The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 09, 1865, Image 3

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    °READ. ENGLISH itHilim
Telebratrpd Female Ms.
LEI I.: H s
...a P r •ampteux .f ssr J Clarke, M. fl.,
' Fa .h
raeraary to Ikk Qlllllll.
Lilt ItIll.lbtt• MedALP' a uutalliug fu the curs ot ell
4,011.1' i . t.thier•la“ 3i4easeeto-whlch the (malt,
t.i i„ulyr, t. It roodetaleo all eves' and re
.ll tad a ?Treat cure may be relit
It will, in &short time, brigs on
tott.e, r, bears the Government
nteS' lli 'llil,,to pre. ept rot nterreltil.
Le baps by Rosales dmring
buttW,.+7ll>W,.+7ll>rroncy, they ari
, „. isl sag ether tiles; Ike,
tiou•., ralll , o lu
ar. i. : "itOtt t.a. t i liUtl,rlll4l l.-
Palls Wan
e 310 11.1.
• I 1 t• 111,t o.lll.lUlr4lll,4„%linWit.
,• , tln'f. .aI 1,01 11, the ~..I,tOlOC
~. , ;,
o e.tteOli
tl ; PHI (.6 1 : 4 1" ,
,Lated AuJ Ce”,,11,
, Ne% York.
j„l4 .1111 j,
o.o•.•t .....14”..t1 tn any ILU•
..• .
..1, itre • hottle, outalu jug to
3 u,
(. ta..ll%ll.l.'4CiTtititis
, • poled 1,0 the b ee t
4,1 011tit:CiftIVIII, I ' ol. l . IV nig 'ICAO
Ir 11 I
ttL t, It !As nII oiralleut retnihly
. in t r. I . :IA has torru re imera
eta gat— ttNittail Flea
at:l lU 1 41.“11414 beet, KrVAIIS unproved by
, .
u teeabte, not gives IIIMEItt•
t to. ll,' .1 I. 1%, 1,111, e•u.ed II diseases
mire toting it are delurbtfal
roratinz. It and purge: nut all ob
l on a, amoral. rot the gl T
inti• tud Orel a healthy
To the part• adeetnl
than Ito rta f of Dr Marshall's
1 1 !: thadtet.p Natal bait proved Its great value
bead, mod at this,taa.
.1 -0 ‘e 1, torber than aver before It la reeomuzlood-
WA, f the by; ph aroane, mud, Is used witli great
ororr Read the Certitt'os te
~,a n te lim a :lift , In 1:5•4
kflcl4 LIMA' , yea:. been ocqoalo
dh Ur flanhalt I) awl - Head* , Le dour, anJ
, iced., , lll. state that web
,.rery reepect, to the retninatanda•
tb,e care of eatat h A fleittiona, and
lecidcl . 4 tbe tent article we have ever know*
calm,* diseien ct the Head
Perri, Reed, Myatt, k Co, Brown, .Lstosok &
t ,Seth Fairbaok
• Ileard..or, EdroAudd h Co-. H. H. Hay.
Lot. It le nands.Stotetten
. ,IeltelI1111.1! R (',A IdeC.mou * Hobbitoa,,
otr.r! t`., , !Walt & Hale,
.I, t o - TI
extraetiee matte?' than
r , „, ; pl , ; la the ::,rid; hay-flee
•• , I . 1/.- 1., O w l. pt•t.tiJll to the
‘„, the nr...1 letter of their
:• ire ..,.i•lr 1 Clen they are illol/0
- u IJau 1.11, r,etiu•lei r1,1.0.3di Will 14 Of
•-r i-t tt,.te c L L. a them ep3eh righ out to
I* s i•ir. I.4ret 111.
I vttLttol ttlo
sal II L... 1. ta.valeot:
rui. .14‘.1 14,41,..t. 61/I 116:1111141
h. u.,ir • orn oareat th.
44 adlictsat
....L 4 •L2PT I tbi , t,3301 health
•Zr:rA ule ICA. ippi•
la, lAN lu t6a kavat
.s , I''.. rill
LiNEDI iit7e Whial
04. 61,!. CI • 19 , tn, incoutevtibla fact
..t e.,udy
IL.. (los it Z.44i.10111
s., ,:ei
Cristalorn'J HEar Lite
l'uvaeLqut tLs Wel tesl• /al Le: ti
Itikrolich tGO nrr•+,
.11./ Ji .1 44.3 :vtt 4 CAASuI uT 6.4.7 shad'
. m g ! eer v.6l*, acid Is as/steed by
•I .t
4,V.111 ithltt "4. t.(ur
.ti mos
IINI/ D ,° 'V L'3l k. : 4 4 N. rur CAU forscoto ot:
s.r y,f;At tv thIA cit. arA ►tclalty Lir. Pobles'i
.tt In . .u.l .pfely ,ur. bit
t' 47, D444s•A t e, aa.it4 tutu omit lbzo,
4.t Ike limbs. We add") every
, r:..!. it. eXpeUill II luare tdAA—tS
a., 'Arson will aver be"with.
• E.. • , IG•lib -uuutd Lay. • tattle tic the house
utel.lJul a:ctouts, such se . ate, Larnr, scalala s
;;.lvo r-iitllt'ig qualities are miraculous Astor • its have the osrUlicatas
all Ariaddios4.lica,
it , Actl Stfeet, N•w Vurk
tiblu.. TAKE NOTICE! •
1)3 Flrineaiala /it Ca , of Buffalo, nova dilieovaraki
z anr.i ca.rticA, ty which ail disaupoit cut bp
t:lcili...lly cored by the patient. without the
lir. F. le the enthor of a modleal
0,00, valr, ;2 00, glaloga roll explanation
They Olio putilleb a mentLly
,Au4ite numbers will be seat
„ !,t. IRM ENICH It 00,
- Beffelo, N. Y,
A Curd to the Suffering. •
'1.1.11W1i.,4* - -I., g itmatlA ..8,1c1.,e,"
..... , r.rtapttrilla," "'Nervous Ariti•
. , „k hn.l r it, PLtifiCed with the
tr, box 11.11 iifiCITOR RUCH a Ni'
1 4 ! 7.1'!! - on restored to health
'hie thirty tartt. They are pure ] ,
t.. tai., prompt ..n.l naletary to their
~.d ohattored eourtitution:
theta with
Itn onlj by
tar Brlnpiway,
New York. fur the Uult , tel
.1 ~t rarely pat:lted, will bewail
"' "It' tr.-0 .tt prtee, which a 1/at
rt.tti r,.'ae.t.t.l by the Asyut if entire
. ji23-202.
r`041(11 , 6% & EX - PERI FACE
uM A N kitlit/U4 INYAI.I4
(..c noLl Lull as ze, caution t,". i uQu ff
...1,, n4,tlvr Um. No rTOO• I.lllty, PIO
,• ;cecal rl a.eLoua, .applylog LLB w~me
IL , 1.0. a Ry Qua .111011 M if
pliVilery. By .0 13 " 0 "4
I till rim pv,Atagle,coplei may be had
tot.r, at Ya!IIkL illyrai it, FAIKj..
•64 I, Kluo x•
/1.-N t\, rurel of Nervoue Debility, le
th-t‘y and Yowthiwi
44,r. to teueht othrrA, will ha happy 1.4
oh urrl U . lirre 01 dist ged lbw recipe
renie,ly tiled is has
1.. vront and
a.aV0,11.1., Iw tll teeelve the a. stir. by
u e..teru.l, tma1..1.) by 164.1tv.CLIg
Inlf B. 1 .41010.4.
hh.el NIJAAU
I 't r ipirrf YES,: —A f ret sol
tt, I.; L^,ll le/11111d to brallb m et.. snot
y torAni..4 w ,14 u.: to ++.,'‘, big 144trult
• ,e•.re-1.2.....,0ttia, tlired the riaraipt of I
• , 4 a Wrrola.l voioli.o. a tory of the feremie of
inti M II titNi PO Poet olleee,
Krooklyu, N. Y.
