The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 30, 1865, Image 1

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    E RIE WEEKLY 0114KK'4/1011
vt Oss sssss Btliourga," grhvit
fIIR YOST 0711101.
A.4.11111`11.0N-L-Siro Dot.i..*%* *XV rYrer Carta par
paid fa &drone*: filar oOttani U not
Ca* etrirtalau of t6a3ear. Izabearibers
ranter Dill b. ebartat Fart elan a
:a *gain*
it i`• . 7 0". riquar* at Tan Liaas oar iu •
SIX ; too Martian* SVC ; am* Meer
$1,75; one =mils $l,O O 1 'lwo loOlittbs V. 15 ;
„oolutiat111,03; eta months $5,60; one p.,r Su tai;
. 4 " r owjetats m proportion. Those rates
• .•,; to dirtattir odharr-I ire, ostrua changed by .p/eial
;;L*,t, or of ttraptkw of the pablisbara- Auff •
Strays, l'ilvore***4l , l Ilk. adtertLa.
$,11 . 1 . %); 4,ltalniaraterM Natty** 43. 1 0; Lao,'
liTS Mnati• hod.; NatiCea
scycits !load* (oar Qr., line.
mats pa lino. °near! poetry, uo.
- Ott?. ..! the editor, non dal:or
to MII:10tsiod It
' . "..•.••t.
• „
,34 !a b ly. 3.3 3 ,••• 1:3•• 1,34 1•443(Ug
••• --4•••• 10, ' • • r• 43,, 1,11) soik
101' , 011, to. 1.0 . 1' I uoled eitisl
• .• •• • ••••:•1• 3.331153 , 11 , .3/ 1/133 Isrgeet
WitIVNI I.S S. altt:Clrr,
rrt tb thia e"tillUSU al Ilia
• 11r OU YOrril ,))4 , . per yeAr -ICOoraillg to
t, el. I T/I•ti It . .
A Ti dotbry L-t Ir, Ograta, b:rie County,
laud olhrt inttlithie.l IrStb
co awe tbstgatr.h.
- •
/t , wslortc,
41 2 1),0.r. r I.•gr, Iu Walken,. or.
' 1.0.
. ,
,-- -'"" -----••-• -
(Or i'F.lttilVi, •
~q,-.1%.T. tivs-t... - •
-i.....i.. Vont' rd : ut Mr l'ark,
• •I:.•<: , . Vb.. i' , ' pinta .1. &IA Uratet ui tlts.titsivery.
ti ..4.3.1-1 - .r•s. w *spleen , . Aix. Cows 1.17 . desit.ti
r t . ivr BroW get Hutel,frouttus t h e Park
t• •
I .1 Ca ars bat taloa the Wow Kiln at
yfFrach Stawt. besr
...,,,:tdo•4 D314.141%4 to (Wraith lint:taUwa. la lore
ra..11 7.s4htlis, At Oa 'woad market viola
5 VIVI& =WA. 11.1.11V01.
PE' lEK & 314H:re1.
Arta-VETO aura CoDAISSI-LOl/ AT Law.
t..t, hr. tea loek,
or North Watt corm of the
e.l.l;;;tare,Yrlo, ?I.
0121 H. MILLAR,
CM( F.ratTm. b0i441 PULIV Tart County
or, LA rrtsartd, to 1 4 trre1 ar =its Max OT Rap'
01114. to Cacutpoy Council Room.
ne.l 5 .p' 64-11.
WA ln at lo ß a li at ' uo Aso COCCIIIIO3 I YUMA"
wan:nous on fear Dodr, tut Corsair of
t .euut. a'•a, &liar in Sat, Fmk. Flow.
u star lo ttr: 8.--Partlentar attautios
CtV6ll3 to t ta Kiralytag lad Fonrarding of Petro.
, -.l.Crade and Itatand, to an parta of the cousin.
Apr _
mit IJ 114:NNETT,
Jrtr:ci ill Ofileii second
B'eq . ke Block, Froadn Street, letleekli o lloba
Siccuiroa Pivrthowil &Attest,
ar.rate• Bieck. trio rt. *draft:a.
aaerx d•
Arroil7Tl AT 4.ty Akiirpv, r 4.
gik, Naomi. Cameron sad Jammu coostlae.
C. Cain ti. Limallti-Irtj W. W.
zEI t" t
t - • 0,.. ar4 Ilartibs fittest—ens aquAly slut of
Exclaccs. Warne. Pt. Sept, 2,--17.
. .
- Yams arm ?tam Paragoa B , l*e.k.
r ; trarise 11.11 $ ETI., P*.
to, M. „ 4,11:7011SONI,
.srr cY or Tar hut/ Ulna, la Oases'
.!1-091 -C,r114.1" Of sad adite stmts.
r.atte and.A.L.Wations mad* prOmnt.
, ' , lt.
• - wry critia.ienieebt's B Way Res, Pk
110TEI., striet, hetweia3 dth and dttlattiots,
Ertl. Raltroad Dopot, Mo, Pa.,
Pr , , , prieter. EzttafiTt saisomakods
trayslert. Board tqr 19* day os
+'+"l. 2.;; at:ached.apr2sls3o.
t 'KOHL sS. 81E0Tileit.
, FA/1[70111181.11 ?MOIL* 1124
' it
?as*: iisysoeo ?alma Swing gatelosoo
, or• .1 - - A- Slots Stmat,botoomi Stla awl 9% Slat,
?4 ttsa molt to order laa tho dooot otylo.
041 nORNE.
LMIILT &SU iaLit Symms; on Mean
State =I Fral,ell. VW* Honing and Car.
or. reasonanle Urns. iny2ll4-Iy.
P.'Lt A: M , CARVER.
up.selBtimak gaithisid e ßethrra,
Acrkistiaral itaileacpsts, Haitraid Clea,
L. 1144011410,
- r
.• ofi tfs %come
. side of Ms Pm*. trio. Pi.
at: Rut Sr.
rz: 7:11.1 /I pew Bud !Andsoaboly fitted up
of one of timboWtroatins sold Haul
est:2/111...mM. Commodious Rootas,Classi
rcia siodersta Pcleee ma rattle
t: I I.I3I?—tITH.
kr,, , 331.1"1T Al L&w^Crisp On 0211
' tIO Court nOtt" Erie•
taiiiit LP, 'AI: U.
err ct Os Srucrtr Stamm, mar
"U. L 11.1, 1. A. sow. 4,1841.-4,c10a•.
ih C. BEIM E.
