The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 23, 1865, Image 1

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..oessaviat Bravarse,"ltrirsitiatri
0 rpm TS TIM POllle 0/floa.
irrios—Two DeLLana *ID Fine Churn per
j „, i t paid La &draw* ; Tanya Deszaas if sot
out., the expiration of the jeer; .1040werillinen
red by carrier will be charge! _MIT Cana% •
t 10 addition
STISEN KM --We Soiree of Ten ilata ens ia •
1100 74,00 ; two ineartione $ 1 . 60 ; tbmiCliasse•
, $1.1.3 <MO month $2,00 ; two Menthe 112,75 ;
months $3,60: alx months $5,60; oafs year V) 00;
e,;rertieemente In proportion. That rates
einctly adhered to, cadres ehenpf by spatial
,• r.: l , or et the option of the ribliehere.. Audi
, Not.<o,, ttrays, Divorces sad Ulm advert:W.
V.te • Ad.olcoetrstor's Notice ss.; Una
n• nor contog line; Marriage Netted. tiesems.
c int. piece; Mater/ Kottteil (teat three Wee.
five ceati pot line. Original ponita7. en.
at the request of the editor, awe dollar
All adverliseneola will be continued at
the pe-eno advertlidee. until ordered
i.y tie 4lire,ti,m, uul•.• a epeliideJ perl
uvn I•ot Its tosettmu
1;.• lotto oftr of the keel Jobbing ,
utee• u the `talc, ag.d.tre trvly t.. do any *ark in
I . tue ttukt may e utruat4,l to Pll, la equal style
au . rat+tt!eLtveul o ut.i4o uttbt litgent
Vi'HIT:II4I4I & 111113 C HT,
Jussoess Clads isiesrte.l is this►
sulugtHe uL the
hire sod !Fevers Dollar. per year —aoCOrdlsig to
al. IXTIL.II.It.
TTOI. , EY • 71... W, M/A, Erie (Dowdy,
i„11-ctl.o■ said other busitatas 'avoided to Mitt
..turo old dispatch•
ATTokNIT AT LAW, In Wit Due. Of.
seventh aunt, kits, Yr. sag 7 4EI
B..attr'a Block. North side oltb• Pitt,
Erie. l'a aorll'o3 W.
and Dealer la Atattasitty;
dw. Cuttutry d•tters
uadsr Brown', Flotet.froating thp . Park.
J CHILLI haa tats! the Llate JEW' at
of of Freoeh Strret, near 0. Plalskiljphis &pot,
ay, and of rotated to (arc lah t.LlM.iitarpa
q ualltito, at tha lowest
01.0{. ail 1.
WEIL irncaa am; Mt RV iN9"
1., Par, gen Block, near North Wost corner of the
Squin,Erle ,
u. MILL R 6
Orr Exammkr, being many genii (Manly
/or, prepankd to Sarrey+ dr make Pima er Maps
Costr, Fa in Common Council itoOin,
%i's Block. apr2r6447.
D. WAl.lf,Elt,
Faair/smita Aro CoRMILIION YsaeisAsr
WereLoase on Public Doak. Esti Corm of
Street. Al.n, deader in Coal, Salt, Irish, Flour.
Water L rne, &e. N. 13.—Partleatar atlantic;
wen to t Reeenving end Forwarding of l'Olzo.
od, Crude and Refined. to all Parte of the eanatry.
Jcsrioa or tin PIACI. Clalee wont!
Wayne Block, French Street, botweon ntlhand
E1.C11.7101 PIIIITOOII/11 f 1 U.LiIT,
nevielg's Block, Erie Pa.
a:Teasers or LAW. Ridgway, Pa.
.ire la Elk, McKean, Cameron an lorforsoo enanalc.
C. CHAN!: DastrAYB4- I T • J W. W. WILBUR.
Secouci and Market Street,—one square east of
ExcbangP, Warren, Pa. Sept. 29-17.
l'l3lll'll USHN,
error or re: PIAOII, Paraso■ MO*
tolt"ltrig ~f Farrar Hall, gni!. Pit
!cones or ?Ha Plucni. Odle* In Gazette
nth west comet of Filth and Mita Ntreida.
Ils.r..tmg dale orally and colleattnna made_ prdmpte
11. I 01,t
door BINDS*, MAXI Moir. IlAumnacivitza,
of Riaderinehrs illotk. gris,Pa.
r r.oeh 'treat, Wise's 4th and 6th street;
Ed. Railroad Depot. Eris, PS,
qc.rdarr, Noprletor.
~er.trsc=«•' and travelers. Board by the day or
stabling attached. - 5yY251304.
Li 'amt. & nuoTitust, '
IrAinnoaA.lll.l Tanaki awl
r P3•ner h Kepler's Patent Itelertur Msetueme
e Mt lu um . Stets Street, between ith and gth au,
Ps rt tties made to order he the Soak style.
.! G 3 lb
_ Livens 4XI) Vail 8TA1142, on Eighth
ele.eo State and French. • Vine Honer and Car
nd on reasonable tonna. my2Fll4-Iy.
It A c cram:Rims ot Masa 2/Nrirmaterilusi
I,..r.rig, Agricultural luipiccuanta, Ratlrocor Oacc.
F.ris. Pa.
K. MAtilLI., -
Damen Waco in nom
Block. north Ads of the Pa*. iris.. Pa- ' .
KmowaT, KUL Co , Pa. MSS Z. 0. Cimiouns,
irtur This is • Dow and handsomely lilted up
to thoml.liit,or one of the beat Toon • sued Boot
trposi to Penasylsonilt. - Commodious lGorAe Clean
thu,d Table and Moderato Priam. The public)
,111(11 IA respectfully ■ollcit•d.
AT Al LA W-01101011 ethltallito
oppopit* the Court Howe, Krie,Pa.
tatHOULD, M.D.
; Orpios or Swims glitillrf. , l4llf
Noir. 111.41.—amork
Tell, PA
DIALER IN DST Goose, ilimmule,
arq 'rd." Nana, UIsY, airm
_Pinata; •ta i ectr-
Hirth ,treat and Public' *Mate , NTSIN Pik /*ITU.
well established and popular sasd'oins kM been
qterutively oiled daring the hut tvliat 77,l l ,l l
Throat and Lung &muss with MOM damson di
thsi soy other medicine before the Robb's. Hot
of recommendation is swum, to Um* UMW
mints. Its numerous and speed) Cartg to past
aye won a degree of oositidone• in Its value las.
remembered. This remedy Is safe. Osmotic apes*
F ,
'borough in its operatiou—ls adapted to all aspr
isistitutioris—and should be kept In *seri howls:
3 mishits ow when required. it throat and lisag
dm are treated with the use of this R 4 id la
eerllsr gages, I 1w number of deaths will be
Ny Consumption.
