11 GREAT ENGLISH REMY. .SIKVAMISS CLARKE'S - celebrated Female 11111. rECTSP'' J LETTERE ,oyAL PATENT! a a Prstsriptke Sir .1. perks, .I:streiwiffiary is SU 9111.06 aeble madleine la unfailing in the ears at ell lead dingeteas dime lea in wateti the foliate tUbjedt. it : moderates aftV . lll6lll and re lUnctiona, and a speedy cue may be WWI SO MARRIED leADlllgig arty *OW. It will, in & algorithm, Wag cm period :with teimarity. - Otte Dollar, Mara the "Gcmgrament 'efrret Brian, to prevent eiantarilefta. !CAUTION. 4 rabbabht sot bit tikes by bbsiales lipriag Lee muss MONTHS ofPreirseary, ea May ere wog to Nieuoviaga, bet day *la fine limy ca m Netvoas and Spinal Affections, Pains in 3 Limb'. 'Fatigue o a slight eiertion,Talpita le'llea`rt, Hysteric' and Whiles, Owes Pltia wilt re ,. 'Floc all other mewls ham Sailed ; sad al. r owirtul remedy, do not cisobdu hen calomel, n 7 anything hurtful to the constitution.' In the rittuddst around soeh maw, tw earthily ,ysraitrrirotil. UT 4..LPRUGOUITS. for IbiNnitAd States and Canada, %v 3 Cortlendt Bt.. N. Tort _shoo la na 8 postage damps enclosed to may ma- Issare a bottle * containing ao - ' 1y1r84.4y. ?II utu LA ',Ltd CATA II PM F Hi—Thii Ad has thoroughly proved itself to be the beet . ,oven for curing-C.Arsattu, COLD IN TOE Haan ft ha* been found ae ex6illena remedy aa.a efS; , as ET 05. DEArarLas harbern w ea ved 11(1.011Na by often been greatly improreil by I! ie fragrant and agreeable, and Oires l!flIKt f• IL:LIP. ° to the dill brary paha! canned by diseases !lead The seuLuttions after using is art delightfel , u rrating. ft opine cod purges out all oh raw, etrength, or the glands and gtres a healthy to' the parts affected. ire than thirty years of isle and use of Dr. w r„. Th and Headache Snuff hie proved Iti great value the corarion diseases of the head, and at this me- It stands higher than everbefors It is raeaminad =any of the beet pbyeiriann and is aped with great s and satisfaction everywhere. Read the Ofertlflcate ilesale Druggists Is 15.54: undersigned haring for many years been solitalu rith Pr, ICltellitro Catirib aid Thadiehe augffouid In nor wholivale trele‘chrerfallr, state that ere be- It to be equal, In every respect, to tbortseoutmenda„ . ;ifg'n it for the core , Catarrh Affeettoes,`'isa t decidedly the beet article we hare ever known A common alteyet of the Read. & Perry, Ite.eJ, AnatiA Co., Drown, Lamson k Cutler & Co., Seth W. Fowle,Wilson, ; Wenehrfe.Hdinande Is Co., H. H. Hays 1!..; Barnes k Park, A. R. & D.Sands‘Stephen .to .t reel Miner k Co., HoCesson k Robbins, A. Co., H. Ward, Clone & Co., Dash & Gale, Cork. see bye)) 4)rug ? fiata. Try It. To R 'l. C ILIANG KS have occurred la this reantl , &king the last three or four yEnrs, but *e - re wonderful than the Revolutions In Color, ism! sniong the heals of the people, by CRTSTA DO. 11141i:01"F% The histories of the glieGtlll of ;rest Len. affords no parallel tithe triumphs (MST cm 'l,l3 /WI rejudlce, accomplished by this powerful realtablaa agent, which Instantaneously a ny ~ h noxions color of the heir tato • blacker as mon d cent as any tbst Heaven eye/. beateeerl of man or woman. Crlstudorst's llale Presereadire, ,Itt a :,anct to tho 111,„,In dreeelogiuma p.:rfe..t be.tltb of the heir, and br Itself ~ • u Att.:earl that pnetedelibelbree trona ctworu,taucaka sod under en b I r %now -4 . No. 0 stetilke' 4S••. •): %nit apisilea t e al filar t_ r .•• • let .t !II DNE OSE REDUCED.-S)) The I eetrat,i rat 0, the stun rotator Or a• we la .41, rind their- centime.' use, neeerdinith 'Car! Al-res..., • nhieh. an( nmpany.each bolt of 1,40 io Ulu, a e.-1 sva to en re in ell ears 'Plum the life " n .41 { • e•", tliett reenperstive powers. 1 re naanarrie pii.te stairressQuat.iininr • a enentite erect may be pared in this tight and bowels see out of order, tbeieneral fri:trt! If any Maude rusts tit any part of , • 1 1 .1.:11•r keel - er general in ehteseter. that , II mire or Ir.s street the etotaaeb and !wires.. tif }Alin, b:e anpentten Mom the leatlvUlDa ti. ctiqnselt anil'brarels of matter s .Urt:rit with their natiOn, restore in.! •. an onler these '.ml ratan! enl ottuitiO nt f ' -; '1 by a'.l reseeetit , ,ts sealers in meilleitet. NF ILILILT/C:1 FREE: : To Nee vows rioase-r. A centlitnisa exited cf Nervous Debility, In isrvamture Decay. and Youthful Error, se ta; ire to broeflt others,' will be happy to t.• ail u1..0 Eyed it (free of charge) tie recipe a: ,rertone for mating the &lapis remstritsed in Fufforrreviabing to vont by the advertiser's end possess a sure and valuable remedy, Is C. 6 it , l,lree , inc him at mace st lad place ofbuel• Tbe recite ind full information—of vita (=pot l,LeCbeeriully sent by return mail. 'Address. JOIIN 73: OGDEN, N'o GO "►san St., Nvw Veit., ' S —Nercoun Sufferent of both erste will. find this intaluable. ' Nov. 8,1864-3 M.. %.111+'. TAKE NOTICE: , I - Pra. FlrmeAleli k Co., of Buffalo, hire discovered u. e•irlag method, by • which an inseam e‘ti he •••all'y acid ra.licAlly cared by the patleatOalthealt the y • phyloisn. Pr. F. is the antlioribf a ratalleal T:7l page., price /2 0, giving% f all' explanation the treabieelat. They lila° pubHah a monthly I.t.t arttil, of wilich sample numbers will be mat s..l.lrosnlog' Dn. J. FIRMENIVII & CO" • Eturaio, N. Y. iA Card •to the Suffering. 9ree tor iA l: ..N.e ee t or kc, gni after you are ratished with the ^ , alt. then try one boy of OLD DOCTOR DUCH AN'S riPRCIFIC PlLLS—and be reacted be health ! ri„zor id leas than thirty delve. They Are purely pliweent to take, prenapt and salutary Is their *Teets on the broken -down and shattered constitution. n !and ) Wing nn take them with adviinhigb. Toper- I aria vita in the United state* only by AS. S. TO? ri.ER. No 11l BrowawAY. blew Yoe% Agent for the Mated Start. 7` . . box at the Pills, ..early peeked, trill be mall -4,1 to acur ad dram oft receipt of price, whist le OtmeD•l - pest paid—money refaadeti by the teat if entire st,esetton is not tritest. ill34ha. EIDITOR OF OfttfOßVEß.