tritt I:3hoserbti THURSDAY. MAY 18th, 1865. -NriWWl= it MIX Poona Ii TO rilol Or FT7911 Special ifilees. Qr . • We desire to °Diehl a eorreepoedeat fa every te eizahlp to the county. Politleal essays we eaa obtain a abaadeace ; what we want le the level saws trout all t arts of the amity. &sy person went% to as ass tr ed on having his acme kept 'Wetly eoalidwatlal and : rhe has Mara that the aoseatualoatloa is not la proper "tape fur putdlcation, we will pat it inappropriate trim re The briar at which the Olaniter is pet to press .6 eh week, le 2 o'clock oa Thursday alterneoa. arbertis•- •nta will be received up to 9 o'clock of the day of pub tr Masa. cr City setbeeribera, awned by twin. will to &used at tp cent' per year extra. Terms who tail to re :41re thetrpapers inalarty wlll anstor a Saar by son , us oftbe WWI. We For to ban all isbeariben n.o eau col:lnstantly. procure their papers at the ogles fynbltcation. - , Adrertiososists, Job Wort and as becrlptioos I. m prune whose responsibility :is not again; to %a phushons, mist be paid to 1116111114:1. Interesting Reading Matter on every Page of thla week's Issue. A Timi fur Calm libssibt. The present is a period of feverish ex citement in the public mind. teopl ll form. conclusions • hastily, impetuously,• and litbout reflection. They suffer themselves n 7 be swayed by motives, which in calmer 4rioda would hardly effect them. When passion rules supreme, met* are ready to respond to its suggestions with little regard for consequences. We have lbundant proof of this in almost daily oc .sirrenco.:. Odious parties subjected to !Intel I , llc at the hands of mobs; printing destroyed ; suspected individuals hauled trona their homes ; the wildest and Most impossible rumors eagerly ac es-pled - as facts ; confusion. and disorder dominant. • It, is only necessary to whis per that a man hi's traitor; and tie will be booted at from every corner, while upon t 1& merlnt, rumor that a person endorses assaisination of lir. Lincoln, preps,- rt.t ions ire made for noosing a hatter. such ebullitions are infallible signs of, a febrile and diseased condition. They would be sternly by every order-loving citizen. - • Now, if e must preserve those bulwarks which • aro the protection of 4 . 511;4401 liberty • and virtue. A mob to hang an alleged , secession lawyer in Philadelphia is an off spring of the same demagogueism that in eted a mob to resist the draft in New York . . If Gen. Butler can advise the - treatment by summary_lynehing_process of reputed Northern 'dlsloyalists 1 here may be somebody powerful enough to suggest the same application for Gen. _Butler to-morrow. There Is no offense against the Government , that -could fur nish a pretext for a mob, which does not Como within the scope of legal statutes, sad can not be deal with by the courts. Let us keep cool, and try to work our t;ay to conclusions. The President was murdered, but neither the Demectratic party of the North, nor any considerable number of people of the South, were par ties to the crime. There is no statute which makes the promulgation of false reports, calculated to inflame excitement, a misdemeanor. And an army of sensation-mongers labor assiduously to add fuel to the passions of the hour, by inventions of such absurdity that in a calmer time they would be sub jeets of ridicule. It becomes the duty of every editor to exercise a careful scrutiny over his own columns, and exclude from them anything of a morbid and armhole alms character. The plainest and most unvarnished statement - of facts as they occur is exciting enough. • A GOOD Suctourzok.—The Utica Eloratd suggests that instead of building inztu nierablc monuments to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, or giving millions to his family, the funds raised be devoted to ' t fie establishment of a Home 'for infirm veterans. A . magnificent farm might easily be purchased, upon which suitable buildings could be erected for Om 00 1 ' Bence of theses um. The culture 0' ' ! i sm could be irttunittoci , the !luau aid ae might be r .aem, with t ure embracing . every r 4,airred, this cul rt and besiut- - p ossible department unappropris,t , " The interest of the tams j or, A fund would supply the - -.tied for the annual expenditures .. toe institution,...._auch_a home might he made the highest symbol of Anzeiican. civilization, the solid and crowning proof a its charity and beneficence. # Beside it, MOIIUMIOI would shrink in their insig nificance, and statue. would be mute. Eli IN Philadelphia, last week, a man flamed Simon Snyder (a name histori cally - reverenced in Pennsylvania) WU struck, through mistake, by another. Im mediately the cry of " Copperhead " was rained; and- an excited crowd became wild in their efforts to kill him, under the ice- ression he had said something disrespect ' !al of Mr. Lincoln. Fortunately an oft ' car wag pressni,..the local telegraph was tet to work, the police came, and by al most super-hum in - efforts the man's life was saved, though his person was seriously injured. It turned out, on inquiry, that Le was a'warm friend of Mr. Lincoln, had voted for him is 1860 and 1864, and deep ly regretted his death._ Nevertheless the Pleas. (Forney'st rpm) says: " evi tient that Mr. Snyder would haver, , been killed in mistake, had it not been, for OM - titer Kending, to whom he may attribute the preservation of his life." Tas Tribune of Monday contained an editorial, of which the following is the concluding paragraph " We venture id assure our new .Presi dent that the American • peop le, having "low given . a fair, trial to the tantonian and the republican fortne of government reipectliely, do rteltirpner . r the 1••• and desire a re. if . lo it s I e ,-1.,-t day—wthen they • 1.. 9 . tik l .