The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 20, 1865, Image 1

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    c, it" EERILY' CiBSER VESI; -
tct BriLOntall.a.
,Iff4llol, :r4iC PiP.r 1!//1011.
irrio v Two DOLLAJIaI •.1101,11tri (Mini* PO
0 „ a 1,513 lb aliquot.; Time Pout. Lita It not
tt. . ti .lrailim - of lbw 'per. !.luboeillmq.
ot rridt - lii ll bd FillVt,,cowro
11., I 4titlifi roti I.luni our
teo laeertions $1,14 ; thy,.
,re .uuth SOO ; tyro months $lO3
Poneyears9o9;j eta ,t
to proportion. ?bolus ruled
,Atr,,p. ...I to, unit*. changed by special
us.t,,,r at V.v. option el the Alia(
-.S.,ticor, itraye, Divorcee and like advertise
.t, tt.oirilvt rater'. Noticed $3,00
MlLlFlljagr NUtieMaTMR‘TY•
.7et.'A p.o.e. obitoary KuDree tower three Due.
rtr• rot% pret floe ttrtglual poetry, ao
reourvt the e4lter, oue a • liar
, All A.lrettlm. topull roulltilel DI
.‘ v. , . • AtrettlAlug, uul
I.• h,.uule.. specifleAl pAgruul
up.o•l t..l it. to.prtiou
HINTINI) - \{'e ;Awle tale or lb. best Jobbing
e. slt the 14tate, and are ready to 30 say work la
I If.. that may ontrustal to UN ill otioAl
soy otalill.Lmeutof Ow Lamest
Ail commuttlehtloul should he addressed to,
Yubqlll2l' !ad Proprietor.
snl. inverted i* tL4 011jUltiti et Th e
*WI 11,111 re per year—aceohnog to
~A.t 11,TIACItt. '
A „wow, A? Lam , ditsrd, ICH* County,
..,.,„tn.up and utter tioatzmmi amodad to with
turn , s s3 dispatch. ;
IST 110 kt
4rraieji sir •T I.•mr,
la' Walker. •rt
_an{ 7:FS•I_
It. tthillsll l . ,,
p,•nwf, tVorl, dot tb aide of the. t'ar ► .
F.rk 7" prl rezi
ttoursou.i.“ and (Miler 11.. SlAtlrmery,
,pet, llaguisra, Newspaparr, to tiquatry dealer■
•6orc ender Brown's Hotel,froqiug the , Park.
IM M •
. Coitus ham takea the Lime Kiln at
t ur F rr nab Street, seer the Philadelphia depot,
e qualities, an is tetattea tO furnish WlCts Lino, in tarp
t at the t o market prime. •
4,11[1.1)1X X ANT
ATTOILNITS 470 Co 001•1111.011 1 11 AT bAW.
, Pare goo Like*, near North West wrier, of the
• aspire, title,
C KNOINISIL helm MILD ?tarp lor Lay
0? make Plival or Map
Common Council' Rival,
Steeet-ew Noun earc of
Sept. tio--17.
rtacts. °ace In lissetto
'''afth awl Sta.te Amts.
Ilipetbnia muleprompt•
'Ali STAIIILS. cm Eighth
. Fine HOlllll4 Lad Car
s to let ina teaaunanle•ternu. ttlyStil34-17.
t) 1) ts 1,1,, ,1-• M CA !MILK.
‘t am ACTV Rill Of Stoma Knietans.ficeters,
••••..n.r. ASTlraliural Implaasseita Railroad Cars,
r 1:.
Denvre, um°. in Rosen
uurth side of the I'Lrll.. Yrsa. Ps. . • .
I RIDURAT.IS;IX CO Pa. Um K. 0 CLanosts.
ptleor - Thla is a new and tusseleocasfy &tad tqi
' la the midst of 01/6 of the best Treating and Hunt
ations InTenneylvania. Commodious Kirime,Clessi
, .o.od Table and Moderate Prices. The nubile
'sage is respeetfally wrii64-1i•
A'riritT Arta.* —Wasson Carl. treat.
y twos/laths Coart ECM" alie".
Nov. 4.1161.•-3111011..
DaaLzi. a Dzy Goons, Gum:tuna,
liirdvsat, HMIs, alma, Said. Plastic. etc., tor
- stripet sad Pablis Square, Xrlis, Pa. jaritt.
( MICA KKR & 81/7011,
wigijarys 4N Rows L_sMi 11l
„ta Provisions, floor sad nod, Wood and
Liquon. Now°, tOgsts i ac., dtals
w , t In Tonnes Howe irS;sloldow xisooristo
Dee*, la Groceries, Produce, Previsions,
Ilew and **Qs• Wart MON, lAquors,
A, opposite the Peetodect, Erie, Ps.
'lthiK 13 WING,
ON a ?JUNO Br opposite edttenion ßall
Yoe Calltatima.: sod all other 1.01 bad
rawfOrd, Vauert, ltrie, irons* and force
tteed.d to caretaity and promptly.
- o. Oakraith, Whitman k Breda
Amer Jr Marvin, Md. Po
&nits, Jut. iii..rAimaer j , eir.D. Brown
Marriax.ra. • -
TWENTY .Y3/1.85.
U I/Washed sad . hai bowl
1,41 y abed darialt ir last Avast, jean ia
',ant Labg Caws with sore decided gai
ly other mediciaa bear, thaiiiiiiha. Not
awswitlatlan la weeemagy to than fasti,Wat
ilti, lt. iiimatou and spew* ewes la past
iron a darns of easidasice
11111.4fta• VIM* la Oh , D idailiat l d r a i
.ottab ita oatratkm—la &NOW to - Ws
:agitation-4M &add he kept ia InnirY hog. ,
aedtataOrwhenregtttred. Wad and - hut
are treated with the lute of
rlier gam a Ism Dumber art &Atha will Le
Cone ompti en. . .
8 COUGH JthM 01 to the bast rosilld l llac ' w°
tar th. fullomiar cOtrplaati. •. '
)1..65, COWHS , CROUP
! , twit/ er Plalit3ll; .8100(2111 . 114.
40.111951tE35, AHOOPINO-COUGH. •
, iratsgo Vous owl Isnrigfrot* Sol a
Has Price—SY Coats i• ip Par SWA LIN" .
