L She above at tea atm sad leopterred FO Int KNIFE OWFT/ ND DOE, iittAtie surlier V , on! YOUR KNIFE END £UTTRR in nee. whether to Filmingiti. Durability, Compartment-or Saw !a Workin4. Ps salt..fseding. sdinstablit.hrent operates In the simplest and molt perfezt minuet, outline an• dee ireb:e length, tad the Roctitme eon be ran either br Power or Mind. All combined giee.4lto- EIIFI NE FEND 117TTNN. • dwilisd prsterene• ever alt ether Font Knife Nachinet.. - .-:-" i ' . , 'Dm prises aim aa follows: Iv?. Oaf $27; No. Two s33f No. ?lime pi; No. Year 116, . 1 - _ The Flour City Two Knife Feed Cutter, , --' lasuractair • vtrist, whieb,-eaabbta is to npply-ii, *wants of say Tarmar, and at Nanniactnrera' refers. nithli —Pinar City No Caes4o; 'co. Two s224—Roalteater No One $l7; No. Two SIE. ;X" Dealers Plippl!•4 with anY of thaAtlrove Cotton at Wiloletale ?Heap!. - Fre lerlto the atthation'of persons wanting anything in the Hardware line, to oar large .took, embracing a•VISIS DeRNIMUING 000 Dal, 11017KICKPER&P I.I.III{DWARK, 1111311I.DERW ' HARD. ..1 WARE, AND TOOL .6 14E Or EVERT 1350.4021PT10N. _ . . ' . . Also • fond amortmeat of ' - . - . _ .. .. • , - COOKING AND PARLOIt i STOVES, _ ,- .. Of the lateet strlia to nll4 whiell we defy competition. Spatial attention la eall.d to StlpOrior Complti A . MO NI ERICK ()TEX STOVE, erttleb we regard u one of the completeet utielea in the Market. f - Jri Re haws the 44reney in Wlf set y for FAIRRANoI' CELEBRATED scArati. . t One R •Nottruent on hand, er• lah will be sold at Wntatiree pr ies . - ..-. W. W. PIERCE, est2o4-3m . . OEO. J. RFCOR ). P . 5 n a: co tt 7 , 2 $4 , c g "70 IMI A-, ....:A , c 5 ,LX ‹. ~--.. scr- ..... .. e .-... Al. 3 r• 7 Lrr CD • • •c".l c Dt 4 p; 94 1 co cp.1.1 t1:1 I A a ki) wXh uds Q s• 8 0- , - 0 `52 * '‘ 0 F 4 o i ?.- a New Firm. AME P. CROOK. hlving taken in his mcs R., as 4 partner, on the bads' , of April, .ndc: dna nano, of 14.11E 4 C1t0 4 .R.6% die Ptl I* • St, 6n, • 4ettlement of los old accounts All per sons tr.,, .heinsei yea intredted to lam are requested lie tail He without delay JAMES P. CROOK & SON, CEIMEND PLOUGH AND PLAN ED LUMBER •NO •NVIACTU,:IrIt4 OW . • .11iidow Sash, Frames, iguors and Blithls! SI on 01... , ;(:. A'•D tqcK k - :eroll,aawing, Matching ft Planing! . • , Abp on Peach St., between' 4th and ,sth Sta., E tt- I E , . • We r•speetfally WI the attention of the public to cur Is..,Mtme for doing weri rn the hest of sty IC proctiptly end e■ resenname terma.o 119,146 nts.a up •atiroly tm. 'bops, .nth suporiOr machinery, we feel conndent of giv kig eatue sat *faction. • CT" Ortlerely;oln abroad will receive prompt attention. Lilt ES I'. CROOK • JON Cheapest Furniture Store In this Section of the Country: ESTABLISHED 1857! G. W. Ellsey, igrie, Pa. HAIR BEDS, Rs trila as C T ents v pgir pound. . ROUND GRASSAa,A BED§, $5 C'° ARM ROCKIXID CHAIRS, r Prtim $2, 50 SPRING BEDS, CANE CHAIRS, TABLES, LOUNGES, BITRIZAITS, And other Furniture, Lew as the Lovist. West Side State Street, Next Palmer's Grocery, hb2o4kltt Farm for Sale. THE —UNDERSIGNED OFFER. Ills Farm fo'i Pals, /granted In Harbor C'k tp , 8 Milos tom grie,eontsi clog , t 8 a 44 urss of land, net meows nen are GI the premise • a Aar two story 'Hones, two P %roll, Shed, Hog Pen and unwary Ontbuildtrla r!stse it also slams Ornbard of Choice arified•Frult sd t'ee farm Is well supplied with living water. • The farm is detail!? •oested on • good road sad is in a good stall of enitiratioa, well adared to raising grain or meg. -Al. far sale ag a area of UM. end iMil Mile i4anth of the above named farm with 26 aereLpf tm rormosat, • you of MMUS and n•rsr hills/ eater. •:"3hr, *are, and allowance of rh.les Timber Lan43 ons -'We Last of firs' tamed 'and $ • the above erdl be sold together or In piaesa , lo Milt gershasars. tor partici:o627k enquire Moa Oa* I prmisti, IA& BLILEY 4:? ? to S. A DtVSNPOItT, fiaq . 4 21 i• • St, 0e17611 2m. -- ar 0.1 Plosta u lrowle.Animals, a c. Ott up In '42.10t, and $lOO Bois, Rottlea aid ?limb. Stied is •iset for , louts, rest jeJAIITITIITIOete, he. remedies known." ' "Fre, from F.6ieume,.. • ".iot der:quote' to the Boo= Family." cows rut of their belies to die. Wholesale in all Urge cities. field by al Draggle's eau RA'll.ll-rs everywhere. ipier .. !_ll quietus 111 oral worthless hutta,ttions. teat - coaxal:lr 121119111.1 01101C11B2e, Bottle lad Fluk, before you bur. Fir Address+ RIMY, R. COSTAR, Ps:Nor/Az Dm? 412 BiteerrerAW, N.Y. sold ared_Betail _IMAs o.. I2 • .7r- WWI 4 ,000 P - 81 PAPER, HatiNGINCIB! ON AM. 112. • mart 1103011106 to ail* Olson 16: 4 it am k mut lima, 4111 W, • Ali MUM lii Empire Feed .Cutter. ALSO TOE BALI Ali D T 731 Rochester One' Knife - Cattei.-:` trl .'cl t; )•.* eots El UEDDING'S" ittS4A. SA LI/ E `P CUitc.6 CHAPPED E ,t ' From $4 00 From a 00 MI . W. Pierce & C 0.,, IrCOIG MORT TO PIERCr, & CO., Itpetere t KIMURA IMPLEMENTS, STON:ES; ARPWAREi - - RNEI OF STATE AND . STIT STS- 120111 Redding's Russia Salve ! Ulfl:MLi JM....i..a:M4 Hai Idly estataCitird the ouporioritv of REDDING'S :RUSSIA SALVE Over all other hullo: prep►r►tiooa. ill REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! ' CURES BUMS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! c:R SCALDS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE!, GURE3 FF,LOSS REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE!• "-- eux.sc,' REpDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! `CURE- rLE.'er wouxue REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURE-3 OLP 80 . RES /tEDDING'S RUSSLA:SALVE!' `LURES RECTEIPSLAS REDDING'SBUSSIA SALVE! CURES CANCERS REDDIiiG'S RUSSIA SALVE! • CUR,r.S SALT REIM. itEDDIN4'S RUSSIA SALVE! Bous, i.E - DbIIiCVS RUSSIA. SALVE ' GURU CORNS, : REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! cultEs PILES. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CURES BLISTER REDDING'S RUSSIA. SALVE! .