The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 06, 1865, Image 2

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tit I:ri truer.
TAIDAPAYi, 6tli, 1865.
111211.11. Irzazuural IT m Pions 1.1 ?U PlllOl or
A111*1042 Lturry.--Artres Jaassa. _
Dissolution of Partnerstalp.
NOTICE is' hereby given that the co
heretofore existing between the
undersigned, nadir file name and style of Whitman k
Brecht, le this day dissolved by mind consent. -
Erie. Starch 30,1805
?ua madanagred having ymehamd the latamat of
Ito. Brecht In the 0111111T111 printing oar*, win con.
Uses the bazieess u heretofore. She books sad at
coasts oche late Sr* are left ha my heads tor sate
smut. It la stay desire to make en early (*Mottos oldie
moseys dee UM elks, mid condeat the bastailes Imre
atter, as iMarly se possible, Da the cub aystase.
BBNTDf wanicut.
A most remarkable document has re
ceUtly-made its appearance in the press
of this country, having come to us after
a lapm of eight months by way of Man
chester, England. Mr: Greeley in a recent
issue of the Tribune accepts the British
version es correct. The following - is the
letter :
14Aw Yozic, July 7,1864.
MY Das&'Sol: I venture to inclose you
a letter and telegraphic dispatch that I
receieedyesterday from our irrepressible
friend Colorado Jewett, at- Niagara Falls.
I think they deserve attention. Of course
I, do not endorse Jewett's positive aver
ment.illat his friends at the Falls have
" full,ipowers " from J. D., though I do
stet doubt that he thinks they have. I let
that statement stand as simply evidencing
the anxiety of the Confederates every
where for peace. So much is beyond
doubt. And therefore I venture to le
mind you that our bleeding, bankrupt, al
most dying country also longs for peace—
shudders at Ahe prospect of fresh conscrip
tions, of further wholeiale devastations,
and of new rivers of 'human blood ; and
of a widespread conviction that the
Government and its prominent support
ers are not anxious for peace, and do not
improve the groper opportunities to
achieve it,' is doing great harm now, and
is morally certain, unless removrd, to do
far greater in the approaching elections.
It is not enough that we anxiously desire
a true and lasting peace ; we ought to de
monstrate and establish the truth beyond
cavil. The fact that A. 11. Stephens was
not permitted a year ago. to visit and con
fer with the authorities at Washington
has done harm,-whicti the. tone of the late
national convention at Baltimore is not
calculated to counteract. I entreat you,
in your own time and manner, to submit
overtures for pacification to the Southern
insurgents, which the impartial must pro
nounce.frank and generous. If only with
a view to the momentous election soon to
occur in North Carolina, and of the draft,
to be enforced in the Free States, this
should be done at once. I would give the
safe conduct required by the rebel envoys
at Niajgaqt, upon their parole to avoid ob
servation and to refrain from all commu
nication with their sympathisers in the
loyal States ; but you may see reasons for
declining it. • But whether through teem
or otherwise, do net, I entreat you, fail to
make the Southern people comprehend
that you, and all of us, are anxious for
peace, and prepared to grant liberal terms.
I venture to suggest the following
1. The Union is restored and declared
2. Slavery is utterly and forever abol
ished throughout the same.
3. A complete amnesty for alt political
offenses, with a restoration of all the in
hrbitants of each State to all the privi
leges of citizens of the United States.
4. The Union to pay four hundred mil
lion dollars ($400,900,000) in five per cent.
United States stock to , the late slave
States, loyal and secession alike, to be ap
portioned pro rata, according to their slave
population respectively, by the census of
1850, in compensation for the• losses of
their loyal citizens by -the abolition of
slavery. Each State to be entitled to its
quota upon-the ratification by its Legisla
ture of this adjuitment. The bonds to be
at the absolute disposal of the Legislature
5. The said Slave States to be entitled
henceforth to representation in the House,
on the basis of their total, instead of their
federal, population, the whole now being
6. A national convention, to be assem
bled as soon as may be, to ratify this ad
justment, and make such changes in the
Constitution as may be deemed advisable.
Mr. President, I fear you do not realize
how intently the people desire any peace
consistent with thO national integrity and
honor, and how joyously they would hail
its achievement, and bless its authors.
With United States stocks worth bat forty
cents in gold per dollar, and drafting
about to commence on the third million
of Union soldiers, can this be wondered
at ? Ido not say that *just peace is now
attainable, though 1 believe it to be so.
But I do say that a frank, offer by you to
the insurgents of terms which the-tmpar-
UM say ought tote accepted will, at the
worst, prove an immense and sorely need
ed advantage to the national cause. It
may save us from a northern insurrection.
Yours, truly,
(S4med) HOZACZ Guitar.
Hon. A. Lincoln, President, Washing
ton, D.C.
P. S.—Even though it should be deem
ed unadvisable to maka an offer of terms
to the MAX I insist 2 that, in any possible
case, it is desirable that any offer they may
be disposed to make should be received,
and either accepted or rejected. I beg you
to Invite those now et Niagara to exhibit
their credentials and submit their ulti
matum. H.
Perhaps nothing can more fully illus
trate the utter hypocrisy of the leaders of
the Black Republican party—nothing
show more conclusively the hollowness of
their professions and falseness of their as.
sertions, than the above letter from Hor
ace Greeley, the acknowledged leader of
the Abolition press. Compare this private
letter with the public declarations of the
nibune of July, 1864. The one voluntarily
confessing the truth of all the conserva
tive Opposition asserted; the other brand
ing them as traitors and discouragers of
the Federal arms ; the one liberal. even
extravagantly liberal in its terms to the
conspirators ;. the other violent, bitter,
nnoompramiing, revengeful ; ; the one
vaunting the prOver of the North, desiring
the evils of war, boastful, arrogs , ii yranni
cal ; the other timid, did4coirage 1 •earful•
submissive. •
With the country burdened with three
billions of debt, Mr. Greeley proposes :to
Pay *400007 00 W more to reimburse the
South for their lost "slaves I
And thits the deception goes on. Thus
has it been practiced upon the people
from the d ay when Chandler, fearful lest
the wise *pugs pf: the few statesmen
then left , : to therßeptiblic should prevail,
telegraphed' that- - the -" Onion wee not
worth a Unite without blOodletting,! down
to HotastereelOY, the uncompromising
champion of Bliek - Atepublicut fanaticism
writing priVatt letters begging for peace,
and " ahudderini ..the pre,ect of
se h u l a e in e edptkoe,n "wholesale dew.
lotions" and " new rims of human
blood :" and reminding the Washington
jwiterof our " bleeding, bankrupt, almost
dying country." And yet what is H. •
Greeley but a represontstive um; of the
party which he leads and of thik section'
from which emanates his politica philaw4
pity 't In success," blustering; boastful::
bullying, revengeful; in Ware. aslant,
timid. abject., and oowardly.
