The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 06, 1865, Image 3

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    . 7-30 LOAN.
461.i1i0 Treasury 'ha
• .I.• ...r J "ib+rripti.,a
States Ti s 7;i7.9ry tiole...boarialr
, Ln.tLq per, per asouuto,
001er of tugunt 14111 , ttt4,
.• I • 0., •••• ir. fro• 0 that ttme I. eurrfluey,
I to It the 0, t ion of the hoidor Wit/
S. - .'ll SIX PEI CENT.
W01111 ... 11 preniuium of nine per
4 ,0,1 tut , rmt from Noteutber, which
, tu it i •ro:tt on flue 7-3 o loan, at current
!UV,: terect, abo!lt ten per cent. per annum;
/roe : , ratr , or massieinai ICZedioa
jr,,,, /II l that per rent. ilurre,amording to
properly. The interest is pay
t•nit 411) I, ioupoon attache...l to rash titan;
01 1 and 110111 to /my 'ink fir Lankor
t t..
ou $ LJ Slott,
• kU "
.. • • It 00 ••
• •• TD•kk.t "
I ,le:.,,m.u►t...un named will be prompt
.1 uy•u t.:0111t of nubwriptions. /Thb is
ONLY LOAN IN MARXII7, ilimirninent..n.l it le confidecintly er
will wake iritte
l'opolar Loan of the People.
„, s; ;l 9 ,k,nyAlo le, 11111101 d, w War will
di , poo , I 4.! tile , °Olt - 68 or 90 dayX,
e•immaati a premium,
mull e en•P ^u cltiaing th.. autkeenp-
Nat rtli:•lid w rimy town 11 1 / 1 1PICHOU of the
hit Oaks for taking the loan,
1 i;.lnit.t. Ste, Banks nod Private Baakerw
•.•anti y hot, ioaerally agree.] to MCOITO
at 14,r. Sillferibere, will select their own •
thy bye euntleuce, and who oely are
.11,:r for the .lelirory of the notes for wh eh
r.. J COOK IC,
"ZI 1' SCRIFTION 4(IIILNT, Philadelphia.
receive.l by the first National
y, i ',fry National Bank of Corry, First
of Second National Bank of Erie,
:lout! Bank of Rrie, First National Bank of
National Bank of North Ras t.
,reiating to the human eystem, male
:be e 411.101 and treatment of diseuet; the
o't Un, .uric]; hoer to merry well, sod
blurs tooter publiehed before, read the re
-11.1 ,htion of YEIMIAL cOMMUN SKJIAIt,
oIE for curious people, and a good book for
400 tilge§, 100 Illustrations. Price $1 bO.
,ut tree to any address. Goole may be
book rtotep, of .ill be tient by mail, post
.d the price Address,
E. It. FOOTE., 11. l „
11.:19 Broadway, New York.
' NiNitt OUS. 13131111.ITATED AND
/NDENT OF BOTH SEXES.--A great 1 , 111
been rentored to health in a few days, after
of unnery, in willing to ►east hue suffering
urea by sending kfreed cot the reeflpt of a
.Irenned envelope, a copy of the formula
Direct to
71S Sl. IJAGNAI,I,, Box 183 Poatai
Brooklyn, N.Y
pint bottle*, price &U cents.
.:40 Main St Hartford, Coen.
A Pear Fir : I hays been in the livery bust
.. la.l twoutv years, and daring that time
II ths various lialmeuts and lotions of the
v e r hare found an article equal to your Ven•
iaotinent. I have fairly tested it 012 my
spraing, ruts, calks, swelling of the
~.,1,.. for rheumatism on myself, and base
it .01 invaluable temwly.
it...,:tfally yours, U. LITCHFIELD.
(119 co, Curtlandt Street,
I'll.ll,!.l.—Thsy expel the poi-
Every time a Niel per.
.1 io •.'l..l,4etahle rem .dy, he ban less vi•
.nt mare lile and vigor, as any one can
Ml, dose. Persons of Ppare bahtta
+•,ll'th n bile using them. Every time
~ or from thin pargatlonone make
Ir Irloch repine , ' the unsound
;oil. b. , muved t, be wracuated.i Each
tlio, IVO expel further quantities
uo• l re ay in replaced by fluids leas and
• 0,41 w a short time, by continuing this
n birl tho whole mass of iluiLla or
~f punt? which constitutes health,
oldr tale awry humors which 101.
1. , 101t. lu
lighja are ectingulsbed when a
shLues forth, l and the mcoateatible fact
term. from grey, red or aamly to a glorl
town, titikkor than the ehamelion eltange•
r the operation of
istadoro's Hair Dio
throughout tin; Americin continent. it
ots'os no caustic. improves the fibres.
h, instantl and lasti hg color of any shade
~ inn to a glossy rablaand Is endorsed by
I,ehit analytic chemists in the !Jolted
I, .1 I K NTADORO. No 6 Aator
0I ei mid applied by all Hair
umrl'at lm
.Itsse I. ;ILK 11)11:i nit?. --4 y what weseot,
se ins«, or by the triter se drlek, we or fatisyne, or from debility induced
ens t. end hr producing Impurity
gilts b«filth we must purify tire blood,
1.. toottods and bowels. ; these (ligAlln
the revs's: to.rformauce . of that
e uss.orsoel tlitus, and sho uld there
to what tillWriAtlet' point !
'ot NO, , 1 ly seitore the
• r. 1...Tr...1w, of their duties.
I,lc, 1.10. Lthoug I thou, a troalture of
to. .14d t•I LI: wbo arc sick so
!tranth, l'.llNlml be enrol Sold by
II) ITC IE \ T.—You can procure or
ryaud - v,cinity Dr. Tobia.a.
• It • ..•1, and 'opeedy cure for
„”, rip,urn%ti•tn,
lirnt,o. WN 141 l Ixx every
•.ti r pense if a were tritle—'4s
on perxen will ever be Iv ith•
• .1 have a li•fttle in the huuae
t• a aleuh, MICEI I. cut', burn% Imelda,
are wiryeato , lll. Ail for
•'">'.•!L•iniireflv, we hai.e the certineaten
w- Sold. by .0 druggistn.
Nl , * YorY.
Itaffain, have dleeovered
br whi •L cap tw
• 'O , ',^•,!• 10 the pxtient, without the
o• , < l , r F i, the ',utikor. of a medleal
~ •1, xtv tug a full explanation
fly xixo publki, a monthly
.ttru f •,‘,llk numbein will he aeut
, J VIN 101 l ok. Oil,
- Buffalo, N. Y.
Card to the Setiering.
1,09 “r 1.... h , i,;...1ra.14 id "Ruche. Citb "
"S. roue Anti.
A•, A. , re.l .111 PltiWth.ll with the
n ter 14. N I MAO DOCTOR lilJelieN'S
IC 1.1 1.1. 4 1114 No reoetorod to health
Tim Itortv dare They are purely
to tai. , pro.nijit and **litter/ ip their
d0.. 0 hi! .haltered euuutitution.
