''-'o'inPire :Feed Cutter. , • -- the 'bon sal _ ts a Dow and inlyornsi /0 OIL WONT CUTTING BOX, greatly superior to any DOLS £MIII Fa D CUTTER- to sae, rlsotker b Strang Danbility, Compastasss or Sus in Wor?. lb sell-boding. skiastabls West operates is the stapled and sod sorbet saannos,sattlng any desirable kw , sled the Main um be ma abhor by rower or Bead. All ecoabtrum . tAteri the ZAP' itz FUND CUTT IL • essloksd prehrsao over all other Tow-UM Watkins*. _. .. . - ?Li:Floss as ea Mows: No. Otte !St; No. Tsui $311; No-Throe $35; No. Your SUN . k'',i . The Flout City Two Knife Feea. Cutter, LND THI :* • - ' - _ : ~ . . _ . Rpenester One Knife Cutter, . .., ~ anbenatalltarlatt which eaahles as to saw the wait" of any If anew. sati et Nanatanterers' prima . ?mugs —Hear City No. One IX; No. tiro W15...-Roehester No. One $11: 11*. Two $l9. cr. Dealers 'applied stth soy of Ow above Catlare at Wholesale Prim. . We Invite the Wootton of persons wanting anythlaiin the Ilantwar• Noe, to oar large 4(.1, umbrae* A power. ir etrolusossio (woos HOI3BIIIII6BPBRIP lIARDWA lIK HUI LOWILW BAR D- - WARE, AN D Toous OP. rum - smovstseTsbm. - . • _ 'Also a good snort:lent of • . . COOKING "AID STOVES, • - , ,,,, , bt ~ Of the lateststiles. to all iNf which vs defy competition. Swill attention Is called to a litigator COMBINATION BRICK MN ffOTZ, which we mud la ono orals complitort artieiss J. the Market. We hays the Amoy in thu elty lei FAIRBANKS' 0 ELIBBASED SOiLli. • Dna e.sottenent on bank Arvin be sold at Iniactursrs• prises - W. W. PIRACY., ' ' , eel2o'64Bni . 080. .1. BICOBD. . . ' t § P; 1 sa t 2 Pt a 2 F l - El cn w L' r . 5 .1 1 3 . Pai Cl4 l § 11 tV 92 4, R. 0 ma I -51 1 i -# New MM. .IAMES P. CROOK, havi.ifg 'igiiren in his wais, James L, as a partner, Ossthe Ist day of April, wader the firm name of JANE I'. CROOK a 80N, ladies to lima settlement of his old accounts. AU per mit liwowtng themselves indebted to-Islak are requested ki Mil And settle without delay. - JAMES P._CROOK & SON, DiALUS ur BOUGH AND PLANED LUMBER 4 AIM WiNCIACTCIMIS or Window Sash, Frames, Doors and Blphti; YOULDINCIA-AND MYST FICSCE. Sap Sawing, Matching & Planing ! DOHS TO ORDIA.. Ihip ea Peach qty between 4th ?ad lith BitlE, PA. Ilk raspoottally call Oio attontlon of the 'ptildie to our Rialattoo for doing work in the boot of styls - proniptliogndi ea rimiaouablatoms. Raring dttod up =Wel, Di* slam with sUpowior isachinors.w• fool cough/int of gni flawilro istataction.,: _ Onion from abroad will receive promptattoatloa. wig26lo 4. JAMES P. CROOK k SON. .. Cheapest Furniture store to this &redound Um Country, ESTABLISHED 1957! :41.1V. - Ellsey, Erie, gym. HAIR BEDS:- From s 8 ;or pound. BOUND (3013,NEITBED7DS, From $5 00 RRs GRASS BEDS; 110CkiNG 611 AIRS, From $2 50 8111,1176:13EDS: CANE CHA.II:S. - - wawa; Istitrii4El3, HUMUS, /Ad other PeraltiLre o Law se the Lovett. West Side Statialtreet, . igoirsett Next Palmer's Grocery. Farm for Sale. IHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS , ,HIS lam for Sale, "Masted in Harbor Mr tp.ye in • tztecontaining VI a 44 acme of land, net asessam. Thane an oa the premises a large two story House, two ➢aria, Shed, Hog Pen and all. neostsary Ontbaildfirirr Them la also a large Orahard of Choke Grafted Fruit and •flea farm is waUlrapplied with Urfa( water. Ths farm is piansaatly leafed: on a good road sad is to a god Ate of cultivation, well adapted to raising grain or ram.. Alio for salt CM sans of laud, one-ball mile' Beath of eke above nameil farm, with 23 jettli cf• tm preverriaat, • ypiliog orchard sad never Wing waiter, Al al% OM acres sad allowance of tholes Timber Land, one WL last of that named laud. rtio oktorimUl to sold toglithor or to pions, 7.0 nit pordtwas. Tor parttoularsoiociaire op,As proration, ORO. BLILEY. oell, - 4-21 a. Or to 8. A DAVENPORT, , 141* City. T 6 _Fiallaith _ _ -Jus, Bottles sad W Pa. M*s alma for Hoorsis, Ammo borirrirnosra, M . "Only infallible remedies known." --,... "Free from Poisons," "Not duprolas to the Emma "lab come ant of their bolas to tile." I Sold Wholesale In all Urge cities. Sold by all Dentists andiltetaliers everywhera. t 1 Fresno i tI Of all worthlasa Inanition. Ilar See put .ecoarmer" O&M cia soak Hos, Belle AFlask, before lesy Asktfelis B. COSTAR, ramenzAL Direr 40 asoairwAT, X. T. Bold by all Wholes/Jo an 4 Retail in marl 40,Q00 PIECES . PAPItIr HANGINGS! • exa ese* • Pim lie most stoma Se a the !twit hiesieterei. 1141 isolll 11 SALMI. • i : ALM voltAti. El Reddines Russia &dye ! FORTY - YEARS EXPERIENCE .k y , _~ •.., I, RUDING'S ' RUSSIA 'SALVE I=EMII REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! ' CURES BURNS REDDIN(i'S RUSSIA SALVE I.; 1 - QUEER SCALDS • •,. ' REDDQIGIS RUSSIA SALVE! • CURE - -SRLONS. • E,DDING r 'S 'IA SA LVF;I ocralsTuitsi.AwF. REDDINEPS -1(tIi.:131A SALVE! -CURES CHAPPED HANN LI REDDINO's RUSSIA SALVE I miss rLEsa wouxt/.. ; 'REDDINCt'S RUSSIA SALVE! ' • CUR OLD SCqUIS . REDDIG'S RUSSIA sALV-Rl'. CURES riyanquiqr. REDDING'S RUSSIA SAINEI REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! • el % 7 CURE SALT RIICUII RF.DDING'S RUSSIA SALVE 0 CFR= BOLL& -ARMING'S RUSSIA SALVEII BEDDING'S ESISSLA.SALVEI ° WWI MU& ICEDIANWS - RUSSIA SALVE - 4 -L4 curse Ptuis. REDDING'rEMSIA SALVEI P Mtn BLlrtrtp REDDING'S RUSSIA-SALVE!. ~ REDDItio'S RUSSIA SALVE! cußzs ALL arrassodsmszAir.s . AND REUPTIONS GINUALLY. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE!. • la padiatlitrrifltisi-isy seereurial golfer or lap:M ow particles, and In bottles will its application interim with the remedies thaNatay be prescribed by a reviler physician. The M.4i t Faculty, throughout the Union, ,laic unanlinons In Its prates. The more its virtues hwans soma th. /teeter I. the demank end it is sow 6 doedd. tired an indispensable article of household necowity— being used silks by rich and poor. It prompt la adios, mimosas pale at ones, sad midgets the most gry looking swolliags and inliammations, am If by ua Micirdiag relief and :Is, rompliptircsmu no length of time this salmi has boon *dorm ins public ts conduits, proof that It la no "eattippinny" pros ora tion pat forth to tan a fictitious popularity , mad than sink to rim no nolo. Oat, 25 Ceals a Boa. lilt /or Bala 11 : DINSNORN, No. 4111 Broadway, N. T., B. W. TO WLE 4 CO., No.lll Tremont Strut. Boston, and by all Dray:esti and Country St , rakaopers. ango'f4-14. QUESTION S, QTTESTIONS, From $4 00 That Concern Evey One From Si 00 • ASO you • • „,„,•c- • , Dote' •. oda, Does it • y sad firrerillh it t • ft's time? • rir sow • ";;1?` ;'. • • burningiewation of the m-lp t V,'- ; O'' `•• -Art you trou •'• c.• . Are yo n troab • lis cal Lid Scrofula or Salt Etheur? - - Hare ydu had the Erysipelas, and lost your hair Dues yoikhad_the Meeifes, and lost it . am yea had thi - Thboid !ever, and lostsC . „ Hare t fon lost your halt by any aiclutere ? Do yqg wish luxuriant halr ? Do wish soft 'DA Dietzous hair ? ILlo you wish gray hith• restored l r , Do you wish your whiskers glossy ? - Do you wish them restored in color ? Do you want it for your children ? ''Der Fun want it for itiliuseu, fcce father or mother, for *biNother, slater or Mind ? - DS yeti went to rooks pretrial 1• Do yoq wiint• perfume for yotr — tollet ? Do you want a bantam artiste ? Do you wants pure article? Do you want a doutde distilled article ? Do you want a clamming cuticle ?• Do you want lb* best preparation out for dressing,- stloattlating, protecting, restorin_g the color, sad reader- Dig soft, stlky and luatroue the Human Bar ? • so s :we varraat CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE , FOR TEX R&M, TO BE UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR TS ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOUNDED AND OFFERED TO • THE PUBLIC. . &Mawlea inarsalmod, or the maim Ashok& It sons bat $1 Jonas bottle, ac I WWI ter U, .ad sold by Drokeets sad Damian firerptbas. C. G. 0/.41111L' As 00., Propriaiss;. ILA#SES 00..'21. lv, Guard *goats. _ bleel.' Notkw to Oil vv. to sill to itsitaers OIL MUM. 0•111110 lOU OLIIII tie lead mar- kit ries& Vs asa Oil Mal by tha ear at Ur aaaatisauank, Usitoba layba tir Vie NiniVitillieui . W. Pierce & Co., = PIF;RCE & CO., IiiiiITURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, ARDWARE, &C., &c.. ►RNER OF STATE ! A 111) ' -STTI STS.. ' _ ERIE, PA. fiaa lulls establtehed the superiority of Oyer ill otber)sallpg preparsUonL :oFritra 'BAST BITTICX PAM_ REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVEI "-' ,QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, to Answer ! 4', 4 4 4, 4 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BEFORE. PIT itellASlNli ORM! Plano . Fortes 101911 MELODE_ONSI Etaterbere.itle •a• • tetra, . m. raior inns' of laatrel m•u I. Incr . • ',mato! tt. Iwd en; elintata, and of ains and ovirknatailnp e to tiay off.rea ant•wller I tars yen, n dee ou the !set that the abler Lt." • •• 1 ••_.,. 4 WC/ 11, 4 m• tatabl.etmen? by ar•.ln Music tcacbteta pt_thle city, Are ...60.1 moly i y mT r•ht: all to pay //tit - (Traleaa.rr`) an ENoItMoLTS COMMISSION I Which will b.,r Actor basalt thnie wbci boy of ass to thit. amount of from la to 24, per lint., for would ribber al, low the same to the buyer thin to the meddler who tinsels no one bender! himself. lam a Colon Straight add forward, and hate eroot ed things as d -I moat not take the pinata sat of my &MeV pockets, or defraud the Government oat of It, or cheat myself and Madly Into the Poor Rouse far the sate of 'MOW' the hungry musts teachers Ann w whose whimpering m y y Plass* will not n:n: better, if ey rist good, nor k 4, ,, U tilitare good; I will pity to any man, weenie or Why tisi - ansoant re ceived for aTleao with my mnee on it, If they- ire net pleased with lt, and I will pay a Thessenal Dello,* to any sae who will chow ma caw on which the Trams bank% like so =say New Torii and Bailkle MU:shave dons in this sty and county. lot the people tell where Mr poor Plano' are—not the teachere—ospeulaill thole with fttthera seatimseits ; let Mob go where they livicolt My Plane are warranted to supplied with ell la good leiprovementkand most be give seedbed:toe or no pay. Madera Planes of all makes can be bad of me as wall and cheap as any other man. rattles ready to paw-bar anything la the male line, will pleas, remember that lam dealing largelyin Mari tal Merchandlen paerally, and can offer Udanimmite randy ireallid by any awl-Stay dealer. Pianos warranted by roe can be relied spool being Manutectarer, Toner, Player and Musician, as well as Teacher. My warrant Is gr od, because lam good for the almost. My opinion in many mass has been a bonen to those whippeurshamal Piero* and some who did not be. lisle nee at ant foetid the instil after a mink by their loss. Pies* Forte mitt elsewhere la no better for that ••• • st, bat all Mace are good which are mule right, the • • aregood and the W.--bed. Eastern !laws ere tarnished by main above orahl,-at Ilanufaetnreit prism My stock on hand °onside of a very choice selection, and le larger thaa any ever offered for sale beta. irj"lms promptly stramdod to. ' WK. WILLINU. Fall .and Winter Goods I MRS. 61. H. HALL• respeettally call attention to her LARGE STOCK oF GOODS, Just received from Xer York, embraelug Ronnbts, Hats, Ribbons, &0., Together, with some D R 0 O'D 8 1 - - Which the will sell CRAP FOR,CASII, OR READY-PAY. "Kr Particular attention paid to blotching, Wads. and preming. Store on pooh doors above the Depot. Me, apr3o•46tf. BEAD Tfl 9 ADVFATISEiEN'i And Show It to Your Friends. WHEELER & WILSON'S .SEWING,.II.IOO2IES ! `ilsoy ars aolutowl•dged to biotite BEST MAURINE our tatrodnord Into tbia ootuitsr. Their unrivallact saortra Dot only to this ooaatry, bat all orat tha World, • muds It by tar tam matt popalast Wm:Um sow to am FOR SEVERAL YEARS may have tams the lead ed eal other Yeahlgr , bat 'Moe the late Improvements