The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 09, 1865, Image 4
ci 2 - :4 era gas b-, 118 2 Cl • - tul ;a < 3 J as vc , CO "." 4 )1 1 a tL O sk P limped Furniture Store la We floctlea at ca Country. 33STABLISH - ED 18b71 6. WI Ethel, Erie, Pa. iext Ptata Etis Cents par pouud. lifErND CORNER BEDSTEADS, _ r From $5 00 age. GRASS 8314 _ - From 00 441 X BOczaxa - ca.tras, From $2 60 WiNS BE DS ! From WOO CANE CEAIB. • TA B I BLE , LOUNGES. s i ttrit.l4.l7B, 0 %rest Bide State Street, - - bidelitt Neat Palmer's Gregor?. - New • GrooeryV-- COB would respectfully - ii,U 1101L114 to thi people el MI city lad gouty, that °pealed •_ _ - NEW GROCERY BTORR, - en tie hest aide of i feach Sloriftitex¢r3•64l Wiwi ' keep oa handst ari GI ROOST/41gs, gionsors, WOOD AND WILLOW WARN. noun, /Lad oven albs 1na5347 kept la A Int aims glen ♦wo, Wine, Sweet Cider and Llgairs. ha ilibiprt Wort Nei 1414 for l!rodams, oda 71111Fily• me a calk if you-irahte mars geed tart. paw . I ptedee =pal/ to sat as /ATM 'oat war Qua Ilittsr store Is sir •au iljiK is if ill i tlal 9 3 1V 1 10 131 4 1 it i : 2 411 11 1; IF 2 I 'kali,* 4 111 2 1 11 ; I r ll a i s X kti El . e . ssi o 1 11l i ci s Ii 2 0 1 4 2 11 ii 4 _ ,..__. itiordone S tove Worms I Mal% Shirk &Wheal, ItArrtwsrassas 01 CO s & HOLLOW tam. /bye • largs and era:taro usoetwoct of 'Wove at . Whoiarak and Assad. TER IRON Ga. TR a lbstigiu Coil Cook Stove, with 'or without MN. - ear, for Itard or soh ozal, or wood. ork4 BATTER-THAN THE STEWART STOVE. , We also aastabeture tlas WHEAT _SHEAF & NEW IRd, lota low oven Coal Cook IStoves-wwits Wood • tea be mod ottber to octal or wood. 'THE POEEBT OAK. seLZI stannfaetv., nag thin oenbleted Um oven for at *Wait Mirritit• THE HEINTOU,' dim noes 3Soos for Wort This is a Dow it.,, of lellotifol *lwo, and now for sol•-•toffirkorre with largo asoortment rf eirwouWl Coot, • Parr r cook for wood or tool. Lod Parifor sod Odloo Sumo. for wood or cool. TIEI 'AL.S, D. 811111.1, W. 8.. WillTZßila Igns. Jon. 12, 1114&—L. New Firm. 4Ni. im As P. CROOK., having taken in his lay Janes it, as a pander ea tile istolatetApit Saga UM droi unto ofJAJUtiIt:CROOL i NOM to bays a sottlemoat of Us obi sesematts. AD par. itaowiag tketoscves indebted to hits an requostr l sad settie without 44 1 7. --- JAMES P. CROOK 6 SON, Mahan in ROUGE AND PLANED LUKBEE! AID It .Imuctinius OP Mow Bash, Frames, Boors ad KM! NOTILDINGWI AND MUT MOE. Null sawizte, matching & Planing poriX 70 ORDZ it. the is Peach St., between 4th and Sth Its.; .. . ElilE, PA. ~ _ •iropesifolly sall the ottenties of Ike pablio to ou Staltate for Milos work to tbo but of 'bleb PUY Mod now:table Some. •-•ring Mad_ up y ff Vwith si s zr=ituianc ) ,, eis nog gugetryst cit• satire Ottien ins abroad • tostitiproust *MOW • ate2Vdt—tl- , • J •T. MOM k 841 N. P. SMIIII. vi!lX al SWIM AITOILEITS asa 01417=Lime IP at Law OM= ON MUM $T j omens attietp ROI Tharrinia s Pa. Ceilidh= all elm .^ Mal tet Wed. Vocal% Me, Worse 0! lorry =stanott...o.4 to ellrigallY 144 Win. a. W moan iar 13111,141**Irs alasexi, 14%1Pa. 11411.- 2. Sork. 2..Tamom. "' ' wash Tem" a Anna" FOR SALE. MY BESt DENCE IN THZ CITY OF 1I1• Iriw torso of ?mash and Ittith attests._ eau it vial waked sad la good orderottted gossiosu artlk esa•aael water. Tbs best stable sad Ider; lot the 546 la Eato—oet•balataigs, .a gremi •. a " fttaa ti.`32111"1. Doe. V, 11144.—jeall'411-1110 • • 17 . PLUMB; Dr. • pommovaluc Vhydellas-Aupi Surma, 114 Ts aT pte CHlCAClOliiiaromm. -ma • las heitted Prreleesti./ fa sow ter the pupae's/ btahadon. rl AORTH Bin op THE PARIS, •_. xx ZIATTT'a imam pZISIIIOIIIII tolo a. la_.asa al e s 'at Ills. Alecehrial amas s( a s jw.. t; Fx 7 1111 95:=L1 P •w• z• Zags% lift Reddi4Lttiasiii sew° t 44ADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! • FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE A o REDDING'S ausaLt. SALVE I tv o ci REDDING'S ItIISSIA SALVE I cysts maw . , REDDINWS RUSSIA SALVE! 0011t8 MONO. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! eves CRIELBLLUIF REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVEI Tim CaAPPND s4lOB REDDING'S RUSSIA SA LVE 1 CUM SIX= WOUNDS REDDING'S RUSt3IA. SALVE! • • ' cult vLD ,w 41116 REDDINOr'S RUSSIA SALVE! CD MR= 1111111111%Lall REDDING'S RUSSIA servET % 011212 CANORMIL RIDDING'S RUSSIA.,BA.LVE antes LILT =Wit BEDDING'S RUSSIA QALVE I omtga Lotter RIDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! OIIIIIS UOkH%. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! 01711131 REDDING'S RUSSIA. SALVE!' MUM !UM REDDING'S EUSISII, SALVE! , CM OS BLISTglid REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CiattS FROM Birram rAstA REDDING'S 'RUSSIA SALVE! DIMS ALL MAXIM DMUS= AND LIDPTIONS QWKNALLLY. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! • Ls perisatly iths from say asetwurist natter or L•put• ass partials*, and I. no PM will Ns aspitestko tat :Nn with the thissiliss that nay be proserithd trs • regular pbysidita. Nistisal Trasalty,throapbssiths traion. aro nessintoss in tts vain. Tbs ssorsits virtue Moses burin' Ow astir Is tbs dld•a nstado or and ft is saw as ..add. t. Ind is arti .10watt/ft swesssetp— Mtn lust by Nett awl poor. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I lo prompt is sotto*. mom psis it oaoti sad rehabs tlrs likos4 = kgs allbriiisp kisi gsSiLlip_sist isli ossopisSosimlisos, so illy no sera Tiro of Use this save has Ws s bolostososolido is aoaelosi t iqoof that it Is so "ostsh-p9sW pr tics, pot to bass • letiolses p•poisalo, sad Ow sink to elm MOM Ado SS Choi • 105..9.1 for Sao b — J. DVNIXOBN. Na. al Slosfisof_ p 8. W. tOO ., No. NI frosoat Oboist. aostas s sad ly ill Draped' sollOountry navigators. 6 4 0 ' 64-2 7. - QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One Ire you had t r " Dees yea lob all of I 1 r. year bar Wane UM t De Has es It feel bank tad &Ass& hash& t le it tan tles gray Wore la timer the armap e yea troubled with Debbi, Wades esabeaton a Are you troubled with Daidisfr? arm I Are yea treated with What Le ealld Ilinatais as Salt Have yea had thsWoad LaVoie hair r Dare yes had tbe ta d lest Ur Dare yea had the rem, sad bet ft t Roiro Yea teltoloye r t . De ie. scab De yes ask sat &ad habeas hair ) Do you aria way ball ribaseed 1 De yea otsta year Thlehulese r De yea Irish nes reamed ae II abler t Do yo treat it ter year aDdrear Delon test It for yeausett, for ham of actaa, ter baba. deter or Dirndl Do yea vast te Babe a presseds I • DI yes slat & = tillan I Do yea bees s truths t it' De yea oast a mumbler Do yea oust a doable dialled waste t k . Dojos via a abaft atlas f m itzeira k a r t the beet proyezt e a ea EDI th=, ill =rearigs ll 4o,l " Pgr i la g lij oila akillit , :' zli 1 '',7l pi t ' t • ;;;!,,- ],-"; ) ....._l...,g'it.t—i ' s:.' ' "!: : : - I`, , • T OWIRKW -- , DismoD-1130,EITNE, FOR nitit.:ll4lo, TO BE UNIQUATATjaf - ABD7PBBIOB TO BVEB 411Y-PREPAILL OOMISIUBDWAXD *mum TO ilottstsotios rianolsod, or tam meow rotasfot. It sesta bat SI kr belliwor II batiks tar ta mid by Dnagiale sad Daises IrretriPbail- O. ay OWL& a 00,1torelotoss. S. BONIN • CO, N. T., aorta itoots. 10.61. Erie ' OGUiti v -16110 Y• Ay 'Wu Leastostotthi . BOARD OF DIBICTOII,B • OP TIM lerikes listinal ERIE COUNT* MONEY WILL BE BESEVED ut tli• maim outposts al tie Illaak. J. J. TOWX, Ossighli• Ma, Die. 1164—U izT77 7 . 7 : $5OO 1 43(1 ° WIWI n i, $09,009. MC WOAD NATION IL BANK - wta spa la Isiaide Monday ,Deember 10114. tk• IllraVed= me • Manions la jaws Emir mut of steistlatpalalf Pim& ' ,t, • • h - . T. l'lntotnin. (PM* &Mira , ,•' DUURCITCOI4I • WY. I. wort se a. et Jog. ai xr.3 4 - - I , r:^^l 's 1 to, arrow, osseelesosk-fro , _ _, X . s. oww It Jogs • te •a 0•600 1 ••Ir-vaini a 5 gam an giiiim fr om .IL Baia in " ' rrintekiwi tali?) rt. irk•...7 , 4 r • .:iiiiithhortnitergy— *mom at irrnar i ar r iti ., : r. l • . ib4 j!- • ifeir es of Ls blear tcl * •: As t os. ;ji i s m afeti r m I tirr= .4" '401•11 1M elplAZI • 116.'46"14611 %: "111 "Abe - •• 4 :4 lila *-; La Ni • .o,4lMalia.p Waif, • cum ',Lila:. ..111 1 1p=amIN 1111.1.M1NM.1100, Sas MI, ertablishil t 4 ispartartty •t Oyez all Giber basSai reporstissa QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, to Answer 1 BRPORN PURCHASI NO , Ali Pia*, F.rtes MIN AVD 11111 E LO D E 0 NS I .1b,„,„i„,,, Pam eaaiklaa my amorlaaas . t el lister usela.L. Tbe wanaatid 10 404 any sal ar dab Lowland workomaabip equal to aty aapriesa: 114,yea relict au flu lbet Me **- tams raised Maly apriart uy coriais amok lasabara Utts atty. ar. ward Away by of rife aa to pay ails crroameara as Mil cUuI lICIUIS ENORMOUS COMMISSION 1 Witch wilt hertarter basalt these who WS dsn is the eassait of frees VI to 211 per met, (sr 1- troth( rather el. kw the sem to the hem than to the meddler who beeeliti se one bes:dee lam a Delon au, draight and forward, and bats croaked things and idiom.. 1 meat net tab the prottriost of my Maria' udletreetd tbe thicarozrent ont at it. OT chart l4l = Rosily Into the Poor Bowe for the sake of tin hoary =Me melees through whose whimpering to Pious will net pr. bettor, 11 they ars not goad, auto& iltheysre gosh • . _ - I will pay to any DIN woman or child, the MOODS Dr mired 'or • Pismo with my rams on it, if Oily an set pleased with It, and I will pay • Ilsormild Deilsesto any cue who will thew ru ono on which the Frew lo Woks, souiPll - 14swIfotk sod Mask, Pishop this city and county. Let the peopleum sum ail poor Piaui arso-not the tesehera—enustally those wit leftists swatiaosats : let inch go setup they win My Pianos an warranted to be supplied with all good hoproteman is, and mast give astishritioa ot us pay. ~Mast ern elaweaUt all makes ma be had of ass M welt sad 'heap as any other men. ratios ready to purities anything in Si