thic Obsertnr. EREE., PA., FEBRUARY 16. PC) KUMNAL VIGILArCE IT Tag nom' Is rig% USICii OF tepeciar,Notices. W 2teire to obtain a correspoolent fa every t' 47.l a l laPfa th seoonty. Pontinsl .eessys we tea ottetn tr. shim:leo:ince ; wont We want la toia• local news front ell puts of the coast; Any person writin , to us can on hie L' t tll kept striztljf oontlential sod tt 1; l e ha. leirs that noninannienk4.lcak Is spit In proper eiaSpe for pobli, vs IC put It tit sppro visite trim '1 he hour ht whisk the CPUs/ray is pat to press essh week, is 2 o'cit,cl on Thtirscisy nfiarnoon. Asliertise *eau will be re , ostvefi op to 9 o'cio.k u! the day of pub. re City s tervel byearrlir. will to ebati—.l Cr . ! Cent: pnc }cal extra Perune L - ho tail to prates their paper. ragniarly wall confer • favor by L.otl Trizrun of the 11.1M.1. We ?tear to have ail lubeiriberi law nn con. , ltlautly, procure their pawn at the bales of bl'eatlon. tar Ali Ar'..nretisamenttk. Job Work Miti 9abecrl.ttone bra- pericze reapoksibil.ry in not knalri to the patatehera, Neat be paid in Ad•LIACC. Federal Generals and their Soplaments. The Secretary of War has sent to the Senate a list of all general officer q in the service of the T.lrdted States on the first of i January, 1E65: It comprises 6G major generals and 276 brigadiers,_ making a total of 342. Of this number 245 are in command, Stoo of 'whom are brigadier gen erals. Eight major generals, and twelve brigadier generals are awaiting orders,and one major general mad fourteen brigadiers are off duty an account of wounds and sickness. These are Gent. Sickles, Rick etts, Asboth, Barlow, R. 0. Tyler, Schem-. melfennig, Paul, Gresham, Underwood, Connor, llCLatosh, Bradley, Long, Egan and Standard. Two brigadier generals (Hayes and Dnffie,) are pri.oners of war. Trayea ii now released on patois for ti?epurpota4attending taihe di. trii,u tion of supplies sent to our sol i di, , r, Ifl COn : federate' prisons. General. RAW,. and Lee are before the Committee on tbe Con: duct of the War, and Generals John 'Mc- Neil, Francis Spimt and 'l'li6nm. N. Sweeney, are under trial by court martial. The remainder are, on court niat Oats and military commissions and awaiting ()Mors. £H NATIONAL DEnr.—The IlOston Ihr a&l, an. ATiolition paper; begins to realize the financial fiituumn.. It says, January 25: "It is not to be denied that the Na tional debt is - -tpidiy increasing, and that it will amount oy July to nearly three thotunaul.million d of dollars, On the top of this, bills cola,: up for rettleulent for woperLit- de..troyed, amounting tri nearly as much mole. 11'one : half of tlit-se claims • are allowed, it will swell the indebtedness of• the ,nation to too r thousand five ItLin tired raii:lans of dollats!—with au annua •spenuiture of at lee...t two hundred mii lions in tinae of peace, beside.; paying the interest op the These:tgures are startling, and silou:tl claim - tbe at ten- tion of statearnen, es they will the atten 7 lion of Ilia people when the tax-gatheier comes kitocking at their doors." - . Ifsse add . to'the above an wally large SUEZ for State and. town d ht.a. end • enorrnoub pPcsion i 1 ;,..,. .bur, dant carp. to !startle any or.e o xp. e s to he a flatly in' the p:3 oies.t debts. Tax Sigmas.s tolve•very ricken out that provision of th. Et, IQ nt Act which iiiiovvQ(.l.iior,iiern Si, , i ,flii their quotas .by oilii,itnents of N..4r./e3 at the South. .45 will he percP'ived I.y the debate which prec,ded this action of thoS,enjile. it wan w direct vote of censure ,upowjelits sachusetts. :It PO - P.I`ZS GnVtr or Andrew not si;tiatletitWith tile Finail quotti'deman d.ed. by 'Fry cf his S•iit‘.4 k only 130 G ra- . emits being fa. ) actwdiy tutu ' lend of dark ies secured as aubstitu e• from Strantsh. which Mr. Lincoln. witt, extreme good tature, agreed should be counted on ti* ridiculously small quota ' of that State. The same State, A seems. has been allowed credits for 16,000 three xears' men. These figures will account for the outragcoug quota of Pennsylvania, • Which must supply her ow., as well as New Eugland's share of 300,60 U men olled by ' for by the Pr,,siuent's proclamation. TA formalities of the Presidential elec ., tior were oortiplated on Wtidnesdiy, the 3th inst., by the counting of the Electoral - votes by C .egress—no State has ever been fully in the nwer of the seces sionists being included', The votes as coul..toc: stanul: For Lincoln & Johnson (225tat,e9,...213 For Igit'Clellan & Fendietcal (3 States), 11.1. Majority for: Lincoln & J0hnt0n,...192 , Whereupon Abraham Lincoln, of Illi nois, was declared duly chosen Pry:olden., and Andrew Johnson, of Tettn-seee, Vice . .President of the United States for a term of four years from the Ath day of l farch, on which day they will be inaugu ted in due form. The joint meeting (ove?:which Vice President Hamlin presided) was then adjourned. PREISTIC4 ox Pasce.—Oeo. D. Pren tice, oommenting on a passage of Go;r. Jacob's recent letter,in regard to the sen timent and condition of things at the South, makes the subjoined.statement. It' is interesting and valuable as ciming from one who speaks of what ha has actually .observed and Seen • It is. true—as Governor Jacob says— that the men of the South;think that they have nothing under Heaven to hope from our .AdMinistration's present policy.