Liu, 4, 4 - ht Ote Vtititg slaver. , Tirti.E. PA'., MA' 18t14:486'Sq:, liabseriptiox (.4r lot)teriptloti term+ are bow s3lo4ter : rai Ia ad ;work- It not psl4 anti! the sad of. tbs. yr r >ld will be. intueotlons out bsyild divine the 2i•atiaily requires or !II • r!gld adhollusit• than t4+ai, and an pifersizot -teriiltral Wok - . fill hi. "pied will be 4iiicentlatal. .>" . . . iruktelni . Vine. The world it tiro With nobler thought Thantrembles Olt the tongue ; world iti fall o!. melody - Thiwrittetvand tursung. - . The rand* ot a march - • But maim ierublime i • - J And you may live a udder vetie ' • Than can be told in Thyme! Let lyres and lutes, breath To lose-sick girls holism; • ' The rythm of a•ant Life • Is sweeter far than song. • z I'm weary of the wasteof words Our -world were aoi eode if half oar bards treOnetine, to write, And live their soags,iastead flaund Dooblabs" from 'au Abolition Quarter. 'from the N. Y. Tribanoof . BURST KILITARS ?ILIA*. _':, t -'...,,,z,_ ..._4, .There'is a curious old &Consent_ in ex le tette., known as t hn,Constitutiosiiii the united Stet T r which formsrly . hid! the f )rce and e ect of law, In that large por tion of ou country.not specially - domino toe. by the lave Power. Under the rifle c f Our present Cabinet, it see= to have I - me out of fashion.; .and, since itfc,; Stan= ~ r:-_'a accei , nou to the control of the War j_hpartment, it his .ileciiniti aunt:ha:batty pbsole to. Loyal citizens -did _nQLmuch wind this while Civil war ennvittattd" - the country, threatening the perritittctiVoyer throw of our liberty and nationality:; - : but, vow that the War is practically ended, it seems high time that.. tho:cdd p4all,mon t 1 rep:4 exhumed anti treated svitit-!abrne show of respect. Thera being, appiutontly,. ;in copy extant in titerdaml-4455 we viuote from one in our_ petivestilonAte tit e . IDS trlIC t iOn and admoniiiar; br-ortik.zn3g t,st..a, certain amendments propoied by the 5ta:,...; wOn ratifyliig thelzistrilnlent, Nth ich, being duly approved and adopted, 1.1 , :tole an integral part of otteltinen lel law—as follows: _, •--..-, •' be . _ _ ART. V. No Person= shelf 4 - - held to nn3wer fur a capital'or otherwise infainous it , r;rae, unless on a presentment .or ,snciiet otent of the Grand .fsry, excipt:irP cases arising in the land or 'Saud. fortes; snezin the sailitia when in "dud!' service litho of war or public danger ; nor• - siiall: any jirrson be subject for the same offense to twice put in jeopardy of life or limb • nor shall 4 11 be compelled in any criminal .:Leo to be witness against himself, nor depriv of life, liberty - ov property without dueiprocess qt law; nor shall pri -fate property be taken for public use "ithout just compensation. ART. VI. In all criminal prosecOtions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by au' luipartial iiry of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, 'which iistrict shall have been proviouihr aiued by law ; to be confre...' witnesses against 1.2 ~ ...scer _,nted•With the ; to have:eompul .....a for obtaining witnesses in his ...vor, and to have the assistance of coun sel for his defense. ART. VII. In snits' at "common law, wherein the value in controversy shall ax e,. ccied. twenty , dol , the rights of trial by jury shall be /served ; and no Stet tried uy a jury sha be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than aeCording to the rule, of the common kw. AR.T. VIII'. 'Excessive ball'sball not be required, nor excessive finer imposed, nor cruel and -unusual' punishment inflicted. ors' prop'" We have made our citations full, net merely in deference to tho apparent in necessability of the document at Wash ington, -but because we wished every reader to see that the passages we have placed in Zia are not garbled or picked, hut that they are , of the- essenee and tality of the Constitution itself. Being to, how can we justify, or 'excuse, or even keep silence with regard to, the military trials just initiated at Washington ? A miscreant, acting in concert with other essassins, has attempted the life of the ::rcrotary of State, and though his pur poss-was defeated, he nevertheless severe- Nyounded Gov. Seward, his oldest son, two or three others who, nobly re ' anted him. Of course, this villian and his confederates should be sternly dealt - with.; but why not according to law? What raison,what excuse, can be urged, 1:‘.) justify th sending of this case before court-martial and having it tried in secret? How can such a trial be recon ciled with the plain provisions of the :Constitution above quoted ? As to the military trial of those who conspired with Booth to assassinate the T..esitient, and aided to achieve that fell . purpose, the outrage is not quite so fla grant ; but such trial is at best a blunder, while enshrouding it in secresy is utterly indefensible. To try a doctor for his life, because he set a'stranger's broken bone and _gave, - or sold, or lent him a pair' of ,crutches, may just do ; but to try him in secret, allowing:no report of the testimony out such as the prosecution 'sae fit to nothing less than abominable. rwo months ago, it would have been en dured for the country's sake ; now, there