The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 09, 1865, Image 2

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Atte 14i • ertlet.
TRUPODAY,'N.ARCH 9111, 1865.
itiliClL *IMMO' BY en Peoria le ea Petal sr
p!:3 '#'
The right 9f freed negroes to votnil
the new pla‘k in the Republican plat;
form. Wendell Phillips declares that this
"is liberty according to the Northern in
terpretation:" George Thompson, the
Englishman from whom Republicans learn
.how America should be governed, says
"I agree with Mr. Phillips that your-Con
stitution needs . two
I smendments, one
prohibiting slavery everywhere through
out the Union, and
. another forbidding
the States to enact laws which shall make
any distinction among their citizens on
account of race or color. I desire to see
the negro enfranchised, protected by the
ballot, placed upon a footing of absolute
civil and political equality with the white
man. _ I believe that if this country is to
be saved, it must be saved through the
negro and for the negro." Frederick
Douglass, maintaining the fitness of the
present hour for insisting upon the right
of the freed negroes to citizenship, says :
"This is the hour. Now is the time to
press this right." Ana William Lloyd
Garrison chimes in is follows: "Glory
Alleluia, Amen and Amen." Upon all
the above the Independent comments thus:
"We think the dove extracts are rood ,
reading—hearty, good tempered, sound
and-durable. If anybody differs with us
in opinion, let him sponge away from his
mind the stain of old time prejudice.
against the excellent men whose names
we have quoted, -and whose 'good,' we
trust, may not cease 'to be evil spoken
of ? JP
The Independent is certainly right in de
manding that the true leaders of the Ite
publican party, Phillips, Thompson, Gar
rison and Fred Douglass, the, men whose
ideas guide and rule it, shall have recog
nition for their rightful authority: They
have always been one step in advance of
the time servers, the politicians, and the
rank and file of the party; but these have
never yet failed 'to keep Step with them
and follow closely on. The 7imee, for ex.
ample, isjust4row spitting on this plank,
as it used to spit upon . the Abolition
plank, before it became the most enthusi
gado Abolition sheet of all. But it will
only have its trouble for its pains now as
then. It must walk up to the scratch and
toe It within a very few months, and free
suffrage for the free negro will be 113 fa
tare cry as sure as the sun .rises and sets.
Indeed, the Republican caucus which
was lately bald at Washington made no
bones of the matter. It was there resolved
upon that the vote of the freed negroes
of the rebel States was an absolute neces
sity to the dwindling Republican party at
the North; that, with the negro vote se
cured, they could hold on to power for an
indefinite term of years, and, by keeping
up- a large military establishment after
peace is declared, hold down the whites
of the South, and retain a secure hold at
the North on the contraotors, manufactu
rers, and those wbo profit by the war ex
" Free Suffrage for Free Negroes. This
is the new. article in the Republican
creed. Republicans! hear, and obey!
There is no cessation in Gen. Grant's
preparations fora gigantic uxpedition
from Hatcher's Bun, on the left, of his
line. Be may be anatts ted- to march u
acam as the &elbow subside, and the road.,
are fit to bear ofaillery. Such a movement
has became . necessary to relieve Sherman;
for nr:..Eatieral troops from the east can
let to him, and the Coafederate army in
his front is strengthening every day.
From Gen. Sherman there is nothing
authentic, bat the New York Tribune says
all reports indicate that he has for days
past been marching toward the coast...
whether to strika it, or for a different, pur
pose. will be see d hereafter.
General Sheridan's advance south along
the Shenandoah valley began,on Monday
last. Gan. a to9ock was placed in com
mand of Winchester during Sheridan's
abience. We have no news direct from
Sheridan, but Gen. Grant telegraphs from
City Point that deserters say that Char
_ lottesville was captured on Thursday of
last week, 1,800 prisoners, including Gen..
Early, being taken. - Whether this is true
"r not cannot yet be decided.
The crowd of other matter upon our
columns leaves us no opportunity for in
serting Mr. Lincoln's second inaugural,
delivered in Washington on the 4th inst.
Our readers will not regret the omission,
however, beyond the mere curiosity each,
one probably has to see what the chief of
the nation has to say. No ca ndid
, person
will deny that it le at once the feeblest
and most insignificant production that
ever fell from the lips of any man pre
' tending to the position of a statesman.
T* first agate election - in 1865 takes
place in New Hampshire, on the second
Tue'day of (areh. Governor, Legislature
lad three members of Congress are to be
chosen. The nominees for Governor are,
Harrington, Democrat, and Smith, Re.
A tritiox resting upon the consent of
every State and existing alone by interest
and affection is strong . a s adamant. A
Union resting upon force and coercion is
as weak u a rope of sand, and cannot
long be held together.
The Ono Omuta —The Marsh Lambe: of
The Old Guard (now ready) contains thelol
lowing articles : Our
,Colonise ' 1.4 • Mese
Woes; The Peer and the Prittier (combi
ned) ; Moonlight Maytag; Upland poetry) ;
The Celebrated Beauties et Hampton Court;
Ipigram on the linitedlicates ; "The Damna
ble - Heresy of Btata tioviterignty ;" A Latin
Snivels; The American Races; Boger B.
Taney sad Bdwerd Everett ; The Editor's
Table. This number; has two very valuable
articles—the leader, "Clar.Coloalal sod State
Vaie•s," to which it la Prelims that we hays
bad no less then tonittoinno; and • , rbe'Anteri.
can Reese." trbieh'is full of important leaf
wistico. The article oil the '•Beelines of
Betopten f;ouri'' ie oo intarseting bieterieel
review. wbtie tee Stitt - Ws Table is dhuin
philted for its ovum 'spirit and
Stogie copies sent (pest paid) for 20 steam.
- Vas Emma. Boma &
- '
44 1 - 103 Nsalau street, N. Y.
70.11141014, knows jostle* isan sold is
WWI ; but, Judging fry= Ala ow* kg& ga
rrison, ko alao Mows am lion who try to,
LW .f Conscripts for-
A biennial Commentary .R' Ripahltau
Pledge. and Falselliedi
be remembered see, day of sad and exciting
interest - in this - it was *ninny - iii: -
derstood that the draft at Ridgway was to be
commenced on that ntorolags..sul the - . *ls
inmber to be conscripted , the di ffi culties of
procuring substitnteti, the growing abhorrence
to entering the army, and the habitable euf
-feting that was certain to result _lre= the
operation, combined to give it' In Ilopottauce
in the public mind never realized on
vieus _Occasion of a eimilarnsittre. 11 reds
of peoile from the country; alike ink
in the draft with those in the city, thronged
hither during the day, In the hope of- being
able to heartarlier news of the result in their
vicinities. The principal thoicfughfares. the
street corners, end all the usual places of
public resort - were black with inipitiett - - and
anxious orowds. Bilsiness was for the time
almost suspended ; the usual affairs .of life
were laid aside temporarily ; all other topics
of conversation were merged in that of the
conscription ;' men Of liable ege
,weeit about
srearingn half terrified, kW resolute expree •
Won ; wives and mothers were occasionally
seen mingled with the throng. tearfully seek
ing to learn the fate of those nearest and
dearest to them ; the children even gate up
their ordinary amusements, and everywhere
bight be seen' little boys sat 'girls. asking
with pitiful voices and trembling hearts (or
tidings of their parents, relatives and friends.
It was,.a scene ouch as we never wish to see
again, bat which, we are forced by our deep
settled convictions to believe,.is only.the pre.
