The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 08, 1864, Image 2

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    (frit eturriltr.
"ERIE, PA„'DECEUBER 8, igreet,
161111:11AL I s tOPOI It TAY 'hitt= ON
14111111 T —Alter* Arbos.
Host. B. P. C 114.1111, late Secretary of the
Trassiry; has beittl'appointed Chief Jue.
lies of the Supreme Court, in place of
Judge Taney, tlt , eta.ed, and the Senate
bita coutlrated tfte appointment. Agit - le
kora Mr. Chase's political vi w 4, we regard
this as a good pelAction.
The New 'York ; correspondent of the
iloaton Jeurnai writes n 9 follows : ''Since
the election,Genera ., l,ll.celellan bas passed
Most' of his thrift . adifalWe. He is sel
dom in the city and i"-; Ri.en but by few
persons. He maintains the some quiet
and reserved manners that marked his
isontilact in tn:..mths pact. He considered
tits presidential question virt:nally settled
Oetober election.. His" friends say
that he felt that ho was greatly wronged
sod put in a fAlf.o position by the pro
,asediags at Chicago. lio.lta in his pos.
Mission every telegram and order that
patted between the President, the
War Department and officers of the army,
while in .commanci—oken those light acid
eitinportlat m,?...isagE.s that the President
mike wont to send over the wires when he
wu In sr., nfidential communication with
lienemi McClellan at the head or the
army. it is sail that these will alt come
to light, soon. While an officer in the
*mild not use them. Ile can,
sow, and it is 6iti.l they will go far . toward
rindioating him from much censure
- thrown upon him." -
The °Melo! Vote for ['reddest.
• The foltowin3 is the oliclit vote a the
Mates named :
/.4111) 11l MI Itit'/L i. , 14, Mill
Mgr, Etstopihim._ 7.4'21 9:7,.! 11:,320
, 1113211•11t1eett,..,.... - . .4"....-:, .. ,I, 7 41 5.4
111414 ware ..... :•...-...-•: ;, • 7 ....-.. - t 7d7
• New fork,-;-• m. - 13 ft "..t 4 ::4 , )Li
Terowit......" .. .. •te,. l t•-•:, :t: .7 ;3 .:,,
•••, litswbeeta,,..-T.'. 4 , 7 7 s) il 431
11wittwwi. 15 , 1 A 7. 7 , io 13 , .!..3.
11110 . :r 1 1 , 7:5 ....1 .3:... 9.5 .61
Nalasohnnetls, ....,1 O 74! 77 W 47. 744
Wew Jim: sty,, _.. . o'N7;4 ~.....- ,±,..l ....1
/Mem . ' it.". 417 - 0
3 '4 1.14 3 w
Wisom3 , 4lvi, (1inn,..);.0., '',.,5 7,.3.2 69 OQ
lowtw.4 (8 , C , VP to . .
be hkard !mt0.... 2 . ii 1 4 -- tit (4 34,130
Xwryiste.,...... ...,.. 4 , 7. 7,412 ;;'..735 ----
lrewasylwials, 298,:,38 '2%031 1170,1106 ---..
• The ofncial vote or th - 'AlOter Stater'
Will be added R 3 I'VO. WI fain 'Clftfll.
Hir}Al Tote of Pea risyl!aala.
The full oMci;tl (homm and soldiers)
tats of Penit-sylr.soin forfreiiifential elec
tors, taking tbri firoku.4ene on - etoh akst,
is sit _ • '
Lincoln (Ifortori kelfichapl) 4 206 289
McClellan (Ito vim 60n)j,.... 276.208
Li ttpcll. ra;jekr :
~Ibtal vote a 1 5 54
'otal vote of
Inereluse f ia four year? 05.255
TIMI lTorld'a Potomac army correspond•
sot, speaking of the capture of Roger A.
Pryor. mays : "Pryor appears very sanguine
et the nitirnate'success of the rebellion,
and ridicules the idea of our putting faith'
ilts:the statetnonts ofAleffertera and tofu
res. lie colifrtA?dwiltat the election of
Lintioln is' jtuft uho- the south 'wished,
and although ttppyebensive that . it may
prolong the war another four years, — dit:.
eliFie that it has united their people and
rendered the-probabilities of their
--111111te success much greater."
A_Ptai&s,or PitliPßCT.—The debt of the
'oltyor - rhiladelphia on the Ist of ;January,
3865;;Irill'arifount, according tote ' WertA
Aseriecri, to forty-une millions of dolli - tri,
knd the rate , of taxation - An make up the
interest wilt hare to 4 , e $3.73 otri . ttte one
itundred dollars. Piled on top of this
Ilairthen are State taxation and Federal
taxation, and an unprecedented advance
of prices in
s ail the necessaries of life.—
What a pieta:int prospect ahead for the
TEM tafittb4c4l.uN, aro iti_the habit of
- Toting the Declaraticn of Independence
'-itnquestion.tiblo authority upon ,the
firstly it . pronounces to l e sell-evident.
•.Among these is nn uscertion that man is
endowed. with an. inalienabl,trighi to life,
liberty and tho pupitit of , happineis
Will Mr: Lincoln eistiiider- this before, he
orders another consefilitithri
trktftwietpith Age'g summary, j
for the preeeLling news of the creek; ?tee
bat page.)
EA-up:moot, Dec. H.
W. are eotnielled by the news this—morn
lo tell a very different ostn'ri Ittleout
tks tattle st FrvaakLin, Teutteaste, &coin thai.
imitated yesterday. morning. The dispatches
..„aant tit - over the telegraph on,Thettadtiy night,
end especially the one signed by AisjOr Gert i .
eleketeld, were . falsehoods. The y battle . at'
tranklitt resulted to the .i!ithdeawal of the
'federal army to Nashville. General flood
the Confederate army into two cal
sinus. One was to attack Fraiklin in front.
