The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 13, 1865, Image 2

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    1 4 1 ) htitibt
It CMS DA Y. APRIL 13th. 115.
afrisuukk Tatiana sr Its ° howl n en Pun *if
. 'UcsstoAJ• Wain —Amens Adam
. t .. ? Ditooolatloa of Partmersbip.
NiTICE is - hereby given that the co
lt eta./ hip bort% nen ealstlag Wilma Mil
milikitiott, ethos the ante tad style ol vi llama 4
dlniAt, is sib day dlasolrad by maul sobaaat.
digs, liar* W i ll* .143. I. sawn.
?RI tadiettgasi hula/ parehtald tb. LataisaV at
/IL lipaaht In the Ounna prlating.allea, tan amt.
tam tha batiste/ as Umtata*. The book. sad an.
usatt of the lam Inn am left to um Daub for sottt
ant. It te au dean to make as sat, a:Mastics at the
swam thu the oast as last tb. Mutual ben.
Mar, Y nearly as posalite, is lbs au a;
The lerreeder et Lee.
- Th. surrender of the army of Northern
Virginia, announced by the telegraph last
Mouthy, bag filled the popular heart of
the North with gladness and thenkagiv
leg. Tde terms propoied by G3O. Grant
andj i coepted by Gen. Lee, were honora
ble alike to the victor and the vanquish
ed. Gen. Grant to-day stands higher In
the estimation of', the American people
thin ever before. , With the fall of the
army of Northern Virginia, and the re
tirement from service Of its able comman
der, the hut hope of e!onfediprate lode•
plindenoe is swept away, and wise meas
ures will ensure to our suffering country
the peace so long desired and the union
that was the citadel of our power and the
safeguird of ourlibertieas That no feel
ing of vengeance, no impracticable.
echemes of utopian philosophy; no dreams
of partisan aggrandisement may dim the
star of peace, now fur the first - tiros shin•
lug through the clouds that have so long
enveloped our Lind, is today the earnest
prayer of the American heart.
' ' Ile Ivainatisa et Meknes&
' Tha evamation of the oin federate
tel. which be , ' so long defied the assaults.
of the Federal arms, and before i*ose im
pregnable defenses so many lives have
been lost. Was effected on the night of
lkinday, the 21 day of April. An event
of such great importanoe, follimed as it
has been by a series of brilliant victories,
resulting in the probable end of, the gi
gantic struggle that kas for so long con
vulsed our oluntliana Shed the hearts
of the people with sorrow.sdeserves More
than a passing notice, and we liar:
Asti from; the /etteie of the parresPtanci-
Pe II Of tano *event . lorto‘
~ingdaily papers
itt 711.
amovint of the ..
_ Loh.
mond and the incidents aeloomP: Anying it :
At half-past eleven oak on Sunday
limning, Jefferson 'pails, while attend=
leg divine serviCa at the church of the.:
Bev. Mr. Hogs, received a dispel* from
Gen. lose, conveying the news of his de
teat and intimating the necessity of flaw
speedy evacuation of the capital. , This
step had beetollong contemplated, as is
shown by the fact ;of the removal of
the archives of the government and
the escape of all the prominent dß
sera, as well as many °Uinta who did
not choose to remain. The wife of Gen
eral R,bert S Leo has determined to con
tinue in the plain and unpretending real
dance purchased maily months since by
the chasms of Richmond and presented
to her husband. The evacuation was
forced by the result of the battles south
of Petersbura on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday .preceding. Oa Friday the Con
federates succeeded, in checking Grant
and inflicting heavylosses upon the Fed
eral army, but were unable to hold the
advantage they had-gaised.
On 14 Indsy morning, the officer having
ciaarge of the advance picket line, having
his snapicians aroused, sent out scouts to
wards the enemy's line, who reporting-no
enemy, he advanced his picket and in
formed Gen. Vir.itsal commanding the ad
vance corps, ooe-halrof whom were ne
woes. flea. Welts 4 im•-..zedistely advanced
his whole line, and at 8:15 a. id. his troops
entered the long beleagued capital of the
•• The, city was fou7d to be on fire, the
Government stores having been fired by
the CJnfederate authoritlo.s. and the 114w*
communicated- to the adjoining build
ings, until much of the :easiness part of
the city was laid in ashes. Many curious
baidinp including the " oldest house in
Richmond," were burnt.
Toe Nsvy Tird, with all the rams and
gunboats was burned, and so well was the
evacuation planned that very little CAn
federate Government property fell into
She of the oapton. . -The ilizes of
the &sthi-re Zits dry Ms isitstr, formerly
one of the best literary papers in the
country, the Di:para. .E.vareiarr and Za•
prir.r were der&royed, leaving only the
Whig and Self net. The Whig has resumed
publiou on a'l a Union paper, and it is
understood that John• Minor Bata is to
Wit I% Juba M. DARIO% editor of the
Zeive'rser, died on Thursday preceding
the surrender, and A. Pollard, associate
editor, and author of the Southern His.
• tory of the War is still in the city.
From the full and interesting corres
pondence of the New York World, we
glean the follnwin r additional particulars :
The works were S f the most formidable
cherester. end could not have been oar
tied by wank. except et a fearful loss of
lite. Tuey cousired of eartho( rks eon.
rimmed in the most skillful manner, and
protected by art ally-planned &hauls and
ditches. Toe f its mounted in all a`out
three bunt red guns, many of them very
heavy cat iber, :mid to a great extent un
injured. On every band there were indi
cations that the retreat Lad begs b ell y ,
almost beyond precedent, and t' • interior
'of the f its and the roads r, ,o se hi t , B
Richmond were strewo with IL• debris of
the retreating army.
?IS *leases t3TO SICEXOND
was led by-G_neral bipley. commanding
the second bripde of the 24tb army corps,
Cieneral•Weitsel and @t+B' accompanying
it. When near the city a detachment of
the 4th Massachusetts cavalry was sent in
with a demand upn Mayor Mayo for its
surrender, which RIS at out* complied
with. As the column entered the city it
• was greeted with the most enthusiastic
dtmowitrations of joy, espee'ally on the
• pert of she negro
,population, who hailed
with the matt extravagant jubilation the
appeinusce of. their sable brethren is
vocanalosOr tin cm%
• Tbe 24th army corps then took . poem.
aloe ref Abe city, sod Genets! Wenssl ea
fabliehed bir headquarters, temporarily,
Virgiela at D•lepiss
aiming He issued issi_order„,pree
clmartial - law; andoemtiog
people that he bad come to restore the
blessings of peace under the dog of the
t r olls. He requested them to remain in
treir homes and to avoid all asembleges
in the street. He appotited - Ged. Sspl •
(who was military govern* of \ Neer
leans under . General Beejamin . butler
military governor, and Colonel Feeds
S. Manning / . - : formerly Provost Marshal
the Army a, the James, Provost Mash"
of the City.- - - • - -
tisealtat 31111Pialell omits. •
On taking oommand as military setts
nor. General Shepley Lamed an order, in
which he said that the armies of the re
bellion, hewing abandoned all 'lnks to
enslave Virgil:de, end having itterripted
to fire the capita!, whloh they could no
longer hold by force of arms, it would be
the first 'duty of our armies to extinguish
Me flames, and save the city. He ordered
Colonel Manning to detail a force under
the provost guard to use the utmost efforts
to stay the ravages of the name , : which
had already destroyed nearly fort; blocks'
of houses. He also ordered the prompt
punishment of every man, who was focnd
pillaging or foraging on his own wood - tit •
he also declared that no citiesn should be
insulted, and at the same time cautioned
°Viz -ns against the utterance of the slight
est treasonable sentiments, or doing any
act which would tend to a breech of the
peens. For an exposition of the rights of
citis•ns under clattery rule, he referred t:
the President's various proclamations.