CuCflii REMEDY Is the beat moody known
irlSg the following coverlet:AL
d3THIfA or priniistc, ZRONCIII7II,
i.giltes tha Voice sad hortlgfitte tat Letarll4
&tail PriceL3o Cent. la $1 Per Mink.
4LL h WAWA, Ilatinfactunere and Proprietors.
Street, isiond door tooth of Seventy Street KA&
Fur sole by Druggitte and dealers thraeghost the
,the undenegnei citizens e f Erie City awl videty li:
a eed Dr. P liebb'e Celebrated Cough Rinsedr ei
ie.:teas, in curing doweeerat the Throat andj o .l i zi
elre p.eoure In nrenounending 'tense to tho
yeay and effeelaid newly. folly worthy 114 Illablie
:I , ern.
Thomlpir,a, Matthew 11arrilltos, D. ghlat itoos,
V. tern, dr J. W. Ryan, Htallard
A. 7 rcy, Robert Coahraa. J.?. Cm W . inane Daniel Bear. Nude/ Baru.
W. Ham J. Rotlaaon, _C. Y. Mat,
R. Corium:l Ruutenmeaikt, J. Goosalo
It Damara, P. 1.. Barton; J. W. Calm,.
Y Warr., Alanaon Sherwood, 'WM. ti. a ,
a. .frori3 . fi. Cooper, A.M.
errier, 1 oarph Deemer', IL A.
Hall, Brllj. UAW, J. Salsbury.
',can, LOCIOJ A. Hull, ii. Kaer t a ig
AT}, Moray, irKee„ J. 1..
t., Gallagher, J. Rbblaball,....
a Kiel, 11.,,, w,wiL io , •HaelL nee;
el Hulot, - D, P. gusto, C. G. Hawill,
-- --
Eris, 4/ea. V., 414-11 en
,} :.ut-eribor will cheerfuuy Berm (tree
of rt ugto %II who desire it. the copy of II SHIP"
or, ly which ha low cowl of that Mai Coeur Cur
Srp,rs Ootorigrno%, Actua l ,
:cat he sincerely bow* wUI
tiny du .9 they will b* mote '"'"'
Tioinktut for his own complete raptor
b. plar.e in the ban& of OntI 1 4 11 " 1
wishing the recipe gr4tlr- tell
r!lt Vow. tail Cm or addrvis
Ray. Wit. S. ALLAN,
o td Joho Stmet,, Arm Teat.
C , • C K,
Fifth below State Stieet,
°iPeluta tho I.tapAch PrlaUsig Ogas.
- -
t 1 Bas &Mits.:Dl—Da 1W
"•." AM rtiCtlf te Y1L1.4 sum to Mu
•,J dam t ...r.t rues of KRICIUSNIt4 4 .
171.1 qamanal Winkaaas,
I an d Nervolai Alhatlaea, so mat.
how ',bat ua . pratliscad. P/1011 lifttlar par him
paid. by a.all,ou rameipt of so ardor. twa boa
'treat , tirJ is moat tufa. Addraill
bth wa Zinatal Agesat, art Iruelirm, New Yid'.
C 0 I,_ i ,r, ki, I \ n n''
' F_ ' I
S f 11; .. 1 1 % ii. L ‘, .. , . - - 1
1 -...... \.\ \ • • •
_ j,
1...- .----__
55PICKttiNtS7,-, c
1- ptirrvl
P r
Dtiriciclaii(Pe Pile Reseielt
,A,J thousands of the worst as of Blind oral Um*
lug Plloc t It gives immediate rellef.isaiLisestottoo.
maenad curs. Try It directly. It la worrsiotall - tis-este.
Tor sale by dzoiortsts. General depot, Most Tooth
street, Oteetnnati. - 011to. • • - - • ,
Dispepsts, Nervousness ind
p t l ik t.
reeolooread those Whale; with tale of A= .
n, or Moneta. lianonaries sad
Debi ty. to ture - -art Toole. It le a tegeteM
&le him Alcoholic Liation; it etreartheos
= s ole Nervosa system; It mews vat fl= s
sad Is verrialad to etre Nieman= sad
Debility. .. . .
For ails by Drogpiste imendly at $t per why,
Prtiseparedcisaati. O byhio Dr..
A. iltrietioad. 11kom Youth skeet.
Great Gift Dietantioh.
Watokes, Chains, Lockets, Brook%
Gold Pens, &c., It.
S. M. .WAR. D Co,
208 Broadway, New York.
100,000 Watches, Chains, Lockets, Bracelets,
Rings, Odd Pens, he., he.,
1113.011,, m12110112' 120 A MD TO VALOC
And not to be paid for intilLo T a udi linew what yea saw to
receive, and not to be t anima you aro
per ectly ea ed.
Splendid List of Articles to be sold for $1 tech
100 Gold Wanting toree..... $lOO 00 40Olt
100 Gold Watches, 8008 sash
200 Ladies Watches, - SS 00 gook
600 Silver Watairs,_ $l6 00
to j 0
600 Gold Week and Vest Chain_ 11100 be 1604 oath
1,000 Chattolaiaa Guard Club% 609 to 1100
3,000 Nee and Vest Chains_ 400 to 11110 iamb
000 Solitaire Jet 11 Gold Brame" 400 he $119416411i:
4,600 Car , 1,1 sea, /se, Broome~... 3 Gtr 111 Ntpl
7,000 Gold Jet, Sr", Mar 12/ to a 0296010
6,630 Gelds' Breast and 300 to &Mime
6,000 Oval Hand 8race1et5,.........00 to II 49.40612:
2,000 Chased Bracelets,. 6 00 to 1600sas0
3,600 Cal. Diamond fins sad Stage,. 11 60 to 8 Illamok
2,000 Gold Watch Joys,. 260 tic 41100* ash
6.000 Solitaire Sleeve Bat. lb Stade, 200 to 41.011 Mel
3,000 Gold Thlarbks 400 hi 01/sorit_
6,000 Minister, Locks* 200 to UM sulk
3,000 Min, Lockets, Matic Spring, 400 to 990 Noll
3400 Melt Be_ 4 60 t0. , 100
2,000 Gold Tootiinleks, Crossett 200 to II GO
11.000 rob and *Woo SUdes„ 200 U 41104isele
6,000 Chased Goad Hinge,....... 00 ' 000 alb
4,000 Stone Set WWI, 200 to 04 sub
6,600 Mote Leese Jewolzyjet hsold 100 to 1$ NM*
0,000 .6 .6 various styli, 3 1111 to I& OS IMIG
-8,000 Gold Pens,silnr cue h re*, 400 to S *au&
.4,000 Gold Pens, Gold Cabe it Twit GCOto 19 Mlimisit
0,000 Gold Tons,goirl scanted holder 3 Oil to .11 00 after
Cattiest's of the various articles an placed la move
loped. sealed and mixed. These einelopea b• mat
by mail as ordemd, without award to altelee. Atter ro•
airing the suttee:stoma sodas what Milo] It repre
sents, you areal Marty taiga' aml.ollNMlt s tili=
any other on the Lid rattle same tabu; aad
the article, It it does not elm ,pardest estirtsotiors, vs,
&sirs yrs to ratans it sad set ta• mossy. la an trews
&otiose by mall we chug* air at
Soo wortilosts• Nit b• soot. ter SI. liapratis tbr jog,
for sd, OSO Sisisk•S for SUL Agents mimeo 'ear
when. a allow fits tam treats ea each eerthiciilo,
pro•ldotthetr Tllleftlloll awrouals to mat draw. AL*
extra pleads= tar6l%o orde rs.
