4 E I lEEE 112 AI - ilk:arty Poem, - by .1140" . 10. ' ', 4lel't 1. l eeway B•tbiliAton Miamillo,s tarty ltt.o - i. ' • 1 ..-• . , ry inolinations were nearly all to patty, utd. 31 "rr \'' • - • I)this artificial lave lay was one of the grit of Plow: ..!,.....:, - i .,:„. ,t .. hid pruduciion4 in verse :1 -:: -, _.' - `-, , k --)*:' By thy love fair girl of Fran c e, • ' peat ? eate, A; ‘. . . „,,.,. , _,l And the arch and hnettfal glare . • - •,• ~F•..• .. • - :Which a . well revealeity; ~ • ? _...:.nd free ' - ' ''''' - - ' B r. ,. - y the flue-l• upon thy brow, ....,..1 orfiefiland te,4 fit\ - . a - ; ; 4 py th e A 0 1 ( 1y-faltered vow, - Best friends of liberty , _tad :he bee which sealed it ; .:—.: . . . , Ged sate the plow-1*- • , ' Then to the fieldsYe hinve Yours be the world•td Have From our lifelt Want, with its rntilesa train, Flies from the cultured-116in; Toil, ye, with might Mad Mein— Clod bless the plow Now lay the furrow deep, Iht vale or hill-aide steep— le hope ye sow, ,„• , Treating that motherWarth, Give to the eeedlts birth, - Sing ye in strains of mirth— God bleee the plow 1 • • „ 'Olen when the harvest cones, Plenty through our-loved houies. Joy.shall _bestow, Louteheut the reaper tiain, While o'..ei , tittl futile piastr e Mob wives the golden grain- - God bless the plow! W . reathes for oar yeomanry, green an the.*lotor's be— ( Toil crowns their brow, Theirs is the noble-t deed— fheirs I. the brightest Weed. While they their calling heed-- God - bless the plow ! • A LONG SITBETOIL.—TbO - new tlatiatc cable, which is now 'in prooessfili ns till; facture in England, to be laid next.. sum mer, is to ho 2,300 milea 2 long,allowing four or five hundred miles for all contin gencies ; and its core, through whibh,tha electricity passes, to he oonaposesi-af, seven strand.: bee,t, copper Wine, making togetner ,ilerlo,ooo miles of cop per wire ; 11)14 is k be , enclosed irt..eight coats of insuinte,i material,. timouatirig 18,400 miles; then follop_ten jute, making 22,000 miles ;: . and..tea wires, utaking.2l,ooo mole; anti - as wire is covered separately with twists or strand 4 of yarn, there will be tvor?ced• into the cable 135,000 miles of mitionak-: altogethee a length of material which apaottnta to 213,500 mileg, or sufficient, if 'placed. end to end, to go round the Earth nearly nine times, and lacking only 21,500 mil es o f being - enough to reach from the earth to the moon—the latter distance being, ag measured by astronomers, 237, 000 miles. A SIONIFICANT FAcr.—lt is, to conserva tive men, an extremely gratifying as well as a ,Figuificant fact, that, at the present inoment, when the country has success and glory written alt over its standards, not one of the names of those who have produced those results is linked either in feeling or orgauizatiou with the fanatical portion of the dominant political party. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Thomas are the man, not one of whom is a fanatic ; not one of whom fought or ever struck a blow in this war simply for the purpose of giving freedom to the negro. Butler, Banks, Phelps, Schurz, and a whole host who were made generals because of their earnestness in the "cause of freedom," knife,lrithout an exception, been kicked ()ore the *ay by the .true soldiers and victors of the war, - the men who fought ibleily against armed rebellion, and never in; the "interests of God and humanity." Xis. LINCOLN i II Rintsuvs.-.Tbe embalm -1 eil body of Mr. Lincoln is spoken of in a I dispatch to tke World, se follows: " There is now no blood in the body ; I it wai drained by the jugular vein and stie ciedlypreaeried, and througb.a cutting au, the inside of the thigh the enipty bleat ; Vessels were charged witlk aultemiitalpw paration which soon haOpned to the or sistence of stnue. Thalong and bole , is now hard. and stiff, so 000 Y ond its present position it cAnieot 9 • .s more than the anuo - .5 moved any ti has . and !ergs of a statue. 4c.alp ha , • e ,ne many, ' changes. The 6 ,1 oeen removed., the brain scoop. out, the chest ow:led and the blood emptied. All that. we Bee of Abraham Lincoln, so curiously contemplated in this sylendid coffin, is a mere shell, an effigy, a sculpture. He lies in sleep, 'but 1 it is the sleep of marble. All that made this flesh vital, sentient and affectionate; is gone forever. ' _ INFIDELITY.--The Infidels of New Eng-i land haring succeeded, through their abolition tactics in infusing the spirit of infidelity into the Protestant churches generally, are preparing to tusks another bold stroke. At a convention now hold inkn the city of New York, the " Rev." Burleigb, of Florence, Massachusetts, ob- jected to calling the Saviour "Jesus Christ, the Lord." He believed such to be Wrong. lie was " in favor of calling him Master Jesus Christ, or Mr. J. Christ, in order_ to explain his character." Now, that New . England is to mould for a long time the feelings, the tastes, ideas, and conduct of affairs generally for the country, we may expect a greater reign of intolerahle infidelity than was ever known in Revo- lutionary France. A baihful youth was paying his addresses to a gay •taas of the country, who had long despaired of bringing things to a crisis. He called one day when she was at house alone. After settling the merits of the weather, Miss said, looking slyly into his face: " I dreamed of you last night." " Did You ? Why, non l" " Yes, I dreamed that you kissed me." " Why, nowt What did you dream your mother said ?" "Oh I I dreamed she wasn't. at home.' A light dawned on the youth's intellect, and directly something was heard to crack and in a mouth they were married. 