sooty4.f/fel Mien Are No'bead. ty gni C. .s. tmerok There limo death!he staid go down, To rise *pas some fairertehotet And bright la Ifearea's jewelled crown They_phine bluer more. -"•• There is no death t An angel faun Wight o'er the earth with Aleut trend lie bears our beet lowed things away, And then we call them "dead." • Born into that undying life. They leave tie but to come/again ; With joy we welcome them—the etme, Except in sin and pain. And ever near ul ' though unseen, The dear immortal sphita tread, For all the boundless Universe . Is life—there are no dead, * Letter from Gerrit Smith, the Abo litionist. Pirrunose, April 22 . 1„4.;-- Pititanter ionstaosi-4 - 110nored tied peir Sir : Only ten days ail and the country felt sure of an itostutaliatepeace . The 0n . 1,y apprehension was thati togas yrs4,t lie. easiei 'than - it was prudent to' gesini.' day thee is a strong sad Widespread fear that peace is afar off. Whence this-great changes. It comes from the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and from your taking his place. ht. For, while the incessant deu2aod for a rigorous and bloody policy towards tbe.concittered rebels met with no response iu the remarkable kindness and compas, sion of Mr. Lincoln, it is apprehended that there may be qualities in yourself to which such a policy , unless condemned- kii_iciur judgment, would ber entirely_Wre)C4e i . Then, by your contact with the ialtititio' --by your personal crimes, and especially by)pial s :',,o#,..NtiA your family and friends dad etipied .frenn those crimes—your temper, unleisi-inai velouslyi controlled, could net 'Aiwa:tailed to be excited, and to call for the severest punishment on the leaders of the 140+4- lion. 2. While Mr. Lincoln was yet alive, Government was incessantly called"on by presses and public meetings, by sermons saturated with the vindictive and blood thirsty spirit of the Jewish theology, and by voices innumerable, not to spare these leading rebels. No wonder then that the manner of his death is made use of to in crease the thirst for their blood. For, id> surd as is the charge, that the assassin was their tool, it nevertheless gains cre dence. They all knew Mr. Lincoln's characteristic clemency, and that the terms of peace he was intent on were ex ceedingly mild. Hence bow insane is the supposition that any of them sought /Os death ! . : •• • • - But why should not government refuse to adopt, or, even for one moment to lis ten to, this rigorous and bloody policy? Why should not the Government deal with the conquered in this war , as it would deal with the conquered, were it success.: ful in a war with Mexico ? The answer is—because it is a civil war. But is it not such a civil the ablest publicists hold should be conducted by the rules of international wee? * * * God: forbid that t now, when the tide of war sets . strongly in our favor, ifs, should be guilty of thrusting-the Constitution into' the place of the code of war, and of hOkting and trying as traitors those whim we (none the lees really, if intlirectlY) agreed to regard but ea eposiee; awl whom; by all the. ponoitimire lawns of the pew; eside'front oak - wour are bound to repfd,la Wii'must not whin. - ✓ B ent, we &Luny - autholAid:fgth. dotbletk, this minim heigain. South would biter is for it i And would not the North herself, if net de spising us for it, be, at lout, foutilly di vided in regard to it? Greatly should we all love our country. But there is one thing we should all love utore--and that is -fair dealing. " Our country right r— oot " our country right or wrong I"-- should be our motto. 1331 I referred, at the beginning of my let rer, to the apprehension that peace, which, only a few days ago, seemesl so very near; is now quite 2 . 0Z120311. I can not doubt that it is, if the severe policy toward the conquered rebels, which so many are calling for, shall be adopted. In that event, hardly in my day, or este. in yours, will peace return to our afflicted country. For once let It beknowct that the leading rebels, who shall fall into our hands, will be doomed to punialiiitint; be it death, imprisonment or exile, - and im mediately, amongst their followers, sym pathy with them and rage upinst Us will know no bounds. Tens of thousands will burn with vengeance, and will care for nothing but - to gratify it. This will be true as well of persons under parole, as of others. In that state of things a-guer rilla warfare would ensue, which, if not pacified by concession, and ouch conces sion too as would fatally invade national and human rights, might run through many years, harrassing and wasting odr armies, and adding fearfully, if not fatally.: to our already vast debt. It must not be forgotten that it cost" our nation many years, many lives, and thirty or forts , mil; lions of dollars - 1d put an end to the guer rilla war carried on ist:Florida Cul of %disuse andtss. blot cud " at therimaniil'Aiiiekiknia'SPa harsh and unfair treatment of our , conquered enemy. But how,lelsemed would-be the ode: sequence of a wise arid kind treatment of that enemy 2 Then the South would be at peace with the Nottk ;. would soon horn to like her ; and