Tie (*.treat Itithatimed.
Richmond and Petersburg have been
evacuated, and General - Lee with the Con
federate army has retreated towards North
Carolina, probably to join Johnson. The
news of the fall of the rebel *vital:has
sent a feeling of gratideation through the
Noriiersi Ire-irteupb as it has never' ex
perienced before. It is felt on all bides e t a
as indication of speedy peace and a
united country.
We have patiently waited until the
latest hour, in order that w e m i g ht h e
enabled to give our readers reliable infor
mation-of the operations which have been
crowned with each encouraging success,
Our regular " News of the Week" column
gives a summary of the war news up to
Friday evening. We continue our report
from that date : . .
On Saturday morning the 25th • eOrps.
under Weitzel, was on the north Lank of
the James, about six miles southeast
Richmond. The Ninth' corps Was along
the Appomattox river, and in front of
Petersburg. The Gth cone extended
from the 9th along the Boydton road al
most to Hatcher's Run. The 24th was on
the Boydton road at Hatcher's Run. The
2d corps was on the lloydton road near
the intersection with White Oak road.
Then came the 2th corps along the White
Oak road, and Sheridan's cavalry on the
extreme Federal western flank at Din
widdie Court House.
On Saturday the battle was begun by
Sheridan and the sth and 2d corps. They
made a determined attack upon the Con
federate works along the Boydton and
White Oak roads. They
i fought from day
light until about two n the afternoon,
when the Confederate troops gave way
and abandoned their works. At two
o'clock in the afternoon, Sheridan and
the sth gyps pushed the Confederates
back to the - Five Forks, near the South
side railroad, thirteen miles west of Pe
tersburg.- A large force of Confederates
was cut off from the main body; the
Southsid° railroad was soon reached near
Sutherlapd Station, and the 2d corps was
at once moved forward ; at dark the cav
alry, 2d :and sth corps, were all on the
Southsidi, railroad. General - Lee withdrew
his troop° to the north bank of the Appo
mattox, and during Saturday night pre
pared for the evacuation of both Rich
mond and Petersburg.
On Sunday, morning the entire Federal
line attacked the Confederate works. The
9th corps attacked Petersburgb, and the
6th corps attacked the Confederate line
west of Petersburg. Sheridan, the sth and
2d corps, turned east along the Southold°
railroad and Boydton roads, and advanced
towards Petersburg. The 24th corps was
in reserve. Sunday was the day of fiercest
fighting. The battle raged from Deep
Bottom, along the lines to the Five Forks,
thirteen miles west of Petersburg. For
,over forty miles length the troops were in
'conflict. .The Confederates fought to
cover their evacuation ; for during Satur
day night Lee began to draw them off to
wards North Carolina. The Federal line
gradually advanced' at all points. Sheri
dan marched east along the Appomattox.
The 6th and 9th corps broke through the
outer Confederate works at Petersburg.
By noon, the Confederates, excepting at
Petersburg, had all withdrawn to the
north side of the Appomattox. The Fed
eral lines gradually closed around the
city, and at half-past four in the afternoon
they extended from the bank of the Ap
pomattox,_ three miles west of Petersburg,
around to the river bank again, just east
of the
Lee spent all this time in withdrawing
his army, and during Sunday night his
rear guard abandoned Petersburg.
most at the same time his troops evacu
ated Richmond. The line of retreat 'was
westward. towards Barkeeville, and from.
the southward towards Johnson's camp,
in North Carolina. Early .on yesterday
morning Petersburg was discovered to be
evacuated and the Ninth Corpse marched
in. At half-past eight, some of Weitzel's
negro troops from Deep Bottom, on the
north aide of the James, merchatl up to
Richmond and found it deserted. It
remained for the negroes, carefully spar
ed from doing any of the fighting; to be
the first to enter the captured city.
The great siege is at last ended. Rich
mond has fallen. The losses of these con
flicts, which have continued almost with
out intermtsion for five days, are not
_They must be enormous. Part
of Richmond was in flames when Wet
zel entered it, and all the heavy guns and
much valuable property fell into his
hands. The Confederate retreat is west,
towards Berkesville. The Richmond and
Berkeeville railroad is used extensively.
Grant Started all his army on a march
northward across the Appomattox towards
Burkesville, to intercept their retreat, if
possible, but the Confederates hate had
so much time that tthey will probably
succeed in getting off.
Tax ant Stirlia.—Madame Amenslia
Olivia, the celebrated Prima Donna, and
her sister, Celeetia, the American
Contralto, ;fader the directinn of their
father, Captain H. Tinker, will give a
Grand Concert at Farrar Hall, on Monday
evening, April 10th.
.These parties are so
well. known in Erie that we deem• it un
necessary to speak at length of them.
They have always been favdrites in this
city, and never fail to attract large audi
ences. The price of tickets will be , fifty
cents. Reserved seats, for' which there
will be no extra charge, can be obtained
at Ensign's book store; where a diagram
off-ithe- Hall may be seen. - •
• It is well known, says the Lincasfer In
ellisenor, that Mr. Beaten= will soon
give to the public a full documenti►ry his
tory of the latter part of his administra
tion: In it will be found a complete and
ample vindication of himself and of the
Democratic party, from every one'of, the
charges which have been paraded in abo
lition prints during the last four years.
The public records; when once they are
spread_ before the world, will give the lie
to all such base slanders. , -
The Rome correspondent of the London
Times writes
" Gen. McClellan is still here and at
tracts much attention. Last nifht M r .
Storey, whose guest the General u. had a
large dinner party ; the evening there
was a reception. at which a large number
of Americans, English and Romans, em
bracing all of any rank or consideration,
were present. Gen.'McCiellan, who is a
man of pleasing, gentlemanly and units
st3 manners, hal created a decidedly
le impression here. He remains
about ten rims longer, and then goes on
to Naples."