—Doott yclir ktnn p.m:dodo!' I wish to soy to the readers :!y our paper that I will eeno.., by return mall.to all whie .L 0.2 ffree) a Frei*, with fall &melons for making usingt:,! a simple egetahle Balm. that will etreetaally :.more to ten dam Pimpira, Itiotehee, rang Freckle , sal all Impurities of the Skin, leavlog the lom clear, une.ot`i and beautiful. • •ill also mail fn• to thine having Raid Heads, or aimisKtes,r,imple dtreetioos aei tutors:Ml6:a that will rath:e then; to start a full growth of laaari..at tl.'h.t.ars or toortstFt• is kat than thirty' days. , A; lost.-Ati ADA . answered, by return . h. VC Rispeetrally your,. CIS. F. CHAPMAN, Meal ist, 631 Broadway, Now York. j77.:1 -I.a %,I) i tt.TO - litalw , V ETIAN LINIMUNT.—IIoro 7 . 4 . 3 `511T Tool is to cortPy that for ttio Uutt ase yrars I tau , t 4,1 13 say fwally Dr.Tobiss'ealeballted VemetuLn I.lniniont. and in rive" Installer lave &anti it " rut Y 'Ill! to h. ro.vonwondatinna, - I ban lbood It to glTe c,tantaooms Mier Is toms of tooth lath*, ernap, t,:111,1 at cu'A!, Mn tbroat i 'CD -, 1 0 th• a"" " a tack, as,: r?..smatism, and i etteetrally recoolessral Ile (nal to riety nze afflicted with so of the abolni 4 "" 4 &1a.... JAN KS H. wArontß. 11..kyroun CA2I.E„ Oa 16th, ISO. Pr. , * e-ntx. S. t.l by tit draggißtk. (Mee, Strwq, Nair Tort: , rlttlKlVl\ter situm% ac EC • , of A NVDVOITS INVALID. Yuteleahra th, beritti and as A matron to - young . 40 vawS Lth , q l 4.llo !niter from Nervous Debility, Pr•-• I).:apa- liahosa, ha. Iltipplyttir at &lb*, OWN •tbd• t5O/11111 of melt:tura. By orlon liaa rand !timid( L.r e r un!ergbt g mnf,l.l4ible citiaebtry. By enalosDag & I , le.rra&e.laiirele *DO°. may Ii 144 tho Author, NATILIIIIa. AT PAIa. Nag., - '9w - 44-Tr. - Brooklyn. Kings Ce..._11. T. itatiNTLE IL I,N, eared of Nervous Debiliti, In vornartetry; Premature Dosay and Yet:Mishit £l7ot. I , * by.s :Attie.** bittett others. will Go happy to '"*., t s' I e..“ u.-ed it, (free of charm) the reeips 'Lad ie.sitio; the Maple remedy used in hie ewiiius. to rot.t by We asperiemv, sod pommy a Va.5...,:e -“essdy, will reeeire the e, MI. by sealed.) by mtaleosiolt • B. uGOZN, No. 60 Namaw Strset e N. T. Lll4--.r. ilo • You VVl•iii TO • !t'CUltitD y—pg_ Be. tt k ;1A VA KN.:1.1 4 11 SYKtre virus caw, to I,r '" :13'!"r, tt-t• wont CURIP of NtllVpilitilits 4 , i:rumitute•Dre.‘, seams] Wokknoom„ lookkity. 4,4 aa4 Nervosa illectiook so mt. c‘ni. riOduced: Dam &Hat per box. I bid. by nall, - on receipt of kikotleT• 000141 •. 1 is toad Cabal. A4..voki -.1 ' :.riarzl'lea%JT Kmado&y. Nov York. ,_ ry.,,, D. W. HIITCHTNSON. - Juited States Claim Ag't, GIRARD, PENNA.,. ' • PEWSIONS, BACK PAY, BOUNTY, Ay: as Claims &Oust tb•met Wooded ?L.) jitb pronartiorts. itc,s34 tizatooNAßLE. 3 4 18 401101 . by tiaii salmis" ho tie OMNI OM a I ringh, • • in, Zht grit TaOSILty WEILI3f.M 1164-. - - site lal Notices, . 4- - • 'l' ' twi-, . Wes Soggy Li obtain a norreapOndonfia tier, townablifi'eThe ginsty. Polities! esayi we Sail obtain itt abundance ; silo we want is the leealussa !mos all ma pasta of the eonuty; I Any person reritbas, ti ' tin do. Vend on ba i l eag Wuha, kept striiitiy ; and lib* hai four %Atha eurnraututatiote bme t a p roper shap e (4 - r poneetiew, we will oat it tpappnly Le trim nr- City';'wnbierbers, served by carrier. will wank, twenty-tire cues per year ears. Plinio?. 'lrlo fair to receive their papa' regularly will confer a &Sill nog -I,ying es of the tun*. We prefer lb bevel la mo dl okbo rs wls b can mueslis':ale, procure their papers at 0 14 rare of public:Mal.- - . . The o :aour at nhicli the Ohserrer u Tat to OMNI, 0/tell week?" 2 o'clock oa Thursday afternoon' 461rettise rIPtit4 u•IN be recel rod up to 9 o'clock o(tiu Iv of pub. Ucatton ri p, AU rtilvertlacinenta, Jab Work and Btfireriptions from perroni wbfite revpotuittillityr is riot WO' to the pub!islitrt, oust k paid iR arirarrce. OBSERVER: . ;d . 0B OFFICE, if e would yeepeetfully call thi, airention of We puttee is our fiellitiss for doing Job Printing ru . seety hex:rip lien. Haring rapid Pressek sod the latest styles afType, we are prepared to do anything in:the jobbleg Ili% la a manner equal toany other istablishrtmat, am! on terns as reasonable as the Buffalo or Cleveland oleos: kare a mod nearly two thousand dollars worth Onate. 141 to the office einca it has bee in our poems/cab with fie object of snaking it what we t tke °Romani. ty needed. flow well we hare , bar the specimensofour jobbing, which may berie'en ist over, part of Neeth Western Penniyhania, to testify. Elam Who want tasty work are incited to glee us a tall We can do snykind of erinling that can be done eiseidere, —such for instancie as _ . AU kinds used by Coal Operators, All !lads used by Coal ,Shippen, l • AU kinds used by Coal Sellers, All kinds used by Merchants and Storekeeper., All kinds used by Retailers - and fl rocerA, All kinds used by Ifauufsetureses All kinds used by Medicine Dealers.. All kinds used by Auctioneers, All kinds used by Railroa 1 Agents, , All kinds wed by flanks, • All kinds need by Insurance 0111Oes. . All kinds used by Stock Companies, geoslllly, - All kinds used by Brokers, All kinds usedby Com. acid For. iferstimiti, Allkinda need by Repress Yen; • , • All kinds taped br Profits:lonia Men, . All kinds teed by Literary Societies, • ; Ali kinds sued Ey Public Oaken, All kinds used by Patentees, All kinds used by Producers of New Articles, t All kinds used by Merchants of ell - AU kinds need by Architects, All kinds used by Drgnerrean Establishments; All kinds used by Artists generally, - • All kinds kinds used by Public Ishibiters, Ail kinds used by Managers of Social Amemblisi tit kinds' used by ' Political Managers, - All kinds need by Travelling Agents, • Ail kiwi,' used by Farmers, or sellers pineal estate,: kinds used by the sellers of Peiannal Property', kinds need by Rooters, In short, all kinds used by all cisme Ohtani by mail,when sent by t e spo Dale parties,rrnispt ly attended to. Agents for Shown, Concerts r k'c a oslose responsiblitt we. are nit acquAlrited with, must par In advance. in cases where packers are meet eat of the city by eeprees,and the eersons for whom they arc intend ed have not a regular account at this °raw, the bill for colleetion will invariably be forwarded with thee[. • - ; - • }►76i-ly "To ,Whom it May ,Csucerti." EIVE3IsTINCES Us TO . 