Azas RaDoss.-00 • maelpt of lit 66. we will amiA
• solid silver shield (pari eots) or badge, tar other
dirtakm or miry la tint Groh or a cor m, Noel y,
artillery, engineer or jmnitOOSSZ Bpi a, with jOsS Name,
rogimett, mad company handeraely aspired them"
together with our wbolosais tilastrithMl Maoism •to
- • S. M. wimp & co.,_ -
208 Broadway, New York.
Sort/rim dm. el the Pols +Amu' Om*.
Wool/ nottoottally sin Sl* ottostios of the oromulitoi
to Mobley Stook of
Mil& its is &grow to oil at tie
TEAS . .
boot serpuroll Is tb• eft?. se be is perfoid k.pyre 16
all *be grin Ids • sill.
Ha also Imps oonstioily oil bawl a snipalre . Lt
britao wholooolo trade, to obit& he emir Ike ogjistious
ottko public
Hl..weto la, "Quick Selm a theell Pratte awl hal
roialvilent for the Mow." 11111044444 .
Would repeatedly lame the Pablle that that We
widowed the
sroar or eifocrauss or JAMES A. WS/.
oo* of Immo waft
Whore they Woad to hose ea good ea aeleftemist ot.
WOOD h WILLOW WARE, AND nue?, aims
as Wheel la /We. .
Best Brands of Rd* Gouty OW .
• Aurileastaa* poi-herd • - •
WAR.I/24/17/1.0 .* I GOOD AarKiLiti
gar Th•=4 Market Pelee pied" toe AO tilde •
ger Goode delivered free of 4WD to eserporeei. tLt
/AEI:NNW. . fieblerekt.] A. win. 4
Jnited States ClaimAgt,
10 fl BACK .PtAik
lad other Claims O iegasst lies aoiotoomit 0844
to witier ses
ar'Appliestieur by frail stbseekd fa thee min mil
maim preess.
Cra*ferd, -
"' • 1. Design no •
GROOMES OD ivir=a ,
Dried SlUi "Wed
WEIS it 01/.8.77 7 - •:2 •
Oliandlary. Bolt Stasi, &o.: . *I
10. I 1147771 swag.
Abe, Public Dock,,Foot of 341.14-3
WIL A. MAIM:WM i.-r. oaiustu.g.
laigw66-4t J. BYROW-liem
4 - 1. Maim re4simpairmartagat.
. .
_ , • . ,
. • - .
. . . .
r '. 17. - . „ • . . • .
.„ . _ , t .. . -
1 . d •
r. . • , 7 .
. .-7,---
-:------, . ; - .
_ - -
--.-------;"------------:- • ,--` - - ------,-:•: - • - ----- • •------.----- ----• •- - ------ -'------• - ---•
- ---- 7 ------ .---------------------- - -- 11iivi — kjiif usarid , " 77
~,,,. ' tavo
. ..,... : ,, e , , ,
~:c:.. .„,..,.: „, ,,,,; . .. ~,,; - --.,,t•
..,,,, ~., -.,.., • 1 4 t '.•; ..:, ~ • '1,..)
. . 1 . - -21,2 LAI' giyastrr titltylttft f • - .,-Ic /nii i
1! , • , .1...: -.• -...:4 • ' -""'' • . Oita 1,,t011i011 1:Pli .S rr' tki. - i - ,.. i,
/1 1 40/ 41111 ; • ' ,k
I. ~
ii . ,., , : f -
f , •,-.:
"•• • , i•
, 'lt • ~
tF l '•
- ....-
~ ..-- - 0 - , ...' ~,, ; Ai Ir 4. .L."l ] ` '-'-'- .
~„ , 'l3 0 ' 4, ' • :: i ,0:; - • ---
ni : ...N. ;
* '
- , ..: 4"1 , -.._
~, , ,,1
, _ , 11-01_;! " k,!a.s.;Zip'4. 4- P 4 03 :"- ill L ' ' , 1.11111.111 .
I 0
; 0;(1 14,, , ,, ~,c-ii :•-• • •• ~,- . 7
~. ~4 , - ,
.... -_, • ', DIDN'T W _
,' ..
alt? • 5M131111171.-1(r. Pitr•,;.,
" --•
' I • i '
.'• ;.. •; . • . : • -., kialloll. 04041 Manner in Piimsy — lunik .'
•i; ,;t; '' -''
k . '''''
11.1fLt id '', .%;
, , ._
y v,, !, .
~ -.-. , ins scanktiniiiso'dzafted , for the seieloe
• 4 , : - •:;!-, . ' ~", ' of hill - 40042- O4
wl le., *xi& al , PSI,
—________..,.......,____, _ ..,, • - ...:": r "al 5 . 5 0:1.1 :0 , 1: 11 . .1 ' ' Men hit Smell stash a/Information; is
. ok ~...4 ~ , , ,, ,.1
~.,. ~,,,,, ..... 4..... .„. „
..... 4. 2 .L__ .,!,.. -,-_.:_;•.r r." ........„...,.............,...____, •1 , 3. 4 _x .. ~, -....1." le "-
-- - - .. - = t the beet I - partnere:ea
- -• J lir-r.
sour, FatIINVA.
Tito DOLLARS AND 41 0 : timi
pia; , tILIIVIN - ADVANIGILy• p, 1p sfer • Viti END VT rilitWile
rabUehet ter the nese.* ef.the Ihtiese
et the Rain Observer.
111arlines1 Cords *slier as Me letirsbr ihseenad d. fah
ado.. Donor essilose gem ,
, Milli 111111111111ln.
" • WU" Ai Caner. (wishes& sad
Ball & Bashi (wbelesais sad Men.)
eine& ( Sr ) talotif.elesele sad ntaiL)
L. •
itargess. (wbeissais.)
ailli Meese•Nsael, "1 %4 (whalseils.)
P. A. B&W. (*Mimi* said Mail)
P.& lillskistaidar. (wished* sad 1010.)
P. Beharbisr. (retail)
P. k a t i: Ostail,)
P. (wishes% aid retail.) -
A. la.(robil I.)
Jobs lisayerf. (Mall)
'nob Boors.
retail)( (retail.)
