The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 11, 1865, Image 3

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    grit Methim Oborrver.
ERIE, 11A., MAY Ilib, 145
Suiscrlptlon Terns.
i,bwripuoa!-tirais an sow $1 110 per leer 1$ . 4 '
It eat ptit 5.411 the eat of the yote. $3 win be
rd All eabwiptions mot I. paid dada( the
m y reautres of al a rigid &Mammn Se this
,Mall Mora not pal 4 tor irlaaa tb. year bag
lilt ba dlicantinsed.
For Sale.
tAb Perlttoo, gusrlan of minor children
w o r ieb, deco tied, Will !ell at poblio
by o r.b‘r of the Orphan's t. curt. anon
preLuivs, o tho 7th of June, eeverAl
a t au ," holougiug to the estate See
)11 ImoCtupadfra a Initio aoti lot Ort
Sixth siceot fay wile
Lug. 4 hint otlere to sell at low tonne two
atoro au 1 a I.rolliog, (miner of Freacjik
Z. Smith riots to sell • house anti lot,
tr of Peiich sod Fifth streets. _
D. Walker offeri for sale 800 relived sad
crude oil barrels; • -
!rairforl county are not likely snr
4,14 1/Ifiti a hick ot, ambitions genttensen'
sotve &twit 001intey " lo potato
e From time luaruemorial die contest for
~ o f public gift ia test comity his yearly
w aged hot and heavy, and this season
tut to fall behind its predecessor*
I.llsrmig " patriots " have Airway in
iced their desire, through the columns Of
R e publican papers, to get into office : ' t t
ireasurer—Juseph Drown, HarmonsbariC;
e re. A. J. blcQuistou, Weal F a il ow fi e ld
C om missioner—Darius Shreve, Bloomfield ;
hr. Sterling, Sparta
Astembly —" Col." Him. H. Bemus.
Ile J. C Sturtevant, Spring.
District Attorney--Harrcy Henderson,
'at RIWAID.—WO regret to par
te by the proceedings of Cannalla.fttret
4. John H. Miller, a gentleman who seised
gallantry in the war for the Union; his
thrown out of the City Surveyor Whip,
a person who never rendered any *orrice
:he field, put in his place. It I. some mitt
in of the occurrence to be infortaed,
Lave Leen by members of the Councils,
the dismissal of Capt. Miller *as not
lb sof political motive, but solely due
wisapprehension on the part of some of
embers. The Councils having done him
Unintentional injustice by their course,
now do no more worthy and noble act than
reinstate him in the position he is admit—
I to Lave filled with ability and to the pub •
eitisfactioo. Capt. Miller's patriotic ser
= in the cause of the country entitles hint
\le muctiot a favor, if nothing more
Bener s Surges's, Erie, Pa., are largely
td in the Wholesale Confectionery,
, and Notion Trade. They haws the
itaton of manufacturing the very finest
Iy—both plain and fancy. Their stock
Jlions and dmall Wares is large and a;
tire Oranges, Lemons, Oysters, ha., they
to a speciality, find can furnish them in
'motel to suit. They are agents for the
cldtor Fire Works—the best wads—and
1611 orders for the country trade or milli
toes (irocers sad dealers in their line
'da well to call and see their stock; or, if
tering goods, they may be ears of having
ir orders filled promptly. They promise
ipply first class goods at Wien market
,ces. mayll'66 tf
Courrsarsrrs.—The following new COUD
rfen are reported The bogus postal cur
icy is e,.) abundant that few people think
tnElliLle the difference :
7ounterfeit Postal Currently, New Issue 60
notes On the tup of the bill the words
'uraished only by the Aseictant Treasurer
I Designated Depositaries or the United
tee ; observe the two word* "of the,"• on
genuine there is-a Little ipso. between
t, not so on the imitation.
cent notes; the engraving is good, but
frame around the !matt is very bad.
hes, however, thenppearanee of
print papa', and is very whitish. The
!It is a little smaller thin the genuine.
:els on right end of Washingtoo are
cent notes, poorly engraved, on. poor
r, and the gilt frame around the heed
't show any gilt.
) cent Dotes ; very coarsely done, and the
mist very pale.
NeCIMS RITUII:4B.—The United Slates As:
tore hate decided that the rental value of
homestead occupied by any person or any
is fitmily, in his own name or that of his
cannot he deducted from the MOOR' of
income It appears from a letter addressed
s Commissioner of Internal Revenue to
lr in Maine, that the Department
tided that neglect to make returns on
(ore the let of May is not to be omit!.
tote" until the assistant ad
-113 upon persons in default, and its
asks for his or ter return. Is sn4h
the potion silted must fiaralsk the :sr
at once, or he or she will be deemed
illy In default, and liable to the twenty— ,
per mum penalty. If, on the ether
', the person in default la not at borne, or
or her usual place of business, when
iiitant tumor calls, then the sestitant
eor mast give him or her tones of den
!I to make the return, before a penalty Sin
inflicted. The United States Assessors re
ire of all persons subject to income tax to
lute u inuotue " all profits from business,
ate, real eatate purchased within the year,
stocks interest owned if collectable. Sea
shares of gains of communes, or patinae—
whether divided or not." And "sn oath
se has not received, and is not entitled
?rite tram and or all sources of 'aurae
ler, soy other sumo for said year." Ac•
tg to this oath a man is obliged-krre
; the money he ought to receive , l , ass ,
is all that he actually receives. Ifs muet,
ap hil hook account (stoma, less tifinte•
'alt Irests. —We obtain from the GtOrril
ip4 tits following incidents of_ local; in
in that vicinity
torn--A new hotel is now going qon 1
%igloo street near Center. It is bigokc j
tructed by a gentlemen by the Mime of
t i and. the main building is sixty-Ivo by
"7-fire feet sod four stories higiailth 'a'
attached It is to be first-elms hotel,
We believe larger than say now in the
I. •
lAalow Gaucia.—Whi Oil Creek railroad
ittmy are laying the third rail on Ike Wrack
'heir road in order that narrow gave: caii
rhe run over it. This will avoid the re
talent of freight by the Philadelphia. aka
to r° , 4• sod be a great saving in time and
e el the patrons of the road. The work
ihud rat! is nearly completed, end Oak
reedy for the narrow pegs sari '
i t uILDISOI....A few days ago we- toot
droll around town and wandered upon thit
'PIG which overlook the flourishing Tillage
''`try Tao number of sew buildings erected
t 4 Pntig and aow in process of OTltetki ;
our most sanguine expatiation.
in one place and counted over one hoax
new baildings—all the work 4_ thls
If this does sot sheet thrift madam
el do Rot ham what doss. .