‘ this day., t if'vke ere stillcnt' wit,, -and our iiovernment in peril, then, such orders sis have recently been hutted reopening rade and reducing cur ormamenbought to be eountermandW or forborne ; but if the war is virtually end.% the ' rebellion diseomBtedsatl the nation saved, then we insist' that: the ; regime under which 4iistrict provost. romolial ranks the 1216ier nor of a•State ant* et =onto paw away, the privilege of habeas 4040 be restored, and the reign of - law and libirtY be re. established. Flow Mitch longer must we wait for it?" The treasurer of a lone sooltanios; MAO.; ‘,lshment in Boston hail Cosnborinnd_ . 0014 for 'which $2O a tuitions asked two month op, offered to him a day on two Waco for $lO Is 6 tun. t`l - . , •The tapifire of JeffepotarflarieAnbe In nermost' by official thipstow. trot viral, ington on Sunday mart*i *. toglatliar wi the particutnr' of tha Wapner fd w it Wa..4 etrecteid ff liaa_...andaavnting to tnakt , hit; w.v-nunA l inritia;tw-e01211.01. with hie wit: a few deleot compait louts, and had roite&lor - - 47Thile - near. small towu of trwinsville, Georgia. While there; ailitia4ii of the litesta-gassa inhateme tionLto the 4th Michigan csvllty2l4l4#l. imtuedistelv started in pursuit. By stir: rouading the place all rueau.' - of escape were cut utt, suit the party Qodiugit tile= leas to tight, or perhaps having eo taste for IL, inirrotitiored with the beet , grace they could heathen up: lit is` /*Med that Davis, utt discovering - bltaithattOtia: hastily daunt) t out of his wife's dresser, and started for the woodi, btu:that his beola were listen by one of the aollltse . who brought his flight to a stid. •• % uncomfortable halt. If this be true; the sarcasm that will be poured'fortti over the event will render DakVis', popitkin doubly humiliating. Among . the other parties captured is Mr. Reagan; or fate Postmaster General of Mt --so.eatledi Confederate Govertunent. : We incline to the Pittsburg -Posra, hitt that it was evidently Olivia' litttkti: "to reach some spot on the Florida-0m; i '•' perhaps near.,St.. Mark's, mid " of a fishing attack or other small vessel make for the Island of Cuba, which is "only sixty or seventy utiles distant. If :• he succeeded in reaching Cubs, he might " have secured passage in a blockade "runner or French veueLited proceeded "direct to,lfatamoras. He might tutve " entered 'Texas, if he chose, by that " route, or, with his handful of followers, "thrown himself under Maximilian's pro. "tectiOn. - But his escape from - Florida was doubtful, for provisions had been "made by the Government to watch - itilli -" ceaseless vigilance the entire Florida " &ottat; - intuiticipation of it,he aloith:rebel "seeking his exit from that quarter." Davis at last accounts was at Nashville, Tennessee; on his way to Washingtoni at tended by a strong guard. We shall await with curiosity the action of our Adnainis tration in reference to him. If it shall be clearly proven that he was concerned in the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, there will be no difference of - opinion in the North re. girding the puniiihitiaTintlhat should be meted out to him. Two Slanderers get 'their botrinna* It will be recollected that immediately after the - reception of General Sherman's treaty with Johnson, at Washington, Sea rotary Stanton, in his usual impetous and ill considered manner, issued a bulletin severely reflecting on the former officer. General Halleck commanding the De• partment at Richmond, with his custom• cry seal to toady to the Secretary of War, followed with a dispatch adding insult upon the brave and able officer whose deeds of heroism have made him the idol of his soldiers and the pnde of the noun-. try. The sequel is contained in a spicy correspondence between Sherman and Halleok, on the occasion of the passage of the former's army through Richmond, the substance of which is thus given by a correspondent of the New York ikra4l: • Ai you will be in Richmond ha a few day., allow me to offer you the hospitali ties of my horse here, wham I shall be grateful to rewire you.and'ocaabibuti to make your sojourn here agreeable. ! UMW limn. proffered hospitality is aspect filly declined. I had hoped to pass through Biohnund without the painful necessity of meeting you. Your =coast advisory deepatoh to the War Deputy- t • is adept explatuttiou. „es • I regret your declirOp- ' 4l " and the unfriendly r •.g my my tatioa y_our note. If yor pint manifested in Wealth:guru a- knew the feeling in in referee , ad at do War Department, Johnif , .ce to your agreement with tw' ..,n, you would appreciate the mo '" eof my despatch to which you refer. Armit me to suture you of my kind feel ing towardyou personally and my high admiration for your serrioaa. I think I understand both the circum *Lances and the men aufficiantly well to appreciate the motives of your despatch. Both you and Yr. Shinto:root ia• warn ing to beware of samitains, but I did, not then know that the authors of the warn ing wereitheraselvei the assassins I had to fear. I • Fj," Manly and truthfully spoked. *obi* Sherman I You have proven that you have the mettle which men always ad mire in theirpublic favorites.' The whole nation will applaud your independent*. A CURIOUS OLD Docssiurr.—The Jowls"( of ilmoureo congratulates the Ttibues on having at last *Awned that " curious old document called he Constitattion of„ the United Statea." The Jowriai says "We have had-a copy of it for many years, and have been in the habit of mating frequent reference to it. We (*Old have lent our contemporary a copy anytime Within four years past, but understood they did not want it. point of fact we were sub stantially told by a nolo:jowl Seustor that any man who referred twit was a traitor. It is sincerely gratifying to learn that a copy has turned up where it may Ili use ful." The Jews of this country have shown a fuU Share of patriotism sines the war begun. From 9 1 0:: 4P have gotta. to fight for the Union flag t r froU,NewiYofif, - . 