Jamb Drebleskor. (wieleiski 11114 reemiL)
- V. Wish" lb oup Mill Crook) _
1. V. Piens* ths, (wko ataterass. leselesall
J. lekhe. (wholesale sad Mall) }
IteCoakoy & Simms. (rli/Nib ma )
nnunteas 111,01180.
Met &
AL W. Oar. •
Bean & Bargee N. (wb ne olosabisal Mall) •
Xi Nimes. (nehednier aad baker.) •
J. IL Perna .. (wholesale sad robin.)
eisiimasub, (wholesale sad roedla
C. Raglehart. (wbolisale sad retail.) •
IL Coaahlia.
• Ulna BWaa&i4er.
& R. Luri.
saws. rens.. swriosasir. as_
itsCreiry As 00, &Woes&
tr i . Media. Wishes& sea sad mmi.)
W.ll. *MK Waterford.
J. A. Nay. (retell)
innuo.a.t. eitnarraans. 49.
'Masa Whoa. Misleads sad nteli )
^ salsa (ulelessle sad nplati.)
lArrimehJobs Duna.
. Mor Aseriesa ten Roue, A. W. Vas T 1141•1.
Lillaystio Hoist, L. ilkaeasker.
Balsa Hos" 11.0seppliell.
BMWs Hotel, Walker. •
• , Missies Besse, John Boyle.
rayelsas Bean. 8. lease.
&Ow Boa" Jolla Ai Maio ay.
MAN= 1111.1. DOOll AND DUX PaOllllD. DO.
J. P. Crook 11 Boa
wlllls Mallon.
• riii.sositsiss weraws
Z. Gosiih
K. liabbell.
Dr.lll. I. Waggl.
Dr. liars* !alga&
Dr. D. A:ipeaser, Dr. iisAllomor. Dr. S. fir,
Dr. t. 'T. Tramr, Dr. Z. D. Denser. Dr. T. IL Item"
Or. J. L. Mum% Dr. W. M. Woo; Dr. WAWA% Dr. A.
Dr. Js D. et ipt Smart Wert
Dr. P. Bril Ps Comb Illarerdy.
MilOarter, Palm Ili RILL
arrampirirf, sit+tmeimpas. its.
M imeo. d IThavood
Herr e
Samna Lilo,.
Marla goals/.
0. J. Holt.
Yes. S. H. ILO
Mies Baker.
B. Ralik.
Jilt limbos ♦k Boat, GOODS.
'Mao 1.11.
John O. Dubs.
Mow Loeb.
Jam Osashahaar.
A. UAW h Brother.
Coat. trash Wages,.
Noebargor Shows.
Balm 4 OftlarWar.
S. *Ana.
Jams Lith.
0. B. Lem.
John Gooldiag.
Irmo Sanazirefg.
Joha Rownewatig.
111. #. Masks.
D. Mattis & &ma.
11. W. Tod& '
roaltAima no CONITISSIOS 11:1
W. L. Scott.
D. D. Ifalkn.
P. Metcalf.
Caner I Rogooker,
a. 14 .'
Jobs Lasts.
11140DIXIIIT, 40
.. .
* '
i l= e ttilersow l. r uu l aw i Atli . , s, Wi li t ia4 44l .. lort
W 10.1kasi Tboaajocor, L . A. lawmpos. 67 ly:
P. atillth. D. W. lialsidose• (It
pomp litorg• ~ Outimr, (Girard) 3. 7. Dowsing. •
. . Mums or MI KUM
1311.0* - W. Giiiassa.
• •
II PV i r ". lBl; tu
IP. Its_lasbiw, ( 146610
EL L. Massy, (Wows.)
' ' ' _ . _____ k,
lint Itadeasi Beak.
Beessii National lamb.
rdu* Illetissal
MOIR Warta. , ,
I% IL Alas.
Juadd Britian.
asnaoss swum.
Hails & iris &Maki
11,his Iris Esitroad.
scion &mai.
I. Y. Colo.
a; (*Taber
• 11016 SAM 101•11668.
Cra 6 . Slarear, 6 Os.
thee& Brother.
apt: J.l.
J. F. Dovidav
Jame P. eyes.
SOK%L limasll.
Mimi*** asiiimay
- Airktiatairal Soddy.
moose. aa•
Ltililbseritnetaat. I •
Lit L iao
1161"1 A
, • Distrld.
' Os•osigaT wawa.
1,011.0 IL Wm:l. • • --
Inallisel If —ll4l.
101 Isobloib.
TOL K•Oiroji•
jamb Biseirsen
11114.00111111. 1
J.lll. into.
Jamas lissidason
• _ ws&
&airs' ireirs,C. £ sb, L. lissanksit s Joan Await.
JSIIS 8114 $ IL IL WV*.
) ••• , TUlf cries.
J. Ellidoer.reiree *Record.
- Ct'sand Do*.
Alerti/we Diasesoce. Iffilkos Qom M. irros"
surrivolL •
11.* Dlier.
•• • - • LIMIT SPA
IL D. Daum% Joerip* Blemer.
Webb *Meilen;
a ArbstN io aake; ;dr** Iliebkor
Irn Creek )O. : arr:
- -111.61 - •- t • :
e PISA* flak z; •
said Dc;msey, Minks Tem.
mosaavack •
Jae McCook ey. L D. Oadoeur.
111.0111 VAIL
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ads. pmerso
CbmiSim We Yams,.
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' 1 .CiipPxopertribr filalv.s: ~ ! 5
, walleildirmstsibbireporlVar VW gig
bows 0101Willtabeamiso
'lngraphilliallailles ObliiratetNistile aON ,
21.4 0 11
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-,• golk . " 11
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_..1.t • illillrane .
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Eigittli4:tituitaDAy AFT E RNOON, -mAva*, :4865.
, •
Tbs . rem sit Ilbsa was bap Orem
Aprils Pm.
Neve yeil sit hard ibeleet'tell
tint eel* tiwdilety mime Bell •
to. Side world ef are ,
The pue home were left ajar :
With folded haul" sad (trusty eyes •
She Weider Si lit of Partidtee!
ilhe saw this Stooge/Ike it War.
,Irat uk. l 4.iks Of Pride
'maim to ead fro awmani .
trieiWoi the •••• 4 1riaged go.
Sawing the holy deed telies;isT 7
the tooehtd a bridge of flowere—tbue leek
light ilkay did sot bud Me bells
Of Se WNW uphodele
They M pki dew oyes tin. towers !
And ell the air grew etrabgely sweat t
Lad thus ems dslity Bab% 801 l
Isle this world of ours!