11-AliE A I:ENIMAI. COLLECTION OF ALL TIM AITIIIINTs DUE Is. UN Ulf Bit. Volta THE riT OF .1 ;EVART. IEB3. wt is v many MT 11111.1.1$ StrAINST 147. V V. 12.1( PEID.oN INDEBTED To' 4iFFICE, ANY TaktIiAIAYS.^FLREUT .T 4) BE CAI.LEO ENIN POIE•PAVIDENT AT 1.40.11 K FratrOD FICOVA.OUN To THE _ mll/Tie:4ED, •IT IA: Miming= TII AT IN NAVEL CAMS, A MEADE Mc- EsWl/41. - MARE, AND'-THAT yo.4IWING THRyisELEEt•To iNDEETED, :WILL REMIT THE AMOUNT, WITHOUT WAITING TO EIS CALLED/WON. WITSIABE AAW1.101? PA V LNG DUD WITIFEIPI • E (Iff tusiervi,. .ANE FROMPTIAI - . AND EXPECT oF oTHEILE THAT THEE %vita, DO THE E. VOTI: OF 13TF8.1OR. TOIFIS9. 2 —The rote paired at the PreQidentist efeetiert in the in— terior ciriei and tonne in Pennsylvania was 1 , 14 folows : [ie9ding, Lac caster, Pettsiille, Airentoßrn Easton -Norristown. YOr}r. Lebanon, West Chester Bethlehem, Fc ttstown, Doylestown, -We pick this from the Nork Qa:elle. The omission of the rote of Harrisburg, which olaims . to be an interior toga; fire years age, of .the eighth (lass, now voting . 2,891 voles. m;ty be set dowit as a:town of .consitlerable censequence when conifarelviilt any of the toxins enumerated by cur emoteraporary. Be. sides this .athlition.-we take the liberty of :adding the rote of setae other otihe towns of tho State : - Sc ra nten, Lorerne county, Chrbondale, , do., Erie da., re : rlisle, Cumberland .'hambersburg. Franklin do.. 1 Williamsport, Lycoming do., We clip the above from 'the Harrisburg ea. Nut. Its figure') do Erie ranch injustice, we doubt not, unintentionally. The vote of our city, ac the last election ieas i : 6-18, instead of the bare thousand stated in the Patriot's ta ble. and we claim to rank next 'to ',York in number of rotes.' Thofe i 9 this,- 7 :difference between the other Ogees named and Eriei that while there the city or .borough limits inclu.le all who property - holing to - their re - sPeetlee localities, here we , have a Large ad— joining eatusaunity not included in the city, line!, who by right should he counted as a part or our population, if these people Ware ',died, as in all justice they ought to be, Erie sysitlil stand next to Harrisburg in the list, and consequently be the sixth city in point of numbers iti the Stale. AMU Dienteson.—The editor of the Meadville Repadbean does not possess as high an 'estimate of this loquvietts young virago's 'abilities tat some of her psitina Meads hero ,aboute. She 'seJtda in that place last meth, sal the Repußsean corninfats on her proceed ings as follows : "She is not, hoverer, the wonderful *mils that the people are led to expect by many of the laudatory newspaper notices. Of course her earnestness and the justice of the cause for which she pleads are .calculated to enlist tho sympathies of her K4144;7461 Impress them seriously, but tliere are glsrfng de fects in both matter and style, which are very apparent to those who how net already made up their minis to applaud -!whelewer rimy be mid. She is not happy,,itt: her anecdotes or similes, novas she always clear In expression. Her arguments and appeals are all in behalf ofjisfice and human equality, and their power and eloquence are oonvinetag 'and irresistible with all who believe in the fundamental prin • eiples of liberty and humitnitl?' , DR. UALL'S Cara!! Rtrator.-.-The sayer tisemeld-of this favorite medicine will ,be found in our columns to-day. It has - now been before the public for twenty years, and the best evidenceof its merits is the- feeith t its tale id-largely ; in excess of Rime ii : 4ir2T Was bcto're.l Wet=adi our testimony to that of the leJog list of persons who have certified to its value, and unite with sheet in resosu mending it to the use of.. the,,eommunity. It does not pretend to be. "tore nil," bat is only put farward ass rrenetly for coact:is e*.J colds and the' diseases arrising from and in all such eases we believe tr i • superior: , , llotintv Caugh6,' Co. have on hand for the- holidays a vary 029 assortment of standard and taiscellsaeous, juvenile and toy booty. ,games, pus leer, Sc stereo/scopes and stereoscopic visits, photo graphic albums, steel inagravingsjithographr, German and French c.hrotuti paintings, rose wool, watmit, gitLatid carved picture frames and - roeukliogs, wtid desie, Vinod braele,- ots. book racks. 4.C.; 410, alull ussortutei of Fairabilirs colebroked. gold peas art sib. t May Mon ter. OM 4,690 EIM 1.. .1 1J1(41 1,781) 1,615 1,769 • ; 1,090 636 - '612 50,4 318 1,544 1.149 1,010 9GB 14,3 S9S ITEM 01? ALL SORTS. - k MerrT 'to-att'oas-T z ' North Rut will semi have iliithtal Bilk; with s capital. of r sl:o4keqpi o ia4k sea. math in this county: ' •. r Pommylist&, ft hundred minion tad sod petroleum this year, 7 r. ,* Your mother is , very' .poor, is eke ?" "Yes.; she used to keep a prima eland,.bet she took a bad one dollar bill aa46 , 11 1 4" . The whole number of emigranicarriresd' Nov York to Dec.: 7, the present year, was 180;647, against 15%829 to the same &toles! year: Bohlen, trieeaudemalemun4Ar the murder 'of John MeDonougk, in Dunkirk, Feb. 29, 2861, was executed at Mayville, o; Friday the 23 inst. - Brother 'arty 94511, of the Ctilrford Diitoerett; his introduced:a steaia engine4ato his ofttoe. Ilmooit Co34s as mirth in bleed:villa atr it. lees here he Will find it itcoilly "Inittry." laboring Man; o n: un ti not known, ws4nitintlylcittett near Union, on Tneediy, by being knocked err the i i ritai by:thercare of the A. & G. W. it • It., ,nearAtee high hank. A bunch of nice keys was found on:Peach street about f o'etook on W7llloalay.. The owner can have them by ceiling at this .oftiett; proving property nod paying for 'this ndrrr lisement. • , rtrc emarrerr. The