• • crEzs FROST BITTEN PARTS. • 'cJ REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CXRICS ALL CUTANEOUS DISRA4S - AND I.:sumo:vs GENERALLY. t REpDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! Is perfectly free from any mercurial matter or Irjuri oue particle*, and in no cue will Me arpi icstloci interfere with the remedies that miy be prescrioed by a regular by a ICI . The Medical Faculty, throughout tke Colon, are unanimpoe it its praise. The more its rirtuge become kuown the greater ie 'he demand, and it le tow eorit..d. Bred an indisorruiable article r,f household nece4ilti— beiug used alike by ryeh and poor. REDDi JiG'S • RUSSIA SALVE I • - - Is prompt in action, removes pain at °ace, and redae , s the moat angry lookiog swelling. and inflammations, oc Irby magic.—thus affording relief and a complete care. The length of time this salve has been before tne palate 1. conclusive proof that It is no "catch-penny" pre -ora tion, not forth to have a deticious popularity, and then sink to rise no more.- . • Oaly 2.5 Greta a Bee. IE6 For gee » J. P. DINaIIORE, ?io. 01 Broadway, H. E., B. W. PO WLE & CO., Ho. 18 Tremont Street, Borten, and by all Druggists arid Country St .rekeepsre. anget4-1.1. QUESTIONS, - QTTESTIONS7 QUgSTIONS, - QUESTIONS, That Concern Ev ey One to Answer! Ars you bold' Dots roar halt fill off? flu you hall booms thin 1 Does it fast harsh, and dry, and fete:Hail ? L it taming tray before its time ? Are you troubled with itching, burning sensation of the smilpf Are you troubled with Dandruff? - - Are you troubled with wkiatis called Scrofula or Salt Rheum ? Hare you hid the Erysipelas, and lost your hair ? as,. you had the Measles, and lost it ? Oasis you bad the Typhoid rarer, and lost it? Hasa you lost your hair by any sickness? Do you web luxuriant hair ? Do you wish colt and lustrous hair? Do you Isiah gray hair restored ? Do you wish your whiskers gloss? • De you wish them reamed to co lor? Do you want if for your chi;drem? Do coo want it for yourself, for father or mother, for brother, sister ottriend Do you want to make • present ? Do sort want perfume fir Your toilet? Do you 'mum Awnless article ? Do you want 'puts article? Do you want a doable distilled article. ? D. you want a cleansing articl- Do you *ant Ahe brat preparation ant for dressing, 411ddiallog, protecting, restoring the color, and reoder ing soft, silky and !nations the Haman Hair ? If so, we warrant CLARK'S DISTILLED ' RESTORATIVE, FOR THE HAIR, TO BE UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR:TO ANY, PREPARATION EVER COMPOUNDED AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Fat's:4,2,4les/ gurramteedpor tits money reincrlad It combat Si for oar bottle, or 6 - bottles for $5, and is sold by Dauer& gad Dealers sirsrywbors. C. G. CLABIti dk CO, Propristore....: k 00,., N. Y ffinseral 4so tn. Jy18•61. Notice to OH Refiners. wz aro Emend to men to Roeneio OIL VITRIOL CAUSTIC 80D4 and GLUE at Oho !Dorval mat oat pekoe. Ws nut NM Oil Vitrol by ON, ear load at tbit sabatietusony Winks guise to Us yaretwoor the at- Mara!Vaaginlif irk' I 4 4 4 LADII4:B' .41ND GEN'ULFZIEN BEFO,RE 'J'UJL+:Hh• Oiry#,Piallo rows o,pimr, MEI.ODEONS I Mesa hrre. p`seee ill• iral.•!aueet !Detre — they siiisTrasle4 fully lA. •lat;el An; ~.tinsta, a. 4 • el s t•ea-ai d tratknaanshtr ;nil to am oct,rs4 any w heir you rrllect on the fee,.-that the e • Isl., .11a•C)-e.;; me e t 131 T ••stssl , ohtu^nt I.y T.r 11 , ICla‘l , linebers et this city, are easse4 only by fay re re sa. to ply eeees-rProfeseor. I.:Not:Molls COMMISSION-I, ,tYluch w,ll lirr a tar hroent three who boy of too to the atuntut from lb to 15 par oent4 for f ,woul.l vtber al low the aarao..ta Qs buyer than to 1. 1, 4 meddler who to:milt/ no one bee de. bim•elf. lain a Union Min. straight end forward, and hate coned thing. a.d (diem meat not take the profit@ ant of my friends' pockets, or deteand the Government out alit, or ehost myself and termite into tlii• inr Mouse for Melia@ of satisfying the hurwrl - musia:trarchers through whose whimpering my Planes vitt not ea. better, It they are not good, nor bed, If tiler ere good. nett ply 1.2 any mho, woman or child, the amount roe mitred, ore Piano with my name on it, if they are not 4 pickerel with It, and,[ will pay a Tilenssed Dellere to any. wbo w , ll Phew me no on which the Frame le - broke, lite so many New York and Bagalo Pianos have dyne in this city and county. Let, the people tell what. my poor Matson are—not the tdaehers—especialir those ar.tk Northern sentiments ; let such go where they belong. My Pianos are weevil:oBd to., be supplied with all late gond improeements, and moat give satisfaction or tin par. Fastern Pianos ot all makes can be had ormi as well and cheap as-any other man. - Parties relay to purchase anything to the mule line, will please remember that I am dealing largely inliasl. eat Mereband se generally; and can offetitudneessents rarely excelled h. any :tart-Slay dealer. i Pianos warranted by me can be relied open, Llning Manufacturer, Tuper,Player and Musician, as well as Teacher. ily wvratkt is grod, hector. lam good f ,- .r the •Darrunt• 11y rap on in nuu2y cases has been a benefit to those who parch sheel Hamm and sotge The did put be lie. • Me at ilret . fousd lbe tiuth after • xhile by their lone. , A Plano Forte made e.aewhere la no 6.ttet fur that resal: , ,but all Pianos are good ranch are mad^ right, the good are good pro4,..the bad—bed. Elute. n Nano& are larntaile4 by r567-aliitteavo inu 'Let liaantiettirenf priees My fitetk en hand eonateta of a very e.tiolee solaetion, and le larger than any ever neared for vale here PIANOS TO Ordati prnmptiy o?tOrided W. 116 WI lAA N 43. . _ • Fall and Wintkr MRS. S. H. HALL' ,:r 4 + Would respectfully call attenpun to her 4V GE STOCK CYF •G00D6,, •. Just reeeirt - 4 fro - sitt ele York. etuhreelng Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, dco., Togeiher with pone D 8 ;It' GOODS! Wbeh the wUI tell 1 CI46AP FOIL CABll,_ Oft rir atientiou paid -to blaseb tag, eoloriag Awl Oreasing. _ r-..--.. • .•!