i ; 13 0 R ~,, 0 a ...4i t . ; in I . ...:,.. I t R g 9 = N 'l O 2 * , .c) 1 I Cheapest Furnittwe Store • • Is *Li denies of Ow Osaatl7l - EtTABLISHED.IBS7.! G. W. Gilley, Erie r Pa. itUR REIM, zu . BB Cents pa pound. Bomar CORN , REITR , ipS. $5 00 Rta GRABS al&s, An* ROCKING ClLialta, From Si ,00 Frain $2 50 *SING ;fiEDI3; ?Om'f6 NI CANE CHAIRS. Tlatille, LOUNGES, Bynum, AM other Pumittm. LOPIOL • Weet Bide State Street Fast I,44,mer's Grocery. .. New Groce ry ! : , TACOS BOOTS would respectfully an; V BOUM IS the sople el Iris dt.. lad Miii4y. tail *lbw opened • NEW GRIXIERY' 6TOILB, IR Or Wig Ms elf P.ach St ..t, Sheri &maw Ma e the Las Shen &pot. Wi••• b• will keep on hurls ar • aa••rtm•rt •f GROCHILIZIs • sionszars, WOOD AND WALLOW WAWA, nova, mmi moth's; Inally kept ta a aittvim Non E ALBIN ilia% Sweet Cider and Liam.. a lllisi guitit Pries . . - for Prodma, IN eysi . it" ma a e4l, if you "'Mk I Meats good ba; Was I 'taiga Ewell to sell as Leilr.l hat I:emu; than am *tier Pare is Op aft,. =Wide 1 a L O NI t l iz - I- 2/ .1 4 1 .1 s i pits p d al l tta ries Ai a tAzi4esiltz 5 a lf 6 filiii ' 1- iii 1 : 1 . 1 tr il. 31 0 I i l l g b 2 " 2 ° ; P P " I • f .'4 rel a. l 14 12" 5 C " I 3 to i .;1-• 21 I. lepton Stove Works Tibbahy Shirk £ Whitehead, X/31:1711011711.11111 OT Vona dc HOLLOW WARE, Have • lasp w. 4. extensive assortartat of SLIMS it Whofinis sad Retail. TR.R IRON GATE Lamle etroliss Coal Cook with or withost raer vela, tor bard et soft otal. octopi. sod ffa SETTER THAN. THE STEWART STOVE. ire a» =Gwadar, qw WEIZAT BMW & NW RBA, DoLa kw own Cost Cook Illoess—vits wood woi be {M4l,lllO' for sssa or wood. • TUB POILEBT OAK. W 9 us assabotszisi this obasted low cm Om(ICJ fa woo`-0I w!toos lo S woonetr. TEI XIINTO,II. Ow lira fir Mei Tido Is a arra Mors of 111111 1 016 11 gotta. sad aim for sais.4ogstasr wits • Was assortasat rf dented Otos Cook. , rad-, Got for wood ormal, lad Parlor • sad Oase Stoves. ter wood or led. C. IL Tawalst, D. ISSIDX. rtf E. WIIITZERAR - ' Jsa.l2, 11116—ti. , - New' Firm. jaidEsjAROON, having taken In his Ina us porton,its the/at dip old pril 3104, so4er Its nen of / AXE 4 P. ogoog a am, rto bon oettloont ids old tomietoats. AL pr, ioting thenatone tanned to kis an tower sell awl Mtn vitboat delay. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, SWAM 11l V. ROUGE AND PLANED LITXI3.IIB alt/ a IMOTIMIZI os Wiadowlutt, Frames, Bun ud AUULI/IN 04 U PICKET I Vita Baron Sawing, Matching * Planing ! DONE r 0 ORDlt.t. My seNed SC, IL Nom Mk sad Rh as., BA PA. Va eorpeettalll eoll the &Owns of the public tow Whin in dons rock a tie best ea all ie. prompt:, sod on nososaleto tarns. Blotto( Etna 14. 'tau. le on vita seper_ar osaohlana, ws bet noon t . A is t %To s er trot=. litsi ‘ Two pt attention ake2ll44—tt. JAILtil P. =OE k 80N. P. I INIMIIMIL GWVILINLI & EWING, t Amman osa Coainioricoaa at Low 0171C11 ON BPRINO 80., appals!, Crit fades Hall Tiharidna. Pa. Colltietioaa sod all atilt legal ball ISM IA tripaasca. Eria Wane ad Yarn soaatioa, stymied to coattail; aad ramp Roosaaama— Wu. A. Galbraith Whtlia- & omit% bass elli e Sioaser I Mania, Eris, Pa. Boa. IL Br an, Boa. 8. P.Jobaacia. W. DA:elm Volum Ps Clara. • Rama. Pa. FOR SALE. Bia3IDENCE IN THE CITY OF Lie. terse of French and Leath Streets,— =dime to sell eidobed and in geed ardor; ected threaghest. Wit& gal and water. The hoot stable and u• lot the as to trio- oat bnildutis, kis ho_ good oder. Ternseem, and poosedelon given tonalt_pntattares. tonsils de the pr•cdsae. P. PIIIILIS Li Deo 2/. 11161 —jantd6-toke B. J. FRA.SER,, X D., asaistepathic Physician OATS OP CHICAGO, ILLIS IS,) • • BYlossaid olaboo.fy is Cs" for the pazpooo of ~Wog bin pokooloa. OFfICEuh IWitril SIDE OF THE RikEE, H' 'mitres swag. Mee bound= Itola • is otais s p. at. oStrb. &Adam at Um 000 1, tf ti aclAtuag tits dolt unman I pe,..1. fr i :l4titg, N. 11=N..D. pt. W. S. GU, Nati" . Dull/ UM M Redding's Rnada adv. ! • • • XP FORTY YEARS E ERIENCE cm REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE tt REIDDINGIS 11,11.981 A SALVE! cows SWUMM. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! A cease lICLALINL REDD/N(4'B Aussie itiavEl 01131:11 MOM REDDING'S !.121881.6. SALVE! • 0. • BEDDING'S EIISSIA SALVE! • CURLS CROP= ELLNDB. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE] •. C 1 CURES FLESH WOUNDS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE CVBOLD SORES ot 0 '0 m _ rJ Btr9Ba 8/11 ,*EI RIISSLA. -SALVE' I. CURLS CANCEL& REDDING'S RUSSIA SAtirEl MUM SALT Ufa. % REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CUR= BOIL& REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! C7I7R/13 CORNS. REDDENEPS RUSSIA SALVE I cum rums. —EpDENG'S RUSSIA SALVEI— REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE ! ' C 112321 UMW. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CMS 72.0.0 ZIT= PAWN. BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! REDDLITGI 11,1788IA1SALVE 1 L perfectly tree from any mercurial matter or WEI. oaf pertielse. and in no ass will tin ar lion Wafers at with the noodles that .y be by a Inaba physician. The Noilcal Inoolty. throughout the Veda% are 116111111901111 tte prates. The more its virtue toosete known the tester is the dsmad, sad it fa sow mosaid• Ind u ladispiembla article of boadd nseeeettp— Min used alike by rich and poor. • REDDLITCPB RUSSIA SALVE I • Is prompt In turtles, mama pain at ono% and Wafts the moat amity looking ewe llhogu and aa Irby nairlito adhrdi.g relief and a complete ears The tenth of time this salvo has bees Wore tie potblio to octuelulye proof that it I. no Nattl-pease pits aro dots, pat forth to tome a litstieleus popularity, lad thole disk to rids so more. fa' Oak _SS Coca a Beg. Ipit To We by J. P. Dibr4lolllC. No. 491 • Brio:bray, N. T, IL W. PO WLIL 00,110. Tremont Street, Saito% sad by all Druggists sad °oldies, Storekeepers. aberd4-Iy. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One 1 , to Answer I 1 f a a 1 1 1 Are you bead t Door our hair ftil off I Has your hair beep= ;MX ? Dose it feel harsh, sad dry, sad riwelab ? • • Is it tanking gm Won IM time ? ..rs , yea troubled with itebing, boning Naiation of the wan Are you troubled with Are you trembled with O t isulked lierefala or lilt Ehohni Elan you had the Igs, and lost you hair ? Have you had the and lest it ' Han you had the few, and lost Have you lost your by sa,y sickness ? Do you wish luxuriant hate? Do you wish soft and lustrous hair ? Do you wish grey hair rintored Do you wish your whiskers slew? De you wish Mum resiered to wfor Do you want hir your children De broths, slateru mud It for yo t urself, for tither or mother, Pm or Mend Do you want IS mate a preeent Do you want sputum for your toilet ? Do yolawant • kerrilme ankle? Do you want a pun article ? Do you want 6 double distilled article Do you want a cleansing article ? Do oti at ii i :t the beet porparatioa. eat for dressing, Atom , protecting, roistering the color, and render la & soft , sad lustrous the Haman Hair ? If so, we warrant . . DISTILLED RESTORATIVE) TO BE UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR TO ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOUNDED AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. It oats but ID ha eat botlk. or bottles for Is sold by Draggiste sad Desists seszywbere. O. G. MAIL& k CO., Proprietors : R. RADIUSi 00., N. Y.. Gams' Mesta it 10'64. _ Erie County Money. By 'Wu of • lisoolotlos of the BOARD OF DIRECTOBB Or Tan Royston National Bask, ERIE COUNTY MONEY WILL BE RECEIVED Of lb* molar asoOsasno tloo ot Beak. J. .1. TOWS. Osohloo. Iris. DM. e,le6 —ef Authorized Capital $500,000. THE SECOND NATIONAL BUR 111111 opea for bushman oa. Monday sDocematter 11th, 1604. la the Bandar *Woe sow osespled by tho llenhant's Beak. la Hroiries Gent BaUdtag. mottiomet Gamma of btate street aid pilgis Part. - • SCOTT, PUIOII3IT. WU. C. MIST, Cauaa 21:).M7BOTORMI s • 1 WY. L. SCOTT. et den of J. Hears I co., Coal Deakes. JO& IIeC4RTS2 I3 % ars of 5•1410. Illn a McGinn ORO i. MORTON. Coal • • aItOWW, airA l ltallialo I trio 2.1. JOHN C. JO BURG of mess,Ana of Clones, Cambay At lesale Grooms. O. Z. CROUCH. et Om of Croaeh Who Br.. Mar Mies. Y. R. fla&a,of Aria of Bur, Joitana isates, above manufacturers. T. T. FARRAR, Ors, lTenor. Wholesale Groton. J. DRMSGtalult, Grocer. lAN Dee. 7. nea. =T.= Administrator's Notice. LETTERS OF ADKINISTRATION on os the relate of Cirri II Waterelea. deressed. - .410, 44 Le Bead' Teer sig :Krte essety. P. Meta( Sees "rested to tbe ea sad : emits 10 hereby gir os to all taring clam a; the said estate to Per soot them. prowls antis attested. for sattlessetoted Maas Loeb% thoosell ea indebted to the use till make istesediate: pay sa..et. AU aeseaala MIA be Ueda* is before the lit day of Masa, 11101—otherwia• they sot be aloiree. AL. A. WATZSMAN. In %loaf. 4.11.., . 0 54.6.• adalislitster •nd durpon, Farm for Salo. H E FARM SITUATED IN HARBOR 11 arsek township, and owtsPd Im mean' yaw b sits Orate, and known as tbo May Suss. to sow °Send for sec Paid tam to ets miles fl inn bste dip, sal mils south ot the Buirsio road. 1 .4 800 both gem =too to 4; corisiso song of Issd. sod i *so boom. two buss so Mord, sad Mom et twist) sees of atom wood lasi. I kto abets Ihnt .114 b$ Gold Toptbsr arta pions to wit posoirosts rot lints__iw Ow_ Des.a sad y Lai...ft G. J.=1=1, 6 YAW. Nu telly utabilabili Vie npstielity of " ' Ova all other Issiling pnipsrasioss. H- CDR= ALL CDTANZOIDI MAUS AND ZILITPTIONIII OINIZALLT. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, CLARK'S FOR THE HAIR, Satiabetion rausotood, or the marl »hods& CAPITAL PAID IN, $200,000. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! jIRF()RE PURCHASING 'lllll,l IPluto Fortes.. rpiNN MELODEONS! Illsewbero, please manilas my assortaisat o< labs- Mow Thiry are warranted MY to Aiwa rini el o = aad sant a taw and workmanship equal to say anywhere.' I beg yos repileM'ea the het that tbe elder thous :Mod kW, city, agre e establiabasot by made teachers of this city, are reamed oily by sa= ail tops, tAew (Prolassam) an ENORMOUS COMMISSION ! Willa will betraftar twit those vibe by of me to the anseast of from 15 to 25 par tent, for I would name al. low the same to the buyer than to the meddler who henallts to one beei dee kimealf. lam a Mika absight and forward, mid Ws edged flings mad . I must net take the mats oat of my Monis' or defined the Goveroment oat of It, or cheat aed Wally into the Poet blouse for the meteor eat the hooey, mule teachers through whose wltling_ soy Maass will sot fra.tetter, U they are set good, ear bw4 U they are good. I will pay Many man, Inman or child, the meant re mind for *Pismo with my Mine