— They put hard questions. They ask, what ate they to expect or hope, if their slaves - are to be let loose in their midst arid ell the rest of their personal property confis. oated. We agree with Gov. Jacob—oh haw re. luctantly I—that there is yet to be a long and dreadful war. The Boston Cvurier publishes tbl• official documents showing that Joseph NteDon• ald, who was one of the gunner; of the • Monitor in the memorable fight _with the Merrimac and lost a Legion the action,has been denied employment in the Chailles. . ton Navy Yard by COM. Stringharn, Rl though recommended by Assistant Score ttu37fox and the Chief of Bureau Of Yaniii 'and Docks. Stringhaui over own - signature ; aj a principal reason for denying the maisnedgunner employegti, ' that, "I am reliably" !Wormed that ha voted against , the, present sdrninisi:* tion." Tug DelaiTare Legislature on thi4 Sal inst. rejected the- pronoseri amendment to the Constitution by a thro e Cusrina vote in the Senate, and s teo ihirdo vat* Lk do Soups. VIE Hitrielf 101100 XS Nor thesrAdrit M.Pritabcksl o In answer to a.resolution of Congress . : the Prilideiat message furnishiltikkai ortrespcmdinee and other litfortnatitereleting* . _ ~. .. 7161,0 conference near Fottreatt .N.conrp, Ae• companying it .was. ,the ‘folloeri letter from Mr...41141rd to r -lir-4(4nm, in whivb the matter isinsrprolel nit 4 al 010m:wed' form, and whiciltdelSragdAY prove more interesting-ufmat mailers than if we:W.O- . teditheentire steenegn. Alf 44116414 F. tha t , the , itatement we ..glite las i f la., we pf , the proceedings of the i Coaiiirenee, .ou:the authority - of a corr3tkon4ent ot . the NO_ York: 217 rt tf,vraa nearly Al gueLi,svork:, NIL LErrzs DEPAAT MINT OF STATE, Washington, Feb. 1), Sza : * Kfew da . f4 ago Francis P. obtained front the Preside'rit leave to pass through our military fineavithoia definite vievta,linovpitot.lii (tnierionent. Mr. Blair v44eil itichinotidanit on lila return he sitow,eittol.tie Preildefiira letter which Jefferson virOte, t it sf-Mr: tt. Blair Sidi 'at liberty 'to say ; to . Prevideht Lincoln that Mr . . vviii now; 16 he always bad been, willife . tO send 'commis stoners it as4ared they would be received, or to rec ,, ivis. any that: 101;1314 be metal that he.w as not disivosed to And obstwoles in forms. lie wcoilil vend commiselenete to confer, with t h Prealdebt , viitli ti view - to the restoration of 'peace 41,cein the h 4 cuurazirs, if be could he assured they would tae receive.i, Tke therefor; nn • the lE,th day Of January, ailiressed a note to , Mr. inwhielt "the President, • after ac knowledging th•;it hA had remit the 'note of Mr.' Davii, said thrit he was and always should kie to. receive any agent that Mr. Davis nr any ether influential person now actually nesi4ting the author ity of the government, might send to confer inloirrially with tho President with a view to the restnration of peace to the people of our common country. Mr. Blair visited ttichntonti with this letter and ttieh again Catne beak to Wash ington.: On . the 1 29th irist, , rwe were ad vised from the canticle bleu t. Gen. Grant that Alexander 11. Stevens, R. Isla. Ran ter and John A. Campbell, wore apply leg for leave to I'IRRR through the , inea to Waallitigton, a.i peace commissioner's to confer with . the Piesident. , They were permitted try the Lieuteiteut lieueral ta come to hig 11104 , 14pm:tel. to await there the decimiou of the PreAident. • Major hckert wad seta, down to meet the party 'from Richmond at liemilirant';tdipiar- . tera. 'The itiejor.was 4.4 rented to deliver' to them a oopy of tho,Prts , sideat's let iv._ to Mr. lilairi.with* mote,. to„be to them and sigued, Ich they were directly Autortned, that should be allowed to pAssOur lines, - They would be uoddratood coming .1 or an informal conference upon As G.!sie of afnre • named letter of the 1 814obkosuar.f.N Mr. - 814 " r- If-they should express their went to this condition in writing. then "Ilttior Eck e rt warthaeoted to give them safe conduct n Fortress Mouroe, whore a person, cora- fr.Mk.tho-Prosideot, would meet them It being•thought probable, from, a,re port of theroonversatien width Lieumilwit General irant, that tLe Riohtnoml.pt4.ty would, in the Manner pr Lid, eccApt the coedit-ions imeortkminki the Secretary of Sta.!. 40W -4kiwirempci...bior4heir riP-1141en with duty of representing this Govern ment fn the- expected: informal : coufer ence. Thd Secratezi meaniks4 Fortress li-vnro s e in thernight of the /at dayof teh rusry. Nfejor &Iced: met him on the ^afitning of the 2d of 'February.ostith the information that • the :persons:. iitto had come troth Richmond' tad itot accepted in writing the' oonditioir ttpost, : svhich be wits ant:Aced "tdgivis them Conducit to ifor- tr4Monroti".' 7 The kiaktor„-tiati given the sartie• .:fielegniph to the PrAaident at Was.hingtoo. On receiving thii information the President ; prepared a telegram directing the ;secretary to re• turn to Washington. „ The Secretary was preparing, at the same moment, tow return, without wait.. tug for information. for the i'reaideat.