-Empire Feed Cutter; Eli EN . The above cut represents a new and linproilid FOOR. KNIFE crrvirta' sox, greatly superior to iv FOUR lENI ER FRET) CUTTER to use'. whether In Strength, Durability, Compaetnees or Ease to Working. Its aslf•feeding, adjustable throat operates to the simplest and most pedant manner. cuttinr any desirable length, and the Machine rao.be run either by Power or Hand. All combhaed glee the EMPIRIC FRED uFTTER • dmcbiled prefsfenoo over all other Four Knife Machines. - ~... • • the prices are am follows: No. One $11; No. Up $33; •No 'Raw* Ito. Four $1&- •i-7.: -., . , The Flour City Two Knife 'Feed Cutter, FLooheeter One-Knife Cutter, . .„,.. , ;.4,: Embracing *variety whleienablse taste /ripply the wants of any larsesr, and at Ilaiutaistafars' pages.. I TER.II3 —.Plow City No. Coe $ : U' No. Two EIIIII-Adithester No One MT: Ne. Two $l9. , I Kr Ostlers supplied with any of the shoes Culteitat Wholesale Prim. . . We Invite the attention of rayons wasting anything in this Hardivuollae, to McLane stain, sitahraciag BOOM FICRNIISDINO I:00 D'll RODICKILNEPERNA 11.1111DW-1 1 NS,:III3II.DILID le Manes.. -- • WARE, AND , Tjdot.s OF RYERT DESCRIPTION. .._• ' Alit • good asisortotant of . .. . - , . . COOKING AND PARLOR ,STOVES, . . (Oahe latest styles, in all of which we defy competition. Special atyuitiou le called toe superior COMBINATION - BRICK OVEN STOVE, which we regard u one of theCwipletest irtztles in the Warhol. - ar We have the Agency to this el ty for FAIRBANKS' CF4,I4BIt•TED SCALVI. • ewe s4sortenest on bud,. which will be sold at Xacuraotorert prices.W. W. PIERCE, ._ - 0ct2W61.-Soi.. --- . - , . GEO. .1. RECORD: - '.,—;- - . CFR , z M om Cla • t a g hi 2 0M so 47; it 44 ,F) . .92 w • Cita ,v CD - g = U • tette ;2 in I: ° , 7P 1. 3 RI 0 • u tir , Ili INEI 11 U LE BOOK THATNO DEMOCRAT SHOULD BE wniturn ! The Causes of the War sirERY XAN IN TEM COUNTRY 13110171.1) HATE IT! PA* by mill, including postage, $1.76 Prim, exclaatve of postage, LSO In all cases the money must aocompany this meet; For Sale at the Observer °glee. - Reed the Fallowing [Froeflov. Seymour, of New Yoek:— ETAT' OP NEILYOIIk. EXZCIIIITS DIPAMILY7. • Albany, January 18th, 1884. j ildt hare nod with great interest that part of your book entitled, 'Wive Hundred Politica Testa:. which you sent me. Ido not hesitate to say tbriti.t 1. a work which every fttend of Constitutional Liberty should have in his posseeslon: No ono who cares for public • events can be without:it. It is not only of greaylpipur *assist this time in its hearings upon the quhrtileaWbf ti• dal, but It is 11130 k valuable contribution to the history devils which now afflict oar country. I hope that it up ill be widely etiolated, and that all class's of • oonserritive mm 1,111.18 in Truly yours, *ello/Litlo SEYMOUR. - To 8. D. Gigantic, Req . .? Madison, Wisconsin, [From Gov. Parker, of New /twig. ltixz or Nsrr hussy, Reaccerez Deraitesser, Trenton ,Ap 2UL 1564. S • J-D. Userdiets, WLS. D.•r Sir kw, examined the book yen sent me co twining scrape from god scrap book. It la a valuable' collection, and should be le the lands' °Hovey eitisen. *should coned, seer, unprejudiced reader that the gelid widish at present controls the conduct of the war *ezreseolia did that the only way to, heat union and • poses to ociidirtraetsd country is to clung* that pansy, which It seems can be doe. only by a change of those ' who aihniestor the Government. I hope the book will have • wide eireulatintt. - 'Yenta vest rarjoutfully, JOEL palms. • - . [From Yr. Volisialighoeu. WVPIOO2. CAZ.DL APT, April Nth, 1104. . 