TM other was, to more down: the liarpeth
vim, cross over it dom. diatom <oast
.. .of
Irezklin, and 'tendeaver to get In the Fedeial
ow. Ji..t on o'cl'oett on Wednesday after.
aeon Hood's Main coluinn attacked Franklin
' front. Schofield Was in command , of the
vizrisott.' Ifs had about fifteen thousand men
ThetUfederate attack was heavy sad penis
, teat ; end - Schofield managed to - Aold kit own
bath djek. Tie thee ordered a ;, fetregt . o . -Thii
retreat was accelerated bY t4newe of the
armlet of thi flarpeth river kvellood'e Seek-
lag voltam', several latltis "east - of Franklin.
eithofteldietreatoi all iftgbt, and At daylight
'--.. 7 tts Thursday reached a point seven miles
south of Nashville, where A: J. Smith's corps
was posted. The Confederate flanking col.
ma, after crossing' the fiarpeth rir Ir, at-
Sada a Federal nava' , r hrigade, do( ted it,
tAd freteFeiled---it iv rrir n a r y
_tips reached Sieith's posiLion about:ll' , setae
Altaa that Sehofield-did. , Confederate troops
tollowed both. 04 Thuredey'morning Smith,
being bard pressed, abandoned his positibn
mil fell bark to the outer line of the Nashville
entrenchments, three mires front the,towia,
Prom Nashville there is nothing but a story
if the greliist fright, Basines! is suspended.
Ike altiseni are in the trenches. The vast
ow of Goeernment laborers, Who number at
least twentplite, thousand; and whose bor.
Tests (*vet o space ttlatoot is large as that
eimapied by Naoheiljo itself— are under aims.
the torts are mistimed and all ii'ii:eparod for
ifeod's attaok upon the eity:- The Fedora
my to In line of battle three miles south of •
liseittille. The OonfederateTorooe hare ad
''u ...4 to a point oily ;Ave milts from tows,
. 4 7 is the seems of
constant skirmish We mom* dank Hist
Hood will attack Nashville, hove[ It It le
strongly4-garritinsed and well 411etiesded' f 6y,
earthworks: Ile erilirraikcsAlestrOtititi
Title and Chattanooga: sailsosA,Vhdisk he hat
already cat, sod which Is oontpleitily at his
mercy. He le reported to bit . iktastantsg
3furfrteiboro,-whieh Is on the Chattanooga
railroad,' thirty•fles•milse southeast it
There bee- bees.* eavalry reeonnoiseace
Mira out from the • Southern dank of General
Grant's army at Petersburg. tt 41,szehialual•
distauce down the Welderalrt - aii*2; captured
OAC hundred prisoners and few vegan/ and
then returned. The - enemy followed it back
to Grant's Huss.- No itdonwition 000ld Jut
gained whether the Confederates were guid
ing troops south. to op - pose Sherman.
We are itiiliansb)e to give the — exact posi
tion of General Sherroto. .1 Washington
despateh states - that information had been
received there that Stiermsn's advance had
captured & town in, Georgia, sixty
miles southwest. of Augastm. — _ -This opeitered
on November 29th. - Tir — o - 7dtays previously,
Sherman sent a force of coivalry in advance
of him with order; to reach the sea coast sit
Port lteisi, the nearest point. The catchy
crossed the &agitate sat Sevannah4sitioad,
at Waynesboro , thirty tux south ' of -
Au g usta. It Is reported thot'itlity captured
a Confederate passenger train, bat after re
maining at Waynesboro a'very short time;:lhe
-coare unites actuated 'bolo. The. Eirsiry
were dispersed end _Man, eapturWSoine,
however, suceeeilaein reaching theses onset,
and oodotibt commtittioated the intelligence.
which was brought to New York by the
steamer from rort Royal, on Saturday, and
sent thins, to Washington. At . Pert Royal,
when the steamer left, theri'wei"iresi." — ex•
sit meat. The Publication of the newspapers
was prohibited:ln order to prevent any news'
from Sherman being made known. All tii`e
troops were collected in an expedition_ which
was sent off to somts'unknosm point, where
Sherossri - met. - Sherman will - pass
far miuth of Augusts. When ho was et Millen',
on November 29th..he Ilse sixty miles south=
west of Augusts, mtiretuty Of 11 0 1COn •
and lbaut one huat.lrerl wiles borthwelt of
Saranitslyttl Part limp& Thevo two playa"
arc hut thirty mites from **oh other.
The reports of the recent battle at Franklin,
Tennessee, onw , state the Federal loss at
fifteen hundred. :The Federal troopi' title
retreated all the way-to-Nashville and occupy
the defenses Of the city, forming a lips, each
end or' which rests on the Cumberland river...
above and below the The Confederate
cavalry have followed theitederaltetreat, and
;are in plain'eless from haiii . kibtaildlngsin the
town. No infantry areween. however.-, Gen.
Flood, no doubt, is engaged in destroying the
Nashville - ant Chattanooga I railroad:: This
road is out and the wires sr.. .stows, so that
no news f4O be had of has operations, On
Saturday en order was issued to send the
rolling_stook of the Loulivilleand Nashville
road to I,,oulnyille t _foritc-4 raid, but the
'order was afterwards' dotiairmaqiied, The
Confederates have already sent a raiding
party to, Gallatin, on this railroad,. twenty
niileisoutlisast of Nashville, Ithiel captured
two hundred head of (tattle.
• 20,081
S", 2.6
Frotoyensme we WITe news of s Confild-;
orate plot to capture 'one of the Caliterati'
steamers. The plot was discovered/ and !Jai
party, seven In number, wore, on November
10th, seised on board the steamer Salvador,
outside th , l harbor of Panama. They were
pat on htiard the United States frigate Lea
cistat'' which returned with the prisoners to,
Perustras. Application was made on t h e 12th
to the President of Granada, for permission
to pass them over the Isthmus. This vu
faced. and it was supposed they would be Hint
across on the resplittsibility of the Americas
Consul. ,
Everything is quiet la front of Petersburg.
