The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 01, 1864, Image 1

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g OF '.lltvglk BCILDinli. " /STAINS Arnritt
• r Port (*Plc.:.
Teo Woes ens kb
Inortions 81,00; thy.. i sm .
11. 23 ; ,;.. month $OO ; t 44 isoatlui $2,60;
r•h• •iX m0nth 0 8 6 . 06 1. 444 yegar 8104;
in proportion. Thits4 ate.
to; 011 , 104 e?sage4 by epeeist
-t lnr option ortte puMisilerf.
s idworta• ,
kr9tOeS Notices 0,60 I Load
. r A.\ 'to; Sfa• $ . . ? * 9 •8 i:Nrr I •
Notimi(cesz throe Haft
nce eenii Mr itte. Ongiuti poetry, at,
ittib relueat of the *Alter, Cu. dellat
nentab'e_eoctisued i t
t%e per.o)nadrortlaiiiii atittlailleted
thmeti• - m, 111:14ra a epoitft!4 mod
to It* inrsttoo. -
„RtprioN rIA:i.A.I3 per 'lawn. ad.
o;irike. —lTe have Gee a the bort Jobbing
.th e RtAte., and aro nail! le deealy weft Is
that miy entrpi4te DI, looting styli
01it.14 - 1,0f 4 p• largest allies.
W , ITN 4,4 k RfUiCRT, Piblloboro
,Girl with the Calico Laos.
I , r > our lipper•ten. girls, 1
‘s, L b tiirir velvets, satins and liter's;
Jiain,nl , lA, rubies-and pearls,
tneir inilliner figures and figcgis,
rnt y shine at a-party or ball;
E ti gtnned with half they possess, ;
, s . di t i r e me to place of them all,
ThP girl with the calico dress,
piam.p Re a partridge, 'end fair
.Is.-thoge ih the earliest bloom ;
teeth - will with ivory compare,
.1 , 1 i Ler breath with the o4iver.perfule,
=ten is ns free And light
1 4 the fawn whom the huairirs hard
her eye is 10 Sat and as bright
by g;rl in the calico dress.
ilor dandirf anilfoplings may sneer I\
At her simple'find modest attirS,
- itut the charms she permits to appear - \
Would sot aiwhole iceberg on Ire. t
ihs can dance,-but never—allows ,
Tho hugging, the squaw, and ;
'AM. ie saving all the.e for her sponse-7i •
My girl with. the calico dress. .
tat iv oheerful, warm-hearted and her father and mother ;
She et udies how pith she can do
For her sweet little sister and brother.
If you want a companion for life,
To comfort, enliven and bleep
She is just the right sort of a flAfs—
'My girl with the calico dress,,
I say, Tom I'ru confoundealy sick of
t;:aing in town in this splendid August
:Esther W,hat say You, to taking a run
the country
f 4hrltild like . :,:iabove things,
, :? , t)rge Bfing.4o3.4lmfitied to the the eight
tr:ekz: awl n2rtar,tis'enough to make
uE Eigli forath of freeih air and a
: „2.lpie of thb.l.doe sky:"
Well, then, agreed, Tom. We'll start
~ : nprrow.. I an uncle, &gentle.
stn firmer, living in the pleasantest spot
e vo? large, rambling farm-hone,
1,1: 1 pleatt.of !And for ahootir.g, sticrs.
Inta;of ti3h ; then he has
: , , , otty", ; (1-14ters besides. warrant
al a lie:titan t my uncle's ; and
411) kn 4W4 but that Mr.' Tom Vincent the
eonnoisst:ur of female s igituty,
h.q. la. heart to one of tuy
f.91-in4 before his return V 1
"Dln't fear for My heart," said Teta,
Inivii:g up his 'handsome form, awl
.seepinly back the•ihiok masses of wavy
dsrk hair trom his broad forehead ; "I
serer mew the lady vet who could fill it;
no doubt".your fair cousins are Prot
'', AilL you kneel me too welt to form any
; :ani of that: mart No matrimorky.for me
..httl many a {•ear :"
"Oh, well, Tom, you'll be caught some
.hy by a witch of a thing, who will tear to
uitter4 all yntir fine ideas about matrimony
I nd Flo forth,' with her spicy words and
..utcy airs I" laughed George, rising ; "but
null be, , ornow. Pack up your port•
=de la to-night, and I'll be round early
In the morning ; for we'd better take the
!rat train in order to get to my Uncle
-14pdall's kit time for linnet." ,
Yes I'll be readY,",replied Tom ; and SO
nip friend deputed. _
George Warner and Toni Vincent were
intimate friends, having been compan
.oss It college, and graduated with equal
honor from their Alois Mater. Gebrge
.tutlying, for the law ; and, Tom
thongli an heir of wealth; still sat at the
mercantile-dasi where hii deceased. fath
er had acquired a fortune.
The next morning the two friendi seat
ed tttemselves in a railway carriage, and
were borne ripidlir 'away from the hot,
dusty city, into the pleasant open coats?:
trt I refreshed with the varied gihapies of
green fields and sparkling waters, ' put
vhich they were
_whirled' along. About
aeon they arrived' at their journey's end,
laving_ri4den2 !lime twelve miles in . a
•Elge_coachlter leaving the railway; and
both abl e d hungry, they presented
themselves at the, farmhouse door Of -
Randall, where they were received _with
hearty welcoMe.
'l'm sorry, George," said his aunt, that
the girls have , :goneover to liesdowleigh,
to their cousins, on a visit. They went
only this morning. and will be away a
'reek or more. }low unlucky I bat you
amt stay till they come back=you and
:our friend."
"Thanks, aunt Lucy, we will place our.