Cursor ef many more of 'an equally sorrowful
nature to follow. We warn those who are con.
gratulatint themselves over their escape front
the terrors of the present - consinirdion,
that their rejoicings will be very
brief.. In all probability a- supplemeatary
draft will hereto be made to fill the deficien
cies that may occur, and whether• so or not,
it will hardly be five months until *moths:
call is made- for victims to satisfy the insa•
title demands of the war. There , are _httn ,
dreda of men In every county who are now
encouraging themselves with the, belief that
in one wry or anther, through alight physi
cal imperfections, over age, alienate. or plac
ing substitute& in - the field, tiley will escape
personal service, who will discover before the
end_ has come that they have been , leaning
upon a broken reed." Boma may call us" a
croaker for uttering these beliefs ; but we are
determined to tell the truth, let It be ever so
disagreeable and unpopular. We have never
willfully deceived our readers enmity iniklook,
and the same ,firm determination to publish
our candid convictions, at whatever Gest Of
personal ease and prosperity, which hits
actiatisi as in the pat. will cassisas to
guide us is the inture. .
When the auras: containing the list of
drifted names in this city, were Woad on
Monday afternoon, they were eagerly konglit
up at exhorbitant prices. Newsboys ran spout
in all direotichs, and every person we met had
s list of thecionsaripts in his possession. Min.
women and ski/drat poured (math= with in*
tense earnestness, sad oemmeatii of pity sad
exultation were freely indulged in, wiaerillai
to the disposition of the persons tohiardi'9lr,
individuals whose names were dkusivered; lb.
!hiking over the list, one cannot fail to in
struck with the saiparitively number {
ef persons of wealth and posits hose maim
appear: This is probably owing to the Act
that a large majoritrof our.edUseas of prep.,:
arty are either over the military age, or had
taken the precaution of securing substituter.
previous to the draft. At Wet two-tia . irdi of
the conscripts are poor working men, having
large families to support, and utterly without
the atoms to noire substitutes. Most of them
are sounkin body., sad wit& fume nertkiticaii
but to enter the army, leaving their families
to the cold charity of the public. The amount
of misery 'occasioned among this class of our
population, by the draft, exceeds description.
A little German girl, living in the East Ward,
on hearing that her father was drafted, fell
into convulsions, from which she has not yet
recovered. The wife of an industrious car
penter was so deeply affected in bearing that
her husband was conscripted that she became
at once a helpless maniac. One poor fellow
was standing in front of Brown's Hotel, when
the newsboys came along with lists of the
drafted. He honght one, and glancing over
-it, the first name his eye fell upon was his
own. Gasping out, « Oh, what will become of
ray dear wife and children !" he sank down
upon tfte pavement and gave way to his emo
tions in the most passionate sobs and excla
mations. These are but a morsel of the in
stances of distress that have been produced
in our city alone. The present week has been
one of indescribable anguish in this commu
nity. Over four hundred families have been
suddenly thrown into a sorrowful appreciation
of the agonies caused by war: hid' what
ire four hundred to the hundreds of thous.
&ads already suffering or destined to be madi
suffer from the operations q the remorseless
conscription ? 4 , Oh, for a tongue to curse "
the men who - have brought down upon the
people of our country, once so free and happy,
this fearful train of anguish!
Of course, the trade in substitutes has al
ready attained a'vast importance. Men who
are able to do so, are everyihere looking
about for some person whom they can hire to
go in their places, and the substitute brokers
find ample opportunity for appliieg the
tricks of their disgusting businem. -
Alien* the whole - umber, eonseripted;
we hear of Teri fat mho purpose
tataisg the. melee, If they- oia la_ sny
way avoid A. We have.been told of a &amber
who are said to have run away, and =any
others are reported as ready to follow , their
examide. The dread of anis* as private
troldias Ii so repugnant to the paint taste
that some will,pat up with an,yjneceivanienoi
and submit to say amount otoblici.V: raker
than do it. liveryarhe fail. to repot(
it 11 - app4dated time wilrblss siperd. i dr_
sem', and halides beingaubjeet to the. other
peseta." of thole:in% White his tight to ob.
taut a enbethatte. IL is to, elie iateeeat of all
to prevail improper atemPtieuil, and ,/1 eke - .
daddling," for every person thus leaping will
bring the danger of ooneeriptioe *low to. tie
enrolled men wh ) were to:tomato umiak not
to be draftedunAltie oseasiot.-
• Below we giro list of the parsOus con.
swiped be ibis ally sat oonsky,, BO swag no
kale boom able to obtain then op 40 the
'ageing tojeses: lemma be zwllllo4lol,elis4,
is *so butanes, doable Amber 4if lLs
uripal gems were dom. These webs
eareprisies die pur .
only borbild is ass the osiajma, quotas do
not bold out, swi in sash ausibucas irUl be
required to 111 term.' The fist AIN- fetes
ulunis the eases *Wee in - width , said : anse
miss draws, so the poises. ialessited sea eta.
pate Ow thessolses 'wimples" dieing diter
O. 10 1 11 1014 410 641; quote 102. se. Deets 204.
—1 -C4ll Funk 104 Deo E Potter
( 2 jahn punnet ' 104 Blakeella
.11 1 bilip,Rogy 106 (kilo Waster
allas Relthibeki • 106,y4
b . -0 L WitelooUse 107 J B Gars
6:lliehtill Co'don' 108 Sang Knobloch
F P Flanigan 109 Jatob Mendell
8:1 L - Idurplty. 110 W Johnson --
'4IJ W Shannon 111 Jno Faerburn
_ 40-Joasph Cole . 112 Wm Watson _
11 C F. Smith 113 liiiebael 'Kerr
4.2 Neil Duggan 114, Lawrence Mahony
1 . 11 - 11 Lyons 114' Goo Thomal .