N ll3 . UaLAS,, Sarni. ElJurtar, etc. ear
' tz.l vn-41c *rum, Kria, Pa.
41.1Cikkiat S biI.:TOIL, •
ittrait. Dit.A.Liza It
Viva:. tad !se!, Woad load
•, itse,Stibla
IThan, T ,.'s Fot+ itusiiablag gatiorium
RiFTIVIr it,
Prnittce, Preliskau , h
• )V,csa, Liquors, ecr,
Ktie, ra .
'..../ 4
• t . 4 etn•Ass to.ra
; , ,
Z.,N. tte last tereatt Jetty
'1444414 setth mere deri440.45-
1,.!0re the p'alle• Not
1. te'ese.e:y to those fundhaa
Ir. C2r" P"t
t s cf 1141 %Lint .1.52:1
; an nee
(4 111`1 a,•rjrd lu
Ltd •IS lo• 1 .?"11+C. Irltt tr.. ea.
'ts ,La
,:r sll, "WI Cor sr.
'esAilLi‘l •L, -,l4oeis
Cot , ;.ql', CKOC
,9 t - Cif
6,4 :sr ot: et 14111114r5
l'Her-sU('rete to Per li*tate.
t sz..! rroprestara.
- - C.:Lbt•rrette street Ems.
" I ~trs tLrouieet the
•1' d. 'i T e 1 .1 V.
EMI C:ty Lad rtdnit-Y.
cnizerCcn Ro aad urot L
Nez tx , :z2.-ar .upe- La Lb.
...... :.,..... rf , —..0.—... l‘ ...S.utis.,
IL '1.Z..... ... iv, De.6l Sa %
. 7 .. , .."
. 3 . 4..a..:e., . K. litbilt.
i- J.
....--,..., -i' 2-J r....•:, J lll.Cidnu,
.a. ,tb#7,....' WIC. 11 1 =11 ,
, • .. tt Ca,pot, a. K.
' .... .-t 1...,..i.5,, t. • . Sessett,
a..., ,
..-..0 Wkft, .1 1. 1.41 .
4 3. .
i V .,...44:.-r J Rot:WA ' .4
;yIC R.; s., "!'II.AIA H. Mack
• • ......,: i . c . 6. kJ...v.:U.
?a.. ~‘•••:,.J.4'64,-.4.3z,
. .
Popy pi at atez
• 1.1 nr.; ty.: Lt at /Whole Goa
- .•
1. liattwei.4lr.^
•It 4 4. 1 .A..r11 :tail' AL/6W
• • h ~‘• nAtapiete
A. •t 2 btustt •4 !RINI Illertrat
tt.-• reap. lir.l2‘ tall
'A.:. G vr slrolls
htv KY , y . ALLYN.
• . 1 1..4. Nem
••1.111 1.41.t1.3.111 illr
4 Twitatco. SifUVF. !C.,
U &tat, titre4t,
p A
"414 * L - Apr,-. c .t h ums( Qom,
STH ( - sK 1, iZi ; '
COL/4/7 - / - / 467,4/S-21/;-7
AL / COMM SWAM a wamootad to eon Coughs.
Hoonosess, Asthma, Ithorpiag dons
throat. Couniapttea, sod sll oftodises tbo
For lore by deogg Ob ists.atasial dsoot, No ..1 List Youth
Ciationsti, ls.
bi s tPTliti i' ti
ALL the Medina' men and the Press
rseousasane Dr. atrielawre Asti-Cholera' Mar
tare as the only contain manlier Diastioas and Om.
eatery. It is a ecambisatson or datrlasistaAbeorbasto.
Stimulants sad Csnahatires. and is warranted to INNS
ears after all other spasms hare tined.
Foeßala by Draggista. Genets* &pot, 6 bat /mirth
west, Cincinnati. Ohio.
DB. Strickland's Pile Remedy has cured
magma& of the worst moo of Matt ood Blood
ing Pilot. It glom lion oillef, lad oasts a ;or
intoont cam , Try It &portly. It Lt worrootod to amp.
tomato bydrogiststo. General depot, I Bart local tttset, tttset, Cilichnial. hio. 6.
• ,
Dispepsia, Nervousness and
. Debility. . .
rocesuncia wase agrikatu r irlth las of Anadb.
indigestion, or Dtstarpat% llarrolasana aad Nana
-DOlll% to an BU . .ok a.oAra Toala. It la a 'r
papuallaa,lho from Alasholla lAtuoral It Ito=
themho% Norton sfatsm; It count a good itppotita.
Lad la warranted to ran Damnation aol tiervon
Debtlity. - •
?or aaA• Dropplata gastarally, at par -7441.....
Prepared by Dr. A. atticklaad. 0 Fart roar% nook
Clacton% Ohio.
Great Gift Dietributien.
Watcks,Sipa_kto, Lockets, itniceleto,
S. M. WARD & Co,
.1,08 Broottiroy, Nem York.
100,0110 Watches, Ckalks,„Letkets, ineftll l 4
Ens, Gold Peas, •e., ke.,
WOITI $600,000, TO •S SOLD AT, Oira DOLlJkilli
Aud sot to be petd for as tilyou know erbat you are to
el, sod sot to be kept *also you ere
per eel/ ertteilieL
„Vinutid List of Articles to be told for $1 ..eA.