is no reason that it should be. We warn ell who take any voluntary part in these strange proceedings that the rebellion is suppressed, the war at an end, and the right to suspend. the privilege of habeas cona and make the will of a Secretary of War the supreme law of the land, has .expired. If our present Secretary cannot be made to realize these grave truths, it is high time he had a successor; and if our Attorney-General believes the assail ' vat of Secretary Seward now " lewdly triable before a Military Commission," he badly needs his own time for the comple tion of his legal studies, 'While the Gov moment needs a different law officer. `none may be politer ways of setting forth these convictions, but none of these would do them justice. Gentlemen. of the Cabinet I the war eastward of the Mississippi is ended; the rebellion is suppressed ; the Union is re established, and patcb‘virtually restored : wherefore the people Vemand of you a speedy and thorough return to the safe and orderly ways of law and liberty. Do not compel them to speak in tones that you cannot refuse to hear ! Our Presidents. Washington, so,fsx as he had any civil occupation, might be styled a fariner and Purveyor. The Ad‘mses, end 3 ft' r,aqin 'Madison and M • , were ; s t . eon was wbatint,;u6 be ealic.t t:L..Astry lawyer." We don't believe hnever studied I lw a year, yet he was a 11. S.' District Judge far a brief period. The Indians, Ile fish, and the United States Bank, af forded the old hero occupation during the xnest of his life. Van Barest was a lawyer. Harrison was a farmer lawyer. His ono.' comer, John Tyler, was en- able lawyer, as was Mr. Polk. Taylor was the bet pro 7 lessional soldie r r chosen President. He WAS in the regular army before he *as out of his teens, and in IV:until chorea - t hfef Id agistmte. Mr. Fillmore was first a tailor ....then a lawyer, and afterwards a-succesa ul politician. Frank Pierce was educated to the law, and met with great ewer at ~:~~ the picryikets(). b‘atZta very earalittitjk iii hI8 ` t 1 relation. • Hr. EluellartaaZitatic's lawyer, hitt has had little to do will; tba profession since his eatfauus into Polit4o4. life. Mr. foneoln was, at times, a farm laborer..k otii-iplitter, and made eassisd trips trine Indiana to Relit OrlauttiOta laborer ou a irsding boat ; bat frith; domitable perseverande, he bunt the MS. tern of his bard fortune, and with only ,a defective erluottiqn, raised biattelf Wthe position of one of the roost successful tawyerr; ale old ile and southernlllinois, President, p i kessed down his youth, by a heavier weight of poverty that any of hie predecea4ora were compellei to face; learned the trade of a tailor, educated himself, and bonitne learned in the BB:1 but was sou attracted to theemore es. citing field of Tennessee and politics. The New York Leader A . A.. 1 prints on its•firat page a love .story, called " Adolph Bruner," by Liorice . Greeley. Horace had better. ick 'Aikpolithil.::Ulo,ol Two bad oases of Piles cured by. Remedy. Mr. Pile Mr. GlassofiTitnestille, Wisconsin, writes for the henedt,of all, who suffer with the Piles, that he bewbeen troubled for eight years with an aggravated ease of Piles, and ~hik brother was discharged feels' the army as incurable, (be being quite para.' lyzed with the Piles). Both these.distresolog cases were cured with one bottle of Dr.' Ettrlidt- 1 laud's Pile Remedy. The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to convince those Suffering, that the most aggravated chronic cases of Piles are cured by Dr, atria; land's Pilo Remedy. It is sold by Druggists everywhere. toseBo.3meow ai l c cm LP 1 t g t.. 8 11) 1 M 1 Ca td r t P.. 1 1 3 1 • 1114 2 g Cn IN til 0 4 ° Pi .94 e s .92 1,1 I rl am" CI ir 1-4 CA CD oi4 A 3 ' vg V ri 5 a' og ts 0 § 8 N EW TREALTMENT. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. Ensimil Weakling!, smite &end hylirsitiss Yost* mad N/arY/• DAM W. & R. LARIAIRT, Oaks on the ant door in the Atwaterßeidiag„ toot • superior Stoma, Climbed, Okla . . • • 'rpm surt/Fnuun. • Report on the Nob" , C Nor' rose and Physkal DeblUty.)lSzbs a. and all Crime-genital DisessesThit the Berrose a , sad other diseases inaideatel to both mess, ptodnafag devssessy of both mental sad piesiral noun in total debility sad lamspesity l = why these diseases so often appear hmeibe, the. la nality they tan la erfeataslly maned by the east sinew refael. A MOST 13011NT1710. INTINIEUI. • An inetninese for the ears of Geessil Debility sr Nostarsel tainiorui,troore rope baswaws Meselasi Weakness. to. Can be usenet Is frog id daye to two months le: aw d lastrariet need saajalatly with isedirdas• • - - YOUNG 11,21 . T.