She same sad brought delicious idyl • •
The swa4ws.built beneath the .estas ;
Like sunbeams is and out the tarsi,
The robini wank the :
The lily swung its aohtelese bell,
And o'er the porch the trensbliagvise ,
Seemed bursting with its veins of wine „
0, earth was full of pleasant Smell,
When came the dainty Bahia Bell
late tide world of ours l
0, Bade, dainty Bible 801 l !
BOw Pitt she grew from thy to day !
What woman Wars tilled her eye,
What poetry within them lay!
Timm deep sad leader twilight Syn.
Bo full of mesaing, pure and bright, —
An if she yet stood ut4bs light
Of these °prod gates of Paradise !
Aad we loved &Weston and more :
I , never In our hearts before
Back holy love was born;
We felt we bad a Bak boitweeia
This real world aid that anima—
The load of deathless morn !
dad for the love of those dear eyes,
Fes love of her whom Bed led forth—
The mother's being ceased oa mirth
When table came from Paradise I
for LOIN of him` who emote our Urea,
Aad woks the chords Of joy sad piano
We said, " Sweet Christ "—mar hearts best
Like violets after ram !
And now the oroharde which were once
All white and Ploy in their bloom—
tilling the crystal inert of air
With gestle pulses of perfume—
Were thick with yellow, juicy fruft
Tile plant wore glom of honey rare.
And soft Chested peaches btesli'd sod fell 1
The gropes wen purpling in the grange,
And time wrought just as rich e, clump
In little Babie Bell !
Her petite form more perfoot grew,
And la her features we oeuld track
In softened curves, her mother's tam
Her angel nature ripened too--
We thought her lovely when she seam,
Rat she was holy, saintly now ;
.her pale tad lefty brew,
We es* a slender ring ordasse I
lemetkisetibe said a few sump words,
Whose assaings lay bond oar nosh.
God's hand had takes sway the sea
Wilelt held the portals of her speech !
She sever was a child to us; " •
We aster held her belaste key!
We could not teach her holy things :
MM. was Christ's self in purity
It mu aloe us by degrees ••• -
We saw eta shadow ere WAIL
The lniowledge that our God had sent
His messenger for Beige Ball ! '
We shuddered with eulsagnaged VAL
And.all our thoughts ram iota tears t
And all our hopes were shanged to fear,—
TM sunshine into dismal rein !
Aloud we mind ie our belief:— '
"0 smite us (*Milo God! •
Teach us to bud and kiss the rod.
Aid perfect grew through grief !"
how welored her. God can tilt ;
Het little heart was cased in onnt—
Thine» broken esakela—Bable t
AV lest he tams, the seessirir;
The sesseagir bras easeek birds:
Andslus did dainty Babie Den ?
al Italy crossed hailed* basis I
11l Only looked sore meek sad . fair I
Wn parted• book her silken hair ;
itW ' laid some buds upon for brow—
!" beide armed is - Imm I: '
Al ens weal daisy ßible. Bell
On of this world of ones !
llhobablr no man in the 'presidential
rmOtpaign was so thoroisghly and 'ogre*
Quay slandered and atom' by
calnpponinta is wan Mr; Pendleton. tie
Deinewatio Candidate for the Vivre 'Print.
ritefry !nit the reoentiation *film House
of Itsprepssitatives, which worded: him
one qf . eta last -end most precioqa haus
by knaniniOus COMPICtiWIS • eAlsignificant
mark of respect. The-speech be made
'on the: omission' was' worthy tbarrftstalpi
Sakhed abilities df Its rising author. was
Intaced .to , with aloe -attention 'bY all
pities.' was , a brilliant close to. a Acing
cad :useful ',career in the .Houser-of Re.
priainiatives, and we are '.stue 'that
many ,Of the best arid,
• utembiri
will sineerely regret to lose his valuable
Cervices, partiattarly on theconirdittea of
War and Means-, of which .he'hirr been
one of the most Useful itietn*a.,'.
tween such aman and the representative
of the RoPublielo ParlYiwbosen by them
to be:their wood' repviliativa 'ha
government, what a Contriisti , , :Both of
theseaten within a few. hotivs-:Of iiolk
other,vere the observe& of all showman;
is Washington, standing beloii
Of *Esc 00 04. 6 'idte°4 3 ,8 the .** l o4 - 51
which , itbey were *embers.. lisrdy:itte
intact old- Democratic vartytritkelVits
prodd'Mitecivientarts . not dkridal
is re5aic050e40 4 42 ,111 9 4 4 1 ; 40 :0940 1 it , ... .
iw Ortasy that. our eouctcy ma iKI
ma' •C
mißatefi. is :tharym of the
represebtatiie Ot; l !;Ostrtblkift,4o l l'.
the gstioelisbl oPPodigig di14.,/tan .instirfk
for the Vies Presidirredy.u-filealiwiteg r
Eamon ow Si,vio!' is OillifiVa:—Pol ,
thisilitkig lefithatiitow
of obikiliitsrwn to4nifiertiedil
Ose meglimiefbull
w itio•
sodit.. "l l .
Oostootobili lion; dill - jibe VW
g=eoolosio-i - oa r
sopoom. • ito
tot! N.
0000 •wp ....••••••••Ftrille
'wsl* sstL,.
, ,11111'. O. ASaatoll.
L. Nei Name
. VIM 1 0 1 14;g 1 1011iii !SAP
aling e iiVic ar iaMlAM.
aiiiefliik IMMO
Maim ar reads ibis* hisit4sard'hia.
•' Aar
_eV?". •
Abe,* Mme.
, 2,7 t. I. mu.
TalkiesSloss. 'is *Meat Woos aisd
bola*, It' 'einsa f tly tiliine • Thar:
;1101 fla-
tus; Abair thane . .. •
"I liir.ifli**llll iminigh." mid oom of
13hipittood. tho objection sespokoo;
'►hat is tke *maims. Arm?"
" Hit imam is too total.'•
" Inuit Is It ro
" hundred dollars a year!"
" You might live en duit."
a Live 1 Bah ! What kind of living r
:" Not in Princely style, I will admit."
u Nor scarcely in plebian, Fanny. right
hundred &Marti Why I father pye sin
hundred dollars rent, .and I'm sure our
styli Of living 'ls plain ' enough. Eight
**naiad ! Oh, no. I like Harry better
than anyloung man I mit: I cionlit
lova him, no doubt. But be isn't
port a wife in any decent - kind of Kyle."
- •
" your father and mother begin
Ash. Married life on a larger income than
Harolleasants now receives? Was did
not, si I have often . heard them 'relate."
" !other and mother 1 Oh, accordion
to story, Job's famous turkey was scarcely
poorer than they were in the beginnitig.
Mother did all her own work, sum to the
washing and koala LI believe. Father's
income was not over three or four bun
arid dollars a year."