14 Jiiob Beals. 116 !rhos - Quirk
15 P Costelo •-• 117 Jos Boyd
16 WM McCullough 118 M Elmo
17 Jobs Demling 119 W Eastman
18, Chas Englehart 120 Fred Kramer
)9 Jerry. Desmond 121 Jno Ernest
20 Julius Degnisyer 122 Adam Schnell
21 A L Libel 123 Michael Collins Jr
22 F Moser 124 Christian Alberti'
23 Baut Ginty 12.5 Valentine Roostle
24 1 T Farewell 126 Geo Lee
25 A Wagner 127 E L Warner
26 R Kass 128 V Monthsler
27 John Shabauher 129 Jos Purdy
28 Geo Laggerer 130 John W .41allori
131 John Sahoefiel4
132 U Elehlandeokee
29 ft Simpson
30 IrMiller
31 Jao Genatteimer 133 Frank Mangold
32 A Moyer 134 Jas A Kreib
33 W Stark 135 James Davis
34 P Rambaugh 136 Adaa Curtis
35 F Davie ' 137 Win It Sherwood
36 R E Shanks 138 Henry Kreib
37 Id Fralick 139 A H Caughey
38 Wm Cole 140 . Geo Lawthers
W H McGill 141 Wit L Loyd
40_0 H Varney 142 Jacob Hostetter
41 J 11 Heitman 143 Orrin Knox •
42 J P Sampson 14.4_ Wm Lelia(' •
43 T Lauder 146 H V Claus
44 H Loon , 146 Richard Roland
45 J - F Wise 147 James Banister
46 .1 - Loper 148 John Haas
'47 , W Nason - 149 Gee Wiederhaff
48 P Henrich 150 Cyrus Harriger
49 Hugo Wagner 151 Joseph T Snail
60 A Fingal . 152 Edward Coates
61 W' eel 163 Julius 0 Weaver
62 I Luny 154 John Werth
53 8 Blake 155 Cornelius Welsh
64 W Gross 156 Augustus Hickey
65 A Felix 167 Thome? Crookey
66 J Able 158 Edward McAuley
67 L Fry 169 Otto Garner
58 XV Davis 160 Albert 11 McGill ,
69 I Jung 161 Geo L Starritt
60 H A .Magill . 162 Henry Albrioht
61 Geo Wagner 24 163 Geo Krasy
62 J Tippers .164 Jno Di Raetetter
68 J E Einpllig 166 Michael Love
64 F Knelt 166 John &ranger
66 J Berry • 167-V Renner '
66 G W Starr 168 Jacob Seifert'
61 J 8 Duna 169 Anthony Ramon
68 F Fainter 170 Thos 11 BoYd
69 Collins 171 Hugh Shields
70 P Leo . 172 James Hanlon •
.71 P Ernst 178 Geo Raft
72 A Fab e.rg 174 Arthur Bates
78 B Sturznickle 176 Frits Brevillier
74 .1 - 0 Hatt . . 176 Jacob Simon
76 .1 Kuntz 177 Thaddeus Elliott
76 J M Enka 178 Chu Fleischer
77 Martin Hors 179 Frauds Kassel
78 J A Geneheimer 180 Dunn •
79 Adam Myers 181 Wm Peffer
80 N 0_ Insley 182 L Schoemaker
81 Jno Randal 188 Wesley Russ
82 Humid Hill 184 Andrew Wagner
88 Jno,f4tutr 186 Geo C Dunn
84 ConW_Doll 06 Ed Marble
86 Coe Sullivan IS7. Abner P Streeter
-86 Ju Unman 'lBB John Diefinbsoh
87 W McGill butoherlB9 Melvin C Titus
88 E Kamer 190 Philip Short
89 Ail Oilier 191 Lafayette Little
90 Henry Webber 192 11 J Conrath
91 8 D Wooer 193 Chas R Roomer
92 Tobias Felt 194 Joseph Johnson
93 Marmon Heareiol2l96 Michael Loa!
94 0 G Gray , 196 Joseph Carnet
96 Chas Win 197 W F. Leaman
98 Jas Sill 19E- Goo Scoville
97 Nicholas Wats° 199. G B Keene
911 J ♦ Van Scour 200 lamest Nick
99 dristian Our 201 Edward Wails
100 Philip Feller 202 Chu Mad
101 J F Downing 208 Wm Botcher
Ono :Myers 204 W B Sienna
10. ISZOLLiD 827; QVOTA 169; x• Damn 218.
1 Richard Dudley 107 George Oldi
2 Pisa &rebottle 108 David Evans
8 John Test 109 Jae Waiaberf
4 Chu Rocary 110 James McOulloask
111 F*lix MoCann
6 Jacob Book
t 6APPage 112 11 W Trask
7 Morrie Melanin 118 11 A Smear
'8 Andrew Softie 114 John H Green
0B J Hord= 116 B B Witherell
10 WoDelden ' 216 A .71111s1
11 Gnetavis Tage 117 Andrew Welsch
12 Ernest Warden 118 Geo W Duran
13 Peter Frederieke 119 lan 8 Comp*?
14,11 Buttalield 120 Prank hi Wagner
16 Richard Beer 121 G W Sibley
16'0 Beheller 122 Thou Hurray
17 8 Gardiner 128 Chu Boyer
18 Patrick Donelly 124 Richard Mosely
19 Henry Wesohler 125 IS Schaub
20 V A Thompson 126 Win Hill
21 Lahr - 127 Samuel Wood
22 Implcs Bates 228 Nicholas Priam
129 Ambrose Mentz
23 David Roes
Z. 4 Jackson McNutt 180 Samuel Cylla
26 Frederick Runserl3l Chas H Brown
26 Geo W Jones; • 132 Adam Dash
27 Theo Burnham 133 W H Moen
28 Henry Dunn Jr 164 D F Lagagen
29 Wm Mehen 135 Frank Hughes-
- 80 Martin Stafford 136 Omar Gleason
31 Brutus Lipton 137 Warren Warner
82 John Porsch 138 Edgar Pelson
83 Peter &haatle 139 Frank Fink
34 James Baker 140 Henry Bassett
35 Aug Otterstetter 141 Beth Slocum
__ _. _ _ _
36 Hine Tuber
87 P Hume 143 Janes Manson
38 Ezra Howell 144 John Ross
39 G W Gunnison 146 El H Booth
40 John Sens •146 Job. Conner
41 Elias Riegle 147 Larry Ward
42 W A Galbraith 148 Michael Sumer
48 Frank Dunlap 149 B W Ode
44 Fronk Crestoph 160 John George
46 Jl3 Rienderneoht 151 Joseph Lisse
46 Mike Golaher 152 P F Prentice
47 John Hengtlet 153 N P Armstrong
48 W L Scott 164 Timothy /Aspen
49 S E Nailer 165 Phil Sohlendwino
50 Geo H Snyder 156 Joseph Henreioh
61 Simon . 167 Peter L Metz
52 Inc E Payne 158 G Puff
63 Otto Schaller 169 A Vairealkenburt
64 Jno P Elkins 160 Joseph Hathaway
65 JnoJ Douglas 161 Chas E Median
66 L B Moore 162 JO Barnhart
• 67 Henry Elbe 168 Franklin Pend
68 Philip Oats 164 Matthew Hickey
-69 John B Suerken 165 Curly Driskill
60 Jno Stainer 166 Geo McCully
61 Semi McCrea 167 Lawrernoe Bacot
62 - Chas Bonner 168 T B Bran
68 Edward Wabbe 169 A S Marsh
64 RoubiztA Fields 170 Frank Barthian
66 Janus Baker 171 Ed Yardley
66 0 Finger 172' John Folly
66 Chas Colt " 178 Chao Brown
68 Goldin Thomas 1%4 Jacob Brut
69 Joseph Gaut 176 D' Resent/mil
70.8 awl L Babbiu 176 Thomu Lanais'
. 71 Chas L Haws 177 Peter Pedro
72 Dania& Satins .178 Alfred King
'1 78 Bsanal Magill 179 Wm Downy
74 Philip Omits 180 Wm W Hyatt
76 (Us °ably 181 John Hawley
- 78 John 11 (hudnor 182 P J Rath
tl7: Bawl pact . 188 Henry aolonger
78 L uau Herbst 184 Scut G Smith •
79 013oluunan 186 Wm Men
" 80 *Snob M rsuait =lB6 Ed lloselsos
81 Julies Cowan 307 los Orononhospe
VI A H Cankoy 188 Nosh Mompay
W C Warren 189 WI Sherwood
84 :mph Zosimi. 190 Joe IleGonio
86 John Valiadao 191 Remy Goodell
Si Jos 1713walloy 192 Jacob ham
87 0 Ilintont 193 Marks Ilirook
88 Wise toolor 194 Thomas Watson
•• It &nob Dome 196 Goo Ram -
99 0 W Wok' 196 Robert &dens .
91 011 Hamilton ' 197 Henry G Worms
- 92 !That L florpt 198 :boob Snyder
• 4 Joe Heisler 11W Mused ChM,
It Wm Brolibost 200 Prank Link
961 d .1 Tams 201 Goo W Walker
16 Rd Cap
97 V Malt p
16 Time Bittelder
• 11916.4 lOW
. 101 0 N Rtdt
10211 add
- IN Jed Silk*
106 2018111 TIM
106 W B ellkirettlaw 211 N PljoneelOS
108 Bury rectal'
vapor. LZD 571; Vint& Fitii.26ol6
Sim* Baur ." janii i tr r
Sines - Cristo( • l'hes
L Muer •Wiliiiitt .'•
Wilber Ball ,-.- Abeam Pool lhfillikei
Philip Hainsond, A Ballivan
Reunions Fetter -. Frog King
James Dean , ' Ellwood Lyons ", .