•7.1.0te oa P.aaah BL, 7 doom above the Depot, art., ape:a:Vitt READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT 1 iCrKI'ShOW it to Your Frlends.:, _ WHEELER: & 131P1i0V.ED SEWING MACHINES ! Ttier sre ackocirre.l4ud to be the HEST![ e*.r isitrud , ....l I. this anrivilled success nut unlp in this se net , P. but all over the Word, bee c 1.3 It b, far the mset popsies blasibine ise* its They have Wien the teed of all othir Yachlnes, bur sleet the Late tiziprovetaents have been added, every vs. yiety of work es-performed with each mho acd rep(dl ty that the LiDIES AE iCETACIE3 OVER 11'1 — And It wins the admiration of ALL.. We warrant them to stitch every variety of goods,from thetkinneirt muslin to the thickest Cloth. They Mike the celebrated "lock stitch,' which ti impossible to riCi or ravel. Them Na. chines will do the folloWing work Sr !TROUT ANY BAST ING tHt PREPARATION, via : BTITCFC'I4I3 EgLI. CORD tTIIII3II, ni'mu..s: QUILT. CURES PIIIIILES. They make any width of hem '-withont previously turnhog or basting it they wil; jastrer and /Wel oreew on the some; 11' you don't belies*/ it, - 9011. E AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. The demand for those, celebrated listhlnea, etnee we hare beets located tn Erie, bee 'been astonishing. At time' we find great difficulty he filling our orders, but ws here& full 'tools just recetred, and are ready to see any and all wha may call or send as their orders. Our reomn are elegantly fitted and furnished, end our acoommoda tinns for oanductinr the business are rro , equalled. Three MAthines were awarded the highest premiums at The WORLD'S FAIR. tn London. 1862. _ The INDUSTRIAL. EXPOSITION, Paris, 1681. I'b• MECHANIC'S isAntri^,E, Washington, 'lBB3, 'And :lab - nest every State cud County hair where ex hibited, Ther are warranted three years. Th - iy are perfectlr simple to construction. They run with the greStest ease: They are almost noiseless. ry- INBITRUCTION FREE. • Cell and see them in operation. If you esatuot eoJIe, sand for sample of work and a circular py matt. HOLT BOOTH , AseLts. Union Bleck. jr23•64 fi,r , (Es.t. Park,) 'Erie, Pa. MANHOOD , • 9 Row Lost 1 .: How Restored. JUST PUBLIStED a New Edition of Da. CrLYSZWILI.I:I3 Clumiceran Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Sraitaratugudea, or Seminal Weakneaa, Involuntary Seminal Loma, larer Tenni, lfental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. t also, Cosecxrrioa, Eruxter and Firs, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. lar Price, in a /waled envelope, only 6 cent.. The celebrated author. id Ole admirable eeeey, clearly demonstrates. from a. thirty years saccesiful practice, that - the`alannina consequences of aell-abuaa maybe rad luny cured without the dangerous use of lutenist med• trine or theapplicatlon.ot theicalftrlointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain atiOffectual, by motile of winch every sufferer, no matter what hie condition may be, can cure himself the privately and radically. • nr Mit Lecture should Le in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under boil, In a plain envelop% to any adarims, en the receipt of eta emit% or two postage !damps. /Admix the publisher% CriAS.J. Q..$J iNE k CO., 127 Bowery, New York, 1611'644v - Post Os.. Bor. 4Md N -EW TEI3.4.TMENT. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE Siiiiess, Salami Ankara, auttlia Sara hifrroilits 0 -Yalta mad Nativity. & K. LAMER?, • Mao va !leant floor In the Atwater Building, Jbot-cl • siSapertor Street, Cleveland, Ohlo. • IRE SILENT FRIEND. ft;pe "rt on the Nature. Treat/neat and' Cure of. Ner vous-end Physical Debility. Nihauslion, Spermstorrhoes soda!! Deno-genital Disuses of the Nervous system, and other &Raw , incidental to both sexes, producing &lettered of both mental and phydcal strength termi nating In total debl'lty and Incapacity ; showing why -thew diseases ro often appear incurable, when in reality they can be effectually removed by the moat eimppr means. A NOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrntneat for the cure 02 General- Debility -or allocturnal Ennislnto, more properly known as Seminal Weeklies'. no. Can be pormaneatly cored In from 15 days to two months lorthe nor of this instrument when need conjointly with medicines. YOUNG NEN TAICE PARTICULAR NOICe. Drs. W. k R. Laaert take pleasure in announcing that they have Invented a most important Instrument for the tu' of there dime*. It ha. beau mil•cted to a tat be the opt eminent physicians in Longon. Pertly Philatielplit • sod New York. It has been declared the only useful taatrument ever invented for the cure of 4 Seminal saltness or any disease of its panel organs, caused by the secret habits ol youth- • Dm W. & R. Lamed, in order tiisatigythe most seep. noel aa to the merits of instrument, plotlie them. selves th at in any instance where It may prove apostle. teeter. ' r a fair trial, the money will be,refunded by retaro‘ • instrument in good order. hire of In.lna• saint and,cdedicinee *2O. . MN RSIIEM6I AND QUICK CLULE.I Tor th . e wer eat Diseases and all Private Comp'eiute —gleeta e mares, mainal we .Laess, paios in the Joi at; affections 0 the ktdne fa Mam a .' of the head , . throat, nose and sk n. and .11 those dreadful effection. &visite froma were habit of loath, which ',coda*. comet ta- Don.' de ility, rondor marrtagr.tutpnasible and in the end de•trav itiotb body ...al mood.: Ti,. treatment they ad,pt ialliejrimult of upwards of thirty years extensive end aneowitul practice in Europe sod America. -Femme 14 our part of the world mat be eneztessfullr treated by forwarding • eqnreet detail of their ease, with • remittance for mediators, etc. nitA. W. a R. LAMERT, Atwater Balding, foot of Superior St., octBl4-Iy.' • Cleveland„ Ohio. WM. 1 1 131 T, J. M. BitTANT, • ITN. Isti1!0013. • EAGLE FOUNDRY - -) P•gek st, R,744 tria, isi Henry, Bryant &' Sherivood, PARLOR, COOS AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN a SHEZTIAON Wass, AND ALL NEWS' OP IRON CASTINGS. tirst7 Stove wld by we 'tomato:l to isty• sattilacttoo. iciattlite Shigh-sboa, Sad Irons, An., oil hood it; man. atoaitrod to ardor. holm owe Plow Par ra or raperiar auks ',tad dam. filar Wray. on load. A ea sed a fall trial if our art*. do le all we aub. 111 . 