GeneraL Lee reports a recant artillery deal
:between - the.gunboats on the Jaams,'Sear
Butch Gap, In tirittah - tto damage was -dose,
however. , General Butler has made *new
corps in his army ander General Weitset. It
is to be exclusivelpwsnaposed -of usa_oes.—
General Pope is said to hs a bier ' already
given a command in Grant's army. Sets now
is Wsahington
TIIIVIDAY, Deo. 6, 1144.
There Is ne - longer any doubt that Goiters'
Sherman's oolumn is marching on Savannah.
On November Mk, the adm was st Mil
len,one hundred, miles - north West of iits#4,
The Confederates were in trent of him ratird
ing march, but not able to *beak it.' By
Novutablflo, Sherman bad marched - sixty
miles and was forty tails* northwest from Bs.
vannah. The Confederates were still An front
of bim interfering with 'his progress. On:
Deoember 24, last Friday; his eavalry advance
was six miles from Savannah. The main
body had not yet conicup, sad the attack on
Savannah could not have heat 10113 A until
_three or tour days afterwards. In all Weir
marches- Forrest and Wheeler, with large
bodies of cavalry, harrstesed the Federal
flanks and rear. Every straggler wits picked
up and many of the foraging parties were
captured. Seven hundred Federal prisoners
had been brought into Augusta alone. 'These
molestation's necessarily retarded Shermaa's
march, and be has not been able to mete
faster than ten miles a day. it Savannah
the Confederates were preparing for
For a week before last Friday great numbers j
of troops passed south over the railroad from
Charleston, being sent' from Augusta. Gen.
Eardee reached Samsun* on' November 234,
and General Beauregerd on the 21th. By the
time Sherman began his:Mtsok the garrison
was very - strong. Sheinisit'hes marched all
the way $41,.. „ the West' side of,the Savannah
river. This 'einem is deep eta rat; and the'
tide ebbs and ficti4eNo attempt to crone over,
sto,lf.tort Bo I' -Auk to„he the end pf the
li4o diahoeitifinkyroce l konld
hear definitely fiem General Shermut!'
"Ica" AND "soft."--1G tAL,Patigo t y Ed.
Wore and Vicinity You are hereby noti
fied that Messrs. Van . Tassel k Lockhart
have opened a store in Edinboro, which
they intend shall be one °fibs most com
plete astabliehmenter - in - this -. part °Nice
State. Tbcir stook has just been bought
in New Yorkosud embraces A large. as
sortment of Dry (foods, 'Groceriie, Boots
and Shoes, Queenawsre, Willow Ware,
Efate and Caps, and everything, is short,
from a fine piece of silk to a paper of
pine. •If you want anything in th sir line,
just step into their handsome store, and
gee if you cannot get a better article at
cheaper prices than anywhere within ten
1:063 of the neighborhood. We "knows'
them "well." and warrant all we write.
Besides they ii4:th szten."Of Wich clever
qualities and enterprising diepontions
that it realty does one good to deal with
them. To one and all of yea we say, glie
"Ike" and "Sam" a call. -They deserve
all that you can do tor them, and will Live
you back "value received" every' time.
It she
- _ate 0 1 ,- ,f: e,
• tt eptclueloaetsotiee vow, sesta • 11116.000.
A merrier! wakes fa Boo s* eAasci
ea the 16th ohll4 ihec
had no head
Thiei;orie oithe Mai York Sure/0 j . .. lkes:
The last draft to rms. our snide/ I l'ilWrrift
oiiihilerhit:rooddr; r- • - ,
Militate P. Moorhead. Esq., hu resiviod
hie positlu u Presidias of the Philadelphia
_Erie tailroyl umpahy. Mr. -IL 7. Osy.
tits Vioefruideat, teetered. him.
la 1860 Owe& yaw is Kentualcy about
260;000 negro• eaves ; thus ware awned by
&ban 20,000 iierseas, :WM,* imam 10,000
non4lareltolders io the Sesta
-ghat The Clemltelti itept (Dew> asserts ,
f the theft was it mast, eitarpd with
deferrtiow—rAdates;YeZew ow* Meculloutth—
ware Itevitblierwised Lheselw man to 1860.
- ,
Several eosins. lye at thispleee, to be used
Ycboring for oil in the sonny. We ' , are
pieced to find that time see sea of capital
'anti eiterprise reedy to *agog. in the oil
tuntiaine.—Relyeety (EU de.) sideecate. , •
Hugh Meitooth, ConaptreDir.-or. Cue
rattan'. bee deeided to stititoristo so more now
)istionel betake' an be or/salsa ; bat booking
'enrpetstions now !slating , Gan, however,
ohmage themselves into Nation ii bank*.
- teachers of-IttliarpealtUl meet at the
Mlle VlMtge eatioel ham?, on flattaay, Deo.
101.14.nt iVe'eloilt a. al.!. A generil
anee ie rnreeted.
8. A Coss, Sikeretary.
At theists Presidential elution 'ln ewe of
the Wards-in Cincinnati. one ballot wu found,
atraight4Buiubliesi tieltet. with ""God for
give me for thil sin l" written on the but of
it. Theri wilt be hundreds of Reitahlisans
offering thii prayer soon'.
It ie claimed that enough Is known of the
result of the recent attrition to show that the
Republicans will hays et least one handrid
and twenty eight Members is the next bon:
cress, IrMeti is titre° more than two-thirds.
The government contrite, on every three
and a half &Alms' 'worth a,f.:friction nuttehea,
about fourteen and s. half dollars in stamps.