10,000 ; from Illinois, 5,000 ; from Me*. gan and Wisconsin, 3,000; and froth Other States e nough . to make 40,000, They have also given their wealth for the poi.; Biers. They have ;established turns for disabled soldiers, their Widri and orphans, the benefits of will& are limited to no faith or creed--one at New York, one at Philadelphia, one at C" cinnati, one 14 Chicago,' Ind , onst pl.lll - . , • . 191 • Dm New York Eden* Rot, an i Interns& ly Republican sheet, in n.reeentidltoriid said : " It is our duty to insist Usat wherever our flag floats, there" Mt Ansariedif althea may say what hithitilm;lowhoeverehoss• es to hear him." , CoL le—C. Baker, Chief Dotsaeiisof Oa War Digerfataat, has had photostat* ot Davis, - Tudor, Ciy. liastdirs, Chitty; had Thompson, with fin ,didergptioatst Witt stators, hair; wlss; 'lit' pepsine As char haadhills, statisg this pries list aposAlts head of sacdt oas, wad their alkyd etas of Wag sasiotisi S. Ir watirilisaa; ISE= Capture St Mt. Rails. ~• lALLICL TO 1111111111," SIMS' TO 'mums. II aided ■d. (haw 41* mama° Lilly 1.; .u,, .. j F / tiwriitrinurcEilluefgri ~ iii, . -* , F •* . 4 3 . , • . . Kids, Oartt,iiivl: - .4 tit_ r•-t,abticsa, pftiOr • . tying ; Id aLk- 6.4,-4, auk, of li fOntlib %WI Wilikeigt ttY l lf*•;Si b., wh i ab qco. curved -in _An edtwrizsi At_ !.Is., L , firma. ____. _...... .{Willap1110:1) IMPNDCraL iiilt saciiiior, tuliirs, Ile who calls and allure* meu to 111A4marderfir, and Lincoln - has d as • ths: - turner DAtia. • Pies Mint warred upon the Coustitption or trifled with the destinies of the nation aitptiooln has, be would have been bur rieff is perdition long since. And if he is bleated to misgovern for another four yistrsons MA some bold kind will pierce his heart with it dagger point for the par. lio good. observe io the telegrspltio dispatch want, mil k tbe strength oI tlais..sottui bal onntsipersons st - Wssitingtoo aryl eying to OlViasdn Tretich4t Johnson 'make sr• rut. eflthi, ern* ttlati: the editor of the Chiesdo.. licb4 - othfc Northern Detattor, Supposed . Soo ham been inikis their uttersnoes heretofore. Presi. dent o lnhne:bn; rie warrant; - will'do no snob silly thing. -He wotAl3 Le onnipelled in jetties, it he did. to. »en& his constable alter softie Hepubltosol who have - erred in IS:o4l;ti z li:thirsame way. The following is items. ecirretporKlaricii printed approving-' Ilinlew weeks ago tu the Cplorobws State ;Wend the lending radios! pApar of Ohio. The writer is well know° Abolition pa tio:inn of the Ststo, who abmicined lobby. ing et the capital _to, become quarterwas. ter in a ttegtvqtgitaent ' the spirit of the M ajor in com mand of the 60th Ohio. When in his presence the question was presumptuous ly asked, 'Shall we eventually have to compromise ?' he turned with a withering look and said, • I entered this campaign with over 800 men ; to-day I can't muster bat 192, and I tell you that if, the Pres'• dent huts ever at compromise, there ars 192 anastiles in - my command ready to march, soli tary es 34 alone, to the White House.' We lea A our Mends achome had this the spirit of the Federal army, who bear the burden." , We do not . maintain - that two Macke make a White, but we quote this simply • teittew that men of both, parties have made fools of themselvert by intemperate words, which are beat dealt with by being contemptuously forgotten. It will be seen that the Ohio Major was mustering his 192 assassins in contemplation of Mr. Lin coln's adopting the very kind of a course whjah, sublequently he pursued towards the - rebels. Yet nobody can be stupid enough to suppose that either i the Major Of " Brick " Pomeroy of La Crosse meant hat he said, otherwise than in a Pick wiokian sense. It is sufficient that we know the unanimous sentiment of the country now, to be sound on the question ofjrasident-murder ; let the blatant, blustering past sleep. GrE.NZ'RAL IVZilirS. Omanillaa ass said to be rapidly disappear ing fa VirgitlL The people or A lialveeton, Texas have held Rating sa4tissolved to continue the rebal, ima oa WO own account. The Lamml party in Mexico kayo phial many "%lades. Imperial troops are to b. Beat hit* Sonora and Sinaloa. Goretwr Plowlst, of Virginia, haedsodu; ad all civil adieu in that Btata meat. Ii will roam Ms *spited to, Alexaadria ant irsek. As an indention of what is the prospect in the way of redestion of the national Gray, it as, be eathes4 titet the War Departetent 11.8 sa Order for six kosdrod Slousemi bilak tir.„simps. When thee* are Mimi up, as 0 .rey will be before many more weeks 'elapse. there will be bat a smell army left to garrison the South..--Iftw York World. MOSS thousand stand of arms were tam— ed over by Johnston's army to the Federal °Fliers who had charge of the surrender. Onelifth of the arms were retained by" the Confederates, in order to guard their sup plies and property whilst marching to their State sepals, where they are to be disband— ed. The two corps of Sherumn's army that have been left in North Carolina will be dis— tributed ail over the State. Nearly everi lawn la the inurior will be garrisoned. Bond W doubt, the late blowing up of the steamer Sultana on the Mississippi, at tended, as it was, :by • loss of 1,400 lira, is one of the greatest accidents recorded be the snags of thus. Nothing of the kind can be compared to it, are the burning of the Cita. olio Cathedral in Valparaiso, Chid, a year or two since. The magnitude of the horror is perfectly shooting and astounding. The three per cent. taz upon goods taken to the Southern States has been 'abolished. ♦U restrictione upon Southern trade hail been