A Smile at Trtosvtus.—alt. JohnO. We-
Tens, a wllll known citizen et 'Hawn, while
on his way' to tke..Peansylvanis oU regions
meetly, was tailed - arisen.r by two deice •
live; on suspicion that he wee Booth. The
Trenton TrsuAmerieas says :
.Blevens, who mut ralish•
jokir thought It was a ver y good one, and
joined with-the detectives is - tbe pleasantries
incident o the aecidental meeting of ajocubtr
party. The detectives took a seat very near
by Mr..Btevens, and euileavored‘to draw out
some facts which might confirm their suspi
cious, but the entire ignorance of Mr. 8 of
eves the fact that he was seriously suspected,
only confirmed the officers that their prisoner
was a Melt Adroit lad accomplished gentle
Matters passed along - pleimantly until
their arrival at Titusville, Pennsylvania, the
bead of the oil regions, when the nepleasatit
proximity of the officers and the crowd of
policemen convinced Mr • Stevens that his
/wrest was no joke. The crowd became clam
ordus and violent, demanding that the prisoner
should be huog up at once 'Whoa judge or'.
jury. All this, it may be imagined; was not
very. pleasant to the feelings of Mr. Stevens,
They followed close upon his heels up to the
holelo4 white he and - the detectives were
fa i,reinfainindeise into the identity of Mr.
Stevan, , sad , !wound niag whether or not be
wu Booth, the crowd outside costinned Wlll
- in numbers, and also is ferocity,
that should be brought out in
er that they might take vengeance upon
- The detectives soon found .by the *semi
' it. Mr. Steven's papers that be was a
;:itakrr. tram New Jersey, and was as
far Blllp f liatog Booth the assassin as the La
paror"..arkl or any other man. They
came oueOf'thwittotti sad sd .liformed the
crowd ; butliklitittliaditot satisfy them—they
still demanded iltak-bw omikt, to be shot, and
when the detectives vilkliftbeloagad to the
State of New Jersey, int Alw Ossadea and
Amboy Railroad Company, some chap Is the
cr..wd said, 4 , Well, damn him• Ate• might
4* slr. The detectives advised hi
Stevens that he had better appear at the
'tow of the hotel end address the crowd; Atte
a good deal of hesitancy, .Mr. Stevens Anally
appeared; and in • very pleasant rein ad
dressed the people, end managed to get them
is excellent humor.'i
The people' are now called upon to come for.
ward with their income and other returns to
the Government . Every person failing to
make returns by the 15th of-May next will be
liable to be assessed by the assistant utessor,
o-cording to the best information be can ob—
tain, and in such case the assistant assessoi*
will add twenty fire per cent to the amount
of the tax •
In owe any person shall dialiver to en as—
sessor any false or fraudulent list or state—
ment, with intent to defeat or ern& the ♦alu
tation or enumeration re/pleat' by law, the as
sistant assessor will add-one hundred per
Cent. to such duty, and in such cese the list
will be made out by the assessor or sasistant t
and froin'the valuation so made Moro can be
no appeal.
The assessment list, when completed, will
be returned in - the collector, who will adver
tise in some public newspaper, published in
etch county within the district, if any there
be, and by written or printed notices, to be
posted up in at least four places within each
assessment district, that the same duties 'have
become doe and pay hie, and state the tissue.
and place within said county at which he will
attend to receive the same :" and to any sum
naptid after the 80th of June, and for ten days
after Unita, there will be an attaitien ottani
per tient, as a penalty for such neglect.
New Nfusto.—Wa are iniehtel to Ur. Hor
ace Where. of So. 4SI Be t.lirev. N. T., for
piece- of new inietl, frith the following
quaint title t.
"FllOlOll9 Oil Firms: s serio-comio
daring the singing of which people are re
quested not to laugh Words bored for oesr
Oil Creek, by E. Plaribus Oilum. Music' coin
posed and well greased, so se to run smoothly,
by Petroleum "
We publish one verse as a specimen :
' There's " Ketchum " and " Cheatem," and
Lure 'em and Elestum,"
And " Swindle u ii " all in • row :
Then 'em and Lead 'ent,•' and Leech
'em and Bleed 'em,
tluszle'em, Bitikem & Cu "
Oh, ob, oily arms pey '-
la Pennsylvania • jest op:"
Fronr.this sample brick our res•len esti
juJge that there is a pc , ' Jail of truth in th~l
oempositioo, if not much p pe•ry.
Mr Waters has mint us ths follairiag
Funeral march, 4► the inun;iri •if Abr iheaq
Line• In; sod f)r the pisno ;
°Rocca's', &b.—Our readers desiring to
purchaee,gri.citries, at retail, will find a very .
superior stock of all the staple articles, et th e
r. tore orMr. P. A. Becker, northeast corne
of the Park and Sixth street. His gtiodp i t
fresh from New York, and will be sold at Lb,
lowest market rates. He invitee special at;
tentien to a choice quality of flour which hi
has now on hand, and will warrsat to be what
he claims for it. Goods delivered to purohad
era to'any part of the city limits. Mr. Becker
has also entered largely into the wholesale
trade, and calls the attention of country deal
ers to the same. We can cordially recommend
him as a prompt and reliable busiasss mai.
Tun PAsss.—Ws cannot understand life
=tits which Winces our 41 city fathers to
delay the long needed improvement of our ,
perks. r Certainly there can-be no doubt of
liagrnineihkilieren the subject.
meta man, woman or child,. witiiii„the icat
year, who 04 sot feel ashamed of the appear
ance of the square, and express a wish ant
it would speedily be pat in a, condition MO'
would make it an ornament Instead of s dls
grace to the city. Messrs. Councilmen, we
assure you that you couldn't do a more pops 7"
ler act than to provide immediately for having
both parks enclosed with a seat and durable
. - }
lina.—Tbs - war °being over, and it' hariog
Imo annournoed se the resolution of the G4s , .
erninsabis ,0 disbead.!.' all military sad. aorta
.41terit not needed; the question it what' Will
bosoms of Hite t—Hite, the bold. b et
stumpti orator (t); seepareatie lecturer,; s.d
eulogist of the Hit. family, whoa. perisidfoal
'kite to Brie she I s boss of glory; Oros tsar,
otherwise insigailleant city, sal net ,oar.
stiassatid althea, all to ,e44hisit - ,that, . if '
weresot brigs Kart, with mush ay and ; tie .
tis , itiollitio--Elissi i We shall watt , with; pii:
lops bout, is ascertain what bottoms of
4 - 1. I.l: l :iiii.lili ti 9 .t ..1( . 1:q
~ +. • • .
...:.+4A 1 I
STOP "THAT SORATOSINO l-fslhiseh yin can
aiolf-yoi 'drive thiimpure, hot and acrid .tit..
ter out of your opting by taking inwardly
Carter's Compound xtro
it l y
ast.of Dandelions and
Bittersweet, and a hig outwardly Carter's
Yellow Ointment. andriedioan testifyithat
Wiry baio'noeil these article.. with entire:anis
amis and satisfaction, stir bating used many
other adage to ao parpOol. Therefore; we
!Rya* these two arthiles sad atop Mai 'MUM
mg. Price of Bottle' and Box 'together; ones:
dollar and fifty costa.' Bold by Carter *leer
sir. I If
..We lairs by 'psprri trim Clsliflrai• met
CifUla:fr. B Yle,ling, of do Rtrilor r e;
kort.i i k- sprinted by
ProvoottStaribel dsasril and 131440teshat
Volitatserillruitinig fervisefor sles ficsess
aid )1•044: '." 1141 'pouch
itiktilia to :kw of *I ption!ottimAfpaiii:
11.100 m. . Lis ; is poo of tbs; moo ; 4ise+vieg
tbi ,
WI return thanks to Hon. G. W. &slob'
for a coil loif;tbe Oosgressiosiil TOW*
•, Trade with Rebellious States."