outdo lift, art/1 plami rementher that I am - dealing tart= eat llareithsty• generaily. and OLD' eller rani, strigkod by ang 7 ;i t ' a hert-Skry dealer. Pianos warranted me can be relied upon. 1 being Mannisstarsr, Tumor yet sad Musician , so well as Piscine. My "%ma/ grad, betanwil am gelid lu the amooat. My opinion in ruby ewes his been &basalt to Moos who puetutsed Pianos, and some vim 411 out tie lias • the at hat found the truth altar • while by Melte kw- • £ Plane forts 110440 IDOODDOte I. no totter for that resasuibit all Pianos ars good which are ludo right, the good good and the bud—bad. Cubes Nouse ars by me, as above mid. at Manyikurtursre- prism My stock on hand consists ot • very choke mleetion. and Is larger this any ever oilared for mishits. /PIANOS TO LET. ar Orders promptly ottoadod to. 116630114tt. Will. WlLlArtita. I Fall ilia Winter Goods ! SIRS. S. _U. lIALI. Woold roopettfolir toll Mantilla to her LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Jut romplrod from Now Tort e rombrottmg Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, &a., Together with ewes iDR Y GOODS! Whioll she will sell ' CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAY. CrTartketlai attention' paid to bleaelilas. coloring Stowe us Awe tit, 7 Soule above tits Depot, Um. Pa. ptbieft READ THIS •ADYE&TISEMEIIT . CUT IT OUT r And Show It to Your Friends, WHEELER & WILSON'S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES ! They are acksowledged to b. the BINIIIIILOHEISI ever istreftabdints this ooantrw. noir ssrtvalisd smear sot only is this mentry, bat till over ,the World, has mada it by far the most popaisr Yachts. sow is sea FOR SEVERAL YEARS They have taken tha teal of all other thohlsow,hat aloes Malabo haprovaosaats have beau added, ey of work ts ?adorned with mach awe aadrna that lity tie LADIES ARE IS EOSTACIES OVER IT I £.a4 it arias tt..dainttoa el ALL. We warraet them to Alta wen variety of the Wasted Raab to the thickset idoth. sato the esisbrated "Jodi stitshe irimsit is lasie Then hiao shine *VI do the work WITWOCT MIT BAN DM OR TIMPALTIO . vis lITVPOH, WM, WILL, CORD. MILWILIUL, =UD R TOOK, SEND die WALT. They nab &Di width of twat lenient wades* tuning er beetles ; they trill githey pool or eisie eas the mare i itioa doa't believe it, - COME AND SEE FOE YOURSELF She demand kr those sebbeated itaabinee, *lee w have been located In ibiN bes bet catcsicAlcf• At time we dad gre iat Olean, In Ma oar orders, este. Urea lan stockpot readved. and are ready tow any and all whir boy call or mad as their stars. Oarreeme are absently abed sad tanslabed, and oar asernenhoita bens tor anadastiorr the bagmen an not Mow litiodageraverisit.ftelagLe•ipirommieme at The W 021478 To as Landon, 1142. Tat teinuvnum. IMPOSITION, ?any nil £a Tad 112CtIlat1/0111.11% 2. 6 ai Mani every Etats 2llllll and Conti Tot,w Thai hen l, es kalted. • tramiated Was pan 1=1111191•J aan ansaantaa. Thu ran with t an ie rnunTana iambi& graad r ma wirir tows is opmatioa. If pa anima cosy, mad Oa assale at work sad a dzdalar bp sail. HOLT soma, Agwai. Cana . (fast Pan.) 1123441%. MANHOOD . 9 How Lost t Nur Restored. TINT PWILISHED & New Edition of V Ds. Courawstahi Cusesesse seer ea the radical orrejetturt medial,* otSresseeosasose., or Santee' W 1 . , .... Drrolostea Beadael L0u..., lira easmlleatel sad Mittel Iseioetity, Impedimenta to =eh , : : e1a0.006122122664 Vnan 664 ,22 •• or ousel extrerwuroo. heilit=orelops, WI 6 meta g r odebeeted anther. to this atalle ow, doily ilareesatrataa teem a thirty years eteceietal pudic% that the &lanais; cassequenese of esitabase may be rad lasily moil without the dur rose we or istusal med. Waage the eppliestka of the oot anode NI ewe et cape Ample. certain and mesas at shish every salharr. so Natter triad hie boa say as vare himself cheaply, privately aad ratseetk. This Lecture should be fa the heads ot awry yoUri sad ovary nos fa the had. Rest cadet sal, Is a pals arrelaga, to say eddralcea the =Zs end; or two parfte Masa eddrea the DUAL J. . MUIR A CO.. 12? Devery. New Tort, 1•11•61-1 y Fist Mee Boa. MM. NEW TREATMENT. tollammirriAL MEDICAL ADVICE. swum. trimuida Waskaws,andtiadita•t ftinutiai • Toga Alkiterttg. OS so on this Int toot to Um, hunter Sollottag, foot of Soperior nook Clovoload. OW. • lA ecu~t~r fovea. A Deport os the Nature, Tthatieset sad Care of Sisr vow sad ?bided Debility. Sathanallon. Speneatenteth Wen Elthergeltal Weems of the Newtons iMeat, sad Met dielease ineidestal to both me/. prelig of both mental and physical strewth tenth seiisit la total debility sad incapacity; shoo* why I timer .o erten appear taconite, wise la reality they has be efibethilly rwmered by the roost lithYte• sitimeL NOJI 5011111717f0 INTZNISON. Aa thetrormewt for the cam of Gement DOM, sr Seehareal Redeslost. mom property thews me ithelasi Wethaeres he. Om be l tly clued is from la days to two mon th s try thpormam e nor o ftlas imetnuthat tote sued oselotirtly with merlieinee. TOM iftlf ?AU PARTIGULAR NQIIC Drs. w. It R. Lamed take *mom Ia enamels; that they them latented a most haportaat thattimmit tar tie moo *Mr above dimmers. It hoe two sel§roted So t r a=tb id tret *thinewt thfstrabe is Leedom. Smith sad New York. It has bees di th ered the oily lastramest ever Ibtented thr the moo of I Witakeese, or Day theme of the medial mom. eased by the motet balms ot ;oath.. rho. Mat S. Weak theiritem s islY the that as tap the smite ofnt. pledge thew settee that Is asy inmate where it may wore wade- Alden% erafali sses triallextZ ll . 