100 Gold linutlog Came. Oa AV OM&
100 Gold watche5,.._........'.......0006 vat&
200 lodise Watche5,........ »« 35 06 ow*
600 Silver Voteless, $ll OS to 2600emdt
050 Ge 16,14 salt wed Vast Cbalo 00 to 13 00 am&
1,000 Chettatatas as I Guard Malmo. 6 0 0t030 et ova
2,000 Nee% sad deed Matas,— 4001. 1 i OD viol
4 000 SolltaLro JGold Voscrebote • 011 to .1100ert&
4,900 GILA. I atm, la, &amebas,. - 100 to I/ 00 .veit
2,000 Gold Jot, %a, tar trrops...... 300 to II 00 emit
&WO Gears' Bread sod wart MBA. bOO to 11 00 ea&
0,000 imal Bud Bracelets, 300 to 800 emai•
2,000 Mooed Bracelets.- 600 4.3000
3,100 Cal. oiabala Pt= and Map,- 160 to 1100 arab
2,000 Gold Watch treys.- 2 60 to 000 mole
000 Solitaire Mears rut. t dtuda, 200 to 300 or&
3,000 Gold Tbltablcs 400 to 1100 seek
0,000 itiolatore Locksta,... - . . 240 to 1100 mot
&COO KW. lockatts. 6 1 021 e 9 MING- 400 to 900 MIA
3.000 New lityla Balt Ruvklee,. - 400 to 00 each
2000 Gold Tootttelckr, Croton:
lc, 200 is •00 . oak
3,000 Fob and /41bboo 211de5...... 206 to 6 00 awl
5.000 Cbamod Goa 00 to •00 eau&
4,000 Stone get Paw,. 200 to OW *so
6,650 Setts satin Jesoilry.jet &gold 600 to lE 00 sea
6.000 • • •.• rations Riles 300 to 16 00 nab
6,000 Gold Penkailsor cam & peacil, 400 to gtO soca
4440 Gold Pima, Geld Case k. repel 600 to 1400 Obeli
MOO Gold Penotold mounted bolder 300 to 600 au&
Certificate. at the various articles ate placed In essil
lopes, sealed cad mist& These ~fibs., vl/I b• mot
by mall as ordered. without record to eLotea. Altar re
mising Gls earttleat•aod *Wog what Ortiel• It rep re
son Is, you steal liberty to mead anst_get tlee article, or
any otb•P tits list of t waft vfilaeart atter sasfair
the article, it it does not eve pertect astlitection. vs
issin ycn to relent it and Ist the mo •In all trans
Bottom be mail we charge for owe eat 22
dre cwriufk' soil will be rut for $l, eleven ibr s2„ tatrfj
fer $3, os• bombed foe 111. Ageats wanted stay.
whew. &sallow spots tow &eats on sash eertlacenes
provided :their remittaacsi amount to at. delta:. Also,
extra premiums for large orders.
Azov teetkome—he Ina receipt or 111 60, ws sill rood
s solid ether shield (pure. sods) or bides, for Whet
division r tarps hi Ms army, or • ,miry, Infantry
artillery, eogiloar or pelltOoDet a pl., with your manor s
reetrocat„ sod company taatlmpattly engraved timers*,
together with oar wholesale illasttatoi circelar to
WW I .
S. M. WARD at,: Co.,
20S Brwitotty, New Yosk.
P. A. )31108...101.
/16,144¢art Oran , 4 U 4 Perk 4 ilesa Ursa,
'Cacti lisp.stfally call ths attsation at lb. comoisiudty
to us Imp Stock of
Whisk Ls is &straw to NU at ha
ad;oortamiat at
L. out au reaped its, tb. alty, Yb. pupated to 'some to
lilt lobo vv. him • oat
H. .L. keeps eaturtaotly oa haat a aapartur lot at
1 1 1.111 E LIQUOR 6,
ter the Waal" Ore*, to which ha &recta tie" &Malicia
at thy palate-
miutt. dasall rrein, 601 . 16 tan
E,,vahilost fur ttAlLowy." matIVIAL
Jnited States Claim Ag't,
AAA all ottoir Clailas against tie Gousassons atnendat
to with promptanui.
EirApplitalloa My NW &divided to tbs $lOll so V
=ado is psnmem. Ilese.
Crawford, Christian & Vs*,
pried_and Sealed Fruits,
Nap ChandliFy. Boat Slam OS % Ita,
110. T 11:4117•8 11.0 Ci. PARS 11014
Also, Public Dock, Foot of State Street,
RR. R. (AAR:SURD.. •S. CalairriAß
puzallp-tt J. BY.II , JN 5t1193.
Reeves' Ambrosia.
' FOR ?BS 8.13 R.
.11 asenrimedertal Stir Fteetorstir• still nista* iti
Feetedeste is Leshichaohla clozleo, sod is itsr , mdttr alh
other preporatistut, sot cal, be emouttry hat skis it
Rarer/ tad edath diseria". Ttreassada et MMus an
tassolly used is the Caen circles of Pad,. Lewin. tilie
Peter bets sod *adrift. sad the ask be Cabs is emt
ewer. **STEN' AItaILOSLA is efayeasil el meaty em
tract beta heztet el soesterfal virtue, sad ishidbil mod*
tad sit! • eszitty of ciliated/I perfasoa. It elsaboally
prereets the heir tfibog est. sad awes It to giu 1P
Idly, takk sad lore. insakes the hair tad sad 110 1
tt • et:lay ancariant.. Its toilet it oresplete sitt
it. Few* 75 ovate pet tiottli.
5,54.1 fireettott tad Asarfers ta bag Tsai fea slt
salter of tho drifised solid. - Wholemelo s all wholes&
f rentals la Ovary city. gad at
Shit* ICS 41.1901081• fI*POT, '
Pasty Meaty S. T.
Fsc 11. RIC11.011).3 hasteaskui, feral
vats for rozaajlEuds. rror&-Ilifas.
otiabk. taw*. Onsha,
*roam. Her. Gases mail Asimmisto Lc
Time s Parte Sosaidu a ll iw
1 10 1 Y1. 41 1. ft
i i,,i'
"f . - •
4 . • Di
, •• t
4 "
' tt.
• : • ;.{..
t •
Gold Pins, keg, if.
Nacre ea
slits, PICSOPII.
1 '
1 iI g
• I ,
Whore ars the rasa who otarebod at night
About four utoalks ago P.
.. tuft with abuser ors ligbt,
. A poked 'aspiring show.
' Who hoped to tomb to Dizio's laud,
, Each with a musket la Ala hand,
To slaughter all tho label load,"
About roar mouths ago.
Where Are They.
Where are the man who drove Mist teams
About four mouths ago IP
Who ehow'ql their teal by shouts andeareams,
And making whiskey Sow.