And they were happy together, I SID
No doubt. In fact, I've heard mother
say that the first hard struggling Owl of
their life; - were among the . hapPlest she
had knoWn. But 'that doesn't signify for
me. ' TWA' is no reason why her daughter
should elect to go in the kitchen, and
spend her years in washing, ironing and
cooking.. If a man isn't able to support
s wife genteely, and in the style to which
she haibeen accustomed; let him Marry
some Irish cook, sewing girl, or washer
woman, who will manage his houiehold
_with the needed economy. Young men
who can't earn more • than eight hundred
or a thousand dollars a year, should not
look into our airclei for wives."
" I don't like to hear yOu talk in this
way, Alice," said her companion. " We .
are not superior beings, but only the
equals of the mei." .
" Did I say we were superior ?"
-" One ' might infer from your language
that yol thought so."
" I don't see how the inference can
fairlj be drawn."
Our erste for 'wives, you said just
.4 yee,
" What do you mean by it t"..
" A circle of intelligeooe, refinement,
taste and cultivation," said Alioe."
" You'don't say wealth." • •
• "Nci. Yy father, though living in good
styli, is net !VAL: have heard him say,
more than onos; that we were living of
to our income."'
"Then we hero only our own swam MIMS
with which to widow our husbands. NO
houses °elands ; no stooks from which to
draw en . 10001611; nothing substantial en
whish.le clam the right of being support..
od in °amity idleness. We must be doh
Indeed as so pernmal attreetious." • .
W. are adnostial and accomplished,
Ilia wile a little bawildered in thought;
d did sot finish the sentence.
Not better educated; or seoomplish,
adj es girk, than are moat of the young
Mai who:man only. from seven Madrid
to thousand _dollars a year. In this Jr-
Ord we are simply their equals. But, it
Strikes me, that in another view of the
"beam', we cannot even claim an equali
-4.1 They are our superiors."
4 Hot by any means," replied Alia.
. We AM see — . Here is Harry Plas
mas, for instanoe. What is his income?
I think you mentioned the sum just now."
," Hight hundred dollars a year." -
" That is the interest much=
let me see—about ve thousand
•To be equal, as 1 match for Harry,
then, you should be worth twelve thous
ind dollars." ' • •
."•How you talk, Fanny 1" •
' II To the point, dool,t , I t If we aro not
superior to the young men who ilia ais,
superior simply in virtue to. our sex, then•
'use only claim td be handeohnly support
iftl in Me self indulgence, must lie in the
tact that we endow our husbands with
sufficient worldly goods to warrant tha
" You are ingenious," •
' j " No: natter of fact. What have you
to say • against •my position. Alice? ire
ffie bettor thin young men of equal inlet-
Nino* and education t"•
;" No, Icanng say that- wa aro." •
" If ire marry, _ro must look upon them
ftir Biob 'men, as • mural
#1411,411i014 their wires from rich men's
delfdittem.. Oar. Albano* In tallith.* -
Ole 10‘ 1 , Wiry 4110otanigiag..':Year. fetal*
se Alnutr Is. hi. okild 3. nor boa minim
a l ltfilufonsilisis brae Md. exp end's.
end little ornetbling Of the pest ineonsil
in Ink* tkelear'snloant , Tharbesn - theY
dolor us krintive un .bouus at*/
el tit iI aunitteenvoredietise
;we ImfiNttent to laws* our fathom al.
eteopimg under tiadnudits elyiank
. sureen4 toll, *Katt of supportive qua -
*llea_ : Tip Alum& km troubled ass et
=Yileo4oelienfew yew** Om of Alio%
ii7ebeseklookiag into the OM of IN,
Moniki. B 4o4 wet retineed Yeasio
, • -
wrens.. in' Oie•wbot.
groultiCor remPlikeni we to .be ozsettAt
fialik AND lemmas JO of geelol , =vitt
pee emoted to bosons taws. owl
E,4e thiteer.iiimenakot- 43. g,
bake•lieef oroweetellibi
: 71
_fel". • _ • : .•
12 1 1 4 , 11 ../ 1 29c raNgs.ageohilt:,4:
!' . c /-= . * .t.;
; ~!
IRIMM , 43:
Mims itikiiiramaige , i-imeumaus
alibi*asit:`ar , hifeililklitlie; law Meg
eaPpleyokomeekeitlohitter•lhet it to
tw raltesdaulsoluittat thlogiof life; we
are filarial aid helhtii.• Mal with' all
ihie;liwoooth i ve digital Met of letirnig
attain. down to thi bowel tot oositlitleh
yhtoolll fillinigeat yawl bill 0;
4liallt work ire wok% !a . fair indeprod-
Mee l We uses saiierior that we must,
hare lumhaide able to support is In luxu•
idlease, or we will have nook! We
aerl Willi ' to pet the' etas to whom love
Wotdd 'waits es h 1 the Umbria beads;
Meow hie biooiae . sad Marry
for peoltioWocie‘ hone wham thine tune
with ittetieetive iivereiee. Cie we wonder
that es limo , ate Ifilleaptoy 1"
"114 eight hundred - dollars,' Fanny
Sow is it possible toys Merited couple to
- live in'iniY &emit in this - city, oc
eight i; year r
Tbs 4 =Olive to a eery eoinfotlnble
style, it the wife is willing to perform hes
o a k',
" What do yOu mean by her part,
Manny ?" _
"We will take it for grante d 'that she
is no better_ than her .husband:_ That,
Wing *POI him Du' lortutte
her dear ..If, she cannot chum superior
Atirlbsies?' ' " •
• " e to work through all the day."
"-*" Wall?"
Under what eqUitable rule is she ex-,
. 4120 , 0 t"
" Noce. She must * do her,part, of
ocourea t ,if that" is =Asia( to do:with.
04 Muni lielip'his house, if be can afford
a house., Bufit ba kaa Duly sight han.
drill* dollars' a yaw ? Why, rent atom
would 0011811010 half or more than half of
that. Thin would be no housekeeping
ib thenase. They must boird."
"And the wife sit in idleness all the day
"She would , have nothing to do."
" Coh4 eho not teach t or by the aid of
a sewing machine earn a few dohars every
;ask t , or : asap in some other useful
work that would yield an income, and so
do her part 1" .
." Teo, she might do something of the
kind—but Ulna:Asp is to make' workia'
of us, it Were better to remain single.°
" And live in unwomanly dependence
on our parents and relating. No, AIlQe ;
there is' a 'Moe sentiment Prevailing on
thiseithjeet, - and as I-think and talk, I
la Wince& and more clearly. Oar pa
rale latiebeen weak ill' their love for ue;
andeoclify,:areeestiletodi has given os
wrong mtithater of • things,' W. should
hail been required to; do useful work hi
the betmeholthiliem the • begthning ; and
should laviiteen taught that 'dicta and
ielt-iedulgence••were discreditable. Our
brothers are put to trades andprofessions,
ao A4 l / 6 10.,03arlIbe9C, r a n d
p*lng,"thet indostrile`_ltO _mud
that the 'Way Of erefel Work is the way by
Arhuh ! 4. #0toil; befglihisi" pluses are to
• •
' ; .lhit i ire ere - rased daintily and metleisly
aid io tirifitiodtoi our &Wee as wives end
m l end ielf aticre are .