here been added, every ve rged,' of work is performed with mash sew end rapidlip that tba LAD= AIM HI ICCIMICLO 0-VRIVOI Aid It vice the admiration ef ALL. We warrant them to stitch witty variety of hey the Moult itailhei tcr the thletest sloth. They stake the oelebreteAwleek *MeV whleh Is levees/hie to river ravel. Theelt44% elders wL I do the following work WITHOUT ANY HART , LNG OR PRZPARATION; eh,: ClllO3 COAX& STITCH , BELL, WWI. BATHER, BRAID, TUCK. BIND & QUILT. They main may a}dth of hest without irrovkaaly tuning or bolting it : they will gotten hod 'Utah or sew oa the woe • if yor, doe% Wen It,• • - COIKE 4.ND .S,EE FOR YOURgEti? Th. demand for Woe eidebrated Machines, alma wie dime bean located ln Erlooleadi be, astonishing. At times we dad great COMM, to Ella' our orders, bat we hare a fall stock Jost reached, and are ready to me any and all who may call or mad as their orders.- giar rooms are eleguatly SUM aod tarnished, and • ourseematooda• Mons for condaathag the bagasse are , aciteqinellsek a _ • Them Machines were awarded the highestmeratinis t The it ORLD'S FAIL in. London, 1861 . - The INDIIATRIAI. EXPOSITION, Parts, 1661. Tao incur/m.4 Dranrun, Maahlagtene /Rd& And at almost every State and Coustyi fair where ix. Whited. They are Unmated' three pan. They are perfectly Ample to construction. They run with the greatest ease. They are oldest nolmdais. issraucnos /ESE. -t " eati and see them In operatios. If you cannot was, mud for . ..ample of work and a circular by mall. MOLT k BOOM, Aits. Xision Block; i(East Park) Erie, Pa. Ji23'6l giral . MANHOOD ; Bow Lost ! Bow iteisiored. JUST PUBLISH.ED ;a New Edition of Ds. Crivaxersax.'s omisasirms Tour on the radical cure (without modichei) Or BPROMIAToiIIuIOI4 or Poroirl&I-WOOkOOMI, /11•0111141,17 80121•11.1 LOWS, /11170- MC!, Mental and Pits-ideal locapiatty, impedimouts to Marriage, etc.. ; aleo,Casamernoiri Imam sad Fin, • Indueedby self-indalgr sexual extravagance. Er Pries, la a sealed envelops, ouly_li cents. The.celebrated author. is this admirable essay, 'clearly demonstrate% frets a thirty ,ante surdwrrhAarlors • that, the alarming consequences.of self-abase may Molly cured without the dangerous ma of internal med., Mize or the application of thelralfeinking out • model of tare at ow, simple, outgo and MitUnis b se na of which every sulker, so matter what his condition ssay can cure himself eheiply, privately and realcoilp. - Cir This Lactate shoa l be la the hands of every you th arid every than to the land. Sent anderaul, ti a plain envelope, to say iddras, on the rivaahrtrdlig mute s or two postage stamps. Address - the publishers, ! Ma& Jr. O. lI.MM 1t Co., 127 Ninety, New Tort, Pest 0/ea Box. 141114, 1411144 v NEW T4IIATIENT: WNFIDE-14T - LAI. 7iIEDIOAt ADVICE. dpiif7L, Seitilial- Waikato*, sada/ dame hyiniitiss • nett sad . , DMA. W. & R. LABIEWT, 0100 on.thi (but door 1s the Atwater Building, toot o Superior Street, Clevolsad, Oklo. A Repmi on the Nature. Tntatute r ist and Dare of 2feer cou and Physical Debility, lizhattetton v Elpermatonbaa sad all Urino-genital Diemen all.* Nervous /latent, and other Cassese incidental to p both areas, producing of both mental and hysical strenyth istest salts !s total debility and incapacity; showing why these diseases to often - appear incurable, when is reality they can be effectually removed by the most simme means. A MO!? SCIENTIFIC INVENTION I, An instrument for the eat* Of General Debility or Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Wealtness,An. Can be permanently cured' in from 15 days to jirel ratoeths by the use ofthis-JD:Atm:meet when - ! used conjointly with medicines. ... YOUNG JINN TARE PARTICULAR NOICN. Drs. W. lc R. Lamed take pleasure to arinduneirm that they have invented a mart important instrument for the' sure of the alms diseases. It het been subjected to • test by emineat physician - Tin London. Paris, Philadelphia and New 'York. It has been declared the only nestal instrument ever Invented for the cue of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Drs. We B. Lamer; in order to satiety the moat sesp. tlcal as to tbs aerite of their instrument, Pods* them helves that in any (eaten °, where It may prove watts , fsetorv, after a far trial, that money will be ridundediy retunting the heatzument in good order. Price oflnatru. meat and 'Widnes g2O. • NEW ittigptu - Azip QI:I/CECUREd• For the Venereal Dimailegifaii all Private Complaints —ghee% strictures, seelitmat akae ae, is the joints, affsestiona of the kidskeysAisseneet of 'the- bud,- throat, noes and 'lda. sad all thole dreadful affleetieWhill from a moat habit of youth, whiedi prodimis: - btu. %tonal debility. render =that's impossible‘ and la the end destroy both body and mod: The treatment they adopt is the result of upwards of thirty years extensive and secessefel practice in gimp, and America. COUNTRY INVALIDS. Person la ear pert of the world easy be aseemetelly MatedWwerd s ix ima eorreet detail et their else. with • remittance for ite. D W. Ault. LAiteire, Atwitter Building, toot of Superior , --- - . CleueleaS, OStki°. WU. REM. BIC EIS I - 14 7 14 ariFtwooD. EAGLE FOtTNTIE - , Peacil abew 64.