, . ilfV 1;7 . 11 i7im n ir t irryAra 7: 4 , wr2husnrinitt °, 11,1=1: ttt..g:LT.l.P:Tra wre,k - tak i r. ..is.. g , ,d.' ; uglable throat operates in the simplest and Molt perfect 1111111001 . . Catlin any dessirsbl • Moen, itwilb.r!, ran he rut, either by Power or MIA. A.ll combined eve Vas IllarligS VESD CUTTEIC I 64 prednlTuce ores all other Four - Knife brachia's. ' • prifts art , all follows: No. One, =7; No. Two $34; No. Three sa; No. Pour Pk - The Flout City Two Knife Feed' Cutter. ANDTHIC Rochester One Knife Cuitter, 111 1 .2y,2.„„::ljiwtyhls%h e () I n% bi ;, 1 0 " . lst. l ß P o i g h ! w l f ici p ete: f te a r7fo r. 0 1 :alr i K a s t . I T i w au o l i f lri 'Am Ts. Pilaw liv.ii..rs upplled with any of the above Cutters at Wholesale Prices. En invit., :he attention of persona wanting anything In the _flardwara line, to -ow large 'stock, embraedng - NOOSE BURNIsiII NG GOODS, HOUSIIIIICEPERSIP HARDWARE, BUILDERS* HARD. WARE, AND TOOLS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. A.so • good amortnsiont of - • COOKING AND - PARLOR STOVES, 44. x i . latest styles. la all of which we defy competition. Special attention ill ealleetto a inapOloir COMBINATION `'' .1 iTT EN STOVE, which we regard u one of the etnapletest artiales la th• 1/mlrst. • have the Agency in thia city fer PAINSANIES' CBLEBBATED BOLLIII3. A tab %garb:mat on hasd, ,iii vlll be /old at MatititAturers' prime. - W. W. macs, —,0 11 %4-zni . - 310. J. RECOND. C O A o+4 CO) 11.41_ .41 1 L'..r .`" n l.O t) _ rI- , A v i t , i(l) )4 -4 ' tt u , 0 Ur 5., ',„ , -i • b I C.) 111 U Ci ti) )gl .4111 P = - a . -.:,' CD v... - 4 'a4 , C) CI) L.EII , -4 Di . m . O 7-• Nil a 0 co 6 .4 0 oi t 5 c T S P Cheapest Furniture Store •In thil , Section of the Country, • } - ESTAI LISHED 1857.! • G. Ellsey, Erie, Pa. • . I HAIR BEDS, From 38 Cents por pound. ROUND CORNER BEDSTEADS, Front $5 00 SEA. GRASS BEDS, From $4 00 ARM ROCKING CHAIRS, • From - $2 50 r- - SPRING BEDS, • - From ItS 00 - 4ANE CHAIRS,. • TABLES, (LOUNGES, BIIII*ApS, And other Furniture, Law es the Leonel. West Side State Street, feb2ollttf: Next Palmer's Grocery. I .Farm• for Sale. , -rriir, IJNI)ERSIG.:ED OVFERS HIS, A. F. ?et t ~S.ll-.. eltuated In Harbor C'k tp., 8 miles from '..:1i.,.:0. , 1..111:.c. CO .I. 4.5 acres of land, net measure. Thrze are ..r. :..e pre.axiee , a 'Argo two story House, two Darou, She.,:, 11.,r Fen and all neeetsary Outbuildings There IR ..IS , q are 0 , -shard of Choice Grafted Fruitland the farm is 1 , el" f opplied with livink.water. The farm le plea , anCY lve , •: , 1 on a good road aad La in a good Otto of eu,tlealion,,aeii adapted to raising, grain or t.a ow. ee. Alp, f.,r Psie 4.1% acres of land, ove-laalf kale titth c.f th,. above named farm, with 28 acres of Be . met:, a yot.ag ore.bard and never failing water. Al -- lk.A amen and ajloerance of choice Timber Land, one ,e East of fir:4 named land. The above wtll be cold together or La piece., to snit purthasere. .1' or particulars, enquiry on the premises, ofCHAS. BLILEY. Or to S. A DAVENPORT, Esq., rte City. . iwzrim .:al. . N ENV FIRM. gIIVITILez•GILLMORE, oincomisor to E. H. Sloithi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MALMO IX BONNETS. RIBBONS, FLOWERB I : ‘ • I D • FURNISHING GOODS; STATE STREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH Ala? EIGHTH STR&ETS, EWE. Z. H. SMITH. A. P. GILMORE. -$. - sprfnm-em. New Grocery! _.irAcoß- - 130(yrz would respectfully &n -u nounce to the people of Erie eit, end cavity, that he ha• opened • i. NEW GROCERY STORE, doe me Agit Side of Psesi Strut, ` Akan Medici - 4 /Soli of ths Las Alters - -Deiret, Wier he will keep on hand at or a seacitineat ef ClUSlCEbilitte, 1 • IltentiONß, WOOD AND WILLOW WATAX. movs, And wren thiag usually kept in • tint oases itt“re • , ALSO, • Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquors. Thibi g hess Market Price paid fur Prottne..o - • oast If desired. nr Give na a call, if yen wish te aware pod bar. pine. I pledge myiellto sell as Lew,,i 'not LoWar, than ether Store in the city'. mania '. . , .... .5: gi 1 .. i E•Y . 1. M 4 . 1 u in z: Iti E um , • e m .7: ea Z li' A a z. 7, C, Co m E. al '. l Z 01 /.4 ; I ' 2, AA .1 g 401 %,, ..i. Z mi 4 °I ' AN i i t t . Ari "a V. k . : 2 i; • 'g- tilSi D 1 4 . E 43 1 gIl i Ull 7 ,-, 0 1._0:4 va,k-4 ti a i c 4 =.bE g . 0 •" *4 7 4 ' 3 I • iTr . 1 :1 4 . 14, Pt 4 16 ~ pi .4 2 .?: g I A g .• ~, .