The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 30, 1865, Image 3

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    U.- S. 7-30 LOAN.
?writ) of tiol s'reretary of the Treasury, the un
worl ham 01.0,1 A thelieueral Subeariptio• Agtocy
of United States Treasury Notre. bearing
co) three tenths per coot. interest, per 1110111111tri,
.01. ,10th r
are t ooled under date of II avast 14th, 1864,
pa) three year. f:orn that time. In ratline],
,a„nreriil.le At the option of the bolder Into
ti. S. 5-N SIX PER CENT.
hoa+ are tm y worth a premulum of nine per
a :, inelcotio; g: 1 1.1 Intereat from November. which
artu.ii proof on the 7-30 loan, at currant
Interest, about toil percent. per Annum,
its exemption from Stale et -,thud texadion
Lad'eolZe from one to three prr rent. sere. &wording to
reto tuned on other proporty. The interest la pay
anc 0
ltlle by ennpofi
to each clots,
,-, .1, may he cut 7 and ro n ll to any bank or banker
001 on ou
(,00 "
swu "
•lb.e. all the .5411 nuute4 will be prompt.
1,1,11040 a subseriptintm Thiele the
,Plre r.,: bf anwerusseot, and it le confidently GI
!.L that to .0 le rfor a IvAtalVA will Mike it the
real Popular Loan of. the People.
Lees than S2UU,uoO,Wo retiflld uawldr which will te therm... lor sail tu the next 60 or in days,
teltbe not r Fill undoubtedly command a premium,
LAS uutfortulf been (AIN ellfs on closing the subserip.
junto other 11111101.
Is order that titans iu every town and section of the
autr, may be afforded facilities for taking the loan,
i • Netonal Banks, Stator Banks and Private Bankers
rougto,ut the rouutry Ware generally agreed to receive
tser.ptioss at par. Subscribers will select their own
in s LAM they Lase confidence, and who only are
b- repour.ble for the Jellreu of the soles for wh eb
of roN•lve •rdern JILT COOK Il i ,
I,SCRlrrion /tower, Philadelphia.
qub „ ri pwq,. sOl be received by the first National
tut of Carr, tort') National Bank of Corry First
&bail Rank of Erie, Second National Bank of Erie,
systane listioust Rank of Erie, First National Beni of
tittland Fir.t National Bank of North East.
ECgRYTHIkfti relating to the human system, male
ad f, u ,s:e, the , tueed and treatment of diseases; the
arrujr of the world; how to marry well, and
oaosJ Voug• never published before, read the re
edttion of If g 010.41. CONMON
earou boa for eurioue people, and a good book for
WV JO, 4.10-1‘31.:e11, 100 illustrations. Pries $l6O.
ta , le - c .et flee to any address. Books may be
at Ito LeFrjk rtoret,' or will be sent by mall. post
• p; of the price address,
E. B. TOOTS, Y. D,
1130 Broadway, New York.
fIIiSi'iNDFAT OF 130T11 4 SEXILI.—A great int
rr h%ctoK - b.rn rt .t..t ea to health in a few dap', Oaf
set p•in, uktsery, in willing to wilt hie suffering
Awe-creature• ty nending tfree,l on the receipt of a
JAtlllll‘l al,lree,.wl envelope, a copy of the for eta o
rr vlopl"ced Htrret to
.141/1N M. VAtiNA LI, Box 183 Post Oak,.,
Brooklyn, N.ll'.
CON*CIIPTI► ES.--Tbe uuderslgoed baring
In,ttregtotell to heap) 111 I few weeks, by a very
tortig Pllfered several years with
...fere !tsp.: ntroettoct, and that dread dlaetse, Coo.
.spoon to wake koowo to WA fellow-aut.
or Cliff , .
7 ,, .ho de•lrr tt, ht. wdl send a copy or the pre
,,r1.,)),1 charge.) with the directions for
•od 1011110, which they will end •
t' ,-•)cy thlu, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds,
, . T!..• ..)4 ohjort of the advertiser In lead
, Icoetit the afllicted,and spread
, n•uretrre to be invaluable: and he
' ,Me, a try h s remedy, es it will cost
OA) prove ■
I,,ecription, will please add Mil
i IVA HO A. WI 1.140 N, Williamsburg,
Kmfis Count., New York.
it TORI VENETIAN . 11011.14 E LINI
pint I.ttiem, prier 60 COOLS.
(40 Yalu St. Hartford, Coan.
7.41,4-1.” at wir I hare been in the Ilvery bupi•
e. • • th> la•t twenty years, and during. that 'time
thr various liniments and lotion■ of the
.r, ta! Lever hare f..ntol an artide equal to your Fen
.,tt Hr:ar Liniment. I
hay fairly leaded it on my
di•temprr, sprains, cuts, ealkp, swelling of the
a al., for rheumatism on myself, and have
Sli•'J I, It au wvaluable remedy.
H.~rw fully yours, U. LITCHFIELD.
Odtre, 543 Cnrtlandt Street,
DRANI)ItETII , 4 I • ll.l.S.—They expel the pol
threaten Ire. Evory Unto • Frick per
• kir,r,ei by thte ve,cettble, tie ha less ri
hm❑nre and more We and vigor, ►a 107 on► eat
i,koLe a sin{le 4,14 e reranna of .pare biHb
r+L anal siren F.V.07 time
1•••ileye or wemce from this purgitionme make
from nor Lrn.l, which replied the unsound
•th. , !hi pill, have clum4 to be evacuated. Each
proci.-ol we ecpel further qoantltlee
sre a,r4in replaced by fluidsless and
a kbort time, by continuing this
bun? lAch Ilia whole male of Geld, or
- ..-mte that =`§ti, of Omit? which constitates health,
onlr take away humors which are
[llOl r §;..wettblr. diAlerl hi medicines
1.11 4 4111! Prise lights are extinguished when a
- • ••• •3.• '/In.x forth, and-the incoidestiblefatt
tit th.. LE.,turnt from gray, red or windy to a giori
ukkor than the ehamelion changes
t ;I‘,rekt ion of
Cristadoro's Hair Die.
kw , rta thr ,c l Oannt the American continent. It
ne uo caustic, improves the fibres,
r. h, eetort aul lasting color of any gado
o ,trn hnlsn 1 i ?WI sable, and is endorsed by
rheostats in the United
t DORI 3, Na. 6 Astor Hobos,
' .1 t),tigiiilta sal applied by all Mir
...I marl'66-Im.
(Milt) tTEMENT.—Yod can procure of
tin!: city nod vicinity Dr. Tobias'
It t . ours acid .peed; cure for .
',Lex. L., to thsche, chronic rhenntatlma,
ps,o in the limb.. We advice every
gire i thy', rho expense Is a =III
1 ,0 r umd.nt no person will over be with
a &.r family 011tuld have a bottle In the bons*
ndenfs, ouch as cute, burn; scald',
• ' Ito pun olk.clo; qualities are uairsetilcu.! All for
%tip. it hii2 urod buodro.l., we have the certificates
pr . ori , it.
Y""1 z"‘. l 4 Uf all druggist'. f Odic!
Cortisn•liSt-.0:, York mart-lm.
