ERIE WIEF.KLY trasurriesi.. iMR ~ 8 ..0 kinvia. Bynames," Sean Sail 'i t ' orroptrril Yon PONT 01,1011. P'RrpqatENTri•—tino Ssaart otTpar Lin.. a ., I , ,'.!!nn.S cut l t 'two laaerthina $l,OO ; time laasss 1.25: nos month $1,60 ; two inontlait 1160; ...t,:wr•ntit.St,,to; sic ntoothat.l,oo; eettgear UN: s-frartiteravada to proportion.' " Tkeee fake , 7 1 :1.• otrlrtiv 'Oh/Tod to, union .hanged by special at duo Option ot , tit* tabltibete. Mai& Not Atraya, Divoreo• and _tato mleartlee 5t.59 : A 41,0 intitrater's NOWiapaloo; Laala.l ~Vd rive rAnte Has: ifirtfiwebrailAcasTwarrt. " matioarr Noting.. (over three llaat Kve ee!"tte per Itae. (WOW ratty, as. ...Atom at the mined of tin *Mar, oae dollar AU advertisements adll be eentlased at th ,"...e r of the per s$ ativertlalag,: Intl% oedema njhie direction, unless a apoilltoil period la 4,, ue no forltslneeriloa. veartiosi —Tan DoLLoe* per adliallei la ad. F RISTIVCI. 7 -'ire have one of tbarbillat — Jobittag th. , tiat , ,, and or. ready to do say merit Is u n • titt,m‘r M entrusted to Ili, Is MIMI style outaida arta* largest Whoa. wiirrttal k BRECHT. Publisher, - until -after an appeal shall have been taken to that dreaCtiibunal whose ordeal is terrible, but whose judgment has ever been in condemnation of oppression. The election of Lincoln has destroyed the institution of slavery, not becaose he issued an emancipation proclamation,, not beeamte he was right-in so d_d:ing, and hie party in demanding it, but for the reason that the Southern people - will prefer lib erty by the assistance of the slave, rather than dishonor and bondage—the certain - -result of submission to -- their'enemielt. the Abolitidei faction. The 'Union of the States is destroyed, becahse the door its now forever against compromise and voluntary re- i union with the Southern people. The t faction in power hold out the fagot to fire I their homes, 'the bayonet to - rule their States, the donainotietv.of, `thelir freed ne- 1 groin, the insults of tin tingerierous end heartless conqueror: Brifore . the recent 1 , election, the voice of pelee was heard in Southern camps and . s well as in the council chambers of the Northern De mocracy. To-day the stern voice of ue 'bending war echoes back the detlarsee that New England Aholithaniate havej hurled'at thein—not - watio;fiecein their ar rogance with less thin the humiliation I and ruin of their foes. •Reeistance-to utter - extermination is what the Abolition . tion must hieet in the-second era of their crusade.. What such resistance means, i and what-the result will be, let the pages of hisqtry tell. The Democracy "submit" therefore as they have "submitted" for the last two and a hall' years, with-a full conTsCieusness of the situation of-their ?untry-Hwith an entire faith'in the justice of -their cause and4-ahe truth of their as great abhorrence of - the crimes and follies of their opponents as before, and . with tua firm find courageous 'a determination to stand by their franchises, laws and conatil" tutions as has made therri within the past year a terror to a faction backed by a half million of•armed men. • . The revolutionary Section that hai Per: petuated its power for a time, by majori ties small and - iron hardly by force, fraud and deception, has now.oes.sed - to be able to deceive others.. Let It make haste tel stupifY its adherents in the wite of power, and riot its brief hour in theolrunken de tusking that follow itetimmiss. Disgraced by crimes that ha their' brazen impudence they wourd'inakeappear as the deeds of a nation of freemen, the destroyers of 'their country, the tyrants of her Citizens, all ahe'vain boastings of power, the arrogant the Abolition party is congratulating assumptions of nationality and their pa „Ai on what it calls the "sa . bfnission” of, 11 ironizing coaxing or 6 adversary utto-in Itenaperacy. Let no'one deceive him-'• their hearts they fear, cannot avail them. P1;4.4 extent of that "sulptsissiori"• :their frantic struggles:v.4th the helm of le*tbe ceusei . of it. Were there r 1". ii - Pres '" re'ship of State can onl4ls giVeer sooner dentist Electio nto-morrow, the -1,860;000' 0 - the-mercy 'of the Waves.- - z--trhey have freemen, whq,-on the eighth of November ijaterhpted toWnauch. The task of rester. repudiated sill complicity with t6o Ab °l i*, the-Union was eftei; it might - even reV'eltitlonials, would reiterate that haveheen restored by civilized warfare, dsclaration(j Some are silent, because but the Abolition faction could not be r - they are content to rest after the exciting satisfied with a little, They have ap rosiest of the past year. The great ma tempted to outrage find violate the unal way are convinced that the election of • terable laws of nature, and they M,nenly Abraham Lincoln-will eventually deetr y ° sAtee.e.tdisastrous, ignomitiloua failure. the prosperity, liberties and unity if th-e- - 44temcic rata I Hang your banners on the states. Hence, powerless to stare . vents, outer wall 1 Yield. no principle of your they await the, pertain explosion - of -the faith ; theebistore.qt,menkina justifies it:, rant bubble -of. falsehood and-Ydeeeption; ' „. B.l„..,. :Strutir 311'st-site. BUT 4 :IEyI4.I.MICA 4 T Render obedience to the Constitutionfithi,i, ready at soy time 'when it may be pout- ittwa,„ .. 