The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 11, 1865, Image 2

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VW 1244' artekkelstrkstr.
Vicio.mioa ST TVS PSO/PLS Tim Pau* or
Lwowlas Lowy —AlarreAlsbal•
• 'Special Notices. , • ,
Eir Ws 4atire to obtila a
,corrsepairdent la every
township la the conoty. Pottiest easy. we can Walla
in Omuta:lca ; what we want Is the local tam ham all
part of the coeuty. Any person while., to us sae de
peed on Saving his name kept strictly eauldeutial ; end
Übe has fears that the causeaunniatioa le eat ta proper
ehai•efor publicatiae, we will pet It to appro Dilate trim
rar The hour at which the Mem" Is put'.to ;wen
each wed, is 2 o'clock oa Thursday afternoooi Advertise
r:l6os will De received opt:o9 o'dock or the , dav of Pub
Er City subeeribetu, served by carrier, will be charged
Of ty costa per year extra. Pascua Who tall to
neap their papers ragslarly Rill ocahr a &Tor by sal
lying no 'it the MIL We pater to balm all enheeriborn
■ho eau conveniently, procure their papers at the Ghee
of pu bilesUon.
$ All ASTertbsementa, Job Work •od titibeetipttous
tom porftal WU'S 2110011111bUlt1 11 001 kllolllo to the
publishers, Rut be pad tie adoosee.
Interesting Readlng Matter on every
Page of Ms week'. 11111115,
Maas; Jolson , ' tNley.
The faction who cry so loud for ven
geance, an(Vsvho have more than once
hinted that tro' vidence removed Mr. Lin
coln Weans& he was incline(' to be too
moderato with the South. are beginning
to think they may have been mistaken in
Mr. Johnson's character and intended
policy, or, to put it in the homely phrase,
—" caught a Tartar." All the indications
thus far that can lead us to judge of his
probable course, show that be bas no sym
pathy with the-furious brood of agitators,
who would keep the country in perpetual
civil difficulty, by their severe measures
of_ punishment. We should not be sur-,
prisedto find before sift oaths roll
around that some persona bo are now
most rmlous to pledge Mr. Mango° their
unflinching support, and who have been
steady advocates of the pernicions doc
trine that opposition to an Administra
tion is treason to the Government, are
among hip bitterest denouncers.
Of a host of in our
possession, all tending to prove that Presi
dent Johnson is disposed to follow Mr.
Lincoln in the conciliatory measures-pur
sued by him in the latter days of his ad
ministration, none is more significant than
the recent order of Gen. Halleck, com
manding the Department of the South.
We give it below, and ask for it a careful
reading by men of all parties :
Headquarters Mil. Div. of the James,
Richmond, Va., May 3, 1865. j
Maj.-Gen. Ord, Commanding Department ,
of Virginia
General : AU persons, without regard to
their rank or employment in the civil or
military service of the late rebel Govern
ment, will be permitted to take the Am
nesty oath, and will receive the corres
ponding certificate. Those excluded from
the benefit of such oath can make appli
cation for pardon and restoration to civil
rights, which applications will be received
and forwarded to the proper channels for
the action of the President of the United
States. The fact that such, persons have
voluntarily come forward and taken the
oath of allegiance will be evidence of their
intention to resume the status of loyal
citizens, and constitute claim , for Execu
tive clemency.
Very respectfully, your ob't serv't,
(Signed) H. W. Eismoor,
• - thlor-Otmend Cotacrg.
Official copy : J. C. Kelton, A. A. G.
(Mb. Halleck, it is to be presumed, has
i8.1.111 . 301:1 this order, after instruction from
headquarters. In the present state of
public feeling he would not have dared to
adopt a measure of so much clemency
without direct authority for it, and an- d
not believe we are mistaken in • ~•4
the sap
..'lwo, of the
seen that be offers
Amnesty oath to any
e ased to accept of them, with= ,
_ l ord to their Civil or Military status
..wring the war, and be even gees so far
ea to intimate that. persons excluded from
such privileges by Kr. Lincoln's Procla•
mations will receive pardon on making
proper application. If this does not re•
position that it embodies !b•
President. It will be
the belie is of t).
persons dial
out rek.-
have Jefferson Davis, John C. Breoken-
ridge, Howell Cobb, and all the leaders
wbo are most objectionable to the Repub
lican party from all liability to punish
ment for their deeds, we are unable to
perceive h6fr words could have been more
aptly framed to express the
But Gen. liallsek's order is, not , thri
only foundation on which ms base our
judgment. Thei corrsspcmdente nearly
unanimously agree that the President's
opinions are not by any menus what sti
first it was supposed they would be. Prone, a
large collection of extracts, all of thasame
Purport, we extract the following %.
[Wash. Oor. Platlodolpido Lodgis o nap.]
. There are certain i,ndiaatlens which go
to show that President Johnson, like the
lamented 14niioln, in his later days, is
giving the extreme radicals a wide berth,
and i hazard nothing in saying that the
proclamation opening the South to trade
will be soon followed by evidences stilt
more conclusive of the desire of the flow
dent to heal the breach as qukokky and
pleasantly as possible, and uate the tiP
sections again in one 'hargariniaaaoti .o
iretworill nob ths 11"'„e!
viving trade is niit'ad . - _Mien re
loyal people of the Snio '.4 alone to the
t ee " well ' 313 0 1 40 .0, but includes
that, too, wigin its prit'ilk . eLat
nike the _at • compeWne Anew
_a-abused and often broken
~iegiance, The South, to so fa*
is concerned, wad' ask no more
° .;auf this, 'fbr , the Kiser -SCeolasasimul is
open as wholly and, ae.frarly to's!' the
people as it bu' a thing as-war had not
been known. Whether they will avail
themselves of the offer remains Wheaten.
but they must be rebellious,. indeed, if
they allow so handsome a' privilege to re
'main a dead letter with them: / under
stand, upon authority which I cannot
doubt, 'that terms equally generous to
those offered to and aomptexl - by Lee and
Johnston, will be Away offered to .the
whole Soilthdrn pm:pia-es few of their
• leaders in the rebellion alone excepted.
In other *ords, there will be a' general
. amnesty tendered, and a • Aisposition
Minced to make the situation for nut
"_wayward sister- f.' is
• The radical ei.lak.nt have
L. otthe policy of we Preiideist, end d. are,
that its adoption will end in tliniiinatit'm
• • idalaiery at the South„ defatbst
• they believe, the •greak**ekl. for to
• Vie war, during the Mt fain'
beset fought, and leaving the of
of content lat ion " still to be attacked
geMe en
atoned by amrsegg_
• taint thaealmware, w nun" , ,
._ l. .pase the policy al Plaidast
his bon arldiald
non, but insble stooslotok le*,
" lbws will be mores* thesJiikeci&n firm
. nese than %mewls iiiiirtilinests'awiOia
• head.. . • . :
(Irm: ow. aprweadalwabuswL !