would soon welcome the tens of thousands of families, that 'would immediately Irvin to eutivrop the North to the S , ih. Thee I t,:. r t ,„d the South (slavery having rasz,d ..kNsy) would rapidly become one in interest, and one also in character. Moreover, the whole work would be blest by the termi nation of this most - m'i'ld war tun peace 40 full of ream, juiaott, and love. Christ, taidly-would liedmiggwdobil A.4ll l o l Ped by II peace trade so strikingly in bee owes spirit: . In tkikeptritiiti isinnot shed'am drop of the blood of our Intbdr* foss., If possessed oils, we shall forgive and for- get the wrongs done to the North.; and - shall feed-that the_ South hot suffirOL enough, and that' Sti‘diSieffren to 141#41,1V' ed and comforted, and Isci'Moie by us. Largely on your wisdom and meg uanimity do I found my warm hope of seeing this war give place to bloodless, kind, forgiving, and *prefix* immediate peace. But this is not alrfoivrhitilt I look to YFittCy'rts.l4* souse of one or the - worn 14-Iwri s whilst we can contraist the beautiful peace,- which, stiles we thrust it from us, is just at hanil=—noiriii the time for our nation to be the first of all nations to propose an erid to national war by means of an international Con gross, whose decisions upon the disagree ments and controversies between nation* shall be final. Yours be the glory' to fa- VOr tio WeadUlei fraught with more honor to God and more happiness to man than any or even alt other rueasures"! Yours be the glory of identifying your adminia. tratiun with the cause of international peace! - • With greit respect, your friend, Guest, Swyrn • . CORUCT SPlt&latlG.—We would advise all young people to acquire, in early life, the habitat correct speaking and write t and to abandon as early as possible any use of slang words and Omura". The long er you dive the awe diffiestif Argilictigthe went of correct language wilt-11 . 14 and if the golden ar of youth, the proper season for the acquisition or language, be' liaised in its abuse, theindertutude victicit, iC 11 4 6 4 glected, is very properly doomed to talk slang for life. Money Is not necessary tO procure this education, Every man has it, in his power. He has only &Ouse titer language which he reads, instead of the slang which he bears ; to form his taste from the best speakers and poets in the country ; to treasure up fine phrases in his memory, and habituate himself to their use, avoiding at the same. time thit pe dantic precision and bombast which , show the weakness of vain ambition rathei.thast the polish of an educated mind. Two bad lis i s lu eliit Piles cured by At. Wink lead's Pile y. Mr. Glass al 4smsavills. 'Nisoolisis, writes roe the bime#l of all she auger with the Piles, that he has be troubled. for eight years with an, aggravated sees st Piles, and his brother was discharged from the army its incttrable, (he being quite yark lyzed with the Piles). Both these distressing' oases were cured with one bottle of Dr. Strict - land's Pile Remedy. The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, *right to ronvince those suffering, that the most aggravated chronic cases of Piles are eared by Dr. &rick. lands Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists everywhere. mae.lo.3meow S I ? c cm y be g 0 g tt a 9 ri c 47 § ,7.) t C P' S a " 0 C 2. ga hl tjEj Nt • o=l rn 7 • CO • 1. 1 `0 0 r.; i 5 •' - ore ',O-• to in .. 0.4 - . m 0 0. 3 t 3 ga. I • tz o P li g a 0 .§ si li :4 a v NSW, TX/CATMINT - . „ (XINFIDENTILL KEMAL ADVICE. hog*, mane inskomir, masks Sant Isfirwais• • Twiti and Bfebtritip. OM. W. 4/115 X. LAMIEST, Ogee so the first flOOf la the *tooter BuUdiag, loot of Saporta , " itroof, elfoslood, Okio. ens S3IIM MUD. a • Banat on the italseng Trnitinint and Caw la udPhyslial , Wisefteftfillomaterrbee all tretseilett=MlP et, 1110eillitplea, east ether Oman Vrit sta t heth ow. Prowl*ll v im : both MAW sheeith tees& se la total 41.1101ty Salieiiisthr theme SAP Awl Is igh/ Um aii be iiirtr , •414 yam 1.111164 A MO! ? fiertiliiika til igregirni so F `""... 1_ on teetreziest tor.the eats ri theilell 17 sr Picietunia Zialllllolllllollll7l/ lisswerealleesteal Wobseet. be. - tats he and Is boo II deja totoo inethe by poll oboe oak% soetetatty with adielees. -" 1 ~. 11/131/0 UN TAZIR I torapi tu i Dr& 0%11r.. Iminattabe la they have tareetat *Awn le= lll 4 the me et the above Abeam. I hes bussg se a =he seat 'Wnt plipleisee hi Way hob, and Ns* Tort. It lied beettleilieed tie oily seer tostnumitt ever Leveeted let the site of Sesehtel Weskits's, or erg beim 011ie *wild 11104 e a t Like operet kehlb atjoeth. Dra. W. h IL Web% hi to ielbq thefeetseep- Wit so to the skiff of tidy imbint iumag• tide wine thatia say iodine. when it my van amidtir Syr afters fair trial, the now viii be! eitreW Vs =lli=theirretnomeet ivierlerier. Primect UWir nualletesi M. `-' •" -- -- - . WSW MIMI= AND VIII= MM. Yoe the nt ==r • = I L of the kiarU se, tbeests bood. DM beitsiSoiaoit *.• W bo aal n a NOS tyhareset brar i A ms = • te• oebih, sal the 084 &strop beak beVeall Peek . adopt le the mita Wheesieft ISI !Me l" 1 , 0102g ' and estartel praelihrie limps WM ' 'lSlnnitr aillalliV: , Ali , Tamar ta ' treiAed bx a Teatimes err , Itie:-. - ^- , Li64: - ~ . W. b It. ' ' Lives,/ Sandia& feet el Stipules IL. ' ' cietn4irt Cleeelesd, Ohio. , ERIE RAILWAY. 