The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 23, 1865, Image 2

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*natal Vzsarios sr its Oxon' » ra POSOI OP
Lturrt.—Aulres Adam •
The griai Flood.
The freshets of the spring of 1,865 will be
memorable in the future local history of
the country as the most destructive visi
tation of the kind within half a century.
We have had a cold winter, in which a
great deal of snow has fell, and a March
distingulatted for its continuous warm
rains. The result has been immense
floods and an enormous destruction of pro
perty. We have so far, only heard of but
a small percentage of the devastation
caused by the swollen and raging waters,
but enough ii known to show that the
lasses are greater than ever occurred be,
fore from the same causes. From every
quarter of the Eastern and Middle States
we hale reports of tremendous freshets,
doing immense and alniost irreparable
damage. The railway lines. and other
property along the great river; of New
York and Pennsylvania, are perhaps the
greatest sufferers. The amount of the
laises thus sustained cannot be approxi
mated by millions. The spring flood of
1865 may be safely set down as the most
destructive one ever known.
The tiu.squeltstina eortunenced ?taiga on
Thursday evening. of last week,'-and con
tinued to rise, sweeping before it houses,
bridges, and floating wood and timber is
immense quantities,- until Friday noon ,
when it had athdned the greatest height
ever known. Millions of dollars' ;worth
of lumber and logs were swept down' the
tide, together with bitclges, dwellings,
and barns. At Harrisburg, the lower part
of the city was completely submerged ;
the fires in various iron-smith's establish •
meets put out, and private property to an
enormous amount swept away or destroy
ed.- The railroad bridges at and near .that
city were submerged, some to the depth of
three feetand in imminent danger of being
swept away. The lumber stored•sat Mari
etta, 'Columbia, 'and Middletown was
swept away, with a great amount of pri
vate property of all descriptions. At Dan
ville. on the North Branch,' the flogwas
the most destructive ever known. The
railroads running into this town were com
pletely submerged, and all travel impend
ed. The North Branch canal, running
slang the banks of the river, is entirely
roger many places, and quite half
of the town under water. At Williams.
port, on the West Branch, this freshet
was by no means so great. A portion of
the new bridge of the Philadelphia and
'Brie railroad was washed sway, and all
the lands about the town overflown. At
Sunbury the river rose for some hours at
a very rapid rate. The lower part, of the
town was entirely sOmerged at 'about
noon on Friday, and a, large portion of
;the embankment of the Phila. and Erie
railroad washed away. Almost the whole
diistance between Trevorton and Sunbury
the banks are overflown and a vast
amount of property destroyed. At Dan
cennon a oomcnon road bridge was wash
ed away, passing safely under the railroad
bridge at Dauphin, but seriously damn
ing the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge at
Rockville, above Harrisburg. At North.
timberland the bridge across the river
was carried away. East if Harrisburg,
and nearly to Highspire, the track of . the
Pennsylvania Railroad was entirely sub
The ice moved out of the Hudson at
Albany, on Friday, and, becoming chok
ed at different point; south, has resulted .
in forming a most tremendous flood. At.
Albany the lower portion of the city mut l i
submerged, and on Saturday flat boats took
the place of hacks, and passengers by the
ferries walked in '
the regions of the gas
lights.' The track of the Hudson River
Railroad was submerged for miles be
tween Poughkeepsie and Albany. The
outside track in many places is washed
away. Travel between
_New York and
the state capital is accomplished now
only by the Harlem road. At Mechanics
ville several dwellings and bsxns were
carried away, in some. cues giving the
occupants barely time to escape.
The Mohawk acquired a greater height
than ever before known. At Utica, the
water rose to the gas works, putting , out
the fires and stopping the supply . for a
_time. The-iron bridge over the Utica
and Buffalo Railroad was carried away,
and the telegraph lines east. The track
of the New York Central Railroad be
tween Fonda and Rome is damaged to a
greater or less extent, At Fonda, the
bridge was carried away, by drifting can
' al boats. The bridge st lelatike was
also swept away.
The Connecticut commenced rising on
Tuesday, and on Saturday noon had
reached the height of twenty-three feet
and Sys Inches above low-Water mark, at
Hartford. Not for thirty years at leas
has snoh a freshet been known. High•
ways and railroads in many places are
flooded ; dams and bridges which have
not already been taken off are endanger-
Al, and mnoh excitement prevails. .
'llhe Ina Mane to be iced.
The Y. 2libune, having tried ItIPVIAII
to hide the disgraceful scene at the *au
oration of Andy Johnson, by preserving
' entire silence in regard to the flutter for
almost a week, came out last week with
the following scathing article. Says t
virtuously indignant Greeley :
"Mr. Andrew Johnson, our new Vioe
President, is said to have been demented
by liquor when sworn into office, and to
have made a senseless and f1i.41 , •ditable
harangue in consequence. And , t , is re .
he has fallen into habit.: _which
ars a ; ' a s lify him for the high position to
which he has been chosen. . .
"We fervently hope that at lead the
latter and worst half of this scandal will
- prtive ihtene ; for, if it sholild not; .the
wintry will be subjected to the pain and
scandalland Mr. Johnson to the mortit
cation inseparable from his expulsion
fro cam If he has become a drunk=
ard, d does not promptly,. azo:i , that-,
rifoneihe certainly cannot remrnt
Vied int of the United States ; an&
(Ni k ki
if he Use irty' ierrittet, and intimate frWtk
he will be so assured forthwith. The
pis may pity'iks well as' mourn his, he;
but they rennet abides druabor in his
present hijotiol! . ._P__
__ J_ 1 1
A Nor lark'
that the country is %aide .dowa t ilor
Mr. “Beedier makes you
1910016 1 , Mr. Lincela delivers a sensec.
i the gew Rate' Itennte Law. ' writ!!a so as oasarrso
• They are therefore making the bird of '
- ' A Whit le a eigaltleerated" nate 1 their mist'.
~.. Tllity . •
.t . - ; • 'te
it. general bounty law has passed both
---4 " ----
.. and Federal • 1 -- '-: •,..., ~ -,_,...,, _ ' , • ; the
inSiches of the legist •
; in -- • • ' •'' " . former fries it •- , ~5- . ~ ;TlO! , ri from
- - tiffgill inriver atiViii
that thd school di , e tit lonal i.. i intles.,; „ 1.1 ,
_- it o. -io• .- policy. __.4llhilitY'' - `t .. .i,',7 .