13 take whautiwie•
..nly br
I \ N., 427 Ilieed.uV•
hew York,
4ent for the United States.
u ro I y will be mi 11,;.:
,;.: price, which la Oat hd—
roriledeq ny the Atireut if entire
.• ~: ovvu jr.4-4M.
It..' tV11141(11SIOt
, iot wicorii or ltortatactura 3 Our
m I will farm. Ilmin to grow on the
,•• ~r elini, or hair on tatlrl brads in FiK
. 4,1: t,. mail
''•'F' N. Y
111 011., EitViKit Sl , l
L I to say to the readers
that I , •Ifloonil, by return mall, to all who
'uit th full dirnctlons fur making ....t that will eli.vtually
'en '4 " . 1.01.1,01. 1 au, Freckles
" " r 11.0 Skin, leariug the same elaar,
111.... e having add Amnia, nr
information that will
" t ar 2Towth of I.4xuri nt Hair,
thirty daya. tt
,n• he return mall,' without
1 ! - •wrif,11. 'wont,
1110.4 1.• CliArMAN,Chewipt.
h 41 !roadway. Nei , York.
% NI-C%V. - plimphlot
' • re44lre Rizlit A lla giro up doc
' " 1 .. can'il, Irv., rervlpt of 10
It. FOI)TN, M. U.,
1141 Broadway' Now York.
It kit... -11,04 e vuhtugw 0130 t of
111, Liott.tio. 4., or a Imftutifol !load of K 441.7
rt.,. Nit I the vierkl of Tlii):. CHAryAN,
1 , 1/ of Ulu. imper. tar=-3m.
:111 tUlf f it. an t7aaai or Warn
I y". 1 .1 11.4o—publlubeal by
s-ot fr..e rd eluirge lu sealed
A`late. Dr. .1.
i_ritte Clete aftekitebtrver.
I. RI 1 4 ,'. ['A., APRIL lith. 1805
Next Governor.
In referring to the various gentlemen bug
Fested as candidates for iloveitior, iu our eJi
n few weeks ago, we remarked that in
our opinion nomination should he conceded
by both parties to the Northwestern part of
the Slate, and tulded that. "Erie county could
present a candidate for Democratic ityport„
at least, who, en the spreet talents and per
sonal character, is not.excelledrpr:any one
in the long lino of distinguished
have occupied the position." ..
The Lancaster •Intelligencei (mate c'etsiedi-:
torial; and, in allusion to the above eloshig
paragraph, comments aa follows :
We undersland that compliment. to apply
to William A. Galbraith, Esq., and we era
aura there is no man that knows him will not
endorse it for truth. "
The bilelligencer Is correct. We did - refer
to Mr. Galbraith, and the fact that the mere
suggestion: is received with so much favor, by
so influential and able.s paper as t he
gem:Tr, shOws that he is as popular thread as
at home, add that if his name were presiented
in connection with the Gubernatorial nomiaa
tion, a very strong if not successful suppOrt
would he given in his favor. We are well
aware, however, that Mr. Galbraith is not in
aspirant to any official position, and doubt if
he would permit himself to beplaced in the
position of a candidate.
We are indebted to Mr. Chart" Koehler
for his kindness in recently Aowing us
through his extensive brewery, situated on'
the North Side of the Buffalo Reid and East
of French Street. The building, which is of
brick, and with the basement is four stories
in height, was planned by Mr. Koehler him
self, and it would scarcely Us possible, we
imagine, tolhave more convenient arrange
mentis than those in this establishment. The
perfect order and neatness apparent in all
the different rooms where the malt is prepared,
dried, and changed from one apartment to
another, is worthy of remark.- The extensive
vaults underneath the building, where the
beer is stored in immense hogsheads, are
constructed of hard brick and formed no
small part of-the outlay in building the brew
Mr. Koehler in building the vaults was
fortunate enough to find a large erring of
very - tine water,—inferior only to the excel
lent bier brewed in the other 'parts of the
building. Mr Koehler's facilities for sup- -
plying this healthy beverage are unequaled
in this city. '
understand that an order has been /signed
under which those who paid commutation on
the last draft, and have since or may hereafter
be drafted, will be furloughed till further
orders. Although prey are clearly not exempt
from draft now, it would seem that the Gov
ernment does not design putting them in ser
vice in case enough others are provided by
the pending draft without them.
Tho impression among those who paid coral`•
mutation under the draft of 180 is, that they
are exempt for the time of the draft; that is,
for three years. There was some doubt at
the time as to whether the 'payment of coma
mutation,exempted for one draft or for three
years. Fry issued an order which has been
understood to determine the latter. There is
no doubt as to the law, which clearly amigos
the payment of the $3OO to exempt for the
period for which the draft was made. The
doubt has been as to the interpretatitin which
our rulers would put upon their own law, and
to which we, the subjects, would be forced to
The Corry Telegraph gives the following
particulars of the late accident near that
place . :
as the train was approaching this place from
Warren. about three miles below here, on the
Philadelphia and Erie road, it ran oft" the
track while under full motion, precipitating
the hindmost car into Hare Creek, and doing
considerable injury to those on board. One
man had his arm broken, and many others
were injured in a greater or less degree. The
water in the creek where the oar landed, after
rolling ever once or twice. was four or five
feet in depth. We were informed by a pas
senger on board, that they found it very ditfi•
cult extracting the maimed, and the woman
and children from the car, in that depth of
water. We are only surprised bat greater
injury was not done to the passengers and the
train. The cause of this accident is said to
he rotten ties giving way, which allowed the
rails to spread.
Tits ATLANTIC raft Arait..—We are indebt
ed to the publishers, Messrs. Ticknor & Fields,
for a copy of the Atlantic for April. The fol
lowing are the contents and contributors:
Adventures of a Lone Woman, by Mrs. Jane
G: Austin ; The Spaniards' Graves at. the Isles
of Shoals ; Grit, by E. P. Whipple ; The
tihone Lineage.; Up the Se. Mary's, by T. W.
Iligginson ; Rohin Batlfellew, by T. B. Ald
rich ; Ice and Esquimaux, IV, by D. A. Was
son ; Doctor Johns, 111., by Donald G. Mit
chell ; Our First Citizen, by 0. W. Holmes :
Needle end Garden, IV ; Memoirs of Authors
—Theodore Hook and hie Friends, by Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Hall; The Chimney Corner, IV.,
by Mrs. IL B. Stowe; Mr. Hosea Bigelow to
the Editor of the Atlantic Monthly, by J. R.
Lowell ; "If Massa Put Guns Into out Han's,"
by Fitz Hugh Ludlow.
Uodey's Lady's Boot for April contains the
following :—The Recognition, a line engrav
ing; and the usual Colored Fashion-plata:re
presenting five figures. ' The other novelties
of the month are, a Spring Robe, from the
palatial establishment of Messrs. A. T. Stew—
art & Co. ; other Spring Dresses ; Coiffures ;
latest style of 'Sonnets ; Child's Spring Dress ;
the Iledelmone Moist, back and front view;
Artificial Hair Ornaments ; Braces for °ego;
Designs for various fancy works ; Embroidery.
patterns ; Flower vase Mat ; Patchwork Bat—
het. something new ; Drawing Lessons aid
Model Cottages, with plans"; the First. of
April. illustrated, etc., etc. Marion Harland,
V. Victor, Caroline Orne, and other
celebrities contribute to this-number.