8. DI Marano; gag, Madison, Wis.: My Dew Sts thank you most cordially for your buy valuable book, just received. •It Le a highly Rigor tint eontrit titian to our current hottofy, and almost the - oily sue of the Democratic • school which has jet 11,- -pawed. • • • lem glad to bear testimony to the general accuracy as well as great value of ,the book, and wishyeti a heavy ado and much profit. We greatly Reid jut each books. _ • ' • Very teuly your friend, mylla C. L. VALLANDIORAM. - LARGE READY-MADE CLOTHING STOCK FOR SALE.- , WMlog le nen froaitasineek of I offer tor sale My saths - • stock • READY MADE CLOTEI4,(4, 111111113/11S0 ; 4WD Plltpr. GOODS. I.l' COS r Tko stook couirioes Um Bret mad most comploto as soramost of geode belonging to the trade. in the eltY;-• Mock. Loom el the store "for i$ months from Ws, goes Ida Um • cirri. stock of goodiwlU to sold at PIEST COST. , oot2atf. - , MOSES KOCH. „No* Firm. cr - - ‘ - TAMES 4 P. CROQIE, having taken in hitt we. Junes IL, 14 a partner, on die let dav'elfdedil, ander tie Inn name WANES P. CEOOi k 80N, deidiwto bate a eettleinenfof his oldneconnte. ,411 per ow Montag themselves indebted to hint ate tequited la mill yid settle without delay. ” . , _ ~ . , ~;,,,,—.! - • / ...._. JAMES P. CROOK I& 80101, • *OUGH AND s PLAS;C aI D kiri g r A irus,""rm a n a "ad monbutas Asa nark? min. pron Balt? ig, , lsteling lk Fludnt lisp ea 'Bha I IE Wee P and ttlats., • , illattss *" =g cil wart ti rs trDeetim n of esptl,,o": ma armsmalate terms. Itarlog. litt•4 up =Ur. , Vsatiith esmsior Ismildsery. ire tog esslldiost ,rev n 64mM:re. Orders tress abroad mill resstrejoremmtstu.stlos. • 441 P. P. CItDOX At NON. . ? ' ERIE RAILWAY.. .'sir-amemeNtril ems 1 - GE Of HODS% COIigENCING 1, - . • r '3OXDAT. OCTOUR 41.11144. Airl,lll44ve Dink.* atabeattkatellinrtao444zr. • re:dim! Bound—Depart. : Fr -w Ihrpiess 4 a P.- a. • time, vrama............ .so a. ir. - . 10 — , ' wi.iiiii ... iv a em.„ . 4 ;—....4 WU , f a a -. 1nt421; - Mirat tr4r • -S4I4Z " cusaugra VAT/Ifer lIINTEI A.ND COOLER COMBINED I nmot oultd and *mondial ntor sow (AM to . i felle of slalom ol o ln a tn i p oriole/1 , "We liotilln ogee sal Isla TWIN ,!. :. • sik ALSO FOR BALI AND 'Mg , 1,, Red44:4,Bl4mtia Salve ! - - FORTY YEABi EXPERIENCE ril REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE REDDING'S ItIJSSIA SALVE I • cins3 BURNS REDDING'S RIISSIA . SALVE I ~~ ^~ ~` CIIIIiB SCALDS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! cuus BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CORES CSILBL42X _ r. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! tt g 0 it 0 CURES CHAPPiP BANDA REDDING'S RUSSIA: SA LYE I CURVI F - LESEI WOUNDS REDDING'B RUSSIA SALVE t - OVIUDI - OLD Mara REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I • CURLS REDDING'S RUSSIA S#LVEI , 4 OMUDVCANCISS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE!' { CURES nit 11101:111- IiEDDINCes RUSSIA SALVE! • % CURS! BOLLS; REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CORES CORNS, REDDING'S..RUSSIA SALVE! VMS PLYPIZIL REDDDIG'S RUSSIA SALVE! • MI MS FILM. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! - CIIRSI3 BLUITIM. RE L DDiNCPS RUSSIA SALVE!' - MUM tritOst BITTEN PAWL. REDDINCPS , ,RESS IA SALVE! CUB= ALLCUTALNEOUSM3I,IBIS aNDTALTTIONS GENUALLX: 1 • • REDDING'S RUSSIA. SALVE! L pink* bee from is =arsenal =attar or to ots partielsc and in no ems will its asplioitloa fatalism with ths m edal that illy primperibed by % . 