— But at this juncture Lieutenant-Gaul:ld Grant- telegraphed AO the Secietary of State, that the party from Richnionti had reconsidered and accepted • the condition tentbred them through, lifigor , Eckert and General Grant •urgently advised the President to :.00nferin• person with :the Richmond' party. Under .these • c irourn stances theitooretary, by the President's direction,.remained at Fortress lifonrce, the President joined him there on the night of the 2d. et February.. The Richmond party was brought own the Janice river in in United States steam transport, during the day, and the trans. port wee atiehored in Hampton Roads on the morning of the 3d. The President attended' by the Secretary., received Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell onboard the • 'United State* steam trau... port River Queen in Hampton *Pub. The conference was altogitheil n formal. There was no attendance of . Secr o teries, clerks or witneiises: - nothing wits written or read., The co nversation , although earnest and, free;Wi t s cabri, courteous and kind, on both sides. '"fhis Richmond par ty apprrhett . the discussion 'rather ind rectlyAnd . nO time did-they Make - Set.' Agprlcalthitnizi4iit tender*rmid Winds- Aims or abi l ehitt;'idnilAir; benartfailcidi 4414 the r Oference,'Whiehtlaated: four *knurl, the severiliniliti Rene' beittteeir the ti werntiankand - thi Ensurgente 'Were disten:tly relied l and' diserissed fully , in. telligently and in What tbLinsurgent arkfinented OliteflY to favor wawa , pcistpon *meet of the ghee- . tien Orsaparatioa,npeti -which the war vias4raged; and it mutual disputionof the eenitanCibsaikeverennnik %reit iithoie or the instiller*, . 4 0'eorne.*xtraneous policy or inhontricie •.0 014214. during wfilich:POWltilght be expected th - sub.• vide, and . 4iiVrectielleteitisseVi zt hai: pAiile / of ' gelli - .4-; '" '‘,.:4„teest ~,seititmetilliisTietri that through , annbiroltpon!tient 4tght not? have r inagens,44 . irtlpf. 4,th ::soliiit; j t certain, prospect Man iiittaile %Miter?: tory adjustment of political relations be tween the Government and the States, section or people now engaged in conflict wit's it. The suggestion, though tieliber• *Mir esusictstrect,wasinreerthaii. MINERIMI by t eiln e OrAtimietir 1 r true* and be iSnUOuneed that we. con agree to nv cocsAtion of nwayiension of ' "EciPittp -- eivpt on the.basis of the dia.- hawk - nit:tent of the insorgtot fosea4 and the restoratioe. of the natiots: antherity throe out all toe States in the Uelett colikeratty; any' in 'subordination to the jardposition - yrhich - was thus announced. " ; 111 - e anti•slaiory of the United States witiroviegi in aft its beartngtand the Pre3;;lout announced that he anisi loot ki:ripeetcl _to ifepvt from the pos;tioas he had hirittli,?r a iramil in his pro , ..4.zraarioa of man "cipatton and other documents, as Meat pasiCons uteri`trilAite4 in his anituallnessags. . 'rr e mat, ft Wad further declared by the President lii t the complete rettorittiori of -the hi tior i ll mit hiMitv ever yethere was au laths peretahlKoandition:cit auy as4ant on our part to whatever loi,no of , peace might be Tropo4isi. ;floe President maiired the -other party that while he must adhere to they , ' pri4itinns he would be prepared. so Tar as v11114 . .4374 1041ge4 With t,11. 4 Esecit tive, in etaroisa liberality. Its tower, -however,• hauled by the Constitution, sa when .peace Cot-T-Les.l must riefheA4itrily act in regnrd ti - i'aPpropriations ofinorioy .41111t0 . thn of repre snitativezi trout the insurrectionary States. • 'lltl3 Ittattuowl thou in forineil that tiong,re,A 1114, tht the 31;4 ult., Evlopte.l,4 me:llu4titationat ,n:tjority, ajointresolution nufi l aitting• ±i) the over. ral Eitatei the propoAtt toil to Aholtitt elftVe• rq throtigtxout the lititon, an l twit there lit every reidOtt to ttXpeet 0141 it will .o3tl be acceptett by tit roe (cam h 5 or ihe States to ato beop u ao a p krt. of the organic law. The "conference trstue to' an entt by mu• tttsl acquieicense, without pro , hreing an: sgreentent of views upon the sev: , ral twit ters di-eus.e.l, or any of them. Neverthe less, it. is perhaps of smite importance that. we bave been able to :submit our opinions an,t- views citreetly to protattieut insur gents, tali to hear Mena itt atinwer, in a courteous anti not wanner. 