In other words, the tan is shout four 'times es
mush as the andel* is worth.
"An exasperated toter," of Burlington Co,
New.Jeriey, send , . the Ago the fullow,ing
Why was Mr. Lincoln certain of hie salva
tion f -
Because' his"%lcie his election sure.
shoettin6, hilt not
At the Isto,'Piesidentlel election; Lincoln
carried eight of the large cities arid MeMellen
seven. The Lincoln cities era Boston, Phila.-
dolPh ie# • Filiebur&_CittAltutatl," Ch'ing.), fit,
Baltimore and IndianiPells: For Me-
Clelian, New Brooklyn, Albany, New t
Haven, Buffalo,' Dillwanlis and Louisville.
An ul4 toper of this city was recently re-,
dusted to the necessity of drinking a glass of"
water, ea nothing tape Gould be had. On
tasting it, he smacked his lips In a thoughtfal
way, and exclaimed, "Why, it isn't se
after all. I shouldn't. Wonder if, for weakly
women and tender children; Ale we. quite a
wholesome drink."
The Memphis ' thing
ohsuged its local habitation sakits astas eiz
limes during , nbe irisent war, sathei'll Is
now sisned "The ifmrphis—lialumio— Ors,
neria—Jasham•--,llaerm—Ortjfirs Appeal." Gen:
Shaman is said to-hare "gobbled up" this
PeripMetio joarnak is Ms recent visit to
The awned of spoonbills% fa setting In upon
the Allegheny river, sad — 'franklitt is the
headquartsre of the epeonlators In that die-
Mist. The gum* of the all,pbtaiaid tram
tells in the vicinity of Allegheny:river is
better this; that en 011 epelt, sad eirusseads
from twos. three dolls rs barrel Sias in
prieli W. the stell., r -ratasge Spesfeger.
-The Pill:4ophi* Yortl Amerisse.thte de
scribes Sherman advance the work of
dr/siltation avveompinhed by Shemin um? NI •
cants 'pink for themselves, and wad* not
care to coveneet upon them. To esadati,ier•
snit impossible, he has made the whalesqua
tty I." howling wilderness from Elngstosi to
. It newspaper is to be published in. Paris
de - foted inelnsleely to metriataniel iaterests.
Its only adverMeetanate .111 - 1 M , tirauta aid
replies," from persons who want husbands or
wives. ' Its literature is to be love sorrtsponi•
devise; its essays us to . treat of the eitirsi,
done, marital duties and right*, and its *di
lation will give idclee to thirill4reatad, the
deserted end the lonely--gratis. This is a
progressiie egg.
In several districts in this-lhite they are
having a draft ever] few days to supply the
quote under the call of last summer. La some
counties those drafted pay no attention Loth.
• notices served upon them, and others are
drafted to take the places of these deli n
quents. If the process continues ettiiitthat
style the whole eareltmentlist w il t -beifoie
through with before long, and the quota re ,
toned under the last tall still remain tilled.
A society has latelg, , bsen formed in Bor.
&aux, Prance, to pit down the suterstition
of evil omen. As everybody knowstlt-isse
crounted bed link to begin oitridsy; or to si
4 a table with Milstein, or to balance a e
oa els leg, or t 6 spill salt betwee l ti yoar*f,
sad s friend. The new ioeiety hare regular
dinners oa Friday, hare guOets, tur chairs
en etkolea, sad, spill salt all sronact before
commencing. lii the whole year r &Wag
eriaokimiklisic-hse bees defied, so :singular
fatality has yet ooettritxl to say:meraber.
The followlng is the dacha vote of Crsif
ford county at the Preeidentlak election
Tor Lincoln, Route vote,' 5,904
for Lincoln, Army vote, 61IT
Total Abolition rote,
For McClellan, Home Tote.
For bkClallaa,- Army rota,
e nioirstlo vote, : 4,the.
Tbs official vete Wirrins cannel Is is
follows : .
Hose. Bolden. tail.
2,809 232 2,641
67 1,505
Lincoln, .
George D. Prentice says that when this edi
tor of the New York Iferaki.le kicked, he can
tell--suolle the result of kis immemorial ex
pirience—whether the projectile employed is
a high-keeled or no•heeled double soled or
single soled, round•tod or iiiitiare.teed,
poison or Wellington, cavalry, opera, or walk.
ing, army gaiter or Balmorsi, deg or brogaa, • -
French, English or Americas boot. Prows
übot•to a dancing pump, he hoe experienced
the touches
_(w says Prentice) of all kinds of
wood or letther worn upon the feet of num.
The saute writer goes on. so far as to say that
Bennett can tell from the' kick whether` the
leather oomposingAke boot was cured, and
from witit anima the bide wee taken, whether
it was tanned in Europe or Asserts*, whether
peggell or sewed, aid if pegged, whet sort' of
pep wore used, piss or oak, whit sort of
blacking was used in ornamenting it, and
whether tie swat: paid kis akaamaker.
The Spanish papers give atteouite of the
obit is: the Madrid theatre den Bripoli
Mgt ide debut. 1100.thentlea were famished
with rhistlee„ and seat to the opera to, inter
ropfilit perforiscance. ?bey did it 0f✓..,.
The Noise wise deafenieg, sod' so IM — Mnued
that Itealty the curtain was dropped, and the
performancre - abmidesed, It demi asp sp.
pest that. Ileigaoli ems •evets hard, yet the
critleteemplain Or Ma nasal voice, 1!&11 him a
oset.ofi New Toriiienor,and say he his "none
of the qualifies which mans sympathy for the
Onpr upon his first appearsnee." One of
the papere„says: '4rom,the trot nettle of the ,
rmitecieo of the tenor, in which Signor Brig.
