The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 16, 1865, Image 1

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ins “iloqrnsrx. BCii.Dlaus. trait STUNT.
• TUX' PONT onus:
s Om I 11, VID Parry CNOTO per
Si 4 to to.troutrt ; TliKilt 011L•IIII if sot
„rl Itt• or pirstion of 01.• ruse. Sulinicrilien
„.„: reamer be ohs/gel Fars' CaNTa •
„• t i a•!ttlon
- Square of Teo Line@ uue iu
; tuo SI,,LU ; three
••,1••• ••toollt :2,1111; btu mouths 52,75
re $. Vitt, nix mouth.' j."),00; aue year tp 09;
f,• Las w prupurtloe. Tt.eo. rtes
h Mei .. 1., auks. dilkiAtile4 11,3
r t gypti•rti ot the pu4,•6l.ere. Atoll
•, ~ ••, , eu,l like 11 I Verlee,
Nutlees $3,11); Lott,
„ ...„ . • Slarruice Notices TrieNri•
• '-'i•tt oory Notires tooor throe iinos
•• ~a Orielool pootry,
• ,•••4.11,, thn rdist. true •1•11.1 r
•,,„ tl. ••1„ mows still • lf CO:1 !thrill •I
s. , r • •• eAwtur, uutti •r. , r
• • twoeithota toortod to 4
....r the t..t lo•toLottsg
000 I to. tr‘sty he du mu) riot► 111
I• o to WI, rypal +tib
T 1) Ot a UN Ell' 'l',
• • • Nt:SS DIRECTpRY.
1 • 111•• stl it1L••1. 06 4 •I
cal ro!..or.lttot to
•1. l'i,ttlt.
- • -I. •A, trico.n.l, tale Louuty,
•~u.lueac. atteuded to with
• •••••• • niatel , _ _
y r; r Low. 17a w.o.iide•
, 1 !:-. _ ang I ' l
tr. I'l
. • obitt of thy raik,
_ ahrl 1'63 tt
. „• os tmi ihsalrt to Stationery,
Country tteattor•
the Perk.
I II t •
'l'l_l.s but taltou the LIEN Jilin at
urar the Philadelphia depot,
al , „ i t, r . 00,1 t.t furnish Wh:te Lime, in large
at the loWest market priest.
.rrNer,_ _
mx1,142 MALATIS.
NCO: 111:11N.
4 rosYNTS ASO CornraiLiOali at Law.
rk, near North West CUIDIrt of the
• ,rr 1 . N.11:4!...K% being Dimly irelifl County
t,i 4 urreT or make Plans or YIP
.;t anti, t'• r.o in Common Connell Rom,
p. IVA 1.1i1.11,
"to or ....".rtso AND Co*NifinaN.MiltClANT.
4Vap..oote Cu Pat)lth Dock, gut Corner at
s•ma • rt.kler In Coil. Salt, Fish, 71spit.
ate. I, &e. ti. R.--Patticular attaistlao
Oren t 11 a Itt.t.nving end Forwarding of Petty
;, L +lot Ft.:llned. to all parts of the ouciatry.
1r r ;cu./ TVS PEACT. ORO opeond
. 0 acti Street, between Mb and
N I. A IC ti
Lac:Lawn I..auTOGiiiia
rio Pa. jialtrigtf.
SPIN .1.; IVJ Luria,
Arrwarra Lay. Ridgway Pa.
3 to 31eNesa, Cameron sad Jarman ooantior,.
i2r..P1'65-h•] W. W. WILBUR.
\it)itß !SON Fl OUSE.
• • :.. Market Streik—OM 64111111. alit GI
r, • • t , W.aren, Pa. Sept. 210-17.
I •OiN.
'Cir,J. or Tag PZIO2, Paragon Block
: Erie, Pa,
_uf Tlia tN.I%)/1 Of HA Gust,*
• rnr; cf Fah cod State Insets.„.„ '.• ulade prompt •
lit -tat Bum' Ituur*crummy,
1:... lerne,;ht's Block, Kr Pa.
tt h'1 :I UOTi. I.,
• t.t AM and Lt2l darvas,
Fri. Railroad Depot, Brio, Ps.,
•t. • •pr...tor. Eilaniily• aatamtaoda
•. 1141 a 'l, Artaboard by the day or
•• . ..• tr., apt:l6'63g.
I. •
lii I
t is ILO'rH RIR, •
VARHIG31•11LII I t•tbeas and
.'••• - i. • ?stout Seeing Machin..
. , • • • - 11.3 t between alb aad 4th
. • .• t . nrLr to the liiaaat 4trlc.
trs‘liist ft 1,,
I.:rt.:kJ 2.Lic Sraata, oa Eighth
• . .t ..o 1 Fr. c. 1.1. Flue Horses aud Car.
, •Llae.trrull. aat:W64-Iy.
4E1.1.. A: 31
St I N. •a. ri Kn KS 0n. 4 .‘06ni FrO44•1131.1101illni.
R*tkua4 Can,
Imsrint, ()Ince iu Rosen- if lea..
tik‘ Park, Itzlis.Pg.
UH 110U4P, • •
1• is CO, Pa. 11n C.O. CU:MOOTS,
to a na.• aad Law:Leanly lined up
ci ono of the ban Troutlag and Huns.
:.• to ,'r•111.) I V./Ina. CORIMOdhIUe Itexas,l3l•aa
A4,-4 snd ilodersts Prima. The public
•:e r,.•;,r.2 , 1u1 aop'6ll-1p•
1. k. 11,1111.11 TH.
r T AT L4W--0200 Olidth
filr ' , Alrt HOUMA. Itzlip„Ps.
utatUl I,D, M. D.
FICA Oi StrIXTIII liTiucti, sou
.-id. Err, ,Nor. 4.111164.—50 w-
13KALL8 1.1..0 GOOD; Gy007.1111113.
; Nails, Glum, Brod, Plaater. etc., car.
-• Krke. Pt. land.
r 1 1 \LI.
1! li li
--41i4ta"' art! popular mod chola' Men
I 0. _nu the tut tor at' years to
ht , t:rrasre with mole decitiedefd-,
r ia,iiciue before the &Italie. Nob
igneerawary to those fan:Map
roue •0.1 speeds MIN ill part
,11 a 2., Ir. rf etioUdeore In fie TS l dit Coat
retue4y ts tafe.pleaaapt, 9.•641.1
.azil - 61,1014 i—hi adapted to all nee
be kept le every hoot.
.rate r.titured. It throat Lod lung
are c titt•,' ore of this Remedy Id
lumber of deaths will b.
, 11.11.1 F
6 , 1:F1)T it the Nut rerneag known
. th. plants.
is i'0t , ,11 , , CROUP or RATTLES.
rii3l4 PhTtllSlr; BRONCILITIS,
In •, il'ii(JoP/ANO- COUGH
uaa cad Irrigirrolos tie Lug..
P rice—Weenie to 131 Per Bettis.