on it, if they 11211 Old plowed with it, and I will pay • Thosewed Dollen to any sue irbo will chew me ens an which UM Frame tabfohlti like no maerNsw York and }Mlle Plum have - dose In ttdi eftY and county. Let the people tell where sly poor Plum are—not the tmobear—espasially those wi th Southern sentiments ; let each go when they belong: Ily fiance are warranted to be impaled with all bete tootling:mminent+, and most give astlegbettion wt IMP/. isaternltanos of all makes can be had of 'me' as well sod cheap as ney other met. Parties may to purchase anything in the made will `phase temeetkor that I ass dealing imgely ha Mil eel Merchandise generally; and ma of.: indamosats rarely excelled be any Start-Stay dealer. pianos warranted by me ma and relied upon. I being Naliaractnrer, Tuner, Player and linaltian, se well ow Teacher. My warrant Is rod, bemuse lam good gm Gm amount. My o talon In way COMM has been a tenedt to the.. who parehased Pianos, and Some was did not be. Ume me at dad totted the truth after a while by their less. • Pismo Tate suede elerwhere Is no bettor for that roaeoo, but all Plano& are good which are made tight, the re good and the bad—bid. Eastern Plum are al by no, ea Ogre add, at Ileaattaturere prtema Myriad; on bead eenslatv of a very cholas veleetlen, 1011 fa Lugar lbw any ever tared for ago hers. PIANOS TO LET. • Ilidr Or promptly attended to: IRSlVeitt. _ WM. WILLIAM. ::1 Fall and Whiter Goods ! HRS. IL H. HALL ilrovid tispeetfolly call attailloa to bet LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Just riesirod from Now York, smbradni Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Sco., Topthir with some DRY GOODS! WU& silo will MI • CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAY. W' Particular attention paid to bleathing, again/ ming. Stare on Petah St., doors above the Depot, trio. Pa. aprairgitt. , READ THIS ADVERTIS.EMENT And Show It to Your Friends. WHEELER & WILSON'S :15E1 edrivicli):ll:.:l They are selnaowledced to be the DENT NAOMI WIWI tatreduceel into this country. Their nartrulled mem not °alp to this ceentry. hut all over the - World, ben made it kr the most popular Machin* mow is we. FOR SEVERAL YEARS They have tabu the lead of all other limalaw, bat dew the late baynmosseate have toes added, irotry_vs rloty of work ie performed vi th Noah we sad rep& tiv that the LAM= ASE 1W ECEPACTES OTT& IT And it trice the adinhailos of ALL. Re marmot them to stitch every Twisty of gooda,fras the tklnneet aaealla to the thickest cloth. They sake the oeletasted "lock 'Web; which leampostelble to rip or raved. Theme No. aloes TV I do the following work RITMO? ANT BAST ING OR PRIPARATION; Tit STITcR, HS_ FELL, CORD. RATHER, BRAID, TOOK. BIND & QUILT. awn say width of hum wilhoot movingly toning or bor if you d ing : they will eal beihn gather sad Minnow ow the wow I it, COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. The demand for throe melebrated liaohluee, eau no hare been located In £d. Yu been amtonlaiiimg. It those we lad great Meet/ In erring oar orders. Wave hare aMI stook jut mewed, and are ready to we any and an who mar eau or mud as their orders. Ournmonu are slidsatir Sued and furnished, and our aucessede tapas for oonduetlas the Matson are not equaled. These Ilsehines were awarded the highest prtstemea at Thor WONLIYS FUR. in Loadon. Ntd2. The INDI7STRIAL ON. Paria. NISI. The NiaIIANICII IN trfedshiagess; And Maimed weary State sad tut? Tale where ex hibited. Thew are warranted three years. They are perfectly shople to construction. They run with the 'greatest ease. Tbey are &boost noiseless. INSTRUCT/ON FEEL. Oall sad see them to operation. If you cannot some. and for sample of wort and a timber by mall. BOLT it BOOM Afoot.. Unke Block ty2:111141co. (FM tart,) Erie. k affil MANHOOD How Lost l Mow Restored. .:IIIST PUBLISHED e New Edition of vett Da. neuratratter eitarame lOW on the radical ten out medicine) ot ersamtartuannaa, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary litemiaal L0u..., Iwo- Taxer, Nesbit and Physical Intapaeit „ Impedimenta to Narrian wt et: ; also, Ccumetrxrrromr, and ?ITN W ilted aelf-indultrooe or anualextravenamme. in a waled envelop% only 6 mute. celebrated author. in this edmisWe sway, chatty - thatoastratea, from a thirty yews enosemsfal pramatte, that the aiming amasegeenoes of NU-abaft nmy M rad ically cured without the dumeertma nee of internal med icine or the application of thaMt luting out &mode of ewe at oat. Maple, mute and sa etaai, by mem et which every anillumeromo matter what hie condition may be=cure himself cheaply, privatel sad radically. Shia lectors ehould be to t he hands of wires 7 'Math and every man is the land. Boot imam scat, in a plain envelope, to any addomm., ea the real_ is meta, or two whet damps. Addis= the pa MAN. JAI KI MCO., 127 Brom New York, Jell'ld-1y Peet OMAN Bel. OW NEW TREATMENT. CVNFEDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. hphilks, Seaisal Weskrass, alias Boers* htfirisitiss . ANSA sad MOH* DIM IN. & R. .LAJUILT, Odor on Um ton floor to the Afoot*, Balldlni, foot of Superior Staid, Clovoload. Okfo. - • TIIL BIWLNT MIND. • Report on tba Natal% Tr./stoma aad Cu, of Nal" mow sod Th7pesl Detdlity. lishrutseo, Spermatorrbtea lad all 11rintrgenttal Dionne of the Nervosa iiyaWm. and other donor tncideetal to