---tig•.p § 0.44 Eti -1 A 4 - 1 i..:,. - , (4., . k. ' , i e Empire Feed Cutter: ALSO FOR SALS 9 ti ::i as W til e 1 J% e, pi d edif k laOL , , , 77; KitelON l llllll TO OIERCE & taile-t tr. ULTERAL lIIPLEIENTS, STOVES, DWARt, Xi - OF - STATE 'AND STH • STS., - ERIE PA. ERIE, r Redding's Russia Salve ! FORTY YEARS EIPERIKNCE Rai folly atablished this suportosity of ~ REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Ora 'el other boiling preparsilum REDDING'S 'RUSSIA SALVE! MAU ICBM REDDING'S RUSSIA SALTS 1 CMS MAIM BEDDING'S RUSSIA. SANT 1 cum TIMM REDDING'S RUSSIA. SA LYE REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! MR= CHAPPED SANDS REDDINEPS RITSSIA SILVE! crass MOSS WOIIDDS. REDDrSG'S RUSSIA -I SALVE! cU OLD 301113 REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! S mint*As • REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CITRZS CtANCZII2I. REDWNG'S RUSSIA SALVE! Ties SALT =SOL REDDIMVS RUSSIA ALVE -; , Case 801113- ItELOING'S RUSSIA SALVE! BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! MUM PIMA& REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! cu& rmas. REDDING'S - RUSSIA SALVE! • CM= Blintital. REDDINCM IVUSSIASAOLVICI MUM MST BR UN UM REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES ALL CUTANEOUS DISEASES AND ERUPTIONS GENERALLY. ' REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE 1 • • Is perfectly tree.from any mareSarial• matter or Injuri ous particles. wed in no cam will Lie applicidion Interiors with:the remedies that say tie press/teed by • regnlar ptipiteiab. The Medical threughouttko Union, are unanimous in its prate. The tsars its eirtneibecenne kiTorn the glister is the demand, and It is low consid ered az induipensable article of household steciwity--- beteg used alike by rich and poor. BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE 1 '. Is prompt In action, removes pain at mien, and redeem the most angry looking swelllers mad infleinmatlons, as ltb~reag!e,—the affording relief and a complete mu*. Thelength of time this minter been before the pallid is tonality' proof that life no oostah-peasy"-pree 'ra tion, pet forth to have a !kilotons popaladiy, sad Qua sink to rim no more. tig' Oyer ZS Gods las. II& Por Sala by J. P. DDIaiIIOBZ, i Ho. GI Broadway, W. Y., 8. W. YOWLS & CO, No; le Tremont Street, Boating, and by ill Druggists and Gantry ittorelowyors. augra4.ly. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS ) QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That dOncern E vey One to Amswer An yea bald t Dore roar hair hit stt ' Has you hair bosoms this t Does it Orel harsh,'and dry sad tend& I Is it turning gny-betore its tins? thsr* you troubled with *folds& Wrung assistleu ot e meals t Are you trosbled with Dandruff Are you troubled with what is silted lerolula os felt Minn Bare yot had the Wand Wimp hair San you had the awl lest it f Han you bad the Fever, end list itt Tian you lost Jou r by say anima I Da you wish luxurtaut hair ? Doyou utak soft sad lustrous halt? Do you wish gray hair mined t Do you wish your whiskers gin*? De you wish that redone' wens t Do you waat It for rancid:Wm! Deicer want tt for yourself, for Isittares mother. kw brother. lister or Maid t Do you smut is nab a pawn? • Do you want a pertain der your Istlet I . Do you want a anneters at P • Do you want ststreirrdelst Do you want a doubts 411stilloi ankh t Do you *sass eleandag antra, , . Do you ward the lost grepandlou aid fir rlsesiing, itimasting, prateetiug. restering th e solar. and Onidee lart Wt. salty sad lustrous the Ross gab t , It aeon waned • . • - CLARK'S , DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR TEE. HAIR, TO BE ENIQIIAILED- AND SUPERIOR TO ' ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOIINDED AND OPPERIgI TO TKO PUBLIC. piasMieed. arpo It costs bob SI for fuss bottle, es I bottlsi sold by Dnials% aid Design imamate:G. Cl. d. CLAD as co., Propsait: S. DARN= 00, N. V., Osumi ions jyledd. SUPPLY • ",' or stew Nibthealuat regOvel. Ito apkirr. M ma ne Mesa Periprillitil um W Writ, Itiveybody ww 11101.-stlor esto=rwe Ity liolossollorm aid goes. 1 VW thi ti Or OVA =rift . ?ci.t-s..r - • 1 1 LADI. F ..s AND G ENl;LEmpflii TIEFORE 111 ROI 4181N4 M M . Piano Fortes AI! AND MELODEONS!- assortment of Inetru• PAWS, They ass warm:tad falls to +taut any ciente, and are at a ten- and workmanship equal to any offend anywhere. I haws's reflect on the fact that the obj.o here raised latsl aasirsst tar establishment by certain Mink teachers et tkla city, are eitaired only by my refs pa tarty then (Prefeesom!) as ENORMOUS COMMISSION ,Which will her after hioseit thole who buy of a to the amount of from le to 25 per cent, for I would r‘t her al lorthoa►me to the helot than to the meddles who honeete no one be/116W hinnielf. ' I auk • Union wan, straight and forward, awl mis emoted things aid idlers. I most net take the prolate cut of my remit pockets. Or defraud thaffloyernment out of It, or cheat myself and family Into thl Prot Rouse for the sake of tatheybig the hungry musts taunting thrinigh whose whimpering my ;Kane* will not mi. bettor; If they are not good, nay had, lf they arr. good. I anti pay tr , i any man, woman or child, the amount ri• cetred 'or a Piano 'Mbar,/ name on It, if they ars not pleased with it, and I will pay • Tkeasinuf Darya to apy an, .who washer mr one on which the PISMO ts broke, like 'so many Near York and Buffalo Piano. hare dons In thbi , city and county. Let the people tell where nly poor Piano's ere—. 