CtiN.II . II IPTIVi';‘, - uoderalgoetl bagiug
Arallb iu a la* weelva, by a veil
recte:lt, att.; t , ntleril Eererat yogis %Mt
" "th , . s mtian. and tga , drevl dloe.go, Can.
aa.ions to :Lake kooso to hia fellow sat,
~ L e ( 141 . 11111 (I„ Jr•
• all wt.., It, 4u n.. t.n.l • copy the Pre
-41.1041 wittt the ./irettluos for
teat all, whiith they will dud •
<4,.• Attlisr.4, Cola,,
L. 4, Till •ffilt r,Llerl ..f ttla iblvartirer i 0 Paua
It• 0, to Lrurnl list kin iptea.l
6 %.4111 */,,1.i be invaluable; and be
rt M,II lry 6.e ivenwly, me it will cost
and mar 1,.r SAlntl/110of
• lio• the I :••• not tot, trill please sidtekll .
I ' l " . t Hi. WIi,IUN, liftlluutisburg,
• K• age CouSt s 14 " r. 1••
nr. UAI U tt . rti t3intsc, an-Raw ! of Aa r
earm 14itra-tila Young lieu-I'4°44u" Ab 3
sAc tie , l , A,r4.l e.nt fro. of elute to lealad
,1, 1 . 4 •
LDEV, ilubc oulphlot argot-
L I " . 4411:y rcitol,s 'tett and VIII DI/ doe
. b 7 +uall, Ina, no receipt of ID
d 11,
brooJray. New Vent
. .
. .
Willit.rsl4 Oar
at,} INII 4,41 brri I tatil to grus ua the
' 4441 : Leif Os tall t0...1., to .ti
it v.; everychsta,aus•l
von rteel t
w ,RsE2 gar in, litrooklra,
lame a * .ortabent clYalt. 144)441."'1T"
Heads, as: 4 m s" ,
:am:, ecru biaziallamPisdreelibi ea
- Weds "Myr.;
qt! E, PA„ MA.llCifikiir.l.Bo
The Commits of thie city, on Monday eves- •
log, adopted a rellollll/Cia to Ay
. ..509,4, per
eons who go as Tektites" on the loneditiet
city, sad - Smother, asking the Legielateii,
pass an act -permitting , them to 'pay each
drafted man who enters the service, or pro
cures a substitute, the sum \of $5OO. it la
said, that while the State provides for
paying -bounties to volunteers, it makes no
provisions for relieving eoesoriiptp. Leom•
mine* isle be sent to Harrisburg to urge our;
Senator and Representatives to.proeure the
passage of the Proposed taw , and as the peti
tion in its favor hoe been signed by many of
our heaviest tavrpayere. we Prelegie HWY
will not hesitat., to push'the Inman through
with all proper haste.
We must say, however, that we have little
belief that the members Of thaeounoils who
hale persistently opposed the bounty system
haritofors, really • intend to carry out the
spirit of their resolution in an honest man
ner. if they are 'jai:tore la their intention
now, why did they postpone action at the
time when bounties could probable have
saved us from a draft altogether? The reso
lution of Nlouday night
. was passed under the
influence of an excited public opinion, and,
with the probable intention of evading its purposes
by some future course of action. We shall be
happy to find that our surmises on the ques
tion are unfounded, and meantime suggest
that; unless they are willing to be cheated, it
will he well for our drafted citistens to•heep
close witch on certain non liable members of
the Councils. Whatever the motives that in
duced its passage, it must be admitted on :all
ha - nds, that the tardy action of the Council
looks much like the old idea of , *loOking the
door after the horse is stolen."
AN Om Patscc—Everybody in this part Of
the country has heard of "Johnny" Steels;
the youug man who is reputed to have more
money than he know e what to de with.—
The stories that are afloat of his eoceutetci
ties exceed in number and astonishes'st arty
that can be read to the Arabiaa Nights. We
meet with the following, which is summed to
refer to Johnny, in the New York Ilv,Book :
...Au oil prince, arrived itt ' the city, and
pitting up at the Fifth Avenue Hotel; dater.
mined to see the sights. Ue ordered a coach,
and hie first experience was in Central Park.
Hie drive was so much prolonged, that his
coachman bad grave doubts as to whether he
would receive pay for his services . His ales
picioue being 'Fouled, he intimated to the
gentleman tivit a little payment, on account,
would not be uuacceptable. The hint was
promptly taken, and the *coachman was some
what surprised when asked what btu slab
liehmeut was worth Hts valuation was, of
Oeurse, up to a high mark, but this made no
difference The petroleum gentleman, with
the tuom,perfect cooluese, put his hand In his
pocket and drew out the - required . 'mmHg in
greenbacks wad closed the bargain While
he remained in the Mil he sported his own
establishmeat, and on his departure made a
present of it to - hie driver.
Henxiter Roues, Union --- r t well kept coca
try hotel is rather the exemption than the Ms
in Pus pert of Pennsylvania, cad when we do
wait with Late, we feel a a sort of duty la--
jeGetil 11
cumbent upon in 1.1 LlCtinautcucate the fact to'
our (ea teri Pte Hyde Hattie, at aidgo4.
and Robert Leslie's Zinn Natal, at Waterford,
have always balm among the favorites In'onr
catelt.goe. 4u:l iv these we Dolt take feleialle•
in anidiug its welt !mown Bennett 001140, at
Uniuti rbts estabilehmeot kaklately fallen
lulu the otterge of Mr W Severance, Vito
prucutie4 to tuns up ear it • reputation and
provparity exceeded by very few in Ills 4eo
atm. The good name Mr. 8. has e4ready
succeeded-1u obtaining for this hotel, chow.
that ha iv not one of the inlay 'he*" have
mistaken their 'Ailing." Persona stopping at
Untm will act fail to get euperiortmard and
lodging, and clever treatment at the Bennett
Justice of the Peace to the East Ward.
MI EDITOR • It is not generally known to
your readers, perhaps, this a Justice - of the
Peeve is to be eleote4 in tee East Ward; on
the 17th inst. This office is one of much im
portance anywhere, but especially in this city,
where the justices perform the duties Which
fall on Ablennenin most cities. I em pleased
tolearn that F. P LienaL, Esy., baps been in
dined to become a candidate for the pnettion.
lie is well known to many of our citizen% as
young man of intelligence and strict integ
rity, who would fill the office with general
satisfaction. I have known Mr Liebel for a
long time, and can frankly say, that for en
terprise, liberality, and all thoie qualities
that Witch men to one a n other, he, has few
superiors. lie is a (air specituin of our go
ahead, industrious and , German citi
rens, and deserving of eacourag . meat. If the
people of the East Ward eject' him, I know
they will,have no cause to regret the choice.
A Faint,.
The list of conscripts in this °calor, occu
pies a large share of our room to-day. and will
be perused with mournful interest. It is.
waiuly copied from the daily Dispatch. to .
which paper it was sent by telegraph
. from
Ridgway.- The only place in the county that
filled its qviota, and escaped the draft, was
Girard. borough. The citizens of that town
were determined that nil conscription should
be made from their community, and learning
that two sten were needed to fill their gnats,
despatched them on Saturday night to Rids
way In a sleigh, which place they reached on
Monday morning, just "in the nick of time"
to avoid the draft. --
The Mallory tied Haverley tabular/la, who
exhibit in Farrar •Hall, . - on Friday imolai,
claim to be superior to the ordinary rut of
Negro imitators 'traveling about the country.
Extracts, that we have been shown from our
exchanges, universally speak of them in term
of rare compliment. The following appeared
in a Sandusky paper, after their.ooncert
that oily :
MAbboar's Mterranba.—This •troupe gave
one of their inimitable performaneei; at Nor
man Bali last-night to a crowded how. who
■ere really delighted that sonsathing original
if/ :IMO -minstrelsy had at last been brought
hind the footlights. •
• J iron draws! for the court seesouseeti to be
ben on welt Moachty, are officially - im r
that thereeed sot attend, IA there will so
.Im.y - trials at fiat term. Law haziest), is We
motion,- owing to the `sboadowee of enreet(oy, -
is pretty well played oat." -
. The annual yearly local goalie's .to t►le
(wooly will be bold es Pridq, tot 17tb loot.
We dope, is eviriseetloa, to lie as best see
weleoted tot Ike various °total posiglosi.
out regard to their party proelivities.
A eery dastrustive Sri 'cocttertni ire Wage:
rant. on Sunday mantis, last, bastes aims
bet of building*. °alai% •kw of abaut
$12,000, on which there •as *alto sotall I.
111171111 Ce
i 4L Persr,ns desiring to invest Ist real estate.
will tad it 40 &drump to read As advertise- .
meta of Drs. *Wilson aad.Faalkser alley
• Somber at farms to sell, Ike majoeity
which an Yell Isprirrod.