Theorder directed that due respect should
be paid to Colonel Manning, the provost
marsitnl and that eitiseir should prompt.,
ly report to him the existence of any
property belonging' to tno rebel Govern
?111 anzt, 1/2111112. •
The evacuation of Richmond has, been
in progress for some weeks, and the chi
t los generally understood that the city
was to be given up. but at what time no
one except General "Lee knew. Tbe pub
lie archives were removed to Lynchburg,
and the valuable effects of the hanks and
private citizens also took their flight for a
place of security about the same timer. As
soon as General Grant's movement from
the ictunet'iate front of Psteribu-g became
clearly defined, prominent ciliates pre
pared for a hasty departure, feeling con
ficleitt that the city could not much lon
ger be held by the army of Lee; _upon
the departure of the army on Banda)! the
°ottan i tobacco, and commissary stores
were set on fire by the rebel troops, but
'os in g to the - exertions of Colonel Manning
the fire was extinguished; and the entire
city was eased from being left a mass of
smoking ruins.
Our tro3ps, as they entered, behaved
very . well. the citisens complained of a
seareity of food, and at theßallard
which was the only hotel in active o
tion, the bill of fare promised pal» and min-dodgers, with s, ribs - J Noon
as a substitute for krimmit .of oat meal
tending the ev 0.. - • . 'The wanes at
scribed to wi _dation on Sund:.y are de.
The Moo — as exciting in the extreme.
vide .ement of troops towar d isord er an
+ _ depot was rapid and ly.
Every one seemed to care only for him
self, and it was only by the most severe
measures on toe part, of the provost guard
that anything like organisation or disci
pline could be preserved. The oitisens;
especially the women and ehildren, 'were
in a terrific state of excitement, and seem
ed almost fr ugh, with fear. The expres.
lion was frequently made that the csuse
of the confederacy was lost beyond re
cover'', and that Lee!. army was hope
lessly defeated. • Those of the citizens who,
had no hopes of escape resigned them—
l'selves to their fate, while those who hid
means with which to purchase a passage,
paid almost fabulous sums for the pnvi
lego of moving with the fragment of the
army. Thenogroes. on the contrary, were
almost mad with Joy at the near prospect
or their deliverance. and as soon as our
troopi entered crowded around them with,
the most extravasant demonstrations of
delight and sui.f totion. The city presents
-a sad contrast to the Richmond of four
years ago, and many portions of it are
scarcely recogois ible.
?111 /LIGET or 11171 DAM.
The evacuation of Richt:l3ond was In
ore sense a complete surprise, and yet It
kas been contemplated as possible for aiz
weeks peat. It was so sudden sod hasty
as to stagger even those who most desired
it The reports which we have bad of
late of the removal of the government ar
chives are mainly true; I saw cfaclal
letters so dated, February 2d, directing
their removal to South Carolina. Of late,
the removal has been More secret and
rapid. Few of the officials knew of the
The dispatch rent by .Lee on Sunday
from Petersburg, and which reached Pres-
Went. Davis while in church on Suudey.
we; the signal for a grand exodus. Ms
wife left on Wednesday previous. it is
said, for Galveston. He took the train
at half-past six in 'the evening. What
his thoughts must lave been on that
night, who can tell ? The few words sent
by General Lse raving that he " should
have to give up Petersburg " were more
than daggers to Lim. Toey plunged him
from his lofty•ideal of a revolntionery pa
triot into a disnonored conspirator. The
anguish, the torture of this liying, orrst
fillen, and disappointed rebel on that day
is a more terrible punishment than deem
- by hanging or bullet.
01 Tours i4y President Lino. 31a Game
up as far as Varina landing in the River
Q teen, and was thehce drawn over in an
ambulance to R ohmond, where he visited
Admiral Porter, who had by that time
reached the wharf to the Mthern, prem.
did by a tug. About 11 *cloak be walk
ed up with half a dosed marine.; to &d
-eal:ice:AM tmpenifd by Ida:deal Porter,
Captain Bell, ankome whims, who had
been advised of . hi s arrival . In spite of
the unptetendiog procession, an immense
concourse of soldiers, civilians. and ne
grass gathered about hire, ant} awaited
him at headvarters. The blacks were
wi d with delight. dinning, jatuniog, and,
praying. "Da L,rd brass you liana Lin
bum," WILT the exclamation.of the women.
The whites of the upper orders looked on
in silence. One could not but wonder
t hit the manwhoor they have stigmatised
as the i lscartiation of all that was toil,
devilish', and beastly, not express much
love for bins, but they neither assassinated
him nor.spoke a loud word against bias
The truth ts, these people are, just_ now. ,
whit", they have of en said they could
never be. terribly suijngsted. Recollect
ing their horrible thrrateniop, one can
hardly believe they are the stake people,
JIIDOII cuirasses naCi 113701?."
Next (Wednesday) morning Judge
Campbell paid a visit to General Weitzel
while we were present. After some own
vorsation he expressed a desire - to see
President Lincoln, to ask him if some way
oouldiot be found, in the present alit
lade Afore, to conclude a peso*. Gen
eral stead 'promptly waited on the
Peesidebierith Mm. The result is not of-
Floislif.made !known ; but I express its
tubstanae when I say that the President
received him kindly, and informed him
that he bad
_no objection to clpsring him
to go to Danis, so awn as it was sate to do
so ; but - that he had no message to send
on the subject until he received one from
Davis or L• 8. The Judge returned, and
it is said among the citizens that he will
endeavor to reach D tvis when the inter
mediate territory is safe to travel through.
" 0 'tis E peerless boy
`• Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, eapable I
lie's ad the mother's fres tep te.tee,"
dad may be easily cured of the drod life dos.
troyieg &seam Cam* by the us of Dr. D.