& Maadattarert aadlioprialarlt
Itieet, wood door north of Barauth shod trio.
rr ail by Drogifete and dealers tlawitaiwat the
oTitttftal T41611 , 1101101 1 1y.' •
tta annontroi eltintaa of ilia 01ty 0114 Pidal t 7.•
' l ' 4l l. P. ffau:o Colobratad Cate' ltanniduldln
ItC" , , In eariag dioloom of Ws Throat and
Loon t• is rosostatomidbag Ito sal to tits alia3
and aftelnal rontody< My worthy at putdte
''ouPos. Matthew HMlltem. DSO,
Yr. Loni, Sr J. W. so, Row.
nc' l w ar t, s, J. T. Co"
. HU.. , waist Doh . ' Daal•l Elam,
• OVA J. Itoblaseria, Riblirt,
• enchnut, W. F. Rindemeht, J. StOODeJr
• Um" , -,V. W. Banos, J. W. Calvin,
I. 'Varna, .11bassu abirvire4, Was.* **lt'
I. aro. t. W. H. C"Pwil A. W. Tug" 4
fur,,,,,.. losesett Dosempr,, C. A. WasAlitt.
M. &Ai. Wreak • J.Alabiall.
ith. - Lustas A. HAD. IL. ',
. 14 r=
x.,, , Thome lelsor J. L'•
..t. 4 . 0 . isikr • r, it,
K. . J. RobtA2o4 l 4
" 1/ ' 11 4. • law. W. SUas H. V.
~1 1. 4 4 lik.r.t. I),
~ Nadir% 'te• ii ;e= r "
' ' ll IV Alibi 114% Die , 12,
._ .
irE taLsoribei will cheerfully sena ( free
time ) Wall rho &sin It. the *lt Di 1141 " 111
wooko a y villa he vim entrod of thotloos dimes lbo ,
4 aloori with Cll.lllollrllo/ ASTAIMIA• 91103"11" et . 61111111.0a, h. Eutaw; hippo waltz/ ikla
=R=eo tt thy do so they VW be more Mammal
*tit, for W. ova in V •IlikOr'
owl. ia envious to plumbs the haa4e every salliern
el ears Those weeder the reeve Wei-tau
"lak lia, rill *low sal ou sett aiddmme . • -
J 16- 61- NAT WK. 14..ti41;tiii
$l.• MAIM ktreel.,S York
llomea and Lots for . Sale.
rt . . 1114 iiilluersaly propene r
ou. H..- and Lot la the city or Rrie, situated as
rt , rot. uirth ul the railroad daP4g
tar.. half tote. with a afat " la barn
`'. tr , l the eitnated in that part of Mill Creek Tp
tro•ro u K 114111.0.111. Th. bolktinge sad tenor are in
fool oterr, atal there ilk a an. veil oa the premises. The
1•I hos • otor.l.r of tree. of 1111,eriOr fruit upon it.
Vot.lut N 0.20, in Wait Mill Creek, "oath of I.ll)etery
gra.% rigout I.lllprOTElieliti.
For tanker particulars inquire of IL MAGI .L,
aarl6-3t Mato. between 3daad 4th Sta
V.PtAIME . 35-
_ . .
DR. Si'iilCKL AND'S 1174,LIVIZO it g.
corini BALSAM Id warrante4 to care Ce
Colds Hoarseness , Asthma , Who( ptpg Cosei h
r z
ThaisLu:a,ng. Crialusrpties, fad adds:nom et.tima .
For lode D drudgiats.General depot, Alitifeet Fourth
street, CHidasati, 0,11 do;
imfammena Dialtr4oklfedylutiolairlin_
tun*. the only *Wain roma, for Disables snit Dys
entery. It is a aolubLeidiatt of AstelagettrAlmilliste.'
Sumulantru4 Curninothio,, and lir warrontod UMW
• cure after all etlno erranslioroinEfak
*Par We by Dragyirta. Goma &poi. d Irmo
storot,Ct t orannoti. Ohio.;
DR. Strickland's Pile Remedy has' eared
thousands of the worst cam of Rihnt mid Am+
log Pik*. it girrs linmedisto rollot. sat Idiots • pro
tooneut cure. try it glossily. It is. warranted to saw
For sots by druggists,. General depot, 6 ! oat north
street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
DMPOPeiti, Nerve :tine's ,eild
moor:naiad those suporing with lase of •
ludiristion, or Dispepaiii, Nervoturneas ami ng =
Dabliity, to use 8t land's Taste. it as •
p r eparation, tree from Aleoholki Liquors; it datrasithtiss
the whola Nervous vamp; it mums • good sippatita,
and la warranted to curs Nervous's. sad, Norms
Far sale by Drug gettaally. at $1 'par bet4a...,
Prepared by Dr. A. Strickland. r,art roar& incook
Cincinnati, Ohio.
(Ace ereotul
trait, Iletwpin /It% 'mad
)9 zu.ll. -2.
Great#Gift Distribution,.
Watches, Chains, Lockets, Bracelet",
Gold Pens, Ste.,- am.
A? LAW, lildirroy, Ps.
o sad Joanna °outlaw..
S.ffi. WARD & Co,
208 Broadway, New York.
100,000 Watches, Chains, Lockets, Brassie%
Rings, Bold Pens, he., he.,
Paaua. Parato■ Block,
Yd., Pa
NORTH $500,000, TO HI SOLO AT 0111?(I&S.A.:
SACO, WITHOUT 1111tGaltD 70-11•14111,
and oct to be patil for until you knot idiot you on 55
' Twelve, and not to Oa kept Weak Jot, UN,
pee Italy &Misled. •
Splendad Lief of Article, to be sold for look;
10011011 Pantie( Caa05,....C10 00 look
100 Uold Watches, ....... . OlkOrigook
WO 'Ladle/ Watches,. Wire soda
' too silver Wateboo. • lib iOlo 25 ao Net-
sea 4th and Otti atreeta,
!road Depot, Kris, Pa,
tztelarive aocuinuioda•
Ou►nl bj lbs day or
egYZI Gold Neck and Pat Chains,— It 00 t 0,76 00 Batt •
1,000 Chettelaine ant Guard Chains, ..6 00 Tit 2.8 00 soil
8,000 Nee.. and Pat Chains, 400 to 1200 midi
4 000 Solitaire Jet di Gold Brooch's, 400 to SSO alai •
4;000 Cor•I, Lava, an., Brooebek,_ 200 to saps&
7,000 Gold Set, lko , Bar Drum 300 to $OO ask
5,000 Gents' Breast and Sort Flo,. 300 to 1100 Imak
6,00011n1 Band Bracelets, -i-.10090 Js6ai •
2,000 Chased Bracelets,. 600 is 3900 as
8,600 Cal. Diamond Plan sad Slogs,. :tato - 111 Mina
2,000 Gold Watch Fey", 350 to $OO omit
6 Quo Solitaire Sleeve But lk Studs, to to $OO toll
3,000 gold Thimbles 400 to 030 each
0,000 Violators Locket*, .2 00 tos $ Wendt ;
4000 Kin. Leekets,:negic 61prtug„... 400 t0...0 00 mob
3.000 New Style Belt Battles, .„ 4 tour lOs men !
2,000 Gold Tootheicks, Crosses , .2 00 to • •00 testi
3,000 Fob and Ribbon Slides, 2 00Io•fi Oderial
6,000 Chased Gout Binge, ~. 2 00io:51 00saide,
40300 Stone Set Binge, 2GI to $OO Molt
.6,550 Set to Ladies Jsmilry. i itt Ar gold 600 to If 00 soh I
6,000 1 . " various irtylee, 300 to 1600 sash
6,000 Gold Pems,ativet ease it lentil, 400 O $ 00106
4,00 Gold Pens, Geld Coe k Pencil a OVto 11100 seclfj.