abolished by a Presidential proclama tion. The danger of getting out of guns in this country is not inuninent. There are six hun dred and'airty-three thousand, nine hundred and twenty-four new rifled muskets in the armory at Springfield, Massachusetts. - The terms of amnesty to deserters Offered by a proclamation of President Linoola will not now avail, as the sixty days expired last week. Rebel °Moen °min to Gen. Weibborne's district is Tennessee, paroled from Gib. Los's, Gen. Johnston's or Gen. Taylor'', armies, will not be perniitted to wear their uniforms or any badge to remind loyal persons of their treason. Edwin Booth, in a private letter to • Mind in Washington, announces his determination to quit the stage forever. • liana citizen clerks are being disehrepd from the War Department, and disabled sol diers substituted to their stead. ~, P rosideat Johnson announces tibia Prowls. nation that the United States Cearts , will be rftesiablished at once in the leveret- bow goat Btatei. This is virtually a pledge that martial law and military Governorship are to endure no - longer than they are absolutely 'needed as &picks of reorganisation. , The . A •WELLrensal ray* is. a rebuke to Oto Batlerites wh aliaed a satrapy is Inert Scathe= State, Sint the Binnnerites, who ar gued that because of rebellion, those States had *eased to ezhrt." • The attempted aisaesins awaiting their trial at Waehington ale kept aadeethe strictest' guard,'aad ever); precaution taken to prevent their sommittig kinfolk Padded masks cover their entire heads except the mufti; 11' is, thought that three-of the Ford tbealereme. ployeirtlll be seavieted, although Ford him 'Stew& leaessat. Parse, the woad! bees bola ateseda et Seward, will be the teat Wed. Clissasisbie dloonosica is .Zeus • by the . #Beilleest flit that. Gls. Great and staff &ail is Wwilaitow. es. Toe* with K. EMISTS The old Noah rs•ste• z.O be wheeling book into the 144434 its good earnest : Jorge and estkusiaelie treedserbie taloolt" to - beve been -bad lr Geldebeee;*ll6w Bilk Kinston, buthilleld. 11i1Ms.ttai mew other plane is North Chroltas:, leanheedd anis ell the onaldee an said to be teldsi-*2oe. ttri part in this so and the hr"" Ilk pipao Akolltato aro lioartiltaiapportiat 4.-__Tiuukaltio4 thi olvorslassi sot to laitifillY *Pm* wpm:with is As siovosisit.• W.V.- HOP of the sokage — : gfiww to bs seiostad•by tbs aisjority of Os aa their oasdidato for illossisoil dianuaLiia of siayst7 is 'ystraroblot tho triaioit A mbers asii . tasotiap ; bit thit Wasksai, tiko skiff ergs* of am 11ai.siiti, dOorta ikebg it swats the qussiltai as sottle4; ,tbat W. Waistless of slavery is gess : Qat, 41,00a1t tits isstitstios IS it vosbil. Aa hiportaat odor ism bon toned. by the Wm! IMpartnett ts the den that "AU vol canor soldiers of the saisliTaisi tiheis tine of stervier will wiplre prior to Ostober 1,411.16 - - will he Motored oat oatAlinharwell . disown vies of the Ermine States. The Payment- 4 General is ordered to 'sake insetUistopay-, neat to men so diseharged. AU cavalry se. cuticle' la tarries after sash discharp will be eomiliand is .caplets nazism organ!. Wien& - Orpttisatloai from the sane State will be cossoUdand with *sob other. Super • - many dims will be sastared out upon Binh consolidation. The Aeon to biretalued will O bi sinned by Army and Department Commanders. Horses and other public prop erty, thus tendered surplus, to be turned over to the prOper officer. Commanders are charg ed with the prompt simnel= of this order." Now that our armies are being reduced, sad the soldiers are souring home, there is considerable activity at Washington, St. Louis, New York, Philadelphia, Neltimore and other Places, among authorised Mexican igeole who want assistansefer the define of the Mexi can republio against Maximilian. Large zium- Awns of officers and men from _one armies are making. arrangements to go as emigrants, with the understanding that when Ibeyget there they shall light for the republic. Gen. Ortega and his son are at Washington, and are paying large specie bounties to °Soars who are .reoommeeded to then' by a board of examiaation. TM nentrality laws of the United States provide for ialioling severs punishment on parties engaged in warlike enterprises against other nations. The sudden disappearance of the sense of the Immense oeestunpaion of -horseflesh in army operations has proclaimed a great stag nation•in the horse market, sad prime Ears fallen off 26 per cent. within a. week. Herm valued a week ago at $l6O oast new be bought for $11004120, and artillery horses, for which the Government paid $l6O, can now be had at $l2O. The reduction In prises mainly applies to the clue of horsey tuurally sold for army purposes. A tornado swept ever the' northwesterw part of Philadelphia at b °Pete* on Thursday afternoon, doing steeldiesble damns to the Pairsoat Perk, ' what. it prostrated may of the finest uses, and caused damage to the amount of $16,000 or $20,000. About thirty homes wen' blown down is the 19th Ward. Thememageoensiderable sonstarnatiou immix Ike. inhabitants. The rain poured dais . In torrents. Only one person. a boy, as far ai /mown, was killed. Gov. Mills, of Mistimea, now . la Wash iagton, has remind dispatches from 111. Paul, saying that there has bees a skirmish with the Indians near Mankato. Indiana bat murdered several people and stolen horses. Sibley was after them, and it was thought would destroy them. The person who for two years yips Purser of the rebel pritataer Alabama has been op pointed to a irst.elses elerkship in the Load Moe. This position, with its good salary, has been given Um that the Gemsenamat may have his testimony available as to the tsp.. tares and destrustieu eoasitted by that The aoatempiatad sedeetioa of tense la the Geld mil the 'Weil sad at