13e•Iyes Liquid Catarrh Remedy, before it
has worked its wsy dews the throat to the.
kap, aid that blasted a proud pinat's baps
Verreport eloeed lit week *uh the *rive-
Ulan of Petirebure • sad Ittobtu.lnd by the 1
Confederate*. on the eight of ,ShoJaj. Aprll-;
pabliak ele•whereim 11(01 . : Ottit(*r the
etthlliatielt of the fhtenfedetiteitymitcOy the ;
- 111rply Weider Gekliremt. Gen. 146 *u
"0 41 0 diflosilh, da ted April 4111, etate.l that
1.1 was bilarettit . Gen . 'tee, who Wee mov
ing 1.11 street towards Lyaehberg. - At this
Use Ow Great with his whole emit, tit•
oipt the 9th aid 6th luegroloorpsy was at
Wilson's &mica, six Sallee wessof retereherg,
and tweatpois miles weet eatiretilie; The
captures made by Gen. Weitzel in Riehmond
are reported to be 1,000 prisoners, 6,000 Maud
of swill' arms and 600 eannoe.
Ola this day Gen. Sherman's army, was quiet
at Goldsboro, North Cnrolins, his scouting,
parties,' however, having'frequeat skirmishes
with the Confederate quasi
The Confederates on 'Chesapeake bey cap
tured the steamer Harriet Berard, whieh runs
between Baltimore and Ansepolis.
- Gee. Lee, la his retreat from Riahmond,•'
followed ibi line of the Richmond it - Denville/
railroad, towards Burnsville. Gen. Grant,
la his pursuit; followed the railroad from Pe.
towbar" towards Barites,'Us. On Wednesday
Deg: Lea wat at Amelia Court House, thirty-
Beganhis southwest of Riehmand, and' seven
teen ;tiles wanness& of Bodonille. Errant,
Movlstalang Ike lower reliroad from Peters
burg, wee, on the same deb et Nottewsy
'ROOK House, fifties miles south of Amelia.
At sin O'clock. oa Wednesday nrialag, Sheri
den, with Grant's &drakes at Jetteeleilie, sight
miles southwest of Amelia. Sheridan Was
than betweeaHen. Lee and BurnartUst..sod
was reinforood by the 24.forps on tinketten
ing. The . 34th, corps was at &Olathe. The
rest of the Federal army had not come up,
though all were marching repidlY Westward
along the various reeds loading to Sheridan'.
and the eth corps' estop. Thi disposition of
the Federal forces thus made, out off the re
treat of Gen. Lee to Lynchburg sad Dinitile.
The Federal schuss, hating passed around to
the westward of him, held an the rondo lead
ing west and southwest, •
A halt ft the pt nui& of Gen. Grant hulk
talten. NM. Geo. Lee, aortas Wecinestil
itherioned Amelia Ooutt House sod
marbled northward, toward the Appomattox
rivet istienuosiag to pass: around Grant's
sorthitrit - Sank, He. "avoided in SlMlgilllfg
am*/ his Whole army to cim noon hank of
the APPookiton 1 ilia main bag ratreal.agi
"Btrard along the north lank. the ,"rear
guard, under . fien. Swell, liassehed 'loom tho
south bank. Swelte run guard was posing
about three idles north of Burkenillea when
it was discovered al, daylight on Minratey
mornlog. Grant raised ilia army, and the 2d
6th and 6th earl* with Ake cavalry, at. Mee
pulsed t h e Confederates. They came up to
Ewell at Sallei's creek, on the south side of
the Appomattox, See miles northwest of
itnikestilLe. Swell made_ a desperate light
kept, the Federal troops back astll six o'oltiok
on Thursday evening, Ind his small rear guard
was finally overwhelmed by ten times its Dam
bor. He, and every division and brigade
oommander, his artillery, and nearly all his
men, were captured. The battle was's- des—
perste one, but it seems to have accomplished
its object, which was probably I. secure the
retreat. of Lee. - Gun. Lee gained time, and
his main body on Wednesday evening wu
again west_ of Glut. Oa Thursday night
Grant's troops held about sun milts north
west of Surkesville. Lee, ao doubt, marched
all night, to make good hitt retreat.
Oa FOLsy and Saturday Gen. Lee still con
tinned his retreat. Gen. Grant in the mean
time rapidly pursuing and endeavoring to
surround the Confederate Army. Oa Fgiday
Gen.' Great seat a oonimuleation to Oen. Lee
(found elsewhere in our column.) requiting
the surrender of the, the army of Northern
Virginia. Gen. Les replied oat the same day.
asking the terms which would .be accorded
hint should he surrendir.' On Saturday. April
Gin. Grant answered that the only main
coadiLon would be that the MOO muse be dis
qualified from taking up , arms against the
Federal authority until exchanged. On Sun-
diy, April 9th, niter some further oorrespond
oboe, Oen. Lea surrendered the army of North
ern Virginia, the men and Gaiters to be paroled
and allowed to return to, aaiLremain
curbed at. their homes t °Seers to retain their
their aide arms and private horses. Oen. Lee
makes no terms for himiell. but shares the
fato of the army with whisk he has so long
been identilled. .•
The following are tame of the chief Soars
included in the surrender of Gen. Lee's army
The General-In4lief, three Lieutenant 00b
emir, seventeen hivjor Generals and aisty.ooe
Brigidisr Generals. Among think are Antler.
son, Rhoddy. Ewell already a prisoner,
negan, Heath, Bushrod. Johnson. Kershaw,
Lonfillimiti Mahout, Mooauslactd, Gobi the
111401111111111 acoapadadoase, Paaabortqa, Pickett,
Bann, &nig. sad Oases 4. • Wise. The
number of men actually surrendered by Lee
is from 20,000 to 22,009.
It is reported that a battle has taken plsoe
betwola a Fodirst fans sad Goa. /arrears
oomasad, U or Iwo l'amoaluaa,Alabima, is
to whiab as Wier was Ashatul.
Oats. withal. remake of it, is occupied
by a Cloufsdocate torso !Oar gowell Cobb.
The reilroid tiu bon repaired, sad trains
are now ?man regalarly beams Admits
sad Moan.
careepsalleass between Grant sad Les.
The following is the officl4l correspon
dence between Generals Grant and Lee,
on the occasion of the latter's surrender.
The buts of the amender was andoubt•
edly arranged at the interview held be,
tween the two officers; referred to x in the
correspondense. The loss of Lee's army
extinguishes all fear of Southern lode.
pendendenem, and must soon be followed
by the capture of all the. Confederate
forges t •
• *JIM Novas, Va.. April 9, 3M6.
Teraina. S. id. &lama, Saerotary et War :
The fellowisg setneopoadesee has taken
plow %Imo Queral /ow sad myself. There
has been ae relaxation In the pursuit daring
its pendency,
(sl9md) C. 11.
Llentenaat General.