Ab , 11.11 re, Tial N. NOTICE _
tar. Firinenitioi goQalo , here discovered
new mynas .y which all diseasis can be
ea lily innt . ; y rured by the patient, without the
of a phyrieun.. lir V' 1. the tuthor of a medical
ors lei; pager, wire S.! ter, firing a full explacuttion
9' the mode of trelimevt. They aleo publish a monthly
rhos J " urb li. .staple numbers will be meat
- r L "u , k CO,
A. Card to the Siztliiring
lw 1.1,1pW Lev tr three hogsbeerds of "Buebn."
,oie Hater.," 't . "4nsperisa," ...Norma Asti
"t..;' fi^ , ,L , lace semi you en, satisfied with the
•alt, then try urea tr( la' tH.I.) DOCTOR SUCH AIN'S
tai Le restored t,o health
iet , irer Levi thin thirty dive& They ars pure l y
eerie:Mi, to Like, prompt sod salutary la tbipir
leeta no the lir9i.en dose sod 43aUrreol coostitini°,2
roan; e.lO tike them with advantage. ,
4 .1...H. 0 the Untt , ,l ably by
.1.14 fl,lot, No 427 Breeders,.
New York,
Apra for the United States.
—4 te.r if the rdia,•ecurely parked. win bluziall.
int Id lie., oil reempt of price, which le Oat Del;
• F°C /Kid- in,iney remade.' by the agent If entire
mitirnietion a 114KICr1/. je23341.
_ _ _
rnu Wtikkeosor - lloaatitebea? Onfj
e•. Lee
eol force them to Crow .isti
it' hair on bald !midi, in silt .
•'-• Pr. , . $l,O etrorierbani,cloie/Y
,; f •
Ailr.., hKA KIA A. Cu 1301 Brookim N. Y
I,lolllilt 011.411 CitYKIL--fiatak SiR :—With
1,••1111.11,1 wis •. to the molars
Y" , •• 10+ I all' / I
by h
return y
mail, to all who
full directions for making
4 : • ,rki Stalm, Unit will sillsetoally
.7y° tan, rivalled
• "s• 11,4 tKa.lug 411 0. 44"8 clear,
' • VP:
C., f 2., thaling 134111 lierada, nr
'hr.—A 0.4 and inforaistluo that will
a!•,II Krr,o;lb Li4laft at !lair,
4, 610 1 , ,s tbsn thirty days.
•c• ..r•', Ly return mall, without
'lO4 1 , CHAPMAN. Chemist.
531 riroadway, Now York. •
'pi , Ev 1%4 pimphlet direct;
• P--ltly rednrs eight Lod gfis op doe
'.ot by mail, frt.., on iar.alpt of 10
- E. 8 Y. D.,
1111 Broa,logy, Noir York.
•, A.: /r 4.•
W /11 ' 011 (10+. -Those wishing • Soo set of trhtsit•
IP, s UV, runuq•cha, or • besatitol head of glossy
os.r, 'ill plea% rmi the cud of met P. CHAPMAN,
&40 UAW fart of this paper. -
rite grit t itrititig *hum.
ERIE. PA., MARCH-3)&b,:1865.
Property for Sale.
J. Stevenson. on the Ridge
.Road, apposite
the Erie city Brewery. offers for sale or reit
a farm of Bitty acres, in Elk Creek towaship.
G: J. Russell, of Belle Valley, offers for
Sale two out-lots one-half mile eontimeat of
the city limits, known as the Pattoffprererty.
George Rilling, administrator of Stephen
Billing's estate, will Sell on thttath . of Apr il
a farm of twenty.eight and a Italtaaree as the
Edinboro plank road, three- miles from the
city. - - - • -
Capt. M. Magill offers-for-raft two bonus
and a number of lot. in ibis - 424 Ind Mill
J. L. Tituvdmiliistrator of Jac Omni's
estate, still if in Union, on the 221 of April,
a farm a fifty acres in Union township, and
a piece of land in Union borough.
J. W:;Duggan offers for este his house and
lot, on the west side of German street, is this
Thos. Davison offers for 'sale his fare of
fifty acres in Mill Creek township, on the
Wattsburg plonk road, five miles from Erie.
Chu. W. Baker will sell at Spartansburg,
on tbe 15th of April, a tract of twenty—seven
acres, partly in this and partly, in Crawford
Dr. Wilson, of Edinboro, and Dr. Faulkner,
of Waterford, hate 3.000 acres of choice laid
for sale, which they offer on reasonable terms.
Alex. Russell desires to sell his farm of 46
acres, on the Lake shore, six miles and a half
west of the city. This is one of the moat de—
sirable properties In Erie county. :
A public sale of personal property belong—
ing to the estate of Patrick Clark, deceased,
will take place at his late residence, in Mill
Creek township. on Mon.lay, April 3.1.
For further particulars iu regard to asy of
he above, see our Inside advertising columns.
COIIITT POOL—The county auditors have
published their annual statement of the re—
ceipts and expenditures in contra/on' with
the support of the poor. from which WeJeers
that the account Mande as follows :
18C4. Dr.
Jan. 6. To cash In the Treasury at
last settlement, $3,810 86
To cash requisition' from -
the Co. Commissioners, 8,609 00
To cash for sundries, 1,880 19
Cr. $13,691 04
By Warrants redeemed &
cancelled by Auditors, $10,926 67
By cash in the Treasury, 2,764 37
$13,6p1 04
The number of inmatea in the oow.lty poor
house on the let of Jaanary, 1864, was 78 ;
admitted during the year 1864, 51 ; died 12,
and discharged 43, leaving 68 to remain Janu
ary 1, 1863, of whom 40 were miles and 28
females. Of these, 42 were horn in Alt erica,
11 in Germany, 11 in Ireland, 2 in the pose
house and 2, in Engian 1. Their ages are as
follows From Ito 5 years. 5 ; from 6to 10,
; from 10 to 15, 2 ; from to 25, 6; from
25 to 40, 14 ; from 40 to 60, 18 ; from 60 to 76,
12 ; from 75 to 85, 4 ;And one is 08 years of
The list of articles euliivatad on the farm
and manufactured by the paupers is gives,
and does not present a satisfactory appeer
&nee.- We have always been of thrtsettettbet
an institntian of this sort shoula be self sus
taining, and respectfully suggest to the coun
ty ofFieerswhether it w lal,l not be expedient
to inquire into the practicability of .4 mdwg
a system by which the inmates of the paw
house can have some sort of employment at
forded them, which will in part at 'lent re•
lieve the public of the heavy item of taxation
required for heir euppok.
LIST or Jtraoas —The following.are the ju
rors for the term of court commencing on the
lut Monday iu April :
Erie—S. 7. Smith, Peter 1-141, Horse.
Cook, M. Sanford, John §weeney, Wm. A.
Mil!creek —Wm Warren, he. Hart, Os*.
W. McClelland.
Venango—N. Howard.
Amity—Nelson Chaffee.
Wayne—James Grey.
Corry—E. Barnes.
Union Tp.—John Lyons. .
Waterford Tp.—A. Blackmer, H. Ormsby,
Thos. Moore, Clinton Fritts.
Greene—Geo: W. Bunnell, done Coffer.
McKean—E. Steenberg, Dan Marsh.
,Washington—Jessee Lewis.
Franklin—Jne. W. Bewley, Wm. C. Put
Elkcreek—D. Sherrod, Jas. -.Winchester,
Jona. Whitaker.
Springfield—Jas. Ware, M. W. Robinson,
Tim. 8. Cowles.
"Girard—D. Crooks, Samuel Stark, Geo. P.
Pairview--Samuol Selden,l. Don Allen.