1; ZANOE OF HOURS, COICIONOINO THUNSDAY. MO. I, 1404. will Nom Dookkk al *Mar tollnriag bOO% Its : - Irgittiiird BOutd—Depart. f; • • . Trate N 0.14 ........ II Id Lib.' - Teats No to__ ' 1,114‘1". I 'him No. 6.. .......... . !It 11. lii• 'halo N 0.4. 4 44 p. as. TM lawromeargls•ospooly_ , : ma& IDIOT .6.&1 4pPt . *evolutional , * , Ituropt ; 1 tlf on OOTATO, MM. • istssimunink woe 10. ISM& Maw . ofa, CLOIN : Mell ONLY 01,10 Ilbli Oen look fili tip Otibic OW a 14 mpg Inns lb*.iled war pssent ski milbosoce te the seassmir - . . 0 . laboring elAbaSsmut . _ , is P Viiiii 1a .,_,......; ,L tail NNW Ode r • Via e t on eu Apilliii litalkini . 1.111. 41— elag m ler iroyass o ibbi kJ ~ fist eft OA sla*. wee sae Ifigeb a dijidtaimpo =side isri ; i i ii Above watt pablialkot by Clawassus. MN air% poi eide r %Telpt of gds. by Ifs Gael 4tat• rigal. • 11..- 217 sr liniftllls. „.. 15 Rusai , st &dye ! • ,4*; iirry YEARS EXPERIENCE Igis hatiortablialied the soptinret 0 ; REPDING'S RUSSIA SALVE elllf ell other healing preporttlissa REDDINOW,BUSSIA SALVE Mud ROMs. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE ! custv 'caul . REDDINWS RUSSIA SALVE! • - curia FELONS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I CURLS OBILRLAINS. REDDLNO'S RUSSIA SALVE! CONK CHAPPED RAND& IRDDINGNS 'RUSSIA, SALVE! mum MOM 1100100. ‘ REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CUM OLD SOUS • • REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! I •/' CUR= RRYSIMAIL "'• • REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE!: CURLS CANCERS. RZ]; l 44los,:iiiissin SALVE I Y CUR'r24 SALT ROOM . • REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVEI CRESS ROILS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! maxi votttis REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! MIMS PIMPLIe- REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! PILICK REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! c URN B LISTERA RUIEIII3OI4 RUSSIA SALVE! CrIURIDI ISIMTEW PAWN RUSSIA ma!!! W. ctirtAXEDWI 0191481 - 8 411 P. 2401114)143 aitNER&L!.Y. li~UHl!(#'e, : SZIA SAI~V&t few** beef/sou seereluted dotter of Warl ess wile*. sed le /up ease Atli Its ep flestiod Interim null thdfusedise that as/ p 'a mutes glyeids Tio Modemt freeltp,OuseathortOss algae, are easad les ieeee IP imam The More its virtues become knows Um attar la Use demand, sad it is now seasid. 're d an , hazels of household oisesselly beteg mod ... Ay r!oti and poorl REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I is prompt Is action, tomoireo pals at onto, wad Miaow the moat alter looking stralllago tad istaataattious, as If by trade,—thus atrordias nlisf end • complete aim The leaf; th of Um We salve has bleu Wars tee palate leeoaclaslre proof that it la ao .. eatch•peaar pro ara tloa, pat forth to ham • &dolour popularity, sad thou rink to rho ao more. Ou(teZ Cinati . Ea. rot fitatio Y 4. P. DOlfaltOßE, No. 491 Broadway, N. Ir., a. w. 70141LIC& CO., No. 19 Tromeat Street, Floottai, and by 41 Druggint. and Country 41. •rokeopota • sagefillt-ty. QUERIONS, , QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIO'NS, That - Concern Every One I . - to Anewer t I v . v.- *tabor XX mad XXI. Mee, • . lad UAW Vatisteet of Loper. . ruse Waded laidees Bops, •The Chateeet giantis W t Lad Battey, Oa baled aad sad ha .et by A. KrAG. £t► you bald Doss tom bah •p • Elailovis lalt Ait Uttar' at* - Vb. off! mane thin T- .Aarsh, wad dry , and fermi& wig gray Wore tts time io rt troubled with itching, burning seasaties of irligten 60114 with naudruff Are you troubled with what is called Serails of Salt Shelia Have you had the Erysipelas, and laityear t Have yea het the iteestes , bed last it I Hon yea had the Typhoid Yew, and last it t Dare yea led year but by say "keen t• Do yea wish hiserteat heir De yea mid pet sett bietreee Lett t. De yea wie lim ageheir resto red t afore* trlthollaslWW ' • Do's* wish reetersa la War T De yea mut^ ter year rattan. t z De yea tbr years*, fat Daher or leather far brethiebileter or Moult De yes waft to sake a present t liraz= Db = iota groat It cam &WWI elide ? Do yea wants shoeing edicts De treat. boat preparattoa eat for Amin, . reetorise the calor, eat reader Wt." the Iliamen gait ? U MOM MOW ~ C LARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, • FOR THE HAIR, TO SL UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR TO ERR PREPARATION VIER COMPOUNDED AND OFFERED TO TAE PUBLIC. ''' , ::. ‘11141 . 1 1 1 .-:" , • 91 " Intrarielmisi. j ri pa l g t os tipr ea;ioi * tle,ci: e sad Dodos ~ams. •. 1 7.1 O. a. or asa di 47.4 ArelPAPeom S. WIND 00, N. T., Oeserai Ayala. 011/14. 11111 ADVERTIBENIMIT , 2k1e , ;516 . 4 ;L I NA.; ' " VU • Andehow It to You' , Relloodo. WHEELER ac -WILSON'S IMPROVED Kr. gitin MIMEO rilltgaarlidesd to battr iIUCHINI /Nor into this °man% unrivalled maw Boaaalyttlh4saaaatrfr bat ail ease Uhlt Weatildiat a data 4th.ileatporalar /Gala* sew is amt. yzAits • _ lbw boo Ulm ttio load of Ali other la4looo.foof. ti. Lt. paprouvonats banolosifollaol r oooey t relporkMjr is •• ••• 11 low ill•Saatieff 1 4 6,Digi A A lti JIM tcBYAIOIII3 041 a 0 IA whir it Inas ti050d1412 .1a.a....u. tf01l • • Musa isollio • w% i lle-7 1 1 %12117Wtoialloolioll mink '°,llllolfto to V fi r m i.