I have no fear that Mr. Johnson will
attempt to carry out his old views in see .
lain mites. it is °mains .to sambas
'perch down in Tennessee, when • man
has no thought of becoming President,
and quite another to WAIL Shojheiati of
great nation. Mr. JoMosT. hes. agate.
stock of common sense, stab. willlinake
a wise ruler People are natitrally OtteiCgm
to know vrbeiber be. drinks to exam or
not People who are with him It all
hours. inty 'hare LI no more robe, manic
Washington. 1 have Been - bind several
times since fiebecame President, and
every lime he has been cool and self-pos
setsed--' More so than Mr. - Lincoln gener
ally wet' When the EnKlish itintaterwm
presented t the President, it was in some
respects a trying occasion, but Mi."Johli
son`carried himself exoeedingly well. He
was modest but perfectly self-posaessedu
There was not the slightest. indication
that. a nerve , trembled. This was very
well for a man whose nerves were entirely
prostrate two months ago. But (44144
is, Andy Johnson has an it 411
having been at one time, on one single
occasion, beside himself, it is the last and
only time. We are soon to find out what
his policy toward the South will be. 1. do
not believe that he knows yet whit it •is
to be, except that, he will 4104- over*
the really loyal men of the South - tlie'
government of the States. • That is. 'her
believes in that plan. Congress will do as
it pleases in reorpnisyig Stale govern
ment*. It can adroit or reject Senators
and Representatives. That we are to have
troublous times from our own differences
I do not doubt, but we shall survive them.
Still more - emphatic are the statements
of a writer for Garrison's Liberator. In an
impatient letter, in 'which be seems half
disposed to make war. on life. Johnson
forthwith, he says
Somehow Xr. Johnson doesn't fully
come up - in practice to his preaching. He
talks about-hanging rebels, but he doesn't
begin the buSiness. We are told by the
correspondents that Judge Campbell has
been arrested because be reNsed to Sake
the oath of allegiance. This is encourag
ing. Campbell is one of the wont of reb
els. Then why should he not be*ose•
cated ? Why' allow him to get of with
an oath of allegiance ?_ I suspect, that it
will be the case with a. great maey'other
" leadert" at the South. If they are
penitent, they will'he pardoned. ,
From thise extracts, and we could give
give scores to the same effect, it will be
seen that the cotiserVatiVe maiiits the
country, who believe that moderation and
mercy can alone' restore an enduring
Union, and enable/the Government to re
duce its expenses to a 'safe standard, are
likely to be most agreeably disappointed
in their anticipations of the measures of
Mr. Johnson's administration. We shall
await with patience the further develop
ment of the new President's policy, being
fully determined to give him a fair trial,
and, as in the case of Mr. Lincoln, to
praise hits in whatever we m deem hint
entitled to praise, and to condemn whin
he is deserving of condemnation. .
Needs Pest*.
-Directly after the assassination of Mr.
Lincoln, a meeting was held at /Carrie.
burg, at which the Senator front this dis
trict, Mr. Lowry, was one of the chief
speakers. His remarks, as we would nat
urally expect, were brim full of fire and
vengeance, and as no speech of 7, 1 * r.
-,Lowry's would' hes complete witin tt ,a,„.
ging his political saint, Johc. B into
the foreground, he wen o': e Laud n e at the
theme of exagger- ated hiedetiee. The
following Psnilel was drawn by lie. Low
ry hshreen the late Presidenl and the
"hero of Harper's Ferry :"
"John Brown was tt,e, Arm martyr of
this rebellion—Abrat am Liee,3h 2 the lest.
The names ot,Ab
:Ahem Lincoln and John
__ Bre e , s we iU down in history together,
e firs ' a nd M e t Martyrs
lion of this rebel-
The war could not have . been
,rued. God Almighty is flghtinA i thle
ear for the right. John Brown Yed
his part and Abraham Lincoln '
We suggest to our Senator that before
he coupled thenaraesof Mr. Lincoln and
John Brown together it *Mkt kune been
well . for him to have isied'ap Seine of. his
old political docitntenti. it is quitesure
that exalted as may be towiekopin.
ion of Brown, the late President did nalt
coincide with him. In a speech
ered by Mri Lincoln at Cooper 1441. 0 . 9,
on ,the 27th of February, 18%• P ao pro .
notinced his views on Bro, . ,the Lg.
lowing language:
'Orsini's attentp4 on Lora' Na
and John Bro wsition.T g ot at Karper's
Ferry, were pktkismophy precisely
the estno.'".
Or, in other words, Orsini was su s t„•
tmpted: assassin, and. John Brown's it
tezpVt to set tite slimes of Virginia Io kill
ing their nnudin l / 4 "was in int 4 0,116e4hy,"
"precisely the note."
We trust cur Senator in future, when
be spealm or the quartiles at Kr, LiarPM ,
will exhibit some regard for his well
known views, and tot rank him skis by
side with one lasso
,it. is proves by the
above speech, he cansidared as belonging
to the caLegny of kiinrstns.
Tai CONDITION Of vu Sorrrn.—ln the
four years of war the South has lest all
that she hoped to gain by the rebellion.
' a nd ntore than cr ae-half her able-bodied
Wen. A letter of the cOrreepoodedt of
the Cl:acinnAt'i Gautie at lialeilh. North
o ":.rolina, furnishes some startling facts
bearing upon this point. The official re
cords of that State show that North Cam
lino lost on the field and in hospital dor
ing the war fifty thousand men. Intelli
gent South rev peen at Rileigli Gotha' ale
the total loss of the States in rebellion,
by death„ in field end hospital, at three
hundred and fifty theulind. SOU hillur.
they estimated that there are not DOW
over two hundred and fifty thousand able
boast whit. ;nen alive within the IhnitS
of the noodled Coufedernai. laisAditiots ,
to' the losses by Woe, isigii'ol INa led
from the South to avoid psnikatioiNke
conscription, who will never return. The
destitution and suffering that prevail in .
almost every quarter are beyond the power
of description. Thousands who a few
week' ago considered themselves in good y
circumstances, have, by the sadden revo
lution of the wheel of fortune. found ea
their Confederate money become Oa
.111101011411111 as so nosh, dirt, ! ilia, thof,r,,Gutsi
Iles aid themes/tin reduced to beggeol.