Ship of SlNteis Sea-whtil blown, , , = Anti in our h2nr of need -,.. - ( t ow on fl Willi Assi masa is flown; . Ant ruin con*3 with .6peei. MIECT 4 4 Teach me to feel another's woe, To hide the faults I see; That mercy I to Albers show, - ._ • That merey Ait - OW.4a inc." - A femsttraervant. in Nowpoit, while atlak -dig a oarpet, feli ont of a 'window twenty tight feet high. She lay stunned Ter s white, tut finally get up, picked up the carpet, and Vent ;bout her business. Some ono'has token. the troub.l l e to colon: . late what it spats to support all 'the dogs lr the world, and has concluded that the expense amounts to about thirty million dollars soon- Clark Ewing, • forinerly of this city, and F. B. Guthrie, Esq.,:. of Warren, have formed a partnership (dr the preetice of law in Titniville.' They are yeing men of talent ant.ortergy, and CU succeed beyond a doubt. Why are greenbacks' more valuable than gold. 'even 'at its -- prisent • price ? Because : when you put a greenback in your pocket you - dolbrr it, and when you take it out: again yew tindit is emus. The writer - of thist:tinly - su r viral iteanthorship d few hordir Benet:du iturgeasts is the place to buy holi day g; , -101. They have the best stock in the city, are enterprislegyenegmen, and patron ize the rapers, ell of , which.entitie digital° the I.z.trouage of the pUblic. The embalmers .at Washington are , doing 'a dmiring business. They : are Very - fastidious, however, as ta - the regulation ortheieprices. For instance, they charge $25 for embalming, a private, and - for officers fire dollars fir each additional 'higher grade. In this case, at Jeast, the oil mazun th:it war is - tt great ler eleri Sant:time. - - _ _ _ . The Novrork .jouraid of Conszooroi - soisoFts that more mono - has '1,0.....inade by the thera_of Retool books within the last twenty five-Years than by all the novelists in Foglanil and 'Americo combined, a na_.perhaps 14 all other book-malls. in addition. Poor chili dren • -- A "consinittee if.itentactisee—so.says the Gazelle—lump Waged Miss A . .eultt E. Diokinz soa to lecture in - Farrar-Hall on the evening of January :kb, the proceeds overexpense, to be contributed to the Ladies' Aid Society. At Abolitionism is fashionable in this city, the queen of viragos will !sot fail to haiki erell= ded audience. A good cigar is s Inxitry which: those .who do not smoke cannot' realite, - and the lovers of the weed will thank us for:informing Meek of a place to obtain - that- article. Conrad Deck, on Fifth street, nest T!erkina' saloon, has the beat assortment in - the eity, and aells them at lower prices than' anpother dealer. We advise all to give him a trial. The new Confederate conscription set. 'ex empts 'ono editor for each newspaper being pedtilied at the time of the pusage,of this act, and-.ueh-FractiCal printers : and - pressmetT 11.1 HAW editor tsty certify on, oath io be in dispensable to ,u lhe puhlioation of such news -paper:" Davie As more clever to the fraternity than "Father Abraham I'. The New VAirk Poat does not approve of the Manner in which Philadelphians are urging Col. Forney for a sett in the Cabinet, and` says: is not . to supposed that 4 man who can put bin. friends op to a service of this fart, or winkist their efforts, stiff bit f. 130 modest to pay them for it in some way. Eve s ribetly know's 41cat such lithe &shims of Cocoroodori:JOeepb Leaman, of this cite, ie in commatitlrof the second 'division of the ex. petlitionwhichetarte4 out,rou the 13th in:IL, 'with tho.suppored design of . capettring mington. flag ship, tho Slinnesota, one of the finest Teisels in our nary. Com; roandim'J. ti. Spotta and Lieut Corn 3. E. liana, officers well known to our citi;ens; are in command of vessel, belonging to the sfluadron. governor Pi-erpont, who is the Er;ecutive of some portions of Virginia dot" T er clearly defined. (and who was brought hero in the last campaign to t instr the people of Erie county in their pe • ea/ duties,):lelivered his annual mexsago in' Alexandria "on , Tues.lay.* Butler, he seys,h4oviithroun the tepubliien civil 'government of Virginia, awl in its stead erected-alniliutry despotism awl inaugurated a reign of_ terror and — torture. The enterprising firm of caughey, McCreary Co. have published i nest little Althanae for 1E4,4, containiag, besides a correct mien: dor, a list of the National, , gate and conntyi officers, rates - of postage, revenue stamp, du. , _ ties, rind - a:melt - other valuable information. It contains also the advailisameals : of many - ,of 'the leading business houses in the city, in every branch of trade, and will prove a very valuable business directory. , it. should 1:11 in livery awes house and - counting reom. _For jive distributioi st the bookstere of the pot/- Ushers, and 'at" biteinessihmies /messily thrOughout the eotinty.- - • The Caulk anitaunees the inereastrof its terr, froili s'.l year to ¢3411. We shall de-. aide i•ther tire skelVfollotropelt er not hy. The time our.netit 2 pipe!, i s 414.4. We are labotifig fcrr ',FitVire-iiitetorelrAteliene to - be the eitistil4f,treith nod jiinijoe, tibia ask on fur ther reeird than ista4NlishesranStif. upon looking . irtiosol eattrelroverrive-ftrl it -necessary to adesnee our rattle: it *ill be 75ekti1. 41 .4 90 wg are c 5"??? I !", l !'fi ° M. 4 424 not on-account of anynierconary motives.. W . think The roast of oniparti friends fully tui detested taw situation and brio eenfidence in far staktipaii4a, toistain. .pringitles . italket the - •••• lady ii:ho visited the contraband camp at Norfolk reneaftli, wee astonished to find t hj e #10044. 5. narj.jri 00: in the oafftp to tt anifiiiiiily:f i tlicaltam Liftoff." =la olift.weW no lsu than.ilie.thildren, all favor* . with': the same appellation. wife in Ban ifyineisoof Wei/ & Po titian fora thriven - fi f th° amnia on the grata thakltter itt4and was a. "confounded f001,'2, The-court wouldn't admit the plea because •_ almost etc, saartdad Waal liabi t e tg ttie , ;flame imputation . Did yon over !: • • .'"