both mum. producing of a both mental and physical strength tdow as total • liatallt7 sod isaardtalt7 I *lonian Irby them so often appear frienrable. when In reality they sue be alienist): remored by the moat demo. amotio. I Lli! 1•I iaj.w) La lastrthstat for ;tho oars of Ganoral Debility or Nostenal Enissioeseroore properly lam :1111 teal Weeklies, &a Cosa be peniassaNy mad Whom is days te two meths by th e set atlas instrument whew sled andotrtly with iesdiothes. YOUNG WIN TANN rairnctruit xoncg. Dra. W.l} IL Lewd tabs pawn, la dag thst they hare trusted *most Important iaet fis. the eery or the above dawns. it has boon thkawbol se taut by the most missal tArrsieisas Is Loaders, Puts. PhUadelphia sad New York. It has buss declared the oily sees' inairesoset sear treated flu tho cart of ISMlthal Weasels, or say daises Of the petal owe, want by the sestet habits of youth. Ihe. W. & R. Lamed, is order to satisfy the teat jeep. Nil as to the writs of their lestmouth pada thew saw that la asp Wawa whse it ssay peens easstis. bostorr, War a bit trial, the mosey be Wooded by le=the laitrunat Is goodordsre • Pries ofleetzw sethlgessithL NM! It AND QUICK CUM Tor 1114 riosetal Dlesaale aad aU Mats to s usteleautie, santaal irsaleasea, pates la tbs antes leidaoya &Nam of ski brad. throat, yam sad alba. aad all than dreadful alleetlaaa arfalag frau a meat habit of youth, wldeh produces aearado. Waal debility, reader mullage ImPoldbla. sad la Dal sad Autrey both body mod and. Tba adopt la the malt of upwards edt , wet? t = lllll sateaseeestal suet's* at limp. awl Janis". COUNTRY INY•LIDS. ?MOSS la say ps,rt of th• world NW be bristled by .ifsr • oberreet . astsll tbsir= s , faith • yeasittame for eta. nyta.*W. a IL LAM M, Atwater BOOB& hoot at aqqatlor odell/ply:. eirdmad.Obla , Revolutions In Europe, vg oNg ocTAVo, eao tiers. SMISSIL1811111) WITH IN INGIRATIXGEF GILT. CLOTS; PRIG ONLY sa,oo The stows book for the bases, gtriag• Weary' of Za n" from the two to the rase' lemi*fsbefiell eler Mal sofereoes to the sooesobre revolotkn, boa the sulpersios el the Remo Empire, estesolag n wanness La Gasse,pigany. inu•fir, Italy Glenna Matte. Bee/0 0 7 , 01041 1 4p01the to etectioa oi ler Napoisos, to year 1110. tkeory.--Wbo would oot tun; a little film the &bye of boobs es oar gteeette rebelliee, aid take a Vine del tar voyap, this au vssiloar. sum the 'star. St lest tau . suss au tutu of the varied yeeoletione sI whirloo Aral Lampe nag trees Noe to side r Mose wadi paksisbst rebeetipthm. Out limo le easseseee. Absent, pest cbi&lop i zeelpt et pike. by the Gun Aim; as* ... 17e efileadviAL CUT IT OUT IMPROVED I._ J.O. wessams. ' it. Kraals& NEW P.I.RM. ;:7 f I lUMINS t CAVOIIY & 'ainsessid; se aui!shCaisbiy& Coemail J. S. Ilamse i!Co., Wholesale Amp o) xo l ns I *I.S Crackeis. and- Candy ! , 1 OR9CIERIIi9, FLOUR, FISH, SALT, MAT ER LIME, NAILS, GLASS, ROPE, wniss. LiQuop, i s ., 84) I=E=3:3 SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEE, MOLASSIS, FRUITS, TOBACCO, Is LARGE. CRACKERS tlatattAtnd al Its • ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY ! _ CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIFS! OIL VITBOL. CAUSTIC SODA & 4ILUE At tbs lotroot Maxima Priam' Coarooraial BalkUap, lOW. nb. Erie Ale Brewery, 'X)RNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Erie City lager Brewery, CORNER OF POLAR AND RIDGE STREETS. Erie Malt I Harley Warekeeees. CORNER. OF MI STRENT A CANAL BASIN.• Pas sad Avatar LCage Use, ' the Sat Qsall= r l UMW el Lips. This Chelsset h sad early. ' Cra bind sod and Oa sale morale A. KING. REMOVAL GROCERIES! GROCERIES! HE Sabgeiber has rammed his stock el °resides Sims the stead above lb. lake Shen lotto thereon to the Web block es State start, sorrow or Fee:6, allele be will be happy to eee hfr Moak mad eestessare sad 11l their Olden for Coeds. Ms ate* et cresertes fa large sad cartelly seleaW sad et. heed at the lowest rates assoiatsat with the missal cost. Zs twitas all ia Deed at anything la soamaga. hiss kis line to a P. war THE PLACE TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, ' S. COUGHLEIPS BOOT & SHOE STORE ! Ettde Stmt. Nearly Opposite the Peet Ogler. n i p %CoUN isot t r i ii_aro u r Pa a that ha has reeseved kb stead* Übe Ston Roes oa State etnist, nearly opposite the Past t Olice. 'kin le Invitee at oid Minds aad seamen giveXiat a eall. Partiodar attention give* to REPAIRING! grertm email worlases. sad eaperta Sandia; all hb baslassalilweelt, be Whim be sea gbe aa good satiate& boa and sell at as ley pekes as say ether penes la the eity. Good Pita Wansated: aprineitl. AMERICAN _NOUSE, ISOM Wl= -CORMS or VIZ TARS k MIT Ert, ERIE. PA. JOHN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. • The onderelined having _taken charge of the above vedi-kneent Saha and tedtted le imapeior etile, speethdl solidte a share of thu Public Pstressit• Ton= and eeeonunodations equal to any In the Tor the oeavealenee of pawns from the manta • good statde hr hew ethkehed to the spfl'N am J EriCALN. DRUGS AT WHOLESALE & ! , 3 , AXIIEL CARTER Hia aasectsted with kin in! the Dive Trade Yr. J. II C.LEVU, ,*deaths Thin title of Carter & Carver, 117 idiom the the business will tooth's* to be conducted at the aid Arad. With aalarrad stook sad iaassimod fa cattier tin tOp• to Tilos • liberal share of pubila aatteasse. ESPECIAL ATTENTION Will be downed to the WEIOLYAB/0,16 TRADE. Naha ta Umt aelobetteg tetras are reepeattarly W etted te give ma seal beam paretaelag obraltere. THE RETAIL DUARTURNT woman/hots, is hiestotors, to eerie imams and with odigoitte. io Wigs 'sr isitossrs. V. pr ksbutl cell tM sot of Phyotetaas to oar CHEMICALS: Irbtab lo* Ito burn and but mot brayed to !bb • _ city. nr:rmirtsiiiss wowed as isretsiwilorttlr ALM solleonittion. , LYS'IIY• • , • , um& - • namielphia & Brie B. MILSEPIEFIRMINEE. li to ortr e t t a r d 4 1,11= .12bb Mips .1t bas boss lor tam PasissObasiii /MK rood GUMMY, lad lb overdid by gieis. sm essassassia wan A? nix : tdan3 • .... aas iais. Warms Adoon. .......... —9Si p. vs. Aim Amu; So. X»»«»..........»