Who made their patriotio boasts
That they would " ornshitie rebel boats,
Or dielike heroes at' their pasta,"
About tour months ago
Where are the wee who 'swityed the wrora,
About four months age
Whose speeches were so look and loud,
Atul height with "artist glow. •
Wbo were smell medals ott their owls",
Add had their poekete full•of• slaw:
To buy up Demooratio votes, , '
About four woad*, ego ?
The draft his coate--oh, where are,theee
Who bragged four mouths ago'
Why don't they march to meet their foie,
And "crush them at a blow :"
Abe calls, bat, they *newer not
They do not tinny being shot •
Their blood his cooled, which' was so hot
Ahout four months ago.
essmillp sad amain ■sw.
It was the most golden and glorious of
September days. The veil of blue hate
hanging like a canopy over the distant
bills, seemed absolutely to quiver in the
radiant glow of Autumn sunshine, and
the grapes. whose amethystine cluster
blushed through the trellis of clinging
leaves grew deeper in color and more
bloomy, as if they had stolen the imperial
dye of a. thousand purple sunsets and
brilliant dawns, as the sun mounted h igh
*tin :the cloudless dome of heaven. No
frescoed ceiling, hung with jeweled pen
dants, was oiler more beautiful than this
arbor of grape leaves, 'where. light and
shadow mingled in atrial arabesque with
every moving wind—and so thought .Ri
*hard Itayfield, as be came slowly up the
'tartlets path that led to his brother's
The mansion itself,, however, was far
front presenting the gala aspect which
pervaded all nature, and our hero's cons
timanoe underwent a ludicrous transfor
mation, as he eyed the yawning windows
and wide open doors.
" !trail the powers," he said to him
self, " if Isabel isn't cleaning house again !
Well, women are most"unaccountable
creatures. I do believe they delight Ia
turning things upside down, and making
themselves and the rest of the world un
'otunfertable. What's the use of choking
'people with dust and deluging them with
soap sad' water twice a year t However,
'let the proper enigmas bare their own
way. Psi sure lam the last person in
the world to object."
With theee philosophical reflections yet
in his mind, Mr. Mayfield deftly thiesded
his way by a colony of whitewash pails
and lime kettles that surrounded the
front door, and entered - upon the scene
of action. It was quite * plain from the
shout with -which the children greeted
bib appearance that he was a general fa
" Hallo, Uncle Dick, we're cleaning
hawed" died Master fienryAugnstus
Mayfield, who was mounted astride
double•up feather bed, basting it fearfully
with hia inother's best silk parasol. -
I *4 Ain't it splendid, Uncle Dick !" ex
claimed Miss Julia, who was endeavoring
to " pry out " the principle of sound from
i a $3O music boa, by introducing a carving
knife into its interior works, while Mrs.
Miyfielti, half distracted by calls from di
vers directions, was totally unconscious
of the mischief being wrought.
" Dick, lain puzzled and annoyed," she
said. ;lets!, is John called to the city by
a pressing law suit, sad the whole house
upside down !".
"Thought that was what you ladies
liked," , was Dick's rejoinder, as he perch
ed himself on the top of the table, and
rescued a shell basket from the destruc
tive grasp of the smallest Mayfield a all.
" And my nook is gone, and the fire
won't burn. and the wall whiteners havn't
come this morning, and the parlor ceiling
is half unfinished, and you know the sew
ing society is to be here 10-morrow even
ing—and, o.Dick, what Shall I do r"
" Don't fret," said Richard, soothingly,
" make the fire barn, or PH know the
reason why ; end I'll finish the ceiling for
" Tell; I. Didn't I whiten my own room
at College, when we boys smoked it into
the color of sit old so ufftbez. And then
IT teak the carpet down .and see about
getting these dislocated hedsuiads is
gether."- •
" But, Dick, you must be too iired,_
after denting till two o'clock et the pie.
nic last night."
"w tired? 0 - Fiddlesticks ! Where's
the refractory stove ?"
The very fire was not proof against
Dick'.. determination. It broke into $
cheerful 'blaze - the moment he attacked
the eittel. The skill with which he
sat kilt:octal' 'a scaffolding and mounted
thereon with a panoplyof whitewash pails
sad brashest, was perfectly astounding,
thazatore so. as his slender fingers, rather
pals eumpleziou, aristocratically small
feet said heads. conveyed the idea of one
who was adapted only to Broadway pave.
meats and gli4ttriug hell-room. .
" I suppose the workmen didn't e leave
their wardrobes when they went away last
evening, Belt ?" he asked. when be had
scaled the rather perilous height.
" No." said his sister-in-law. laughing.
"%Then just hand the that old sheet--
and a piece of old bed cord 'yonder.. Now,
don't you integre my tacit - ensemble I"
" Uncle boorAtke_a ghost." said
Master ireiry . Augastus.
"NO dis'litt--he looks like the cm.
wino doiti4t the pond," struck in Hiss
Julia 1 ,
Ears, 14'4, THURSDAY Arr,pty9px,.;MAßCll, ao, 1865.
" Upon my ward, don't know which
is the most coaspthemutary." olieerted
Dick. drily. " Now, Akre, clear the freak.
mammal. of you endwise me a dance 1"
And be worked on; now pandas to sur
rey his achievements, but oftenest, of sll,
reboring into thouene of the beentifre
damsel at therpkonin hist ' night Whirls('
been so studio' Cult OW and resented:
ward him.
u She don't like iner said he, " and 1
for the life of me can't tell why. Weil;
as 7 said before, women are unscootinta
ble concerns !"
" Amy," /aid Xiii Brownlaistrto her
t6retty young eousiii; " 2 wish you woutl
just run over to Mrs. itsyfield.'s - with this
note. The children ate at 'sehoOl. add I
have no one to send."_
.• Oh, no," said Amy, while it. froth
tingle suffwed her delicate. cheek;l" I
don't want to encounter that sartierflne
collegian." ' • ' •
" Nonsense. he isn't there —be's staying
with Harry Franklin." • •
"Oh, then. I will take the note," said
Amy, raising and looking around for her
coquettish little gipsey hat.
" You are the strangest girl, Amy," mid
her cousin. " What can be the reason
that you dislike Richard Mayfield 2 He
is so handsome and so . very -talented!"