0,000 G old faua,gold mounted holder 3 00 . t o• 1100 ea&
Certificates of varione articles aril e lMesd in mow; r
lop, sealed and mixed. Th eme 'utile be eat
by mail ea ordered, without regard to oho. After re•
salving the certificate and seeing what art/eht it repro- • '
mots,you are at liberty to wend and get the article. or
any other on the lid oft he mane valve, awl after seeing
the article,-If it does not give perfect eatlallottio, wei•
desire yi u to return it send get the lateel hi all lam ,
action■ by mail we charge for one eartroots 26 costa, •
Ore certificates will be seat for $l, Maven fee 62,1hirty
for $5, nos hundred for $l5. *gents tventod awry
where. iMe allow agents ten outs on oak estUllaate,
provided ,their remittance amounts to one delto. 11e0,
sutra premiums for lane orders. i
assn 6.11D4221.—0s the ',Min of 11 60, we wiel tend
a solid silver shield (pure coin} or •badne, for either
division or corps in the army, or - afeavan7 infantry,
artillery, engineer or poatooner pin, with your name,
legion at, sod company handannely migrated thereoll6l
together with our wholesale illostrated circular to
ageo , e.
8. Id. WARD its Co._
1208 Broadway,lirim York. -
mamma tenor."' wet
tent Sewing' ilsehmee
tireen Ith and Ith Stse
In the einFit style.
• ,
GRO AI CERY syolol.
Ntn : o.tast Cbraer . the Pat* 4 Penne+ greet,
ismiteeannia . ;
WoulA reervottAdly call the attention et On sommmilty
to his lame Moo* of , •
- Which ha is desirous tonsil at
litssamortusent of
syß,ups, - ._ ..,, ,
' • FISH, &C.,
Is sot marpaesed is tbi se be is 144 MA to pm, to
all who sir* kitin s
H. aloe keep* eoeurtsath ¢ a toad 11**16**** Jot o 1•,
• P 11• R E L I QU.O,E,S,
1.,c the erb.olimoile tnol*, to vile lutelhoela tits attend*.
oft palate.
taumotto is, 4titek'Salsa, tteoill Prdata &Ai , • AN
Equivaleiat• Water , sp:llll3e.,
D. W. .111/TCHPIBO2I,
Jnited States Clainiitet;
PEN 11101411 p 'RACK P kV*
r.BouN - TT.,
And came alum a g gsel the Ileeireseeet ettegOod
Uplink prompOfiL I „:
ni °Application by /ha stiefiesd ii . 4111111111011111.0
maw is pessae. . L•a...t ;7 -
Crawfeni, 2 14114
Dud. , s vt 12 -' 1 7- 1
briediaid Elikaloct, Faultily :
?Ames Al; Oils.--; r . 4 :Y/
MO chimaera, Wit stet's; .
: Also, Public Dock. Foot - ad. • Stilioly' 2 •? - ;;
sittsv rusw4.
'WM. A: otawrom- - - 2•
-4 1 .11SWIP - TU" - ;* -4. BYRON
• - -!•
. Reeves!: „(... • he ,
. 10 11-111 1 1 ' &rut.)
iSVA . LiadVlA italtMaiit el
A - and wombed Iltit!*1106 1 Itl.V p a dteg . ll6 fra:
poeoedante in bt~lenthla
other preparations, not eats easy trat also
Europe and death Aaentiso. , at batthis are
Nonslip used in thiamin
of initned a titift
Mechem end StaividoneilAhe milt in 'mete
owns. - 111LintS• .41111ROnta-te eatafdieitietifsefintl
• tract tune herb% et wasdertal viltentiti=
-tad with a variety of
payouts the halt ftUbirniitio
UV, thick and loam tt niahnellon
"114 heag:erf,_.
it ► glary eilMeesis..„„, : by
Frieel4 trots per
gold by -druggists and
parte of the elrinot wand.' -1 1tItlaninirle*wlsoiresia
413taistdi is 01107 eitt:asil -
-4t6g,VlEde unstal c:,
Ito. St Titss=*, T.
st, ft; RICHBRO . 44 CO, Mao • ciafiena
A pita fur rSlisSyhtigli.'' '
• large a at,
gootilm DOW teso44o•llikih,
itruslms, Dolls, Doll goadkailisiti be
(alum'. hum, Porte Illodunq •
uipar So.
• - ........,.„., ..
, . :. .
. IF o••. i f,---„....7'.
..... 7 ..,..- .;..? _... r . .
....._ . ,
. .
~. .
,_. _
. ..... ..._..
c• 4' - , 1,
I s TracKLAND)
Osce this soft turf, ibis rivulet. sands.
Were trampled bye burrylag awed,
*nil fiery hearts, at d armed' bawls
Encountered in the battlooload. •
Now ell is cello and fresh sad still
Mose the chirp of flitting bled •
Asd tilk of children on the la,
• Aro . bell of vrondiring ties ars beard.
No solemn host gots trailing by •
Tits black mouth gun sod stauerlug vats
ges start not at the battle ery.
Oh, be it serer heard gels!.
Saga rested thi3me that fought ; bat thin
Who tningleat ia. the harder strife
FOi truth which tacit reSeles •ot (ow,
Thy warfare °illy end* with Uth.
A. Madills warfare! ltbserlse tug
l'hrensh weary days and inag years,
A and and many-wesponsd &brag
[fang en thy front, and Usk, sad rear
Tet - nstree thy spirit to the proof.
.1 - And blanokpot at thy chant ;
Tfie timid good may stand aloof, • -
The sage may frown, yet faint thou not
Nor hoed the shaft 8G surely look,
Tho foul 'and hissing boll of ism ;
For ellitabyllde shall dwell it last.
Tito victory et endurance bora.
Truth, crushed to earth, shalt ties 'pia:
The sternal years of God u sben
But Error, wounded, writhes pith pets.
And dies among his sorshlppese.