, ll.nt.facturen and Proprietor,,
of Seventn street Erie.
dealer* throughout ttni
Tlt NI: log 'l'l II 0 ril V •
FM, CitY and• :ir r... ,, brtted Cough Remedy with
~ n. IL/ •la . 1 4 , :i.ta/Cl4 41 the Tacna% and L
It It
r-rk.!y, fully wrnittly ei publit
plr 7 . •I I
I •
I to,
/ 11/
1,0.t:r... H.duiltori, D. SiSt
1;V Ityau, fikhardlikime.
.N•rt Col ti, :w, J. T. Cue,
. 0 .,..el iJafr Daniel flavor.
• Ro.w.son, 0. L. KEW%
‘'. -I, Riuderoacht, 3. Mefilen
• ,• K Barton, J. W. Odra, .
__,", ,r, zbonrnoCl, W.i. a .
1.-. if Co A. W.
~ ..i !, lit-twr, " E. A.
~ . - , :j (;,10, J.Sasharh ,
1 t.:.,..n .i. Elfin, K. Nifer.
i'• ''!,IA.. 511 i...,
ar!4«-r, .I.lltoblatrim.'%.
1..4 1r ii,,.., Slifis
1' 6.l:ign. C. G. Howell.
Ed*, Da s. 13.1111.421
To C!I.•SpUPTLVk..
lub d en F,er will cileertutay Slida,(lll9e
tro. , to who eirtnip it, the copy of a mans ,
ii1L4.4.1 3 0 VILA CUM'. Othat DIR. &NM, COW
.tth Al et
Loeprfilniktat„ett:oD, I" wSiMAffi
, they will but Inott,teltee
11 ““.1.11'1.11. h., nye complete 111111101111.
• • • :15 the hands nt every onentet
, , • • • , 1•1111 , g the nape- erftb fltil
• , n Jnh n = tr-.t Now Yort
•••••J TILLILII t.
emit t , elow State Street,
utflE, PA.
'cr 0" It, I.kilatett PritaluiOilos
1 (It' \l, 1.11 '1 4 .1 IS IS CIUKEL•t—DS. SU.
, I, t vm t \ ..i.t • 1 t :+rt,tttrie PILLS atriVa Ulla
lye, s„. . . 4 st :a., a /4 CILVSKIIIM3hii=.
oak 1.. D.. • , stecosasil WfillaUSlsifta .
•' , 4 ,- ., -. „1.. :44tt.i Nerls;46 as 0014006,11111:.....
.tsti ~4i. r,..1,14,1. Pries ea. 4414 /1/ 0 0.0..
1. 1 4. y Lull, uu Fitt...o,W VS .1.141 t. .0/1112911
11., L. sit si.Coll Cillds. Atfilleill -
JANIS S. 11171120&
o.4.titt Itcat, 4121 Broiling' NISI Saliti .
• _ - • ' - ---'-- "••••,;,i - ,
, .
' ..
_ 1 '
-- • DelglaMitglO
- 1 -
- -.,,, ;.::-.., ",.• . . - - .
'. " ' ''' ."- - . '. ' 1: -• "' '•' " l '" I ' zI ` 1:-18 '` 1..4.1f " - t-:. l'-' 2 *. E'• k'' -I c: 7 tc'- . ' ''.."---- ' - 4 : - .
...... acti , :ii ,
14. , . 4-7 1,.. 15 - 4 ,,' 1 - , - -:. 112. ---"-- 1 77..7 .:. ---. ,:' ;73 1 , '"4:.3:F. 1") -- 1.T____:).7f. , 1 ... _7. * ,_ S; Lc. 7.::: ill
l i P l P ie 4o ,
victiox "•- -.*,,,\,
. d , ; T i .:::: ,. ,
tirfr t 7" P. .
, • •• - ~ :-. ,:...._.! I.
..if - • Nett • , .;1) . 1$ ;•,.. `l, -.0 ....- i••1.2 . 3t i
,:10. I L, . -._,, . "
'.. , ,i1
, e i.
~, „ - , 71. Ca tit' b • 3 Mkt
• _,•:... rq.... i, ••;,11 fed V , , ,
. -.
+-. aa s „_ -.--,--- ..:-
... .... _
~ . ../1 . 4 - ' ,e " . i , 1 ,. . _
... : _ 1,•
i: ,ti ai.' - 40. ,
, - 11 1 4 7
,z. , '. .: 1.1, i
Jo i
‘. . :‘'
1 4;_C. : 17: , -: 4-____::l'.: " . -.'. .. -t e:xem lilialle iola p i t ra te su kinli o7 4 l3:i u l t r . tary ib il i p '" : 3l l l7; i t ire y n° , 7ll l ‘ t i le szr e .: a m: m l : 44 7:l2 : l : o .. l eo th 47:4- n ar :: :: ::: :: ):
: , ~. .... . .! f •,..y, I •-s 't ::•_: < ",. - :
... •---; •
'Saila, , . -.. . . -..-
1 ' i- '• ''''' '''' I ' o ' ".--'• ' j y rt 4 (iatisi - 1111 -- e iiiii -- tifiiit - 1.0 - aerob. - -_ - --- - -
• . ..
• • .. . - . -
- • - --- • •
.- • ~• , TWO 4110 LEA RR 'A iNI-1 4 A-11 . Atilt' PIN "InitßALtni'llt ' - 1 1. '- i : : 1 0 1 1 0 0'4 , 100 1,4 1PA/40 '.-leilet t Vinglitb .: 6l ll Pinkinrikt i f 421741
G. ' " 84/ Qi2. ' 1:1;(2c " ;71-A 14-114 ' - ' er).-1:111.
.11-r-l ' i-j " : " :111 ' 14: " -eC9P.Pelrill '" egtba " PtIllarilarcmir'":t1-41.1 " i
- ''''. • "
; f .,
Cou all rlt 'tl ~ 1 r-i •r I !1 v 1 ‘_i .• 1_ 1I 1
i- - 1 - F: ‘l' ,-. ;
• ' ..:
1 ' •
. • .
1 S Tti i ( ' 1.1. A --_,, ; ‘, ..,
1 Nvt \,,,,, .. kN \ ' .
I LL4/0 r 7/
(;/ C " ( 1 ' L / , (~ 7 - • !
. Curti!! 1141.8A51 la warranted to inn, Colt
Colds, lioarnonaas, Aathcaa. I:harping - •
threat, Consumption, and all albatross of tieti I
V6rA/ bf rat daps{, Wilt All 6111148144
6.1.4eti Cisepnatl t Oldo;
. . .
Pus , ,,Afra
ALL the t lfiglical men .atiltiolPres—H
mown/NW • Dr. AEU - Cderlielta• hllsa
tore es the only certain remedy for Diarrhea i Dl*.
eatery. It lea aombiaatioa or Astrlagesta,
stiteulente and CartaWalesa, and I. war/sated fa billpt
• can alter all other lactate" hare felled.
vo . r sale by Dr agsb t.. Osumi depot. Led fate* .
slice!, Charlene% Dble.
s i - picKLANT)7,.., -
. b
-....-- E ~.....-._ .
arr) .- v c:
Iri l - Rrly.
--- - - ---- - --- - -
.... .
DR. Strickland's Pile Reined; has aural
thou/sada of the wont eases of liltait est Ml*
log Ptlee. It gives Itantedlate rellef.ast Whet, • per
manent mire. fry It &nett,. It le eterrin~ Ile ems.