Woli made his debut, the storm that was,
threatening:la the Patterns buret with such
viol*, !hit the raise of the singer `'and the
--mosicetthworacestreocere • perfeetly
Suspit4lTceAcenee of Pencio *
,end Slit
eocceelentiottely applauded, th e rest of the per
formance Was received with s tornado of Mt-
Os." AndlitsUy the theatre was converted
into stapler bull fight, to the great scandal
of the city. , We gather . from -all th e so
sonnte that the disturbance arose not s o mash
on - firm:min! seeount, 'as on previous short
comings at /the theitie ; but the judgment
against.Brignoli waa - very sevens if. le de
:scribed as goad enough for the email thins,
but Doi for the first theatre in Madrid.
all holy mission's, it seems tons that tin --
holiest lies in relieving the distress of those
nearest our own doors. Irt kristianity;or
humanity, demand nf-ms std for the far off, as
being our brethren, how ,mush more -do they
require us 14 help our I equally neeessitous
neighbor-brothers. There is -.always a field
'lose about us for the exercise _of our best
sympathies and charities-.never more eo - than
when Winter‘sharpens every need of the poor.
Go forth - , th n, all who desire to Jainism to
hnntatt want, j , De not wait 'until the measure
of misery is, our-fall. Go not far, for the
wretehednis is Itoubtless in the very block in
whieit you lived; :(ever heed whether :your
benevolence IsVitospeted ),of men—ler, It he
quick, incessant and nolielese, even - eo that
the lett hand may not know what alit right
hand doeth, and be sure that Owl and your
conscience. 'zee*, dingly reward ,yonw
A late Petersburg (Va.) paperve: “lrOr
three .or four weeks past scereelj t h elnelthas
been thrown directly into the - ilty, The num.
bee of shells thrown into the - ally during the
progress of the bombardment was truly as
tonishing. 600,000 pounds of Yankee shells
have been collected by psrties sad sold•to the
Confederate Oidasnfo DApartmont." At least
00,000 shells ''Skeri thrown into 'Petersburg,
and yet strange lo . say, net more then fifteen
or twenty persons wire killed; and about dou
ble that number woinded.
- A man, supposed to be Insane, paid in
Moreland the,other day a strangely modeled
flee* of white metal sad departed, The tan
who reetived it gives this deseriptien if it :
On one side, a woman sitting on a wheel hold.
lag in one hand a stick, en the top of which is
a night sap. The other side has a
ehiakeg cu m !?
piece say it le ,ti. analyst quarter
aotiquartans who have ewe
-laid the
dollar whisk passed for eurreaspin an owier
period of the tionntry.
'Jaseph eleven, (fortuity of Corry) well
known in this place as star tender la several
of .411 t hotels, was : found dead in Oil creek.
near the Sherman Tell, otrUhitarday morning
last, with his throat trot and several deep
pities is Its head. Be bad evidently been
murdered. As le was without money, it is
*opposed he was mistaken for the clerk of the
Sherman company, who had returned from
Oil Oity on Friday,eveoing with a, large sum
of money.--Peesato Slirategor, heel week.
The United States Cirenfi_gourt, of New
Tirk, has &dist verdict 0r44,000 to a per.
sem for damages sustained, while Graining the
street, from a stop. The law is that pities.
tries' hive the ltd right to the crossing, snd
that drivers of vehicles most consult the safety
and the convenience of the peratin crossing
the street. en loot. - Drivers' should make a
note of this fact, and not ran persons down fit
the streets hj fast .driving around the cot.
The Meadville Repribeas says :—"Every
day (animas us in the opinion that the whole
French creek valley abounds in oil. new
well has best strnek on the cr eek
,tlaree miles
above Franklin, which is reported to be
yielding front are to ten barrels per day.—
The all heretofore fonod on French
creek, is of the best lubricating quality,
worth frets-twenty to twenty-four dellers per
On Tuesday Robert Orr was shot, and it Is
thought morthlOreended, by hie tultere-in.
law, Joseph Hetrick, at Salina, in Cranberry
township, this county.. They had a difllealty
about some business matter, 'aid Orr rushed
at Hetrick, knocked him down, and drew a
knife,. whet the latter fired 'Motel with the
above effect. Hetrick has been arrested and
is DOW it jail --Camp Spectator, lost week.
It rosy interest our 'readers, who ariiitlii
neeted with the •Cathollo church, to be
informed that the complete waif of .1,164 4 ...:
bishop Hughes hare been published' by
American News Co., of New York e11y•: . 44
letter directed to the adiresit_of.the eomPani
'ill•allitifinfireitlirraffftellti.vto the
price, he. ,
•- Hereafter PhlladelphttflotiVitank tteioni.
the great eitlee of the isitT. — Vrirrspidity of
her growth. is really Vondiri„ ( ittrons 1880.
to 2864 nearly one*dred•ittut 'forty thou
sand parttime vtofWielbiedlttiier • pOpulation.
The city is newAtieusi to dental* 718,000
1 - inhabltaati. , ". •
WbeCiffittrtr rAli erd uttered kis prepheey
*boat nine oziyUrs to end the rebel
lion in, he no doubt'tinged ex to Isonsissie Sts
onsidpg liknAirigneloglits centime the lays
: 14 Genesis—eiolt eski as ea age.
s,rnc, ht Ou period otsmiles. :
Saftevo Filk !BO" polled
210triti ta•
babitasts, won $D 9,006
jority for Lincoln. In In n poilinsi m ir
boys are allowed to Tote eleven times 'sob,
sad soldiers twenty or Alsirty times each.
Ilarper'i Weekly isenmes to itself the We
of essi Journal of Civilisation." In flew of
its meat Infos:tool attaoks on Democrats. the
suggestion his been made whether the title
sbeeld not be cbsniredlo "IL Journal of 16111,0 k•
— Lose
The minium steeds:a of holiht tot se.
ornate for the volunteer towelso has been 44 1
by the fieeretery of Wit at tlte feet, instead'
of eve feet three Wats, as krveifilre vats-.