•• ' e.-r.'•
Nom JAVA, 1L Y.-
For aimed' year. I woe merely distressed
with the Adhma. tf• igtreidridiolf of the
time I was amble to work, - aa trequestly.for
'sots se of *dot- yid 0 0 1 4 11 , =S i t
by sitting twin a *heir...Ulla
breathe is. a 'Visa posture , :
after relief. 1, of course. .tried mi x meal.
ilium, but a ll: to little or no purpose, until I
used Cuises Compound Extract. of Smart
Weed. Me met my osie at face, sad tire
very great relief 1 hue experienced by wo g
It convinces me that it is he more that my
duty to make the fact public, !bat others now
suffering as I used to suffer, may koow whore
and how I obtained relief. I hart also Used
the same preparation as a Liniment sad in
Colds with great satisfaction, sod consider it
ti very useful article and one that every family
would do well to keep by them.
Marsh 8. 1885. ALFORD EDDY.
Iferoutio Bald of his wound, ,
"It was not as deep as a well, tor as wide
As *gate, but it would do."
Plintation Biuenrwill not raise the And,
Ilia they cure the sick, exalt the depressed,
Add a 'ruse tint charm to the social circle.
And'render life a thing to be enjoyed.
Also, the thing itself is quite enjoyable.'
Neter was searching Touic in such pleasant
Tender youth, declining age, the mind'
El l erwreoght himental. care, most gentle fe
And the wreck of men, all find these Bitters
The balm of life and source of health.
I)elay not w trill. Convewiewly deposited
In every sown wherever eivilizstiou extends,
It eau be obtained, true, genuine,end pure.
J. 0. KURTZ, editor of the Bellefottle Cre-
Iral Press, is sick of political ***deist's.
Hear how Le talks:
a , We are heartily disgusted with the Gosi
nes& of publishing a party newspaper in Cen
tre county.
" We hare exhausted our means for the Wel
fare and success of the Republican party
have spent lime, money and labor for un•
scrupulous, ambitious, rotten-hearted politi
tielaus, who respect their pledged word with
no more consideration ihan the swine would
the pearl, before them."
lass.—An exe'llstige suggests !het
some enterprising fellost?publish a Directory
with the ineouse tax opposite Iha name of
each person who At , ' airy tea to pty. What
eouveuiencte for minagiog mammas with
Marriageable daughters. ‘lthst_ a help ,to
thompeople who value their aequaiotaneei,
stew sad old, - by the lelagilt of their purse.—
- ((they were no more reldtble than the W
endt° lax Hato are tion‘lly sopposed to he io
,most 100gillies. the "managing mammas"
woad at and a goad chance or h3ing frightfully.
"sold " '
"A thing of beauty is s Joy forever."
And nothing is ea bealitilat via picture of
Headache, sour BtmntoL, nervaiii pains,
distress atter eating, prostrating weakness,
diainolination for soatety, manta) dastin.len
oy. ate., are the rule rather than the excep
tion with the human family, and have stamped
their effects upon us all. The most effective,
gentle, sudden and agreesble remedy 14 the
Plantstiod Bitters, prepared Gy P•H. Drake
it Co ,of Nei/ York . 414
"Nsvan."—Never speak of your lather or
tootheris the men" or •'obi woolen "
Never reply to the epithets of a drunkard or
a zeal
. Never slandu a women ' - •
NOVO, Stale One Who wee ones yuur bosom
friend, however bitter ea enemy now
vu sneer .11 itse e11.31/Se of reaper' Or
allialige.BLE PIOPSZTILS of tirown's
Bronchial Troches have been thoroughly teat •
ed striae Bret introduced The demand for
them haa steadily increstmed, mud purely upon
tkelr own merits. they have' taus,' favor with
those, who, from Pulmonary, Bronchial, or
Asthmatic 63 mplaiate roquire them For
Coughs, Colde, Ilrotokitis. - .llathni6,- and la - -
Elnenzi, they_ are entirely elfiesoioui, team,
Lig sil abstractions, and increasing at ono*
t he power end flexibility of the taloa.
Merit will not go unrewarded, though of
tentimes justice may seem
. to he'terdy. ln
the ease of Dr. 1) El Seelye, who discovered
the Liquid Catarrh Remedy, whioh has oared
thousands who had almost given up h.ipe of
cure, it has• been thus , but, during the last
year, -in theAnpremedeated 'lnagua& of sales to
inhabitants of nearly every clime, do the peo
ple aakaowl•dg• ah• ?ohm 04 i.i• beg
and great learning. -
Sc lutes rttocues —This Uot
ve».►l R i` ir
_..9" _or .oug.,, _0..-4, and Broil
alai Affections now stands the first in publia
favor sod oanfideeice . , thii cos - tilt has base
acquired by a test of thirteen yeara. its
merit mid extensive use has alined lb.
treatise to be causterLoted, and We would
caution • purchasers to be on their goard
ill kLL'II COUGLI REMEDY --We ere not with
out exptrienco in ( tnt:' aec and vaiue of this
medicine/ in our,iitg luny complaints We
have found it up to the rail standard of merit
rest —and. rest rd it the best and most reliable
medicin' efore the public for curing Coughs,
Croup, oarseness and, Asthma. It stri•agtrt•
ens antOnvigorates the lungs, and Anal,' be
need byfvery person in need of [dug medicine.
The HtsterS of Charity iu Detroit here been
robbed of $7OO in specie by itscainp lib° hid
belpecilhem secrete it when a rebel raid was.
anticipated. If they.lial laid their treasure
up in Heaven dist scamp would new have
got at it.
"Br I . IOM Fame TM saw. lisoir Tugs( "
—The almost innumerable teatimonila
wired by Dr. D. H. tieelye, from parties whe
have in a abort time and at tritliavxpense,
been completely mired of Catarrh by the U 46
of his Liquid Catarrh Remedy are unanswer:
able ariOnlints. See advertiewint.
Ottiesten is 'hoisted to'riad. in the news
report that General Sherman' has not - Only
been "fueling about Augusta," but has ao.
rushy been guilty of " striking Charlotte,"
sad is now "after floretioe."—Yoricak (Ct )
We erred rropectfully tali tha animal" IA lbe peldk
to OW larllitiaa for doing Job Printing at crorrdaecrir
thee. Ravin rapid Promote mad the latest styles olTypb,
we ara prepared to do anything Irtthe JoMine Hoe, le o
WPM equal to say ether idebttrkerwat. and no tame
as resaosable aa the liattato or Cleveland . oallerm. We
ban aided wanly two thomand dollars worth of mate
NM to the °thorium* It has tow Ca a we pomramlon,with
the *eat of rattan It Oat im thought tba comwirial
ty melded. Haw well wo hem memarled we lama the
ammimeas of oar Jobbing. which may Ur aeon to erirg
pad of North Waiteia roomy masts. to tisfity.• Thar*
who mutt tasty work, are Invited to girt as a call. W.
pan do any tio4 al - N.l'l4oa that can be doea iteeekere.
all kW& used by Coal Oaaratora,
.FLU %tab wadi by Cyst dateprre,,
411 Mail amid by Coal hal%
Al lithrobs Wed by Ilmebanta so& dtarelniapars,
All Idshrilielb by RAMS aid ermare,
11 1 1 1 Idols mad by limandiehrtimo .` 4
- Idada saga by Matilda* Dealer; : -• •
II kW& swi ft Anatlmmers. -
, 11 lbiadamial 1
Yfwee 4 l o billread Aosta.
• abs
n klaila, t... .. a ssol by lasaramm Mow ' • ;
41 atootOorpooloo. airiil4l - I. .
krirral by Brahma.
huge seed by COIL mei ' Aft. iiiiillhail". .
- 1 - kb& vase by bona tam. .
ktigs sad by Probakial Mimi , .
AU blab end by
a mmo w. -
AllM e aer b y M
An IMO egad by Prodabempot SUR Arriakai
AU Idaho mad by Sarabbato iii all Tadao. -. .
All WO wad by Atektlaeta.
AU tide abed byVow illeilr
otildbilammi 11l 110=1, -
411.111110 M vied ley Ns
All Wats said by Ulawartima of Soma Amommltee,
Antrim& weed b '
1 1_lia_igalolull.
all Mai said trY Ars%
Ott Mode sot try Taranwti err unarm of re/1 let %
AU Mail ladle the alba of to toast hoped,.