- 111Aus No. •• 0 4* *fa ANT 114ifft • mdliLif CORM amiss. i.s 91-Alaim 4,,,r d AAA" .4. fpnve q 'ztiiwllime ear 4ias boo vitioat Waver koff*og Us thorifillsotforoof sr Wow; *floe dasfl Wino . CONE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. .. ' • damad MiummorAltair& Sardrima. ImMisra losotid la Ilia, biam mirallotilam At lama orb AM groat Milarity ia Mkt oar oats* bat we km *MI Oloitjuat ri.arimd,aad aromady to so• way aMalt tttaewadi at wad m tlMir orders. "owe - mwolorwrily Mod aao taraialsod, aad oar aomaluogir ttewa fit eliadarnalt the tadmsamoaraimaliod, Mae itallitima wane awarded taw area tams • TIM 110111.178 ia Lost, ISM.' ' MUM lrmAjim AM atatmlat away Stift Z a aad ty ;Mari ia nay are miniatid gam yam* to dm* to tositmatim. flay raw at% the aro almost whale& MUG WI mat ass time is oparatioa. • V yew seam esm lwalltamoll week Wali airasklM girjja * W il 1 19M 4 , ti sidl ,o4= Me & • Ma t ; , • . Notice.' Ifi nut imus OF AITMINISTRAMON ON of PAO* Claily di-awed, Id. iti loolihip, am" pak.• u l t bal s me • Is imo dlonl UW M $ll.ll/Mat ' • WAIN te lb* maw is Srr• aid *ass &Air Moir es t Urns be islikosim‘ NILSON OUSE, K./. Mtn_ Indies Amialimmea I= J. csamla:ll beitintros. , • , S. lIIIHME NEW FIRM:i =MEG amiss, aunts wast, , - r .. , v •• jet , 1 „. I 1 ' , 7 1 • , ,• i) 1., 7 Wholetiale rM Massistanis af"i •• Crackers and 010101 6100ER113, FLOUR„ PORK, SALT. NAILS, , GLAtok CARBON on, Wlllll. LISIIOU es, lIM Os s. *oil of SUG,ILS&,- TKO, COFFEE .SYRUPS, f .3. MOLASSES, - 9PICTk s FRUITS, 14 UTS, TOBACXXI, 1$ LARGE. CRACKERS Ye Rig CITY STEAM EVAXIIIIT CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANJOIRIBI OIL VITROL, CAXISTIO SODA & GLUE Ai tba,Assul Vadat h4era Comaturolal Buildings, Re*, A Erie ' Ale Brewery, ")RNER Or PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Brie City Lager Brewery, CORNER OP POPLAR AND RIDGE :V111: 1 1•4:14 Zile Malta Bosley WarAsspes. CORNIER OF 7TH STRUT & CANAL HARM REMOVAL. GROCERIES! GROCERIESI THE Subscriber ban removed his stock of Sroutriaa best the stead gem the lake Shore D.pot to the room is the brick block on Mate chest, mime of Yourtb, where be will be happy to wee bib Meads and anateritas sod 111 *twat wawafor goad s . is *tea or then is tes tarp and autaill isteeW sad a head at lowest ra eoiwialeat with the °rival coot. Ne Invites all In sera of wait* to his Has to bile NIL T. aetol THE PLACE TO GET YOUR HONEY-RACK, is 41P X. ' 0017431112.21P8 BOOT - 64SMOE STORE ! Iltsiollroot. liooty Oppootio Ur root Moo i I. Pi.( .1 alto. 1111111184 harm the Milo dot ho bas toosood bit Awl to WSW* Row so Stab otiooto no* 0w21114 tlio Its. , Moo, Misty bo limbo eII tio eta NNW to Etto btu a AL , Parthike attootion glow to .1111PAIRIN61 . Sortog torokl oottoot a sot ovortotoodlaion lito boodomolftwou. bo Whom bo ma gtoo so good sothito. too Ilia Mist mi W aow slow so say otter puma to tat say. Good FM arrootod. &OWL AMERICAN MOUSE, NAM/ riff CORM or rat roc lartAllt at, -. RBIS, PA. . . JOHN DUNCAN. PHOWILITOIL Tito sodorigroi 'Motu takes dm* of fir albioo roilicrows Neill sat NOW it is isprios My= I=hoolkito s dare of floe peons aid oimormoistioro ogifol 11 91114m M fa the Tee filo rmotatorm• ot sow *or So soliori good bamboo obAld to tiro scorifin. esprilAs. DRUGS, AT - WIIOTruTAR * RETAIL !. NMML CAET!R ammiligis. 'nth kW Si* Dreg adtt. J., 111 CUISTIII. sak la e *inns OM ? hi el , Carter & Cariar, • . . Wy vino tie tits laitstoo Wit olotbooto 111111404054 at tbs alit stud. Witb alingod stook aid tossoorml Ca oaks Um lops to motto a Word *aro ofpolit pittoont. ESPECIAL ATTENTIO,X MU M denial le Si WHOLIPIAL, nal)X. ; Daslore fa tMiadaiglapelac film are asapaaltall4 , vitail to Ore me sada Min samoolaais. , THA AKTAIL Vilna oialiailiaallisiallallam, la a mild umumt ma i i1ik5 0 11, 116 1 1 ,!,..! 41 . 4 5 r egellaws * • 11-1 peallailorty WM, sallaa ag tradOwitt• isl,l PM* at • CHEMICALS, • 4a to tb• 144taad tad% air lorsonit jr PoPwid Isl, • . • • , 1 , t14 %4.• Lau. Thiladiltibla dt brie`.` 6 liiiiitilllllllllllllllllllllll peat Use harems the Latham sait Neesllnreet to the deg et alio, ea Ms., it hie bees mem by the Pitue*leseat refit teat Gisie yea M eaeirtat by thaw. , 011 3 POEMS= IMAM AT INA ' Nal Trete lame Mama Aims. Teas s • 1141. °any Amon. Ire. 5......».....«»»»....4 le a. ea. llatl Cieny Mess. is. 24111. " wanes Area. armee. NA a. ie. Chevy dear lir IL th. emery harm. Se. I i11 i = . 111111410114111 . 1. "eye Wan yea aspeeii hahribial l asps V•442l:=W Mod P 1 8 401.14 ,ral I TN Irt . Ig u l emo berr igiliel; mtairlalat i r li rllol ,•. . a. N. inearicar. Jae , "dal aim% "I L . 4ti OWL • • T. W. , ' 11.16. 101"111Allii1eii. Lott iR L, ;"" II 't; • • • , . JCL A POVilloilismallikresto 1k54141116 -THERE 18 NO •SIICS WOOD A$ TAIL." TARRANT'S tiseirPottme SZTBACIT or CIiNNII6 :AND COPAINA.. www. peetieeleal is the inotawnonassox amuse rwsua,s.? ta. prompt mid eertlee MI et IRWIN' OP TIE litAtelße r [ c IDN/79, !Angell?' ; Noy be nollopi ea ea *abed nud A,e for IN &Web taws *tows toadies fla tar tat' Ow at 41 " 1 " e* eme4_,lo Malloy ere applitsble. It eimPT Wel *op ISM Me sad by ita co seestratias, lb. 