11114 111110 MIT 4 sa,llooo. CUT IT OUT FOR SEVERAL YEARA CJUVIST INTALIM _(snomiaors to Acheson it Beary,)- . ZAWAorIT/LIOL, OF J. W.ll. oarsman NEW PIRM CLEMENS, CAUGHEY & BURGESS, AtIOCSOSOVI to Ciemitos,Ciughey s Co. and 4. C. Boma ail*, Wholesale Grocers!, • sod Moroi-0;1am of C ackers and 'Candy ! GROCRRIF.S, FLOUR, PORK, SALT, N A. 1115, GLASS, ROPE, ALE, WINES, LIQUOR!, &e., dc. nor Stook of ii SUITARS:r - :TEAS, COFFEE, - bfOLASSFR, FRUITS TOBACCO, si ORACKE/RS =I ERIE CITY STEAM BAKL - RY ! 'CANDY! --- COMMON - NND-FANCY CANDIES 1 OII I .VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE ♦t tin tomtit Market Prie;RA. Carsmartial tialldingb, Cris, re:. srprgl 631 f. Erie Ale Brewery, - ;'OBNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS Erie City Lager Brewery, CORNER OF: POPLAR AND RIDGE - STREETS. Erie Malt & Barley Warehaaaeis - CdRNER OP 7TII- STltEwr It' CANAL BASIN. Pala and Amber XX and XXX dies, • The Best Qaality and Venal Varieties of Lager, . Prune Selected Xasterp Hope, f The Choicest Qualities of 'hat and Butey, On hand and and for sale-by A. ICING. - dec26llll. - CRAWFORD CHRISTIAN, Dealers le GROCERIES AND . PROVISIONS, Dried and Sealed Fruits, PAINTS & Ship Chandlery, Boat Store!, &c., &e., -No. 7 iszerrrs RLOCK. P4Ri ROW, Also, Public Dock. Foot of State, Street, • Nam, PItiCVA. WM. A. CRAWFORD. F.ICIIRISTIAN. apr7l4ll. REMOVAL. QPOO, g.B.IEs! efitOCERIES! .Subscriber has removed his stock J, of Proetries from tho stand above the Lake shore Depot to the room in the brick block ou State street, corner of *north, where he will be happy to me his trans and noetontere and till ttivar orders for goods. idle •tock of Groorriei is large,aod carton, aslected'aied of fered at the lowest rates commixes at with the orignal wrt. He Writes all to Reed of anything to his line to him • r Y. AC • Pei t' THE PLACE' • TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, 111 - P. COUGHLIN'S BOOT & SHOE STORE ! State Street, Nearly Opposite the Post °Sloe. E. Ooushlln, Boot and Shoe Dealer, respect/5111y informs the Pablie that he has removed his stand to the Store Room an State street, nearly opposite the Post Offlos, where he Invitee all his old frieilde sad en/loam to give a vall.l l'artiontar attention given to •REPAIIIII40! Staving- waist workmen, and stiptritendlng all his btrioess himself, he believe: he - cm give u good Ilitiarse tion and sell at aa low prices ss any other person In the city, Good Ms Warranted. apr9:64tr. AMERICAN HOUSE, SOUTH WEST CORNER Olf THE rARIL k IMAM Sr, ERIE; PA. JOHN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. ' The undersigned hieing taken charge of the above well-known Hotel and refitted it to tape:dor style 1! spectfully eolicits s shire of the public patroaap. Terms : reasonable, and accommodations wig to soy to-the city, : for Tor the convenience of parsons froze the eenniiy a good stable has been attached to the pprolses. sepB'B4-Em. • - JOUR DUNCAN. Valuable Mill Property" for Bale. THE UNDERSIGNED BEING DESIR-: one of engaging Mother business, canter eoliths': Lit Property aituatad ;In Albion," Erie Co., Pa. This property 'outlets of One FLOURING MILL, OnetRAW - RILL. Two DWELLING" 110U1RS sod 15 ACREi of LAND. The Floannyllill works throe pair of buns; three bolts and all other neeetwary inaabinery for doing a merchant or custom business, and is now doing • pad. log business—the retail trade amountincto trona Main to twenty thousand dollars a year. The Sow mill has ons Upright Stierond one Circular Saw, sad is double geared and to cool - 1314i order.' The above mill• ere driven by a saver falling atraaw: mid will be sold of a bargain. All letters oi intistry Iftlillll prompt attention by addressing C. ?UN a soli, Albion, Erie Go, Pa. GotUF-31ne AUTUMN TRADE. .-- JOHN_. C. BEEBE. Writes - the c ttentlon o: p s urishvrs . !.o his, km sod law SE - AS NABLE GOODS! Now rem:etas for the Fall & Winter Trade ! Purchased noes the late declisfe ID Gold. arid wlll.be at Wholesale and Etinaa, 'CH . EAP FOR GASH! •Marge idea of _ Botots and Shoes, Which will be -- iold at prim tar Inlay tha_peemaL Tslie. - EATING SALOON. The attention of the Public le Lueitiid to the Saloon, at the Comer of Stab, wad Filth Street/ie. - whieb bee beau fitted up lu handsome style, and is now behoved to be one of the plamlianteet resorts an the city. OYSTERS; GAME, And all kind. of articles aeually tent in a SaJoes,:itreed up to eurtome , e In • Sepeder wanner. • SEPARATH ROOMS TOR PHRRONS WHO DZSTRZ TO MEEI!EI CHOICEST LIQUORS & CIGARS. iffiF• /altar that my irmilipmeats an 'Baku autiot io glvs! mtligartioa. I ilqrsettilly solish the pat- Umi asesseiliy• Eis !OMNI* IS NO BIJOU WORD AB FAIL." • • TARRANT'S COMPOUND !ITEM!? Or •CLIBEBB AND COPAIBA. J. C. 1410113/1. N. U. Man& This preporstion Is partkalarly vionnesooded to the tIftbICALPROMSION end Use PUBLiC i fer the prompt and sari of • MUM= sertain OF TIIE BLADDILB, KEDNETS, ,r tINABY _ - • ' GROANS, We It nay bo sidled es asthebeet mode for tke fidneinle initials of ikon noodles in the lams slue of d'iscesee of both mess, to ohleh thy ems sppilaibls. It ssiverinter hove eft* the digeeilon, and by its ooneestracion, the does is snob mimed. N.B.—Forebears aro advised to sib for Tarr . ent's CompotmdExtrau of Cubebs lk Cojoiba, *n bike astklag else, es imitations and worthless 014; &reties., eider similar names, are in the market. Fries $1 _tont kr exprefte as reSslpt of prise. Yeltraditsvol only be TARRANT., Jc CO., .7 Hi. 211 Greenw!sh Stave!, Comm or W►rica Streat NEW YORK, libil . for able by 1414110 s generally' JOS. EICHENLAUB, • .AXVFACTORItIt Or BOOTSAID SHOES! WHOLESALEit RETAIL ! ITARE PLEASURE in announcin4 4 to tbillablie that I Lava added to al former fseadtias complete nett of FISH, WATZR LIKE, 7 WWI MACLIIIVEILY, Which will amble me to manufacture Lad sell - Haute and Shoes CYLAPER THAN HLRETOVOKIC: CILILBOZ.I OIL, goring kad toot szporioneo as 'to the wants of miter nom / shall take apootal pale to preparing. spy stook to snit them. !,lave tbs naafis* rtgbt this lay to utak* tie - • PLUXER PATENT . BOOTS & •SHOBS for the benefit of enetoecen, and ode ~k e trial of then, towage, any one ea to their rustier eesitert our