4 64 the teseherii—eimedalle those ankh Southern sentiments ; let inch go where they Won. My nano* ars warranted to be supplied with all bit* good improvements. and must give satbdaction or nom. Itastern Pianos of all makes can be had of me as well and cheap as any other man, Parties ready to purchase anything in the made line, will plum remember that I am dealing Largely in Marl ed Marchand i• genirsily, and can offer Indncessanta rarely excelled br any eked-Stet' denier. Pianos warranted by me can be railed upon. I being Manufacturer, Tuner, Player and Musician, ma well as Teacher. My warrant Is to od; because lem good for the mount lily opinion In many Came has been a benefit td those who purchased Pianos, and sone who did not be Iles • me at tint found the truth after a w bile by their loot A PbAo Torts` made elsewhere ii in bettor, for that resew., but all Plano' are which are made right, the good ars good and the Eastern Plasm are ton:diked by me; as above said, at Yarmlaetniers' prime. lily stock on hand consists otA very tholes selection, 4011 Is larger thaA any ever offered for gale here. PIANOS TO LET. . ' 0-r- Orders promptly attended to'. rebartletl. WM. WILLINIA. Fall aid Winter Goode, MRS. S. H. BALL_ • • Would reopoctfully call attention to her LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Jut received fro n New Yore, einbrasing Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, &s., " Together with (some DR Y GO'ODS! Which she will so CHEAP FOR CA..911, OR READY-PAY. rir Particular attention paid to bleaching, coloring and pressing. Store ow Push St., doors above the -Depot, Kr* Ps. spifor443tf. READ THIS ADVERTISEMEAT • CUT IT OUT And Show It to YOur friends. WHEELER & WILSON'S IMPROVED SEWING KAMM ! The 7 are acknowledged to be theilEiT ever LuWoduced into this comitm. Their mist:milled success not only in this country, but all over the World, has made It by far the most popular Karlin, iow iq um. FOR SEVERAL YEARS They have takes the lead of all other ltachinu„ bat since the late improvements bare been added, every wa riety of work is performed with snob ilalle and rspidl ti that the ' LADIES ARE IN ECSTA6III3 oVERF L• ' And it wins the admiration of ALL. We wintant them to stitch eery variety of goods,from the thinnest muslin to the thickest cloth. Tbay stake the celebrated "lock Stitch,* which is Impossible to rip or revel. Thee* Ma. ehtinesiill do the following work WiTIIOI7T ANY BAST ING CIN PREPARATION, ill : - • iggiTcrg, CORD . CIATEINR, $111111), TI/Clik, BIND ak. quivr. • They' mike any width of hem With'ont mrevionsly turning or basting it t they will gather and Anchor ow on Via same ; if you don't boilers it, CIIRZB CORNS. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. The demand for those eslebratad Marlines. afire ere have been located In Erie, bee been astonishing. At times we end great &faculty fa ailing our orden,but vs hare a fall clock Jost received, and are ready to see any and all who =Twill or lend we their girders. Ourroorna an elegantly fitted and furnished, and our accoriunoda- Rona for conducting the business are not equalled. Thine Sfactiinee were awarded the highest preminins at The WORLD'S FAMin London. 1862. '• •me Unit:l3YMa I, Earvarriuri, rano, tom t • - The IIe.OELINICSINSTITUTS, Washington. 186 And atabsost every State and County Fair where ex hibited. They are warranted three - years.' They - are perfeetly *Maple to construction. They run Stith the greeteet ease. They are almost 4c:dation. t 12"IliSTRECTION" FREE. -L t and see them in operation. It you cannot some, send for sample of work and a dualist by , -HOLT A BOOTH, Agents, Union Bloch, jrZ3'64 6M. (East Parii,) MANHOOD- • How Lost I Bow galore& TUT PUBLISHED a New Edition of Dn. Cutvidowst.t.'s CIMIIMATXD ESSAY on the reamer owe (without medicine) of SiZRYIToBit7IOIII, or. Seminal Weakness, Involuntary &mini! Lome IYro _WWI!, Mental and Physical Incapacity, I'l*w:din:este to "Malitairs, eta. ; also, COSSIMPTZOI, Emeriti and (lire, Wiped by sel f -indulgence or seat* extravagance. ow Price, in a emaed envelope, drat 6 0311411, The celebrated author. in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from • thirty years anceeedni practice, that the alarming cow ...venom of .elf-abane may be rad ically cured 'without the dangerous nee of internal med. icine or the application of the knife—pointing ont • mode of core at once pimple, certain and effectual, by me ~ns of which every No:Muer, no matter what hie condition may be , J care himself cheaply, privately and reabicaliy. This Leann should be in the hands of every you and every man is the land. - Sent ander seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, OD', the receipt dein