%U PARTWAYLAS NOTICA. Drs. W. t R. lazosrt Non& la saamuselas that they ban Invested .most tspostuitestnumert er the care of the above disease. If has Use sahlested to a test b the soot uninsat Ayesleut to Leadoa, Pule sad New Ye& it his Vasa &shwa the only inetrnatent are. heeded Om the e. of &mass' Wesheres, at soy disease of lie paled oees, nosed by . the oast hri la l *O'er*. nest Drs. W R. Lamar, to istlierthe MP' list es to t the remits of their Insteresat.' plebs them selves that la any inseam wiles It busy Prove saalthsL. factory, der a fair WA the noisy Will be reluserd by returning the inetrnmsat La goal order. Pere of imetrs saint and arodase faincittrate.' ' Tor the Venereal cps's& sat sii =strictures, Modasi weskesse, palms la C t il =, ste of the kidasyl. ewe& at Abe bead, throat, nose and skin. end ail thou dosed adhetices seen from a some babit st path. while Folsom , aellseliw• Meal debility, reader maim. . l 'W sad - la the and destroy both hod; mad mad. The testae. t adopt*, the reran of armee of Wl= woollaral and eaorseriel pr ears Drop alig COUNTRY INYALIDB. Persons la nay part tithe world m Do m= treated by forwirr i x i strect detail eitheir ca s ranittanoe for eta. • • D W. & iacerr, Atwater Bailable est of Elapethe 0., 0ci614-Iy. (Ilwelis4 Ohio. ERIE RA-ILVAY. ZA , NOE OF HOURS, COXIMICIiiIi THURSDAY, DIM 1, aft will liars Daabirk at &boat the hoßoptaglioule, Ibutward Bath—Depart. - • ' b N No l4 .....10 0 2a.. m ma . Train No. 0 ... ..... —..,.....6 00 a. a. Train N 0.4.. —.. . .. .4 Ii p. ii. The lAcougaka . ;;;;;* 'e l _: ' , L CHAS. Juliet Sari lays Ell Revolutions in Europe, ix On OCTAVO, til* FIRM sassaLusagn %Mails stialwastaa• an. 744964&• kff 0 1 1, v llek' ths therm book for the Wee, rose, frost tho earliest to the passel dls rahreaso to the samso• moisisimwftwii i t ija=Pof tho llama Baglseosaleasteg a wto olaadda p leoia. lasesOtalYi ewhi Reeta l 7,rmeh thlia to sisillea to year • voalil set tam a MU frsailAlON boob m easel:la rthelillea J ead take a jot yoyste o auhot emattssr. - soreie the aratats.llLhae Into the items aria malts nR as varied mastless .11 which so ott:all istoothile to door Aiwa troth pehlishod by selmortptko. aNdtwarts- Othesosers. Also seat, post taidstrsestla stptissyhtif the assel fit. earth x• i cri p 004.16; i - The Meth Natimml:l44,:tif do CITY OF, FUT _To, • . $ I 40401,*110, ram. affair or ifics.Nizi z ise =sk Aid /Weis: Aged fir 0.44, - DCLIVILR. vas sortic i firtt or ••• • mrpr o 1a all pada 14 Um roustry! ami rood payment - °Urfa es Iforr York, Pkikt44MormaillOMll. wrest tills. 'lndia Stip MIL intimmt sobs. with Mond to dote of ' Oran mei b y moil trill be promptly ellod. ,e;).3 So Bs* maim w. meow& of floMm imd Imam eD Inomik Immo ; goo of tadirtilmla Moping in You* amount& • J. T.MILL s • 0. 0 sti- _ strarovir. nutz.lllEt? OrTSZ k 7 sabmmur. - ta ie =wok toad, quarter of a trag Boa, aad about 10 Whoa iron NA% a Da* Jtod Oiw r about areas Or eight pus old. No boo a AAP Wlt as the book, aa4 a white W 4 Has bad • salt duo ate mow TM mow la requested ti some Loma. onto ~ft, pay _sharps and Ids Ise sin% ~Was almo MMooed ot merrdlas to km ard/ Si t INK•St DAL =UM RTY YEARS ~EXPERIENOR 16.101, swilati 104 MIN impel km st • ,itli lib DING'S RUSSIA SALVE .11) BessiepFl Q' HALVE ziaitr... - CIIRgi SUIIIOI IitIMINO'S RUSSIA SALVE I CHM lA:4M ladrDlN4rB lASI E" - *4l - IFE / F -2----1:= " -- ; CURIA' lig lAN& 413881.4. SALVR 1 - - mart CIERAILAUM. RClltitti MOPS* WWI. kialtitG'S BAT2B4Li SALVE!. _ Mita /WU 711rOlpiDel IikDDINO's RUSSIA. SALVE! ,;,' RADDINGI4 RUSSIA sALVE!! id t ailblCeS RUSSIA SALVE! .4 CMS CiNetill. REDDING'S RUSSIA 'SALVE! RICDDING'S RUEibIA 3A.LVEI REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE __-_ -etrne+ rwoNs IMING'S RUSSIA SALVE! • DtTRES tUatts REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! • . . eau REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! i • • MASS HUNZ.II3 REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! arm TROT =TEX PikArs. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CUR s ALL curAnsors btsgAsail AND RiarPTloNd GENIZRANLY. * REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! . Is porfettly hes Man aay oursurieri tsay catty. or Laillli. Gus particles; andisroo cuss will licatioa m with the renisclies that may be by a mclnteri kir phydslan. The Medical faculty; throughout*, thatess are unsolsnons in its prelate. The more its virtues Chrome kaou th t :ge s t i r i :s the demand, and it is now tona4l 7 end an le clad* hoeashold. issoomite— Ming need by eieh and nom • REDD_ ,ING'S RUSSIA SALVE! Ii prOMpt In action, remotes pain at onus, aad redia q 'the most sagef looking swellings and iallamsekgsg. Ifby—thtts affording WIC aud - asaute tuba The has of this, this salve has been before vow s **Ole ark ocat=4,..-P 4011. ta atileticleas and thsa sink rise no mare. Clr Omar 25 Cingq a TOt 1544144. DLEiIiQ.IIP Zi " . 14 N. If, v.rowLs )+, CO, fie. CA Broadway, sad by all IhugiistgY 0.111 Tremont Street, bakiltrekt-/.7. A Country Staekeepers tv QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern ETerl One to Answer ! Are you bald ? • Dose you hair tall ad t Has your hair booms t • f DON it bol harsh. Gad dry, and feverish r lo it taming gray beam its Urns ? aLro you troulged with itching, Wain saasetioa ot skit soft ? Are you troolAni with Dandnill Ara you troubled with what Ls called lisrofabb or Volt Moan ? - Have you had the Zrys ,l 4,llis. sad last ? our hots , Hav e you had Mr and lost it Haw yoalWid the Viper, sod lost it t Moro you heat Mr _by say dolcasee ? t hair Umtata tab hair noble& I - t Do you wieit your whiskers glossy bop* wish Me lo noir:nod is Goias. Do you moat it for you thildren ? De you want it