The editor of the Gettysburg Compiler hay
ing had a two reeks trip in search of- a
sub," and succieded at last, after amok
trisl and tribulation," gives, In his last
weeks' issue, a lengthy account of his saps
rience, beading it with the following melan
choly parody : •
To be, or not to be (drafted) f That is the
question :
Whether 'tie nobler in the mind, to suffer
The slings and arrows of ontragens fortune,
(in the wheel,)
Or (with greenbacks oppose) a sea of troubles,
And, (with a•sub.,) end them ?"
Our worthy editorial brother comes to the
very natural conclusion that hunting " subs."
is a "big thing." lie concludes by offering
up the "heart-felt prayer" "that the time
may soon come when drafts will no longer be
needed "—to all of which we say, in the ut•
most sincerity of our heart,Asins.
A Dream.
" My husband slept—he dreamed s plesstsg
For sunny smiles &areas Ms face did bow :
)Ie dreamt of car, for oft...he murmured
" Pet !"
I pressed him to my heart, close, cloSer' yet,
To drink into my esr the precious word—
Alas, it was Psr-rc-k•um I beard !"
Ravens or Btoon.—The circulation is the
system is not unlike the Bow of riven to the
sea, which move smoothly until they are
clogged or obstructed. Bat when drift wood
or alluvial deposit dams them up, then comes
the tearing devastation-that follows the ob
struction of a force that cannot be stayed. So
the blood ciroulates Insensibly through the
system until It becomes clogged by disuse ;
then burst out the ulcers, sore* and disorders
which follow that. condition. Take. Ayer 's
Sarsaparilla and purify your blood,l to save
yourself from the fliods, freshets and - deluges
which sweep unnumbered multitudes ont tapes
that shoreless sea which swallows all son
kin(l.—baneaster (Pa.) Register. •
SOLDINRS' AND SAILON.S . CLauss.----Arnore
of l'ay and Bounty - Money. Peasiona, or to
,wounded acid discharged Soldiers, and to the
widows, children, er heirs, of those who have
died in the service. Also, Prise Money to
Officer! and Sailors of the Navy promptly col
lected at tblo authorised Military sad Naval
Claim Agency.
Sixth el.. nearly opposite the C,
The " Amerieloa Ad►artieiog, Apooy " of
New York is requested, Other to mead as ab
more propositions for adrertlelag, or to pay
the fall postage oa them, if they do.
ITER;glifjj..le ALL
The Lbaislatnre - ban: adjourned. Ind our
otestioi* hire; rituilie4 _
"rest ilieir
A oolesporary retearka 'hit The Saddest
Johann hsa made s ardrited commeneemsnt.
- Cmendeaioner Lewis .asys Terraces guilt). of
enticing short returne of their income are lia—
ble to be assessed a hundred Tar 'cent. u a
There is one lucky editor. B. s. Heath,
formerly editor of the IlentashaXWis ) Cower
patios, went.taJ3il; Creek, Pa., struck oil, and
is now worth *10(1,000.
The Vermont Oronic/e, a, religions paper,
thus puffs 'brother editor : "Mr. Noble is a
gentleman of rare gifts, young and beautiful
u a maiden's dream of man redeemed."
Somebody says that a pretty woman is a
brilliant poem full of rbyme,•seatiment, and
all manner of illwitraiions. When bound in
one's arms .she ineresees to several volumes.
A printer; in the Buffalo Courier office wu
drafted on Wednesday of last week. lie wife,
who was lying sick at the time, wu so much
affected by the ocourientc~ that she died on
the night of she same day
Gen Palmer his ortlere.l " the suppression
of all slave pens." The orgier helm upon the
radioed editors - - Their pens are slaves to the
Poisons in this viciuity who have engraving
to be done need no longer go abroad to have
it executed. Mr. J. M hapham, who has his
place of business at Capt.. Austin's jewelry
store, is an oggrave.r. whose Went.) aro ex
ceeded by few in the country. t'
Teachers who .lesitTe to take charge of
schools in Mill Creek township,-during the
summer term, will find 3 notice of interest to
them invitr solvertising columns.
Thayer & Noyes' eirous has been transfer—
red by rail from Girard to Washington city,
wbere it was expecte , / to, open on the 29th
inst. The' horses. menagerie, wagons, &0.,
belongleg to thid circud, are soh] to be the
best of any ever seen in the United-States.
We advise all oar resdert; having property
to sell to give wide betide of the fact, both
through the papers awl by hand bill'. It cute
but little. and by creating competition among
purchasers, may ;al hundreds of dollars to
the sum the property will sell for.
Very few of our readers, we presume,
an_ hies of the immensa titHll , l of money in
sulted in the N ttional Loan in this city and
county. One banking firm, alone, that of
Clark & hfetctlf, we are informed, have dis
posed of the various styles of Goverment
bonds to the amount of several hundred thous.
and dollars.
The editor of the Gazelle informs his read
ers that " according to information just deli, .
ed from thefiimily recap!, he reached the ex •
tripling age last Ootoltor, and consequently
was not really liahle set the draft." We trust
that he will not become selfish like some men
who are exempt, and refii4o to assist those
who are 'liable.
Dr. G. - R. Spalding. of Alhany, has been
compelled by failing health. to dissolve his
connection with 6)1. Din Rice's greet show,
and the concern thereby payses into the ex
clusive ownership of Cul. Rice. The Girard
Union says the latter gentleman " is becoming
pious, and a Moral Animal Exhibition is the
COL Dan Rice receutly in tile a present of
beautiful pony to the '501.14 of Rev. W , Hollis
ter, of Girard. It seems to us that nothing
pleases the great hunvirint more then to be
doing some dee l of kindness. We should like
to mention a chlracteristio act of generosity
On Ms put, in connection with ourself, if we
were not under strict Inns not to disclose it.
In Milt Creek moma h ilf •Inan dead men
have bell drifte , l, :iu.l out 1' it tin a dozen
who have' sobstivitu, iu the field. A I:rge
number t cif the couseripta cannot be found,
bvrinrohanged their r.!ai.lences since the en
rolltu4ft. arae ina le, and - the officer appointed
10 - deliferlhe no' iC•••1 ill ro ua that the town
ehip will almost curt iitt of having a sup
plementary draft
Rumor has it that the East Ward can hard.
ly hope to escape mini a supplementary draft,
so many are the c.)nscript.; belonging to that
wardwho have been exempted (whaled to re
port. The West W tr.' has better prospects,
but there is no certainty yet that a inpple•
mentsry may not °coon. there, It will be the
part of wisdom for all who hare the means to
spare to place substitutes in the field at onee,
and thae avoid further annoyance on the sib
The members of the State Legislature, at
their late session, vot,ll themselves $l,OOO
salary. Their proceedings lasted less thati
three months, anti at the stun fired upon for
thli period their wages would amount to over
$4,000 a year. The t ttaries of Congressmen
are only $3,000 per annum, so it will be seen
that our State wiseacres fix a higher estimate
en their services than the members of the
Federal Legislature. A very wise, modest,
pare, patriotic nod economical set of fellows
d , Fickle " March has been true to his old
time reputation this year, giving - us all kinds
,of weather, and no sort lasting more than a
maple days. Within the past two weeks we
have bad several very pleasant days, and Nv
oral all-tired mean ones. Under the impulse
of the delightful weather, the buds and grass
have begun to sprout out, the birds have re
turned, and we have all the indications that
spring is nigh at hand.