,_•-,_. '" il
1 r• • i molt e , Y. 4 1 h.
authorities of any tow .w i r.. l ,ov - . , .7 AK •-. • ; ni ': al.. ,:- moven - hi _• : -_, •' • • -lereawza ,
()Ugh, shall be antherhiOd . tiaj
~ a - ed•
.• lek 'F . - e , log
not exceeding fourlasad itellelfe to all ~ ... xi , v intethought that an - account • ha tt y._ e b seetetta
...feeet the_ Con
men enlisted under the pending :call, - -Is of dm - cotidition of, ittalvrthere.,lnKn. "red ee m - - ost l er' are in the, country, and 'a
arty other call, and the tax for the semi iiii(uni l rliereliting: ' `___- • _ '.' • ___:..— - -:- f ew offieam-who have taken the amnesty
shall be l.viil i n . ,
_Serltirdiln,... a - with the " Ma Oberst features isf society are , e,
... ath. . " Aso mem tit hare a b en d eee d.the
Pintrisimie et 'the `lete:or last year, with total absence of all fornis'and *Mena. of '
thismasmiptirat sliiewetner .4: .• , . .--i)- ' o roan y -11-„,-,-,-.4,,,i,a revere hardships , than f rom
to draft, shall pay,,iwiyiditinp4e.tbelr tax.. :
II Pallialil e.•!,_ l44 """ l4ll ' 3ll ' 1111414 " want of oonfidence in 'the success of the
on Koperty,.a per ; mien 4al •oef..,twentat ~ ority, toe oarriashstroppeession pro• couyederste owe, or change i n t h e agn,
dollars, end all aliens,between , thelsol. by the = machinations of paid
ions that ioduoed - them to enter the ar.
of twenty zed forty-fire pat; tbe:eatne• tePorter l 4. end. the dmiller to life and in. m i ss. many come h o m e t o re st, to visit
The FlTisions 4 0 t l 4O Odi4 l f•cgroktibiting eeduritt . of - Propert. Y frOm. the bruta l it y; their families lad procure clothing, ree
the collection of more than tex , par - Oent. arnidepredations et the bands , of 'robbers, main a few months and return. Thies
per annum OP. the -tastabbb • valuation 7 of who Scour the country. -. •
property or bounty purposes Tetalbilli ' ~ . '.-. Toe Federal gunboat ) PAW:ding i ht.os`s. of the great numbers of abeeritees, say
••;,:_'' • '.. with whom I conversed upon the subject
-• The law,aleo provides that a bounty not' eletippi dyer corer the lauding o f 1'4 1 ° 4 4' that there are enough entering the service.
exceeaug _four .huadred..dollars ,may be ;Ai and
~. the shipment of
"either for the first time, or returning, to
Paid to d r af t ed inaet.tir to tell (*salon' diesel raids by the United ; Stetea frees- balance the number absent. Still you see
in such awns and at such times as the 10-, -are, equa ll e d in destructiveness and bbl - many who are despondent, over the mi. ;
cal autheritiet_ineY • deter!nine• , Ar Oil Why only by those of the . " Jiyhavrkessil' fortunes that, have befallen their •arms.
PrevisiOn the f amilies, illl,4i l tft°4 men °ea. Apart from the partial control ,of
. -th.e. Among. the inotde i lte whioh will serve
be cared-for . by the School ,_ Directors out •Ixteks of the river by the gunboat!, ,Onti to illustrate fi fe in i "reetored " State;
of the bounty funds dueto.the4rhusbanda the ,tetnporary occupation of the country ma y b e m e i: ai m:k w the, following : An old
by il ' i4 " .`b° -Fed°4ll Cl°Yernment ' has
and harmless man—s Methodist preacher
and dissolute or proffigete mencan•l4 re._ nis anthodly, while the Confederate forces.,
—war strained from squandering the due areCOettantlyin possession, ddtwing their truest in his night-clothes praying to his
"jayhawked." and while on his
- to their wives or children. eepiklie r froin the ,plantations, collecting , 4210 d, prayers. to his assailants h av i ng p rov .
As the law merely confers the authority the pf,efederate taxes, and maintaining .
ed useless, was shot by one of thetitiffians,
upon the townshii,Ward and borousheu- ittin6isful 'operation a bureau of con.
' Idideath cry interrupting the appeal to
thorities to pay bounties, the matter rats sedition, iximplete, with enrolling offi.,
the Deity. His son, a crippled and de-
Wholly with the people themselves. 'The eers„eilunining surgeons and all the ma- formed youth of nineteen, wayer i ette d
law Went mandatory,`anst any township chinery of impressment- , by the p e d era ti an d di e d in th e I,ri,on•at
may decline to pay bounties, either• to 'The beat feeling seems to exist between
_ Alton, HI. ,
volunteers or drafted• men, or they may the t onfederatee, the Federal* and we ' While the funeral of a young man was
Pay any sum from $lOO to $4OO, but they citizens." ft appears - to be tacitly under
being attended at a church during August,
cannot exceed $4 O O. . stood , that so t o ng as the United' States
last, a raiding party of Federal. appeared-,
Ilmotreetiout et IforWas Propeirtv,
The immense indebtedness of ,the
,country attracts but little attention.
Congress hesitates at no appropriation.
the State Legislatures show no symptoms
of a disposition towards economy, indi
vidtutla save in rare insfanoei practice, the
prudential virtues no more than in the
'days' when prices were at - the lOweit"..
Further; a large and "Contreding'Pofrthiii
of-the RepUblican party ire: ; aeklOne.. for
such in entire annihilation to the'praPfi : T
ty 01114 SoUth as shell render that tart
of the country a desert; 'not behriebte
Peroi3ive that if their idea could • fully
carried out, - the North would be so" much
the 16 , 14 E. '
It is evident enough that the great want
of the country so soon as the war Wended,
will belabor, in order to the developing
of the resources of the Country, and the
reneiill of the property necessary to busi
ness, wasted and used up in the • hist four
years. Now there will not be, at the best,
morWthan enough labor to produce, - over
and'aboie a livelihood for the laboror, An
amount sufficient to pay the interest on
tike national, State and town indebted
noes. ffvery building, then, every mile
of ritiwar, every horse and mule that we
destroy anywhere is adding so much to
the burden of recov:ery. The idea with
ninny seems to be that a kiss to the South
must necessarily be a gain to the. North,
whereas, the truth is, that in so-far is we
weaken them in 'their socumulated
wealth, we are Waring our own immuring,
and rendering so much more difficult at
heat, the payment of 'the interest of the
public) debt. .
th • tills lost
Among e other in the last
hours of Congress, owing too disagree.
went betireen the two houses, was the
one reducing the duty on printing paper.
The House had fined the duty .at the
nominal figure of a per cent. id valorem,
which was amorld.ed by the Senate by in
creasing the rate to 15 per cent. The .