/" - 'Governor Parker, of New Jeriey, says :- 41 After rosekredeotios, I tioliefianinflueacecl by paseion or prejudice, t fiaVe node to the omission (hit tfie polioy of the yreseat Fed eral administration 'Mit never'restore. tke Union." - - - - A soldier's widow, by marrying again, for feits alkhes-gia ioae pvia.i.ho - ilite of hee no niarriage; ilia If sTie'agilliialtedonies . wldeii she cannot resume 'them:. according to the aot of ogress, July 1, 141.. Vhe l l'almetto herald says that-40 one grave yard. twelve thousand Federal prisoners buried. - The rebel Surgeons begged antijii; plated for Anis Out the Confedii i nt! goVernwent was unable ya 611 4hAr reriulsi; • tions. • Thereis truth in, the remerklrde by a Re publkcatt the other (ley : "Our- politico hem killttl our ieligton."—llartford-Thrt. Somebody defines a telegraph operator as a Mau who lives exclusively upon tick. _ lady recently issued eards for a supper party, mull bad c‘iffi butter" printed on them. The Chicago Tritasno says Congress is sub- Piot to two disoriiiirs—Gra6 and Gab. - • 'Mit OLD Guano - sea Decsmsett.—We hire rtcaiged the December number of that porn -Demoeretiic magazine, The Old Gulid, edited by C. Chauncey Mier, Esq. It: con tainer's-plea:lid steel plate .engraving or the lion. Danfill )lolsozart, State Senator of New. Jersey. Wo - are pleased to notice that The Old Guard is to be enlarged to doable its prevent sire, nod made astaperior literary as well as political- magazine. ' In -the limitary number wilkho ognantenced - a new and original story, from -Ilion. Thomas Dunn English, which wilt be read with Bittisfaction lovers of good literature. The political (lc partmpat will ho csairltnited to by the lAding Dernaoratiiminds of-tiro coult.ry. . It will he just su,sh a m tg i izine aj ought I, ho in every Demieratio 'family: Every neigh borhood ought to make up a club at once. Its 'terms are $2 per year. Elght e.i,pies for Sll.: Twenty copies for $35. Whoever sends a club of Orem) , will receive an extra.cTy. Spool man copies seal. fur? 15 centm: Attires.: pest.-Nzid, tan E Hoer nn Poblisherv,"Nro' F, 2,r Ntissri qvreAt-N. i A Bti.eles.—What is a billion"! - The Na— tional debt, as given by the President, on the let of July last amonntrot to ono billion seven hundred and forty millions of dollArs. We hear ove4 4is 13 titernen ty , sm e contending that it weans one thing and some tinotior. The difficulty probably arises from the different ways of Comp - wing .tt billion, there being two methols, die French and Eng.. lieh. According to the latter, a billion is a mill a relltioao, and ak.corditur.S.:estr - rnfaelt ' • 4,-oury thousand . The trench method of computation is the one used in this country, so that out public debt in July, as•stated by p"..'Liticold. was in roihd flgures,one thousand seven hundred wad forty million (loiters. The differairs - can better be teen by putting the amount of debt in figaires as thil valiant' each-syjitem would, require French(and American)iyatem,.sl,74o,ooo;ooo English SiWass;: .4111l09:7400300#090 it 211102111U11 1 411...4 KILLIID 13 VSNAX/10 COUNTY. —On Tuesday-of 13.R1 we'eli, William Crispen struck o:ntrisk rairrilallaborer.' named W it lima Eaton, wicita cluh i3u., tha side of th 3 held, which fractured his skull ant eauctd his death-on l'irednestlicy 'noticing. Eaton ba..l ,bau drinking, and had folto'sied Criispen f3r. several hours threatening to whin h itu. They subsequently met kitz is grlicery near the depot ; whazi.a qUarrel sprung up, which resulted a. above stated. Oa haring of tlAe death of Eaton. Crispin cute to town and gave him self up, and is nevi - in jail. 'aeon is r3Pre slanted u having been a v b.ad p ia.— I ? Xrispen is tho , son of a worthy cit izen of Sugarcreek toixaskip.- and it l jairl4 yeirc tit ago. This is Ott I:firti c .lll.l4 kioe.l in this gpuitiy isithin throe- we:ikti. —Fr-in:din 5 1 . , : eater. - Ahura) Vn.ssais on run I..sces.—f he Alla, dirstus calls attenuort to the f Lek th . it t agreement with ,Gre7.t. Diit.t'n that neither .'power should place no Ulla one armed ye:i ce' en (fieLakcs w.ts the wort' of Bertjurtin *alio, and that it. has often been pointed to the true method of preserving peace be, tween t eo termfnoue States. It argues that the itroposed increase of war vessel* unless intended as a metiSure of hostility - lowa:Me England,..is of aoil ayelt. as t ngland Till counter-am and rsa,l3o for_ Mat' ditties! as soon as We can be. ft says : “This step, like the repeal of the Reciprocity Tresty, and most of the measures of this administration, is a relrogade movement, in a direction against oiviliaatiow and towards barbarism." Tnacnca's Norics.—The Millcreek Teach er'a Institute will' meet nt. the Eagle Tillage nehcnit heave, on Saturday. Dec. 24th, at - 9 ceeloc - krt. nt. The following is the programme or the exercise s : Ist. Class in Grammar, %ss Gmegin. 2nd, Chute •iti Mental *.drithmetic Miss Carter.. 3rd. Reading Selections, by all the teachers. 4th, Clasa in Reading, Mies Caldwtdl. sth, Clam in Punctuation, Miss Gohlen. Gth, Class in Orthography, Mi+s Dickenson. 7th, cites in Geography. Miss Dempsey:` Stn. Singing. , S A.` CLARK. See PRZPASISG TOIL S=omas Dittri..