" I don't fancy these merely eil . wifeental
people," said Amy, demurely: Tify but;
band must be of some use in the ; worl d"
"How do you know but that Mr. May
field is 1"
.• Can's be possible," said Amy, archly
shaking her curls. His bands are too
small for anything but lenton.oolored kid
gloves. wager a new bonnet, Alice,
that he never done anything more labo
rite, in his life than to carry ' s box of
Miss Brownlefgh laughed. and Amy
passed out of Alve.fine:wreathed porch,
wondering - whether Mr.
Richard Mayfield had been much vexed
because she had refused to dance with
him the evening previous.
Mr. John Mayfield's, house was at no
great distance. and as Amy was quite in
timate with that lady, and understood the
domestic saturnalia that was st present
transpirin j g within her domain, sbe did
not think it necessary to knock; but
opened the door and walked in without.
any ceremony.
There stood Dick, the apex of a pyre
:nidal scaffolding of hoard, his no. broad
cloth mimest olacnied by a lime splashed
sheet which was girdled- around his waist
by a ponderous knot of 'rope and his
black curls overshadowed -by *coarse old
straw hat, working sway as if for dear
life. His beck was toward the door. and
supposing the step to be that: of hie . *Week
in-law. be said gaily. without turning his
" What ! is the carpet ready so soma,
Bell ? I'm just through here, and I'll cora*
and•tack it down in mar valuate !"
' Not receiving any answer, he immedi
ately turned round. •
" Miss Brown Leigh !"
He never looked so handsome in his
life---attil that was the first thought •that
rushed through Amy's mind, in the midst
Of all her emburastment ; for Dick had
the advantage of the young lady in this
respect--she was embarrassed, • and he
was not.
He sprang, Laughingly. to the floor and
threw off his ghostly dre.pai7.
" You mud think I have a curious taste
in costume," said he, archly, " but the
truth is Isabel . has been disappointed in
her hired help, and my brother is sway
from home, so I am helping her clean
" I did not know—l thought you had'
no taste"—stammered Amy, unconocioui
ly speaking out her thoughts.
" You supposed that I was nothing
more than an ornamental piece of fur
niture. Ask Isabel about that," said
Dick. half piqued, half smiling. " But
ciin I be of use to you now '2"
" I had a note from my cousin, for him
liaytield," said Amy, still speaking scarce
ly above her breath. •
"She has gone to het farther or
chard," said Dick. "It is some distance,
and not a very straight path. Ifjou will
wait until I remove a little of thii lime, I
shall be happy to escort you down to the
Half an hour ago Amy would have haugh
tily informed him it was quite unnecessa
ry for her to trouble him--naw ahe stood
and waited.
It was a long• walk, under the over
spreading shadows of noble apple trees,
beading with the weight of ern' soon end
rustic fruit, and thiough meadows ankle
deep in purple and bloom. and nodding
plums of golden red, yet; for all that Ainy
was quite, surprised when %Cm. ,14itseict
came in sight, carrying a Tittle imiket of,
rase obeeked perches from a favciritei tree
We believe it is one of woman'ispecial.
and incontrovertible privileges to change
per inind--therifore nobody was much
astonished "tee three' nmoth's Wee.
qtusetly there was a racttor el the *agile. •
meet of Mr. Msyfield sad Ifts
1,10. Still; - bowevte, Desk' elm* d
dared that it was an -
him that when aeretteles sad ash
poetry and perinatal 'midi failed to win
an entrance to the maiden's hetet, a !M0..,
wash bends should have been the *aro
atic weapon_ whic' heongtot
down the barricades -- •
The StakifeLls,ot Orixere. are exciting
lots of talk among wawa tonvista The
height of the fells is two hundred feet,
sad the width two thougead Net. , WMa
the Pacific realreed is esespiated4 %hie**
become as fishieseble a ridtittg 'plena es
Magus is now.
. .
Za £i3 OLU !k
it: ie.:l!. 1111,i "VII ./1-1-f+lt
, 1
Monvz•lStre Wit laspom etort4 — -
' 6—
. • • .
• Wkish yourfiet MINI§ .
' Iliserrilitar year aormeet titulars
Thsegli it bad Name Ike ased.
Etta* taw nia44: no" imb-1
Ilrlses twist albelettliv a Took Of di
Poi several dais past the talk of all the
marvel makers in Chidden bas been de•
voted to narrations of the extraordinary
attrateilboted by an individual in Metro•
Pigitan Hail. Thoussids - mwd to bun
every lay, and from morning till night
he 16,64404 passing patients through
his heads at the -rate of about *at per
'Skis One be profanes to cure by . a
touch of his hind. It is said that he has
touched the limbs of the paralysed, 'and
ikethSie thing their crutches from them
lusd '44041 that .the blind by the saws
moms of his finger upon *eve . bells,
open theiroyeanid see that thOdeif are
amide ta,bek, and those who had stammer
ed all their lives speak fluently and with
ease. Roam has sent abroad the most
extravagant and extraordinary stariei rer
parding his power. •The consequence is,
the credulous come pouring to him from
all directions. Ode woman's faith was so
strong that: she traveled four hundred
miles, carrying with her At bed•ridden
mother'sclothes in order that he might
touch them. She actually believed • thaS
by his doing so her mother would be oared.
The promo of " cure " occupies but
very little time. The patient comas up to
the platform. the physician lays his hand
upon him and he walks off immediately.
Yesterday morning the multitude who
flocked to the if etropoliten Hall surpassed
evm those of the previous days. The hill
was tilled before 9 o'clock, and for hours
the crowd *attuned to aeountolate, the
broad 'staircase being completely filled by
the press of people crushing continually
forward. The minority seemed to be
skeptical but there were also many en.
thusiasta. • One lady. tossing her heed
scornfully, was heard to remark':
" I don't believe it for one.; and they
tell a great many 'Maim about him," •
On which an elderly gentleman turned
round and, in. somata of grave rebuke,
said :
," They erow:fled Christ before they be
lieved in him."
Sometitties a couple of men would mat,
carrying a paralytic or palsied friend.