The Lasseter haßpreior says With'
troll of the Phaadiglitis ASO *port q(
'war Wino, that it . a_a how atheated the at.
balks of the Marla musts" frirwilif; to
day. It has bees raid with itiwitett
'tired by UMW iditar t bMbleu
APV4 l **Altarefernit 410 f t r d Ii i
writer of
Phut bbsipyioot, littb wee
il ll o l,l r i TP ri C a r g°l l ''"
'Arm WS Ow Mince b
iiiiptiiimmt the Ba d° 4414
know what moue barn C bi ibr ham
timing** odious system at trial of albs
oes by covitsaNgtialt
Ainototy to AL
fis se eig r z-Yrk wtrek: , ;: tit . 6 : 3 4: i i e ttAiltit o i;
ice a tin sr i tift w c i r ti iv tetl4 II 41.
tb ,it e dki tr 4 letNyieilly . .rwriv(tif
to viiietsis tit the proclaiiiiit ion intended
to tielionett by Kr. Lincoln to the South
ern people and that. it proviitett far et 133.
peaty to all;-without regard to the posi
tion they may have occupie4lin the rebel
-Ikm -:it says farther. that ...thw retains .
pie States of the South to the Union was
the only condition beattactiedtolits pro.
.cteF4ation' of the ,fullest amnesty. His
own public ificlariitins, whether on the
subject 'of confiscation or ettunieipation,
he declined to withdraw fonially, but ex.
pressed his perfect readitteis to accept
theuesubjiet, •ip the award of the Supreine
The Bohai° Osiriv thinks''" it ii' barely
poesible that' the agreement (ha.
wpit the rebel authorities, will
turn Yiat very closely in conformity
with 114' views Laird lizpreised by the
late Plesitiobi it thi City Point meeting.
It will be . noticed that, according to a
telegraphic dispatch, Sherman' based the
article cif his iniiinorandum respecting the
rebel' Stidniegislaturas on the action au
thoriied by Mr. Lincoln with regard to
the Legislature of Virginia."
Tux sudden manner in wloioh the re
baltioa after the Gill of Rich;
mend was a singular proof of the correct
ness of licUlelbia's judgment: He wrote
from Harrison's Landing to Gen. fialleck;
in response to the. Order commanding him
to withdraw hit army. es follows:
"here directly in front of this army is
the heart of the rebellion; it is here that
all our resources should be collected to
strike the blow which shall determine the
fate of the nation. All points°, secondary
importance elsewhere should be abandon
ed, and every available man brought here
—.a decided victory here, and the strength
or the rebellion is crushed —it matters not
'lit partial reverses we may meet with
elsewhere. Hare is the defense-of•Wash
togton. It is here, on the banks of the
James, that the fate of the Union should
be deirktbd."
Gold closed in New York on W
day night at 132 k.
Governor 'Curtin has chauled the day of
humiliation is Pennsylvania to June 1, so as
to conform to President Johnson's .proolame-
President Lincoln's remains were interred
on Thursday afternuon•of last week, at Spring-
Sold, 111.
The constitutional amendtnent eheliehiall
slavery, lure been Willett by the Oonneotion%
Legislature. •
The Psweident's ntenslo›As to ter.,,i 4 c o d
andrefurithamri tittnghont tefOre:it, will be
taken fameeesin by preektint
The JP
..ohmond Whig of r.oesday states that
.11,1 all the leading eificials of that city
have taken the oath j' s u e/ o mm
The Union artay l after its permanent nor
glaillitiOns i i ,'rain sayi will imagist of font
army corps 9:40,000 each, one corps of regu
lars, one mirps of white volunteers, and two
corps of colored. The four organisations
will be.oemplete in themselves, with cavalry,
Wilkey and infantry in' proper proportions,
The Southern correspondent of the 2iiinni
mays ' , the Union feeling In the interior of
North Carolina is not of that true and earnest
kind to be desired or relied upon. Nang
prsminent chime, who admit their defeat,
still inaiatain a dogged adherence to State
rights fel*y."
21140 ""aseed ICUs, says when oar troops
froliahenzulles ►'.rmy, on thew muck through
t hat e it 7 , PoWSd Gen. Lee's residence, those
'WITS Vane of the feet "cheered lustily."
.T l4 ii r.. .tahmo . ad WA# records the passage
layl!!".git the oily on Saturday of the 24 sad
4) 4 corps of the army of the Potomac, esti
' utatoilikt from 46 , to 60,000 strong. They
tiecapted &hours and three quarters in pass
tag a giesa point. They bivouacked 10
miles east of Richmond oa Saturday night.
The fourteenth corps of Sherman's army
arrived at Richlond, on Sutiday, Wolcott's
division in ideanos. The 20th corps, 16th
and 17th were within one day's march.
ties. Leo has declared that he will do all in
his poWsr to bring shout a total cessation of
The secessionists CI Windsor, C. W., got
out a ciiimon, hoisted flags Sod were prepar
ing for a grand jubilee over the murder of
President Linooln,..shew the Mayor of Wind
sor arrested the whale crowd,
• besideht Johnson is sonstastly surround
ad by: armed, men ; an °astir: from the War
Department, with, a loadt4 Derringer in each
packet, and revolver and•hmtfe la his belt, Is
os linty with hint, day and•night ; Colonel
D. • Yung •is almost otmetantly with list ;
and hia promos cannot be entered, either at'
Seeretary,MeCullough'i private room in the
Tramway Department, which he is using is
as °ask°, at M. tiooper's !twat resi
dence opposite the Metropolitan Club, which ,
he • °couple' until the White from Shall be
remit, without running the gauntlet •ef seit•:
tries, and j!litboaliting cards and business to
the judgment Ice the flearetaries.'
A amber toe aneoiployed Generals will be '
maltsi &oat at the service la's week or two k
it Illey do aoi ialte 'the hinl and resign. ' it
is intended to retain''iiinly 'aunt 16' Major
tleirits, 60 Bei(iAlito. int 150 Colonels. '
. • , ,
Papas, the orawda, . of the Seward Nal
ly, is revolted to hire 'node's MI oonfisidoi
1. 4 f Oil CFP 6II % •, j : • , • ~, . , .1 ,
,Tersoltone titates,„ taolodtae f;naistaaa,
Tennessee liad Arhanoas, havi sow, throng,
Ahdr,Losigoir.., ratified the Coastliatioael
Anteidosat abolishing shivery. Thire is io n r
bltth,t Now-UataPatiri, Coi4Oalleial,,
Isis; 14iligita and California" will follow their,
maple is ,ihmt sesenn. - I'lui asseat of bat
id* Maim Amber of the ado* . will Um be.