- all MAO used by ilators A
la austail Malls sad ty au camas ,
Otaastraitighwa Nit by
by au to. Acosta Oa Slam. 0011011104 Itailrbm
asposiblay wo altooot totastatot with. mast yai la
IbliWirea. to wiwoosbiso wawa are mat obi at the
, dty byet . 'iptel•alibil thitotiowatbe whoa Ow Oa wog.
' ta boo* • NOIR woad st tbo oltoti Ow WU for
Ilaillikia lin lawiebair *PIPi•IIPMIAiIth thus.
intuttertim Krum; •
Justice, of the Peace, E. Ward.
aasosaoi F. P. Liabil a. aa liuli_paidesa
lac oatios of ttus Peace la tali Oat Ward If theta%
be Ho to patois* lb. *Aga of um" oars to lb.
Mai of Ids ability.
esatta.-544,.......40,...v i5 e.,
="lfor ollen of Jostles of the
/ Wo
11Ting filled the °See forth. last aro yens to
the eithitostloo of paella§ setnestiatt their Widow la
We hands. he hatters himself that trod hi. exparisoce
Wla sootiseteat to $U Use °tee. H. therefore solicits
tk• suppOrt , ot vttiin et tholtast , Wigpior,VMs ,
std It bi prOott is to dikttairginbi do&
tiao with the moo fidelity u horototoro.
nol9-2t' T. CURTZT.
Administrator's Notice.
on the iodate of T. J. Colter, deeauel, (haw of
i village, Kris toasty, Penosylvahla,) havilag
bees treated to the haters tried. notaos Is hereby given
to all indebbid to lb* 'all hstits to wets itaillediato
PaYisaa it, and those hiving claim" again .t the WWI will
041011• I thew s lily outheutiesfed, for ratUomast Do or
before the Ist Of July. ISO, i JOHN waLutx,
m0n50...00• Adstiotstrator.
ETU MATTE.SOS. has lett my bed and board
without any just cause or provocation.l hereby forbid
anyone harboring or trusting her on my a ePonst.
matt) :IA 0. W. IiaTIVON.
Twl-) RE. , ;PECTABLE E IL Eli Eli
&slued as I.urir.ier• in • privat• family Col
lotatiou •0• 0 6 0 • 10 .,lat. ›•• Inquire at 014
Erie City Steam Bakery.
tholi,ie Cite steam Bakery of F. F.lama
takes thi4 opportunity of Inloimiug the (*Titles of the
elty of Erie that lor will ell! on 'hook datly;ftio owl after
th. 1 . 1 of April, tbM, with •0 otoo:tror araisrtineat of
thing to the ttaltere Imo. Including Broad,
Rolls nod itu.ko. Hablll - patronag• in ealielie.l on the
liege of grttlue a goo I amid.. no i baring it trawler ly
nod promptly farniebed at their res &oboe&
oiorl-44, WIC J. SAND&
Ababa r i.iden.w of the understan..l Its Harbor
Creek township. about 'a* mile south or Wes:arsine, on
the ritaiton road.o• Bondy, Harsh. latis, 1114, Diva. -
lowing described property : 2 Cows, 1 two vsar otti
tleilier, 1 two year old Bell, 1 carriage Ilarse, 1 psir of
Mare; 1 three year old Colt,l two year old Colt, 1 Yes r•
11114 colt. 10 Show, 2 Cracker Kadins,l Lumber Wagon
I pair of Bob Sleds, Hay Ras*. 2 set , . csf double Battiest,
setts of .111. Ni! Bardeen, I Hower lad fleapit. 3 Plo ern.
2 Narrow, cultivatore, 4b.•ral Pt .111, r Hors. Mako.
Parlor mid Blteheu iro.uiture, tut other articles to.
01111tro1111 •
Trams— AU AIM* uror .felt moan., rrn4il wttta
latatut ADA ►ppror►J - s.runty
Lands in Market.
altuttet tulnward, Waafituttou Ai
tat,t, riaskau •64 ialtylow toraabtpa, I.r gala as 11.1
0011. bi. lama. 'Alma of Ait** WOO- emtirilat the 1 , 0
oil tan - fluty local.' on impact, and Fit c.e.le 1,4
tar tiger isionsatto• tuqatts of
WILLIAM r4IMIYKR,at MatariotJ,Or
J WILSON. at f dinbard
• OULD retspeafully inform triend
sad Vislog bUC that, &INC u atmos:.• yt -nowt,
tau y oats ; /past am lurpon to chaff* 01 larto4tioy
Hospitals and CliMpa, he het tessin..i the ht.
pratonaton In
%octal attantiou itrau to °Watts.. and neettervetis•
ontitery and titanith el the ptofeasten rut
Matt...idea to In this and the artelcant counties
Once, 7.1 fi..or Paragon Bloat, horth ehi• o• Puttsc
scut e, near Poach street. Healdeans at 9 5 °nodule's,
neat dt•or to Poatodiat
113rOae• /I.kad hwit I t. 0 0. as., 12 to 1 to, ash.' 1.1.
p. gu. i1141•1a
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY vircun Or ,AND IN PUR..aI
Gtd.,,r a.. 0. 1 0,1a...c0urt rut ti•
ty u( Ede I w•ll *spasm W u.stdsc .at.. to Sparta..
Dar(. haul aoisty, ua Ida tittsratb de) or April, *
Info, at / od . sluab.p to of Wd liar, twenty' wan
sorsa truss thin at ado of that idea Jr pastel 04 lair
pull, la Crawford awl partly In Iris county, twita•dwd
as todo•n t., wit On the north abiabr rand et Willtarn
Oray. Casabas Llano and Lyman /has :oast 14 land ut
Myron Bldknales: south by la. d or Ft•etu• I. I tab.,
sod west cy load formerly awas I by !At.. t.wu, auk
ponrd to t.• gaud oil I•nd. -
Terms a/sale-2 kyr Cho +tantalite' ra.w.rr wo
matte& of awls; twllinni ra ono last; *Pk in•••••t, ••
°and by jadiatot tnnur i and onartasida oft
/M praelftl,
- OitaU /1
W.-anE 6 h
frotardlan ot %rah te Doug..
L. BROWN & ,CO.,
!Late loam, &ova arto,a
Military & Naval Claimv,
2 Park' ?lace, Kiw Tor•:
Cottsitundrug house Id Wel • 1 4 e" . .
Iry 4..0 OR , t sreat
lia.lug bed terra )sereaspartemalia
ut Claims acid the garwil busineai In all
diparlesedts of Onvernirsllal. Out .tcat+
sad c rrespaadasts that all ba.imels totiMited 10 Ili
*lll be vlrneouele sal promptly attauded We are
prepared Wank' advaaima.upo• cad aegotiat• to» gala
..f claims, and, parchas• QuartaresaeWs titil and
eh_ ,_ocka as wallas collies the radlOariaii
rISIMUS ; kg Widoua. Mother" said Orphan
[t•.uutiee for Soldier., ate.7.le.raed 11..... vs auLai re be' ve.l
to battle, there Rho Live served le° y .1a a ud rite
hetes uf deceased; alga ...tete Douai! to such its vb
near+ of pay for fitfloara iaa4 ! lo lslimmoiaa tLo Lein
of deceased. -
Ntivy prize uacakey fur an i upturn
Mawr pntorinn and naiiimot or par.
AcC )a nt• 01 dllca•ap...l.. telt ta. IC &Usti. .1
clothing int tirun Pr.partr 11111 . 110 011 t awl 44UNc!ral. cot
clearterenobtaitied tram Ordraura and tFitrtriunintrr'.
U. Novenae 'itauipa ror sian at • discount ct J. to
4). par coat. - • -
E. H. ANTHONY of. CO.,
Maaafatturers or Photographic Mattriato,
wSokeluis. Amu
In odditkio to Oar meta buattir.a of tH47O.IRAPHIt)
If t TERI tl: 4 , Ad are Healqu‘rtert for IL. toilooLui,
Stereoscopes aid Stereoscopic %laws.
Of than vs moue as imaaroe.. seaortioctir, Incladicog
War *am" ♦merleea auJ lorvigls CiUra and Laud.
"Vair tir° B o o . Stalwart., Ax. 44c.- 440, ,Iterolvtot
emeeonpea. for public or privetweablbitiou Our rat.
itlogue will be wit to .51 arlrltrun on receipt of •snail.