&PIM 7, 1865.
lien $ B. Les. oommandlag Confederate
States Armies:
Geeeral:--The retail of tilt last week must
*urines you of the hopelessness of further
mammies on the part of the army of North.
era Virginia in this struggle. feel that it
is so, and regard It as ray duty to shift from
myself the respoadbility of say further ef
fusloa of blood, by asking of you dm sumo.
der of , that pation of the Confederate States
Army; kiwi as the army of Northern
giala. Very rsepstirelii, - •
. Your fbligelit .smut,
U. 13.-Gzaer
-i t Liouteasat anent
amumidiai shi andel of tb• United. States.
oLila 7,188 i
. rooolrod your aoti of this
.461 3 1 . Though Doe outtroty . of dm oylatiii you
apron of eke bopolossooso of further mada
mes' eyed dabitnyafikethoes
- •
fi~~.- , u ~.:::
useless effusion of blood. and therefore before
considering your proposition ask the terms
you will offer on condition of lialturrender:
(wed) 3.314 0 •1•11, Omens!.
T. Listitenseglaaneest,V4fkilrest, eomisadd
lag linla4iket3iittiludikin. ,
To diet.. K. R. Leo, Nadi( O. it A. 4
general—Your note of last evening in reply
to mina of same date asking the oonditiowan
erbioh twill accept the surrender of 045 any:
of Northern Virginia, is just reoeira
r_917, 1 wouiLl • say thst pence beteg my But
40 he; there ie hut one condition that+ I twist
T a, 4110 -the -16, ” _rrole4 ol _ls l4 ._*#_
d qualificrfor taking up arms again 10110/1
the Goosrinntrit* of the United' States anti
properly enohangod. I will atrea,yen or des
ignate officers to meet .any aka". yon may
same for, 'the same purpose at any point
agroweblii'to ',you, for the purpose of firring
ing definitely, the terms 'open which the sue
render of the army of Northern Virginia will
be received.
General—l' receired,, at a late hour, your
not* of to day in snorer to itilue'of yestlinday.
I did not intend to propose the entrenaer of
the army of Northern. but so ask
the terms of your proposition. To be frank.
I do not thin k ' • the emergency' has &Slain to
call for the surrender, but as tiso restoration
of peaoe.skauld be the sole.objeot of all. I de
sire to know whether your proposals would
tend to that end: '
I esenut, therefore, meet you with a view
to surrender the Arai of Northern Virginia;
but as far , as your positlou may effect the
Confederate States forces under my command,
and teed to•the restoretloo of pease, I should
be pleased t meet you at 10 o'clock a. fa. to—,
morrow on the Old Stage road to Richmond,
between the picket lines of the two armies. •
Very 'respectfully, your ob't serv't,
R. E. LEL Get. 0. S. A.
To Lloutenesst Omura' Grant, Qatamiadlag
Armies of the United States.
Atilt 9, 1965.
To Generf.l It. E. Lee, Commanding Coated
• *rate &ate* Army I
Ganes *l--Ifour note of yesterday Is receive-
Je s rinse no authority to trees on the
snbjeCt of peace, the meeting, proposed for 10
o'olsrek te..a to-day, would lead to no good. I
WIG state, however, General, that equally
&visions for pease with yourself, and the
19 1 ' able North entertain the same feeling. The
Cense 'upon which pesos can be had are well
understood. By the Routh laying down their
arms, they will. hasten that meat desirable
event; save thousands of humid' lives, and
hundreds of millions of property not yet des
Sincerely hoping that all ear difilealties
may be settled without the loss of another
life, I subseribe myself,
Very respectfully, your ob't sere%
U. S. Muer, Lt.•9en. U. e. A.
General--I received 'yens note of this morn
ing do the picket lies, whlther I had eons to
Meet yoe, aid-aseertain definitely what terms
Were embracked in your proposition of.yester
day with reference to the surrender at this
. I now request as interview to aceercianoe
with the offer contained in your Letter of yes
terday for that purpose.
Very respectfully, your oh% serv't,
8.- E. Lai, General.
To Lient.--Gett. Grant, Cemtaaadiag Milted
States Armies. ; '
--- •
Aran 9,1866.
Gen. R. E. Lee, Commanding Confederate
States Armies :
Your note of this; date is but this nutmeat
received. In eocupeqUence of my having passed
from the Itiohmondl and Lynchburg road to
the Farmeille and Lynchburg road, I am at
this writing about four miles west of Walter's
Church, end will push forward to the frost
for the purpose of meeting you. Natio, seat
to me on this road, where you wish the inter
view to tate place. will meet me.
Very, erespectfally. your ob't servo',
U. S. dtb►trt, Lt.-Gen.
APPCCATTOIL V. - 41., VA, Apra v, MOO.
Gen. R. E. Lee, Commanding C. 8. A.:
In accordance with the substance of wy let
ter to you of the Bth inst., I propose to re.
ceive the surrender of the army of Northern
Virginia on the following terms, to wits Rolls
of all the officers and men to be made In da
plicate, one copy to be given to en officer des
ignated by me, the other to be rusidbi by
snob officers as you may designate. The offi•
ogre are to give their individual paroles not
to take up arms spinet the Government of
the United States until properly - exchanged,
and each company or regimental commander
sign a like parole for the men of their corn ,
The arms, artillery and public' property to
be parked and stacked and turned over to the
ofhoera appolored by me to meets them
This will n3t erObr...ce the side' arms of the
officers, nor their private horses - orbaggage.
This done, each dacer and man - will. be al—
lowed to return to their homes not to be dis
turbed by United Mates - authority, so long as
they observe their parole and the laws In
foree where they may reside.
, Very respectfully,
U. 8. GRAS?, LL—Gen.
NORTEIZILN Vtitauita., April 9, 1866
Lt.-Gen. U. 8. Grant, Commanding U. 8. A.:
General—l hove received yowr letter of this
date, containing the toms cf surrender of
the army of Northern - Virginia as proposed by
you, A* they are substaittially the same as
those expressed to your letter of the Bth tat.,
they are accepted.