Wished. o-
The Lannuner lamiligniew agrees with thi
"sensual that 'it la no shame to belong I.
the rettority," but add" that 4 , it is sag* u*.
it is '• said that ten worth of coal
eti kannaally wasted by the improper means
of tranaldpnumt used. •
' fio-called ”rsepeetable" finaThesl In New
York costs Are hundred dollars.
The klas of Oois, /wha t Dios a for
r it aa,ookooo.
Tun Seu'Oeraut.—There sums to be a
possibility *hit the ofganisatioe of the State
third, antketined by the Iteglltlalure. wiU
Mal beeemetasseed. The Governor has been
negotiating ,trill, Iblf.:Weit Department for
some sort of szensptfolthr volunteers in the
Guard, if. thay - shonld be drafted under the
umlaut conscription laws, end he has, to a
considerable *steal * muceeded. If a volunteer
in the Chard shall be drattedfor the United
fltatei_eervicte, le is to be furloughed for the
whole term of his enlistment in the Guard.
This seisms hie uninterrupted service to the
State, and will
a highly necessary
organisation from being broken np, as it
might be nailer any other nrrangementni
the term for which he may be drafted into the
United States ',Mos shall be longer, than hie,t
enlistment in the State Guard, he pill oefy'
bare to serve out the excess under the draft.
Should he serve a whole year in the . Slats -
Gnarl be will:be credited with that length of
time upon any foturcealle,; and the State will
-also to credited on her quota in any future
draft. tinder the bill for organiting the
State Guard, sixteen fall regiment, are to be
organised, five of which are to he furnished by
oar own Ade Apo
A Rton Iluswat.TllllM—The old Quartette
company, "The Alleghan lane." organised sev
enteen year. ago, vrill appear at Farrar
on Wednesday evening, Deo. 14th. Of course
every one with "movie in his Soul" will go
and hear them. We copy the following notiios
from the religions press Oomptlroeptillry of
. •
their °anemia : •
"It is impossible to convey in writings
jest idea of. these ettLertainments. Nothi ng
can owned the liquid, soft, and extoisitely
sweet tones of the Swiss Belle, or the excel
lence of the-exestition by the troupe It was
rettelrect with peal upon peal of enthusisstio
plaudits, and with merited Justice."—Res.
Dr. Beet& „._
Also one from the MitAectist :
"If yea *said hint inueic of 14i410;iert, mu
aie that. irilrfalie • you back to;..oCher, and,
may be, happier-and beeter days, - go and hear
the Alleighanians."
- iersons who intend purchasing holiday
presents (and who does not?) will find
the _largest stook in the city at the store
of Better k Burgess. - Their assortrrtert cm
brises everything that can he .imagined
that is likk to.please the little folks. In
tlAy'esinnot be : surpassed
anywhere outside of the great cities. We
take u n usual pleasure in recommending
this firm to the patronage of out readers.
They know the secret of sucoess, and will
not only attain it, but deserve it. It all
the business houses in Erie possessed their
enterprise, our city , would soon possess a
vastly larger trade„Aud its newspapers
would ,shortly be' able to compete with
thoser6f.Buffalo and Cleveland.
A vela of goal has - been discovered on the
farm of Mr. Joseph R. Little; as Hickory
Corners, Riehmond township. The • heavy
roles of this fall waihed away the earth on a
slope as that the soil erops out, and the in.
dictation' are very favoribla tur a good coal
vein. Mr. James Tarr, of the celebrated Tarr
is so well satisfied that a profitable yield
of twat will be obtained that he has taken a
rue. sad is amtvaiy engaged in preparations
to open a mine. At alt' avant/ the ground
will be thoroughly. explored, and in a'abort
time we shall know certainly whether coil of
any vales 01111 be obtained is this . eoeuty.—
11or Mtesoria.—A boy, aimed Edward iill:s,
aged twslre years, left the residence , of tie
parents, in Liadisey, Canada West, about the
latter part of April, and has not been seer by
them. since. it was reported that he had
goat oa the Erie (N. Y.) canal, as a drier.
Had on when he left • blue oost, blue asp
and light Canadian• friers pints. Ie
built, lots light hair, is slightly trseltld 111
the fees, and the first }blot of the first 'lager
on his right band Is toat. Any inforiation
of his whereabouts will be thankfuly_ re—
ceived, and should be addressed to s allies
Casey, Erie city; Pa.
The Second National Blnk, makirt the
third orgritilled in thim city, pill corn•
mence business with a paid in Capial of
$200,000, awl an authorised one of 500,-
000, on Monday 'next, in the- roon now`
occupied by the- Mrshttnts' Bank The
officers are Wna. L.-Set tt,Piesidon Wm.
C. Carry, Cashier ; Wiwt. Scott, ..ta. Mc-
Carter, 436 J, J. Morton, W. S. limn, J.
C. Burgess. C.,Crouch, M. &lam F.
P. Farrar and J.Dreisigairer,
These are all re sponsible, active Id en
terprising parties, and the mere teatime
of their names is ample assurance the
reliability and-success of the nercank.•
The Gass& announces that piesratory
steps sre soon to be taken by thtCounty
Commissioners' for raisitfg bycaft, Erie
county's shire of the 15,000 twrw -pro
by ea . :1444-th. last Legiature for
ietdeteviiCilbsiiiisTmips are dy to per
-614u serite nOweilth,
and, ' by a tween
Gm 9urtin aria Abe Woe Dilitent, are
to be exempt from Pallet#;':Aiiiription.