To Business Mee.—This is the season,
says an exchange, for merchants and all
classes of business men to re-arrange, and
prepare fora new and vigorous campaign.
Examine and see if you don't need bill-heads,
circulars, cards, or
.something printed to
scatter freely to the four winds, to let etet7—
body know that you still exist. Bring on your
work. We are prepared to do any amount of
printing, and will cheerfully assist you in sof
way we can, to insure your success.
A Tair■ I know that Carter's
Extract of Smart Weed is a most valuable
medicine, and of very great 'use to persona in
the country livingnt a distance from a physi
cian, as by having it on hand they can and
do very frequently break up a Cold or throw
of on attack of Diptheria, or some other die
ease, and thus avoid what often might prove
a serious or tedious illness." Such was the
remark of a regular physician to us a few
days ago.
We have received some stanzas of poetry,
the sentiment of which is good. Should the
fair writer pay more attention_to her rhynt,
and meter, and comply with the I nnlver4lll
rule among newspaper publishers that ..the
name must nem:spiny the communication, we
will .be pleased LaMar front her soda.
A %%vet.' - •
•A 2';
• VOL. 1.
i'Modnlight evening :grove—
' two young.people much in lave -
Heroine wit h . mit - wealth
• Hero heath - twit°, poor alit! 'prowl ; '
- Truth eternal—hearts united—'
• Vows of changeless fiftieth:lu plighted: •
. Kisses—lustre's —aiglisl—easeases,
Maiden yields onwef her tresaet ;
Obstaolus to be mormonoted,
Happy hours pass by wiconnted.
Ugly rival, oltl anti' stale,
Overhears the - leader tale.
- VOL. 11.
Morning in the Rest looks ruddy:
SceneLtiroung lady's father's study
Hero, with bin hat is head,' "
flowees her ditto to conwsapd ;, • - ' .
Angry parent skirme--abuses—
And at once consent refuses ; •
iilaiden,faintelteneath the blow—
Mother intercedes—no go ; '
Fbrieks-,-bysteries— protestations,
Exit lover midst the din— 4
Ugly rival enters ln. • •
VOL. 111.
Tinto-4 moonlight night oneelnore,
goene--outside the lady's door ;
Lover. with half broken heart.
Swear* he'd miller die than part. •
Garden—tlowirs—umbrageous shade—
Manly accents—serenade.
Chamber window opens wide— •
Debut of expectant bride ;
Little dog most kindly mute—
Tears—rope ladder— Ilight—pursoit—
Gallant steeds—too late—nights' screen—
Triumph --marriage—Gretna Green.
Old man's rage—disowns forever—
Ugly rival—scarlet fever
Old man sickly—sends for child—
All forever—reconciled ;
Young man making money fast—
Old man's blessing—dies at last ;
Youthful couple prove probate—
Get the money—live in state—
Family mansion jewels. plate ;
Mother's wishes crowned with joy--
Doctors—nurses—little boy
Tim* proceeds—heir tie's endear—
Olive branches year by year.
Blessings on the' good attend—
General gladness—moral cud.
- - -411.111-
Quotatioti for gold speculators--" What a
fall was there my countrymen."
The congregation of the Episcopal church
hold service for the present in Farrar Hall.
The first steam of the season on the bay,
was raised oa Capt. Magill's tug, on Thurs
day. The tug was employed in towing a
Mr. M. P. Loco, formerly-a clerk in the
Lake Shore railroad freight office, was found
dead on the track of the Baltimore & Waelt•
ingten railroad t; few clays mince.
' it is a great mistake to think that the ma—
jority are 'always in the right. They were
not co in the matter of the flood; and they've
been wrong several titnes since.
One of the German almanacs says - that a
,girl is a fishing rod, the eyes are the books,
the smile is the bait, the lover is the gudgeon.
-and the marriage tbo butler in which he is
- fried.
As an evidence of what the oil business in
this immediate locality will be during the
coming summer, wo may state that on the
Graff & Frisson farm alone 116 wells are to be
put down this spring.--oi/ City Monitor.
The aggregate yield of oil per day In all
the oil regions of the United States is - 6,000
barrels...On this, in its crude state, the av—
erage profit is about five — dollars per barrel,
so that. the net profit on all the crude petro
leum produced is V.:0,000 per day, or nearly
$11,000,000 yearly.—Pitisbury Diviatch.
"I want to buy a sewing machine, " said
an old lady entering a shop. 4, Ito yon wish
• machine with a feller ? "—blandly inquired
the clerk. ' , Sakes, no, don't want any of
yer fellers about me. "
A scribbler from Charleston has sent some
relics, from what ho calls a slave- pen in that
locality, to Boston. It ought to be placed
aide by side with a relic of a slave ship, in
- which the Yankees carried the negroes they
stole from Africa and sold South.
He iearn that Mr. (1 reer, recently seriously
wounded in an affray in North Bast. is at the
point of death. Dr. - Stott, who inflicted the
fatal wound, is still at large, and thus far no
efforts have been inittle to prosecute him. It
is alleged by the friends of Dr. Mott, that ho
committed the &t lin self defence.
The corporntors of the Titusville ST. Union
'Railway Company announce their first busi—
ness meeting. There seems to be every indi
cation that this read, so much needed, will be
pushed forward to a speedy completion. The
names of some of, the most enterprising citi
lens and railroad non appear as 'connected
with the enterprise.
Mr. Thomas Cavanaugh has purchased the
stook end ice fixtures of Messrs. Harlow &
Briggi and propoies during-the coming , sum—
mer to supply our city with the best quiltty of
frozen water. Mr. Cavanaugh gave unfiersal
satisfaction Nat summer by his promptness in
delivering the, coligoilled product. our
,It is really astonishing to what an eztent
the new postal currency has been counter
feited. It is safe to say that nearly one-half
of all in circulation of five, ten and fifty cent
denominations are bogus. The' counterfeits
circulate about as freely as the genuine, not
one person in ten caring for or looking, to
discover the difference.
On Monday hat, Messrs. Wm H. May and
Jae. G. Jackson commenced running on the
Philadelphia tx. Erie railroad an Express Line
between 'Erie and Renova. They will deal
largely in provisions and vegetables, and will
deliver to customers along the route whenever
ordered. Stich an arrangement is greatly
needed, and as the gentlemen are both active
business men, we lrust both they and the
public will . fiiid it profitable. \
We acknowledge the receipt from the pub
lishers (Messrs. Fowler & Wells of New York).
of the Phrenological Journal for April. This
magazine is now-in its forty-first volume, and
4 •
continues to furnish monthly a mass of curi•
ous and interesting facts in Phrenology and
Physiognomy. The present number contains
a portrait of Major General Terry, accompa
nied by a bl i girsphy and phrenological char
eater. Price $2 per annum.