I will proceed to designate the proper of
Mrs to cPirry the stipulations into effect. •
Very respectfully. your oh% serv't;
R. E. Lao DeneraL
Psnaoratost.—Notwithstanding the Liege
number of new eonipanies eonstantly starting
tato existence for the development of pare
team properties, the business in - the artiste
shows • steady decline. Though etoeks are
everywhere very low, there is no dilliculty in
supplying the home and foreign demand, both
of which have, of late, greatly decreased. Le•
cording to the export' tables published in the
Philadelphia Petroleum Joarsal of this week,
the exports up ,to_ latent dates from various
ports since let of January, 1806, hale been
only 2,834,10ga110ar wield 6,477,976 gat
lens in the corresponding period of 180 l; and
8,222,6126 gallons iu 1863' Prices, have, of
course, sympathized with the downward MOT
mint in gold, Ind ct the wells are as low as
$4 60(e)4 76 per barrel. There seems, how.
ever, no abatement in the speculation is oil
lands, and - thtisnmter 'Of companies organised
in Philadetph4 alone has readied 489, repre
senting an; aggregate capital of hundreds of
millions oftdollars.—Zseltangs.'
lEissino.osh Billings says there ta one
sold, blue, lean kiss, that always makes kis
shiver to sec. Two persons' (of the Nails
(purrwasbna) - who • hays whammed many
younigsraid more pulpy- dass, • asset Wawa,
pnbliuk,plasst.aud not having saw sack other
for 24 hours tba kits inivieell44; titan thSY
talk about trip. weather, .and the 'sag is
14opreashadyestsrdsy. and Ikea kiss las
and than ths bluskAad. lsff at
Irtst, &sissy tew each other, and Usk pia
lnotgistely.,..This kind of Willis tarts pat
as In mind of two old flints Leila; iswlttriks
Ultimata lifarsataitene—Nutio, tk•1 0 1 04
alai Baton, and Miss Simons Um prondslag
Teaslist, 'lke bare teen recently in comp l any
Ritkllottsokalk,• were married is New Ye*
on' Monday- WIZ f
Fos Banrr.—Thorea adjotoiai
los ii offered for hydro of Milos*.
*Om °f ills Clissaiss. aplll4V•
Very respeolfully, your ob't eirre't,
U. 8. Ogee?, Lt.-Gen.
Comd'g Armies of the II.•8
.. r-
. 4. ‘
" -
172rit8 .OF ALT — so-N-r8:------imeigi$ o-N-r8:------imeigi ram-The Now .
• - , A few (*pies of. the arnt.t.ded i' ,, ro, of re-
The lake le sew free from lee Detains Des- i 'o n " f " " 1 " i° c iia ''' t " - ' l '"' t. " c ' "" 4 „„ 1 " 4
_ b y t h e easegiv. rd-Niptps "41 r•-„• :•416 all ;11/ •
kirk sad lllevelead. ; :-:, ; II bulk , r,:, , , a ~((tint Sul f'y 7.. r, ,
AIM . , lirikler :04111110 ii. LWI : L fsteitirne i :ens ~...! t.s.:,a) rut n •
lOW 11 - . : 1. - -: • 1 • • 0 OF thl mat: rte : vitit of tbo Vs s
.1 it; obtain, let Vit . :4 i 1••• I /
.' Gown. lidig .' 4 selliwe Dlr.: ells *Wee
9 • a and sai,Ner.4. •
ffiiies iii ant - oink Ora of thoti
_.' lb.; stalled stet-wow, : , .. i,„ett, are
4 Hibrifillined *TS, aid "she a lot lei , : etilliprieed undir In stern !,ecis, eovoriug ell
k- _ . ^. sources of !steatite vr pro fi t for the year end-
-IDU Cree . . _.
,w e yob. eoe no u n 44 the o f o w : w . lag December 31, 186 i. The f 'Bowing guts
-1 time are I. be &eked by the assessor .
'Oltalliaftaillake itatataa7 at Law , la bascanla'. Bad your wife any !nonce lest year ? •
is oar Maims ta-day. - • Did any minor child of , yours rout,* any ,
- - :--.he latest aiveltpla Leaden- hi astedeetrib :___-4-mslikqr.4 2 l 4- year ? . -1 ---- _--- -- --- ,
tooth braids Id Pre tittheetimeke. , TO luoluded lb this retard the la-
A. - - Itilk
41:nlir witi; _sad - salary A:is/lived by
St '. - • - ,
. -•--- ......
4' =stint; I nd Slut •:- aril they ?
• ......
made au the Dille of. geld ?
openbought or 4313 stook- et Wait
' t, - , - - '-•-:
SO soy - Vatted I
iltstes aeottiltiee ?
De y etietort Om premium on pld paid
70 al logerth on Zaikti'iltstes oetstritles ?
Nate yin kept say book account Y
ID-lour income estim %cod or takes from
your book? ,
Rave art the expenses, As., 'lamed as do
, auction., *lentil 1)451 taken nut of the
Islamist repotted se outfits?
Did yod estimate say of your profits In
- your roans for 1881? • '
es say portion wetted at iiiirthleec and
Ribes/141dr hare yon inciadstfit in this re
‘ - `"Atibleorette - of 188th a Ifitilslir eithlts wed
`dollars arts owl tot t, file par Gent. tall t over
lei thountod dollars tea per evil. The MOWN
lidos be filled sal returned to the saseatoriry.
the let of A ty. Peri ASIA service of the binds
lent net:wary ; the cisessces dal/ Vulodr
lag him only to maks pablio atinosseement
-ia Arrepaper of hii o nutty.- ---
.: ... one areperasitte I as fellow's
ligempc by /0,1,4600.
-'-'ll,..llisadonal, Sute and load taws paid
Aiddli_tlitrpeart. (shies btoisdeo the WO
-ittme. Or., dm Jim's* tisee Wiggly paid In
11 . 4 3-
--Is:- 11.11Mma - on sales of reel estate joarehased
C. - Interest 'pall "Istit - or falling doe 'tale
the year.
•li.. -Amount actually paid for rent taftsoise-
Mead, store, or shop.
4. Insurances. repai*e, fast consumed to
carrying on bovine's, wages of employees, and
littered en inenabrancea.
All carriages are toted from $1 to $lO I
gold watches $1 sash, if word' lees than $lOO,
aid $2ll worth more than $lOOl please, $1 ;
pelt% from $5 to $100: priests billiard
tablet, $lOl gold plate 50 cents per eau,
Iraq, and silver plate 6 cents.
. • Tito tables in the blank formAtris very elab
orate, but th e foregoing -are the prineipal
potent •
Every portion failing to m eke otters* by
the 15tkof May next will be liable to be &s
-awed by the aisles int- ammo' aeetag to
the best information 'he can obtain; and to
such cue the assistant assessor will add
'twenty-In per dent. to the 'menet of the tax .
In ease any person shall dinner to as as
moor any false -or fraudulent list en state
ment, with lateen to defeat or evade the vain..
&don or enumeration tequired by law, the as-
Blatant assessor will add one hundred per
cent. to such duty; and in such case the list
will be made out by the assessor or usiatant
.smeesemr, andlrom the valuation. and enumer
ation to made there can oe no appeal
The MP ostuent het, when completed, will
hi:returned to-the Collector, who Mill adver
-1 tlie in some public newspaper published in
each county within the district, ” if any there
be, and by wria.en or printed notices, to be
I posted up in at least four places wlthin'eaeh
1 assessment district that the eame dude," have
bosom. due and payable, and ctate the time
and place within said county at which he will
attend to receive the'eame ; and to any
sepal' after the 80th day of June, and for
ten days after demand, there will be an addi
tion or ten per Gent., as a penalty for such
neglect. .