Bury Wilcox --- H P Manley
Plunk Fabraini, - John Duncan
Heary - Meary.- Philip U hilts',,, .• •
Albert Levi -- r - V Ussaila - .2- • /--
James Snyder Wm Kerney
Wither) , Liner - - Thos Cony
Geo McDaniel Perry Parsell '
Edward Delay Henry Deighton
At Boyar. Frank Hopei!
Cristopher Dormer James Netter
?embers Win Gilbert
8 8 Arbuckle • Jacob Ackerman .
Jacob Schaaf Robert Hughes
Peter Katz i John Coots
A P Foaled- Thee Jockenbangh
Oeo A Luti - J Etter
Binard Renderly E Tompkins
1 Wm Well Joseph Reop ,
Frank Gate • Nelson Bruce ~
Philip il Wab Joel Barnett
Buil Stotler , Jao Shears I. -
duo Elliot
Simon R lode
Joseph Hamner Andrew Morton
Christian Tolbreobt
James Crawley
Jacob Kraemer
Aus Fleekner
Jno Frets , - Jno Esser
Thos Brisco ,
Chas Koala
John Aleonnrr C C Connell
Harvey Hess
Jacob Datter
Andrew Retcalf Geo Phillips
Michael McCormick Henry §mith • .
Joseph Have • , lits,rwelf Final
Virtu Shal
le Jno Maguire
Michael Sesel ' •
Jno Biker
Frank Amen
Jno Banivettee '
C w Brind
Joseph B Lois .
Anthony Meyers Jno Kirsch
Sydney McDaniel Samuel Kendig
win Henke Henry well
Jno E Cook - Peter &wrist
win Sandie • - Danforth Grovelds
BainlB 'Robinson 'Samuel Able
George Fustier win Daily
Robert McKee . Samuel Wagner
Fred,Pattrie John wally
RS KOWIPIMI Lewis siroborat
Ebasale McDowell Geo Cordewder
Jacob Blocs Seward Gents
Jno Hayslong Michael Stenwein
F Kohler Alex Pairmewir
Henry Bosh win Avon
August Stanton 0 Gray . '
Jeremiah Mahogan Mike Reeddy
John Hartson 'Mathias Hammed
Hartman Fisher Jacob Roland
A il!Deighton B F Patton
win warren Jqo Reenker .
Robert Knox Jno Helmer
David Stowe B P Arbuckle
Theo Heberly 0 ()nether -
Levi Bugle - - win Downs
Joseph Shelook Joseph Harmer
w 0 Cole Amos Dillon
wm Stephenson Christlin M Daniel
Jno Sends-_ Geo Miller
lasso wells Samuel Ozer
Amos Hinkle Robt Smith A'
G w Hayberger J 0 Aaterrell ,
Fred Bemiiman Peter Dormer
Morris Maley Jonas wiedley ---,
A M Manley Dvici Knobloch _
Jibes Morgan Arthur MoCan
Jerry Crawley 3no Sweetmen
Andrew P Floger wm B Doyley
,Robert Team Josiiph Hill
Ham Hess - Wm Loerich
"Mon Olds`, Jno Francis
John Meaner Timothy Maloasy
Prank P Eels Paddy Lyons
Gee Harbert - Jamb Sandusk y
Isaacs A Platman
Jno Catalina
Brits wondoriing
wm Davis
V Bins
ma Downs
Clark wool
Bobt Smith
A Dlp •
:no w
Martin Mills
w P
Hansel Oorkm
Goo 8 Davison
Conrad Roffman
Geo Darla
Chas Sohn*,
Frank yawn,
Lewis Bandar
Henry Gem
Goo Shilling
Adam Brahmin
Chas miller
:asses williams
aogork Rowtoro
Sylvestar .willlatos
Henry Dunken
Jno Zunnierly
DaVid T Jones
:mph Hammond
JUIN Fruiter
John Rookie's
C Znok
Ow It Till
John Taber
Freak Richter
T trio Brown
Frank Our
202 Prink Whisker
SOO 0 H Niero las
204 Rh)lado Obelus
206 Dyroa D Manor
206 Jams A. WU' •
207 Jiil.ll ar
209 W A Boob
llp4r -
NO Dail& Bata
210 ilsellaw lbw
Geo Ripple 7
Wm Malay'
Peter Leer
Andrew March
R Heiple
Fred Hyrum
wallets, Coburn
Joseph But,
Cyrus wolf,
:no Reed
wm Limmerly
Christcipher Streik
Jacob Heidi
Anthony Leiner "
11H Killer
Peter &bough
Joseph Meson
Avery Liner,
Geo Leash
Lewis Lohman
Nelson Clerk
B soehine
sores Olds
Phillip Rott e
Jno Kelly
Peter Isenba
w Knoeble
Saml S Pollock
;Apron wavier
Patrick Finley
T willigen
A Thayer
0 w Cline
C Corshenson
David Osiloch -
Jacob Albrecht
David Hart
Geo Leader
Andrew Bartlett
J J Tickner, 1 L McKee, J L Lee, Geo
Silverthorne, Wm Lewis, James Eaton, J
J Aby, - Darius Hewitt, Cyrus W Scott,
Wm Martindale. Robt ()Vied, Albert
Hartion, 1) H Word, W H Whittaker,
Frank Sherman, Geo Bentley, Henry
BroWn, Marsenis Lewis, Win Whipple,
Robert Barnes, WS Randall, J C Copelin,
Joh Ball, Elisha Barney, Wm T Smith,
W Midwife, J A kfurey, Co o Runyon,
Melon White, J A Cross, J 0 Conner, J
W kerly, L R White, Clark Sherdevant,
P 14 Keep, T D Meade, W m Spalding, J
B Rime', G M Dunning, J L Strong.
N S Hall, Parker Fiansburg, Joshua
Lions, Albert Lewis, S D Watson, G W
Alfred Olmstead, Alfred Swalkirs
Alonzo Gray, Jane McOrey, James Junett Y ,
Henri liaison, Myron Barr, Edmundson
Daicon. Benj Brumly, B J Bate, ass He-
Cong, M M Spaulding, Wm Hayes, Chas
Heath, Bruice Little, James Mills, Enos
David, S A Beebe, John Hendersen,-How
ard Reynolds, B F Hayes, H Valentine,
Robert Little, Alonzo Arnold,- B. H. Burch,
Henry Xixen, J A Harsh, Illman Daily,
Bonamt Mattaon, H ;Van Near, Lyman
Daly, Isdushan Gray. Wm Barns, Lyman
Vincent. :Innis! Minor, Jno Bishop, Cor
nelius Stetson, Ehmtler Gunam. sawn
McCreary, Wm Bugbee, J W Price, Edwin
INZOLUID 78; Mu. 1&; DIARN 32
Bard- Cotrell, Wm Stewart, Dennison
Eldriken, Ephraem "Mabee, Chas Inmon;
Sterling Doolittle, P 0 Liddy. Lorenzo
Stowe, - Wm • Chapman, Wlt Robinson,
W C Korot lirlltewart, rno V; Bald.
win, Levan - , Warner Schaffer,
Franklin E Welhnan, X E Col
burn, Edwin Reed, 'Mathias S Rouse, H
K Steward, W D Maxon, ti W Davis.
Itnnk, High M Middleton, H
E. Lad d. Drake, Wm King, Cor
askap Ballactl, Sidney Conner., Saml D
Rain; .Wells Barion. —.