the wet' hroulthi • dismissal to thirtpoight *Wks is the Ord ains* Doreen at Weeliagtoa, and a larp somber mill meet a similar bite this week. Germaatowe, near Memphis, Tenn., has been troubled the UM year with guerrillas. The residents have detenalaed to clear oat ribose robbers. • few days dace they eaught three of them, sad, after a hasty trial, linag them to a limb of a tree. They wort resin men from hflaglisippl. Gen. Washburn* has divested that the Mil lions of Tonnages who left our lines and sought refuge la the rebel dominions, and hare re• sided all permissions to return until sow, will not be allowed to come to Memphis: gen. Great has issued an order, sending all paroled retool soldiers who have taken the oath of allogianoe, and who belong west of the fdlesimippi river, to the mouth of Bed river, whence they can depart for their homes. , The Vicksburg borsht says that 'valid' la the interior of Utssiisippi will be tasediate• ly occrapied by our troops, so u to supra s guerrilla bands and preserve order. The latest news from Mewlov lesson no doubt that the Republican torsos have of late made considerable progress.. Is reported that several - of the essernors and ether efliz one sppointed by Idasballian hare, like Cu- tines, pronoweeed against him. There mast be some truth in these reports, for the Eat. MO, • semi-oillaial paper, eves se Its pre found ecorviotion, that Mexico Taut .be ruled for many years yet without mdlinilifesima statesmen to power. liaxisaillan, on rester— ingths news of the surrender of Lee, seat the chief of his cabinet u a special envoy to the United States. • A civilian who same through Virginia on horseback in the track of the 2d corps, and tire (Ltys in its sear, reports that he neither saw nor heard of guerrillasot,d'that he was holly unmolested. In stirry misty were tiome rebel Wipers and soldiers returned, still steering their uniforms for want of other. .clething, and toil' vigorously to farming with their own heads. A !Winos** are still dellsat,lmi Lb. Ina szirsubditod maims as anxious now •to be let sleicfor tke like of ireeu,sna agriculture as they were four years ago 'to z bir lit Vote ki thip 'wished Stork of aestriyhit tie hiss: ' - The Perussylviali troops its to want, binge P 4 se soot u the grad review is over. They will give up their ems is Waskiagttni. Tke regiseate neirsited is the meters pert of the &situ will iiihrouPterisi out at Piilddpb s; those tubed is the resters will be isasterisi out, at Pittsburg,: those trim tie Oritur of the State at Itirrieilirg. • • SW. MIPS. of aor POtwOoss ion oitioodwi Now York from Isonituls,•oad us mina icslo to $l2 • bond. Three emaThare to be Mailed for taws la ladlaealeibtea Maley, Me 194 . MO toblitio*". Pad to tio Irfabli to Ike M= The Cincinnati Gantt. gives the following particulars of the late robbery of a railroad train is Ohio, litparties supposed to be gust.- rllll+ -71111 .! a l M6bend Mein men,aad crossed • liestneky - K lateasive, but, bistro:dual stratailmes bean made to capture them. The thieterviepart le very interesting Tifestft trala was the St. Louis night! Wes, left here Friday evening fot ovilleek, ecatalning four passenger 'esaelle‘' a baggage and en Adams' express oat. Thalami! Were pretty well filed with kitita including perhaps a hundred men: l had passed North Bead, fourteen IS beim the city, libels Met locemottlte. wee thrown from the track, and - lanai over ea mei. Ode • the express and' baggage min 'daring the same fate. The first passenger °witch stove in the baggage car, ,ce.using a great shook, but injuring nobody seriouely. tite other* irstsitaing their positions on the trick. Inantediately following the concussion. a,Velley of firearms apprised the passengers tilt the was not simply a railroad amt. dent; asd before they 11 , t1 time to concert Say measures of defeat*, a desperado with re volver in heed presented himself it each door of the several Gan, backed by one or two companions of the lame character. The order was given, " Bob every d—d man, but don't hurt the ladies ;" and while one kept guard at leek demobs others proceeded through the train sad made every man " stand and della a." Pocket-hooks, watches, chains and jewelry changed hands rapidly. But few of the whole number were shrewd enough to save anything. A soldier, returning home, was robbed of $BOO, and although he begged bard to be permitted' to 'retain a portion of the money, the viltians took ali. Another indi vidual was relieved of watch and five 1 hundred dollars in greenbacks. - Still another lost two hundred dollars, besides a watch and Valuable breastpin. This condtictor, Mr. Shop hard, had forty dollars .aken from him ; but, I by cutting the lining of his coat-pocket, and allowing the contents to drop into the skirt, ' succeeded in saving $320. The engineer like wise lost a valuable watch. We are unable to give any statement of the aggregate loss of passeagerd, but it was considerable. While the passengers were being robbed In this way, five of the gang plundered the ex press car. The party, with the aid of an axe, soon out their way into the oar, and drew out the money safes, three in number. The amount of money lcat - by the Espana cannot be accurately stated, but it was not very large. There were, however, $BO,OOO worth of 7.80 United States Bonds abstracted from one of the safes and carried off. The only object of the ruffians seemed to be plunder. The general question of re-construoting the revolted States, and the reorganization of their political and commercial ',interests, a oemespondeat of the Tribune says, are under stood to have been the subject mitten of dis melon at a Cabinet meeting hug week. The President is fully. committed to the principle that, a full sad free revival of commerelal business between the North