those wads la Ike old way. The Plower Boot nude so breaking la ; It V u easy trutAlla start u sae were for 11 , 11111 Lam. Ky ccaTobt DEPARTYgNT MYRIZPS, Will receive my own and Mr. J. COTISW9 especial nt tention--eonibining stilt se norintem "bleb cannei be enoelled_is the emantty. Boots and Shoes repaired on iMert noting. Constantly en' kind a lane iiieck Sit SPICES LX4IWII. I.4ars exp rmine.s, - Toadarlag lay thanks to toy friends and eastosam for put patronage, I bops ST ;tut sod hot:arab% dilator to emit a soattassaot of the sams,aad Si - n. 41414 Invite el to tall sad ossuano sly steak lerford pureksdng else alms. ' ' UTB, OIGARS, Fbiestanip Heating Apparatus: amiss IlitTlNO - STEWING iND STEEPING ity the dame of a common Izatp, at the east of met•le worth ! lan, vinr• , amforteddybreekfaat can be emoted. —if. 1. Dianne. • • simplo in construction, easily best A order, retid l tor use fa a moment convenient to Ikon on Draggles aerator. ..... Fish's Lazaphko ne of the most popular nov elties of the day the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving Is turd* In heating and cooking emallartl des, ao4 sisa A made to cook meals for a great many persona, which is actually done on• the ambulance ears which carry the sick eoldiers grisorgle ~tests. For family nee, hespitak Ant, barrack Ov ules, liskin‘, nursery or etch room- it ir an article of sourfort beyond all proportion to its out. Afirrw Coat Ott chrenisr. An sonnomical, oontrie4neo for getting up heat at abort =kit:afar winery and geuerid hoosei9old parpotim,• ens important_ point is the wing In sod em coal F. Zeststrig Post. PRICE TWO TO SIX DOLLAR • CAPACITY FAO ONE-TO FCCR QUARTS. • THREE ARTICLE oEED AT'ONE TIME wait IJRkER. Arranged fur Kerosene or l Oil, or Ras. A descrip tire parepist of thirty pagesfn ribbed gratis. Aire, To be attached to , A coarsen Kerosene Lamp or Gas Bruner, bj which water rosy be boiled and food cooked; also arranged to rapport a shade EVIARY FAMILY NEEDS MCI. • IHOWailtp • ASSOCIATION, PIMA DELPLIZA. PA DISEASES OF THE NEE - WITS. SEMI MAL Mall OSIVAL SVertm*-tsew sod treatment-In rrporta of the LioVfa,RD ASSOCIATION— Se at ,ealedeovelopre,free of charge. Address Dr. 7. MILLEN kit WO tfrobf, Howard Amieetation, N o, 2 South Ninth St., Phasdelphia, Ps. torS'64-IT. T o NERVOUS SUFERERS 3 BOTH etEES.—A REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been restored to bealth,in a few dara t - ifter under going all tholuraal routineead irregular anenailadlhree n of treatment without ew; " wackier* it Id, sacred tar to eowatonn lade to his afflicted Allow CM142112 the means of care. Hewn, on the receipt of an addreeeed envelop', he will word (free) acopy of the prescription need. Di plom* t.• nr• Jour IL DAGNALL, 184 irtli to five, Brook • • ia24-Iy. . ' C. ENCELHAR+, Dealer in Boots & Shoes! • ALSO, IL&NUFACTIIRKE OF CBSTOX' MADE BOOTS AND SHOES 1 WOULD take this method of-return ins his thanks t t his friends And the public generally Cot their liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, end hopes to hire II continuation Of the um/. I take pleuareto informthe public that I lam still sel ling R EADY RADE BOOT.? AND SHOES AE CHEAP, — If net • bilge Ctseper. ' - Than any Roue In this place, and 1 aurtill making th hest qualities of Gents' Bowie and Rhou, for which I em• pip? noon but the BET of WOOKREN,under the duper intendense of 0. MILLER. , (Raying obtained ► Lee..e to nee the Plurnar Patent Last, ' I em sow prepared- to make the Pinner Patent Does gni Shoes la a meaner not to. be surprised in Style and PAtorkmazuship. Or I always keep on kondfs selection chi but &ends of r reach awl American Calf and Rips. P. ti.-tltepairing attended to mrl76ttf. - CRASH! CRASH! She best and most Ottani ever nutocfacttired: Built upon acientido principles, It ia j net the thing for House. keepers. Every article of food placed in them are pro. served nay and awake, while the advantage it possesses Ist saving ice and forniettiog,eold water lOr &taking pur poses, ia not to be found'any otheratianufaetate l have the exclusive agency for their sale, and invite an emanation Into their moats. 0ct614-fin With thit name that Wchta the Room I THE unlopt .ATTACHMENT, rrici 60 ozsrs, . W. D. Itr.ktsF.LL. tp2l'64 gym . so. 206 Pearl St., T Soap Stone = Gilddles _ - • eotrothleut sad desirable ikiele for the kitebon will bakip mikes without the application of craw, abol lahing the disagreeable saver - imparted to clothing, k. by means of burst tat ALL 11011SggEEPERS SHOULD' HAVE ; THEM l A knowlodta of their adysto, by their au a Engle will same them ladfalo to the neat and tidy hooaahaepar: For sale at Young's 'Emoorium; KO. 4 WRICIRTS BLOC[. -E,MBROIPURYI Manillas and Braids forlainaroldarint, all Solon and dudes. tortiole Moak" tor all kinds, Claim;Brit. tal Board, ka, at ' r . „ ; -Yb - ung's Emporl,u,m, ?014 WRIOUTB BLOCK. • 1,000 yards Crush Just resolved aud_for sals at Young's Emporium, :NO. 4,WnlGlirB BLOCK POLAR REFRIGERATORS! .1. 8. N. YOUNG, No. 4 Wright'i Block =l3 , ILEfilk'S PATENT WRIVNG AND TOILET CASE 1 141 commisa 'Nolan g IPaper, Ilbryatopoo, Ink, &boom PloyPloyThrted. Tooth Brush. Comb, Poo, Panel, 11, Mak* Butto4s wad other useful Wien, eon• blind la a ow 10 tuella la length, "Yid' WA be eatven tacitly argot In the pocket. as ilkajaplllinbill PAW. to foldtarniaallonr and trsorlon. For ran at YOUNG'S EMPORIUM, brie, Po. BROWN'S PATENT BABY TENDER! THE moat ututful and convenient article for the roller of mothers and the amassment of dm ern Wrested. All soothers stadYlult lemoollY, sad conessisteas should hers one. For ale at JOU. ;, YOUNG'S turomon. tee, Pa. ORESH Baltimore Oysters, RECEIVED DAILY We are sow reeelvieg thew direct trees talttieore,sail thrweee et Woe wiry best g rata a, swam. smog DR. Tip . HALL'S MAUR/JED COUGH 'REMEDY - I. CONTINTJESI to gain public favor Sn.i deinand is all warms, and after the tbon,ogb es parkas* of sixteen years. its reputation for voitics.er it, wing Threat sad !bog diseases is fully sagoined.