7 1 14114u physidan. The Medical Twiny. throughout*" Dalai, ars nasatinoos in ita palm. Thgatorslts rinses boom* known that psalm Is the demand, sad it is sivr eordd. sod an indispensable artier of hanashald asousity— boas said alike byOtis sad poor. REDDING'S RUSSIA - SALVE! Is prompt IA sotto', roasovos pal* at osistioed reducer the most aogry looklogivellisp and iallariaratiote, Irby vita,—thus eiforoltap relief sail a asurp/ate cam The length of time this rave has bees beers toe pula:le errarloaire proof that It Ls ao "rat eh-peas y" pre. amt. tion„pat forth to have o iletielorul popularity, sad thou slateto rime no more. ;• cip'1,41.5 Casts • Bee. Vat - Well 7. P. DINSINOBV, No. 491 Broadway, Y., B. W. rowu ar CO ~No.lll Trauma Street, Dante*, sad by all Diligettil loud Coast?, St4rellorepere. aop4P6O-17.. • .I r - QUESTIONS, • • QUESTIONS ; : 4 QZTES IONS: That Concern Ever -7 61 4 e to Answer 1 • .A ' W yosSuld Does sour hair I - • Has you hair bottoms this Dais it hel harsh. and dry, and hernial' Is it taming gray before Its time t.• th ...re anal ye trembled with itching, buzzing. muirriatk at a a pt s • asap: 4 taLlablad with Desdruft? Rheum Are loos triubled with what La ailed Ihr cabala or Silt) Dareyou had the bysipelaa, and loot you hair Ham you had the limales, sod lastit t • .• Ilan you ba d she Typhoid Finer, and lost it t Him you lost risaitrair by aay ablkaaset ' you wish luxuriant bur Do you wish sort and lustrous lab Do yen wish gay hair restored Do yea wish rut whiskers &mg t De yob wish thing metered is solar t • Do you want it for year *Wens Ds yeti waat it for mad; tor Uttar ur Mother. ler ltrolhar. dart or bided? - Do Do yes want 69 Mike premst jos want a =l= toUstt De you want a Do you want a pure article t Do you Vila • delude distilled silica t Do you was. • eleanslagartiels - Do you vast tiur bust pp:operatics oat for droning, ,banishes, protecting, Lactating the color, and sondar isEtsti, WRy and lustrous the Human Hair t If wi 11F, irsaystit CI.ARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, , FOR THE EMIR, TBE PNIQUALLED ANDAKIPSSIOR, ANY YREPAICATION EVER . COMPOUNDE D AND OFFERED 1‘ It costs bat asai boStesper 6 bottles 66,, smite sold 67 is oeid Dodoes irresywimoo. - •' C. 616 %AM!. dri 00 4 Ph - 141,1eis, & it: T, fiIUIIIJ :J, b, • ifirei. name -to- OH Refiners. • sz• . tia Won *Diktats otz, vrructs 110D4Apil GILIM at tie lima • owns. in Nil OlTVlttel by wear *WM Uri ov i c e ft. Ibints 01•111011 1 1 41 r: 411 - W " Pieqe 00ii4 TU PIERCE & CO, 1 , ..t1nt.• in '1;11 RAL IMPLEMENTS, %A'rovESf ARDWARE, &c.. &c., NEIL O} l STATE AND STH STS.,,, - ERIE, PA Hie telly ertehlished the eapirlority 01 El Over allnther healing azegesstions. • -QUESTIONS, THE PUBLIC IWufwwa ralsoid, ar ti. asin4ntr 4 4 4 '4 4 4 AN I) GV.14T1.15414:-N LtP.VORV. t'UliCks ASI NI.. fIRM Piano I.CLEMENS CIIGHEY & BURGESS'i -1111 E LO D 111 ' S liwwweer.. - - I .1,0 or •iNttawto. ui Icwits., meta. boy .agrftated ,at,y ethnato, ant 0 , 1 SW: W 7, kin'sro,V;. .411.1 i lb say amid Let r}..! . 1 i.egyau r deei'ontbe tent that the ti"' 'lobe d o ily 1 4 in. , to , tl:i'ltiki.ttuniiit ty amain 'smote t.../Kbers of lisle ea.. ar+ only by a, rota sal to vie taws (Prol.ww,r.l) ESORMOUS CoSlMissioN ' tickers and Candy ,_. Which will her voter toetwat hose oho MU of me la the ; am. ilLit of from 15 to 25 per oat, ter I would r‘thweig• low tile aenie to the lever Mom to this waddler who beoeitte CO oae bes.dee blateelf. I lan a Cain* tom, Mr/4M and forward. sad hats *root led Wave d Idlers. I awe% ant tube the volts-eta of wy friar!? pocks* or deirand the Odors nisolont of it, or cheat ;visit sad fenalrlato the P...4s Rouse for the seloof sathifyisg the hungry masts through who 'elrhopqrhig Phis*, will not sir. Uttar, U.they an set ter set