4 . al ism tp; , xtw :2 1 Z 41110 , mum ANDOcrtiat a rot tie Yeeemal Muer Dad all tria ll eeplaish =MAU% WNW wealth% Wm In UM= of tbe i lese go ami of the bad. ra% • Weal dallime lA6 body met wad. teeelmin4 Will Is tio mob warm*, of thlt= sal sassurfol potties in Nampo and :11 - 11. ( 1111110e1.1 - homed by is * rellittasee for rte. r d .W. 6 R. WUXI'. • Atireitrisltillith tout of Moak* adell4l. „ ClireitearOlde• • st‘ivolis;loise in Itsecoe;, •ni on orreto f soo rank - • • WITH A limas• TM earn book lee the haw, gide; Moto of Ze. - eft% kolietto Nihon to the reeett petied,havtes oute, • the .otooshive reirohnSeaa. 'boa ft vim sabriciai miesile !ellestiloa Leone arz,rose. ligi WIMER= 4 4 Ci,sz DILL. W. & B. I.lJUilitT. into. &ant ; Tax on.: suo. =St Us bal-ase 4.1- llstio , 04 tolia&flfte dd. ohinakthe waist. 11. but 1' th• taaisitzros 4tresisii•l6 I 4 sabseriptiss. Gesiturasto tAanidirietsbeekt illiailiks fl ..W...111. NEW- FIRM. noms, cimity4 onsui; lissasmati to ClierpoiSCL, Who*saki Grocers 1 'sag itaisifte4imaita et - as. and Candy I GROCOISS, PORK, BALT, NAIM, ROPE, ALX Willa, L1411708i1, *4l 444 Ulu guAgi a 811GAILS, COPPEZ, MQLBSI FRUITS, TOBACCO, 111 LARGE, CRACKERS lidhamilbstored .1 ' . ElLa ULT.?' BTEMiI BAKICRY CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES OIL V ITROL, CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE 411 the larwsitlaitst ilowastalal 6ibitage, ext., r. Erie Ale . Brewery, 'DARNER OF PARADE MID BUFFALO STR.EETS. Brio City Lager Brewery, CORNER OF POPLAR AND RIME STREETS. HI& Malt Barley Wareham% CORNER OF TTH STREET & CANAL BASIN. ' . Pais sal Maw EL as 4 In Alan, The SotQuig= Ws a llinal Varktioa at Lain, sad him Mods* The Clieliest Qaditles nitua Bediky, Oia I=4 mod Mr lvy A. SING. diriffillat REMOVAL. GROCRILIBSI GROCERIES! rEllaboniber has rumored his stook ersieris fres the duel above tie Lake Mee bother*. tko filet W.. on SW* Mrs* scare d Peasek. liken be MU be beefy to ..ebb biapal a* ** ezderi far goas—kie * deekgrAltesedff Wier. as ll mil*? easaW sad c& btsbit artos *he eeseleleet tbe orbpal mat, Se UMW ia ewes et *Tibbs fa Ids Ur to Ida • Ir. lICEINEDZIL WNW , ' THE PLACE ' • TO err Tom' iugant, BACK, ss .01 B.' COUGH:LUPO - BOOT & SHOE , STORE ! Mite atm. , Neatly Opgasbe tie Peet Mee. Beet eat Oboe , Wimps tbe Mat be bee teseertA bil salad le tie Steen lees es ebb Meet, Iresty emelt* Or Peet We, vim" be braes bb e4A Mesas and to glee bib a eat. etbatten ebbs la REPAIRING: • B•ob4 wad Tenable, set sagettatablibit Ishi beeisesehitielt,babelbees dee as good 11101110. lion aad MI at es lee vetoes ap say other poem la the oily. Good AU Wespeeted. AMERICAN HOUSE, WPM Wl= 001INZIOT ISZ PAIL & Brant ST ERIE. PA. JOHN DUNCAN. PROPRIETOR The trodefolgood ktiebkg tikes dirge of the above sendfseiss BOW sod relltied it to sipstior AFL, is =zolletts glum of the seabilepekosage. tease sod sesoasoodethste /goal to say In the lee thetoesesaloiee ad pawls from the cosetry • good Molds boa bees esbd to the segSll4la. J BriIeN6MINCAN. DRIJ_CB AT WHOLESALE. & RETAIL n ff W Bas aamodatoi with ilia la Limo Drag _brio J. ill. °arra, wader the Tina Ulla of Carter 4 Carver, S alma Ul• the bootaess will castleas to be 000dsetal attic old stead. Wl* salaried sloe awl laessemd is aUlties they hope to P.Olit• a . Moral ' dies of public It SPECI AL ATTENTION 11111 be daina4 to the :'~ = • = Dallis Is 0111111141111111144 g Issas uo nuisstrally La lOW to sits s boloripurokulag olsowbors EINTALIi DkPARTMENT 1/11 M ooadastsd, as bolustokr•• in a daraha lawilstr and vttik odiquoiltios to oblige our castomors. 11IN plisligliiiltt tali the sotto, et niyaidoois So OUP sits& of CNIMICALS, .W►t.i is tiro larrit . sat tau* nor Wove! to;thls jr higmo,o , ammo& bantalbs% witiraidll. ems Imam. i 0 i. 23. • 4212311M64111142111.7.31r5v0rr es 02 11. m. • • ' ~a r • •• .4. 11110 p. as. both imp 1111"1111* 411411111114 W4P0 n a air& • ' As - if • f r pad Apr 'sips J ono • !muft i . • .1%. • adip.. e IL A. 446. 46 11111. a. L. IBM% GS& Prlfftensitaiiiilwittlampset. OE ENE= -..