— Wherever thisse is meat known itii merits hoe es tablished the greet t pep slarityand demand. It has i ned be come a starithird y with =soy people for rorimr. Pith:mai colelltaints and is kept In their houses ter rtittuse whomever rsanized. As • eure , for Comgh it is y sod reloble—soldeort requiring more toms one ba te ewe s Cough Of many woks standing. For curing Crate, It is not ea celled. and is a remedy 1.. r lob so its sillaseey asaaet be'doubted, having restored many Fel'. eons to health after suf.'ertog a long onn of years net. this miserable diaries. Tor Bronchitis sad floarieues. it loses had relials, quickly removing unlatiorifr9el the air passages. in Whoops; Cot Kt: this Remedy hied - greet ellueL-lt promptiyilemeoes tlifirequeney sod violence of the cough. and shortens the dooms 01:311 bell from its or. &mai tedious coarse. All diseases of the lungs aud sir petioles depend upon irritaliom a inpimseatton in the lining metros toecaeraue and nemiirm the prompt use of thorough medicine to of their onsoral.. Hail's Cough Remedy haute, speed! asr edeeturil in ite *per/Moo—is adapted. te bathos's, to all aye Bad oonstitutloaa. Eon y person aline*, with either of the following diseases should- ere this pleasant :limed, and their 1 'leas will soon mingle with others In reaocomeedieg its merits he adlicW nelghbon. and Mends !NIL Cite Heit's Cough Remedy it cures 631de. es. Use Hale's Cough - ,Remody it cures Group _ Ise' Reatksa • VOL. Use H a (bush Remedy it cures Asth •MOor r P '' • ''. . 11111... Us 4 Hairs anlgh *may for Catarrh. VOL Uss H4s asfh Remedy it Strengthens • the .tetOWS. I . Me , Use fI4S Cbugh .Remedyjor Brlinehitie. lle. Use Ha, Cough Remedy for Lloctree , hen: • le. Use H s Cbugh Remedy it Strvigthens the Voice. MI. Uu H s Cough Remedy for Whooping cough. • it will voila, y the lassos of thlsdisease andshnt- Os Ira tedious imam, cowbell from its ordinary dura tion. I • . . Rewire of ease larAtits sod basw - traitatioas—ion far Dr. P. Hill's Caleb tad Cough Reedy rod see that his writ ten 'igniters isa goo the wrapper &DO directions. -- STIR. NU TRWTIWIONY. Ws. f t W the rode geed sitiseue of Eris City and vicinity, nave used Dr. P ..I..Ve Celebrated Cough Remedy with great enovess, rag dimness of the Throat and Longa, and iew! la resentraudiug its use to the &Misted on speed y and edeetnal remedy, fully worthy of public end nee impe l a - Jame a The , Idattbeir Hamilton, D. Shirk, John Ineihez i al rt :r. J. W. X Riehard Bees, Jeha Al Trio, Reto J. T. Casa, John W. X' , Daniel Dear, Deals] Hum, John W. Rays, J. Balloon, C. K.Riblet, Jahn H. Ceekrsle, ' W. F. Rinderoseht, J. Rooney, John IL Dares*- P. &Berton, J. W. Culver, John H. Warne, . Alsesen Sherwood, . Wm. H. Nay, Jetta S. Brown W.H.Cooper. •-_A. IL Tarbell, S. L. Forster,. Joseph Deeme r,r, . C. A. Bennett, J. W. Hal, Benj, Grao . _ J. goloory, Orvios Smith. - Lucius A. Bull.„ id. Nayer, re. Domain , r Thome Wilde, 't J. L. Loos, B:Cl. Root, 1 W. Id. Gallagher,. J. Roblueosa.d, : Wilson sing, Chas. W. Kelso, is, 514'11.1114, Diode! Winer. 0, P. Bal • - (3,G. Howell, C. B. Wright. 1,, • sOLD IN S EMIR ONLY, BY P. 13..ALL.L.. S&ClALrOnafet d Bole Proprietor, Gall's New Building, Blau St. PEI Ilb TO it CENTS PER BOTTLE. : AGENTS tN CO.—,fames A.,.. White, Dr: FJy, Gl hard; Wm. Be rainiest; T.N. Cowles, Springfield: Wm. &Foment, r; Lamson. liWean• R. B. Bleeper, Waterford; Varna e Sherwood. Union; ' W. B. , Reath. Wattsliargb,• G. T. Jewett, North East; B. 0. 1 Frisbee. f,derodlle; J. G. Fl .worts, Albion; -- Tyler, Lockport, mid fey nowt' ge *air. net1.4 . 0-1y )lEAD 9IIARTERS -• • f Cll EA•Pi GOODS! legal° and Retail GROCER A ND - P R OVI S ION STORE, (INES AND LIQUORS. F. & M. SCHLAUDECICEB, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street,a large and superior stack, of GROCERI Fl 3; i PROVISIONS, ~-; • WINES, . LIQUORS, • .• . _ WILLOW, . - WOODEN, • AND ' STONE 1 r i ir ß UTIt . , It g ' _. N 8, Ac.; Ac., together ith every thing found in a House of this kind; which they sell as cheap as any orr establishment in this city for 'Cash or oat kinds of country produce. They have saw ou hand one of the largest and finest Stocks of TFOOO and Sevin ever brought to Erie, to which they vits the attention of the pub li c. re Cal and see tte—a nimble sixpence. in better than • stow dal lag, sonsequastly Cub buyers.will,o•llveat bargains b eating atthe Ciro erg Read ' Quarters! AMER 'AN BLOCK, STATE STREET. June 2.1`" sa. - F. a it. St:Mai:WM& _ - ' ,N,' 4?---- lk- fr;llT — lgir S6E i ' r - ERIE CC,IUNTY MUTUAL INSUR ji.:4 ARC? COMPANY, . Incorporsad in 1859—Charter Perpetual 11 Pripet assured Against Lam by Fire for any sat am:media' Five Venn. . Policies:Cued Islam the deposit at Premium. Notes, or upon the payammt of the tuocal Stock Rates i n Money without liabillty 'et a Premlurn Note. Losses paid iritbout Ittigutioa. Om mit only has ever been brought against this Campasy. Ilia Campaiair, ea estirely //Ss /rag laidi cad is a safe hews institatons. DIRECTORS. Wm. B. Waa, Jag: C. Itarsluill. - Jos. M. 3 imett II C. . Tib .sur r ; D. B.ltCrearr,..- . E. Babbitt, lifin.7 denisettt, J. 7.laucherly - Wm. S, Brown, Georgigs Elliot, • Benjamin CAM, Jacob Hansen, J. Y. Jill" n , . °uns. JAL C hi - Prost . JOXill Gra7lllo3. SOC. We. .11.mmulascray, Treas. %o ~, Office, Mss in. ill4atooa A Enenpares, Low WWI Erfi, hm* Pa. • . 6 t n Eds../ E ris, , • 1541114. 1. NEW FIRM. -, rtrionTuusmi usrmirrAziNa !W A R E -,11. 0 0 M SI .... 'O9 State St., between Seventh and Eighth. The 111444rthers have 'stared into the Cabinet Making and . FURNFTURE- TRADE, And propia, nialdng to order and ireeptng coastantly en I hand all kinds of Fortnum,. , orders will receive prompt attention. Repairing done esti, • on short notice. NDICBTAICING'. The sn hers will give special attention to this del =nes of their business. They will manufacture and j as Mad • large assortment of Metallic Duns and hold themselves In readiness to most In Ilse, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to spare no efforts to giro satialiat- MonMakin tlkstqa of their goods and price', they hap to Omni a Abenal share of public patronage. ' L , MOORE k AISLE?, Hutomaora to 4. 