly and legitimate difference of
opinion, founded uponconscientions con
viction. The Republican party, bent upon
making the most of every advantage, la
bored assiduously to make the people bet
lieve that the administration and the gov
ernment are virtually the wale, and that
oppOsitiou to the former is hostility to die
latter. But this was all done for politield
effect ; the authors of such charges knew
bet ter ; and this was the sole ground upon
which charges of disloyalty were based.
The Democrats, even when smarting
under these galling charges, never for an
instant turned from their devotion to the
Onion—never abated their 'efforts in sup
port of the war. As a party, they have
as proud a record in this war as their po
litical opponents. They have given their
men and their money with only one
thought—that of restoring the Union—
and they have made ell political questions
subordinate thereto. Democrats and Re
publicans lie side by side on every South
ern battle-field, their loyalty abundantly
proven—their bodies a silent rebuke to
those who would make political capital by
imputing disloyalty to the parties repre
sented by either.
Fasts to Relied Over.
tf we would 'win back the alienated af
fections of the Southern muses, says a
sensible exchange, we • must show rather
the disposition of friends than the dispo
vition of conquerors. We cannot expect
that they will feel very amiable towards •
us as long m we treat them AS vanqpished
Eubjects. if we would restore the old fra
ternal relations, we must' I:like heats toi,
show the old fraternal ciOnfidenon by ,
granting them the same civil rights that
we enjoy ourselves. Military rule is odious
enough even in a despotic country ; but in
a country like ours it is especially repug
nant to the popular sensibilities. Every
day that this rule continues beyond what
absolute safety requires, increases the dif
culties of practical reconstruction.
The sooner, therefore, the positiart Q('
the tiovernment toward the people at
South id defined, the better for th.
-eta anti
,t they are to line between
forgiveness is to be
are to be visited with the
Ai.• • L them know just wb►'
expect; where the tetri'r
punishment and
(Irwin ; whn
penalti- /
d of outraged justice, sad who are
become subjects of clemency and con
6.3ence. That certain of the more promi
nent leaders are to be punished is assumed
on all hands; but it cannot be too soon
proclaimed who are to be regarded as fel
ons and who are to be repAded as friends.
At present there is a painful feeling of un
certainty existing avneng the people of the
South. It is due to them and to us that
that feeling should be removed with as
little delay as possible. And now that the
speech-makers are beginning to give him
a little peace, we trust President Johnson
w ill spea k t o tb4 doluded np...40t ,
South in such t• rills as . 4r
fears and inspire them with eauti,iu:a
Tits New York Daily News suggests
Gen. Sherman as the Democratic candi
date for President in 1868. If the News
wants to kill Gen. Sherman as a poilitical
aspirant so effectually that he will never
he heard of hereafter, it could not pursue
s better policy than to admits him as
its favorite candidate. By the way, is it
not a little inconsistent, not to speak of
the absurdity of the thing, to see a paper
which refined to mapportilem. itesCiallms•
bemuse he was in favor of enforcing the
authority of the Union, now maggesting
the intwkanceeeldlalsoldier of the spar as
a candidefe WWI I
ketreisbalekt —Quick. Warp, sad INadlint.
4 _
Thiel} is a question to which public at
tention . rmAt, •be immediately diverted ;
and in the answer to which interests of
the greatest magnitude are involved. We
have had, from the Secretary of War, va
rious announcements of retrenclunenta
about to be inaugurated, but it is if,tori
ous I hat very little has as yet beet) ar our
plished. Our national obligations still go
on at the rate of over two million dollars
per day. runitin , the national treasury us
debt Tully n• million dollars daily, as the
receipts Irons internal revenue scarcely
exceed, if they reach,-the letter sum.
It is clear, therefore, that We ttinat have
a much more sweeping retrenchment then
we have yet sejti To go on borrowing at
the rate of forty utillions per weak, alter
peace has been practically declared, will
soon wreck our credit at house as wall aw
abroad. We very much doubt whether
the immense subscriptions to the popular
loan will be accepted abroad in the spirit
in which they are blazoned to our people.
" What recklessness," will be natural ob
servation; "immense sums borrowed
"daily to support a military establish.
' ment Ihr which-n 4 further use is pre
" tended t" 5 ..
It is given out semiofficially that the
army is to be maintained for some time at
One hundred and sixty thousand (160,000)
men. Thonfth the necessity of so greet
an army may be questioned, let us first
consider bow much this army even ought
to cost. 'file cost of the French army is
' two hundred dollars per annum per man.
The cost of our army for the fiscal year
ending July t, 1860, was sixteen anti a
hall million ($16,500,000) dollars, or fully
a. thousand dollars per man. The cost. per
man irrla small army is necessarily much
larger;than in a large army. But, under
Mr. Stanton's utter reckless and improvi
dent administration ,the national armies
have cost fully twelve hundred dollars
per man per annum, or six timer as much
as the French army. The pay of the pri
vates in our armies and various contin
genti to officers were largely increased by
the last Cengress. The pay of the private
is now sl4per annum ; his rations ought
not to coat over a hundred dollars per
annum, Making nearly three hundred
'dollars, and allowing an equal sum for or
ganization, ammunition, and transports
floe; we have about • $6OO per man, or.
$96,000,000 pe: annum for the proposed
army of 160,000. If the army can be re
turned to the regular officers, and freed
from the peculations of the politicians
who have obtainsid position* in it, wo real
sure that the expenditures need not ex
ceed $75,000,000 on that account. This
would be too n n to hope however, and
we allow in our estimate a round hun
dred millions psi annum for the expanses
of the army, after the utmost retrench
meet proposed - ahall have been accom
plished. !
With respect ;to the navy, people will
be less tolerant of expense than with the
army ; because it is felt to be entirely
unnecessary. The country is not willing
to pay anything for " glory " or " show."
