The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 18, 1865, Image 3

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    Sri( Wteklt Obstruct'
rA ir„ PA., MAY 18th, Ls6s
o,crtptt m taw. an lieff u IS per /wiz 1a.4-
It aot p din the of roar, $ll Imo
Llt mobooriptlou moot to obi dotlitg tie
„,,, rewires of so i rt i gt4 ortlionosoO to tbsee
0 1,1 i pews not pelf for WIWI 1k par
•Ui be dleeentlas.4
Ice To Passes. Harm Pitencon
.We are Doer tanning • Marken /air
Erie to Repots, cm' the Pialedelphi e
redirond, and wishing to emu* Os
of Vegetables and Country Prods*, to
on, bye established a Depot es RUM
to the rest of the old Reed Hesse,. too
State end french streets, where we salt
en times ready to reeelie and pay the,
, st mo tet price for the seam. All fiesta&
tee for isle are requested to glen as a
Inquire for Market Depot, Fifth attest`
Mai Jan.
}ley l'tit 1666-4 f
Benet 3 Par , Eris. Pa., ti» imply
,ed in t h e Wholeaale Contestionery;
an d Notion Trade. They have the
imam" of manufacturing the T ory g am *
ty—both Oath end fanny. Their stock
,01,1049 64d &Mll Wafts large and az
,‘, orageti, 1.8110:106*. 01Steri; &0., they
I p t eislity. and can furnish. them in
lit Uri to vitt_ They are agents tor the
,Mier fire Works—tbe best made—end
oil for the country trade
tax wooers and dealers hi their lint
Jo sell to call and see their stock ; or, if
Le a l volt, they may be sure of haring
orders filled promptly. They protean
a pply brat-class goods at fewest Dario'
ICeS tati7ll'&s-1t
' -
thwoisjg9, SC.—Our readers deairing to
rchsee gri.cories, at, retell, will and • very
? erior stock of all the staple enjoin, at the
.re of Mr. P. A. Beolter,.,; northeast corner
(be ,Park and Sisth street: His goodesre
.51 from blew fork, and will be sold et the
let market rates. If. invites speeder at
aitt to a choice quality of flour whit& he
now on Wend, and will 'unlit to be what
tii m, iOT it. floods delivered to pustule
to any part of the city limits, Mr. Beaker
alt;o catered largely into the wholesale
j, and cane the attention of country deal.
to the same. We cal cordially menaced
tie a prompt and reliable business man.
maye66 Int
( - Ks Pares.—The subscription and , other
troaage Odle Osaasvia La of ID encour
tag a nature, that we eaouot refrain from
in expressing our gratitude to the friends
the off,oe for their many marks ef =at
m s ad apprchauee. We had soma fears
trot.a tie terms of the paper were in
met we should e.tparienee a reduotion io
number of subscribers, but so far
at being the ease, we thud oar list steadily
mug larger, until It now numbers more
_twit patrons than we :sold ever bout
erne. Ifie de not believe there are more
Jaen a lutes journals ld the Buss tug hors
reliable or profitable a est of subseritiet's
Lae unesavan—certainly IMO that have si
7 ver Ever since the office has bee& in our
Lank we hare made a rule of 'ending nit;
Dille yearly, and striking elf all name" of a
aciabtful character, sad we now possess a list
uesriy every name of whist' , wii are person
illy acquainted with, and know to be retie
nir By pursuing this (mares, we have, in
rout years, etriokeu off perhaps four or five
taatired names, but the result has fully
proven the correctness of the rule In our
jobbing department the situation is no less
grotifying. We find all tke facilities of our
ottice kept to the fullest etude in eadeavoring
to keep up with the orders of one patrons.
During the coming seslol2, we contemplate
largely increasing our convenient'se in this
respect, and we leave no doubt that by an
other year oar patronage wilt have doubled.
When we consider the oircumatanees wider
which these results hays been acoomptished,
I se are as sauch 4 surprised as gratified. The
test four years le''. been ones of remarkable
virulence, and paper which manfully an
dertook to stand up la defence of the truth
t i e
bad to encounter a storm of opprebium and
taineticil at times perfectly appalling. But
we had en abiding confidence that the con
servative people of Shia Nation. would net fail
to sustain na it we persevered in a Consistent,
wli 'sad. upright course, and the end ism
more than realized our
_expectations. every
assault 'upon us has developed DM friends
and patrons, and we now take pleasure In on-,
nouncing that the paper enjoys a state of
_ prooperity which enables it to . ;bld defiance to
us enemies, and places it Is' that condition
_ 4 independence for which we 'have long and
anxiously beta striving.
JIPOILIVINT cue of unusual I ••
portance, alike as regards the large mount
of mbney at stake, and the celebrity of the
counsel employed, will be argued before the
supreme Court, in Philadelphia, comnieactitig
00 Tuesday next. It 4:towline of an motifs
troaght by parties in Indians county to test
the soutitntionaUty of the tai for *may
purposes, levied on steaordence with the )14e
acts of the Legislature. It is olainted tbet - sll
tares for rtiebig funds by oonaty, oily or die
mitt taxation are contrary to the plain pro
riotous of the Constitution, and that they
cannot legally be collected. 46 eubjeet is
one which lonceros every taiable citizen, and
11,5 `laZtliadof the court will be swelled with
rutioua 1 10 11.)11U6111 A joint lulu' with the
Lriginal perty,-we understand, hap been made
by the A. & a W. ttaitrout Co., the tai of
Alum corporation, assessed in this aunty for
toasty purposes, iieletteee to quite s ISITS
sun. Lee counsel ors the part of tbe anti—
ter pullet Colillialt of Hon. Walter s. LOwr l l4
lion Jeremiah S. Black, Hon. sy. U. *Miter s
and Jae : C. Mamba!, Req. Os Ibis opposite -I. o l h-
Ire learn that equally easiness &Mamma bats ,
been employed, but we auntie farnials their
wings it present.
The beauty tax, its this gaudy, twined by
the Coutioissiosers, We are ihformodAtisisititio
$2311,0i10, or three per Oirist•of S h° vlauji
toe This does not iaslatts t>te local *lvo.
for the Boole petrposs.
Coarcervista.—Oa Maids, WOW af
week a small bill due this dim by the oh;
WU presented to CowielLO for titeloaodaa. It
passed the Commie Conseil nasaltattegy e ,
in the Select Mr. John Moore otttol l l,
its payment Ws osa socoaat for ao Other
r etEgt hy that vote abould bare bia' eves
!ban itiat this paper . is Demoorade; wed - Mr.
Moore is 4 Republican. .Does Mr. M. maw
iu ultimate by each a coarse Ikea
ce eluilig to *boat • follow eddies oat of big
Jo. duns, solely become be is - a political
opp.meac ! We have pas some mosoistitOotas
perky malignity is oar day, bor,tills ig
tt , Jus the smallest tbet bits °etas arm 4 isr oar
We hope the day Is act Six &AA •11K
ttie 41 and unsightly railroad. dirt at Ibk
ho Wm down.