ibr you:sett,. for itstior or dottier, for brother,shrtar, or friend ? Do you vast to make a present : Do you moat a porti Dar your toilet • Do you moat s heroism 'Mole t ' Do you wont a yore artist*? •Floyfer vial. &sae distilled artists - Dom want I &sonatas article ? Do . m . orsai the beet preparatiou eat t o dreselaua ebbs resnorisrs the solo, and reviler log stett sal 'oas the NIUMU Harr is soon wrist INEN . gaiha,,rr:;+,;n,. , , MEE e Russia Salve ! Ora lell ether 4sr►tng weirirelleur , QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, • CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FDR TSB, IR, TO RE lINEVALLED ANE4 I IPERIOR TO ANY PREPARATION • EVER COMPOUNDED AND MIMED TO THE PUBLIC Mattabuttes gaareatesdor the teesei retesitia. • " ' It aiiltsbat $1 for ow bottle, ail balkskit lo old by DnigoiMs and Deal= aTurrbac Q. U. CLAIM & 1.30, Proptiodoss. I. *mum is 00, N. Y.. alma Agents. hum MD TIM ADVERTISEMEINT I OUT IT OUT And Show It to Your Friends. WHEELER & WILSON'S rt4:T.11111 :1-4 , 31*11,',1.:e1y;:i stitastrisdisil to battle MIT sum= wet tato this ma nn. flair sartriUM noses Sot 004 la thissmatry..bat all ern Ma Wield, Oil sis4s lair far tb* most popular Mathias saw is use. FOR SEDVAAL •YEA-R 8 Thuie bate taw the lead or other Koala" bet mhos the Lae lutpremeeots ken been addsel. ea. Age ti week la performed with Ruth sem sod replete that the ) AU lii BOST4pup 9,11411111 Ala is 'lam adateatios et MA. 11 W 4 wart ang ialtbir to mph ma twisty ot•se miler to the Wiwi //stk. Way ugh tia solbleaSsinedi 1.43411 to 'lvor oval. oThass ablisameldstio work WMIVIIT ANT SUM Ile OS 21111741019 • Tit: i ' ? 'Mit%N. lL "ras%% , "T a l . . 4try-eichk _at boa iritbrial . o•l, auhc - • r i e t zArbo it Ajr a rl iff l f i r a• Isir mg - - ilDifi AND /jilt iVinag. LP. - - 'Via ihridblr lbws silitacbsil MOM* if* Wit mow it lotb, bra bow . At =VA wad elliaany la =Ng ea II i apikfun rsadad, saline not le or ay meal no mayeall or mod as Oak 'ohm Oar tec••• l on dighttkr aiw ilhaf min so me 11 ,0,•"m ant frirrei thee he asobssihg the Miamian ma mulled. Thor LAW. IMP wader tie Menet swims • c # . r Mit IltdiSpir nit TM lIIIIICITSIAL -- rno , Par% liel. isl== "i rta l traaawrarA ss ir=as. r a viriastud n t . bow ram TArz ' nontow rium•- , • i • . - t t aid am Vim la operatios. U rem annot ash asa4lhr ani • walk sad a /Imam W gall. , = - - MT * 11100114 AO Miss Es*. - - .1•11114 a. Pt") 161,114.1 WI ICES OF ADILIKISTILVAION . 01 - the estate et ?shriek Obeirm_CeoWil. lasi et tovaidrip; trio eifoglifi l&, Me la barstr i lres to S lll l=thnott imat lailoiL to tie woe mho imealate Oa t. sod thoseliaTior claim soh* odd estate will proolot then for animist. NEISON CLAM R. L.Jlllllll7_ _ _ , INIA4of , /INSlNfiNsii. 112E# fr. r 4. ;. i . • . •- suit*W. 01 1 .111/ 11 11- W. W. Oa Elea, "..:111.41VOINk /.", • /: , ' A; , A taiZ,il4ll tbc,,Tnt7ll ' ,1)13,93r10,1::; lop itos' Leqz!lY.r.t CWOINS9 ' Cillollll ' 13 • : • ; • g iemm a s g e .lll:.'4Vl . • , PIIIIIIMAIMIO I ,4O I I6IOI Who' , 6 10040111 „ -;.;! S.; 04 ", 111 ?"1, 1 1 1114 4T 17 ” 1 ... - • 1; , r 7 traakeli ant duilbr! 6103PIZS, P . ORX, • Ron.: - •c• omiwoN - • . ALE, WINES, LIQUOILII;‘ es., .8 ti. OMMI OW 4011811 MIRO; IiIIYSIPICLAB =EMI cUan,s SALT MIMIC SWATS, . . 11CAB, dopings, SYRITPB: vIIREF4 BiILUIL ERIE CITY STUN' BAURY VONXON AND FANCY CANDIES! OIL VITBOL, CAUSTIC SOtA A GLUE I , - Erie Ale Brewery, XORNER OF BAILOR AND BUFFALO Erie 4lty Laier Browny, CORNER OF POPLAR AND RIDGE Erie Ystt & Barley , CORNER (1P 7TH STRUT CANAL Pak/ aid Afars Ilan& XXI Aids, TM Ihnit s ==sial TatiotiN of User, Mos . _ . The Clboteset goblitleanit God Berbsy s 0, Mad 'NA sad Ser We by -- , A. KLING. aidratt . , REMOVAL. 41.00•Elti118t, 11. Subscriber - has removed Ids stark of Grossztes Item the stag above' tbi r k. .koe to the ream la the Walt Weak ea giaae steed, eons, of Fourth, when be will toe baggy to gee hie film& oat esalesies aid 111 thettiettklt=4l‘ stink geoesatie sr tarp mg aid et , lined La at the lowest Meg etudebea=the sepal met. lie trittee all la and of wean to lea Its. le Kea a eta 801111111111. TO GET TOUR MONEY BACK, _BOOT -1. & SHOE STORE atstelfoimot. lifoody Oppailto tioi Pail Ploo. tei t i =a, ' los sad glow 800100, lakoso tlio Palate list be boo roamed Maoism* to thisfausiloola oa Moto skeet. wady oppootbs tb• Pod OM% whir* ko intim an Weld Moo& as to rho WM s*L • Pattloo/orattalUom girls to • • REPAIRING! Bonn eassepi wallows, sad. sepsis-.wins Mt his tapiesselsWesig, Walleyes he asa eye as good estlie• tem sod sin at as leo pekes se say allbst palm to the etty. Goad Waresatel. sper•ML p 4 AU At, 1 r Ailltilli, -- P,A. . • JOHN DUNCAN. - PROPRIETOR. Thies lat u rsir Asap of the *hen sedl-haows Saga sad tt •is ardor it*, sr speettell solicits a shere od the plans pstansp. Term sad seesmeedenaes pig te say is the lir Terthe asivalsoes et plasm tram the ;nutty a good gable hes bees Aled to tie imprell4a. 41 ariM47AN. rorri7mTylnrwr-71 - iii Suaincilie el& Ma Is tie Am a t Ur. J. 111 OA/MR, sidle tie Item two at Carter £ Cover, atidol nit Ile butoree trtliloatteseto be stmoiseted the obi "ed. With ealarged stook sad lai:i lh elittto tbey hops to noire • Mord awl er piths yelowsw 1 . , ESPECIAL iATTICNTION _ CHEMICALS, IN is the liristari Sart erme bus.