'HARDLY WILLING TO TRUST Gov.—We heard a Parson .pray, a short ,time since, "0 Lord, timid us peace; send us an early • e 1 But, 0 I.nrd, let it be. an linnota : peace." NV ti ions, we premium.- the ..w what he must do. If the peace that %lONS come should not happen to meet the views of the Pardon, what then? Such prayers are altogether,after theipattern of the radical school. "0 Lord, my will, but not Thine be done." A. correspondent asks what we would do with Jeff. Davis. Auswer.—We would do nothing with him, and say nailing calm, lated to increase the difficulty of catching ing him or that of putting down the re bellion. If we had him fast, our treat ment of him would be governed, first by the conditions of his surrender, if such there be; . next, by a careful determination of what was best for the country. But we fail to perceive the wisdom of counting chickens not yet hatolia.--,N. Y. aidtme. x~..:: . ;'~~",'. CHM BB Obs ME By those mreign accents dear, Whose wild cadence on mine ear Still in niQuitier hinters; By thine eyes of sapphire splendor, By the thrilling pressure tender f tit thy trembling Angers; I - , 1 • I`.UY thy pouting, by thy smi les, Anti by all the varied 'Hen Which me) sweetly won me Lnnghtcr, Hashes, Niglio, nare.ft.ti By thy 6114 anti by thy tretwea, Satuetuues think upon tne . i Think upon the, parting day. -', Awl Ilia beans I kissed away _ )• From thy glowing cheek ; _ Think of ninny a dearer Laken. Think of all that I have spoken All I may Out speak. Letter frees Gen. lifett. New , YORK, MRSVii Hun. (..'„ I'. Chairman, de : DEAR : I regret, op. amount .of de bility, I t.kke any part in the grand celebration of to-morrow, as I sincerely rejoice in our victories ovt r rebels, which, With others itopendinp, cannot tail soon to being back into the Union, on terms of perfect equality in rights and duties, the dot standing States. Reciprocal respect and adniiration have already, by dint of bard ,fighting, been established between :the' 'gallant veterans of the opposing amnia% and this noble sentiment gives the hope that it may conquer the miserable. hatred ,so general between non-conibatente—Se cessioniats and Unionists. Thie,lncleed. would be the great conquest of the chiy. I remain, with high respect, Yours truly, Armenia. Score. in • The cheapest telegram ever sent was by an Irishman. Said he to the telegraph operator, " Do you ever charge anybody for the address in a message ?" " No," replied the operator. " And do ye charge for signing his name, sir 7" "No sir." Well, thin, will you please send this? I. list want me brother to know I'm here" —handing the following: " To John Mc- Flina_.— a t New York--(signed)---- Patrick McFlinn." The message was sent, and no charge was made. BUNKI:11 1111.1..—A good story is told of a Yankee hackman who was engaged to convey two Englishmen about the environstafEcieton,' including, of course, Bunker Hill. After go ing up and inspecting the monument, the Englishman returned to the hack, where the driver was quietly waiting for them. 441 say, driver," says one of tbe'lEnglishmen, "This is the place where we Englishmen gave you Yankees a dam'a thrashing about eighty years since. " " Well, " says the driver, "don't know as I ever heard tell about that; but who owns the land now ?" Two bad cases of Piles Cured by Dr. Stria land's Pile Remedy. Mr. Glass of Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for the benefit of sit who suffer with the Piles, that he has been troubled for eight years with an aggravated case of Piles, and his brother was discharged from the army as incurable,(be being quite pun, lysed with the Piles). Both these distressing cases were eared with one bottle of Dr. Styles.- land's Pile Reniedy. The recommendatioa of these gentlemen, beside the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to convince those suffering, that the most aggravated chronic cases of Piles are cured by Dr. Strick land's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists. everywhere. moral). fiuteirr NEW TZBATIZET: CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE.i S}wl4, Sinudast Wasting% aw4Uha lord Aylosinso • Yogi and litabilly. . . DX& W. dr M. LAMM ) r 06ee en the first goer la the Altwaterlififlithm Moat rif Superior Street, Cirraisaii, TIIi SILIAT • Report on the 111=r i t r TreaTsimatend Coo Nor. eods and Physical And all Uriarivenital DissillesettrA . and other dosses Maddalena' to he* sexes, s =gamey of both mental and physical strewth lessi. in totM debility and ineepseity ; abasing why that dismiss so often appear innmals, when Jazz:l j they ran be elfish:any removed by the most' Ewes. • * A MOST 847110111710 INTZMTIOM. An instiozwid tor.tbo own of Grosso! Welty or Nocturnal lasissionsessors proissri howls so Issdasl Washooss. ko Out be sazoila boss IS days to two =oaths Ity liostrosolot idiot us ed 000ioistly with ossdkinso. ' YOUNG NEN TAKE PAIIMICULAR XiMIA Drs. W. & Immeet taw Owen is annesselair • ' they boos invested • meat hapertast iestmamet for the cum of the QOM 1311111116. It has been At c ti b s test bthe mod eminent physielass In sad New York. lt has bees shisiens i lt oats