hid, Maley are good. - I will psy gamy ciao, woman or child, the unsnarl re oPtied ors Piano with nay mane on It, if lbw, are sal 'pleased with it, sad I will pay a Timiaseed boilers 10 any one who will show snit one on which the Mina is Webs. Ills so many New York and Beals Pianos hare doss iv ia this shy and earaty. /at people tell wive ist poor Pianos are—rica-thilleichenr—appesiallr those w rlootharn soadmeala seek go when they belong. Idy Pianos are warranted to he sop , with all late :good haproevamistilti mast give ischos or asps,. Easters playa lakes aria had el ma se well and alatpas *Wan 111511. - Forties Needy to parrliur &Whim to the walla hars„ will plasm nasembsithat / ant dealing larr l = l si t ; cal Marchand at generally. and tan oiler tartly szeelled by any Skerteaug dialer, • Pianos warranted by me can be relied :apes. Wag illaninactorer, Tozer, Plapn and linslciaa, as well se Umber. kly warrant to grad, because lam good fey th• amount. My opinlcat In many cams has bora a benefit to those who pllrealliled Pianos, and Some who did lot ho• lie , OM, at big found 'lto troth sitar a whflo by ugiaz !owl • Pluto Tarte suds elsewhere is no utter for that TIIIII•u. but all Mous are Dod whisk are wade right, the good are good and the tasiern Planer us inrolahed by me, u above sad, at ILanatutunmt pilaw Ity stock on tread noubita of a very choke seteetton..aad 'grew Gummi: Seer awed for rate here. • - 7 3i 4N 0 d TO I,ET. ' • • rourytly attended to. 014 - _ " • WM. WILLING. AUTUMN TRADE. • J.OHN C. BEEBE Lames the atteetim of water. to kg Lee a:ew SEASONABLE GOODS! Nov receeviluito;ll• - Pall & Witter Tradgt Perelimed aleole vi k e te dect i la ns tred be - eold CHEAP FOR CASH! also • large stock of Boots and Shoes, Which will he sold at Wort ter below the "meat. nem. tuttred-die. -Fall - and' Winter .Goadl— , . 4 MRS. E. S. ALL Would respootkily ail attention io ii•lt LARGE STO - CK WV. GOODS, Just seoldrod from New_ Bonnets, Hats,. Rihbtl, Ito., • Toggsthii with somth.'"' - ' DR Y GOODI3_ .. P wbtati es* will 4911 - caser - ioR CASH, OR READY-PAL E r Particular .tt:n 9 paid to WO - SW.l4g, ostsring ond litorioa oah et., (doors above - lb, Diji4. - trie, Pa. areMPUIL PrOperty. for Sale. rrillE UNDERSIGNED BEING DESIB ; oos of eagsting la other batmen, atm fez ealetheli Proparty. inmates! in Albino, Lie Co. A. this pro comfits of One FLOURING HILL. One SAW RILL.DWELLING ROUSES mid 111 ACER 3 f LAND. t h e elearing NW works , duos pair of ban; three bolts sad all other asosemary awastamy for dotter • merchant or custom buinesk sad is Bow dolag - a pay. log tantrums—the retail trade amentatiror to from Afton to tweedy thommad dollars a year. The San mill boa Gas Upright Saw sad one Clroalm Saw, and L doable geared aad to aomplete order. The above - mills ax. driven by a never Snag sad will to sold at &Weals. All letters of Inqa= raestro prompt attains* by addreadar C. TUN k SON. nettl-tate Albion, Elie 00., Pa. . _• THE PLACE TWGET YOl4l. MONEY itACK, tr af COUGHLIN'S ----- BOOrik, SHOE STORE) . State /knot, Nearly Oppoiita the runt 011 as; : Z. Cot hits, Soot wt. Uwe Daalor. tho Public that Eau onsoharaad to tho Stool goon oa Gut. stradoeszis Ole* UN P.M - Moo, Mom Woollies kis obi Maeda aod ',Amnon to ho icon. tarlkwalaw attaatios ilwootkoi ; ,- - • KEPAARINGI Ravin ogooo k l workman. sod walowlatudlstall Whom litooolf. he holism he tat en is tool MIAs. WA and WI at as low prima to may other puma is the WO. Good rue Warraallod, ' Wide. /mimicAm HOUSIgi, - SOUTH WEST 0011.Mit Or 'pa PARK t aTAT'Ii if, ERIP4 PA.* JOHN DIINCA.N;z. PROPRIETOR. The unctsralguid , having