For sale by &oak% . Gsseral depot, e tut Four*
street, CleotattaU. hto. - ,
Diapepsia, Nervousness and -
recommend thinks flawing with loel of A
or Dispepr&i,
Debility. to Strkileaig i Tola. •It 44 k.“..111A1t•
munition. free from Aloottollo Liguori; It 0111•111.11 Mr
the whole Munn* system; It enable ie snit
end la werrantrid to core Nervousness an 4 ,7
For mile by Druggists genarelii t iet 7,1 filj
re itIU
Prepad by Dr. A. Strfekteed. a nun 7
Claohutatt. Ohio.
Great Gift Distribuitaii,
,• • •
Watches, Ckalas t Loam, Intoldo s
Gold Pus, imp -
• , • - ,
, S. M. WARD& Co,
.O 8 Broadway, New York.
100,000 Watch; Chins, Lockett; Met %
Rings, Gold . Petit, it., '
WORTLI $500,000, TO ea SOLD A? OgniiigWAL
And not to biped for until you kali* t at 1011,41*111V
ro:otr•, and not to he topt-linlnne you Ant
par *cur snqas.l.
splendid Lid of Articles to 14 sold for-111 MA
130 Gold Ifitntlft —41113. /Mk
luo Gold 1141ch.a ..... . . 11001133311
200 Lad!** .....
100 silver Witches.- .. :M to 24
000 Gotd 144 awl Va s t W
- Cb 11001316 I=
1,0e3 Chat:3l43a 332 Gaud Citalol• 6 30 t.
3000 Noe and Vest Chains, 00 to It --
4 000 Solitaire Jet 6: Gold Brnectum. 4 IOU: 1131033113
1.600 Cos .4, I ass, 44a, Stoooliii, • • 3 0010 ' •
7,000 Gerd/ et, ice , Ear !nom 300 to '—
6,000 Geste Grout sad Saul nos.. 300 is a 011
'3. 0 00 loyal Hand Omelets, 3 00 3* 300
2.000 Chased Brseeists„....
.. 1 001.13 ' • s
net6 . 64tt.
3.600 Cal. Diassoad.lPl36 3.3 d &Logi,. 260 tq 0 00
Guld Wateta 'I ,
6 Scc
000 Solitaire fikero By al Elul* 2 00 *
3,0 U) Gala Thimblc • ..... 40016" IVO
4,000 slinisture Lockets, 900 ti.: SUI I
3,t00 Min. Lvekets, Magic Spring,— 400 to 000 f
3.000 New Style Belt finetlea --. .. 4 ta to $ Sea '
2.00 n (told Toottmielte, araftlafi 4 4 , 3 0 0 te - 11 W s
3,0(0 Fob and kitton 31tdes, II NI to - I or
5,000 Chatted Gold Mug% 900 10 464 s.
4,000 Stens :Set Rine, II 00. to SO)
4,310 Sett' Latin Jeweler iota gal 3 00.4 * -1 $ .44 "f
eIAGO .1 ~
-- -" vartous4tylei a 00,10.16.20
a;Oori Gold renasilintr ease is pencil. 400 io - 11111. '''' '
400 Gold Pena, gold On.. At 16111441 6 004* )11 •
0 , 00 Gold fenagold wountedlolder 300 to 000 -
' Certificates of the visions 'Aisle* are pistil ha' - .1
loge, woad and mire& . There eavalopoa tall Y 6, Not
by coati aa ordered, witboutregard to diatom: . 'After It
',tying Ma earthiest" sod nein whet rritiella2ret
lea la, you are at liberty to attland get tbit
arna z i
any other on the list oft Le haw Tato", see ailke
th• article, If it doe" sot ipve perfect llitillbalp&T
..lealt• yi la to tatutti It and set taiihscome :ha
gallon* be anti us champ for *se a beellibecolet,:!
-tee errtalettes will be seat for $l, eleven for 112, albs
hr $5, 'ono hundred' for Ile. spots anuallei lawn
wire:s. 5 • allow agents Sew ovate on sock.
provided.their reteittaioi azirounte to one dr ten' -A
estra premisma Owls:ye Were, ..--
' ilia'
!Lahr 'SAWS* —92 the receipt of ri 60 Ilium - 1
a solid saver ehield -(pore ooln) or hattap, hat: *Mow
division nr corps in the army, or lk Clictley.,,bilhelsll7;
artillery, osigiuter or pootoouer a pith with you haw
reel:mint, and comport hands* oetli elottloto4 thotoli46,
together with our wboltrait 'illustrated theater"' •
livots. ' ." _ . • :...., - •: ::. •.:;. :
S. M. WARD 6 . r. Co
208 Broadway, New York'. L
Pier:A-Rau anaer 4 de Perk 4.l44sith Strut,
114 rr.epectikilly csu the attehtion (Athol
to Milano Stock at ' • .1
Which he la &Arum toren at the
Mt iamb:mat .r.
• FlEiff=itte;
ta nut seaweed to the city, ea be rowel b
all who glee call.
He aloe keeps constantly en hurl a asponee tat l it,
PURE LIQ ; 001tS; •
tor the wholesale bade,
,to which be dlteieetke •
at the public.
Big motto "Quick Halm Sasll, ?rails NA 411
Lielvairet for the Mow." ' -
;READY PAY iliTOßlti!.'
d. 6: A.
Would respectfally barn tb POW" Usk tiq bs
purrobeled tbe • ,
spook or GROCZAIII or .niiies
awn crf Pre As Mrs aea. _
IrJlore tbny is Jo Wog as (cad as 1111‘0140,11111
• • • • rAinLr— - :, r
• . 'amid ba—litris• .
Best Brands- of Brio Counditifiiii:.
Kept opulently enemies*. ;
- puumurzto AI GOOD 411,11Ciat
'rle Llaieas itarkat YMw obi to
Country ?Mum
or Coeds driroce4 Coe of ellealp.laPpr
a t
M./NNW. ll#ol#l4.
A -LAJLEHILLOT - • : mai '
A- 4. 3 .4 116111k 7 'if
•• "2:e.e.
.„ • ilt-LL:4I I. 'S, Is. t I{.l
r.i q 119 cit
Ulm a tergistat-oht shUgraye--
lageti-,. Wall I anti brouse4l fres. siege awl
Wiatitsenping iu iitt erxiij'e wake;
• %Oen, the turnpike of thetillage.
For layt aid sights the winding-bow
Ha 4 through the little plain Inekaaroklai,
inaltiver lout the rustics
Tllt eiery 'throat
.was hoarse' mid pinkies.
?hi lignite sad fanner. mold sad dank : .
• AR took the sight's electric etirriag. .
And bate were waved end stoics wen
Esteban white were collation whir;
• •
ony .o*w s goilleet show
'/Ullitieroes fialwort under batinero,
Audis the tierce; heroic .glow;
Iforao theirs to yield hut wild bowman.
. -
. Sorriest .
heard the shrill huzzahs,
Moire liii, behind, in step was keeping,
Bat shish* down beside the road, •
Hi itants(little amid ail we're& • , 1
!'And hill Is this ?" lie; gruffly said— '1
= kinoment pausing to regard her—
. 66 Why wiiipenf then,. tog little chit l"
And than she only cried the herder.