Cot. hiokeia's Ranakia. 7 --The remelts, if
Col.', U Cita Lin., of lerel
v numbed IM. aitY; r AnexpebleitlY: on
Monday afternoon kit, br way of the Erie
$ Pittsburg railroad. Tin t were obtained
by Ood. Rogers, teepees. - it ceeimander of the
regiment, during the taeroh of the army from
itlohniond to Alexstidris. The remains of
Maier Negbel, who "%a l bum.' by the Un-;
nel's side, were: left undisturbed. On the
rival of the code at the depot, it lins met by
l• rge delegation of cititette and escorted to
the resitleane of pr. Perlin!, on Peach street.
The heerta, noettining the remains wa.T beau-
Wally dreped with na tional embleme, and the
proeditidn, clonal tiring the shirt netted gives.
wail Ante , that reflected much credit om the
patriotism ant pu ttia spirit..of our people.
The dual fluters! eersatotties of the berate
and lamented dares-0i will cake place from
t he First Presbyterian enured', on Friday, the
39th inst.. at 11 &aloes. Au ioritatioo is az.
tended to all the claim:is to participate, and
Wiser* and soldier,' of• any of ortr regiments
ire requested to attend in uniform, it conve
nient. As imposiug dentonsiratiou4lU un
doubtedly take plum. The honorific are the
Atom* tieleuted for the occasion;
Master of Certunosles, 13. B.Vinoent, Evy .
Chief 'Marshal, Brig. Oen H. L. Stows, ;
Assistant Marshals, Cots M. Boblaadecker.
0. S. Woodward
Pall.b , Cols. H. S. Campbell, B. Grant.
Majors J. W. Reynolds, A. A. Orals, •J.
W. Walker, Capt. T. H. &tulip.
Commander of escort, Capt. John Graham,
to whom ail officers and soldiers in uniform
win plates report, at Reeding Room in Com
mercial Block.
lacono* —The income list for this oily is
complet.4l. sod the Collector will soon be de—
nten ling his share of.the profits halide by our
tritium+ 'rue highest taoome reported is that
of Ur 1. itse.l, which figures up in the neigh
-1.,,,t0 .01 - rise next highest is
Chet ,tr Wit i 3.titts, who reports an income
ot ai 000, sod t lin third is that of Mr. Noble,
about $59 009. Tne number of large incomes
ezneeits ,onnsiderably that el last year. and
the nettles in' several persons appear Itch
figures etteous I to t ttaru that yid surprise
greet ineur. A doomoa of lb. Department
that incomes received from he sale of proper•
ty bought to other yeari Ihstit the lest one
need not he reportei. will let outs number of
persons from paying henry taxes. Amos& the
gentlemen who have retelized' large fortunes
by their operations to reel estate. and who if*
released from an nnormoui item of taxation
by,thps decision, are Mr Noble, Win A Gal— ,
braatti, 44.. Senator Lowry, V. M. Tiompion,
and lir. Lamb. 11r. Noble hss bet really the
largest inoome of any one in the city, it Wing:
some $200,000 More then be is requirtid to
report. in like manner the other gentlemee
named era understood to he released from re—
turtling gems varying from $lOO,OOO to $40,-
000. Nine test is of the returns ire for ousts
of $B,OOO, $2,000 en.l 51,000. in a short - time
the list will be ready for examination, ant Lia
we presume it will be published, the public
can then satisfy their curiosity to the fullest
GIN. JACK CASEMIAT.-A letter writer de—
scribes how Gen. Shermeo's mu, received
the news of Lee's surrender. An officer rode
atoll the line announcing the news: . ,
Comi3g to Jack Casement's brigade, the
General eagerly bent forward and arida out
tp . For God's saki what is it?' ' • Lee
bas" surrendered his whole um, Grant:
said the rider. Quiok as thought It. littlis
lithe man threw a flip-flap, striking square
and upright upon his feet, exclaiming as lle
came down, Boys let's all take a drink.'
`Then leading off himself, another round of
loud hums rose upon the air, and echoed tkr
away among the silent pig" forests and plains
The news struck the General's friends la
this city just about as it struck hits, and they
did take a drink. Over the entire county"
that day the universal salutation was " L et's,
take a drink !" And very few resisted the en
ticing solicitation !
Eleveral•gentlemen from Elmira, N. Y. are
here for the purpose of effecting arrangements
with the Councils and citizens to /us bel the
streets and houses. They Lave /IA 'cassias
erable experience is the line, and elsim
have'slways given estisfaction. The system
they propose is the Philadelphia one. admit•
tediy the beet in nee. We should be heartily
glad to see their project encouraged sufficient•
ly by the public to make it fa their interest
to undertake the job.
—We understand that the statemeste of
ootemporarr papers that the Councils have
passed an ordinance enthorising the labeling
of the streets and numbering of _ the houses,
Is not correct. An ordinance to that affect
has been drawn up, and will be considerid on
tienday reining. We have not seen it, lint
if it .ito fair in its provisions, we trust there
will be so hesitaney In pawing it.
Woman Dainesso.—A piling lady named
Lydia Wilson, daughter of James Wilson,
living in the eastern pan of Giusti township,
wu drowned on . lhiclay about nue: - She
went to the well for the purpose of proonring
pall of water. The water wu usually ob
tained by letting the pail down tato the well
by means of • pose with a book at the end._lt
supposed that she either had a it, or that
she slipped and fell into the well. lier:a
led to a search, and when found she bad been
ip the well about halt an hoar. Tint &mussed
was about twenty years 'id ages aintabont toe
years ago was subject to fraqueat its.
Vzoiartcut or Liw AID Oanna.—Tiii Buf
falo &pus says it Ingersoll deserves hon
ing as a traitor for his utterances upon that
oacsaino,.mi it is only the spirit of forbosel.
sane that charaotorises the loyal pooplo of
the country which to his neck from tilt
halter."--.4Thany Atla s. Argus.
It I. • fact worthy of remark in I* con
nection that the geatlewen who edits the
Buffalo Evros and so tippantly advocates a
violatioa of law sod order, was bisselts few
years ago kaockitd dews and maltrestedat the
pelts in the oily of Buffalo by a cilia taipelled
- by the same spirit whit* berasonld now en
gender. And it is a farther
_o'6V -that for a
ktag limo afterwards his . pipet: ffailyLkarphd
;art the outrageous viol e nce and deprecated
evelthing of the kind.--Rotietter Union.