umrinetnunest else late F. FR the sem of lientioal Weskume, or sas disease di the suing Am% eeesid by the secret hsfi of yonth. O m it/A i Imars% is older to NOW' Wood lap Utal as to the mottle of thehr lastrament piellgo.tineo mine that in any tar al wlmm. If am i nprom nintel: &dory, after& far trial. Wm mono/ will les Muds" by returning the taittallent Li good order. Priem elwiltrm me end medicines AIL ' • " • NNW UUDI AND QUICK For the Venereal DUMMY sod all !that. Closmiala =llS'strictures, sendsal washaesy Fan is tawkiletre s busy. Mamma of the bes 4. "lams; sees end @lda, and all. Those dreadful effeetieste aridly ftem• merit habit of ,yei= o wlilab poodebbt aonstits.' Nasal &Cagy. readse and is Una est destroy both body and mfail i . isi C i tmeimee4 they adept is the resu of sper& or thisty "sant ostensive and caccomfal Sh u r Uee 1111 Nampa sod Moslem; • . I COUNTRY INVALIDS. ?moss is soy part of thw world say Owwe trootod.by forware he r uz eorrott &WU of tiwb ow% s rowittaato for Ors. W. It R. WO" Atwitter Building; foot of Suporior oettreld-ly. arreland. 0114. Vlaurma, Bun Bow /WM . ; 10112111 LWOW Stogy ß at illadirmsbra 1/010/014111. .of tiebblaTi , R t;.a Ut, C lII= . 11% 5" C 0:0 e A 46 A , r 4 Cam., 12 • cl 2 ' 2 •4 „ C , tN .1 1 " ic l'"• 1 gal • CZ • 2 -JR E z t 74. - gi 114 emi a. • Cp hi I ; -4 I ovi u) 0 mi c i 0: 1 41) M 09 1 E t 4 O. ° f;3 • 92. Ro " r 4 al IF I . ' pA • imm • 113 .eLc tTjgi) uL4I. ~t . • a • soi 1110414 - ' Salve • • e •E , , , it. . • ".. • „ ANL : ••,I2I ;!: . 1 • rEARK EXPERIENCE - • 3 4, , 't el,. • 'Hes 4th otablailked tbis.aup,Our)t , of • RAPPINO'S RUSSIA ; 04g/sell stbeirimillay pr. psrstinn~ 41-• REIMINIEVS RUSSIA SALVE! virßeA BMWS. REDDINiS RUSSIA SALV.EI • • cuitts SeiLtd, !MEWING'S RUSSIA . ,SALVE_! CURE moss. RUSSIA SALVE! CURIA CaILBLURS. OpnsTe•R. RUSS I A SALVE! CRAPPRD HANN R E iVr) ITS RE N , lBl A SALVE! ' - CURES FLESH 1/01INEW RtaSIA SALVE! . curia OLD SORES ItE NO'S , IitIBSIA. sALVEI • UDRIS tayawsza.i. HEDDIDTIAktUSSIA SALVE! L CI3RDI • RiMobreiCt'S fittlf3.s,lA bVE 1 ont.s zALI RIICIIIt RIiDDIN9'S RUSSIA SALVE! • ijr. ,1 , UR"1.1,801M sitlfDD)NO's RUSSIA SALVE! - - 'REDDING'S RUSSIA - SALVE! • ' ccitss REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! vulim r. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! ' . cctitat: ta.wress REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURZS PROs? IMMIX PARI4. REDDING'S RiJifkijA., EtALVD! • CURES ALL 6trrAßkoes DISEAsSS AND xsturtioms GERLRALLIT. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I Ie paribctlifme trout any mercurial matter or Wart otta particle*, and In no tam Eli la artyllmilloa Warier/ With Um gtattediea that tatty he prescribed by a regular Iphyvitehliel ocean health ilipittgboatilea cumairnta i its praise. The more ite virtues become tutoeru She patter is the dampl y atel It ir now nutted. Med an istdiapesimbla Article of household stocumitr— being used Mika byriah cad poor. REDI)I4O'S RUSSIA SALVE I k pro apt In sett,* tumors■ pain at coma, and rodsom 1h• most angry looking miller' and ludannuatkow.4o Iffyaraps,—tlttue adordias relief and a ootophdo aura TM Meek of time Ms mho has been • Wore tag puha* ocusdnairs moot that It It no "catch-penny" par 'ra tion. pit forth to hays a flak! mix popuLmitr, and than tisk to Hee no more. Oak a ,Vsrg. :113 - tor U. f p. DDI 26 Cotto SSIORE, No. 491 Broadway, W. Y.. d. W. TOWLE k CO., No,ie Tramout Strad, floatoa, sad by all Druirklata and Country 't rolumpara amen*-IY.' QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS„ f That Cry One to Answer ! Are Jos Dose rear OM fall Of Sae your bate booms-thin ? Doss it DO ha oh, ud dry, and Arnaigh t la it turalog pray before its time f bre you tout, Lod with Raids& burning aoseatleas Of the acalp An you troubled with Dandruff An you troubled with what is salted Scrofula or &lit Xhosa r • Bongrnmrjud the Ilfirdpelaa, and lost your !dr Have your had the .Itemiern, and feet It ? Save yea bad the Sylibold rover, and boat It ? Have you laud yesosavir by any sideburn t Do yea wish lutserlaut hair? Do you wish soft sod lustrous tor ? Do yarn Irbil gray hair restored De you wish year whiskaregiouy Dorn Erb Woo restored In odor Do yea want it few your children ? Do you runt it for yourult, for lather or arnothep der brelbsroistor or Mud ? Do yea want to make a moot Do you waist • peons for your tonal Do you want a henskes article ? Do you want • pure article ? Do you want • doable distillod article ? Ito you muss claandur article ? Do on west the best ardst preposi s tion out for dreads& protecting, rectorie the bolo. mod - W Wso ft , 52 earl 'lustrous tbs. kleiDall Halt ? f Note courant E CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR THE HAIR, TO BE UNEQUALLED AND BUPERIOL TO ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOUNDED AND OFVERVID TO THE PUBLIC. &Wiesen's guaranteed, or the se ,' Tiessdist It coots bet 11l for 01111 bottler or 1 bottles for la soli by Matelots aid Ditialt *remain% V. U. CLAIM 4/k 00., Propriot ors. 11. RAMA* at CO, K. Y., Gioaral &mato. Jylels4. RKAD THIS ADVEILTISNIMIT I ' CUT IT OUT And Show It to Your Frkinds. WHEELER & WILSON'S i I V!H :is 'p M • iii141F411"111411" BWMIAOIIIIIB ovor atritillessettr .Tbstr sottrattott Outoomo sot lat‘4ll- ovor Wo has Hai Is It by Air tbalieft pope* Matthias o tio w is P dd, o. FOR MEDAL YEARS They have labia the