'elves under your hospitality for a short
period, for we left town for a rest and en
joyment ; and, If it's to be had anywhere,
We shall find it here, I know," replied her
r •
nephew. • - •,
Mr. Randall soon made his appetaritnce
;from the field,' and welconied the young
men With a hearty shake of the bah&
"So then,tnoplieW, I'm glad t
17 o n!ve not_
forgotten us," he said. -
"No, Uncle Randall ; nor the,tinktrout
fishing in your river, nor the capital pme
in your woods. hty friend Vincula is a
first-rate shot; and he's going , to:, try his
luck here if we can manage to 441111 the'
'first of
- September,"
"Well, we do have plenty of game here,"
Mr: Vincent—lota of htires and paatridiel;
and many o' ;emir town folks come down
merely for the shooting," said the. far-
e r
* *
"1 (iPclate„George," said Tom, as the two
wended their steps homeward at-the close
of a aplen:(ltit 'day about a wiailt after their'
arrival such a plea - Agit place one
wuuld b(iialmost tempted to leave town,
Intl settli in some Such spot ; that is dill':
• ing the thorstin; season. There - is ration
al etuoymen t. to by : found here. - farm
or's life after w irlii:•.fia, not to be despised.
for he is independent, - and enjoys vigor
ous health, which is the foundation of all
'Yes, Tom, ik know it, and auk very
Glad that your opinion's have undergone
- *stowage ; for'you did not forme) , ex,
' .
- . . _...„,
. ...-
_ ::
,J . - . . 1 . 4 .,- ~, -_ --
~,,, ,Ji
press yourself so with , reizairti to a ciouniry
life!' I think a farmer, ,like my •iincle,
who isintellgent and is in easy circum
stance, a itery__happy - and independent
an. But wetintitit flatten back, for-there
are heavy clouds coining _up In 06 west ;
and, if I'm not much .miStaken, .we shall
get a sprinkling before We get home."-
The young men quickened their steps;
hitt ey were yet lull hail a mile from
the fa,whouse when the rain began y to
fall in torrents, and, compistely drench
ed, they reached the house at a full run.
Torni,tr advance of George, sprang into
the passage, nearly upsetting a young,
girl who was passing from l one room to
*another, a
"Pardon me excuse me, madam V'
staomered Tom, as he 0169;0 at the
face of the girl. "Ile my haste to escape
the shower, I did not notice that any, one
was here."
"Ab, certainly, sir.. No harm is done,".:
she replied, smiling:
...Alice! Cousin Alice f" cried George,
who just then came in, "glad you've re
turned; though I can't say that I'm glad
to meet you in such a plight a9 - this I" be
said, glancing at his dripping garments.
,"But, you see, Alice, the rain is tremen
'tdour ; and my friendlier° and I were un-
Welty enough. to be
. caught f in it.. But
iidlow me to. make you acquainted with
My friend, Mr. Thomas Vincent, known
ai,one of the moat fastidious gentlemen
ici\town, who, I dare 511,n deeply morti•
making his debut into the presasice
o u puiy in this fashion."
George, you' are the same as ever,
I tisse' replied the young girl, 'and the
smile deepened on her face as she looked
at hls'i V wet garments amply, besprinkled
with mud. "Your friend and uKself
have indeed had a taste of the - shower.
It is heavy, and came up suddenly. -bleth
er Was 'afraid you would be .caught in it"
"Yes Awe have had it, as you see," said
George. \ "But where is Fanny, and when
did yoti trtsie home ?"
"You will see her soon. We returned
this morning, shortly after You went out,"
replied Alice,
"Well Tom, shall we go to our rooms
and make o \ nrselves presentable, orcwould
you prefer giixing at my fair cousin here'?"
said George,. with a laligh.
"Deuce. talks you, George t'said Tom,
after the.youngmen were in-their T 00132
"you talk abot4me tun' to me ridiculous
ly ; and I won'a stand' it. Your cousin
will take me for k a simpleton."
"Pshaiv,:rnag, what matters it. what
the girls tiaink'of:you ? 'Nobody but coun.7 -
try girls ; 'and yoU \ can't care& fig for the
good opinion of any lady, you knoiii," re ,
tort,eit his
° friend . k 'I-- • "
"Now, Gorge, you're unmerciful t
no doubt'thitt the young ladies are both
very intelligent ; a n d though, 'as I told
you before, I shant fall in love, yet I
would wish to have their good.opinion."
"Oh, well, see, Torn, about the
'love' and the 'opinion,' in the future,"
replied 'George laughing.
When the ,two yOutig men discended .
to the aittin4-room, where the family,had
already assembled, tea Was kiratting them.
If Tons Vincent had been struck with the
pretty face of Alice, - ,was much more
pleased with the loveliness of her sister
Fanny ; 'for' while Alice had a form a)it
tltsabove the medium height,' with 'fresh,
rosy complexion, and fair blue eyes. Fan
ny, with a peke figure, posseased a perfect
brunetti ciampleition, with sparkling
black eyes, and hair of oboe hue.
, Fanny, how do you do, my fair
cousin I" wird. George, as this girl rose to
greet him when he entered the room.
"My friend Mr. Vincent. 11 believe he
has already made the acquaintance of Al
itte,"'he added, with a iimile.
"Yes, I have hid that hondr," replied
Tom.: "and begging her pardon for the
mishap I occasioned her, I trust that the
acquaintanee \ so insauip /L r ioiottsll •dommanc
.od may prove as pletaiant- as' I think it
"Come,- Tom," said George, the next
morning, "what may yciu to *fishing party ?
We will invite the girls• to go with us, and
have a little bottom &hide They are
capital anglers : for the last time I - Was
here, the fish always tools their liait in
preference to mine. These country girls
understand the art alniost as well as the
town•bred ladles do; he added, quizzi
"Well, George, agreed. It's - a capital
morning for a bite. The -•sun's a little
clouded, and though I'm)not much of an
angler myself; yet I shall! extjoy the sport
of others ; and of which your old hank'
Walton so delightfully discourseth." .
In half an hour the party stood upon
the little bridge which spahned the stream
at the back of the farmer'e house, and,
with hushed voices,.east out their lines.
•"Oh,George, I've got a bits!" exclaimed
Fanny, in triumph, as she drew . up 'her
line and &splayed' a fine:gudgeon: "They
like my bait best, George; for I saw this
one play she* yours for • some time, but
be took mine in preference."
"Oh, Of course," said George; "it is oat
ural that the fish should prefer yours.
You underitand using your rod very skill
fulty,„pouain Fanny. Don't - you think she
does, Tom 1" •
Toni was busily talking with Alice, a
little apart from the others, and idly plap
ing with his line in the water, and diEvnt.
"What 'don't I think,' George ?" be
said, advancing to them. "1 did not un
.derstand your q'uestion."'