'fa:' ; we borne to 6114 Of our;
set "Who are to be
ate to 'i' 111• indeed of
in liming self-forget
' &hon. - Na" Wonder' 'that - ski
'au ientlbiiat its' to
in all our roito eitice. The fault
Thethi Nils at our dons:
itr demand too much in this copartner.
Ade.. . We are not willing to do our share
Of work, • pip. itaboodszouji bear all the
buideos." .
Alice sighed heavily.
Her friend continued ; "I have
smellier* that the delight of Heaven
is the delight ot being useful. .And 'it
seems to me, MI dwell upon the tlunaglit,
that 4, Itiet4miltitooiaiht,o heavenly de-
light here. Must
,bp io fiat hate into
..which' evriftWoomes Whoa the stands by
her litiebendie side ? ' end; out of love foe
hint, iert s riis` burden end another
from 'his shOulders, 'And so lightenibis
woik that smiles tithe tie place - of weexi
now and the ihatktirtmt of care. If he
be rich t she can hardly have so great a
pviiiledge , tont if they., are, silk* poor,
mod know
,hew tp intmlerste, their desires,
their home may beciele en image of Par
dim; „Aight. *tided, dollari I Alice; if
you were fitted ,to become liarty's
wife, you might !lie with him, doing your
Par4.44'ker ihaA
n !
I. must t ake ip work, and
money, if we begird ; or—but house-.
k 1040.41 Lout of the 11480cfn•°•
i t t._elwadd. never. be out of the
• 444 g ri4l, sorriago, I think."
;." But lime rent alone would take half
At Paz im 4 444/ 0 - • : .
._ 1 ! That doesnot. follow." :
.-1 it doss forsay-bouse. I would oonseot,
1,1 lloprioals Wenger than - love. INA
limaississ! win !se love ; and
Mee inhlidgleideg the other is sweet,
lb lititppearsocesi, this living
thenyordlrotiiin - people who do met
* penny for us, that is muting the
AO *bete of our vocidif lIL Fine houses,
• ' I
4t;iliftiili,iiiiiii4oos4iiiites, shows,
i=bss w t i llikintiir"oPi:ifkiiida, are COO*
liabotairOor,' and burden,
Jai Sittorkoacti - hi all
Mot - in our
= , That • it, Wimp' tairallWar atif tiro
now uttutobaii,..Vaitil:giii . 4'6 6 ' tini
iited-dollocooraar Itaabandt • and do our
4 11 1 1 1 0 10 kint sod brorraworlr, Is it that.
:111 Mimi I, Yottdo . sot donna a -pod
Oft11104:1VOilit, to grad. Mint
stn- an* I taaar)on will Innaldia
111 /4 sbooldi. 4 _Wore& ‘iinow6h. to air
rat his hand. He can't afford to marry,
1 g 1P 4 .#7 0 **4 1 40 - ele,rf.W!.** 091 1 -
Allrle-ArNfatr. 0!)* who, . 1 1k$ ttbnifdt•
'as real. life as atr,at .
000 0
was owl troubled at the thought of part-
ing with her husband: 'Ls she wee Go
rged in_ scrubbingoff her donietep, a
rough loohiog "anger came up and his
addressed tier: •
"t hear, madam, that 70w hiat,aid •
has bees drifted."
"Yes. sir. be has ;" answered 1iir5.,7 1 4 - •
kittion. " though, dear - knows, there's few,
eetddh'fbetter beepared from their _ faasi
- .
• , " Well, madam, I have come to offer
myself a a substitute for him."
, • " ..4.whatj" Mrs. Pilkinion,
moo excitement. _ •
ant !Piing to take his place," said,
4lte stranger. .
" Iroia:take the place of niy,fittaband,, „
you. Wietch.!:r . ki :t e tioh you - to inaplt
dietresseji winnan that way, you riipti r , ,
timid!" cried Mrs. Pilkinson, Lisithe'dla- c ,
charged the dirty soapsuds in the face
the ci4coniftild and astoo lifted stilOtlite ? „-,
who took to his heels just jn tune, ti?
cape having .hia head broken the. :!
.0141 1 . L.: = • •.. •
TIM Van =GLIM R111:11DY....1
sin JAMS - .
Calebratopile,Piga. _
arrEernD • -LEAVERS
dr ROYAL PATENT.!_ - .
perei free! a PeWarrtpties of 34.1 - Re 6 4
Plieeekee atriserifkurry le Os Siker _
lavelnablionsdialwe is antaillaw le the ease at all
nose palatial and danprosi &sages ta which - tie female
ocrustlhatioa Is Weed: It inoderates'ill excess and re
merle all obetraatiene, and a opted, eerie nay be retie d
TO - - •
tls peculiarly salted. It will, lea short - the* Wag en _
thi math!, Panuil with Mutant/. r
Seek bottle. priest One Dollar, bears the Govern went
Stamp of great Britain, to prevent roantinfens.
- - CAUTION. -• " • ' •
"Aliees-Peßa ahead set be Woe "kit "maw
: Prins .
,lityltST THREE MONTHS if Prevuuety, se Oaf are
on to oriag an 2:llege, led at say Goer Mils Step
era see. ,
to an mai of Narrows sad Spinal Affection; Pains I.
the Bachand Limbs, Fatigue on slightsuertion,Palpita-
Non of Ileart, Hysterics and Whites, thew Pills will
select a cure whin all other means have tense and al.
**nab a poirsend tensed), do not contain trete, eaunaid,
antimeny or milting hiarttal to the constitution. '
Fell directions in the patiphlat around each parkage,
which should be eanetally preserved.
'' Saba Arai for the United States and Canada, -
108 MOSICS, 27 Cortland, St., New Tort. •
N. 8.—51,00 and d postayi stamps enclosed toaiiy
boned spud, will Were a bottle, contaba lag 60 Pals.
Li anal has thoroughly proved itself to be the, beet
article known for oaring Catalan, COLD is us HELD
and Human. It has beta band an eareUsat remedy
la assay seem of &dui Erma. Durum has been restored
by it. and SWIM hes often been greatly improved by
Its an: It Ii fragrant andapeeable, and gives TIMM
ATI BBUII to the dull heavy pains eaaaerby harm
Othello& The eassatioass alba atlas it are delighted
sad tarrigonding. It .opera and purges out all ob •
strectiene, streigthans the glands and gins a healthy
action to thi plate effected.