lead of all other Illeahlam. bat elms the late Improves:sate ham been added, emery vs aletyof thel the ath; reformed with nab sem sad mrdl tf • %bills 'AU fir sesecuas OM IT I lot It ides tbo sibentloak of ALLL..I4 wanott t to Whit way misty ot_rooft,frou the thttord otootts to thonidoot cloth. Tiory maks the osiolkostOd "loot *NV latish to Impoottblo to river_ tont. ?two No. Ohba *Me tho ittioirtag volt MOUlf ANT Bin- IFIE,0,1! ! r 2 11:114010N; tis, - L y• ' 111211101 maw, oks. axil. sigLL m Q 1711,111 eihmn . am, w ti=itkilebfiga7 of lon without orovicomb OWN:ft it :Ito, will gotta mad WU* or - taw .1 No aim; flpot ilool balm AiticsOrD S TOR YOURSELF. The dammed for Mom celebrated liaulasa, slam ve lambent /meted la Kr* kat beed aetoilibLem *Mtnlhadoea . t artitulty oily oidw.Sei toll harm Just tokr.irs4. and am toady t 4 we* 4111, aM an who Amy AO or sand as their 'whom Oar o.iowi Aue ableastly mad sad 1 umlabed, aad our ramoda liem fee maddelikag the badman are oat Thom blachlisee were wearied Um Wiest yreallmaa *t - • __ 1 • - TIM *MUM TArlt.fa Letukod. lam The musratia. upoarriox, Paris i ISM. ..41.1kitzol34ncm Datums waibtigwa, ' • mew almeet mem AIMS Add wiattlrldryW o Ldra t i r i Wir o y m are. marraated Qum years. colletMattecr. They :Ad wttti IMP feuded 11•1111. nay am almost aohlelem. M MU OW . i • dir ir k W ane I. toperatkm. It yea easiest emork Medlar amml• *ark add a cicadas by mall. HOLT BOOTN, Ages% Wm Elm% , • Jy2T44411. , Man Part,) • _ Administrator's Notice. haIr a TERS OF ADMINISTRATION 0 awl Mite of Patriot Chit,dassaasd, Mo. of township. Ms cosaigr, Pa, bookie bs mateditS the andarsignsd. bomb, pm to all bow*/ tbossoolves Wonted notice to is tho seam to as liessatiato pa t. std thaw haring claims whist said seta, wlll twat thew for wittloanaat. • )1R141301f L, MOW, omidift 4141Nimaishis Ill'i=i!I I= QUESTIONS, _ QUESTIONS, IMPROVED 11/AV ;1 I ;fi, • j , . . . .. , i . linnoi .i . ! • t.tii: !,,:', It, (:. • ;,• , i o .l l M.lffir ,•.. 0174 ativ:;77.77E;tv.ll, ,:ii;t•;i:111:7.7:: I ill 'I , F' t.: '. ' • •'. ~..,r, ~,,1,....,..:,., : •...::......:. .... .. .... si •,•:: dims, CLEM a moil amlmam to Oriso,Casper eivmmll J. C. lawn Osi, Wholotakc Grocers I . , shd Massiloiticifir of Ciaidtims and Candy.! e GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK. SALT, WAILS, ROPE. ALB, WWI, 11417088, &a., E o (tat gtoek of SUGARS, TEAS, COFF . 4 4 ,' . SYRUPS, MOLASSES, 'APICES, ~R'iJI;tS, TOBACXX) 1,8 LARCE. CRACKERS IllaatAatared at the • Eiji? ;- ()ITT STEAM BAKERY , . CANDY! COMMON AND FAIICY CANDIES OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA k GLUE At the rawest Morket P.ye• 1!!=! Commercial lialidlags. Pirip, l'ai - • arm Ale Brewery, WRNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Erie City Lager Brewery, , CORNER OF POPLAR AND RIDGE L,~ain~ Brie Malt Barley Wanlmame. CORNER OF 7TH STREET & CANAL BASIN. Ms and Antra ZZ rad MIX dits, Tbo Bolt Quality sod Crowd Variottoo of Latin. Primes &Awn !folk : Tito Cholera Quiltios of Malt and Enemy. On kiwi end and for idooldfUtf. REMOVAL. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! R Subscriber has removed hie stock of Groceries from the died above the lake Shore to the maw ta the brick block os Mate street, moor of north, whore be will be happy to see bki Meads sad oatmeal sad 111 that: wain foe goods. Ma @task of eivessise Is lugs sad earthily talseM sad of fend at the loved Mat eoseistat with thalleglldetot. Ile Wiles e eh is seed of staillai T. la hie Use to bi t. ts • WSW THIPPLACIE TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, is B. COUGHLIN% BOOT & SHOE -STORE ! Wats mrwt, Marty Opposite th. Pest Ogee. mi l ip =a, Boot said Shoe Des r, Worms the Palle that ha has meowed Ids stead to titillate Rein ira State street, nearly °wale the Peat Orla, 'ebonite invites all his old Meads sad to Ore Eder seal. Partisan' atteallon eves to • REPAIRING! Ryanog sandal werkmen„ and imperiateadtog all hie be arresAtaieW, lobeliase he ran gfr• a. good settrao. tan and sal at as lar Fleet as any other perm to tie city. Good Plls Warranted. sr, att. AMERICAN NOUSE, ftolllll CORNXII OP MC PAR[ OTATIC MRIS, PA• • JOHN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. madonagsid Mein taken sharp of the Move well-known Hotel awl matted i t la superior style, re ereetfally solicit. abase of tbe pabths patronage. ?was peaeonable, and aseoennodatione equal to any fa the _ ar so the eearealenee of pereone tree the smite/ a ion! stable bee been at teed to tie eeptle-lbe. J DRUGS H AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL ! SAMUEL CABTEB Sad useekted bin In the Kris W. Kt. J. s. cuutrap t ander Übe nun utie Carter & Carver: By ultoea the the boeliese vill eostlaaeto be aoadsated at the old ',sod. With oalarpd desk and taersamd ditties they hope to ready* • libpral share of yablig Patmair • ESPECIAL ATTENTION VIII los dovetail to the va: • - TRADE Dashes la the liAbboetair terse nwpoethally la vitae to giro ea a beim penises( aleewieto. TR& ILSTAIL DBPAILTMENT WU to Exaboilkod. so losooto(oro, In a forotal maw awl mitt talopoition to *Mks ono oostoolors. • partkailady adll 6* ostler of Physicians Ili °sir *Wok se : CHEMICALS. wrwi bi horst sad fast ..