Hotpot) refused trreaelept this amendment,
and adhered to the original bilL A.
oommittee of conference was, appointed,
which recommended a recession on the
part of the House, but no action was had,
and the result is thit the paper manufec
turers. still have matters their own way,
the duty remaining as formerly at 4 1,1 per
Nroso Surrasaz 7 -At the third :anni
versary of the freedmen's association held
at Washington a few days since, Chief
Justise Chase thus expressed himself in
regard to negro suffrage: "Shall the loyal
bleak' of rebel states be permitted to pro
tect themselves an*protoct white loyalists
also by their votes, from new 'oppressions
by amnestied but still visdictiie rebels?
I cannot doubt what
. a j tat and mignini
mous people will determine. They will
say : ballots go !with bullets; Let
&adorn ibe defended suffrage,' and
again legtalation and adirdnistratien , will
bow to the majesty of-the.people.".
The quantity of grain produced by Can
ada annually seems almost fabulous. Of
wheat 'last year beer 25,000,000 bushels
were grown ; 12,000,000 bushels of peas ;
40,000,00 bushels of oats ; over 1,000,000
tons of hay ;13,000,000 bushels buck
wheat ; 28,000,000 bushels of potatoes, and
10,000,000 bushels of turnips. Canada
also produced 30,000,000 pounds of beef,
sheared 5,500,000 pounds of wool, and
made 45,Q00,000 tounds of butter. TAe
number of mulch awe, horses" sheep aid
Pugs is considerably over two mllliond.
The old stories of the territiol
in Charleston harbor, which-primiithd•
froWning barrier to the apprerelt 0144
fleet for so many years, is at last &Mined.
to have a humorous sequel:: They -weft
simply a myth, and • for, aulys - pearsi Ate
government and navy; bFfabebiaidll: gad
blocksvie running erafti7esish - khinintlik
good imlarsbuxiingwitit,thcolissermwee
dee s i v .d. ; AJJ VJ:L IcAlabq a
• "! r -1 9 5.1r,71 1 313rECT51D
PACES 1 4. 1 M4 10 Wv, GoViiler_AklactAl
Teattessee,.4vOson award*Miooo,4n
Anil , : for dALEPAVII:gdtkidIA 4:4609;11
Inuit and PerelNOoolll4tt!.4 bands
tidn-PrOwin4o, l *ol,o •4044 1 4 ,
1 5 41 be smeis4d, l lPozi the TroPettY
Ramsey, Sneed, and other", who wore lA
iluetOisl• lu thewigli clais•4l Ate •rthedi
11 ,Tti g ett ingl * FarlclP
A Tannaosealtapir states tiret.thaflObJ
',bap:U.7olM Bell, 'W.. •Tannianiki,* bal-‘l4/
• quite infirm, and la Ralik at Yowl
Ack k Marriirethic bounty.
4is Ipibpatty-by. - his , ftlopetkat *Want
: !tatitaisad of tha , tinker i riatidia aabra J
_ from itetne in tarnidiagef aidlide
fßilttleto ,-; ir ,11":
4.ljtootokahodiostiroto mak littotims
to otif stopo,ooo. : • t . r rt. ell,
soldiers de net wander more than one
mile from. the river they shall not be mo
lotted, while vigorous shisiliiig by the
gunboats *the penalty of too numerous
an tippets:atm) of the COnfederates on the
banks. Of course, in a locality where
trade in Northern goods is permitted, the
Confederates do not duffer- for *gibe;
clothing or provisions. ,
Innumerable are the oaths administered
to the people by the Federal authorities.
long habit has rendered them conspire
tively easy to be taken. To find favor,
privileges and greenbacks, it is necessary.
first.. to have cotton ; second, to take the
oath. The universal and shameless cor
ruption produced among ail parties con
cerned bj , this constant oath-taking and
the greed
r for cotton, is astounding and
incredible, until witnessed. Quite a thriv
ing business is carried on by the paid
spies and informers and the Federal offi
cials, in " reporting " citizens for alleged
offenses against the benifieent rule under
:which they struggle. Thel" Reporters"
" prefer charges " against whomsoever .
they may wish to deplete of greenbacks,
or avenge areal or supposed injury. The
" charges " are now fully understood by
the victim as pecuniary " charges," and a '
product& of exonerating testimony in .
the form of green paper emanating from
the Treasury,, is generally sufficient to
clear the culprit, real or supposed, from
the odious charge of treason, sad send
him back pure as the driven snow.
The people engaged in the cotton truffle
are of course. becoming demoralized' by
greeittocks as in other localities farther
north. It is difficult to say whether the
supplies of ammunition and clothing fur
nished the Confederates by means of the
cotton traffic more than balance the. ril
done them by the corniption produced
amohg those citizens, who, without thealn
thiamin of money thus applied, would be
fighting champions of the Southern cause.
In the preseint state of trade and the
" cessation of hostilities," the dwellers ins
niediately. on the banks of the Mississippi
woualive in comparative quiet and com
fort, were it not for the " Jayhawkers."
These are confounded in Northern prints
with Partisans of the Confederacy, who are
regularly enlisted soldiers, but draw no
pay, and act, independently, either by
companies or regiments. Both the jay
hawkers and the partisans are wrongly
included under the name of " guerrillas."
The" 3aYlawker " an outlaw, gener
ally a deserter - from one side or the other;
sometimes $ desperado living in Ole scan-
try. They murder barbarously and plun
der inciiicriminately. They are warred
against by the Confederate forcer and the
citizens, as well as the Federal authorities.
They serve, too, as convenient scapegoats
for both parties. Numberless are the
brutal murders committed by them since
their rise in the hottwo years. The " Jay
hawkers " are organized in bands of from
thirty to fifty and makeftheir descents in
force, They also prowl through the coian squads of three and four, playing
the part of highway robbers. A 'favorite
thumb.' movement of a jayhawker is to
bang by the neck some one suspected of
having mosey. antil he disdain the place
of its concealment. Fortitude in refusing,
or actual poverty, •will result in the con
tinued suspension of the victim until
death ends his misery -a Insult which.
dose not in the least disturb the obit-
Wows of a jayhawker.
The • conditien of the " hvel blacks"
'will of Course demand our attention. For
tiib•*ors past all who remained with
their masters have been hired. The MI&
ter gives them what they always have hid
--it coestortable home, clothing, food; aid
*medial attendance; and in addition nays
them' each a fauns per annum, varying
Tozersso- to , $176. The money' they ex
:pied in buying.trinhatsof work= kinds.