0f..3 . , 0 ur countr y ; ,how no knr o; tt E.,ttDED SCRlAViLf.—A.:gt4ernAn re tie to interposofthe solid barriers of the edictii - of fanatics and usurpers. you. ,,shing on Seiron-1 street returned oome and principle 'between the remains of wht suddenly from a business trip up the are outnumbered , but you are not. Wrong ; rive one evening last week, and upon their country and the fanaticism and the rig ht t riumph atp..eom p in upo th n e v ez t l at A s n au d . enering house. learned from Ebony usurpation that have destroyed it. '' - w h en h ays , t h at sad the sworn partner of his joys and isn't:- The pcilitical doctrines: held by the future that drawl nearer 'vrithTit4inestal roe had gone to the "eircubne" with the Democratic party are These 'which must pen to shadow the glories we have loved t "Ci t stai d n . .l- nil... l llls , whisk OM" Our hero is be the. foundation of all free govern- and cherished — when fanaticism shall er in d ari y jealous fl man, but the, Ueets,,are" those recognized avitundamen. have run its historic course, and arrived at g r ee-eye monster Irk fi erce possession, al in the construction of 0.1/1' o4rn ;to the I,ta certain goal hen - the fearful halluci- Application of them these StateVowe their nation, now crazingfhe majority of the nt tin h, then, atu hiniself,to the e started out to erateli thafes-' P prosperity ;to the ,ebendonment of tiveoup e. They met, on Madison street. people shall have been cleared away by them, their - 44.esint; niislortunes. Old as., Theinjured husband'drew- revolver, that irresistible power that directs the tn., the organization of gdvernments, they . are um ph Irresistible power and 'the d estr u ct i on of andried - revenge, but a quiclS, - scientific urichangable in _their nature end - are des wrong, sitting unbroken in your ranks, moment on 'the part :of the officer tined to bring back liberty and happiness yours nifty be the glorious task to rescue wressi it from hiehand and brciulht Win to this - betrayed and infatuated people , from utter .ben..the, whirlwind of fanaticism has --m utter ruin, if not the whole of our - to olden grief upon tigtregsTik. "isfy country, at least enough to demonstrate tinseact v, slit , brother 1" screamed the toent its force, the passtions - of the ' hekds the wisdoicien patriotism of your policy, s larlyind hnstilitiea ceased . "Wait!" ex tiovo Subeided, and this seat land, re- and enough of constitutional freedom to (slain(' ' the wanquished hus band, with deemed - from NeW England •dominatiiiii? save the future of these Slates from a rep. sick of the misery end blood their hated etition of the bloody scenes of the past. • eurpse, as he clu#fastl the. hand that . Jade has chased, shall return again to its • itsmol hied reilitA momem,t. bad* . 'didokitof ties you; rititoegtt it we I allegiance to law and justice. L Large Threat.' , It the Dettiocraey have been right for 'spin - Inalhg loge to toy wife. afire came in the he from a more than a half century (and every year nom . ofhystanders, 'during Which the' has shawn -.Abe inherent value of their trio vidhomeirard, The ofßeerAad policy) they have, not itr — the twinkling been t.ntouly tvio,years, said, during .'( - 4 an eye become wrong becalm the enee.of sister's husband be,ar a/ majerityle of '`:'00,000 of ,gratirr-ootio- rive We t se ,nniti for his owq home in trymer, influenced bi tear, by tanatieieur, fill oti a furlough.--Merriphlt . 411t1tila by the love of office and of gain, have laid they are i in error ; nor are they luck fools and cowrirds as to join hands with-theuttee mien of liberty and law in a crusade avow edly for an unholy and disgraceful pur pose ;. nor yet. -to sink into ignoble and despairing inaction. We recognize no right in New England fanatic, ailed by their converts smong the ignorant of other States to revolutkin iLe this government agaipeit the will of the people. We bow it nifty he to a power we cannot resist, but we hold it none the less criminal and usurping. The election of Abraham Lincoln by ! a small majority, one-half of which httAb- Inirted in that Yankee land whose Prepi dent he is, bits detergained three thingrits all liuman probabilitA9The final result of fanaticism has never been to build up and establish, but ever to undermine and overthrow. So in our . own land Abolition fanaticism has established nothing, but it hits jesaroyed, first, the liberties of the 'persf'• Isigtels and South ; second, the in. it4t,ion of negro slavery ; and, third, the airiciti et the States. fplt has overthrown the liberties ,of the people,hecsuse . both sections must fall into despotism to sense hle them to, carry,, t• the rar,"aggressive on the Tart of the stronger, defensive with the sleeker. The seeds of despotic !ate are plantedl and it mayhe that on the ef. November, 1864, 'was fought the ?'fit bloodless contest in behalf ef condi tutiesue` liberty and free- government, WM The Dying Soldier. ;,, T r sod worn to a skeleton form. oe - a couch of pain, -- 04 a ;, wi . h . at even prayer ► at morn, w „, vis ins h o rn. again. 