-4: teed. - Henry, Bryarktk Sherwood, . lam to ..Lobsoon loam) kiyanarossas taw PARLOR, COOS AND OFFICE-STOVEit, Tug kikzer how W*u, amp JILL MRS 00 IRON COMM. Ivey afro Ali y.. iinsaird to-yhe EMlkglad Irma. ba beads sus. virtual Is emir ttwsaaal l 'l.iol ....ll : lll,s oing=aisba sal dum b/My slings ea Wile/ow ea* lies Is all vs =MT, MAW : 11 INIZIWOOD. IE rizi PIANOS TO•LET 'CUT IT OUT IMPROVgD TLIC aILENT FRIEND _ ..t.outamml. -',mm woatemmy NEW FIRM.. CAUGREY & BURGESS, Maoobaors to atiiiiliii,Ciu!gbey IL Co. ad J. C. largess &Wk. Wholesale Grocers I and Illeashistumr• 01 C Bikers • and Candy ! GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, SALT, NAILS, GLASS, ROPE. CARBOIX OIL, • Auk wnifs, !awns, es., et(6,- Our Stoll ut SIi'OARS, COFFEE, MOLABS!S, - FRUITS, TOBACCO, ' LAIN - CIE." CRACKERS Manufactured at the ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDFIN I OIL VITEOL, CAUSTIC SODA A. GLUE At the lowest siszket Prim- - Commarelat HaltAlap, tea; Pa s!plt6•eau. Erie Ale Brewery, I,'ORNER OF PARADBiAND BUFFALO STREWN. ~-Erie City, Lageelirewery, CORNER OF s iOI E LAR . AND RIDGR Erie Malt L Barley Warehouses. CORNER or rrti STREET &, CANAL Pale aad /maw II eat XXL Aloe, Ths Beat eird-ITinal Varieties of Loot, hiss ileleeted Misters Sop. The Chelsea Qsallties el Mai and Ilarleio On land sad sad ter isle by . A. KING. deeletla CRAWFORD A CHRISTIAN, wain hi GROCEIMS AND PEOLSIONS, Dried and ailed Bruits, ' PkINTS k OILS, Ship CheMlay. Boat Stores, &e., Re. Bit=B BLOC;, PARK R OW. Also, Public Dock, Foot of Stake;- - Street, cliwurrux. sprnatf. • ' REMOVAL". GROCERIES! GROCERIES! THE Subscribe r his removed 'his stock of &inertia from the stead abort the Lake Shore Depot to tit, room la the brick block on State street, corer of north, where be will be happy to sic his friends and enstmeas lad fill their orders for goods. am stook of Groceries is lug* lad earfally eektoW aid of fered at the lowest rates sesurisleot with the origaal mat. Ile invitee - all la need of anything in his line to biro a cell. P. SCHXZIDIUt. iseitof _ TILE PLACE • ta GET, YOUR MONEY - BACK • - •II E. - COPVICLIN'S BGOTL & SHOE, STORE ! Stets Street, Xiintr Opposite the Past One.. - S. eotialin, soot and. Shoo Dealer, tottweVe.4 taftedne the Petals that b. ha. nonosed his stead to‘the Store Ram on Stets etwort, weartionotdte the Post Ones, whore he lavas, :a Ida old Meads 'and eartornere ,tn . O . ,ve hip seal. Putketter - &nosh= Wen to EPAIRING! tlii" web/ wort:men; sad enpsrlatending W kle lewdness hobelleme he eon irtes as good estledso• Ulm sell st as hew pitmen Ili any other perms in ths of ty. Good Pus Wansated. sprinetf. AMERICAN HOUSE, SOCTR WU? CONN= or THI TAM k HUTS IT, BRIJA. PA. • JOHN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. The vaihmdriimi bailee tabs charge of the &bora welkAllow e Hotel aid imAtied It to esperier. sIJL, »- I uppeall *elicits e glutei pt the public patronage. Tama sad aceeensedationa 'Kowa to -say Is the ei Yor the eesevelesee to t he • try . kitable has bee s&niched thts t ram p tb"" Dope '64.3et. • JOHN DUNCAN.-- Valuable Mill e Property , Bal. . • THE lINDBIISIGNED BEING Dt3lß owe of amen in ether business, offer ter seethe!: kill Property (dilated in AMUR; *tie Co, Pa.' This SA W 117.,V ° DWirtiLINGI ;IMAMS ° and 16 1" A C C u litlii LAND. The flouring Mill works titres pair of bug, three bolts and all other necessary maebinery for doing • merchant or custom bashes, and is now doing a pay ing bturinem—the retail bads amounting to from Simon to twenty thousand dollars ayear. The Saw mill has one Upright Saw and one Circular Saw, and tedcruble pared and to complete order. The above mine an driven by • failing strew, and will be sold* • barpin. All !ottani of inquiry will receive prompt ittontion by addraning C. %UM k SON, octi-3m• "Albion, Kee Co, Pa. AUTUMN TRADE. JOHN C. BEEBE 'lnvites the attaatiaa of parent M n to hl4 jail* and sow dock SEASONABLE GOODS! Now melvtag far the Fall-4 Winter Trade hrakaaid sla4e s tN ini ltdest a la Goldosail 'Mho ial4 CHEAP FOR - CAS - Hi ilB&leo • law stock of oots .- and Shoes,' indd, will be said at prim far Mir, the peasant value. , 44416;41i. RATING SALOON. t - Tit* attoattoa of t$ Polak Is ladled to tie 0510.% it -go Osumi et Ittolo Sld 7U131, atm% 'lda bat Ilesa . .titttod up la boattoomo style, aM Is tboTl . to be one Otto *mated Motto la tie atty. O_YSTEIVEI.,;GAME, j ati kiods attdoloWailly kept la • Istoooomortul ..t to ouotosoillo a agowhor asaosti. MOM soon Yon ?nimbi crab' rams TO MI MUM • lbw sippliat s w CHOMOBT LIQUORS & MARL sir roam that ay farnag~i mho emast 'Zig give sithimumr. = Iscads Ur P nirarags O' gap 1111011111107. th WSW' .TRERR tS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL" TARRANT'S 00111,017N6 szra•ur or t. fb unease CIIBE.BS AND COPAIBA. TIM prow &Loa le ly reeenanagaded is the YlDlCALPROlilletONendthePVBUO,fert e Prompt and orbits ogre of 1/13ZABill Or Tay, ILADDM RIDNEys, URINARY. OfIGAM, km It mayttalledeaoatb.bsst Aimed. for the adrelola tattles of thus reneedien in the large glue of dluraere of bEb "/". t 0 wluth they are SPP/101b/O. It nevoranter bras wit/a the ifigestlen, and by Its easiellatratinn, the does la Loeb ragged, ' . . N. 14—Parabeaers are advised to ash for Tarranes CompoundEstraet of, Cubebs & Cupatdu, end tab! netitlng eleei am imitations and worthies& nogg arstiong, andel dialler nonage, &min the marke t $4OO. Sint by swigs en receipt 'of price, Wanufactnred only by TARRANT d CO.. -` ND. ITS WeeeneWelk Streit, Comer of Wert en :4tre. t NEW YnRE, lad ter sale by 111:ugg4ts generally. net24'6J—t} JOS. EICHENLAIJB, VANVFACTURKII OE • BOG I TS AND SHOES . VgIicILESA.LE ac RETAIL ITAKE PLEASURE in announcing t:o the rano that I bayas44•4 to my I.,rrafti facilities oomplots sett of _ 111110CMACUINIUMM Widish wilt emblems to manottotara sad toll Boots ao4 Shim CLIZAPICA THAN HERLTOFORT6 FISH WATER LIMN, Jagtied Wog a:puts/me as to thourants of costa istarsa &itil take epees! pains In preparing iny stork to rale them. Vitas* the rsetseirie- right la this •nity to mho the 'POWER PATENT ROOTS & SHOES for Use Walt et sy widows, lod, only ask a trial of Itam, la ratlaty $7 oats aa to their so mist comfort wow Uwe* toads sa the 014 way, The Mawr Boot wads ao brimJrlng tak A it Is as auy 'trim tie start its,eas want for wow Alms. My . CIIirrOX DEPARTBIBNY Will ricotta ay ova aad Yr. J. COVER'S issiiealal at • tsatlow—Wornbining still as it °Alum -which carnet ,be lbs country. Welt lad Shoes repaired on duet 'etas. , Coastirittly,wa hands large stark of SYRUPS, SPICES, zsArzlit. tarn 41‘13 TINIENGS, Teeriering my thanks to my Meads sad =simpers for past parrunaga, I hope by