..... Cars. Cora Ammo& No. , MO p.m. Bail Tsai* aretron. want AM1N&...... 10 II a. as. Con? Aeons . No. 1 arther IS OA p. to. Corry Moos No. II W /1 40 p my ram omb witiont Woe both yap i botwou 'asi =loilloiplila sad au. Blegsat Bisoptai r Can *a Irmo Urals botlttraya bottom 11111119fteport sal Ilattimoro, sad,WlWaorport as& torm Pk otil94 ol9tio• 14. Tor fisproting Toseiogor umkr at Ur B. I. iteinialla Mutat sts., s od slr s 4 t twin= 04 . i. Coarmys ages* B. 1: 11 9 911,011/.714 mew Mt sad lit those; J.1 111 9. 1 01101.111. alto. . /11:C. Z i.. Beldame. • VMSUNTUB . . sus.Go is i nbt JOB. IL :Or lL el 40111414,9/190ABIllyport. Des. SK teTENRE NO WON WORD_ A 8 .741 L. TARIIINT'S 00APROXIS EXTRACT ikir C 1313.10313 ANI) etel3A. a l tga il =lll bi la " : l %l=Use CA: thoptsot sad aref alai Nue et IP:sum or 1111 imam:Nen% trinwia* layie anal ea as the bat aide be lM adiiishi balsa el Uwe moan la lap alms It di beak assis, ta which they an d p , plleshle. It sear War- Sass with this dlgestlos, and by lb. oesseastretleo, the doss is mach sawed. N. /I.—Tarehmess aro advised to oak la lianas Cosignaul &fractal Wok & Ovals, add lab Realm sae. as Wallas sad worthless pat soder stltlar masa are La the market. hies d=sral rams ea readipt dada ly_by TrItRANT Ai CO.-, Ns. fr» Grosawfah atm% Claw et Warns Stresd,; JEW TORE, And dor sale by' Dragglsts saierslly. eatedi-ty: CEMI 1141CTIPACTITRZIt OP BOOTS'AND SHOES! . WHOLESALE it RETAIL ! ITAKE PLEASURE in announcing to oui th i eatte e tl f iet, I havooddod to toy torpor bWittoo Pg SEM MACHlllagri • • Which will .sable too to siaoutaetare sad soli Booto awl Shoes • • VIZEAPEit THAN ineßrrorolts. • Having had long esperiecor as to the wards of custo mers, I shall tab 9,04 palm to prepariog soy stook to' nit Wm. I have the missile right IA thineity to spike the CARBON OIL, PLITIESR PATENT BOOTS it SNOBS for the boomer of Sky customers, and only ask a trial Of them, tosstisfy soy ooe as to their superior comfort ever those mad* in the old way. • - The Plumer Boot needs no breaking to ; It is as ?sassy tress the stari at one worn for some time. Y y . CUSTOM DMPARTMS.NT %Mt reselso my own and Mr. J..COTTILM'S especial at. tention—oombihing;skill al wisimen which cannot be esseUrd to tits contda.. TIOWs sad Shoes reasirod :110n short notlea. tonstantlizi band a largo stock of SYRUPS, SPIOIGS, LAST'! /ND FINDINGS, Tombola*, my Mania to rayfileuds and euetemere br pad patronaic I hope by just and honorable &allot to rid le , watfasaare of t he and cordially invite an to call &ail examine my stock before pnrciadmi . elne-: when. marwoetL NUTS, CIGARS. ......lty the dam of a common lamp, at the cost of s costs worth of oil, a very comfortable besald!ut inn be socked. —N. T. Trilstas. etzaplo In contraction, cosily kept la order. = ibr use la a moment convenient to have on DrutrUgs arcular. Fides Lamp is one of the most popular stri. elites of the day, the utility of it Is unquostienahls, a great saving is made to heating and cooking small ant ed" and an be made to rook masts for a great way persona, which is actually done on the ambolanee owe which Ours thoskk miaow &Wit* cheericaa.' —tor family use, hospital tent, barrack, plo niiii,lsking. nursery or sick room it Is an article of comfort Wooed all proportion to Its cost. 204", Cfrol Oil arcalar. As economical oostrirrees Joe ',Meg up hest &Velum notion for usury sad general household purposes, eve hopOrtaut point is the saving In cost over cost iris fr. I Rusts, Post. PRICE nom TWO TO SIX DOLLARS THREE ARTICLES COOKED AT ONE TIME Azragod Sor !Jerome' or Cool 011, or Goa A slosortir tiro puoplot of thirty pops tarnished gratis. Also, Nun 110 own, To be attaohod to II women Yeroome Lamp or Gaa Bonier, by width water may be boiled sad 11304 coeiod Woo &mord to lopped a Was. It TOM YAMIX.T NUDE DNS. R. D. 111:188ELL. yea my21114-om. No. 300 Pearl N. Y. HOWARD 48800IA.TION, ' PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEMI NAL and Senve.t. BTertttr DM Mad rettabia treatment— in mporte of Um HOWARD ASSOCIATION— fIeet WWI,* sealed envelope*, tree al o tbaria. Addams Fir. J. BRILL/N HOUGHTON, Howard mer=o.2 Itouth Math St., Philadedphfa, Pa. ly. TO NERVOUS SUFERERS JF BOTH 8033.