OSIASD OIL ITIIXt. —We hive Nllsbly
latoreted that the Work of testier e'oitter-
Thorp along the Otte of Elk Creek .is now
*boat being pushed forward with. the utmost
seal sad allergy. Within the weatieur weeks.
we usderstand, that there will be IA Oda hat
a dose* wells in the immediate utelallY
Girard, being put down. The several compa
nies engaged le -the - work - ate, verynoeildest
of emcees, and we are glad to see them take
hold of the wont with the degeinalawden. to
hare this territory thoroughly , ttotetrwith se
little delay ss. Girard 17niers.
in the Poet 01Bee without prepayment, ere
is. seat to the Dead Utter 'Moe. Tian
having as /ernillefeat qusetity of stamps are
not forwarded to the Dead Lotter Dikes, bat
doable the amount sapid is oherpe on
del/very of the letter. Revenue stamps are
net valid ia - pephiet of pasto',
Isms N. Mardoch; I J,.wboss_,Oss dra
mas esselings is the Wears assesioirliNfie
'64 ask hie gassy wiskireis. is Erie, is soir
Islas Weiss* is *sena
eesusty, Ohio, when As iiissibm
NSA, two weeks. -
Thi brier of bur eorriapoadeitt l talabels
rill appear aeailitek 1411.PN5,01,14" u teo
lase for thisweeles tom. •. • -
A emitter - 4
• ittepeiii - mid Ma is et? COL;
Malone, &pities& have Vitliallaait a lot its
the Cemetery, castles $lOO. in *Web t•_44.
posit his remains.
Like basinewk is ownsually
,are low sad waive. The worm dsek Wetl7
men and sailors will be considerably lees Om
last year.
A Eret•alau Wheeler 4. Wilson wrist lees.
chine lor sale—has sever bees used, MA wilt
be mold tin per cant. less tins thil Plitt of the
tosnufscinrers. Inquire at this ono,.
Another effort is to be made to oast Jag.
Sterrett freak the Post Office. We have hard
the names of several potions suistioned as
applicants for the position.
The'persou who poised a live dollar wan:
tette' cute oa the Northumberland Bank, in
this ogee, will cower N fuser by replacing it
with s good one.
Oa Tuesday, lion. A King and saatiter
gentlemen *ere out 011 fishing exoursion
near Wattsburg, awl stauctedal la capturing
188 'pleaded trout.
A. M. Guild; formerly i,f the hoed &Usti.
is now keeping the Arkley }louse in Bloonti
Oyu". Mi. Quad chsoges about from ,plawe
'kitten' with so much rapidity that it is tiara
to Peep track of him.
Mr. . If. Moore, formerly one of the pub •
Ushers of the Oassavaa, some time ago loca
ted in'the town of Plummer. Venango county.
and, judging by the statements of the Oil Oity
Register. has "made a good thing of it." He
kali been chosen one of the directors of the
Vint National Bank of Plummer
Mr. P. B. Honicker has purchased the In•
tout of Mr. Carver in the business heretofore
conducted by them jointly, end will continue
to carry on trade at the old stand. Ur.
H to one of our most enterprising young
Wetness men, and deserves the prosperity
that we are glad to know hen fallen to kis
The femurs and "show" of Artemisia Ward,
on Saturday evening, was, u we anticipated.
hugely attended. partite eoming from a
at: bar of miles in the country for thet par.
pose. The gay Artemis succeeded in pleasing
all, and snob an uninterrupted succession of
laughter we have not heard for many a day.
We pledge him a crowded bliuse whenever he
visits this city again.
- By a recent ardor of the 07.4 r Department,
all the baggage of the .93d Peausylratasi
Volunteers unoslitti for by the first of Jae.,
1865, is to be sold. Soldiers of this command
and Aheir heirs cm obtain the same by calling
on or addressing S. Todd Perley, Erie, Pa.
Neighboring journals please copy.
Through the watohfulness and skill of• Mr.
W. P. Sweeney, iho has charge of the depot
building at this city, some eight men sod
three boys employed on the Lau Shore rail
road hare been detected in pilfering goods of
various kinds from the etre ot i the reed The
men were mostly brokesmeo, and have hith—
erto been of good reputation. Stolen sucell
to a considerable sum have been recovered:'
The new system has not yet, elreeted much
improvement in the• quality of the conency
circulated hereabouts. The old Si/deism,
dose about as freely as ever, and we. are not
sure but they will continue to for some time
to come. A difference of feeling seems tq
exist on the subject among the bank.ers, and'
unless the friends of • the federal system are
very active, we are of the opinion that no
considerable °image in the circulating medium
of our section will be effected for some months.
to come. '"
If we were called upon to acme the three
public improvements moseneeded in 'Brie just
now, we would say: Nest, -sad foremost,
water works and pipes to carry the water into
every house in the-city. eleconcl, a first ohms
high school, to' - Illich all the best pupils-lo'
the 'atter scho4l* might be promoted ; and,
Third, a neat and durable 'sacs around the
Parks. The latter can be postponed, though
much to the discredit of the city, the second
will i•oine in the course of a fats years, lint"
the fest &hued not be delayed a single ino
longer than is positively necessary ._
A soldier, purporting to be with the army
near Alexandria, sends us a letter in which
be complains of the grand review. shortly to
be held in visit vicinity as a piece of folly and
injustice. He says the privates are all so
li? 'tens to get, to their homes, and do not Intel
. te e retained for the simple sake of aiding
to make a grand display for the benefit of,
th it °Soars. We think his views, are sensi
ble in every respect, but as the letteris Omni
what lengthy, and no good would be dotts by
printing it, we shall be obUged to omit its
The Councils, at. their session on Monday
evening, appointed the following -committee
to • investigate the reoruitiag operations is
this city, last summer : Select—C. M. Tibbole t
den.M. Kahn ; Common—Wm. Bell, J. S. Joe.-
din. We hope the committee will oar* no
Seal to sift this affair to its very foundation.
So many reports have been cir'catoted in con
nectioo with it, that, whether true or fable.'
the public should be made acquainted with
all the particulars. The innocent ought nit
longer to suffer from unjust aspersions on
their reputations, and the guilty, if any there.
be, deserve to be held up to complete expo:
sure. Mr. J. ?d. Kuhn has labored_ with
fidelity to secure the proposed investigilleins
end to his efforts is mainly due the appoints
meat of the committee. He is determined to
probe the matter td the bottom. -Any person
having information bearing on the subject,
esa f a mi s h, it. I,ll_ latn . _or soy of the other
aketishers of the Foisulttm...
~,, r;
~.,. , •---,,
• Joseph_ Loansherry, , ; man Wh0' . '1111144 . 1
Cyrus Butler, one of Col. Cetapheli's deputy
provost tnarsbahk. in Clearfield: leanly, lase
tat, vu teketra few days ago at Like, City,
In Jefferson Cofiitz: L • tilippeare that Lettis-'
berry bas been wiiitiiiiiliel.o, 4 ..oJerioll!litr;
under en assumed' nuni, , ikantittutly attar j
conitaluing the murder, and hail Cut been »-
recognised until lidif or two before he tru
esteued. He alit anted and a: depersu.,
character, it was nedessary to use some strat
egy to snore hits without a fight. .se: seta
sooordingly induced to egter the store idler.