. _
M=l 3 i 42 ; quarrA 9 ; DIUWNIIII.
Wm Hai. /ohm Loiug, WmViumndfo.
how, Davis.' ban If Potterion: A T Oak
kg Cady 0 Ron" Nubia Wodmomih,
Daley DIMO, B A Sidanor ab tAZ
Bleb Br*" Weft W -
Brook Choiatozwal, Wm It . ir,-
II T Wontworth. Nolan Ceiba*. -
ova TpW1151121 0 :
13 " 44140120 ; .410ari 96; Oa*lt 62.
it Sooty fin tants hank tobllatt
Karlin O s Phillip wawa Loran %lea
Prodatiat Hist mint &nay . so* S Beak
matt chant... Twilling S Strong IPrnoldhl
Hauta -Etestehe ,tiao _MO Flank
slta Lannio wolf
ano Boblumswilliat intWY Lisp N
cs seam 4..atUimy RortalSeth,chutch *J
ahn& Xcelania Admit,* Swlilionts
no Bum amMadiIICIONI
Shade chat Weaver David E HOghton
Horatio Stanley tno Martian Michael I
Carlin Anton Voyt 0 E colkine Rio Wed
Romagna, /no Nem. ham = 1 ":" 1 1
wstion.:'Sadah ?sank Loyle btu r
swim 'Antony Tpalk Myron
Wren etibenOn Seii Wester 0
walker ati i 1700 Ponkhn cols Zdward
tones Zara wadti, , ' •
astouso 143 ; cum 27 ; DitiWN 54 ,
.Tboa Rya* chits carpenter sank lircum
bef 'oho still - Nelson Robinson Albert
Rhodes D D Darling Harrison college
Mania irirphy simots crouch (I Hart
n Rogers( Beth Allen Eugene Collins c c
Taylor Gee W Railing Ira Randall 'James
woodruff Liberty nail T J Fleming wm
wells Franklin- Eaton usrahall Maxon E
A Kidder • wilson Andrews E A silents
James condon Adam Dols wm n'conmiotis
Oliver sherman A Peckam John Oradenow
Aaron welloselaLawnsberry warren at( w
art c A - Bosworth Jabez Griffis llenry Mae
thews w >r shermati Mita culver Perry
Clark II Taudyks Goo nlird JAtues uooth
a w m'etillber John whittsker U I) Robin
son H dark John Roberts J (with smith
l)-Thonaga Patrick Trail Jerry wood Thos
IiSIROLL*D 14; (core I i ;Ltivx 30
William Meade e u ltrooks Nicholas
haughtnisis ;Trio R r9binsou M M Vanbus'-
kirk Geo 'f howaril ,Luther Francis; Ge 9
Ludwig Silas Francis Frets yelper E r
McKee win h Nasou Joseph Brown Disr
ghat willis C ruiner J 0 Kellogg a J Na
sort • Newton Burdick' weiley spatlord usn
Fay Josiah Allen was uarkencamp h L
howaril :lames Daily heman Eaton A r
Coleman Joseph Culbert .8 Cunengham
Erastue Mill j T
Wm nowman L a Lickmorp joe wet.
Amu S B brooks Amos Smiley J F
Wheeler William M Smiley John Witta
ker n o Frisbee wm waterhouse Oliver
Murphy ti h Manrots weldon boyd wm
is Frisbee j a WO '2‘l win j Taylor Gilbert
May wm Allen D j stow r At•waltea Albert
Southwurth!Lymap hooper david P Fris
bee Geo Moore G.o °Mitt samuel - Gourley
h w ' llley. M s Edmond. ceo Obbins Jas
M Keen Truman Mallory Titania' Fatten
r • sharp henry Mitchell oeo woke Jas
Alexander j w bowler R Kellisdo James
Earl hudson Campbell • j Burdick
. Phillip
Gregory M slack john s McLean Asa Bar
dick Seymour Theer Francis Fatist wm
weldea williard Aldrich w r }Liven Thos
P (Jahr Prank betify john Carr•john M
wetker h T Pratt Vister Croush B smiley
wm h Craker Perry henry Anson
Enrolled 23G ; quota 40; draw* 80.
Gifford williams, D S Sipe, Hudson OHM
D C Gardner, John IdoCle!cap,4)ius Reynolds
wm Phelps, T Butler, j R VanDemen, arm But.
terfie!d, Cyrus Sherwood. Barton Gardner,
James Meatorn,. • kn Trash, 8 Goodwin, wet
-ton Compton, Chas Richards, A E waters, D
,j Greenfield, wm titer, wm Lasure, Joe Cu!.
bertson, D 1) Reynolds, Mat Makin, wm Ore,
Artenme Baird, Lewis Grimm, Dan wendalt,
Hy Ohuroh, T A we!!mau, A Sherirood, R A
Campbell, warner_ Colemea, T M Sherwood,
E Drake. A. J Steadman. N H Ore, wm P
Campbell, Bum E Knorr, w Hotchkiss, wm 8
Ethridge, Chas Curtis, Augustus wuneaker,
wm P Clough, N• Chase, AM Hays, Dewitt
moClellan, J w Belay, Ro• Ensign, jeremiah
There, Abner Greene, Ambrose Clark, mark
Munson, Mob's Ore, John fettows, A j &ran
ford, martin &regard, jasper w Stafford, Hy
Conner, john — Taylor, Geo Culbertson, Jesse
Gibson, Enstus Bean, Sam Reeder, amnion
Thene, James Lander, wm B Goodwin. 0 L
Cn!bertson, j A Hinter; N Church, D K An
'demo, K j Johnson, Vincent wittell, Henry
Smith, w S Gray, John G Compton, A APlerci
wens, wm Bolen, Eli Penrod, Homer Shrift.
Eartilled 169 ; quota 31; drawn 62
Steven Roberts, Jno Taylor, George W
Bishop, Wm Van Caren, Lorenzo Foster,
A C Hood, Alfred Corey, Darwin Kinds.%
Michael Avery, Hiram Qwens; Aaron X
Hititrod, Morns F Fritt John A Benson
Perry hicelensthin, Wilson Smith, Hy
Kent, Dsvul N Johnson; F C Baxter, Win
H McGill. T F Benign. . Cole, A J
Newman, Joseph Badwjn, Jesse Lonsley,
Josiah Walker, Harvey Porter, Robert J
Benson, Josiah Smith, P R Strong, Wayne
Knox. Geo Coover,Wm L Brownell, Mat
thew Campbell, J C Munn. Crist Groff,
Albert Cornish, Eatonm
Gisa, Jacob KlS
mar. Win Marsh, Byron F !Whitney, John
Massy; Jno Smiley Jr, Wit Sweeney, A
H Pringle, Munson finest , Michael Hold
en, Jas - P Platt. J D Yen Caren, James A
Skinner, Henry Leslie.