Tee, though thou lie upon the duet,
When they who hein the See la fear,
Die fiat of hope and man 4 trunk
Like those who tail in beats hare.
Aaithar head thy ewOrti guilt 'hold,
Another hand the itaadirti Irate, •
Till trom the trumpet'i =oak Is pealed
thabiset.of triumph o'er thp grave.'
From th. New . York Tribune.)
We had hoped to - print herewith, the
, President's-proclamation of Amnesty and
oblivion to th© partisans of the baffled To.
'hellion, and we do not yet despair of re.
mitring it. before we go to press; though no'
portion ofit has yet been . risceired:
are 'apprised,' however, by telegraph from
.Washington, that its tenor was publicly
-debated in that , city yesterday,. while our
State Senate was agitated •by kindred
iiiieission. We cannot ehnt our eyes to
the fact that strenuowi efforts are being
Mule to swerve the President from the
came to which hisiudgetest and feelings
alike incline him by sillamdsieg it as in
volving infidelity to Principle or to
Others will be heard on thispoint g tiough
we were to keep .atlencei claiwthere
'fore, our equal- right to sit forth our
that they may be &worded-oak _weight
WI they shall be deemed' tt! deserve.. '
We hear men say.-". Yolk forgive the
gretat mass of those who have been misled
into rebellion, btit pull& 'the leaders its
they deserve." But woo tisit accurately
draw the line between feeders mid - follow.
*lra in the premises? By what teit elfall
they-be discriminated? Some of the 'arch
plotters of Disundu have never taken up
artiiii hi its support, ' nor , have they held
any important post in its civil service.
Where is your touchstone of leadersitiro .
We know none. •
Nor can we agree with those who would
purdah the • original plotters of secession,
yet, spare-the i r ultimate and scarcely -will
ing convert'. On She contrary, wbite we
would revive our inflame resentment.
Against none of them, we feet' far leas an.
tipathy to the original
of - ”.tbe,
Resolutions -of '6B "-;--to the diseiphisuot
Calhoun and • hicDuffle—to the ,Nullillens
'of :1832 aria 'f!‘e t'fitata - Right. lien of
1850—than to the John Bill iklineophrey
hfarsiudla and 4,1ex. - R. -- 11. - StuartiOrbe l l
were schooled in: the : 344tional ti a teitlf,'-iedl
Who, in beccmingditunkmiste add rebels,'
trazopledgin 'the:prbfeisions of-Ali life Mt
and spurned the 1004 wherewith 'tfetikeif
so often unanswerably deisinetreied Will
seoceetlion wet, treated: • -111thethei s AMY'
_yielded . to ' tie. ' inpiiippia of the '
hoar, hoping that so they atiakiPtililiOW '
ly " ride the whirlvrind•iitd- . direof - the '
'storm" to some ill:defined bat tasisidieleitt '
purpose, or surrendered., disk! is mint
and loyalty' to thet• imposters er 6 Stiti
BorsreigotyP - -which y thei bettettinie'iihr
is 'pat lionterdr, or7Wertidrivsw",,by,aine*
cowardice and tecii7'ef bod e fly trialisnce into
a tomes °coda's:mad , by sklliak : bottor
lesPrdeei, weitretesv against tutidiscrimi-.
ziltkol wber,b7-- khis 4ila 4111 be tere'ii,-
, ed Gov'; favored, ',Yee :14101isir:- ,Jgeffersoik
Diiikthisi day's less , rdii* trel,lor.tbee
Jithil tell',
' 't ha t *. anliot - belirwit Attie ' di Welt Us
take; tket Life :of, eni . 'ium'eshr4 slitill'inive
1 anbillitted to the iiatitiketMkiiiii i i. - The
Skeettiicin s cif even oneself& siotild'he felt
se a personal stigma by . es sky oas - isle had
I ever' sided the,rabei, 'Reett'Oretild!
„o f
'say to hfizilelf;!“ lam is aid 'e ei be';
we di ff er
. cabin' that 'li"'' .4400 4
, '4o*, _Confederate ' lexi ' 00: Li t T4e-liftilii
yOUld , boi a9 13 ia4 34 ,0 1 2 El! IL. f3O lOO .
'hearts as'a conspirtiOnslitg, sss norftr.
Virii Amiga realize diet if wan* belsW
some nitife=We are eine_ it;voggikat -- bi
. MatOinfilizioutto give the) amporiereil.
ditdoyafty• of- the - *et* wiehAlk ilbripo,
Would thetitroile).o,* Virmosof Sang- I
aidataawllebre finniy had rildwartt I
b l i a p*OkLanile . intitlitiitt;; Culloden t
likuettiin SUM/A*lo l , 1 1 1 1 / 1 /P l l l i th•
rin:We,_ , ittiple . :4o:4wfAern : Oklwargitqi zt.of
! ti*se*lPT (4niribis aihttlbellipetrkik
,oaktrakiitir6W:44 S IP vitawa'
.; _._ixl2o4o s iiiiii;is • : : (l"isi3iiii i, *
Ittli Moment .to 4 jig", , . :#4iufliil.
`but on OW' side areAto , iLL74O,-
be Theo:lW ''.itve-Ph54, 1 91. Pi1.1.1,111!‘ _;
1 1 04*
the trefoil; nesiost: a: which woula .
' &third a'inornentaryi . _ ,IP,A, *lt,
4:4c Or inarit'eti)ariloss ceo,hiqnr.:,
~, • :).. nr!'.' .! , ‘ - :'ui.• - '
. ~ 1' i' 1 '.
r ,
. ~,..,..„ „.,..,,,,e,„,r,,,,,. of 'a ow.
tory the imitike iidifitii - Itif:fratiagitho
South, when we hatlettil odoillt3S.sob:
vent - only slavery, the scourge alike of
South and North. and the sole cause of
discord between them. W. have dons
The Battla.Fleld.
*Wit we coui4.:-of course, tot always
wisely-4o baffle; to circumscribe. and ul
timately to overthrow- the Slave Power.
At isigth, thiough a succession of events
Tslpcb no human being could have devis
ed orfloreedin, the end which we sincerely
bored but l ardiy expoctod to see, is plain
wore 4 fonerlFan Slavery is visibly
agonies of disolution ; if we live a
,rear longer, We shall almost certainly see
it laid in the, grave and, whenever abol
ished,, here, its expulsion from the lest
rood ;of Christendom which it now curve
cannot be postponed five years. Let Us
take cars that no vindictive impulse shall
be suffered to imperil this glorious con
stitution. ,
Unquelitionably, there are men in the
Mouth who. have richly deserved condign
punishment- -Whoever is responsilJnfor
the butchery of our black soldiers van
quished in .fisbt, or the still eters atro
cious murder of captives by wanton ex
pours and privation is prisoultaupsi
stands in this category. But the inimedi•
ate issue concerns not the dispensation of .
justice to individuals but the pacification
of a vest republic. Re who fancies that
all the exhibitions of cruelty and perfidy
have been the work of rebels has but, , 14
superficial knowledge of our current his.
tory. .