+r trosebt to thug atty. . rrossookes - pillared me Immilskav e with lidll ars reasplaria. INS& - 11111adelpIda &Mita R. ISMIONNO mgorillas ermines Ole Neremirm sod Northwest u. et .IPwmghwais to the *yid Me, eh lahhirth beit k••• 1 tbe_ rest Okiiisaiy, imet hi serrated h 7 MOM me es raitausan mum at lam a tilOTaW •••.1..4 VA IL*. wartygetas. Wm. iMp.ar Corti Aeloh; 24 Gera Aeliaia.'Se. ....... olio. fa. NW ?Saha attites,. .... . .. . 01 jp. is. MON/Ilk• 20 a. is. Cony Se. 1 arelvea. 111 OS p. Ceto Da. arthat..— . 610 It. In. 10111 Nth bar and ~rrr. lests *I Stamm thew hoth veva 101011 F _lllll3lsatepttS Italtiatere, 1111Dleseaport ialMiail a. hatesistios napasUiti __Paltattar 001100 00= ewe, 1 ath sat germ eta, eall Mobilo . at she theartata fterts t . A. dar B. 11314111,011. aettetue tad edit 110m201 J.MIOLDS. DUW,I 4 Apes N. C. IL IL Saltiement. R. N. HOW 01; Geeetala i titt Agit % Mrs. 14W311 L. 11017 PT. Sta. ALt r a% eit ,1011. D. NM illeastallinteperi Ci .: 1 Itl , ...:X*RE JO NO }Wen WORD AS PAIL" '•• ' L. al en Abikii".9PAß:4Zl,4lll,S43?..kati' „ , AND ,CO 74 . , i l 7 l 11111 :. • - .ofierilit e V. •• • • ,It ism be relied's' Li the M ode for C it e Idal =. titil • kriithvoi of these taismidles Li the large clan of diseicwo iewee,to Whick they are applicable. It Dever lot.r free with the digklidiett, arid by its concoetniticei; the dome Walsh asileiptd. • : 14 , • 31-- . Ps rhwepra a4thia to aak • Tartan/ 4 " Congtoolitti Pardee of Cultibe &Copt:rho, ttsd tadis aothist elm, u Luiltations sod worthlrer prcp stillest, wider atislAr oases, ar•• la the emir , Pr , e. 114,00. expo. ea roc& pt ofprice Namallatianwl "ply by ''ARRANT di CO.. 'No. Glresergriela Street, Corner or Wtor,e, Atr,t NRW YORK, n /tad t i e nib by thuggists virrostiri BOOTS AND SlioEs! WHOLESALE _& RETAIL ! TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to th. r:zr ib ltr addfni tn fortu.r facittt FISH, WATER LatE, MHOS 31ACl/INEKV, eathie me to ittiomfactor. and salt thmt. an d Shan CARBON OIL, Having kadlnngwspetaenee an to dui wountif of *Rote room I shall take epees' plane in prvpating in) stook to suit them I have the etdasivr right is this eity In make the , -_, ' PLUMES, PATENT. BOOTS & SHOES for the benefit elm, customers. and only ask a trial of them, to utisi'y any one as to their at:parlor comfort over thoae ludo jntheoldway The l'lnmer Boot needs on broaking to: it is IS may fr.on the start as one ',orator a,•rne time. Ny 1 .CU.,1T011 DF.PARTIII,, , KT Wilt receive toy own and Mr. J. CUT ERA *spatial at tention—conanniorikill orkn.i'r which cannot be swelled Ur th• country. licote and chum' repaired on abort nonce Constantly on bond a large stock al - . LR.4711Z12, LASTS AND %WINGS, NUTS Tredsriug any thanks to my fronds out sostotnors for put rttronass, bops ht j“r.t and honnrstlo deollog to mewl' a •orUnu►urenf WO IllolP, And conhally lortto ail to call Awl examine my stork krorol purchasing Otos. Whom w outr4B-Iti. • CIOA 10,,', Ry the flame of a common lamp, at the wet reet'a earth of oli, a very comfortable breakfast am be co:KAM. —N.Y. Trillene. , tatpl• in conatrnetton, easily kept In order, real for WI. In a consisal onerealent to hate on Ortsigiors (Secular. Flees Lamp is one of the most popitiar not cities of the day, ..... tn. utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is amide in beating sod cooking stnallart* cies, and *ea be made to cook meals fur a great many perwna, which L tie-litany done on the aurbitiante care which tarry the sick soldien ..... &Seal* Allitlital6 For family use, hospital toot, barrack. pin nies, fishing, nurssry or rick toora it ix an article of comfort beyond all proportion to its co.t. ltditor °sat Oil arador. • scononaical evuteiveuee for getting op heat at abort Doti:, tor nursery awl general household porposea, • 0130 important point te the saving is aOlt over noel rims. N. Pawing Past. PRICE FROM TWO TO SIX DOLLARS %;• %.,; TY FRolt ONI: To FOUR QUARTS, l'iltEE ARTICLES U4)4 MEI) AT ONE TIM Arranged for Kerosene or coal Oil, or lbw A daserlir• Uwe pamplet of . 4iirty peer furnished gratis. Moo, To be attached to a common Keromme Lamp or Gal Ittsrort.by. which water may be bolted and too,l conked also arrampol to ruppm t a etude F.vigny falitlLT Nltgtki ONE:. DISEASES CF THE NERVOUS. SEMI NAL MA 8110 AL BTATICIIIIF wry and MUM", treatment— in reports of the HU W ARD A.SSOCIATION— gent by will, hl waled envelopes, f rii of duns. Addrer Dr. J. SWU' HOUGHTON, flowarti itesoclatlon, No. t North Ninth St, Philadelphis t N. TO NERVOUS SUFBRERS JF BOTH 11 ststs,—A REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been restored to Itealtb In • few days, Ow nadir rang all the usual routine and irregulstr expensive modes of treatment without nee" considers it hie mama deity tosortunns imitate his Meted fellow crettures the mane of curs. Renee on the receipt of an actlrmsed envelope, he will send (fre:e) a copy of the preterlption need. DI: r•-• • r.. , J1/11:111/1. DAGNALL,IB6 Folio •treet, Brook -1104-14. C. ENCELHART Dealer in Boots & Shoes! ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF mem BUBB BOOTS f AND BROSS ! WOULD take this method of return ing ids thank* i i his Mends aad the potato =for th.ir patronage hamtofent 4r:tended mad hopealsi kayo a continuation ol tho I take plesaare to inform the public that I am NISI M. I[n` RUDY WADE Rom AND BOOKS AS OkirAP, isitt • Litils Cheaper, This any Homo is this Islam, and I am am making tho Mat (polities of Bente Boots sod Shoes. far which i an' ploj none but the UST °, WOSKIIIEN, nailer Om Soper intandema of 0. IfILLT.R. Baring obtained a license to nae the Pltuner Patent Last, I am now prepared to make the Plumer Patent Sante and Shoes in a manner not to be surprised fa Style and Workmanship. hasp on hand a selection of the best Rowdy of F roach sod American Calf and Kips, P. 11.