"Ciood wine needs no bush:;" our military
prowess needs no blazoning to the rest of
mankind. For the peace year above
named the castor the navy was a littlei
more than eleven million dollars ; the
necessity of maintaining fleets of gunboats
on the rivers will prevent a reduction of
expenditures tolhat "sum ; but double
the former'peace cost would be sufficient;
1 yet we will be liberal and allow thirty
millions per annum for the navy. Next
cornea the interest on the national debt.
The interest-bearing obligations of the
government, when the loans now on the
market shall have been taken, will call for
one hutuired and eighty millions of dol.
lan per %TIMM, or forty millions of dollars
more than is required to pay the interest
on the national debt of Great Britain,
heretofore justly regarded as a wonder in
finance. The civil expenditures of the
government, including the expense of col
lecting the internal revenue, cannot be
placed below a hundred million dollere
per annum. This gives the (oilowipg
total :
Army • ' $100,000,000
Navy • " 80,000,000
Civil list -' g 50,000,000
Interest " ~. 1.80,00031,000
Tptal . $410,000:000
This is sou $ 60 , 00 0,000 Per annum
greater than the expenditur es o f th e
British empire. But is wbftt -particular
hale we overdrawn it t
There has been as yet, we repeat, no
ooasiderable retreoehment, except what
was inaugurated by OWL "rant HOW Wl
ibortant the work of retrenchment now .
fwill be best understood tram tbe -
unleaa it is entered upow --
McCullough will kr'
. in,
_met that,
at once, Ms.
.e expended the
money which 000,10/1
aia hands, end the public
mans of ratisiel
has placed it •
trvour ,
, 'wilt become eshemsted before
_ingress can, at its regular session,; ac
complish any action for its relief. Then
let us have retrenchment—Al:49kt sharp,
and decisive—and every friend of Presi
dent Johnson and of the eountry-will join .
us in demanding this of- Ur. Stanton, or
that he vacate his office.--IV. Y. World.
Tat New York Thiess continues to
talk common sense on the subject of
military arrests and Walk with all its to.
customed energy and ability. Hadnuoh
language as the following appeared in a
Democritie paper at any Period during
the last ,four years, there is not a lepith.
lican editor in the country who would not
have branded it as the rankest" copper
imadista." Says Mr. Greely
" And, now that the rebellion entsli
ed and the war this side of the Ifue&appi
ended, the era of holl4oechiny, War cane
autocracy, and the military trials of civil
ians for common law ammo must she..
lutety and promptly elope. It has no lon
ger an excuse, much low a justification.
Four years of Fort Lafayette clisepline
must suffice to give a relish to ages of
liberty defined and pretected by law. We
beg our National authorities to realize the
public impatiens on this heed and hurry
up their ofikial notification that the privi
lege of habeas corpus is tutored."
• Ws know not which to deepleethemat
--tbwin temperate actions of nosy of oar
political opponents. reraltiag in crarartily
mob attache and the distraction of print
'in; °ekes, or the symphaneY of some of
'the Democratic pram. la thole elf.rair to
pander to temporary paraterpmaisa.
TM Wowed peepl• of $, Oda bat*
slatted • •••19•444 ilah at airrilla
Male 01 914
Arad! with
. t he Soul li 11.1 , r tir4l. Of
regtalions, Fein' "kV
let to the 18th inst. inclusive. fitly •es
ads, exclusive of Government traworts, have
elearelfrem New York for ports in the Sauth
-I.lllllolreil Se ostautkree ae4 star yet orin
syr, 4 lo t hesis, •Ot these,' eighteen hives
,dared foOtiohniteed siva ether Jae's' gees
*iris; :fir New Orll4l - a+ siz.for Charles
Lou; 1161110' fOr IntaillgtOn thrie for Beau
tort; four for Mobile, and ten for Savannah
and Fernandina, Fie.
The Enropean papers oontais many further
tribute* to the memory of Abrahent Lincoln.
The-eity of Palermo has called one of -tbs.
streets after him. The Empress of Frenee
bee Written a letter of condolence to Mrs.
Lincoln. The Bavarian Chamber of Deputies
Imes uneajoionaly passed reaointions of sym
pathy with the American people..
The managers of the iron works at Troy
lave stopped work, end say they cannot re
sume it agaio esoept with a reduction of fifty
per cent. on the wages.
It is stated that the Government has is-
Gently obtained private letters of J.W. Davis,
clearly implicating him is the leassons as
sassination conspiracy.
It is said that the rebel @overeat' Magna',
of Bout% Carolina, and Wade Hampton, the
rebel cavalry chief, were both et tlolumbia,
the capital of that Stitte, on the 10th Ina.,
engaged in conscriptirig Ail the matte they
could lay their bands ou, for a continuation
of the war on their own account.
Jeff. Davis, with hie family, and ;encamps.
stud by Alex. 11. stereos, Clement C Clay,
Col. W. Reagan, Gen Wheeler end others ar ,
rived at Fortress Monroe on Friday. in the
steamer Clyde from 'Hilton jleatl. It is at
present unknown whether the plirty will be
confined in the easeisales at Fortress Monroe
until the day of trial, or be taken at once to
A. religious revival is is progress in Phil*.
delphie, and preechisi and extra religions
services MI held is Weill churches every
Secretary Seward bee entered upon his oil
eat duties.
. A freight locomotive on the Chicago, Alton
flt. Louie railroad exploded on Thursday,
fourteen miles from Chicago, instantly killing
the engineer, firemen and a brakeman.
Prince Citirtschacoff, in the absence of the
emperor from 81. Petersburi, has sent to Pd.
de Stoeckel, the Russian Pilinistar at Wash—
ington, an eloquent expression of ttorrk:st
the assassination . of President LizooK . tad
vans sympathy for the Govertnitent and peo
ple of the United States in this their hour of
An army of workmen, come seven or eight
hundred In all, hitherto 'employed in the
Brooklyn Navy Yard, have received notice,
that on and after Monday next, the Govern.
meat will have no further occasion for their
111117100. These inolude carpenters, painters,
blacksmiths, engineer., and common laborers.