Agmtbuman'reniarked to me that be had
sat anenronzati upon his place litho win
zite l thezunten of. math; and Inch watch
ll:Pliterhaszgazibbserweble li thirnegroin
iirtn tinbaniatztenos hereeoferni-not 'exist
ing azdeppernitesinichmanemothis elei•
vsAad polities ire!' enannednbrether !'
111114 child Abrishans; ithonn4ldelly
:by :his polyodone not* and hilenees.
Ablest Ansa:envoi' the nenroteriti• the
lionntry have left their homes to seek thi
lumina niik of aciutaused clumpik-Or
intp *dimes ot the' Yankee patiitit.
aiir,Rildifif Iran* t anti
idren. Many who have been enlisted' .
•IFedelfal arm desettiand retwettle
Itissnsas. thesnl '
,heensed • tO hive no intention pf 'tteit- 1
4=thehittletibrAfreidoine" ilitcept
-4ikeiaoint of their beethriut
'Araks principles and sentiments °rail
people retrain , ontanneeti.7 they' ireltilit- 4 ► :
paNy,ontrwhelmed and forced to yield obey
"te glower' , they einnOt
po i e
. 'th ,
and breaking-in upon the procession, out
the horses from the hearse, and from the
vehicles in attendance. completely putting
an end to the funeral, and obliging those
of the citizens who were not csptured,, to
bury the body hastily and without cere
• party of " jayhawkers " recently
made a deecent*Upon the house of a gen
tlemen, he being alone with his mother
and sister. The inmates barricaded the
.house and give battle for several hours,
and succeeded • in wounding two, when
the remainder made off with all the mules
and horses upon the ylace. A force of
citizens a n d Couf"lerate soldiers was im
mediately raised, who pursued the rob
bers to their swamps and IEI4O two,' •
Private wrongs are frequently avenged
by the death of one of the parties—no
notice being -Ziow taken of the loss of a
human life. " Sir," said • friend who
was informing me as to the best manner
of remaining safely in the country, "we
have but three weapons, our whiskey, our
greenbacks and our pistols." _lndeed,
whiskey seems to be the bane of the coml.'
try, Federate, Confederates and citizens
all drizik whiskey in quantities astonish
ingly vast.
The writer does not feel at liberty to
give all the information which he became
pcmsessed of, in regard to the traffic be-'
tween the citizens and the Northern peo
ple and OffiCials. Many more incidents
might be given illustrative of the semi
barbarous condition to which the war has
reduced the untortunate inhabitants of
those motions overrun by the contending
armies. Let it be sufficient, to say that,
great indeed"'ininsehe the ultimate bens
fiti of the war tOhelanoe the crimes, the
miseries that have sprung from its prose
cution. For the sake of humanity, let Us
hope that when the end shall come, and
the judgment be given upon the acts of
the infatuated and blood loving fanatics
who, in the face of warning and entreaty,
have reduced to a roving place for thieves
and murderers the fairest part of oar
land, and its people to lives, of wretched-
UM, they may not stand utterly accursed
before God, nor receive from their suffer
ing exuantrymeti: the pehilty due their
crimes. Ksitroes.
A roux Taaerr.—Parsone• applying 'at
Washington for rebel prisoners of war 'to
he 'permitted to take the oath of allegiance
'under the President's Anineety Proama
tion were habitually required by "C.
O'Leary," the DoMakintlitir •of the White
rouse, to Pay him a handsome fee before
he,would. fel their names .be. announced
to the President or their written applicar
-tiolloAti b hinded to- bias. Mr. - Ether
idas, of Ttaineake,. published an expos:
us- Of ebb - !Many, • and O'Leary Was
promptly diatnissed.- • The Buffalo defoen.
dam says: . "ifs jugie Mr. Atherfcfp feels
better new." ,That sounds as if the Buffalo
paper was dutiliti4 fled that the villian
of a doorlicesPet; was iterfered with in
his. villaily.—Locistoilk. JousaaL •
lady Jobun at Ik. Laaaptrati as Ban.
[Prom tke Spits(Sad &Walesa, Kalb 14.3
It would have beea 'thought that after
the exhibition which Mr. Vice-President
Johnson made of himself on' ion
day. he...would be more Careful o himself
in public. We are informed. however,
upon private but entirely credible author
ity. that the Vioe.President was so far
stupefied with liquor at the inauguration
ball that some ,of his friends were, °bil
ged to carrY him home. We would gladly,
disbelieve this; but the source from which
itciontes leaves no room• for doubt.' '
Pollee Zoom, Troupe... Notices of • Oro
. Mora Zounvne.=-We hate" never seta
Shakspesre 11411 so fall at say out-of-town
exhibition, so greeted the Carter Snores
last nate is a
the fact
that yin* ladin do ttp the balk of the per.
trosumeary figure up two to one of the
.3ton Daatiod the Orchestra; do the sing.
cad On daiWeg, eons vary good, too;
'and in the military dro,l, beet the 61st ree...
matt all to ilnieh; i , or any other man." The
iodinate lest night seeund perfectly carried
awe with the performasee, sad we: doubt
an hatspssrHall will be jammed full again
to-biglit, the last of their attone
ifynsetar Standard, July 80, 1664 tbibi .
- . here.—
- -
• OtaiwiAr - tounve V Titearo-afeishanice
ilzwas peaked and maned .last ateting;
t 2 ,, ths . W_oretestotsf tide body of troops.
4 " . tift reir4S•fillS. 2 7, 1804.,
:i ' --- !, Xitovfl..-r-ike. etisbrind - 117 ,
741991Y6t kon/ )19. OP toien/i
eg‘ SPAWN *Oa
I&A9t MIMI, sit el.t
most more worthy the. moat gesesous :
Abel stice.-4-admissiem..-Sash- .
111 1 41 . 1 f a r -f ,!=llir e ti a t a lr4
ei5 "....:: d
kg._ _, tm
staiderdwitatakiam, Aiiesty ' 19; /664,1
' .. I ,0 " - .1' , " •-!V i i;
g . .., :"
fl On
6":•••• eigigt=lkutil:"l"l44l*SaaOlK:46"!7ribt;
• • ; IS RS 11 1„. d i k
•Astiklaidgboratimir ;spacious -frost'
. p1090. - 1141oigi000kikirrotl Of -*Abir
.ors gad stiliktiOnlagisad sa
rel. butsli Minis about to disappear. The
new spriag bonnet ebandontykit Stempt at
riain i rstiovstb head - o( ;Este I,fiartir. It
olio el to e can, Sad Oittle else
than a at* o or nimair materi
al oy c 114 sad unit •
ed I s h neuter lie Skin. :If Sowers
are ,
orn the exterier, not the bi
de ottturbonieffor that IS Incapable of eta
lirl42t anything, except the beautiful, adorn
intiticlibliqiisiuMiglies ass ooverlog to the
laid. -By the. Iniy,"d6 ,louses how suddenly
WaYitittsielitiggraliWupon tie - altiuldeiti
of thi, eez;: and , what . splendid tresses, now
adorn people formerly tamest destitutit of hair.