Why, don't you think that Fanny here
country conain.=-is -a pretty good
ingler for a little one? See her trophy.
the.first fish yet—beating us both•:" said
"Yes, Miss:Fanny has thrown us cups.
- pletely in the shade," replied Tom.—
"What a fine,..flah. too !" he added. I
hope she doesn't try her skillizni saw spoil
bill. ash ; for 'twould be dingerntoi - te
ble at her belt," he contlnnest 4ushing,
and glancing at theraparkliiit•yee and
ERrE,-pA,lnußspky AFTERNO - 0 fIpECEMBER 1, X 864
cherry 'lips of the young girl as he spoke.. I :the ver•y , thesnii7l,took yon . have trqinouri ago ,THIS 'ADVERTISEMENT !,
.-014, no, never fear I' ; ' she replied Baud- 'Ouse.' It . pays to come into t 00iidtrfl. ~ : • oui IT OUT
lv. "I am ttut 'a countrylirl,,' and not' kshittgi,doestet it? Set you , " lief
h p.
. -. • - • • ,
ute a gOldenl bait." '-e - ,• • slid: pottiest - 4b l her, "what sort °Mitt ' d Dhow It to Your Prlendije
The young manttushed, sad turned ab- I have you bean using
-to oat& the beat fi sh • • ' ~'•:-.• •
t• -...
raptly astavlo and again stood beside . in the hnsband market i know of—my
Alice, whowks intently watching her line s ' old friend here? Well, Alice and I can . '
and float.' . \ , - ' , f I -tell you that we've not been idle all this , :' . .. IMPROVED . ' •-•- ,
All that Morning Torn Vincent " re- ! time, either ; Can't we Alice?". But both i a '
mained besidei-Alice,for the did not shoe the Young girls had vanished, and the' 0 li MA 1
him with tart rre 1 --, ' flashing glaric young men were alone.
p 1 .. i en . i ,
like her mere • beautiful sister.- And o i - The next morning there were tong t ;
Fanny and George walked and chatted; 1 natation. with theAermer and his wife.
together, and {ter musical laugh rang out end when the two young men'left them,
upon the deal. air. , - - , ' their smiling faces told the story'of their
In the ensuing week of - the young men's slicers. But, though they left the farm
the limit house, there seemed to house that_day, yet, Wore the earth was
grow up a strong barrier between' Tom covered ,with winter's snowsithey came
Vincent and tile witty, piquant Finny; ; again ; and when they once more returned
far though she treated -the young man po - i:t.o . their homes they were 'not alone, for
lately, yet she always m 4. any advances he I - lii%l.Wo blitjhing bride! that accompanied
might mato. with her old saucy words end 1 theinittire evidence to the success of their
saucy looks. 'flits completely baffled him, summer's iisit.__But with the weddings
and Fanny could not have angled more did not terminate George Warner's rail
suo.essfully if she had purposely designed lery to hit friend, concerning their sum:
to win the love of the fastidious Tem Vins mer's fishing, and "Fanny's Bait.
_;' -..,
cent, for her careless independence of
Manner, and the frank freedom- of her
speech, completely captivated his heart.
And so, though lie hitd yet no reason
to think that Fanny oared aught for him,
yet he determined, if posisible, to win: her
love ; for he saw that under . he; indepen•
deuce of manner she possessed a heart
capable, of the most devoted attachment.
* * *- .. *
Another - week of shooting, bokting and
riding had elapsed. On the morrow the
young men were to depart. The 'kit
night hail come—a beautiful ',September
evening, with the moon sailing high in
the heavens, rind bathing the earth with
Et soft flood of light. Tom Vincent saun
tered into the sitting-room; whefe the far..
mer, his wifnand Fanny sat
"So you must leave us 10-mairOso, my
young friad," -- sald Mr. Randall. "We
shall , certainly miss you, for we've had a
capital tilio of it since you ilnd George
h4ebee,n here.. The girls wbn't ge fix,
ing much, 1 expect, after you've gone."
"Why not, father ?" said Fanny, spealc .
Ong qtrielt4Yorith flpshed face. '
"Ah, you knor best, Fanny I" replied
her father, smiling. "'Tie pleasant to
hive company, isn't it, Fanny?" be added.
`6oh, yes, 'lig pleasant. to have compa•
ny," she replied; "but the one can do
without it, you know,"
"Yes, litiss , Fititay can, l knoir;" replied
. ,
the young man. ...tkihe•prefers solitude."
"Oh, no, you are_. - mistaken," said her
mother. "Fanny is fond of reiety ; and
itis:dtti enough for young folic. hg." in
the country."
"Where is George?"
_asked Torn, to
c hange the conversation, which be saw
did not please fanny.
!Pile went out with Alice some time
since," replied the farmer's wife.
• The young man stepped' out into the
moonlight, saying; Imne, Miss Fanny,
will you not help me seek the treantst"
• .
"No: I'm very tired. Pray'excnse Ma,"
she replied curtly.
Vincent bit, his lips,ind went out alone.
"Why Fanny, girl, why don't you _go
with the young, men V' inquired her fati4
er, lopking sharigY bit her, and surprised
at her answer. -
"Oh, .am tired, and my head sohes,'"
she rffitTeil; tsiening her face to_tbe win
doer Si 4ite spoke.
"I thought
_you hay t eu't seemed welt
these two or three days t,aok, Penny," said
het mother. :"I will make you come herb:
tea, and ynu 1% ) . better 'go to bed.
brioxtbe444-dp - to you."
" - t(O, no, mother. It isn't so bad as
that," she quickly said. "It will be better
by'and by ; and, besides', it's only eight
o'clock. I couldn'tgn to sleep if I. retired.
I will wait for Alice,"
An hour .later Tom Vincent came back .
to - the house, and throuih the window he
saw that the farmer and his wife had re=
tired; and that Fanny was alonB 4 ,swith her
head bowed upon her hand, as if in deep
"Fanny," he said,. in 'a
low tone, ae•h4
entered and approached her, placing his
hand upon her bowed head, "Fanni,what
is this? In tears ?"
She started up; and singing his band
off, ex'claimetl angrily, "This is ungentle
manly: to steal upon w& unswaies and
dtrprise me thus.", •
"I did not seek to surprise you, Fanny.