11. Miasma. aprult-tt. R Dr- ROOFING . - itz•DY•m.otroiNti At less Asa hilt the post of Uo roofs. BEAD! -ROOFixo, . Mere derails than Iln. 1521 ROOFING, I&astable for steep or Eat roofs. . • B/DM ROOFING, s For all kinds of buildings, in all climates. READY WOOFING, ilaaily, oheaply aad gnirkly'grut on. Needs no coating ' - pc wil i lrcent ii.c It is militia down. Nada READY stroir 'a ori it' ffib p rie, D th r or i ou N gn i" ly ' wham . ted 1 :11 DitrrClieft ie w mi lth E a N pu ir rfe:tly water and co L u i pea Q proof co position. aad pat up In rolls ready for use-40 inches da aad tilted 10eg...We also manufacture For Sin iteellionneir cheaper aad more durable than °Olaf/It; Also, COMPOUND Catlin, for LEAKY SIM NG Li: ROOFS, Whisk rave the eost of a new root. Sam of Itaney Roottici and Circulars and by mail whoa . Favorable bums weds with reapocuible partias, bo buy to bell gala .. . ~,, t l ied READY 'ROOFING CO, 78 Maiden Line, N. Y.' MEM 115114. • • Sift .1 ' P i : . elphia & Erie R. It. EigitillMillMlllMlN T i l l i jo of Poallyl llsatrsnl the 1: ta n ert n y d ol o gr on Lake .It ma Moo Mud by the Peasepitheis Rail rued y, and is operated by them. !tail :th ies a ni er noun :a TIAI3III AT MI. Elmira Express Train leaves. Mall in arrives Eludes Express Train arrives - 5 t ..t 4 q p. l:: m en u' : 1010 a. ra. ears tha through telthout cheep both ways .bst . Itiladslphia and Env. Ile* t Steeping , Can lth Express trains both wars i bstses p Eaa s Import and liallinntre, and Wilithreeport and phis,. ' for time esessUan famenger rmsinsse apply at the t: owner ilth and Mutat etc, and for tretSkt or the Oempaars, agents, ' . • g: E. II Entainvx, 1a.,, wither 13th and Warted ShOr. Phi J.lr. =NOR , Erth 1. Kt DEAL /. 11.4. R. IL, BaltimoreX - , , H. U. 801=0 General Y'rekht Agent i cridlaa:a. L a RTI L.llO , , oral rat 1,1 4.=1 a, D. rella t iloolWfilotagoe s W . . pßo3plaus or THE PHILADELPHIA AGE, 1884,. —.— Tilt ONIS ' DISHOCHATII.I DAILY JOURNAL Peg 1.16 H ED IN PHILAD4PaLt. .. . tee citiON,7 I CO7Drilv7,lol Asia ?XX XVP?11011VIST ra Tall LAwi. - . , • THE DAILY AGE, •. ,ii.. 1.,. *AI ocatee the principles and pulley of the Nex t , vatic party. is issatel ever) morolpg, ftiandayi eaceptd .) and eon taint this t _ TaLIGIArn taw a fronslllparti of the world; with morally prepared artiei. na 6" ernment, l'Otica, Trade, I oaneee, etc., and prompt et. torial commenta on the quertrens and allaire of the day; histkiit Rerirte, Priese current, stork Quotation., tr, eine int*thoinee, Reports of Public (lather:cgs. Yere6,, u !Termite ~ rrkipondence, Legal Rep Oils, Tkisializ,;:i Criticism. ' }Wisely' sit LiteHattire, Art and Lute, Avi coheir-at 31et:.-ri, and .I..ue•sirals cf whatever sulleei E , of grnrral hatorret and impo:tnlos. THE .WEEKLY AUK ) io a complete eemmedium of the News of th e Week, kr. 4 center:is the chie f'editorials, the ptieee entreat and ay. ket teporte, stock quotations, correspondence end era se r new* matter eubliittediA theihura Act. It aLto ,„,„. !alias 4 greet eerier, eerier inatic7, rendering it 11 c i •ripecte a are: clue faintly .lonrnal,particularly adapttx to th e Politic:4n, the Merchant, the Farmer, the itethia• to, the Literary man. and all classes of reader.. It hu , in fact, *easy charactenstio of a LIVE NEVidl'al v.., fitted fur the Counting Bow, the Work.thop, the Far. noir's Ftrealde and the Crewel Bender. 1 Entry, DAILY. WEEKLY. 1 One Year, by Mai,...510,60 One Year, br ItaltB2 (p . Six Month.; 6,00 Six M0uth5,...... t .... 1 ,c ,.. Three Monthr, 2,60 Three Months 6.V For any pertod arse then' Clitta of 10,-.... ........ 17,61 three months, at the rate i.. 20 441 e 9f Ninety Cents per mouth. With an extra ropy ~Ti. .. . for getting stp the club. ?.T x 7 BCC,ICIZALI INV A111.011'7 12t ALTAIC!. STATiZtZ 'opine of the Uaiiy and Weekly will be sent grow toss), sddreu, on application. The 'Publishers or 7As Age could easily, OH theli : e4.-' amts. with the unsought and moat Men' tointoso twos of the press throughout the country; Lntfttrl prefer that it should Mend altogether upon tillati to üblic conUdewM, well known and established. Th" l ,.. p NT. It has so ,uired this reputation by the fearlessness and independence with er•:lch ft bas•ye, conducted, through times of extraordinary confnnespt 14euis on pnblit subjects, and latterly of almost unexam pled publio trial. it U now, and will be, as heretofore, the sop' otter of truly national principles, opposed alike to radie.Airm and fanaticism to every form, end devoted to the maintenance of good government :se and order. The i.ehneues of no Age Clailleirit that it three render familiar services and less peculiar claims 2p04 all men by whom its principles ate trained, and who, by the proper means, look to prompte owl secure the Coubtutintal restoration of the Criloo. 'these can teat show their isenserof the untiriogiefforts of the pr.blishers, is behalf of this great and unparalleled canoe, by earotatly enetain- Ing this pipet In all its baldness relations. Address, , eiLtlitleillltENNEkt & WkLellt, 430 Chestnut bt., l'hiledelplaui. 1884. BUFFALO ` & ERIE R. R. N - and after Monday, Oct. 31st, O Passenger Trains will ran on thia Read aafoloat • LEAVING- ERIE. t OS A. It., /NOS AS:Freas, stopping at Wrstee.d, llnnktrk and tiilTet Croat, 1117111,11 it Bello it 7 CO A. Y., Mail and ACCIPAI, stopping at al/ &Woo gad arrives at kialTala,at 11 le A. 1. 2 00 I:lo,May Engrg's, staff lag at North Emt, Weil Dunkirk, Sliver Creek, and Ana* - gai arrieln ai Baas', at 5 20 P, M. 0 fa P.ll Esgsra, stopping at Niresteni, Dumyat and BUrerCreek, and strives at 811.516 at /0 00 P. Y.- The Day Brimoss eonnee:a at Dunkirk and MOW°, & the Night Express at Buffalo only, with-Espress trslei for New York, Plilladalphia, Boston, &e. ' LEAVING 'BUFFALO. 6 150 A. M., Ueda Erpress, stopping at all Stations ex cept Fp-ohm, Crossing, Iforehead ae4 WeeleJvtlle arrivea at Eris at lu 20 A. II: 1 55 P. M., Dag Erprisi, stopping at Angola, Silver Creek, Danirirt, Westfisiii and rth Esat, , at Erie at 645 P. Y. 4 30 Pill; Mai:4. Anew, stopping at all Stations sad arrive' at Erie at 9'15 P. 11. 