Others same limping upon crutches.
iThere are many either wholly or partially
i blind. soma of deaf, and persons afflicted
i ` with rheumatism, peuralgis and lung and
3 liver complaints. All thii sufferers were
m arshaled is long array twenty deep
around the hall, the professed dispenser
of health ooeupying a plate at the upper
end. 'One by one the immense assemblage
cams up to him, were toughed, and passed
out at the other door. Those who came
on crutchei he manipulated for a few
ileconds„ Made them stamp on the floor;
Walk backward and forward Onoe or twice,
then take their creche, on theil shoulder
and march out. This many of them cer
tainly did, , but whether it was that they
were really eared, or whether their excited gave them s momentary
goefee•of being mo„ it will be iinpoirdble to
sell. though a few days will mire to es
tablish whether the whole atitir was a
humbug or not.
Ti Limos PLaca Boxy.—"Uhon. you
tecklemeteber dat fiddle pia*. bony 1
eyed mit de boiler next week 1"
" Ysh : vot of him ?"
" Notting, 'only I gita 'hosted Mind;
a. S o rl
Yah. You see, in de frnrst blocs he
iett plied mit boto legs, and ferry lame
mit ton eye. Den Ten you git on. hint t•
rite he 'rues up pahint not kicks up po
fore so rune: as a chackninle. Vdinks I
e him a Jidda rite pstertay, tort so
sooner I sits strati* his back ha gent
'monoe dal ray, shag so likes vskin peam
on postateant ; and Ton heels tone I was
so mist up mit eferydings I rinds min*.
self sitting mount packvuds, vit his dail
in mine bouts nor Is pridle."
" Veil. rot you going do to mit him?"
"Oh, I viz him pester as chaos up. I
hitch him in de cart mit his dail sere his
bed ought to pe ; den I gife him spout so
dozen cuts mit de hiteocrori he sums to go
pot so soon he see (*cart pefore hint ite
makes parkwart. Batty soon be stumpks
pehint. and sits dawn on his haunches,
and looks like boreal burly abamped mit
himself. Den I dabs* him oat, hitch him
in de right way, not be goes off stout so
gout Y snypody's
Tex Nartosfit Stowxx.—Notwithstand
ing the la* 'yield from the extra income
tax, it is known 6:it the recent returns
front the internal revenue have not'come
up to expectations. In the month of
January the yield win not a million a day,
wait it should be at least eleven hundred
thousand dollars every day in the . year ;
end even , with that sum we should have
to borrow something like fourteen .
died thousand. dollars daily, to meet our
expenditures. It requires about 0,500,000
to pitY bar every twenty-four hours of our
national existence. Golds° hoer*, indeed,
are ours,—or greenbeelt•hottra, if yori him
that better. (tar annual national earn-.
&ire la now at the rate of 5900,000,000ne nre! t e,: .. eieeedng biene-ttelf the oath,
( Inglind ever mid* when the was
in her mighty struggle with Na
-polion. A loyal contemporary puts it at
about $1,000,000.000, or 3.000,000 a day—
but we- cannot think it quite so bad as
thaw—Banos 7 l2er.
Iscw or ens Was.--A correeposd
eat on his way to Wilatingtoe *rites
of An incident ilineueting the peon
*tit, _of oar struts's occurred on ear
manta yesterday. Yanking alma* by the
leadaid . a a eceporsi of one of the mi
mesis indted penniesket to enter it. *Het.
ins as a reason kw his requers that itirae:
.the recidence of his passage and sawhorse
id ins youth.. Wm request wan gewgaw.,
Be - entered the home; sad was km
clasped in the arm of hiaoradtved mot/i
, 4 MA,' said saw Par.. heather wan
hers ye C; k *WO_ nalitaCeso
federates sairabotpwit hone That ngother
luta a eon in we army."
s esszsitS fib sorewie.'
, •
su t
~ hi (
DOI. Abel
WUh ha
Inlet is b k
To 'V
O t if-p.. ,might meet *O.llEOl'
Of Tinte,t., rongh Life doinictloos,
We i *MU *mid poi! besalle,
The ti of his vitieni:
TS' io-iigtk&vit.ll;hetatis 01104
- 10-Jolns os strand teisting -
As but)** that *whale tbs.Veohirea 1 4'4 1
MO - iiia)r, oa 'the bpi ibis meeting.
But since slight can't tempt the triglC
Nor fond t delay him. -
gm, Low If ma hold the elf,
Noeshtili Filifitiskipiitsy him.,
t Weil drill* to-light; with' hear ts is Bet
:Te lee se' mind felting •
As boVp - thit. swim on the besketochriem
And,b It on the Ups while meeting.
"Ina owes osght to be• tem book •stt• wt •
ieater4oces.• "
81 . 144;4 furnishes many instances of
Pomona' kable for the strength of
tbore . which, when, we_ redact
on the limiteiral4z t. of that faculty in
the:generilityof mankind, might be con?
aidered ai felnikata,, were not some of them
too will atteitect to be deubtfal. •
,- Yiiheidrtss; whotelederrer twenti-tere
nations,: was acquainted with all Idler
laugnaipmf,; and orinld'eaprees himself !Ni
-1 aptly in eteilt. Quintus Rartaniikur; one
of the Mott oelebratea mattes of ancient
Boole, bad a memory so tenacious, that
after studying a discourse, although be
bad not written down a single word of it,
' he could repeat it exactly in the same
manna which he had composed it,
We aialtild that inOonsequetios of a wager
with one Sienna, he spent a whole day at
an aucticai, sad it wait eluded, he
recapitOlated every article that had l?een
eOld, togethee with the prices, and the
smug of tile purchaser, hi their proper
order, without erring in one point, as was
waved trt the clack, who followed him
with his 'The erudite Justus Liplike
the whole history of Tecitny
and bimetal to resits, word for
ward, anypeseage that might' be squired;
consenting as the aim time to allow a
peSecteln stand - by him with a dagger, and
to plunge i into his body - if be mute a
single trip, or did not faithfally repeat
the words of the author. •
Ittnsat'ister that he dictated one day
to a young islain an intiudierible lard-
Wide oftalk Win and" barbartna
words, all tinot from each culter4nd
that when Was tired of dietatininhe
CUrsican.parted them without hesitse
Sion, in the same order, and then in a re- .