5e Isiked 01 his mother far away, k ,l he talked of his lonely rife, he The fever frenziei hie biasing head tni loosehei his hold of life; ip !liked of his home: the fair few lead, - Elle, home of his childhood's play, :sliced of his babe, and the Iwo gars tell And rolled from his cheeks away. ca told: burn hl feet-knight never again Welk over his ;Mitre sod, gat ere long they should tread the golden streets -F At home in the city of Ood.i , And, ire said tho' hie eyes voila never behold Thb forms of his_esrth's deep lone, - He qould wait for them there by the life river fair . An the garden of Veauty above. _ Dot 'he wept anti he Wired of his burial lone In a stranger'e unnoticed bed, That no roso by affection's band should be traineJ To wave n'er bin grate when dead::* e told him that God would mark the spot Where all of hie children lay, n,l not one of his loved ones be_forgot On the rourrection day. sighed And whispered "va Wog, ao long, , zo many long, weary yearn, 0,1 cy lonely wife and little one Alone in a vale of tears." ..tokl hint the worst of God had gone forth In truth and holinhas„ the friend of therkeidow's lonely The guide of the father:tees. Rae' had Millet! that loving heart K I hands with gentle care - Eli laved for her, that lonely wife. One tress of his long,_ bright hair. stn they wrapped the worn-ant noldler's clothes lituadvbe martyred hero's breast. Di is hizt rude unvarnished bed _ Loid birn sadly sissy to rest. , . hymn was sung, not a prayer was raised ‘r.t'.; word of counsel said, ?: the hireling's rude, uncaterful hands Pik.Qhe damp mould o'er-hisl head. ,:ca 111. the Obsarrer.] The Rat, of the Deteeersey. Eta . . . -,.. t • , , - . . . . ... ..,,,.. ~., . .. , ::_ 0cv, 7 f41) . _ „ --, • - —,. „• i . . . . • .... , -, -T ..„. lr a • ' H . . E.. ... f.. . _.. L. pLI. ... .„. ......,..--- ...,,_...4..t._. r.•.. _ ....,1,. ...z.... .............____,.....". ...,.. - - B" , ......„ .. , ______ VOLUME 35. The Morning Star, published' at Cincin nati, relates . the following anecdote'of a young gentleman - of the South id:to expen ded a large foundi.o - tor - tune—motley, land, megroeseverything in a course of is teni• perance end prodigaoy. • —As,he hail just paid a last years' grocery bill of $9OO, oiie day he was walking alonK the Streets leisurely, whemlieeing cian en the opposite side of the 'ha called out to him to come over.' " "Doctor," said . tie; ."1 wish yotedlust • take a look down my throat," , _ don't discover anythingiii,"icaid oa . doctor, afterksoking'carefullv - "You he, !!why !that's strange W.Vit -*MI* kind- enough, to give inollker . - 4 11eally, sir," itallffirdkocti* aft.vr a second look, don't see anything." dotter, there's a_ferat,*tenAhlin sand tfollars, - end twenty tegroaa,.. down there." STKRZOTTPI3 LOST,-B? mistake-a box containing several Worn out stireeiypes has been left at thiii - ofßee.-.. In order to identify the property, we- eelect a few for publication 'here "Enemy's loss greater than ours." "Rebels senflthiriing." "Attacked ui thine to one." _ - '"Nobody hurt on our side."t. - "Sherman is all safe." "GrAnt has the rebellion by the thiOsit.P • "Rehm driven." _ -. "Secesh she-devil" 1 , . . ..- . - "De;eiters are eatiiil7 : into our lines in squads:'.: - The oviner can have the above on- prov ing that they are ,his : They appear- to have bisenAmitght Tioui the editor of the 'N. Y. lisraid.-iI..P. 'Nam TWO DOLLARS PFR YF t AH, IF PAID IN ADVAN: •`-! 52,150 IF NOT PAW UNTIL THE END OF TSB YEA% ),' ITEMS OF .44,L SORTS. , - .A lady In ftermany ga_y_e, b_if i gt:to hold;thst Christian grace abounds - row di ti A r4 at , 0 64. , , H er limbs* Where ebseity is seen-4W whim. . ire olitob to heaven,. 'tis MO/TfiIMLX, 1 Ited *. - Of love to men. The St: Soseph, SW, the streets id that town are filled with, / women with cigars in their mouths. • Our little joker says _if the soldiem are well fed on turkeys they wilt be better able to gobble up the enemy. • Why do the r34rirninationS of -married couples resembaAfi? 541,0 f war on• theisesaisprei IteeitifiefEtty are murmurs ••-•- • Hon. IL D. Washburn has caused a notice to be served upon the Hon. D. W. Voorhees, of a contest of the seat he claims in Congress from the Seventh-Indiana Die- My Creed.. 1=1M33 1 hold all else, named piety, A sel6•h meherne—a, vain pretenoe-- Where centre is not--con there be Circumference 'This 1 moreover hold and dare affirm where'or my rhyme may go Whatever thingv be sweet or fir, - Love makes them SO , • • ii- Whilher it be the sickle's rush I I V r-: Thro' wheat fielav, or the fall of ski ,. Or by some cabin door, a bash Of ragged flowers.. 'Tie not the wide phylactery„ 41er ribborn feet, nor stated prayers, 'That make U 9 saints—we judge the tree By what it heiir9. And whet* . n man can live apart From siorka, on thiologlajrust,. I know tho hloo,(1 about his heart la dry As dust. iitomanto of First Lore.