Those who invoke 'military execution
for the template& or even for their hut
era, we suspect will not generally le found
among i twit who have long been exposed
to unjust odium as balers of the. Sootb,.,
became they abhorred Slavery. And, as
the long oppressed
,and .(egnided • blacks,
on lately the slaves, destined 'still to be
the neighbors, and we trust at no distant
day the fellowcitiuns of the• Southern
whites, we are sure their voice, could it be
authentically tittered, Would ring out de
cidedly, sonorously, on the side of Clem
ency-4i Humanity.
Trams elselimeare
taq Nellie's Ghost.
No: I Met pltirqy of ghost-seers.
arid •hige board them tell their stories
with a aiicerety of awe sad a shuddering
recollection of the terror past that left no
sort of doubt as to their belief. And his
tory assures me that, ever since the days
Homer, and perhaps before then, ghosts
have from time to time been seen of men.
and have made_the hair of the seers stand
on end; and their blood curdle with fear.
But I never saw a ghost myself,.' except
once. And then ? Yee ; then I must do
the ghost the justice to say that I was hor
•ribly frightened.
' Imi* very glad lo accept Charlie Nei
invitation to pass a few slay with
him in the - cottage which he inhabits in
and of the •pleasantest valleys in West-,
moreland—right through which Valley
runs the road from Lancashire to Scot
bind. - I was very tired •of being chained
to my desk in one of the dirtiest, gloom-
bist,'dampeat towns in Bogland—e' town i hidden locks andiouided handles. One
that for six menthe in the year alternates of these Charles opened. ` ;Two downward
between fog and sleet, Ind for thereat be- step, led into a small lm, oak-flocinsd.'
tween fog and rain—a town where nobody with scanty ,carper, and oak-panelled
live A XeePt to matte a fortune , where no- 1 walls, on which. hung tWf; 'Orltir'tsienoxiern
body does anything or thinks of anything I sketches and rise ancieet lit:titres% in nibs,'
but his fortune till he has made it, and • One window gave p..view.„Ovei' Mei valley ;
whet:mit the fortune made, every one goes - th e oth er , in a qtr f i A ge j ailiiiiiiai,' last be.
solar away as possible to attend it. I bad ' aide the fire plaoe, reaching to theground,
been a prisoner, or slave, all ',simmer, and i without sill or sash, apparently a mere
it was now L .leptember. All this more did t bole 'in the wall, locked out upon a net.
, I delight in my journey, knowing that tiep- ,1 work :of broken %ails. mouldering, and
tember is the pleasantesh of months in moss-covered, in w hi c h i t , was possible to
1 Westmoreland, where . May is cold; the I trace alumina of a larger house than the
'Mainzer Mostly wet, and August dense and present cottage which. bad, renewed the
atintahre. • Charlie was a promo' mem- i n ame o r N e vill e G range . , , , /•
liter of s pleasant , family, and the idea of ' -m y toilet made. I left my POOrli, with
'oitce More enjoying the society of yeung 2 64' bestowing much attention on diode.
hello 2 .• species unknown in the neigh- 4 4i15 of 'its appearance: 1 .„,,, icoad,by
i.itti r oikt of my—vnta enough '1 Charles., ' e nd w h en we rea c hed the draw-,
to excite my spirits to the, uttermost. i ing r oo m A , Intro d ue io rn i tr i his twother...i
*fill a 104 ?slims) , tourney, In ft,tillittne f a lady still I:i.altiftil and' elegant. in -laid
from 'which the Mew" of stl'eethteetle .i tile age,antivrido4eir - Weeds;•'and le btu'
director-lookine gentle m an g entl "" ba P ialo oldest daitgitters;, girls betwien ifixtenti
alike ibe breath of fresh air and the hope r and twenty. Anni€, i he j i mingelciesen. ,
t 'b
id. tobacco, failed to subdue was bled her moiler. ; Ifer eauty wit of
ht a ,joyous mood that I sprang' hPee the 1 best - Saxon type ; that tillich, in spite of
platform at Windemere, valise in hand, i fair . hair,.hlue,eyea,
,and clear, soft cam
and looted out for Charlie. f • a •
1 I pletaotl; is redeemed by, somettbig'of re.
A big dog mad his appearance find, I fined elegance ithoot.the featofee. and of
who, after suspiciously glanciug,and ante- 1 intellectual expression in ... eys and brow;
Sag at a trayalkg suit whit retained an 1 from the painfully close rerpahlaitCilo 'i '
atmosphere of the printing *toe ithont'ic 1 , was doll, which ia so generally, olaareciiii: 4
rubbed his nose against the band that istie , of. , Teutonic loveliness, Clo'reCwiis
bold my 'alias, just as my friend eame up 1 thowirighif m ortsuin _ s n o n " t o g * * av4sl
and shook as, heartily by the other. ' Wen' the'beireas of Warwick:ere berm:o ,
' "lothat monster yours?" I said, as we' rine' Whit the last bertidstarj'cliief of.Abes,
Visaed to the phaeton. " Ile was more house of ', l .4leifille-t‘witb slender form y e
friendly' than 1 expected, axd More fortni- bancLathialt i - aryliqulptor must Ittays,aa-,
dable than I liked." - ._ -, mireitiola -gietleollespair of intitattottr; s
.".. /Lb," iiid hilt mister, "Ceissr was pui- : 1111 , 1 - Inzre*, gracefaily net on, and of , a t t..
al.-_ the AMA or lactory-insoke. and , illue4 altalia ? With tingles of riivenblack•
cOttortuff about yon: •If it had bleu col- figsisid' - rt4a eelY taste"o ..T., 1 . ever alter et
..bissouortholie and sigar-aishes' 14"tiduld "letle hhtirh ihair„ l 4ttifir #4; 634016 ' 42
. 1 7e -
.reoegeited, it.: ' BauCaugr. alwaie i.0. 11 '.)i,nd" 6 "
.. .km ate* f Her "eras
Imo out a gentletnin. Th ere lis a lionasei, - we r e Gaile,:i . of tabor' exantfratiltii - toiever
of• my acquaints:3'47o 'whd gas - iibewrio to !could egstittft'rhie4 ll :l44t ti.felfhenlialiei '
.suph zags that the servant* . Of4i' islritl" . 'a . ''ateest Oettlitt he n o,dssult i ilscAirgotlnhieaa. -
..penny - When he calls for the first ti i tne 41#41.yo'lif,thatlexquisitsktriftness whilith'st
a friend; but Cseor wog:sized Ilia titleat.thielfo ! ntA'olol, lo dark eyee;wheu earnest.
eat sight, and. made - hint the humblest 1 onilition finds' uricsmieinuseiiriaiOif hi
obeisanoe. And the best dressed of **IA.! their - upturned foßs l, : *hy,i'dld' OTI W . ) ,
alit tailors or shipwrecked sailors, in whom in loye with Flom mato& now ici l th q o iut‘:` .