Wi are requested by paella is the neigh—
terbood to Gall the attention et the proper
unitary °Seers, If snob there be, sad If set,
to the oilleists doing business in the
to the nuisance in the rear of the Patellae. ,
It certainly needs to be attended to.
The Ladies' Aid Soo'sty will give two enter
taininetits in Farrar Hall, on Thursday and
Friday evenings of next week.
The well at Union trills has reached a depth
of 770 feet. Oa Tuesday a crevice of two feet
was struck, which caused an acoutanlation of
oil and water to be spurted late the air. The
parties boring express confidence that: they
will eventually have a profitable. well. ,
. -
The firm of Wright, Retch & Parson, en
gaged to the oil boiine43, ham been dissolved
by Pantos, consent"
4r. John e Beebe ieviles the attention of
the public to hie large stook of dry goods, one
of the largest so t bait selected itt the city.
The steamer Nilehitin, when last heard
from, was In the vicinity of Johnson's hind,
ready to demoralize any raiders from Caned%
who-might attempt to release the Qonfederate,
prisoners on the Island. We era - Of opinion
that all tee raider.; she will °rat will not be
eniwigh to frighten a oompany'of little
The card of 8. told Parlay. gin , general
aloha agent, will be found in another eoltimn.
Be has had exteiisive ex.ieriiinoe at the Wash
ington Departments, and is besides a gentle
man of talent, sod very energetic ebarsoter.
: We like pleasure in reoommending 'him to
pablin patronage.
tOwaere of property on State street, who do
l l ft - eliall'off the dirt in - frontof their places
e i
erl Monday morning, are liable to tine.
Messrs. Clark & Metcalf are:doing an enorm
ons business in the sale of 730 bonds. They
are the authorised agents in this oity fer Jay
Cooke & Co.
Messrs. Reiter & Warren and Clark & Met
calf, private hankers, have not entered into
the arrangement co charge a per centagelor
State money received on. deposit, and wilt ail;
cept it u woad. •
; All the prospi;cte are of an unusually dull
season at our docks for some months. The
exhorbitant prioe which coal is held by
. proprietors of the mines, prevents our
dealers from making whin tageous contracts,
and they hive resolved to buy no more than
is actually necessary until the former come
down in their figures.
Among the attractions of Chevalier & Tin
ker's Stereopticou will ho a full length like
nest of Jim Stewart an , l hi 4 famous Rooky
Mountain oat.
The fishing season hAs commenced, and has
thus fsr beau a thrivinz one. We ['sleet al
mest every day parties of amateur fishermen,
retgvning home with fine strings of the finny
A good etory has been told of a clergyman
not far from Titusville, who had lately in
;vested considerable in " ile." In giving out
ills text one Stbbath morning, he acid it
'would be found in the last chapter of the
'Acts, the last half of the verse, and eme-third
the oil.
Col. Wm. A. Richardson, of Illinois, the in•
Almelo friend of Judge Douglas, bed his sun
cesger in the Unite , ' States Senate, recently
took a tour of the oil country, in company
iith ;Dr. Fowler• of Chicago, and Wm. A.
Galbraith, Esq., of this clty. Oa his return
home, be remained in Erie over Monday night.
being the guest of Mr. Galbraith.
One of the moat astonishing things in the
world is the interest some people take in a
fight. No matter what sort it is 7 --dog, cat;
cock, or, worse still, men flght,—% crowd wil
collect to a few minutes W saw at least two
haodred persons of Dot/Saone', on Stateatreet.
the other day, looking it two drunken' dock
men braising onerantgbiNt.-7,- • - •
4'i interesting w,te is "on 'the lapis " lei
title of y, between the Lowry and anti-Lowry:
faetione of the Republican party. The Anti's
baring allowed the Senator to get control off
the organization. are immolating tired of hie
role.,:lind will make a disperate.ntraggle to
out bins,front the leadership.
I y l i• , .
By en ordinance of the City Conneife: nay
person tearing down or defacing hand bills or
krietern is4iable to a !malty of twenty dol.
tars for each offense. Certain. toisOblevons
YOungstent will take notice., •
On a sign upon Peach street, above the
railroad .depot, may be seen the following
pooderonsinsoription :
Ohl Cane aeatle 4:haires Re bodenet."
The Phrenological Journal for Nay eontains
a number of very interesting ariiolee. said
some fine engravings, among °Mere a group
of eminent divines. This publiontign is one
of high merit. both into liteniv, and radian
point of dew, sod contains much that is well
worth preserving. Welity any ons to resd
tip; sin nsontbs,,and,4ot bsoomp .a, belizar
in the truth" and
Oar oountry i4ohanges, without exception.
speMk of the pirespeots of the coming orops aw
remarkably flattering. !hest Mid rye prom
ise a most abundant yield. and the SeakiWitas
bean favorable for oats mid corn. 90 far We
have heard of no oomplaints that the fruit Imo
Wen injured by frost. The prospem is tbat
the crop of fruit will be a full one.
'The Mayor of Philadelphia has reeeighd
letter frog Miss Anna E. Dickinson, enolosieg
a °hock for 022 86, the proceeds of • recent
leetare at. the Academy, to be devoted jemord
the fetid for the erection of a Litman moan
4aelk• * • - s
The'Oleardeld Reynagieee lays they had a
Itemrypost in that lirality ikad
that ice formed to the'fiqekikeee df endow
glues. 4 thinks we P I Y, l?°11??1fqr sum
•boat the dog days.
. _
The Corry Telegraph' uslittet, ;ex'.
usages that five huadred
,piokpoehiiii have
left New York city an : butt for the " "
"busily. •
The Supreme Court of New York His deci
ded that railroad eocaperOefl,Owe Yuibie Sbt
' 'Value of passengeri' -baggage entrusted Col
the 'ebargeof their emplojees, stotwithetatid="'
any notice to the contrary that. they saij
have posted lip in the care. • •
The Clearfield Republican snootiness theAr
rival is that plaoe of Jas. P.iGagglo, ligh4
this oily, and thinks he is •• quite the gentle
man in every respeet.end a first-rate fellow—
harriag his politics." 4ti, James, we . alter
told would wake up to fame tiepin,
these days. • fi
,Pfs ladmaitahia„ Arybolfwiri will i@ofj
trate "Life Among the Mormons," in I,rreir- 1 1
kW NA aliettid4rt it*Ag• " l rq
somethiog rich, rare and racy. We rblllibi
me% surprised if , •tre doe* sot have the I
gait pease °taw! lesson.
'movement is repot ad to be on feWit:iiir
iikes eresdion of a t aoanm.atto iiraillAß Lis-.