-.. t ~?.. V i ill FLOUR, FISH, WATIrIt LIME, GLIM, -- 1 . CARBON OIL, TEAM, SYRUPS, SPICti, NUT, CIO A RS, OEM 4511112 'fa ':ID 7 IO7d I R WORD A 8 fiftlL.”, EEO r• - TARRANT% 0811:POOSA: 5ZT11.1143? lbw 02 , :ij o NL, awl Lb* .faelletwolos4 • VIIOOiLLODU mark traikurt • MIA no. waif lasallotaaaataatoot soda foe tho aariato tiammalfoo fa the kap slaw of dasoias of iattts _lO triack th y us applicablo.At arm Odor. Ilioaf via fia lhookoft. .br its ooasootratioa, ter dlias le wads oalbsof. 11.1116.-Paralaboas as advised u aak I.r ' farriateo Composimillrfraceof Was & apaiba, twltatnaatMlse alay oa haltatioao aoaoroillilooe pfao sada: lar ammo, are to tie taidapt. ' MI6 • bf upon on receipt *Woo - 46 CO.. , . ' Ho. 37$ Onbanwiab StrietComaz of Wartsu rniasi NEW' 4 .1/4 for wk. ey Dragethr JOS. EICHENLAUB, 11414VFACTURER SF BOOTS AND SHOES! WHOLESALE.&- RETAIL ! ITAXI PLEASURE loolouticing to At , . valid that 1 Lass Mdse. to my Prenerlattioa mimplet• fat: of StION. Whitt wilt amble a* to smsout,c,to rep and B.ute an/ Sham CPEAPEK 'MAW EIP.}O.7OFORIE Boring had looississriruor as' t.. tha wants air austo• 4811 Wks spiel& pains in preparing to stock to Nit Win. I hare the imcksios right is thLt city to snake the MIXER PATENT BOOTS 4t. MOBS for Ow WowOt army anatossars, and only ask a trial of thorn, tosatlsfrany am as to Asir superior comfort over -thole mad* folio old way. TM Planar Boot mods no breaking Iri; It Is as easy !ma is start as ea won for scoot time My • CUSTOM DEPARTMYNT . - Will metro Nei own and Mr. J. COTIER'S asootal - ot taatkoo-ocoatidai skill is a orltststo which cannot to sunned hs the country. Boots and noes repalrod on shot motto. . Cosistantly en hand •• l•rg• steel of . . LA57.1.4141 FiNDINes, flids:tag my thanks to sy Moods and anstomms fur pod pattinans“ boys by just aid honoratdo &shag to inset a raIiaISIMMICO of tas mawang ". ordtally ati to rah amise my stock lief purehastaa o sad inho whom marfritStf. '-risk's Lamp Heating Apstralasi bdILINB PYXIS° —STCWINU GNU NT6F,VINti With the Firer that Lights the Room I ...... By the lame of a common Imp, it the Coat els etat's worth of otl, a very comfortable breattbut cam be cooked. —.lf. Y. Triline. A ..pimple in construction, easily kept Is order, wad' for ass in • moment cognomina to have ou hand. Druggnoro ascot/gr. , Fish's Lamp la one of the must popular now oltiao of the day ,the minify of It is unottestionablo, *great ageing is Cunt* in heating sail eookingemall Ltd aim, and tun be mad* to NA units for • great many parsons, which Is actnally done ou the ambnlans• ears which carry the sick soldiers Sdegigic imrricaa. For funily.tun, hospital tank bans* W ider, dolling, Cursory or wick room It is an article of comfort beyond all proportion to Ito cost Editor Oni Oil OireggLer. An avoticunical contrivance for getting tip heat at short aotica for nursery and poem! household IPTP OO4I , one important polot Is the saving In oval over coal ere* N.; Ertatet ?wt. PRICE FROX TWO TO SIX DOLLARS CAPACITY FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKED AT ONE TIME wrra ONE BURNER . • rrooged for Kerosene or Coal 011, or Goa. A desert : F. Use pernplet at thirty pages punished gratis. Also. THE UNION. ATTACHMENT, PIM 60 OMTS. Tabs attached to • oostses.Keroseisa Lamp or Gar Boras; 117 whirl' mart may be , boiled and footicookedA also a:mod to rapport & Owls. Ir.7ltRY FAMILY NICKDS ON& . W. D. RUI3BBLL. &pot, ray71 . 64-Bco. No. 206 Pearl et-, N. Y. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPFRA, PA. ISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEMI , . D ' SAL and Bsxva.t. Sumo— new and ratable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION— kat mail,lnsealederrrelopes, ftee et eltbrys. 414tInes D. J. SISILLLK HOUGHTON, Howard Asstreta t tio nv : l t . No.2 Sobel Ninth St., Pb.lladstphls, Ps. TO NERVOUS SUFERERS JF BOTH sitxxs,—.l. REVEREND GENTLEKAN harts( bout nostond to Math in a few dam after uodsr golag all the mil tontine and ftlar assassin modes of Irestasii without rooms, 000ddslu it ftif WWI gull to oconutastrato to hisatlittad fellow crecturas the toms UV's Ram, es the teeelpt of as addremied eurolom mud (free) a copy of the ptesatptios used. Di m.* t" ft" imp Y. Dateram., led Tatto• tame, amok" D124-Ir. 4 - C. ENCELHART Dealer in Boots & Shoes! £lBO, I idNITP4CTITUR OP CIISTON MADE BOOTS AND SHOES : ! WOULD take-this method of return ing hi, thanks t his Mends sad the pato& for their Mani patronise hanitofore istassied him, and hopes to We • eoutlanidloo ed the MM. 1 take Amnia to inform the poblietbst 1 still ad ititSAD Y MADE BOOTS AND SIiOSS AS CSECAP, if wet • Leila Clieiges, na4ta ... n006. is this lass, and lam stillese lbo 4.0.6• 1 Zaftig. a*d a be da. twit .• =bet tbe BIM ot WORVlVerimSer pes&or of 0. =US. Swiss obtalood to use the - /lumen Patent Last, lam low plowed to mho the Flamer ratans Boers and Shoes Is • manner not to be eurptiood to Stylised Wartmanabip. Cr" ladylove limp on band • selection o`i,the best. lands of and American Caltand Yip& \ P. s.