The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 02, 1865, Image 2

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    (frit ifibsertitr,
ERIE. PA., 4 IIARCH 21),-11365.
Remits, Tionasaa st esti llama to m Pesos et
Ammo! Ltszart.-elmetrot Adam.
_epee ..i Nottep.
Er We gods* to obtain a eorrospoadeat to eery
Sornahlp la the county. Political assays vs as (Mali
to abondaace ; what ire want is ths local saws from all
parts of Nis rowdy. Any person wriiia& to assns de.
pond on boring kis was kept strictly soaddentlal ; and
like has furs that the oonulAstration is not to proper
shape for pabliciition, vs wilt pat itin appropriate trim
lar ?be hoar at whisk the Marrow is pat to prow
sick west, is 2 o'clock on Thursday aftsrooos. Admits,-
coati will hi ressirod ay to 9 o'clock of the day of pub•
cir City subseriisrs, served by carrier, will be charged
any welds per you extra. Timm who hal to
man their paws regularly will out* • him b 7 sort•
ryting as of the memo. We praise to hays all saboaribers
who can oonventently, proem their papers at the saes
of pabliesUon.
ay- AU Adysrtiew►ents, Job Wort and itabstrtptioas
row moons whose responsibility is aot "mows to the
plablishemonsat berth( to awe&
Qv& paper does not present its usual
amount of reading matter this week,
caused by the pressure of our jobbing bus-
Wass, and the difficulty of procuring help.
We hope soon - to be able to furnish our
mud Variety of readleg.
The news is of the most important
character. Sherman is reported to have
marched Into North Carolina, and is
steadily moving northward. An effort is
making to unite his and Sobofield's ar
mies, which will give Sherman an effec
tive force of from seventy to eighty thou
sand men. The Confederates are coir.iggi
trating their forces under (len. Joe John
son, to oppose the further progress of
Sherman's forces, and are said to have
gathered a large army. A Southern paper
reports a disaster to Sherman's army, re
sulting in the capture of eight thousand
of his men and many wagons, but the
story does not appear to be confirtned.
Active operations are in_ progress in
Grant's army, and a desperate battle is
daily expected. Thrilling news may be
impacted at any moment.
3[OIL111; 11111.8.
The present term of Republican rule,
says the New York World; is destined to
live. in history as the Most corrupt which
ewer cursed a free people. The corrup
tens- at Washington in the profligate ex
penditures of the War Department, the
mitten :expenditures of the Navy De
partment, the corruption-engendering
permit 'yawn" of the Treasvy Depart
ment, are dping their dreactitil work at
the centre lef government, but in the
States under Republican control the Wm
causes product like results. The Tribune
charges the New York Legislature, in
which Republicans are largely in the ma
jority, as susceptible of bribes and (mink
tion, and the Pose reiterates the assertion.
,The testimony of these journals on the
character of the men they helped to elect
not to be disputed.
In the Chicago correspondence of the
'ew York Amu, the Illinois Legislature,
majority Republican, is accused of similar,
oorruption,and the charge is openly made
that the passage of a horse.railway bill,
giving to existing companies -franchises
for which a million of dollars were offered
on the part of the city of Chicago, was
secured by the direct, and corrupt, use of
money and - stock.
The Albany Evening Journal charges the
Pennsylvania Legislature with the pas
sage of a bill giving up the bed of the
Allegheny river, in the oit, region, to '
speculators,:who expect t. bore its bed for
oil. The grant, it says, is estimated to be
worth millions, and it is charged "that
" the members who voted for the bill are
"to share in the plunder, of course."
t Suoh is the virtue of the party "foun
ded on great moral ideas." It stinks in
the nostrils of a suffering people.
The approaching city election is begin
ning to be oonsiderably talked about, and
• number of names are mentioned in con
nection with the various °Meer. For
Mayor we have . heard the following gen.
tlemen spoken of:,. Col. John H. Bliss,
Major Andrew Scott, David Shirk, John
Burgess, Matthew R. Barr, and F. A.
Becker. Out of this list it should not be
hard to select a man whose election would
promote the city's interest. Mayor Met
calf, it is generally understood, will de
cline to be a candidate again. We pre.
sums that no political issues; will be al
lowed to influence the canvass, and that
all will unite in supporting the best men
without regard to party.
_ Tss Richmond Enquirer frankly admits
that ehese is, or has been, a large party at
the South willing to return to the Union,
and that it would probably become the
dominant party if the peace commission
ewe had been proposed gent:one terms by
Lincoln and Seward. This is the first time
that any Richmond journal has admitted
• that reconstruction was possible. The
Xobile .Resider and Advertiser says that the
:•• people at that end of the Confederacy are
willing not only to come back, but to con,
sent•tb the gradual abolition of slavery,
provided in other respects they could
have the same "rights" they possessed in
the old Union.