—EL•palrtnit Weeded to mrlfittf. FINkLE & LYON'S SEWING MACHINES These Machines make the ioeir•trtiteh alike on-both sides, and nee less than half the thread and alit that the single or double thread tberstitch Madam de; will Hem, Fell, Gather. Cord, Braid, Bind, at e., and are better adapted than any other Sewing Maclune to use, to the frequeat changes and great variety of sewing required is for they will sew from one to twenty Welcomes es of liarvellise without stopping, and making interystiteli peewit, or from the anti* gauss to the beavieet beaver cloth, or even the stoutest harness leather, without ebaaging the feed, needle or tension, or testae' any ad• just:went of Machine whatever I They are dimple in construction and wally understood/ and if any part is broken by accident, it Is readily re- Them ided. Them are PIUTCLIAZ flan, sod will gots? to dartinio9s the choice of any intelligent buyer. Phan WI mad Examine or mend for Cirenlar. N. 13.—Local Agents wanted in sections not yet nista pled. Adam" FINKLE dc LYON, M. M. M." seplil3-Iy. No. MN BROADWAY. NEW YORE. NEW GROCERY STORE. The undersigned have opened a new Grocery Blare, on the • EAST SIDE OF 8 . T. 4 4TE ST., 31 HOtlSt Nostra OF 1241LROAD RAIDOS., Where they Intend biopics a full supply of GROCHILIEft, PROvisloNa. _____ • virorrs, NOTIL CROCKERY. WARN YANkig NOTICIPIA, WILLOW WAR*, CONVECTIONARIES, TOBACCO 4 0104116. Asit everything molly on hand in an establiahoent of the sort. WI are detennined to offer as good indneeroests raw other dealers to the city, And /wine the FFablle to eel, Dubbin:it thet we can give entire set eetSl'idtr. P. A. WZBEMR: [MR. Authorized Capital $500,000. cArITAL PAID Thr, $200,000. THE lACONO NATIONAL BANK VIII open for boaloelo ou Monday ,December 12th, 1864. hi the linking ante now oarepted by the Ruthann' *sly to likown's Hotel Building, north.eeat earner of ftti strict and publle Park. WM. 1. soar?. Plunitaart. RR C. CURRY, Gummi DIREOTJRB s, Wit. L. SCOTT ' of ems of J. Has ea & Co, Cosi Deaf e n. JOS: bIcCARTIII nun at m , a 4 slat;,fllbie Keearior Nom GEO. J. *ORTON, Qoel Deal W. ft BROWN. Agent Onitek) a l * ^. ht.& _ • JOHN C. HQ of bre' .41* t.lxneelne, Osarkey 411 Ranee; Wholesale Groseti._ 0.1. CROUQU, et Ann of Otonola A; Oro, now Meta I. R. BARR, of firm of Br:, mita & Renneoe. stove • llsoesaturorti. F. F. FARRAR, Gray 44 , 10114.4 Gm Groomes. J. DROGLAEGR, Grocer. Erie County Money, 317 virtue a( a Waro)atioa of the BOARD OF DIREATTORS OT TRW _ . %eyeless Plaileaal leak, ERIE COUNTY MONEY WILL 13N RECEIVED • the maim eastarees of No 'Bask. ,J:r TOWN, Wattle % s. 166t—tt - A LARGE LOT ANI. • Online Vows and 11:42ftgbtstaa ss WW 2 " AM= le EMI JOS. EICHEN LA U 8 9 MAIMPACTUR KR OP CLIEAPF:II VIAN 111.:1:1,TOPORF: Fish's Lamp Heating ipparattis BOILING -- -STEWING AND STEEPING With the. Flame that Lights the Room I wrr HONE aurtgur. THE ONION ATTACHMENT. Mee 60 cum, W. D. RUASF.I.I., Ageut, a1y21'64-20. :So. 206 Peart St-, H. Yi HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . _ I. .1. wises. Sr* Deo. ; Mt =III tiew.,ll6usic Store,,, •' "'" ,10* • I ti ME MELODititr bi A NUF A C. 'PP IT KERS: •:(twuvriiir at SUID/4. S ' Plr York. A Wl* Musty. A Co., Italthnom 11.1 lAtul,ittoto & Rona, Na. cork. Wig H firsolt.urr, Nrin Yurk Juba it thigutt•n,. h•rr York tipmeiteew&l;4l Nrur Yolk. Cleo. A. hitcb / 1 / 4 R, .BurAlio, S Y. CarbA , ll,,, I.l4rodkuun 4011., Nrir, , A! . !,rk Prices at a Large Discount below Mary facturer's Prices._ 1.r.t44 t.b. I p. NA Nos vßom. $260 To $16oli! • Also, //21trcletion )1,.,AR Rad Shewt Mule., poreofte wishing a 6n4 cafe Piano Porte or *NW/. . are enetied to wrall and A WAIN" oar instruments be fore purchasing elsewhere. lalitelk., State Almel, A par', opposite the Poet Oltre. ZEDINA t4MITiI. P:A.—Voiort inetnAmont warranted fur Si. come. wart 63 T• Leo9l. BUFFALO ez, ERIE R. R. a* gsperi tind tato-) MOTPtIty I lel 31a, INe4. Ijr Pvioraoror Train,. out, r lID KOll.l 6.110./51 LEA v-iN(; 1.;1zI i. A IL ,Vg A ka t:tkrtoo. PI rtitq tsK Uunkirl al4l •11•+ ittIIIAL St MMMIESM and arrives at ilistfal...at 11 19 A IL 9 00 Y. bi-, Day itlrrfiti, ptopplug gl Nora) 'Cast, Wait chid, Dunkirk, and Angola. and *ninths at 0140alti at 5 M 15 P.M., ialitift4lltl Evrtst, • t..ppiug .i Westfield. Dunkirk and Kllrrr Creek, kw! •1111 , 0, at 10 00 P. 11. ?be Day Rapnaa CODUc4.I4I ILL tinukirk anti HaCialo, Um Nicht Expo,* at littlfalti °illy, with Express babas 6,1, Now Y or k, Philadelphia, Swami, to. . bEAV i BUFFALO. 6 1110 A. II; 'Mao 111:1,rtioa, stopping at all Stations 67. '1,44 Vornisam, ruipley Croestug, kotabead sad Arrivta at r ri.• at 10 20 4. M. .1 66 Day p.rprest, r uyptu g at Angola, Silvio Cesek, Oginktrk,W.,ttu.t.l %,,o1 g.tth Kaat,arrivni at Eris at 6 45, P. lit 4 50 meg 4 r A c e's., stu ff at all Stationa and arrives at Erie at 9 16 P. I: tt to P 14.,,N01kl trprus. .topping at Angola. 