Gottschalk's farewell concerts in New
York-list-week were crowded. lie was
; presented with a beautifat wreath of 'sil
ver, ;ornamented with brilliants. The
young ladies are putting ashes on their
healh in grief at his departure for Mexico.
rr.!rl. 7 l ! •p
There will be eleven pew State iketatort,
' *411)01 fall. Of thow,.:'l , 43ven are
Ats*tie#isits rot;
i RI,
lowi6 Slicod
A.; ll'ocitth r 03444geVAmieltkAz.Eleventte.
Wittietti - A.; Twelfth, J. B.
Statit,'- . Detu ; Thirteenth, •S. F. Wilson f
Eighteenth, Oro. H. Bucher, • Dein.;
Nineteenth, Wm. M. Sherry, Dem.; Trent
ty-second, Thomas St. Clair,
,A ; ; Twenty
third; Wis. A. Widifiti;, Den.;
fifth, - J. L. Gralutis, A.; Twinty-sillb. C:
McCandless, A. The tippet' House now
staiullfik 14 DiotwXrifitts to 19 Aboliticinfits,
a change of three will give the Democracy
the control of the Seitat'el.'
NATiONAL. BANlKL—During the week
ending Saturday, 25th, twentyneveu Nfr
tional. Bank! were established, with an
aggregate capital of $6,742,100. The total
number. ; of banks now, doing business
under the National Banking act is 935,
with a capital of $215,665,800. Three mil
lion sin hundred and nineteen thousand
three liaDdred and thirty dollars National
banking Purrcnoy was Wined within the
period mentioned, thus swelling the whole
volume of this currency now out, includ
ing Ni. pew small bills,, to .. one hundred
and ..eighty , tbroe htindred and
sixty nine thousand, eight hpadred and
seventy dollars. „ , ,
We find the following in the Portland
(Me.) Advertiser • . •, •
" The Rev. M. D. Conway, the pioneer
abolitionist of Mdissachusetta and editor of
the Cbmwasouvealth, is now out in favor of
the reoognition or the tlonfalltracy. He
says that as slavery is now Out of the way,
there is no prelatic for.continuing the war
on the South."
Mr. Conway is well known as a radical
Unitarian preacher. He %Val — located in
Cincinnati for a number of years, and left
for Boston in 1861. He is now in Eng
land, and represents the extreme anti
slavery sentiment of the country.
The Herald's Washington ttorresponden
" President Linooln fully believes that
there will be no more fighting of any con
sequence, and has full confidence that
Lee will surrender his army at. no distant
Ye It'not about..time now to have an
other prediction from Seward I
The Democracy of Michigan knocked
nfr in the late election 20,000 of the 25,000
majority by which the abolition Republi
cans. carried' the State last fall. The peo
ple of that State have evidently discover
ed once more that there is some difference
between the promises made by the Ad
ministration leaders before election and
their performance after it.
No Ru n. Piterr.— he Franklin Repori
tory learns that in ew er to a letter ad
dressed to the Pr ident by Governor
Curtin some weeks , the commander
of the Middle Depar ent has assured the
Governor that he is abundantly able to
protect .the border without the aid of a
State force, and none will be called.out at
present. .
The much abused State of New Jersey
keeps herself all taut, both politically and
financially. Not only the State, but her
towns have a repugnance to burdensome
debts. The financial condition of Jersey
City, for instance, is as follows Receipts
for 1864, _.51,5 0 .2,062 31; expenditures,
$1,516,663 18 ; balance on _hand, $5,399 13.
The World says that au admired Demo
cratic Statesman, in times put, was called
u Old Bullion," for his rigid adherance to
the doctrine of his party in favor of hard
money, and suggests that Tttaddeus Ste•
vena, the bead of the Ways and Mauls
Committee, would be fitly designated
" ()Id Paperkite."
Mr. Wm. L. Kelley, late of the Park
House, has takene th plade. recently oc
cupied by Mr. John Zimmerly, and will
continue to keep it as a boarding-house
and lodging place for travelers. Mr. K.
is regarded as a pleasant landlord, and we
recommend him to the patronage of our
friends in the country in their visits to the
. The Farmers',Hotel, at the corner of
French and Fifth streets. has been taken
by Messrs. Worden k Dunn—two men
well qualified to make good landlords.
The house has been
,thoroughly repaired
and renovated, inside and outside, and is
now one of the most pleasant places for
the accommodation of travelers in the
The need of tenement houses in the
city is greatly felt. If the holders of re
cant lots would improve the present op
portunity to erect comfortable and desir
able dwelling houses, we are satisfied that
the investment would be profitable to
them, as it would certainly be a great
benefit to the city.
A gentleman at the Astor House table,
New Yoris, asked the person sitting next
to him if he would please to pass the mwe
iard. "Sir," said the man, "do you mis
take nie for a waiter ?" " Oh, no, sir,"
was the reply, " i mistook you for a gen
A isolate of thirty-four guns was fine ,
on litonday evening last in celebration za
the evacuation of Richmond. A large
crowd was in attendance ; bonfires were
made, and among other good results a
part of the Park fence was burned.
Gold has been only slightly affected by
the cheering war news. On _Wednesday
It opened at 148, but sold up to 153 14 on
the strength of an understanding that
Secretary McCullough prdposes selling the
Savannah cotton for gold.
Brratie_Arntrrion.-It has frequently bees mg.
gaited that Plantation Bitters are, in another
fast, the " Elixir of Love" of the Asaienta.
That they do much to quiet , afaisily jars," and
reconcile fretful wives to cross husbands, We
verily believe. When domestic quiet is res
tored and consubial felicity reigns supreme,
d i How rest the charm, how met the bliss.
That Buds expressies in 11, kiss."
A free and proper use of Plantation BR*"
will inspire the souls of both sexes with pure
and high-toned sentiments of agoctios, sots
capacity for rare and exquisite enjoyntest
each other's society. Remember there is so,
plumlike home, and no passion like . love--
and nothing to link the twolopther and yon
to both, like the great Family Blessing, Plan
tattoo Bitters. - - •
The Blake : la ersiford 'county 'Offered
•liehity i by the late desk ilia' adder" of the
Meteheats' Vatloseli Pint If:.
woo w fit ffiturrille, were an
!Nand with it will. Well, they 'xi geed to
44 duets" sad east stead it.
War Nees ef the •eel&.