The effect ot this, together ititi the immense
immigration that is steadily pouring in upoa
us, to say nothing ot the large number of
hands transferring from military to civil Life,
must be to crest, a glut in the market for
An order has been burned !from the War De
partment announcing that all persons found
in arms against the United States, *sat of the
Mississippi river, will hereafter be considered
as guerrillas and punished with death.
Gen. Frans Sigel announces in the Boni
more Koko., of May 16, that be has become
the editor and co-proprietor of that paper. lit
is republican in politics,
The MOlaut Queral pt the United BOW
has bees dirsoted to muster out of service all
unemployed general officers whore services
we sot seeded. An order has also bus Issued
for the dlecharp of fifty theussad employees
Of the quartermaster's department.
Judge Boiad of blarylasd—widely Item.
one et the most determined that
Stan--lutspharged the Pomo% JAW , o f Baku.
awns that whoever shell, 1 4107001 4 , arrest G IS.
Wass is that Wilk skit 44 %h arm by cowls
martial will be lieble,tc" AK:Atha auesc. .
Tlito ecersily smith, .gh price of hoar at Boise
14411 _,__ ° ',... ° , 41P' mated on the let of April is
ts• PRilmr """ 4resk and raid upon the dour
isSeres " 12) %e dieturbanoe was gashed and the
' P ri°4l.f . dear reduced.
W ales meetings are being held throughout
north Carolina. A large gathering Was .'to
canvass at Raleigh os the 11th.
The Washington Nati:mai in tetligeacer saye
that th* rebel ram Stonewall was supplied
with Coe at nallata t and that the Oct will kid
to a rentanstraaee by our Goverzki " at '
Gm Van`. o r Ncrth CaroSas, has been
arrested at the hones at hb father.
- 411 .111.1 is
84 / 1 " 611 Witty; hit said he is to be tried
for trainu.
-JarolA *Ad t Alegrspitio communication is
bias *stands& in North Carolina, and at
bare ise begla•Sing, In that regard, to assume
their ancient ikapeet.
Oe the fasisniag of Wednesday, the 17th,
a colored ginti got into a Pine street Phila
delphia passenger car, sad• refused ail en
treaties to leave the car, where his presence
appeared to be Del desired. The conductor
of the oar, fearful of being fined for ejecting
him, as was done br•the judges of one of the
ocusts.itt *similar case, ran,the car off the
track, detached the horses, and left the col
ored man to occupy the car all by himself.
IN spent the whole of the night there. The
conductor looks upon the part he enacted in
the Mir ass splendid piece of strategy. The
matter created quite a sensation in the neigh
borhood where the ear was standing, and
crowds of sympathisers honked around the
colored man. •,
Tit* Oostodorsto Ism Steams 'which u
rico& it Rona& oa the 10th, woo ozpootsti to
Lean that poet on t4a 14th. Neat bar any
at Sanwa no Ira vistiod by Sputa any
°Soon and Gavatuneat Adak. Tbs Stow
van La aolanadtd by Captain Malin,fima
ley it the ettestrAi. Bawd Vatted Maus
Mists hue bean sail attar her.
Dispetehes say Putt the reel leaden Getes
weed snd , Clump Ferguson are coutraliting
treat depredations d_o the defenseless people
of Emit Tinteessee.
large amebae of the parotid prisosers ot,
Lee's sad Jehestea's armies . us trwiellsg
through East Teasesess, robbing awl . phut
daring the people geserelly.
Tiamotii-toir busdred Oostederate prison
sirs at Cusp Chaie, Oldo, os Vlahtuday took
the Wait at Amiss* and ware disakarpd.
*he Oscura et thump - Morton, tadissapells,
fr *sang alt Salim' the oath sad rebus.*
to bases. - . . ,
Ow. filmotaa, it Is gated, toe posattood
to prowl from liskotoad, to Witobiattoa by
boot, La ood.r to tangly bdoro NN Oosstittoo
oft Oho Oossibtot of tb• War. Ifs &Wood po.
rompiatily ud prooooded oval's* with his
tiotee of the tees 1 , 4 Lad sn
reader show how trighffutty the mule papa-
Wien of the South has Lees wasted by the
aserr-40-1110e$4111sititio. fr etitibitaiNes4 ,
he nearly suoileiteied t /it few soatita ego a
gefte6l eoneettdoilea of eetigsalas sad refit
tarots Wok plate to meta at tha trolP . ft 009%
whole regimeata tinsi:Amees;usink,e . , oae
iineassad mss Int iseiralianglieette4 is
ale eotopootoo of hoe taut lily ass. TM
fitoolog trine mitt tateilkoes Use relktpt
ITerdse's Copy Ihitabalteg reseal sad absent 3
Ten regiments - consolidated, rig men ; three
regintenta, 210; twenty regiment*, 827; shov
es, regiments, 819; Ors regiments, 469„ re
presenting 100,090 men on the original rolls;
one regiment, 201; sight regiments, 424, re
presenting 10,000 Tem troops ; one regi.
mina, 40 left oar of 1,200; reser" artine l 7,
ten batteries, 660; seven regiments, 419;
eighteen 'regiments, 719. Single regiments
consolidated, end not represented above,
showed the foihnring embers on their rolls :
21, 82, 16, 40, 124, 22, 60, 31,186,24, 41,65,
180, 35, 60, 11, 42, 0), 100.
Bight companies °anaconda:el anionsted tai
88 men; Ave companies, 68 ; tea companies,
82; eleven sospealw, 69; ten companies,
65; fifteen oompsmies, 64; ten companies is
one ease, 81 ; in another, 69, The ever:lgo
in Lee's saps before consolidation one about
80 men to the regiment, and those corps re
presented over half the army.
Gem Bates' division bas lost soca general
and Bold ofßeer and three.detuthe of the rasa
In bailie, sizes the army left Dalton. It loot
thirty per emit. at the battle et BentonviUs
alone. Other fitotwOf the same kind might be
stated, if it Were possible to place the matter
in a stronger light.