J art and honorable dealing to merit a CODWIIiII2OI OLGA maw, and cordially invite ail to nail sad cumber mj stoat ;before purcharing care wham Inariaielf. • NUTS, CIGARS Fish's Lamp Heating Apparatua. ___. goduig ramo —STEWING SUSS STEEPING With the rtze that Light/ thi Room I • _ ,6 7 -- ily_lhe Woe of a common - ramp,' at the cost • of a isonPa worth of oil, a see' , comfortable breakfast can be cookiel ' '—,N. X. 71113sitt. ill in eonstiaciloti r isuily liipt in order, ready forme in witiconent'ol,....' converdent to hay, on IMO DresigiaVa Circutsr. ~ • - Fah' Lamp is one of the moot pOpniar oe.y. elites °flits day, the utility of it Is docinestionable, great sating Is made In heating and cooking small 'ni ches, and sin kie made to cook meals for a greet many persons, which Is actually done on the ambulant', care which tamales sick soldiers Sciergifte isericas. For family:AO, hospital tent e borrsck„ plc nied, flaking,- nursery or sick room It is an ortie.o of comfort beyond all proportion to Its coat. Edits, Oast Oil charier. Z An enonotnical nontrirlince for getting Op heat at short notieefor twenty .and general honarhol , l ParPossii one 'important point is the saving in nett over eel area N. Y, Ensuing Pea. PRICE PROM TWO TO SIX DOLLARS CAPACITY FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. TH-11EE ART IGLES COOKED AT ONE TIME 'WITH ONE BURNER. Arranged for Kerosene or-Coal Oil, or Gee. A deserlp- Mrs pasaptet of thirty pave furnished Engl., Also, To be attached to a common Kerosene Lamp of Gas Earner, by *bleb water may b boiled and food cooked also tressed to saprrt • stead* RVISRY FAMILY NICLDB 0241._ W. D. RUSSKLL, agent, aar/11/4-43ene ,Xte. tO6 Pearl St, N.Y. 110WAILD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASESOF THE NERVOUS. SEMI au. wd gELVAL,AYSTIIM-314W &Ltd tellable treatment—ln reports of the HOWARD AsSOcIATIMi— Sent by mall, la sealed envelopes, tree if charge. Address Dr. J. 81(11.tibt ilottil MON, Howard Assoclatleig, bro. 9 Beath ltilath 81, Philadelphia,. Pa. IarSISS-11. ME for The best and most armful ever Inannfaetnred. Built upon setenttle prtnelqit Is Just the thing for Muse keepan. gravy arts • food placed In them are pre served UT and gym lie the advantage it possesses in saving to and furseshing told Tatar tor drinking pur peels, fill oat to be found in any other manufacture I have the esensive agency for their sals,,and invite an mountaatton Into their malty. DILOOIVIS PATENT ' WRITING AND TOILET CASE! cONTAIIIING Writhe Paper, liseektpes, let, Sewers, Thres4, Teeth Biwa . Comb. Patti Pine% Buttons end ether 'metal ankles. eon. =le s 4iime 10 timbal ta length, which cen be normal- MAW. meted la the peebet. AS_ hettspeasable article to Weeny odors sad travelera, For sale at TOMO EMPORIUM, Erie. Ps. PairST BABY TEMA I most issefteand .doereetaßt article o f for the nifof of mothers owl the aatiamooat of hfld ore Wonted. £ll metiers 'WWII soosooly sad oonialooso oitogld tats oak Tor Ws se WIC YOUNGPSUPORIUM L ltio, Pa. FRESH Baltimore °yet RECEIVED_ DAILY 1 ve ann. Hahnuno anti:too Wymest • THE UNION ATTACHMENT, rams o cirri, TO 'NERVOUS SIIFERERS JF -$O3ll 8111431.—A REPERIND GlithrtLitilAN laving low restored to bean in • few days, after tinder rdnir in the awed roattheand lneaelar expositive sodas of treatment without eueesee, co re it hit eacred duty lownworagicate to his diluted rOtiew creettires the means of Gum Beath, on the receipt et au Illdetraftw4 envelope, he willow" (tree) • copy of the preocripttan now. netts lEW Jona Daarutt.,lB , 6 rialto' 'grist, Brook' • C. ENCELHART, Dealer in Boots dc Shoes - ALSO, itAxor*cruitzu'or CUSTOM JUDE BOOTS AID SHOES I "WOULD take this method of return ' lug kis thanks t his friends and the pablie ipsierally for their liberal patronage heretofore extended te him, Willem to have a eontinnatino of RAWL take pleasure to Inform UM. public that l ice still sal- NADI some AND snots as cuts?, • if at • Little Clasper, Than gay Row& ht this place, and lam still staking the best qualities of Gents' Boots and Shoes, for which I em ploy seas but this filiiw? of WORKIISW, under the Soper , . latandenee of U. KILLER. Sating obtained a license to cep the • Plumer Patent Last, am now papered to make the Pinner Patent 800. and Shoes In a manner not to be turptised In Style Weriumtahlp. Or 1 Always keep en hand a selection of the best Srands of I teach • d American Calf and lips. P. S.—Retialrin headed to. • - inrLT64if. Soap Stone Griddei ♦ etouvesteat sad desirable article for Om kiteben— will bake mine without the application of dreas!,,sbel biting tke le flavor imparted to clot : Was, is., by seam burnt kit. _ ALL 110118FICEEPERS SHOULD HAVE THEM .! A knowledge of their advistege. by Melt me • mile time. will We them indispentelds to the nest and tidy litmeekterper. For eels at ' •"- Young's Emportum, KO. 4 WRIGHT'S BLOCK. EMBROIA"RY! . . . ;-- - h Z I IThaallloo aid Braids forOmbroklorlay, all notary and AWN, toretbar.wttli Needles of alMinda, Calm" Brio- Vol Boa* . Young's - EmiTorluni, SO: 4 WIUGH+I3 , • C ,31 A 8111 -R ABII I 1,000 yards Oruh Just resolved end for Ws at Young's -Em.por.lu*, / :XO. 4 A 41G tirs BLOCK POLAR REFRIQERA TORS! J. S. lg. Y 017.140. No. 4 Wright't Bloek apritOtt DR.. P. HALL'S QELEIMATED COUGH. REM - E - 1)Y 1 ' CONTINUES to 'gain public favor anti c, demand in all aectrout, and after the tbr.rough at. perteus of sixteen 'years, its reputation for 'ettlraey In c W a hnTth t m a e n ddic, L e a g m di a se d a k se n s o wn Its taimsstained.