tlidiftid In afakathe Antetubasat the law of
*,.flio'd p 'prii,ilded Loalslkaft,, as aid
4 1114 0* V0E44 1 1' 1 .4 :i4 61 # 1 4 ~t 441•
- Arafrlintelstelof Swoops, prapentoty io,
laiishoilt ii'l4Wit itimber , oak , of envies, : i t
'l 4tiiik i 4 ) ,T ipiili i e o'n . ii il " sil Y "e *
Arbetrollier Pfko Os IJ4**,_ l 4 l:l li, ip sow ou
tti way aellisaidagtos i t aid on April 29,, two
eforpitofftWwisia's troops left itabigh. ,Tlief
, wit #lOl4 io' City ' Point • sad eftbark for
lifiAgson; apd "ill soon be : folidired ;by
*no marie *MIL: :t, i , • : , ~„ . .:
I "I ti. ) deCTS*l fitlevifllliteal ' elloowdi‘ra
, costiaasa.- ths-sinabse Of 'sled! in ;the
k'llOolk UM& Itlookaitiot equadert bio "bow
•soimpegitrmolaoty to WV. 940, Atituiri
Imo losspinattegki• zo,le ' Lk** i Ass
, Oils 501a1411094. Ovew,,4!", *4,s Oa
i 72: 1 :111 140 1 ROWIll en 11 1 4, 1 1 , 1 1 11 j 1 e, , ,
, 14 4 1 1 4 .ibi lla ft t .
tilikit OS loiltudo *Or to
asuis,'"Vvitiif •
Timm& of pvfainki 011ioston tidy,.
A oortespandrut of ila U At 44vertiaer
The vendguar
the remain,. qf' ohs 'lOO Se M
gib eetilelltr itetediessiOnla
deJ as Hal. .41ter tie hied atOO.BA. ,
Ida bate beaallo la 4bo MOO' iloolow_
eel ioeseom oily, bait been ileteltllot
the corpse 11114 placed la charge of two So,
who after vedioas amnia's saleelaidd to
Wee impertlasat tratiottity, dig arse* la •
little 'pot of greyed eke, to the peollesti•ey.
geleirefet essieledrCfeloas 'isn't*"
314,..,8_0dWe bott o ms dejeialted
the earl aatoofittlef
sodded over.,,, The other graved of lees is
(stapes ielOos bid previously bees leirited,
sad it Aron guard. to sew is thilo
spot. aid .Irlll oestlano Wimp it bod;
natal thogroot boo vows so thickly *lt io
one wilt ever be able to dlettagoisk die Oka
where the issiesiltie corpse was isterredi from
the other asseeleei men armed It.
• Muer" from Tahoe pets of the Irish
proviseer show lhat the people are already
preparing' la eomeiderable ambers to emi
grate dorleg the sprin t their blade is
AIIIOASS had. sawed there already that
the war is seedy over. sad the restored's of
raft will be followed by, a brisk demand for
labor. Oar aoramasiostioa Aron the ' soaely ,
at Laughed, Mateo Nat there are An of ato
bald, he sae of the solo ass qvittise Ike
oonstry. Is ovary Isotasso 101 A *sae as
der the iniLor's soil" 41ao may to psy tkt
Punt% .0 1 1! !!!!“lokot, was fr om Motives
os slio.otkor Ws of be oeposs.—DaSiia (Mar.
29) Car. Pail
. A4ll Gatuttg.
A London pipet; The - Arita" Idartistr,
Ana report that Ike emperor • Ns/poises, on
recefringthe news of the Gal of Richmond,
offered to Maitland, to conclude s treaty for
the mutual defense of Caned' mid Mexico
against the United &etas. The report is not
reconcilable with the ersuranee of friendship
recently given by Mr. limber in the manse of
the Government to the Legislative Body.
This alone would. of course, be so argument
wind the correctness of the report, which,
linear, for, oilier more important , reasons,
not probible. The feeling is the Govern-
Mental circles of Paris, if we may Audge trim
the recent attitude of the Legislative IMO
during the delivery of the speeolt by Me. Poll •
man on our successes; is most hostile to the
Government, the people, and the Baited
States; but the Preach Government will
esatious• to avoid say acts of epee hostilities.
r 3d
Onstun sad twenty•eight banks. were
anthorised Secretary Moen Hough to oron
memo opt, ions during the month of APO%
18a4, moot of with* Were coateraleas o''' Flt . L t. .:
banks to national banks, with tlr "--
of I few, whose argol o n ti os ~,,,, exception
to the 8d of March. :y .arateenced prior
mrintay isim4 4ew a amount of beak
$18034A00 .ag the month of April
3d, mr.5126. , ' . making a total, up to May
. • , ,v 27,080 in circulation.
A k ..or of the leading merchants and bank
v.6 of New York have joined in perohieing
a splendid carriage, with horses sad harness,
for presentation to. President Johnson. ,
' The - pahlio takers of Pormaylvanis would
not allow the Government to defray the ev
pease isteurred while transporting the Prost.
dent's remains through the Slats. Gov. Partin
maintained that he could at least do so much
to show our respect and love for our depart
ed chief, and the whole expense was paid by
the State Treasury.
The reported plot to burn Philadelphia was
an ingenious design of some prise aglibtre,
to keep the pollee occupied in the city, while
they indulged in as exhibition of the (un)
"mealy art of self defence."
A peg of twenty guerrillas attacked and
captured a Otis on the Ohio sad Mississippi
Railroad, only' fourteen miles from Cladanati,
pu'Priday night last. They blew open the
express safes with powder and stole their
coatings, robbed the passengers, and then
'escaped acres the river in skiffs.
Moseby the guerrilla, oi. disbanding his
was told them that he was about to est out
for Texas ; but they past disband sad re
teas to their hones; that be. did sot wish
WA they should aseempony him, as by so
doing they might get their necks into a hal
ter. He rods off, accompanied by a small
number of his old eompaniens-la-arms. The
esgenisatioa at •••• disbanded. Colonel
Mosby leaves i young wife, who eta residing
with his father is Amherst.
The country will hear with pride as well
as with surpfise that the voluntary suteerip.
tions of the people to the 7-30 loan for the
six working days of the last week amounted
to the suoyinous sum of $.10,887,100.' The
amotuan Atily subscribed .thriosesent the
oonntry,'sa4 reported to Joy Cook* & Co.'s
agency, were as follows; May let, $6,176,',
900; May 2d, $6,231,100: - May Si, $7;261,
800 ; May ath,.56,103,200 ; Msy, 6th, $7,467,
000; May 6th,59,1611,400; Total $40,11137.100. 1
• The, trial of ilesjamin O. Herris is *ow
progressing at Washington. He Ws si bis!
own counsel, and is tried by s Military Court.;
The charges aping him are that be pre
rioaq'aiti protection to Csahriarates, sad.
advised thenite continue Bibliog. Mr. Mar-,
ril admits that he gave that mosey, bat
aye Cbtly wens prattled, sad denies that ha
advised thee to spin bear arms. • • '
corrispoadmit writes as follows from
Shermee's army :—'The sews ef thasseassin
'atlas of MC Lincoln was received by Wai l
Sharma while at Kitpatrick's headquarters ;
We have it from Getters! likeness hineel4
that Geseral - Jokiest= we. ithoeted, rtaif
emaidestat as mach haling sad aware as as
istinativ Mood would hare *ma „The rebel
ratline's expreesed himself *Rely pained si
the rusfortiesate mat."'