You are ungenerous in your language,"
he said:clasping her hand ,in his strong
grasp. "But, Fanny,l,niust and will know
why you shun me,te—why my presence is
so distasteful Jo you. Will you tell ?",
he asked, and his voice grew low and ten
der. "Ab, Fanny, be =added, "if you
knew hdw I. 2 loved you, but, how lispeless
ly, you would pity me, and not. treat me
so unkindly. Do you hate me; Fanny?"
The young girl did not reply. She
turned„her face"away, and the little bands
which were in Tom's io longer 'struggled
to be frOe; but lay quit arid passive ; and
the young man felt that 'his case was not
so hopeless after lin.
"Fanny—Fanny Randall—yoii- do not
hate and you do love me I Will you
be my wife t: he asked tn tender accents.
Sholurneirher face towards him now,
and a light was in her beautiful eyes which
Tom understood full well, for be clasped
her .to Ida heart in a first and Icing em-
Soon after, George and . Alioe came in,
and their countenance also told a story
similar to that whiojs was written on the
happy facia of Tom add Fanny.
"Now,. George, J've an action against
you,"' raid-Tom, as his friend returned.
"You've been tilling this qou:vii lady'
head with informaiinn concerning your
humble servant—to wit, that he is a per
-feet woman hater—that. be despirs all
that pertains to the country, et Catra t Ate at
om. I'll be even with you yet, friend;
" 90, ho 1 something °our to pass; I stip
pose ?" mid George, laughing. "Turned
out jest as I thought it would. AU plkit I
Thank me, Tom, you lucky fellow; for by
Katie Lt. and Willie Gray.
Two brown heads with tossiog curie,
Red lip/ shutting over pearls,
Bore feet white and wet with dew,
Two black eyes sad two eyes blue ;
Little boy and girt wore they,
Katie Leo and Willis Grey.
They were standing where a brook, '
Bending like a shepherd's crook.
Flashed it silver, And thick ranks •
Of green willow fringed the kolas
Half in thought and half in plu.
Katie Leo and Willie Grey. -•
They had cheeks like cherries red ;-
Ile was taller—most n bead ;
She; with armlike wreaths of snow,
Swung a basket to and fro, _
As she.loitered. half in play.
Chatteribg to Willie Grey. •
“Preity Katie,” Willie said--
And there came a Bash of red
Through the brownness of hie cheek"—
“Boys are strong and girls are weak,
And I'll carry, so I will,
Katie's basket up the hill.” „
Katie answered, with a laugh,
—4, You shall carry only half,"
And then, toning back her curls,
"Boys' Ike weak as well as girls."
Do you think that Katie . guessed,
Half the wisdom she expressed t, _ _ _
Men are only Ellis grown tali, ..__. . ..,
1 Hearts ilon't change mush after 'lli
And whin, long:years from that day,
Katie Lee and Willie Grey ._ . , .
Stood again beside the brook. - -
Bending like a shep herd's *rook,
~ it_Strringe that Willie fed,
~ Whilelageis a dash of red
• Grass.d.the brownness of his cheek
- "I am p strong and you are weak, ' , l
Life is but a slippery steep,
Hun with shadows *old and deep
. .
Will you trust me Katie dear ?
Walk beside me without fear--;
klayi-Lattriyxj will,
"ill your bordeninfitliiin i " •-•
nd the answered, with e: laugh,
o, but yonmay carry half."
• I
lose betide the little brook,
ending likes shepherd's crook,
ailing with Its silver hands,
I Late and early at the seeds,
Is a cottage, where today '
Katie lives With Willie Grey.
In,aporch he site, and lo
Slings a basket to and fro, .
Vastly different froth. tito - one'-_,t ,
That she ogling in years agorae :
This' is long and deep and with , .
And hes—rocktrs at 14 ride t
Labia; v. Gasn.aiian.—Three things a
lady cannot do :
Ist; Sh• cannot pees a milluiery shop
without. stopping.
2d. She cannot see a pice ofl : lace with
asking the price.
3d. She cannot see a baby without kis,
sing it.
A lady of our acquaintance turns the
tables on the gentlemen as follows :
Three things a gentleman cannot do :
He cannot go through _ the house
and shut the door after him.
'2d. He cannot have a shittt made to suit
him: ,
3d..He can never be satisfied with the
ladies' fashions.
A young lady in a class studying physi
ology made answer to a question put, that
in six years a human body became entire
ly changed, so that nota particle which
was in:it at the commencement of the
period weuld remain in- it at,4143 close of
"'thew; ldiae-L.," said thelY6 - ung tutor,
"in six yeais you will ?ease to be Miss L!!
"Why, yes, sir, I suppose so." she said,
looking dot in upon the floor. •
"Tats Mil/ captain V" ' shouted an Eh:
glish soldier at Inkeirnan, "I have eyrie.:
, •
.' .
"Well, bring hiaetere."
"I should like to, but the' scoundrel
• on'-t let me go." . -
A'story is told of a cool old sea captain,
with a virago ore wife, who met a Omit'
in a lonely place. As the ghost-obstructed
his path, the.old SeEtow rernarkid
" If you are. not get .out,
you are, come lacing with ,nio .add get sup.'•
per, -I married your sister."
Morass stingy ,hushand threw
oft the blame of the lawlessness of hill
children in company•by saying his wife
always "gives them their own way." -
"Poor thingi." wu her pronsfitl,reply,
"it's ell I have to giro", •-•
AN 4- xcionge, COMITIIat, sing on the fact
th • uurnher of Cineict Ati young ladies
been msrjie4 111241 carried away to
other risme, mays no city bas a better
claim to Supply:spars rite for the immense
"I. ass the villain in - your face," said a
Western judge to a prisoner.
"May it please your worship," said the
prisoner, "that 1? -a personal reflection."
se., Pensioiti,.Bounties,' Arrears of Pay,
&o.; can be procured by.the Widows, Orphans,
and next•of kin of those who have dirt in the
of.the Untied Stites; also, britoldiors
and Seamen who am disabled by wounds re
ceived or disease colittseted, tints appliettion
to •4 Oven/virtu, • Limon& Military lad
• Agent. (Mei in the o.ollkon
Council Room, Wright's Jack; coiner that.