The Fortune. oil Creek,
neat the city fine, is now Ruing suffi
cient oil to More then 'pay lapses.' The
on is of a superior 00% si , readily
brings from $43 to $5O per bal. Three
harrels were recently fold e. 231 gel-.
lea: The stook of the mos*
videdlio sixteen shares* otiklohAir
teisza*-401d last week 14:250 per
'hire, •
B. 'Lyle White, Saq.,foni • regli city,
b i as taken charge of the 1fe01642914-
&as, as editor and proprietotThe toper
appears this .Week mach * editypo
graphically; but very mac *patted
spite of Mr. itt , s net
1 1 4 11 4 41 f —' • - • •
np. though, we to
prof •
an enterprg
.A. recent Or. ". `
.'of Way r iree
property owners so. • ft to remove
snow from the side walks ' , root of their
hopes and lota Within -sn
. ur after the
snbw has ceased falling, if emirs in day.
light, and
, within an bourini&ayiight,
if it falls at night. , f.„
gi ; Ins Luxas.—The told 1 changeable
wither tells terribly on th ho have weak
and diseased lungs. Ma nsuffering at
this WOO with affeclions . o 0 throat and
langs. Broaehitis is bec a :Very COM.
men agitation. Those w)3' predisposed
to Colds, Coughs, Biotic . &0., should
aioid the night air. T:i many preps
rations recommended for amities, bob
there is not a doubt b ut t • Strickland's
Mellifluous Cough, Balsam hest remedy.
We hate -known it to Oleo •in the worst
eases of Coughs, C : 414 itis, Asthma,
and primary oases of Can on.
deB Eason
. • •
, .
The Find Ward Fir* ay, will meet
nut Modal , events g, slt the 0006
alai Hassell nes.
,- We are indebted to the GareUe office for .; a H Iti B T M: -- . 1
the loan-.! most of the-typte for the, Presi- i 1-.
dent's massage. The editor of that paler,' -
notwithstanding oar wide - political differ- 1 '
IV ENV k EA, It:
ences, has always, displayed a hu.ineas '
courtesy, whit& wo fully appreciate, and • 13A1* C 1411381
shall ever endeavor to' reciprocate
Nalives of England re..iding 1 . 4 our city •
antl,vicinitylvill - End a notice of
to tient:be our a4vertiring colum nl+ . .
"mimics isefre CUANCE TO . st A I*
Noses.—Very few persons are %ware, that by
e recent intention, newspapers nod scraps t .f
printed paper, eau be converted into material
Tor printing upon again.' The high price of
paper has Midi an active clews:lit for old
newspapers, books-, pamphlets and s.erops of
paper for this purpose, and. it. is e .e,erty
bought up by parties competed with the ri—
per mills. Dy iollesting and saving all the.
material of this kind about their houses, end
seilini it; many a (unity can pit. in
'their purse.," which would otherwise be lest,
The 'highest pries, in eath, will be paid for it
et this office, ti. _
,:,Lseas Ea,►vr MAIM Ci,ortitaa thocx roe
iirse.—Wishing to retire from imisiases i I
over for sele my entire stock of Reedy Mode
Clothing, tarnishing and riecter Goode at coot.
The stook ootaprises the largest on,l most' oom•
plots intartsmo d. of, brlongiug' to,tke
trade in the,sit7, Leese of the store for 18
menthe goei with the ildek.
if. MOM. Komi.
illtdding and Visiting Cards.
We cell special attention to the superior
styles of Wedding and Visiting Cards printed
at this ogler. , Having procured several new
fonts of type espesially for this kind of work,
we are enable to print cards In a style equal
to those ohtained in any of the• larger cities.
It is nothing loss tha - n fooliehneas for persona
to go abroad!and piny extravagant prices for
engraved cards When theyean ketjust as he s t) d.l
some on.. at home for less than one•tbird the ►
Cost. if.
MN. Pensions, Bounties, Arrears .or Pay,
&0., can be procured by the Widows, Orphans,
and next of kin.of those who have died is the
service otthip United States
,also, by Soldiers
and Boonton who are disable by' wounds re
esived.or disease contracted, upon application
to 0. P. Gonnown, Licensed Military and
Naval Claim Agent. Office in the Common
Council &Mai Wright's Block, corner State
and Fifth sts., (under the Diertich office,)
Erie. Pa. •
FIRST Claii 1011ALL11.-*
Being about Is remove to l'ltiladelphia, I of
fer for sale my sits residence and the whole
or part of tits furniture, on reasonable terms.
The house is one of the best in the city—mod
ern style and inlet', with tionble parlors on
each aids of Atm kali, and fitted !throughout
with gas aid water, Poseession given, if re
quired, on the let of January ) ; or let of April
next. • .„
oet2Otf. • - s n
We remind oar 4reilleis that the factlt
ties of the Oiarear office arelnot excelled by
any establishment in North Western' Penn
sylvania for, doing
,4910 Printing. Persons in
need of • Venidne Billißleetinn Tickets, Bill
fiends, Blanks, or soy kind Of Plain or 'ancy
Printing, will dud it to their advantage to
give us * call. [-: • t f
Braake.—We keep constantly on hand a
large selection of Legal Blanks, of 'approved
forme awe& sa Deeds, Mortgagee; Judgment
"and Common Notes, Sumintins, Subptenas and
many others,•not In such general use. Toots
in need of these artiolee, wpl find it to their
adenntnge to gills our office e call. ' tr.
UMW Pmts.—Purchasers may rely 'upon
getting the beet Pure at Charles °Ward &
Sone, Continental Hotel, Phila.
Gairmitatua's —Ali the atyies
at Charles Oakford t Sous; Continentel Llotet,
At 13agertown, Nor. 14th, .by George M.
Ebermaa, Mr. JoliN S. GonDKN to Miss
If/tame A. Catauane, both of lfathor - Creek,
Brie county, Pa.