8. Shins, at Like City, for the, r. wpros
of purchasing • suit of clothing, and, •
trying on socielnthingleas-eeciare
trouble. The trial wilt-tats _place at
Pell. Pa. • ' rr,
The Commissioesr oP Enrollmeoelk4lie'
Crawford district has been diseharpflArai
further services, sad it Is 'spaded Ail eitolups
of the Board will soon be mustered ma
enocesses of our arms have removed itii)10::
oessity of fasaherdrefie,Jsod id sir " 44111 p,..
tion'e gone." • :
s. oil wi t--pis biii6 iii ,
fan o. eolith of Waterford. Oa niggle, of
last intik a emdi obild treat iataAfeeNei*
kola" !ad, Womb caught is tAo , Mlc et .
LW &hiss Weir see kilko lasieldkr•
A amber of railroad Whigs, smarrhdag
- filidditAatspeary-tr#4ok
of the Pai* e isais Seas" D. raw
Chief idsaspr of the P. t 2. tailstaigitalt
Edward V. Gay, ViesPresideat of the latter
soaPallY. tier eit7 pa Batttrdei.
vandals; 1 44•2 4 13a1a5*. Titiir-abfest.,
iladoestaad, tree to asomlida the progress of
the mama work to cosisalt . with ear bast.
ao#lo,oo 44 toh'ufilOrlfilltrilierrett
the iapeotetaeaia of tai read , A* iimitlkoo
Car leadlag bushiest gala sailed apes theta,
Sad up tod the grievances eomplaiaed of
hrtiti • "4:olo4.44l4flitsAwai4:
Usti, the Oil Omit road. The railroad
pressed surprise at some of the statements
made, saying that Ited - they Marra the fasts
a raft" would have takes place leg No,
lutprataiddisiripisatadettaeir tha.:llm*-
eats of Erie, and promised that measures
would shortly be taken to pat both roads is
a satisfactory coaditicT. We assort !hap
that the propoied lieprovereenti cisme, Is'
made too soon. Wimps they will pirtaltAto
deal la coaltilag their arrasgemeate for
kgent/eauts !hewed us els!, letters re-.
delved yesteriay in response to en advertise
*Ws the Daily Plate Dusts of the day
before. sio that. advertising 'attssets no et-
Unities !—Cheelsed Plebs,
We tau recite a %Otter itUrof the
value of advertising. A gentleman had in'
vain endeavored for two menthe to sell his
farm in this county. Almost despairing. he
et last inserted in advertisement in the On
agaves. Within two days he bed 'a -half
dozeu customers, and at .he end of the mond
day he sold it for Nu hundred dollars more
than he had' formerly asked 6o it. _.The hug
dent has made him en earnest believer la the
benefits of using printers' ink.
The new three tent piece Is said to be a
lout Improvement on the old one. It I.
enough smaller than the cent to be easily dis
tinguished from it, and is of the color of sil
ver. On the face is • head of Liberty sur
rounded with the legend " United Suites of
America, 1866 ;" on the reverse the numeral,
111., with a wreath of whet we take to be
heeds of wheat. it is composed of equal parts
of oopper and nickel, and, It is said, will not
tarnish. It will be welcomed es the first prom
ise of a substitute for . the nasty and inconve
nient paper-currency.
An suomamge says Oil City 1154 founded In
1880 by the Michigan Kook 011.0onqtny.
Previous to dist it consisted of only a tavern
and a couple of small stores. It was indor'
porated in 1862, and nowordains about 4,000
inhabitants. The present:l:sloes for hotel co..
commodellans ere three dollars a day, for
1 / 9 1 1 11 4 1 1-1191T, tkalbuil atidoritte
Minors twenty to' forty cent; 'a easy, and
other 'things in- propoillim. Dimly of the
business estabtishnients transact en anneal
business of from one to two hundred thousand
Doeseine, 4ettrespi ausetmoes that
the itch may IbirZOred . itietauta . nentuly by
simply applying. (witheut rubbing) petroleum
to the ports affected. Will it
,ours tbe ' itab
for speculation ?
Strange as it tney appear, while it cures
the oat kind of itch, it aggravates the other.
1 . 1 . 0 1 , 4 1 ;IPIffOltilf of !W.* 4 !- A‘uPP 4 " 4
"show " of it ill the locality, of some taped :3
mental well, has been known to excite die
meet distressing oases of the latter disease.
The ticket adios at Connesuiville depot,"he
Record says, was entered by burglars on tr. -
turday night; the thleemt..sgeeting an en
trams* through the miaow. A bits eostain
tag Ibe tickets was brokie open, but whether
any of Its contents were taken is not known.
There was's* bossy la the office. We learn
that the °doe at - Jamestown also entered
the - same Itigh , l _but the thieves ipeatied ne
plunder s r
The Sandiahi 2# .. ..-1.- - ifays the rebtaitit
prisoned - on Johnsen: E A, Lifted ban become
tired of lespitietetuteet, sad lost ell faith tu
their ability to carry on the war longer. Out
of tweity:44l2t•huedrell confined lbria, all
, bat "tint hety-Ovalizie asked perutiesi"o
to take tbeenanesty . oath. 1
The politioal-stiaada of Mr. Litio,do. to
Aim pity, will, be pleasett•to learn that: Ur, J.
O. Holland, one °Etas moat favorite lecturers
it' our annual amino, ham undertaken the
isalt,of freparing rta9grapliy 2 or the late
l'aditat,- He will soon mate b journey' to
the Wend le strerch of material for' hie nark.
A csitempotary says. •• NOVIIT marry with
out lore, nor love Without reasoo.• • A forty
thousand dollar heiress, we presume. would
be isibelif4 l " . : •
Mr. P. IV-Hato, of Williamsport, hat tieeli
appointed - Master Or Transportation of the
Philstialphia & Erin. railroad.
Thapnblio will be vitiated to leant that a
heavy ilsoOne in the price of oast has taken
place in the large eitios, to be follciand roan,
w• trust, in this locality.
The pulp sire's bits been fail of business
(Wrist the ruit - week. - -- - IFert Greegville Argils
It ittiarsiletibipbied with a lack of business
in this city.
-Aar. J. Peale, fortahtlyi , of this city, is de
livering s series of lectures upon the-Holy
Land, in Connesutville. during the present
• Tito lecture °owls plops pot winter yielded
• roves:ins of $1,637.68. •ad the evanees
yes $1, 8 10. 46 , leaving se profit • Haft; 'over
The dry goods store of R. S. Monition &
fitinii.lashAng ipitoiat43lo3arteet gelid* of
any in the city.