'obi, is en* of the pelatqagegif
A letter from Capt. Clayton W. Lytle,- of
the 146th regiment, directed to 'his tatifir;
front Alszandria,and dated the 6th,eaye
*tile reigird 4 . s 4 4. l l4a i thrt iff 4 4 g " 6
day or two, sad impeded soon to be
metered oat of service. He eostrms
9i* "WM aU 81.4011AANI &MA
tios to have II mad review of all the trials"
In floaters Virginia, at Alexandria, prepays.
tory to r diebanilla§ thset. He 'Hades to the
'Ostia army
411 }lls o=- 1 / 1 4 . 1 1 ti TI " ge2 l l l7 °
th rrijisivile-4 ad Wet'
onr, soldier, is favor of going to the assist.
am* of the Mericans, and that strong induce.
Mesta *OW fip!. by 1 ,PMent 4 44,,,a that
nation to oflicin Wear artily. I.
A meeting of bankers in Crawford, Venting°
lila Lawrence counties Wag held in maiden*
or Tuesday of last at which it wai
unanimously agreed to ,receive no more
of iltate banks on deposit after the 20th inst.,
"less at a diersnint of,eine per cent—the Amens
of Pittsburg banks being specially excepted.
Wm. C; Carry, of the 2d National Bank of
Ali *IV sae • present and cotteeketsd to the
•, . •
agreement. It is hoped by this coons to
drive oat, isf, eirsuliAinitalliAit did balk SOW
in the western part, of the State, and make
greenbacks and natioaal-oarreney the sole
circulating medium.
The Meadville /Ayoub/ices withdraws its so
otiesuons against the people of Klealtnerville,
is the following manner :
" We are assured Viet the statement tilt
the copperheads of Eleeknerville hung out
lags and in verionkt ways showed•theirjoy at
the aessesination of President Lincoln was not
correct. We are credibly informed that they
made no public demonstrations indicating
their satisfaction over the news, and it-is due
to them that they should have the benefit of
this correction."
We seldom look for anyehing in the
columns of the Republican, cud esti therefore
excuse the gruffness of the above paragraph,
in the pleasure of knowing that there is still
a little manliness lett in the heart of Its edi
tor. The evidence of such a quality is usually
so faint, that Miany , hoittist persona had begun
to doubt its existence.
Capt. Cronin, of tho navy, has returned to
this oily, after s long sbeence, - in which he
, perfortned much valuable service, and
added largely to hie reputation u a !nave
rasa and skillful officer. The Captain is re—
garded ea one of the best offioera in his squad
roe saloon of P, Goodwin, under Brown's
Hotel, wits eaters.' by robbers •on Friday
evening, ands lot Dredgers, liquors, and $1.50
in change, being all that was left in the draw
er, taken therefrom Thieves appear to be
getting rbundsot nt thi : t. vicinity. -
• The Rev %tr. List having accep:ed a call
to Cincinnati the First Baptist Church et this
city havetendered to Rev %V. F Bain—
bridge, a member of the graduating class of
Rochester 'Theo')logical Seminary, to become
their pestor. lie has formally accepted, and
will oommenoe his labors bore ott the lit of
The Denwieritti c cant, dommiaii ales at
OK.; Onsaarse office. ols.idoette9 ifterzoon
last, and elected Whist faded. Eaq , and Capt.
D. W. Hutchinson repeeisentative delegates to
the next State Convention. The Senatorial
delegate was conceded 1.41 Crawford county by
unanimous 'content. E. Ctuaphansen, Esq.,
was chosen Secretary of the Committee.
ithtatentent is going the rounds, of a lueky
nvestinent mails by !tooth, the assassin, who
was fora lima, wander/able oper &tor in oil
land and stocks about. Titusvilla and Oil City.
It iv said that be bought a shape in one own.
pany,,, which at the time of his death was woAtt
$15,000. , „
The Oil City Register .4111 a rare ohenee is
now offered to parties wishing lo' secure teases
of laid to the •)ii region. .ir ova eeoliou
Thoutande ut sores of supposed oil lead ilifof..
rero ,IR, pectl,e,who •are willing to d!ivel•,s) u,
wit lido t ant h..ihils boleti ritinfreS .. TA ~ J/.1
of stun d t livi. tint ; W, .ill„ . 0., : pepHof ,4. ,
' 111 1 40 )11 1 1 1134 g i d : 00' 0, , I ? I Slpill), 4 nind ,I be .34U3.2
iniCSia.rj; it: prtip's i+e .rb.4 40, ad vo,h..i.
in bor r .
4 1i • • 1 , b,...t dtt On #l:thi l .; ::',l:'''l
~„ :p lts letter tecir . ,; ! Toetitit 42k: Kessler.
I .
—, er 1 employalk -Ira ;hist 4iits,• infuriate
us that - be is DOW • privitkinis Ngiutiut horn
Otevelsoil, Ohio, connected with this fiber—
attu:a ' al'olv. nad.stationed . ,st' Risleieti,.]N. 0.
Re Sala it iv runtorthl .thiite iiiii — tiu; Mill
teem eirt- hied departed iiiih the coipi to ',bleb
it betoVV.I. +fir. Riebei.tiill itd.l'fiirlissr w high
city - th:y expect , to he discharged from the
service. lie adds that 'the hOfdiers confidently
stilieilake Is; return to their 13 onto bi the
44 of July. , , , .
* A
blacksmith, tiiiiitati Chas 'Tubb s, from
Weileyrillo, was arrested on-' hio.n . day after :,
- wens**, charged with. ,flookieg• Au indecent
expoiMracChl I pro berm* some' women
- and - otillairin, tie:fir the Catholic, ,Seminary,
Fourth acme agtiiiaßijou before 'Squire
Bennett, who in default of ;sit to the amoamt
John rinh sweet nanamy, where
he will - melee moral inetruetion that
probably indite, him ea amend his conduct) is
fatur r! . .!•l'?s ' a r _
The residetitis of mai laS4St . 'Faripi, i in
Fairview, war destrwel by firs, on Batur4ajk
&fiances, liasmintellia . We ifs' dot
informed how the bnildiog is supposed to him.
• l•-•••••
'Petroleum Center, Penang() county; .has
been " known to , fame " about a year, sad, the
first like. is Matiteiy talithed—but they !tr.
talking of a national bank therm We skonld
tythatis.a regtair god•ig America town..
A, number. o( persona who went away to
avoid the draft • have returned, the recent
%Ai for,oll liability
to appear before the Provost Marshal hating
'rosioved fro* t eir mindo , all 'own of mewl;
I "?' 0•4 R it A
The ca na l is openo ' ant..
bar otbestis..loaded hastrgailted ,
this oit'y; - 41 :hi
blititlicist es oath •ar , twe e on afferwit . a Ike
high pries asked tar coal at the wises.