541 , 61' Croon, ininktrk aryl Wvatliold, arriving at Sri* at S 60 a... 11. Railroad limo f•otur than Erl• Ray fit, tam (IKA.NT. aliPt GROCERIES ! GROCERIES 1 AT Whoi,EsA LE A ND RETAIL, Would respectfully Inform the public that he bas spossail a Istare in - • No. 2 Hughes' Block, Eno, Whirs M will always trap on band a large supply of CROCKER/: AND WWDEN WARE, warms. Imauotos, Mid everything umually 6.r cal, In an pittibanhinent ot OW kind. ta r " noy ..ther Apt* In th• MOP. ja.18.11411 New Grocery! lik a. tX)r. 1100'1Z tcould respectlulty eta tissue.. to pcopl.ll,l Eriv led county, tbsl opened • NNW GROCERY TONI, On tii West Silt of Nadi Wert. a :Own Dien's Sow; •.f the Lake kkiare W►en h. NI e yaa..T t PROVISION.% WOOD AND WII.ItiA" WARE, UWE. &tsd %vim) thief/4 ota►ily kept iti whist otsa . ort Wine. Sweet (liter null Liquors. Ilktatittarm , 1 Nail . l'ik , -.. I a for (' mane •, V. eau Mr« 11In n Call, t: 3., , .t•I, f • roams Ktaiti bar I pledge ui)t , rif co ~.,1 t.....• ' ...t. t.ow•r, lima that 'Wm to thy c•ty 'lul/2.641.t. - - ' Ritstone Stove Works ! Tibbala, Shirk & Whitehead, SPO VE S & HOLLOW WARE, HiPt* • large mkt o,steuxive 1./141.1U13 , tof ttOYti it Whalewle• cool *hitt 'THE IRON GATE 6. Ent clue Coal rook Sloto, with or witholit reser 1114 for !tiara ur ui(t e; al, 01 wood, lani Is BETTER THAN THE STEWART RTOVE WHEAT SHEAF & NEW BRA, Bata low oven Cori Coot ziloves —wit_i wood grate. - Iff=:=lll=l= THE FOREST OAK We are atilt meuarneturiog thie etatiled tow oven Stove f o r ..r a buoat ro-erroir 'I! HE X TOR. No Ootx Moos for Wee.d TULIN • nue Store of beautiful design and aow for aale--togetaer •itb a large assotroout el (duetted Oren Cook, Parlor Cook for wood or coal, aad Parlor • arid (Meet Stork, tor wood or emit'. C.IL naRALN, D. SLUR Kr s , W. R. WHlTliiligAD, SO* Jan.l2, 11161—ti. EW• F-I R • FURNITUR% AND r.INDKRTAXIND WAR E-R O'OM St ,Oi Mate St., barmen Seventh and Slghtb. Tlisflubscribers IlLyeentemi into the Cabinet IlLakingand FURNITURE TRADE, And propose making to order and keeping coestsetly hand all kinde of raddled. Orderitaill naive prompt attention. Repairieg done ' on short notice. UNDERTAKING. The subeeriben will give special attention to this do- MWrt of their business. They win manufsetwe Spa o i nstan_ tly on hand a large usortment of llstaDie Ara Mi d Caltd, and bold themselves in readinese to mast ardent in ttile line, promptly, from any part of the tesistry. Determined to spare uo eSorts to give estielse- Den both in the quality of their goods and pride, they hope to ',cure a liberal !hare of public patronage YOORU a 'Unit epstro2-tf. tinedupers to J, H. ittstaS. = READY ROOFING RICA Sir IititIFING, At less than loaf the coat of tie nob. KICADI ILOOWINIi. More Ont.!. than tin. , .111X.4011 KOOVING, Sluts')le for steep or flat rook. MEALY ItOOHlllta,' Tor all kiwis ,of bailing', In all DM:AUL READY ROOYINII, Sadly, amply and quickly pot on. Needs no matting _ over with cement attar it Is wailed down. gIeADY ROOVINti, Yids of a strong worm* &brio, thoroughly satarited sad ooromd apo both marfaced with a perfectly orator =au, and pat up in rolls randy for ume--441 wideand rb feet long. W. Mao umaufacture LIQUID CEMENT, . Tor Lasky Yin Reefs. mach cheaper and more durable than oil pilaf, Moo t COMPOUND ONYRNT, for !JUKE BBINGLE ROOP% whkh will often an the cost of a new root. Samples of RIADY Noosing and Circulate sent by mail when *sifted. Tamable toms made with respetralblo partials who buy to pelt Wan. READY ROOTING CO.. 73 Maiden Lane. N. Y. Erie & Pittsburgh R. it ri LOME OF TIME, COMMENCING ‘ O l Abn4sy, Oat. 31st, 1861. TRAINS LEAVE ERIE. It ft A. Nara Sharon tepolumplatioa, plops as ail m a sk," sa d smuts at, New Cattle a 11 MA. N. 14 ?.N Forfeit No. 9. stops at an statiopp op* stoase, Opriag, Centre ktosil, Clark, Nawlesiray. wsee,Stranrills, Flare's, sad Espyrillo—anhis at ares at 11 28 P. It. k. • IL Freight No. 1, stops at statism; 41411ftitill 'hkrosat2 SS P.M. . kittabargh Express, stops at all stations, 11Yei st New Castle at 4SO P.N. • num LEAVE NEW (141121.11. Aorouuao4aUou, stops at all Stetroas sad rise at Maroc' at 4 00 P.M. ' ' _ J., Bottalo Express, atom at all Mallow, sad - &decal a 001'. 112,_ PEAVE SHARON. - ve HP. fp_atioa at at all Statloas 'moot Aswari. ripaaes, 1.;„ Expplue, cost l y ned. . Spriat lad Crows, 11MT:A at Itila at 11, 14 R. ED lisegtet No. &Stops at all stxtloas era 4 Itsielea Porasae, Itopyrille. Centre, s asd weassisk—arches at Erie Ada 16 P, 61. - 141.1 1 1111. R. N. IlltOrrE„ Asprt. - PAS IBM DA Rote avowal* ailibie to Shone suffering with Sentinel Weak ameitteileeet Debility. or Premature Dom * tkitos what- Mr OWN prOd444. ttpad y rgObr, Led m o w *Wile time. Suit trot to any Wrest, for the beimit of the afflicted* Spit by Mare nail. Address JAltitO B, BUTLIIK sslll6. 429 Brosilash Now York. '4 . lk 'Cr MEINII 18e4. P. SCHAAF, GROCERIES, IltOt Kit I tv... ME mAmirokerotinis OF WI. ►1 0 10211111.1111.1 0 rt. thi Rawly to nail down slio.cuostitutie N , 4 ietiltituile.i of men: I,' prifilmod ire t a t 'teAtort; cask e t 6 :1 i I vial, 1 ,6 7 7 vt liuiti beruni:l iputent tr, wqk„ vlt.rlfnrrrai nt tittion , 4.1 leaVt.ll .),L e z a ;;41.).. i!9 1 ):11-ordor , pay caused by -1 1 ierOutml dho w. 6 mg, disortler i ed digestion from unlie a ,,,, , impure air. ARV and filthy depressing vices, and, an, t. venereal infectiom tgin, it is hereditary in the coatta il : 4 iceriding 6. from parentrtrr children t r. , third and fourth genvratian;"inl r I t ms to be the rod of Him who says, it the iniquities of the fathers upon Lt . ' ildren." The diseases it or' mate, ions names, according to tit' , orgai mks. In the lungs, Scrofula pr, ereles, and finally Consumpuon; t'ids, swelling* which :suppurate and b. to ulcerous bores; in the stomach ir c rels, derangements lidlich produce Jai ition, dyspepsia, and . liver eomplanate ; skin, eruptive anti cutaneous affeetiq, ,ese, all having thewne origin, requi t e!, le remedy, tiz., purification and imi g . 