Three robbers broke into a house in Berke
county on Wednesdey night. They were re
sisted by the bungee, and one of thew was
killed. flows women in the house were beat
en with clubs.
It is now staled that: the paper found on the
person of Booth. impliesting Jeff. Davis in
the crime of the tormer, was In cypher, and
that it was read by means of another docu
ment erratum In a similar character previously
found in Davie' bons* at Bichatead
Gen. Johnston is Wild to bent Charlotte, N.
C. He mode application to tive United States
antkorttiee to low permitted to go to Canals,
but was mauled. HI now intends going to
Florida. .
Barium attars $6OO for the dress lc . which
Jeff. Davis le said to have bees captured, sad
two Chicago teatimes are ploadiag to be al . •
lowed to add the liaise gamest to the .2ittliwo
titaness of the great Northweeterw
A aeries of defeoefve works for the• proteo T
tiou;ot" Pao:areal and other Csoodlen 011102 le
14 b0131511/11111111fa.
A aew and remarkably well executed cotto—
aeireit—a two dollar note on the Batik of
Glen's Fails, N. Y.--has made its appearance.
The loss by the destruction by lire of liter.
riot & Co.'s foundrey in Philadelphia, on
Wednesday night, is estimated at $75,000,
mostly insured.
Heenan, the bruiser, has married au En
glish girl, and ~ retired from publio life," to
spend his declining years in keeping an inn.
Nevada, st the baby Statio" of the Union,
prodticed lam year detest millions in silver.
That child of Uncle Banes was (*Mainly born
with a diver spoon in its mouth.
If you lore others, akey will lore you. If
you speak kindly to them, they will speak
kindly to you. Lore Is repaid with love, and
hatred with hatred. Would you hear s sweet
plesaant echo, speak sweetly sad pleasantly
Queen Victoria sent $l6 to a Mrs. titans
the other day for producing triplets.
The unfortunate huebaud would prot e bly
not have regretted if the amount bred b een
ten times $l6.
Nearly every postmaster,: le in the habit of
rettienteg papers to P e ,,ushers when not taken
out of the eitiee ' V ciis Is not what is required.
The post onioe- reguiationsreiulrit postmasters
to write
le .
publishes, not only notifying the*
ue papers are not takes; bet also giving
8 44 reesons, when ssontalsrablit, that they are
not token.
The Chiang° Ihkais says that Mrs. Lineeln
insisted upon Oak Ridge cautery as the last
reetbsig place of her husband, because she felt
that Its quiet retreat would be more consistent
with his Republican tastes when Wring, than
a site In the Goatee et a noisy oily, and hfs
cause she did not wish then who hut always
been his emcees, to direct where his remains
should be.
A man with a lug* family was 'complain.
lag of the difficulty of supporting all of them.
"But," said a friend, "you hue some big
enough to earn something for you now." "The
difficulty is they are too big to work," was the
answer. A good many, fathers find theniselires
in the same position. •
A obild speaking of its home to -o Mend,
was asked, 4, Where is your hone I" Looking
op with loving eyes st its mother, she replied:
"Where mother is!" Wee ever a question
more truthfully, beautifially or touchingly
Women in Haverhill—the lowa from which
went the Arst petition ever presented to Out
grew, asking far a dissolution of the Union—
got op a mob the other :14U and abused and
insulted one of their own set in consequence
of false allegations (simulated by tattling mis
chief-makers. •
' , Mother, sold, little Ned, one morning,"
after having fallen out of bed, "Mother, I .
think I know why I fell out of bed last night.
It wan because I slept too near the place I got
in." Musing a tittle while, as if in doubt
whether he had given the right explaudion,
he added : No, that was not the reason, it ,
was because I slept too near where I fell out."
It the pictures of Sergeant Corbett that are
published in some of the sensatiou papers are
genuine we - think Boqth's fete was hard
enough. To be shot by such * leaking nun
Is puhishusat mous* ens for as asessais.—
We era freosestly asked what ths verde
ai lite Toupee Tynan*" need by Booty, the.
assassin, man. We sourer that - they see
Lida sad uses " Nat theists sf,lVreate
Mae It is the suttee Tire= sad
trstes s sea Nun king witha sword sad
lasing his hot aside aselt.-.-latiber-
North Adams is known as *pleasant Tillage
la the Barkehlrs MUSS of Maeaekusette. .4
flw days sizes a laysterleas gastlereaz' a
'triage, swiped board at the ellhge hotel.
lie desired that ao person would speak to its
except the landlord. was - seed !Oa*
and welt droned. Seiteral WWI attempted
to nuke Ms aliquot:taus bat failed. Finally
bolder ones appeiated s ossaittes of tee to
it him They did so sad slated their bail-
SUS. Hs eyed *ear and replied, ia tus e
ma'am suds minima. I was atsvforod is
Now Tort of s Wary aim. Ili Wee sta
toast no stint rows is Lag also or a His
V North MIMS six nostko. I alas the hot
tor." ,thcisdie• Istire4, sad st" ll 4M
war notropla atria & '
A witty Amor asp tbet tit *us is -of
pablis buisit v iammli Lt Wiser 444
boil* Ono, eat ham the wit* am gepAT
sple bAiIisMINW
Young man pay attention. Don't be aloe:
er, call yourself a lOafer, don't keep
loafer's oemptny, don't hang about loafing
pines•artrit for riatitufg *ad- board
youroali tat to sit aroma day after day, or
stead around Garment with your hands be your
pockets. Bettor for your own•raiods, better
far your owit c rwsp•ot. Bustle about, If you
mina tot 4 7 4ljoittifitig sebueile about, Many
• floor phys!ajsa hakkobt•load • rest patient
by ridlus itsati T to at/and en iwagiusrriso. A
quire of •Id ippor tied with red taps, ;carried
nadir • arryir's inn; nay proCuri Win hie
first ow, and make his fortune. Suet! Is the
world; to Wen that bath shall be given Ft
droning ansktioniplaininr, keep busy anti mind
your chances.