The ifigigaiiiiiirtakkiiit Westfield eicisijl•
ft*Aokr, Ws ; week s .43fri , m to the. fail* of
Hawkins, Wheeler k. bo., a heavy - Ne w raiser,
11114,Wksf***, house, *hates obligatins it .he id
i** large litnaaot. are ;oilman chiseller
biraiWiltresdillirOTlrrittinis or not, hat it
_r?gpm that,,Vreokantint
Al4ris in Arse no ipeele
satietrie - iisper fisfei.•^ •.• •
'Esitearonr aro Wog okede-ieloome sh, time
for the Warn. of . o, •.. 1111 *ad 14oth
s Oi . sa.f . 1 "
regiaieqli "ifu - arrtiOjnid • Ost 't!te . .F. cap; come
tooto.togother. ..tthOokilitaeir am reset, teliiikti:
fit •74 guir.:a ni:tbo q nuit4,,,,pai bi t io a ti f d
,14 WO' toilou r, be oopipFmolga L tii t h:t l 6:444
toil Ike -0-biggoot 4l 'efoolilooliiiriltrifi• : 1
13 --•• •
“ Th t illi t iolgiti t laint io . 4 iciiii i i t i e km ,.
~.., .
e, ~.., ..,
Adorned I. .Edtel a gX4l6 4l aUs" tik vi t - TO Iklikt knd V6llook O.
iigin i virnaila i trairofiaiseltiraiii!lii* eon:- HAVE - IN- fiTORE--AN
liiiiHE.lltral: b ; ioiosH iehig ; tr. :4l:s4: l ; v 4iiiiiiiikif i,„;,l,7„
.. :4) , 0 (12
.: I=f o l.P;l Ptggiifae %NM P II PION4 IibIi " lt -.
"ittl l4 9 o l , l4.42+: llll i4iligniebed iSW ..sla t tftgratiLt lu
pr z
~_„ ~,,,..,..,.„.....:, sikailik ee•Mall ibbe ilkEoperse,,,,, • -q tr ..• . • 1
,0•0 t, . sin.
~Tikkgarplici.o 4,443Ripei tie duiticeekohe irnoweei 7..unrn. - too=ol giag i ip Morn J.*
1 i
~ affpnvilipoi if Ite - sitt,•: - .i,y:: :1 ,r. 'I M P PM •me ; llA fl , ,l a Ile itesai-
i rxilar.
a . , .4, Fa ~t,,,a „ t ?rig x . i
.ittiA.i• , - , t , ; -
~,,4 , ,,t , ,•1 ...1.1,,n - saii •I,n -ta•el ,''Ytt,i. Al .klos.
opt Magokr sash' barest: es=
1)11'1.044' ste&of Mr. J. 'V. Itoyee
!stmrimpted, only succeeded In ebtsisiog two
revolvers sad
.iome coin. From there they
went to lionbsegero roomy, sdifilsiore
toot front its lot of whiskey, with which OY r
doubtless “celebreted " the results of their
hien. The house of Smug W.lgle, Is titer
rettasisosas broken into, on friday M g t of,
hurt:week, and $BOO stolen 'therefrom:
fteq'nent occurrence of robberies- in our vi
cinity, of late, should place citizens on their
tuerd, and came them to exercise the strict
est vigilance in securing their property.
The Jatuaelown fournal aye GOT. Anita
hue furnished the Union League of that plea
with • new brass 10-pound cannon, sionsted
and completely equipped, at the expense of
the State. The Dunkirk V's GS soya . he tel
done the same for the U. L. of that town.
• 'At the meeting of Coltman na', Meads,*
night the committee to contract for an iron
fence around the park were in Minded to W..
tai* kites from the large cities and report in
two !reeks. We trait that no kalf-weileort
of a tiiing will be procured.
Persons !Sating to haii maims or dada*
paitiiVon the bay, * can always obtain good
boats from • Mr. Jae :. 6.. NNW, si the at
stead, foOt'cil State street His advertisentaat
will be found is smother Gelman. •
Two brakemen entered the baggage oars et
a train, upon the Olevolaad road, on
and carried off s lot of shoes and other 111111-
oleo. They have both been arrested sad sent
to jail.
flour, .4 9 0 1 .0 50
Wheat 1,80
C1ark........ .166•0
R.n. 1,03
Oita, la
Barley, ' ..
Plat. 2 ,0 0
Potatoes, 60080
W 2.25
Dried Apples, 2,50
Butter. 20
Lard.-- .. .. 26
Cheese, 11010
Ham 5......... ........1 0 11115
Timo sl. d, 7.00
Olonr scri,....mommoo
Orphan's Couit Sale.
to 4.6 e Ar a ri the Partin.. of the Seal Ziaste d WO.
ems tisoss.ed.
the Orpban's Court, to me directed. I will awes at
rublle Rale, upon the promises, os the 7th day sa Joss,
1263, at ono o'clock p. so. the following desartbad stiW
estate, els : All that_esrtilo plusses parcel eland, sita•
ate in Concord township. Ern county. talon by losing
part of Tract tfo. 49, beginning at the northwest corner
of the whole tractt,thence along the north line of aid
tract out 132 parches-to a poet is the northwest comer
of land contracted by, Samuel II Fisher, theses along
the west line of said land south 126 perches st a postoo
the north Imo of hood of John Logan, theses along mid
north line and by the north line of tract N 0.48. west 122
perches to a post the corner of tract No. 49, thanes
aloe g the west lino of gala tract, north 126 perches to
the place of Intoning. cordoning 99 acres and 100
perch,. more n or less.
Also that certain piece of lead In Wayne to onside,
Erie county, hounded as follows, sin : Beginning at the •
southwest corner of laud of Daniel Yeager, deed. d by
Hibbard Ar. 'torten to said Toner, throes out 1116-10
perches to a poe thence north 26 perches, these, west
:39 5-10 perche id then, e truth 26 wordiest° the plan
i of beginning otainiag a acres asd 6T perches The
above descrit wo pieces of Jeod being Purport No. I
in the rattle of Real Estate of Welcome Aldrich. de •
isilicg ill main plus or parcel of land situate in
the township Rayne aforesaid, hang part of tract No.
,:fit and 30, L ouor, ed as follows, tin : Bogioniog on the
out line of land contracted for by Bones Warren, ud
68 perches from the 'oath line of bad of dawn* Ertitate,
,101 „perdu... to a post, thence by reeidso of toot; No.
20, east 14.1 perches to a post on the west line of tact
No. 49, thence by said tract and roide.uo of tract No. alit.
north 84 perches to a post on the 'loth tins of land of
Wra. Illetttle. thud by said land t' 4 00 parehas 70 a
post on said Rudth's southwest e nor. thous along
said smith's west line, north 17 6-13 perezep, theses w est
TS perches to the piece of beginning. cogitated"( 70
acres, with allowance, be same m. , e or lest—being Pure
pert *o. 2 is the Partition of E.....! Rata* of Wit ai r
Aldt W. consoled. s" • . • :
TIMM Or 3aut.—Om:4lW u, VA, purchase money
be paid at decems of Lydia AldriCh, widow of said We
coma Aldrich, interest en te'.i third to be paid to said
Lydia 'initially during .. One.focrth if the bal
ance of the purchase t 00; ., ,, ..11 coodrasation of sae,
balance in three equal manual instalments .thereallar,
with annu a l interest, .ocuted by judgment bond and
ion wee ou the premors or, cash down, at the option
of :le purchaser. MUSD FEMORA.