4 . of the blood. ' Purify the blood, • to dangerous distempers kayo yoe, ,le, foul, or corrupted blood, you re health; with that "life of the ilthy, you cannot have serofulAus, Ayer's Sarsaparilla compounded from the most effect :s that medical science has afflicting distemper, and for the disorders it entails. That it is • to any other remedy }et derive; wrn by all who have given it a trial. loes Combine virtues truly extrar their effect upon this class of cot indisputably proven by the great r publicly known and remarkable le of the following diseases: ir Glandular Swellings, )ns, Pimples, Blotches 'is, Roo or St. iinthinki an, Stied Head, Cotighli t Ins deposits in the 10g5,7 , Thom, Br , or Indigestion, Snl Infections, Nerer— desjampies„ and, indei , d,tlh. . complaints that arise from itrA, blood. *Minutereports of irohit ,es may he found in "Arr.n's Asth: l ALMANAC, which is furttlited to the de., 40 . for gratuitous distribution, wherein tap ) learned tho directions for its use, and of this remarkable cures which it L when all other remedies had failed is relief. Those eases, arc litirposely from all sections of the 'country, r that every reader may. have access one who can speak-to him of its Li: , personal experience. Serofida dcp. vital energies, and thus leaves its vie more subject to disease anti its fatal than are healthy constitutions. 11 tends to shorten, and does great!, e the average duration of bureau - lift vast importanee'ef these considerau led us to spend years in perfecting which is adequate to its cure. his offer to the public under the name Saas.seAutu.s, although it is col ingredients, some of which , excet, of Sarsaparilla. in alterative tower. aid yorionay protect yourself hurn. ing and danger of these disorder, out the foul corruptions that rot in the.blood, purge oat the causes e and vigorous health will follow. Br . liar virtues this remedy stimulates functions, fur' thus expels the which Mal , the system or on any .' . it. • ses k , P' Low the public Lit Lea .any compounds of :sat sapan: ,mised much and did nothing; will neither be deceived nor disapi this. Its virtues have been proles dant trial, and there remains no fin. its surpassing excelleneo fl,r th cw afflicting. diseases it is intend...l to Although under the same name, different medicine from any uthorsL been before the people, and is I ir fectual than any other whin!' H. A:VEI:i.* S CHERRY PELT' The World's Great Coughs, Colds, Incipient sumption, and for the reL of Cotinumptivopatieunti in advanced stages of the disease. Thiz, 11.13 been so long- used and versally known, that we need dv than assure ;he.public that its , qua" up •to the best it ever hal been, may by rolled on to do all it has Prepared by - Dn. 3. C. AY. Practical andAnaktia Low Bold by all drusestaevery id( New Firm. k irt., ARSES r: CROOK, having to inn, Janet goo a ;wither, on th e it under the Ortu name °NAMES p. CI to hive tiiettletrietrt of hit old urn otos thezettlyeo indebted to ball t and mettle withOvitteloy. JAMES P. CROOK & ROUGH. AND PLANED A$D ICANCiIeTTIIntss C Window Bash, Frames, Boers MOULDINGS AND MEAT Scroll Sawing, Matching DONE TO ORDER 'bop en Peach St., between I ERIE, PA . We rei llypectfu call the attention of IMMea for doing worlaln a. beat ed ou reasonable terms, ,Elaving fitted shops, with sw:perlor Intebinery, Ft` giving entire eftliaiastinch 'Warders from abroad will receive p my2o34—tt. 4A1116%i P. Ci E. J. FRASER, IC Illoapeopathic Physlekan and (LATE OP CHICAGO, 11.1.0; 073 . Has limited permanently in Eric. 14 8110 1 f in i bta d r°ri t °l filir e O NOlli E OF Ti IN BEATTYI9 BINS: Oben bents! rnm 9 10.10a.mi, sad 'Su 5; flashl•nce at itta. Hoodwide, 8,04^ 1 f4 ofilen. RESSRENCES Spaulding, N. Sown+ . Dr. W. K. YaRiIJ, Su•Dilat, Win ith , a o De elk .6N• NEW FURNITURE J. H. RIBLET & wont., teepectfully Inform the public epeaecl a FURNITURE WART TNGABLE'S BLOCK Between Bth and 9th Streets, i ' Where they torea4 to knit constantly es unntanst,t,of EBW LID WELL ISELECEED Et cr'We respectfully solicit a share of 1.1 TOOIIO J. I 1an2114 tf . W. i 4 ` lEl ' t. ERIE UttUis;TY MIrIPAI ANC ,croltqvT. liteorporard in IK59 Cho -ter Property Waimea tiuman.t., nay Sena wat esone.rdip 1%. Poltdia itiund *$ widepw,, t aria Um paauxat ct tio up without the atabalty et without lithe/Um- Uewea,t 01:1 gloats% tilt% Company. Tnis Coni. l l Alm dell, and Si o 08110 1... toolll.h. DIRXCTOKS. B. UV 1, Jam. C. SlarshA:t, - C. ILTakaas, tt.ll. Werra: - lltoif.landsteettg,4. Zicanerly. George A. Xlllot, lionpuolu ti taut. J. V. Jostle*, 01 , 1 IC IV , JAL C. itiVISHALS, Primt Jog. WS'.+ itnill2lo wutl. T r ,C 110", limn. Vaunts , ' 4icr'• rala. June in, 1.61. A limirriat.wird. tured 010311Pbeacy, Premature i'.eti tr.= actuated by a desire to henent other& eit Until& to all who need It, t fr.e ut e sad &mations far making the taw ?basil triatting to utit br ponce. 111 sayable Retnoy, yin ~ " ,4 return (carefully heale.l, , by 4 ,1, `"' JOHN B. OeURN. ' 031441 u. No. 60 NOOl