-, 'Some thirty years age there lived in th? city of London an opulent Jewish bankei , . of the name of ! Au rich men tisually have, the subject of the preiqui - sketch hid a lovely daughter, rejoicing in the Scriptural name of., Sarah . : As Sarah I reached the age of womanhood, her beauty, coupled with itrr'lather's wealth, drew to her feet tnriay stators. Only one, however, could gain ilia prize, and -that Was H., the son of a rich Polishnohleraaft. qut when did the "course of tine love .run smooth'?" 11. and his.father became mixed up in ode of many revolutions that have occurred in Poland ; their estates •-were Confiscated, and they were obliged &flee - for their lives. With the flight of H.'s riches B. discovered that his intended son,-in-law - would not do, and' so told the young people. The lovers separated with vows of eternal constancy, H. emigrating to this country c. and Sarah remaining in London. But as the copy book says, "out of sight, out o€ nilnd," and so in this case. The sesAati ropes] between the lovers for about:a*, - . When a rich suitor paid his to Sarah, who accepted and 'Married him. H. 'Was 'almOit distracted when he heard tile news, but reflection came to his aid, and he consoled himself by also marrying.; 'Y e gankfilassed on ;; the husband of Sarah flied last year, leaving her a widow, pendiless. and With eleven children• - fn the 'meantime the wife " 11. had died, leaving him eight children. When H. heard of the ectcondition of his a r .L tore " all his old affections re- Virned. He pictured his Sarah, poor, and with a large family dependent on her, ;which resulted in his sending for her and bar children. After mutual reiterations o' unchanged affections, the marriage day wts fixed, and on Sunday the parties'Were married bY a Jewish minister. They mtnbered,pne hundred and four years be. , talon them—the lady being fifty: years of agf, vvitlt traces of her former great 1 - b'e'aity stiitexisting., and the husband be iiiigfiftf.fotir years old. The .-newly mar:. ; have a crown up family of iiitrteen olive branches toivrine Around, • thee hearthstones. • - " te a Sosva,—The offlciel returns . , ai, ,ect e In from the different stateb, taro" at the votelor President was much e than the people had any idea of i the . reckless 'telegraphing LIDS,. mo after the elections i Mijo in Naw York, est.„ . 7,060 • • .- New Hampshire, or. .2,192 , .. -,-; - Cennecticut, . .- " 2 ,427 Maryland, eV • , 7,430 Wisconsin, 25 count.; .3,584 * --- 6- . . sA Mi c higan, i 6,000 Penn a, Worm vote,. • 250 . ".4.ft. I 1 . - ; :' sr : Total, - ',- " •42 1 3,383' i mi 73: Th ere niney : tlareeLtiftiotoral votes' ' r -rri a aaajailtrai less than thirty thous Tiiti'lleptAbl lean majority war reduc PHB Stats 9 over. one kendre•l thousa - - _ .1 ' . A RUT lON snout Tamar-fox ....The Chicailost suggests the abolition of the presenstern of collecting United States taxes, I elm "The hest, plainest, wisest : - Intco &M ~. = nornical mode for tho ee lion o revenue is for thiState to pay It. ' Lech State this winter add to its own levy the iium required to meet this F I tax. The payment of this ...dire t ct y the States would lave to the genervirerntnent an expenditure of at , least tinillions of,. dollars, and would save t people pertiaps,an equal sum, ,tu th pe of penalties,'expensee, re. demp ~',ft.-" - - -The administration will imithe matter in this light, lE. PA.,..11-11.14,5,DAY AF'T'ERNOON, DEOpilEtNit . 8, 1864. MID The, planters in Maryland °fee to pay their slaves from sBo_ to $lOO per annum. It is said that Goya,'`agent will see that no nigrers will he work nn lees they wish to. Tax question was recently 'proposed , to; it "down east" editor, "ire bogivikirta' •dangemus?" He iminedistsly ,anspiperd that they aro always very.dangtoue Atoll they have anything in them l 7. , ! ...: Thoro a i re five thousand desert!)r r3in y f our' arm in ;Canada, whither ilia _have i 'Red to escape the vigilance of the local provost marshals', whose arrests of them are daily increasing in number. • Young ladies should, not write poetical love letters. Such a one written to a Kentucky beau not long since, which so atfecta him that he stole a horse to go and. see the writer, and got iato jail to pay'for getting in !Civet with a poetess. '"Elhon," slid.. a Dutchman, "you may say! what please 'bout bad neighbors; I biirl tevorstneighborsila never-ww %tine pigi and- mine hens anis hoots Ink dere .ears split, and todder day. two of dem come home missing." "Do you know the pritioner,Mr.Jones?" "Yes, to the bone."- "What is leis cher acter?"- "Didn't.know that he had any." "Does be live near you ?"' "So , xtear that he has only spent five shillings for fire , wood in eight years." - - A correspondent from Northampton, Mass.,-is , responsible for the following: ."A subscri:bor to a moral reform paper, called at our:posta the other d.y, and inquired if As - Virtas had- tie,. 1g..; eau th 6 trOstmaster, 'there has .;-= no such perton here for along time." A confectionr in New York got up a Thanksgiving cake fOr the Ladies' Home Mission, - Which was 10 feet long, 22 inches wide'-and 16 inches thick. To make it took 1,000 eggs, 176 - pputeds ot:flour, 125 pounds of sugar, and 80 pounds of butter. Rather expensive. Some of the Democra cusaing the policy of the tierrt‘rldlo par ty.:' It ought to maintain its organisation everywhere complete, solid and impact, and not yield an inch on any point. It his the Streneth and pO - wer to protect . and deforid its rights from -all encroach ment 4.. - AT 'Jersey City, on Saturday, afternoon last, a brute, named Bernard Fitzpatrick, while under the influence of liquor, r ithrew sztiive lid at his Wife. accidentally striking tit infant tlaughier on the hesd, - , ' , 'rig bet her brains, andtcausing death Ilf an. hour later. ~ ,1 "- t ~,- - I .