'• Ovens Headers and Beverly Tooker , are
out with , seether owaifestoi addressed to
Andrew Jakasoa, it whisk they maw filet
of *IP* OS to 040.41' SAw Christ"
Preittles him" Davis, bat give ne par
Ureters. They agree to go to Einnei Point,
or soma, other plan, sad be Med 'cif the
cheap wadi la the President's Meat wrialat
metiers, if the Halted Stated Govern unit' will '
ply fir their defense sad" guarantee their
is' reported thatHearral Wilsoten vex*.
ey expedition, whioltarriost at Savannah en
29, deetrityed la AlMtione cad Georgia
ever Ire linwiral dellars.wortb of
Privitirq. Wilms last Mrs hundred sad
tmqvimavl two hundred dawn sad six Awls
The Peonyloud* slit" it b. seder
-044 11131 be mastered eat of envies et
nioembegr a lia* Ike , direct. dnosalAdos of
senoript,carthb, w o . 01,taksi oar* et*
they are tally paid. The fieviiser is ' sow,
is Ilfathisitea looking after iefeseeWif
„ •
440 1 1 1141 1 M. I . •
A demand for the eirreslier 'of all perria
s segar izi
wage& !a hue bees
ipiOgy t it Nessiisete Mi. "
~ lies bees
siedispes tie CeSidifei iiiib •
. Os, Aril 20, (MAGA 1 1 •,/ 0 7: .4 s iiiiiiiiiii
pi the ciesftilerste , Ilisui, saffrourn ":
eelf tote Capt. &mos ; U. I. 'lt, 0 tomarrii.
Thist o rtafr . r . is sleet seatredieiet - J • i '
. omit
1..... ..,..: i ili ii i ii ,i i i i ii c ii . o m i t '
perk#l4:7oFetitiicilieiiiiii Oft
Oov. Aiken of dank Carolina, the TWboses
cormpoadoot up,wsa oloostod:oa Theralay
mortis I J•iiiriii; *bid s
lug is qi . Sianifiay iiiialla, boo
Ow freed* thotinty,aakeijoyit' illia tool -
Ay of agmb of*. faitily, trikaaraoa with
la ; 4111 ii of aridapii is argoad niat be
to bits is aid of tie Govimusetti, rider ikas
to min Ili Itiviipliait. • .
Tbo Toronto (CoaadO) Orsaa Puy haw
if bald OW* bin of iodiotokoat maims( Jacob
' ".41,41bar. W. IL Clow. Ws-
Lielrmo* Ilipboorll, and Beroord, Your's.
boutbinni orate, for i brew& albs notarial
boy of le aso bora . ..mutat in Brooklyn,
fp being some way oosairotiol with taro allolll
- 11 in mid aid Borroid.. Booties
acoow►tiss, Ikons* »sided is Bess Ups.
The Weisellle Juisnial thinks that t• •
math Keataaky hill be alteove as peaci!fai
as s•y of tie States earth of the 011ie river
• Chicago Luis now opera Muse, which sag
halt • arnica J.ll•rs, sad will hold thrss
thwassid p.opie
A correspowleat speak, at a railroad eat
West, famous for be terrible seettbolts. Ille
us:twain* frets Time to Eterultv."
him Great ash* the General was "s very
obstinate ass." Uss. Las osiseLles with her.
A bill bee been introduced in the Masse
ebonite Legislature providing for ,equality of
sooommothtions in theatres awl pl noes of
amusements for ell persons, without reigned
to color or rues. , 'Cho
,peo y k forfeiture of
Famine ham again appeared in the West of
Ireland, and weetingl+ have been held to atitl-
pi* the distress
The lanolin adettrtisement appeatN•
the Washington Chivaiete of Tuesday morn
in` :
WaIITSD.---80TIMI Enterprising mut to buy
th e Funeral Cu on the *cession, of the turrisa
of President /Amin. A good chance for sii
enterprising min. Address Box . 83E 1 / 4
Mrs. Andrew Arni e % residing, In Beaver
EsTe bba few days P.go to four
" Rah / chi t s :l . :en Some twenty months ago
?dm /4/11.: an gave birth to three daughters,
In". she named Cora, Dora and Nora. These
.4en children, - born within a period of two
years, were at last accounts doing well, se was
also their mother.—Nno Castle Gazette.
• Yes, but how about the fetter-?
A Memphis paper heads It, list of dircires
eases is cone., " Matrimonial Shipwrecks."
Some people there are in every comniunity
who had rather retail olvider from door to
door khan fesit in a palace. &tett unhappily-
organised creatures deserve rather the amplest
pity than the slightest °erasure. The peace
and quiet they would destroy in others finally
becomes a millstone about their own neoltat,
sinking them into perdition. i,
A Pr/whama writing a letter in English th
s Mind, sad looking in the dictionary for tha
word preserved," sod finding it mast to
piskle i wrote 44 follows: " you and all
your family be pickled to all eternity.".
An. old bacheloi being asked by a pat
young odes if be could aecount for the appli
cation. of the term " belle " to handsome
young females, promptly replied that it wee
awing to the goodly proportion of brass in
their composition. •
One of the Norfolk stemnerswhich arrived
at Baltimore on the issi Friday in April,
brought up a few ballots of green pees, the
first of the season They wore purchase/ by
hotel aid restaurant keepars st the moderate
price of $2 60 per peck.
What scriptural character 3 0 01 & drunks&
ass most resemble? The beast with ten
horns. But suns modern basals ere not oon -
tent with mice that number
. ha the Beak of desolations. death is repre
sented as mounted oa a while hone ; bat in
these days he rides an iron horse--the
motive. •
We read that, there is s Cockney youth who,
every time he wishes to get s glimpse of ids
oweatheart, oriel, "Fire!" larporiy osier bet
chamber itholate. la the alerm of the moment
she plunges her head out of the whitlow awl,
;,quires, "Where ?" when he poetically slaps
himself oa thl bosom and exclaims, , a 'Bre,
my ilangelina!"
England 141 now dependent upon imports. -
tition fee one-third of the food consumed
that country, and the value of the gesin,-oat-
tle, sheep, pigs, butter, cheese, meat and eggs
it is found aseessary to imp ort is continually
on the increase. Already the excess of the
censatoptiott of grain over the production
reaches the enormous amount of '14,000,000
of quarters.