Tax Raleigh Omfederatt says igyelation
to the alleged Union sentiment in that
State : " The Standard and Aorta are
saaking-all the clamor than' being arida
In North Carolina, while there are at Nast
a dozen political papers in the State that
are opposed to a convention. Oa the
*Mica of neontrentkoi the pewSe sand
kit where they did at the last .kuguat
ideation, when they repudiated bc-lt the
• hor vern confecition and its rider in /Wag
Tau pay of Andrew Johnson, of Tonnes.
see, Brigadier General, Military Governor
of Tennessee, and Vice ?readout oleos of
the United State* had been stopped at
themprest of the Quarter Mosta General
wall he reader to thb ' Quartornaliar's
Department the ?aunts and *axioms rfb.
quire' of him by law, and the regulations
ter duty in that aloe. -
=Mb= of the .Demoeratie State
Ceuttal ComMittee will meat it the &eh.
Ter House, in Banishers, at 2 dew*, p.
on Monday, the sith day- of Barak
tided& in regard to the meeting of the
nut Demomstio Pete Comotice.
Tle 111-Ibairildar, Topic I
.aud Meltable - Particular About thp
Draft Next Week.
The many conflicting ind ersgaMtat
reports current in regard to the eimieg
draft, induced us to visit the Praia/AVM , -
shal's aloe, on Monday last, to ascertain
such redbbble information as might be of
interest and imimcs to the public.
We regretted toiled Campbell absent,
buthis asssmietes on the Board, Dr.-Mitt
son, Surgeon, and Mr. Souther, Commis.
/loner; were marked fa their aborts**
toward us, and freely opened the papers'
of the office to out investigation, and an.
I armed the inquiries w&made of them.
Forfibeir political views, as they ore well
aware, we have-Teri little regard, but we
willingly accord to them the tribute of
being unusually Pleasant and liberal
minded gentleman.
BOW ?MI purr Wit. St CO AD MUS)
We found the employees of the aloe;
about a dozen in number,bwiily employed
in preparations for the unpleasant work of
the draft. Some were writing names upon
the cards which are to be drawn from the
wheel ; and others making out: blank no•
tices for the conscripts . The cards are
about an inch in width,and two in length,
each one containing the name of an en.
rolled person. These will bó put into the
wheel in a jumble, and after being turned
about several times, a blind man or one
blindfolded will draw one out through a
'Mall door at the side of the instrument.
Every time a card is drawn, the wheel
will be given another turn. The card
wilt be handed by the blind man to the
Provost Marshal, who will call out the
name written upon it, and it will then be
given to the clerk whose diity it is to
record the drafted parties. The .notices
are all prepared so that nothing remains
to be done to them. except inserting the
name of the drifted person, Esch one
states the day . on which the conscript
is requi r ed to report, informs him of
the penalties attendant upon his fail.'
are to do so, and is aeoonspanied by a
"passage tioket" ensuring him a ride' to
Ridgway at the expense of the United
States Government (blessed privilege !)
These notions will be served upon the
drafted men, in u short a period after the
draft takes place as it is possible to reap h
them. • '
TER DRAFT 1117/1111,1' , T0 TALI PURR .
The drat/ will patively occur on Monday
next, if the neceseary preparetions can be
got through with, and'eo order to post
pone it is received from Washington. The
labor required in order to get everything
in readiness is very great, and may delay
action far a few days, but it will not be
longer than a week at farthest: The
first names drawn will be those for the East
Ward of Erie city, and when these are
completed the balance of the wards, bor
oughs, townships aid counties will be
continued, in the order in which they ap
pear in the table below. It is expected
that the names- from Erie and Warren
counties will be .completed on the first
day, and those from the other parts of
the district on the succeeding one. The
men from this city will be ordered to re
port on the 23d of Manhood those of the
other Fella of the county on vargaui days,
extending from the 24th of March in the
first given plum, to the sth of April in
the townships Lest named in the table.
When the drafted men arrive at Ridgway
they will be examined as to fitness for
military duty ; if pronounced not liable,
they will receive exemption PaP•ra if
held for service, they will be granted a
furlough to procure substitutes, in caw
they desire to do' se. - Every cotutoript
muatreport at the Provost Marshal's office
on the day he is ordered, or eve satis
factory reasons for not doing so,otherwise
he will be considered in' the light of a
deserter, and forfeit the irivilege of en
deavoring to secure a substitute. Parties
who do not procure substitutes s m do not
desire to procure them, will be provided
with temporary quarters at Eidgway,
clothed,and sent off in squads to the draft
rendezvOns at Carlisle, Cumberland coun
ty. No one, drafted man or substitute,
will be allowed to take his eitizen'e cloth
ing with him.
MOUT strarnmen.
Substitute: areno longer aovrood to poritou
who are net l i able to tAe draft, as formerly. On
this subject we speak from official author
ity., Any enrolled man may go as a sub
stitute. provided he is got among the
number drawn in this draff; and the prin
cipal is in no way held liable for him.
Neither subititutes nor conscripts have a
choice of service or regiments, but they
mast go wherever they are assigned by
the officers at Carlisle. A substitute must
be taken to Ridgway and pass thp exami
nation of Dr. Matson. If he is held, his
money and clothing will be taken into
the provost marshal's hands; the former
to be sent to his friends ; the latter to be
delivered to him - when he enters the
ranks of the army,pr be sent to the charge
of such persons as he may direct. Drafted
men and substitutes will receive sixteen
dollars a month from the government,
but no bounty.