CliAldian of the Minor Children of W. Aldrich, dee
. ..ay 4, 1965 3w
1865. Spring Trade.. 11365.
IN N:l ra 4Fi . 4 I : 6O III . E r4 ATT ist N:TION OF r
. .DRY G00D:47%1:Z,-
!ow just Otwoolvol. -
Kn., May 4, lIM-2.• •
• '
Spriag aid It
MRS. Sr.-H. HALL - •
wawa respestbdil eillll attsettais to
D 4,
Just roastred from JOw e yteck, =bruiting
onnettis, Haw;dt~bbons, sec..
,Toptb.r with fl
G o ,
Wbich till Nil
Pattleilat attention paid to ',twining. oilertai
and promoting.
Store o. PI .St., doors riv. t e Xi*
. nivelgraltt
ILL best hoparatios over presented to art We ; •
lhot ter "kWh thetas de who hue awed it an wryly is
WWI% ,
• few ipetteattsas of this Onspeead will ohmage Wish.
il4'.4Vl l "!gr__ 2 ll !""" ItTubd
,It the Hair is Salim oil, blesstdag my the ass of
Z oN4 Seafretwill suety genet its dammed sale Mtg.
itt a 'short time. all Its limed hilloW,} ow;
plater madam Bout and DandruX, and bills Rik
sows, so distrsetbre to the roots of the thdr. sad •
.Cures sit Disosses;cr Humor of the
Irk:Rzimakiniiriastma by say iltipigairlitiandlcia
i . A
!Wag a Vegetable Componag. -'
HairHE Proprietoon offer the Sicilian
Sturm So the paella, estitekr atelleseitthat !twill
To - , ,
, .
, , „ . , , ...
. 7 Pronioti Ito eniiiith o
ii,it Is seerly ell eume;Thete Is l- hei,;telki *I I ? PIP
- teat It. Woo tike wawa to via odor ii' ~•
oot lib, otborrhrozsibahoglieftrthellOg!
dry d ad brylibb bat will bop h Rooth. .
on and 111bh7 , .. i - s• 1 Vi • I 4
1 i -g• P. mum a ock; ri•wet46, •
• _
..,...• , , /BOX 814 1 4 BUIt. Bo ll ia. if' B
It/LIZ" it-VAIRFEL, Itialsonb dim& latirosti, -
Pennsylvania, Wallet New TothasilleoteesOido.
jitraz Cattle.
1.3 the Foalitaitnt o, Sum& touOlOti o *Virar
halt tins asuthwis* of th• Watationt &at IKWI. eve
mites fm ZAN rye Youth's Gil Cows sad
?we leans, alt Tad.•llUa theweiPtilukia ( W el th•
Buliktrikteh bas & white Wit «Ob. e =am**. 4 liberal
rum. tern ha gives for their ream: • ,
II•TC61911.• - luctinc gotscii.
,-,. , , ,'''lseolutiott. Notice. ' •
;.,1 the cogarteorible herreintere
" tirie nt Wright, !bleb ils Perseus kiswl l Vi bi Zkibloia
wind by mutual moist ' - ....:.. . .
• •
ct 1 • i • 5
.. , • .
~ ,,41,11M
.P1;1100.1i :,'VEGETABLE TONIC.
!.• Emneosopto a STUMM/DINING,
114111110 UR wt. *plait tko anal sands of wow b•lo
' ' Lone Otto, •
*I al van Dyspooola.. '
- MU fns Wookims.
Will ier•Oosoral DOOM,.
moan assitbers.
WM sun lioidoebo. '
Willson Liver Complaint. . .
Will rano and OhiLtsk aloslthT 4WD* '•
ITlfilltionApinta Ur orgasm of .114**hou and rao.iorato
ly Immo eta tompiraturo of Op* body sod th• Tor a o
SITIMLLiaL, meths( is ant So a goof .AI norroborsot of 11
mks*, offalothlag so poisonous drags, and is
A ifir trial issisroostly solisiloal
' r ago. C. aossim k CO., Proprietors,
iliols , m, N T
't Ookral Doak Amu Ws Slocum building 6.11 HUD
sox wt., xew iross
rot sale br_art Draufirta, Orators, Le.
jEIIIG ic HOLMAN. trio, Wholooolo •gouifs,
by Ball ilt Warfal,Cartar 11r thaw ant if If
Willi Boons. •
. oatlllll. .. •
- = KETEI.
Moulds», ' 20
Eggs, 24
Mackerel per bbl No 1-.20,00
" " 34,00
Aldta nab, Half bb1...10,50
Cod Fish, par 5.1..../0,00
Laarp 011, pfa• gal 1,25
Beni (HI, winter it'd.. —SAO
Lard 011, par gal 1,55
Tan 011, per ea 2.40
Plaster p0rt0e.10,005101,121
Wood, bard, per cord—T.oo
Wood, son, " IWO
Port, uses. ham
o Light
, •
isos- Broadway, Now york,
(0011111 DIIAII /SHIT.)
11M00 Wadies, Chaim, Cold Peas,
.1. • • •
$600,000! •
And not to bspaid wad you know what you trill
AU to be sold for ONE DOLLAR each 1
100 Gold Busting Gases Watches, each. ..... $lOO 09
100 Gold Watches 60.00
MO Ladles Watches ........ 35 00
MO Oliver Maass- imoo t. oo
400 Gold Beek and Vest Cludna. lug) to lb 00
1000 Chat*lsdn ands:Ward Chains. 6.00 to 15.00
3000 Poet and Neck Chains- 4.00 to 1200
•000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Broosbu... 3.00 to 8.00
'4OOO o=l, Lam, Garnet,ite, Brooches,_. 3.00 to LW
TOO Gold, Jet, Geol. Is.. Bar Drops 800 to 3.00
1000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Plus • 800 to 800
0000 Oral Bead 300 to $OO
IWO Chased Bracelets 6.00 to 10.00
MO California Dimmed Pins sad Rinse— 240 to 600
m* 801 watch Key. ... 2.60 to 6.00
fkaltaire slam Patton, sad Studs._ 100 to 8.00
WOO tiold Thomaloo ..... COO to 600
100 P iatort L top pp
it Ytn imstio• Lodpni, oelato
Moo* t te o 2,0 p
IMO Gehl Toothpktita.Crmoo, ls6. r 2.411 to 606
MOO lob a d it,or.on Blid,s 100 to 600
MO Mooed Gold Rings 200 to 600
11111188toso Set Rings ..... . ..--. • 2.60 to 6.00
11110118011 a Wiese Jewelryst axtd Gold.- 6.00 to 16.00
1000 gets Ladles' Jeeridry—•% - lod styles._ 3.06 to 18 00
8000 Gold Pierwe. tlilver Casa ' Pencil.-- 4.00 to 800
(XS Gold Pens, Ebony Holder at J Case.. 6.05 to 1000
60061 Stitt Pena, Honked 1 1011 1. r. 200 to 8.60
all tie goods in .48 above List • ill be sold, without
nornrattop, for ONE DOLLAR &ACM Cart 'testes •.f
all the various anti lee ate placed in similar. .velors.
pealed and m,zed 'These envelopes wilt to Per by mail
or dolmens:l at our ogler without regetti to eh tee. the
receiving a Gerlitleate. you will see what arttel . it repre•
seats. and it Is optional with you to rend one dollar and
receive the article named, nr Rity other in the list of the
same value.