'deals megartyibeco4. • 'l.llL—nrehirsas are advised In iudt for CosirotividEztratt of &Ws & Copaik aid Lao moth's; Wm, on iadlatlow lad wortb ja• F %lAA sador AWL, burs, gar to the warbo Ples St,OI Illibtbieziprelb be 'script Of prier. aided:id only by .1. TARRANT di. (0., Na. aribrawiab Stmt. Corner of WA• •• ••• NSW Vnitit, 0 . 1 . d fittibl• by thy:eft ge++er•M l f oorPl'l4-11# • - comotrunFß uy • BOOTS A'ND S'.II()Es! WHOLESALE & RETAIL 1 y TAKE PLEASURE n tutting being to e L, tt= t r t h;,.&me,: to my fornwr tooothos FISH, W.ATIE Lan. 6111011 Width irM osaildo me to saasoLict are and WI Boots sod lbws ' • • Csllll4lCit THAN IlleiriOtWOßZ. • diovtog haiioloagexperisior &x I. the ?Nimbi gogto room / Atilt taw tpatal Wog lireparlo otott to Mit thew r` 4liet tetiNAbif right in t his city. to oaks the ?L7IER PAVIA'? BOOTS & SHOJIS for the beoeilt nu onatomera, and only ask la ,trieJ of those, to IntialY eaky one al to surer ley comfort nye, thole Madetstlyold way. The Pismo; Boot mods no breaking in It la H our Thies 1b start ea one were for e,,rue, Uwe, Ur CUSTOM LIKPAKIIIF.NT • Will rams* mY uwa sad Mr. J. rol`,l fors .special at • MoUoa—eomblatags.ill s xgrl n . which crianot be 1110111011 In th. coaatry. Bout* awl :42com rapaired Da Anil notice. Coaataatty W.'s facia 'dock of I.E4THER. LASTS 4.Y1) Teadmiag my thanks to my {tad customers for past patroaaga, 1 bato by jaat arcd haaarabla dealt to caeca a 4ist Iconic% of lbw NNW, and carnally lovlba all to call ,ud .samlo• wy stork Lefarc parehaalag slaw whom marWelltf. CIG A lei, Rotuma varma— ST MHG AND MTEVPIKO With the Flaw* th+A Light the Roots By the d&r eta common tamp, at the ant of a 11Nir worth of o i, • awry comfortable breslttset caw wools d. Tribewe. 5401141 la aonstructloo, smelly kept la order, ready for nes Le a moment relk,esiont to hare on Driziptiert Circular. nate Lump is one of the moat popular now eikel of the day, the utility el it to mogneettonahle, event owing to side In heating Rid oroktoir emall at* oleo, and soolin leads to cook mesh for a greet many persoas, wkleh is ectoel!y done on the awlelenal ewe which carry the tick soldiers Sea. 4%* .40airicee. for family use, tterpitsl tent, Minutelypla nk*, kehioi, rinreery 'irk tootn it 111 ertlelo of comfort Ge ond all proportion to ,t, cot OW OR Circular. An economical enntrirnikee Or getting up boat at Omit ootiootor nursery and s c -eLeral tioneld pa powa one linportadt point an Up, raving Un Mat neer real Ilnot M ;r: Fventing Poet. PRICE PROM TWOTO SIX DOLLARS ILit PACITY FRONONX TO FOUR QUARTS. TIIREN: ARTICLES C(U)KED AT ONE TIME :Arrant:l4.l for Ken:moue or , toil 011, ..r ihm. diutrilir tiro ounplot of thirty pag.x furnisbrd grata. Also, rims &O caste, To be attached to a common Konomma Lamp ea ems Burner, try which water may kir boiled awl food eaohedl_; &Leo arranged to eurrc,re a, shade. EVI , ..ItY rAmair HEM'S ONE. W. D. RUSSELL Agent., azylP64l-844, No. 20 6 Purl Ht. N. Y. • •NOWARD : ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. PA. DISEASES OF TEE NERVOUS, SEMI- ItAL Lod Hamm grarricark DOW and rellabia tiratenntS.—ln marts of tha HOWARD A3SOCLA7IOH -Bant bp Milan Isand envelopes, free of sbarsio. Mawr Pt. J. UMW( HOUGHTON - , Howard OJWCWiItIDD I NS. V Sall& Math Bt. WM/Aphis, Pa. int5454.17.'• , 110 NERVOUS SUFERERS JF BOTH sens.—A RevEßE.mulamuniuut boring boon metered to health in tow dam after mdse. going ail Ile weal routine and Itrcanlar expenairomedes of treatment without eseetes, sous den it lammed duty to emnmanicate to b 4 atitienal fetaw creatures the mow alarm Be 0., on the reeetpt of an &detrained envelope, bio willasug finpoys tiopy of the prescription need, M. s • 81. Jose N. DAGIALL, qreat, Erma , ieb4-14. C. ENCELHART Dealer in Boots & Shoes! ALSO, ILANUFAcTuRLIt Of CUSTOM WADS BOOTS AND OBOES I WOULD take this method of return ing Wm thanks t) hip friends *ad the paldlo er4ly for their liberal patronage heretofore infteerded , mil bolos to bars a. cooUnnation of the isazan I bake pleasure to Inform the public thrill ran 41.11 sal nit RLADY /UDE NOOT2 AND SHOO AS faiLAP, If oaf a Little Cheaper, Miss say Rosso to this s)laca , I am still Labia" the best quAtiss ease/ Heats sod shoes. for Wadi lass i moos Letitia 21:11P of WORMIER. sada tbs Burr of O. 11111Ltlf. EWAN obtalsol a lissom to use the • • Vintner Patent List, • INo now prepares to make the Planner Palest Soots sad Shoal to s saseerr not to - be inarprieel is Btplpad r Wasimaildp. E r always keep os band a oalleshoo of the bras 'Sao& tit ttimeh sod Mostiesztesitand Yips. P. IL—ltsysisisi sttss‘ol to. wan at FINKLE & LYON'S SEWING MACHINES 'flan Xseilitia watt, .the 'oak-alike altka es both ebbs, end nee Um than Martha thread aed silk Qat the AN& or doable thread looyetltch ltaebiata d. ; will lloskrall, eat Cord s Braid, Mad, &a, and are Mawr adaptor! than any other Brain Machina in as% I. twain*ha= lad mat Waliety of