AWt4thatTart•ebenld-abusenitnre, and that
the hair of dead 'women should grace the
heads *Any/lug Wanly. Such is the demand
for artificial earls; that even the animal king
dom is brought to to supply this fashionable
female necessit.y.—Nero York Cor irmark
titsr.—On and after Monday, Oct. 31st, 1864,
and until further notice, the Mails will close
is follows :
Cleveland &Chicago, 9.50 a. M. A 7.30 p. m.
Euffalo, 1.11 p. tn. a. 7.30 p.„."1".
-sew 'fork Sr. Washing
:ton, 1.15 p. to. a 5 50 p. m.
Cincinnati, 7.30 p. w.
Eastern Way, supplying all office!
between Erie and,Buffalo, 8.00 p. m.
_Western Way, supplying all offices
between Erie and Cleveland. 8.00 p. m.
Pittsburg &Vele; &Pittsburg R. R., 9.80 a. m.
'Edinboro and Way Offices, - 8.00 p. m.
Philadelphia & Harrisburg, 8.00 p.
Philadelphia and Erie - Railway, 7 20 p. m.
Wellsburg, on Taeidays, Thurs.
• •days and Saturdays, 5.30 a. m.
Office hours from 7.80 a. m. to 8.00 p. tn.
Sunday, open from 7.80 to 9.80 a. m.
308. M. STERRETT, P. M.
Erie, Oct. 31, 1864, tf.
ATTIINTION Bore !—A Cacaos TO Mate
11011111 T.—Very few portions are aware, that by.
$ recent Invention, newspapers and scraps of
printed paper, can be converted into material
for printing upon again. Um high price et
paper has made an active demand for old
newspapers, books, pamphlets and serape of
paper for this purpose, and it is eagerly
bought up by parties connected with the pa
per.mille. By collecting and saving all the
!fitter'sl of this kind about their houses. and
selling it, many a family can put "money in
tbeir purses," which would otherwise - be lest.
The highest price, in cash, will be paid for it
at this office. ir:
Wedding and ...Visiting Cards.
We call special attention to the superior
styles of Wedding and Visiting Cards printed
ft this office. Having procured several new
fonts of type especially for this kind of work,
we are enable to print cards in a , styli equal
to thoie - olitained in any of the larger cities.
It is nothing less than foolishness for person
to go abroad and pay. extravagant prices for
engraved cards witen , they can get just as band
some one* at home for less than onezthird the
005$. tt
AN EXCILLINT RZIIIIN.--.-WhOelPir is troub
led with Hoarseness, Cough, or Soreness of
the Throat, can apply an excellent and. safe
remedy by using Brown's litronohisl Trochee.
We have tried the article, an safely rea
m:amend them-in all cases of Throat Irritation.
To Singers and Publics Speakers they ire of
great value.—Alton (111.)Courier.
BLASIX9.—We keep couptaittly' on hand a
large selection of Legal Bbanks,. of approved
forms, such as heeds, Mortgages. Judgment
and Common Notes, Summon& SubPo.ll l lB and
many others, not in such general use. Those
is need of these articles, wilt end it to their
to give our aloe a Gall. tf.
Knee every man thine ear but. few tby voles;
Take each min's 'censure, but reserve tby
until you have tried Dr. U. H. Belays's
Liquid Catarrh Remedy, which never faibe to
oure when directions ere followed.
Morro:—For Loyal Leaguers ;
• Point not, out a *path to others,
Which your feet refuse to tread,
Follow with your earnest brothers
Though it lead among the decd.
Sa-ging'o Nvertioniento.
Notice to School Teachers.
samosa taroa. in gig Creek school district, will
be received until April Stilth. Appil igloos to be to Wli•
ottosiol eastese appliecat's autilkate. gaper.
hitendeat's swassloatteo will be hsld at ge&___Tillage,
April 211, at 10 °Woe& prisolsely. IF: W. IMMIX,
1mr2.1-3t Secretary of Beard.
Farr for Sale or to Rent.
iude or :sot his farm In Elk Creektownship, on
owest 'branch of Rik Creek, containing sixty acme,
forty of which an 1121,19•1114 the rest toeing pal timber
cad part peeture. There is a large fraMe house, • good
karaorell, orchard and an abundanc• of running Inter
on thwendsee. Terms resseisable. Apply to
oner23- Rid 3lo,ge Road, opposite the Erie City Brewery.
For Sale.
OIIT-LOTS No. 135 and 136 and known
as the Patton proporty, on which are erected •
sabstantial brick house, bars and Ontbaildino; sltasted
cells soutisest of the sitt7 litniter and mile eoath
of the crostini of the k Sets sad S. &
railroads. Said property cos ten ashes of lead, and
is au of tb• best and most 'clamant locations la the
of Me, having a skis garden, fruit trots. ow
ethos, warrant bushes, me., having also a ens view ur MS
otty, bay, lake and The above propsety will be
sold together or in paresis to snit purchasers. Tor ternis
_had particulars inquire of
DAVENPORT. Esq., Eris. or
suut3.3ir C J. RUSSELL, Sells Valley. -
Adminlatra— toil Sale.
at the late radars of. Stephen Una& deed.
Sadao from cathe Edinboro plank road. an Sat
way. April Itth, st 1 o'clock. p. the following nal
mate I One Farm, a:lntelsat mg eau of good land,
with Dwelling House Barn end other oat balding".
AlllO , good orchard! Tams and har
RILL p Ondap of
awddi-dw - Administrator.
Administrator's Notice..
the estate of Patrick Clark, 41sesseed, late of
latilanwit township. Me county, Pk.,liel mo tose
wreath to the' andersigasd. Reties is lesreig to
ail knowing themeless indebted to the OM Mail
hottediate piqued, and those hubs ashes - slobs*
said estate will reesot thew for settlasasst.
eter/S-4. Adsetahrtesters.
• Lap and exteadrosala at .
Caudistlag of gitehao, MILL Roam. Wag Rama
!Fad Roam aad Patter nuattaza at Uwe
ruddisea • t
0031MODOBr LARAUST, ,Sixth
ABOVE 111M114111AS,
At 9 o'clock, A Y..
TIM= strictly cash No goods dalvaral dints( ttrp
ktare of sale.