. and Fifth Ms., 'Candor the - Dilyitta 4104
P ) * "
, . .. •
_, ~-.), , • : ,_. .
.. _ _ 4 ... __. • _ .
- _
• 7 . '
Tbey art acknowledged to be the 8E it . MACHINE ever
introdureed into able eoltutte. 'Their unrivalled mann
not only to this Deal:dry, but all oven tbi World, has
made it by far theiniost popular Machine sow In tea.
may have the 1.14 of ail other Machin's. !told
slap the late improvements have hula added. irviiy va
riety of work is performed with Nash ease sad espialtr
that the
LADIS.3 An IN zarracrigs-ovita
And It wies the admiration of ALL. Ws grarranttbeel
'to stitch every varlet . : of goods,frosi the thlosset anasltn
to the thickest cloth: - They MIA. the oelebrated "lock
stitch; *Watt to Ithoostible to tin or raid. Then Ma.
chines iri; I do the follootno work WITHOUT ANY BAST
Thai make any width of hoot without previously
Sundae or tasting it : they will tether Lad stash or sew
oP Vubstuse; if yon don't tonere it,
!... Tbe-dinaind for thou celebrated isebn(es. snice we
have been located In Erie, has been utonlittog. At
times vi find great illtentty to dillag our orders Dative
have a, full 'Lock just received, and are ready ,testae
iLitli4 an irkr may call or send us their *nice' nue; ••.• •• •
are elegantly Attie:land ipreashed, sad our -• • • • • -
Was for cow:luting the businerri ars not equalled.:,;
' These Alubinee were Awarded the highest pricatuoi
' T
- The WORLD'S FAnt. in7Loadan. 1162.
The INDUATRIAI. EXPOiITIOn, Parts, 116% :i.... I.
Tree if CCUMNICS ihrs rirtrre. irsibtortim *Ga. 1
'And at almost. glary State and Cocisty fair where eV
hibitad. Thu are warranted three - years. They are
perfeetly,simple_ta construction. They run with the
greaturt ease.' They are almost noiseless.- ' -
ry- minucrnom ittleg.
troll bAd see tl.s to °pandit:lu. If you atunetoome,.
mud for sal:11r of work and a circular by mall.
OLT k BOOTH, AOW Union Block,
jytITAII -6m. (nut Park,) Erie, Pia,
Farm for Sale.
1. Yarn for SIGs, Situated In Harbor Ck to:, II miles
from grie,tontalnjug fie a 114arres of land, Dst measure.
Then are on the pretabisi filar(' two story Hones, two
Runs. Shed, Hog Yen sod all !vomiter,' Outtitilldlugs
Then Is also a Large Orchard of Cholas Grafted Fruit and
the farm is well stipplted with living water. Tlia farm Is
pleasantly on a good read sad le , lc a tread
state of cultivation, welt ,adapted to reusing, grain or
imam. Also fir sale 4l ores cf land, 6610110[ mile
South' of tits above named farm, with gs acres of Im
provement,* young orchard and never failing water. Al
so. 60.1( germ and allowance ofehnice Timber Land, one
mile keit of t h at named land.
The bonwiUtb.soldtoaetber Or to ptooos, to suit
pub:Users. kor putlottlars, otqair• Os the promisee,
Or to 8. A DAVZNPORT: kaq., tn. City.
Cheapest Furniture Store
In thisoSeetioa ca tN Coantty,
„ -
E'S T A 131, ISHED 1857!
G. WiEllsey ) Erlb Pa.
FromlB Cents per pound.
From $5 00
From $4 00
From $2 50
From $6 OP
And ether rankft!irs. i.w .s the Lamm. • •
West Side State Street,
wws. Next Palmer's Grocery.
- •
to ns ' •
ihilders & Ownen of Unpainted Lands
htt orA.o4 , 6ly.apProved May 20, 1064, the ho)•
dors god owners of Elnpatented Lands ars rs.ottrott to
ta• oat patent. smelt lasds• beats he ht daj _of
Norember„ls64. On tailor, to take rut such ti.tentsthit
Burroyor General to Moonset] to ouroltdo as alms tof
istr-Asas traatp. interest a.d fees due ss seek itapatutted
tract,' such amount (together ..I , hcdlftisT toes) to 4 4 r,51
eirgenenie rsitiei LW Ai / navel LS *Wit et
al it pre mien and kept for :Ist purpose sad said gee
shell Mn Westin of 0 per east ''' These liens are lutblo
to be ?Melded upon by the Attoreer Genus's/aphid
defaulting public miters, soder the sot pril 164
' The utiderslgned see Owing pars attention to ail
blisinese &Value under the Laud Laws, and' basing ladl-
Ms. for attending to seek bestows, ars prepared to t. ro.
etre patents at once for, perttei residing it a diatom*
hositAciidst - of • Glonssosatosa tba scut resionaltie
ternis." = Correspendeneetettliettad and proaptly attended
to. Addrieli ROBERT NNOOOR ART, - or •
attorosys sad Counsellors at Law,
aug2S-m .
.4 Herriebure. Ps.
, •
Howlaiallow Itistered.
JUST ,PUBLIS HED a' New Edition of
Bi CllLlntlibittag cat taa.TaD EgoaT on the
realesizeiitliout soodleloe) or Stiotarag , :lt mesa, or
W owe, Insobuststy Beteinal Loans, IWO!
TIM= and Physical incapacity, Impedimenta to
Manisies.nte.. ; also, CogenitpTiOn, el;11.1M sod Pies,
biome by selMadulgenc• or mescal estisvaganee.
tV Price, In *paled entosiopo, only 6 fiesta. •
The eiliilitaked ttnthor, in this adearehls may, clearly
dessouststillei‘ s a thirty years successful met lop
that the ambit isteguessow of eiasettao rad
ically-eared t the danetuatieelif-listsrnal mod.
Wino or the application of thinner:46o'l(4'one o mode
of ante at ogee Ail*, eseetainand esecitaal, by Ina log of
which every en rot ' no :natter what his condition sear
be, tan mare ki cheaply. privately mad rediosay.