Aar Dteratsarron..--Are:oontinind tb ;the.
attention of our readers the► piisn of Dolph
Brothers, of this city, far disposiiii' of a
number of floe 'paintings, engratfogs *ad
photographs stung their patrols.. By paying I
the smolt sant of three ihOirrn, the porebseer I
of a ticket is entitled to one dollar's worth of
,ef bhsseU,4rsay,ot hielriands.
besides securing a ticket is thi Yorerwad din.
iizaiibiad the,eolleatian
of 40taree
j e i tiotogy to the
16,0400 L14 WlWlthwi 1 4 1
Viii find the room of Mew': in
FerrerMkweith Aids.
men bywwoidescOastielmiltiL , k 4 lol l 4l: l ,PßlT
that liiissaiii.„ - Noohan &Bo h eryttniat a'
user libet anstskotratatwitr.Bankole block,.ea
• nide of the Perii: 7za rket . 6,4111'461i
a good stook, sad promise to atilitAir asaiamoss
. walkalt ND'
• '
mealisiet. tot** imam
- -
•4 1 01 111 4
• bw—iatio
._.„ .. 1 41 11 1 ,14.110 . 7 .. .re.bare
POWNlip •••••4 •lo 41.."2 • 'Win
tlireitt 11 41Mi'
Walle•••11 !ISM **::
It is a noticeable foot that nottritbstnading
my great i`altin sold, prices at prowls
iona, sitinost
every An/ "ehli * *lt efl
ter* in the spring.
As imptoved 4owa sowing matakithe Nil I*
solfejtesp, „Inuits :at this °Ass,
Wstesa—Taome•—At the residence et the
bride's moiler. by Rev. L. M. i3eldes,
Charles Jr. Weigle, et Fikirriew l / 2 tq Nisi
Wry E. Thoross,'ef Milleresk./. f t ."1 }1
Harbor Creek. on the 7th lase.,
Willie Grant, youngest 'Mild at Itobat nail
Caroline Sewell, sped 14 months and 17
ilhana—ln this oily 'on Theridatnight`iii
11th inst., after a brief Ulnas, Abraham
Lincoln, youngest child ofiL L..ead B. /L
'Clark, sped 2 months sad 10 days.
gollag'S Ntittlintlitia)
Dissolution of Partnership.
atheist lowest' °unsettle% Ilaintstsi, 4 go
Larithre sedittullags beafaes, to tide ‘74lle4tell
tastsel iroiteent AU pawns kw,* wormiest lA.
Wed to the stave Ara are reqseatel to WI Gal Mr
tie heaterttately. Thebeatatere will he etaleatel in tila
Item by P. Baloeseker, at the old stead, where the
books of the Ann remain tor eettlematit.
Ifs* May ST, 1/14-tt P. II: 1101ABIL
ILEATRIMONIA.I4.—k AWN AND 611NIL1 1 / 1 = s
JIL wig Ss yos as* do so brodililiddias
sm. I will mead you, "Most sow and without yoke.
valuable inforoastlos. that will sib Tes Its ma*
happily and ussoadlly. trrospeative of ass; resift 1t
Soosty. ?Ida tolkawaAlos will oast yes aotisialg sad It
yoss wiak to marry, I will alumostolly sadist rya. AU lot
taxa strictly soalldwital. TM dabs& taismstkm opt
irr Mara matt, sod so toward asked. Pima* ~rasa
Poston or daisilsol ea .slops, address d to yousselt.
Address, Balt tH B. LAYBARS,
Orsaapolst, Clogs Co, Now 'rods.
NEW 11001 1 AND SHOE
• :
A. sr Worm their Mends and' the publics that thity
have *posed the above busineas, oa the feat odds of the
Dianoad, salt door to lir. John Babe's dry goods
store, where they offer for tile the best eascuted dash
In the trade west of New York. elated front four dif
ferent essaufastories, mad b .ught-st
Reduced Prices,
Bawds! ordtattos sire's _
TO TER 14 - AD/38.
Without their patronage, business would is hloataded.
aka, 111116-tt _
Wan 999►&&• aleTll. DIALS% 4
Leather, • Hides, at.e.,
No. E Parry Sleek, State St, KAU. P. ^.
CnutaoU on h►/d • limp Abel of
UPPERS ♦ND :4rt.tri. Lawn,
SLAV, a lOU.
- All of width Um , Derr los Aar
tteten UN PKOSAVT r A C. ;
Spris' g !
:448. 4.- H.. BALI,
Would respectfully call attention to her
Jost- received (rem Wow York. embracing
'connote, Hats, Kibbe:line, Ake.,
Together with mead
D R Y G 0 0 'ID ji I
Which sibs will aril
inr Portlealar attention paid to hi.Sc inj. coterie,
and prersiu4.
Mari or Nralik "it . 7 doors al.w the Depot, arts.
Pa iptdiVddlit -
• •
beat ?reparation ever preheated In tbe public •
h o e to which thrgulaiall who Wye wed it are reedy I.
testa') • •
row appilnitians er tAi. Conipouad will elloingw Wwwwll4
Orr and wiry Hair 10 tiwk oast tmotriful„
If the Heists Cs Mau og, et; beeeuttig erity, the meet
the Illeeewer will merely east tts dewy. spa awes It I.
'slum% ins short time, on 'lto haw hesats. It aers ,
pistol, eradicates Seta sad Deadrelf. sod 'dile este
mum, so destructive to the note of the Sate, axe -
Cures all Diseases or Humors of-tbs
Thp N.A.r I. onolis/lod by say other gar Preposstioo
Being a Vegetable Compound.
THE Propriet.ra offer .the 9iciliso Mir
ileatreer to the pabile, entirely conlideat that it trill
Promote - Its Grovtth,
And 1* *early all ease. wheat lt has gallon GC will eor
tars it,
_salsas the person is wry aged Th is is
sot Igo saw Prepustloos; Seals, the kik
dry sad brut's. bat will help It moist,
soft sad glossy.
R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors,
• No. 127 NM* etas; blisilina, N. D.
RAU. It warn., gtellueve Spade for Wooten
Pento.pleesla, Western New York and isstelighlo.
Stray - Cattle
_TRAYED PRoal TIIE P grad. ram Or
the auteetiber. is human township. 'beat else
lull mile eonthwest of the Watesteed plash reed, No
tatisatttan llrle. roe Ifetaaft Calisno-,7lnee Cows sad
Two Rails, ail nod, with the eaneptioh of ow of the
304 which his • white spot on the torshisa. • liberal
toward wilt be &on for their rotors.