* %lab rSkias. - t. Fni I:Jtiii2i:4 MINI FLOUR. SALT, • - NAILS. *Ali /intik, GLOW' ow stoat 4 IifOLASSZ9, FRUITS, TOBACCO, 1$ LANCS. CRACKERS illaaabbetared at tbs. CANDY! At Ow Wren liarbst.Pe4em. Oftwoondal**pi lid% IP& :y%114:Clk:1 BABIW. THE PLACt Er 3 AMERICAN MOVIE, DRUGS EIAZITZL OARVM, 7 - , WM . be dievetei tp . th• WHOLIIELLE TRADE .4.lrAtra=4.nizi= 6*- r'TET7TriurT7T•*• - r•lm. • beassibreolom L ei.algid ISIMIR Lod vat atiwillissiotablEireso mies. V.-, ion': it to eat NW.' -' • '• -- - - '' . , """k i I ' --7. • pat taaaallbe lli M l M ~ _ analiaig Pamiamia Is as_ Wulf id= lalabralmislibla Paapasa a Mir& Il nil aspaiad la asa. • - . , • " 191111110111 a Minn Mt NM . • itii. a. cs ail o W Amish Taal laaa- ....-- Sit" a. All. illos.a. IA p.m. Sip... .41Sp.s. Wimp iiiiiKiiibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimegrTh stmasen. . “Tagga 101140:1411C8. WOO Al 3 RAIL.” '' - iIrARRANT4II- • 1.11./ZABT-Off• ; 1 OIIIINIIB . - AND--COPALBA. .111MMW1111Vt I rl r lUMiwin/LIWOr the patea m t 11=111074111.LAIMll,U, ICIT C. IDNEYS, URINARY Oltalli _ azy be relled ea es the beet mode for the euttelels • ettime Mod/lee to the left* el a &low" of hetise m prte "Mei they are applicable. It never inter i _ by ite tromestrettoe, the ame * relees4, I n eitrised to ask for Tames CrimpoweelEstract of Cubeba & Cvpasbo, sad t a lei nab ( als mo mbnliadtone an 4 g ot-three prey ezettenii _Ude deem saitiesoirs in Skis `nartel or illit s = 1 1 1 111 18 : en noel s of Ric*. Awr co., Mo. SIVI Glismagrioth 'Street Corner of Wen,. , HIM %'ong, avil f grisM by DfugglON generally j•bg. EICRENL A ÜB, MANFIFACTURI , R • BOOTS AND SHO.blSi MIMES/AIX & RETAIL I ITAKE PLEASITRI; tinnOu ncing to se i public that I bale! addea to ray C.rmer m**, mitt of ONION MACIitNEUA wouh 104 saibte vi• uumuNct 41.1,1 "aimatt Mime M2l CHEAPER THAN'i(lFHHE. t asting lid long exporteuee a. to the wants veva°. totte,-1 Nall take special pains In phlotritl my eta* to salt them. I kat. the ev-Ireire right in this en: to Oda the PLUM ER PATENT BOOTS & SNOW for the benefit of my enstomers, and only, ash g trial 4e them, to eatiefy bey one out to thou n,p.rlicreomiort error those made us the eld by The Planer Boot need, no la: It to as tow hvet tighten torn for a dne flew. Mr CUSTOM DRYARTMENI "%vivo toy own and Mr...f eetor:iet et '..Zatlon--eombintog still a. t. br4nk. wWeb cannot be ezeilled in the conntry. itoote awl :Aloes repaired on diort unto,. ConntanUr en hand 41. r.z..,‘ stack of splcikt, NUTS Trad+oLstg my thanks to my frirwls sad caatommaistr pit patfoOlce, A bops by jult and boco,rabie dealing to merit r ^otsttnttaneto of the =RIP, and eorfAiallyrivribr all to call 463 raamlor my stool rotor.. port:haring elm— Irbitra. mariMlL Cleditti, Fish's Laip Heating Apparatus'. .-Lt- BOLUNG UTING - STEWING AND STLKEEruj Br the dame of a common beg*, at the cog of a eeta'a worth of 011, s very t coziortabk, brewkriat able be itookbd. —/Y. Y. Trilouse. simple in construcifon, ...idly kept is order, read. for use to s moment cow... Alma to bare= laud ihllArZ a i: Circular . ' . ' ilek's is one of the most popular nor. alits7p . of Um day, *mad .. be utility of it IA unquestkonabb, • gnat saving La e in heating and cooking Mall Mt clay and gam gonad. to cook .aria for • great many ',croons, stab Is actually dams on the ambulating tan which carry the stet soldiers.- Scieakie Ihnarings• Fur family use, hospital tent, barrack, pkte Meg, Liking, nursery or sick room It is an artgen• of *mutest beyond all proportioa to it., c 0... lake add Oil Circular. An economical contrivance, for Realm up boat at abort noting for nursery and general - honashold parpoonr, : one important point m the rising omit over coil area N. r, Roaring Pat. ' Th :l'b 1 : 111 CArACITY FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKED AT ONE TIME Airspeed for Hermes, or coal Oil, or Gas. A dascrtp• firs parstplet of thirty pages famished gratis. Also, TUB UNION ATTACHE:3NT, runs Lo CMS. To be attaabed to a cowmen Karoasno Lamp or Gas Sam; by width Tater may be boiled and food erbeirad_i also arranged to rapport a ,ha'ia F.VT.RY FaIULT NZZDtt ORZ. • W. D. RUSSELL. Agent, my2l'64-801.. No. 20 Pail St. N. Y -HOWARD ASSOCIATION, , - - PHILADRLEHL!.. l'A. L ' IaEAHES OF THE NERVOUS; Bridi t mut and thaw. Runner new and tallaile t—ht reports at the HOWARD ASSOCIATJON4 Sent by sealed envelopes, Ira. of charge. Address Dr. J. WMUJW aotuncrox, Howard Ails° •&11•• • No.! dos* Math IR, Phthaillphla, Pa. NERVOUS SUFEBERS JF BOTH. . - stn.