JO" This tore should be In the hands of 'Teti
plinth And awry man le the lend. , -
Sent under mal t is a plain swiwltititly to Say Odom. on
thirfeceipt of sla aloha or twopbstespioteemtia Addieso
tM pnblistrars, CHAS. J.C. Krkpattou, „
127 ebeiry, How York, ,"
totreil-to Poor. Oleos Boy. erne
Rrithinis, Ireakstem, anitia l Sscrat bili••#k• •
rota srl Af tufty. , _
DR$. W. do K. LAMBERT,
Odic, osi the fled door in the Atwater Nalldiae, foci of
upesior Street, Clanlaad, Ohio. •
A Report on tits Natant, Treattnaet *MT Cum of Ner
iosiand Physical Debility. Exhaustion,_Smoutatorthem
and all Crino-genital Names of the Nervous lllPtelo,
sad otherpliseseel incldental to both texas, producing
4ogenamey of tioth mental and physical atteuyth tenni.
*Attar is total debility and inaipaelty ; shim4kg
these dimmers aci enact appear bearable. admilifi , reality
they can, ble,^elfeettally — resatorml by the most damp.
A wcisr BentliTriur rirvornow.
An frustraiseat for the cure of Gooaral Del;lftty or
soetopool Ktoltabos, more properly known as Seminal
IFeakoar, &a. Cu Ime . peessepeoUr mod is from IS
diva to two month, by um ex of WI/ lissfillfint, lam
neat eovJointly with visasissa. "
Drs. V. h R Laseart take pleasant Is iatrovaider that
they beee taeinteelesiat lopitstaat inatinuitint Ihr the
ewe of the Moire dlseated. It hs # been suleatat to
test by the stoat ondaest plryilitins in lark% Paris, fitiladilphie sat Hew York, It has bees &eland the
°sly se"! teams's! over losaatid dor the Ors of
Sondael WealtattWas out Cur of Um VOW ardwwa,
award by the secret hibi of y Nth. -
• Seri-W. it lie Isamert.lll Drailtlo 1007 the sleet kir
slaw as to the whit of theiMairtraniatic piadaw then.
Woes that to any tartist• lawn it stay prose militia.
factor., after • fair telal, tto money will to refunded by
retnintog the tutruntent Ii good order. Print of looks
attet east toodleinea 490..
BMW DIU ArD (Mitt =R!.t
rot th" rotterbal Meuse aad all Mato Compliant",
Xi'striotaros, sardiaal irsakasok Woo la the *Os;
. ° Or's. of as Walt /messes of the bead, throat,
sass sad skin. tad . alt tk• droadhl north's. midst
from • beam bait of death , 'algid' prodigal' ssoatta.
tloaal manimp burotiOlobb 'sad, la the
ad degroy b
motb body sad ;good; Tiro troatoisat they
op tis Qs l eporardo of tater rein akhalst.•
sad oseoloaral,srootte. garops and Amorles. , _
Piniaritr - Vrork MS.
Person la say of Ilialrerbtfissi be taeassidslly
truitod by sorrier. detail of their miry Wilt
• sasittasso tor, ,
' • at t.. W.. 1 11. 1.41141kr,
•• • atiSakkk itialdlap, toot ,if Superior Bt.,
'oottr64.4y. Climitarok, Okla
Prot)Oft* for Salo.
ErmsliMtitiY antogier lot b r d ' . l° ,,l I l v g ° nnUnt vith, lot
-ite Pert& stmt. Witten +lib es*
ur 'MMHG* 't QM? C/496, Itles looit_nstlgo"txt .12x1x. A good s Run, Kitchen/Ith ehop, and excellent,
the 1111414:Stee IneWen7 latratferi• MM. pit . -Well Aro as the protebol A ponllealloilane aloorlde,
_,MykodiAo envier IMinektAl the neirden of tho lon. To ma aseaoshlo n Abele At the .5 . 1 cornet
0 "n 1810 ?~ablerea 4 • 8461 _.• At of Poi& NW Nth steno* Collritatololitau...
• lOW - .t XOUSellgazysa* Kele,
, i • -
'._ it le well known to the m edical protection Out IWS I
f the vital Principle or L frt Rimini of the .itiond. „This
te derived ebtiiy hop the fond we eat l but I' thoThed le
not properly digeetel. or IS; front an r e tare whitAii-.tb•
--neasseary qnsauty of Iron I. rapt talbettgiSten the ettentt•
tion, of bffsozo-• refaced, the who!. eptero sutlers Mr
bad blood • ill Irritate the heart,.will rh.e op the lunge.
Will etapify Us brain, will ebeirnet the liver. end wilt
Deed its dissaie.p.todOblog elosneute .10 a , l, parts a the
system, gad eivey one will stiffer in whatever organ may
be_pnedlepo.ed to distress: r
The rest o vate, of IRON A% A MU/IMM is well
known end stkocreledgra by all medial men.. The cid-
Acidly has best to obtain each a prr.parath n of It ssyriti
fenter the eiretilatlon and &salmi:eta at note with the
blood. This point, ears' Dr- Mayes, 3feesecb weft. Steve
tibeeniat. has been attained in the Peruvian tlyrep, by
opulenstbie to • way before unknown.
Illt PERINI i\N MY RV P is is PfirIiTECTIER so
au IN ARDIQINIC that 'tribal at the Root of Mirage
by sapplying the bloodwith its al'to' Principle of Life
s" Compisint, Drops'', Foyer and Ague ? Lois or Energy,
Low Spirits.
THIS PRRUVIAS SYRUP Waxes Strength, vizor
sad sew Me Into tit; aystebs, and builds up . an "'lron
Constitution." . ,
TRH PKUVVIAN SYRUP rfirte Re-roue Affec
tions. Female tlopaplainte, end dieresis; of the Kidney;
itad gladder.
Mamma originating in a fleD 'TAT B. oF Till , : Ill.fbm.
eon-imp/Laid by or fi,, low State of the .53a
ma - ti , -,
._ freelkons Alcohol to
Cis form. fts energisiorg
Reiff ley'rerrespeestoan re-oaten but a
t e
„.. 2121XMITII. T.GOR X , XI X. w 1.171 inn
m, and taitl..ior up ,an litob CON-
~".. I
is no asoellent sube.itute f. ,r Wine or Brandy lehistr .
a eficautsest tinseled. ' - ,
One element inihe itstorative power of Iron is a med-,
Rine Ile Be inageetic action end tee efectrsary developed
To take eneWnes to cure diseases occasioned by a dr
dpieney of liti....i 114 Tilt:lMOD'', without rratoriog It
„th the station. is like trying to repair a buihitn.r whim'
',,the fusidation is gime. . .