•A Resto.—The Wir Depertmeut tlas re
ceived the bittt of s tree two feet through,
, from in front of one of our eirthwitrks on the
oldbattle-field of Bpottayly yds, from which Lad been literally shot off, with
bullets. Twenty-eight pounds of leaded belie
hints been picked out autl yet hundreds re
main imbedded In the splintered wood. It at
treats peers) attention.
There »fides in this tap. says the Osoaa
loess (Iowa) Welchem., a : gentlemen who had
his neck broken. is January, 1849, fifteen
yearsago. lle is quits au snivel man. a good
sitisen, watt has a good prospect of living to a
Sipe old age. The dislocation of the spinal
vertebra) is complete, end his head is sup
ported upon his shoulders i4v beutleges around
his forehead, which are fastened about hie
habit under the arms His muse is David 0.
The ask tree nailer whirh Gratit talked
with Pemberton, and arranged the terms of
the Surrender of Vicksburg, lams been annibi•
Wed by relic hunters, and recently a party
dug into the ground ten feet for the roots of
the historic oak
A strange sort of person, named Sophie
Gibonse, died a tow days ago at Cambridge,
in Guernsey county, Ohio. It was always
supposed that the person in question was a
female and for twenty years the, public re
mained in ignorance that the would-be woman,
was in reality a tow Not until after death
was the deceptioti discovered. 'During all
that time the man has dressed as • woman,
tutleolated with women, and had been em
ployed as one in doing all sorts, of rough
housework from place to place.
There ore aix hundred miles of etreets in
the 4[4 of Itrooklyn, es ascertained by nasal
surveys by direction of the Common Council
e ciontroittee on renaming and renumbering the
correspondent says that hi the rebel
troops of Johnston's army moved off, after
the surrender, the prevailing sentiment among
them was, "We are overpowered, but not
subdued." Remarks such as these were quite
common, in doleful chorus,—
" I hate the eight of a Yankee "
"I Intend to observe my parole. If I am
ground down 'boo bard I will Leave the coun
'• Let's all go to Mexico."
", By God, it I catch a Yankee entering my
house I'll shoot him."
"Before I'd let a Yank marry s aiater,of
Line, I'd kill her."
I wonder it they will insult tt."
"Andy Jell i son's the meanest roan in the
"Two years ego - we :would not hive sub
edited to this."
*, Ws bass lost all or aiggera.'
Rrca AND Pooa izz• a imr.-..itrealtb, it ie
said has wings, and upon its pinions takes its
Sight is an hour widen we think we have it
firmly in our grasp. By a private letter, of a
very late date. Tie learn' that hundreds who
regarded themselves rich on the Sabbath of
Jeff. Dania' Bled, arose Monday. morning to
find themselves beggars. Going to bed Sun
day nightwitb wallets crammed with Coated
erste bills, they arose next morning to and
that•they could not purchase a sandwich and
a imp of coffee with a wheelbarrow tali. It
was a making day—the day of evacuation—
to the poor. .They all had more or leesof the
rebel currency, which was a total loss: The
@strains 'Way only could face the storm,
they -having laid up gold.
come citizens of Troy on Saturday last for.
warded to Gen. Grant a present that will
11 take his fancy." It is a box of cigars, ono
hundred in number, of the finest brand, and
costing $lOO. Eac h has a paper holder,
and the box itself is got up regardless of
• If Gen. Grant is the man we take him to be,
be would much rather have bad his Troy ad
mirers lay out their money is same more sen
sible investment.
How TO SUSTAIN A Peres.—The Dayton
Journal gives the' following sensible dives—
' Ist. Subscribe anti pay for it.
24.1. Oet yottr neighbors to take it.
3d. Sena printing and advertising to the
4th. Help make the paper interesting by
sending local items to the editor .
Will our subscribers Plasma practl'oe upon
those ruble.
Amami nes BUTS.--.." You are made to be
kind, gensenue and magnanimous," says Hor
ses bisan; "It there Is a boy in school who
ben a elnh-foot, don't let him know you ever
asst it. It there Is • boy with ragged'elotitee,.
dont' talk e,bout rags in his hearing. If More
is a lame boy, assign him some part of the
pm. whioh does not require, much running.
ft there is a dull one, help him to get Me les
The oath now being administered at Rich
mond is what is known as the amnesty oath,
and is as follows
—, de solemnly swear in the
pretence of Almighty God, that I will heave
forth faithfully support, protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States, and the
union of the States ,hereunder; and that I
will in like manner 'bide by and faithfully
support allege of Congress passed during the
existing rebellion with reference to slaves, ao
long and so far es not repealed, modified, or
held void by Congress, or by decision of the
Supreme Court ; and that I will in like num=
ear abide by sad faithfully support all reels
mations of the President made during Out
existing rebellion, baring reference to slaves,
so lest sad so far as sot modified or doolsrod
void by doololos of the Supreme Court—So
kelp me tied.
An Arkansas letter to tbo Obiosgo ?Wham
draw a repulsive pletare Of affairs lin Mit
State. Tim members of thii am legislature
are • drunken filthy set ; poor etbitis
throng about the tomtit end will do notking
so beg as they can beg or itesi
redoes ; tie negates ars dying of surfeit and
dirt, and the general immorality is Awaking.
Mr. Liasohai a gnu dlath ersw as murdered by
the /salsas in 1774.
The Mayor of Springfield, , Meesschusette,
W anaouseed that no one is to be compelled
to " short their colon " in ant town.
A clergyman, catechising , ' the youth of his
dank put the tint questioh from catechism
to • girl; What is your F onsolation in li fe
104 Is death ?" The girl smiled bet did not
ewer. The . olentimau •fasisted. " Well,
lift!' NM as s "Macs I rust tell it, it is a
yogY4 Witter named boarding on
fourth street."
roma of itioamOnd aro ikeirli aU
dromoti la mourning. Sad lava boon tb
ravagoil of d.M Virilikia.