1 sir, your obe ! lient tle,r v t, Sonibern Report of the Late Conference. To the Senate mid ,House of Repredentacim cif the Gesif‘deraie Suess of America : Having recently received a written no tification which satisfied me that the President of the United States was dill• posed - to confer informally with unoffi. cial agents that might be sent by the with a view to the restoration !of peace, I re quested lion. Alex 11. Stephens, Hon. R. M. T. Hunter and Hon. John A. Camp bell to proceed through our lines to hold a conference with Alr. Lincoln, or such persons as he might depute to represent him. 1 herewith submit, for the informa tion of Congress, the report of the emi.. nent . citizens above named, showing that the enemy refuse to enter into negotia tions with the Confederate States, or soy of them separately, or to give our people any other terms or guarantees than those which a conqueror may grant, or to per• mit ni to have peace on any other basis than our nuconditional submission to their rule, coupled with the acceptance of their recent legislation, including an amendment to. the- Constitution for the emancipation of negro slaves, and with the right on 'the part of the Federal Con gress tot legislate on the subject'of the relations between the white and black papiilationni each State. Such is, as I understand, the caeca of the amendment to the Constitution which has been adopted by the Congress of the United States. J2lllllllOll, DAVIS. Rtcastoxn, Feb. 5,1861. To ths-Piwitiont of 11 1 .4 Clmfelerate Sates: Sts-.Under your letter if appointment, of tk... I*th 1 . 14 - . ws ilrociedet te seek an informal conference with Abraham lain coln,President of the United States, upon the subject mentioned in your letter. The conference was granted, and took place .on the 30th ult., on hhard a steamer an chored iti klamptors Roads, cohere we met President Lincoln and the Ifon.)!Ir. Sew ard, Secretary of State of the United. States. It continued several hours, and Was both full and explicit. We learned• frost them that the . ntessege of President Lincoln to the Congress el the United States in December last, explains clearly and distinctly' his sentiments as to terms, conditions and method of proceeding by which peace an be secured to the pea plei and we were not informed that they would be modified or altered to obtain that end.. We understood from him that. no term or proposals of any treaty or agreement looking to an ultimate settle .ment would be entertained or made by him inth the authorities Of the Con fade rate States,because that would be a'recog nition of their existence as a separate power, which, .under. no circumstances, would be done, and, for like reasons, no such terms would be entertained by him from States separately; that so extended truie or armistice, - .s at present advised, would begranted or allowed, without sat isfactory assurances-in advance or s corn- - pieta' restoration of the authority of the Cenatitutieti and laws of the United States over all places within the States of the Confederacy; that whatever consequenbes may follow from the re-establishment" of that authority, must be accejted, but that the individuals subject to pains and pen alties under the laws of the United States might rely upon a very•libend use of the power confided to him to remit those pains and penalties if peace be restored. During the conference the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States, adopted by Congress on the ;fist ult., we/ brought to our. notice. This proviileki that neither,slavery nor in voluntary servitude, except for crime, should exist within the United States or any place within their jurisdiction, and that Congress should have the power to enforce this amendment by appropriate legislation. (If all the correspondence that preceded the conference herein mentioned and leading to the same you have heretofore been infortned. Very, 'reapectfully, ' Your &4't seriante, , Tat Clearfield 1411144 m, s,t&kki'litit !'enough is now known frOM thii - TteNxi= per sminoed by t 4 "' 6tl " since all men that, had _ been elected insteid of ~LiCaolo, 'there' would be no insurmountable dlffinulty in the way of an honorable peace, as 'wimp the first of , his &kits! 'acts. 'if the war continues, it is axitiod upon 'all hands, that the next six mouths . wittegthibit the: most lieroulean efforts on both - iidei, and the mightiest and blcxilicatttattles ever. witneatied. The country. 'Olll therefore reedity.csiculate what it has toot by fall isig~to eject ;"or out by v;; oir istittingikhn to be cheated of the elm- e•.'^ , i A Washington , hitter, //noshing of Prite• ident . 1413001Cl'a New Year's- reception, "Ow - • • .f•r_ ' The reception at the Executive mansion to-day exhibited quite a commingling of the Caucasian and Ethiopian. The Chief Magistrate received both races with an uniform courteousnesa,much WA* petit- Soda's of I/ amble rase. A % A WE 4 . , :The Ifiovetaeekt Cholera' Grant'it Wanted and total number o fifteen thousand., the force in person. : Thla.liOvs teirriito on Spbday morning o .tter the southern - flank ; Warren northern tbisti.?livitiPltnititiflic.44l ll 4 4 l from his camp, crossing the -.Weldon rail road at Bean's' Station; sad ildval four miles westward , :dong theiVeuekrg, rosy tn' Hatcher's tun. . Warm': IWO along parallel Soots three miles egittlt of i the Vaughn road. ahirmisilialrlii th the confederates has been reported teady, and it is stated :that the Federal loss in these contests will 'meant to tresrly four hundred. On Sunday bight lokFed eral troops halted on an lutretiched*o. facing northwest and crossing ' .Butchers run at right suglas.