Nada, or two postage stemma. Address, the publishers, CRAB. J. C. KLIN/C & CO, 127 Bowery, New York, j01P64-2r Peet Oft.. Bar. 45Rit NEW TREATMENT. CONFIDEICTIAI. MEDICAL ADVICE., Wit" fiatillai Wesltik-sagas Swot Infra 1. Youth Awl Maticrity. WWI. W. do It. LAMENT, One. en the plat door in the Atwater Building, foot of Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Tat SILENT 711.1824 D. A vousmP h on s t c h a o l N De a ig T , r E e z a h tm au e st t o a n n , d l V pe a r t m s a o to f Nhecra and all lidno-genitai Dimino of the Nmvoun system, and other disease: incidental to both sexes, producins of both mental and physical strength termi 1341:MuracItotal debility and hicapeolty ;Ishowing why these /uses. so often appear incurable, then in reality they can be effeeinalXv remend by the moat simple.; • • MOST SCIECNIVIQ An instrument for the curs of Omura! Debility or Nocturs#Nraindesu, morn properly known as Seminal W•ellsoult Ake , Can permanently mired in from 11 days to two months by • use of this instrument when said fonlobstly, with medicines. YOUNG mita TA= PARn Dre. kE. Larert take pheetze eDLlß la anziannalog that they have Invested a most Important instrument Coe the care of the above dispea. It has been anbjerted to a teat toy the moat endowat physicians in London. Psi* Miladelyhia and New York. It has been declared the oaly tte hutment ever invented for the cure of Baal Weakallill, or any Mesa of the genital organe, ceased by the - secret Write of Torah. Drs.'''. it L &art, in order to satisfy thorned seep- Deal ma to the arils of their farina; plods* than serer that in any butanes when it , HO ay prove watt& factory, a ft er afar trial, the moray willf be refundedby =the inetraudett iirgood order. Price of Lama medicines haw alumna AND QM= OMB— , Ter tha Vimmal Piessem in t4Privete Complaints striettnik estolaal pains lathe Mats, AfiltUOSS otitis le t r. dimanm the head, throat, Sbeal end sids,aini thane dreadTal affortleas arising from a secret habi Yeats; *lath protium 'madam. tional debilithteaiAes Martmee impossible, and in the end il opt totteT litoci bod 444 - 1141 d. The treatment they is the rimilt er upwards al thirty years Wends* an su esenitil poetic* in Won* and Asserias. • • , DOUNTRY INVALIDS... Poropao la say part tithe - world roar tto raaseedally i n st e d by for le Arr e r a ix I mkt - alit!. of &air au*, what a naafi • D .W.& R. 1411:1011'. twa. • 1 ter Dalldlag. toot olBapottor at.. c ordit4-Iy. • 41loyelaad,Ohbi Revolution* in Europe, lit ONN OCTAVO, SOO PAOES, /IX B / 4 .1.181181/ WITH ZOO sNanAvaxas. • cull,. CLOW ; rams ONLY $B,OO. YU above book for the riser, giving a history of fa sops, Itoartisi ilsailist prlllieromet period,having spir rerearmie bo p = ai seeoeisive resonator% bolo tbo inbeessiat antis esibreeloy venal/as Greeeeoobutd, ISLlgiontraireMely, Orman States; hapvisliete *hellos *I L oa N Icryeat AltIL • • Qaeri,z-8145 iioyld set tarns little , iirbie-the deluge sithesks en pet lilitasAte reimillop, sad take a three dol lar SojlieriShishot weather. swiss the yaw. to look *Monique, sad results of He varied revalatisas which so on 0 48 Lampe nag boas side to Ed. , • - Aban wed* sabseriptioa. Seadterios Owasso& seat, yeelyeld, resstph eye% by Os Own " it i aNk aft% ' /I =WPM *. 11. OACONST 7 NEW FIRM. CLUBS, CAIIGHEY & _BURGESS! Riaetwooso to Cliaseas,Casgbey & Cc and J. 4'. Berms& ON. Wholesale Grocers sad ilasabotturees of C twkwi and Quidyl GROCERIES, rpOUR, I FISH, P OE I SALT, ' • WATER LIXZ, NAILS, ROPE, AIR, WOES. LICITIOCS, - It, S a i Our Stook 'a TE/A, SUGARS, c*FFEII, MOLASSO, t , FRUITS, TOBACCO, $8 LAftCE. CRACKERS liiintbsterredLat the ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIE 3 I OIL' VITBOL, CAUSTIC SODA 1 fILIM ♦t the liiirist Xszkat Prim. rostirilatt. Coesesetedal Balllinvi, 11144. Pa. Erie Ale Brewery, 'X)RNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Erie City Lager Brawny, CORNER OF POPLAR AND RIDGE STREETS. Brie Malt & Barley Warekeems. CORNER OF , 7TH STREW - 4 CANAL BASIN. Pals and Amber XX and XXX Ales, The Best Quality sad Usual Varistiei of Laps, Prime Belsctad Bait= Hops She Choicest Qualities of Malt ind Barley,. On band mid and for sale by / • A. Kura. decimal. CRAWFORD it - CHRISTIAN, - Desiers is GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Died and Sealed Prune, pm.vra & Ship Chandler& Boat Stores, ao &s., NO. I azarrtrs BLOCK, P/IX R O W, Also, Public Dock, Foot of State, iStrPet, *IL 1. CRAWVORD. E. r. oneenum. spr2l4tf. REMOVAL. - arzro o n 12.1 raILOCERLES! HE Subscriber has removed his stock et Groceries from the itand above the LAUB/rem Depot to the room in the brick block on State street, corner of fourth. where he wilt be happy to ON hie blonds end eustomen and till their orders for goods. at. stock of Groceries is largo sad cerfally selected awl a imed at the lowest ratite boasistsot with