The long thradanst Onist's
army has et Week alasla:' • ph_ homey
WA, Omni ofteintialed: - Atfik trioPs et
Resister'sshiesSOO& Or Ffteg
burg, theatres, left of his lines. AU Um
white troops on the north-side- of the Junes
_grossed over to the loath bank, and the in
lrenchments at Deep Bottom were left in
charge of the sem eoldiari la frost of ea.
tiirsbuig 'along the Appomattoz the Federal
lilies Were IreeketWid; all th, available - troops
being sent to the left. Sheridan's cavalry
and all the emir/ wide,* had before bees in
Grant's army. were sent to Hatcher's run •
Os Tumidity night Gram had s °alums, of
Seventy, thousand nma is position to advance
against the Boutheide railroad, which is sev
es miles west of the Federal camp on Hatch
er's run.;
ft was hoped that this sadden movement
would surprise the Confederates. Constant'
attacks wire made during Moaday and Tues•
day upon the Confederate works in front of
Fort Stestintan. These were to cover the
Wrings. Grant's plan' wag to move his in-,
fautry west from Hatcher's run, and endisvor
to strike the Sonthside railroad, at a petit
fifteen miles southwest of Petersburg. Sheri -
den with the cavalry wit to make-A detour
farther to' the southward; pus through
litintriddie Court Rouse, thirteen miles smith .
of Petersburg, and endeavor to oat the rail -
road at Burkesville, thirty miles west of
Petersburg; where it joins the Richmond anti
Lynchburg Tattroul. The columns moved
forward at three o'clock on Wednesday morn
ing. Hateher's ran wee crossed wlthotit any
oppositilin, from the Confederates. Sheridan
marched south towards Dinwlddie Court
Reuse, sad it is reported that he reached that
plain by noon on Wednesday. As Sheridan
however, at once oat himself loose' from the
rest of the Federal army, and has no cominu-.
Ideation with City Point, there has been ye
authentic information from him since he left
Ratcher'e Run. •
The Federal infantry columns turned west
ward from Hatcher's ran towards the South
side rallroid. It began to rain almost as
soon as they started. The Confederate pick
ets were found two miles from Hatcher's run,
and five miles east of the railroad. These
pickets were drlien a mile and fell• back to a
strong line of Confederate works, four miles
from the railroad. The rain continued nod
grew more heavy.. The, Confederates hod
(Hoovered Grant's movements and hurried
forward reinforcements. The Federal advance
was checked; lighting began; repeated char
ges made to break the Confederate line ; the
charges were repulsed ; ono Federal division
lost four hundred men ; - and on Thursday
morning the Federal column was still checked
by the Confederates:
On Wednesday night sn artillery battle
began in front of Fort Steadman at Peters
burg. Heavy cannonading continued until
two o'clock on Thursday morning.
The battle began in earnest on Friday.
Lee had massed his troops on his right., upon
the line of the Southside road andentrench
ed them a few miles in advance to await the
attack of General Meade. The position occu
pied by our left on the morning of Friday
was on a line with the Boydtown plenkroad,
which nine almost parallel with the South
side road, and not mere than six miles distant,
and between Hatcher's run and the interseo-.
tion of the Quaker with the Boydtown road-
The details of the fight, as given in the dis
patch of our correspondent, show that
although at first • the enemy succeeded in
driving a portion of our left wing, the column
was trendy reinforced, and the rebels were in
turn driven from the field, and at the close of
the engagement, -oar forces held the ground
occupied by the enemy in the early part of
the day; It would appear that in the morn
ing we lost the k 4 Five Forks," which are just
beyond Gravelly run on the Boydtown road ;
but this position was regained on the next
Federal reports of their losses in the recent
battles between Sherman and Johnston, south
of the Neuse river, in North Carolina, have
been received. At Averysbord, the Federal
loss in killed and wounded is reported at four,
hundred and eighty-four. At Bentontrville
the Federal loss is stated at one thousisd
killed and wounded, and two hundred and
fifty captured. •On March 23d the united
armies of Sherman, Terry and Schofield were
encamped along the Neuse. at Goldsboro', and
for some distancie west of it. It was announced
that Sherman would not, move for some time,
as he intended to rest his men and procure
supplies. Sherman left Newbern on March
25th, for Fortress Monroe, and sailed up the
Jame, to City ,Point on the 27th, and had an
interview with Grant.
Sherman's army on March 21st, formed
semi-eircle, the western flank being at Ben
toneville, and the eastern flank at Goldsboro'.
Oa March 22, Sherman established- his
headquarters at Goldsboro', and gradually
moved the center of his line forward, until all
his troops were concentrated between &stone
villa and Goldsboro'. Sherman's line faced the
north, and the Confederates were north and
northwest of it, with their headquarters at
Raleigh. Sherman now has all his troops
under his immediate command, and his line
stretches along the south bank of the Netts&
The indications are that he will march to
wards Raleigh, fifty miles northwest of Golds
born'. Sherman has now at least one him
dred thousand men. Large amounts of sup
plies for his army have been sent to Kinston.
Sherman's eastern dank is being gradually
swung around to the northward, so that his
line will face towards Raleigh. Hie troops are
believed to be some distance from Goldsboro',
on i the road to Raleigh.
idea. Sherman has issued a cengratalatoiy
order to Ida troops, dated " In the Field, near
Bentonnille, March 22, 1865," in which be
Announces that the day previous they had
beaten the enemy on his own chosen ground,
and that the latter had fled in disorder, leav
ing Midead and irotrided in their hands, and
burning his bridges in his retreat. He an
nounces their junction with the commands of
Gene: tkiholleki and Terry, and compliments
the Mon their. recent successful and entraor
dinarr march. He sill assures them that
needed supt'and supplies will be given them
ere they ere called, upon to embark on new
and untried•dangers.
General 4•o's 'WA aoeount of the ton
teat at rat 4114031110, in front. of Petersburg,
han beet received. He spa that OS' Coated
„ , .
orates armalted and raptured the Federal
works wit* aine,gons„.elOt mortars, 1114 -
twee* Ave and sin hundred prisoneis. VON,
re tt l as g t wa 1?Ods finding that
the roderf4 Works in, the rear could,.m4 be
captured escipi bigreat loss of life, the,.Con.
folerstai withdrew.r The guns and mortars
Were disibiod'aiad left behind. The pitioners
were sent to Riithinond. General Lee safe the
CattliderSte 1011141Fiet hew.
-• •.
Go,tifidelitCit . nude amid on the Haiti ?
More sad Ohio railroad, near Cumberland, on
Thniediialibt captired and burnt a ius
saler aline 11144 waved.