The rooms of the Second Nationil Bank, in
Brown's Hotel, have been fitted up In elegant
style. They make the handsomest banking
office in the city. By (he way, is it not strange
now rapidly the notes of our city National
Banks disappear from circulation in this vi
? Since the Second NAtional bank went
into operation no less than $150,000 in its
billsave been paid out, and yet it is a very
rare thing to meet with one in any of our busi
ness transactions.
A servant girl in Meadville had a beau who
Rousted in the army. Previous to leaving
home be made her a present of a third inter•
set in three acres of land on Oil creek, as "a
slight token of his regard." This small tract
has recently bean sold, and the girl's share of
it is $40,000. The Journal says " if she
doesn't pat on airs," and " marries the soldier
boy when be comes hick from the wars, the
story will be finished in the good old fashion
ed way, rind we will duly notify our readers."
The present draft developes a curious state
of affairs in some sections. The (India hav—
ing been based on the old enrollment, there
are many places where the number of liable
men left is not enough to fill the quotas. In
Clearfield county, for instance, the following
is the result : Bloom township 21 names in
the box, 24 to be drawn ; Graham 43 names,
62 to be drawn ; Decatur 38 names, 66 to be
drawn; Covington 38 nemei, 46 to be drawn;
Morris 64 names, 63 to be drawn ; Woodward
.21 staisso, 26 to be drawn. Is any argument
seeded to - show the absurdity of basing quotas
on thesystitm adopted in the present eonserip
-Ilan f
A. fair
. 4ate ago a man was 444 Akepend.
ed by the neck itrderweose of a rope hung
t u t pegits
, p_prnass t r (Wept, He was
ot deulLmniendisicilte. bi&ir .restored
and questioned as f.422Lri 71 he was is that
titian, he replied at "he had been thinking
Omit Men that 10411111414wif, /Ad,' Filnflit
he should Illtvrio indialie4:tt trobid-idol to
be hung, bat the rope was not so long a s be
thought it was." •
• The propeletois.ef - the Gaeta advertisavillir
a practical printer to become a tartan in the
Tal li rlMPA.4s 4 frifE 3 mug 114 ellibln
of taking charge of the Mechanical Depart.
meat, hare some capital, and give , ' nimbi,
testimonials as to character and qtaapfiea.
aeons." 'Wningard Bak Leda lii.;OPilikag for
some young printer of energy and ability.
A genius advertises on behalf of a certain
famous accidental 'railway that "an
snood coroner and six practical jurors' will
follow each regular train in speciel ears, te
'getber with a few surgeons and reporters.' ,
We kopeks didn't mean any road in this part of
the coustry.
The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser learns
that Mr. Thomas Stack, shipbuilder, of Brook
lyn, has arrived at Tonawanda, and is pre—
paring to commence the construction there of
• new gunboat of 550 Won, for use upon the
Trade of almost every son has been ez-:
eeediugly dull for die last two or three weeks.
The draft sod the hill in gold have given bus—
iness a shoot from which it cannot 11,0010 T
for Baas! weeks.
The, rolling will enterprieli of which we
spoke in our last issue, is a "fiked fact." Al
ready $73,000 of the await have been taken,
which places-the moven:mut on a certain basis.
The' corporatiou will take the DIMS of the
" Liberty Iron Mills."
' The Democratic members of the Legislature
have united to en address to their party
friends in the State, recommending the Har
risburg Patriot to their support as the central
Democratic organ.
We learn from a gentleman who has just.
come from that. vicinity, that unmistakable
indications of oil have been discovered in the
well on the farm of Joseph Y Morehead, in
Harbor Creek township. -
American slang is iminalinea very express
ive. Wh. t phrase bor - ponderousness sad
emphasis, equals the imphatio "dry up !!!'
And what can better depict the litter deple—
tion of a man's plaket thaFi "n red ?"
The new freight tlApot of the Philadelphia
sad Erie railroad, at Fifteenth and Market
Streets, Philadelphia, has been so far com-;
plated (hat business can be transacted there.
The name of a cotemperary is "Frost." A
few days ago, when s certain event occurred
in his family, he wrote: "there was a slight
frost in this plane last Wednesday night."
Tho jail of . Warren- county iis empty, and
has had only one boarder within three months.
Ocr neighbors must be a very moral com
Dr. It. Faulkner has removed his office end
residence to the west side of French street,
between Eighth and Ninth streets.•
Charley Varney, city bill poster, has been
exempted, and we - s i re glad to hear it. Charley
is a convenience" that we printers couldn't
very.well_do without.
Messrs. Minnig have formed a
copartnership to carry on• the grocery boil.
ness, at the corner of state aed Bleak streets,
Gold in New York, on Wesioesday,
opened at 152, declined to 151 3-1, and
roat‘`.:kgain to 157 7.5. • -
Tire water in Lake Erie at Dunkirk is
at least two feel lower than usual. ,
A great fall in the price of produce and
store goods has taken place in this city.
Artemus Ward, the Ga2ette says, is expected
to visit Erie about the let of May.
The Floo4 in Allegheny !liver,
From the Warren bodge? awl Had, of last
week, we gather the following - particulars of
the great flood in that section.. The Ledger
" The first wholesale sweeping of property
wee from the island en which et ode the bar
rel factory of Biller.' & Co. All the bevels
which the factory has toraed out duriai the
winter were stacked up, six or eight deep,
and covering Somewhere in the neighborhood
of an acre of space. The water reached
these about three o'clock r. w , on- Thureday,
carrying them out into the broad 'river. *
* The nnroberwas from' thirteen to twenty
thousand. Then followed staves, timber, and
a portion of, the factory itself. The loss of
Messrs Ballard Br. Co.. muscameant to $40,000
or $50,000. It would reach a far higher fig
nre, but they anticipate recovering a portion
of the barrelsat a heavy expense'. * * "The
damage to property in Sheffield was quite as
serious Si ttiat here. F. Henry (doing busi
ness here,) lost 700,000 shingles, the boom of
his mill, and about 200 logs. in the latter of
which F. Jeffordi owned in intereit, and his
loss is about $l,OOO. Ctieflee Fox lost 50,000
or 60;000 shingles, and sustained other dam
age. Orris Bell, of Warren, had shoed 1,000
logs taken from his mill in illieffield—Miner
Denham, of Sheffield, had pded about 150,-
000 feet of board.' on the river above here.
which was taken off, together with 150,000
shingles. Ilia loss is estioorfed at
, $6,000.
Like many others he expects to .recover a
large portion of his property.
"But the greatest public loss is to -- Front or
Water street, occasioned by washing away
the river bank to Inch a degree that the
street from the R. R. bridge pier, up a con
siderable distance, is rendered dangerous and
useless. To make it passable it will be nixt ,
cessary to wharf the bank with - timber or
stone, and construct a new roadway by filling
in earth. The expense attending tide work
will be.immeuse. The water came near form
ing a channel outside of the railroad bridge
pier near the foundry, to 'prevent which,
men were employed all day Sunday in put.
ting in brush and stone. Had it succeeded,
the foundry, with much other valuable pro:
party, would soon hire been at the mercy of
a new channel, cut much sooner and with lees
expense than Ben. Butler can cut one. *
* "A man started down the river from here
in a skiff. on Friday, to risithis_fignili in Tid
font., and below the re . ' road bridge his skit
foundered, and he saved Massif-by slinging
twairee, from whisk piece he was dissever
ed waving his handkerchief. He was subse
quently rescued, but not 3.iii night had eel in.