Is nod bow is this, my little obit i''
The sturdy trooper straight ;repeated';
'• Viten all the village cheer ne oa,
• That you in tears apart are seated !"
. , !
a We ituiroh two hundred thousand stress,
nail that's a sight,-my baby ;beauty,
Ts giddies silence into song, c
And glorify the soldier's duty."
I .
"It'," very, very grand, I know,"
- ifflii Melt maid gave soft rifplying ;
2,4114 anther* mother, brother; too,
-' 111: eret ! hurrah ' while .1 am crying ;
--: iti ,
.itinithinli--0, Mr. Soldier, idilak,
jiliesiiany; sisters' brothers 1
.4114otai al away to iglu.; I .
oney-,be killed, es - well-, others."
, .
it ; Attie, ti,lie,'chlld," the sergeeat, said,
brassy lian - ds her etirk eerestbet .
." li-1 1t lerlittle oats like th ee
• 11114,0114 war's not all a lamming."
`N bless them I" once &pia he origd ;
ibefferliued his taroatastilloked bedlipiena
snerabailwayostith sirinkled brows.
• 4!agAikei tear
iiN• • ,
riughit 'Mats went up
Inna *Nay WEB sad Seth of Mom
Plait Wiwi ;As standard plot‘
cow Mo sa . ill the rasp.
Thejak iad cedar bend and writhe! roan the wind through pp wad
Iliajhkihitisudireit reed of all
-:=4 . thnibles Brit when mil is shaken_
finis le the sisato
:we ,• _ .
cif/ , l'
Itiiecnpn„n!e "givev in the New York
q_s?!.the 0, i , ,e,r. i ! s - attending tits in.
• " ....:_i PO O. Andrew, Johiwon• v 4
crrP l o44o9 ._bit_,l?ue, the . Amens"
le have greater cause than ever Aim
' 1.1% result or, im poliiiosi esonstigii
!itlti iir? -The , galleries lot lb a: astates
ti,ia . Nll.of ptdi:es - ,.. the foreign *liiioely
..:=Aapia Y,P,feeent,a44) the - TO Sim
crowded with personnanzionS:3ol
iti — Ml44, 'rice President - . :In th4liit,i 6 ,
ionoi.L4 - 141_. iiii*; laIr: SohnennspOtrek
• intoziesteek.ast...he
_eanki- lintt - 11;44
'iOntilierered a speech -, ea - tear*
- • • . :li*Fsl itiikthe reporters were -n0:
- 'tied to FobiWl it. , We enpr,.:tliik,
.11/4- 1 1rerktlirionfrf's amount. of . the slisir.
-191 i
tut li rtieh *i- ist l "f l ll ll.l . ° th i‘ e n ts Pri ; rb3d cantl e ; wilt
• bneenasidiof3s. desire:: to esaggeils4.
ytee) , tiri:ffisitt's cendtiet I • • ' -. •
4t;'74 -- ik ' * .1.- ,. -. * C' ' ' -
4 4 b
::A° isNiripg:inthjs time Andrew Johnson
zi-feiteneh issr simply, was then. u$ Whit
la" the sath of otfiee (would tolosaus
a4t,4* - 14 144akt in behsllnf ttiecowti-:
thathe instill only AndreW.XohteOni -
iili'speeeh. , Such a apesiti.i
It!niaiii i t t ,haVA:been . itii . prOpriat'er - at - atititie'
**haggis Teneiesee; but: it was 6,1,1104
fmi fifili . ' Mug appropriate on this.eesist_
s 4,e , aknot only a_ninety-ninth rat*,
I tap epkeelL„huk4isgra:Ce - ful -in the - ex
ritlL - 1.-Helad riot..proceedea fax wheal:.
1 .:
. 144441 the _ .i t '., , • . ._. :1
ham — g their !wadi, rink 1 down in tiiikti
***Wk. AA each ether 14 M eighifieshile..
ill aanahvanY tit ray.. "'h he crazy, ni**.
Ili itheitatierr • They elthibited•ht NV -,
flekiie pait:unesainesa. newe r vat se
F . thelset that the Senators mem
ea births extrerme. , l The Deartman%
leenad over and appeared takka
• earith each other over thelfiegtok
!tribe i Republican party,
ien Brendan& atect-' The Ateiiipt ,
: • ' 1 &oral': unmietakablaiiiestmf
. • • - tit Witte:incoherent- notllllollll
. 0111 V ., dehnemes , lipi. - Reffabari
- llailitiortiii - 'arau&Kl inliararaarde,3
• . r tartl,tlPacCiitilf -ite)der Alm- ishihinson
• . ; " Wide 1 3;init& hf: the t3eaatanacant.
• ' ' &Care - threred -their baelavaell.
*illfcareolltileiltaiseliea:l' • • ..-1 - - :•J ~i;
* illig i liltiWebe i n&einbitibtiliaieniiit
priju l tiiti!:ie 04 - aia utifiacif • =
L : h.
• - Ind' several iliinfitiod :. ldii WIW I
* - lot suN•Pfed t ). bit'li
smadvirsioniattilii:l6iipi. - -::: - ,...','I'7'.. 1 ..
' -Lk, ---1.,,a,,c •S 7 ••1 .1 t ;q_ ; -"'
ga _ •
helm tiettilifitke:e6elmotimmet
6•111111M140. W 40 . 1.41 Slat *
Lila gis .1)71 ;C,L t e..E * 1
Von a
try . 1- inaceb,
tomeEsalsomufS43oo4a g gro s**lloll
ihirlwlia3no:34t 94
ao 0 ,
ct il t r a li e ithv
arimoofspovoi;ftr j r lll4. l
immisat is hal elgo4 -
...I"fts dell ,:1 2.i>ka *I"
1 " , 4; RIK= Pit,4 l / 1 3R8Dity
e •
hill hill report Was thatoMil7kilkish44-' - 1 ' 71 " i ~4 , 7 gam s ' - "'
'A t ' Ti gegija ---
. - ' ' ' ' ,
` T ioi ( iiiii Of OW fAhde'lsketfetattitiki; ' ' --.-
. A t er ; -..--
re we sci cluigrined at the speech Huit , -' 'AO Itti,tit - t - t7 . ':koit"bla, r ihtt . '4l .
! 4ipy,. t iotyyrtte - truie:ti t iotie to ' inip;onst in . fEthA . an d 'wounded 13,000 the
prettillio44',infliiiitetinill'llitJtihnioti'iTheeli fetiooll' <_. — '''' '' ."