Guudians and triplets, whether web trus
tees are so by virtue of their aloe as axon
tor,,administrator or other fiduciary capacity,
are required to make returns, of the income
belonging to minors or other persons for whom
they act as guardians or trustees, and the In
come tax will be assessed upon the amount
returned after deducting such sums as ire
exempted by law :,provided that the exemp
tion of six hundred dollars shall sot be al
lowed on account of any minor or other bene
ficiary of a trust except open the eat lament
Of a guardian or trustee ma-leveer oath that
the minor or beneficiary has no Isamu income
from which the said amount of its hundred
dollars may be exempted and deducted.
The document contain, some tables for use
in the conversion of avoirdupois and Troy
weight. _ '
The so of Ur. Tial, ellasboci tolut vest as
!swiss iset'ottii • severs sad probably total
seebleati it sald,t4 b• 'totals V.ll aad t. him
The Clinton Drwoerit (Leohneves), hes tire.
aril 'alumna of idvertisetnentior • stray 4 "
lop. lager oo the premises of vi low *-
dee dories the late toot .
The water is the Northern Letts is a 4 l •to
be lover thss it has best for several pare,
being lima feet Wow the wall averegits
APRIL 8,1866
The steamer am the Cheutatique the
00111.1145011 Iranian reptur i ly gsloadGy, thi
0. a. Mulls has retired from the mo t
ailment of •t 4 TI *row, nod llt
W. I►. Sloss will eesdaas its pablieatioa.
It II said that lose pa:deep= ltaithlisit
are negotiating for aloes of, Browa's Goal.
TO tosses. shot two and one-toff miles •
from the Olt], on Walling brook, wu horned:
lut Friday sight witit all its garniture. Thi .
buildlog was owned by Mr. Jobs tiptoe.
,the. Roy Stoat; of PentuiJitails. Gem=
swami , of the military status at Alter,
has tendered his rodiraatioa to Om War Octet•
at Wash's/pa. sad the same bastmea as opt
ed. •
Poer Brigham roast is a widower. Oae of
his wires died ow the Wd of last =oath. Ike
was the handsomest of ali Brighawee wive*,
suer, sta. ,
M. A. L Foster zotigkes to oorporitOrft
a tit* Brae Casetery that. Iles ng sa•
wolf nesting for tk• ehetion of maggot,
&a., will be MIS at lits coToesday,
IMF 24. at 7 p. ss
sitothor trigs to to Do pieced os chi Reis I
eitaborg road oft Matto; most, G.rss from
husoatoss 'to Pittstoulk, sad rotors mob
day, loortat Jaotootoirs "boot 6 p. s., soil
rotors„ "aids; atom 9p. m. Jas..linater,
fbrmarly of tot any, lo to to oosdootor. :•
Mao* As treehet. lasobv'hait efivisoed $6
per tholuaaa•st.Ttatesille t ..- T. Now* hoe
been esosect by the olestraotioa of tarns above .
that &el. oleer pine is gaited by the Br
perterat $7O; °amok $46 ; healed, $4O.
At those Wow It mast oat a forlase to build
=jibing of a house ii that eatetprlsiat tows.
£!&IL 9, 1946
De. Mead wairesee assailed la a pamphlet
by Dr. Woodward. The dooten meat—a fight
earned with swords. Mead, disarming btu
adversary, ordered him to beg for his life.
4, Nevir Is - said Dr. Woodward-4 , never till
1 as your patient I"
The New York Tribune of. April etit shows
ta aplric sad " patelatbak" by pabibildag la
is editorial oeluataa's lot of ribald oat black.
guard postry. atteespaaled retnarka Oda
sante nature.
Tke W..kiapoa eerrespoadest of the Mile.
York Anosneresal estimates our leas it I re ,
moat battles, la killed, wounded sad Waif, ng,
at from 114000 to 30.000- N. data has Jot
ken furnished for aay estimate.
Ws hare resolved the wooed number of the
Pittsburgh 04 Wise and Min* Jo wail, pub.
Bilk weekly by Messrs. ,Woods k Blake. It
seems to be greatly superior to the theasand
ephemeral publiestions that have aspired to
the patronage et oil men.' Its eorrespeadence
Is extensiye, sad it. articles scissile° sad
well moleeted.
hilt* A. A. Craig. Payisastor of the y. 8.
Army, has -Wen emarolled to resign ills po- -
sltion sad rattan home on secouat of his
kealth. Major Craig was injured isat mummer
by a railroad accident in Middle Teanesseo,
and it is from the offsets of injuries there ff•
&lived that he is now searing.
Tho. New York Herald says It does not know
what it will do with its war correspondents
after pesos it declared. In view of the er
ratic productions of that, bead of worthies,
we would . suggest that a season's hard study
of the rudiments of the linglieh l iangusp in
our pablio schools might prove bonelleial.—
At the conclusion of Rev. Henry Wsrd
Bomber's address to his oongreptioa• the
other evening, a regular Adroit meeting was
held, a ehalrmin was appointed, and a eos—
:Dittos intrusted to prepare and preen' to
Bee4;bar a hues which should be the
grestielfoTti4 osegregstiou to the Christ/4i
men of the South. The !sitar was suttee.
gunny pretested. It tool: grand for re
tpontlmmod pesos sad good will,
Justin, gonna:tat sad law.
Bo saileaware the reople of Charleston,
Booth lissolies—the hot-bed of Stoma
to reties to thellfaloo that one provost w
allas ogee has base losuflkileat to istswase•
dote theta 'with the oath of diseases, sad
See diem ban asoordlasly book pat is raw-
Mac eras. • •
It seems, that 'Amok has bees taking ss
toning. _walk through the streets of
Ma Is what he says of oar gas:
tan GOO OP Ott= DATIL ' -
Tho gas of other days his faded !
How din is 0 1 1 1 1. aka
At Right oar struts with glom are shaded,
So bad is now the gas.
For this obscure illuebatiou
!Poo auk the public pays ;
Resit" eallghtenad legl n,
?kg gni d ether days!
Three years N o Corry limbered . unruly
lifty inhabitants. To-day it is situated at,
over four thousand. Ivory building ii the
plus is oreassd to everfloiriag. _ the slices
are covered with sips: It is not an' miasmal
thing to tad suml busbies* sea sesupyiag
a null Aloe sureely large etiough is euiabs
suilieleat Otago far business purpeseL
crowded stab if things will probably be rims.
died ere leag.—Alerrsyd.
The Springdale:l Aprobticsa speaks of ea ex-
Inoalaitry railroad widest-4h* arrival of
all the trains on lultarsdaywa tine. Sub as
snidest would be a taunt is this asighbor
hood. The thew Is wow otos* at hand when
the Tubbs ralluids will thugs the /OW
sad departure of traits. We slaps:eV/tope
that whsa the Osage Is effiniad. In be
blessed with more that one sail per day, red
that the onnestioa at Dunkirk say be nadi
and a delay of twelve hours avoided lawsosiv
ing New York papas.