His situation wea a criticil °ie. * ' l * The
draft and the flood has absorbed all other top
ies of conversation. Many prefer the flood.
They may that between Me. Lincoln and the
flood, the country is being greatly- scourged."
The Mail account has the following addi
tional particulars :
"At this point, the water was at least two
and a half feet above the highest mark of the
great flood of 1885. It ruched this point
about Saturday noon, ifarcli'llkh. Of °purse
the destruction of property is unprectiented.
We eaanot now begin to estimate with any
degree of accuracy. Nay sea lost all their
h u m o r. Some if thee will ' , soarer a part,
biigit is it present impassible to ten hew
much. The injury to tbi roads' awl bridges
is very great. * * The fences are dearly
all gone, Ma piles of !umbel.
floodwood are piled up promiscuously in an'
direetiOns. Apert: orate relined track sear
Bestir. is sue t aad :the fields ate , swept of
desolated in ever dinetionr 8e
they: t are. it Irvine and ?idioms. groWing worse
sadworsewa are,t !1 , ,t the farther you ,go be
,bildwi at Levine.. went
down stream a few lichee, so.I 'one pier of
tbell'oungsville bridge wit nearly or quite
destroyed . Toe Brokenstraw was very high."
We hear that the Lottsville bridge and the
Wrightsville bridge, Wright'. mill dam and
nearly.all the dams and bridge below Samuel
Irrina's are gone, or very severely iajored.
Pittsfield was for a time Inundated and large
quantities of lumber takes; Off. All along the
Brokenatraw valley, the fields were swept
over by.the flood, and the fences are-460er
ally gone.' Prom Irvine landing many boats
laden with engines and other freight for the
oil regions, were carried sway, with the
boards and shingles on the bank.
"It I. some satisfaction, however, - to know
that in all this excitement sad destruction,
not a single lets of life or sapient injUry has
been -reported.”
The Oil City Monitor has a lengthy ac
count of the flood in the Allegheny and 011
Creek. We have only rosin for the follow
ing :
"From all we Pan gather at thcpreaent time,
the loss by the flood, looludieg Oil City, Oil
Creek, and the• Allegheny river, we estimate
at fully $5,000,000. And to place every thing
as it was before the disaster, would require
a still greater. cam. Fully 60,000 barbels of
oil were lest, end the number of empty barrels
will not fall short of 40,000. The number of
boats, not less than 150. The number of
horses, drowned, over 100. The destruction
of other property. is immense. So far as wi
have learned, them was but one life lost.
.. Spring ii is cheery,
Wirittr is dreary,'
Green leave 4 bang, but the brown must fly ;
When he is shaken,
Lone sod forsaken.
Whit eau in 01,1 Mill do but die!"
Why, take Plantation Bitters to - be sure,
and with them a new lease of life._ The old
are made young again, the middle-4ged re—
joice, and thi yOung become doubly brilliant
by. using this splendid Tonic.. Dyspepsia,
Heartburn, Liver pomplaint, Headache, Pains
in the sidel Crick in the — Back." sad all
symptoms of Stomachic Derangement yield at
once to the health giving influence of Planta
tion Bitters.
Two bad oases of Piks cured by Dr Strick
land's Pile Remedy. Mr. Glass of Janesville,
Wisconsin, writes far the benefit of_all who
suffer with the Piles, that be bee been troubled
for eight years with en aggravated case of
Pike, and his brothel- was disolitrged from
the army as incurable, (be being quite pare.
Iprd:with the Piles) Ito:h these distressing
cases wore cured with one bottle of Dr. Strict
lands Pile Remedy. The reeommendation, of
these gentlemen,: besttle the daily testimonials
received by Dr. Strickland, ought to confinee
those suffering, that' the most aggravated
chronic cases of Piles are cured by DrlbEltrick
,land's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists
:everywhere. mar3o-3meow
• • What could I more!
I warned thee, I admonished thee, foretold
The (Finger, and lurkiug enemy
That lay in wait: beyond this had been force.
And force upon freewill. hub here no place."
But all who are *dilated with catarrh iu
any farm can obtain s plealant speedy
cure by the itee of Dr. D. IL Beelye's Liquid
Catarrh Remedy, ere consumption has lied
its fetal gawp.
Sore throat. cough, cold and similar trou
bles, if suffered to progress, result -in serious
pulmonary affections. oftentimes incurable.
"Brown's Bronchial Troches" are compound
ed so ai to reach dir Yetly the se-it of the dis
ease and give almost instant relief.
BAUAlirßi—Nlft.spAm—ln Corry, on the•Bth of
Nlarcb, by Rev: J. W. Clark, ,Mr. Albert
Smoot!erg of Corry, Ps., to Miss. Musa Mil
spiui, of Ellitigton, N. •Y.
Ktactiltett—Saamon—Al th• rcaidence of
Mrs. tiberod, in Elk Creek, Erie co., March
lbtb, by lies. W. M. Baird, Capt. .7. P.
Kleckner, of 834 Kilt. P. V., to Alias Sarah
, A Sherod, of Elk Creek.
RlTNOLDS—Smeaoir.—At the same time and'
• place, by the same, Mi. Derwin D. Rey
°olds, to Mies Cordons M. Sherod;
Cole—Cease—On the evening of March 2d,
at the residence of Air Dan Sherod, by..,the
eame, Mr. John Cole, to Mrs. Mary Cease,
both Of Hayfield, Crawford co.
issius—Fisvoina—On Tuesday the 28th,
inst., at the residence of H. C. Rogers, Esq.,
in the city of Erie, by Her. J. F. Spvulding
of St. P kol's Church. M. Ferris of
Peru C i count, N. Y., to Mi.- M
E. FletctieT of Erie.
Hurt-9atatsi—On the 18th of February, by
Rev. Dr. Lyon, Mr. James T. Huff, to Miss
Kate C. Shirley.
FuLLaz—Ez.oriusr —At Well's Corners, on the
evening of the 25th inst., by Rebertr Nes—
bitt, Esq., Mr. James Fuller, to Miss 'Lucy
C. Blodget, both of Wuhington, Erie Co.
Atinstsom—Wason—Cla thi 23,1 inst., by
Rev. Thomas Love, Mr. J. S. Anderson, and
• Nies Lizsie Wilson, both of Waterford.
DIED.—ln Girard township, March 21st,
after ilong and painful illness. Mr. Austin
11. Seeley. father of Mrs. Geo. 11. Mclntire.
Nasos—ln Weal Girard, March 2d, of con—
gumption, Clarissa, wife of Jesse Nasoa,
aged 56 years.
Nosos-,-In Fairview township, March 16th,
William N. Nuon, aged 66 years.
CHAPIIf—In Wattaburg, Monday the 13th inst.,
VV. Wallace Chapin, Beq , after an illness
of less than one week.
Ci.eaE—At the residence of his son•in•law,
is New York, lowa, Feb. 26th, James 8.
Clark, aged 63 years, formerly of this city.
Baoww—ln Coneerd, Pa., on the 12th inst..,
Mrs Louisa, wife of E. P. Brown, aged 62
RANDLI-TD Elk Creek, March 17th, John P.
Randle, aged 62 yews. •
Cnanran—ln Pavellle, March 20th, Aan,
daughter of Mark and Jane Charapea, aged
I year.
Piumt—At the.residence of. his mother, in
this city, on Sunday, the 26th inst., Lieut.