— haver.. tabliskod the greatest pep clarity and demand. It has ' some II standard remedy with many peopie euchre, Pulmonary oomphalnta and to kepi In their hounco far ready vise whemereer required. A. a cure , for Cough It is 'pewit and tiliable—eisidoin requiring more titan one hot. I tie to care a „Cough °tunny weeks standing For curios I Croup it la not excelled. and a. a curdy for ....thins's a• ! Mreleuey asamot be doubted, having restored many per sons to health attar sadiring a long tarot of year. with the miserable disease. For lirouebale and iloarseueee It 111 UP and ugh.aa.,;(ilaclay ietnoviag irritation from the air pawls'. in Whooping Cough thli Famed? Is ol t value—it I:l4impUy lessons the imiuroey and vinteoc. the cough. sad Martens the br.:f ir. , m It. dluary tedious coarse. All diseases of thencing+ and air piariageit depend upon irritation or inflemunetion in tire lining in netle littbArane WO requires the prompt mils of thorough lifkliCill.l to r. lea their removal. Lisp's Cough itetnedf,is sale, +men)" ay' elfeetaal in its operatitin—is adapted to both asses to all ages and eanstltutioas. Every person attlitted either of the following di eases should use this pleasant .iemedy and their vetoes will- won mingle with others io I"""3"dinir its merits to 'dilated nelghbori and friends I • M. (Jig Hales (bugh Remedy it cures bills: Use - Haills au Remedy it cures group or Rattles. ' SO.' Use, Hall's Cbugh 'Remedy-it cures 4.5111- Use, 'fit 'Haire Caw , ' Rented y for Catarrh. OS Hall's Cough Remedy it Strengthens this NS. Use Hails Cbugh .Remeclyjnr ..ftrouthius. IMPL Itss Hall's Cbugh. Remed y for I.loftrat •' RCM. - cis Hall's Cbugh../temedy it Strengthens ' Men Voice. i , 11119., Use Hall's UmgA Remedy for Wiinitirig• cough:. it tall gristly modify the blue* ofthis discus ianishor as its tedious sour,., oorehrtif from its ordroary ;dam. We. De wire of unaterfalts and base imitations—L.l6llllu Db. I'. slap's Celebrated Cough Remedy and see that LW wri t- • ten parietals is upon the wrapper amt direetione STILIGNILI TESTIMONY. We, the undersigned I:Muni of Erie City and vicinity, nave need Dr. P. Rue, Celebrated Cough Remedy with great sueura, b miring &mama of the Throat and Lungs, - end tabs pleuras in resommending its out to the sitaiet as • speedy and effectual remedy, fully worthy of rend donee. I James Thrmperm,. Matthew D. Shirk Jobs Melharn,, Sr. J. W. Riau, • Richard em, Jo b s A. luny, Rebell. Cochran, J. T. Cue, 'Jobs W. DCLane. Daniel Bear, Daniel Buren John W. 13r yly' J.Robinson, ' John R. Cochran, W: P. Rindernectitrr - T. Mooney, John Rahman, P. E-Butosn, J. W. Culver; John E. Warren, Manson Sherwood,. Wm. IL May, Inks S. Brown W. M. Cooper, . A, M. Tarbell; 'S. L. Foreter, Joseph Deemer, E. A. Ronnott, .J. W. Lill, Broi. Gant, • J. Salsbury, Orvias Smith, Lucius A. •• !J• Barer, C. Duman, , - Thorned MICeo, J. L. Long, 0. Root, W. M. Gallagher, J. Robinson, Wilson King, 'OMB. IC-Kelto, Ilat Daniel Minor, • I", P. Ensign C. G. Rowell, C. B. Wright. • ..,,SOLD id ERIE ONLY, BY WlLuntacturer and Sole Progrator, riairs New Building, Slats St. PRICE 25 TO V CENTS PER BOTTLE. AGENTS IN ERIE CO.-James A. White, Dr. Ely, Cl aud; Wm. Pialkmix Fairview; T, J. Cowles, Spi Wra. ELProndAt, Llinbaro F. LAIASOD M . Kitau; E. B. Sleeper, Waterford; Flume k Sherwood , Union; W. B. Smith, Wattebtargh" G.T. Jewett, North F. aet; if. 0. Frisbee, Ede:millet J. G. Fl 'were, /Onion: -- Tyler. Lockport, and by aunts to HEAD QUARTER -TOR P .Q - 0,0 D ' Wholesale and Retail-- -, OROORIIT AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQU@RS. F. & M. SCHLAZDECKER, are now receiving at theirold stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a largo and superior stock, of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WIN•EZ, • ; LIQUORS, WILLOW;I' WOODEN, • AND STONE • WARE, FRUITS, „ NUTS, Ito., - together with every thing found in a Howse . of this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinde of country produ c e. They twin also-os hand one of the birgest - and finest Sleeks of Tobacco and Sugars ever biotight to, Erie. to which LW invite the attention of the public. Call and no as--a nimble sixpence lc hiirtX Thin Cow *MU* consequently Cash btlyers will nod grerat bargains by Wllact at the Grocery Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET Jens 2.18110-12' & H. SCHLAIMAKER- !,. 4"" 'ltrristokocE. - • , . ERIE. CCRINTY MUTUAL INSU4- ANC! COMPANY. - incarporated: in 1859—C/Wrter Popituall . I . Proporty'Ameed AgainAt Lou by_Plre for a~l Teter rat iiim7(4lllBifire'lriars. - ?alleles lamed epos the deposit of Premium Noted., of upon the pa moat of the_ nasal Stock Rate; la lioney withost the liability of a herd= Note. Lopes paid without litilatioa. One snit only has ever beeiihrought against this Company. Th is Company a estirelq free frees lie a We Aims katitsum. . DIRECTORS. Wm. B. Bvs, - Jas. C. /Isiah& Jos. N. Storett C. Y. TIM*Is, D. D. WCreary, E. Babbitt, Wma.itimirri Vt mobt,J, Zimmerly, ,'sa. S. Brews, Geoilli L. rube, smozain ."4‘96 J. IL histio*, OFFICERS. ' • JAC C..11,14.111.1.L., Prost ..tosAs rsautoN, .14. a . Wk. J. Rurtakikkiy, Tress. khaspa 01les, In Matos. Ghtuotion k lioCrearr• Lim Maw lds. * Jane 111., Eris, PL. Cr ' NEW F I R 31 SULNITURE AND UNDESTASINO • WAR E-R 0 OM'S; • On State St., between Eleventh and Eighth. _ The Subealbers hays encored into the Cabinet Makingsad FURNITURE TRA DE Aid propose midis to order and keeptisionstantly on band I'lllll2de of Finsiture. Orden will TOW,* gawp' attention. Itepairieg done on short notice. , The sabesalhers viii give spoitsi attention to this de. Mtuert °Stheir bosiness. They sill manteheture and i nstana i s a l band a large aasortasent of lletallie Cana and sad hold theineelves I n readiness to meet orders in Has, promptly, from any part of the country. ;Determined to spats no Worts to give malefac tion both in the quality of their ionds and'priooo, they hope to neon • libevel share of petal* patronsfe. • 1100 RE & SIDLE?, Secession to J. H. Stater. ISE READY ROOFING I READY At Isis thau half the 000 t or ,Ua roots. READY ti.oollrlNti i . More durable than tin. READY I.I.OISEING • Suitable for steep - or bat roofs: lt**ll . It It 00 F NU, For all kinds of buildicia. In all climates. READY ItOOFING, eheapljaad quickly put on. Needs 110 coating