-•.. .A PORTLAND paper relates that a anti.- i man going Ito that city on the train from Boston, a day or two ago, was delighted ti to share l is seat with an affectionate, pretty and_ •chatty young' feminine, who seatettlierself in ; a manner to spread her dress well over him. Much to his regret his agreeable companion left at the first station, and very greatly to his chagrin be discovered shortly after that she bad but open his pocket and taken therefrom.his wallet. i Vssmatastiav TES Willilt Housz.—We have been requested to giie notice to the , persons who have such 'a penchaqt for mementoes of the Presidential mansion, that they aro terriptedsto cut the' linings of the sofas and clip pieces front the cur tains of the tut room, that Marshal Lae ni on bas detailed officers to attend_ to the nth tyr, tinder orders to arrest all such as i be detected in larcenies of this kind , without respect td persons. Some of 'the sofas havAteen stripped of their damask le coverings and, ' dt:spnry of the w indovi mutllatedin a taniellil . manner, and! the IlEars 101..ilf.'ditermined to pnt a stop to •thiatjttids,ll4. iVafillington Reps/Was. .' ......• * - 1303 - Aus Rtvla. -- I :cOrre' ipondent writes -iii,-froth :the head„waterlrof 'Salt River, that the.Demoesnita. emlgiants to that delightful regtesir ire in fine health and spirit*. T,lni - climate is - salubrious, and they have concluded to stiej4n that iion" "until this cruel war k over." The cur• rency is . -Demticratic, bet ns.gxclttaively gold and silver, and the market price about the same they aid to ba,litere "a longtime ago,", under 'o4lmotwatill4itnin istretlon. • The following. era :the latest Auntattens ,:. • ~, .. .:,..r.' 't., t 2, - ~...,,,..,, s Coilike,,,il._._iter lb - 121 Tobacco -.- ‘ - ' • 2.5 133,5ipil ..- hitter, ... . .' 15 .10... tn... V . ' ..:.121} • n is u &mists; it %, i asierted that the Wain, it not tiu, a.ele estive of the great increase of defective•teekb mtz . ,.. the use of ealeratus and cream et tirtikr In the man facture of bread r: and Dr. - Baker fully agreed with the facts !offered in proof,_ adding the rosults • of Some' experiments made by himself. zile soaked sound teeth in et. Potation of = salerattis and they were_ destroyed in fourteen days. We hive the opinion of nien,whose talent*, time arid seal are given to dentistry, that. sitleratus and cream of-tartar in bread are a 'chief muse of rain to-. teeth. Note will tho;se who know this fact go on eating all that , 'mot in their way, without inquiring what it is made of l—N. Y. Prailyteripi;'' I SAIARATUi r %titi. —At a blow Ono- Tharrvorroir f7 Five years ago. Mr. Thos: *erg, of—Parkrrple, dullirast county, misled valuable gold and-sup-. powid — it; was stolect, butehnki moskLdecide• Wile was the thief. ; ;abotit. lin 18 1** bee ieeigiedyletter front gialhelio 7 liniataiGaitatrogialprusipti is-withdt ;,40 '..terrend gentlemantinformed Mr.V. thst . by informing him 'of - his. residence be Would hear something- to his advantage. Mr. Cary sect hia admire, and in return received his missing watch. The person who had 'stolen it, being ;obliged to di vnlge" the fact at the confessional, was compelled to make restitution.—Albany `ls the nelghbot•heXl of GolConda: and Metropolis, Indiana, there is congregated a daring gni/ of villains. They have robbed and murdered at will so long that they have become -insolent. The people however, to rid themselves of them, and, on Wednesday two, of the des peradoes were arret_Metropolis, takes toa tree, andlithout further oonsidera . t.ion. Two others were arrested on Frida y bi(4,4pk antigens of Golconda artd served inYtheume-manner. Pasts parade of bountiiiitook place in Indianapolis tirtevv-day.tOre. Over one. hundred ef, ttie‘AiraFrashed two antl=two to a long' , Toot% t vrith - e hercu lean African - leading the column, and • ringlikthe bell. Each Jumper carried al placard on his back as an advertisement. of his profession. A line of friendly bay onets, on each side, kept oil' the, curious crowd, and the snul-stirting notes of the "Rogtge- March kept time to their tramping •feet. Tnitlkosse.—lf you have the care of horses, remember that ,a 1 horse is much more easily taught by, gentle than by rough usage. If you use him well, he will be grateful ; he will listen for, and oho* "bis pleasure at the sound of your footstep. As to his food, you shopld do by him al by yourself—"little and • often." As for his work, begin early, and then you need not, hurry. Remember •lt, is the speed, and not the weight, that ' spdils, many a truo-hearted worker. i . ' • Stet, Walter Scott once statedi that .he kept iklew,lsnd laird ,weitizist for t Mtn in the library at Abbottiford, and that when he oattioja he found the hard deep In a booklt Waller perceived to be John::Pictionary t "Well, Mr. '---," aka d do you like your ;k t" "They're -s stories, dir Wetter," replied l_the" laird, "but 'they're uncoulmotrahli” NAPOLICIteII Ortinow.