sow*/ rolooki to &Mg% hit Will sow from one to twenty thietasso es of Warostnior without atoppina, dinabda[ mgatite ag peeliet, or bota the lamb game to the heavieet hearre Meth, or even the &latest hamar loather, witboat abossgin tlw bad. noodle or towsion, or making ill ad jutant of Yoeblito whatever I I Thoy ar• staple accident,easily neberstood; sad if say parti Wok= by it is readlly Surd. ?bus an noustas V;AMIIIy Gad will ED tar to &Unties ties theirs of say tant buyer. Plow Cal iota aulit ott end for Cireabur. Iff. 111,Leal Agate tasted ix .sectiosi sot yet f parop pied. Aden% . • ' • ' MILLS & LYON, Oh, N. 00 v ispeWly. : No. &11 11.114:14DWAY. SSW TOM.; r. A. vnO. , a • rose NEIIIICROC 1109.114•110014,11 av• opect • silt OraaniStr, qa. -114187 ADM OP STATE ST.,3a mouse' NOR?" OP RAILROAD MIDDX.' Illesorthey basal Yantis( - •t U MP* at 4/1100211.1128, PIROVIEIIONS. -, - vaunts, '- cagocautity WAWA, eiti r L VAPOUR if. NOTIONS ' W 11•10 Si IWASUO I COPINSVTiOROUIS. 1 I . 1 ' 2 1 00ACCO 4 fue/L4B. of Asairmiking amslly oa bawl la as miabllaboant the port. . we an dettnotned to otter at good todnenteals ewe Abet design hi the city, and Invita the*Me to atA eeelideat that we cos sinentire gat ottintott. v. A. innlsta ar Oak Jos e EIGHENLAUB, Fish's Lamp Beating . , Apparatus! WITH ONE; HCRN..R THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Authorized Capital $560,600. CAPITAL PAID IN, $200,009. • TM; SICOND UMW !mg VW open icy boatmen on ,Deeembei 1 *to, I 6e4. • Qh. .. t . m p sacs now stesPbd 11 the NotaisaVa /Mks•• Hotel Beads& aorttoomat earner et listilfe fade. WV: 1. *Mt, !some!. • WY. 0. amino was= SSIRIaOTVRB: t: I . WK. 1.. wort of firm QC J. Hoorn & Go. OW Dooloto. JO& NaCILIMIt t ot Ana at Viso k Natitalm saistline. OW. a_ NORTON. Coal Des4c. • • • • w. S. UMW, ;no Heikki & l'f 4 "3 , L , JOU O. lOf.WW" s of , e..iosoit to wfr 6 O. 411000:11,Of tris e reresch -14,•,/irt• Bailor Ann of Ran Jabal= & Notrtatern. If. Ir. PAP_ ,t&& A atae ny & Tom", W holealo Groom J. DUSGIANIX Groom Xs* Dm 7,1161 Erie County Money. ti ytttao of a Illesolation of the, BOARD OF DIRECTO,BB OP THE Keystone National ERIE COUNTY MONEY WILL BE RECEIVED,, - oo the m aw onotomon ot • ' Iris, Des. 2101—te 10FIS Critic._ A. LANDS LOT • • , , 1 Grimm Plesoll . 11111,11101 - - • Nip - wANlusict.Ctor.e. . • . Alkii4 2l /4," - " • _ PIANO FORTIS. ) 'ilI' , 1111,41110Nli , . Fr. /it A. N. FA. C T ERB :. NUMMI/4f *tinny ley York.. War . Ka*** co, lialtirnore„ . tio , lernair & gl.•111/. NCI/ York. . w.. B. Ilmtturi, New York Joh* B, Nudism. New Yorir. Grovesievis 1 Cu . New York • Urn. A. Pt into & Co , Y. thingist. koodbasa it Co Yart Prices it a Large Discount below Saw facturer's Prices. • PIANOS FROM $250 TO WOO!' 41.0.1altnictio• Soak* and Shad Max* All wow wishisig ► And Ws Piano Varies, Mehl. as, ere i..ited to call sad irr.suita• our iratzeimeots fan yarokaalag elombere. Itow.r. Blot*, •Mtsta rural, mealy ofx***l nxisix lo N lb Pod di Cr P. :t .T - y lasMamrot iramisilaid for An yeas: 11:14134. ' 11143416 111 1 1 PALO & ERIE It. aitii4PrOPMPINNINIk" O N "4 l t rms t ~idai - •I,KAVI NO mkt F.,. 44 I I $6'A. W. lkike 'lt.ssessa *WWI"' at It estsmatl, thsaltua awl. Mayo. (Wel. anises At Nampo/A 410 A U. lio A IC, ins/ Arrow., 'townie at all !gallops wad mites sit Es at 11 10 A. t 00 uss Jtsprisa, aloppips .at North, t''stal. Went Sold, thaskirk, :Ww Croak, amt Atpola l sad arrtiring at Ballato at L'Al P. kl 16 P.M, Ursessiselt Express, aispplair st" Deakirb sett POWs,' Creak; and satires sA Ddtalo AS 10 is Y., The L* Kzialo4l Pawnees at Dunkirk sod Halal°, A tbip /ilea I.apriaa at Angelo only, will Express trains for How Yoriqtkilsaolpias, Unstsu,Ae. LEA VINO BUFFALO. "a3D A. It.. IWi Rayner, .topping at ail 'Stiller, ea awl Paratiash.rtipier unarm& id orsbaryl Wasl.Tvilly arrives at Ras at 10 00.1. N. ' 1 fity P. Di, They lierpreys, atomise at ragoloyoliiirsr - Mar, laaskira. Wystavki sad Pistils gray airrlifilit al kris al bO. P. , 30 V. m.. Aura 4 Area., stopplug at all iltatioos sad • snips at Why at 9 10 P. 11.. 1114411,&:reaf. stopysajr at Angola. Vine Crimea, Mr iiirk and. Wertasia, arriving at Nile at ' 3 90,A. ti. . Matilarad titre a ten misery% Guitar than Erie Wm. *ay 21. lan. .1 1.01119 ()KART. *DA. 4 . , . . GROCERIES I . GROCERIES t i AT , I r hii.isESA ' LE n. A ND RETAIL. • P..SCHILAY, , *mild rsepeettnity inform the public that h. bite opened 11- a Store in No. 2 Hughcio' Block, Erie, infra be %till always toff, on hand a lerge nippily of t's - GROCERIES, MOCKERY AND 'WOODEN ' WARE, WINEM, layikomri, tit; ALM, nis,l everything usually lle r }ale le an eetabliettneelt at tint Wait 1 x r Irinnsa to r•sig000?