We were the tint to Intrwluee these Into the ladled
Sums, andmemannfaesere tisaattairs in peat
variety. riugineln Woe from fel drble Of Ch Oar
Albtione have the reputalloo of being &Lipari.), lo beauty
sad durability to all Otbera theaarnl be 'ma by matt,
uo roce4oof Defeo -
_ - -
112r1Plae Albums made to ordei.AES
, g.: XbiletoaPhge . .
Oar &gnu. i a L E
ace••• et - Ibiniannu - tirditlerent
subjects, (to wlttol, additions aro continually Nano
toe.S• of portraits of 111111bEcit A ntetioans, to , cis abut
1 Valor Wail ats, 1
M O ritatermsk,
1 ,11i artg..tionaratt; - ' 2$ DlM**, . . , .
r . . 7.; Cokm•l4 ... • t 26 Minim.. , •
1W Lieutenant Colonel., I 40 /idiots, ' - ; .
VW Othor °Moen,
V, N•ry mean,
ISU Froutiosot Ifu'reiga Portrait .
?bras thousand capita of suite of art, iaeludlue Is
productlf as of the moot celebrated sogtastugs, pilot
tap, r•tataes, ite. llatal..gue soot us racatot of atalop.
1.2 ratio* wow dtdsariparnanal aroma Soaraitalileuo
be amid ( wit., of 1111 80; and ostit - by mall, fres
Pnotointidiets sod othrrs °Marin; sus& C. u D.,
will pines 'wit 'Wyatt - dye sr teat. et the mionat
with their orb; - - - • - -
B. & tL.T. ANTIV
• aumoiderree of RIK •Merriado,
Sul h isOnlaY. N. Y.
rirAhaluissa qualati 'of oar goods Noma tail
ts ,
~...FtA Ma
Public Si4e of Real,Astate.
WI GL be Isold at Public Sate. at the
late milrues of Law nozoo Leta'. dotesmot. la
laille villaid..4olloloPATl rtileH 9* ll* at,
o'ock, m , Use Rost goat& 0 tbililliolll4ll44. ...atilt -
mug of 0 two idol tom beta ae k d lot, 60 feet tr ant aro
Poseerstres: sod tittstilick,togettee irliti fora and ethic
ottpalltlago. Also • of situated on 9t ite etnis6 Al
Let trout sad 165 firt '....p kW a lot boaaded by Job*
1 :;:::::::: " 1 " 1::::::::::::::::::: !
65 Aid trout and 130 tset to .eing 11da.. - -; ; .:..z _{ i'.,"..1. _
- —Tame rata hewn ola for- f 6456.----- —.. •_. , ::-
.-- ,11. N.:•.......4.7 A i.: 1.1.1 ........ XI 7-4 1. IF - r•-
' k _ * . 4.. „„'t: tb 111, •
' - ik'
~..,":r. "
• thoveltiteeirs Mil An& 1 ••
alu A lda
6104 dilliallielbeilllbe lard • - " I erd
Flint BeeilimiltiettlHe . wttE ter
aunt ile eitipahteltliek hilsbook. , • --
sad MI
Inn mime figaitimeivadiettb eq
=rl.. Was dieissiitie‘ . le owe
Ite Was* bit idiom
- et the rune papaws. . 204ititflifti. -
-- 11111-451e2L. Mini S. INSI - 40.*• - CZ... 'l , :g i .',
; .
VligM" _Or ; • ( • .Irupo:
sego;upos 110110111 - 11M1WW IMMO - IMF
vies *sale* assessid, solid, le ; velkt•
passes bowlifillosimiam lies*W
Nike' arm, rd - 111 soar .Mia!
11 04.0 3 .. b! Nat , 10 . •
' _
sazyis .
Public Sale.
joiiN ►teCARTCR
~i 'f;::1
sstl44lB, et UmSecretary; of the Tesmaary, Uts on -
deidgissil , ussissith4 &awl lisbmsaptlas *scull
for the sale of thaw :Wei trusser? Moak, bur*
Peres yd three Liebe per mat. par maim.
,kacma • 1 4 + '
?Imo Note* its house asdii•ctitho of Isom! 1111i/t.1864,,,
Mil are payable puss yoare Gan that time. Is carmen
are 10 004 i k t, 11 . 01. 1. ft th e 10 0 0 4 tel .
:1 ,1 71 1:1f. 020 SIX PER CENT.
tomb Protaldlt_ aof Willi ,
cunt , Istersit from iterreintor; ahem
gas. tier /setau posit us tiro T-30 luas, at earrest;
*also, Inelodiag tutored, about tea per eata. pee awe%
bates Its isnaptiso.Yrees Mete or semidatead Istatisa
WWI addle finless* to Lira Par Ogee. We l% iiiimrdisis to
the-rata tented on other property. The iistonst le psi-
VU Demi enanally by claws' inertia' to each note s
'wbteb may be castor and sold to Say but or taster
flier at per day o f Coto.
Two reale " • " lOU "
• Tea " " tCoO
$1 MI •MI NI 6.1 WOO 4111
Not., of ill the dsooraisatlons lassoed will tos prompt
ly rorsishol upon neelpt of subleriptions. This is dm
bow aimed by the Govemumat. and it le oenedeatly at
peetwitbat ita eeparlor a•leaatseea will make It Ike
Great Popular Loan of the People.
Ifree than $2110,000,000 remote %unsold, which ill'
probe* NI dispoilel of with ier the meat 60 or 90 days,
when the oohs will amiroebtally command a premium,
aa.bes uniformly been the care oa Coming the eshouip.
tloni to utlirr
is order that citizens In torn and section of the
wonstrykssy Isr afforded facilities for taking the tasty
the Naliotial Osaka, State Beaks awl Private Ilitakrrs
throughout the country have generally agreed to nears
sutseriptlous at pro. Subscribers till sliest their own
egoista. In oho= they hare colitidesce, and who only see
to be neeyousible for the delivery atlas solestor wh
they receive orders. .3 t T COOKIf,
Sus sottsrrios Aas sr,
BakartipLbena will ke received by the first Natiouai
Bank of Corr, Cory National Bank of Varfj. Vats ,
National Ba . nk of gala, Senna Natloael Bank of RH.,
Keystone Nation 41Bnak of fate, Viret National Bata of
6ltar.l and Virat Ketbkoal Bank of ?forth
mrtditt r
The Math Nitieual . Bank of Ike
Capital $1,000,000, Paid In.
IrAC kL JAENr i 1 HE, UNI •4TA !CS,
dad :ixTie, Agri: for Jay CdukA, Sameriptitre
SWILL ',via veR 7-3 u N01R.% PitWM UP OH
by et pre.r, iu all pare n. tbm ~nupin, ■od nve.l.
' u 'Yew l'orb. ridiadolybia bedaub,
curs..: Os, and all ate t.:r Niat 113:w - we u.lw, mitts
lobrre.t to iaEa ur aubbastoti..n. tkafers +out by mall
will L. yr4iusplly till. 4 •
ilia dank irwlyea iii•e•ottu'll or 11.uks awl flaultium
m, •T.., of Ind4ltutt iresplwi Maw
York ill,UlllLit,ll.
Reeves' Ambrosia. 7
Felt T 1 HUH
--.1"1.4 Holt Iteetotott•• 4111 retoirat Its
tatt-eoient. to foututuable art../,• Wati I* outtorsultus oil
ott.e. fatteou c..uutry test %Lao at
tuts+, awl „tiontti toad. Tbouthoodo of bottles aro
hitunolff dyed la tb. &burl fliftiell Of eart4 Landau. ttl.
PptPr buttt mud Stadrld. hod the tale to Cuba le huitt•
[din.. UP:I , : VC , ' 4 , 118R051 Alo coo/pawed of ao -1,1
tte• t trout herb% or trout'etful elrt,te, hod ihhlshly run
te4 h tth o variety it: exqutp.te intrtnulpu It effoetually
i.turkpule 1110 iLIIVr Ealing oat. and muss. it to flip
ttilek awl Inug. - &Akio tlao hale.outl pod env
It o oppearatute tuilot 1. ooutpleto without
it. PUN, 7o coats pet inrie hotite '
9old by JrUnteMll sot daalia4 In fenny guad• iu sii
intstr of the rlvl lied wor:d. Whalen!. by 011 hrholoutlo
droolleth lb ever) city, Iwo
H• e'VC••' .AYBlt.ttll tiflTut,
No a:: iuttrat Rotel, I.: T.
P 141.1H•Hlt1 a ett . Phlto. l aphlot Ity • uothi
Aktool• foe 1..4116,i...04
City Property for Sale.