—During the stay of the Emperor Napoleon at- Lyons, in re. ply to an address of , ii deputation of tra ders,• in which they insisted that the Winter was• likely to be a very trying one _for the working classes 'if 'the American war should continue, he said :-71Infortu nately.the ::ewe from that quarter is bad. I have reason to think that this; fatal war is by uo meaiis near its end." IsraLusca Itictrts.-:=The following are infallible recipes : For preserving the corn. plexion—temperancei. For whitening the hands—honesty. remove stains—re. petit:moe. For improving the sight—ob. seivition. A beautiful ring—the home circle. For improving the voice' 7 -elvility. The companion to the toilet—e . good wife. To keep away moths—good society. !" Aistoso the chit-trap stories which the 4tepubliesn misa have put forth Since the _election; is that of, a soldier who Went to the polls and vote d, with this remark "1 Me as I fontl: Wouicip't iC Ix, a good a fC4'.4 o *.t_tisaitttliii and their ad herents,' as they have 'yoted." disavfloaotatas.—i numb;r of men were arrested in New York on Wednee day upon the charge of having committed a seriee of forgeries upon the banks of New York and elseirhereotuntosed to amount to 'nearly 3200,000. A soy, 13 years old. died in Chichester, N. U., recently, who weighed 84 pounds. 0+ feet of.'boards. to I make his sin. It was so huge that it ',could not be taken into the house. The forme was bound upon timbers aid carried to the coffiti Outside the house, A CLIErfIIAN in Tennessee. lo n a Sab bath recently gave out' the flrst i line of the hymn f ."Lortj, let, a repentant rebel live," when up Sprang a Shoddy ofactal _ exclainiing„ "Not unless he teitus an oath l. to vote for Lincoln." M'Otat.t.arr's vesignstion renders General- Iltilleckthe senior major-general , of the regular ,ariny. •It is a, signillcanti fa"ct.tat the late Presidential canvass has :been the means lit depriving the army of its tWoratiking major -generals, Welellan • and Fremont. WAR NEWS OP THE MINX. [Platimifiptai Arei . Tirestrit t lgs. r U, 11384. There now strut :to . be Sri a dbuits of the. reprted capture of Milledgeville, thougliit has been evacuated by the Confourikates. The detailed socounts of Howard's program; to— wards Augusta show that ,he was checitid before., be was within forty wiles of the town. Atlaniithes been entered by a detachment - of Soilliteris troops. • It we's entirely abandone d . by . the Federal army *n4 two—thirds had blni burned. Goners! Thomas, In Tennessee, has re(reeted to Franklin, ten miles south of Nashville.' The Confederates follow -hint closely. They . have out the oosunualeation between Nashville and * Chattanooga, and es— calking the few garrisoned postai near Chat. tanooga, now hold all the eotintry south rot Nashville. -• , Pinta .East Tennessee, detailed Southern ac counts of the labs movements have been received, : but they live we new infernal/Os. Asneral Gilimn, with the ratans= of Fed. 'eral ~ ,artay, Is at knoiville ref:rutting his command. tti. I force of Confederates is at Strawberry , . Plains, sixteen miles east of Knoxville, watching Otifint. • There will not be anY movements in that gitarter for some time.* Breotioridge, with tb mein clouted erste army, whet last heard fro*, was Jost L iimith of Cikelotiaa4 dap. %mord J ik =EI MBER - , 2$ bridge, with the Federal troops from Kin tAFtY, lied milted Ctunberiand Gap, and it was tee strongly garrisonad to be attacked by The with say moped. of .noise : . , :rho 'Po4orsi TftonnoissOooo "which have ben sentsodth . from Winoltoster, in the Shen- ''. • -I . f/aneiyi terve - Tenet Barbee outptiat.• 411 41trafbnig, Inch stroager thia vu sap- Ro attempt will:be made to attack it„. Sheridan's army is still around Winchester- MolebY lsas just attacked another party of Federal cavalry at Cabletown, north of Win chester. Moseby lostine man kiP,ed tnd five * wounded. Twenty Atha Feders - 1 oratrymen escaped; thirty.. were killed and wounded, and thirty-one captured. A Charleston newspaper states that last week a two hundred pounder .Parrott 'gun burst in Battery Wagner. This battery is the one which continually shelle:_Charleston. WIDNI9DAY, Nov. 30, 1864. Promi the neighborhood of Nashville. we' bare baelittle bees. The Confederates have A FACT GENERALLY EIiOWN, 'a pontoon across the Tennessee river, near T HAT 'the variety of new style Bed Meade, of gothic, Cottage, Courses, &mod Cot- Chickasaw, south ofJohnsoaville. , A Federal a,r, camp sots, Jenny Lind and other pattern; 'nth cavalry expedition was sent from Nssitvillei , „„, n li o ° , 4 — j, d i , s i trai ng , t P tit i., h ,r =4 l Ln .l o re ttli i raitr, by a circuitous "omirse to destroy this pool Vt t ta di t t ( Ir a : A t-i t ci- p eu ate 1),11 7 .1 11-4111418 ' eather Ueda Won. They were driven off, however, and and Bolsters with oilier nouselold furniture, we., all - menofectared from well oemsened inisber health,. Ware unsueoessfut its a. by ospenierened workmen and not by apprentice Theie are some ,reports of , the doing , ' of I t o:ixt F X sYl` ;'crateet hi s l o t ris and il o t:o. Prie sTath w en tif ‘brin Moseby's Alert in the Valley An attack was Cane seat, Parlor , lireirootn, Reekinitr Ltnrit i ls Nurse and other Chaim, of I:sateen and Western warm Made lad ilreeV.Pitr eigithee body of Federal tacturf, are bicliory dAled and glued, making them aa. strong usay CUM part of this cosh., where abstruse/4o itivalry, and folY 7 five out of sixty p were ca , r mai sold ars out) 05i1.41, and by no means durable. wood tared. 