the origoal coat. Ifs invitee all in used of anything to his line to hint a 80f11111.01111L terttw THE, PLACE TO GET YOUR MONEY 'RACK, is At E. COUGHLTIVS • BOOT & 'SHOE STORE,I State auto., Nearly Opposite the Post OW& It..Conshiln, Boot arst_Bho• Dealer, respeattally informs the — reblie that he his removed, his stud 4o the Store Room on Rats street, mealy oppoidte the Peet Moe, where he invites all his old friends sad 0614:111111111 to4ive him swill. Particular attention (inn to BEPAIRI-N(3! having euetal women, and enperintinding ail hfs badness himself, hebelleves he eaz give is atod satiable- Bon and sell at as loci pries IA any other poses in the city. Good Tits Wartented. ' . • = sprirtiStf. AMERICAN. HOUSE, SOITTII 191ST :CORNER OF THE PUBS & MATE ET., .• JOHN DUNCAN, ritoPircroa. . The uudeslittea hsiriat taken / charts of t skins well•known Hotel ia4 retittsd It In superior style, Zr speetfolly solicits s shire of the Public pstroesio. Tees reacosable, end iteoeiessasticals equal to say is the city, cr- Tor the osavressee d !toes the emery s reel stable km beep stto the 00pr611414. J =MOAN. DRIJIIS AT WHOL.SkTat di RETAIL ! SAMUEL Rao oasiodated witli Was In floTrodo Kr. J. 2. CAMBS. seder 21147 2 dt10 of • Carter d 4 Carver, . By whom the the business WW eostisseto be esodseted st the old etsod. With ealsripd stook sod intosseed Cs, ditties they haps to molls Masi stars et pithlk idSvosses• EBPBCIAL 44TTENTION . Will le devoted to the wrcowas44 TRADE. Nolen In the "tants" towns stotomposifally 1.. Titled to stye tut • beton pattlt•Aag olsomboto ! I THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT MID be coaltsetod, so barototoro, In tontfol isomoor oad mitt odtapotitioa otagooar enatinmen. ire plithdast7 sill tto, notloO of rhylidassi to on Mock of CHEMICALS, WidishAs . the lamest ia4 Eliket eras klioisi&t to ttila . • t aity. _or Pristaiptiou prepstiod bentsibro, with asc Plualitmess. ice. TO CONEIUMPTIVER. • rattbetribiz will cheerfully send (free locum) to on wto desire It, the eopy of Siam kr alma be au eared el tbstem abeam Caw mreeptise. . Benesere Id* Coreeirrenes, &mos *I Mi ll adied aft t l lVlVP r in e mon= lab A* recan t. rat Ide eweeespiele reekre• Ilen, be II sexless le 'bee le,tbe beads of every seibret ioesepaf ear& These wishing the reetpe vilb fell 411 = 1 4.1:1 Neese eell er adders , Ear. WILL 114w118 Aim abas, WlTfah. 4, T/lEn Is NO MICR WORD A.B FAIL." • TARRANT'S e•mroviso zrz•c7 O r • CD13121313 AND CMPAIIIA. Th4prewatiota topert/ mtezly reearerarouted to the lIRIGOALIIIOTRWON And the niaLlC,lhr theyi only, t sad estate eeri et 11DILASIS OTTSC BLADDTX, KIDNEYS, URINARY ORGANS, - . It may le relied *a ea the be suede for the adtaints Wien et Owe reaeatee hi the large dam of dieeas.e of betk entee,_t• which they an applicable . It never Inter line. arttk the ittgestlea, aril by GA eoaceatratian, the &este sack reaseed. N.B.—Patrolman are edyieed to elk for ?irrigate OonspentsulEstrad of Oibebs Copaiba, sad take aetbleg else, eattwitatleas sad arcltthleas prep atalhans, tot; i statilar ip nee, l a i tx d ti t t p t i l ep e market. Prior lira, B.st ateetere4 eel; by INUMANT x CO., No. US Gresawith Street, Cansar of Warren •-t-rft- L. - NEW YORK, dad tor We by Dtsuista patrall7 . ort:2.re.l-Iy. J.O. 1113121111.11. 1/. 11. ititilall. JOS. EICHENLAUB, JumrsAcitran or • BOOTS AND SHOES! WHOLESALE, & RETAIL I TALE PLEASURE in announcing to aTeZabile that I hare kaki to my forintr sett of SHOE .111gcugracur, =gym Pablo assmaanntaetur• and sell Boots end Cl/WU SHAM Wit:VIC/IL Huhn had long experience air ;te the wants of canto sem 1 Asa take special pain is prepariog my stock to milt Som. I hare the omfanin right in this city to man the MINIM PATENT BOOTS & SHOES kw the bone of my cutemers, sod only ask a trial of Mum, teselistr say ens as to their supe;ior comfort ever these seeds ie tho old tray. The Phrase Int heeds no tanking In ; is ha sexy ties the Mort as one wen for some tima. My CUSTOM Dr:PARTNERI' Will resoles my awn and Mr. J. COTIER'S especial at tetatinitr—onisatuing WWI • att - norkscan which caonot be swelled he the nentry. gents sad Shoes repairk.d on deed tastioe. : Contently an lurid a large stock of Lkirms.a. LISTS AND FINDIAGS, tankring my Oinks te my friends and ctomers to set petroonge, I bops by fo il and honorabl edealing to merit of of the rams, and cordially invite all to eel end examine my dot* before purchaaing There. anartifttlf: GLASS, CARBON OIL, SYRII/43, SPICEB, NUTS, 010•1111, Fish's Limp Heating Apparatus t BOILERS TZTING STEWING AND STEEPING RMk the Clue that Lights the Room By the [sae era coalmen Imp, &tithe coat 'ls ears vodka oil, a my comfortable breakfast ran M seiebeL —N. T. Tribes.. 