Enrolled 78 ; quota 13 ; drawn 2C
Alx Clough, Di W Owens, A D Carson,
B Benson. Sam Boyd, Thos Eliot, Henry
Glover, D N Hunt, H Q Whitney, Woi T
Barnett, Jas 1.1 Barnett, Hy A Colt, John
A Austin, FJ Hurd, E J Catrell, J S An
derson E W Gray, T C Rogers, James E
Gifford, Sam C Gray. ,
Enrolled 137 ; quota 30 ; drawn GO
Christ Sheik', Hiram Stafford, John She
maker, Geo Maidley, Jno Steadman, Da
vid Owens, Elias•Bayle, Frail Tabor, Saml
Houck. Josiah Stafford, Anthy Barron jr,
Fredk Weaver,. Jno Whitman, John Bar
gain, John Marsh, • Chrest Veit, Norman
Brinhal!, Christ Spence, Sami Marsh, Spr
Stafford, V hunser, A H Prindle,. Chas
McLaughlin, David Robes, Daniel Marsh,
Jno Moore, Datil Parmater, Jas Rockwell
Edw A Bragg, Alex Wagner, John Hem-
Orley, Jai Taylor, Oliver 13Dunn, Aaron
Ruh!, Joseph At Varser, Ailed Washburn
Alepheus Coaley, Wayne Knox; Thomas
Relaker, S W Jarvis, (3 D Vancuren, Ha
man Clapper, Joseph Banton, Benj ender
Ely M Stancliff, James A Skinner, Edwd
Stradman, Geo Gailock, Jacob Rhodes,
Jacob R ifodei -- Wm Seelinger, Jacob Biam
Joseph Erman, Ed Bates, Lewell Skinner
Anthony Muller, -Geo Washburn. Lewis
Thompson, Fred'k Rick.
IINROLLID 2.19 . ; QUOTA 51 ; DRAWN 102. -
C H Heldler, L Veattuer, Jcihanues
Trey, M IL Curtis, J H Taggart, A
Creary, Wilson Robinson, Amos Mier,
0 Sezauer, L Henri*, H - H
Crali, J Strangewav, H Donor, R Sheik
ham, F McCreary, Jno Brecht, J Schiller,
D J Slough, Pat Dooly C Blucher, Sarni
Shongh, Saint Harvey, C Einfildti James
McCreary, Gilbert Ross, Chas Aswan, F
Rick, Sand Johnson, W W Bard, H Hay,
C Lohan, Isaac Eaton. Id Shoemaker, L
Boer, Jas C Ternor,- Jllord, S, N Mc-
Creary, Jno Hayborger, Henri St urges B
Wasen, Wm Duncan, James Duncan, L.
Sabott, C Smith, C .Swalley. Jno• Kohl, A
Flossier, Jno Hammel, S V Mason. J H
Emerly,..P Ruhl, C Doll, Geo Cooper jr,
N Meyere, W H Daggett, Benj Sturgeon;
Bush, Chia P Weigh, Levi Seidler, Asa
Gather, Geo H Pry, Geo Lexan, Win (;11a
tier, B Masson, Jacob Heidler, H J Shan ,
non. Jae X Robinson, Henri Miner, Jno
G Winnell, S S Warts. Din Mellhorn, B
J Fargo, Geo Bower: Mike O'Brien; David
Russell, F Rayner, H C Bahl, C M Robin
son, Ja cob Allis A Bentley, Peter-Hel -
ler, Israel ;Bard, F Leis, J Schafer, HP
Rink Perry Luther, -Sarni 24 McCreary;
D Zeigler. Saint . H Rahl Jno Disso, Geo
Frey, J A Klioe,-Jos Tipper, Charles Me=
hoes% Henry-Wise, Andrew Rapt: i ll:lke
Vesslo,Wm Dippo, A J Johnson, Benben
Brea,' Win Mossback.
zinicoulo 348; Qoar• 48 ; gnaws 96.
Geo Lloyd, &Wit* Morris, • H
0 Martin, R Kirtland, Cot 1 4:1,
Citimessray, g Babbitt, -W JPbllll24
8 Kirkland, Wags S. Jamas -
Jno Itastlel, 'Samuelt roug' NeClollandl, D
Barns, Levi Loveridp, Jou It Warner, U
Vaasa, P W Besion, Wm X AndereOn,
Wm gazusold, Chas gendenon.Xadiacm
13liverthoru, Jno Whipple, W C Calbon
son, T Woohosy, st B Stems, R Andrews,
Leivisamith, Amid Baw J B Roboti
sm, Jams Blisaily, Tim Jim*, Mk.
ous Et Godfrey, intit Kramer, T W Done.
J C &pith, Orlando Killer, la a Filler, Ira
Sampson, Joo W illipe,, Bawl glee, u
H .
Bradish. EJE.,rctiee:A .. Bartiey, D
1 .1 3 1 1 131n j Tfa e Ql7 P t e t c e n : s i ` n r ° ,3,7t ea' ,
shericio_ wok,. rout, 0 widner, Jaznes
SaMPBOl3.llllO* Barker, Fred B Eigard,
Alex ileunbiry,:Lanier Godfrey, Nelson
RAM* Magnet' neither, Alva ualotead,
wm A Seely, C J Young, A u Nopkiees,
McClellan. E .1 Baker—.f w Sherman jr,
Jno Temple, Gustavui Davenport, Lyman
Bulger, S a nen:lab, Augustus Kieth, A"
Seely,. A Greiner, •Ino Dolljge, F Miller,
ChttrA—reitibone t Smith J M
smith,..lno Miller, u scoria d,
G Mar
tin, eo G vrarnor, Jae P
Shertilftlit.." . •
••. •
SPROOItiELD 101YEE1111).
1N531 , 01/I.o' taicrex 2U ; I:l,otwx. 58. '
David 4.41a1w041,,Win h ran, A *Wit
0 s intreirDaltilliniksD.'A W Gray. D3Vili
Ellis, ailaietkiiehi r W'h Kentlig. w C Mil
ler, A G30160y; seery, 14., Martindale,
ADeven; 'Oscar weeks, - m craeltem..l
P weldon, J h Crew, J Nieobals, Daniel
EIIOU, JOO Green, I Clarou Albert Grav6,
jonathan Morrell, r 0 Richard, s Tnayer,
w ly Corby, henry johuson. (lee ratterson,
sylvester honria, hetnilton webb, E a Mil
ler; .E L Temple, E j Case, I'd 13 own; b
Forsythe, Lewis, henry [testi. senj
Ceedrug, **lailler. parker walbridge,
$ w Robinson.! SG; uror• 14 ; DBARN 26
A Denis, Jas Vsinsickle, J D Mcßride, U J
ALlenannig Logan, Rola Ruddick, P D Plow-
Amos'llall, D Davenport, Jao Mapoly,
J limy 1' d Parsells,llJ Hass, C U Andrews,
Wm Dolan, dm Can Sicker, A. Coabloug,
Win Thonuou..Jonathou +•'eels, Z U Mal Way,
Edward slliledest.,'Geopap ;81inbat Waldo,
Arba L Gni*liit,Albert I:lSeter, Cleo Rurrowes.
• 'l4lilloll. eItEI3K, TP.
5mi0,14116.44117 , floors 31 usroca 62.
%V sahlisigtOn Damien ;" Win Cowden, Ed wird
Cass, 11.10k0011Boornell, Joseph N Barkers,
Alfred 0 . 4:11409,A.24 Crane, Win White, Mar.
shall Darnwell. Jeliu Greenwood, Samuel
Moorhead, T E Kendrick, S It Patton, James
A Moorhead, L H COIISP, J J. Ebereal, James
Nichols, Richard Evans, LymaniWright, Danl
Slade, Depj Otlarell, Wm 'Moorhead; W C
Brady, Win Croanws..l, Elwood Lyon, Jno D
Arthur, Win It Cass, Harrison Miner; Jame*
Hassler, Jno Lehi, w U H Sewell, Jeremiah ,
Mcconnell; Jeremiah Still, Samuel c wills,
James Waltham, Jr John °hi:o o Rale, Jere—
miah Adams, Henry Atkins, Jno D moorheadi
David walker. Jno Gordon, Jno Hart, J it
Smith, Fred Schaffer, Jo° w c K
Smith. r H chambers, w.ri marks, Daniel Kil
patrick, T P care, Josiah wood, Levi Jackson,
Geo biticolure, mu Tattle, Oscar wadsworth,
Jae CreSSWeill too Leary, c N cat 7 . u -Parker, ,
Josiah ucconaell, Jab Applebee.