J. 111;711:1131,0114-
' .- . .'-IPARRAII HA
.1 4 14- ',
.'‘ I AT AM evrtuiit; Mani 14 ad U.
in The Cuter ZONLYETrespe r."
1 -
~:i i •
~.p.- y ~
es ,A
i - UR/NG FEMALE,- -BRAES BAliiill
1 . , , -•.-- ~ ,
1,: z 1 1... two .el their - poplar . inOttata,NAti t.
• ttas os Saudi, shaman at Ilk Weir*.
Thtets, 35. Oat 'bßatti4itlieti, 50.0idt.
~_3144bul - .•.::.4 ii' ) 14 *Or r nIIIMAINdi ','
• di.11142141110X. - +,
MUM InriUtjA
thii• aril as amass la iresmg
r • war bin Noma Width IPA.
• DM. allimmie as.• miliZtrit was
wool Was*
=lke asiesitallisim arias
self .
s em .;; Og g - . •
affigikay• iresililp. 0047.
Reeves'• Ambrosia.
rlsr ao LE*lr iI A I t i)REss I No
..d , Hltricitoritio still 1311iIl it 4
sfammeate fe „
/*elks. sod is sujimsrillog •il
Mtpre uot °art*, dila country but *leo Oa
tkAbleriCSl. Thrintintlx of bottlre ere
eaefiany la as Court 'holes of earl., Londoo. Y , I„
retie WI *kid therld. salt Ms psls in Oa. I. I. mut
ton*. R •Alialtosts la composed of ea oily r 1
/net freak iambi of wooderful virtue, and is bsyrisly 5.. , 1
ta4 with • variety of exquisite pogo rues.. I: effectually
printing On batr (riling out, sod caunen It to grow nap
Idly. thick and long. .t mikes the hair curl sr.! lore.
It a glory appenrsoce. :co toilet le complPte witti.,nt
It. Prins 76 ants per large bath.'.
/Sold by druggists and angler' In fancy gond* lu nil
portaeluer kdrileetworid._ irbelerts by all Tlast.sin.
druunts In every elty, Lod at
N 0.62 Yulton Stant, N. Y.
reiniNag — awe it c.lO, nilodetplaba, Ofaro , ‘l
Aosta iir ' Inaba • - 111t2-)NIM.
- , .
E.ii M r toes Notice.
Wlkat Or Mt L Stows ltittiot Smits totioshtp
rirosasstti hootoir 'gruitod to Woo pobooribor. all
proommajoirlo4 to ail 4 Wats ato notified to omit* b
swami prAvomtkaod those banns estate sitahtst is it
estate vitt roma Them, properly arittionitod. for
oddment to LYMAN HOMY..
Wart Groom, rob. 23, 11865.-6 w
Witouout.r. aro Kstail. l / 1 1ALIIN IN
and Proviidooo, Irloui and Food, Wood bad
Willem wan, Winn ,Liquora, Tobacoo, &wpm ta, Stab.
912 1 1044 . IN/It to YOUllir. Hog.. Forolohuag Cm-.oridm
. „ to 6%.5-11
Roar.* and Lots for Sale.
• altibatolloviajg propartrl
Otte House sod I.ot to the city of Strie, Wallet cm
gussirss street. north of tbr r4ilrinot
O. lieume.and three fisif lota. watt& A first tale Bairn
erected thereon, uitute•l lu that pert of Will Creek Tp
Moira as linsetoon. The huihhuipt and Musa are to
pod order, and there la a doe writ on the premises. The
Cot hut number of trees of superior fruit upon it. •
Ott•lot N 0.20, la West Mill Cremk.eoutti of Liberty
street, without Improvements.
For farther panto:oleo inquire of • H. ii4GILL
merle-al = State, !Mesas 34 and 4th St a.
To Bast and . Vessel Owners.
oili Slam stock of palate of all Ida& mid
Wan ;aloo f store of Linseed 011, both raw aid
baled. oil la well Iltted for boat sad roma
Dalathigeilllftwir WA papered with Arnett dyllimt
parties ba limy !dad of
stateriabli= l gt= effort i at lowee wrZtl a t
prime, mad we think the Interest of all puttee about to
bey palate sod oils will be promoted by - eels us a call.
saarl64m• HALL It WARFEL
. .
Administrator's Sale.
eel order otthe Orphan's Court_or Erie comity,
will expose to isle at public vendue of outcry at the
%Loop Weir occupied hi Jamie Grant, deceased, in the
borough of Mallon, Erie county, Penira" pa the 21:4 day
of April, tid3, at 10 o'clock, a, m., the following des
aeribed =el estate, late the• property of Junco Grant,
doomed, to wit : -
1. ILL that certain piece or piracl of land altnate,lylna
and Wag in theta:lra:hip of Union, county of Erie and
Stale of retinsylunia, bounded and deecrib•d u follow:,
to wit : On the north by land of Henry Aldrich. on the
east by land of Jasper gine, on the South by lands of
Nelson Thr ippon, and on the west by lands of James
Hanle, untelning tlfty urea. f land be the aura more
Of leer. -
2. Also, all that piece of land situate In Union Bor
ough r rgi• county, Pa, bounded and desatibed ae fol
lows, to triti•Ossouneezing on the Philadelphia & Erie
railroad, en a line parallel with Foster's shop, thence
northerly towards High street to a point ten feet from
this ipeuthwest corner' of Poster's shop, on the alley;
thence westerly on a line parallel with the northwest
eorner of saloon ou a direct line four feet from said cor -
nor; thence motherly on a line parallel with the west
end of the saloon to the Philadelphia & Erie railroad:
thence easterly along the line of gall railroad to the
plies of bogie init.
Terms—Dine- ttra In hand wad th e balance in thre.
annual paymen with to be paid annually, to
be secured be just eat brand and mortgage on the pre
attess—or, at then lion of the purchaser, the purchase
money may all he paid In hand. J. 1.. TITUS,
orarla4t • Adudalstrator of Jas. Grant, dec'd.
House'and Lot For Sale.
" al& of German street. I.h3t*COSI Seventh and Eighth
streets, for aale—the lot Wog torty eight feet front and
one hundred and eight deep to an alloy—with a
Barn, Well,asid choke trait trees on the pregame,:
for particulars, !aqui re of J. W. DM:MAN,
loarlol6-2, Or, WILSON LAIRD, F ay.
Publio - Sale of Real Estate.