Drafted men, may report at kidgway for
exiuninatio' n before the day fixed in their
notices ; but there will be no certainty of
their succeeding. Dr. IdateOn intends
fixing his ezambeatiams so as to make
them as convenient as peetible, but can
not say now to a eerthinty whether ho
be able to arrange any before the 23d of
March 'when the co meripte br thin waft
are Perked to app*: It will be the
safest 434 he oakum to itsit'untillt
day cu. Aida he is silt** to( 1.14,
ha OW the wialdmehirel
Ounree. The Galen emue es that
the time mated to obteia loiotitittot will
be ea liberal iie any one eastexpeet.,
Annnu 'aphis,.
Ito exemptions Whatever 'will bo' gives
between two lots and the dor b(thOeiimi,
ouopt to ionout who obis% sithralyitm.
and no wilt 4e tutiollihs 00 6 *
All swore oi eozotheent, Ruud*rawly of
exemption, will be *sided The
names of palms who were drafted Ice
ask sad pad Om walla' Writ into
the wheel, bat 441 who mound s cetera*
- bust the draft off 1564 by pi* g
tics ars held WAY to this 414 &Mai
tuira can 8e pat Ws thir service up to
flotorally sluing, for 'rale, two or throe
; but, Wen Use law wow :bebop
eonsress on this subject shouht be Aisle
ed. no substitute for a conscript can be re
red for a longer' period than tbst for
Bich the latter is dratted--one yesi. No
tesar < - 41Cripte4inittiii draft can go as
1 mania*. foesuifol tat. felloo ,
WOW TIIIKOCITAS eyt. 01411,11 D
Abou the qtedlow of apportioning thi
quotas, there hat t/fteittli ininenie lin2l;ti et
of complaint, and we took epeeist pains to
inquire into the system upon Which it was
conducted. In This delicate matter the
_Provost lltiishal bad no option whatever,
being direetil to follow a rale laid dews
at Washington for its settlement is every
part of the country. The War Department
goes upon the principle of crediting each
district. not for the number of wen, but
for the number alms furaiiked. Thus,
if a township has sent to the war twenty
five three years ai r , it is entitled town,
credit' than the toenthip which has sent
sixty one year men In each instance the
excess of years furnished over those re:
.by the President's calls is credited
to the district, and taken into considers
tioir in arranging the , present quotas. A
knowledge of this rule will amount for
meaty of the seeming disproportions in the
quotas, and perhaps allay some of the
double and bad feeling engendered its the
mind of the public. To explain the sys
tem in full would require more space than
'we are able to yield at present, but the
above will give our readers sometking like
an accurate impression on this much de
bated topic.
?UI ILITIM 1111111;1111.11 PIN, CENT.
The following table shows the number
of iiiirolled men in each district of Erie
county, together with the quotas and the
number that will be drawn. It must be
remembered that one hundred per cent.
will be added to each quota in case of a
draft, although the original 'somber only
would have been required • if volunteers
or substitutes had been supplied. When
the quota is filled, those persons whi; were
drawn in the hundred per cent.. if any.
remaining, will not, be held any longer.
We would not advise any one, however.
to give himself a great deal of consolation
on account of -being is the list. of " per
centers," for, with the great number who
will be found";tphysics,:iy unfit, and the
equally large lot who will run away, there
will be only the slightest ghost of a
chance for escape..
arisen) --tag Ward.— _641 186 ... -206
" —Wirt
Will Cu* -Ward
671 127 ....
- sl6 el .
Gerard...ll6ll IS PO
=4- ;.....129 29
la SO
la Oral ' 142 27 $4
tresklls. 74 16 ....... SO
Wee Le Wldsreas ee
114 103 0
IS SD 40
Egabere.., 43 10 20
Wale:fora Tp. - 169 ...... 31 . MI
' los - Sigb— ...... MI
Melees. • 1 37 10 ' GO
libo6lebees..—• .-....11 ..--- $ $
Sassinit..— '96 111 --- U
Grew* r ... IRO ...... YI it
Fizzipor Creek. 240
Orissa' ....... 92 U $0
aorta sa.c -- -414,
taiiiicT.7..— 1.2 i 29 12,
1992119beri 92 9 'IS
Amity 73 ...... 13 . ', 32
Comool . .3t9 2764
04172 -, 124 90 ~.... so
Ilates Ty: 999 Ur. 170 ' 2? .._— 44
Warn 134 27 . .44
4110 kooti Mb)
.106 _sot . 1 TM
%4410 w
Wanes CO
Closatold Co.
ilk O 2
e _ 614 .
Comoros Co
The notices of the draft will be deliv
ered to the conscripts in about tel dais
aiue the drawing is made. The &coma
romlations at Ridgway are somewhat lim
ited, and this will be the cause of consid
erable inconvenience and discomfort. the
Enrolling Board will endeavor to obviate
this as far as lies is their powereby
serangint_the days for reporting so that
an average of about a hundred men only
will be called together on any one day.
The Hyde House, a really- very credi
table country hotel, is the best. in the
place—there are three—but as it will be
utterly impossible for all to obtain good
amsornmodationa, we suggest that those
who can,provide themselves with blankets
and provisions beto re starting.