ILIROLLYD 124 ; Quo,TA 26 ; DRAWN 52
James w Tanner, Chas F Austin, John
E Terry, w w Davis, John Taylor, James
Yost, James M-Peck, Stephen D weard,
Lyman C Moto, wm Boyd, Fares Philips,
Stephen H Allison, Thomas w Howard,
Anthony Perry, James Manta, Levi But
ler, Geo Philips, Henry Seager, Hiram
Greene, Cornelius Bacon, John Young,
Edward Pieble, Henry Cooledge, torenso
Emory. ma Rankin, tadowick .Hull, Al
pheas Richards, James McCullough, Na
than 11 Smith, C A Eaton, S H Inman,
Edwin wellingtori; Chas T Inman, George,
Gifford, Chas Morgan, Ellsworth Danis,
John Donahue, B. P Chapin, Franklin
Platt; Wm T Black, Enos•ltann, Hiram
A McClanahan, Hiram w Mix, Josiah
Brooks. John W Pierce, Henrod Conrad,
Wilcox, Morgan B Tanner, Oria
Chapin, Nelson Wheldford, Franklin
Stewart, Geo D Smith.
ZSZCILLID 271; noora- 57'; DR et WN 114 •
M L Selkregg, Berk', Chace, Thos C
Crawford, Nathan Covy, Clark Aspinwall,
A G Harper, Wm H Palmer, James, Phil
ips, John N Wallace, Chaa Randle, Robt,
Hill. W G Lunbann, W V Penney, G 'w
Malliok, Henry Luke, A S Palmer, Chas
Bailey, John Handling 11 w Parsons, M
H Davidson, Lewis Miles,John Maliok,
J S Clark, Robt T Martin, Nelson A Mills,.
A B Staley. C A Clute, P if Rockwell,
Thos A Beemue. Geo • Sprague, Martin
Heigh, Levi C Hart, Jno Fenn, wm Brown,
A- T. Martin, Lewis Cole, Morris Law,
George Covey, James IS cLaughey Levi
Adams Henry Butt Jacob Graham T C
'Keeler wm Hallen Mania Caldwell S A
Peer win E Clark Frank Handle John
• Henricks Chauncey Boom BB Alexander
S. Minello win Marsh A J Gifford H A
Atkins T R Childs Jno B Lowell Horace
Heath Isaao wolf E S Orton E w Butt D E
Kerr Christ Luth C•C ward Lyman Bur
gess, James L Green, H L Munger,
u. Bower Levi Bartholomew warren
Graham Dexter hem!, Harvey Wash 'l' H
Stewart Henry*.Hall A D wade J H Hol
lister'L L Lathrop Geo w Covey G N
body Jakoes Dudley Jno B Campbell S D
Brown G S Louderman John HanAley
Marcus Colby G B Stockton Adam Hass
Wm J . Eggleston jw tv 13aom Isaiah Dolt
gan A w Batt. Gee Baty RObt w Marshall
Jaines Silliman Seth Smith wafter Neely
D J wells'Ebbon Stone Nathan Robinson
Emmit Brawley Eb Knapp Isaac Malick
w S Beebe Christ Shultz Silvadore Pierce
L at Caldwell A J Lathor R. w liritland
Chas will; ins Ceo R Crawford Samuel
Munger "w H Ralph I Crowther E F Hester.
w I) wildman Saylea Mav J iv )(oat
Adolph Printlle Geo Buck Richard Bur
roughs wm J Davis Beni \ F williamo S M
Northup Sarni Crawford Levi Jones M L
Mansfield F B Jones A E L w
wildman Sam weed Lyman ROss C S Ray
mond Chas L Fitch J w Switzer Edward
Covey B F Bissell C. Ii Word Hubert
Davis Simon Geer J A Phillips Cll Loomis
P C JOll6B Lafayette Clark win T Kindall.
Enrolled rtl ; quota 27 drawn &I:
Chas W Broad, Norman Nichols, Jam bleitea, Henry
T thatcher, J L Carter If t C 3 /k, lobes Trally, 0 04ra
Smith, it A - Parker, G W Wpm*, Geo Trikauit, A S ?Blot
aon,illrarn Cltuo, Jansai - Suillay, Win Reuben, Borne*
E trw an, L Shensi, Caleb Nerd
RobtAgaten,jr,Jllll6 , l)i gr4y, Ja nei 0 Susiek,, Albert
Davanport, Cyrus Klor, Haar ' , Cott !toroth. A D Buah,
Jarman Smiler; DM) A Hall, Win A oillatt, Fianel a
Brama►.y, Edgar Earl, S I, Thatcher, Banat Spaulding,
Wm Ei Taylor, Dant Peg, tros Schel:l446nm, James
Macre Irwin, Jamas Cart, Jr,T H Mullen, J W Tobin
WB C Henry, J R Swinsie. Vincent Barnes,
Jusbnon loofa, David bisAllialar, Fred Werner, J A
Alphaua Salley, John Clesisiont, line Call, L
Enrollid 125 ; titota 27 ; drawn Si
N Riokarson, Franca Stowe, J W Cho. Pen, der kilarY
It 11.Wodattri Wrisealr, Harris Johoioo. Usorgo
Loosdovno, Hiram Furman, Myron Hewitt, L Port.r.
Welder Meat. Chu lissuo3c4, Jobs Babcock, .P. Ray
mond.A. Haisbroot, T P Bassett, R B Pah:tar. J Tracy
Cason. Y Bailey, C twat, else W King, A. L Rotas, 11
BBsaedlc Alor Wright,Jetties Childs, Jere iturr ay,
L T She:ratan, Warren Jackson, Amami Dowling Chem-
Ailloss. Wm Re" Wallerte Henry. G L Smith, Et
I Tattoo, Henry Posholioir, Robt J L Swett,
9artis D Webber, 0 D'Fitalt. •
f, t i ;
ciialed it; qiati &Iwo ti
John Panmekni, James Sapp, D 0 'ftstrord. JO) Ho Talc,
Ctfi eliaiiierOwalah
Enrolled 95 : quota 18 ; drawn 811
Jowl* grobook, Lain Stoioason,.Davii A btto owl
etu a l i s s . wary. Gins; 'action Grattan; Zbooloss
Goolison, Noah Jewett. rrsettlin Wolf, Illusion Jur ,Hy
rbsiamar, l Moo Thom& Tema Ka44A Jao nay,
AssiN cols, Wl* Stay, tiyhister Mak.? J Gut*
Lary W jolotoos,.Potsy W Mono% too POO% INDS
Wan Karma Way, Anna' Wolf, Houy ?mo t George
nolkloie WO 114 Di,t Toglobsak J Woolen J K
NoG,Nirtts itigotth :tom P Jooksoo; Jaoob Abodes,
lissassegar, Jecoti &sok Ulm Wly. ' •
Swettel t2l; ga.ts aD ; drunk
D It autholosisr. Join Veiny, 9 I. Laub, IL 0
Mlissi. Zama &aura. Flew Sag tarsus a. J Blak•
lab Wei H Doss, Aspy Swami, Jabs Boirdta L
Solobe SO sikebbas s EU Lack, W B Dunbar, Camel
Sabszta. &C Woad. Gee Whom" Lab
-wUar..DJstop.i w 8111. B B WilLiart
tfiawalay, Pisa Oaks, Walter aasokk, Wa Wood.