In a speech in the Senate, a few days be..
fore the adjournment of . the Legislature, Mr.
Lowry &staid te had visited a house near the
river bank. ,in Ilarrisbrirg,, and found there
twenty-seven Men confined who were neither
deserters or drafted men. The authorities at
Washington were not to blame, and - be went
there and appealed and they weridischarged.
There were complaints from various parts of .
the - State,iand he knew of one cam, Oat of
an old man whose von and son ih-law were In
military service, and' yet be Res, tried and
orevieted by a military court martial, when
be (Mr. Lowry) did not consider, him in Gas
slightest disloyal." And yet our Beata Bee
ator eraeselp, supporta tipe.Administretion OW
otirtiefi outrages on the liberties o f
the people !
', / I
As sot passtf Tiff LekiffitsgeO e -
Oaring that: Witty employee of s I rillroad
oolopsay should violate newels of nob cent
pant and is.juryor hiss, of t iff! nil by .
" sult r4r! #4 4 ,44r 1 .4 61 4 .
mod qy the prosiest . tins attorney /like eity
or flaunty where the sodding hippo's, and,
If found guilty, shell be cenvicted of s mhst
-iletneanar; ahePutished n it 'ha Aiiiiredicitio
the courtwitti; impripopmsni f in the
i i sitteitisii OP ire
($6,000) five thousand dollars. ln addition
to We criminal' prosecution, the offender and
the reilruntleopway 5h,14'0•11191.13,A15fri
- civil damaiii'' "
The other day, a young man, who resides
in Brooklyn,' who had made half a million in
ell, speculations, was serionely injured 'AT a'
'railroad aceident in Pentukylvan* so much
so, that his life was dispaired of. Ills fristitlii
ent to the scene of the disaster to miniatar.
to Lis wantS, and fetind'•drasly on the ground
no less than three .young ladies , to whim .he
was engaged. The blank astonishment of the
several claimants lo his heart and hand can
be better imagined than describest. : o !imam+
lase to say they eanissei The New York Day
Bock is responsible for this story, which,
truth compels us to say, we look upon as ra
ther a dubious one.
' We are glad to ems the city journals discuss
ing the propriety of abandoning the present
extravagant use' of carriages at funerals. : T
price 'now demander for vehicles, for such
purple ji so large, that persona with scanty
means, who wiell to render the name homage
to the -dead that is [llia by their neighbors,
are coiepelled to do so at a heavy pecuniary
sacrifice. Let the emplopeent of a long train
of carriages upon Buell occasions be abandon
ed, as a matter of just and proper economy,
and the custom that now prevails will soon
becomemore honored in the breach than
the observance.
The Elk Co. Advocate, of lest week pub
lished at Ridgetay, sip of the crowd /lit that
place :
" Over 204) men were secomatodated with
beds at the Hyde House on Monday, night ;
at the FountaLin, M_o;' the Exchange oier-I
Mr. 1.. Luthee over 50, while not lest than
100 were i tie - cituruodated by the_citilcus."
The Agnate adds :
"We tAll bear testimony 10 the quiet and
order which prevails in our hotels. Our land
lords deserve the greatest credit for the efforts
they make to accommodate the travel, which
is enormous. There is not a toper or -rowdy
to ., be seen in their bsis,excepting those who
come from abroad." • -.;
The Harrisburg correspondent of the Frank
lin Repository, Writes 'to that paper of the
"closing scenes" in the State Legislature,
that they were—
" Eloquent and - affecting as usual. The
Speaker woe waned ; MO Chief Clint was T4tr
chered ; Smolt was ringed, and a regular mu
tual admiration society lavished its richest
gifts upon pretty much everybody in and
abeut the legislature, after which Cochran, of
Erie, and M'Clure shook hands, and the leg
islature of 18G5, belonged to history." •
Is it possible ? Will "wonders never cease T",
-- . -
A gentleman ' of our city recently wrote to
Provost Marshal Geduld Fry, inquiring if a
man put two three year substitutes into the
field whether it would exempt the principal for
six years? The head of the conscription bu
reau, who is a tirtn believer in the fallacy-that
the war will cud in a few months, was Wea r . .
dertlolly shocked at the suggestion, and it- hi
reported'thet'after being heard to mutter some
horrid oaths about the
." impertinent copper
heads," he indignintly'shoved the offending
letter into the fire.
We learn that a: sou of Mr. Normu Vet.
who lives in the neighborhood of the Lake
Shore depot, was frightfully injuied on Monday
last by falling beneath a train of oars while
attempting to descend from them: The Wheels
passed over both arms, severing them, crash
ing the shoulder and distivlityg ,his head.
Drs. Thayer and Bennett, amputated the
and did alt thlt could , be done to relieve the
sufferer, but it is - scare*. probable that he
will recover. . .
The Gael that exalted position, high titles
and immense wealth do not alwaxs insure per
sonal happiness is well illustrated by the fol—
lowing paragraph from an eamnge
Frames has had sixty-seven queens. Mis
erable lives they led. Eleven were divorced ;
two executed"; nine died young ;,seven wore
widowed early ; three cruelly treated ; three
exiled. The rest were either poisoned or
. '• 2 . , • "
Some of our exeriaiges, la - fillishing the
advertisements of Messrs. B. . 8., oontracted
for by this office, insert them is their special
notice column, instead of among the locale, as
required by the agreement. Will the pub—
lishers have the kindness to insert them here
after in the proper plaiie? .„
Property oa Pitt .ifole going up. The
Copeland farm sold lately for $300,000. other
farms haie been sold for,ftgum , too smell to
mention. We hear" of iwif'firarttold a few
days ago for $150,000 and $200,000. Land
in that suddenly fomaus'iection 'is goinrat
not less than $1,500 per acre.— Warren Ledger.
In Titusville, the Corry Telegraph says, po
tatoes command $4 75 per bushel ; green ap
ples, $2; henna $4; board at the' botels-$2l
per week, sad other things are in proportion.
A wag being told that an sequalittanoe' wait
Married, exclaimed, ".1 am glad to hear it."
But reflecting*. moment., he added, im-a tone
of compassion and forgetfulness - , `"ant yet - 1
don't know why "1 should be—he never did me
.any harm."
It is estimated that it requires a 9 Much . to
support on: vice as would suffice to bring up
two children. If "ill the •ices wore thus com
muted. it would require several worlds like
this to hold the chit& en.
Their royal highnesses Mr. and Mrs. Lin
coln are having a yacht sumptuously fitted,
up for them. The captured steamer Lady
Sterling is the boat. • •:
Out West, in the bar rooms, instead °teal':
ing for Bourbon whiskey, the patrons of.: the
bar say, I , I'll try a little Andy Johnson, if
you please !"
Instead of "pouring oil on the troubled
waters," the recent good has, in thepetrele•
um regions, poured a .great deal of troubled
water on the oil.
In stating last week that the water In th .