To that have short hair. red hair, white
hair, Oda hair, or no hair, take "Wert le
yen:solves Lao's Vsorriasn Aitaienta
will ore you a tae (mirth of litaatinitt looks.
?kb is no lanahug. Si. abertisimat,
'mast ahem lad 11 9 to gad 114 11 " 111 '
.sad Pewter' yoursolves. N. T. Rums, Vales
WUi, Ps., agist ler !teethwatieit Pass*
Hoods Jewel.
Ws watched her breathing through the Weil,
Her breathiog soft and low. s .
Le la her breast the wave of life
Wean heaving to and fro.
Our hopes belied ne u we wept;
Oar tears our hopes belied ;
We thought her dying when 'Miller , .
And sleeping when she died.
But when themern alms dim and sad.
And soft with airy showers,
Tier quiet eyelids olosed—she had
Another morn than cur i
Night Song in Lent. 7
Mournful night is dark around
Eush'd the world's conflicting din,
All is still and all is tranquil—
But this restless heart within t
Wakeful still I press mp pillow,
Watch the stars that that loci* .
'Think of Oao—kfor me whn
Think and weep fur grief and love!
Flow ye tears though la your streaming . -
= Oft.yon gars of His grow dim I
Hallowed is the grief He waken!.
Blest the tears lbst.ll3l for him
"Onward. rsaht coward,
Tots the Vnlity et Death,
. _Rode thetia llandred:l4
But larger, by hundreds_ maltipliad into
millions, than. the doomed bend who rode to
swift destruction in Tennyson's poem, a the
great osraleade of unhsppy men who are rash.
ing to untimely graves, followed by the gaunt
spectre Dyspepii%. This is all wrong, and
should cease. There is no necessity for IL
Plantation Bitters, lb.+ great Btom labia Pain
Killer. cares pyapepsts, Hentbura, Head
ache, Vertigo, Dullness, and all symptoms of
kindred chancier as if by magic, He who
Lama encase for illness, is indeed valley, if
he continues to suffer. Plantation Bitters
may be. had everywhere I They are cheap,
reliable and sure;
Buy. Try, and be Cured.
&W AD IT yrs outs. brakesman on a
freight train on the Cleveland and Brie rail
trod named Jacob Ruler; was kUted en Ba.
tit;lay last at Fairview Station. The train
was being switched on to a side track and a
parties of the train was being out of, when
Rader attempted to jump from one ear to an•
other, and fell between the two portions of
the train, the ears passing over him, sang.
Ilag his ody in a horrible manner. Ills re—
sidue' were taken to Cleveland, where hit
family reside. He. was shoat Misty eight
years - of age. and has beta on the read only
abeat a month.—Girard Midas.
The Sunday School Tow. edited by John S.
Burt. LL.. D.. and I. N. aster. A. Pd., and
=lid weekly by J. C. Cerritos' & Co.,
olpida..Ps., at
per year. is Avery
Wields journal for Superintendents and
Teachers. It contains a large amount of in.
formation, hints, and suggestiotuf highly na
tal not only to Sunday-school people, but also
to teachers is secular schools, sad to patents.
We often And in it single articles worth sore
than the annual subscription. Band to the
publishers for a specimen untidier,
Clasai Losoavrrr.— A remarkable case of
longevity is presented in thw pens of Mrs.
Mary Mohan, now living la- fildriek's row,
Johnstown, she being, is she says, ninety
eight sad one half years old. She vas go
rend a. spry as some girls of abases—wan
thread a Ace- needle 7 -uses no glasses, and
k n uts are Otto perfect as In youth. Elks
might up • large family, has worked
:wassever Oak, aad truly has sow •
44.. ski sgs."....Dasoave.
4 4
Ito so.settostttat et Ingt*die , l ,
'teal& et long wad intestates jinni
Wit op..raisonaerlkcassot do
este; *gelato to etrttellehe e'i
Vitoa . t teeel•ni.TOßCT.ll( AU
Sold et *theta Ira. headset*. kale le
at the heart, *bag*, s.: net - you,
ta trims, pato la the bvek • axa a Lt
whist brie* itemloterreptb,o ,;
*bead ae 11,0 r goy *.r* me il2l ct 1,"
...ego.rosti. , * too 1 sJ• rd s 1.„
N cat "natio% of ski Isom!" tyin g t ,
notta*t be tekett•entAtoij 6 rt
SULT TA• coy.lit•64 r.otrrtg le to tpt
is. reesti, AttoC.lfiteidt t le. .alt!, .;
trident• or ilme to re-t..- 1 - . ‘
to aIS Mill COMLISOG,ILat %,••,
lien • CILJOI) , y
In soy te.t.r wey .
Dr. Cheesemare3
t „,„ bo p a I.l2saAlrel repaly I z r.i
ani the moat !MICK I •a. eTer ka , se f
Le call rto F 11110.11 al:
d"frig With tigrallaY P.r.01.114:
aro kaoaa to boaaanCe, •Lo a as .;
kat saatod.,tia.aastioa tDir , cutt;‘,
ttopoltaomt+rt th. IZOlt OLLIZSZI if
: _
it &Jetties', atatt-g ,be: S n k
with f log x...the m 4 1
eon oGO t St izz g
t I lit.ot by wail. prernpo,, ~,a
xetioxj. by neoltilog o the pm. , 1, 4
Ligu lipritt nig...AR/A 'I. •
- -
81 Cedar h.t.,
Mid in kria bt Carts t Ca^itc, 7.114,
a Warfnl, nd Wm. Nl*. 15 , ./31
ihr R.... • nd.
(Ws L'e we, Brain k
Kilitary & Naval k.
2 Park clam Naio
Clonwpoadlag house la Washi co:— 0 c
or & C0.,474 14:4 • c.e..
Ravioli had throe 301 re ears letve 4
Of CLatais wd tbs (10111:11 tt e ,
denartmeot. of Goveramtso, 113 44
Sad a rrospoodeota teat .it L. t.„,
will be visoromiv and p0z01 , .! a:421
prepared to matt idea:Ale 4pl: Ju l
of dais& 4
shocks, as w-it se the r
TettaiOns for Invalids, Wid , oe, *Lt.
Bauntisi at 9•l4ivrs, Mast r
lactioy Mom wiao havaCasrved Sl
ben et fikirwased; atae tats t?sat . ?..
"a rear* of pay for Maas are •
ad doe/mud.
- Navy prise tzmiey tar alt - amour..
Na.. - p.tudon and Waage of pa.,
Awl:Vs of d!..ebargod Soars avtlaal, rZ
vh:htak warns ymp.rly , soador oat 1-.!
alaarav et" obtained Iron Orduare: fad Q..t.