=-The On crating% -County Board of Supervisors have, utleitteti. pesolutioys tor t raitiiog $300,000 in trial enlititdums, ill 'anticipation of any future call for troop 7. The Sopervisors* bounty commiltee , wat reduced from tiri - tei three. The payment of houniies its restricted tai.slso for one year men, and $lO9, for . two years' -men. That ir.lesft will shortly he made is one, of; the 'eeraintieg,-anti the cantonOv that clmmenr •• i nate meetoarea for ing up is ; • one that ilispltya tto intitst.witiktu4. Gsawattacr, Tribal:lt, in s les/l ing editozial, uses ad following latiptagn in melyraili.greentitelta • 1 1Tie gmenbsek that till. fir 41%1- lass k rmenasclimaly a liar. ti is redly bp+ a little over two aollarn. Ant obi+ .; lice oh prier litlittottekilk Perm for th2-_,takinent ii nlateett ' A to acgenOrril nibiett4l4Pasi nom Tie acebeatiag. gazaiwiriewt who m*y poke by it, but the istiusirioni many .1110151 _ = _ . v.uct:--Tue _proprietorw of D. CsisOrit Bassi,li !Asir no - boittioiljosiatidauie ia.tho mol•iii of t , . ravliciao. oe,ttiey vuulititee to. room the twoottoit peed, whets -As -directions hove 'been - fu t iaw4lOT otio,moselt, without. benefici;slye: Nail • 84E4 they -empold de no sums. t il Auvitartax . — The large arid increasing nircudation,of the Climsaysa mates it the most valuable l edium of ocuncanniextion . is thincityltatiNtes bulbous MIR simitthei!4•L roue. •Thlsjournal finds its way to a laigti clue of thepublio not - remitted by any other newspaper, acid hence the importance to ad vertisers of staling thinscselvet of the men of oar ecduatos., All who hive articles to dia. pose of should C,be notice of this fainvlad .iptaceordiugly . _.• tf Tnr layson.--The • cad - and =4604404 weather tills terribly on those who have weitk. and diseased lungs. neural* suffering at this time with - affections of the throat and Beonthitist b. e (19 333 Yer.f 0 1. 114 '' .m.cin affliction. Those who are piedisposed Le Colds, Coughs, _Bronchitis, 44 * , should "avoid the night air'. There are mstry prepa rations recemogended for these ..diseases,'but there is not aloubt. bat that Dr. Strickland's blelliflutius.Cough Babiamle the best remedy. have known it to effect mires in the Worst cases of Coughs; Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, anti primary cases of _Vonsumptitin. = deB Bstieefw ' Pensions; Bounties, Anew' s 01' Pay, &c., can be procured by the WidoWs, Orphans, And best of kin Of those who baie died in the service of the United States • alai, by Soldier's and Seamen who - are disabled by, wounds re ceived or disease contracted, upon application to 0. P. @arrests, Licensed Military and Navel 'Claim Agent: Otlice in the Common COuncil Room, Wright's Mock, corner State and Fifth etc., (under . the Zlispata office,) :Erie. Pa. 7-y Pentao SAL..—On Thursday, Di0.',29, at 10 o'clock, on the premises of John Moore, In Le Boon!' township!. • :Lamas' Funs.—Purohaairs 'nay rely upon getting tho best Furs at Chivies Oakferil Sone, Continental Botel, Plata; • • Gssit.stits'sllars.—All the latest styles at Charles Oakford & Bons, Continental H met, Philadelphia. • • On the 7th inst., let' West- Millereek. at the residence Of ealvin Poole, Esq , by Arr. D. C Osborne, Mr. AIWIX SHAW. of Harboiereeic, to Miss SOPIIIA B. POOLF, of North East. ' On Monday a. m., Dee. 10th, at the resl- lenee 'of lion. N. Austin, by Key. E. W: _Beebe, Mr. W. W. Pallor, of Erie, to Miss SARAH A. Srinawoon, of 'Edinboro. On the libh of Sept., by Wm. 1. McLean, Esq., Mr. FACIAII. PAIL:KEE to MVO. CTIA)11.0:11E all or Union,"Erie county, Pe. On the 13th of Dec., by Wm. E. McLean. Esq , Mr. S. E. 1100170, of Plumes, Orteirford county. to Mrs.BALLIVI Vii. SSIXTON. et Ueion. Eric county, PA • In 'his 'city, December 20th, 1864, Mr. Gionnt S. i iVIIITRTI.II.L, aged 57 years and 0 mouths. ro-puff; - Adttedistulettio. THE FARM. SITUATED IN lIARI3OII err. k tow neliip, and owned for eerem , I , ILIII be Hrs. Gnsse, i:trt known AS tho Miry farm. is now offered for gal.. Said farm . is givo miles from • Erie eit7, - wltill mili - enoth of the Buffalo' road, and lies on both sides of the Station icisAl ; contains IfZ acres of land, and has thereon Ane two barns. an t retard, wail fifteen or twenty acres of nice wo.fil land. The above for ‘o togethei or lu Ores to suit parehapHaL - Tot tams and partlialars apply to • Pee:19 . 05:4.-6a G. J. BUS - - FIL, Mae TOW F. Ii 01TT112.111. CLiRKIMO (0.1-Tifint & EWINO, ; 1 i toriseffiffittril aL COUNSKLI.OII44' ckPFICE SPRINO of.pc'itte Crittenden gall, KJ Tito, rine. Pa. Collections and all other legal boeineaa "ram Cord, Venan go, Erie. Warren and For reet +emirates, at ttaldecl to ear( fttlly and promorly... tanYracso—W.m. A. 6albraith. Whit:Jahn 44 greed, lames lti,Bl,eneirr &Marvin, Fria, Pa. Hun. It. Prawn, 'Hon. S. P. Johnspn, Droets, Wetmore k Clirk,•tVarren, P. C. DECK, " aarrActriar. AND WIZOLUAL% urativt 13F -BEG ABS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, Fifth bolOw State Street, ERIE. PA. opp 9 .4sa t h Vignola Printing O &al. Dlt. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED C()U - G, II REMEDY! ' • •• T‘itsi well eetstiliel,el and poptilar mod vine LIB been ettessirelY used daring the fart twenty years In curie: Threat sad Lune diseases with mere derided efi eieuey than any niher-ynedicitte before the public. Nyt a writ.' of , neorturogtiation is necessnry to those Cegnilliar wit It tnarita. its numerous and speedy. cores hapset y. , 4 e hire Iron afdedree it eentedsenee ni its due hang to .... remembered. This remedy is safe, pfeastut, speed .01,1 thorough to its operation—is adapted to all ages and , e estitutions— and should be kept to every hcroe tor LITI Mediate nos when required. It throat and lung etieetions are treated with the nee cf this littnerly in ijie‘r earlier eases, a Inns number of deaths will he closed by C013111.11p0110. a - .;.'. II ALL'S CO iii; ii iIti.XEDYThe loot remedy known y , yo..iri.m. the intlo-etng cow la, 00/./IS, COUGH*. CRO or Ref Tra"s, f r ':43111.11.4 er prtrinsir., BROlvailTiS; ,- I(O.IIC4E:IPSS. WIILIOPLIV-CNYUGII s ist , tseessa IMI. roles ass/ ,Jarsyssraise Lis /sags, I trettelt Palre—be Cents so $1 Yer rtaitrie. tt ALL o WARFEL, Mgonfaeturera sod Propnetors, * ate 9 greet, second door, noith of :events street Ere, i , a.r For sale by Drage-ea sod doa:ens throughout the country. st TIL II l'a II; T tit ?t 31 0l• If. 