NOT TO ft ♦ SKIS? Mart
We must take this occasion to correct
an erroneous' impression that has been
widely circulated, vis : that the draft is to
be made in secret. We are assured that
it will be as public as any that have pre
ceded it, and that, to the extent of the
facilities of the office, an opportunity will
be granted to see the method in which
it is conducted to any who desire to do 40.
An invitation to be present will probably
be extended to the Commisaionera of
various counties, and to other prominent
gentlemen in the district.
♦ CI•PCL POI ALL 1121011 Tipt VW or Tit
An elimination ofale documents in the
office furnishes much food for reflection
In one district in Elk county, the num
ber to bedews from the wheel is dou
hie the number imrolledlwho;are liable. In
another township. (in Clearfield county,
we believe.) elm,* the same state of af
fairs is presented. The quotas were based
on the original enn4tuent lists, bid singe
they were arranged, so many names have
been stricken off as to leave the potation
of affairs standing as above stated. In this
otocutty and Warren, the average of per
sons drawn will be in the proportion of
21.2 to three of gum) enrolled. The sup
plement** drafts that will iusdoubteilly
bellow in many cases will reduce the aver
age to cue in 2, and the draft- that can
seareigy fail Cti bivcalled for nut fall will
inking , most krablities.
WhatOW that malt
isnglm.TTbs . Cioreramment win rob! ,
*anise Car" suroluasit, the mum
krawmptiww exal be reduacd ai renoce
Who bine.oorlied. z k4 yaars inkbrfrir will
*pia bw node Xi** Awl Abe :11481414,
NW will in all probAbilliy, be made ban
18 to 45 or fifk. Of age .thing the public
nay rot assurektbakif *kr; 0:11O0494.1
two yaw preview Oat" Asir lbws: dither
lbw size of our VIRUS wilt. have to be ro
amed, or; envy ablirbodtbi, dams will.
lift bad lie ice , of moist hie same
in ibbliss wousweipb.
Prism ilisa—Asi eon oassred in Lao
*livening/ ant far 26. =Opal:* salsa
AMMO in the Oiewsr, list velar- no
data stAps oak elsould bays boss Jitosik,
Alsovh4o% S dol la, isdasti _of Thaw
dsr. Itarsh 2d. )*. Y, wall soli a Isms
AlUabli Of Tgalibill stools sad ws direst
swig sttestimp ) to kis adtwiliwwwwet.
From the annual report cif the County
Superintendent, we learn the following
faoterrelative to the schools of this city :
Whole Mad schools 27; No.still required
avenge no. of months tatriht 10; Ito.
of wale teachers 4; female 21; average
salaries of males $57.70: of females $2247;
male scholars 1,195; female saltplars 1.027
undying glee:nen 488 ; average attencinc
at school 1,033; cost per itonth each pu
9, ; ‘, p
0 r.
X : z
t . 9 0
. .
-108 ....-11111
12,01 12 WOO 4.4441
It $042; amount levied for school pur
lioSee 0.9124. levied for building purposes
" 687 ; total $ 13 • 4300 ; millcon.tbe dollar
for school purposes 7; for building pur
poses 3.75; received from State appropri- .
ation $047; coat of inatractionl7,4Bo; of
fuel and contingencies $1,927; of school
Walled , main& $3,002; bilaoce on
Windt/39; temporsry debt $1,950.
or New Yosi-Aioseph U. Orvis, President
—has been oae of the most enterprising
and successful . agents for the various
Government loans. Over fifty million
dollars have - been placed is the hands of
the people through its agency within nine
months, and it now advertises to furnish
the 7.30 notes by express, free of 'charge,
in all parts of the country. Its object is
patriotic, and the high reputation of its
officers, as well as its ospital of a
dollars, is a sure guarantee.that the 7-30 i
subscribed for through its agency will be
promptly. forwarded.
An article appears in the last Gaulle.
and is going the rounds of ear Itepublicau
exchanges, copied from the Tribune, en
deavoring to prove that dealing in gold
makes the parties so doing "rebels" in
spirit. It such be the fact, we fear the
Republican party bolds many "rebels". in
its &mom for, if we are reliably informed,
the leading gold brokers iu the large cities
are nearly all supporters of the A-ilcoiniti
A. dispatch dated et Philadelphia on
the 28th of February. says "a aleeping car
attached to a train on the Philadelphia St
Erie rail road, caught tire near blocaater
last night. The car•was totally destroyed.
The passengers escaped but lost their
clothing and baggage."
Hou. Eli Cook, of Buffalo, one . of this
most prominent , lawyers on the lake
shore, died oa Saturday last.
'fasts Wilt WI 14111.110 arfatage tbey
Mr. , .
Team ABSOLITTS Sacrieur.—Nearly all
active credits are now based on Govern
ment securities, and banks bold them as
the very strongest and best investment
they can make. If it were possible to con
template the financial failure of the Gov
ernment, no bank would be any safer. If
money is loaned on indiVidual notes or
bond and wilt be payable in
the saute currency as the Government
pays with, and no better. The Govern
ment never be. failed -to meet its' en
gagements, end the national debt 'is a
Irtgage upon the whole property
of the country. While other •stocks fluc
tuate from ten to fifty, or even a greater
per cent., Government stocks are always
comparatively firm. Their value is fixed
and;reheble, beyond all -other securities ;
for while a thousand speculative bubbles
rise and burst, as a rule they AT never
below par, and are often above.