6 . , - ,i a la iih4- 4 ..„;i• ; ~,,,i6t, d u i-til.:4mi llohlentioden tfie - Atistiliin ton WM
141 not , g o, Wore, the world in' thit j ateclit! ' s French 1;000: - ' •:'"
farm kt,ii i cliltr . j4b 2 :tcksay ihaq11111*: At Atelier ifs. the Allies. ut of 8006
44;41 witi t titylk-Abst'liali!ts un,d,itrAlikii. iliete;loit v 3 l . - 1 4. * id iiilleti,..tiOnnded and
* siglottt•:•:fiti, COAO)itii4 - ,1icii.;1140.', 41611 7Ai r `e Preach` 12,000. -' - -
B ant h naLo4inty.. ,
.44 itic h 3 ,.; .n i' .. h; a‘ i p ay
,* #i At .tens , ilia Anerstadt the 'Prussians
Leal. ~.. • ;_,; ~ „, ~ , ; _
.....-•,. . , losf3o,tin k illed and wounded, add
:_fqtr.,,siowoop : ii4aiki,coniiii4i his. nearly as toltOi'PrisonerO , matins dittoes
apasehoahihnt;wi.k.*, ins li l a it ti d . •,,, it , g ai n. 0;000 in JUL and - the Preach 14.000' killed
liaaulnalajalered, 0,60. the ontlkaliiifitte.l Oita roii:A. l o-':“ • ''''' --'
' ' .° ' .
Kt Amalie ,reed, the peak jiteigt ryi i' 'it the terrific - bittle of Wait. the Bus
and Mr. Johnson repeated it age! him. I sai l 'lost 25 1 000 i-men, .killed and woun-
Thereffirdet Ithe ItieePitaideat elect: tP riled. lift ti;ii . „ - P r _ranA 30,000. ' ' -
go tilros!git withthe-fatmof repeating the t .:, .4I reie4l44 . o!ii Rusilia 'kw was W.'
senteoetis se -ll.r..ibualis_i was, 0 00 in killed ; the Pissich
painful - in the extreme. He stumble*, 7 1 4Oi 8 Al ) °- .: .
staMmered,lepested portions otitarsettl-;'. At Wofirsat . the, Matti*** and ham*
times o'er: The moment he hadoideluda imist - oals, 25 0 2' , ' t .,.._
_ 1 - vr:.
ed Ibis task Mr. Johnsen tuntedima. the -- • M 14 4 1 ' n u t° the " web 19611 "'" '"'"
1 audience and ccinsitienced another open* 000 assn, aid' that ,of the lhassians'lOAlii.'
giving to those Us/abled tie Meg of-dbe , • •At itoridliiio, whhili is said t o iiiiie''biia
oath which he had just taken. Itillead• •"tho ot i ,A, eitilitio and Obiilia**, ) 1 -
I t(t a red 11ut disosof three- a a titai t ate wh e n fonght,,ltiattle,on record ," the Fench - kat,
woo o f 'the.ollieldis standing 'iteirliini 41' hille4Woundedand primes 50,000
1 1 4 th e good t ensitnataij ti n t: be ha** amnt—the litisilans - about the - same dati; :
• *44 oaitpiali some i k i na t ainm in ait i a tn her. meking in all 100,000 men In ' one
-; • .
his, fairies stool. Ind - delayed' thaltice: Witt.-
1 eeedhlgi ,beyond all usages , Thiiii ta i - -At Lutsen the French loss was 18,000
unwilling that they should be dny ludo? sten ..--t,he 'Allies 15,000. ' •
debt* 11 tbe.huxetieret4 ieitiarki of this ' Al.'llutienthe French lost 25.000 men
, new 0W... It lids
,Lieret4pfr . 4: been - thee '..=-tiisi Alike 15,000,- ' '
co to close at ii;iiiihes the moment .'
- ' - 4-tDtstedim,wheta the baitlelastid two
that ,thajatiged of the Supreme Ponst and dittA• Om" AI.RSS .104. In mid. wounded
i si,,d awauLtti
_cams_ reached
.s-thi, :seta* sited Pihonere, 25,000 men—thi 21111,111 .
01 - Talli —. bitss , 447 : 14Z1iinTin ikaii**Dei between i l°"99°lluld 12 ' 0 0
. •' A •
Rah, obi lamp, olased, id' woe* **ill ' At Anilioloi -4 illtoir lasted - *so - —A
to•ll, 4 ft. keno)* entawthlytasa . inin?' Napoleon lost miss tgiirshas, twenty Gen
, las to snake, his . nunerliio IMikisiogis sc , , wahl and , 61:101 60 , 000 m " , ...,_ : _ 1a 11114 1
rival Otitis above -.dignitegiesq.BudArs„, woluidtistnnd prisoners — the Aunts I,'‘ ask
Johnseastfot Itaisppear ea naletedeattl. Ahlk• 'clist ~and about" 40,000 men---apirdia
usage dea each ecoalione,:or die *way*, of 100 . 00 0 in 011 : - ' ' ..•
inclined - . to =follow, them, foe the h diplo. At Ligny the Pruadins lost 15,000 Men '
antic geatlemets luord-tha• bulk: of- his, in. killed, wounded and Pritioaere..the
veldt. one. tolfortwastolf, the waset t pigt..,,Fretich 6.800, '
_ ' , . ' •
cif% - - -Thir mom, that lhe new Trion.t . .--Tfie beta. o f Trebbis; lasted ' f or th ree
l i niSident bad been silenced , NU ; Engin dais, awl, the French and Allies lost same
declared the old IllenenrAiljoused. Thus about 1 2 ,000. -' ' ' —• '
eajdrectthii , ifeasitirof the Thirty-eighth ' BisiaM, 'ditaa'Were eeveral Wien of ' ml.
Cobarent, et fifteen' minutes past twelve nor irapfit-io the foregoing. eatio thit
o'olook., - I:. '-' .I, '- - .'.-' • - ,• -:•:1 loss of men; hit . , ..ilerge in the agatiegstsr.
`"My. -
-Johnson in - Miedieteliiielie4,tai There 'wise thdife of the Bridge of Lodi. lll
now 116.0. to . oriel!. -The 'o4' :nt:9 l. n Most desperately c o ntested light ; the*.
Sul Jo n
..w,,, Finlay, than njnf l :
r s , mops - bsttlei of ' the Me, a ilea fight; id
in t ah t ti t atin n c um in p tna td:a n t,,: t a Whit* Nelson •- Lott 895 men in killed and
the lileinaninentraurdinerrimoxi.. ,4 111, wouad4, end - the French . 5,225 ilia hi
timilrigialuid . lowers" irate Arder44, lei *1)04- a nd w°"dt l4, lSild s A ck S•: 011 ° 11
1 apPfreitifii:thaelirk%siesk aiddAelta Att .4 1 :: 10 _
_ i i i7 '-.0 44 6rthen-ihiPs .11144" i 7
- 644 'cif 44800 v ea-dissir. -maim' wasduant 11°146'; that Of thO Bif - of 'itlli4drinlaili l
ii - oudiett: me 'following= gentlen3 so : the 4 " . " 61 - ttAxt-iiii-gal
ilild Will' iiiiiiiid fartisisd;•:.-....„&n, ,the i Turks - .:9:000, dad einri - tiiii•iir Hier
''lliiiii.lisiiiiidren - if.fraivin, - Howarttater, " I ‘J t !' s v ' ss _ lo s t : iP:kI. II K.. 'rixtO 4o 4 ,alt 4-•
kcittots,' Guthrie and Lane, and took ' thee ki4O :44 *O l ii 1 4 11 tOWNOt inoeC 4l - 411 4 4 " . 1 k!'lli 41 4.. '
i;dth: - Hriutiattrical'ielidedaohimealade l' l° l 4--ea g5im u15h .,,,,,,,,," : K a i ".