'EMI Phalli is asastesetion, saltily kept to order, ii l.l - bi ai j . l .. iat UM *O2lllll wan:dent to have 00 Druggist's Circalor. Flak's LeaGo ono of the town popalsr nov cities or the day theatlity or tt ta unquestionable, groat saris, ta sands is boating and cooking small arti cles, and ens ko tau to cook sins for a great tinny geransaorittak la actually dos& cm the arnbnlattee ears IWO tarry tin sdak soldiers &idiot* imericaa. ...Tor family us, hospital tact, barrack, pie. alma, diktat. antsory or sick room •it is an allies of assfort beyond all proportion to its cost. Editor Cosi oa areals.„ • As osonoolonl contrivance for getting op Mat at alien nave for a unary sal general bousehold pupsens, ems Inspestant point a the saving in oast cm,: seal INS. N. l; Xmases Peat. WOE Y3O" TWO TO SIX DOLLARS CAPACITY !Moll ON; TO FOUR QUARTS. TRIMS ARTICLES COOKED AT ONE TIME Arnica( hr Serowe* or Coal Oil, or Gas. A daseifp , tiro paraplat if Utley pays hralshrd `ratty. Also, TH:11 UNION ATTACHMENT, nun 60 torte, To to atiothvol to v. oveunori Ivrosens Lump or Gsa Nurser, by whit% water may be ,botlod and food cooked ,• avo 'weaned •lb Pepper% a shads. ir.VSRY NUM OAS. 111.. D- NEWELL. Agent, vuty9ll6-1141. No. 206 Pearl St., N. Y. • ECOWAELD ASSOCIATION, - PISPILADELPNIA. TA. DISBABEB OF THE NERVOUS, SEMI us. sad Smut Stems-- caw, sod reliable treatment— to ?sports sf tho NOWAYM ASSOCIATION— Seat Ivy moll, la sealed sikvsl opts, five of chars,. Address RE.4. MULLIN HOUGHTON; D owsed Ao.o"ttoo, N 0.2 Irsith NMI'. Plinsdalphis, Ps. ortr6'6l-Iy. TO NERVOUS SUFERERS JF BOTH 61.11121.—A REVEREND GENTLEMAN haeingloess restored to losalth in a few dim after under. going 41 the usitarrontine and irregular expensive modes of irsotieent labour succors, madders it his soured duty 10 Oonstalottehe to him afdieted fellow creatures the means of elm. Heim, et the reoelpt of in addressod envelope, he 'Wm. (ke) • copy of Lb prescription used. Dt. pest lk ; .JacirDAsuusa. ISO Tuna 4treet.: 8r00k rt.424-I.y. Dealer in Boots & Shoes, ALSO, XANVIACTUSER OF: arms 'ABB BOOTS ArDSHOES I . WOULD take this method of return tae his Uisaks ti hie Mande aid the public Cry for their liberal patronage heretofore entenide4 eyand hops to hate • ecoatinnation J the tame. I ta* *in lenn n tothe public that 1 .m still sal IIa``RLDT MAD* SOOT! AND snogs As CISCAP, If ses it Little Clasper, Theo say lime fa this phico, and I am still making the beetgaslitie• of Gees' Bootie sod Shoes, for which 1 =- P l O sane blitt OA BM of WORKltgli,tuader the Super -0: 1411L.L.X. : Earring 441'11144 • Ilatiose to use the Plununi Patent 1.; est, • • I ant low prepared to make the Plniner Patent Boots and Shona in a manner not to be startled in Style ant Workmanahip. Eir I always keep on hand a affection of the best Brands otrreaek and Amebic= Calf and Kip. P. B.—ltopairing &Beaded to. , t0r17644.1.. Iseitee the etteatioa of perehuera to hls large and new SEASONABLE ;G 0 0 D-S Now reeettair for the arii.Winter trade ! Partleased 'fusee We dotal, in GOld, and will be sold .at Wholesale and Retail, CHEAP FOR CASH! Also a largo stook of Whielt will la sold at Woes far below the went, • , FINKLE & LYON'S SEWING MACHINES Shoe Sariliars make 'the lock-stitch alike on both eidekand see lean than halt the thread and silk that the Eagle or double thread loor stitch Machines de ; will Bow, 7.11, Sather, Coed, Braid, Biad, n a., and are better sited than any other Sewing Beanie in use, to the frsqnent abentee and great variety of sewing required is • tawny, Ihr they will now from one to twenty thickness. ea of Bansilien without stop ping, and making' every stitch verbs; *etre= the toed game to the heaviest beaver sloth. er emu the stoutest haulm leather, without martsrthaaging tbalied, needle or tension, or znaking say ad. of ltacbise whatever I Shay are alinple In construction and easily understood; :land Warty pert to broken by acrediut, It is readily re- Mme are 111174L 1 / 1 11PA(7?0, and will go tar to teteratias the choke et any lutelligmt buyer. name Call and Zsamlne or mend for Circular. M.B.—ldeal Agent& Wanted in rectioas not yet Allks. vied: Bibeee, ?LXILLE & LYON, 8. M. CO., eseBllB47. ito.itib BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW GROCERY STORE. The nedereigned hare opened anew Grocery ann., on the JUST SIDIt OP ITATZ . 87. 1. 1141 HOUSZ PORTIf Whim* Ow Woad keeping •fa supply o!' • 6313 " :111138P rßovidaors. FRUIT% NVTS, _ _ _ CROVILISBR WARN, ,TAPIKEIC NOTIONS, WILILAIW.WARIC, CIThigIiCIMARI"9. TOBACCO de CIGARS, Aodsrsrytldss malty oa hand is au eatabliskumat of Um port. • weirs Oetemisea to oilbr es geed induoessesta assay ether bletees is the city, and tnvtt• the Wale to eall, eestkiest that we can live entire otfdactio•. T. A. WEARER h uaR. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • P. SCHAAF, windanertesay ink= the Oa)lie that he has °peeked liltoreba No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie, Where be trill always keep on hand a lame e&ippiy c of GROCERIES, CROCKERY - AND WOODEN WARE, WINKS* LIQV9IS, CIGAR% tie kind Asa arrarilkiag assay tar gala La as aatablialiamst at . Arm. as iliamad4sAm way Obit Awe La tie lireir. WITH On BURNER. C. ENCELHART AUTUMN TRADE. JOHN C. BEEBE NMI Boots and Shoes, ~.