-A REVEREND 0 ST: bees metered to health in a few days, a l = going all the etualsenthersed Irregular expensive esehle trettleget without succees, considers it his ssereddair to comma into to Ma eillieded fellow creatures the les* at cease. liewn, oaths receipt of an addressed envelope. he will (tree) a sop/ of the preeeriptioo used. rtf. , ere en D. lows Datustaa., lad lotto itmet. Brook• C. ENCELNART Dealer , in Boots ei Shoes ! ALSO, MANUFACTURER OP' OVITOX JUDE BOOT 3 AND SEWN WOULD take this method of retura- - tag his theme Si his treads sad Qs= for their liberal patronage hustotom his, hopes to hats a soatiaustion ot therms. I take *am* to Wham the publlo that 1 Las still ail l 1 101ADT KIDS BOOTY AND SHOES AS CHEAP, It set a Little Ckssper, Than may 4mo is this plush and I am WU sukhog tie bait onatUras agents" Roots and Shoe", for which M OO, seas bat this =not WOREMEN.tuidar sultan,- latsobsaso of 0. HILLER. Having abtsised a liosam to use Mintier Patent Last, am sow posparad to make the Plainer Patois/ pa" sad Shoes to a mammy not to to nurprisafl In Style VA Inirksomehip. E r I always keep on hand a teleetlon of the bast *numb of rewash sod Amato= Colt and Yips. P. B.—itapaLrtagaltaadsd to. roll, SUL FINKLE £ LYON'S SEWING MACHINES Moose Beak nee oaks the look-stitr h alike on both sides. and use less than hair ths threO 4 and silk that tiro Witte or doable thread loop -stitch Machines will =nGNAW. Cord, Braid, Bin 1. a c" and sore bettor on say other &win tisraiins in Os, to this Insqlskt changes and great varier; ot sewingroguirssi to • bunny, Ow they will sew Erma o no to twenty thinhasisi soot illamelibiewithost stopp:ng, andscialdng stitch psdiot,or frost tits anvil ir,isosis to the bsarlast it? Cloth, or ono no otoitrast heron lesairr,. without dwilent lit•fissid, noodle, or tension. or naskiag any ad piste:mot of ILschlzso wlasiirver ' They are doll& in rinsitruction and essiltandorstootit and u 0n,7 Pon le brawn by accident, it ie. readily ni ydassal. non are ner.stalt r , isrrs. and will go tait t o 4starnda• the shales of *Ay Udell shot._ - --ay InteUlgiai boyar. i f Phu , übli.., liad Rawl= or send for CiziAllar, . N- a—kola' Agents Tutted is sections fiat jut War Pla• AeldirMO, - , „ . iIriNKLIC AL LYON, W. SO,, 0•41$16-Ity. No.6WIBROADWAY. J 4 W YOU. if , F. A. VENN. NEW GROCERY 8' ORE. ......_. , ii The anderetpeit haire opened a new Glory Store, oa the JUST 191133 OF STATE' ST., 3d HO i tSX IIORPII OP ILAILAOAD BRUM Where they Intend keeping a fall apply of 6111901ititlka, moviszoNs, -,4 wanis, CISOCKEIVIr WARE, . wiLisnef •i • a TomiccoAr VI Ind irrerything usually au baud to as 2Wssa at the sort. IN ere detesugusd to otter e good inditoesaiats nay other Was to the cab and Inrite thet' obits to midden% that wo eu gin entire a eettElatt. F. A. WEITIER: a 11;11.. Authorized Capital 8400.000.. TII .SECOND' NATIONik LINK opus for baldness ou .11101sda7 ' December 12th, 1864. la tiaolliskiag tare now occupied by the *s re lbsk. Rote Betiding. rairth.osat outage of Mae stoat mad slab& Part. WNI. l. BOOM Paiaotas: N7:l C. CIIBBY, Cimino int. L. sem ae Ann at. noun co, coo - JOB. IliaaillN ui ot aro of 6.•tderm. Blip - lats. - atm t. MORTON, Coal Deal.: • W. S. BROWN, Amt & - JOHN C. BURGOS, ofßrata, i Coommui, Cousligy /1. Burmtholoale Groom. O,OIIOCCH, of AM of °roach A: Bo), Ifloos'llogi. N. R II. AWLS ,of Ana of Bar., Johann &SIMI/40m Maaafactsuaru. J PARRA Gna' lam . ti) , •trosto Armors. . Erie County Monet.. ny virtue of &solution of Um • BOARD OF DIRECTORS of rsx keystue liatioluil But, ERNE COUNTY MONEY • WI IL BE 'RECEI Via) , of tin miler eutowenk of the Maar. - -2111 i; DO*. 11'..!1';73!"4. -01 r. ", w'~~ • A-a LARGE LOT N sea tonna ay_ gyNa M= a 3014111111 MEEM2SIMSI PME LEATHER. LASTS A.vD With the Flame that Lights the Room' WTrlt ONE BRRIIIiii CAPITAL PAID IN, $20Q,000. ~r:~-- _.. _ . N•yuligiusto • ' aoks4, . 1, PIANO FORTES AND VELODIONS, P . M= thq tentrolog eidebritod M rACTUREItti:'• .. dtmeway & Ibis New York. Wm Kaaba A C.., Itsltlmore. N 4 !Automat at ttoue,"?(...w "fort tim.B. firedbory, New Vora lotto El. Dunham New Yore. erwreetora &Co ; New Yolie. kw, A.. Nriuta Ili Co., Coctiert. N•edbmo &Co Ntem York Prices at a Large Disacnuit below Ilse &dunes Priem • Pt AMOS FROM $250 TO $l6OO I • • Um, lastrmet4ou !Aoolte mod Moot VIM., Ago perease otakiag Ant rate haw AWN or lluear In., are Invited to call and examine our lostromoate fere voroboairog obowleme. . • . M M ew. eed'e Block State street, nearly °poodle Moe Poiei • ZSBINA at: P. S.—Remy beetrookeet erm rootedfor Ibm peorof nmeAWOW.Ir. vcr:Ve.s-s, =1 BUFFALO & B.IE B. (IN ana aft4;i• Monilay, Oct. lag,. 1t464, vsys•orr rum An thie. Rend Wave LEA V INtr FRIE. t ,Ntirkr tninyai, t t.ppin, w..%, tiankirte wd free., BudaJpat 4 ',//J A. . T (AO A. IL, &ad gad Accuss., atappiag at all Stations saC snivel t Buffalo. at I 1 10 A. tt. • 166 P. DIN Sort" 'tapping st Nortb Last, Watt 16014, Daaktra. Creek. sad Angola. sad artiviii=trala a:. 6 2) P. It 6 16 P.M. , stopping at Vtastiall, Dunkirk sad Silra j = sad urine at Ba/lala et 10 00 P. The LkeyJCip OtsilLeCjA wl. intukult Ogg algal°, the Night Express et Buffalo enly, with Unread trains for New York, PMYdd by Litottua, LEA VI /CO J3tTFFA.LU. 6 au A. It., Wes Weir Ew', litilpping at all itatiailir - iambs*, skpl.l Crusatng, Alatabsad awl liesleyyllle, arrives at !air at 16 20 A. Y. 1 isb•r. u, Dwif Errew, ortgpping at Anols. 7611166 Alreak, Dquktrt, VitptGl..3,l and North East, arriving_ MMM!!!M!MI arrives at Brie at it P. 11 12 to P. V., Night Erpress, etopping at /Inaba &hiss Ciresia, Dankirk AA(I Weetriel.i, arriving at Ida 6t 3 60 A. I. EALLO36O Mb/ LI too rola at.e , faster than Erie %tam. May 21,1863 J I E.Virl3 UHANT. 