..,.____,wilerg - ____ t ba'
fin ti i i i ii i i i„,._ ..:_ ;-,,-: -:• i. ,2. ; c-:,..': , ..• i .-: .Fe.Opeu ottt'of -1 7.00u' MM . eurirgi; MK
:ai He .iteptii4.l6 lard' - witty WC-Bible ;- .. i. 42100 - in: kill d, "ail ririll
• 10 iii
Sold - 4 : t, and : Mt:Abided ' tit' rteth lataik-' Ol - ;;;K.
_lthwarti smother bfoodt itttOilfo l .'-:,
ist:Ors to
,'toinsh itiar Bible', bo - s -- 0 - Ai*, - •.'W S; AlbUsert4 witsco the I:ltitish**Or
Itealtin *lint; and tiiin - motioned Shims: 7,463r inf i rve'4 4 , o4 ki ":!" °° '' ' —
Emir, w 1,04,40 repea ting - the • oath •in tiny •
*fn. Wit' Ol t the Senators' left the'statid
.iiheti,Slie.,ninddie 'Was discoveriuL The
otoill-Werii - recalled, inCl i ti:' Forney _
44 "
,By this time it became apparent Hada:fide
'• • - ' hesides,.,/ste,..J.ohnsion would lii;:. - 0,0
donates the-husinesaspf_thefiedate . :,
" Wltbeitt , giving an oppartanity forotti,
'farther' disgraceful scenes,. Mr. A* 444 17
annotiiited 'tliat the prooession woad.
title betitestid lo• conduct: the Pritaitieak, I
elect to tie iitittores tha:Oasti. encLof
the where- 4 de-o*Ut- of caw
, Clad lintideraistered.'
::..tl4lolehteriiig theCipitot tnitlanatora
Cliadtber;inwiggSeg in by
r and twoir."'Plie "dcioit and window,
bigidifig ivirettikiwfropea,
114 the crowd inaudb Tithed - lint •With:le
iiii.cyd.ooey 9 4 that which characterised LI
rush - Tioni the . gaiterielig 016 fences.
left the Senate the pfattititiellin
SenstAinsseiSfea: jUod)tadsflis'ititrirent
'Perti4tt :144;
acre tlmiacienfil !*ioi biiil Er ni pti3 i: 1 4 6
Wore they left tor ite
lON. 594404 in PO Plain:
ink ,Tlol,(Ml4o;nect lib' iVtiie time
ifcir Vie zdwq of, 04,3 10 e.r11“1 1 4 0 P 1 401 4
itectwthig , to usage, woutd . int
They 141 1 .4 4 . 1 ._
• Ibr imistirlow :Initirt-IttitA WA .. . 3 5041. 7.1
net sake his
• y,the Senators slipped: eat-eattListe4e4
sfiliiippagrect without beisgaijoatorti
j . 4
,k4iiiiinikeek Ithe,
Saute is still-in samsion,,Vetitisigkais - gear.
if the Sesatior. x 1.7
• 4 , socilithe iguie lauded by the - "poly
ea4ie OrViteek 'en& iraietiee
• so•4o44l?":,Wanti Gibe is the
• •
who ineyliftheilieteceote
L '`' • 1 1 . `WV eeitisti
• * rfibi
ria - 01141WIFINkWeebia •
241MilINA:alideall. aiIINIAPIT
fihtag tO 1311 a a aabolae. a
41 ! ' itsitarg *AIM
sta aro ter WORN
eo .tz ffiriiiiiimiandriaifil_
4 , • . 0 1113:21'
lall 0 C . O T. • -
orb no __ 0 4 .
at am reveal &boo
of dm ow*. He
exit .Bseritis—A
NOONy"MA - Rein;'M
Rev. Ceyhr i is ; l nicient- jitter. fits*
i4vetti6ekideass... areletee Immo r
lag ificitients - of be 4feettflietory:
.!frifa . • •
Amass_ tits: musing reminliainisielOr
*mei days is‘theitinotts anutiblii vitilli,
Rev.: fitiipile a lilt, tit:Wiaihdmilidd; Ha:
waif* .jognkf'72to Iginitui***litri69s,
in. )< Liiiiiii: . ; At iiiii44 it Itfli
Soloist% kipublaki's sad itdoiiiikiiii*
•tbsiCilifek .- 11$1, visit, nitiliectiii
liaiialithci4e,"•liititt ii4iitieid'Watisietc
dhipatch:: Mr, Sir 444 .itiole him . into:
'he room-where hit daughters mete r rood"
14oilnOed•hliti to Mary, - Erther, Christi.
'abOiialis ite*isliSli;:,liktidatt..ii4 die
retielL;‘ ' Mrd: Mix addressed 144; - atilt
eldest dau;hter. said he had lately bow
"iettled ati-Vim_thetS4ald-* west ihOraus
of 'obtaining II wife.lasicuictiaiid - lif Of-,
reiidg her his tears -and turtak - Ithublealst
inglireplied`thatse imp:SUSI alticifes&
,*in j required time'reeconsidefiaien.: ll*
iltioined that he was . pleaSeilt, tt4.±eitie,
aelted for-suit able lime fcrr rettersiert; I
In', order tairord;liemi the 4iiiipilia opPoia •
tu6iii-co think' ot ilia prOpOisl, P lir(*c'
Step into the next room and sakoki &pipe
*tic her 41.diat,salitiba.4mad Nificift.. le!
him.' iiiiiiiiiiheolted lb . itipeend lent a
p l od'ai : ge''tliii ii• Wit reeditiiliie all"K 1
shieseooo is aqik.sekrt.for Nrant lim o
l 'e
' thurirbrihtirai , Ais-erflies l .4k44*4
dlitifitiMitolliirtheirais: die ..
( . 140 pme , . mswar by . hater , to Wasik
... . 1 1 4* ( 4 11 . 0 0. 0 4 )( 10 : 1 # 1 #0 11 *
pithisioirfs444ll l ll. „ -
, • - 'l 4 lSild• z ilitalk .
i4iif idaTliVinitr*gisia.
-...1a,..11...;td... 1f. , :.':.!Z • 1.0 Lr.. 111 "3 t)Illi
210 ;1K :.
. %Om liaz-1.--,----- -- -
,frivr.. , _ , -X r ftF ....: ::i
ossitl,:/r , rnkti c,-,-;i:- ! . ..attimmt-
' • ,' '.. :11iltiiit i ! . *;;11b; • ..
... -.•
. ......' 1 . "'
**** ll 4 ol6atetill '
. ~ J. , Z... 47,• "..! ,
f '41 11001P110111111100: 1 1110, ' - -. ,; ..
nett F: - .1 ,-,til,
i lltr i i 0 11.161 " 11/91
9:q 7..t.:'
e170..•td tzaru.l
-cc: 1, 1 c I listu.J.ue
H ~::: . .; ofe -
.• , . A TI
. L . • l / 2 i 6 -7 •
1 ";sll'. I
4mli cqi 11,74r34 relit erinr-r -r.:•.