►. ins& GBOCEBIESI GROOBRIES . I A? Ne-wilAuisto Wtore. PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS, • Jaw the toUrterhog celebrate.) MAIINFA. C-TUR4 Its, Iltolaway k Sol^ New York. Win. Knobs* Comaalthnors, aft. Lhoelornao 1; Sono, Kew York.• Writ. B. Bradbary, New York.' - Joho a...Onnikant, Nov York. Groveatoen & Co . New York. Deo. A. Prior's& Co., SWOON it . Y. Carkart, Noodkiun !G. New York.' Prices at a Large Discount below Maw facturer's Prices, sicvss OCTATIC, mos; El.& VIE, OVER STRUNG ROSS - WOOD PIANOS FOR s2Be. Also, Instraddon Books nod Shoot Mule, j 111 persons wishing a trot rate Norm Fort, er Malode• ars UMW to all and examine our Instruments be. pandualag ibirchars. Doers Monk, Mado atreat, nearly opp.%eite the Poet °Dee. ZESINA SMITH. Er P. 3.—twoir infra:sant warranted for are years rmain3,l7. • • 2.0934‘ • BITYPAZO & ERIE 11 R. ON sad after Monday,..oc . t. 318 t, 1564, heseagre ?Was •elll ran on this Read as follow* LEAVING ERIE. /22 A. IL, AN* Seines, stopping at West...told • Dunkirk sad Wire: desk, arrives at [lutist° at {lOl. M. V CO I. IL E Mail and diacsea,atopplng at all Stations . Lai aniveratßatislo, at 11 10 A. IL I 0 0 P- 1 /..P 42 2 Airs* stopping at North Eaat, West bald, Dunidrit, Myer Creek, and Angola, and &Main at MIMI° at 6.20 F.M. 0 115 P.M" i Edgware, stopping at Westdeld, Dunkirk and Sliver Creek, and arrives at Buffalo at JO 00 P. M. The Day Express apparels at Dunkirk and DuCalo the Night &press at Ptutialo only ,- with Express trains far New York, Philsidalphis, Boston, Ar. LEAVING BUFFALO. 10 A. IL Maio &grew, stopping at sit Stations ex..: apt' Narnhant, Ripley Crossing, lloiehead and Westerville, arrives at Erie it 10 20 A. M. 1 22 P. 11, Der kireers, stopplog at Angola, Silver ' Creek, Diankilt. Westlald awl North iCaet,arriving at Me it 5 55, P. M. 10 P. 1 1/.. Ma I teem.. atoppiat at all Stations int &rim at Iris at 9 16 P. 12 10 P. M.,RYA, /war, stopping at Angola, silver Creek, Dunkirk and Weettleld, arriving it Erie 'it 8 93 K. Railroad time is au raiaatea faster than Erie:time. May 91.11433. J. LEWIS GRANT; Supt. HUD QUARTERS -FOR CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROOERT•'AID PROVISION - STORE, WiNM AND LIQUORS.I F. 84 .M. :SCHLATIDECKER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri cab Block, State street; a large and . superior stock, of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, WILLOW, 1 . • WOODEN, • ANDN : ' STONE . - 'WARE,• • FRUITS. NUTS, kc., Ic., together with every thing found in a House of this -kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They hate vas ea head ow of the largest and finest Stocks of Telma* and Vegan weer brought. to Eris, to which they fatten the atbradoo of the putain. , Or Call sad aw sa—a nimble sixpence Is bettir than a slow obtain, aeasagaently Cash buyers find glut tarastas by mall*/ at Grocery Eead Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET Inn* L'INID-111. M. SciII4CDAILEIt. thitirtodE ERizUNTY 111)717 Al i . 113811R *NCR WARY. Ineorporatadl is 1859—Charter ?"'erpetual 1 I licepeeCtiLanared Ail:Limn Loss ,b) Fire for any Tenn set exceeding Five Veer*. Policies tamed span the deposit of Preirrions Notes, or upon the payment a the usual Stock Rates hi Mousy seithout - the liability el • l'noniun Noie. Losses paid without litigation. °sesta Doll List. ever bean brought against this Oenipany. The Company .a voirrly fru iris &its end is a sage fits ins itnuas. Dißscroßs. Wm. B. gay", ' Jae. C. Marshall, 7 Joe. Si. r3terctt C. M. Ttbbels, ' D. B. M'Crest7, E. Babbitt, Wm.F.kisollersesb“. =omen!, ,Wm. B. Brown, George A. Eliot, Benjamin Greet, ' Jleob Henson, J. M. Justice, JA.s. C. Iguana 6anniaoa & MA* . LEM Ott* uhaapsida, iris, Pa. ' Kr* Jane 16, MO. • NEW FIR.I.E. ruienrcze AND UNDER; ARINGI -WAR E-R 0 OM S! On etats klt,bstween Seventh and Eighth. The Elabonibers hare notated into the Cnionet Making sad FURNITURE TRADE, And Propos. tank' Lng to order and keeptn.s conetantly on band all kinds of Fornanro. Orders trill manse prompt attention: Repairing done on short notice. IINDSRTA.KFNG. The saiseetkors vill eve special attention to this do tof their badness. They trtil mamnfaetttre and de partment t , l i gia band a Urge assortment of Metallic Cams and and bold therneeltte in readlnesa to most orders in lbw, promptly, from any part of the country. Detersalsod to spars no efforts to give latisfic- Mon boa to the It of their goods and prices, they hope to MOM • ftILI share of pnbliC patronage. - mogRE R. 113 LET. Raccesiont to J. H. Ltintxr. READY ROOFING Lady to will dow:i. 1111• DY itookttru, Ims than half the tort of tin roofs. aaAalt .111.00 Wets thuablo than -- { tin. READY 1110016NQ, Ilfaxtiblo for-steep or flit roofs- . - ior sII loads of balldings, all climatka. 