We hive now ten uew territories welting
to be made Steles. They are : Wyoming,
Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montane, Nebres.
knotiesiiehhhio. titiehAta W. 1146414.404.•
There wee something of an incongruity in
the mottoes of i bore window in Portlantl, on
the ocoulon of the recent funeral of. the
President—" in God we ; Irust." it Teems
A me# reesetly broke a ii marriage be
osuai tap, lady : did 1301. ponies good 'convey
sellout poterd. _=A wieluid editor, in COM.
orienting upon the test, Days: -"lie should
have married Ler and thee refused her a new`
bonnet, to have developed her powers of talk."
Fully half of last year's wheat crop s in
iliohigerkila still in the bands of the lamen t
and more than half the crop in Illinois is yet
uusold s With a tolerable crop this year,.we
shalt have brestistufra plenty and cheap.
. A lady correspondent begs us to suggest
that dr. Davis should be compelled to wear
the usual costume of women during the p eriod
of his imprisonment. No woman, she declares.
could wish him a severer punishment. She
adds that if he were compelled to run in that
'dress one hour every day, as (*At as when he
wan eaptared, it would probably be the death
of him.—N. Y. Tribune.
There is a man out Wt4t who claims to
cure disease by laying ow hands. That is
nothing marvelous. -We have ourselvss, says
the Bangor Whig, when young, been cured
of moral obliquities by the laying on of the
parental hanti—earerely:
A fashionable tadiets' toilette now-a-days
consists of rats, mice, rabbits, Grecian curls,
waterfalls and Email do Paris.
Barnum has offered $l,OOO for the pillow
upon which President Lincoln's head reeled
when he died. Re wilt not get it, for. the bed—
etead and the clothing wilt be sent to , the
Patent Office.
Poor Tom's a'cold."
Row warm aoe'er the genial BIM
lay look in kindness on the earth,
in Tom Jones' reins no cheering warmth
Dispels the gloomy sorrow of ,hls soul.
Dyspepsia, like a goblin, bunts him down -
Ague, grim chamberlain, lights him to bed,
While Dullness, Vertigo; and headache dire,
With fiercer aches combine to make him grows.
Ile wise, poor Tom I
And hearken, Thomas,.to instruction :
Per all thy ills a remedy is found,
A panacea, certain, pleasant, sure.
Plantation Bitters—S. T.-1860—X.
A wondrous Tonic, made by Dr. Drak a,j
Will kilt the demons that tny stomach. vet,—
Will slay thorn, Thomas, for thy stomach's
New life. new strength to thee shall come'.
By using this Elixir wonderful.
Plantation. Bitters will restore thy health,
Thy troubles cure, and leave thy mind at
Two bad cases of Piles oared by Dr. Stria-
Wad's Pile Remedy. Mr. Glass of Janesville,
Wisconsin, writes for the benefit of all who
suffer with tha Piles, that be bas been troubled
for eight years with au aggravated case of
Piles, and his brother was discharod from
the army as incurable, (he being quit . * para
lyzed with 'the Piles). Both these diet teasing
eases were cured with one bottle of Dr. Strict
land's Pile Remedy. The recommend* Lion of
these gentlemen, beside the daily testim anlele
reasieed by Dr. Strickland, ought to co *vine,-
those suffering, that the most ,aggr.orated
claronie cases of Piles are cured by Dr, BUtak
land'e Pile Remedy. It is gold by Drut tgiete
If erywh e mar3o-Bme ow
do if you drive the impure, hot and acrid 'mat
ter out of your system by taking inwardly
Carter's Compound Extract of Dandelion and
Bittersweet, and applying outwardly Carter's
Yellow Ointraerit: Hundreds can testify that
they have used these articles with entirejmo
cess and satisfaction, after having used many
other things to au purpose. Therefore, we
say use these two articles and atop that scratch,-
leg. Price of Bottle and Box together, one
dollar and fifty cents. sold by Carter it Car
ver. tf
66 Canut thou not minister to u tainddisesadd,
Ara, with some sweet, oblivious antidote,
Clesnee the foul bosom of the perilous stuff
Thst weighs upon the heart ?"
Certainly ; Plantation Bitters will do it
when nothing else wilt. luelardholy, Deptlis
elan, Hypochondria, Insanity, all spring, more
OP lass, from a 'diseased siomaab, gad th is
Plitattatitia Bittet.s is a sure cure for. There'
is so mistake about it ; Dyspepitia, Headache,
Dullness, Ague. and Low Spirits must yield to
the health-giving end genial influence of the
Plantation 'Bitters. If you are is doubt, I
make one trial and be convinced.
"Zonads, show Me What WWI do
WonPt weep? woul't fight? woul't tear
thyself ?"
_riaY, day, calm thyself, and use 1). IL
Bettye's Liquid Remedy, which will renovate
your head, gently remove the deposits and
Incrustations which have been terming for
years, and drying-up the fountains of health,
restorti the various glands and membranes to
a healthy and natural action, when good
humor in your nature will again prevail.
- We call attention It) the advertideatent of
X. li. Rolm & Co., V(10 hove a large assort
ment of fashionable and valuable imported
Jewelry, the whole of which on account of
the fall in gold will be disposed of on a novel
principle, giving great inducements to buy
ers, and offering, ceteusive employment to
agents. For full particulars see our adver
tising columns.
American Ifitsioal Instruments are 'winning
golden opinions abroad. A recent number of
the LeipstO Sigmas, the;leading musical Jour
'nal of littrope, mentions the superiority of the
Sims & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, mulatto
tared in Boston, intimating that these maw
feetarers have discovered the septet of avoid
ing' the harsh, reedy tones of other instrtv
:cants of this clam
Tan THROAT.—Families would do well to
keep always at home a born of Brown's Broil
ehial Troches, a simple but most marvellously
efficacious specific for affections of the throat.
alforling prompt relief in eases of coughs,
voids, bronchial troubles, etc. Singers and
public speakers will find them also excellent
;to clear the voice and render articulation
'wonderfully espy.—Menthly Maga:inc.