ITN UMW. Inrausr.—The general rate
of interest is six per cent. payable annu
ally. TAis it seven and three tenths,pay
able son.onstually. If you lend on mort
gage, there must be a searching of titles,
imiyers' fee, stamp duties and delay ',and
you will finally have returned to you only
the same kind of money you would re
ceive from the Governmeat,and less of it.
If you invest in this lows you have no
trouble. Any bank or banker will obtain
it for you without charge. To each note
or bond are affixed five "coupons" or in
terest tkfrdi, due at the expiration of each
successive half year. The holder of a
note has simply to cut off one of these
coupons, present it to the nearest bank
er Government Agency, and receive his
interest ; the note itsell need not be pre- '
rented at all. Or a eoupon,thns payable.
will be everywhere equivalent, when due,
to money. If you wish to borrow ninety
cents on the dollar upon the notes, you
have the highest security in the merket
to do it with. If you wish to sell, it will
bring within a fraction of cost and inter
est at any moment. It will be very ban
dy to have in the house.
IT IS CONTINTLILZ into a six per cent.
gold-bearing bond. At the expiration of
three years a holder of the notes of the
7.30 Loan has the option of accepting
payment in full or of funding his notes
in a six per cent. gold-interest bond; the
principal payable in not less than five, or
more than twenty years from its date, as
the Government may elect. These bonds
are held at such a premium as to make
this privilege now worth two or three
per, cent. per annum, and adds much to
the, interest. Notes of the same
lulled three years ago, are now selling
at a rate that fully proves the correct
ness of this statement.
Ira Faxervzos vies Br*vs oa Mo alarm.
Taxertoe.—But aside from all the ad.
vantages we have enumerated; a special
Act of Congress movie all bonds mid Gov
ernment motet fees toed taxation. Oa the
average this exemption is worth about
two per cent. per annum, according to
the rates of taxation in various - parts of
the country.
this loan presents great advantages to
large capitalists, it offers special induce
meats to those who wish to make a safe
and profitable investment 'of small say
ings. It is in every way the best Savings'
Bank ; for every institution of this kind
must somehow invest its deposits profi.
tably in order to pay interest and expen
ses. They will invest largely in this loan
es 'the best investment. Bat from the
gram interest which, they receive, they
must deduct larg,ely for the expenses of
the Bank. Their usual rate of interest
anewed to_ daps:altos is 5 per mak upon
sums over $5OO. The german who invests
directly with the Government will re
ceive almost 50 per cent. more. 'Thus
the man who deposits $lOOO in a private
Nonage Bask tet.dves 50 dollen a year
interest ; if he deposits the mane sum in
this National Bannp' Ba n k he receive.
73 dam.. For than who wish. to and
a min, eesmatimit, and preatehile means
et insist then impinseanunst, which
they have-seserrsd for their cal 4 sr or
foe the i bsisad_t of their children. then is
scabing which 'resents eci many *dm
' Sties thir3iatlenal Loan. • •
Mann Illortra.—The n" is pri
des*, drs.. l %* cloak . 'lrbil!, it
lest. the must' his limey to
meet it. cat.' nkotivoi that pat.
*M.= ran inspire oald .isuittoe the
CI"to supply its wants without 444;
Geemareat can buy charier for
mob in head' than en credit. Let ns see
that its wents are ptly and liberally
satisfied.:--1V! Y.
00 *FY,
The oiber day does a com
fortable business dawn town, but always
boa ww - pf spendinsi mom, provided h•
had a lime 'sore ot iit thmaM be would
tsy ide hack in the oil regions, and hap
licerasso bean the spot wb= the famous
well iftdc, io much talked
of bhdy. He m inikoteis sposetaised
who owned an adjoining thee of laid`
supposed -to be equally as rich, and re
paired to the house where the nun lived,
not far off. Arriving about three o'clock
In the morph% be professed to be very
much slaeplag
on grapevines, , :ianrEwanted $. more cop:
testable place:: 'course Of hula pen
variation turned to' that tract of land.
The own.? expatiated upon its probable
value, and suggested Abet his friend, ut
arrived, would do watt to try his luc kas
a purchaser. The latter said he "might
not object to a trade, if he had money,and
more rime to devote to such ventures,"
Ac:, but at length inquired about the
price.- Tvrelve thousand dollars were
named. "W-e 1.1, suppose your wife draws
up shill or sale, and meanwhile I'll see "
The document was prepared. the coat
daR, and the signatures affixed 'Next
y S - was offered $40.000 for one
fourth of his purchase. happening to
meet in Oil Darado soon after, the late
owner dryly remarked. "I)ou't like sleep.
itig on grapevine," 4.i.• These are facts,
LITSRART Iretts We otrserve that
James Miller, - of 5:12 Broadway, annauu•
sea the following new works
A new and gorgeous edition of Paley's
Evidences of Chriatianity,with Archbishop
Whately's Annotation's, to be sumptuous
1y printed in beautiful bold type, on the
finest toned paper, mtking it the most
'elegant Wok printed in tha United States.