The Federal troops have evacuated East
port, lluutorille; Dentur, Dalton, sad all
thelr*eitia Nerthera Atantis sad Georgia,
There at* aolvev.gederal \ troops south of,
Chattoseser. - -
Geaerai Sheriaaa'e hermiquariM have beta
resnoted Ed Nudism, Noith Citrot.
fiestetery Bewerdhes issued a Ores!sputa,
offering st,cloo reward for the capture sal
cow/lotion of persons crossing the borcleri
from pinata or entering
_United Sims% port:
from *road with busing intentions. ,
Wfstrunros, Aram. 3.
From the boat' (Dictator, whit
left City Point yesterday; at 10 o'clock A.
tha Siar obtained the followrog
among other items :
.g*nboala have - removed ap
James River, are now engaged in read
ing the obstructions. General — Wel
upon entering Richmond wsa-direoted,
General Grant to. allow uo one to( '
the city, or permit any one to enter
was not coauecteil with the army or
,authority to do it.
The rebels fired Petersburg in fietsliral
places before. evacuating the town,, - but
the fires were immediately extingu ed.
Over 5000 prisoners have acre wily et re
ceived atCity Point. and others, are, n
stantly arriving. fn fin there wer so
many prisoners there that a sufficient
number of troops could not be spared to
guard them and consequently detsrh
manta of sailors and marines were is iii
from the gunboats and placed in chn ge
of them.
The entire number of prison era capt sr
ed by our troops up to yesterday was wild
mated 441,000 by well informed officejra.
Our wounded,are being sent in to City
Point as rapidly m possible and he spilal
boats tire there taking them on board for
shipment to Baltimore and Washingt m.
The rebel deserters in the Bull Pen at
City Point appeared to receive the iniws
of the fall of Richmond with as great 'en
thusiasm as our own troops and ve
cheer after cheer.
The Dictator brought up nearlyl7oo
rebel, deserters who desire to take r the
oath of allegiance. ,
i .
To lion. E. M. Stanton, Sec'y of Wair
The army is pushing forward in the
hope of overtaking and dispersing tlae re
mainder of Lee's army.
Gen. Sheridan with his cavalry and. the
sth corps is between this and the A ppo
matox Gen. Meade, with the 2d and 16th,
is following.
Gen. Ord is. following the lino of , the
South Side railroad.
•Afl - of the enemy that retains itnythking
like organization have gone north of the
Appomatox, and aro apparently heading
for Lynchburg. Their losses have b. en
very heavy.
The houses through the country aro
nearly all used as hospitals for woundled
men. In every direction I hear of re bel
soldiers pushing for home, some In large,
and some in small squads, and genera ally
without arms.
The cavalry have pursued so closely
that the enemy have been forced to ((les
troy probably the greater part of tlueir
transportation, caissons and munitionicof
_te number of prisoners captured Wes
terday will exceed 2,000.
From the 28th of March to the prevent
time, our loss in killed, wounded 'and
captured will not probably reach 7;000, of
whom from 1,500 to 2,000 were captured,
and many but slightly wounded.
I shall continue the pursuit as long as
there appears to be any use in it.
(Signed) U. S. GRANT,
Cleveland has thirty-two oil companitO,
with a nominal capital of $6,142,000.
Appeal of the American Negio s —km
not a Man and a Bother Y--Punch.
The hired girl alluded to in the 43ssairza
a short time since as having made $40,000 jby
oil has recently sold her interest for $75,01 1 )0,
having refused the $40,000 first offered.
The decline in gold and prospect of a filld,Jll.
chit panic, has not reduced the demand for ,oil
territory to any great degree.
Valentine Perkins, the ossified man, di NI
at the ,County Mine in Painesville, on the
=a ult., his whole system having 'become
ossified or petrified.
Mr. Robert W. Russell was elected Cler k
of the Select Council on Monday evening
last. (leo. P. Griffith, Edq., was reelected
Clerk of the Common Conn*.
"Corruption wins not more than honesty.
Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace,
To silence envious tongues. '
Use the Liquid Catarrh Remedy discovered
by Dr. D. 11. Seelye, and judge for yourse l f
of its merits. A large bottle often cnres—r
always relieves.
John Simmonds, a negro Bather from Mo
nongahela City, Pa., who was in the late
skirmish, near Oallatia, Term., came home ,
lut week on a furlough which he obtained
after this fashion : .4 yer see our Colonel says,
Boys strike for your country and your
homes !' Well, some struck for der country,
but die chile struck for home. Dat orphans de
matter you see 1".
A conscript being examined before the
Medical Board in an adjoining district, on
being asked upon what grounds he claimed
_exemption from military duty, proceeded to
satisfy the board, by taking off a wig, pluck
ing out an eye, displacing a set of false teeth,
unscrewing a eork leg, etc., when the surgeon
called out in astonishment and alarm—"hold
on, my dear sir! or we shall never be able le
get you together again !"--Conneaut Reporter.
We hope our neighbor has not heard of a
similar occurrence, which is said to have
occurred in our vicinity, and does not mike
a heartless allusion to it.
Tun Runny or Wutta..—We have heard a
great deal about " The Rights of Women, "
from many a so-called " Reformer," but we
never taw them more felicitously set forth
than in the following lines, By one of " the
sex, " Mrs. E. Little ;
" The rights of women, " what are they ?
The right to labor and to pray ;
The right to watch while others sleep ;
The right o'er others woes to weep ;
The right to succor in distress ;
The right, while others cure, to bless ;
• The right to love when others scorn ;
The right to comfort all that mourn ;
The right to shed now joy en earth ;
The right to feet the soul's high worth ;
The right to lead the soul to God,
Along the path' her Savior trod ;
The path of meekness and of love ;
The path of faith that leads above ;
The path of patience under wrong ;
The path in which the weak grow strong ;
Such woman's rights ; and God will bless
And orawn their champions with success.
Tna Osn Cluago:—The April number of The
Old Ousrd is now ready. The leading article
is a review of the "Northern War of Tariffs
- Upon the South." Among the other articles
are Napoleon on the Despotism of Taxer ;"
" Abolition of Slavery Impossible." The
story, " The Pegt and the Printer," paws in
interest. The editor contributes a very
plectrof poetryp i entitled " Down in the Woody
Rant' -;" and Tome thrilling verses, by Dr.
.A 14146,, on " Des t h and Tetement Roues,"
wllfittreet general attention. Single copies
sent (post-paid) for 20 cents. Yon Eyrie.
Horton h Qo., 162 Nassau street, N. T.
flawas pi( On. Bonasze.—The committee
aispointid by the dealers in oil who have oaf-,
tared by the freshet , have employed oonmsol,
miffone detonated to enforce the penalties
at the lim'a p tinet. those who have caught.eil,
barrel, MI or empty, and who tail to give
nOtiiii•thereof, tt attempt to 'tradnientl y dis.