' Pamphlets containing certificate.' of cum end-recom 4
nundatiorse from some of the moot eminent Plirricisn..,.
Clore/men and others, will be sent FRF.V. t-, any ad
ssilect a few of the names to show the cher/Met of
,the teseimonb Is s
JOHN K. WIt.LIANS, Esc, Prestiont of the Metro.
pollen Bank, N. Ir., Rev, ALIBI. SRRYENS. late editor
Caristfen /!recite 4. Journal, Rev. P. CHURCH, editor
?few York Peroxide, Rey. John Plerp.iit, Rev. Warren
Barton Rev. Arthur B. Futter; Rev. Gordon Robbins.
Rev. Kilvanasklubb, her. T. Starr King, Yee. Ephraire
Rafe, Jr., flay.lnsepir 11. Clinch. Rev. Henry Upham,
Rev. P. C. Fieedley, Rey. John 97.: Olmstead, Lewis John.
ann,"l4. D ,Rourell Kinney, 11 1), h C. Kendall. )... It..
W. R. Chishblm, M. D., Eructs Dana, N. Dv' Jentrijah
Stone, M. D., Jose Antonio benches, it. D, A. A. Hare,„*"
Ili 1).., Abraham Wendel!, V. D, J. C. Cllnti.n, U. I.C . ;11:'
C. Lhoney, Y. D. .
Cr Theft may k bet oaf' stroeyer proof titan the tsa
times, qf, nick usual as Uwe, wail Nat is a - PKR 50.V.14,
TRIAL. it luso mini thosuaruls sekercether roasitur
Aare fella to gnu re/ of. sad seealids carnet reariene4ll
/motels to vie it • trial. ' • -: 1
For Oysters's, Desturr and INIIALI WIIXSPXIII4 it
is a specific.
Prepared by N. 1. CLARK a CO.. exclusively for
J. P. DINSMORE. 491 liroadway. N. Y.
:I el/by - ill DruggiAls. • asige'64-Iy,
'' a-
..t . a
;,,..'-' '.:4;1 , 4'
It. . V"
..- S
0 ~,,, E c . g ig:
If. r • i..- ;
...• ... 3 • z - V,
- _li a., a I ,S, 1 'k., t
m , 1.?, 15 , ''- I" 4* :",:,' :
In■ = 1 gee
.. V, -P r. 44 2 ' . iII4 t- r ' f
0.1 5 , Er, 45 I U ‘..,- ' 1 - .4 ..."!
1 E. 4 CA
® t c . " ( 1 ~,t, . ; .1 : 1:4 s k . F
ul =4 = 4 &fit 4 1 1 : 1
Z , i t,c 6 a - t ihE i r:t ; - f. ,1
If a d :; / t , ..c . 2 .:-. x
c. ,9 4' — a : 15 . F. -f: ~
4 , 5 1 lal i ...1 2l t C.)
° k.
' - t. r ' 9 i p' . A 4e F. I
, tit' 4 it c! g:'- % ƒ 3 3 1 . ' 1
. a.
-,,...- . 4 ... .1 ...q
- - • ... • .
GRocznrzsi dßocEitits
AT .*
WWI rowel% ly thlona the SoahUs that be has bpssect
Sterols •
No. Hpghese! Ellook,. Erie.
Where he 41.1 i stwere loprirolt hand a large supply of
Sal eterythtsg serially for Ante in an establtahment or
the kin& -
1151r . Seras as rosoonable,ie say other stare to the
city lan le'rtltf
R. ,B.' MO - 4 It I g;:;_0 N',
1.1" w resiirmte d
li tmt And oseat . Co pr ztrilltock
4 • iiolsli 4 RY, GLOVES,.
W H E GOO D 8,
Cowed* A toortmont of tto
spr9 . 64—tf.
• READY PAY siroitE
• .
• & J. MLNNIGI raapartfully inform tit* Public that tboy hare
pore -halal the ,
spoor OP agotticas,ior JamF.i A. LI
(morn or OTIII-47111 EITAITIC +TS.,
Whore they inteed .to ineer4 i ee Rank ap amortowpt or
aa ia bilit n Brlo. , .
Best Brands of= 3 :e County . Flour !
4 2. •
Kept noratantl7 on bind and. •
CoLir Thil
Prod highest Itaraetlirteli paid far al! Iclada ni
sine, uce " .
Cl owl. Arthimeed fro" uMarge to ao,y pus of the
ty. .1
J. mnima. fletdreitt]
.c.. .
... i - -
. 1111:1 • "
. i
• PVB .1'.,13.10 --% RITA PIL/PITUVO PAPER.
osytt at 1 1 e. . .
1) . li : , F.I.VEI,R UFP.T - C . P.,.
tor ;dila. the !klieg Mukot Pace, •••
!, is tilso,
tr . • Cao be had Lola a .
Paoressott Of mumq.
' febB'64tie
' •
, :. i
fjoeimooelOt.ot wile 211.4 to the Dm Trade 16..4 B.
- - : statvq, under Ile-FWD title of
.k ' h
- Can't & Carver, . '
ily 2• tiogt t t.O the bkistatue witi.oootuitte to hi easdactoal
at tb, !Ad stand. *Oh eciered neck ookatieetioodi h.
etitue• Arty hope ito tenet.* I litof!a abare of phile .
vuuvrate•' 1 _ .
r.i • .
- 11 is-o -it c iIA L .A.TTENTION - -
win fr. davotad Willa,
_ - ,
- floAllre In the neWhering t:•.whe the reepostfflUi
igloo uo • call I . lore. peteheelet elm:tin/ere.
Wltl yrendust•d,;ut heritafara, la a eanafaltasatuer aaa
01,11„-e_our euatamers.
W pat...l - colony !pill Vas' notto• of Phystdaso to our
l Stolt of .