Samuel L. Fluke, of Co. C. Sad Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers, aced 22 yews.
PIAIIO/11-02 the 26th hist., at the Naiades
House, Wm. Flanigan, aged about 48 years.
WADR-411 this oily,. on Saturday, March
. 25th, James N. Wade, of the 6th Ohio Cav
alry, in his 49th year.
Split,' 'MartinsonlL
NNW' STOglif. •
Jon Coonswasnozit, at the as,
brick store;Eagle V4llap, has on baud a Lugo assort
moot of GroesOws. tricriMoss, Wood and Willow Ware.
slats, Liquors, Taboos, Rogan, kc, to which ha re
spect:illy cilia Use attention of the public, satisfied that
ha cam offer is pod bargains as can be had in any part
of Erie county. ntarsols6-17
Farm for Sale.
sale his Wm the north west corner of MU
Crest townalidg, isq mass from Krta. es (be moss road
mania( to the Lete,l mile west at the old stomp whom'
hems ea the Ilidp road. It contains 46 arms of very
due land, to good cultivation, with a two-story Mem,
good barn, sheds, out buildings sod s superior inched,
coutaintee spike, palm piumbse. muses sad almost at
kiwis of trait
to the Inmate. Fine sons are tin
bar land; there is an abudsace of tithe water; an
sedent well: read to the Lake above; and the farm is le
ail mopeds owe of the most distrable of Its aim In.
court'. T=P la osable—one third to be paid
balsam with istmest, is two, three, to Tor
ereyews. as may most eonverient, letth gluithe i t
security. Apply to Uri widersigned ..n the slum
marill-3w 4 AL= .L.
Hs sstaAL CHAJIISIBR I as lbw of Wu
I lag sad lastnetisa lsr Tam 1116....psbilsiedlry
Os Howse Aosfra,sad ant hss of sharp la isals4
esnaMpa• Mime, Dr. J. MULLIS HOUGINtON
- r.
vaAaakaiser:Jititiviimpw —
CAPITAL $1,200,000.
tit kkii.Troasury;te Ist Mak as
Mat, to raise the necessary working capital. The
Wee sow being partially worked with the most prow
l& lag results.. •
Two *mind shame of the warps al's Mock, or as
rentei *MO( aa has Dot already been sold, are mimed
S p r a gZa, to name mory - ,fet the curebase the moat op
istehlsair. trice ;forty donate per ehare—fiarl
paid. and not subject to atonement.
No mom than title amount in for sal .• below par. Thhe
stock to plead la the utmost midden*,
That we bee* one of the richest mine* in Nevada;
That silvery share of the oompany's dock will b. worth
Its Moe to gold within eta year from lids time;
That we shall be pato, large monthly dividends /a
gold bef.+re the sod of the yew .
That thus Is nothing oltoline'et the prone% thee In
mid& capital can Sod a more tote or prnfitablio
meat; ans.
• That the !hods to be raised will bi Sated for the fa
dstalepatsat of oar absolutely Ilse she tidbits Isar
tag two-thirds of the cotapanfe stock still la the
The u 7
wasoirsonat of the company has bora' Sotordtted
too Beard of Trustees, competed of ' saargotic, Chris-
Raft. tioslasas ID, et, in whom the pabils way !epos*, thrti
most impliait sonflitocs. • - .
Alt desired idorlaatino will he rsrolshe4 opos
aonai it written application, either by the Protadeat,
0. 1 1. Brawn, at his oaks, 117 Front Strwet; by the Fee.
ratify, A. R. Post, Cashier of A nvricaa National Bank;
111 sod SO Broadway, or by ilermati Camp, at his c me%
100 Broadway.
Erßtook for sabot the Sammie= National Bask.
CBaßiori S BROWN, Prret.
ALPBCD a. PaNT.fleoy tad Tr-ae.
Would respectfully Worn tbe 'Public that they ban
purchased the
omants or In an nen era,
Where they Intend to keep as Rood an monument of
as is kept In Erie.
-Bost Brands of Brie' Canty Flour
Kept eonstently on band and
nr The Mahout Market Price paid ter all kinds o
Country ?mints
Kr Goods delivered ftee of chant* to any put of the
A. O&M. - [snar3o'6s4t.] J. RUSSE LL
411MIHow Lost 1 Hew Restored.
JUST PUBLISUED a New Edition of
Da. Cotvnutwatu'i CILLIBILATIM Eq.'s v on the
nsaa medicine) of SPIERNATOItRIiOCA. or
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Louie', taro.
1• 11 01. Vootal and l'ilssittal Incapacity, Impedimenta to
gerriake, ete. • also, Conscarrion, Er:tamer and Frye,
Walesa by eeli•lndalgence or semi' extravagance,
ar Price, in a waled envelope, only 6 cent.
The celebrated antbor. In this admirable natry,:nlearly,
from a thirty yam saccessfal pistils"
kt= c4 is Mit,.l'atSs' eleensing crinnalasmons of salt abuse may be rad
ically cured without the dangerona wee of Internal nod
Wine or the application of the knife—pointing oat a mode
of nun at ones simple, oart•in and effectual, by me us of
which miry sulfernr, no matter what Lie condition may
bet p aut cure Mama cheaply, privately a wl es,ci ee dy ) ,„
This Lecture should be in the hands of every
'Oath sad every man In the land.
Sent nader aul, In • plain #1314,1(.14, to any address, on
tb renelpt of alt cents, or two vintage stamps,. Adtram,
the publishen, CHAS; J. O. ELME k CO., •
117 Bowery, Now York,
marllo4l6-11 feet l Wan Bnv, 46M
IPortitlei the system against the evil eflecte of anwhels
tome water
Will mire Dyipspa:a.
Will can Weakness.
Will mu* General Debility.
Will can Heartburn.
Will ems Hearkaehe.
Will turn Liver Complaint-
Will suite sod create a healthy appetite
Will Invigorate the oruena of illgeation and moderate
ly Increase the traaperatnis of the body Lod the ferns o'
oirtalatheet, aminit in fact ea a one ral enreoborant of th
•701 18 4.anaWainiug tin poisonous drum and is
A fair trial is earnestly co , tctted. ,
- GEO. C. FICBSEL k CO., Proprietnre r
Puri,on, ?i.-Ir
Central Depot, Ain.lkea Exyre.e Coi , ding 65 HUD
For za/sApAgl-Drogirloki.Grooomoko..-
tar' NINNIO t I-WADLEY.. Erie, Wholesale Areas.,
akd for sale by Hall % Warfel, Carter k Caner and Wil.
line k Booth.
303 Broadway, New York,
(con! f Sit DUANE B TREEit)
100,000 Watches, Midas, Gold Pens,
PENCILS,_ &C &C , •
WORTH 8500,Q001
And not to be paid until you knoiv what you will
' reeeioe
All to be mold for ONE DOLLAR each !
100 eald gaoling Cases Watches, Pub .. .. $lOO 00
100 Gold Watch** 60.00
200 &WWII/staled .....
_ - ...wall W 414 as, .....