“Just, step lido the strut, and I will sire you
stieow}idUg,"'said an indignant citizen to sa
Irtwiunan. Belabors I an' I wouldn't do it if
you'd give me two of thim," sententiously re-,
plied the threatened ' i
• • A Boston storekeeper the other day *tusk
alma kb door the advertisement :a, Ai
toy wantelL" The gut m ,rniog. on oplii
lag the store, he fouud a little urchin In s
basket, labe l ed, " Here he ie,"
' A doting mother of a watigish boy !wrist
bottled • lot of aloe preserveschibelled 4i616,
" 64 Put up by Mre. D—." Jcikaar,.tuiyiag
diseeeerad , the goodie', soon ate the 401114106
of , one bottle, and wrote on the label,. " Pair
do•• by Johnny D—."
A 4WisiOir, in letting up the lino—,
"Hell his no fury, like a woman noised,"
by souse oversight left out the s, and intdii_ it
read : ' I
. . :7 . : 1:' :
, 1 1E1,11 has no fury like a 'ltalian coined."
~,4 whoa departure from the test, but no
wbfever from the truth. . `: '"l i I
.They have a pig in Fredonia with two -
die*, sight lags and two tails. '
As amain; incident occurred vaoeni l l,T, Mt i a ,
Sebbath School Concert..The,subjeot was 'AI a
binary of Sampson, and the question, 1 , Whit
*limb thing did Sampson do ?" ' ExPectatlin
yes aw tiptoe to ascertain his peculiar weilt
aela,whea from the front said ease tii rr : . i llib , ,
Ova with solemn preoiseno as aid
. 1 bly
ludicrous west : •L Re weal, down molt 11te
, •
Philigilsei and got a wife!"
1 A , gentleman is Wethersfield, '5961'4'615t
jog bought 1,600 blahs% of oaliiiiiiial iut
,o f j kak to said, getting 6,000 portitai bfiessl,
l ook be sold for the high piles" of ifl 'so4'
pound, getting $17,500 for the chip:" itta
rusting a profit of over $12,000! ' - '
The mon* of April, 1865,.fiay tralybe re
girded as one of the most eventful in'the kis•
port' of the country.. The 3d day aritiiolllb.:
:how of 111ehiiiind. The 9ibliraoght ;the'
sarrehdweet Lee, after els "disisi lightliti rid
iti k Oari: activity . Oh the e'iettiet otter
447: SA& iris eaptared. 'Ow ibe leth it.
Net ' tittiooiii well ieseleilitte4l iietibeni Netiee' Jo*
I iiiiiieit to sorrow.' On chetah. :die ( • sis :
I 'Wet ids tatlt'etel kew. , lhat ,asi .1 Nal
I airiiii , sad wriselty :!iised.„ ody
1 ireiti'e' Oiler were or usteraewereble:eteldir
4 4 4,1141 401:•••mafgaih.-ir. - TheAllirnal of
Weelaill a eadirekete. . -
The President. lase issued s Proclamation
desiariag all mines of the insurgents to be
and.. saying that say hospitalities
"thatt by foreign nations will be
d so Lni justifOloo to authorise
peal hihipitalitir , to ships of snob
• , le i polio of the trailed States, sad
warrant the adoption of slash other mamma
as may he deemed neoessary to vindicate
our natioaat severeivity. Mother procla
mation declares null sad void the anti of all
rsbl civil oilicerswithin the State of Virgin
ia, against the authority of the United States,
sod wars! people of that clam if they attempt ,
to enforistilletkanthowity they will be eon..
sidered ailWie slats, wtrolpellies sad pianist;
. ..
id snotty it •
As ezellikwoligieresr:litai white a party
of twobrilidlisiwors is lettlday st Newport,
the other'llsy;,llelr korie vas stray with Al
wagon coatainiag their ',otitis ' Oil -i
I,' ,Srftle the lire Yang TrapaaaJ
Asthma! Debbi and U. IL. Steak*.
Tb• erastioa of national debts; id Sol I. nod-
oralesprovenants: but the ability of s grist
nation lowneida for a grate debt, sad-, to
make it" ta - anti aneiveniniValedr beet form
of pereesarptoWerty, is °s seeds s. *ceder.
T 1494 .1 11 ef laii4 lll6l tda Isaabitut by rain.
lig a anion' sterling by loss In 1892, sad
When her great Goatee! with Louis' XIV. was
terminated, the debt had reached fifty mil
lion. Nina statesman sad economists were
then ale at the great burden which had
bees imposed upon the industry of the coun
try, bat when the war of the Austrian saws-
Mon had swelled this amount, to eighty mil
lions,.llassiday lair" that hbitOdear
orators-Manacled the ease to be deds•
But was war 'eon r
broke out, and • me
{Waal diebt spasc*lM• •earried up to ens
hundred"and:firtYetaionit, men of th e =
sad bushlrfh iota proem mit that the
day 1144,0*stif*arrived. David Ram said
that, altionsk byAitiag its energies the
rant, the country :nigh t possibly live thro'
it, the experiment ulna a ever be repeated,—
even a email Increase mittt be fatal. Gran-
Tine Odd the nation must sink under It unless
sow, portion of the load was borne by the
Ainericsn Colonies, and the attempt to im
pose this loadprodand the war of the ;evo
lution, sad, inetertd of diminishing, sdded
another hundred millions to the burden.
Again, says Macaulay, was England given
over, but again•ase was more prospirousthan
ever before. - Boat "pen at the close of kir
Napoleonic wars In 1816, this debt had been
I swelled to the enormous sum of eight hun
dred millions Marling, or tour thousand three
hundred million dollars, or nearly one half
the entire property of the United Kingdom,
the stoutest heart, the avast. believer 14 na
tions% /Ingress sad .astional development,
might well 'have been appalled. But in the
very face of this mountain of obligotien,—to
sty nothing.of her vast colonial possessions,
—the property of the British nation has been
more than trebled, and her debt is now a
charge of, but 1 - 2 i per cent, against it. AU
that Great Britain has done in
.paying her
debt, we shall do, and more, with ours. We
have vast territories untouched by the plow,
mines of all precious metals of which we have
hardly opined the doors,'a population full of
life, energy, enterprise and industry, and the
accumulated wealth of money and labor of the
o!d countries pouring into the lap of our giant
and ever-to•terunited republic. Daring the
fiercest and most exhausting of all possible
wars, we have demonstrated our national
stranglit—and all the' world over, national
strength is but another name for national
credit. "As good as "U. S. Stooks " will
soon be synonymous the world over with " as
good as British Console." For our part, we
think a U.B. Treasury note, bearing seven and.
three-tenths annual interest, is just, as much
better than British Oonsols as the rate of in
terest is higher. Some of our timid brethren,
Who shipped their gold to London and invested
in "thinsels, are now glad to sell out and invest
st home s✓ a round lose,—and serves them
igo-!tai's Aduatistmento.