versed order, beginning at the bat. The
faculty: nowired by Philidor, and in our
own days by litorpby, , of playing general
panes of cties* at the same time, and
withont seeing the bawds, is almost as ex
Antonio liabee.hi, librarian to Cos.
nu) the Thitl, Orsnd Duke of Florence,
is quoted as possessing such ta memory
that his bead was called by one who knew
him, "an tr. iversal'indeix, both of titles
and snearterfi The 'following trial, it is
said. was On made of his powers of re-
Seition: l'Oratreman of Florence, who
had Written n pled which was to be print
ed. leer the manuscript to Naglisbechi,
and some tires after it had been returned
with ihaniticarae to him with a melan
choly Aloe; and told hire of some invented
accident. by!whic - he said, he had lost
his only copy of the work. The author
seemed almost - inconsolable, and entreat
ed gegLiabechi, whose reputation of re
membering what he had read was already
very great, to try and recollect an suss& of
it sa is possibly could, and write it down
for him against his next visit. Magliaba.
chi secured hint be would do So. and on
setting about it. transcribed the whole
manuscript, Without miming a word,• or
even varying in any manner from the
spelling. When cosuudted by the learned
writers of the day, on any pertihnlar.entt
jtct. he could tell them at own; and some•
times to the number of a hundred authors,
all who glad ever treated of the same.
namingthe book, the worda,fand often the
veer/umber of the page in which their
remake were to be found; Msgliebehi,
too, although he' never traveled beyond
Flotenee, 7 bs#- a local - knoirledge of the
places, Wheriii every important book;stood,
Weis - treat colleeticres of the different
countries. Se studied the plans and sec
tions of the librarinfind their catalogues,
as generals study . the ground on which
they are to canspaiii.'Cfne; day, the Grand
Duke snit fir - hini to nsk him whether he
teak/ et' a hook that was particularly
iLtairoe, mucked with four R'S, rarisristur,
Dartilde Sampson' would hare described
it. "No, sir." answered Hagliabechi,
without a inarnent's hesitation ; 's it is ice.
poiifble Tevailightuese tiessary would
not 1:4 ii tin fon ; therein bur one
la the world = -that ilia the Grand Sig-
Ma s i at Veateetieopte, and is the
tiocilk;,cin tie Second shelf, Oi the
"rigid iasd side as you 'gO is." This ex
:•:-.1inet,' man, wi +mat exercise, -and
• ; Own r • - lee, 'on hard eggs
&t, butto: bred Irk to his
yest. dying' n the. 14th of Jai*. 1714.
William Lyon. an itinerant actor,
known rainbufgh, about a hundred
years ago. one eve3siag over a bottle with
/MO of his 'theatrical ; brethren, wagered
a Crown bOwl of punch that the following
d a y - 'it sekkearsel; btu weglu :repeat the
Whole of a "I:44:Advertiser„!! The play
ers. who considered this as it mere braes
:di); * paid little *AIM tiOti to it ; bates Lyon
sass - positive, one of them accepted the
ss6er, The next morning, at -rehearsal,
I,reanis4ed Liotkef-4tior - bet, ins4inint .
as he irsti diunnlc tiWittiiit omit
cortday. eisre torgotteti ii, and ' ; allied
bun on' ritUciditia bolos of ftis
atemory. Igoe profaned Um paper, do.
; . ::; ..,.
.. .t., ,
_Aright is ligaitt
a* of oar goblets gleam. 14; t .
Mite the roar bed—
s. whaltokees, 40 dreamt in
to sight, with hearts se light, .1
as sky ead fleeting -
that swim be -
the baker', bitty. .
Ott the tips while beetles..
cleat Illeascies.
-__& .(-
lurid the other to leak at it, and
the wage*. NotYrithdiNfilfeirukt f
connection in ttio ponielOn:tan roomy
of advertise: menta l snd the senora
which to the oompoligon of s new
Ma, he repeated i i t,,Ote:oshootwiticot
the lekt.hositopokor,olich#4,
. • ,
In Lila remould; at ,a wafting of
Christian A.
Chinnbcrisark, inlittd the f: 911
affecting inciciont of so Indiana .
the'9sol - regimeat :
"Ile seitt'it, toiduight for, de k ligite
the Caninsitiiion. He wss dyiggiu2d lathed
to leave his little troipxceo l Trith hha l , to
reed thrill *Pi letter !.o ,#l5, molter.
• Are you . at 'Cltristisn .the 'delegate ttak;
ed. • Oh. yetis; 1 was before' t joit!ecyhe
array., . iaother thst. GO is with ye : :
all is wen.' Thlco, F i Xviv:s .three:,tittlA to
the dekite• be Sai4e!, nut is for re r,
that is • for sister ,.. isd .sister rill3klan!
whom , to gi o tbqottt er to."
" Tbtars is:one shirtituars,'"'lte &dad/
afters pause::: peekagawas ts)ats,
from his, kis stutuar and kbrecth I -
In it were aiiii . cpißitegespiist. - He .toreir
up the grist; • 10 eked { at'it' - inFtently," Mid
said; 'Oh; htmkGoalor * plotur motheil
Mien& hot prayers and instrumentality
I Was brenghrte Gool.byti, mike
we Shall Meet Hp khalif
itlinikald'irdirto on' the cot., Elf ton*
,UPAhrticrmd, 'and said; ' Thank %diet!
s plotissisterf We ?'eve held sheet 06*
tontion retth, r 1 star, and will hold
sweetereomeurnitia In Heaven. thoci.bye;
sister; and 116 kissed is and laid ft dowri
With the other. He took up the thlrd;
the natneleiscme. and as he looked fond
ly *tit his oyes filled with tears.
said he, 4 1 did hope that you and I would
hare many precious seasons on'earth, but
God but ordered otherwise. My *marry,
demanded my Berri*. I rive there.