The sonnets of Shakspesre. edited by
a distinguished General in high commend
(name not divulged), and' author of seve
ral popular works,' with copious remarks
and. references, proving that the . immor
tal herd belongs to the hermetic sect of
Philosophers. The work Will undoubtedly
excite great interest and dismission.
Pan& the Apostle spe aks of Luke as
the 'cloved physician,' , and few endear
themselves to us More than those who
like "ministering angels," bring us the
healing balm in sickness. So it is With
medicines that, cure ; though we never
see the maker, yet we get a feeling of re
gard for him through them. flow many
have reason to bless Dr. Ayer for his truly
valuable remedies,'t-o cheap and, so effee
tual! What ptiblic benefactors bolter de
serve esteem thanathose who rescue the
body from disease and premature decay
--/ crismoiliA 11,) Gazette.
Harry, and I.
We wood where the snake-like ivy
Climbed over the tneadovr bars,
Ault watched as the young night sprinkled
The sky with her eream•white stars
The clover was red beneath us—
The air bad a smell of June—
The cricket chiiped in tbo grasses,
, And the soft rays of the moon, -
Drew nut shadows on the meadow.
Distoried and lank and tall ;
Ws shadow was kissing my shadow—
, That was the best of all.
My heart leaped up es he whiepered,
you, Margaret Lee."
For thew one arm of his shadow
• Went *round the shadow of me.
.•I lore you, Margery, darling, "
Because you are young and fair •
For your eyes' bewildering Maness,
And the gold of your curly hair.
No gum has hands that ars whiter,
No lark has s voice so sweet,
And your ripe 'dung lips are redder
" than the Glover at your feet
"My heart will break with its Minus :
Like a cloud o'erelisrged with !sin :
0 tell me Margery, darling,
How long mast I lore in THID ?"
With blushes and smiles, I answered—
(l will not tell what)—jnst then
I UMW that his Buoy shadow
Wu kissing my own again
He promised to love mo only—
I premised to love but him—
Till the moon fell out of the heavens
And the stare with age grew dim
0 the strength of man's devotion':
0 the vows a woman speaks
4Tis yens* since that blush of rapture
Broke redly over my cheeks.
He found a gold that welo brighter
Than that of my ficlog curls,
And married a cress-04d widow,
Kith a dozen grown up girls.
And I—did I pine and languish ?
Did I weep my blue eyes sore?
Or break my heart do you fancy ,
For love that was mine no more
I stand to-night is the meadow
Where Harry sad I stood then,
And the moon has drawn two shadows
Oat over the grass again.
And a low ♦oiee keeps repeating—
So, close to my startled ear
That the shadows met together—
"l love you. Margery, dear."
,"'Tie not - for your cheeks' rich crimson,
And not for your eyes' soft blue,
But ,beeauss your heart is tender,
And noble and pure ant true."
The voice is dearer than 114 rry's
And so I. am glad, you see,
He married the cross•eyed widow—
Instead of Margery Lee !
The long experience of Dr. H. Seelye
in treating Bronchial diseasei and Catarral
difficulties, justly entitles his Liquid Ca
tarrh Remedy to the confidence of the
public; the immense sales, and each bot
tle making new friends for this truly
valuable and wonderful remedy, have
given the aged chemist and physician the
means to smooth the path oShis declining
Post Orrice Nogicr—Wisrsa Asmeilaa
wairr.-0a and fatal Monday, Oct. - alet, 1864,
sad until farther notice, the Mails will oloee
es follews •
Cleveland & Chicago, 51.50 a. w. a 7.80 p. w.
Buffalo, .1.15 p. in. a 7.80 p. to.
New Yerir.,Sr. Weehiag
6n, 1.15 p. m. a 5.50 p. m
Cincinnati, 7.30 p. m,
Eastern Way, supplying all offices
between Erie and Buffalo, 8.00 p.
Western Way,. supplying all official
between Erie and Cleveland, • 8.00 p. m.
Pittsburg & Erie, &Pittsburg R. R., 9.30 a. m
Edinboro and Way Offices, 8.00 p. m,
Philadelphia & Harrisburg, 8:00 p. m.
Philadelphia and Erie Railway, 7.50 p. m.
Watfsbarg, on Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturday's, ' 6.30 a. m,
Office hour* from 7.30 a. m. to 11.00 p. m,
Sunday, office open, from . 7.30 to 9.80 a.- m,
Erie, Opt. 31, 1864, tf.
-11. tritst.—la pint bottles. rite 60 auto.
Dr. Toms—Dear dr : I hare boos is th. limy bai
lors for the last toasty :sus, sad during that Um*
hire turd all Is* various Itstroests sod lotions of tiro
Uri bat non, have totad so sands oval to year Via.
stun Horn Lishoent. t hats fairly PROM IS es siy
bores* Is ddstrapsr. goats. osts, WU. sliatsi at CH
&As Ira, as also fol. itorastatisioa omit; sod bits
slims found It ea larshudolo • • ,
Ihspostfelly rms. Q. L1TC114122.0
gold b w diSatatis on* as Oosedidt SINK
New Twit. .
lir YOU WANT ZO MOW • Llll%ll o*'
.1.1/1111711ING relsittst to the lams meet, olle
sad Ines* tbo come sod treatment of illioira; ate
itatriert miens tithe world; bow to wary nen; NA
tbeamit*tsp erm publisks4 ham rosit
sled and Wargo* olltbra of Osusas IWO*
• elliioolll Web ter 1111240111 people. aid a geoid lank for
entry one.