—A BLVLI V4D GENTLIIAN hem bees restored to health in a few days, little Rados going ell the wail routinesadlr sqleaainesaedle et terstemet without suocome, oos it Matured duty to ecriatunieetO to him afflicted know createree the mane of cum Beace, on the motet of aa addruesd eauslope, he will rod (free) a copy of the prescription arid. ft. Awe Daowas.z., led Fiat°, ttreet, Brook isS4-Iy. C. ENCELHART Dealer in Boots & Shoes! A/110, NANUFACTUNIR 07 OIIIIT'ON MADE BOOTS AND MODS WOULD take this method of return ing his limbs is his Meade sad th• =lly for their liberal patronage heretofore , and hopes to kayo • eontinnation nt tie ease. I tab plawar• to Worm th• poblie that 1 1.0 i ltitaDY ktADX, BOOTH AND SHOES AS 01110, IT eat • Little Clearer, Max any How In this Saw, and I ant Mil Inking the beat qualities of Cants' Boots sad Uwe. for which ace ploy zone but On BUT of WORENZN, trader the Super tateenteempe of 0. MLLE& Eartag obtained • llama to tug the ,! Plumer Patent Last; I am sow prepared to wake the Plainer Patent loots and Shoes in • wanner not to be sisrptised is Sty). sad Workmanship. Cr I always Imp on band • selection of the best Brands of rentch and American Calf and Kips. P. B.—Rspabingatteaded to. mr1,74411. la►ttw the attention of paretuurets to hie tarsi and new stock of SEASONABLE G'OODS! Now rocoiyisti for the Fall 1 dc Wirder Trade ! Parckaaed slam the late decline In Gold, and will be mold at Wboteente and Retell, • CHEAP FOR CASH! Boots and Shoes, Width VIII be sold st prices fir below the pressat value . FINKLE & LYON'S , SEWING MACHINES These Machines make the lock-stitch alike on both *kg. and use Ism than helf the thread and silk that tbe single or double thread loop-stitch Machines do .• Ran, Tell, Gather, Cord , Braid, Bind , and are Warr adepteit than any other Sewirrg Machine In sups. With* frequent changes and great variety of sewingt=l a katily. tbr they one sew from oto timely ea of Manseilles without stopping, and making every stitch perfect, or from the heel gauze to the heaviest beavet cloth. or mu the stoutest hansom Rather. without changing the feed, needle or tension, or making any ad. pasterns of Machine 'rhetoric II They a» Wept' in construction &admit, nada:Mood; and Vim part hi broken b itccliebt, it le seedily ter planed. Them NO isonwe nem azd will V) far to &barna lee the choke el any Intelligent Mayor. - . Please Call sad Examine of mad for N. IL—Local Arab wanted Is osetssso sot yet alai plod. Addrasi, FINKLE & LYON, S. M. CO., ' 00pr621.1y. No.ONI BROADWAY. N SVP YOBLIL NEW CROCERY STORE. iZZ;;M;M;CGM;I4 JUST SIDS OT ST/TS ST 117 - 11ja — At. OP RAILIO4 Where they Weed beige; • IWI /apply of GROCRILIEte, PROT) worm PRUITeI, NUTS, CIBOCKBELY TANKES NOTIONS - WILLVIAP WARS, CONBECTIONABIBS, TOBACCO & CI Aid dvirithlii usually the ou hand is au estitakst= tort. • Ws ass dstatutintal to oar as good toduots assay other &a as is the city; god invite the publle milldam that Ws can t h e Wire s tidaatlea - J. A. WIDMER A EMIL AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . P. SCHAAF, would mpositally s islorm the ?lOUs that b• has 'paid - • Ros is No. 2 Hughes' flock, Ergo. Thera be will alltsy • hasp es hand a large supply of CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARS. , WHIRS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Mid syorylkifig soul*, for sib is Ai Sidabibblllllllo tbs Mad. d r Tam N nom* sit sir Am idere in as JOS. EtCHENLAUB, Fisk's Lamp Heating Apparatus! SOILING - FRYING -STEWING AND STEEPING With th• Flame that Lights the Room I CAPACITY PEON ONE TO FOUR QuAßri. ~t3~Dl;f.;~U2'i,~~~ 44:Elli,,P10);ffloi4i/-1144:0 41:1;14 AUTUMN TRADE. JOHN C. BEEBE Also s largo stock of 1:112E=3 GROCERIES! GEOCEBI3B I GIUM=3S, ...vrAiliku I .:Ato re . • t me.. /it • PIANO . MI ES AND 11LODEONS, _ ielleirtag 'Mobilised - A.NUFACTURERS: swami iiibeihNew York. • 'Wm. Usk, h Co., Baltimore, Yd Lbelsomos t Nows„ New York. Wm. I)„,ineSterty, New York. 'hid N. Dialuus, New • York. atomises iG. Now Yost. Nee. -A. Mace h Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. ihkbeet...N•solisio *041.. New York. - Prim .st IjoSZVI iscount below Lug . - freeirser Prim. • PIANOS f FROM $250 TO $l6OOl Aka, Llialictioa Books am Moot Mods, wll perms wllikkis • zit rate Plsio York* or Iteltito• ea, aro hornet to WI sad smite oas tastruists %e -lks* pareksideg olostrere. • Beteg Block State street, nearly •ppeotte the Poet *See. ZNBINA SMITH. • air P. 1. 7 -riwy lostrumsat aarnated for Ibr• pray. resr,3lll.lr. 11134346 1064. .13171781•0 WE R. B. ON and after tr i rday, Oct. 31st, 1864, Pa .s er Train . LEAVING an OiRIE. u Follows 1 064. IL, Algid Ispros,_ stopptai at Boneslit Dunkirk mad Silva Crook, arrives at thanlo al 4291.12. • I GO A. 33.0 JM85.4 Accom., stopping at alt Station* sad animal Ballivlo,at.ll lo A. M. 2 00 P. lt.orterp Xspesso, stopping at North tan, Went eadd, Dunkirk, Silver Creek, and Angola, aad airtring at Bnlialo at 6 20 P.ll. • I 16 Cincinnati Express, 'topping at Windiluld, Dunkirk and Slivsr.Crsek, and arrive, at Buffalo 1310 00 P. M. The Day Expswis oonnoeta at Dunkirk sod flagalo, M. Night tsprosa it Buffalo only, with Express trains lis New York, Phiktdalphia.Bostos, LEAVING BUFFALO. 630 A. 13 Maas Erprrsa, stopping at all Stations • 5.