'Neze than thirty years of sale and sic of Dr. Nazabalre
tklarth sad Headache Seal has proved its peat vela*
Itsr all the common &Cause of the head, and at this zee
twat ft stands higher than ever &Ohre Itt reanninead•
'sl>Deismi of the had phystdani, and& mad Wilk peat
wens mad astisketlea mrywkara. Read the Certificate
el Wholesale pawls& fn 1864 :
' i llionititeridgied !mini fbr many years been ealnali•
tad adtla Di. lterakiwe Catarrh and Heetilibi San; aa6
fold le air what:saki tridei *MAWb state theists be-
Hero It to be equal, in every respect, to the rewunineeda
, Dom &ea of it for the cure of Catarrh Alfeetiona, and
that it IS delardl7 the beat article we hake ever knows
for all imenisa dLeasse of„khe Head.
• Nan k Away, Bind, Sala & Co, Brown, Lannon k
Cis.'7 l sed. PROW a Co.. Bath W. raw* Wawa, nizbank
k co..llarton Hasiabaw i lidaande & Co,, H. H. Hay,
ortlead, Ka.; Barnes & A. s• Band& UMW, Pail Co.,lnsoid Minor & Co., lb:Caron k UMW, .6.
L. &twill & Co.,N. Ward, Close C Co., Bosh & Gals.
Noir Vat. ' • •
Tarsals by all Drigggete. • Try It. Jrnt-IP
•ft/lIN MIME% lelLtitte=liey expel the poi
,, saes which Wades life. "fiery thus • aid per ! '
tai la perked by this 'vegetable remedy. he - has lam
ilitildliewn and more life and vigor, as aoy one , can
penkrbitalring a single does. Parsons of spire beits"
pin Milt cad strength irtfle suing them. 'Every time
wi Meta fewAsys ar wawa from this purgatiotore make
msw flufCla dime oar food. which reOace the unsound
meithat the ORB lan 011141114 t 9 be evacuated .Ch
Oat 4'6ost - this prows wrieioel further quantities
of paitties„ ebb* ire again replaced by fillichafel end
1.11 ,liiippare. so that in a short tiara. by re ntinning this
1n 1 4 111 .0111‘ we bang back the whole Mal of fluids or
hunks to that state of parity which constitutes health.
fire:rdreth s e Pills alai take away humors which are
Set by all respectable dealers in medicines.
10CLUISID: false lights are extinguished when a
Ea great truth etilnee forth, and the locoatertible Cut
'Una the hal: tarns from gray, red or Nally to istortr
au Wok sir broils. Wolter then the asamillosehas gee
Its lusee, =ler the operation of - • •
• Cristadoro's Hair Die. •
not known throughout the American continent. It
terlisrieless, *realns no caustic, improien the fibres,
reledinan rich; Ward and Lott sg color a any shads
Mai siruni brows to a glossy sable. and la endecen6 ley
this .it eminent analytic cheinirts in the Ernitnd
mistaistered by r. cattsTADoite. 6 'Astor Neuf.
Sail To*: Sold limp Druggist's/ad appliadV all Hair
Df6111911. taarrdi-lm.
A ' CANDID, STATILIMBNIN-r-Too. min prorate of
aay_dragirist. this city and vicinity Di. Tibiae
Venetian Unimeat. It is a sure and speedy care thr
more threat, headache, toothache, chronie these:lathe,
cot* croups gad, pain In till limb*. We advise 'Ter,
one to, give it a trial. The expense is a mars trille-21
contss:-and we ire confident no person will ever be with- '
eat it. Steil badly should ban a 'rattle in the bine* -
in case of sudden accidents, such as cuts, burns, scaide,
- las Its pahi.relleicing spolitiesars miraculous., at for .
croup, It bee saved. hanareds, we have the osritteatca
to prey it. • •
trios Nand 60 osulo.. Sold by all draggista.
Ii Writhed' Street, New Tort. marl-Im. '
;TNtALIDer TAKE Thrice:
j. ; •Ths:Virsosodob k Co., of Iblearo,iisie disioiotocf
'wing saarthod, hy which an dimmer ealt
evilonly and radically owed by the patient, without the
yid of a phydelau. Dr. F. la the euthor of a inedlial
work of SOO pegekyktice $2.00, giving a fall erplastatiou
of the Mai ditilitlll6ti, They also publish a rfaittfilf
Nettoilioalual, of !bleb sample ouutbeve will be soot
61 11 4 try eAdreadag • Dia. T. PlitlitNlCH * 00,
• • ilartuo,n. Y.
•I • . A - Ciar4 to the Sufferint--
keirgr u T t z i o .. .ljbm p , s hz . b..4.ll, l4 :l4Loshi li . ;
Z 414" 06 &a., /Me end. srt. you ara rich tbs,
malt twat try on.boa_ OLD DOCTOR _
2210L138 trite/940 PILL. 6 , 174/ tiatoretkikaaartar
riter in Isar thaa thirty OAra. They are pars 4 -
to„ piedmont to tillioilinnekt diniditattly n two
;arm Oaalto !Proton down sad rhattared canotitatioa.-
OM sad young amt Wm them Witirmihnntogs.-
tedsadfoldtalksUnitsd'+tsyanait by _ . ,
JAS. S . 11117117" N 0.427, BroiMmay i _
New Tar. ' •
!, Agent for the Milted MUNI
P. a—A are et trolla, orouroy e rd: will to salt •
ad to eay addle. oa receipt of p which to Mee Dot=
ler eoil el4V-41011ey rent ailed by aseet It aattre
le sot streak . WNW _
UOPlVlD•ilding &
to• NiltlitiVAlAN
. • lir Ow beim& awl is a tration_to soas•
aft, iithavvitenlrr free /Amu DOW% Pre-'
Main , Doeofdlf► t d, ft, implying- tb• saw
thotiri selleistsilt4a6 Ilyamfrift ••••••• -
117 r W a l low WwW 1 0 1 a cosokery. • asslaktig,
• ' orrarpootnee.ctlks 11.114'•
7-•-% "311AsitAirne. mum, Sou.
Wooki.iNi4lPte, )41,
a k sisisi
s uil.sai
. , Illierrthigiri, amiste oi irsmilts • D.buttr, is •
4.1110d61.0"1111thlt.16601y11Da Wake.: WM,
I. • "O r SOPOIR I O4thino IrUi be happy. to ~ ,
ielili ir wag lt,' ars• ot sbarz%) th• mho
ihme inkbe the strapli mind/ sad ta 11. 'i
NO* -Thima le kl kill ear& Ink Int
mows valuate .111 11104111 , sae um. bs .
Fi l l, *I N M l ! f tWor aggialtruft
'' - lepes. No- U. INMl g ela Newt. X. T. - .
.1. giIDAL-alAIM;1111.4 of W.
bratisberadaWWllNUir by;
the asiter4 telleehhhohele Madam ordukt• hi Gelled
- owieleges: Altheehilitv4.. 811/4AIC madams.
nciftwagitim . .