600 Allvor Wattles-.'.
$l5 00 to $25 00
WO Gold Neel and V eit (intro 12.00 to 15 00
1007 Chatelain and Guard Chain* 5.00 to 1500
MOO Ve.t and Nona Chalon 4: 0 to - 12 00
4000'0 '4i e Jee and Galt B•ooahmt.... :+or , to 8.r. ,
4con nrat. L vir . Gsr.t. R , ., •t 1 , i, • oto -
7 0 0(10 .I, J-1_ Opal c Far •.. 6.• t I.(
60 0 • I- - eut ~ d e• ( ~.- ... ... - to -
.6000 veal , and 4,. eleti.... .... ..... s to II
:000 Chemed Br .c-lets... . :,.i 0 to - .• 00
3500 'aillornls Diamond Pi:Hard Rise... 2.50 t.- 5 0
9000 Gold match Roy' " . 260 to 6.0•
50-0 dolttalre Isere it atone sod ..., ad.... 200 to 4.00
3000 . l old Thimbles - 4.00 tet 400
5003 3finiitare Lockets . ' ' 200 to 700
3000 Initiator* Lockets. Miele 400 to 9.00
2400901 d Toothpick , Crotoit, ke , 2. 4 oto 800
woo rob a a 11,0).00 9116.6 • 200 to 600
6000Chated Gold Ringo ' 200 to 600
40008 ton. Set \ Rlogo 2.110 to 4.00
aaoosets Lath/4e Jewelry—Jet end gold.. 5.00 to 15,00
WOO Sets Ladles' Jowelry—vaned style... 3.00 to 15 00
1000 Gold Ras, Silver Cam and Pebcil.. 4.00 to 600
4000 Gold Pans, Shooy Holder sod Case.. 6.06 to 10.00
6009 Gold Pens. Mounted Holder 200 to 6.00
All the goods In tha above Ltst will be sold, 'without
neervation, for ONX DOLLAR EACII. Certificate* of
all the various articles Jun placed in similar envelopes.
bashed and mixed. These envelopes will be sent by mall
or delivered at our °Rice without regard to choice. tie
receiving a Certificate. yon will see what sods Unm
eant+, ant It Is optional with you to send one dollar and
receive the CAW, named, or any other in the list dam
same value.
By this Madeira give aelecUons from • varied stock of
too goods, of the best make and latest styles, mid of to
Walk worth, at a nob:11nel price, while all haves dunes
at securing articles of the very highest value.
In all traaractions by mall we charge for forwarding
Coe Certificate, paying postage, and doing the basinew•
25 ants each. /We gerrjficates rill &seal fwsl; Arles
nig" V: Thrtrfor IS; Sixty for 110; aid
„One Hew
ifredfor $l5.
Wit should apply your wants; our Drente, are nom
pasori; our wort of unrivalled or:retie:wen our prong's'
peihreissany obesresd. Our &era ioest'on bring' es Dear
the most remote points Our goods are new Own the
seanutetnrirmand of the latestand most desirable styles.
The goods mot be eold r irnd the terms are unequalled
AU art riles ordered are forwarded by legato mall.
Ire guinistk —*Ufa imaidactlois to .butane*
and if there sboald be any pertou dbonitiked Ith an
tett* they nmy melee, they will immediate wit .eo
It and the pri a will be
aouttli.—We allow tbko kilo's' 44,1'14 ten canto oo
each Canteen% ordered, - ?toil& d tbstr 'retuittaa •
tartar to ogre dollar.
?MslUeollaet 15 cont. for ovenr Coriilleato, assi r*.
talahrg 10 Gouts, emit to oil 15 ovoto fir elvth
Aditreqe, 01W. DESIKKIT & CO.,
earl ie, 303 Broadway. Now York.
JIJ thtslhas thoroughly proved itself to be the but
=tide kidirlifor caring C COLO DI I'M RIAD
_ It has beep found as efeellent remedy
tam. y don of Soto ICUs. Da.iIPSION lila beanie vowed
bytt, sod Heillinit has often ; been greatly Improved by
Its use. It is indent and agreeable, and gird IMMEDI
ATE RELIE r to the doll heavy pains caused by dismal
d the Heed. The sensations after using it are de tlghtltil
did invigorating. It opens and purges oat sll oh al,.egtbew .k. 4. and gives _a healthy
el. el 'a thr rta affected
!lore than thirty years of and nu of Dr Marshers
Catarrh and Deadaebe Snuff has proved its great vales
Avi ill the evidinon ',nudes of the hes - Wand at this' MO:
meat It steads higher than ever helots It is reeemmencl
ed by many of the beet phrileum., and is need with great
somme and atisfaation everywhere. Read the Certideate
of Wholesale Dinaggiste In 1144 :
The andersigited having for many years been sequel n
led with Dr. garahslfs Catarrh and Reads, he Zara, and
sold la oar wholesale hada, cheerfully' state that ens be
lieve It to be squat. In every respect, to the rsecmicsonds
limas given aft for the ears of Catarrh affeetiona, and
that It is decidedly the best radicle we have ever known
foananalaillen &Scams of the
BIM* Perri, Rood, Anglo &Brown, Wagon k
tad. aI&T co.; a•th w. Wilson, Filltinnit
lb CM., Boston ; licooliaw„ Masud& k Co., B. R Bah
Portlaod,Me.; Barna k Park, A. BA D. Bands,Btoilkoo
Pool IsCo.,larsoi Minor & Co., MeComon & Robbins. A.
k Co., M. Ward, Clam k Co , Bak
.1 Otte,
Mow York.
Tor ilk/ by all Linguist& Trr it. - jythM-Iy.
So m Banal,
&wad Story aßtationsomitit's Bu ti, ano, rat
StdAye iinirt ;
T: wands ins." m ak
• Borahlo and Scrofulous
Frew Etaitry Eder, n mermaid of
ford. lfaine.
"I hare 'sold largo quantities tr yosit SAnsara.
,11.14 bat never yet one bottle , which Ailed of the
destined abet and fall satisfaction to those who took
it. • As fast as our people try it, they agree there bet
bees no stedkine Like it before likolir community: ,
ErtiptlOsis, Pimplos, - 331otohips; Pustules, 1:11•
oers, Sore., and all Diseases of the Skim
Frew Rev. Rat. bindle's, Bristol, Znglond.
4 $ I only do my duty to you and the pahlic, when
I add soy testimony to that you petal* of the me
dicinal rbftes of your SARSAPM3I.; My daugh
ter, aged ten, had au adikflug Manor In her ear!.
eyes, and hair for yean, which we were umbir. ••,‘
mere until we tried year BARLU'ILItUrtd. She .
been well for some mouths." -
has Mn. Jane E. Rice, a teellilmaest alletwage-4-
, esteemed ladyceDenniteille, Cape May Co., N. J.
Illyyytitip has suffered for a year pastleith 4
41,0M101111 eruption, which was very troublesome.
Nothing afforded
_any relief until wa. Olaf- year
sAmpAgit,LA,whi soon completely cured tar.°
"Ms Charles P. - Gage, En., of the ecidely,tnown
Gage, Murray manefadttivrs Of enamelled
is Nitikaa, iv 11.
• 12 :717.4 for several years a very troubbiaom•
humor is my face, which grew aoustantly worse
until it 41"'M my features and became an Intel
I bW. almost every thing a man
could of both advice and medicine; but without any
lAbel whatever, until I took your BA4gAPARILLA.
It Inimedlately made my face warm, asu told me
It might for a time; but In a few wee k, the new
akin began to form under the blotchy/, and con-
Waned until my kw is as smooth as any body's.
and I am without any symptoms of the disease that,
I know of. I enjoy perfect Itedfli, and without a
doubt Owe It to your BAIII3APA MLA." •
litrysipelae —Goner"' Debility—Purity' the
ißlood. - • - •
- Praos Dr. Robe. Raki,:, Mutton .91.; New rot%
andn AYER.