'There has been no change in the po- whaesor, Seeking, Sewing and Nurse, as ensue of hard toed rounds clinched through the seat and glued, war eition of the two Senteeln the Valley. "y rooted to stand, ;,andsomely painted. and can't be boo n The force of Confederates which yesterday soldt r orr re r arsto P t ri s ce' re 'l te, • l et k tra out the Baltimore and Ohio railroad at New . ust of prieps of all goods sent on application. , locking Creek was shout fifteen hundred strong ' . " .:!ti b er iP t, P :o l lsais f"*. t.statriunos and contending with no- There aro no details et of the mot:e ortneipoled two price dealers, am determined to sell y el:e ats. cr.e,prle• to all, f ire worth for your pay, and do Jrndirea 'A rebel force, with Ave pieces of artillery, to i * . ;, lw h r o tad ” i a th ui a tag es, Lire Stork, Vradeand Rano passed within twelve miles of Ceire . od .idiyatore ray, Produce etc, taken at fair market vetted tidy last, moving towards central Kentuoity. =6 t r e irjt, r " cite'', "r o t . rl;f1/3:P ate !' On Tuesday a party of rebels tore on theritit- , * !ab1.22.1t* llarinfees'y and Canada's tialemsa. road track between Mayfield' and Paducah to a point within [oar miles of dui latter place, upon Which an attack is anticipated. Tavistmv, Deo. 1, 1861. , We bare . reethred some few pai : ticigars of the sinking of the Florida, but the ,fair is still involved le great mystery. The Florida hid bees it autdier off .Fortress Monroe, and was ordered by Admiral Porter to move across the harbor to Newport News, to escape the effects of ureters!. The Piorids sailed In the night, was rim into by a transport, and sunk la a hundred feet of water. The people oa boar& .soaped. ; rILID4Y. Deo. 2, 1884 General Shotgun's movements oat now be explained :auk More clearly than heretofore. Oen. Slocum's column, which was marching oh %facet', turned eastward, joined Kilpatrick,. mused the Oconee river, and, on, November 221, wu marehlag to Join Howard, who . was forty miles west ;of Augusta. On November 2eth, a Oonfederati recehnoisance was sent fromltiacon northwest toward., Atlanta. went to Griffin, thirty-miles aouth, of Atlanta, auhrreported that no- Federal troops- were to be urea auywher'e. 'Gen. Slocum:B army bad all :lurched east of the railroad. On Nevem. ber 22d, Slocum'e rear guard hid' crossed the Ottonee river, and was reported , thirty miles east of Meows. •the expedition against %boon badlosea given up.' was sban- 7 dusted by its Fe‘ieral septet' • anitseangaitt, in Confederate Possession.' Geri:Tre - etnitraid, with the Confederate advance, arrived at Ms. eon on November 221 and it once mare hed in punisit of lthiaiirv.:'- -- 19O0Int Forrest led hie Adventist. On that day General Howard was encamped forty miles' west - of Aug&sta. A large forco c of Contilierates had been collected . no oppose his pr4Freso. and for carne time . ' he, kid' bees intrktitiliTip: Glen. Bragg was in' etemmandief -the - dtpaitrtiont, but Gen. Ewell, who' had - sreught a,conaiderable force 'from Virginia, *a. reported to be is itaianucdiate command of the army - opposing Howard.— Blooms was"forty—five- miles. southwest of Howard. 13heithan's prinOipal aim appeared to be to joiU hilywo ., oolumns. They were pressed in front and rear and a junction - was a meestity. There seems to be a general impression in. the Confederate camp at Petersbarg4l4o °rant intends to make another effort to cap ture the Bouthsidil-itailroad. Ile is reported,' to be moving lit4tinmbere of troops to the Weldon itailroad: In_ the Fideral . camp, however; there is an *tinnily strong impres'- sion that a Federal attseeert the north bani. of the J*1289 is intended, and_ther* are o o n . - stud ruiner* of the eotiaptiiirioi, -the Dui,* Gait Canal. Nothing- i i no eh/IW eide, howeverhiola would indicate the beginning of an attack. On Stiiember 221, e. Federal enveilry whieh , hati beau sent into the interior el Louisiana , returned to iti-ton Itottl.3 with tirw,hundriut prisoners. 40111i1 huala.l itur.ied sad tattles; sad three cannon. • The Fo.ioral esvelry suffered soma slight loss in the exile : thaws. They penetrtteli e eonsidentb.o die tanee into the intuior of the State end twined ti large amount of Conte lerate supplies The Contaiter-ita .rn I on Stuttl4y tipoli Now Creik, ea.; the''' - tiii!tigt a.° awl 0.111 r•si,r l ed VII 3 mini more enrich, thitu hie been ..19 posed. The C , olfederates , captured titres hundred Feller st troll). and six or bevun estisoir: . A greSt . 