O. (Late of the Q. 9 Treasury Department and
Peencytrania Comsniesioaer (or Soldier', Wubington,
D. 0. ) General Maim Agent, with Benjamin Great,l'ect.,
Attelles, et Law, Wayne Block, Erie, Pa gaiter, *
Naval and Civil cilium collected with fidelity and dis
patch. Pensions obtained and collected. Affiliations
by mail promptly attended to. Mr. P. haring had es,-
seal years' experieoee in the details of the vari oas De
partinents, hole confident he can render most catittattory
aid in preseonting et Clods of Gorerament echos.
Pleasure Excursions.
UN ltitearaloaa oa the Bab or to Tim It the Nahum
* Wall filakttio au•loraigood stray,. vilialt to II CC CHZISUO •
Waltham with it 00 , 1 taste. I hair* a. edit at prosily
Ilthid oat lot plower, puties,' to adlltma to a a Izabal'
Lando. Boats. Flatting Tadao and Balt b. Mao nn
ttireooadetiria to bare the' ass aay of my boats
lad ma COmbehtly coo bead, et the old 'mod, foot
of Mate Meet JAS. R. NEABITT.
May It, lett iv* ,
7-30 U. S . LOAN,
Bondpi in ainocuitis of
On Send for
Immediate Delivery
Who an
Daly latlwrized .13abserlpilea
r Il e s O rt " " ' liankftl•
Diaeouttimatioe'of Retail Trade. "
UUNTlLFarther' Nalco, we will offer
so more goods at:retail, adapt to close out Mae.
Magee. DOW open . ; and Ira return Umiak, to oar pa
rons in the Una.
Na *ball now maim story etott to Wargo oat wlicde
oak Maoists' ; ont motto will to to *sit good goodiNsad.
to awn elm. le troa cad NUM, wo defy aomptMaso
=wakes*** Wheel Barrow", Pick flaadtia, Ray
Teelei radial 'Mani!NAP:jig the
peeks. will And it to their interest to eel , to may Out
et the at wholawala-zatot.
4 , 1004 hr oe . k killoll.
• •
rrio PUIRCISSORIitt U, 0614.4010, 11 1,0.
ORONS, OR BARRONIUM—Itysty ow baying
WlllOlO6 of AlowebiM isytrssesst of OW slaw
now Sr 114 tam Otos shoskt wad for pia 1011100 Q
asells's Caelwt Orgoa Mesh" whiels sal to moot
to say wittlw sattraly fros'ot • , • rile • 10 . 1 "
sosltlas soettiolossottos W `
r ' ,4 w
of sadt as t • • al " 1 "" "
"How tit /sip at a 1141144 t.
_ " " History of
tie Otos," WNW° er S,P4 "WO "' •
• o York.
OTtiatiOn Wo
. 11 4 14 , N * 4 41
il k Best".
' • '664w
SouNA au l
GA.R by hoe ,St • oats w r ! s
i t:
, ...t trimW!, Lotha Willisou.r H. No, 10. Novolobir isii
• Nollils.n.. EL
. Au.. $ abpaima Ninii*f ;,'
No. L Nohosoll 1.% PDC
- Sposoor *Mania. MP" tot put, . 1 14 14 .:
lon proeliontiou la abets sloe Om . '
nosllllll4ir H. L. BROWN, . .
• _ i
. , - Stray Co*.
- -
flabwirtber. is Grose tows/kip, ost the Welsh
Hoek gutter. of a Mkt free. the Wattskarg Plank
Wilk sad *twat 111wdbas from • Dadt Zed Own
Wet WM or *Wit years old. Ma km 6 whteout:
Ike Mak ant di • WilM tail. Has lied a mit siaM,
sum - The miser Is requested to souse forma. VDTs
PMINtr. pay amuse sad take Mr aim ealweerias
'lllHbe ottoil of sesordiag to law.
ipsil fff. 11111&at - DANIIL I
W. w. MAMMON • ' • ' ' i I ;•;:- ;
• ~. , Atarliey as Lai; isd iii
guiebblia m itte Oiarerisme mot Odlietoi
Mob Salialliglit wow 41111
ateesta ahia, Ps. , • '
Employment., fo Everybody .
Weal • •t6le ✓ ch at ,.
mo od • NIIIINOt ^lhnor.Ware, Go mm ,
whom* • lissay
111580.10041.-. 11 is be mad witikauft..
svery our la hill!, Sem,.
third Valesble.
LOP , i' or Till< IST* l' t.v.,
Conti ii Ad Loot, fht rye. %reel , . ....
'maw Gun Roswell., ewe watt ea
OA& Minting tme silver watch-a:... .. '., .
• '
Ginst's Gold Walcdme, double time . . '
' .
Gold Plated Wat-hes to Use,. C_.•.
Sjojd Plated Watottes, Roaunded t'r l''d,
Vissnend riot} a...........
Gold Vert and Neck elteiurr
Gold Oval Baud Bracelets
Chaired 11014 arsoolets ....... : . _ ___
Chateleis• chains and Costa chain 9. ...., •..
Solitaire ud Gold Brooches .._.. ,
Lava and iriorentitie 13rooelies.._..
Coral, 0911, and Emerald Protirhee„,..„
~.. , ,
idolise, Jet, Loma. and Ittorootise fear it,..,,. ~'
Corot, Opal. out goiirsld Rsr nr0p".....
Wrong's thunotel eroast.pies .. .. . , '..
Gol4 rob and vest wsteh ka1e..... ..... '''' 1
rob and Vert Ribblo-slldes
Solitaire elvers buttons, Mods, etr . .
Gold Thimbles, Yearns, Me ~ „ . 41,..n
Sinister* Lockets I. c
Ilinatars Loaliat—Seatc Syrumq.. ....
gold/out/wicks, crosses, etc.._ .. .. „
ftsin Gold Rings, Chased Gold Kowa . 1, . " I
Mee Set and /signet rinks ....
California DiateettalLittelik. .
Ladies' Jewelry in oets—Jet and Gold ',... ;' .
Wise: Jewelry in seti—Canteo Pearl, '.I • - ~
0614 pees, erivnewtaniiebirrs;ind tenni._ -.
t; •:..Itl
Sold pane and gold mounts.) ludderE, ' ,' ~,,-,..
Bold peel link told witatesios kidders .... ,
Tiller goblets and 'Woking cup.
Sliver Qatar", Fruit and Cake basket.