—Repalrips &treaded tn. terlS'ittr AUTUMN ' TRADE. ----OHN C. BEEBE . Lamas • attention of ;nrel tasataek . to 64 large sad .. of ~ SEAIIONABLE. GOODS! How rocsiviag tar the - Fall & Winter Trade! Ptßautaltd iinatar 314DerViad nn Da sold sw4asse CHEAP FOR • CASH! .1,.. tarp stook of Boots and Shoes, ~ ....h will I. ~..d at prices far Wow tie ixossait. Woo. ict6'64Ba. FINKLE & LYON'S SEWING MACHINES These Maebisee makeelock-mitear aWie ea both Oda, sad ain left th an f thread sad silk QM the stogie or doeibis thread Al limn, Tell, Gather, Ceirl, hrsid, tai &'hubbies and a n ts better adaptell thairmeyotbat devise &eines in us, to the frequent Menges end mit variety of earlog required is family; Ale Nosy $ my tray one to teensy thickimes es of II aresillse eiltioat stopping. and Makin eta & poem; or from the hires pole to the hmileetbeanr eat, or even the *tents/t harmer leather; without charging the teed, needle or Minion, or maths say ad justaesat al Ibublos whatever ft I Theywdupleineonetrostionandessilyeaderstood: and if any pert to brakes by amides% It M readily re plated. . There are PICCILAII PACTS, and will go lir to iletensios the choice at any istallient buyer. Plows Call sad Jhelum or send for Circular. N. B.—Lient Spatenssted la section not yet otto - pied. Shrum. - rusittas dc LYON IC AL CIL sipT&S-Iy. No. 63S BROADWAY, NYW Ythtit, NEW GROCERY STORE. The naiszsigniod have opened a wow aroma Elt;are, oa the LAST MB OP STA= ST., &I HOUR= PORTS OP ii/LJIOAD BRU)O4 Mon Um bong hopplas • tali Jiimbr OBACICIILICS. PROVISIONS, VIROCIAZILT rfAYlt • TANALSIA NOTIORN . WilaLOW !8188, CONTBOTAONABIBS, TOBACCO Bo CAGAN" Lod everything woolly ea Mad la on odoblioloooot of the sort W ars iteteasslust to car aaloo4 timiseisieits sisal Mb: Seders is We esty, Watts UR pabita MaltUe essildestlist we can Os estlreesUAsam. • *WSW. • P. A. 'ISM ♦ tral. GROCKLERBI GACKIENTES I WHOLESAL AND :RETAIL. • P. SCHAAF, would napktia* bar that:UW*4 Diktats abased 'Ho. 2 Hughes' Erie, Mora to will alma keep ea band a largeesnly et GROCTARLES, • .PUCKERY AND WOODEN' WAITi v - AvinMs. sigmas, ctua4w.'• 1 • Awl earylkass amity kr mak la is arabadviiimat ai the Wei. M isr winsitwaltio as sag Obit at ia the =ILIM!= i MYsifai' _• 'NANO FOITES AND MELODEONS, , From On lollowtag cokbratad, I.t. A U ACTU E 3 teintraY k aorio,N ow York. Wm. !Labe k Co., Roltltoone, tid - tairoiliemn &Boas, New /ere. Wu. B. Bradbury, New York - Joke IL.Dorakam, Now York. Graveness k Co , New York. 'goo. Priam ik , Buffo 10, Caen" liaighaskot Co.,,sew Iftia hies' at.s. Large Discount below Kali facturef's Prices. PIANOS FRO3i, F 250 TO my() ! 41-9, Net nacticullooke Lod : -, bret Waal% All poracmotrialibn a OM its Pismo Porte or liteleakt oa, ero trioltai to all and elite' las -a or lostrameato tele eureka/lag e/hoorbece. Byes Block, 'fate rirert, wall opposite the Post Ofec.o. ZEBINABIAITH. CT P 3 -4141 7 IA .truro.t. I Mt+ rael.l rot eve yam. wore& ly. 18 64 - IitTFFALO & ERIt IL R. ON"4 after Itiorkay; Oct. 316 t, 1664, Pawner Trains grill Too on this Reiad to follow/ LEAVING ERIE. I Neat Expels, stopping at W.tbeld. Duakurk and Silts' Creek, arrlN•• at Buffalos( 4118 . Cu at. (I-, Mail sad Ir.usx 0.014,10 y •t Statluos and antraaat floiLdu, at (l 11.1•. V. 2 W P. 114:My Eritrea; etoppiug at North Last, West Danktit, ellytt Creek, and Angst.", and arrirlog at Bn(t. at .5 Co II Ell P.ll, 411(isassali Express, k•toppit.s at Dunkirk and Silver Creek, sad arritMl at V eikik • at 20 00 P. U. . • • Ms Day Itiprais st ituLli awl BoineloOlc ttio Nlabt k:aprars at Buffalo only. •tthDaproas trains for Nsw Tort, Pixtlattslphis, Boatoa. LEAVING PFAU 6 su A.ll, Mae lerrero, stepping at all Stations sz• - rept learckbate, nipley t:reeming, kletehaad mad Weabsprille, arrives at F.rie at 1919.1 A. Y. 1 le" P. /A, Day Eritrea, stopping at Aajola, igArer Creek, Dattirk,l9eAtaula awiNerth Iteist.arriviad 61.1Crie-at4 0, P. Y. 4 30 P . ll, Mail 4 Ace., aLipplui at alt :tuitions sad - arrives at Erie at 9 16 P. U. 12 lu P. 11.,/91/61 Kr` pref., etapplug at. Angela, Silver °reale, Dunkirk and Welitneld, artiriag at Brie at 3 60 A. M. • Railroad Urns la teu nhuutee Cuter tow line Mete Ray 210441 _LEWIS GRANT. , RAP' * HEAD QUARTERS • voR - CHEAT GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINKS' AND LIQUORS. F. ek M. SCHLA.IIDECILEE, are now receiving at theirold stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of • GROCERIEs, PROVISION ti, WINES., LIQUOR., WILLOW, WOODEN, AND• STONE WARE, FRUITS, NUTS, Scc., together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kincLi of country produce. Tit., here also on han,l one of the largest and Loan Stooks of Tobacco and Se ord ever brought to Erfoh, to which they invite the attention of the pablid. nr Call and - aite ts—a taxable sixpence ia batter than is shilling, consequently Cub buyers will and great bargalzul by ailing at the Grocery Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET hula 186.1-43. F. .