• am coy nttor =Vs tbn New Qrocery! } ACOE BOOT% 'prould respectfully &EP o , l7ritlC4 to Wsletopla of Kris ell lipid meaty, th at hat inaued. a _ , NEW GROCERY -TORN, ea us Wed Side of _Pesci Street, • Sian Dis"•‘• SW) of the I.alie Shoes Lkest, Is will liev on band., rr r row t of ipli(lrtsioNs, , woo A.ND wo.ww , w ARt, /Awn, had ovaritbAnt niti4l.4i3 toat in a that dm* or. .414)0, Whir, Street +Cider and Liquors. I 4k k a libsdit ilaskei prim pain' fur rredoeitososrs . , Giro asi a sal, if too tri•ti I secure Lord Mr , jltilitillr I Ilie dr myself is 6,01 sr WIN.' not Lowsr,tbso alui.stbot store iiii . jks city 14:1214tt. ►stone Stove Works ! Tibbsls, Shirk . & .Wkitekead, i MAIRIPACTUIt MIA 0, MOVES & HOLLOW WA REI Hire i largo awl donalvo assoftrodh.f of 8 'VW et WiliVinaie and Retad. THE IRON GATE 1 •• an , t'abaa Cir a Cook MOTS, With or Nt►o*t no %T -rait* NC hard or Salt C 14 or wood, soil to BETTER THAN THE STEWART STOVE. We al o mosfsetuno tba , WELEAT SHEAF & NEW MI, Bo hi low ems Coal Cook Moved 7.ertth wood patio— au be I'd *Mier ker coal or wool THE FOREST OAR. qa aro still t►auafaeturiog tilts celebrated km OTIPCI Stove for rood -with or wit uout neervoir THE MENTOR, Also Osta Afoot far Wu .d This Is a wew Stow* of limotthal amass ' untl uow for tale—toollsor with a lure . sasortrosot rt elerate.l Om Cook, Man(' Cook fur woof or coal. awl Parlor sad Oak" :limps, for wood or roil. TIBILSVI, D. SHIRK, W. watuamAn. Erie, Jaw. 12, 1864%—t5. • NEW FIRM. YVINITIINN AND UNDICNTAILUDI WAR E-R, 0 0111131 OD State St., between &math and The Da Worthen hare enteral iota the Cabinet lialthopag FURNITURE TRADE, Ana prop os ineklaig a r i o balirr i rt lare=soaateatly an baadarai *Was 1,531 nobs proapt atteation. S.patzta doss on short walla. TRDZIITAKINCi. me ribkalbenrwilt glicesperial attestioa to this bo ot thole Mathew They will eaaaaleetare =: ll" tearlatt o s laud a tarp alsoetertat et i = Deemed.and bold themselves in maims to mart onion to Ilas,pooptly. from say part of thtba e Ovenetw. Datanataia ta spate a alone tapes satiM botii la the %natty of their pada Gal pekoe, thp, brim to slam 111 Writ abated pOSa oioOirrater • abell‘S-tf. ' ' • Seetsamas bL B. READY ROOFING f I • Ready to ssU 41olra. • D r — ft - Tcro o ti •- ; At IN Usti Ulf Oa east at *mob., lifitAD DQ9l►t Ne, Kw* 41111446 Slam Va. . 11 . 111 A DA' II 00F 1 PI 41.) itsulablir ter amp or Act rusk. &ICAO? ituortme, Tor all Wattle buildlags, la a sliastes.. , SAADI' IitOOVIING, Amply and quickly put on. Mods no essllag o'vetr wit! emus( niter It la Wind dant: ft . 1( AV.* I/00R* ' /Inds of* strong woven Ilk* tholondhly asinnild' aadoklm . 622 , 5 eat botb d onzinosn with li ri Zolg t„ i=. V.,.., - =,aaf te,, , V* Ono a saiOndass, • " " LIQUID CEMENT, /WWII/ KWh numb olwolfar and men *aid& than oN past. Alio, (*WM:MIND CUR" toe WM lr ulWrz SA; *We we elloir roe the end al err Inotd. • all4l 1" = 11 . mebeel • ' favorable tends araile4llllk bre vab. b" %TO in EdOlfllle 00.;" I .1 Malrlea - L•Ps• . • . Erie & Pittsburgh ii. ia . 17E41E6E- O F COMibfgN V liosilys Ost. wt. um • _, _.,_ TRAM LIAVS VIM. ilis i tlio . ,4 • i /A A. ii, numb Aceossmodotios, Hope at 0 Goa arrives at Now Clotho at 11 NA. S. 4 at 1 0 , IL, Illeight No. 3. 'Usti all Ctat MAUNA MOS ahomm g,, Gottaia, Raab% lat‘ moa t Samaria%ptia Vatrytaa ..NTITe. th i, hares at 11 Ile P. It. , ,V 7 ~ - p .... o„ IC haled. 116. 1, atop at oto' tioao;i4orolvoo . i slinks it 2at P. It. . 7 i..., . '.littabarilt Itsprass. 'Mod at all . -dna at Wei. Caortie lit 4 UP.. lIIL Li, --, -r = '.. *WM LW'S 111111 st) e A, Aatausatodationatpt at amid ~ . ..ipaitat Shakos at t au P. M. iiiii i ; - - 4 'I! .) BIM° tirlust r arr at alt art .. • twat Etta at 400 ism samiow. " ' li! ,:' ,ftright xo. l u tts aat 4i swum' Itoprißio, Pura b ' ib trl i tr= "l l uk i. ;V s t rile= :I[. ' . l ir s.""l4 A 4lll°Wrinvuli i r mis . ...."--.., Bris iL agt 6 . . mmowilcaport . TiillitDAL idoWtisiint.--A'lmiol ' - l l iaitaihrive tibias, idlortar irlo.liiiihiel mit -16=4 I MP " = "1"l a .4":1 ever wok . 7 wan, ' 1 As Ott,, . • . 1 1 :a l , ,. troo to say 64Am. for too osomi 'fhb" 4 simt by room soli. •J:AIlk000 J c, , 2 Ohil n: r , ^.„ 1 t. 13 alarSii de Dom ter, as / an, decay. The scrofulous contamination i; thusly - caused by mercurial ile , e;e,•, living,. disordereil digestion from food, impUre air: filth and filthy the depressing vices, and, ahoy.. the venereal infection. NVitst , •%Qr b, : origin, it is hereditary in the descending " from parent% to rhildmn the third and fourth generation:" iAdre,l .c seems to be the roil of llint.itbe -at T i f i t th e iniquities of the Other, up,, :: children." Tile diseases it , Iri , 4in.ll, Various names, according to the ore. n, attacks. In the lungs, St:roi/14 pr 01 .4 tubercles, and finally Consumption ; tit t glands, swellings which huppurate as.i conic ulcerous sores ; in the bowels, derangements which produce el gestion, dyspepsia, sad. liver curnolaints ; 4 the skin, eruptive aml.clanneoui affeeti, t , These, all having the same origin, regal /12r... slime remedy, viz.; purification and invigg; .tion of the blood. Purify the bi rx ,d , theserdatigerout distempers leave )ou. 11 24 . feeble, foul,. or 'corrupted blood, yvu cant have health; with that "life of the fie' , healthy, you cannot have scrofulous Ayet's Sarsaparilla is compounded 'from the most eflethmt,„ dotes that medical science has tiihcor t .r.d.,,, , this afflicting distemper, and fur the the disorders it entails. That it rior to any other retuedy yet i 1 . 11,, known by all who have given it atrial. 