1, 1 0 t ; to IM. eity, cuaamtlag
wr • • ~ee era '0 Is" he tomer 0 ebestaW sod Tinitt.
etree•e Tha troi.• Mm. ..w Li/Hitailt itrilery la II lUD
411 • bolt bleh, ne..rtir poor, well p toted, sad ba
ord.* .' f•lsf rirw4t# IYL teat wt ittastuut
..L.l T.:tilt, It*. bap 135.1.1 k
knit 41,4 ohs It. ht.
6.11 - 1. , . %CA :nut , 1. pa. 'lett 6..1L 10;
turf Lllr part ,U 1•11.. ;t4q.atr.• ow 14. u r.u.14.•
Farm for Bale.
.a4le kilo tams .ltultad la Milt Creak tamoatilp,
about Ora
rails (coca Fz.o, un tba Nattaborg piani
i-ant Oohs tins , *Orin ul laud; has enacted &triton
• eo.llrame Jwalitot baura, with wane cellar, s, bank
bin', and el caca•errJ • ut-nutidinits Ala., a 'mini
archrni of cbub.o fruit For tarthdrir peatlwbrs eapatra
of Jahn W PlLanooo, Kula, Va., or of ilia aaboarlioar on
attic rear, V.L. 16--ti
oßvtat oF, TUE COURT OF
Comatem Piet. 4 grie cunotg, the aniltraigned
committee of Aaflah Beebe will sea at the Market Hod
in Vile efts. of End. on tbo 1 1 1th day of Merele, 11861., at 10
e'e:oelta. m . th• following heat gnats, to lett t Lot en
the romer of alokafrno and South 'tenets la Um city of
t.tie, biv.nica (rout on Ita stool of 44 Grot e and on nen
*etree e ,, et of 82% foet—on which there is eeented'e
frame , • •••
.11w, anothei plane adjoining, having .41 treat 011 71h
htteit of 41fret, sod running bath l teat, having snta•
red thereno • Duelling H41:1441 sod office.
sl.o, s vacant lot an fivueslrsaiattert, bath uf- the
anoVc. 1.11 MA., grunting nu SAAMarlia etrest ll'. Get att.!
through the inputs of said lot.
Num. of ealn one third In hand end the balance la
tiosit. aqua) ...Juana! ,gpuents, seented by, awed and
mor.per 01. the slei.l,A.A, counal 11 . ./Leite. on
4 1.104. e H. TRicorr, tote
of) Roan 1411..24144.‘, :11114,4j.
,,,ava a w , u ....1,14 gat:l,4 tirt: fr t•le of FIXIX
W AFV. Fri to I outitole toe wholcihil• sue train Mr.
c .„ l „ olugi , Prrolattlog trade,. 0- '
W Et IrLL. Jr.
rah. 7, 1.6,15-1.21,4*
Executor's Notice. c
rA Lao ~LP 1 thous late oat Groom) touniktli
d.otosod. having 'barn Rotated to the sotoctibor, all
prootv , to4o.ted to mud solidt r. ooldiodito mike tto•
mediate per meat, and those teethes against d
relief? will prormat them. properly eullieuti. sled. tor
Patten/Ara to I.t 14.17.4 1104.3 X.
ilreeue, ta, 11015.41.
- -
J. H. RIBLET & C 0.,.
Would reepertfully Intnim the, public thet they limn
IN 0411,1 1 E'a
Between Bth e,nd 9th Streets, on State,
wk„,,, ow / tuitand to hoop erantantly on band ► tail
mai Ilk WELL Sirzsate nexittits.
or W. reeptetruli , enlielt • Hum of lb. POWs pLt
run by
J.u.'64-tt • , J. H. Hamar,
H. IV. SPOOliiii.
1)1!. TO s. Bll , l p t i :f2r a tTV 6o HOir 1,.1P1A-
Dr. Tawas -Dear iir : - ,1 have beea to the live►)• bast
aaea tor the lavt twenty yeah. mod darlag, that time
bawl nest sU the various Iteklateate and lotiella of the
bat niter Lei, foam] an sitisteognal to you Pan•
stain alone Liniment. 1 Let* fairly Meta it on ay_
tionets In diatom per, spnahav a cute, eallte.i.elltig of ties
ghouls, le, ousts° for rbeumatinit no smelt, sad lave
-always faltud tt as invaluable remedy.
Reapioatt•llf years. U. LITCHFLEI4.),
you bj &11 anypristis. Oa 6d Cortland% kittisit,
Now York
Sewing liaehinest.,
- • -
soMh i atiog lees
3 =Mit mOO to Wks
OM PliNe 11.0 lf
The ewe sekeeirleked to be Ihr ma ale
the Sa the leettet.
Ott bas tb• Mort ispdoillomalhirl l .ll
reabar thou farsepertes to say akar sow eel&
Pismo diestiber getritiree lisobsr Ilestaiss via
1124 It of wileetege to WI aal iambs Um lees
Ibsen *Mom
tiviplasos *Mattes *I st4 i =
1110•141.tirtss Alas& see nine&
NMI* tt • IP* WAill
i - --'
1[11111810•11Ue 41/ anMill- .• -, , 0
. Wasseaua ams
lug Itivlisas, Vim Aril•Tesic, 4 .
ilinkinale9 ll 4. llll o
Mile. Abillik, lllll =clar;
e: Zr.. - 1 - : 17- f , '.l i; .44; .. - •,3 .:
-,.. • • t 7. .
1 lc t,Rglt rivet
tworttoest at
640 this xr. Bitiford. Colin
_5 , JR14#.4.411.i.‘ ...,:::-.,.--
the systao against the sill to lAA, sn • .1,
eollle water
iUlll ears llyepepas.
-- aura Weaklier.
" al ism apireg Doing. . . . .
.WiWWI EUIOUNWia` , " "'" . . .
Will sone Hasobaho.
Will ewe Lim Camplast
Will melt* anikmaft a healthy appetite •
Will iavireite Use organs ofdlyrefloo &ad moderato -
is lacrosse the terwpastare of the body sad the tomn o
dmilatlea, seta"' la Owl as a gram al eornabontat of lb
wawa. rOatandag ao polsoseue drape, and le -
mit BEST TONIC ummis IV rag WORLD
• kic id al la la:scaly solicited
- 010. O. HUBBIL aCO , Proprietors, ,
tral Depot,•_Aaiei teaii Kt prow lot aibir 1,4•111 B
808 Br. , NW TOME.
Woe solo by_ Dretests. Gro ws . Re.
MINNIG kNOADLItif. trio, Wbobittiohytote,
sod Re oak by Rill & Wartal.Carter R Caner awl IV
Mao la Booth.
303 Broadway, New York,
DUANC 1111!1[ET, .
100,000 Watches, Chains, Geld Peas,
'WORT H $500.0901
And not lo &paid tinlil•you know what you grill
♦ll to 4.1 salt! tor ONE D01.1.4K os th !
IGO 0014 Iluating Cabe , ' Wet rhea, cacti *IN tal
180 111018 %tattoo . .
t 3.19 WateLes ill
Soli Watalea_._ ...... .115011,.1. 125 90
000 Oak! Neck and,i to . 17, 90
104/ICLatelalu sod Ouarti Chaiul 1; 1W 10 1.. uo
34109 Vast sod Nei (Akira 4:9 to 1:1 99
4090 Moloaim Jet and flol.l ooclo, 3u9 to 15 tRI
4010 Vora!, Lava, (4roat, llltO to il,trit
7 000 (1011, Jet, Opal, La.. Kar llrups :LOU to
WOO tioutif Brent and Sew! Nue. ..... a. 300 to 1119
LCOU Oval Bawl . r Mato a oil
'AM Chased Erscaleta ..„ .. 410 to to 04
3400 (tank/ram Diamond rime and Illicit:. 1.90 to BDU
outa)ool4 . Watett !Al to
. 1100
5043Olittato Sle.r6 (tattoos ce-I Stud lo 1,0
:WOO fold Thimble, . 4.181 to G 99
WO) Llialature Lorkcts '2Ol to 7 00
3100 1111Ltatara 1.6e.114t1r. 1 1 681 c - • 400 to no°
ZOO aolt To ittiplrk.., . ti t.. oto
Vall) Yubs d 1tat...1.1 Slid e.. . . :LW to .
NOV Illtierd *2O to a9O.