Kota St* *IONA/ 4 ROWEL
Dissolution Notice.
the Coparteerabip heretofore exterieg, wider tie
*We et Weed. Mat) k Persona has ibis day Ws di*:
sohnet by sdtteat eoeseet
May 1,1965-3 t
To Boat and Vessel Owners,
Tr oak tangiitoek - At peiliekt atZ Aid
Wen; *UNA law stain of Lleadil 'Oa, Milk smite
%Wei The betted on is AttAll listootiool*or
pantie& Mao; Wm props* ONO ot
patios to oHreatibe - !mil& Ap i a O fAr*
%I to., aro V iat i at lair toottot
rkaera foy - pottiot lad one hi try= 1"11 :44
lartfAto _ MALL II "
~ :Pinta IS c raiS " ' •
11; Isle %Ids SOU iiiiIIIIPCfb atal . „ _ ._,Cliek ta...... ting=
bat ITS miles tees OW oil um mitt
toad, eestilidag NV emu ait lied; liseene — eiridUeries
a geed Innis, dwelling wllik oars eel)Licsliall
wanedd all weeimiln
litanies flidt.ates =l
- et Jam V. libsnaea. pint ps, M. the sets wilmir es
Cie peiniknes •.. -.-• . - ~...ivami 04‘111011.
inuerear, be. is- - 4,..: - . - - . .. , _, - t •, ,-
J. H. mom' Ai co.. ; mosethaly iOnak OP PAN trove $ ' bus
FURNITURE gm:Mk-zoom,
letwess 6th sad 9th Staid*, 4A Stag,
f ru " thief to bop - imalusity sr bad sad
aoseitiadait - • - -
p a rii nwnis.
- . HIMMEL% -
hil l nilatiflNO STRINGISsIdNo.
die evil sae. 7.f 4V150...
t Will erre Dirge*a.
f WfWean Weassaiss, , .
1 'ill mart ileums/ •
I; WRleueliamiliani. iy,• •
I Ain mg Ifimirthe. L -- • -
11111 sun lAvse Corrialat. ~
", TVS mita sag email a Maltby ~i p ,t ile
Wail IaTICIII Ula arras or oft„..l.tott awl uttrt, , rtti 9
Illt 1
_28.. lie Op. body sud We bur. o 0
armlibtlimirldhlVA Car as S 0.00 at e..m.bont to , tt tit
spigur s sorilialim so potion:no druo, awl .a
MU Sin TONIC Brno :VI IN Til K WI di 1.11
,I, , . A Ihir /dal la ear» idly goaclte.l
1110. C: Min& t 00.. Proprietors.
L.,.fluita.o., K T
Omani Depot,
TO= Assottesst Itspreia Billdiur HUD
Ise %Mit Drunists, Groom., ar.
H OL V. trig. Wbolesido agents.
liirrisibs by Hall k Womb&carter t •U • Kit
Was* Booth.
SOS Broadway, New York,
toown ovaii MUT.)
100,00 Watches, Chides, Gehl Paw,
PENCILB,-&0., &C ,
WOUTII 3500.0001
Assil nog to &paid trail yeas bow what you • wai
;t • receive;
3 11011frieltilDM LIST OF ARTICLES,
r •
4111 tik be geld ter ONi DOLLAR each •
-14111 Gold Benting Nam Watched, oath $lOO 09
100 Gold Watnbots ...... 80.00
200 Udine Manatee 26 00
6110 Silent Wtitehes. $16.. 0 . 0 . 4 $l4 00
'SO Gold reek and Vest Chains 1100 to 16 00
-1000 ChatehthaindEluard Chaise. 6.00 to 16.00
8000 Yost and Beth Chaise. • 4.1 . 0 to 1100
4000 Bolttair• iht and Gold Swishes— LOO to 1.00
40011Ceeol, Lairs, Genet, ic e Brooches.— 8.00 to 6. 4 .6)
7000 Gold, Jet; Opal, he., Bar Drops SOO to 600
6000 Goats' &tad sad Bead Pi5a....._800 to 800
6000 Oval Band Bracelets • 800 to too
2000 MAW Bracollets..- 5.00 to limp
8600 Califitrola DiamoodPlut sod Rams.. 2.60 to Bto
WO Gold watch Kepi 1. 260 to 6.00
100018olitaire ktlntve Bottom and :stud... 200 to 6.00
BOW °old ThOnbles 4.00 to 600
6003 Hiniature Lockets 200 to 700
11000 tilniatetie Lockets; Basic 400 to 9.00
MO Gold Todthplok... Grottos, to , 2.t ()to' 600
8000 Fob dlftib .00 flltde• 2.00 to 600
61200 Chased Held Binge 200 to 600
4000 Stone Set Moto .. 2.60 to 000
6600 Bets Ladles' Jewelry... Jet and Gold.. 6.00 to 16.00
WOO Ms Ladles' Jewelry—varied Myles.. 3.06 to 16 OD
Cate and Pent6l.... 6.00 to 00
4000 Gold Irbony Holder and Case.. 6.06 to /0.06
ata. , Limmited 200 to 6.00
AU the goods in the above List will be sold, without
, teeerratlon, ',for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certificates e
.11 the Slirions artblee ate , placed in similar envelopes.
Puled and Mixed These eovelopos *in be sent by mail
or dolivered4t cure:dice without regard to choice. Oa
etesiving a rtilicalei. you will 600 what article it repre
sent*, and it Li optional with ynu to mud one dollar and
0101100 the t che named. or say other to the list of the
lame value.
-By this in to we give retentions from a varied stock of
tia•goods, nr the best mate avid latest ' , tyke, and of to
triune worth, at a Donathal price, while all have • ehause
of securiegartieles of the very highest nine
ivi ail truism:lima by moil we ebariei for forwarding
the Certificate, paying poolio, and Joins the business
Went. each. Poi certificedu all in seat fo.. 61; Clew
"Pr s 3 t_ThlrStio r 4 4 : &ref fry $lO, mot Ows Hex
We should Sopely your acute; our faciltites are Ungar
:110004; 00/, wurk of aurivallai excellence; our premiss
ntiOtually ogba•nred. Our central loratlon brings at Dear
u rnow ,,y, ramie point. tier goods Ire new Irvin the
eunnl}etnrCre, and of the latest and moot desirable ety lee.
The roue mot be sold, and the terms ace unequalled
&r oom. ,mime Sr. forwarded by relish. Mail.
We gamin!** titird satisfaction In every instance,
and if there should be at.. 7 person diekatuelled .111.11 any
article they may moire, they will autolatately learn
it sad the pd.* will 00 refunded.
Masitet.:—Wie allow those acting ea agents An Zeuti 00
each Certificate ordered,. pi ovid,,d their rowittlake
*mown to use dollar.
They will collect 26 cents for every Cacti:Scale, and re
_ Ululate 10eonts, remit to us 16 cents foe each
()80. DBRIBBIT ar,
alesegau • 1108.0 roadway, New Toth.
World reirpeettelly Inform the Public that they have
pun:hued the -
mu= OP BTU MID StATII eves
Where they Intend to keep ea good an axaortataat of
- " isloopt to En.'.