$ larnhank ti rtipley Crossing, Norshsa4 and , • Woolgyrills, vas at Eris at 10 30 M. 1 66 P. X, Dap Jhlwas4 slopping at Angola, Wm st Crook, Denk P. at frk, WWatild nod Ninth Bart, arriving Brig 46, N. • 4 au 9.11., Jima 4 dudes, stopping .at all Stations aid arrives at Eris at 9 lb P. N. 62 10 P. M, MEM Arrow stopping at Angola, lillvor Crook, Dunkirk and IPrivold, arriving at trios at Railroad time hi ton minute' hater than grin Urns. . May 21,1663. J. LEWIS GRANT, Supt. CHEAP GOODS! . Wholesale and Retail •GROOVY LTD PROVISION STORE, F. & hi. SCHLAUDECKER„, are now receiving attheir old stand, Ameri can Block, State street; a large and superior stock, of ' GROCERIIIS, ROVISION 8, WINKS, LIQUORS, WILLOW, WOODEN, • AND STONE WARE, FRUITS,. NUTS, &c., &c., together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell as cheap es tiny other establishment in this city for Cash or. most kinds of country' produce. They hays sho on hand one of the largest and guest Stooks el Tobacco and -Sews over brought to trio, to which they hurts thkattention of the Imbibe. or can and see na—e nimble obtponto hi bettor thug Wtoy AMlug,ooasequautig Cash bore will 001 groat rirlibil by Wliag at the Grocery Head Quarters! AIIXRICA'N BLOCK, STATE Is - rithsa Jw 3. 11100-62. r. Y. SCIILLUI:UXIIR. ERIE MINTY • MUTUAL INBUR OOMPLNY. • • Incorporated in 1859—Citarta Pcmduidll pro imeared rows by Fire fir of rib Set lyymeeding five rears. Policies lamest upon tee depose of tread= Note% et spin the t of the usual Stock Rates in Roney silliest the ty of a hem Limn Note. Loewe peld Ideate litigetion. One malt cols hag ever been brought scaled the Company. Thu Ciespeity is reirsly fres /Iwo dais, aid LIP • safe Aims sastatatadm. DUC‘CTOR2.. Win. I. n , Jas. C. Marshall, Joe. IL Ste•tt D. X. D. B. Wersary, E. Babbitt, Wis.ritindenscbt...T. Zaziniwr l 7. Win. S. Brown, George L. 1:1114, Renlawiln Graat, Jaisob Sumo. J. K. Jairdee, - - = OFFICERS. % JAL IL lialitaii.,-Prtart Jogai, 0 mama, Sea. Ws. F. Ruinwasnowr, Treas. Mee, In Maim. Claaniaon & McCreary's Law Ojos altsapal&s, tee, Pa. . . MrSis, Jane lii. Imo. NE'W FIRM.. FURNITURE AND CNDERTAffiN V WAR E-R 0 ON 8! On State St.,between Seventh and Eighth. The ffstecribeis ham, entered Leto the Cabinet Raking sad FURNITURE TRADE, And propose making to order and keeping constantly on hand all kinds of Furniture. Orders will melee prompt attention. Repairing done • • on short notice. IJNDERTA.KI:tiG. . The matmtribera will give special attention to this do tof their business.. They will manufacture arkd M t i g ronstantly oa band a large assortment' of IfeblUe COMO atai Oahu, and bold themselves readiness to meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to spare no efforts togive satiates. tins both In the quality of their yowls and prices, tbey hope to secure a liberal share of pu OO bli At c_ patro . MRE YiBI Shooessors to .r. H. RIBLIT. READY ROOFING I 0et614-30 MEALY KOOFIN4II, Fur all ktnda of bulldloo, Lo all oltroataa ILYADY u.ourtniu, 11641 7. cheaply and quickly put on. uo maths' over witb eetrisut alter ft is nailed dowo ILI& tits drocii woven &br(c, thoroughly situated and wonted upon both intrfavro with a perfectly water broof eonipoottion, aud puturiln roils ready for uso-10 oohoo wide scan bat lon g . Nn also taanallecture LIQUID CEMENT, • For Leaky Tin Roofs. loath eboaprr a¢d mom durable 'than ell pant. Also, 9011P017,ND Crater. for LEAK f SELINGLtiItOO7S I which will oftiott aavi the coat o(• pew roo(. liamplas of Baum Kaman and CireaLars sent by mail arboa4gaitait. lanusbla tams made with ivapc!naibla pir ti , w ! l° I°Y to sell °4%12 REaDY - ROOTING CO. slyl44in. • 7.5 Nadal Lute, N. Y. - • 'Brie & Pittsburgh R. R. ORANGE - OF TIME, COMMENCING Yonday r Oct. 31st, 1864. TRAM LUTE ERIR. 9 30 A. IL. Shares' •eeoameda;ton. shops at all dtatloaa sad arrivas at Ns. Castle at It aD A. X. 4 .11 P. Id., Freight F.. P.. stops at an stations inapt Craps. Cana& Cadre Raad. Clark. Ri.Wlt Far . atiaNevaaville. Fairview sae gagrvill•—antvia at fillowas at 11 $ P. II ? 14 A.M. Firdett No. I, atop§ at stations. and arrives at Chorea at 2 33 P. IL 10 2111 A. 11 4 PUtabar4l. Saloum, stops at all Mallon; - aa4 artlTaa at New Castla at 420 P. It Si HOUSS PDXTR MUNN LEAVE NSW CASTLE. tdoP. M 7 teemasettatlon, 'toys at all st.ttom LLa arrives at num* at a 00 P. M. 9 OS A. lL 1 "ado Zipress. Mope At all statiosi t .o 4 intim at Ida at 400 P. Y. LtAvg SHARON. .4 U P. IL, Freight N 0.4, stapiat at all Stations oaorpt &WWII lassos, Clark. lispyrille, Castro Road. Spine and Craws, mires at ltris at 11 Is P. N. 110 ♦. N., Poled Ne. 2, Stops at all stations ozoopt LwWsTtuaaas,Claik. gspyvillo, Contra. Bprimr and erosess—artiest at tile at 2 16 P. Y. laaint4tt. R. N. RRnirsr. See?. Army and Navy JIIST B. EC EIVE D, another lot of J WRITING k TOILET CASES, the drat article In the modal for those to the Navy and Amy. Those per- Wall who have Mends is either branch of the should send than thlp acceptable and userul prowat , At min& YOUNG'S ItYpoßium. • Auditor's Notice. . , Jaeoh Vats Loos sow ter the me of la Common Pleas of Erie county, T. .1. Halstead. es. Lev. Ts. No. 37, boo. Ter0.11164. Cluala./kodhetei. Thi tatiersigeed Auditor appelsted by the Court to slake tiliilonfellea oe the stoney toode f oit the above Me. tad vi ttrlL attommi is the duties of hlaappoiatmat at him 'Soo la thornily IMO* On the r beT eh dais* 7, F rib of Dm.' Mato . HEAD QUARTERS WININ AND LIQUORS ARE - 0 4 ~. Ready to nail down 11111CADY KOOFINGI.I At lan than half the *oat of tlu route - kRADY ROOPINO, Mors datable then tip teIItILDIC 11.00 FIN 41 , Suitable for steep oz eat rags, KKA:IA'A' ROOFING, Atbitk l'Aret waft' NtW BROAD GIUAOF, erareaver t Freight, !all, Elp CoalmenLoa at liallailanea. N. 1(.. wi th th 4 way. forms