„ r in i"aailaa
t 1----,---4•04- ,, LT
of q uilt vial* sad slitighieria,m4;
T h lia r Alsiiiisiiilifili, - •
'„,Aimi • r
e lilitaadTovoisiguila ' ; -
Vores6. slAuesilaeallial 4..,'
• .I" hai# foilk Aar 94 1 P 31 : Mt - 1 ' .
i'aindag _ plate's - rigge4 !hope
le ifkiali itelisaii it braiddag day.
_,•.:.:-i 1 ^ - :•-%... 7 I . -
Twain for puma! tits lear Oat tow .
in llesey I ask but pingo aio,
?la dirge ire shiglik'fasisitl "wit,
TatiiiirOesd, tiny erratilaraigh, •
Tb. erseerliaorg LW halm 41444 ;
t f.i dou=egoe k tbeioar!, wings rives,
l'ila _ "arida; rpl_saei oft—
' -. 216 *Lb lreitllikliolione Mit Maio', -
d.utelr a amour bud to guide
The skip og4w h voor t pews meads,
Where, gaollered,Ae Joey, safely ride.
Nor-dreadAaiiofielOttfligidoe. - " - '
ici.LS Washing
tois sore esjxn idii Of the :Wawa* Adver
tr*yeistiis .•
SidiittlikOtitOti4):ollllre idi me of
. 41 littitiOtit . Mit OCCUittki in one i few
'thy* tinnay : Ootnrod *We were
id:32140: 'll4 * was glad. and along
ilmfpionangra ierstionike thinner. the
of onstratiitid . iigias to the cur,
end' prio•shinty
PieS &tides 'boat tintureki. Twti
444•11 entered i letr l Sumner did not
fie: Pw►eil ; eAtliireit eatetely.
iiteleitd - Wiirest Melee. ' to dna of
01. 1 144,:iiiiiiituat or Whine' ti - ghta - M,. S.
i d~i tit is aoi lunge.
with lady etaid
bit`h'i3itdds nary, Yr. Powell lug-
Wed Ae jtilieiOareefor tete; -
• doinelyous pia
and S.-ISigairtn
Bette that he did
tkinis r ow.q Poir•
wirel,tins diatititAioli
idWlli~~ei~'s L 1 et *A *Weed to igtv.
..'6WDei-p1eit54,101 141 . 1 0 141 7,
-4 1 1•4b0m44. 1 . .mo !lt.i, *Wm tmrc.
thimsopomito t wiooki :1113k m (Or
wed -.4W thOMMLio 44 1 11• AO:* widdi
threi.iftletßfir4isiAo of the Ittsional,
no. hies s
tP ) /eeri the /0010 Of t )
lam. Ike liehkSrthe, 04et or the firnioa, "
the: irk**, bolo, 0; to have the finis
kflk glaikkarceOlaisaltiectharunt• bii,
40itili:illith.wid4 an 4 30 4 212, 10rtad ilith
tuttlletovottlitt stars, coirearintd-
Leg Ili 04 11 04 T .4 1 th at of . PIO cageciggek
Aligtal ti*:
$lB l 4 14 t,NOte eilieik tbe
lOW WfMen,tho Xrigollt 1044 11-1 W be
I,l*.do*!-:cf*r4oiiAbk'l!liii or the
" • ' -- - . ' : , :
Innis - . ar..M.L.:•4,1a the 41aje .when •
essrehit eveitebonalWand solddto service.
in Kintedosinitsiandrelk sin Soutb:ow
Trandfdiurcitidiak late family
iClutoitOof4eikey3:Oalletli - of cm*
4 916i05i0 1 , - -rNoieiDielesonwfair_ to, lilt*
sea-iefseetiladallixto6 l ... ll2 bar
:iiiiitteeeth year, received a bona Pt . offer,
tik i n't-,7oo 4 bove,kiar;PigleV" sated .FRT
:10161110.Tt her .
. 1 951 . 1 ° l 4ll 13 4.! 6 • 1!
'AO Printh."::±- ;4 11 4•but
MAO ,13ftto_ber,primeolen be 41)
• piiiit4lo4l.!? - •rr • • • •
7 2 71'sfirliadic In die
1°604 litehdozAsiesliitioNio *oleos
fthfe p btid aobiPTikt Aiwa
of *WOW - iti6reEtbai2 7tair-vicobiaiet
*ols6:4l%*Augi,.fttifeeFluisis, Matra,
tiviiii*dl r titsdkilr He Wiped varikup,
raiminii fee Hat foSfilibitw: debt stscoii
thto 'Adtihristre.
tioit,i4kfiroiittiiimanoo - to' tbe preowit
tiole: =i iikki ignogilloloor failure , to
iiierrtlis4iittilduelutedied urdliorwor.
tien.speitt for
tile support of idle atid 7 WOßehliesldseirs:
Cr teeirient
,Arr. tutsotit.dik r: the mums..
by teteiriWthlii'iikaff thieeln:fiin - i of
a l
virshot; 1A -.- &eli l 4.poiiiiid - 10 ,q_iti*-
gie:i-45:orfcliiiitii: onVieihil' ffreitie
stet 4 itikil iwtreiatiett ffilFa'ative"diity '
.441 "MK We l ieOi r ife' gitieraity: initial - gal,
Aisicho,4, 4_,4_0 3 , ~,Or t ai6 lo ja "lasting Pt i aie•,
lbeii: boi" win tif thited'biihe folle - ti;
• big,.: - . 04 . "4 - iid . iii% die - 2 I ri 6 iaii o n
irbuiosi t i st ; :c.. •.:-..., -.::: - : • . - -- 1
~ . : - LaseVai64eich-iiiii4 4.-i. Trttrava.T .
Ilftitt et tl,
4 - allakAtaeoeteo • - Mee-the :04y
" 1 tharialAiewitlL-4.0144*e 1 0 1 940 1 eat
VP* !Ike)- WAPg!frieriPMne , '-
. n- ____
7 !A r .yantig ba4l6OZ Giotto Priatina,
L aitoVati - ierfrill ofiil lifirtinifiWitto;inny.
qtarigiiiirisiiiii . riai, %ben 1 tigtier
-. gi'idifietiddiatisteysiurimoork *ii: o I
r I I stiN63nlool6'.dr — spacitf - wii ,
-..' , •i!iriaP fiaticizeiszkia taidAisill
. 'wiTi• :":: , tßiasitiiiiiiiiati-iiieetr
' clipleiewfitiii ail *NOW - .-
k4,,:.ooikiiii tiiiirikinkSakia r futolilif
awl drawing forth a pistol, •iii
°a.‘iiiiiiquirtir effiiaceinit.*4
44:0; : iiivpialle,diact
L * l kWieetifeasti,iiia:
- ‘;646911111. in0: 1 164
'Moir aldmiiii4ol
NTlthi ys ollfiet f :lo7 so •Inw
4 lroltatir saliellN
11111111111astiai.frowning. it.
tWatark eill Viotti ! UV
Atgott Imi ).*!r‘, ir cad! r".
ai gite=lop 4 1 , , q Of ii -
*lmo* r
t ~..01104
. ;
b ri. tailliikilialliklidealllitttiliir if
es itimose outside
-4 iiiliniii,l6W 4 ll l ~ ll, riiii“W
' *V
,iii ii Mit elkildailidlletcarinviskliklt
adib ilikatiPiAgabill amilieborboofflatmie.4
wart is am lakekr 4101* Wiglit) 011119A1K.
igii!bilitellolNlA.V.l* l .',
baz e2,:-,3 ,70.,d ~, ... , : J =r f , ::. P, ) `,,*
44.1.1:711 on :CI 3,7... , =CV,70 : , !: I ;t:' , 7Z • C. I.: ,' C.
f zi
t lal
ofin: drift
f ' „
/her (gleuclng ever obnotiono artiole)
Fred, I don't eee tinythlog- wrong.