PA of their booty.
do if you drive tbeluitrtiorr; hot 'sod acrid mat.
ler out ot l youtitistest by iiitynrily
Cartur's autopigiudßitiact or lUntielhot pnd
ttittursteeet y •.n4 twitlyirig mute tr 14
Yell& Ol4linc t. lUimlrn le emu testify 111.11
4fiejr 'c ee,.fieve'jpictrih.,4:. is
after bi*ing a nt vo,
other things to n. , Thex:fore. v.
say ace the4o two !Articles •Inil At. p e 2 a 1 srr a/eh
ing. Price of llottire sod 1101 taether. •.11c
dollar sod fifty rein/. Sold by Carter S Cs*
.4geempusug• the comp I iinent.
As my vita si lite "gado* ono day
StoodiMiabiag a matt midi a monkey,
A; out Ulm al Milk a ", broth of a boy, "
Who mei driirlag at °Willie - donkey. •
To , my ink! !het 'Poke, ky MaY of a Joke,
."Thesisliss relidion of y ) burs in that •csit—
• rinilli f e" r • •
To ofbialViikii replied, sm the, doakey obi
" La , *ylis,"" . ratuos. ‘y marriage!"
Pus? Tsises.:—Spring: is upon us, snd our
advice to all is, , plant trees. Every person,
gaudier living in town or country, and having
the unoccupied space, sivould at once improve
it, ty planting trees, either fruit, shade or
oreammiest: We feel red that we (Meat
Improve the :sstne ep z .e in ciur . colUtens, to
more sdraittage, than)y' advising ourfriends,
everywhere, to plant rees.—.Exchanv.
Silents° tre.—Will are sending bills to nll
our patrons who owut us-for advertising, sub—
scription and job wo i rk, oil limit as we can make
them out, - and hope
.the amount will be remit—
ted as soon as convcenient after the receipt of ,
the bill: `We want 11 our accounts squared
up by the first of MI y.l
From COLE. F. Joni, Mass. 2Gth 44 With
me, the use of ate 4 ronelsial Troches' an
absolute itecerilty ;, and I cannot understand
how any Mose wh.b Is called upon , - by Ms
position to nog h;S voice in commnd, can
succeed withal :them. "
BAIINVI—S r6I4AaT—III Uirard, Mare* "
by Rey. 11. o.' Howland, Mr. FrancistP.
Barney, of Bydtle Creek / Mich., to Iffis
Mary E. Ste wart, of eirard. •
McKsszta—E4Lswottrit--On the 2.9 th inst.,
in Corry, by: Rey...J. 03e11, Mr. Alexinder
McKenzie, Mayville. Chautauqua Co., N.
. V., and Mies Celestia 11. Ellsworth, daugh
ter of Dr. J. Ellsworth, of Cony, Pa.
Csook—On the evening of the 39th ult., tkfter
a lingering an 4 severe illness, Mrs. Miro
Crook. wife of Jas. P. Crook, of this city,
aged 41 years and 5 months.
Mrs.r.rat z —ln West Millcreek, on Monday,
March 27th, Mrs. Julia A. Miller, wifo of
J. Miller, aged 23 years and 10
Flo ir,.. ........... _10,W11.2.00
Wbeat, 2,00
Corn. - 1,30'
Rye,. 1,0)
Oats . ga '
Barley, 1,50
flax, 2,50
Potatoes, - 50000
Seam, • 2.2.5
Dried Apples, 2, 5 0
Ratter, 250301
Lard - 25,
Cheese, 10117510
EN= ~ . .wir2s
Timothy 5eed,....7,00g01,00 i
Clover Seed,—
Zolag'o Advertionuento.
EAGLIC ILIOTEL, Waterford, Ps.,
Komar Li 111.12, Poona:roc-
Good occommodattook Mad weal attention rivet' to
the comfort or gersts. ap6'65.1y0
Cor. of French and Fifth Streets, Erie,
WORDEN A; DUN N, Proprietors.
The above Hotel haviug be.•n thoroughly refitted, is
now open to lb+ accommoilation of the public.
tittle! attention will ixr tiven to make all g nats tom
a flack will run regularly to all the trains.. •
.Thefidinboici and Wattcburg stages leave thh. Hotel
A *lmmo! t ha public patronage is respectfully polio
ted. if.
aptlea•tf J. B:DU.N.N.
Public Sale.
DAY, April 11, at 10 o'clock, at nip residenos, near
lirolant Crook, four miles from Erie • lart• variety of
articles, comprising all kindo Tanning Utensils and
Nonasbold foraltore.
Also, alit hundred buslurs of corn in the ear.
J Linn.
and ice artore• of Harlow it Rrigga I dratre to
unity thiettirene of Erie, that during the hot oration or
18116, I orili be prepared to supply them daily with the
beet quality of Lake Erie ler, either to hotel*, families,
naloona, or to dealers. lily stork le the large 4: ever
stored in Sri?, end beyond dispute the beet. tout:arta
for the 114tron may be made, or arrangements eateryd
into for any kind of a :ripply, be calling on me at _the
Ektenalon fleas«, at the outlet lock, or by traria:orient
at Harlow'e Saloon, or Pending them through the lest
Mace. THOS. CNVANdlitill.
Erie Water and Gas Company.
aos, M- J. Felton, and Juo. W. Shannon, or two of
~ will on Monday, the 10th day of April. 1 eat:, op..n
lern l
books of entweriptiou to the Capital the Erie
Water and fdas Cu, at Brown's lintel, in the city' of Erie.
Books will be opened at 9 o'clock A. 11., and kept open
three hours each day for fire days, unless a sstilelent
&Mount et sooner legally subscribed therefor,
L .1. Morrison _ I C Seldeo
' Geo 11l Starr J C Bares.
A 0 Graf A Scott
Joe IlicCartn. • Jo., W Sharma°
1W 8 Brown It J Felton
..V 11 Thompson Win F Rinderneeht
John Hearn.
Erie, April 6th, 18.;5. '
WOULD respectfully inform his friends
and the public'tbst, attar an absence of Dearly
tint year,. *peat u Surgeon in clause of large Army
Hospitals and Camps, be has rrannual,the preset Fee ot his
protessloo in Erfe.