By the same, Nov. Mk ; Mr. .1. T. hews%
of Wellsburg-, Erie •eo:. Pik, to Miss L'.-R.
ll'Ozta, of Woodsoolt, Crawford Pa.
In Cleveland, on the 21st of Nov., by the
Rev. T. fi n •lfswlte, SOUS ;11. Staant, of - Erie,
Pa., and Min Tamar Pair:MIMI, of Niles.
Trumbull musty, Ohio:-
. On the 24th of Nov., at the residence of the
bride's- mother, by Rev. D. C. Osborn, .)tr,
Talononiltrmooz, of thinsgo, to Miss liatioi,
daughter of the late Capt. John Richgniv, of
this Ceti. •
k Union; on Tuesday morning, Dee. 0,
Gulags R., oldest eon of Wm. T. and Mary E.
Boyd, &god 4 years, I month end 2 days.
go- itg'% ldvertionnento.
Tavern Stand for Sale.
:stirs from public' RN Own for sale his Torero
Stand taciara as that Railroad Room, situated a few r d.
east of t le railroad depot la berth East, with &boat
thirteen aorta of :abed,* land attaebed. With an atom.
&at* Ofthe 'holies !lad of fruit tries. ha. A large
sad eotatoodlinia MUNN RORSit AND
ail to prima Order, with Cgood ran of custom, s
were plaaamit aad desirable location for solar* of Pia
wag ga,.t Imola aim igia %%Win one scrip of load
if desired, f.r thirty-deo hundred dollars. or 'he whole
for lie thou - and dollars. I avoid prefer toted fittnnturo
sad everything eoanietal with the house. For farther
partionlarreagolne of the Onbseriber on the preollaes.
North Baits Rao. 11.11151. 7 11 t• SAMUEL IiALICR.
TNFOIRMATICN IPILEtt ! To Nervous safer.
sauUtemait cured of 14•1700,11 Debility4o.
aosp•tesch Premolars Nein and Irnuthful Error, ac
tuated -by idiuds* to beatit_etbera r vill be happy to
fundah to 84 who and ta tiiitee of dour.) the recipe
tad dinettes tar aaakluir* saapte remedy-mod to
Me Can, Ba/sewe trisklag:to poet by the adwertiset'a
bad ecpsitenea, mid poes•as; a item and valuable recoody,
esin do Poll addtusain Mat at once at Ws place of heri
tages.' The radio and full turvisistion--of vital Imp%
tanee—will ba ehearhally not by return med.
/Win" - JOHN B..OGDEIi,
• --• Rs 60 NSIAtt St, New York.
P.P.—Neatens Sarum et both isexei will dud. Obis
taformittitiiivaliablo. Nevr:--6,1664--410.
~ I ~NE
• • • I I
0 R
,trif/ • I 4
' ENAI WI ..:
tli vied Thbillrileiani he • • .eg • asp Rejuvenator mad
Ilaterarsf • et fruetiont,
Tin , I =ll • in to -wake the /Monsen, a
IN id. • - ' nar will rend'' , them youth-
MI ' , • AOC , . ' '• ti enable them to lite
.1, ', ~ • ; their mist's)* joy. It- not dal,
:I * 1' , "• -- ,'N - •:'. ' • . I bens, sad is really tan invaluable
o • • • - , 1 1 yto those who have been reducsu to
• tonal • om of eseellity, oalf-abaso, soierortano nr ordi
nary datum 11a nutter what the ekt , ' , 0 the I po
tency of any Initawaritue, this superb prepsrattin will
oars Um aid at ono* and far.ver.
•ISXCo IC in XV ,
CURIA I mivrixcr, GENERAL ogatcrrT, SIR
deßuhtial. des(mble and novel effect upon Om norrons
eyafern, and all wko are in any way prostrated by atm.
'Cu diestdlitiew ate annmitis Melted to melt a cute to
I this most exiallent sad seequalled preparation,
Pa wa t .bytmpredeam. have lost tleiir . nntui at
?icor, irW tad 4 speedy and pennanan • rare In tea
. 1 3.1o3r.reame. -
The Faloe eeble. the Learald, the Dispairine e Old
d OW rehab e diaeovory a WC: it will be
fond to'agy diattent from all other artiorea far the
NM* peep OWL
VEMALIA.—ThIa preparation In I .vaSoiblo to
narrow; leukaemia' of ell Wade, ea it will )mots the
washed ilonortit with wonderfol permanent*
Itia-aleo a geund tordo.and vitt give relief le inepep•
eta with t h e drat dew A brief peralatenna •in Its use
will renovate the stomach to a degree , of perfect health
and b mush Thapoittila Ramo ,
One dotter per bottle, or al: botttet for $3. gold by
druggists genotally.
Seat hetutjyreen anywhere. by Mare's' ng
HUTCHINGS & PropristAii:
tit Coder fittest, New
NOTICE—To Englishmen. -
oilythe a
Motto / smoopt th eir awe Csintryivii win 10, :
_m* imbioatoi their woo to the Itst at
Cokuottotonwo ItottionioAeotnot at 9th sued Staub
OWL if aft. of tatterllllll 31118.
Bener & Burgess
Are preparing to meet the deniand for
Gonda in tbeir tithe with a large and oars.
fully seleateii sock
CANDY TOYS, iunonatrable.
SLEEPY:4 . 49)UL%
2,017 AVE DOLLS, _ •
DOLL READS Oat, will not break
• TOY Ines:
. .
arum, Lemmas, Dates, Nuts, Fret.
We hive I ate* 44mortment e
20,000 CICA - 28, ..
Choice Brands, at" SVholesile sad Bets
•T asrussr. & sumtaitto.
av swum da eltlitUkitt`
We ore m anufacturing
Wighly Flavored. t,dtely Made, a.: -4
lw cofctsrlanding read sale.
anti give, -good satisfaction. Si't
- sample lot, and try it.
M*l 186 k