. wrong t Look how
it jio—
tlteaf'tketkiag re - Isom' from begla
`tibiirfo end. -
. .
Sue—Really, I caul ace anything -4'dietny
al" there; the feet 4d, it isitlT truer se (lora. •
Fred—True ! 11-1! You It.ou't Mee& to fat •
the dritft caused sit -the fairer 7 there de
'Nettled. • - -
'Sam—Yer I do, and merit more, if eny- •
thing. Ikucw something by my own Wetly.
1y poor vile hasn't given herself a toimeat's
peeper of mind since t was draft ea.
Fred 7 ;Well, I don't free anything to make
guolp-a fuss about. Von can jet a .reub' for
$504. or . i i&N).
.13ani—.Fube.are not so plenty se you Seat
to think, Fred. The supply doesn't lit en to
equal the demand.- I have only beard of a
half d:resa, and - they were at ono* pinked up
by rich men at a price I can't atioid to pay.
itasidea, if one does put,in a sub for a year,
14 is likely his time will hardly expire 'till he
is dratted again..'
,Fred—There, that's inother.ot that d—d
Obeersev'e ;!eitaw ; _there won't be a
drafted man that will have to serve An
months. I don't believe one of you drill ever
is. afight. Tin nibs are on their text lege.
ninnies hold oat longer-than spring; Grant
Sad Shorans settle their hash.
Sani=iltell, perhaps 'so, and perhaps .not.
To hist your sincerity, give you live run.
deed dollars to go as my sub. There now, It
the rebellion Is going to ONTO this spring, you
trederioalte the 'money any quicker. What
o'ollll4 ? It'll be a thing to - be proud of ti
lie at the'desth."'
Fred... Gums net ; i'at not in the substitute
business Just:now.
wila—kiei; I perceive you ase not. Yon tali
liar all this time, but are as much afraid - 10
p to war u a timid girl. - You would tremble
fad faint at the'rery sight of a musk(
let fee talk war t
Ind—Why, ss, I'm astoolshed; you're.
MAW. •
dlast;.4fo,, I'm not excited, but I begin to
get-my good senses bsek *gala. I have fol
lowed- joi fellows' lead 'GU I end myself is
trouble;_ iy family wide to sniL3r. and my
emir, 'dig to ruin. Ten can't obese us
any note Vita your 'Maley about 'loyalty"
and OeiriNsade. I know *on all, and I knew
all the "loyalty" you possess to bytitrefl
your peckots. lyalty" pay' here In Erie
sturdy; benne a majority of the piople have
oat mad ow the ,nigger question, and you
okapi tate adinatage of the people's folly to
116* yriar purses well. Now, you talk about
the Observer: I have watched that pore of
late, and i lbsd,that *at: It says is mostly
true.. , Lit ever deoelviiis the people by_telllng
theta /miry wait the war is going to close
soon, as our papers do.. It told us before the
thabthe nooses of Lincoln would
,iiiiltornorc c drifte,' and It turned out just as
It now predicts more drafts, and
ellets It. Call 1t Copperhead
_or whatever
rid please—l have titasl oat that Copper
with you fellow, means an independent
min neketrabito say what he thinks,
and desires the 'welfare of his country.
(lfredl as *Mated. Can U. be possible!
85M41i;ii't— fool "with me any more.
dos't vant•to'fiaie anything to - do with yon.
Yon deceived me ) once, Put you can't do it
Win'' • '
Slit both. The eurtita falls.
The tendency of the public mind is to.
Wards utramanbe in expenditure. This
f'eeltrig is ph adibg all chuises of society.
Itoiteisichisp and abundant. A paper
- aelireolited to. fifty cents, ,
gold iilne. Currency is plenty, and grow.
ins' plentier. Come easy, go easy, is the
Previllitig finding. But sooner or later
the *abut abnormal condition of things
Will tiiiiiiinate—perhaps suddenly. The
ralaectifnireemesodities, including mon
f,`fearfully "watered." But when
the crash comes the water will be bailed
leaving only what is represented by
'the gold standard. ' Men are walking on
high stilts, and are making long but inse
cure !strides. But all must dismount one
of these days, and come down until their
feist totich the earth. "Many-will be pre. -
i.eipit s oted" 'vibe now tour aloft on their
stilts. Wise and prudent men will pre.
Thetime for the inevitable changp.
The Class who will safer by the
thin of - the war era those in debt. A mer-
Chant with a stock of goOds on hind worth
say 550t090, and 'half paid for, will sot
:realize thirefrom enough to pair what h*
ewes. When the goods are all sold he -
'will find hinsalf - hi debt for from film 141-.
rteti - 1114xisand dotlairn, 'and -this. debt ha,
weer Thoidate; principal and interest.: .
*titlhe gold:or its equivalent, or so 'into -
The consequence of the war
yx th# 'Mister thin will be to lamas ! . •
igeisty'iness'a 'debts .about 15 per neat.
-4 Oblivition7of XOOO. pill become, in
fit:4llo-400: That is, it .
rianspintar.:•or: labor now worth sr
s=t - w wslosooo to pay. it. .b. I;koteont , -
r diessting.ten per cent. or User*. •
414 outs, nothing of the pritulipta at
thrusee;itbeiliaklttity:of the payment of
*kW iwilibiretHwbfearreeponding ratio •
!Geeidiicer it!for -every man
add - eioneset no new opest....4_'•- ,
4 -1 0191 i e6i4hiteseities buys, and•if.
46 that- tir govithout the article. ,
• liikePsied theist& erit. Keep pnty .
bellut in:theihei'Osa see.,tbst Ake
robots arelreeditierhitet when( she'htle.
, Aims. ,easi c ilkneby prevent 794 g
t -6 'P: 4l4l l4 l sikii fougOtriPS • o ,r,
• •g en Ihe.bemihees of e * shore.
Tsi #fainpa l iza.—A writer is Gas
tiemmasla say the oparatlous.ofdriik,
Ali,lsilaus dog ,
, r, ybe rspreasatad to
tsr - sid. - tho: •
"•- ' . 6 Tipsy.
6. Very treat. ll* 7. Very Tipsy.
4. rnik. **HI'S: Drunk.
• - 11: 1 •0; Very Drizk.
i - 114111.1111114
. 7. 11 " 1 " 411 19.5 V*a
:NSb i r l VO'll"XIP , Dr z&
1 At a meal, sphadli iron is Sew Tait
ill. 41,4 prisealt
_erg Tithirj .0.• X0.000
Mlll-4kilar th OW 0044
tOtit id*
Wit tiColOiiohili' bieki t