- -
Hy this tondo we give 'we.ectlons from a varied stock of
fine goods, of the bust make and latest stylus, and of In
trinsic wo rth, at a noiuloal pricy, while all haves alliance
or peguring articles or thu very higo eat nine
In all transactions by mail charge for cornet ding
the Certificate, paving portage, and doing the business.
25 mots each. Fuss e'er:via/Us rill heave! fs , 11; Zlev
tufa+. $2; TArrty for $5: Sixty for $10; d Owe Hun
dredhr $l5.
We should your wilts; oar feu, bites are unsur
passed; our wort of aura - ill - id excellence; oar promises'
punctually observed—Mar central locai.on br tap us near
the moat remote pointe 4 , Jr ore new I urn the
manatietareeb mid of the latietand mo:t desirable styles.
The goods mate be sold, and the terms...ire unelnalled
Ail articles Or led are forwarded by realm mall.
We ettaraniVt lAD* .atirbettoti is i near re,
and if there *amid be any paMor, dlaxaturied rich any
&Melo they altritraelve, they will immediately return
it and the priie trill be eilutll^.‘
&atm —tit • allow those act' =zap MI Uri Ceuta 00
secb"Certilleate ordered, porta...l their remnant»
amount to oleo-dollar.
They will smiled 25 cents ter Owtificate, and re
teeing 10 cents, remit to us 10 min for each
aulaia GAO. DeMICRIT dc
3 . 03 Rroadway, New
Would nspeethilly Wenn the Public. that they have
parehaied the
ooborza or 8111 AIM sc.?, ITS,
Whore they ixtYpod to keep so mogartment o
. as islispt ID ETD..
Bost Brands of Erie County Flour
Kept coostatitly no land iced
1.4/MIAPPED d (WM, f
ijr Theligheet fries 1,A1,1 for all ltrid•
Coutry Produce
delivered free of rharet.p. may pert “? lb.
ef ir •-
i'Vr t litlNEN l mar3o'efat 1 J NUS:MIL
NAN 11 ()OD ;
11 T!'"" How Lost ! How Restored.
JUST PUBLISHED a New Edition ill•
Dn. Ctrtvaawata'a Cittleaatan bo the
radical swig (without medielne) or tirserr•r .Ilhletuta, or
Seminal Wmaaaia,lnvoluntery Seminal. Louse, laircr
MICR. //petal and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to
eta •, also,Cossonevies grtuetsv and Vera
il l=ehy self-indulgence or email extravalresee
cr Ms., in a sealed envelope, only 6 tents.
The eelnalated author. In thim adskitable essay, clearly
demonetising, from a thirty yearn enemata I practice,
that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be rad
ically cured without the dangerous taw of internal mod
Leine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode
of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by ma .me of
which every sufferer ' no matter what hie condition may
trla. cure Idanmdf cheaply, privately and radical/.
This Lectrfte should be in the hand, pf every
'and every man In the kid.
Bent under seal, ia a plain envelope, to any 'address. on
the insalptal mats, or twoe wan stamps. Addres•
the pnbl&beon, , • lop 4.5..7. KLINV at o .
Itt flowery, NOW York,
stiir3o:ll l 4l.4l, . rain Ogle. Bon. JfAig
Hill kiiiii,::Oeilattinitop,,Ot Oil - and
- • t* , 41r-001ta...t
Paragon Building . , West Park Ro*,
41 4146 4 t, . FAIR, '
• .. ....,
~ . , Hotel Removed;
'LIDA. &wins Hoare, jut obeys lb* Depot, for
e put fbaryvars, bas relieved into the
' ' ..t . RATrox&r. HOTEL,
COMM or f'floEl AND BUITALO iiiIii . SETS,
libels ye Wlllfri to soon co al odile twice al =ma y guest..
=doe well, a s he did in the old•ttsod..'Elw- 'KISS that
the patiweage which Was too liberally Surt•anen to him
them will be or ended to hint in his wow quarto.. •liis
stabling I. milticient to nononunodats all itwamators who
may taw him withtlwilr patronage.
• ap2olh-ti ~,1 , . . . JOHN BOYLE.
"BROWN & - co.,
, ! (Lat. Speses,, Blows k C 0..)
Naysl OLslm., .
23-Pork Bata, iloroW York.
lowa ballaabbalbut. D. c., J. Ilti
Ittglata about I
Hail* MI iiima amp; aporlostai la 'tin es
ruatltatsoa o tb
to. W. all
Ia pt imam' ar casual
loim d t o Wto a
• .r t ,on and aogotiato tb• mai
I • • rteraaater's and
... J., t lenity elapses 4
• atotbots and prom
• • .41751 two year t, and tha
•y. 4110rir 4 v4 1 . 4 l1mair offish k - larrmot
ta► w.
trails at pifinc'Ot i t dad Soldltur add as balls
era , reined.;
anja• One,: 1 . . elptniea.
NI p -nail, • a of pay. 9,1 • a zrt 1 . 111.4441e4, diaki ce bad
cloti,Mg return lei add Oat', and col:ected„ and
eie•raiona obtained Irma Ordnane. and Qnatterniaateit
pepartahents. - -
U. S. RoranwiiStanrps for sal. at • discount of 3,•1 to
. 43 , 4 par ant
"-Farm for Sale.
biargre 4 sikiumpa to min troth tuna*
AT* e, on the Wtsbutg plank
re l r costa r:l4 at
7=W 'mat has in sdlit therms
1 1110.4 1 040 1 M a t banns. with warm eel*, it teak
bars, and al ry . tit-bnildbirs a yodel
ANAL lot ta:ther pertles
. 0111040)yitrAc,i4,er Kasai es
• "RON WIL MOP. ' •
Ving *SA* .:
~ ~thr.",,,L •
}half thiox— r ----iit . th. J• _
nob* toy Mucp:7:44•4ltivi
lis els ari.s.,
0 6 :4 1 0. 414.; kg': to_irli
=wow .#.3.,0t.m...ri5He....4.0 , .401A4
apse r w irod 141014011MIbd iai lk
• MAW in
J !I• •••:a14.:. ~44: • .' . - 1
,Ti.).t.11 , .4 ' ~. . , , „ , • -
" • '-',1,4,11'
pillatraMCM ..
TSB fisaur•-• .
