1] " oREA R JA T EE NGLISH CLARKE REMY. SIM' S Celebrated Female Pit!. LETT E K ~;;,*--4,.:11.4.%!.. PATENT I. BZO 4o• • Prowl/Woo e Sir J. Ctirtc-N. D.,. L'Mrsardiaary be 144 I:l3Pdletee is nabilliNflimitto curs of all s•:1 danyero as diseases to whielt-gtabicaile 41;1014 ilUbj ed. It moderatos all SZCOI4 sad . ra. ,titzcetionA, and a speedy - care may be rsllt To MA RBIS!) LADIEM •ir salted. It wilt. Ina short tlnas, kin on P • ointi with regularity. pr ice One Dollar i. bears that 007aileit c ; 'Prot Britian, to pretreat ' CAUTION:4 pal, s leetd not he taken 1 - 1 . ffeessies skortiag gis r rfig4E MONTHS of Preguser, as an vs Miscarriage, kat at am Mier Oils asp a Nervosa and Spinal Affection; PiAns la Fm : I.irnb a, Vatlgna oa plight esAirtion o Talpitiir rt, eterice sad' Whited, than Fps will ' .bpn all other weans bare failed; ,en4dy, do not eontelo iron, oiloni4, -I or soy thing hurtful to the eonstitution. ,vci,lnus In the katnplolst around sash package, IA carefully preserved. ..01,1) 137 ALL DRUG43IB+B. tout for floe United Stab's and Canada, j.)3 vo3F.S, 27r Corttandt St., New York. _sl,oo an d 6 postage stanpd outland to any au rill4naure a bottle, contain lot 50 Pula. Jyff64-ty. g. USliAl4"lettA HRH 81.117licfr.—This 57,1 R hag thorontibli nraTeLit_ealt to be the beet ;e lven for curidg t, COLD tit rat PIZAD It.ilte been found as exoellent red d clues of SORI fine. DRAMAS haaVenlionoeed • ir• 1 TIIVONCI EMI often been vastly Viioedly. 1: 11 frernint and agreeable, and glees lr LlFcto the dolt heavy pulns mused by dblenein The notations after amt. 'tire delightful :l ri;oreting. It opens and purges out all ob strengthens the glands will gives a healthy to the parts affected• ~ • r than thirty' yam of sale aid we'd Dr Mush'lra a•-h and Hyadathe Snuff hu proved its Fest valets the common diseases or the head, and at thu eta tt, it stands higher than ever before . Itis reeemrerad - yrosny of the beet physicians, sod is awed with great •cr*A and eatisbaction everywhere. Read the Certificate triNertle Druggists la 145.11: The U 0 dersigao. haring for realty years beset uvula. sifh Pr. HarehalTs Catarrh and Hsecivhe Snuff, sad !le our wholesale trace, cheerfully state that we be. .tt It to be equal, In every respect, to the 11/0011ttelader nt ore., of, t for the cure of. Catarrh iffeetionia, and I. decidedly the beat article we hen ever known • • ennimon diseases of the Head. • - ~.t& Perry, Reed, Austin & Co., Brown, Lamson ;od. Catler& Co., Seth W. Yowls, Wilson, Tafrtank ..Roetna ; Fieriehaw, Edroande k Ca; B. B. Say, Barnet & Park, A. B. & G.Sanite,Stephen tfn . !weal Minor k Co., ifeCaiwon 1k Bobbins, A. & CO, If. Ward, Close & Co l Bush k Gale, to Tort. ; • mAle by all Druggists. Try it. viral K fiIFUL CHIANGetB have eteurred to this Il coantry daring the last three or roar years, but „. /mt., wonderful then the Revolatlone to, Colori • IN/ among the heads of the people, by CR16T,1004 u q Drr l . The Taloa!" of thee:reams of greet affords DO parallel to the triumphs oreroeto• , nan 1 prajudine, secomplished by this powerful s 2.1211 1 .1. rrgetable agent, which Inetarteasonely • sny ohnoxionn .eoler of the hair Into a bleak or • maznlficent as any that Heaven_ ever bestowed 4esl of man or women. • rrierndare's flats: Prewerwattire, 012151 , .10.kun et to th. Dye, ip diverging and promoting v, 1 p•rfe.rt hAalthof the hair, and of Itself ;0n0..a etfogaard that protests the fibres from rit s'! eirrometatern and under all dimes. hp J rraliT 11_930, No. 6 Actor Noose, finiiilete and applied hr all liair C. ItAPNLYK 4, of Annsiorth county. lla JArser. write% March 18,11159: DYSENTERY Crrß CD. In isnusfy last with Costicssass tor took teu grainsuf calomel to obtain • -, ',ozht co',l, I suppose ; any ruts, severe • +•r+ In ;whit% 'my medie4l -attendant foiind it rreNt - Stile allot foliotrod by dygonfory. • -,,,•11 rut MI golao Every thing psaaud through it. A friend from Kew York, Mr. 0110 .