Bsows's Bunactunt. Taocuss.—We would
call the special attention of clergymen and
teachers to " Brown's Bronchial Trochee."
It is well onr readers. that we do
sot admit medicines to our colamits. We ad
vertise thee° 'troches, beriause, after t a trial,
of theta, we are satisfied that thee are the
best thlatof the kind extant.—Cfacagor&Aool
"Liiss there a man with soul so dead,
Thstmerer to himself bath said"
• ?hat Dr. D. H. Beelye's Catarrh ftemsdy in
Um Ha Inas Ultra of all Medicines, always
effeetlag a permanent cure, as thousands upon
thousands are constantly testifying
Parity, parity, purify the hlood with Ayer's
Bereaparills, end the humors, derangements
and distssipers which pervade the system et
tide season wilt disappear. We here tried it
and speak with knowledge.—sx
aLLUNIAX—At North East, on the morning of
the 21st lust., of croup, Freddy Augustus,
youngest son of Thomas and James 8111i
man, aged 7 years, 11 months aid 21 drys.
J. H. RIBLET do CO.,
World. »spatially Won't the pataia that Um , ban
Between Sth end 9th Streets, an State,
inlets Mtn Astro% to loop earaaatti ea Lad a tail
assartamat at
• W i a li zaapatatslii *Wait a Aar; at=WIT • pat.
J. IL ~
IL. W. wow&
Employment for Everyb ody
a rm y mama( Jetraltv. Walebr., h u l a ,
mood tttof., .41 , / OP. Ware, t:.-rnet,
Wrench Mager !load.. o rdrt h
SSIIO,OIIO-- oil to to, .old whhou t r,
.erve. SVerrY oQo tie Ina
Milos Volaubt..
1,1 wt. 1/ le 'l,' II $ 4alTI C I. k ....
Galata' ‘3,1.1 buotioK-earn oraMb-44 . -,., • t,
Ladlee (101.1 Koomeiled e 0. ., a atrl.., ' ',. l
Quite hautoK i1,, , 0, plitv..r w1t, , ,,, ~
OoliVill Gold Wntelwat, thrilifla tiro,. -
G Plate.l W I,t ...10, in ,`..livi • i', a.. • .
G o ld P 100.41 Wi• t.'.., F "to,. I.• I r„ I, ,„
Diamond rtnv,. ~ _• . • ,-
Gold Vast all. I Neck chant.s._, -,,
Gold 0va.)03.1P-liSt.o , lris - ........ _
Citoord Gold liroc..l , •t a -
Chatelaine cb%lo , owl Goard c10.ti,.. - I
Solitaire 2no 0 , 11 , 1 ti r , 0r10.4 .
I,Ais Sad Vito,. t elle LS twt•cite. , ... _ „ ' t
Corti, 001. rut i:otwrala Gr. m0t....,
Voidst, 141, I.AYA. :roil Flor , t.t,t .• f• ar tiz . .
Coral, ()pal. •tml Cloorald Car ',top. _
Calitunua lli ,m4md Ilremt poi,.
Gold Yoh awl vt•NI, woleil k...,,, „,, .
rob and Ve.t flit I,•m-01S , IPs. ....
SCllitAiire Pit. Y. MI i tOI/N. A i ad*, eh. - .
. ‘,
Gold Thimbles, l'et,c, lA. Htl . ..
iiiplatart. L , Q.1V . 1 , •. ..., .
iltttiture I,(wket--.Nttir: ri win; •
Geld Toothpiclui, ct.illseA 0tr,.... .„, , _ .. .
Min Gold nine, ii . ths i d Gol.l I:mg,
~. ,
Atone :lest oud r+gyirt• film. .... _.. ,
Caliteraia Diameud Mere
leadieie Jeretry irs o iet‘ Awl Giitti ._ _
Lediaa' Jewelry - ea leas ---C.seniqe, Pesti, . , : 1
Gold peas, silver e . too. holders and 1,..„, 0 ,
Gold pens andgold mounted hulth•rx ' '," ,
Gold pine and gold exteusiork 1ic1 , 1, , rz,.._
... ', ,''
rile*: goblets sod drinking cope ~_, . ,
..., .
Sliver Goldoni, Frilit, and Cake tankkti ~ . ~
Shiny tea and table spoon!' and fmkr, 1 ,r.,,, * Z 4: '
Silver plated tel pots and coffee nrog - :," ',
Silver plated ice pitchera sod m01a5.,, , ,,,., , ,
' '
flee 'hat We wort popular sod wol •:,
*Audi maji of our eatohliahoteut :
Vrout the "Dispatch" of letyrelry
"W • tukt• phroure to e.tilm4 the tot...Dt
readers to the unuouut , m , m: of
Great Ssle of Jewelry, Silver liras, en
our facertixin4, c %Ito wtr,•
with the si t emtwry ur this tiro} and
tlemeu s'ori,u.: un 1 lot,
go ods, for variety au! etti.ot, (11.1.•
elle led."
'From lh • •• T••ror of F.v•ilL lf
"Menem l?1,v 411 n C., .t 4 I; r..3t t` • • j„,.,
opened on the I .tit ult not W• 1 tru •11'.• t
Auer dlnollAof 1A wti e, eslll , , 0.• ,
liniment in thln 'NI,. I t•il• i 111 •.•
VW AIM 111.1,1.41. ••, •
rendered nearly impaanable 1,, th • i„,•,.,,
Moab, We I,tvihet l•r r ‘.l • •••,
F"'.r“ , • 1”.
.• Our latx.frumas %Lc/old t r•C•
Ratio:tent of Mar.arg. Dovaugh .s.; C.., ;,,, k
if they wink to iodalge %aware, -v. r 211:
they will tong remember. Su , h a ;
Hike, gar Ith,
Jewelry of every - 13 nue, kinJ an.l .I.lkett , ,,,List,
before witnessed. Their nitror an 4 Mat,:
sad almost casts into the abode 1.14 a “tior
tabllabinerits which harp long been 11,••
It fa estimated that their stuck is
one million of dollars."