6upt. GROCERIES! GROCEBLIKS I WI:,11 - .EALE'A ND RETAIL *. SCHAAF, Would reapectrllly inform t tl.he re tabllo tbat be has ogoold No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie. When he always keep on hand a large supply of GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARE, WINES. LIQUOUM, CILGIAftaI, Andasauthl;ng usually for sale La as astabliallullat 01 tba find • ai r' Tama as rpasoaabla la any 'that din* la Vas ACOB BOO'IZ would respectlully Lo rimaa to ths people of Erie cit estd °Gusty. that has opened s NEW GROCERY -;TORE, Qit 111 WClri Side of Peach. Street, a Share Diese`a ' or the Lake Shore Depot, Wkere he will keep on hand Ar. a Amor t GROCER!' I. itIIDVIMONS; WOOD AND WILLoW WAIL& tort% And lITIM thing usually kept in afire else on. - Atno, Wine, Kweet.Clder and ilquers. phut Market Price aid for ?mdse., ill oaw Aherne • all, if you ai.hv . 11aUfll goal b mina 1 Saga myself tonsil Luw.i uoiirer, Shia !wee ether store , to the eity. entirliett. 'atone Stove Works ! Tilibals, shirk £ Whitehead, fiAIIIITAC - IVllliitti or MOVES UOLLOW WARE, Sava a aud extol:Mee assortuto..t of Stoves at Trhvinsa:e cud THE IRON GI Are E la a Ant, alma Coal Cook Store, with or without mar voir, for hard or sot/ a al, or wood, and Le SETTER THAN THE STEWART STUVE. w. tuanufaattu, WHEAT SHEAF 8s PEW BRIL,• Bitto , low oven Coal Cook Stars. —wlto wood grates can be noel Odor for coal or wool THE FOREST OAK. wa ars lull sasaniseturing this es!euratad low QUA %My for wood or without nolOrrar THE MENTOR. tow Corea Stags for ]Void.' Thio is a now Stan of beautiful desist', and now for sala—togataar with a lama aswortzuout cf sisnrated Oran Cook, Parlor Cook for wood or coal, sad Parlor , and Ole. Stores, for wood or coal. C. M. TIBRALS, D. 811:15K, W. H. WILIMISAIik Erie, Jan. 12, 'NEW FIRM. 11711MBE AND UNDESTAACIIii A ! ! 'WAR E-11 O OX Oa State SS., between dirreeth sad Sigh*. The Elebsedioshi ham eatend fate the Coblast Ideddag and FURNITURE TRADE, bad moresmalda= c a t ad keeping eoastaatly ea hoed Prders ' will 2604 TO r a ompt attentioa. Repairing done UNDRIRTAXING. The oalsmibers will give special -atteatleat to tbla a.. =tillt of %sir basiaem They will amaghobr o g is easstaaa l ia :large sapostassat et hams sad sad bold themselves ia roodhams to meet orders la Ilae, promptly, from tosty part of lhe soastry. Delmsdaeil ro tisa both to tbe quality %spare of thole as goo Worts ds &ad pdiss, they Dole to wave a liberadshare ofrebas a rtrgar zr. MOO sydro2-11.. !locoman to 1. IL Romine. i i tolui m. READY - ROOFING I Ready to null down. - ' SEAMY 13001 BING, • At las than half the coal of Nu recills. 6RADY 111007/1,161 - , Mors durable. than tin. ANNOY 13001'13161,. • • astable for stoop or flat no& READY KOULVIDICI. Tor all kinds or buildings, In al/ oltutstos. It.tiA/11" 1104/ RING, iunilj t osagy and qtarkli pat ou.• Lteeda no sattsg i over with Sines after it is nailed doves. • • •• • ANADIC • Mailer • strong wore Oki% u.tigonskir istiussed . add moms' urea both seams with a perleatly sider-r Mitampaniton, and pat tap in roll, reedy lor aa•--110 vide and 76 feetlong.: abe aaaahatisa LIQUID CEMENT,'• . Tor Leaks Tin Zoete. loath cheaper ma sere durable then Slim/at; Also, COMPOUND CINCNT, for 'utAlcr SHINGLY 1100T3, Width will often ears the cost of a view rat. lames of Rum Monis sad Dives sat rib! mail when *Wei Fastrible tows wade with leePagal• INNIS was bay to n sils/We. NWT ROOTING 00., - 73 !Cadet Ulnae N. In **_ Erie & Pittsburgh B. R. CHARGE OF TIME, (X)MICKINCCNG 110aday, Oet. 81st, 1806. .' TRAINS LF.ATE UM" SD A. K.. Bhaaaa Socammodatios, Appeal 11 61141010m 'awl arrives at New Castle iq 11 80 A. N. 818 P. L. freight No. 8. ate” all stalls= 38/ 61,8 6 0 8 1118 4, C• 881 11 UsB. was% liwawaill "antra al4 I=ll6-4814vae llsglif e. i d - Mtwatllll 86 P. N. • 2. 7 . • It. halekt No. 1, stops ill statlaai„ lad animas 'men at 286 P. IL ,Pittaburgh Zwpais, BOIS all ataloak, s•eisea at Now Culls at 4 40 r. v. 2411AINS ULM NSW =Mt& II 09 N. Amason°data*. flea at . sn Manna sad 'lwst Shama at 4 00 P. M. • astala tapromotops al all statism, aa4 -ti.a Etta at sOOP. M. LUNT SHAWN. • - 4 l b' / 1 .0 144 1 1 it N 0.4, atop at at all fitittk;a• ma t _.....14.40.1ittu5et0, , boyvilla. SOAi sad Cream. m %Hark itts a [ lr.tio at 11 la ONO. r. • le A. ft, Irdight l e is. &Steps at' an itlittoati Irmo mid litstkla Itaaiso, stasesi—artivemClarit , Po id* P mills, ComEtnidllpinike. Zrle . IL R, N. BROWN. Bop% 1111111)81L CILIIIIIBBII.