Special attention given to operative and conurvatiro
surgery, and ails in this branch of the profession will
be attended to In this and the adjoiningconnlaes.r
Ulles,ld floor Paragon Block, north side of Public
equals, our Peach street. Residence at S. K. Goodwin's,
put door to Postrifilas.
trOgltte hour" from 8 to 9 a. m., 12 to 1 m., and 7 to
8 p.m. mar?-1e;
To Boat and Vessel Owners.
axle a, largo Mock of paints of all kind. and
colors ; also, a large store of Linseed Oil, both raw and
boiled. ?be bed...toil Is well titteJ for boat and rear.. 4
painting, having been prepared with strong dyiog pro
parttecto overcome datopneaa. Every kind of painting
materials, brnsbeo, kc., ire, are oder,' I at lowest market.
prices, and we think the interest atilt parties tbotrt to
boy potation," oils will De promoted by riyi.! as a call.
mogl6-3m ' HALL & WARFEL.
Notice to School Teachers.
11 irainnter term, io NiU Creek school district. wlr.:
be Received until April 28th. -Appll cations to be in wtj.
flog, and should epees.. applieant's certiteate. Super
intendent's examination will .be held et Eagle Tillage,
April FY, at 10 o'clock precisely. F. W. KO
was2.l4t Secretary of Nara.
Farm for Sale or to Rent.
wo or rent his farm — is Elk Creek township, on
the west• branch of Creek, contain:at sixty acres,
ferty:of Which are improssd, this red being ps t timber
and put pasture. There le a largo frame house, a good
birmweLF, archard acid an abundance of rinsing N ater
os the premiers. Terms remissible. Appal to
J. sr VE:tizsi}N.
Ri Road. opposite the Erie City Brewer!.
P. S.—Thirty or forty sheep n 11l be let with the place.
O UT -LOTS No. 134 and 1&i and known
• as the Pan= PloPerth on which are erected st
msbetantral brick house, barn and outbuildings; situated
ji solo southeast of the city limits; and ,t; mile south
el the monies of the Philadelphia k'Srie and IL kg.
millmails. Said property contains ten mots of land, and
is one eta* best and most pleasant locations In the ri
oats, or wip§., haying* nine garden, fruit tie e, grape rtaes, slags, entrant mashes, h 0,,, hiring also a tine rise of he
city, bay, bike and . The those property trill be
sold together or In parcels to suit purchasers, vor terms
and partiosilert inquire of '
us l2l - 31, tAtSTNIP, relo l tig e " "
Administrator's Sale. .
at the late residence of Stephen Ming, deed,
heat fir* ea the Railo.o7o !lank read. on Pat
rolle Tielgil Ilth. at , p. m,, the following real
estate:.OD* Fara. containing 211.14 ears et good land,
with Ihreillat lain and other out Waage.
Also, a good animal Terme made /wawa on day of
Mariii4a Admicist: ator
Shoulderl, 2t)
Eggs. - ^5
'Mackerel per bbl No 1..20,00
41 2 24,00
White Fiah, Half DIA.-10,50
[Cod Fieh, per cwt.... 10,00
Lamp Oil, per val 1,25
80a On, trlaterst%L...3,oo
Lard Oil, per gal 1.85
Tan Oil, per gal 2,40
Platter per W 0.10,004512,02
Wood, bard, per c0rd...7,02
Wood, sort, " 5,00
Pork, Laces, he tvr..:120-10
" Light 30W6
,tf:C:: ICE : I :
For Salo.
49 4 7 \ 4 4 1)
4 . ..
I vital
ain m thr. r .
a uf. t t,,
- - .
fa4lgse, t i
itin n ties, bark *4Ol ,„
wbiett Mite from interru pt-. , 0 of 'rot
oared over a t i nirl f
CAW. ' as tha only War.. ~1 '
I.llol l e co.sitharo Ikr jeneaLe 1 r
atahroa lake. ft - akar' pi, ducaa,,, , 4. P.F
5t11.1%. lye romaidsa• reorerred (.. IS Pr,
restat, Nise4klcidoE. url. ,i„..."
tosole,Lielf of the •
tAIM a• falai it. • re , .•
of v-aturpcsuuot ;
.uy ttber Way. •
c ,, t.1
of I
Dr..Cheesoman'g Pin::
vs 3r bri.n I atamlant rrtidody f,n^ • .• r
e the eth eta,' t ne rt rr t• „
litC2l% , r le Lad. oi I
ibdiseing with ctefaiol3 kt•ei .... ,
are bloom in btrussivie, k t• t •
kutprriode,lbrmiKLou egu..[.? 1,. • „ . •
(ion role r f the wort rwir.ent •. • „
lf•xpli it illreetionthatatst.7,
*with "vela hoz—the Nova $1 ebot . •
Containing 50 (41 Pak,
Yille rent by mail, prcrnptly, at , 1 • , ,*
Nation. by r.ulitlmd to the p r•P, •
tSI UTCIIINGS::. 11 hithil; lt, J'l„
Ce , bir St., lieW 1 , t 4
;t o ld in grin by Carir.r k Garret, V lon. 4i• r
Watfal, end Wm ti irk. .rry
k nowlatel. . •
halo Seater, Brown N.
13ANKERS AND (Y)1.1.1;{
Military & Naval C111,i4
!'irk Race •
Correvonding 110111110 in WiLlire.e.••• .
er 474 14' •
Having ha.ct . •
„t,...r6' esp. r. , .•
of Claim' , and the general tran .
department* of Government, a
and correspondent* that all
Will be vigorously and pr. •-lp: I , ,
prepared to make 3.!„ pore t• I
Of claims, and parett*.• s t••
checks, la wall as c 011... tL,
PIPDB/01711 tar 1uv310 , ,
80unti..... tor •
In battle, (how• who hay , . ••••F
heirs of deceniell; Moto at, boob!.': •
Arreara of pay (at °Ulcers and -
of [ltemised.'
Nary ytriz , money for all eiptur
Nary pon.lon and balaorp otp,..
Acconnt of antelirge,l , /'ir.t+ w•l t 1.•
Ciatti 3 Og cetorns properly lo (de out and
elearar:a•eegtaiwd r.. 111 thltotnev a''l •/1
Dr partastota,
U. S. Iteroune Stamp. 61 • !.•, •
4n per rent
The Ninth National Bank el
('1 CV 'NEW 14)ItK.