Ailegheny wee one fool higher thew was ever
Ittiown before, we should have said three feet,
which nom" nearer the (*O.,— Warms lady":
,Oa the 1 8th hies, Mmo wag pas&
by the popular braiiiiit of the Wiaeollin Leg—
islature, asking Vice President '/Clinsfin to
resign. -
The Pall Mall Gazette (Lindoe) says - that
the dentists of the British metropolis are,sup
plied with teeth from the battle—fields of this
country. ,
The Washington authorities bate* *Wed .
that a "Teleran," alien ortainvresn bewadi:
led to any district he may daft*.
It is estimated by an exchange that mover
five hundred laillions ox dotlari tiali
vested in the petroleum ttulpeu.
Dr. E. J. Fraser has removed kis °finy sad ,
residence to the brick house aostiCifiaid ad
jottillix the PtiFt 'Office;
North Eut %Pugh luit•ifillided`ti`; 7,
each of the drafted men of that place who
may go or mend a substitute, the mu of $3OO.
We have received hem Ilse peblieberi the
April number of the Americus Monthly,
the only ocesserrative magasiae - jeabHshed
Fran 'ladle i.e that It bears I. appear
oat Air evidusee- et IncteMdmt,
eapperei •
The contents are. Wendell Phillips ; ea ez
sejleni atlitite ail a ikaia,a . of csl%
taro ; Kicking of beerflelC item ; The
Iwo Roiling -excursions; Found Wanting
The Last Poor Triumph ; Tea Leaves ; City
Cousins continued,; A Wry of the Pulpit aid
the Bar; The Early Flowers ; Obserrstloas
)n liorseback ; Proving of Current Theories
in Bonn& ; The Cities of our Strife sad the
Rente4, by: non. W. D. Railhead.
The iborigisei of this mien styled French
Creek. Vesessco. River, and the French named
it La Banff River. Veiling° Riser is the pa l e
that aught to attach to this baantlfelitresai.
It is a river properly, mach larger than scores
of streams that are called rivers.'eed It wet
a stipld notion to give it the name of French
Creek siinplydnuanse ihe French had block
houses at -three or four ,points along. the
&Testa; ~The. local press and the people of
this,quarter of the. State ought to insist on
_retaining thtr Indian, name of resanye River.
Moat Lang dieettioi are curable if properly
treated in their early stages, but from impru.
.and tweed the mildest. Sinn may be
come , violeak.and even fatal. Experience
shows that .delay is even hazardous, and we
'think every person troubled In any way 'with
lung-complaint should mike early use of the
tough medicine. From long cantina& obser
vation we are led' to believe that 'hire Cough
Remedy is the-moat rellabid'and speedy midi.
nine for ouring.cough and other lung com
Mr. Baldwin, of the Worcester Spy, mem•
ber of Congress from Massachusetts, Ao., Ito .
does not appear to hold his political frere at
Washington in very high esteem. Ile says :
"Forney is a born politican, and that of 'a
low order. He never aspired to anything
higher. The fact that he holds an opinion
earnestly exposes it to suspicion; and sug—
gests the ciliation, not seldom put, "what is
Forney after now. "
Governor Drough of Ohio, in his late mess
she, states: "It is estimated that the number
of men who fled from this State as the recent
draft lt . pproanhed, and during its exam:flip,
exceeded twenty thousand. " To bitch' an
extent hoe this emigration gone that in some
cases there were not men enough left in the
townships to fill the quotas.
Either the news of the capture of Eiohmond.
or the generil disposition of drafted meu to
go themselves, has produced a fall In the
price of substitutes. We hear that they can
be procured for $7OO to $BOO. As each drafted
Rut expects to receive $4OO ft"om the city,
many whose families could illy spare , them,
will be enabled to remain at home.
The drafted, men of the city, about 200 in
number, left cm Wednesday morning for Ridg
way: Wt`understand that both the place and
the Rrovost Marshal's quarters are crowded
with applicants for uniforMs or exemption
papers. It N understood that. the conecripts;
after being mustered in, will be sent Ito Car—
The Dispatch says that Mr. Lowry has pro•
cured a charter of each ample size and pro•
visions as to enable a railroad to be built from
this city in auy direction chosen.
The irrepressible Harris proposes to open
a new boarding house We trust that be may
eucceod In fiadin a good location, and do
not doubt that his rooms will he soon filled.
There is 'nothing that 'Erie needs more now,
that' two ur three large -firet•class boarding
houses, or one first class hotel.
The New York Tribune says Among the
mercantile houses there is a groiring ocm•
plaitu.„of want of customers. lu the retail
trade the stagnation is very apparent. Con.
sumers are acting upon the theory that prices
will be. much lower at an early day, and buy
in the smallest way.
The oil well upon the corner of Holland
and Seventh 411.reets has nowlreached * depth
six hundred 'feet. The indications of oil
continue to increase. The gas is abundant
and pungerit to its odor. It is the intention
of the Company to bore about one hundred
feet further.
The Petroleum Reporter says there has
been a further decline, in oil during the week,
and the tendency is still downward. Crude
oil at the well $4,0010,54,500, Crude at Titus.
villa $G,G00)7,00. • Hauling is almost sus
pended owing to the condition of the roads.
Oil Creek is too low for navigation.
Commissioner Lewis has notified all collec
tors that Incifer and friction" matches expo
sed for sale, without being stamped are lia
ble to confiscation, whether imported or in
original packages, large or atnall or other
A New York newspaper agency sends us an
sAlvertisement fora firm in that city, offering
to pay is patent "baby tenders." Another
wants us to advertise, and receive hoop skirts
in payment., Think olthat for a remorseless
We have received from the publisher, Hor
ace Waters, 481 Brooding, New York, the
following new music : u Did You Mean What
You gild 1" song anti ohonis; "Oen. Sheri
don's Quickstep ;" 4 4:/h Send Me One Flower
from Elie Grave," ballad.
The.fith corps of the Army of the Potomac
are going raise $lO,OOO for a Monument to
their beloved General Bedgwiok. The privates
are to give 50 to 75 cents, and officers from
fq. io $lO. -
A Grand Sacred Concert, under the man-
.ageaaent. of the ladies of St. Paul's United
Evanielleal Obursh, will be given in Funs
Hall, on Thursday evening, April 20th. For
further particulars, see programmes next.
We understand Mr : Jones; engineer of the
McKean county railroad, is about to extend
survey of the road to connect with the Phil
adelphia and. Erie, ,Tbis will delay the con
etrUction of the toad, u It is not contemplat•
id to commence grading, n061'1413 be accom
plish ed.—McKean Denickrat.
' One of the - "reforms " in South Carolina
Ina,kurated by "general order" ie that the
Torii 7 cf Mitchellville, shall choesas Raw
derj Marshal sad Conacibaiin by as election
st wifoli only fret impose see to vote!
Four yours oisoe"011 City uuniborwl sloop!.
lotion of abotit,loo. Now it Iwo &wording to
the Register 10,00 Q.
It is es/Imaged that there will be 8000 in-
*hell at work in the Pennsylvania oil resit, it
this summer.