_I seldom fall to remove Eruption:
on/Nolo Sorei by the persevering use of your
SAIMAPAIILLA and I have Just now cured an attack
Malignant E l rrepekut with It. No alterative we
possess equals the tbizsArAiti ma you have sup.
plied to Ow profession as well as to the people."
wsar3o 3t
/MOSS J. E. Johnston, Esq., Mania, Okkr.
Si For Waite year., I had the yellow Eris e la!
on my right arm, during which time I tried all the
'eelebraW physicitma I could reach, and took hun
dreds cf dolbas worth of medicines. The ulmrs
were so bad that the cords became visible, and the
doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I
began tat= your SARSAPARILLA. Took two trot,
ties, and e of your Pius. Together they have
cured me. -1 am now as well and sound as any body,
Being in . apublle place, my CABO - is known to every
bodY thU community, and excites the wonder of
From Eon. Henry ifcmro,. H.- P. P., of Newcastle. I
C. W., a image "caber of the Canadian
ss I hare vmsl your SARSAPARILLA In my family,
(cm general debfitty, and for purifying the blood,
with ♦earyy beneficial results, and feel confidence in
oommendtng It to the afflicted." .•
St. Anthony's Byre. Rose, Stilt Ithourn,
Scald Newt, Sore gybe.
Haney Sickkr. Eaq.; ()Fe able editor of Clic
Tunkkannock Democrat, Annsylcanta.
"Our only child, about three years of age, was
attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapid
spread until they formed a loathsome and vtroletit
sate, t t which cove his face,' and actually blinded
eyes !be some a. A skilful physician applied
filtrate of silver so Other remedies, without any
apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his
bands, lest with them he should tear open the fel'•
tering and corrupt wound which covered - htigholo
face. Saving tried every thing el.e we htid any
hope hem we began giving your SAP.i.kPARILLA,
and applying the lodide of potash lotion,
_a fil ii i you
direct, The sore began to heal when we had Stu
the first bottle, and was well when we had shed
the second. The child's eyelastice,Wliich had come
Out, grew again,stni ho is now as healthy and fair
as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted
that the child must die."
Syphilis and Mercurial , Dimas.
Frogs Dr; /Bran Rioei, of St. Louis, Missouri.
ftnd your BABSAPAUILLA a more -effectual
remedy_ forttic a .symptoms of -Syphilis
and for syphilitic disease. thin any other we possess.
The profession ate indebted to 7 y2n for some of the
best iisedlcinemwe have." _
11-oss d. J. French, if. D., on eminent physician of
Lawrence, Mass., who is a prominent meoller
the Legislature of Jrassachucetts.
"Din. AYER. My denair : I have found your
SARSAPARILLA an MCC t remedy for Syphilis,
both of the primary and secondary type, and elle&
teal in some cases that tvgre too obstinate to yield
to other remedies. Ido nit know what we can em
ploy with more Certainty of sucet.34, where a power
&l alterative is requirmi."
Mr. Chas. S. ran Lieu', of New Rrunswiek,ol..7.,
had dreadful ulcers on Ids legs, caused by the phase
•of mercury, or mercurial disease, wideli.grewtmore
and more aggravated for years, iu spite of every
remedy or treatment that could ho applied, until the
persevering use Of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA relieved
him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and
distressing than this, and it took several dozen
bottles to cure him.
Lentiorrhcea ' Whites, Bennie Weakness,
are generally produced by intrenst-Screftrhvkt - &-
cerniion, and are very often cured by tic . alterative
effect of this SARSAPARILLA. Some cases require,
_however, in aid of the liansarAnit.Li, the skilful
application of local remedies.
;hymn the well-lasolon had widely-celebrated ,Zr.t
Jacob itorrill, of Cincinnati.
I have found you* 131,nsarAt1mman eitet
alterative in diseases of females. Nang c aseof
Irregularity, Lencorrhosa, Internal Incerition,ind
local - debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis
bare yielded to it, and there are few .that do not,
when its effect is properly aided by local treatmenk"
A lady, umoilltng to allow the publieetion other
• ••, name, terttes
"My daughter and myself have been cured of a
very debilitatirig — l..eueorrlicert of lows etas/ding, by
two bottleirot your SAmshPARILT. t."
litheumstism, Gout, Liver Complaint, D.
pepsia, EF.part Disease, Neuralgia,
. .
when canned tar Scropla to the system, aro rnPldif
cured by this EXT. SAttnArmlti..LA.
AYER'S - •
possess so many
' advantages over the other
purgativei in the market, and their superior
virtues are so universally known, that we need -
not do more than to assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the best it ever
has been, and that they may be depended on
to do all that they have ever done.
Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co.,
Lowell, Mass., and sold by
.41,.15. t V t YWTTI.RY
Ifireall for a Circular .Describing all AS /my
toms. - •
1131jrmsatfc.m :
The s tome of Catarrh a. they generally appear
11241 at Ts very slight. Persona-Awl they have a col J,
that they re frequeat attaeks, and st• morn riosettivie
to the chatiges of temperature. In this condition the
nine may be dry, er • aliaht diseherge, thin and met 1,
afterwards becoming thiek and adhesive. ,Ss the die
nags keesomert shrouds, the diacbarges are increased in
quantity Mid ehangsrat in quality; thee are wow thick
and healry,) and ale backed or diugh...l up. The lame
nose are albealea. ouwing a bad breath ; the mi c e -.
think sad, natal : the eyes are ; the rinse of 91 .
504.1 its lemened or mama ed; dew:lees Ire eleatle tab..
pleas, .At r eetais..r. and impon:al 112SVtOin 0
ate.rth ie. t .t person is to clear hie ar....•
In the hturPhir! of a Vol , le of oim. MISICIIR. 10 Ir.
Allen dowb rrom .tbe bred du dug the eight
title lakes place the lawn r••• Le - sore that hi. craves..
A oar its say to the %min, and elionlit lose t.o tune fe
airreeting it .
TA4 above ircArt, • fro ef tAt isasy Catarrh ryup
tam .
A. single Bottle will-last a Month—
to be used three tines nday.
Testimonial :
Free Non. livim J. renter, Ez-Member of Looms.
Ms Mamie. tate Speaker .1 Mutate Meese .1 Rep..
aestaltaes mad Grad Master 4 4. P. *Ad 4.1111 ,ftf the
State of Maas.
DR. D. 11. STILTS ,
Dui Sia:--Ia reply to your uotlee of the lath hrt_
I wou ld gs , that ► eoll severely ati•ted wits eetarrt.
(or years. when 1 became soqnstntret with yOU, a. d
bought ten bottles of yorir Liquid Catarrh hr.mcdy b -
fore I had Used one batik% I w.e aintibly lca, roved. a .r 1
before the second bottle was tlui►b.d, .as camphor,
cured. I can recommend the medicine to all sfilleed
with Catuth.
liespeetlnlls yours,
DR. D. R. SEELYE 8c 00
Sint PSOPITITOSS, Chltago, U 1 tiois
ErLaborstaty at, Tnoport, Illinois •
STRONG & ARILITNONG, nuisised. Oh.
JOHN 9 PAR „. Chichi satioh
WW.. JOHNSON, Ofttrolt, Illei
seen nt IRIS lIT
Ail for nu. tw ALL nnraaterk. •
T• Vto J.
runtroitt, Oct. 21,1 M.