„ Warrenls nor*ln , Hank was sin miles sontikr.flt • ° c•F e4 e ri. burg, awl three miles from thoSouthelde Liumphrey's southern s ,44lc:Was nine miles southwest ,of kdtersbiarg e anti 'seven miles from the. rickuthiiderailroad. The Contetierates were in strong toreeTall along the trout. :l'he object Of tlieUsovii nient• wits to control the reads Watling from Petersburg moth, ao that gated,: rate troops could not he - seut, opp'sec: Sherman. • tin Monday morning all seemed favor able, but the enemy during.the night baa brought up large reisatromments,•and in the forenoon way disposed.. them for an attack. They - fi rst sent all their troops against Warren's corps. et.ttaatesi in front and flank it was forced to give way, anti retreated inja soinewhat : broken condition nearly two - miles.. This retreat exposed a portion of the Sixth corP3 that was crossing Hatcher's run, to reinforce Humphrey. They _were driven in confu- Rion woes the run. lialnA.hrey 'thee re- treated, the, Confederates attacking him s he marched, but doing iert little dam age., On Monday night the Federal troops` were ail on the east side of liatcher'i run.' In the two days fighting they had loit" one thousand,' men. The Conteditites were iu strong = force op, the opposite side . 'of Ilatcher'e. run. The: Movement' complete failure; no : ground' Wee' gained, and the losses infliercel had' _been Wm. If. SEWARD heavy. This is the fifth time 'Clen:- . oraist has unsuccoessfully repeated this =We. tuent'towards the Southside railroad. Everything is quiet et.Wilrningtcni; and there is no indication that either tlittired eral land or naval forces will advance to attack it. The Confederates are building a formidable work on Ctipe Fear river,. opposite' Fort Fisher. "It is called Fort Anderson. A Federal gunboat shelled 14, vigorously for a few honns - on *gooier last, hitt did no damage. - General Lynn,who codinninda a detach meat of lour theetsand Contedsratea, and at the ilia° of }IOW's retreat from 14ttsb- vilte Wll4 believed to have been nut ,etr by the Festeral trotipe,"has meaped.z. .By a circuitous triariftche sueeelesteci lasesching Corinth,' IfWind*, in 'the last weak Art January end - thus *posed OMMIKIWCII4OII with tho Confede Mtn Allay (*the &Mai w est . ALZI. IL STUMM H.. 11. T. Hums, Jowl A. Cixraiu. The 'cheering hesr4 h the Cosheietette camp at Petershurt.when tra•Codecierilie Commissioners wiled through the liras, waA oaused by the • announosesett that Gentral Lee had 'been appointed to mid had 'incepted the position of gothosaudet in Chief of &lithe Southern artaiss,-, Nat!' Yvan Inure brilliant ,doweii l ie leastwise he has made a brilliant tenuirlt. In his the Senate transmitting a notice that Congress had :abrogated the present Federal Constitution, its, "The day is notlar &slant when the Con stitution of the United State*, will„,liar menite with the Declaration of tia4Bliln derwe." - holy unfortunate that Mx:Teu ton not liv;eet the- tinte,the Cmcsiltu don was Tratnkii-ito.a3 tPhytfeinformed those- noodles, George • •Washington,. and James Madison how. to• make theiractA "harmonize!" A FM traki since, a ineetint 1 , 1a3 held in Washington in behalf of the destitute starving negro popuisifioh of tbat city. It is a littio remarkablit that' not a single member of Congress appt , hirs tb hays beep present at this meeting, nor any man in high official positiOn or smile! influence. They prefer to Indulge in that• -high sounditig philanthropY which costs noth ing. Ana i. ture - r,et into the news papers. 0111% M0D111.4411, .though defeated for the Presidency, has not cone oft second bcwt with any of the, militatY or,nitYla heroes in the recepliou of solid teatime nials of friendship. It will, b resnemberecl that a splenitidly furnished house in 31st street, Hear sth Avenue, was • presented to his wife. • Now; it appears that just - before, leaving 'New York for Europe, some of , the New York • friends 01 UenePal Me- Clellan• presented him, with J 20,001 in ' • Habeas Conias. " • • la .the Court praceeillage'st, Waeltiagtoa:,,an the 1:40/ ult., we Aserve tWa feltawbeg ease : • • Hogan and Dugan were arrested in Pebru cry, 1864, without warrant, but upon allegid suspiolon of having been othwlted, in the robbery of ' ?d.j. Malone's trunk. ' They hate never had ar hearing,.prelithinary or rthal,add ' by laree or tithe were entitled to a trial or discharge, even If regularly committed. They., applied :for - Habeas Corpna,direating the write to Supegintondertt Wood. Or Me' Triton. He a'ppostred In Cothl with out fb. Pfhkeners aDd made retain Olaf was in his oissedy bet &sliest Optodgs?l. him because he wit orwlefl Wed :tworseckiiiii_ ky'disaarity of s4.Prgritint of the Mitred SWAN produced tli 4 **`tniditifild' brtheAProidsaat, as fol. lowii • p; . , "TO within name d Hopii,or 'Dusan 1,118 arrested sad liaprisbnait* authority. This writ of Ifibeie Corpses is stssponded,and the Minerhating T e r emlaajamln custody is dtrall4ll 1111 , ace I,ely , but to en hold him in stellig , ntfE farther_ • trders,gir. int this order II bldritedme4reourt. ishimmitytt; ; % %L A: , Luicoca." 