Capital $1,000,000, Paid
F: .41 '%1 )1.• Top, uNin-1
Ind Niortul Agin! :fur Jny (23,A+, •
WILL DELrVtli 740 NOT K.-4, FRE ,
by eiprris, in all parte of the country. o.
payment Chofeks ow New York, l'hi.VM •1 •
current bills, and all'fieo per cont t 1 4 .••
interest to date alf uhFellption 0,1:. •
Mill he promptly f711+,1 ,
[he Rank receive, the tecu,o•,
on favorable terms; also ot"
York accounts , - •
J. T. LBW,. Cashier ,
• Farm for Sale.
Ktic hie ta.tut situated in MiU
shoat fire wile,' trout Ene, nn ttr It,; -
road, contsiolug fifty acres, or Irtl, ht.
agond!raweduellinghoo.e, ,
barn,andl`CC.Gely .
oreltrd of choice. frac:. For fay they
of John W or't,
the prehasee Tilu,N 4. •
Notice: •
1' I) E I, NUERSIG N EL, 1 i k ' N `
e:atra theccoA , ~
rrea no Spr kb• ~. - ..
AILNER'S, to tontinuo tbo N7ll dr....• , I : - • ,
a 0 Veil, Ca cr....eft:gr., and LLotoo ,, 1 , ',1,,,, ~,,,
`,‘ `1
firer, IqE"
Administrator's S4i.
of Jul °Mot of 114 Orphan's Coq
I will expow, to Bah: at public irridt,.
aalenn lately oreupi.l by Jatueo , • • •
borough .4 '
nth* County,
of Apra, 18GS, at 10 ft'clo,:lt, a. , t , ••
Navy' nal Pstate, lain the
to wit
1. All tbat cos:twin pii.o.. or par:, o' ' •
and being iu lb. township of Uni rr, arty o
State of Peno.ylva..ll.3, bound..; an 1 ,,
town: Ou Oa. north by I 1714 kL 41.
rant .by laud of daspiir kilo:. on tiro I. : ' i
Nelson Tutu:lsnot", Anil .. t 7•
Harris, cootalroug bay :Lor••••4 • I lAu,l t' r
or leer.
2. Air°, all that I 13nilIn
on', Eris. roma), l's , liaoarloo ori I aaserrtr in
lows, to wit: 4',otntnenctme au tlia
railroad, on A lino psrallid Font,'
noel tierl r towards t t r z proof 1.
the south:yen , .. , .riper of I.oslar's p, 1•11
t11011C•I weilltPrly (111 a ban par3lli I
corner or nsloon on a "lireot 11u.• can: z
uer; %bonen southerly no a Hai. 1"4:11frl w i f •
end of Ow 'Alarm to this Plata lelplii El'
tbetooe easterly alou,; 11.,
place of bozionln.y. •
Toirrnn—fono-thic.4 in hind halm. , .
pnmral paymonts with into.-t to Fir psi': a/.
be nesninsil by
.01.1„tjarrtt.1.41.1 o.
takes--or, tttA option the tho
money oily all bapsi4 iu head.
parl6-at Athamisfrator of .11.1..
House and Lot For Sate
AHousE .%X I.OT, SITUATED (1.; '
*vie of ft,rman ptret.t.lyetw.:ottrivr..nt:l .
Ntreetti, for vale—tlot ben q torty.e;ght z• '
ow; blamtrett and elght f,ot drop to ru ~.• •
Biro, W.. 11 tad .71)01 , 0 front tre..4 oo T
For particular*, snyti ro t.r
mar16'65.3.r Or, I
Public Sale of Real Ester
WILL 110 •nl , l at Public •-•:
late riildi.nro of L k ,. •
F. 44143 Vlllao, on TM; I
o'clarle, p.m , tit« Cost n'oitalo ti••:
ing of a tao f• i so.) 11,11,..! a,l 1.
Peach atrt,t ,na Ir. baci. , to.,..t,irr o.•. 1 h,
Alen a lot tau Ito I ov •
feet front atu.l MI fort / •••• • •
Crouenbetger'm and Adaw .I.tutarr's, r-. • •
55 fiat front and 1. o 14 et rout in<
Tams nna4e k non u on day of
PI:TEN. 1.0
Erie City Steam Bakery
THE UNDERSI‘ ,. .NEI) 11.1 1, 1 ::t .
chaito4 the Fauc City Strati itaku• - y o• • • '
takoa tiny opportunity of
city of Edo Mnt ho
the bit of it) art groAii, •
oyerythiug fn tho tato., in•zla•'o• - • •
Rana and Puhlin rintrona -••i
bards of getting, a iro,.iarti,ir. h 3
snit prouiptty rtirtolpho,l '
Lands in Market.
3 000 ACRES, t.)ite II(
5 attnitei watettor
raw. Franklin awl narTiOtT 1,.;
Minable terms. 801310 kikehr %mot ent , , t
nil tvrrithyy located bn French an.l •
far flier Information frbt4:re o.
WILLIAM icAuf.sp: an, at w.%tr , ,,,0,
- J. q. WILSON. at .
Executor's Notice.
estate of P. F. 1. BrOvrtl lat. of Greene .•
deeenee,t, basin:, been Rranit .1 in the subs.
venous indebted to slid estate are nottfltal tr.. •
mediate payment, and those hating claims • ••
wate will present them, properly oulhenti, •
sittienteet to • I,YItAN ".'
West Greene, Feb.::, h65.-Ater
.Houses and Lots for Sa!
Ws the property
Oaa Keats and Lot in the 'city of Eno, • •
&mien's street. nottlt of the ruilreud , 10f. st
'Ong House and three half tots. Witt, .‘ L. 7 •' .‘L
erected thereon, situated in Viva part of M.' ,
known as Kingstown. The build:ll.4+ Ivo!
goal otier,anol tinsels m line well on , •
lot hum number of trseg of Puperint (Tr ,
Ontdot No. 20, in West Ndi Cteol,
street, without unprove me u ts.
For turtlierpartiontsrs Incinlm of "
toarl6-3t State, !tofu ez”.
Administrator's Notice : .
LETTERS OF AratlN I<i 1 : \.
on the estate of T. J, Col-tc.,..1. • .
Milt village, trle county, 1%1 r+• 1• - • ,
been granted to the nuarnoine.l. .01, , • ^
to all Indebted to the slid estate 1., •
payment, sad those bsvittg extllll!KAln i : •'
present them, duly attthru:irrstr,l, for r.
befer• tie let of July. 1561. - - JO II
EMT, 14TTL30N,11:14 - Ipit Illy
without illy Pill% cane, or prorocatlon,
anyone hmoriog or tnutiog her on
. .