40993 tzar ;art *flog.— tlu to er
(with-tit 1.4..1tyr? Jew•lrip—J.t awl - 4.1644.. 6 all 16 144.0
6060 ileta 1.61116 if lowelry—vartsa M1'.... 3 Ott to 1:. tke
IMO Gold hous.Bllvor Cam end Pearl(.... 466 4o 8 tio
WOO ACM !Volk non, flohlor tad 1.1146 . 814 to lo tio
6909 Oat Tyne, Vouploil 0 4:9
all tbitaaoict fa :be above will be sold, atth,o3t
reartvallou to UNK: DOLLAR IS'Aelf. Cedilla-Ace , I
all the 'wartime attl, les ate placed In +mat. «rnriop-ii.
mated as,/ Inbred Titus* itarelogem Will I. taut by watt
or Aithroaeaat pus ones teltltout regarJ to Choi. e tp •
trottatits areartlaaata. you silt so. abut LI tole it r- par
seat% sad it Is optional lab y tot to +rut ~o .1,..1et swat
Teasley , toe actlate taleturd a or erry Whet au the 'hit ..f. ha
eine, w e.ia
Be t a motto as litre erueutloun flow II re.rirt ita.e. 1.1
due Kook* of the Le•t snake ~u 3 letr*t elf t.-4, itul ,t to
la Wile worth, it I uorittiel pro*. while/al hates Alturw
at securing agitates at the vary bigtieet value .
In all trittametiasa by mall we ebatio for tat riatdlui
the Conicity pawing poet.... out alolu. the Goiania's,
t, cents *sob FUr rsrtvicutes will twofer fur 11; 21rw•
I. fer $2. Tiartitivr 11:,, silty j..” f 10. „,..4 im. m i ,..
drub/ . $l5. .
REA rt 4.1 N 8 W II 1
lVe ekontd •upi le n , ur ■•ala; our feeillltes are
pawl; our wr , rk of wart vaned eleollebe0; Mit praraltes
punctuelly °beetled. Our iNietral lost on Ganz, °sneer
iG most ra.,,t e , poti A te •tut og..leto ara 13010 1,,,m the
taan!afeetniena gee al the bAystAul &mesh'', •ty lee,
The rade ewe be eeld, earl tilt forme :a* onequ 40104.
All articles are forward...l by let u
Ire guarantee utile eatiatactinn to, errry tnetance.
and If therm •boald be •ny dt..estutled lb any
article they war rocAlfr, thee' will arnmedlerety rotate'
it .ad the pit • Wit/ be relocAwd
AGENT: , We show bqi eoWtto ria
each t'ettllicato at lered. p nat./. d their r.usittaart ,
&COMMA in brio d.dur.
They wittuallset 26 cent. Sot alerf cecpouta , •e 4 T
idols" lb eks, remit to us 15 sults bur each
Add:fee, • ILiV.O. DN.UI UtT k
nut -3m. 30 3 0 1 , .sOsay, N.. Yu, 1
1344 li.V. to.. •111:<4r t I 1 rt.
ti. 4) 113,1. .4
DRY 00008
tiLutlK, Its iltiLdiza [crawl; ucc6-
' 1411.r 11.1 tia,s Wu , Kstars Ib7;
taite/.1 irbiltA a k.rje •u.cztakett ‘ I
Dress Goods; Fancy Silks
Maturate/ duties to oar 'costae:sera for their put
ibatal patronage, we Sespeettally ask a cacti/macs of
I% um•
(( i(Pipli )1'
TEA snoiblastion of ingredients tp thee4o" Pills 's the
',salt a long and extousivirprsottca. They' ate mild in
their operation and cannot do berth to the moat deli
cate; certain In correcting all Imegolaritiee. Micro;
Ilene ill:vitamin. removing all ohatrartiolia, whether froM
euld or °the robe, headache, pain fo the rile, palpitattok,
of it. bead, whites, all nervous olfaction.. to eini , o,
fa Viral', pain In the back and limbo, kb-, dt.turb , 4 'deep,
which visa from laterraptino of astute.
11.11311,13- P 11,1.81
. .
Hare taiii - .solai *car a iiikot . jor of a seatory. They ere.
oared as tho ouly.e-Ca nartae t,t rectaaing luteetetwect—
enatniation, hot Wire roues hear in mind that theta
u oat couditioo of tit female "afro in wild& the
- casuist k taken witkuat prf daring a PECULIAR RE
sur.r. 71ke cooilittat relerre4 Is a PRELCIVANeI—
tia resub, Fiteh In the irretietlbl
.endency oh the medic.oe to restore the sexual arses
to a n rine cooditioo, that even the giproductive power_
of mature ant cachet t. THEY CANNOT DO
._ ..
• Dr. Cheeeeman's Pille
hinobeeli ' ililludard n 11464, tor Ore! thirty years, and
en S. adOictsal end Ivo know* for all cooppialuta
peculiar males 1' . •11 clarees they ar• loralo ble,
iudualug Oh collapse' parioilitaA regularity. Ili',
aro known Iluitraanda, who &mu us d them et-iilllPr
het pe • . Argroughou the country, having th. , lAtle
non of so el thri stoat eminent pilau:lA:4lu Amer
lee. -
=pH I ;.' iorucetetieg wheel they should b. tilted,
with sack .. ; TAM Pima $1 1111 tor, or 6 boxes lor tat,
and Oast.„. ' ''ra 60 Pills. - -' - - -- --- -
Pillages ' 4 ... - diall,prinaplip, dad ..*sell* freer ob el.-
- elation. 1:14 4 : eittling Iv *tut pnr feton. SOLD lit
DREW° I- n , 2.!
H I I-' aB'& ITIIIT kik:Proprietor!.
',L *- '- . -7 ' . : . , L't 131Colak Kt., New York
tub. I . rtic by Carter ti - C-aiver, Fier A EllHatt, Hall
lip. I, tad Wis. Mick. 8•1,1 ha 0 wri by W. A Hot.
k !AV& • . ~ -
• - ••• - Public -Sikle
• _
: 11,•••14 at Public Bak., at Ifrounes Rota). to
Cho intr of pekes W gatiliSDAY. Lana ls, IW, •
bon aosSbft %ea .90) Idea Of embr acl oft On t-
LOU NoLUO, sod ISO is All Cr,* tooombip, mauls:Log
Sob of leis W. ajoil and JO* Soltroio. Too re Is
ea thO sao Ml 14sWiwbffotrolliog house, frame
bora • on 'An orchard of choice
10 fruit tom, oostOlft. of pOolisol.po an. ohmic%
witopi •••rfoc/ffs/Mo.t. old a great witty of
pi I's -- 414004, fellOPOMOO,wpir*.••• =moat% es Thu
uatl ot Itiek noel hinsoorp is 44,14 . lOW to,tboo•••ty.
VIP 01111 . 01 . 'flit 4 110,040 0 6116 4' oilltsiwo lota to
dt as rig,'llLibri” sod Oildflaigiellf doe row of th•
tlikitfeilbeff ECM&
dad sod porsoloa minim ithriasiimiat di, of
Apiu. RAW or two-ildr& or thogaroboos yaw no?
tosolii awed oft Os iworW, e lmomror tvirrovs,
Mlity So pOISOSOf at sem
lo So AMC
S. L-Amoo, view tho roost) win eall
oo ifsllllSW
sfi at siot
'F T"
. -e- -
:',• - wie. eliniary
lid& Is sw, lo
serral t iok
imaimint aAami s
•illatel 2 ,.
lisesibapi ismidilhl.-
10 - .
1/1001 - - i sitriziri . a tridr,
I .111 also 1041 bin
16001,0111114111010111NftieMittsbomM that yin
1=0 01 _ 0 0 14104 01 1 1 WW I 0 1
1 1 610 00110 :n0 1 4
s_ Woe
lir o UturnrydrUL,._ -,1
wn l o. l l l
i nAN,Chisisk . °9.
t,..2.4..5._ ` , arsii,Friamr._ .
E yrt. ,
1 ''?"' - - ' . • ' ' * - .
lbr'the Emma of OGFeructiont and Ms AusirAdi
of INnitorilv in sae RocUrrell“ of the
Xenchty /triode.
wir- They cure or obviate these numerous dis
eases, that spring Rom irregularity, by removing
the Irrantarity Itself.
gar They curs guppressei, Excessive and NSA •
tut Skeet:Tuition.
per- they ere Green Sichoe.t (Chlorosls).