'Thistly' was 44 seroot4a,40,...4krisoneti by ny (tla 4 pylemeacs)tathqqty,:; : ,abt. by au ' thority of law, for a 0iyi1,..t 4 „foe a military erewie4ad hwt•kral:4oklial4 nearly a Year Withetii•triCla vias4o! !lc hi 449 9i r titu P ° 9 4l rights 5a1tyU*1,44.4)44 o,,aagrma provfltioit aNkter.';..4ol>m, ~• ,,OZastitutional fluMeiSmatmg ma, hire the bad taste, telomplabl pL s tKeialicirottir„,Aq z_ tbe RobiOw , sisktp y utlydoiVlßFO 4 o4liogii • NEoild be in atmonlance with th . ti we tiC irn laws of the land. In thls,as we shell be able to show from samerous preoedytts, they are clearly wrong: Daring the they that the &eats, itartlealarly 11s -Sat James and lint alit triktiogiop.w la:tkoe€ l o4nomiseusiiksittifframe r iAl, ibi#4o:7 l loo,t , gappiiiiiiip bis detiqn ctv,e4 of Dariie t Corbet t TIMM arlfeetlpiikt kitgisiTtrltipftlitattei t. , t• the Tower for refuelog apa . , 'meats of taxes • The,' raid the King's hletio, laitr - ifsairogricitanhsfa4C, t prylu The %fit :11404grinttidenethe Ofrirden ,f the Fleet Ma!le sego* tin Itietliiriire Ifitallsed by a warrant, flyarthe PrimAtinsa i sicinkrtfiing bin u Ono' iocklialar alma( Apyisoweept,. th tt thily,Werioommitted by the speocn I ~ ',l-1111 Rea of, tds Itsjeffy." ~.1.4:11 glee, rise. to the itn pent gitteileti.vjeatilee 'such F, rtitru tuts aaffigiennis.salbvilla juitifrahe qourt in re ,witting. the parties to et - nett:ray. :The counsel 4; 1 '1 he pets 'Arts' tasetkt heir viataiiit up% thoe-J.Shlt etzc of Magus cleans that "no ,freetwitn tolt ill he tlken ur uarele,hy !4ii7iti;O:l4lm , vit of hie peer!: ,or ate la wad the ii; LE:" Ile al; the Attorucz • Cieuerttl reptlital. and argisal•shit “litts cow 'lf m matt to not iu a legal cud ordinary way,but blrthe spewsisiaotarand et our turd the Kin,; which implies nut only the ket done but au. ext - rao'rdinitifly 'tione that it fi dot° Art nil t his Niajessylstounediata sot and wlll that it shont4 be so. * * Shall we niske enqniries," be lays, "'Whether his coma:sada are lawful 7 ' Who shalt tall in -I queetion the justice of the song's who is eat to giro an aocJiaut, ' for th g etit frottr the maths that ‘•the King oso do to wrong." he argues that a cellar WIC he presumed to exist tithe commit tuen t though kbe• nat. sato forth., In vie c.tqc of u number of papists and other m.atp pris.,ttet: confused for yearn for mere political;.; tl .u , y he says : "Some there were in` ti.e Tu e rter w 1,,, seta ptitin it when vary young ; should tut y bring a habeas corpus would the court deli". 4itetu 7" Tiso• neat, ease is that 'of Sir John , Itoldes,polden,Lestg; Strode and ether - nent members of the Coni'monq wb3 hc•l been active in opposition t3* the R & s (Charl4 I) wishesAuping: the preceding i'.arliatueni, They Were committal, some to the Tower and semi to .the Lots Bench, Prison, s ald their pipe!, sei s ed. qp•on suing f,r their' habeas corpus, a ratan: Wai roadie •4.12 v they were 'deisinekforAsatablecvsteoipts, and for stir ring up sedition alleged in a wariarit the Mittrat." • L ippielfind thlst these precedents (not att thiwitieey will be , sufficient to ' quiet any qualms of conscience that may troy:l4la any squeamish' breast as to the propriety of the President?' action; aud for further sat horti refer , to the deelarstiais of Berkley, ene of the jiidgeosolthe.Eini'e . Dench,in .111;11 there was ItTnicof law, and ralAtf goireru sliest-111MR many thing. that could dalbylibe liras • rola . might b» by t he :oilte'r ? ~ and would not allow counsel to Stelie 1 184 001 14 11 0 8 .ing'e Unlawful iripOSiti•on of tohip 1111110113% - '" the warrant per yperi d !, , Alia44llollnyieneettesate ins remedial •ecsoy of 'Hain* at bobene corpus, formerly sup. posetrAit ibe bisiliark. of English and Ameri can litspety.. The .doctrine then {ought in England by corrupt atitifewniog prates, fits that taashe by elfo'tisse serving sad eyoo}r(iau tio clergy bore during tha last year, wad that ~ t he ifissign(Preeident's) poem 1t49 ' ur God that of the Pa . rlipastent kt.:ongretie) out; 0; man, obtained perhape by rebellion ; _but out of rebellion what right could spring or ereu wore it by voluntary' etinesseiou c4ulti r li;tog PtsrAdent) alienate a divine gilt and infringe the order of Providence! Conti his vanut, it not to themselves null, avail against hie posterity. be is Ills himself under the great feoffutent of Cseettion." liotirlthaisipihakt . I kuiePristi 4 tPt 4 .i oOttf3o is so full" supported by preceleui>. I heg, . soutiaend to the 111141er's atterit La the folio w • latissassus trual.tbs petition a the Cetuttieua to Mimes I : "Whet cause we your poor CJUltriuLIS have !to watch ove r our privileges twitufrie . in itielf to lase, The Fri/Ilative, way ea , lly sad do daily grow. "The" privilrges of ‘ihe subject are for the rtioat part at an everlaeting stand. —They maybe by care and good provi dence preserved. 4ut,bei ng owie ate not inti•isild.aunott diiNuiet rlosnts von ran VOligevnti• --- " 11.1Vd ". lestod the,followiag. perilous es skint* t'L , r th ey Guam , * in their reapcatite loehlitiea They ere anittorised to collect bills , fer -subscrip tion, advertising and job work ilhe . this office, and receipt...for the some. Parties Who know themselves : itidebritT to the office will much oblige' us, by Ogling - upon•these gentlemen and niaking immediate payment; Fairview, AII;10111tune, Girard, : .Capt. D. W. fiut.c.htrtsuil. Lockport, J. C. Cauffulan. Albbstr, - • E. Lincoln Waterford, • -- • C. Whitt). • Corr), 4Mos Heath North East, 11. A. Tabor. ' Ttiungsville, - Capt. G. J. 1)(1:pit nay . ATTICU'VAIN 'SOTS Citcoct: To M'AICH MON sr.