a *sensuous Stu Moat Trick fro % to etroost Cleveland. Oa sad attar MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, Through Yassealar and halght Train/ vlti l „ fatly Weems a.rveLAT4O AND N re' y„i, ?I LW AND DiIItrIKTANT PLISSISNot:k 1t141041011 ottatacso ?Amoco,. Paasesugara t, thia Lida hara e6mn „( Nowa* Ultimo Saw Nora aud Bcndcu. TIUISTII gas o►tataal ataxy of it, Rrla hallway and all 714.4 °Mora n 7 cm Wait or soaLheriot at tha ettt", writer tho Waddell House, Cloredaud,OL, , Mkt for Varna rla. I).. A. dr. 0. W. AND 11111}1 rialearelhaleis Flop at Wasdelll. tbi r t, zk Itipm...ger* unpin time lu dine at tta y r rt 4 N," the heat Railway tlrtrl to thp -„ 4 , Artir Aim FXPEDITI Rd OLIS nzioltr IL Nu transhipment of Freight Wirer? , s -1 T,, rr n or floir and lierchautattt tlo tVe.t their advantage hr order th.irart...4.1.,. m ., the gels and ailaotie & Grez.r wester:, P.. Diming trontli• and expenae RATIN OP VitirAGIIT tw 1.1/1$ °TURK ALL IL.IIL HOUTL, E ii i, oo Lat attiotto .111 Is given, to it. o "t, tikion Freight of ell kis.d:, FAS nr Wne. the_goghtes, 0 1 / 1 1 &Di other cihiptnen!e pent Aro entiroly ottyrould of the co , Itt ity/* "tbeittuly WONDKItYIII. OIL ItEGIQN.4 • t . r.• • •;:,• - !AIL Meadville rr ' bison, I..avvitaburgb, the liatoniiig Taaaptewa aad the Cial Thi s Road Ii being extended, and vl.l 1...0u ;- plebe ranning.order to Galion, einnati, without brisk et tulip J. FARMYWORTH. Gaol Freldt•c T. H. GOODMAN. Oriel Tlek.t 11. F. MWMF.Tmot.,.., 101%4 Whl. Hitser, JB. B . EAtiLE teioUNDRY I Youth .sg, 4bVH fAs thkba. Henry, Bryant &. s Fiers teaccobtura to /Atomic.° 8. is, ~ • 1141/4111MCI0IUtba PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE 61 TIN a Bwrai IRON IV az' AND ALL lIP►DB Or !ALL'', CAST!' every Move *Ad by as warranted , Hotting Bleigh-aloes, Bad iron, at, ~„ t at , aitsetured to ceder. Pows AID PLOW POINTS of raper... mil Witty always on hand. A call and a fur le x e s else is all we ask. HOMY, BRYANT b rail Young Men's Christian RECULAR LECTURE FOR THE ENSUING AT FARRAR HALL 8. Jan. 2Ath—Prof. X. L. YOUMANS, S'arbtl dcioutifie lasturs. 9. Jim. Slat.-B. F. TAYLOR, of the CAttati Ruhjeat, •TYM Capture of Lookout Maintain 10. Feb. lith—Rt. Ray. Blakop CL•RRF., B Oct not yallannousosal. IL Womb Y. H. CEA A 3 Dot yet announced. It Marah 16th—JOHN 13 110Ctilt and Iflotiou." Tickets for the ooarseorlth Moaned east.. Oared for latest FARRAR HALL, on HONDA IJXCI, NOV. M ; b. at e o'atneir, at the follower On• ticks Tso tickets. Three " roar " Tin " Marge ISettee.) _ ZIA 04410,4 ticket, Tickets far single lectures, 80 canto. As tie Committee can, on no considerate promise to reserve, Seats before the ti CrA persons deabiagto secure seats are rerpottho, ad not to apply to them for that purpose. The slight aairsooe In the prior of ticteti of last year is made nee•paary by the ineria. the lectures. printing, Be. A H. CAUGRIa, W. R. DAVE Ni' P. R. V. GM:GIN. M=M3 C Z. GUN:CV: , W. N. LCCE, S7llO Nov. 10, 18th BANK NOTIC Keystone Nadonal Bank of CAPITAL, $150,00n DIRECTORS - SEIDEN NARY N, jOliN ST 2.0410 ELlau MARVIN. , WESTER ILIWY, 0. NOBLE `'' , RANGE NOBLYPlllei.lf.bl JOIN J, TOWN, Casl.l•r Tbe batili will be optaed (or tb. balinees on Monday, Dec. frth, In liugbes' West aide of State St., between F•rpob gin I FI,Th: Settafnetory paper dlieounted Money 'reeved on Depr sit - lloct.lone made, sod procesda f. promptn•as Drifts, Specie aid blink Notes hougbt A 'hue of Public Patronage is rupecttallY er CARVER & HONECKE areczasose To - J. & J. B. CARVER wawasass a MALL DiLLLESS Leather, Hides, , No. 5 Perry Block, State Bt., Y.zie, ri ' Conotan4ly on band a lug* otock of SOLE LEAThER, MOROCCO, LIMN: BINDINGs, FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, UPPERS AND SPLITS, LASTS, PEGS,. LASTIJGS, GALLOONS, J... 10. A T I.L ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS" T All of which they offer low CASH OR PILO)It'T ?AI pril2ll4—tt ANTHRACITE ♦ID BITUMINOUS CO. The Subscriber would respectfully aanonoce L. t:. Ito of Erie and violate? that be will =Ural.: is Coal dioxin the present par, Et H I S ti L L S ' CORNER OF Valli STREET AND THE eNNAI. Perenne dialling to procure any Lied vi C 0.% Ripped in ' LARGE utt, SMALL QUANTiii!: 7 - And at the LOWEST MARKET PRIG' I intend paying vestal attention to Anthracite Coal Tra And will sees open a Yard for that parpept at RAILROAD BRIDGE OVER GULL C IMZe== THE BEST QUALI.TII. Of that kind of Coal. Ur Orden COrniber Aothnici to or Ditialaine wW be promptly attandid to. my2S-am. w. W. TOO MORRISON & DINSMOR wHousAis.DrAmmis 371 Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, Or CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED. a No. 2, Wayne Block, • Y.. eNCH STRZET, Beureta NIA •+.04 MS, myriad. Sewing Machine THE CHEAPEST & BES BUY EITHER THE EMPIIII3. SINGER. Tb• tuck/signed laying bract apptin.td iz., city for th e above celebrated Maehtsett, rt'l' t "" calla theatteotto• of the pablte to the 'they Si. actimowLedired to be the beet to oe the cheapest le the usatket. Hash Machine has all the latest inipioe , :re:%'' reader thou dr sur to soy other no Penes. desiring topurchare • .6e ein; fled tt et Measure to WI Lod egg tato e erte Irellsit elsewhere. • jles Cow eshnolUoi at to store. No- 4, BlwokbetweeS Iberia sect tersia EA.L.•••rt r. NV. ii, Loot. C^z=