'I : , it does comitne -virtues truly eltra,,,,j, in their effect upon this class of 0 , 11 , 1 4 • ...; is indisputably proven by the great n.ulLz!, of publicly 'known and remarkable cue., has mule of the following disease,: lirin,• • Evil, 'or Glandular Swellin' gr,, T ti T t t o E ru pting, pimpkt, Blotches and $u• A lair hi t o, Bout.cor St. Anthony's rip , Scald. Head, Cou g h s h a tuberculous deposits in the huags,liti r Swellings, Debility, - Dropsy, Nenri.v, • or Indigestion, Syphilis • • tio bfeetions, DierenrialDigu i • ca g e vraumm, and, indeed, the series of complaints that arise from itupti.,l of .the• blood. Minute reports of inl•-.. 1 ; cases may by found in Armes ALMANAC, which is furnished to the for gratuitous dibtribution, wherein tau; . learned the directions for its rue, an i of the remarkable cures which it In when al/ tither remedies had failed till relief.. Those cases are purposely o from all sections of the country, in that every reader may have access to one who .c an. speak to Min of its benefits' personal experience. Scrofula depre,, vital energies, and thus leaves it; Vie/ more subject to disease and its than • are healthy constitutions. tends to shorten, and does greatly iticx.• the average duration of human life. " vast importance of these eonsiderame3 led us to spend years in perfecting a m which is adequate to its cure. Thii Re offer to the public under the name of . SAILSAPAALLI4, although it is comp, ingredients, son' e of which exceed the of Sarsaparilla in 'alterative power. aid you may protect Yourself Isom the. ing and danger of these ditorderb. out the foul corruptions that rut anl in the blood, purge out the cm - 0.57ei ofd: and vigorous health will follow. By tt, liar virtues this remedy stimulate, tw functions, sr thus expels the which 14/ ,ttin the systrm er t,ar• on any . it. Fr" kow the pitblie bare Leen tN /any compounds of •a ) . l Pai , ...tnibeit moat and did nuthiny, will neither be deceived ni)r .11.apprcti.: this. Its Nllrtuesl have been tin - ivrm.l y dant triahrand there remains nu qu,,u, its e urgueaiug excelleiice fur tte• Lure U afflicting diseases it is intendtd I,) Tr Although under the same name, a different medicine from any other whiC been before the people, and i urra fectual than any other which hi- t •eatable to them AYER'S CHERRY PECTOR. 'The World's Great Remedy Coughs, _Colds, Incipient Can. stunption, and for thelelid. of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disc. been go long wed and verbally known, that we need do no tLau assure the public that its quality up to the best it ever has been, and may be relied du to do all it has•ever Prepared by DR. 3. C. Arra Practical and Analytical ^very whey Sold New Firm. ce 'AU Es'P. CROOK, having take , son, 3 awe* K., ea a partoer,on th e lei , coder th e dna name of JAM ES Y. Cit , to bate ametUelmat of his oh l ac. ,4:. ueriug thetaselteit indebted. to 1,. al i ea ao4 sera& without delay. JAMES P. CROOK & OXALIC!' 1 , 1 ROUGH AND PLANED 4411 MAXITV/LCltinuuts or Wildnwlasti l Frames, Boon an , MOULDINGS AND PICKET FFS *ma Sawing, Patching & ' DONE TO ORDER . Shop ea PeH lily helmets t ERIE, PA EMS `ire respectfully ennui* ihttantian iVirtor doing, wort in the brit of r remonsbie terms. Hawing fitted f. rslfeply with siqwtriot:ritwelliweey, we feel ,glym entiff /Warder( ftodribroid will nee,Te avg.ol6l-ti. „ , 1 JAMES r Z - J.. FRASER, M. 'l o tryile/in and ihaelDllefrpt OP C elit A rPr i.E rt: ti: cin profearlon. MTH% 014,NORTH. SIDE OF THE IN SCATTY'S 610(4. Ogees licknza Crow a to 10 a. m , an/ Reeidatoar at kifiri. Eikwahria's. aloe. • • RIZIPIRENCFt' , ' Hey. J. Y. Spuoliiias, Dr. W. Y... kapill, P; I , tr 4 inn -1 . NEW FtIiNITURE 5 H. RIBLET do C' irbutit telrpeciftally Inform the opinett FIIIANITITIiE WARE . Ei.itlll4.l3's BLOCI, Setireenlth and Bth Streets, interethey t0tA4 , 1" , 0 k coosta/O" ie./camel:A or Mr AND' Writ: 116LECTED Wo tr.pectfully solicit • ohm*. roniiir• EI. imvr64 II Kr " ,•, a i., , - ... '------ Eitty. -caLuiii biAITUAL AdIGI Vi)IIPANT.„', ineorponnteli in 144 l )., rii.-r r • I'innpetty..ll paused Allow— , 040 b. .111/0Y Teti* not pit...treat itlol. Polklei Satied it'poo toe de l .. -, , t t't.trst I 1 II li the peportat of the utttt• ~,t. , el oRt tio• tiebtlity of sl' rt.u..., .\, *lit IltfKatiou. Ohl suit out: I. v.. noilhast Wit company. TUG L.4.1 , +%; hins 4 , 64 *li is 4 wife Avow plat H.4a::: DiftWCTC Wm. 11.11iiya,' ' ' lea. C. MarAbsti. i 0, ililltbbau,: .' , 1)..8 4 kivm , . , waLtiftwoopocht, J. Ungainly, igiO•ge .11.., ligiot, DeaJtinin thaw. J. M. Justie,N - • • UF 6IC Elk •ja•.GtM &PARMA, er..u.t• ,:‘ 111 . R 'mum-sown'. Tt , i.! . 01116501011eurs 011an.l.a.a k Hr. •Cl'lMllikkittal4re •A•teittercemAN, 0123 . 43 j I Ntr,dl ..°l2Plitatef, etaiDttare 11* .a) ay.l . "'"..-01k1 diostra bet 01,9. •1 %mu& who'iwg It. (tWe li t u dettittourfer asking tbextrap. pra& 1111~ Waikbill 10=43, "111 nix 10 1 41, icaretilly in bra4J " 7 Taoßm B. WOO , igll-116. No- GO fl •, i•Pertiiar taint or 11.111 :1 'r;r 1 11 / 5 1.1111' a .: I n ll i 1 . 1'1: : !on 4 titutio,n. . iili.i of ni,n. it Prod4ittes ur ~ (.''TitintPll ~,,, blfoill, Ith,,, li.l I) Peotri..7 3 N'llt firs C li n, 1 1 forT. , in cr....,