. •
lied Braude of Erie County Flour
Kept eoastmatly on hand and
rrAioteurtr7) 4 GOOD eIRTICI.I C'
t er net biggest Menet Prkr. paid Cr:o at: kiatta
Coualkl7 modals
delivered lrrenf ahlre t.. any p.rt of Ito.
-A.kIINNIN. lmar3il'ebtt.j F:
Orphan's Court Sale.
Is llehletfer ei the Palatka el the Real Rotolo of Wel-
Moto aleileia, diseased.
A. the Orphen's Court, to me directed. I will expose at
Ylablte Sale. upon the premises, on the 7th day of J. oe,
111112, atoseeelock p. the following described real
estate, vie AU that coral ' n piece or parcel of land. situ
ate in Concord township, tele county, known bl being
part of Tenet No. 49, beginning at the northwest outage
of the whole trust, thence aloe` the north line of said
.Iweat ma US pushes to s post In the northwest corner
of had eowtreated by Samuel H Fisher, these, along
Ihe wet line at said Lead south 128 perches to a post on
the north it.. of land of John Logan, then*, shag said
earth line and by the north line of tract No. 48. west 132
pwChisi to aallt the corner of tract No. 49, thews
also' the we stfine of said hut, north 128 perches to
jibe plasm of lieghtaing, ceetaining 99 acres and /01
piarcse 4 ; woes or less.
Alan; that certain plate of laud in Wayne to wnship,
trie scanty, trotuidod as follows, six Begiuniog at the
southwest corner of land of-Daniel Yeager, Seed. d by
Hibbard Jk Terrell to said Yeager, therm slat Ph to
pereb•S to a post, thence north 26 parches, theses west
29 440 parches and thence south 24 perches to the place
Ot hagtus aj lontainieg 4 acres at 47 perches The
ebortred two pieces of land Wag Purpart No. /
la the Partition of Real Relate of Welcome atdrich, de.
Also" all the t certain pfeew or luxest of bled situate is
the tontelnp or Wayne aforesaid, hews pia of tract No.
gland 30, bounded as follows, viz ilegioulng •us the
Slit Hee of land oontracted fur by Horace i urea. mid
6$ aerehee frota the 'oath Ints of land of 84°1010 Smith,
101 probe, to a poet, times by resillue of tract No.
OD, east 10 pentium to a poet on the went lin. 01 fleet
SO. 111V1hilitiew by said treat and wishing of tract w o. c().
north 24 pirates tea post on the moth hoe of food of
Wis ellnith, emus br said land west 68 perches to a
post on sold MEW' south west corner. theuce along
said entittea west line, north 17 6-10 perches, thence went
16 warns to the place of beginning. cootsiaing 70
tares, with allowance, bo time wore or hers--1..ei04 Put.
p •tt No. 21a the Partition of Real Finite of Wet ores
TwawanoSat.a.— , Pee-third of the parttime money to
bit pad at Avows of l jdia Aldrich, widow u(1.111.1 Wel
esestwAldtich. Interest on said third to be paid to sea
Lydia annually , dialog her lite. One-tottrth of the. bed
anewwf the peltehane looney Os enollrtuatton, of sate,
balaana tothree equal annual Instalments thereafter,
with Memel .4ntantat, secured by Judgment bond an d
wintliejnow titopranials ; or: cub down, wt the option
of the pareheser. 111.1 all P. , RUC'
Guardian' the Minor Children of W. AI trick', deo
181364, •
~..L ii i g, 7,,,..,_ MAN Fl ()0 D .
rimislJ, ftw Lost ! Row Restored.
JUST PUBLISHED a New Edition' of
radical cure orttlatat guadicino) of tirolusev• trnout”, or
atijol d eat waskspooOnvoluntary Seminal Logeoe, limo-
Tetitgo, Mental sad flattest
ioo, Inespacity, Impedimenta
Ifiv to
eas.; igao,Coinaltett Ent.areg and e,
bow m iky h dedeetgeo cm assaal ortrosatranee•
illago% 4
lir ill • amid envelops, only 6 cents.
whoa; to thleadndrable rimy, clearly
hem a thirty year. suecap.fai practice,
taat4"V=faiesuainsaaw of ..lf abase way,ba rad•
teeny agree oitglitiat the daa=l4 6. j po log onaternal good
• •
-. i.. -•.- • ~ -:e like toting Out a mode
-.. • -. . ..,.- • . ••1 Ind edam, ay awes of
• I,„ ~„. tilt condition my
4 . • • • •••• • .'„_t& .y sect radium*
• • . bands of irrery
, 4 „ • to any mid.rimi, as
j,„ l ,‘„ 'atm. Ramps. Addis's
rl l . IMe rJ. C. YLINI. At CO.,
-igi 4r7, New Tort,
1026041111.41 r Post 01100 Cant - .
Maddr;,CerWlrof Oil and
Stmbossing, &tale, &0.,
: . „ipstikon! Sandhog, West Park How;
Hotel Removed.
Me the liseetea Hun, Jut aeon the Cepot, for
upe peet four Teen, Me learn Me the •
NATIONAti .goig-ix, ...._.
comas or MUCH AND aUIY4LO SUM% nu b " . 1
Hat e nts. "- --. k -" . - thoroughly ratted, to
sow kto the actosstgoodatlan of the public
Immo Isola try to aomatoodato We* se maul' dumb. *Wet attlaUott trre he Oros to maks all guests .
111M1sesidl, oanddloilaAlst old Amid. Ho how that know
width was so Morally Illattosdod to bllli aMa Win TM rsgularlig r all Mobutu&
to hiss la his 'nu quarters. Fib Th e bu n b oto ~,,a watts at.... here this Rota
it odisioat to otoookoodato oil tassustari who A o w e of the r aw, pansage--ri
rostrully &DWI.
tid. • ir. F. WOMaryf.
W SIIIVIr a ilitb
Ilitimiti , JOBS ions. yaw .
.„ !, t r.s. DUKar.
0011 . 110 MILO.
1H: i ;PIA :4 :ill!) :I
la eabillag sere for Sycrientorehact, Snake.
1/bahmer, Adana fit, sad all Munn
sensed by illaiithiebeet, each as Lou qf New
esi venal h ies fa Vet Aide, Iti
v r fle ar
Mies, Nombre OM Jew, Weak Nesete.
of BrosOrks f y,
_Thometikr, lthipkofte
m As A" 21als Chwatrawans, j themesp•
Mird all the direful ocouplainte caused by de
faces the path of salary. •
Tbia beaklike is a sibyls vegetable o
esti one oa which ell OW rely, ss It haw been lased
la oc t for may
la bas s yeas, andle with thonssais
tt . Itsal tailed tlice Instanos
sarathre pumas WIWI bets almost to gabs Or
SIIT7 WM the web stabbers ease.