,100 pager, 100 olostrai4oes. P 111:101.
Oooleste table int hoe to any Wars. fleas any be
114 it the took stores, as rtU De lomat by sall, port
per. on receipt of the price- 4dd:lw,
Z. B. 7001% K. P.; " •
1130 lbeeprey. Mew Tat.
De res vise Milkers or Sitoutedeet t• Oar
alleWele Coleeeeed .ill Stereo thew to pow at th.
twootheet bee or ebb, or bib eu l taatt Deris s it
sub. Trice 00. Seat by loan rerywbartitaleNal
awaed, as roesiet et prim
Adam., aroma a co„ Sas 13$, Bmaira,
salarc e usimat atitikt leado l Goirr
L i p
Ca Mal li r eetil rre6
A ,
Pan' agar rottimr. tSA ----c."-Yer—s
Pure — VorM3etionery I
640 liala St. Hartford, Co.,
- "g" -- "M "
, •
Illinfacturers of
of every description,
A I, — IF AY'S (IN 'WAN Do
Wholesale- and retail dealers in
TOYS, NMA.I.I; WiRM; &c.
A ntfit 411,110117,1111 NT. or
Which we can offer to the retail trade
A nice, pleasant Sr agreeable
Bad us two (2) grOso Moss & Elm Coady
It is just . what the people want is this sec
tion. It milli rapidly, and girso satire natio-
1181 AIL IN
le highly medicated, Wetly favored,
of Ur* MOM. bat asstini. k i rks
PlN FMr ee•lnd. i ril
i Vra i diets en 4
13erofula and iktrOfhlntus Dbiesaci_
Prom P.iscry 'Meth a welloimoorn niurchal.t ,y Uc
ford, Maine.•
I h ive 80 1,1 Imo quantities - of your c to Ir,
=La, but never yet one bottle whleh Pith ft o f t!
desired died and full satisfaction to tiw,,
It. As fast as our people try it, they agrr. , tlsLr .!
been Ito medicine like It before In our cornuter•tv
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, 'Pustules, ui.
owe, Soros, and all Diseases of the 841
Prom Rev. Robe. Stratton '
pristol, En9P.7.0
•'Midi do sty duly to you cut the poi:v., it 11,
I add my testimony to that you publish of th; •
Mahal virtues Of your SARSAPARILLA. My in
ter, *fed ten had an afflicting humor In r tf,
Mid hair for years, which we were unaL •
ewe nom We tried your SARSAPARILLA.
loess well for some months."
OM Mrs. Jane Z. Rice, a l weft Lnorn
a,, I
oilommailladitof Destirtsciti. Cape May ,
scli daughter has wrifered for spear pa s t ,
which was very trout,l•,=•
Mafforded relief until re tried .
Allll.l..*.whlett soon completely curcci
•"'Pow Charlet P. Gage, .E 17., of the rthletv o
ifiksf/RMurray 4' Co. J asanufacissmrs of e . •
• rirto Nashua, A.ll.
r and ibr several years a very tec.2 , , , ,
likfa‘m• in my fare, which grew constantly
it disigarral my features and trecam?. au ILL
wo w a men, I hied almost every t. , 11n4
coda of both sdrke and medicine, but ontfm, , -
ratlsi whatever, until I took your Sxr,i‘rA.• is
It isimallately made my fme wor*e, worse, -
ay vett
itir eg ge a alms:
but in few nucko r ,
skip to form under the biotclieq,
Itilmid until my face ix as 714 nap
sad I am without mysympto smoothms of the
I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and r .••
Oat owe It to your BAJNIATARILL a. '
311!astelits GemOrd Debility— pa l .a y .
BlOod. t! . .
Ass Dr. liebt. Sasein, Horolon
mDE AXEL I seldom fall to remo‘c Eruptlo, ,
and Sercpsiossa Sores by the persevering, tv...qot yo , •
IiANSAPABILLA, and I bare Just now cured n
ofHalignant Erysipeias with Its No alter - du, ,
possess equals the SAaVlAPAtiltt,a you hale •
plied to the profession as well as to Use pcol d
• From I. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman. Oh'
„ For twelve years, I had tbe yellow Ery
o:ll34Aht arm, during which thaw I trio') r.ll v,,
deeds of &ars worth o co j ci medignes an . d 'll ) l4 k j ,„ ,
were so bad that the cords became visible .01 c
=l. decided that my arinninst be inniti . tat -1
taking' your SARanrARILL.t. Took t
tits, and some of your Pius. Together th ey h.
cared me. I emnow as well and sound as ally L
Being ta spubtlo plate, my cue is known to
• body
In this cosrunuraty, and excites the tam. : . •
From Hon. Henry I.lonro, .1! P. P., of
C. IT., a /trading ssessberof the Canatha:i P‘:, •
u I have tubed your SARSAPARILLA in tuy
ID? Mind 46014, =1 for purifying the t•:;;>!,
r a t :a ng banellcial results, and confider...e
it to the isfilicted."
at. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Boltlr - 2.z.