1,01!WilW"W W WA" T X Jail" Jos Wu*.
T R Barraugh, 11111arill H era; T King, Ed,i 4 nu,
Maw,* a Dyer. I I Crandall. F. J Ford, Carl„ pq
.ronar, Chun**, U Tlta,, C 1 Nana, .1
Ilanghtallag. *twin' Vials:. $ Shaadien..,
dolpb, Wft Harrington, Ir. I e.,..
Gonerea, H Crompolh Cyril 4 Illartß+r; 0
C 4
Frio City -Kest Ward.... W I .
-Wt.! W•rot ._827
........ ..57/
Fairytale.— . 1:411 _
Elk Cevek
Franklin .. .
I.e 8eata—
Plinio Ir.
Waterford Tp
MeV Vlll3
lad 1eb0t0....
ifartwa .....
Nut Ka.t •
WattAburz.... -
ljniou Tr and Bor
fAdvertisemeut j
hiterentlne Questions and Ausuer, rfltit,
to the 7.30 S. Loan.
Mr. Jay 'Cooke, of rttil4.lelpitt.,
long a time had the management ~ 1
lar butt million 5 . ..5) LI an, h ty )11.1
pointed by Secretary Fesseu len, the
Agent to dispose or the only poptalat ,
now offered for sale by the Ci.,verutoeut
the "Stil'ES-TlllltTV."
In entering upad" hit duties he 1 • r..
answer plainly the large nuutoer of go, 4 ,
daily and hourly propounded to
his fellow countrymen may all LICII.-r...
whet this " Seeen•Thirty.Loau " is
its peculiar merits.—how they cue u ,
for or obtain the notes, Ste
Ist Question. IVhy is this Loul
" Seven-Thirty " Loan ?
Answer. It bears interest, in cdrrrii_
the rate of Seven Dollars -uh.l tints,
emit year, on every hinared 4.)lllr
the ititeritst as follows •
pne cant per day on each $ 5U not
Two cents •
Ten ••
One &liar "
2d Question. When and ttqw can-ti:ey
obtained ?
:.Answer. They are far 8 de, at per;:.
accrued interest, by all .Buh
tional and other Banks, and alt
3d Question. When is the inter•-t a 4it
and how can it be collected
Answer. The Coupons or Inter .i 1,•L„
ara due loth of February hu
in each yew, and can he cut 14
note, and will, be matted I,y any
urer, U. 8. Depository, National or
or Banker. ,
= 9th Question. When dust the 0 )csrr, ,
pay off these 7.30 . 13 • -
' Answer - They aro due in taJ ye .r
half from the 15th of February 11"..
on the 16th of Aurnet, 1667
6th Question *fat I ractivc •
money ao soon as HU'
Anwar No not unlea3 you 7:0,-er
far to do so—the Law gives you thi• rizt• •
demand from the Government, 11
either your money or an equal E
par, of the famous and popular (-•-
Bearina 6 per cent . Loan
6tn Question flow mach do N
this privilege , of conversion. 1111,.
to be worth t
Answer 5 29's r;eartai,u , di J.
lit of Ndeeml,ar, are to day w.Ath pet
premium if Noy are w.rth ru ru , -
end of the LAJ years
hn:Te a r;glit to Et.Pm,
premium added to the iptrira.t
will give you at le.ltat lry per t5..11; pri
for your tinwy—t.,ut th-V- op,ulou t.
will be worth mire than-4 [IOC
at that
7th Question. ghat uther h
there in investing in the
* Answer. 'f It Cannot be tixet t,; t
Counties. or Cities, cal this ale t,a u -At •
three per oral per annum to the 21? t L: ,
of the h....ider, nocoraing to the rate
in various localities. Alt 1 , - 1a , 19
ezoept those of the Utiite.l Stmes 1
mortgagee, su , are toiled, not co!-, - n)
Government, - but by States, Conn;..;
6th. Question - How does the u , vertztt
arise the money to pay the int, r est, ant
safe and sure
Answer. The Government' it,
taxes, internal revenue, and duties
ports, fully three hundred millions ese )-at
This is nearly three times as much as
ed to pay the interest on all the debt, t
soon as the war is ended, 'the amount n
.noeded lo pay the interest will le%
paying off the debt. Our (loveruneut ;.•
twice paid off all its debt, and CAu r?la
so again. The interest is sure to
promptly, and the debt itself Is the very tat
investment in the world. It is as sate
mortgage on a good farm, and pays a 1,0
interest. It is, in fact, a First Monger!
all lands, all incomes, all railroads and ....s
bonds, awl bank or other stocks, mortga t e
Sic. I
Nothing can be safer, for we are all I , -
for it, and all that we have is firmly tu'd
the payment of principal and interest 1:
foolish those people are, who keep their
and greenbacks idle and locked up, ..r -
chase mortgages or railroad.slocks awl
which. pay only 5 or G per cent.
when these Seven-Thirties pay i s cobetiaz
premium on Five-Twenties.) over t:ti
cent., and are so much safer and surPr
4th Question. How many Seveu- il,,r
are there, and how much remains ine, 11
Answer. There are about three trial
and twenty-five millions authorized d) :.%
and only aboutoone hundred and lain , ~
remain unsold.
sell the balance
Anewei. There are about zt) , T ~••"
Banks all engaged in selling thew .
large number of the old banks, ant r. to.
three thoutiand private bankers and broic
and special agents-will be engsge.i ,n
parts of the country in iMposing of ",r,'
The people.
• 11th Question. plow long will
sell the whole?
Answer. In less , then three wono , - v.'
will be all sold, and will no doula
at a premium, as was the case with th.
Seven-Thirties, the first Twenty-I'r,r
and the Five-Twenties,
How long will i,
The above questions and answers, it i•
Herod, will give full information t,. ‘''
not, the General Subscription 'Agent,
of the Banks or Bankers employed to F 7 .11'
Loan, will be glad to answer all que'l 3
and to furnish the Seven—Thirties iu
large sums (as the notes are issued to Is t
legations of $5O, $lOO, $. - 00, $1,001)
$5,0000 and to render it e.piy for till to et
scribe-- - thus fulfilling the instructions.of
Fessenden, who earnestly , tesirea 'that t`
pitiplituf the whole laud, as well as the , •i[
talists,) shall have every opportunity afio: , !•
thew,of obtaining a portion of this mo , t
sirable investment.
Let none delay, 6ut subscribe at
through the nearest' Responsible Ba"
Bankers. -
Armacez—Ltsse.4 --At St. Paul's Chur •
this oily, March 7th, by the. Roc
Spaulding, SOPlien C. Walker, of Nr :f
oily, to Mies Isabella C. Laoman,
Commedors Lowman, U. S. Na' t
EVOKITIONO ?lading to tbo humitt,
es 4 foulalo;cane;:a4 treatment or
marriage =stoma of woi1.1; bon toque r f
I thousand things BIM pablished beton., •L
'laid and entail" •tilflon of licoloit C01:x.4 SO
a enrione boob for carious people. and & cc!.
quay one. 400 pairs, 100 111notrat,oni
Contents table a Int free to any aidrefe. 6t k • r sr
bad *1 **book dittos, or rill be it tit t, ,
pal!l, - iicrecotpt of the price Address,
WiIIIPHIL6II/11.—Thotee wisblag a fine s , t r:
era, a afar assaalackm, or • beautiful hr.% I g
hair,; -*111 please road ths card of !RM. FcH
la aloft, Part of tkilliaP•r• 5.441
) I,;
K. 8 FOOL:,
1110 Braid , •ay, w