and South, with as few embarrassments and restrictions as possible, will prove the surest and speediest bond of unity and friendship between the lie lions. There is understood to be no opposi tion-to the President's convictions on these points, but the lengthy discussions are had with a view to arriving at the best modes sad, terms it may be possible to inaugarate ooa sistent with the laws of Congress. The totaldebt of the United States at, the • close of the present Semi year, on die, 80th of lan*, is estimated at $8.00,000,000- ' ' This includes the debt of every iosslble kind, as well that which is ascertainetl, as thatjthlak consists of unpr.eented claims. This aka, is its principal, represents 15 per cent. of the present wealth,of the loyal States, and $96 611 per had of their population. The annual La-, ' 'forest oa the public debt after 1887, when that debt will all bear interest, will be 6.166,e 000,000. The same amount will continue an nually to be paid until 1881. The eziontive order of the President, pat— ting in operation the saspanded functions et the National Government in the Stets of Vir. ginia, was substantially agreed upon at the butt cabinet meeting held by President Lin coln on the day of his death, and of which Gen. Grant was present. The great futures are that the Stet* of Virginia is not noels nisedu ever having gone out of the Union; that the (auctions of the United States Gov oranuentwere simply suspended within her borders, and are now• put in operation again; that no vestiges of Confederate or rebel State government are recognized ? and that Governor Pirrpont and the loyal Legislature of Virginia is made the nucleus of the organized Stat a government. A special dispatch to the New York News says a change in the Cabinet undoubtedly will soon take place, as a conflict is ittevita— ble,lf there is snob a disposition on the part of the Szeattive as is reported. If Stanton and Welles g L they walking papers, the nation will rojO The Montreal papers give anotbe r biter from Nene N. Saunders, addressed to the people of Europe, in which he denounces the President's proclamation offering a reward for the arrest of the conspirators as " mends- Moue and ferocious," and adds that new evi— dent» will be produced to prove this assertion. A verdict fie rendered on Monday. In the Orenlt Octet Milos at New Albany, 10, 1 against the Louisville, New -Albany szid *ego Railroad Company for RUM% on 60- 001/10 of • boy named William Langdon having koe. his legs out off by being run over by the oompany'a ears. The Assassination Court' on Saturday de cided hereafter to admit • representative, of the press, and voluminous reporti of all the evident, taken has been furnished, except • portion withheld by order of the Government . One hundred and twenty.eight nations l banks were established during the month of April, and $12,772,980 of currency issued. The Pennsylvania banks have gristly over Issued, and the Comptroller ,is taking theta is hand. Some of them must sliminish their cir— culation immediately, or they will be closed. Robert M. T. Hunter ha's been arrested at his residence in Virginia. Mount Vernon his been pitt in order, and will soon be open for visitore. The Supreme Court of Michigan on day decided in - favor of the power of Co*er* to make Treasury notes a legal-tender. Them are said to be nineteen thousand rause around the Southern prisons at Ander sonville, csorgia. Two rascals in Burlington county, New Jersey, have been collecting subscriptions for a monument to President Lincoln, and pock eting the money. They were both young men Of unimpeachable diloyaftY." There oemowno doubt froni the testimony taken. it the aseaseinstion trial, that theta Jot *. Preardeit lohnsim waeltihirfavbeen taken b 7 Atierot. When' the moment' Mr Wed* come, the courage of the wreteh_seetnite deserted him, and he fled ;without commUtiag the mime. At a anon manias held st Shroropert, Col. Flournoy, Of Texas, prononajmd a glow— ing poem's on Booth the aossoola,,whost he etanparod to Britian, the slayer of Vises", and gridlotecl for him a high end eadariag. fame. • .• • It le sew secartaise 4 t h at 1,600 wen lost oa board the Ilaitana—oaly 600 being sand, may of them eerloaely injured by wouads aid wields. • The report that the boat was old is walrus. She bad been ti 'ionic* hat two ran. - - The correspondents in the army, inflow exception, advocate the Democratic policy of conciliation towards the Southern people. Their opportunititts of judging popular mend meht is the South, talkie their views to at is* as muds etinsiderstion as the stay-at- VrtMe patriot* who are crying so lustily for hosing ;pad ionfiscation. A writer from •Illbeirmaseiwzney to the Cincinnati Commerend (UP) oafs :- 14 The whole Southern people are now ready aid anxious to resume the Chloe. Christian policy dictates that, at their first word " enough," the brutal and disgusting ordeal rorbloody battle should cease. Pease, P.M. —let us have peace. Are we . to hunt down our brethren as barbarians generellY ban done ? Has the world made ao peogew, and have Out blessed institutions of freedom, so Christ-Mk% bad se m.111'16 oeittwy to teach us the holy doctrine of charit? • * Mier man;he parting, even stoppe d to shake bands with ',lulu Ughum, who a few days befits, had bias in Raleigh on Nuke metwitte, and 'polio to / hisi with cheerfalasee aid hotly kindness. It wairvery evident that ghtusils wee winning aU their hearts, as he had al ready-wone their strength.. Noble spirit, ten rible as We to a resisting fee, but to a sub: , missive one kind and liberal. This in Chris. ties. berate m." Parties who have been .thringh-Georgla as far leath as theltowsh rites, represent that the destitution prevailing in that country le truly appalling. What few inhabitants