-:-Vel7 few pillions ars aware, ibid. by `s recent !arm/lieu, newspatirrs and scraps of printed paper, can he converted into material for printing upon : again. The high price of ..paper has .ml 4 an active demand for Old' newepapers, books, 'pamphlets soil scraps of pap . u er fir this purpose, and it esgirly bonedp toy parties conneelei with thr pa. per mills. By collesting and saving alt the materiel of this kind about their houses, and selling _lt, Many a family can put unwary iu their purses, - " which would otherwise be lost. The highest price, in roih, wiU be paid for it I -at this office. I . - tf. , Wu Luaus.—The. cold and changeable weather tells tersibly . en.those who have.weak and diseased lungs; Many are suffering at this time with affections • of the throat and langs. Broashitie is becoming a• very eoni.. monniiiiiition. Thosie who are predisposed to , Colds, Coughs, Blonchitls, &c., ebotild 'mid tit night air. ;Thore are many preps— ratiot 5 recommended for these diseases, but the ,is not a denbt butlhat Dr. Strickland's - tinons-Cough Balsam is titstsbest remedy. We have known it tO effect eures in the worst cans of eOlathir ectitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, and primary ammo of Consumption. . • deB.Stneow Pansioas s .-Beasieep Arrears of ilay, &e.i'essa be provost by the Widows, OtTitans, and slot of kia'al.theee who have died to the service of the United States; also, by Soldiers' and Satinet who ue disabled by grenade ra. celesta er disease untreated, upon applioation to. U. P. Guiewri, Licensed and AM) Chip &oat. 011iwe in the Women Connell Room, Wriskt'a Block. !enter State and fifth (ender the 'DispatrA office,) Eris, Pi. 7-y Buenas.—We .keep conitantt, on hand a large; !election et Legal 13lanke,, of approSed forms, such se •Iltiede, Mortgagee; Judgment COMM/ Notes, tunnums, Subpoenas and mans other', 'not Inirsolt general time. Ittoae la poe4 °Unless artioles."rill WI it to their adiP47,44i te glee our ellee & pull. U. DIED. ,Joinioliztin Fri fy, the 6th hut., Piss: 111f:;:vos efassissl Fcloitssott, of Summit, !i g ed•zi i t ars, **win .44 24 thris. • cuaing.ak-34410, , ou,Welliies4sy, ,tlireth instant; after s linteiing IllMese,•llnots J. CIMILT, rife of W. C. Curry, of this pity, 'god 48 years. Bu imi—Ost - fiatarday, tb• llth 'instant; 0 vi r eos. Illossami. pas. r~,~ car Zo • - •,: Pi. f p tp flit Sale. iet . l774lflribtfl -- * - F.glt 1 4 )1 , --A= 7 :462+lll.l•lratilla tostorstay 146 llur- 4 } • OH* 2,,,••• wet • lot s a Morten. and r.. etreate Th••• $ I,,tutt t t •61•• • scalar= nf ithnoi•••47lrws , -4,•1a1 , -1, otdor f mt7. 7.04 rokpt eh...tuat and tl.Ai 1.-2 1., I. t s ~••• •is i•to2l i% • 4 , P , ji !.. a tt.-- • h • •• , •••t era* - itutevireittli ta'alitsailesur-104 • •' liar ti•• - t • "Iv., eu , Vare r. tt. , Tri•rtittst. • • ' , • 04 ARLIN W AfitS g - . farm - ibr side. iIFPLICA A, —4,, 1.•• 440 p. 5'. 4 .k11, 4, 04 4.ti.' tt, 4 it,- I,t&bk 4 . tet..44444 4.4'11; 4 lot 4. ti thervot a ec, A Ar..Ame• , .. 5;14:0 , 14 4,4 1t540, cialar, Itar4; r,ttrt,, 4410 ,tt f .1.441 , 71 , ;et .114 , • 'owe, 4, NU/K . l 1 , 4 ',C.4 1 / 1 41F J.L.GI W tit, • , , 1 7 r r.fthr sut*lterlf44 4 , (tr penoxle. noo- . 0 ; MI/11 1 0N. %to', •. • V; . • Public Salo: Wll. l LSE bAit.l) ‘T 'l'. ....1-4.11.41 toi (.1,4411 J. Wnlf 01.• tiF u: {kin Ir• St Tur• k 1 6 10.6, en Roble! Bretrltt's 4444:4,4, t! '.t • ptarert), , : tl4ll.l•"4 , l;l4irsrltuar.potnto.s. core st,J[3.3tllttf Ike !.ns , Lnlod g,.3.4 totu-Ittr.e*s, tan tyr“cultira tOr•, 0 ;1.0 alk..i.c/ plut;!.., ln> rat ^.••u. I. a. 1.31.1 r of tyte.t 0ted3,31..t• Corrit , 3thit.Get.:P.libd rellp-1 . 0:310 trir „I,oallviltia, be 35., intt•oe stow roof ILI,. ~,„, elt tseeellytt IrTl•res. one It>,ar •••I't !.tt t. 6113 10 ,beituree mvls, te.tferr, the •If t. - .! • (toy gi , tat../, en, 31/1., • tta gre4l. tan) uttter &flirt , 3 t...t'lltiT.Pra-trx 1 100tt .4 iltu totos4nr4G al 1J u'oZqr.k , a n._ TerUuk tete. a •-•, t ITO tt , “ 'Milt. lite 33.31.11)., ip)yKe,, A3l,•r i•:l3ltelf tat - Public • Salo. By AN 4 )/iI)K4 - v . I Pi, c.utal), the 111.1r1wigtitta c..44,tott** . t.r All.l *b be. te laaoL,t Iti It, riti of Eli... o* Ltie lit!‘ a./ IQ s. Tx , th* L.:10011:K. *it.: 1 ot OD_ Lim corner of ...nistrait auJ hontli +troetaita the city of 1.:4.h,, to Tins. g :tut on ;pi +tr , et Ai ttct, Ito.: *lc ..r 42 1 , k 4 0i , 41.4. lade, 4- 4-rr. 'acme t...,1 U. rpf o ilavie.g a 1.. 4t tl.l .ti±ttuf,ilLott. ay.' , 1.-mu.; ts2.q I , et, trrtlf K etreC- Ittareoun. Hat-+ a:1 , 1 [1 , 4 . tritt.ant tot ‘, .. ,, NNHtrnt,Gael. of tit.. oTo riec..., It ..ittli.,.., ^U - Vole $, ', '‘,' Tr tau Of nal vu- 1,101 a1..1 I,;aueo in .tee equal aauutl sreur,-.1 "ft,ral« Itiln11•1 lut,.rnt On 13, ivivf;r4r. 6 I.:wits:l-4: 4 ,j 3. 11,..111 ttett,,l W1111 1 4tHILS! (Mr l;rr,1101 C , Tl(.(ll[ll‘i r• 11 f. , :, ! ; : t :•• ir , JW Utl CUU..II.,St iiatr nu Wild head., in sic 'Yrtc, 11 0) 4 eitit ty nand •troryirixeri, c,:uszly 11.116 W, 041 rove. of A d dr ",, C., , Btu° klyo, r rro Etctoluiti , rivtoc.