—L ishirof wielder •1t tad as thomi siderlatigith_ seeNtilseeral Debtliq, or Primate's Duey, time what over ewe 'rodeo eh Ilea, Ximilerii id rant I B. Met taw bet tree to say saris, for the boat of the Meta• Met by Mara map. Addren /AXIS 8. BUTLIII 110811.811 s7litpdm/SeW Talk =1 MMMIMM! r 3.11341111. New Grocery! = ocaltanunz,t,- : , ..),y h. rcurial Hying, disurdeted digystion from T r o." fond'," 'lnlpirie•; rdr; - Illth and Mo n . : th e • d E reesion :vices, and, auo“; the , venereal ..infeetiOn• Whit. 1, : origin, it-is• reditary in the descending "from' parents to the third 'and faurth • generation ; siseltis to be therod of Him who y f vi s it, tie iniqulties of the fat:, children,," . The disease's it varioiis" n'athet, according to ttir! &twins; - In" the lungs, StroiL]t fr tubercles, and finally Consumption:': glands, swellings which auppLrat l : l :: *Ms ulcerous sores; in the stoat.; bowels, .derangements which rm•i„; * gestion, dyspepsia,.iind liver c-Ahr,l,.. the shin, eruptive arid cutan , :nui These; all having the same oninn, MUM remedy, viz., purification an.: er tion of ,the blood. Purity til,t these dangerou distemper, lea\ \ feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, have health; -with that "life of tLe healthy, you cannot have serofuic,,„ Ayer's Sarsaparilla is , compounded from the most efry: dotes thatmedical science has this eillicting distemper, and fe - tll--• the disorders it .entail:. That it 13 rior to any .other remedy known by all who have given 0,41: it, does .conibine virtues truly 4 ,- :•r. in their effect u n pon this class of co ie indispntably proven by the great t of pUbliely-known 1,-hru I: has , made of the following u,,, Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Itruptions,g Pimplesiltlotehes,r Erysipelas,- Rose- or .St. Ana, Salt Sham, Scald ,Bead, tor tuberculous deposits in the lung, Swellings, Debility; Dropsy, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ss,. tic Infections, Merv:ail aide WeahmeL and, indcec' series of complaint; that ariselrr ortheiblood. Minute reports of cues .rnay he fuund in Aar.r.3l. itrata.STAc, which .is furnished to the for, gratuitous distribution, whercia learned the directions for its use, a: of the frenaarkable cures which it when. - other remedies had fail r relief., Those ca: es, are .purpose;, //obi Or sections of the country, .2 that cveryreader may have necc_s = one who can speak to him of its IT% personal experienCe. :Scrofula ikprz vital energies,,and.thusfleares us ur more subject to disease and is fa*.v. than are healthy constituticr.7. 11e tends to shorten, and does creaily 7 the average duration of human i. vast importance of these led us to spend years in perfectin?;. which is adequate to its cure. TL:it offer to the public under the named SAtts.tPAnit.t.Ar although it is co z.; ingredients,Asome of which scree of Sarsaparilla. in' alterative pysii, aid you may protect yourfelf from ' ing and danger of these diaonlev oat thalou/xocruptions rot in.the blood, purge out the causes a: andvigorous health will follow. By , liar virtues this remedy stimulates /Unctions: air' thus expels tlie which la4r ,hits the mr: cen atlye it. P'" Liow the =public ha.% e w ...any compound., of .•=l, .2 ..._walibea•EAcluand did nott:,1:: ~.• 'will neither he decei%ed rwr d this. Its virtues have been pro% tqi dant trial, and there remain. LI its surpassing excellence tur t,,,- afflicting di eases it I. inten.l,l Although under the s.,ine mum-, it' different medicine from.any othtr , been before the peopleoind is 'fat fectual than any otLer whieh ilia available to them. v.A.''ZMR , ' IS CHERRY PECTOR The Worlc- C ol ds , at liat Coughs, _lnciplere sumptien, and for the rt orconavunptivapationt , in advanced - stages of the dluetttc. This has been so long used al vernally known, that - we need (lc than assure the public thatitsAv up to the' best. it ever has been, ma ,be relied onto. do all it has ev Rreparecl by Da. J. C. Arty P'reeticciand.4lfuvlyti , Loy Bolikbr AIMS' P. V son, Soma 1 atel s andar flu Or to havo a sei oaring Sher ea l and svttlr JAMES &CMG"' Alit' Window Sus !tot -T. Scroll Sa'r Mop ea Po We neve, WOO:1es to: inch rya* aleph iriC giving entl WOrd• c012.4'64- E. 3. FRASER, M. Homeopathic. Physiclau 4,1 (I.,ATZ OF CIIICAGO, :I LLN Qaa loest.l vrisigulantly is pibalking hid ph:Maxim OFFICE, ON Isioll,lll 6iIR: OFT.' OLElen lie% rv. 1 rom 0 to 10 a. r• , Reirklenne at: lets. if.tooktw °ince • iIEFERE WT. J. F. Dr. 1r E. 3.1011, T.ttrt, _ EW FURNITUIcE SI J. H. RIBILET-8L C' Would resi tettully learnt the p ,: ' tr. • opened a FURNITURE WAKE' . u.ABLE's 13L0( Between Bth and 9th Streets, Whore the) l atetta to keep eosfant , , assortment of NEW AND tVELL SELECTED 115rIce teitiectinl'y solicit • sher. , 1/103 J ; VOl jan'eq4 tf A. € ttt_. ERIE +UN - it 'MUTUAL ANcs count"; y . Incorporutat iri 1859--( fr•perty Insured eoll". •"*" sow Torn' nos ricses,'i ce Policies neon tete der , . • v- - J apes dm paantent of the ore', Without the 11,0,11ity of a :'mr y stithout litlyttten. Unto ,u,t 111.4 Curnrtny, from debt, and ft di* knit atts::::;) , Wm. El 'Playa Jai C. ;Iv -o -1, C. 11. tibrials: 1.21 tolJfuioLb t, J . , George A. tititlt, RlMPlit•titt '-•`• • J. W. Juliet.. tt . . 1 ii. 2/ C. MAX.IIIA.Lt., • WM. It. NINO.. •••• tot Oginti, in Meana (Inept , o ot. Erie, June 14,13(0 AOILVTLit it A 74, „,„,,! , . N, •,.: • competent), erer.,luir.: 1.....-! ' •-• poortiti 1.9 o a ea.:41: 1 • t., Lwn, •.t ' ' ~ ClA:alai 10 all rho Lleed lt, %:7. 0 0: ,-. A '•, :1111d diTOCtiVRIAI 101 11,11.11 , ,.; 11.0 "'-:: ''',.. Cale. Th 68..) VIZ;LtV,., 1, , I.:CO : j I: 3 ' : 10191,1111 a VA111.11).... teu.l,,m , I , ,i te:r.,. .return mall, (car.-4,4',1r r ,J,) • v ,-,..,..:,. JuliN ,13. 1....,./N, , 1 avl6-Bau . N 0.60 tioia. IE pecula t fechon 11 Scitori the Ctiriati4r, her pr , ,l !lq" )duce , ] hl., „I, •„: ir , tupt.ti .; or,rott, t,r,r ,CP , t .41(;:t1e; EL