:table extract,
it bu 10. n mak
mere In assay y ease , and with thonande
triszkm act Itned Irt • single Instance. Its
swathe powers have bees serleket to gain vls
it:47 over the lamb ethabees etw.
ire,u To lame whe have frigid with their onset
o until ea iblak E iMer beyond the
remelt of atedleal Wore ay. , MM
IS 1110,
the 0111110131111 OUN • yin to 11111101
sad *of, mad Off an Walk dOetors have felled I
Mee Two Dollars pre bolt* or three We
lke fo in r e
Phi Dollen, sad kerwerded by Expreee to
ia of the weld.
gar. Tiatithles soot by mil Wee of postage. by
DR. W.' R. OUR WIN & CO.,
mei" 01., New York, Atole Ptoprieloat;
The Lou souht to DISCOMOI at Last
CM3nuelldfxolta*li;Barke and Leaves
011111101:11 ILINCIDY, the great Indian Diuretic
aim all itheeme of the Usinarg inch Al
bagatelles el es Cries,hr el n o t i, ation ou
alder, Agolliss eats s, Sims mg tal4
Bkider, _11110.11% Grant, armors Mat. and
Is el emely Massmsedee ta those cases of nowt
Just e MOM, bs knaska,) where all the old
eaemses meekness have Wed,
.11111”11 pespimon hs a meaty concentrated
litemas doss oaf: lelsig from one to two taurpoon
fob Mess par Meg.
.-MS is slikrellis salt alterstise in its action
aid daandajr the blood, musing it to now
alightM porky and vigor ; thus ranov
lag boa the mists al pernicious causes which
have ladased disease.
its- Ca 11 far a riA !ii.,:rghly all Spiv,
toms. •
The symptoms c t dr generally appear
are at drat very slight 7 , -.Lei tiod they bare a col ,
that that hare Ins qmatt sal are more sensitive
tooth° changes of temp drAt-r.u. In this condition too
MAI tray be dry, or a alight discharge, thin and seri I.
efterwards becoming thick and adhesive As the
eons lbeecnnes ebrenio, the dlaehergis are increased io
dilluttlt7. end changed in quality ; they are new thick.
and heavy, aleitatilsawluid or imanbed op. The mere
Mow ere ollhasre, amain; a bed breath ; the voles •
thiek and nasal ; the eyes are weak ; the maul tt •
wall la leenaseil arissaayek deafness frequently take
place. Another common and Important eymplima
Oebwrb *ester perm le obliged to deer his three.
la the Illorsitng of a thick or slimy, iaucue, which I ap
Men down triad the bead Fri,. the Dirk A Wk a
abla taloa plata the person lair..
.1 lire that his dinar
Is on ilsk way tethe ' hie& no amens
• are int a
A dues Botti,
to 00. used tY
Frain Hon. Thomas J. Tarvisr, .Ez-Ahmber of Conroe&
fres Illinois. Ida Simko. of Woofs HMI Mier
singative Laud Grand Moutiir of A. F. and A. AI, of t 4
Stau of atinaio.
Deal reply to your notice of the 16th tut.
I would ray that 1 was sevetely afflicted with Catarrh
for years, wben I became acquainted with )cm, asa
bought two bottles of jour Liquid Catarrh Remedy. hr •
fore 1 bad used one bottle, I was sensibly LEIGTOVati, 1113. k
Whew the lemma bottle was 6dillbedr was 4"/Plitel‘
cured. I can recommend the medicine to all 'Melee
with ertatth.
D IL !NEW & CO..
' Pli*Wilime.
girkala VJAlLl:
Clunreland, 016
n.?AM ellsefasatl,Oks •
MIL 'MUM Detroit, Mel&
IMP 111 vz
murnajac.4.-rna, 6
. L. STROP *
VIIII6 171'.
'knit foe bili y.!'f..:13811111.
Tel itc Ireandil titatived
rui FARICE/18!_:HOTEL,
cei i er Frock and FilkitStnots, Erie.
,ti I , •
. w.fO II 4gR4g,PRI. ?; Pr•Pfleurs• • •
• •14
' - ilitribOßterflirT Mth r Ih4e 411;1'0106 , refitted, le
i nrirr i t 4attatallrillutrerantr the pubUe.
meko alt heats eel.
littableof f r . .
koliteiaLninuriN=rall the t rg a Zhi . s ffitst."
A ot ti4P 4 7, " I r 1,11- .114,4""1481111Mhvglitirlfil.
11Prafttt ; , F ,J.
G! , l
4 1.3 pit . “1 I .1.• 4.4 r:
aw•• is front ow
aim ally or accusal to the Cherokee Sem.
:Zama should be used la conjunction with thee
e In all eases of !Hat, Gonorrhea, Flour
Alba; or Whites. Its effects are healing, soothing,
and detnukent; removing O.:scalding, heat and
pain. Instead otitis burning ancLahnqat un r•r*
pain QM is experienced with nearly all tho cheap
quack Injections.
.5 5 013110tvEr
at the same time all Improper aloe h a race are
,reettored, and the weakened organs are 5pe,.1.13. r.-4
Wed to tall vigor and strength.
bAirPrice, Cherokee Remedy.
or three bottles fur #6, .
JrPeke, Cherokee Injection, . T.,
or three bottlee fur $5.
Bent by Express toasty addreci on roof of pro,
far. The Cherokee Remedy, cher 0.
Kee Injection and Cherokee d ure,
sold by all enterprising Druggists In tie chili,. it
world. Sono unprincipled dealers, li.trever, Cr, n.
sell worthless compounds In pile,. .
Ehlsh they eanipeirchasie at a cheap prie,, *nil mats
more money by selling, than they can on there mcd
Mum. is you vane your health, a 2, r, tit.• h•-aliti
at yollt future ofibpting, do not be devolved by ',anti
li s tu o :lbdiPlod Dregs. nab for these briw. ~„.t
1110 Ware. lb* Druggists wilt not ,t,..„,
tor los, wises ate money in a letter, and we a ill
sendthem to you by Express, securely wet.
packed free from obsereabort.
Ladies or Gentlemen can &dare. u. in p, t
*madam, stating fully and plainly tin-ir d•Ac.A. A
sad symptoms, as we treat all didenno , .-1 .1 •
nature ta male or haute'. Patients nr..ed ~ 1 0, •
boom* of their inability to shit u , , a. •1•,• •
treated patients ateoessfully In all po inn sn • .t..• i. •
lased globe, by corremornience.
Patients addressing Os will pl-1.• I. o,
an the symptoms of their cotupltints. mid in nt'; •
office, County, State and now.. wry , ' pi .
Inclose postage stamp fur reply.
We Send our SSI reg.'
dress. Address alllMtern for 1011.140 : ~r . • ..,
the pro_prietors,
I . IP A ! r
_ 1 1.1): 1
1F3 , 4, ..._
Testtip+.~,.. _
inisroar, ca. 21, 186.1.
taw. J. TURNU.
.r i ^ iiiar4 •r ,11/1 any
I 9 '
Piftb. below State Street,
• • Elilia„ •PA.
Opposite the Diepatah Printing
ow, Basktat
all diseases
qf Yossory,
Mown of
'cross, Afficesity
us, ZrupOloris
'Sy, Cbouseeir
caused by 6..
C.atarrk . slaw-
• Month—
a day.