% M. SCHLAUDAKIR. ERIE COUNTY MUTUAL INSUR jta Incorpoeated in 1859—Charter Pawatial 1 rrelieris' 'steered Amy b, Fire for may Term aot pap.sedisa Viva Mars. Policies; lasnoti upon tne deposit of Premium Notes, et upon the payMent of the usual Stock Retie in None, withost lite liability of a Premium Note. Loam pad without litigation. One suit may baa ever been brought against tb a Compan7. Tkur Canape:, ea entirety fret fns bit, amt u s safe Pone ixatitavdmi DMECTORS. lIIA. B. Hays, Jas. C. 14.u-el:mil, Jur. li..itarott C. li.Tlbbals,, , ' D. B. li'Croary, . E. Babbitt. Wm.r.itinelirto•Kbt.J. Zimrae.r:v. Wm. S. Brown, Gaup A. Elliot, icenjamm iirst.t. Jaoob Hanson. J. M. Autos, . 1 1:710E.1t- JAIL C. btassitaLi., nu; Joaaa uraviaos, Sao tin. RINDEILS - : CET. Tr aj. <Mos, in Vows. Goonictla MaCrot:es Lou Mao Obaapaida. Erie, P. JD* Jana lIVISC4I NE 11 7 F. 1 R TCANTITRE eKD w.DErkiLegiligi WAR E-R O Ohl S! On State St., between Boretith and Idglath. The Babeertben have euterod into tbe Cabinet Making and FURNITURE 'TRADE, _ And Fors* making to order and keeping ounetantly oa hand AU kinds of Furniture. Orders will receive prompt attention. Rapidan; done • on atoll antic.. UN DEBT:AKIN' G. . ghe atibecribem will give special attention to this me. weat of their busmen+. That' will and keep constantly on hand 8, large assortment of itetaille Cases and Coffins, and hold themselves in manna to meet orders in this line, promptly, from ant part of the ociUktry. Determined to spare no (aorta to giro latish*. tion both in the. onall ty of their goods and prices, they hope to mime s liberal duce of pubUe pia° age kfOORV incr. more to-J. H. Main READY ROOFINC I 1:416.1, to -nail down. it IS AB Y u OFtt ft, ►t Ism Una hilt the at of tin roots ILEADY Ito FINlli, It D Y R. 00Jr I ft 41. 1 saitabl• for atetror fist matt. lartADY ILOONINtiI, For ali lauds el bnildiags. is 4,11 aubstee ILICAOY FLOOPINti, • Badly, eimailly and cakkly put on. Nadi id cost:tail over with es:tient after it is nailed down. ILKA.DY Made of a stroug woven fal.ric, thorouyaly iaturstiod aud - coeered upon bothsurfriers with a perfectly water grafweeisposition and pot up in tolls needy for use--40 wide and feet long. We also manufacture LIQUID CEMENT, /or Leaky Ttn Roofs, ranch cheaper ald more darattts than oil paint. Airo, o, COMPOUND C.RigENT, for LEAKY' 8 NEILV. ROOFS. wlach will often wire the eost of • now root. Samples of Baum Boon s° and Circalan aunt by mall shwa catalred. - FaYOrable terms made pith ntaponsible partied who buy to sell again. , READY ROOFING CO, atylt4m. 73 Malden .Line, N. V Erie &Pittsburgh R. R. riHANCiE OF TIME, COMMENCING Nionday, Oct. 31g, 1561. TRAINS Lb:AYE CM. #OlOl m 30 A. K. shame aposumottaika, slope at all titakleas ind 4r/tenant New Castle at 11 Na d /4. 4 16 P. IL. Freight No.:. stop. at all stations incept Croaiwa, Sprint. Contna Road,, Clark, Bawl?, Far nun, Swaneille, Fairview ital Isprialw—wertnns at Sharon at 11 29 P. Y.. 1 14 A. K. height No, 1, stops at stations, and arrives at Sharon at 2 SS P. M. 10 24 A. R., Piltabargli Exams, stops at all stations, sad snivel at New Cutla at 4 30 P. N SIAM LEAPS NKW S 00 P. /Si Acoomotiotion, stops at ail Statism' sad arrives at Sharon at t 00 P.N. 9 IN A. 11.., Basle Mtpreas stops at all stations, sag arrives at Erie at 4.00 I`. L24Tlti SHARON a IS P. /d Freight N 0.4, stops at at all Stations oust; Rawls's Fitrnate. Clark, Dayville, Coats* Soso Spring and Crosses, unsex at .Crte at 11 16 P. 14 4 Et L. M., Yrelgt t No. 2, Stops at all Mat= wont Rawls's nonce, Clark, lop:villa, Ceavis, Sprtag and eroaars—arrire.4 at Eras at 2 15 P. 31. foist/SIM K. N. RRMVII, Rain. Army and Navy ! j UST It• EC EIV D, another lot of ft, WRITING &MUST CAS/14 the Sweet artlale to the world for those In the Navy awl Amy. Those par• ohs whe hey*. Meads to either branch of the meter ehhaid seed them this acceptable and aortal woes& At eeplEee4.' ' YOU) 6'd gIIPORTUIt. Jacob Van Loon • mw Orr the use of - Counnan Pleas of Trio cone% S. J. %lOW. Ts. /AT. ill. No. 32, Wm Terw,lllo4. Oylithia - • • Auditor ippsints4 bb lb* Court to sake distribution of the money inaaroa the above sto %dint% will intend to the dusiu of his ar Now twast la the sity of Erie , on the 17th at •Ittit it o'slady r. 7. MI A LOD Medi • 125MERMI Gal -1 111041. . - C.4lLitiVA Yore aluilan Ulan un It 00 t.l tvi, 0, Auditor's Notice. r;ala Ulu* tense Waters -Raiiroltd. Ksw 1110/10 GUM] , rassaßgerrrneibt. IRA Egress 144 . liglete• nhomkticifi et iliasolaacc . t..l4, "'tap nu Way. terms esetituos AIR Itoottra tr to Altraii Clowolaad. e Of sad otter em • T MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 16a t Tbsulkils Passaavassitizeight Trslo• ;;. kr!) Wows CLIMRLAND AND 2412 W NF.W AND INIFORFANT P.IY3ItYOF It h..t unease caacwro rstortv • Posteueeta Hits line hate choke float between liew Tore and Boston. 