—Tbe GotSergio:ie.; havlog tot-:o reeturott t., Ita a les areas, by a Tory stasple remedy, atter kas I rg s•tttlerett several yars elth a steers loo: affsetwn, and ilott dread. Mae as, Coo. sueepticni—.Lsll:l3l , li t. make Itemise to too l ilow•sat• fel ere the measles of can,. who it. h. mil recta i copy 01 Citia ;re al/04oz s ure with the dttotctlcuti 1., rip tend scirlustog tie tame; which the4wlll :stil eun cure f •t- ittctichitit,CC4s , , Co4g,‘",ac. Ttir cn j...t of the sdinartiver in a•ui itt,c the pre,crtittio , in I, imilmtit the atliictitd;stpl tipre4.l litfortirttinti h , cot.'. tree to - i, and lie ti• pint wrier} r try his r, 63 .t will O• .t 1 will ng,thto,r, an 't Maw t• a L:tuusitr, ; 1..0 pr.arriPtlJl4 writ plitatir . Nev. k U11;.11;1) A. Mr 11. 4 W•i, Willtaulsburr,, ii.ugt , New y.,11/. • Notice to Sub•lgeut% of Jay Coo U. S. 7 3 - 10 BONDS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ERIE, 1111,rtstri D•res,tor, ant fiumv.:Lal Agetat of the t. cairct. .Jtatee. PAWL HALL B4:141)ING, FRENCH !it. no ASll' 4 , and peelers wai 60.1 thia Sauk a eieutecitut d•p:"at.ry U.ury, Dratta. ou \ tar •,p...• rior to , any citlii•r ron*.dy V t 41.,v1>t I. known by, all Nile) have given it it it duel erinilune t irtuci truly i•xtr,turti.rar, in their effect upun of complain is indisputably "priven.liy the, areat tuultiru:i of publicly kotm aloi l'elnarkabilt curf: , made of 111,. 1,41,A% mg. Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches a Erysipelas, -Rose or St. Anthony's Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs tuberculous deposits in the lungs, • Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, NP Dyspepsta or Indigestion, Syph, Syphilitic Infecticuis, Mercurial Female w eaka es„ and, indeed, the series of complaints that arise from imp , of the blood. Nlinute reports of mils cases may — be found in •Alam's AN' ALMANAC, is furnished to the for gratuitous dist! ;Motion. herein m learned the directions tor its use, bn.l of the remarkable cures which st is when ail other remedies had fai12:110 E relief.. Those cases -21 - 0 1 , 1211Va•i7 from all sections of the mzul,nl that every reader may have a , ,,cirs to one who can speak to aim cif its bttefits : personal experienc,:. • Scroll:I:. -deprcsF vital energies, and thus leaves its victi; more subject to disease and its fatal than are healthy constitutions. Ilca, tends to shorten, and does greatly fi, ; the average duration of human hi:, vast importance Of these consideracul led usio spend years in perfecting a r:t which is adequate to its Lure. Tlu4 offer to the public under the name - of SARSAPARILLA, although it is ingredients, some of -shish exceed of sarsaparilla in alteratit e pow,r, ,; aid you may protect yourself flot , l U.; Mg and dung.ur of there di.older: out the foul corruptions• that rut in the blood, purge out tile cauccq and vigorow, health NCIII liar virtues this rt. medy tunction3, ,liu, epela th, which Ituir i:ln tic ysterti • on Burl . tt. , P r ' ft...ow the public 1.n% c brol •• .any compound. of "(' •'• „mind much Auld did nothing; 1' acither bt deceived nor di,arp i i thin: Ite 'virtues hate been pro; dant trial, and there remains its surpassing excellen , :e for tilt• curi afflicting discuses it is intentic.,l to Although under the Rave name, it ti different nictlicino from any Other been before the i , tar fectual than any otLur which i::.3 assilstble to thew. - .A."Z "E:Ft S CHERRY PECTOR. The World's Great. Ratter' - Coughs, Colds, Incipient C' gumption, and for the rel.. of Consumptive patient in advanced stages • of the disease. This has been so long versally known, that we need 1,1 than assure the publie that its tip to the best it ever has may be relied ori,to do all it ha:, i:vvr traparaci by Dn. J, C. dra Pi acticai acrd drust 4 4l:::: Lowell. Gold 15y, dzuggim ever) , Niter' R. s Nloßßis(o7, :..c 71 'tklit 141" e 1.IJ , ••••• , t!.r. i st. • I DRY COdDI it, the nt.P.- t,, n, ," %r•-ar. Kr.ti tut t-.„ 4 4._.1.1 n Nr Dress Goods, Eine (41,0%1E8, 'WISER\ t., ,‘; kter•l IMMO Administratrix's LErnos ADmisr- E.O.s.te of Abr•fistil.t.: • • rr et leCk . TEIV.I.I , IIIp,Fne 41 , Vasty.' to thy ' . . 1/I hAVArl i e eloklang agntgtio. t`.. wettlately for ltatOftliate }.O Elk t'r..t.k,l)r, 14, I''.l ti • • ha.drainistrator's LETT OF A DIIIN the tolat.• — ut-Ttn.son• Yesj:t gre•eu• towuaLip , bne centOr, to the ittolotAkigtatql, tiotite tw hurl r . Ing tl•ealeeltele ititlebted In 11••• 4•At •• ' Lardiats payuarut, and thope bul,u. • Nam! .111 pietent them tot tlehirt I). W I;IOM firorno tp.. I)te. D. W. IIUTCHINS , United States C 1 GIRARD, PENS. PENSIONS, BAC' I: ) mid sit § ' lber otc.t cr.. r J. 7 - ir i‘tiNt 14rAPPiwilitwu 0 v.. 1 maw, Itv yenou C. DECK 11431tI•ACTaiill •,'-' BEOARB, TOBACCO blurb bulow :;(::to I't 1.pp.5wit0t1,1.1.21,0, l't House and Lot 1 A i'IRB.I%Ci.A:"S loostrl.o. minute/ walk t . ,1 for 71;:t:g •II 1.•.. atom novo on nrat 6.0 r. u " Welt paved e.llar wllar parUtioned off with braL tors IA the yard—Cltr t oot. . WUI Mudd with of Tithe WSZVO9O. Taros MS 11 into .Iwirder IEI CS liN9