re main there are almost starved to death, sad for want of animists it is impossible for say of them to attempt to raise any crops. - The trial of the assasiiis began last week in the Arsenal building at Washington. Gen. Ranter presides over the court. Reporters are sot admitted,„►nd the partienbus will not be made public until the end of the trial. Judge Adeseata Belt, Burnett and Bingham condscelki prosseidon. - A decree has been issued by Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, difining the Government to be a limited hereditary monarchy, with a Catholic prince at the head, who, on unp lug the - throne, shall talur i an oath of othee. The betuidaries of the empire are defined. The Mexican press is to be restricted in the acne manner as newspapers are in France. Gin. }downing last week delivered an ed. dress in Boston, in which he took °cession to deny the charge that he was to take part is the Mexican emigration scheme, and denounc ed both it and its originators. Mr. Edwin Arnold, M. A., suggests in a note to the London Daily News that, in view of the glorious achievements of Gene. Sher win, and Grant, BagUslinien should testify their sense of admiration and sympathyby presenting those gallant officers with swords of honor. The Ant soldiers to be mustered oat, the New. York papers say, are those whose terms of 4alistment are but one year. Gst4 Lee, who remains very quietly la Itiohnond, is said to be rugged in writing nhitory of hie closing campaigns: ''' Gen. McDowell has suppressed a newspaper in California.. • STOP MILT LI•CILATOITINGI 1--Whick you can do it you drive the impure, hot and acrid mat-. ter on/ of your system by taking inwardly - Carter's Compound Extract of Dandelion and Bittersweet, and applying outwardly Carter's Yellow Ointment. Hundreds can testify that they have used these srtioles with entire sw eetie and satisfaction, after having used many other thiop to no purpose. Therefore, we pay we these two articles sod stop that scratch *. Price of Bottle and Box together, one dollar and fifty cents. Sold by Carter & Car var. : tf ERIE AGENCY 7-30 Uo S. LOAN. • 80atie .. )32 amoolota of $5O, ; $lOO, _ $5OO, $l,OOO, AND ISFIr ARDS, Oa band kg Immediate Delivery BF iHF SUBSCRIB-ERS, • Who an Daly /fttliorizO Suliscriptlea A C E NTS or JAY COOKE & CO. • may 1141641 ankers CLARK NICT B OALIe,_ . Discontinuance of. Retail Trade. TrNTIL Further_liotioe,_we will offer to MOH goods at note 14 map t to close out thee* 1/ 110 4110011 now open ; PAO Tif o return thanks to oar pa trons to the Las. , TO TIFF} WROLUALT, TALDS„ Ws shall now mks every *Wort to enlarge one whole. sakobardnass ; oar motto will be to mil good goods and to sell elks. is bun and Nails, wo defy Ws also marialistua Wheel Barrows, Pick San Bay. Babes and Oil Tools. Parties wanting goods by the gestegerwill Bad It to their interest to call, aw they aa get them at wholesale rates. McCONKBY & SBANION. Iris, May 6tlt, 11168--lw Tlistriuntiussits Of OfLOADOS, MELO. DIONS, OR HA BRONICUS.—Evory olio haste' say thought of puratuolog as Leatrumeat pt this class now or at any tutors tiros should send-tor owe siNgeso RagrUg's Cablust Organ Circulars, widish will to Not to any *address entirely free of, expense. This clroular soatalus ouch lutormatiou which will be used to every purchaser of such sa tostrouout, such a s articles sa "flew to Judge of a strisPud Luttnteent," " EilatorT Of the Organ," "History of itoed fustnuitenta," to. go. Addren 3140 x Bp:musk:4 9t Broadway, New Volt, Or, NASou k Hatif,ol, Ifsablaglon at., llostos. maylllsll4, Dissaltbt I. Wilson by her Anbpssien lo Dlm next Mend, Luther N. No. 16, November tusei ll ia. £44,,..W. H. Williams.)NAlL° Alias Subposna In DI No. 7, FebruaryT. " Ist?. Spasm k Martin, Att, 'y. tot Pit. B Unto prod. motion In 'bosons. (ibur yosba l l idg. smaylP66-4w H. 1.. BROWN, STODD rsaut Y, e , ( Lat. of the U. S. TrasearY Dayartmeat end Peaneylvaaia,Commissioser roe Soldiers, IF a, D.C.) General Claim Agent, wth Benjamin Grad, . Attorney at Law. Wiwi* Mott. Brie, Pa. Naval and Civil datum ealillett* with Adelity and et. rtPensions obtained and oollettad. A MI seemptly atteaded to. 11r. P. hariag i = i r oral years esparternor in the details of Doe various De partosate. Okla remade at he can reader most satisfactory aid is pearmndlaer all kinds of roverareest claims. • - mayn't:W.4a - Pleastire . °unions; . '' rARTIES DESIRIt TO LEVIS tail; tl= l l tbeno le e rsis t a h e e iTA7l 4 :erd s ; ' fa aco • fe: data Ulm With 'Goa bo at' - I' tars a Yacht es pessily . 'laid oat km pie woes eistties,-to,s4dtVoa to a a unbar fat lawillosts. • Fishing Tackliaad Slat all th• ULM as.. rilnell;ianiritag to hate the &.s of any of - e•1 trill dad use eoustsetlyaft he ad. stJAS tbs oldP. staaii,Saot "at State attest . Nay 111.1111SS—facfi* , . 2111:111111% _ 186 S. Spring Trade. '• 1865. DRY GOODS. ;Oa& C. BREBE INVITES THE ATTENTION OF BUY-: MS folds large and earetally selseted Apt* or PORE IGN AND DOEINIMC DRY COODR: Ika_ Jami bosetTed. rabiliri 4 1 1.1040 . ~ A . , F Eraploytuent . Gress mole of Jewelry. mood Kin-., .411Yer-W, Perusal Koury tioodo, St4llo,ooo—olt lo br - worve. Every one (bias ValunL 1' ale Tll Gime 0 tLI Lnedlne-cas4 watch.. t‘14416 ;a b Go , ltil l Gesti dt . 4. 1 peat/ Gold Plated Cliretlhow to Sta4l. 4.; Gold Plated lcat-hes, nairtel ,, I I Disniond Gold Test and Neck chains . Gold Oval Band Bracelets .... Chialld Gold Bracelets.._... . Chatstatue ch olas and Goard eh 41tJ 80114 are /Di GViti 111,001.41 lava and Flrrent.Do Cosh Opel, and Easserald Madan, Jot, LAVA.. and Fiore ctl, • ,; Coral, Opel, and Erne,a,d Esr California Ili ..,lood tfromt,p,na Gold lob and vest watch ao , fob add l'e,t !Solitaire t.ett,ns,rtodi et; Gold Tbimhfr' l wails , Ste. - Minimum Spriu• Gold Toothpicks, crosses, etc.... Plato Gold Mop, Cowed Gold Rll.O, SUMO Set and r,isoet rings..... Califojois D141:60.1,1 Etna s ..... Wl*? Jewelry in sets-Jet and (info.' Lidice Jewelry to setc-t:anteo, Peat,: Gold pirtia,ailveresten. holder. and Gold peas and gold row:tote] hoid., thud Nos sad gold eatenconl,.l , ..r, diver Goblets rod deleting cope Silver Coolant, Fruit and Cate ta,..1 1 , Silver O.