77CLETS elm be °Helsel at soy of the (555 VIAL .101inWay LO4 all 'Hokin OikLa of CCLocy.r.: West or oloottmeet also, at the Central i usdeethe Weddell Roush Clevelsod, Obi.. • %Hi for Tloluile 111. the A. 116 lA. W. AMP KRUK 1t.%1L b%t, hilleagef Troia* Mop at Liasairilie thirty 'sir , paseebgers amp. time to dins at et, , 00 11 11C,'" the beet Railway Hobe in ths s• IvAeW 4,ND EXPXDITIOUs FREIWIT f,) LI IL Nu trwashipeasat of Visight betwrs., , n ilsraisats to the Wrilt nod 3orchs,s,.l %holt advent**. to °Hsi , thsir ito.nis to nr , ,• ,„; the tdo and abseil* & Great WI,; ! _ . lowing trouble 'mi./leo*. RATE% Oft Il LEfiGitr AM I.:1:V OTHER Af.t. 111.411. Farktet ottenUo till On given to ths ? tenon of freight of all Hada, Foe, c.r The Keene*, Cm end other,fr.sot, p Y ere •ntlrely ors, and alb. 7 IA uo ty 'direct H.. t- =I Via.lleadrille or rte., lawn Leer rttsbargb,;the Yocuogrtowss sad tho Coat More Me Read la beteg extended, 411 d %111 6,4 L , plot, roasts% order to Galion, Elrtere, t,. , clarkatl, without break of nage. . J. PAIMWOMM, Goal nil ght Ag•LI. T. FL GOODllelq, Goal Tteirrt A sect , " H. P. NWURTS ki it Ott*. Ww - Alasiar, J. 11 MOM, Mimi . b T. E AGLE FOUNDRY raga at, aims air Napa. . Henry, Bryant & (euelmobaurs to /Lebow& aLItIPACTCIWiII ur PARWR,(X)OIC. AND OFFICE Ttn Bazar IsoxlV.ixt, ANI) ALL 111 D 9 IRON, 4 ..4111, ersry Stan 'sold II varmatod t.. 6,, Kottloo.Stotgh•ohooo, Sod Itoosoft.: , sheared to ardor. Ptnwaurb PLOW Pozen °limpet - ler cr,,, kelt, away* on load. A cal awl a fats tna, else Is all we ask. RRNRY. BRYANT & 1• . • mares—tl•. nem Mea's UFlsUan REGULAR LECTURE COURr FOR THE ENSUING WINTr AT FARRAR HALL A. JAA. 2.llth—Proit. E. L. YOUMANs, Sigeottee Lecture. 9. Jan. 3124--B. P. TAYLOR, of tie (.44ca, Subject, .11 Capture ol Lookout Mountain • • 10. feb.l449—MA. isv. Wallop CLARET. Jett net yet aosoused. 11. March kltb—Ren. E. B. MAHN, N not ist sanounced. It. Marsh let. 9-30119 9 (RAM and Fiction." Tioketa for the course, With FAw.rved . °Gored for anise. FARRAR BALL, on'laGNl A' ISO, NOV.7Bth, at 8 o'clock" at the folio% Li' 7 . Ono ticket"... Two ticket!" Three " Your " Five •'• (Entire 8 ettoo.) Lash additional ticket, • * Ticket, for single lectures, BO caste la the ComasUm can, on no toraldkrs: . promise to reserve. Haste before the ttre rrn persona dealringto secure seats are req4c*fy not to apply to them for that purpo. The slight advance in the prick of t'c:.. of last year la made necessary by the is the lectures, printing, de Cita bi4v td, 'boa BANK NOTICE! Heist,* National Bank of 6 CAP.ITAL, DIRECTORtt SICLBEZi It ARVIN, NOUN c ELIBO MARVIN, SEVIER, TO • 0. NOBLE. ORANGE NOBLE, Ersti4<ar rant J. TOWN, Cat Tte taii.b till G614.4%6(.4 fc.l business or, Monday, Dec. sth, in Hughes' B 1 Wastaitte at State St, between Errettc.....:4F7 : , Satisfactory mat discountee. Money tiossicad on Deposit Colledttone mad. and procmods 4.4.13G41.:1:4 proseptassa • Thstta, Spools and Bank Notts boairbt ac! , A gum 4.1 Public Taffet a / a is regractf:lll,44 CARVER & HONECKE MKMO/1/II TO J -B. . QABvEb WiQUM'S.% a 32/4. SIZALZEi L. Leather, Hides, No. $ Perry Slodt, State St, an., IL CoastastlT as hand a tug* twat c: SOLE LEATVII, MOROCCO, UK' BARDIIIMS, FRENCH Sc AMERICAN CALP.SEINS UMW AND SPUN, PEN, LASTINOB, GALLOON alio. a ma ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKER. , I All a that'. odor low U%MU OR PROMPT Yii ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS. CO the Seta:Alm would respectfully ahacur.:i its of Vie and vialalty that be eau Le Coal during the pretant yea:', 1 " HIS OLD S't CORN= or FIFTH STREET AND THE L Peraosui desiring to procure soy kit; ;" • 'typed In LA.Re_ R OR , SM ari4 A a L t LL 41) LOWEST MARKET tiBl trUad Ming "ate attantioa :11 Anthracite Coal had will goal open s twit far that purro• RAILROAD BRIDGE OVER MILL When I will Imp oa band THE BEST ,QUA.LIi Of that kind of cos,. Cr' Orden for either anthracite or 1 . 111444, 1 Rill Os promptly attended to. ma'am.ti" MORRISON & DINSM WIIOI.IIIIIAIII DIALtILS IN Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, I , cLO VEIL, TIMOTHY SEEP No. 2, Wayne Block, FS F non STRUT, Bawl. Afl am i d Sts., _ layfrialr. - Sawing Machin THE CHEAPEST & BUY EITHER THE 1t t 1 BINCER. , The uaileisigued h&,U reeL•p e ot , ,`" titz for the &bora oelebreted calla the attention of the public to Vo es%: . 1 hey Re acknowledged to be the the thaw% In the market. , Sash Machine has all the ietegt try, tot mast than fat Popular to aay n'ber ° "`y: ihasois desiring to parehase a Fon:4 , awl it et aihealere to tall and D eat. elembeti. YO, --Oes en enhibltion et say stort, DriZAVIVIS tho Park sad srreate V • A. H. CAUGHF.I. R DAVY' P.. I'. GA(.GIN, C. SHIRK, • C E. GUNS;,:ro. H GIZMO