WILL be sold at Public Sale at the
We ratline* of Lawrence Loesh,deetnute4, in
jyatw~bVllla s , on THU BADAY. lIARCH 9. 1965, at 2
oNelnek.p.m., the Real Estate of the &Lousiest, Coolllla.
lag of atwo story frame hone* and lot. SO fest front on
Nadi attest sad le back, toilet-2er with barn and other
autbalbilaga. Also a lot situated on State ►treat, 40
fat Mint cad 165 feet deep. Alin a lot bounded by John
Clronuabagofa and Adam JAl:Luse' estate, containing
56 fast trent and 130 test mooing Dub.
liras made known on day of sale.
rtufs.2ni. PO P. Legmi, Guardian.
Erie Co. Mill Again Running;
THE undersigned ha; taken charge' of
thin well known Erie County Hill, In Mill Crook
tp, two mats from the eity of Ens, on the Waterford
Plank Boad.lind petit in rompluti order. He will Icy
all kinds of grain at thin highest market prices, and nu
all orders for custom work with promptness and on rea
sonable ten= • Being detoriulded to do highest to give
satisfaction to customers, herespectfully solicits a share
of the public patronage.
Mill Creek. Harm 2,184.1.5-2 e.
Adinist.rator's Notice.
-4 ETTERS O F ADMINISTRATION been granted to Ephiarn Boyer end Stumm(
argootpon the estate of Cyrus J. Wolf, late of Yak
new towaship, deceased, notice is hereby given to all
peesons Icateriag thiamine Indebted to wild Wats. to
mks immediate pa matt, and those having claims
against the same will passant them for setdement.
Faritinr, Feb. il—Ow• . Administrators.
Farm for Sale.
sale his farm sttuatod in Mill Creek township.
Mont live miles from. Elie, on the Wattaburg plank
road, containing ratty acres of•land; bas erected thereon
• good frame /willing bowie,' with warm cilia?, a bank
barn, and all nereesery Also a pone&
orchard of choirs fruit. for further particul ars enquire
Of John W. Shannon, Iris, Pa, or of the enboeribee on
the promisors. TBOYas DAV/PON.
YLlereek, Feb. 16—if.
- - - Notice. •
eiated the...elm ander the style of BELL &
ARNEWB., to continue the wholesale and retail Dry
Good", Carpeting., and Hoagie re rnialting trade.
WW. BELL Jr. ,
W.B. WARiftt,
' Erie, Feb. 7, l& 'l.l-2‘.• lf, L. WARNER.
The Ninth National Bank of the
Capital $1,000,000, Paid In.
Ansi Sordid lost for Jott Cooks, S.bscrij►tio. /root,
by to W ;arts of th. eountry, and ready* In
paysseat C 'eh on Now York, Philadelphia and Boston,
sweat bills, and all fire par soot. Interest notes, - with
intend to data of sidescription. Orders slat by mall
Will bi promptly filled. ,
The Unit resolves the neconnta of flanks and Unita rs
on favorable terms; also of individuals keeping New
York awooanta. •
Orphan's Court Sale.
ape* of an order of the Orp 'a Court fol. the
Smutty of Erie I will strop to public sale, In Spartan I.
_Crawford county, on the Altai day of A.
D. UNat 1 o'clock, p. m.. of sal don tlinisty.seren
fromacres the *sat aide of that pl or parcel of land
partly In Crawford - and part': In grin county, bounded
as Weirs to wit : On the north ride by land of William
Gray. Caroline Esker and Lyman Gnat ; east bj land of
Myles Ellakaelse; math by land of Crash, L. Lewis,
audwelt oy land formerly owned by Labon Lewis, siip•
posed to be good 01l land.
limns of aale-2-3 of the paw hue money en
=tien of Wet beams In and year, witl Intermit, sr
eared by Judgment bond and mortgage on property.
merit 3t - Guardian of Sarah Y Doois.
Erie "City Steam Bakery. •
chord tholtrle City Steam Bakery of P. P. Adams
takes thie opportnnity of informiog the families of the
city of Brio that lie will call on them daily, on and after
Vie Lt of April,lealloe Kit an exoellent amortnient of
evelytkiar in the Baker's line, including. Breed. Calm.
Rolls sedifte.U. Public patronage la solicited 4in the
beide of vetting • good article. lan hrinng it regntarty
had promptly fersiebed et their
mare-1w ' , W. . J. 5A1415.5.
000-Actißet-,4)? cuoicE.LANDs
dt...144 in Waterford, Washington,
. 1 1 , 4 Frinklisr sad Fairview towasbipa, tor ears on rea
aorabkr team tteaae of these tams *same the best
oil territory lasted on Trench and. Rik creeks. Fur
far Her inlinenatiesinnotry or , • -
MALIN FAULEN E. at Waterford, or '
Cr. =MON. at Edinboro. Earl,-bt
and the public that, after an absence of nearly
Arty VMS If !arras in, charge of large t
a ri
asit Aar Mimed the preen* of b m Ut
la ehaft4;49
Iliseislatteadoir even to operative' . and cresairikUre
rye , sad salts in this breech of the profession will
be atfwded to in *hi aad the eclat/alai mashes,
0811seilMI Sebe-Pareiro** Stott, north stdi'orlPßiblie
Awe, seas [lath street. , theekteace at * 2.Ottoduk's,
Aid door to Postofilee.
ordlls• boars hem 8 to 9 a. M., 12 to 1 m , sod ;to
flame r • . cure-Ins
- • • - Notice. -
gin MATIVIONI 'UM loft raj b. 4 sad board
b a ktbi
au** o. R. ltaisou.
The combination of ingredieut, in tla,be 1. Et
result of long and extensive pm,q..ic. Thry .
their operation and canna d to ti n. . •
cate; certain in corrective sit it/caul-2
lienattuatiens, removing all ot..incl 'Lai?. I.
cold or otherviee, headache, pain in :La. pti; •
of the hear; whites, all nervou.. atT,ct.C.nt.,
fa tigte, pain In the back and huibs,
which arise front interruption of estate.
Have been need over a quarter ef* contnry. -
offered u the only safe means of renewing intorr..;
minitrnation, but Ladles man bear In mind that i•.,;•
is pat cambium of the female rys:em to ari.trA J N
cannot be taken niacin: producing a PF CULL} R 7,1. 2
11 ULT. The condition reserred to Li -
the remit, MISCARRIAGE. Snell la the. irre•lr•
tendincy of the to restore the Pexurd • 1..1 .
to an ririal condltion,that even. the reprodu.;tiv, , •
of nature cannot leftist ;t. THEY CAIiNOT
In any :that. way.