;heed_ 4tink God ! ere tone.
erefll both. he where there'll be no want,
but . where all will be peace throughout
etaratty, Yes, thank God I we'll meet
agile -;',and he put the precious, picturea
to his lips and kissed it, and breathed his
last with the photo,graphlyiugon hia
T2n Spring Elections.,
We publish' below complete Maras of the
twig elegises told is this county daring the
prewsatiscati. The other mere hsve priated
the lists of Aims elected, bat thinking etas
readers would be Doers interested in &Deist
the vote cast for *soh candidate, Ire have de
biped the publiestlas until via could give it la
a desirable shape. If cone of the names are
:tot plated correctly, it to owing to the seg.
lip at tissue fa witch s few of .the. totem:tit
are rude out
lit Dint*, rarer 111,
Clark MaSparres 46; Select Council, C. M.
Mali 84; Sitseph McCarter 62; Comma
Council, E. F. 13entiett, 99, J. Q. Jordan 69,
J. 0. Spenour_6o, P. Enigma* 43-; -Justice,
F. Carts. 162, P.• Laibel 7 ; Ctuistable,
Adana Schneider 24; Auditor, Jose Gun*.
son 28, David McAllister ; Judy at Ilea
clan, Charles Lynch 36 ; Inspector, L. Deb—
than, Z. 8. Manse 23, neatteriag- 2 ; As.
terser, B. C. Sennett 22 ; Scheel Di *nor,
G. P. Smaller 53, J. M. Nebo 33, easUaring
7. ,
24 District, Erse..-Major. Farrar 37, Ble.
Spann 166 ; Select Conticl J M lan 1114;
Common aenaell, hetph Raul_ I M.
GiAgsrbsch 11k; Aceeisor, It Benatitia;
Auditor, D McAllister 07, Jonas ilcanisea
97 ; Constable, A Schneider 116; Jsuitiee, 1
Cerise 150, F P Leibel 69; School DIXOCUIIIi\
J 31 Zahn 148. G F Dretelier 148: Judgc,
U Albrecht 106; laspestors, Fbi2ip Liebel
108,. J J Fender 104; Assesses, Thsobold
Dirt 1. .
3d 'Astrid, Zrii.--31ayar, lieSparren 116
Parrs: 67 ; School Directors, N Murphy 43.
John B Gunnison 14, scattering 3; Common
Conseil. 31 W Csughey 93, Pkillip -Honicken
36, 843 Breoks, 85, John C Selden.BB, W Gal
lagher 11; Judge, K Emu 39; Select Cow
N Murphy 14.3; Constable,. David Zhu.-
most= 86; Limnos, Thomas Stuart 26;
Inspector, M Susi',um 111, grad Wittiok. $;
Auditor, KU limy 21. _
.41,1 District, Brie.—Mayor, Ferrer 198, Me-
Bparren 80 ; Common V , ourmil, Wtti & Croy*.
ford 179, Wm Beli, jr., 124, Alex Nicholson
61, W G Arbuckle 1; Assessor, 'nos Stamen
56; Constable, Drell Zimmerman 41; Judge,
Jars Ocsktneon 62; Inspector, F S 9 Olds
60, W G Arblekle 2; Anditor,l3 A. Davenport
,11,. Wm A Brown 1.; Bontol Dirtotors. J B
Gunnison 72,17 Ifurphy 74, Be•mbo 2, V M
Thompson 1. '
Eat AB erne.---Instics,•34.r.ksou 31c n.
ry 61, We. Thomas 108 ; Constable, tirbaa
11chlandeeker 77; Bud. Commissioner,
Duna 123, John,Berst 108,; School Directors,
John Bunn 111,1seob Wiros 110. Isms' C
Grshasa 69, Demo hawk 4. John S Carter 22 ;
Auditor, Cm Stilltrrer 137; Assessor, ham
C Graham 131 ; Town a t tk, P . W Koehler
III; 11 Gingrich 28; Tres_ e:, John A
Viet 99, 17alentine Sebakz , SS, 3a..; ms
ger'Bo; Judge, .7 Wrlf 136; Inspectors, Lew.
renew Saida 99, J 11‘.;seell 22.
Welt leolsca
Creor7 52,13 C 'Photons `l.s ; ConatttlAe,
Senlantletter fr, ; Cotnatinionora;B !?
Dun% 21, John` Borst 103 ; School Director),
Jobs Barton 44, :seob Wart" 44, ;awes C
Grahset 42, Jzret,ll Z.41;:0r, 1. Jolla S Carter
1; Aa4llor, t'
.lichlar4.l` 44 ; . .Leetuor. 3C
Graham 27.: 'nett Clerk: P soehler :/
Tretittlier, - 3 i'Veit. 2, V Schil4 60, awes
arelittor a : Judge, Jim's Erna.. 56, ET Szblu.j
rid 26; Inspectors, G Brit:L.l , e b 4, C W
Brolin 23,
414:5i2 District.—Shoot Di •
rsitors, Jaseph Ft PM:l'4y AI, 11 4.llrestage
0 0 'M Bcrombi-rtses, 8 A Benet 30.
L I Tibbans 'Bl ; COsasii, .1 B Chosol3ls, W
D Rapti 1115, A D insaell.7l, 8 4 Lama 46.
S a Wood 56, Janus Lewis 23. J
81101 D Prase!. 43, L,C Roberts 45, Da Bo.;
bents 1 ; lospootars, T D Allen 44, Kowa
Marisa 48, 8 H Wood 39; Agditersi. Siena
Clark (2 yews) 21, iata4 *ash= (3' pars)
21; Assotreor,•B A Bait 111; Jed" Sam.
nel Ilills 118; Ova:seers of the Poor, Wel
Dunham 107, J L Holmes 107; &heal Woe
tors, J L Huth 124, &woe WHO! 121;
Con.stsble, Wants Faller 115; klisb Cussta..
hie, H S Powell 11e.„
suatait—Jastlog, D• W Nichols ; Beed
CommissiostruA 0 Ira 37, Was 4 Bum V;
Anditer, JQba C Girshsta 51,-Java L Way 6,3,
Wu Unita
. i; Um:lw; L J. 2sts 37
Seksol Duel:tom J F MOCAmmig.) W 4 •
isein 40, S J Jacks** 49, )4.•4 Nisei; 41.
Joie, Stewart 1; Ji2.44 . A, g u m* /
Dew rigkiF 6 4 -7*4ertta
D re am" 1 ;;Teinkagiir.
11,4441:442. _ 4
Li Beaffe—Zedge, E "Bustiag 109, W* C
ford 90; CousWow; Divid4lll/6