Tioungstille is said to be Ike only .plaae:in
the County of Warren which filled its quota
entirely by 'volunteering.
Philadelphian lostil&.000 in five twenty
bends, t o lls other - day,-snd w poor won found-
dem and got $l,OOO.
V A new fifty, ban* well has been strnek by
New York Company on the Watson fiats.
' A now well is flowing 100 barrels per day
at Petrolatum Center.
Whie , liti• of Gough's new lecture is , 4 The
or* MstropoUs.'
is said that the West Wend. artful oily has
atoll its - quota witheit ozlinesting tits "Imhof
draftpd. We presume the *last MO L . Mill,
liable to wiemonterrooesaiption..
; •
The First, National Bank of Attlee, N. Y..
has Liabilities $200,000.
... :i. r.~YN'a:.aL.~,m~ .a q~~w_-_..•r:ewd~.
f, (:.'iV i ftt 5:: tffir?j.::)i.
l i arsidsh Silver Ming enemy.
OApneAL ei,263,000.
- 11114 amend Mures to the Treawirr, to to notrl_, as
ingobood, palms the ruraniary working capital. Two
airs Wimp hdofilort44ly.worta3votli Thy mon porn ,
It ins mats: ; ; '
Tiro tboosud shard of th► comps al's got*, or sa
meek thereof as has oot already Moo sold. are eder•J
kir oak. to row mossy for th► patetismo/ Our moat op
pressed amahldery. Prier forty dollars per sbars—fall
04141„ tad atotlanbject to ararssmeat.
Ml► more this this amovo! is for eals bolo, Par. This
dock ts offered la the utmost coofiJencs
• That we hare one of the richest mines in I. evade;
That every slues of the Woraillio street will be worth
Ile face ist gold within ono year from tilts time:
That we shall bepaying large nioutLly dividends to
gold berm the entr-of the year; - • ' • ' • '
That these is Bathing offeriug at the poweiit theWln
which capital can find a more lisle or profitable Wrest
mint; and
' That the rands to litalliel will be ample fur the full
development emir absolutely ine cbausibie mine. lea • -
leg two-thirds of lb. -eoutpanre stock .till la
. Uie
Treasury. .
the ennageasiat or the company hie Wen. coot mitti4
to • Board of Trastees, compose:l or energetic, Chris-
Alan, baslaeu own, In whom the iinbtla tray topes* the
most bowltait contiderae.
AU desired Informatron 'will bo furnished upon per
award or written application, tither by the rresident,
C. 8. Brown. at las otoce."ll7 'wont Street; by the Soc.
""tAlrf. A. A. Post. Cashiernt American National Bonk,
TO aad 80 Broadway, or by Herman Camp. at Ms Litioc..
100 Broadway. , . ,
craw* for mils at the A tnericlit Naillual Bank.
CktAitt.F:t $ BROWN, Treat.
-A LYRRD A- POST, Socy and tmas.
_ _.•
Weald.airpottbelly the Public that the; have
parr:Wised the
van= al STLII ND rrari .ts.,
, Aber. they WWI:IS - to keep as zwad an aonet talon% 01
as to kept to F. ri r.
Best Brands of Brie County Flour ..
Sept constantly on It‘nd an.l
Cr' The higiest pall tor all kiwi; o
Country Pr 0.146
E ir (loot!' Mimed fre•of &aro to any part of the
A. ItINNIO. mar39'631.f..1
MAN 11()(.)1
How Lost ! How Restored.
JUST NAILISLIEI) a Now Witiou of
Da. Cuts stiwitia:a haisst on the
resffeal MI (without medicine) of SriSr. aroMbillOlLA, or
S.mloa Weaknesa. Involuntary Seiniall Lassos, lamp
riecv,-Iliental and Niro& lucalw ttr, Impodisimits to
Karma^ ate.: sl.o,ComodarfloN, Ern:lmply and Vire.
Inane'd by siellArminigenes or "naval extravagance.
C.r r Price, In a sealed envelope, lady 6 esti&
The advlsraled mith,,r. in Ibis ad...drab's essay, clearly
&immigrates, from a thirty 00000 .ue eaful prikaiet,
that the simminc eassequeueieof saitaletes may be rad
ically eared without the deewporotts sap or internal mod
thine or the appliestion of the tnife—yolatingoat a mode
of care atones adniple, certain and effectual. by me .ns of
'which every ralirer, no matter what hie condition may
towsure Memel( iheaply, privately and fa/inlay.
This Lecture %boatel be iu the band' of every
youth sad every maa is the Mod.
Seal under tali, in a plain envelops, 1./ auy address, on
the receipt of at. dents, or two postage stamps. • Address
the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLI Ni h t;0,
127 BliWel V, New York,
mar3o'e4-tf Yost (Mee Rsv, 41U ,
Fortifies the system sgalost.the eral effsets of oolibeli
will ears Dyepepna.
Will cm Wes!wow.
Will ears General Debility
Will ears Hearttinni.
will cure Headache.
Will earvi Liver Compliant.
Will pantie and emote a Maltby appetite.
- Witt levigneate the organs "'digestion and moderate
ly lamas" the teauperature of the Lady and the fame o•
circa laUan, aetteg to fiet aa a geniglideornaborant of tb
pram, containing no tioisonnua dram and fa
' A fair trial is earnestly solicited.
DEO. C. TICEDEI. k CO., iroprletorm,
Hui Line, N. T.
Central Depot, American F.:proem RaiWing LS HUD
For male by all Druggists, Grocers, ke. '
MINNIO h iiiDADLEY, Erie,Wholesale Agente,
and for sale by Hall k Warfel,Carte hi Carver an
k Booth.
303 Broadway, New York,
100,000 Watches, Chains, Gold Pens;
WORTH 5500,00.01
And not to bepaid until you know what you will
All to be imbl,lurAllNE DOLLAR eAeh I
1000914 Bunting Qom Wileb - 494 0 9911- $lOO 00
190 Gold Watebea 60.00
200 I,9‘ll99'ff.tEthes..... 35.00
boo R — EZ . . 515.50 to r,5 oo
e 060614 Meek and Vest Chains 12.00 to 15.00
4006 Chatelain and Guard Chains 5.00 to 15.00
3000 Vest'and Heck— .... 4.00 to- 12.00
4000 Solitaire Jet Ind Gold ii70 . 0ckjea...... LOu to 1.00
4000 Coral, !Ara, Garnet, &c., Brooches,.. 3.00 to 8.00
2000 Gold, Jet, Opal, kc.. Ear Drops.-- 300 to 8.00
5000 Geo& Breast and Setif Pins 300 to 8.00
60000 val Band Bracelets ' 3.00 to 800
2000 Chased Bracelets... - 5.00 to 10.00
3.x60 California Diamond Finland Map— 210 to 8.C.0
2000 Gold Watch Keys 250 to 6.00
WOO Solitaire 8100 TO Button* and Studn.. 2.00 to 8.00
3100 Gold Mumbles 4.00 to 6.00
600) Miniature Locket.' 200 to • i 00
3000 Miniature Locket', Magic . .. 4.00 to 9.00
2500 Gold Toothpick.. Crones, •&c , 2/0 to GOO
woo TOY a d Rab)bn ...... ._.... 2.00 to 5.00
5000 Chased Gold Bangs. ....... 200 to 500
4000 S tone Set Rings • ' 2.60 to 6.00
8500 Seta Ladlea' Jewelry—Jet and Gold_. 5.00 to 15.00
6000 Seta Ladies' Jewelry—varied styles.. 3.00 to 15.00
8000 Gold Pena, Silver Came and Peuei 4.00 to 800
4000 Gold Pens, Ebony Holder and case.. 605 to 10.00
6009 Gold Pena, Mounted H01der.:....... 200 19 0.00
AG the goodie In the above lAA will 10 , 1 mold, without
reservation, for ONI DOLLAR. EACH. Cart/Orates of
all the various articles are placed in similar envelopes.