U. 4 I+4.v. Lew • talapo. !or
4M par non:-
The Math - National Bait
Capita' 81,000,000, p;
r:3l. • s:11
aid 3,464141044 for Jog CM4e,
by 'lyres', to all gores of the ' , lit", II;
payment t. kook" ou New Yore. Pia al.. , ;L:sa
Clirreat btlb, and as an, par
Lot•rfot to eats of kobsc rioifea k 7.1
will be tootoptly
!bit Kook mesas*" the aronao. of .cb
on favor.b:li firma; lo,11r:!,‘;..
York affoosky.
J. T. Mi. I, (Nuttier.
Farm for Bale.
sale his aria situated Crt 4
aboat ewe mllea from Cu*, on tie ;i
road, nontardng Arty aeeee of land, 11%.4
a goo 'ram. dwaltiag bona*, sox. al= n. 4
barn, and a I rece444:7 •ut ',zit Al
arobard of antes frill:. 70: faittt.::+
of Jobo a - • ',anion, I..rin, la, • cf !It im•
the pram,. -
• elated then:mates tovir , Le e:
VI afts:F.Fri. to coatlatt• +•.
Coots, Carp:tinge. awl
le., F. Is 7. 23E.5-2m• •
Administrator's Sale.
.t an order of the Orphan Coon of :7.-1
otil rcpc.u. t. •i ' s at rr. :•C
oatgoo o!ecirtrt J
bores ti or rt:oz, fr.ri• Gloat!, kc:, a
of •pril. INII3 es 10 Woo lc, ,
oorib-d edato,lat• tt I, , ttf
drimwd to wit 3
-- -
I. AU Ih it rtale OA", r . p . : •
sad bolcri TAtel toWlS•tip e t. c..
cf Peaolylvao , •, lo,
to lett : CPII tae nr•rtb , Au Pin!) A ' : 1 1
Obit by hind tt Joya r Kr, a Va. ,
MetroaTn 11:10oa, ani a the OPT. - b!
BAP ie, Caotaiclag WI) sores. f tscd to
or :PIP.
2 AIE .ri 1 that riPte of land sif:9l. Is r.
oltab; Erie county, ro., bona"-' tt a: idt 0..4
soar.. to .tt: Co talleatia4 oa the er.C.ll•tt
teilnral. • f a lino parallel with tfotte 't 'lt
tiortheriv town , de vitt' 'treat to a c• int ..,,i
th- nou• corner of roite:•A e 1... C.: ".;
tnitoen wiwirlf nn a 1100 rentl'el ath t , t -
corner of safooo on a ditwat lino flit In, I 3':'
tier:-then • artatherl7 ea • 1,..ept0.L.1 r'z
ea! at the eshon to the Plilladviprli & t.: -I
they suffirly along abs Ilse in iota 'NI , .
ganef of boainolog.
Toms --/ 'no third 11 band and Oil 4 Om ,
annual na , nisats won 1.1,110 to no pLilar.:
be waned b•judiment bond mid naortr. I ~
te/a 4 er, t th• optima of the parch orr s2:1:
looney. my all b•pat 11n hint. J. L 7
mar 64i admillitrator of Jti Gv
House and Lot For Sai
A HOUSC Avci I.Gf r , 111 Gann O
" aid. • f G rotas street b.toses 80 , , t I . : -
striper.. for Int bri TOrtf 4 "6 1,, f'"'
One lintvired and eight %et d ep to an el.
Us - n Weil .a.l thole- fr.tit trees Oa rd' ;Nal
For r.rt'e test tocsin if J. IV
fogad 61 1r Or, IFIL , ON L 4
Pablio Sale of Real Eel.
WILL be sold at Pail/le SA 0
' Is fs,ll.nw of Lswrsase Ln its ki
gag's Valleia os trlUtt , t'sY. P, 1.
Kcal le.tate o f tla Je • fAi
In; of 1 two story it is Sows sod 1 , 1 N, , .;
INnizt 'Ore. sad 1 alma foot er ,I r 3
011U)11illaiDel, A 4. • lac aituated no 14.1..
bet treat ard 16$ tat dtip Arses di lot b. 0...1
Crepaperters sld Sclkas 3s u.r. ..jite. 11
fla flet mental a slid fret Pass's bah.
Tr ins mad" 'sows of,f 6 sl M
F ,
m 4 to. Perim LOL;g, Gi
Erie City Eteam Bake
tb • K• to City Steno) B • ter. 0! F rl
woe thtio !prim:vie of 1010 , 2:Pug tit "
city of lute mkt t.* will call ou th-ca ca,
the lit or 4 Prili lB4 . with an
thing to the Bate • tlo., iac•ldtag i•r•
nolo wad Ku It,. Pub.( 3 warm:mit ti
butt of rttlue • goo ar:l4 as
and prompt tarazab74 ;AIM* :le
Lands In Market ,
3 000 CR ai OF C • t .. : 1 : ,
situate/1m Watariard.
ram rra , itlia tad Fairview Iciaaplaps f
soluble Isms. Soon of thaw fauna Ev.:1. 1
a I te•zitarT ;rotated on numb Lad Lit ur
tar ther lafonattlas logs ire of
WJrLtaY •AtILIt• ...It.** Waterford, et
J. C. WILSON, at Pdlabora.
_ Executor's Notice.
I ovate of .P. Ir ETTER,i.TEsTAMENTARY 0:
I Mo rt ,,
rn late o f ii, ,
...awl: Usvioi bocci emoted to tie to .4 ,
peva. lade tx V. add ..chic an sotlisird It
medal) poi:mat, and those haviLig c'tims .p
'*tats will • prooritt WIN, rercty ao'L,a; 4
asiti.mot to Llfilo r
Wait O r Feb. TS, 11185.4 w •
ad Lota for
$7l, the lollow 7711 1,7'4 7ttv
use Hoes. and Lot to Uto aiti of Kne, r;
&Omahas stmt. Guth atlas rulroai d.
01, Hniap.sod Van,* ball lots. with A
greeted thereon situated la that part of a
bows Itiasiatewni Th. bulldog. and for
toed inner, sad there u s Ilse welt Va
let bun number et Uses of ;armor (roc ,rs'
Oat-lot nto 2) to Welt Yltl Creek, ;:'
street, without improvements.
For hirVier partlaalars Woke of
mart6-.1 SUM, bOtwoolda.:f
Administrator's Notice
9 .12 tho seats of I`. J. Cr.:ter, crt,c,
ltUt ettlaso, trio troaaty, Prnarri n
beau granted to the anders.goee. mot re
to alt tadobted to the said estate to mo , c
PaYstell'. and thou* hating e: a. cos t
Prom* Orin, t antbenticattli, r Pct
Won t) Ist of Ja1 ) .1885. JtnlS 4
&NC NATMoN, hal lon cy t't
Titbolat wry jut emu* or plogoealf 0 0 . 1 /‘:
won kigtolag or tevattag het os
11190_06* • i•
~~ .~~~