Which U the ILrgrittsoki suett eta brought *to Wm
• city.
eremeriptto6 prrrired as heretofore, with sidll
and promptntia. J j)764tf.
THAT o tlej variety
. .io,iew style Bed
ateada, tenthle, Cottage., Coagrewi, and Cor
to-r, Camp bora, Peony Lind and other patter's', wit
nrpentlue and stria Pont, handsomely reneertell Bun=
Eiteniton, Ditutfe Breakfast, Contra and other Tab/. e,
hatants, Quakei : lzteands, Ca pet and Damask Leong.
goon Bede, .1,01, a Sea tines ileitis/see, liaLlser
ar i d Buistere witb other nenseb.old furniture,
aanotaetnred Traltle well Beam:mod lumber and beataAFF
easterlies, by usperieuced workmen and not by apprtml. -
I lade. For IV is •••lity sad low prices 1. will o
two-prioi dealer; undersell me. leatbern bought: 'l,
sold. 'Cane rest s Parlor, 40414K1131, Sedans bald .a
?a Urfa and other Ilbairia of Eastern and Western ruso .
tectdre, are hickory doitied sad slued„ynaklng thole_ a , -
se anybesx part of the chair, where .uthori wed,
and auld aro nay nailed, and by no taleinTrurable. W
14;ludsur, rorkfriz„illewing and Nurse, are chairs of I
good rottbda eliunfro-d through the seat and wined, '
ranted to ataxia. al.andonmely painted, and caul W• •
ten bar atrnngth, price and nntab. Sprlug Seel& 1 ' • - t z,
sold nrei 7 36) and thre the. litgloot testimonials wa
1".:t of priers of allkooda sent on appbesUon. I' m • ,
•nd shipping free.
Altar tire years experience and contepding slit .
fatnetpo/ed two price dealers, lam determined tr . •
One yricalo all, Klee worth for your pay. and do j .t,. •
In all who trade with no..
Lumber, I th. io ell, Lire Stock, Crude and = •• •
Oil, store Pay, Propnea .Lo., taken at fair market ‘r. , , '
(or. Remember the place, next corner °Falb etroet
on S tate, tint. l'a. 1 • U. W. , .ELLSEY
Pur24-tf. Sianufact'r and Cemmieu tlales,tat.
7 ' - -
• F.f A. BECKER.
nortk-E.4 'k•f^K of tks Park 4. Puede BM er.
•I (OtaxarettA)
repectielir re:: the ettstaloo of the roe t.
' tACI his Lure Stock of
• Anita pi, Is dasfrotut to mill at the
VKR V L'OtkrtfAST russtutAt -.
lioassartakfut of
suaA.its, . -,
TEAS,• .
FISN at-
Is co, surpassed Inatua city, au h, u prepared t. , p.r. , ...• L..
iili who pro kux 4 cc!. ,
_ .
lla also keeps otitutantly onipayd a superior 1 " , " 1
for the wholesata tiacti, to which he direola tke at
of Ike pablto. I-
Ilis motto ts, ••Q4ilrk Males, Small Pratt ft..; a fa' ,
figalvaltut for the[Slonex.' : - art stf.
Atlantic & Oteal - Western Railroad'.
• _I
Pass Fraistd, Nall * Liam' aid Ur
' graph Route. -
Connecting at Palemaiiet, N. T., with the File HAW
way, f ,11334 a oontibuoue rla Foot frock from Nile 1' Mk
to Akron or el-retard •the sod alter
111 EIAIER 10, 1003;
Through Pewense;riint Ftel?l, Traios wi!l be run re" u
tarty betwecli CLAN kt.AND AND NEW l'uttK.
NEW AND 11174 RT . PASSIM:MR RuUti...l
Sacrp.iis ca.Caxc 711000311
Passengers by tills Line choice or Five dulr r at
Rotates oetweeu New tore and Boston. THiu.)Up u
TIGKS7 3 cuu ha obtains at en:, of the Olte..R 't.h.
. rt. iteaway aud alt T,etdt Daces of connoting Lluiss
Alt,l,e. 4 olattrtrosi. I also, at 'Abe Central lu:bet ortice,
under the Weddell HOWIIII4 Cieio.lll:ld. obi*,
.t i ck for L C
ekota to. the
A. Ai-G. W t . AND HUH KM
' Passenger Train'," atop et liesiville thirty minutes, Lir
log pa.eaugers iitiVe time to dint at the - Motik.r.itY
Hualdg," the b..; 144ferar 41,4+1 to the C,U11121,
11.4 el .1
Dasahiperawat Of Freight between New 'two
; r aor Ckvipati4.
liattlAnta in the Weat and Southwest oil; toe t it • L.,
theirrarantsge llorder goodt to be tor we rt.O.vta.
tho grie sod Atli tie A; (kelt Welltata
saving trouble a expellee. •
0141401. ALL IL !LUCITE.
&midst stleutk%erill be gireiiio the vor.ty grasp. ,
tatiou Frelgefiof littitels. Has. or Walt
The Failing; 4re sad Othor puiptacas or cat. n.
parer are octant/mew, and of the moat tmr”ve , i autdero
no only direct roa la to the
119. hillidfille or Corry.
From Leavrinthargh, the usbottiok enirl‘
rocingutown andlthe coo SIIDea;
Ttda Rout Is Wag extended, and will ec
plate running older tot/alien. Urbana. Da , b.: end,
cinnett, without break of guage.
J. rARN ., wourN I:en'i Freight Agent
T. H. Goooxes. 404q - rlooo7k eat
-11. N. stAltuTeutit,
Jvlet , 4 '
. . ,
--- ,
, .
(SueoeGeOr to N. ff. graltbJ . !
-PUSS lir
LADIES! FURNISHING t:4 )1 )1,:-,
STA Tll writ ~/VT,
E. 11. :A. P. GIL
..prA 64-Gm.
WHOL SALE ckitoc
Siegel, Caryer & Co.
1-14,11cre:Isors to C. 14)
Grocerie i g, Flour, Pork,_
' -
Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigar and
!T 0 B A C . C 0 ,
--Lowest Market Wipe&
madly is cie.'
&two= Brown% Etabi and Praiditi
restlo'4G4 1
♦? MI
' ICBM P. 1.,