I might expect a visitor, cannot take in .pose But so pmietrided.was 1 Wl , l# In.
Wear. Ile .nevet lets them open- the . tettiai.agaieL •
arid litliiiiratiod itkltiiriVeitiit.:
gate. Dogs are the indsic•ortitiicritic of 1 tf, thaidurioil thsvartiktpg ;t i ?Ali not
living ereatzwes.:' ,'._ . , . „help oboinving herniondoiasinamminti
And this commended a discussion, In 4 Ishii* mad ta,e„eitte 3l ,l l _ ~, fk. kalittl,
which Charlie, yr i k ,i . i li fi r y . . ri ed ' th e Leg- [thhlpatothilltvaf .4 0 114.:794,f0ttte,P 0 M
miller's Bear and AtettOrStakeittt Mg, * ft#•eec ii rnY ,44 , 1 " 14/4 g .4lll l lo4;s ii r giff L
?with hie wk• 4 Pe:dieri 4 -, 1. , *.ht''"k )4l l e flif 40 611 0t e t"1 1 t t .",l u4s ke9 1 .. k pPl o h l %
'of Barnet. bore his part wlipi: *raikt , ebbray,ncititta :ITAR Rl' '''N'ililitefs ',l,96 s,
Mid aireeittA T in s
.aFflo,ed fa; Ong* liitixdoldr i .,e i lter4htoh - iff * M l . l 74l Iftior,
*bile the pony„treverised i ifteriy-ntilell-isi AtA4Mtialtill i ,inr, ,OWllbt o _ 10 01ftttilef,"
lliwkeraliost • scenery iii, Fiiitianii.; , :l'hisk isdoaAmirlorj:,,e4CaO,Wlllll, gmerkkas.4,
iiid the SpOCUlat ions with 441111,4*14- !l *?fiflitteti..slsloseaatreileloile9l4 l /144,11 11
t ar o t wholly irrelevant.tpi titetiaehjec(of; „,, , ,,Aii# l 4,jlJ - , 4 , t_r§:ztelltilowtiiiint
'my tale. Were .interraPtatt ;only when we ence between tlt t ig, i qd,vailer m ia4:
ria t i t hed the valley. at the Ather,liel,fitc. jidiTe'Fi:',4ati — evenrdiscrimistabe•tiekeestee
irbitih the windows • of Ifeyille Graoko„ ine4Cat t ir i ertioliqtf,itilditbsAltbitiolowert
flashed bsok the golden ; the WO,dertiVoiSßlf-q:lirtirldling iherilielfhttr
*M r was a bating Whin :,the . taoltairtl r uire.,puger s lpg lita iehtemethilitt otaipktv
hrrot .. °0- i
- : , , _1 , r., ~. e t at ; pi?? arptitayeit 'thisfottaglih caw
" That is my home' latitt Ritaatioo NB ; p!oltsr.,l4 pkage i rtYLl S : / thgaldiat
•sad inisnetit'atfutirillani at the beauti- my compribenirviiti (sf ffIW niithlighf `sari
fig sight. "It is small, as yousee : it has thoughts which distafialtfilifilMOlW
been very much larger. The rains of what rent countenance. Always, as she seemed
in the olden days was 11evi4 Grangs.. l 4
on the other side of the cottage, which my
grandfather built no part of the oAckolto•
Our present abode is 'so mall ,that."with.
our large family, it requires! Ems elate
packing to take in the few guest. whom.
wo can'• persuade to relieve our solitude.:
lielier it is, for therms no other gentleman
within a dozen miles, except the curate."
" Is that the curate T" "I asked, pojating
to an'elegaiirfigtsre 'which, in a sporting .
costume, and With his' bick turned to us,
was (ditching at some little distance a
steep path which led to agittla farmhousx
the residence of . one of the poorer of those'
statstunen " who are the pride of the
English .14ghlands, " 1 think even youi
fastidious eyes will admit hini harm
the sir of a gentleman." .
" No; that is not the curate. That. is
Crosthwaite's house. - His fainily hare held
that farm longer than-history flute back--
probably in the days of Alfred. I don't
know who the man ia--aome tourist, 1,
suppose. It has &look of Guy Yonther
met., my cousin' ; but Motitherater iewith
his regiment in India, and, if be were not,
he would hardly come so near us." • •
I remembered that there bad bean s
tierce quarrel between Ouy Montbsiumw
and Charlie's father, 41to was litinithere
mer's guardian. Guy was a feW years as.
nior to Charlie, but very, young_ at the
time of the quarrel. • Ile had been Iholleh
enough , to make the feud public by dud-
Imaging his relative. but had. of course,
been met with a onntemptsious refusal.
Thus much I knew; but !Aid ruit,ktiow
then, nor do I know now, , thieettsettnao to,
of :the quarrel, or the detueriteof fi ay
Monthernaer., I cawonly,tellleadeis
that he distinguished himaelkin
alike by his courage and his.inga^ ,
tioti ; that, home remit' After thie,44ooj
my visit to Neville Grange, he engaged in
the Garihaldien expedition ; and' that—
but the rest they wiU -heart from my story 3,
and I will not sptiil fi by anticipation. I
know then enty enough Whit. nay Orin-
pauions . remarks pasi: unknettersd. He
looked for snine k. tiroc after; strauger,
who, nowekver, iras . 60 distant for recogni
reached tieyille ,Urange, and wet*
greeted with. hearty, wolcome by two Wye
and three little girls. the junior branch.*
of the hoithe, who had rushed out to meet
their brother at the door. Without going
into the drawing-room, Charles unAerlook
to show me up stairs; and ferthis,
bering. Ciesar's opinion oCitay. traveling
suit, t wns• not • ungrateful. The. part of
the cottagb into which 1 wee introduced•
MR clearly of old date. The oak flooring
was partectly black ; itlad become irreg•
ular in its level fro the ' grattuta , 'tat
tling of the 'wank' nd it waa-broiceoust
uncertain iiiieftils by capricious , stein.