aealed and mixed. These envelopes will De meat by IMO.
or deltveredot our ogles without regard to climes. Os
receiving - • Certideate. you will see what article it re pre
mints, and it is optional with yon to send one dollar and
Native the article named„ or &ay other in the list of the
'same value.
Sly this inn& oni give eeseationadrom a varied otoet of
fine goods, of the but make and bard stylas, and of in
Wage worth. $1 a nominal priaa.'while ail Mae. a tbaate
of wicailatartkiaa of the very bigb Sat r lr Wee.
Is all transactions by wail are charge fur forwarding
the Certificate. paying pootage and doing the Widmer.;
TS canto each. Poo etrl6recateiwill Most f. , SI; Gls
"Pr V 2; ntrtefor $5; SiLty fur $10; sal One Ham
dyad for Alt.
We should supply your wants; our fscillites are unzur
pleari; our work of unrivalled excellouro: onr, promises
punctually pbserymi. Our cestrsi locat.on brings us near
the utast remote points Our goods are now Irian the
E nsautiettuers, and of that, latest and mint sleolnble styles.
The goods must be mild. and the letrmi aro u orqualled.—
All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail. ,
We ignarandpe i t utire setiefaction every inatance,
and if ere should be any person. dimairsfied with any
article they mar reeelle t They will immediately ',Auto
it sad the priqp,mlll b e refunded. i •
Ausares.—We allow thimesetingail.ents ten cents on
out Certificate orleriol, pr ortifed their - remittance
amount teen* dollar.
They will colteet :15 cent. for every Certiamta, and re
taledmp'lo cents. remit to us 1;.• mate for each.
Addreerh — CMOs 11/EallittUT a: CO.,
aaYLdnr• 'SOS Broadway, New Tort.
Jinx Ccoausiccia. at this new
beta store. Eagle VUtegs, tun on hand a large assort
ment of Groceries. Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware,
winos, Liquors. Tobacco. aeon, .tc.. to which be re
spectfully calls the attention of the public. satisfied that
be cum offer es good bargains as Sun be had to anyrt
of Erie county. ntaratfni--
Firm for Sale.
.A' farm is , 1..., north west .corner of MR
greet' to a 0ad.p,4 1 ( 011.. tt OG3 Eris, on the arise road
nunlnd to.ihe late, 1 }rule omit of the old atomisskoot
hoses ea the Ridge road. It cantatas Weems ot eery
Ass lead. la good cultivation. with a toaster/ hoes%
good bars, !beds, oat buildings ands Amorist Orchard,
cantalaingapplas, pears. peaches, snipes and almost all
!dads of trait adapted to tW climate. Five acres are tlai•
a i r bag; Mare le an abandarme of thing water; an as
sailant well. road to the Lake shore; and the farm le In
all mimesis one of the road deidnible of Rs elm to IR*
musts. Terms raessaahle—one third to be paid down:
Use balance payable, with Into is two, three, tour or
tin ream, ae' mar hir 'most coarealent, with sellicheat
acuity. Apply to Use andiorsigood no the preakirt
am= . ROWE
/11121 OiralraASC2 CO
- giirrikostehanuown IIN.
` - j___MciaftPO4,472D-11110. CAPIT.U.
1i fdt7;* ._ „ "LC. JU S LL l V‘tissi
..: • . -
iffOORPOII472I6k-Mt. t. 1N741-6 masa -
C 1 41 a. B*Mr1 9 113 •!" . 1 1 ! Arri !! ..1 1!
TNSURANdE in the above old and tell-
A ga r d a saa beebtaked sej Agli_eatisa
LW- alliggiav Asset
1 4
5.4 Ayer,lt .
um wimmts clam aMrtarr roll_ . _ -
Scrofula and Sera=OCß Disilimftids .
4pons Emery Eder, a we ,
d-known mereftrtiS of ii)st.
"I have mold large quantities of Tomei fiansiAPA•
lULI.A tut never vetonalsottlersda Rifted of the
dedrect ellen and WI m.t.IWISon to those who took
It. As fast as our people try it, they agree there hat.
been nrimedklne like it Irtfore In our community."
Eruptions, pimples, Matches, Pustules, Cl.
cors,sores, and sa Zilsesseil of the Skin.
.F)voi Rev. RoLt. Wagon, Bristol,
e land.
44 I only do my duty to you and the
I add my testimony to that YOS publisho the SW
Meal Stripe r SARSAPARILLA. My
her e, ter, age,- ten, had an allicting humor in serst, ,
eyes, mad bale for.years, which we wefts linable NI •
care until we need - your Saastrentiza. She 0
been well ilbr soled months." ..
Prom Mrs. Jane
Wyqf E. flies, a wilidairrien. and seseit-
, esteessed •
has Damara/ Ow May Co., N.J.
• "31ydwagh (named 4
for a year past with e• •
serofulons eruption, which was very troablesonie—
Nothing afforded, May relict until we tried
SATOMPAnn.LA,WInen soon completely euredrier.".; •
From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of Me a - idols-biome
Gage; Mkrrayr # Co., manufacturers of putatelial• ,
encrin Nashua, 25. H. . , .
aid - for scyerai years a very troublesome
Manor in my bee, which grew constantly worse
until it disfigured my features and bocanis an intol
erable ~on. , I tried almost every thing a man
cordelisPboth advice and medicine, but withertkauy
reserhatever until I took your SattaarAMLL.s.
It tely ' w hatever,
my Thee worse, as yen toll me
It m ibr a time; but ;in a fart weeks' tLe new
skin to form under tho blotches; and coa
t/nu until my face is as smooth as ow body's.
and I dmilithout any symptoms of the dlfcsae.Slm.:
1 know of. I enjoy perfect !amid', and is About a
doubt cite It to year SARraarsiaLLA." • z -
Ei7dpolas —General Debility— PliiitY the
. Blood. . ...
Prom Dr. Bold. ErtWl»,,Hott.-fpn 5:,, New rock. "
DR. Arent. tbeldUin. fail to remora Xruptions
and ScreeltilouS Sores by the perseveringeme of your. „
'SARSAPARILLA, and I have just now enreflorn attack
Malignant Aeysipelcsa with it. No alterathro wo. -
posses. Natalia the SanltirAtlLLA you* have sup.
plied to the profession as wills to the people.'l .