Over With soment after it is milled down. READY ROOFIN.D, of areas woven fabric, ll:wrong:sly sainrsted end powered uplift Isetk inseam' with a perfectly, water proof composition, and put tip In rolls rosily fur nee-40; Inches wide sad NI fist loaq.. We also manufacture LIQUID CEMENT, Tor Leek, Tin Rook much cheaper tad touts durable than oil paint. Also, comPoun• cturavr i ier , LEAKY a nimaLT: Anon, which will often save the wet of a new roof. 611JOLOS Of BRADT Rooms° and Circolare cant by mail en wh trod. Feirotslals terms made with reepneible parties who buy to sell whs. - READY ROOFING CO.. . nlyl4-dm. 711 . Malden L.oe, N. Y. 1 864. • ISIN. Philadelphia 8c „Erie R. R. giiiiiiiiilPM.WlßAWNii. rgreat Lae trireme the Northern and Nottblinent atable of Teriasylnabt to the city . of Arte, ou Cris. It Lae boos lamed by the Pcnniyiranns Rea. rood Csopeop. sad it operated by them. luta ea mama* Tlitta AT 1111. Vila Trate Mairae,.., - .. ........ ...... ... 040 a. to. Mamba Uprise Takla laver a (Y) :i. ea. " mat Tsai* amine. 6 ZS p. in. nabs tapreai Sabi arrivee 10 10 a. to. MI as Uknonek without change both ways betveltUatlelphla sad te. Magni IlleMplag Cars ea /sprees drains both ways betattea WWlateeport awl laltleotes sad Williamsport sad Ildlaketpkte. 'AR tateempallam raspeetlas l'amaagerbaslaem apply it th e 11. 1 1. 'stair Ilth and litastet sta.; and faa Irialtitt bastaimi at %he Ompaars 8 . 11- . al, wirer 13th ail! Market dbreeti nit . " J.'W. W, Ida ^ J. IL. .. , moat M. 0. R. R., Balthaors. ' , S. W. ateseeetra amt. Matra. I ••••• Iv lardy to wall down t PROSPUTOS fa THE PHILADELPHIA. AGE, net THO oNaLturriltirpit rub. 781 Cariuk, TBl O.OI.riTIT7IUS 1.16 tab 1 1 11 1011eltaw, ,„ 1,111 THE DAILY AGE, • priociples and policy et thirbeela. roettz ',arty, Is limed orrery raornioir, oautiayssactsted null the Lanni Ttl.linitt re 11We from aj w ,..null co , ..f tit* world ; with es, , .•rolli prepared article, uer et outtot, l'ohtirs, 1 tule, Finances, etc., _end ptootpt to - ,41 momenta on th e garet4oste and altelte of 'Le dr t • tt;o etc Report*. I% is to. I larent4 Stock Qunlatioae. tlto. Intelltiene eferrte 1.1 root,* Gatr,a,v,p, yule, o an , ' 'lf In.rtte vorr,i.ructroct, Legal Iteporram'beetri ci i t'l, , Itettlto ot I.tteo slur., Art sod Your, AV., caltarat Flstteta, and thOCIIIIIIIUIIII , of whattver 'abject totral iutereet and Import+ Pee. •.-• 'THIC WIIIKKAA Atik, k'n complete entera.tliuto ul Ui. Sews of Aloe Weak," c•tota.De the chit/ editorials, the NUN =rivet lot revert*, stock quotations, torretpondancearld " zeal t ewe matter t ulthetted In the lteilt Ann. It a a , toes a great renety tf gatr mutt etcm4 , 4l•3lc t it In u sepses a brat class tastily Joni nal, particularly "A t , he, It. l'olit clan, the Marc/mot, the Farmer, the It, th. Literary' roan, stud ail clasers ottuters. it 4. , In fact, every as; artetiatie -cirri' LIVE NKWBI'AILic fitted for the Counting Rowe, the W9A kehtp, ii, Fe, steep Firelide acal.lbetienaral Readet.-: TEAMS, ewe Year, h`e flocithe I tc - Throe-Montle, ........ Chiba of 14, i",S+ ........... With in extra copy (or gettineep the dui, ' OAILY, ' (has Year, by mail,....tiopa 1 Pt: Months G,tri Tilts* M0nth5.....,.. 2,G0 . Vor any penod I•aa than thus mood", kt the tate of N lusty Ca ntsta 43 nth. PaYaltET ILQVIltzb IltraaratiLlr 11l aDtalfCt.. evtiz u , copies of the Pally and Weekly will be sent is/Sulam address', on application. • The •Pub Miners of TM Jo 'could eerily till their en, *Mira with the unsought and, cdpit liberal cott.ir,ind h . Clone of the press, thmughout the eountry ; bat the, prefer that ft itioit'd stand altogether upon canes I, priblia confidence, well luiown and establtsted. Theft - hers it has at uired this reputation br the c50c,,,, , Itaxleilantaa and independence with w - .ieti it Las Lys conducted, the, ugh More of .iestraordinary confai.on c: ]lieu on public autkets, su4 latterly of almost anew, pled public trial. lt is now, and will be, as hereto:cm, the sup' ogler of truly natiotal principle., ,pprase, to radio, lien std fauatich,m to curry form, and devoted to the raallitanatica of good government law sad order. The Publishers of 77us /gee ebnceive thntitthas renders ;wailer nankeens:id haspecttliar damns upcn all nen ty whom its principles are saluted, and %to, by the pores 'many look to promote and secure the Conatitthons! 'restoration of the Union. Thine can test show then ulnae of the untiring efforts of the potaehers, to betel! of this gnat and unparalleled cau.se,hr earnestly sustain ing thin paper , in all Its business selatmes,.. address, No. 1.30 Chestnut et., Philadelphia '31.013411.' IEIB4. BUFFALOIz ERIE R. R 1141111141NMS and d or Trai will ar na °n rka In " ? et " - 31 sa Bt' Passe LEAVING 'F.II.IE. 1 05 A. N., Rigid Kryreas, stopping at I.lait i a , iranktrk and Nilant4i;reek, arrives at 13:Fald 420A.M. r. 0/ A. 11, Mail sad Accent., stopping at all l•tal,,ti and arrleniat Buffalo, at 11 2 00 P. IL, Day Zapravt,stefpping at North LW" Wee atutkirk, Piker Creek, and Arge , a, Lad arriving at Buffalot 6 20 P. M... 6:5 P.M., chud...ati E. us stepping at treats!!, unkfrk and Slicer Cr eek, and arr i ne at gate. at 10 00 P. It; The Day Exprwm eolutreti at Dunkirk and Bad - ale .% the Night Express at Buffalo only, with Express trait§ (or New York, Philadelphia, ilikstola, &h. LEAVINGFFALO. 6 30 la. It. Tigtde Xrprata, stopping at all Stations en mt Farnham, rtipley (-Tossing, &forehead at.: , Wederille, arrives at Eris at 10 20 A. 11. 1 65 P. M. Day Ewan, stopping at Angola, Silva: Creeli,Dnrikirk, Wart:laid and North Laat,arrtrtnr • at Erie at G 45, P. /4. 