Dr. Cheeseman's
hue been a standard remedy fur over .thirty y .
are the most 'tactual one ever known for all coo , :
peculiar to ranee, TJ all cla n they are i r •
inducing with certainty periodical rayulao,t,
are known to *hounds, who ullsTO %I -(1 th'Ll • .
knt periods, thronghola • the country, hark
tion of some of the most eminent pbysician
Expll ‘it threetions,statiog *hem they tho.,:‘, i. -
with feet box—the Plums $1 FIR BOX, or C 1
, conisining 50 'o GO
Pills sent by mall, promptly, s'.S • ecilr;
nation, by rrmilting to the prop:istor...,
sr ceaar St., New ark
Sold In E.rl. t2i Carter iiCarrer, Viers Si EAL. , it.
di Warfel, end Wm. Sold Oirry by W.
di Rowland.
J. U. ORVIS, Pfeil%
.Military & Naval
2 Park Place Sew
Cortespottaing house to Ws:Mc/ton. D. C
or It'Co., 474 14 Street.
flarfog bad three years' experience Iu the
of Claim, and the general traneac:lol2 or
departmenti of Goverordent, we cArt ss.uro
and a. treepondenta that all baylueee
will be 'rigorously and promptly attended
!Prepared to make advances upon acs
of claims, and parchium it.iartarmaelei'm A
ebeeke, as well as collect the tillowinr A .
Pensions for inealida, Widows, gutiier4 14,1 0 ,
'Bounties for Soldiers, .itsolo rad Co:. irQu,.
In battle, those who have served two aua
hairs of deceased; also State bnunty
Arrears of pay for ()Moen. as t r., +.l • het
of deceased.
Navy prise money for all oaptorrA.
Ni,, pension andlattance o'
Arrow:door diachargod .tbzors let'•.o.:,
clothing ratting propel Iy made out and nollented, h'
clearances obtained Troia Or4nate, and Quartermac.•
10. S. Revenue S tamp; for rate at A' 4:ceotrat
411-14 per rent.
Administrator's Notict
Aj- on the sit ,to TJ. Coker, , •
Sall village, Erie way,
been granted. to the owlets gnrd,nuti . t, I , ler•
to all indebted to the said estato to
payaieni, and those hating cialtne azain t t .
resent them, duty authenticated, f..r • • :1..: . •
before the lit of Jul,, 1865. Jtt IIN VF
aR'MTiAIt K.11841.E1t,
Dealer lo Grocenoi, Pro , la,•••
Mood, Willow aa.l Btooo Warr,
Altate Street, opposite the Postotll2o, Brie, r •
g e
House and Lot for
AFIRST CLASS FRAME 1.1511..i.,.1:s
eligibly located an% plevrant I
manatee walk of the Postal:llb,, ii istirrrd .r • ' •
doable parlors. (Using room, rt.. 4 r, r • •
store MOW 00 ant Boor, Lad five rt can' , • ••
brick paved cellar under the entire , 1 - sr,. •
cellar partittoftedolf with brick. A t ttnt -. 1 - t •
tera to ttre pu•d—City us twin tbi•
oat. Will Weald with or without tbr fern • -
Taros ateh P• t' • •
of onucla 3tiw atd fcr
0,04-10 131118 i 111TfttA:
• V '
0 • •
$ S e .
4 '? rtef, l
< ' • •
FOP the Remora of Obetructions and -
orßeipslasiti ifa Via Reetarrmt r
ralr Thep, cure or obrlate theta z...•--- ; . ,
oases, alit oriu horn Irregularity, t 7 •
she irregularitylluelf.
lisi." They vans Suppressed, Er Tn th.,
1%! . t
ful Massanutten.
o r , They cure Green Sickness tcl.i z•-• •
They cure ?ferrous and lipinal t ••
In t h e back, and lower parts ,::: • -
..,,..., Stative on slight err ..inn,. i . ,
of Vas Heart, .Lownart of .qpin'tJ, 1f,.. -
ileadache, alidinon, etc., etc. In t., 7 !, :
moving the irregularity, ti.ey rem,e, t '
and with It ALL - the ellocta that spr,L 6 . ft.,-,
lar Composed of simple YegetaLle tr. ,
contain nothing deloterioto to any , L ...
h owever delicase, their ft:Merlon tong tv t
strength for weaknets, which, whrn pr.:, ,-
they purer fall to do.
sar , They may be safely avd at an rls , ....
any period axaerztocaiNa Tee r:,..>r 7„..•. ~
dazing which the unfailing astur,, ,f ~
_., ,
would Infallibly Nurse? preen/ley.
gar All letters secklngln.formatezn , z
be promptly freely sad discreetly' ..7 , •.
T . rail directions accompany tr..' , , t
Pries Si per box, or six boxes t-,-
Sent by :ital.', free of posta . ..t,
Or Pamphlets seat by mall free of ;.....
DR. W. R. MERWIN & Co,,
63 Liberty 55., New York, Prot
Pooporoll from Pore Y AI. lextrs,•
fns satklas
So to. motors to tOo
"As the Pliwatx
Mare from the ashes erne 0,,
ambulated wills Kew ttrer—oo does this E. , ,,
tr rejureaate the brawn and •vere,int d'. m .,...-
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One bottle will etas general Detll4:7.
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One bottle cures Palpitation of tl.! H t .-;
Prdm one to three tkntles restorer t.::: 2:.--
nem and full Ogee of youth.
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sip- Throe bottles ewe the worst C4u3 ,r
or A few doses tare' the low spirited.
One bottle restores mental power.
114, -- .A few doau restores the organs el -
A few doses bring the rose to thohctk.
medlcthe retteres manly vl.; , :t
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lar.Tbe listless, alienated youth, thc‘
ed Cum et business, tbe cf n•nviis
the ladleidual safteriog from ge:g-ril ^lll
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digs and permanent rule by the uese of tie
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'lir Price, $S per bottle or three f..
sad forwarded by Espre, oa recelp: c:
to aay address.
or The Cherokee Plll ant i
venatlng Elixir, are sold by all r- _
.Dtmggista in the civilised world. druns un; • -
dealers, however, try to sell worthlers c •
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lag, than they can On these medicines A. _
your health, aye, the health of yolr • •
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Druggists, ask for these m•diciner cr .•:,
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Ladles or Gentlemen cat us
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treated patients raenesafully In all port'. .. •
civilized globe, by corregiandence.
Patients addressing as wilt pleue Et&Ze
the symptoms of their complaints, sal wr::.• I •
offee, County, Biala and name of
unload postage stamp for reply.
Wo send OUT fa page fixtr.p' .1 ,
dress. Address all lettere for tg 07 5 - e
ths pregniatem,
Dr, W. R. MERWIN & CO.;
No. 63 Liberty streit, N York
v v.
e l
V . A. • s • d? /u - '
/640 . 4 -• - 0
'2 , i ,
4 rt 1 .7 C
(Late Somas, Brown C 0..)