Heald 'Head. Bore Eyes..
Ass Harvey Saler, Bag., flu able editer
Thsthlwowtock Democrat, Pennsylvania. '
`Our only child, shoot three years of ageosi i
Melted bylimples on his forehead . They raprti
speed unni they formed a loathsome and VITUIC.I
km which covered his !see, and actually
Waxfor some days. A iddlihysician appiN
or Slyer and remedie s, without 4:1
eppirent abet. For =1 days we iroardid L
heads, kit with than he should tees 0p.43 the t".%.
tdug end corrup t wound whirl covered ha whiii
lining tried e z r thing els* we had ci
. ste began - your SARSAItARILLI
the potash lotion; as
Creot." .. 7aUg began to hest when we had ..-143
Um lint bottle, and was well when we had , fini:l4
the second
s . The child's elalathes, which had coy
assyew gidseod be is now as bealuay and
ny other - . Th e whole neighborhOod prediax
that Me child must die."
arid_aterciusial Disease.
Prom Dr. Mr= Stoat, qf St. /Anal, 3 113 *.n: - ..
" I find your Beirterbattua a more cfectzti
=z for the s eco ndary symptoms of Sate:,.,
Magus Om any other we po eKt
The pro= lc sre toddled to yon fbr some
bast insdlchres we have."
.T French, M. D., an eminent phydci,:-.:.
Leareeme, Man., silo fs. a prominent nicr-.4-cr
. As LsOststurssflkissadametts. •
"DZ. Atzß. My dear Sir I. I have found
Elellararnms. Li screellent remedy for Sy F i •
both of the yrMtmq_and secondary type, anti cox.
taal In ease. t h at we too obsthaato
to other remedies. Ido not know what wo
Noy with mote iiiistureas, Atter,: a pc•••••:..
alterative req
Mr. GUI:. S. Van Liao, o Seto amz i • ':,
had dreadful ulcers on his cgs, caused by the atm:,
of mercury, or mercurial disease,which grv.s. sz
and more aggravated for years, in imp: of c er!
remsdir or t that could be appal, tots
Cr.w.• am of Arer. , 3 savaapaiutt rcia,e„.
. Few cases can bo found more inceicrat:
distivasing than this, and it took sereral
bottles to cure him.
• Lenoorthcors, Whites, Female Weak:a:az
are generally produced by internal ScroiL.'o r u3
aeration, and are very often cured by the alterative
erect of this SARSAPARILLA. Sono cases regain'
however, in $l4 of the SARSAPARILLA, the airlift.
andleation of toed remedies.
.From the trelksenen rind widdgrelebeated L. ,
Jacob Morrat, qf CincinnatL.
" I have ftamd your SARSAPARILLA an excellex
alterative in diseases of females.. 3larly caeca c•
Ir , Lencorrbcea, Internal Ulceration,
1 deblll arising Prom the acrofulcms
have yield It, and there are few that do ac
when its erect la properly aided by local ticattner,t
unwilling to allow the publication ;.•
same, writes
" My daughter and myself have been cured ct
very debilitating Leueorrbces of Hoz stanuuq :
two bottles of your Sausaraoht.A."
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, //:
peva, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, •
when caused by Serojtati In the system. era r4l.
cared by this E%T. SARSAPARILLA.
~ `4
possess so many advantages over the °lt
purgatives in the market, and their super
virtues are so universallylmown, that wc.
not do more than to assure_ the public tl
quality is maintained equal to the best it
has bean, and that they may be depen•Cel
to do all that they have ever done.
Prepared by J. C. AYER, N. 130 , Co
Lowell, Mass., and sold by
DZALIRS EVaßTll lignk.
. J. H. RIBLET & CO.,
Would regoctfunr Inform the public that th,
opened a
Between Bth and Bth Streets; on 6
Where they intend to keep mutant's on
wortofout of
wow* raspectfully solicit a .hare of the
settetep. J . IT. taLl t:
Ji4a6-1-u H. Iv. sT , on , q , ^
Siegel, Carver 64 Co
TUT iroittel! cautisrmor
(Successors co C. S;igc:,)
VIA 1. Fa 9 IN
Groceries, Flour, Pork,
1: d R1)0 N t) 1 1
itieS ) WOW, • Liquors, Cigars
Lowest Market Prices
- *AWNS Brolllll Qctel •nd
• Administrator's Notice
the WWII Of Ilteklea Hi ilteg,
tevaehle. hale conoty,, I't ,
gesstid to the autlerrigntd, no ti ro 1/1 h•'. 2
haeetair thasealeo■ ind•no , t to to..
mem; sad thcte 11, , t1c:e'
isld•ottte,irillpsurt._ t thew to r pettic =.•• '
• • I 07;01t Mr BILLING. ,
ilUteretk, Dee. 2114, 1864-6..
szio4rsik botoosa I. W. Nooberztl
PIIIIIIII. doling =IM MO under tho inu a e •
et & atm' has Pun azroolsed
She boob gad accounts bare bten left , 0
I. W. Newberger, at the old stood rot
Sr* Jan. 7/1.-AWLISt JApoo st/ut.
t 41.. -1: -