'lee, Ilwe andersituad eitikno of Erin City and rieinily, nave axed Dr.c. iliatt'a Celebrated 'Cough ltertiWrty with great suttees, in eeriwit diseases cf the Throat and e.iol take pieespre in recommend-Leg it* nee tse tiles= as • spen t: and eEeetral :weedy, folly : worthy od plains C•Oitiot nee. Jen** Thooipoos, IlLstlhoir II ainiiton. lal.. liktrk John bi•Lhora, Sr. J. W,R yaa ~ ' ll 3dioniiw i' lob o A. Lacy, • rtabtrt ' e.h.'t*lt .. .. • J. T. GM.. John W. li'LociA, Daniel Ben, thboiel Hirer, Joha W. Hop., J. Rothman, - O. g. Mint. , John I. Ceara", W. r•JtJols`rnooht, J. Woormkri John L. Drum" P. E..Zartoo, J. W. Cul re; John St Warren, ALuaon zihernool, Wm. it Wh ~‘ John S. Brows -W. IL f..n Grocer' DRESG I AK,..R. Gram: Erie, Dee. 7, 16e.4. ' ..ERIMRAILWAY FINN ANNE ffligitio 44 1 .11 17 4 - Aliaii or IiOURS, COMMEA:km; tiT , TOUR: I M; DEC 1,:1564. , , Trains witilea.• Dunkirk. at about the foilowingtonr7 fit: '.- • - -.- Bastwitxd Itottnd—Depart. Train No. 14 . __ _ 9 40 it. in. Train No In ' 10 ?A a. r. Train No. 6—= 6 po a. tn. Train N 0.4 - - 4 X 751. in., Tha_aenoitunotiatien runs emery da. CILV , UINOT .o,on'llar't MORRISON - 4 DINSMORE, 11/710LIIIILLZ DIALIJ.S Flom, Par*, Beef, salt, Grain CLOVER TIMOTHY SEED, -1510. .2. Wayne Block., vm:Nen SURV, Peelings rini,doi Eg.r_ rtlaWiraf. • Stray Calves. - (1 AME TO E.' PREMISES OF THE snt.seriner, nrn.binetbn Vdrialatip„ do or about the Ist NoserChe-, 11t.4.1. 'two eel Ifelfge Caters, "Ali white,tel'ies and white feats—r.o °Mc" Inarke• Tho swear is rtzioestel to so nolorirant, prose prdrde t • , pay Jeharres and take her away. otherwise they wilt 411- . posed of ricezirtileg 1p K. TAY UV. Washingtstety, Pt.! 141.1M1-Itf NEwsptawr:.• MUMS. ~A N K . ,t . El 443:trre v. , VVIIITIC ellil/011PM.r4PISK. .;V:-71‘i!"!iftr • • 191. F. ¶t F , F I E Pm wb,ch th• hi: ; 4114 - 1 garVit 149.0. 13. , ..„- . 1 • rct - wit A.!, ENE - - , • . wtt4l.i_ot 1,1.,114t3 . .. i~R! ~ r. Faticrqavr. Oct. .21.1M3 T 1 ,) ., J. TCHCF.II ME= FOR .‘" 'r ilv A satimse.l Gb66itfL 4wKp* IRE-REJLIVENEIL Tiffs wroperstinn fp ienspoiarl3 as • Mortuttor Reptbriii of waited o rat. tft netlotil. • Moored Ahotild he oi-twin to v.dike the Mohnen* a o topoloolo god, talisman-la as it will retid.r that* yea*. t tojoellut and in atrangth. wed *titbit them to Urn over again lb.. darn a thrlr orist'co joy. It not Only ethi.iiita try, Lai stress them., cad Is realty an htneleabla • loosing. *nodal:, to thwa,wl n have been rodittiai to ( orrvilit). ,elr-ahuse, ints'ortnno or ordl._ nary skinless. No matter what the astute the ~(any human moan, thin atipa - rb prepanif fin will romper that frPot at ono an f rvrr. ZS X 4:› MC. R. ZS NI igroriNcy, DXSILITT, INCAPACITY, Uld 'rrA D7PItEstION, rIYAPPRTITI:;.I.Oer krrq, WitAKNERS or Tin AMA KS or rl' , N IM AICILITY, lIILKTAL It bat a Molt ehblightletii,i rah!" and novel elf eel neon the nervous sybtesl,an.l all who are in any way funitrated bT nits roue th. nnehiltiare earnestly viviied to aren a cum in thfe moat nacelles:a and voovall,d preparetion• frames soh -, by imprudence, hare loot their natural vigor, will awl arras-di ndpetmanan tyre In the 13 1c• r ik. ct The v..taPy the L !nal. the Dl palrtrg t' e Old alsonlilP,lfs this ealuatto d'rehrore a WO; ft wilt be Mond t;i:fereni troni n , l other ertie'en for the Wl.rpt - TII It Pal A LlKS.—Thig-prepatatlnn is I Ivalnahle In (113r , 0111 we...lino/ten of tit as 't will teatone the Woh.lstrenzth with wonderful porrnane nee It Is also a grand ionie,and will njee relief in fYlepeit- Chi with the fag. done. A brief per-glutei:ice -in its no Kilt reno•..te the stomach to a degree el perfect health a. 41 b nieh'Djapepita foroier: Oro de.Ler per Witt., or ix battles for 15. Sold by tlrn Reels gene:x.lly. F.oCh 4-xprers auir where, hr addrersieg itUrCIIINGS II 1 LY E J'ropriehrs, Codnr sttreet, New York. IMPORTANT GEM At A- L I'D S • tRON IN THE, BLOOD. ' It I. Nat knee n to the medical prnfenion that IRON the vital Prineipla et. L fertlement of the Blond, This is derived shied,' trio, tbe we ett tat If the food is propetly digested. or if, from an: ctuee whatever, the nece,eary ormatity Of Iron to not taken into the circole teen, ur hceera.a minced, the whole ay p.tent seders. The had blond sift irrihte the heart, will clew op ,k.he letup, will sittrofy the train, will obttruet this_ liver; and will send its d'neue-producing element* to all parts of ttia strtem. and every one will fuller In whatever Organ may prediapo.ed to dience. " The gnat nine of IRON AS A IdEDICINII is well known and acknowledged be alt medical men.' The &f -aculty hes been to obtain each si . preparation of ft as wilt enter the circulation and, seattntlate at once with the blood. ME' point, rate Dr. Payee, Maawaebutetta Slats Chemist, has been attained fa the Peruvian Syrup, by 'coratination in a way before unknown. TILE. .PE KIM! %.711 feYI ile is • PROTF.CTRD ao. lotion et the PROTOYME OF IRON. A NEST DISCOT 'fiRY n; ir:DICINE: that strikeg at the Root of Dieesse bz FuPPIY II 4 - the 6100 , 1 with ire vital Principle or TOR I'EIttIVIIN otit'itr P Corot DiiSepirta, or,poy,l4.tor tid cane, Ellffgr, Low Rib-int Tilts lilt 111:111.1.-• St !I to Infapee r.tongth, vigor a.n.l,Cow tiro Into lit an I build!' up an 'lmo C...5t.,tt4a1...n. - • TIM PttltUV IIN !Iv itur Nero uto tree do,...a.oo Of the IV:Sputa any 1.4.11 , -.-r. - - , TUE" PEII.I7ViAN s V it Cl' - ;rnt;i; .r at: n F,TF. J).b - R 1,4 foLt, 7.^.1 - 17 or a In= state of tbo tio*.oz in any tnrm. ifs ,erirtz.Opg sleets ars ;, , t b 7 cftli,spendtwg rt-actin., but alv - pr.rmantot, r.. 3 AYR! , SIVA. V.GOR and !raw LITZ into th^ r)ptem, and .1',./in;: n sn ltlON ratty. STifCTIO s • It 1. rm ,ceelient sofa lints f r Ifrary!y idler* aMmalmit 0re.1t.1. 1 One alement in the rP.V.rativa novet l of Iron a. • mad -, iii n•a Jigs ssarattie attio• *ad the eltetrwity dere:offal kersby. To take rup.lielops to core dim:arm neeardotts -' 2 by a de tini•ney of IKON Ile THEoltbout re•torma• It r to the astira, is Ms tryin;: to record! a F t vi !far, "ben toe fun . .la..lnri Is pamphlets eontaintos eenileatee 'uf entre and mem' niendat'ona from a , ,mo of the rant ez F•hysieMos, C!eremen and-others, will b. pout tz any ad . drw k . We select a few of tbo umei to she; tn. , character of . ':ha teltitnonieas E.q , Tre,ider.t. tha itro• - trmli.n.n Bank, :T. Y.. 1107. Akqs'ls SißEVlate editor Candi.