Silver tell and table sons and fork., 4,
ilver'plated tea poWand codes urns ,
S ilearplated lee pitc.tiara and mollies., n
Sew what the moat popular and 5r, , 1.1)
etoelleste nay of our esliablishomot:
From the.Dlspsteh" of Petrt,,,,
o iiri tate plosion' to rsIlio; the si
guiders to the armouiverment of Mews, I
Grist Sala of Jewelry, Sliver Ware, and
oar odeertivag columns. We an pent,'
with the members ot this Seta and knee
times of sterhog worth and tote;rit r.
goods, for veriety aryl 'Meta, we bay." io
Prom the " Slirror t fn
"!losers. t)erau;l SCo '9 t;t,et
opimp t ou the 15th ult.. *4.1 *o re
Bair display of goods veal ar.„,
llatursent in this city. Th.. tar.a
&au almatt to suffocation, alth,ozn
repadenel nearly impasothie r,,
slush. We predictor them a wunderiei
From the • "
Lad Fehr.r,
Oar lad, sinrd I visit rho ar
!tagent of Ness Devaugh k.e.0.,1te I
if they wish to indulge them-elves vr,u,
they will lone remember.•
Watches, Challis, Rings, Ear Kin,' Ae
Jewelry of every mete, kind and deem!
Wore wltneosed. Their silter end plate
and almost cute tato the shale the et}
tabllshments which hare long beeuth. t
It is estimated that their stock is w.srti
one million of dollars."
How You Can Get a
Seed Twenty-Aye Ceuta to us, sad at
weirs it we will mall you a Certificate it
air entitled to If the STIPA, or art;
send back the Certiticate and One Do it 6.•
forward to you the article, no matter h.,.
be. if the article is not what you wish, sla , t,t.,
send the Certificate and dollar, what other •••
NMa value you prefer and we will send o
more than one Certificate send us $1 si! s•I.,
aye ; for $3, ,slerea ; for $l, thirty ; 10,
$lB4 oue hundred
Agent, are wautei lu the army Cud in
We nave an unmense stork or itoods to do;
need &large uunilwr of Agenta I)ur ter:,
are very liberal cal sums even of our Lid; 1
Making from it,S to tol.t a day We gize Len:
cent on all Certificate' they sell proriiet :Set
Lowe than $1 far eight.
g7' Write your Dome and
only what le necessary.
lr lidideu Lace, C.
An Elegant Novelty in W
The cases of this 'etch are au natirelr
composed of Alai different metals,r'
sr sod plealstial. producing so ote , t trac
carat gold, (label Arcata, lamb scat sh
color. They are in beeot,hal as soh i
forded it ono-eighth the cost. Th.., we
designed with Panel and shield tot Lems,
Push Pin, end engraved in the exact
boated Gold Bunting Levers, and ere rat.l
and desirable, and so enta^t an toittet,;-,
defy deter:lino. Thl movement ti laner.,b,.:.
wall known At .Jlnuer Watch Comp,“
are superbly finished, baring eorrarea
carved bridges, s•Jjust/og negalet.,. ;
and the improved jewelled lotto
skeleton hen Sr, and t 4 warrant.. 1 A • • •
These WltchAi rro throe -•,
bang lor I.‘ltr., and are all fillet,-
eta will be rent he Mill or Rain.... i r i
ow soul tut Ilan 11,rivi Iron , ••••• t!,•e ••
ly still for t.iii ee taste thelr c t=t lS r- •• •
this wet,li in Ibe Gutted tttktes, .'o
which 00-nit beer car Trade walk
uIKtKnW •r'
I IMILI ItaiiiirterA, 1.4 V I
-U. S. 7-30
The 5Jr ot the hrvt !--4,v.0
Loan was cut:11.64,1 on t•.t. 31,:t ,`U‘T - h, loi
of the second nen CP .t ittlec
tbrre year* t:orn the IE4I, da) Jtrar,ltt.,
on the Ist of Apr,'
over Uae flunif red Ilittion, 4,f 0....Je11s
-leaving th,•tl/ty leia thin Tio RandreJ
iitspotret ioteteet pasib 4 , e , .=
"Moe) . ou 1110 J;th or Derewber via IV.II
C 04130130 attsehe.l t., 4.4406 noto, 1•1414 L AP` re
tartlet? It stinounts to
..11.194 ..1 per , etit 03,11$ 64) zolt
Igo celtte • " 160
Lou " "
$ 1 "
.*lt o "
••• *. WOO , "
Moro and More Deal
The rebellion le suppremed, and the G,
already adopted measures to reduce et [er
pidly as possible to a peace toetteg, Val
from market an borrower and purchaser.
Dow r
oftered by the Governmetit, and
Great Popalar Loan of Ibe
The Seem-Thirty notes are eousertN•
writ'', at the option of the holder, into
U. S. 5-20 SIX PER C 3
Wbisis ars always worth a prunalan•
Free from Tazatic
The 7.30 Notes cannot be taasel
Counties or Staten. and the inte reit 3 a.
on r implies of lite owner's income ow
drecl .lolhere a low. 'l%la tact inereuo
o•• to these per Gent. per Innate, crew':
lifted on other property.
Subaoribe Quickl
• A
i eel than 5200,0006000 of the Loan a
last Congress are sow on the msrbet. I
the rate at which it is being abeorlee.
ter,bed for within two months, when thi
doubted!, conkeind a premium, st tar
the ease on closing the satecrlptfcca
is pollute Umtata considet o
the present swim will be offered t4th..
In order that attune is every tows fe
country oIV be iftorted facibbei
the )14ti°91 t# i nl s Stao Battu sea: P
througheog tijeoribtry r enerall , I
anbecriptinsa et per. Subs:rten
evil r
,egesin, fa obnectheg have waflleatt
to berespostntentler the delly , qi
.thetrsicetie'prders. stVC
Subtetiptione wUI be received by Cs
Netlei;Ortieren; res,
BroWri l a
Cerise s of hate !Street sod
E - AE,OvE
Imiei.k e • hi t t s .su sobst to th p ß a W a
snL s i L
ln o oa
Nose cads; sad stbeedhobs !bowl
will molt ttoss - ol• thcillsest
Itsposisi more lir bh.%tO,farei.h tl
oPssessed• utiles; isritsd up hot
end by wows:lodating
OW Wl* il R w st a om rs. a
this eeti O asa rO
sod fool r
.000 A pollen!) !sr
2. uoWYRS,Pmt
,~LNSUKANCF. in the si
0.141 Cozhalie can Mules
" s
• '-Administrator
IxB OF Aott ,
the *Mate. of Ctistieft 0,
ut 16= rtitti mitt f. 11
to toe: a ' rat. aolal 0 •
Nrettoorafettlat the out *AO
Crjortbentirated. tor -rtr
Igeo Isdebtod to thee'
Alatathat ea to prior. the tint
• JOSEPH til
' "tililisout, April 27, litisi.