11 10 P.M., RSikl lipress, stopping at Angola, Silver Creek, Dunkirk aa3 Westfield, arriving at Brio si a BO A. M. Railroad tint.. is ten ,menus faster than Erie time. .May 21,1861. J. LEWIS GRANT, Stift New Music Store. 111 . 1 . 11". PIANO FORTES AND lIELODEov, From the following eelebrstal = M. A.UNFACTU.RERs• • Steinway & Sore, Yew York. Wm. Kaaba & Co.,Saltimore, Nid Lindeman & ions, New York. Wm. B. Bradbury, New York. Joan B. Dunham, New York. • Gmteeteen & Co , New York. Geo. A. Prince & Co., Briffe.o, N Y. Carkart. Needham & Co.. New York. Prices at a Large Discount below Man., facturer's Prices. .4E110: OCTAVE. IRON FRAME, OVERSIIIk7v.:Wo'S WOOD ELANOS FiR Alto, Ingtraction Rooks a'nd. Sheet All persons wishing a first rste PO , LO Furt,or.ll•'r, on, are Inrite.l to roll and examiot , our Inn:T.l3M , r fore poreheaing elsrwb,Pe. • Need's Bir , ek, ~ r 1-611 e 11:: Pr.! Ordov. Z!..ItISA 5111 TE. T yr I'. S.—Erety iartorn ,, at.,ll%;Th nt-d fku. Ere yet:, rare" ".? 1, THE NEW FORK WEEKLY HERALD THE CIIEIPEST'PAPER IN TILE WORLD. The extensive and comprchenalve fo.n: nes in pe• enables the raventrron of (Le It ItIELT to 4moractee Lte•t ..cncl most rellifoe informatics 1 0,11,1 e to be tota.ned, rot ot.ly from all par.s of :Le United States, WA from all page ct the world it; home correfpOnt:Cni., co:a i red At heavy cosi, lad connected 'nth epth new Loral and military expeddro of the government, prove that it Is dett r min vd to leers no spot nocovered by its opsratiora and no event ear occur teat shall not hod immechat... report in its columns. Nit costs the proprietor c roe one hoodrastAhothsand has per year to n..Rlntain its eorpc c t correspondents to the held.. In DA collation of Foreign l:ews the tiattato hu 5 r year,' held a high volition, and at will code: vet is tit' future to maintain the stand ft has.assurord. It has special correspondents stationed to al! of the principal nate, e the world, Its telegraphic stranomente extend to RLertler the electric wares are stretched. ISLue the—At:antic caNe't laid, which feet will soon Le aecompltahed, telegrams wt:t ee receleed from Europa and dila, as well ax tom the I:effect nate., . Then oar readers will hare a:eel-so:ea the week in sal parts of the' iviltaed world r. color!! att clearly aid Wore them. . The proprietor devotes a portion of tie Toper to Lt nature, laahinn; Agriculture, the Ifechahic Arts, rzprd• init Natters Susioess, Thiatrfeat and Tic amend RePc 7l Cattle Slarieti,.General News and rsportaa All ft" calculated to form an excellent metropolitan ildslimiAt —a weekly photographic view of the events of the . " 4 —and all at 111 very low pries. • The I,Tx , ekly.herald il issued every Saturday r.orsisi' and furniihed at the follo.wing rates: One copy :: A iS Three copies Five copies Ten copies 15 0" Any larger number, sddreseed to names of subeenost $1,60 each. An extra copy will be rent to every club of ten. Twenty copies, to one address, one year, $25, aclUi larger number et same price. An extra copy willbe sent to clubs of twenty. Advertisements to it limited nomber.„iiill to inwrot in the Weekty_ Herald. The Daily Herald, three mats per copy: ' Ten de;ice per year for three hundred end Silty-three dollen for Mg months. Tiro dame and City teetriv three monthi. AWE'S GOIDAN BENNETT, Editor and Proprietor, Northwest weer of Fulton and Nassau street", New York City, N. There are no troweling agents for the Herald. roriti-3w. The N. Y. lourital of Commera. . We eougnstuLste our readers on the measure of suceee raids has attended our labors, to common with all othc . selvwcates of tonserratiwe principles. We invite the c ot every seader in the dissemination of the old, 109 1 doctrines tatight-by - rembingtern, followed by the Lam'' atdo,„d n who have mode our ortfon whichtow smut. Ind elle toast preserve strong, the p WI of the UNION AND CONSTITUTION. Ws advocate no new doctrinesreligion .;• social lire. W's are known os the sarneeedefendsu the faith of our fathers and the upholders of CHRISTIANITY AND CEIRISTIAN CIVILIZATIOS. spinet artery form of attack. We support Tut Dorsi , soar or vas llmran 8 AND VIM ATOM ANN samourr or WIZ ?COP= OP TM) IDIVINAL Bra TCA D..; °gutsier in these two sources of attength the cups e our greatness as • people, and the mar pledge cf es . pelsal unity, power and prosperity.. We le:,es pe . .aal party. and owe us a3leglance to any futvya. Rr Sir Opposed and 'hall continual° oppose Anotli ,, 0. as the elszdent of diseorkllwrzfiney of VZIIO.O, tie C" adios Of the Conotitation. axertingAnsallan lt,6atrev =ln the church and, lo the Stets. W. Or: omantaa political heresy. whose blood! (I ', are stable all Vound and **look earnestly fors Then the Comdttution *til triumph over the bese l f wells. the Wald hands of all Its tOOO, North it , ds''; The Journallrlflanstmerte tortil present as c. 0.5.!, riebeat and moatesslMl-toble of contents deny It baser in Americo. Iforiaars of every kind, 5tr.,..„ . alt parts of the world, A MIT NEWS up to the late.? - 1 collected and comment on to a large editorta ' Will be /MA ark, firaisl..kta outmodes, tosety the miscellaneous mar ter that, will always be ve-s` ,in the fondly circle. . I ' The terms of the Weekly Journal of Cocnnect 'hereafter be as tollore *— vt Weekly, In &drones, one year .................... u 3 ceplee, to one address, ..... " 6 " • ................ •,!; 14 10 416 44 46 .... „ „ „ 'Cu 46 ................ e (additional eopies same rate.) 1 er 1 copy, six monthi ................. ;;i te „ -.. AU clubs of ten or more, ii-tke &Mien w sada paper, will fay each $1,60. piesonloreath setta Cha in : th o e f `l' E Ls u n ey e . stra copy will be P ' .'lke terms of the other editions ore la toll" we 1 -..—LAROB DAILY. • • J Mon Alo • ' 1 14 E 1, 1 ni o c z e a a md " 411 " " 0 0 n o f 0 . 4 li t :e a c h n a il t d i h i c: ' n y e ,$ :6 0 f. 0041 2 0: .(281 t. o ci i l ftd . . 7 r u n : " 4 .. , ; anld e a Money may bt re j rn o t u tte ki d s hol uir il,gg ii rr ed o c t ,2, s: LA _PRICES, NO ADVANCE! OOLD . PRlCtit, 11);',:ct J . O. BELD:S.IC,:.;':, is's E 1; ; I N G iliA a lradir ni Auditor. IME 1864,