-.,t , rtunetety called no Me .eadvitia ftrandretlea i thought, in my weakened cm:kitten. one pill erinUg,h ; but he adialutstalikt f lir, and the ..to,ning_four more. /loth Impurity came hom ow, tn - rny rurpriae, the aoreaees and pain diminished. ..Mc cored me fully. lam now biarty, with's fine Yon are at liberty to - publiab Ude. Bold by Tipe,tabln deel.re in medicine*. • N0v1764-Im. ptr(1111.114 TICN FREY.. T Nerve." biatfor. I A gentleman cur.(' of/ Nervous Debility, In -y.seey, Premature Decay, and Ynuthfhl Error, et trc a dem., to.beneflt there, will be happy to to all %Tim ,uced it (free of titans) the reaper ' • - ~b,,, t tena far-mating the areple_rromesly used to -,te Iferers wishing to Profit by the advertsaer's -..otl,..rience, and poemsa a cure and valuable remedy, so by addressing him at 'onee at big place of bait . The rPei pe ibd fall information—of vital Jasper -1.111 be cheerfully, sent by return mail.- A .1 , 1 res% JOHN D. OGDEN,' , No 60 Nassau St, New York. —X,troun Sufferers of both sexes will find this matron inratuable. • Niir. 8,1844-Im. ratl.IDA, TAKE NOTICE! Dr... Firtuenieh tr. Co., or Buffalo, hate diseolered curing method, by which-ail diseases' oea be a S .:y cod rediollly eared by the patient, eltboat the pilysieLan. Dr. F. is the author nmllesl 2DO page!, pries $2 00011 Mag a fat!, erplasatfola ©,de of treatment. Tbey stab publish a upend, I.i.eal Journal, of which sample cambers will be seat "%, by addressing Drs. J. FIRIMNIOR t 00.. _ Boggle, N. Y. A Card to the Suffering . OT kil.oltlr two or th roe hopbeads .Bacha," 'lon* Bitten," 0 3areaparilia," "Nervosa Anti- Aterrige,ker, and after von are eatiaded with the ' 214 then trY elan bon of OLD DOCTOR 111100 atrd t\ e,rEctric PlLLS—end be restored to health o! tlgor In lees than thirty dam. They are purely , ratable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary la-their t-u. OO the broke* _do en and chattered ennstltntion. and young leatitake them with advantage. Impor awl cold lo the Vatted 2tates only by • JA.R:SI.-BUTLER, No 477 Broadway New York, Agent for the Vatted States. A —A box ottbe lAis, securely packed, will be mall .o.to any address on receipt of pries, which la Oas Doi s.past pail—money refunded by the Agent tf entire its/action is not given. I rldt-das. rDITOIt. OP 0819111WEit..Dnah :—With ✓ 1.4 your kind permissiou 'Oat* isy to the roam your paper that I will asnd,try_ ratans mall, to all wh o . it, area) a Redinaodtkllan 4:heatless ft making s.si using • simple Yeigetabl• Paha, that will elbetnally !..aerre, In ten dayils YinaM , _MO . se a.: ail Impurities or th. • marZ i lla tij Aiß'=, cooth and boautlint • sill also mall M to those baring Saltilaada, or airs Fora, simple diassetiono and information that will rnbla them to start a full growth et - Laiturittit Pa; ir"..iakere or monstsebe in ten than thirty days. Li applications summed, by return mail; withoat .1 31•zo. Ttaspeettully yours. 