Mow You Can Cet a Prig,
Seed Tvreuty•tive Cents to ns, and as Anna us,
eigitii it we will fWi i you A Celliitirato shosILIK
are entitled to. If the article or articles . r.lvn
sand back the Certificate and 'One Dollar and t;
forward to you the article no matter how cogth:,lll
be. If the article ie not w hat you wish, state, e
send the Certificate and dollar, what other arlr.
same value you prefer and we wilt flew) it. ii
more than one Certificate send tre It and we r
dye; for $3, eleven ; for 15, thirty ; for SW.
Sib, one huudre.l.
Agents are waute , l in the Anny and in e.
We have an ila111.0• ,, . st , rek of goods to
need a large ;lumber of Aortic Our t .
are very litequi soma even or nur
malting from Ifr to SZO a day. We tor ,
r e nt. on 0,1% t ttc d th,, .40.1 pnra it• In—, •
lees 111•11 $1 for eiv.lit
ar Write your uOroo and a 'ir .
only what is necessary.
Gi 4,Kt. tit. UR VA 1:(:11
14 Mititisol
An Elegant Novelty In Nate
The ca,, .1401 rl)
COWPailei Of ta t Ll'ti , reut ale corittia, r
Of SO I, productug an et t• t tto
carat gold., vitt. ,1 trclua, which •‘,ll
color. The; at. , tit boa et 'tot
forded at (WO eighth the foot 'r t. •
destined with Panel and shield itt ta ro.::,
Path Pro, and engraved in the ex ,
'tasted Gold finwitri g LOCUS, acd
sad clearable, and ro exiot an ortitatir's
defy dettotion Tho cuovettnent
well know. .....t .1 toter Watrit (.1 .ct tt
are superbly ti olehed, hariuß ea t ., ' '
eased bridge : l, ado:tiding resulatot, ottt, ,
and the nopitivcd jewelled actt, t, c
skeleton bandit, 41/t1 to warranted n ' •,
These viroit,ho, If thyt.o •11:1 •
Wing for Ladle, and are tilt Hut A •
six will b, OF,I)C 'ha ;
00 0 twat .114 • .
ty eat tor •••-• .•!
Gee watch In t': ^
which du lit tollr It, ,
tilay/I'ti • :', a I .1 .; ,
elltE ;1 tci
01 , 11 It It. I •
/NUM; PI WA i" t• • •
fir art:, ,
• II tItTEOII3II, 1 14 t '
/NPORPORATED lei, t,"t
It. 11. 1141 V
I NSU It A Nt't*: in t lie \ n ;.l
s.ta. IWO t•t!fittl.. .1 a,
F W t
Administrator's Not
y Ell' E 118 OF A Dlf I N IST It Al
JILA. the ertate of CAI 414 es Colt, duces
Deour township, hrie mouth Ye., having to
to the uu‘lerslomi, nutlait-is isetthy urea
Lug ciaitul against the tistlr4dtate to p‘rewt:
Arty authenticated: tat eettlement, nod U.
latemsetTe4 indobtad to the Mae Aro t..l,rt
Ailment un or 1, , ',tr.? the arst at dagest.
.rtl:3El4-1 WA LDRON, Atha ,
Illeaat; April Ittds.
raio multi:ft Viltit.4 fe 0 ittiAN 44 l
• DEOINN, tIA )NilSll3.-14;wr3
way tkottzht 01 ptat,hataa44 as instrument
nosy or at any futurb tiro" RhOlad unto] for
Itatotaia 4-11Viu Whielt
to tar ad.lre,4 entirely l't#4 of experig44 f
coniaitut much ininrmatiou Ithitta will t U..
Pltril tustromeut, Nurh a,
"14,,w co Jo 1 .4 0 a 'Coital lagruta44a:,' 4.,
the Ore;an, - t• odor( 43t tt,4441
.4.41.1 r, !, 4 1%.44.4t5; 4.t.; , 4*
~JA 13,41414.
HASO' L Fi %tl t 4, 211 Wi44to,,
Rns3,lthe A. {YiticiilL¢•tiet ;Su( •:., .
nest friend, Luther - A, Nu. ••• ••a."
Eddy, TS 11. iarat 'S • k;
No 7, 1 , .;•-t;I:v'
Spencer k. Ilarviu, AU 'y tot I'd,
Issas proclamation in Abo%.. nf
sziaylr 611-4 w • t
• n( Lira U. Tr,t an
Pennsyllauis Cotrunosionor to: S
0.(1.0 Claueral Claim dyeut o with
Attorney et Lao.. Wayno
Hutt Awl Civil claims eollecit , l utter
pant). Penoiona -obtained an , lr
by =it promptly attendod to. Mr
41 11 „Imre esporienee iu ttio lot ik 01 tte
partmetits, contl.l.tit 10. cut re I l<l.l
ship proßreuttug all
Pleasure Exeursi ,
k)AI U ES DEIIRI N{ ; 'l';
tYu Ece tr. , .an on
lh it;11 tin,i ti
dite tOcca w.t
atte4 o Ut (or 0 , 1•11 , 1 , plC4.,e
of 10,.. Vi.6lO,C.TagL:.. an ,30 1. 1
POrliool. i.•i•in f 1,3; •Ow • '
Win bud mw c 11 . 1 ;..
Of `State streot
flay VI, ISC6—Cmr
Spring Tratte
Now just Receiral
grie, Hwy 4, 1bt.15-2w.
SCP01:490 11
141104.1 , 1311 V a UT L I
Leather, Hides,
N y Mod., t:1 .t
hilly on tn,t
ittNut , tt
FRENCH squaw I.F `h
171'1'y OA .t0:1 1 "• I
:ill which tloy odor 1 ,,
t r Ski UIL I? 11 e
mkplieds—tt. • _ -
Of UM= .4ti op "'"v