& and title spoons an Silver plated tea pots awl urz i Sliver plated ice pitchers a n d Soo what the moat popular az. .1 riodteals say of out estal,ltstwit From IL;e D,cp itch" Gf „ •W tato plavnn Madera to Um sanounemen• of it Gnat Stle of Jewelry, :hirer Wa.•,., oar fulv,rtis: evlutnor. We are p t „. With tho mewl:tern of thin tirm an.l - Haman of ot.e•litig worth and lotr y - t , goods, for variety and etteot, Wre ! Misled." /101X1 " Mirror or Fa i,i.a;'tt “lietara. Dev.14.4t1 C., •' , ;r •,:. opened on the 1:,:n ult., an liner display or good,. list tent in this city. seer alrno,t to ead,,catwo, rendered nqkarlr t.; slash. We prediett,r From tlte ” •r," ''Oar hid). triNl24.3 'it I ;;.• liahazemt of Nissan. Lior.sdgh „ lt they Irish to tatLatv, they will long rimeinoer. , Watches, Chsins, Ma.; ,r t no Jewelry of k , fPri loud 161 before witnesta Their and almost casts Into the shy!, 0 • tablishaients which hare I•int It is estimated that their store i, stork one nallunn of doliac.t." How You Can Cot a Seel " Cents to tia, au: ail male it we will mall you a Ciirtifi ate we entitled to. If the arii :le or 1` . ..:4 send bath the Certificate and Owl/La., forward to you the article, no mat'er be. If the article Is not what you a. , . send the Certificate and dollar, win' , same value you prefer acid we will •••-.. more thap out Certificate send us ;1 dvs ; for V, eleven ; for $5, thirty I - SU., one hunlred. Agent* ace wanted the Army nu; . • We nava an un lons.' atocif Of goola weds this number of Agents. 0 • : Vs very liberal and aoame even of las hi ng from $.5 to $2O a (lac W e Mat ell sat Certidcatea they - set ler than $1 for eight. Wrlte your name-an.: a ..:-•. Only what la neceoreary. - CIIIIAILLII W. BEAM:AP lo li a.daa Lac, ARCANA WAT An Elegant Novelty in The =lea of %at..h are as egmpolped 01 oil different meta' . or sad plarilabed.prodaciug au elsrt.z..„ carat gold, callai Arcata, wut.:l color: Th.) , are AM tr:lutitai ILA ;. 1 .1 forded at ot.telzhth the rn.l 1•.• r„A deigned FL* h Panel and 8121,•:,1 br nal Posh Pita, 'end ongraced bra tad G o d Homing lATArA. A n a , wad dui artid sowawl an Lnvottca defy dete4l..m.: moyamput if =Lc.t.: will %lila Jimer LVAL.tI are lope it lintshod,, harm:, ~n; caztedloi a.l 4 , tatiaz, , and the i liauzort-a skeleton and 4, nu.] L• 1 teLtran! , L - • •' Theme 5t.:•.12,. are r f three being fur sae 1! • ds will hi e...:ut 1., ;Nat ur -:1; • • • oIIa Gent lfl A '1•11:A.)Ille if •r,, • • • ,• r lc roll for t •• t. ttrw , , CaTir c •'• • thin watch in the 171:Med :ALI-. which 00 not boar our Ti-. 0 • , iia•ft.l luipurt , r., U. S. 7-30 The sale of the first SCI.A4 Ot Laan was completed oa :Is: (.1 of the HCOII , I Off et of Thr.e tbres year,' (iota the 15to ‘," L. , on the let of April lu th. eh. -. ova One Ban Iredhow) of t 1,.• o•,' —leaving thy' day le , a Waal Two 1 disposed of The Int.:rest ut 1;13-at,' eareeney on tha Ilsth . ot L.Pliediatvai / 5 :4 coupons attache4 to etch note, r. anywhere. haroonnti to One cant per day oa a •,;• Two eento " ley Tc:l " " ' "600 "') " " lttXl 0 More and More D .112. rebellion is roppreared, and tt., already adoPtei ' Caeaaurea to reduce erg 1 4,11 7 Posel ).- Ao to a peaceloating, tl in= war llo. 6 as borrower and poscha,•:: VIE ONLY LOAN IN now ()gimlet by the Government, eel: Great Popular Loan of The Seren-Thirty notes are COUre' acuity. at tba option of the holder, r.! U. S. 5-20 SIX PEi COLD - BEARINC Which ire alwsy, Werth Free from Taxatz The .140 Notes cannot Le Counties or States, and the MI e:, et.; OP • surplas of the ov, E'er's deed dollars a year. This tact inr . one to three per oent. per umura, levied on other property: Subscribe Quid Lem than $200,000,000 of the Lox /sat Congress are now on the curt %onto at which it is bring ab , ort.' gala for within two month!, whet doebtedli command a premium, lit the cue on closing the aubs , :ripti , ::f low seem probable that no con the prase* aapleo wig be otTerti t :Iv " In order that eititeas in every to , sentry - may be afforded f.te.hhei the National Ihnka, Stnt ~.. 3 throughout the country grNri. nubile:captious at par. Su'''l l 2l ageate, In wheat thay Lev , to tat reeponaible fur the druc , •Y - that reegre ordara. J tl 1" - St-üboairl.o, kJ, 31401KliptiOrkl watt k• recto - to Neilu & Warr Brown's so . _ COstaee of State Street nod WHE ABOVE WELL hal passed into the control wha are detsrmined to spare no eLf..q , make it &Slant stopping plate iv: Ile., A number of Importioaluppr, 1' Win made, mad ~t hen to be eottip , e.N . wit/ render it 0.. e of the Least gspeelal care Is taken to Ittroith aesionablo Articles, carted up in and accommodating trattara. $ Ol.. Hotel with-the repoluUou to malof - Of this section require, and fret approbation /dour guests • • • A. T.,Loostis, . W. L. Rows. IiABTFOILD VIES INS etinervo Ku. coN.bil ifflconpoßerk:D IcLu 0 1; a. U ITON. ['rest. InTY-'l l lllll INSUBA - LIARTIYOUD, CON ' , it . Of►CORPORdTED 1847 Q. B. BOWSRS.Prokt. k A iSURA.NCE in the :11 0 e tshle Compinie• ,AU - - Administrator's TL ETTEItS OF A1)311 1S .14 the egt:lte chtti,,C''''t Biswattoirchltip, Etna COL.: L. tatue natlortil.tuctl, at, • .• lag ii claim agstrott the 1.21.1 t ttsli Duly anthentiested tor bvttlrrt,P thielselm Indebted to the Fume 1 :' Papa:tont !In of I.‘ !ore the iP.tli.Pll 11 A 1.1) ,, L.ltikont, A pit E • )1. VOLE, 1100 K 1343DZ1, 81.40 118. lalMoa 4 Storyc,f OEM ISE