From J. E. Jbanaton, Key., Wakeman; OW,'
o For twelve years I had the yellow Zrydprlas---
on my right arm. during which time I tried all the - •
'celebrated physicians I could reach, and took lame r
deed. of dollarkworth of medicines. no ulcers '
wore so bad that the cords became vial*, and the
doctors decided that my arm must be stated. I
began taking your SARSAPARILLA: TOOK two bot
tles, end some of your PILLS. Together they have
cared me. lam now as well and spend as anybody.
Being in a pablis Awe., my ease Is known to every . i ',
all." ,:.,;(1F
body izi this community, and excites the wonder or •
Front Hon. /harp Monroe
M. P. l'., of Newcastle, ,
C. di:, a leading meshes of the Canadian Portia- , •
" I have used your biatmAelnitila In my family,
for general debility, and for :purifying the blood,
with very beneneial results, and feel matildenen in
commending It to the afilictmL"
e .
~ •
St. Anthony's Piro, Rose, Salt Rhmitn, -- -
Scald Head, Sdro Byes.
From 11irrrey Skat e r, En:, the able editor of lihe - -
tankhannock Den Brat, Pcnnsyleania.
" Our only child, about three years of age, was
attacked by pimple. on his forehead. They raphil; -
spread until they formed a loathsome and viruheit
sore, which covered his face, out actually blinded .
his eyes for some days. A. skilful physician app -
nitrate of silver and other remedies, without a y
apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded •
hands, lest with them he should tear open the fey.
taring and corrupt wolind which covered bin whole
flue. Having tried every thing also we had any
hope from we began giving your S.utsA7 ,
and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as,
direct. The sore began to heal when we bad
the first bottle, and was well when we had
the second. The child's eyelashes, which bad co e
out, grew again, and he Is now as healthy and fair
as any other. Mie whole neighborhood predicted
that the child must die," -
. -
Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. -
. Prom Dr. Hiram SOW of St. Louis, Missouri.
- • .. 1 find your S.susArAnu.LA a more effectual
remedy for - the wondary syinptams of Syphilis—
and for SVPhihtledisesurt Man any other we possess.. " "
The profession are Indebted to you for some of the -
beet medicines we have."
Prom A. J. French, it. D., an eminent physician of '
Lawrence, Mass., who is a prominent member of
- the Legislature of Massachusdts.
" De.. Arlin . My dear Sir: I have found your .
• BARsAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis '
both of the primary ant! secondary type, and aft. -
tual In some cases that were too obs tin ate to yield,
to other remedies. Ido not know what we can em
ploy with more certainty of success, where a power.,
ful alterative is required."
Mr. Chas. S. Van Limo; of New Brunswick, X. A,
had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the _
of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more - '
Mid more aggravated for years, in spits of mart
remedy or treatment that could be applied,uuttl the
persevering use of ATER'S SAIMAPARTLIA relieved
liim.. Few.casra can be found morn inveterate and. --
distmaing than this, and it took several dozen
bottles to cureFaira. •
Lencorrhceit, Whites, Female , Weakness,
are generally produced by. Internal Scroflslous CI- - .1..:
ccration, and are very often cured by the alterative ,
effi•et of this SARSAPARILLA. Some cases require,
however, In aid of the SARSAPARILLA, the. skilful % -
application of local. remedies. --
From the arettissoien and wieldy-celebraterer Dr. ; -.
Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati.
" I have found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent C.
alterative in diseases of females. Many cases of ...
IrregularftLencorrhrta, Internal Ulceration, and -'a
local debillt y y,
arising from the sapthlous diathesis.
have yield to It, and there are Tess that do not, -
when its effect is properly aided by load treatment." - -
A lady, unwilling to allow the pubtication of her
. name, writes . - ,-
- "-My (Laughter and myself have been cared of a . •
very debilitating Leuoorrhfra of long standing, by
two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." - . , _
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dye. • '
pepsin, Heart Disease; Neuralgia,
when caused b y _ Scrofula In the system, an rapidly
oared by Ibis =v. URSAPARILIA.
tut:o 3L
possess so many advantages over the other
purgatives in the market, and their !superior
virtues are so universally known, thatwe need
not do more than to assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the best it ever
has been, and that they may be depended on
to do all that they have ever done. .
Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., ei Co.,
Lowell, Mass., and sold by _
, -
4rf T bl•
. D 7 DlficcrioNs AU FOLLOWED.
Sired/ /or a Circular DicCribing all Sy,,.
033* - zoxiatcszsa as s
The symptoms of Catarrh as they generally appear
are at brit vreu Might. Fersons tad they have a out
that they have f requent attacks , and are more sentititta
to the changes of temperature. In this condition tho
noise may be dry, us a sliMit discharge, thin' and soli ,
afterwards becoming thick and adhesive. As the die •
Sc.. become, chronic, the dischargra are Increased
qes,ntity and changed in quality ; they are now thick
and heavy, and are hawked or coughrd up. The seen..
Mons are offensive, causing a bed breath ; the voice
thick and naiad ; the eyes are weak ; the Wage of It a
mien is lessened or destroyed; deafness frequently taki I
place. Another common and important symptom Pt
Catarrh Le, that the person to oldhord to clear his threat
to the morning of a thick or stingy mucus, which It,
fallen down from the bead during the night. Wit o
this takee.plare the person may be sure that his dlssaire
is on Its ',kyle the lona,, and should 1010 110 14/1111/1111
arresting it.
The above are bug a fee of Oa easy CieferrA gess.
A single Bottle will last a Month—.
to be used three times a day.•
'Testimonial :
Fran Rea. Ileeneeas 1. Thiser, Ex-Member of CeenjEr a ta
fen" itkinoisaite Speaker of Mewls Nam of
atatativeaeued &sad Mazur of A. b. sad 4. 11,71;;;
State elf lUiaoia
Dun Si* t 'ply to your notice of the IBM hut:.
I would ,ay that I vas merely dilated with Catarrh
far years, when I became acquainted with 'you, a, rt
bought two betties of your Liquirl Catarrh Remedy. be •
fore had had used pin bottle, Iwu sensibly tuirrorird, wad
before the smiond bottle wu finished, wu eolnpletetw
eared. I can recommend. the medicine Orin &Misted
with Catarrh.
fpropecttapy yours,
DR. D. H. SEELYS *Br, 004
- sou pssissoross. Chiess°.
• arLaborabasy at Wroport,
- CIENIZAILL , *awns,
JOIN D. PAIS Din 110
1/11: J 01018047 .. Nitro% •
1341111,1111 ClAWrik MOIL . i~llllOX4r.
Yaw & ELLIOTT. ~
Mid tbr ago by ALL' DRUGIGWy& • , •
p . coug,
How limos, sus Doei lturnmenoll
Ilamed *ts,y of IliKkaisehrs Mock, L h.
Fixeromei 0 et. 41. 1863.