1 oet6l44at. ItZLDY gooirt N luny, eheaply and quickly put on: Needs no coating - ever wit!t onnent lifter it is: nailed down. READV ROOlifiL NO, • Mabee • rtrotig worm fabric, ilorouitily saturated and coverlet arm both surfaoss witb a perfectly water— proof eon and put spin rolls ready: for use—en lei& anti 711 hot long. l , Wi t rl li siao nimonfacture • - . LIQUID CE ENT, For Leaky Tla nark mach ehespiir and more Aumblii than oil point Also,. CONFOUND CIIXINT, for LEIF SHINGLE /10019 , which will often am the frost of a new roof: Bass=RlASol BOolnuo arolielimilare sent by mall whoa Favorable terms Wade with responsible parties. vim by to Pell aissla. I &LOY ROOFING CO., 73 ?Iffclen L tne, N. Y. myl4-dar. Erie as Pittsburgh R. R. CHANGE OF TIME, COMMENCING 21.1"1"/' Oct.l 1. Slat, E. ERIE. 930 K., Sharon Asoonmodation, stops at all Stations and *trim at Ntor Castle at /1 DO A. M. 414 P. M., to No. stops at q 411 stations' , except Crosses. Spring, uit Coatis Road, . Rallies' Taw oses,l n ltraoUtio, itabitsw and Erpyrillek—Orriiss at - Sharo at 11 90 P. IL , I 15 A. AL Fridglit No. 1, stops at stations, and Arrtros at Sharma at 2 Si R. N. 10 90 Pittsbanh Rsprus, stops at all' Kations, sod arrives at Nor Cutls at 4 10 P. N. TKUNB IJAYS 115 W CASTLE. 2 00 r. N. Asemiseatuon. stow at alt St.tions and arrives at Skaros at 400 P.M. - 9 OS A. N., Beale rzpress, stops at all station., and arrtm at Stlis at 4 00' P. lt. L&.&YS BFiARON. JOll.ll VECL 411 P. !rimiest N 0.4, stops at at all Stations except larisano, Clark, Espyville, Centre Road, Spring ant Crease, arrives at Erie at 11 16 P. Y. I $0 A. IL, Freight No. 2, Stops at all stations neept Navies iIIZZACIIh Clark, lopyrille, Centre, ,Spring and sroismo tr ess at Faijl at:: 15 P. M. tanindltt. N. N. RHOWN:Sov't Aria* and Navy ! • - T UST R ECEI V ED, another lot of u WHIT/NM& TOILET CASES, the Matt article in the world br theft to the Nary and Army. Those per. Inn the have Maeda in, either branch of the service should bad them this aeceptable and tuella present. At esplEo4. YOUbltrd EMPORIUM. Auditor's Notice. Jacob Van Loon monies the me of In Common Pleas of Erie county, T. J. Halstead, ma Lev. Fa. No. In, Nov. Term, 16641" Cynthia Ilardpolt al. • 'the im dealer Anditer appointed by the Court to make distribution of the rummy mad* on the above sta ted welt trill Weed to the ditties of his appointment at Ids dies is the eity of Tale, on the 17th 41a of Deems hes ISA at I It. /JP. at. MAN c. OFFICERS ?rest Jo.roo Grxrcloiox, the. CHRISTMAS! W * ' SANTA CLAIM ARE COMING. Bener & Burgess • Are preparing to uwet the demand ft, Goods in their line with a large and our. fully seleete(i:meek TOYS, FANCY GOODS, CANDIX., de, CANDY TOYS, innumerable. DOLLS & SMALL WARES. CHINA DOLLS, , WAX DOLLS, * '9 COMPOSITION DOLLS, CRYING DOLLS, • SLEET 'NO DOLLS,. • ZoCBV V. boLL.s, JOINTED V•0)..L3, • DRESSED DULLS, CHINA DOLLS, NEGRO DOLLS, . , LARGE DOL SMALL Ail WALKING DOLLS. CHINA DOLL HEADS; BISQUE DOLL HEADS, GILT DOLL HEADS, "COMPOSITION DOLL . DOLL HEADS that will not break _ TOY CUPS & SAD TOY,' MOTTO CUPS, MOTTO MUGS, TOY VASES, MOTTO VASES, CHINA TOYS-, CHINA CUPS, TEA DINNER - SETTS, CHINA TEA SETTS, CHINA. DINNER SETTS, GILT TEA skill', LARGE TEA. 88173., FINE PERFUMERY, T,OILET 'BOXES, ALBUMS DRESSING C.AFES, WORK BOXES, 'POCKET, BO MUSICAL BELLOW§, TO. TOY FURNITURH, TOY ANIMALS, TIN HORSES, TIN CARTS, TIN OMNIBUSSES, TIN EXPRESS WAGONS. BUILDING BLOCKS. - PICTURE BLOCKS. SPELLING BLOCKS, DISSECTED PICTURES, ' TOY GUNS, - TOY r WORDS, TOY DRUMS, • CORNUCO Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Nuts, NOTIONS. PHOTOGRAPII ALBUMS, AT. REDUCED. P FINE MOROCCO WALLETS, LADIES' MOROCCO WALLETS, LADIES' FINEPORTMON A .N ICE ASSORTMENT 0 CAGES. A NICE AND BLE TRAVELING MEERScHATTII BRIAR PIPES, MEERs.CIIAUM. CIGAiI TUBES, • AMBER CIGAR TT:I;Es, • • TOBACCO BOXE - , TOBACCO WALLETS, MAGIC TOBXCCO Bf GAMES 3: AMUSEMENTS, DRUMS AND FLAGS, UNION CARDS, PENS AND PENCILS, PAPEIT, 8; ENVELOPES, • ARNOLD'SJ INK., GENT MEMORANDUM BOOT PASS BOOKS, SLATES BACK-GAM3DIS SW FINEST ENULiSIi E C I LS, CHFSSBIEN, CHEQUERMEN, DO We have a nice Assortment of RUBBER BALLS, RUBBER COMBS, RUBBER BRUSHES,. RUBBER Crl. OF ALL KINDS 20,000 CICARBI Choice Brands; at Wholesale an BALTIMORE OYSTERS RECEIVED D , , • AT DENIM ihr BURGESS'. AN. ENDLESS VARIETY OF AT HiNJW Ac LW fIOESW. We are manufaettiring . PURE CANDY, OF EVERY DESC Irsityy Flavored, (i Made, and Pttre. Our MOSS AND ELM C ' Is commanding ready tile, and gives good satisfaction. Ser. sample lot, and try it. WE ARE PAYING PARTIc TENTION TO THE JoBBIN , AND OFFER ANYTHING LINE UPON FAVORABLE TO THE TRADE. -- CATA , SENT UPON -APPLICATION. BENER & BUR NO. 1 WEIGHT'S kis. My ii, 11114. NOVIQN FANCY ERIE,