11105. F. CITAPNIAN s ClamiLlst, 8111 Broadway, Ntat"Taat. MEI VKNKTIAN 1/ Testimony 1 This is to certify that for. the 1,11, years i bare 'Lad in air family rar.Tobloie celebrated Venetian Liniment, and in every lantana hem hued it Nall to his recommendations. T hays found It to Mee alinKaalitintaneont relief In wee et Inagua , ' cm , P, bit Hons colic, 'Mu thrnat; gain in the abut and tact, and - rheitinstism. and I chertitilirrecommOod its trial to every ore &Misted with any of sir +bolo - P.m"' dues tee. j Ail PS H. wising. itAßT.oko, Cons., Oct. leth.lBBl. ?rico 1r.5 and 53 eenta. Sold by all druggists. Wino, d Contendt Street, New York. OctOklm. VIE cONEtteteliONN & Ext.* in km* OF A NERVOUS iNTAIAD. neAlatiml fur the benefit and sea moth= to , 10 1111 S mta,trad others, who Mallet from NervosalNldUir.„__, Yr , ' otter. Leen of Manhood, Ra e sappisint _ _iT 1 """ n ca. the mean,' of self-eues, By 00111WII0 'KM .... , er groleriroing potighisnads qua *my. 4 By , esetoejog ee•t-pail addressed atrrektpliodwee_e•Fifis Slay b• bag nr the 4titaclT tcomuirmook_nuts. Biq a Per"4-iv: - Co- A tiNNTl.KtiArceared Ai tli►et Doblllt .. 0 4 - ..A. %.. , tompolo0 o y. premature Dew and °WOW attdtted by it &tin to benefit oth bi 1 f . i....... orniob to all oho newt It. Orel of .M . 'm --r ialL e .0 , 1 Ilreetaons for Damn the 1164 04 i """ —...... e&Au now wishisir -LW rat b y Ms orrip, solos ....- -f„... , ,,,, a Valuable itomody, will rweitt till =s.ati.br Wort' mail, (carefully mated )bv.Miirailing ♦., Jon B. Mora, 1 .. _ F NO. 80 N00M01 811,44 9 N. V. m714-4m DVt)l3 WV4ii TO SK co atr—Da. SS. Ca .N' 3 KNOLtili SPECIFIC Pri, ens% by Ws thb 30117 h the went eases of NlERVOtrittlWylapo ,.o.7, Preauttare Deasy Seminal Weakness. Dunnlty. sat all irrinary, Sexual and Nervous Alreotlonn, no 136. tratrk‘hat me, *stained. on, dollaispOrlsod• 1 . 41 , oust paid, by net, on Teinlnt of aa parer" OM WI si3 *west s, rate in nod Genorsl,Ap gloom IS IVOTIIIi lemqo trreplaritlon hot OH in all catiwa *Ws ia "ow. without whichno unman'. tett towlth., Bold br 411 tro gents. wornl-lot WWI - I - PATENT BABA' TUDEIR,I zuefiE mo sk welt)! and convnientarlia• 41 "•• lb* 'MO of soothe's t7al4Manra77 iel e Pt, 264 ilhimonted. A n methav oposancr 411 Taring t0..41141 ban ass. rot at 111 " 1 "ab -*in 1 34VieSINIONS0114 asio. wum teintiltatallk tho7Bocelad" 11 ht grit elfteitig eitsaper. THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 15, 1864 We.elealre -to obtain I - eorrupondent in every toienshlpliShircounty. Po!LUCAI essays we can obtain abundance ; what wp *ant la the local news from alt WO of thir c"soty. Any person writing to as mu de. ,peal on baring WS Hama kept eirietiftaddeatial - ard ft be, has fears that the comer:lineation is not in pioper. Amps for.publlcation, ye will putkt in appropriate trine kir City subscribers, served byearrier, will be charged twirrity.five cents per year extra. Persona who fail receive their papers regularly will confer w favor by_nod• Eying utelf tie same. We prefer to have all ontiecriiers who can conveniently, procure their paperer at the *Mae of pa,blication. — ire The hoar at which the Oeferver ts pat to rem, fetch week, la '2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Advertise utentewill be received up to 9 o'clock of the day of Rub liostron. : rir All AdrerttsemenUt, Job Work and Subscriptions frog penterus WtIOSS responsibility is oot tooter' to the pablishers, start be Mil is sumacs. - We would - respectfully call the attention of the publis to our facilities for doing Job Printing of every descrip- Uon. Haring , rapid Preens and the latest styles of Type, we are prepared to do anything in:the jobbing line, in a manner equal to any other establishment, .kid on terms as reasonable as the Biliislo -et Cleveland