4 i 0 P. 11., Nail 4 drent.,, , stopping at all Stationna anivee at E a rle at 9 15 P. It. 12 10 P. X., titgal Erpreia, stopping at Angol^ 'l.llrfr Creek, Dunkirk.and Westfield., arriving atErt. a 61 A. M. Ratiread time ill ton minutes faster than Erie . &fay 21,1063. • " J. LIMISGIIANT, Sail New Music Store. PIAND FORTES AND MELODEOV, 'noon the following relebAleki 31ALINFACTURE-Rs. Steinway k, Sons, N aw York. KnabeGo.; Baltimore, 114 • Lindeman ai SonaiNew r ork.. • Wm. B. Bradbury, New York. ;oho R. truthem, New York. " Grovestewn & Co ,Naw;Yoik. Geo. A. Prince & Go., Buire2o, N. 1 Carbett, Neodheni k Cu.. New York_ Prices at a Large Discount below Mai facturer's Prices. a¢vr.NOCTASE,IRON oVATSTI* \ WOOD; NANO - S - I'oll $7.1r1 Also, instruction }tool's atl,l Sheet All parsons 'wishing a first rate Plum F..rts sr .11.. o: Du, ace invited to call snd examine our Instrutaints fans paschaenzPlo.w.l.ters. Itopett's :11 , ,ck, State stmt, early Opposite t:10 F', OMNI. ' " Z . /J/INA 51 3 .1711 rir S Instrum.at searrent.4l tot are pa. r ,, a3r2 . C..1 1, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD :_THE CHEAPEST PIPER IN THE WORLD. 'iheemttnaird 0111: 1 . romprehensiva facilities Jolts p,t the psorturroa of the WILILY IiIX4L. , to guarantee the latest and most reliable tufannatei , °GEL]O to be obtained, not bole_ from all parts ot tic Cuited iFtates, but from all .psris c f tbe world. It' home correapondente, eogaged at heavy colt, ut connected wall each new carat end military expeditirr of the government, prove that it hrdstermined to leer nu OOPS 1111COYered hJ its opervions and 00 sTellt Cl 7. occur tour shall not hod immediate report in its coliunns. It costa the proprietor over one lallOdrill 0/013=0 OM tare per year to maintain its corps I.t cocrespomitente is the field. In its collation of Foreign News the Eisiuto has for ..peurei,held a high position, and it will endeavor is tti trithrs to maintain the stand it has usumed. It has serial correspondents statioiced in all of the principal c Gee of the world. Its telegraphic arrangements extend to ebererer lir electric wires are stretched. Flies the Atlantic cabieJ laid, which fee will soon be accomplished, teleprinter:. retedved,from Europe and Asia, u well as trent:. United Statets...--Then our readers will have aureate et the weeetti all parts of thi civilised world n gularly ar: clearly laid before there. , The proprietor deyotes a portion of the paper to Lt stature, Fashion, Agriculture, the Iliachshic A rta rpot. log Matters; Business, Theatrical and Financial Repel, Cattle, Matteis, Genital News and reports of all me. calculated to form an excellent metropolitan tenger: , —a weekly photographic view of the events of the t —and all at a very low price The Weekly herald a tuned every Saturday cainiti and furnished at the following rates:'. Ono copy 1f sr Three copies Fleenor os 1 - Teri copies .11 Any la• pr unmoor, addreatod to names of subacribrit 11,60 each. An extra copy will be seat. to every club of ter.. Twenty copies, to me address e e's, year, $26, neasi larger number at same price. • As extra copy will be sent to clubs of twenty Advortiewasenta to a limited number will be ibet. l . l in the Weekly Herald. The Daily Herald, three cents Der copy. Ton dol.cs pez year for three hundred and Bitty-three Imo. 1.7 dollars for six month.. Tero.:dollars end fifty ceauf. Urea month.. JAMES GORININ BENNETT, Editor and Proprietor, Northwest corner of Fulton and Nassau strrst.. New York City, . I , . There are no traretta; agents for The Herald. mrl2-31v. The N. Y. Journal of Cominerce, tre conzratolate. our readers on the measure Prllleitli which has 'tattencied our tabor, in comraen with all °the advocates of conzerrative principles. Ire thyth.e the ■,. of every reader in the dissemination of the old, scut• doctrines taught by Waebington„ followed by the Ir.: and good men who hare made one nation Marino" v• which they built, and we mut precede strong, the fare of the UNION AND CONSTITUTION. We advocate no new dcratrines in. religion, pollttu tonial life. We are known as the earnest delemle. • the faith of our fathers and the upholders of CIIIIISSIANiTY AND CillidollAN CIVILIZATIN &gained every firm of attack. We support IRS GOTIV 1117 or vac I , sorttla STATES AND THE 110171 AM) WIG'?? 07 THE PEOPLE 61 , ELM 61TILICA.S. tiraTis. •• ognittug in theta two sources - OLstrength the orw: our greatness as a people, and the only pleeee perpetual unity, power and prosperity. We I e'wee WI! political party, end owe no allegiance to any !salon. W. have opposed and shall continue to oppose Asa:me:s 7 . u the element of diszord, the enemy of Union, the svcr ed foe of the Constitution, electing a malign ictluen= 1 Society, in the church and in the State. t e ens , ' Bitcaratortuna as- a political heresy whose blo.dY are viStbie all around us. and we look earnestly fill' 2' when the Constitution shall triumph over the hes..t' well as the raised hands of all its foes, North sad:4 , 7 The Journal of Commerce will present as tot. •! richest and most nseful table of contents cf is Yen ,. :, paper In America. Maas re of every kind, all parts of the world, ARV? News up to Lb. ba st . collected and commented on la) a large vitt:: will be regularly Turn,-i•ed to our readers, to: the miscellaneous ir".. • that will always tq• In thy family The te,cea of tbs. x. N. , • r Journal of Coal. , hereafter be as follow s Weekly, in advance, One ) etr ' Weopief ,to ono addreas,../ " ' t 4: 5 44 64 a• lel to . 64 64 44 “. """" '* 11 • V • . ... , *4 40 0111 61 • ea (additional copies same rate/ 1 N .. 1 top,. sin montin., ',-,,. ,s All clubs of ten or mon, if th e address II ..'- eacla paper, will pay web $1,60. Far nett nab of 20 an extra copy im , t 4 (n.' "" t" person sandlot( the moues. The terms of the other edition% are as toll..es —.- LARDS DAILY. JUNIOR DOI ti , In advise* one year, Mon lo advance one per. s'. Ms ism In Advance. 5,251 4 tx mos. to adrsors4; End °leach et: mos , 15:50 2 ooptee one sd4ms. 1 1 , . Yor one month, LW (addlt'l copto wit ro' Money may be r JO URN AL mall, addressed to , , L Or COMIIIiRCE. N _. OLD PRICES, NO ADVANCE: OLD MICAS, YO Apv,!Noc• J., C. EIELViN IS SIiLLING LL PAPER • MU, nal ii, awls. EMS