=TOWNS Rile ban fWd Ilia •their amid.
esti they Utak bassalres beyond lb.
roma of medical add, tee womb ay. Duran see
the MUM irUl restore Ton to Maki
sad vigor, sad ear all gawk dodoes kayo Wel
My. Ma ?we Dellsre her bottle, or three W
ON fez Me Dallas, sad fortardad by lizprass to
airot the world.
Pamphlet soot by sail ton of postage, by
OR. W. R. MERWIR a. CO..
IS Liberty e n Not Tort, Solo Propritton.
The Lou euht for Discovered at Last
Yee dap.
Oomponzuhd from Roots, Barka and Leaves
MMUS 112111111 T, the great, Indian Dinretls
cries dlamme of the Urinary Organs, such ma
Inetattnettee d the Urine, in,dantma Am of a*
may,fallothecetwo of the Sauey:, Breese to Ms
amekkor, We. 0, *awl, Gonornieo,,G! , el, and'
is especially recommended (albino eases of Flown
Jaw, (oor Whites In fonsles,) where all the old,
=ultimo mad= bare filled.
far ls prepseid in a highly concentrateq
tom th e dew wily Wag froth one to two teaspoon.,
lab tines Woe per deg.
•Wall ii cliandie lad alicteire in Its action if
sad sheasbot the blood caming It to non
6 .- e7d segibiel. porky cad v igor ; thus rezone
1011 kola Has him pernicious causes whie/f
lave Ind:need
ITITECTION Is intended
Oita stip et mehtsat to the Cherokee Beas
and should be used In conjunction with that
In all own of Ghat, Gonorrhea, Fluor
Allots, or Whiles. Its Went' ant healing, soothing,
sad demaleenti removing all scalding, hest lad
PIN lagklad of tie burning mad almost uorudurabli
pals that Is experieseed with nearly all the cheap
cock - Intentions.
gir_47thip and the CHEROKEE RESIEDE.,
lad CU ROILICII 1111JECTION—the two tortiletwei
OW ease sloe ell Int proper 41 toe bargees/a
moved, and the weakened organs are speedily
Send to fall vigor and strength.
IXW ith, Cherokee Remedy, t 1 ,,,
, so tier** bottles for ill.
beff• Pries, Cherokee Ithjectto :1, I7t per
,or three betties for tit, •
kin by IZMIS 14507 address on racript r,f pike,
rriThe Cherokee Remedy, t7yi o.
keel Wootton and Cherokee twee, arp
sold by all enterprising Druggists In the t ; We,
world. Bone tinprino.lpled declare, hower,r, try
in,„ff_trerlhl_._ els 1710131P•unds, in place of Owe,: : th,o.
IMMO way ewe wireless at • cheap Prig-, an.l
WWI money by oelling, than they can al. 4
Naas. As you *Om yosir hea ,lth z) th: ~111 A
01 your future offspring, do not be iv.,l by .tt;
111121ZilelpIsai Druggists, ask for the , . o -t,• 4 *, ,
Nat tiewattl. if ibe Druggists will 1,..t ion it, u.
few sot, osolom the mosey in a I ett,r, r
ME OMBd to aby Express, recur It nt , nn,
trso Moo ye observation.
Ladles or Otailsosore can address d• - ;., ro.. r
oonteelsos, stalls& folly end plainly •it, t, .1 •
Yd symptoms, Ls as tress all , it,
mature la Male or hustle. Esti-alsn,:ed n,
becalm of their Inability to ti-:: u , .
arsated patents suceesstully in all • 1
(Atoll globe, by correspodence.
- Patients addressing ue will 0,1.-
thewymptoms of th.dr complain , 4,
°ea, County, Nato and nac , of u , ••
kolas* postage thump for rapi%
We stud our 89 rvef • -
drool. Address all letters fur n.or
an proprietors,
114 Neely e,
3E(lM_L i \ jt
siß' CURB IKL:;-: . 4A1NITED —6l
lY Dniecrne . . 1!.1,11 l% FA)
pie- Call jar: •''
kfly J.
The symptotnit ef t.... A ,•.,•.•5 e •Ile Alit •ppee.
are at first very ellg` t • • • Late a old
that they hate freq.,•• • . •_i s An I a:. mule. p.osative
to the changer of trtupr:.r"... e. thin comll , .ou• tne
I m a r may be dry, or a slight diecherae. thiti nod acrt t,
afterwartla becomlog thick and adbmov. Aa the al,
ease becomes cht*.nio, the discharces at. 10,11akell it
quantity and changed in quality ; thee are t..s. thick,
and heavy, and are hawked or coughed up. The sect*
tioas are offensive, caueing a bad hreitthi: touts
thick and nasal ; the eyes are weak ; of tut
mosti is lesinmed or destroyed; deilinear• fre.,uriktly tub •
Name. Aoother common sad imi or bolt q Bittern n
Catarrh is, that the person Is ohligttl to deer hui thruw
In the morning. of a thick or slime mutt 'kWh
doirn from the bead de ;Le bight. Wh a
this takes piece the patents ,-ettiat bu disaam
Is on its way to the long, 1.0 nme is
arresting tt.
TAB above ars4tWii!.. t c , '4 ,.4.:47 , A eywm
tten _
X I L I .) 14.1
' • '
A single Amonih
to be used 1. day.
A._ Tes ......•_. -
mig Han. Thomas J. Terrier, Ez-Mtnnkr of t ongrrer
frau lifiltnis, late Spenirr of filenosa 'Luse 4 lisr•
&rotative/ and Grand Master ofd. F ood 4 31, 04'4
;Mar of Ittiscis.
DR: 0.0. SEELT,E
D=AR SIR :—lnYwirly to your notice oktbo Irth last
I would any tint I wee severely afairiel u rtl, t sten).
for yours. wben I beesmo acquainted with you. a. 0
bought two bottles of ynnr I iquid Calar:fh kenvuy I.• -
fore I had ass I one bottle, 1 was eenhibly tint r °Trod. a ri•
before the rareond bottle wee floti,heu, .91; eouqueter t
cured. I can recommend the midi ion 1., ell atlliOlPl
with eatvrth.
Respectfully nun,
TI10 4 : - J. IrRNICR
DR. ,p. H. SEELYE- &
rout PROPRIXTOILIS t Chicagn, 11l tlOll..
Cr Laboratory at Fri/Tort. Minot'
tiglVElrtta MAMMA
S'ISONG & . awl. Oh.
JOHN 1 PAR' naH2Ot
wm. Jonlatt.. petmit. MI&
And tot sale by ."
Cs # - 1 1
ruiturAcitrarn AE 1^r44.711A1,1
Fifth below State Street,
Opposite this Dispatch Printing Wenn
Ceres( Frenclumi Fifth Streets, Elie,
....m4b.- ,
WORDEN J DUNN, Proprietor'.
, 6.: 1
«i; b'ynuh
1.. gTFIOM