• lair They core Nervous and kpinal Affections.
peans hi the beet, and lower parts of the body.
defiltlefil, fatigue on slight exertion.. Palpitation
of the Heart, Lowness of Spletts, 11741ana, Not
headache, -Gtddtnese, etc., etc. In a word, by re
moving the lrvindantv, th_rrunorc the ranee,
and with it ALL the cUecto that spring ft It.
galr Composed or ihnple, veuelahle extracts, they
contain nothing deleterious to any constitution, '
however.delicate, their function Long to substitute
strength fur weakness, tiff. zh, when properly used, :
they Dever fall to do.
sir They may b.! PaAly card at any age, and at
any Period, stern' nralxo 7111111113TTEIIM mosnis,
during which the unftlllng rhturu of their action
mould Infallibly ratrvir pregnancy.
Or AU letter. sect ina Info rmation or advice will 1 ,.
be promptly, freely aid discreetly answered.. '
i f
2,. Wall directions accorap,.ny each bor. '
I Price $ 1 per h^x, or six bores for $5. ,
Bent. by mall, frcu cf p05t,F . ,.., on receipt of
price. _
regard fret Pare Vegetable Ettrw.ta metals'
lug jeggelagorluee to the
meet delleate. the Phirntr.
- ettee Tram the &ate* of ths Ilro. '
ealetated orlth new 1ttr"......., doe, this Elli
11t etionreeSte the ',ideal and overecnte 04043043
rgr• The Bejurrunting k Lt Ist Le resultofmod •
ern disco reties In az.% vef,.'-h1; , beILK
an entirely new and abstract clethed of cure, In es
pectlee of all the chi and w era oat systems.
Or Thus elledic'ne hAs been tested by the =ev:
eminent medical tnen of ley, and by pr
nennoed to be one of the rreatest medical di,e c a•cri l a
of Om age.
lar• One bottle will cure general
(M. A few doses cures lly rtertes in females.
Or One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart
Prom one to tblco battles rectory the rilDtt•
nest and full ?Igor of youth.
Or • Few doles restore,/ the app-t1?
or- Three bottles curs %ern •
Car This medicine rostor-v to tautly. vigor &Jai
rOnuat health the i,oor vrorn-,Toom and
Or The Ilstlee3, enervate! youth, the over-talk:
ea mod bustatia, the victim of n• r7oul , !I:pre-aloh,
the tnetvlduel suffering from gewral debility, or
/men weataant of a am/a organ, will all n•td Imrat •
diets eaa permanent relic! by the e!e of this Elixir
cr Essonma of Llte.
gap Print, 119 per bottle, Cr threo bctLits fcr $5,
and forwarded Ly Expretr, on receipt cf money
so any address.-, .
, rir The Cherokee Pills and Raja.
eveluatlktglßlizir, 'are acl.: by all enterpridni
Dennista In the cieilited world. Some Unprincipled
dealers, believer, try to sell wortbleot coo pounda
In place of these ; those which they can purchase at
• cheap price, and tank.) :Loco money by sell
ing, than they can on these coedlclues. As you value
roar health, aye, tle health of your future cir
ri:l do net bo delved by such unprincipled
,as for aete medicine, and take no OA
ere. If the PrilggiSt will not bay them for en-t
the money In a letter, and we will send thgn
to you by Express, rocuraly sealed and packed, fee
trout observation. '
Wks or Gentler ...Iv can eildrces to to perfect
ocurldanoe, stating fully and plaLalr their disegael
sod symptom' ea we treat dlacc.seo a a ehrdtia
nature In mole or female. Path4LE seed cot heal
tats become of their inability to clot no, ea we 211T3
treated patients saccessfully la Ell porticr.' of the
civilised globe, by eorrerpoodeace.
Parasite addressing us will please elate plainly all
the symptoms of their ectoplaluts, and write Post
oelca. County" &Ate and name of writer, Ora, and
, haelose postage ramp for reply.
We "end our 12 papa 13imp.4ii free to any ad.
drum. Address all for Pamphlet" or advice to
the prowl/toms.
Or. W. R. MERWIN & C 0.,,
No. G 3 Marty street, New tort. ,
1 - r 3LE E IN t i l
D u tiz.v az
Nie -
~.4. ~... .. _
.",•?;,:•,. 1- .; : - . ; 4 11,
17 ".-...-- -.- '-::--
/K. .. - 4a; - .7,:..- - . .
C lemit-_..
. ,
Erie, lei. 1, 11166
1, 71 47
Wite" - Is2
, E* Lni.; ();-. ED.
;pre f(r % Hl
, /IA •,Papitl.ts. • ;
*LAI than
t , the chi• go- t , t
I poe.
iiturirstrdo .11.. yr. Ap the (,e
Lttvo,,-; I,e, t'• iLiqr Okstd In
firmlttki; till.l t;).••• P : P kr,.• t! lek
1.11 h.:61/3 h• 1 •/ I / F r. The F.': '0 •
Clull/ &t (41•111 , 1%, o_ll .0 . tLe Ti(u • ft
thi c k and n=eat ; • . .r. rime of Ilia
praltit to lere^ll."l"r •. r ••
plata. A entbrr r,
et.a IL
to' the u..roin_
.Ilia Qt/
Um,* if wyy ;v.. DO LIDO in.
.rreettor %L. .
- Ae t 7 ?...1 4 • •f • ,•• Cctnyr4 tymp,
A single Eottl. will Igst a Month--
to be need thro.:: tivacii a day.
Fern* Yon. Tskt.imouF'. rtkr - r - atter em
Pow 11!inott, tats .Nprbi.c, !:'r•:. ,f
.17 , 1•1•* ,1.4 I.knd d. IT, of Olt
.4741 e of Wino'.
FONT 0:1 21, fans.
DRAB t o ;,tr Ht.t ct to lt t!, 18th inst„,
1 would vy ttAt Catotrlt
fru wl..n 1 1,,,t0. Icro v vt.o.l with vnU. •u.l
bought two Lott'. RPM. oly. PO •
1'61191h/id urea o - ta • I umnrotred.sov 4
bonne the. Fwecud : rurnploiot,•
culled. I ten r.connos n t.,-Jtc'•. , to all .dhetvi
trlth ,
ID ' 7. 101ittiOtt
DR. D. If. SEELYT &'.. CO..
h„;,... i' , U,PninTurt, , , Chtexine 7 . 17.1:.,1s
E rl.•b.ritt. , ry .Lt 1'0h. j .,.1.: - . 11ii:1c.t..,
LIENRItAI. Ali Lu:Vith i, '
STRONG & ARALSIIIO:44.k, . t Vie vt , laud, Oht,.
3011 K 11 PARK", riacionaU,Ohlu
NU.' JOHNSON, tiotrOlt, Wei.
CARTER kiIARVEft, .s 1
rtiitS F LLIon,
And fot fia.'i'el,l ALL tni.VICAST4
CHANGE OF. II oli 4S, COM 1a.). - 11C1 NG
Testa' will team Pn as! rk at nt-m , $l.- 4, :loning boar*,
Os :
EilAtWArd Bati.nd-DePaTt. --
Triln Nn. l 4 ....AI
•_... a le -le 20 a. wt.
*6 ...... : ... ..—.... 6 OD s. En.
• —• "
.4 • 4 25 p a si.
TM/ ottstlen nun sisg ri ery
caAs. or. esniqp"-
7 --
- " D ruts air :' , * 4
artilitirOßD C0:41'415C
-t•r r • „. t, T. •, 1
orty rrvs orßou ICPANY,
_ • - 'D;e4intownoirr.
moan) II" 4•A!. .1,•.4 PI DAL MOM
, •
rojwtitigietwove, oia.tma
borbilialle ea t , -
4. 1 1e7.W- lakigbiAF.Aval.
rar• Paziphttis mat by mall frc,,ct pcnage, by
Ca Liberty St., Net, York', Proprietcres
Or' A. few d.)ses cures the Icn , !plait:. 1.
FrOne bottle restores mental p.rxer:
'A fete &la restores the organs ff gelurl.lton
Or A few doses bring the rcse , to the cheek.
f':.:V7471 - 2,1 , 1". Z 71113 f 7.
-,, , ,Ai1r AN., I.r .
condslinn the
•re and a,
-'ln> .le-ntly t
.•to•t ftyrriptorti o!
hip thirst
Irtich 1,14.1
V I,t/
h i bse dissisck
1.. nRONG