41ee1 of plutaii•lr wis tekeil The rAllid sfi eeriutt,ty diaineed. • The Fetlersl prisoners conline,i at Salisbury, North Carolina, recently made' an attempt to maps. Aftet a fierce conflict, in,which fort, of the prisoners, were twiny wounded, tie plaids overpowered them • Fairfax Cburt Houve 'been ro occupied _by the Federal troops. The guerrillas; un esptdred two Federal officers Iva hin eiz idles of Alexandria-. OLD lIIRWSPAPEREI,' xApeznirks, BLANK 1100K5... AAR •., WEIITO , its wilrlica /- • - : fli ! e r 'V TA r. a V E h• F 1 • C E . . rill:11111a Oie tArkuse lestlmpt Prtm, ? .. . IIV CASH. WILL 0U 810 LESSONS, -• Qui bit haCI again W IT. WILLIAM WILLING, titerilliC4Wr mtlaw City Property for Sale. -part UN,DERsIoN OFFEKS Fob 4, mole a torsi two-story FRAME HMS, with lot ottesboil, aitoot.4l oat ?amid stfort. birtircio Mk *ad Mit. a pod Ban, Blosisolth Skop, bad totosiloat Well cries the peados A pallla Ulm nal alopteitle ot tie TOMS tilpat4lVl *OM/ of Ton& astlath orooliataOLL l iskii• WM. 1c11440P. c AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL ! ELURML CARTER Asihissoedsted with Mai lir iii — Drog Vr. J. 111 .CARVRP, wed,* th• Ansa title of - Carter Carver, By whom . the the bostoros will coottioso to be coadadal at th• old otuot. With salaried sleek tut hiersosod a. • pal CLUB**, itul . .op• to mob. a liberal aura of rah& roasea. ....,;- ... . - - • ._r . SP.F.CI Al. &TTENTIOti WIU be &rota% to Lim • WHOLESALE TRADE. - thin in Ili* nat i ghtintlng towns Wry tnspenntaDy sited to eve on s eWI tin pa rehvoloi eltatbnn. TIM RETAIL DEPARTMENT WM emutuet,i, an horwtoforN f a eaterallommetA•ti with • .I:eposltton to 41b11,,0k out cuAtomers, •kst. plttleoloely tail Ito notlot of Ybysl7lsos to oar HEMIALS, MI which u t 1::. i crest o::od fined .Ra bropiht.ia thin r r Premcrititions pripimi I hitrotsfors, with AID and prwinp , ntits," Jyrt .urtroursALE a RETAIL VT • GROCERY STORY!, / 5 . A. BROKE'S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, tiorth-R4a Orniatr d t • P.M 4. "ma Stout, - " - 1 1-0 1111 " 1 " ,) Ifccad cv•Polsvg•U7,laa. the, otteolloo of ociaunnit, "- ,Lo Malone Stocig of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, . . R bleb Us Lt dosirou to 101 l at tho vsay LOWITST'POSSIOLS PWRAIw SUGARS, coFFREs, TEAS, • SYRUPS, • • TOBACCOS, -FISH. , La not to taa c,ey , is ha La prepared to pn.e , .N‘, all 'rho re tam a Dalt. BO glop baps eos*tnntly on hand a tapator i..; PURE LIQUORS, for the wholisaLi trad•, to nhiclt b• dinsena the atwnli... of tut publie. giotto 1%, •"Qu{ok Sates, Seal! Prate au., . F4strateat for the gooey." C. 11.1 t!,,tl Atlantic & Great Western Railroad. lam anodu, GUAGS Paseitgerp freight, Nall,' Express and *do graph Route. Connecting at ttaLunutnet, N: Y.. with tha tufty : tray, forma oonUnoona at Foot Track trim New ' art to Akron or Moreland. Oa and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 111, .11363, Through Peneorir and Freight Train, will M rua lerly between CLEVELAND AND NEW YORK. 146 W LtiD LIVORTANT PASSENOtft ROCTR 11.1109/1011 CHUCKED TIMMS • Yiaaenftarabythis'Line hire choice of Ms diff rent Routes between New Vora and Boston. THRObali TALEIST3 eau be obtains I at any of the 00.ese of the irate Hallway and all Ticket thßaea of eenuteetbig Lines West or Aouthwest; also, at the Central nekst Urfa, wider the Weddell Rouse, ClessiandiOhlo. Ask for Tickets Ca. the A. & IR; 'AND ERIS ILIILW A V rameagor Train" otop at lIM4,ItIa thirty iftioutro. leg_pagasagors =pia that to dins at the "WHY". It? SOUSE," the best ii,alloray Hotel ia the eaaratry. ifiniXXPZDITIOUS FREIONV.LINIC, ALL . . 1 RAIL ? Ito traashipasoat of /Freight patina! jNew York and Is. Iterthanta in the West and Sonthweit wtll stud it to their adrintaire to Order their Rood* to be lorerardrd the Erie and Atlantis k Great Western Sailnaya, that, lowing trouble sod expease. RATIN Olt • FREIGHT AM LOW Al. t'a I OTIIRR,ALL RAIL moms. fie pedal Week i wlll be given to the slimly trae,.nr tation ofFreight of all kinds, Boaz or West. The Shaine% Care and other egaipmeaU of t u piny ►re entirely new, and of the newt isnprilled 11).;ef eru style. The only direet ro/te to the womovirtrr. Ott. ipsalwrs prPINNIITIAANIA, iloadrillo or Corry From Lesositsburgb,' the Rationing Brush run. to Youogstown and the Cent Woes. Pals Road is battle extended, and will sons 1e in con,- plots rim:Ming ovigt to Gallon. Urbana, Dayton-and .• • a - oLuaat I, without Omsk of gases: J. FARNAWORTO4. Gael Vralebt Attest. T. H,GOODUAN, Goal Ticket Areal? , SWER TL9C a, Adelda, t MC NEW FIRM. SMITH & GILL3IO4itE, Vskeessor to E. 1117./10 - LEBALE . AND-RETisi IL BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LADIES' FURNISHING' GGO) ):4 w'a're, *TR: ET, inawgEN szvnnTi 1:11:1ITII STRIP.g7S, E. ii. BMI Ili. A I' GILLMOB.I. WM-ft WHOLESALE GROCERS, ,sjegel, parver 81tCo. = ,1 -. - I,,Y,4coattors to Sitgd.,) DEALIittS IN 60eeries, Floor, Pont, Fisk, 8 / 4 13, WATER 'CA.RBON OIL, Mee: Wines, Llquen, Cigars aid T oit•Coq, CliiNDI, CRA==B. ittilS 6.1 t! -- Lowest Market Prioes. UNION &Loa. zaispAL; atom RRY Bata oat Pamiii IR DRUCS ito,k of Mt amortment of rcn or Cloiroinnd 1•2=1 GLASS, ROPE, OIL VITROL, GLUZILIBUNENI. A? MI IMI