The,Walls were rpartelled)witis- dark 'old,
oak ; 'the doors weer, of the samernaterial,r
with old-yashioni)d ) latches - it place of
.. r t 'AA ^D
todespattfor a moment. and lute:ad. her
C11114:3341400, a shadow that spoke of fear,
end of Something that seemed like "ham
Owed over her (see. it had been pos
iihle to associate with that lave and f..rui.
en evidently belonging to the highest
i ,`lliriatouraor of natures" No forty nod so
pure. any thought of tlianonor or untruth,
Pt if Flora hid beet. young eno9gb for i be
hatireeett eeripes of ehililhotxl, T should
beieWaid that she anticipated some fatal
disecovery—was scheming to avoid terns
"f eta NW." Most men, perhaps most
women, are subject to such alarms from
i diot to time; but men do not like to he
'Hive : UM . there can be earthing to' be
. out" in the mind of a young and
4 4 400
Weialkecl pleasantly and frankly, all
et , U. Flea spoke unfrequently but
Whin sbe did speak, the clear tones of a
iodise that '"like i shier olsrioa nine
though only like the clarion's notes sub
dued by distance, and something noble as ,
well as novel in what she said, gave our
conversation its chief seat and charm.-
bad fallen into the bachelor habit of amok
'lure cigar immediately after the evening ,
meal, Wad that digestive bad become 'to
me as ueceissary as' the meal !Wolf ; and
Charlie wailfully of my mind. But after
tea that eveuipg-for the Neville. dined
oarlY, and Charles was too true a gentle'
manna to . ; know that nothing so annoys
a guest as bonsehold changes mule for
him-4 was pleased that there was no ex
cuse for, the socuatirined departure of the
ladies,. and deaf to. his hints, that pointed
towards sunset clouds and meant tobacco
smoke. And when bedtime came7;their
hours were early—my regrets were ; more
timers than Annie believed them.
YOll will get your cigar with Charlie,
and' thank us much for going.' I know
be tiAa• been watching for ten o'clock
full hOur and a half." • • •
" I. plead - guilty to Abe, cigar, liiseNts
;rifle; but 1, whothave that Avery night
of my'life, and enjoy ladies ' iiociety only
atteh rare chi t iteas as this. would readi-
Ay ko 130 Cigar:l44'H you would-post
postpone your retirement bat half' an
i hpur," •
".Tilts care lest they take you at yew.
word," said Charlie; in horror ; and bie aim
ter, smiling, followed Mrs. Netihe and
Finn from the room. f,turn
ed out. The wind blew - hard ; it generally
blows in Westmoreland throughout 'the
tustuqua - and to smoke, save under-shel
ter, had been linposeibl i e. We wrapped
railway rugs round us, and sought shelter
in art4sagle, of jilie ruins. A wall, some
pight,lcet high, joined tfta'e Of the cottage
just beneath the second winacirr in, my
,tooctr, ! 'Coterie kennel, where he la); urt-,
etutiated; suoolf at a little distance by ivhat
had, ppoe. been the, oppotrite - wall of a
small, room or closer, ~ apparently enteed
Att , the center of thn. house .' re it
.was imprible to . light a *Sidi ; hete ern
found seats upon the fallen fragccuSeGi of,
the ISlgkiind smoked fir peace.
• .‘," This plate,'! 111114 Charlie, " or . rather
some ten feet above our beids; was the
scene of the family 'tragedy from which
our 13onsedates its decay, and the doom-6,
if: year-mtxteru principles 'will hit Me call
it tbe t t.,banp over us."
".And what la,that doeut.?" t inquired'
in perhaps a sceptical tone.
" Do you.not know:: my friend Liked,
"-that in no generation does' more thaw
one male of the home, live
,to reach the
, maturity of manhood, and
never dies in his bed Ah, ye* .may
smile. - so truly have we believed:la
the dosim, that every thief of my Hue has
narr:iedbeitire . hereached my age. lest his
raie 'should end With him and yet _never
since Sir - aura time have two brothers of
our blood been men together, And never
has any 'head of the family died save by a
violent or "a sudden dealt bf • 7 1!1y, -great.
gishdfather fell at , Yorktown his father
had hien droWned Wilde b*.thing In Gras
mere I
: my grotudrattier. was killed at Bade- I
joa _t.
...1 .knew why. he paused. T remembered,
the riot ctnquelled ;, the blaim of civilian
unbeeility , laid on the soldier ; the • for : 1
benzene, cowardice,, the eett-;i
tense 01 , the coin-martial avoided. brosi-,,
'eids4 font-months before Charliede:.yonng
feet sister was born. I remembered for
*bat' cause his mother wore,the widow's
weed's rho. had -never anstidoned. • The
superstition of :my , friend bevy), to touch.
rue. i could' hot tarn to indifferent.
tare;; as 'T might have done had any other
muitlspoken •tta toe of his family, miakor-
; was thy intimate friend:
aired' him. • ' , . -;
" And what is the Attiry of the . eliuseiv
'Whiolt this doom basbeen ;entailed on all
posbirity t" • ' ,
' l 4* never the legend
! 4 # l i 1' n(?t,ali.atrimges I
!wit, no t itnitof Which 'aid - cave to 1
,194#144Pre ; and even . 1 0 your,' i 04044,
knedtrAtort..mild to speak of it anywhere
Alßiihero you ailed) have,
denhtettit or amiled at it ; here, where it,
(wearied. thotigh you have no better rea• - •
eon to believe.){. you are more likely to,''
''.l7 felt that there was moue trail in this.
iiti:Ooltitositiiia•Vroeendetl. • •
„"liii i iii*iiPTetate hangs over yone`firii.
IL is worth a careful scrutiny, for
much, of qrsatt;flr, Oh/11%C.
toga to A t • I 1.4,4.4.1:,y, fihelustito.
9640041!La rat au in4 l Y
Voint,or /Polk plineen i?, -- innvlnt;
arelt tVilliPlia ; tirpiheK4 yaere
.40 14 440 Ti a kir!ifiefideoi . 1466
,V40.097_411 cloat"t
• *p : il - 024:041iiiiitis,
.40444, 4fUlrkiil4i:tioUttliriii . ..l4l on
tikobaigUiir; ge,r 4 f4 f i c i re ei
before,gqi.ou.l4l4 sk,Treht
itinsitp.oe,AtiAsOfliii:44l?4Fe fiftlOwed
Via kkaa 4% 4U4 . witiiheisbediOlik` l
*hn kW - ImoR,R 0 0?; 11 t,h‘qt: 1-11
ths-uldinsa.4o4 his;
stsrl minis* acomeg4loA:ct '
titethertrutrestium-A 4 X 6 4 ig:Yl
- Guy ; but you are waywardiof mood, einr•
*as of koart. ituftwevitiot oT
tom, !SW_ *BSC /WO
otOodo toarOatoe botiteimOcal tent
yiuth bellocora rotor; babe. I'm will
not tee hint ',alp.*
,for", mem yearsoliad
gia•. shaara ara*la, akci:watirt out
aietaory. Swear tom* that ;Tan wilt nitirior"'
WM'S 44,4*.p.94410 hits; that he ilia
never have reason Teet:thi.
femora between - a faither'aiust a larotbeett
' May God fcrrgat me ; may good
thou oa desert ma and sity'home,' gnawer
-I;wered Guy, ' if by flifilfcie default of mina
my brother comello"bettri. • And with
}he,' word* Bar GuY - lift his father and
twout, forth into the world.