= .ddrocal'e verrge, P. CHCFCLI; editor Now York C/troasele„ ?ter. Jrla. Pterp,pt, WKSPISIN Burton, }try. Arl.htxr D. F uller, ItPv. Garrn Robbins, Riv.Sylranua Cobb, FOY. T. Fta.-r ging, Kew- Zshrsinf Nute, Jr, RAI, Joseph Clincb, Her. Hour: UPbelms Rev. F. C. Headley, Rev. John W. Olmstead, .1-Srirl 4 John son, Y. D . Ropirell Rinury, It D., S. C. Kendall, M. D., -- W. D, Erantis Dies, M. D., Jeremiah It tone, ft. P., Jose.Antotto Searle", M. P 4 A. 4. naleet, .11.5rattana Wendell, R. elintOn; M. D., H. Nonni, U. D. la"" time nay k but nu rtrolterr proof Aix fig fa am,sty suei sera as SAS It, =ad Oct is a PERSOIta TifliL. It hen eared theirsesule mitre efAer ?twain kurefciLtd Loves rd,rj, and irratads (snag resiosib4 A , :ztate,lo are it a trial. For DT's' PLYSIA, IJERILITT and FOUL' WIFILLIRSOU I t II • epecide. _ Props:l,l4y X. 1. CLARK .1: CO.. parlaitively for J. P. DI \3]106(:. 401 ffroadirsy, X. T 14 , 11 by all Draygnts. aagll•6i-ly U. S. 7-30 LQAN. The Seer. Uri of the Trevery or. / D otiee• th a t scrip:ions wit! to receifed for Coupon Tre4sttry Notes, psysbietbree years frog 'Ant. 15th. - 1 , 41, with ran Lat• Waal rnterest At the rate of seven and three-tenths per e•nt. pacennutn,—prineii,►l Ina interest both to be paid in tair.nl money. - - There notes will be eonrertiYo at the option of the holder at mstority ' into Pis eent.sold hearing hosts, payable not lees than five not more than twenty years from their date. as the Cr( 'Prat:tent mar elect. Thar will be Leaned ib denominations of 150, fate): WO. $l.OOO mid $4,000. and Ili sots,riptiona retrt be for ully;dollers or &owe multiple of fifty Co:tare. The noto will he tranittitted to tha owners free of transportation ehargre Sir soon - 111er the receipt of the 0ti...L0111 Certificates oft?eposh, as they can be prepared. an the note. draw Intent from sn,fort lbth, persons mahinK deootito subikopett to that date intuit Fay the interest accrued fr, to ktate of ItOte to date of deposit. Parties del - ail:In; t7.n1y.114 - 6 thousand dollars sod upwards for these note., at Any one tone, will be allowed corrm,ctinn 01 on. quarter of ore per rent.. which will he paid. hy the Trrswury D.rmrtn,Pnt upon the receipt of ti bUt 1", , r the amount. rev: h,.1 to by the ofierr with whom t riet,..g.t d‘iltictiort for COlClttli/I &lona mu.; be r5.,!..e :t - ^ra der r,it.A. Special Ndvantages of this Loan. • It is a N.,Tin,AdL..4..11,i). c .YS. efreTIOZ II hither rata of Interest than any other. Hmtay, A n y bauo 'e.o.itors - in U. r. Note., c 0 :,..,,rA that V. n Irs•ioz f- nitenhittug med. t.la noun; en•inui p.r Au any thing b.ttn, ~,ru oither ir. enreinmeni securities of in totes or F. pat. K••:.02C.,_!1; paper. It If. 01,1111:c • , urroi.nt a• a it mportry or portallitini ktire•t=eut Th• notes caii ty , 'told for within w fraction et ttiFir far* kt , l intereet, and us the No.t eeeurity atth i - sak a% colia•ersla or daeoant.. CO%VF.RTIBLK INTO A PE' ctNr GOLD MEI In ?..ill'hon to the enti into:set on the notes for three tetra, this rtetr.re of e.urersion it DOR worth shone three per r.ot. per atrura, frr the cnnsnt rata fee .5 , 4 Bones re irr‘t hes than else par react. petwarsis, and before-the we , the premium on Ct per cat U. S. Steekli 116 , 1 erer ter-erre per cent. It Irt:1 21. , tee., that the actual rn this et the present curtet rate, it not lass than ten per rent. r.er Jammu, Its Exemption Froth State or Municipal Tatation. at 2totar from 9.11 the le:Wit:l%l4oA Ire hare eannwestri„ special Art of it,o:ref... ezelepts en Betide and Treasury Mks frees 'lcrel lezetioe. Ott the events, thte @zee:op tion fs erotth About t.O rrs telt. p-r annum, &impeding to the rste of taz.tbo Ttrlo2P rift" of the 01E11 - , try. _ Ittebeli.redlhet tia uritie• offer so greet induce ments to lenders rue those boned by the government. rs all ottier forms of icoho'shrofneas, the faith or ability of prime par - deli. or stork compel:tics or Filigree &morn on:v, is pledged far pit-me:it, while tlie . who!. property oaths roustry is heal to *cora the discharge of the o-ligstione of the United States. Whtle the government offers the most liberal term* for its loans, it trlleres that the eery stronger. appeal, will he to the lot site area ;Intrintluo of the pea pis • Duplicate oertie rate.' will he tone': for all deposits.-. Tb• tatty de l ,ooitittr riot e: d,-•e tp , th e mri k rair m certtfloate the n •tf the notes to aired, sod II th't see to be Lased in tt ank. or payable to or. der . lire.•o*r.crtritoci it int:lkt h- I.ft with the nets"?' Vim po,tt. tn ,rwtode: to %ht. Trear , i , nt. F.cYlociurt nsoo Irtu, Ay ktryity..n M th. Tress:Myr of the Unibrd Stat.% at Wasb. ibo *seem( Assistant Tnssoursrs sa4 arstvc.stell I s v.sttaries, and by tbe . First National, Bank of - Erie, and by ail biatton\ v.bicbiarettepoittatina a pub 114 coney, 11113 " • ALL Y.l7,tiPt:i:lA:tL-; EkNSS ViD RINSCERI' tbrozgb , qt tbr elnntl7 glys.fartliti keratin - labia my!! AFr /RD rAci LITT TJ 81:1111c$11314R3, XL) jir.144.1Z. Tavern Stand for Sale. :' , I. 7 PSCRIBER WISHING- TO , re• f. rn offers for ,eale tre Teeens :;tand known sellie }teamed House, situated it few 7 AO emit • r.ki r• - .2a depot io North FAA. with abase thirteen scree of elan, e land - attae.benl, with, an Janne• dance of toe e?“.iees• k.ln: till% trews, ke. A large an , l oonanknollone 14.01;:W. AlVio BARN, a all in prime nrilim, with a rond.ron' otrenstnaya Ter. pleasant sent de oul ad.• :ocataon for spla.ns of nnein I wow:- sell - the - butt:my Ind ogee screef land thtrzy•Gyohundrod dales', or 'St who)e fer km thou and d,tlarr. I wawa' toogi formalize std ere rfttli 67. wi•. ;loose. Forfortber p;Ttl •,•11 I". of 11-.a q ,n the premises. North V...at, Jen. ti, 25 a di. dOfil. MALICIL. NEW STORE. J. H. & CO., Would nopectfully Wawa Cu+ Wale Ist' %bay bare ITTILNITURE WALL-BOOR, • IN GABLE'S BLOCK,- Between Bth and Bth' Streets, ow State, tbay IntorwS trtbeep stingl kud aha udartabeat el NEW LSO SELL 11114Stigi naIIMIX• tr w....thAr WWI s biro etas relas poi re=o4. *WM&