Newsome of him now and anon. At
titi he was in favor aith the Log, and
to rank and influence in the royal
!service. His father died, - believing dist
all wan well, and more hol,wfal for his son'
!than he had ever been. Then be was ex-
Spected at butte. SOL ho Irate, arranging
for his brother's education under the care
'et the Tamable elergymeNd the parish.
sod came not. He had ties at Court ; the
wife of a great nobleman. one of tho love-'
Heat in Henrietta's train, had fixed his
fancy.. and, 1141 be thought, bad smiled
upon him. He was a min of ungove - 7641
passions, and fearless temper : he pars-ed
the lady with a fierce fervor which terri
fied herself, . sod with a reekless vehe
mence which endangered both. Whither
she yielded- or not .was never katiwn ;
enough was said to excite euspicion, and
her husband, amen of calm and generous
dispnsiticni, but of unflinching determine
tionolsolyed to save his wife, if there
were yet time. Ile obtained from the King
a foreign appointment for young Neville.
•It was primptorily and net very respect
fully reaped. .l o ord then withdrew
his wife Arta the Court, and gent her I.
his Cotuttry seat. . Sir Guy suspected his
purpose, and , was infuriated. In those
_thrill was spay to force a quarrel, eves
on so eminent a man. Guy Neville con
trived . pnblicly to insult his enemy ; a
duel 'followed, and Lord ---- was mortal•
ly wcwinshicL be hisenemy had quitted
the groendoard —'s mother, who had
suspected the nature of his engagement,
came to thespot in time to see her ion
expire. -*aide his bleeding corpse she
cursed hie aawutsin, and prayed that as he
had brought deetdatkin on a happy home,
@obis' 0114 might be desoLite ; that as 'he
had out short an honorable and useful,
life, setnight his own life, and the lives of
his descendants, be cut short in - theft ,
prime. Sir Guy. cowered beneath her
cars., and , it was with difficulty teat his
second berried him from' the field. He
bad to hidehinteell for the times, of course.
Presently he learned . that there was no
each chance of pardon for , his crime as he
had hoped. The childless dowager had
thrown herself et the King's feet, and
Charles, greatly moved, had promised her
justice in' the- emphatic words of David,
As the Lord Wrath, before whom I stand.
the man Alma bath done this thing shall
surely die.' Sir Guy fled his country and
took refuge in H eland, tormented alike
lithe bitterness of remorse and the fury
of vindictive hatred towards" the sov
ereign who joul refused, to treat his quar
rel as a letr use of the chivalric practice
of privatecombet,,aud dealt With him not
as eduelist,, but all a Murderer. Is Hol
land hop fell in with Puritan =lies, who,
while not pretending to palliate his crime,
encourego ma fostered his lust for va
ses:roe against the King who' had sought
triptinish it. Sir Guy became the animi
st. of Puritans; married a daughter of
one of their chiefs ; and, whilerefuting to
lead , the life .of an ascetic, joined heart
and soul in the wildest and most whamd
of their conspiracies.
'il'he'rebellien broke-out,
NeVille!vittuise4 tb England.
the annlei of the Parliament. 19i . .10114.
coinmand' in a force which wastitinitting
iti.tbetigitkwf puma/tire. Neilsy in
through a spy'
that a raelaingei had been sent, with W -
moutitesf escort, to convey dispatches'
from theroyil partisans in the same TAN I
ter to the Marquess of Montrose, and Sir :
Guy,- with his troop, was detached to in
tim:opt him.-
" Theicame up in sight of the escort 'a
few loges from hence, and gave chase..
Seeing themselves 'completely outnum
i bored, the- Cavaliers set r opura t title
Horse; = lad, - being adelkiddirleoo4lo4
contrived -to distanoe thforelestagifrode ; ,
puriuers.i • Neville.- WitiliZ*:#W,,, •
troopers; ottistrippedithweetkail prase.
!:ed•the fugitives hard. Suddenly the let
ter drew ?bridle, turned -round, and rode
foil , upon thiavanguard, evidently intend
ing to overpower it before the remainder
!of - . the troop could wane up., The leader
.51' ifie :Babyalisto Was a very young man,
witbent i beard, end with a mustache al.
ilnoat silken in soften*, with slender form
and very:youthful air and future, hut with
the saw stern expression, the mane dark _
deep se ''byes and black eyebrows that you •
I will recognise in the portrait of Sir Guy.
His tong lovelocks, which escaped from
his steel nap and. fell over his shoulders,
• wereot raven black. iu a wind, we have
,`his .- portrait ; to-morrow you shall Leo is,
1- Flori towable. it as much as a girl may
I resemble. a. , man. , The Cavalier rode
stratcht'at Neville, who was a yard or so
In advinee of his forenioat troopers. and
swordi niesestessesi. .ithr,Gty was a drat•
rate stvordsrmin, but in the young /loyal.'
lathe tied soot his match in skill and
courige my to sheer Strength that
-the Ettalidhead owed the advantage which
enabled him typo to Overpower his op
ponent's: gourd , and inflict two fearful
woand‘one ow the bead, and one on the
'obonisley. • :Vaetaivaliers, meanwhile, had
beatenback the rebels; two of them rode
to the. rescue . ef*eir young chief, and it
was only by a desperate -exertion of his
own . swordamaswidir and his horse's pew.
Or•thatl3ir•Glay evaded their swords, and
'midi good hie ,retreat, The remainder
of hia'Sistopets wlis ijo!, fist approaching,
and :the ('!swollen resumed their flight,
carrying off with-them the victioa - !of the
Puritsuileswerrdi -, ;; - •
tia- bare a hair, rod har t whits
tida ao hair, - take-toad rt to
yfflasalses ! KthelV 91110111A11.1 Ammons.
irifigitikoi 11111 saiwthpr la:utast look.
ii ud 'lmakbookflaa Ilidvertaseamt la
lak bolas% sad iii•-to* & Wselles'
tat. riaresivaa. Hqr. Huge, Haim
ll'ilvsgsat,tatApetlTastarti Pas aul
!. •
[cioircttanit - Karr wier.l