The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 24, 1864, Image 2

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    rtt t hstrtret.
NOVEM-BEE 34, 1804
LIPIRNAL VICIELASOI sr rom•Tiorto to Tot Pun or
Aanouoax Luirort,—Alaros Acton.
The MUM Teta fpr_Treddlest.
The Mowing ie the official vote et the
States named :
11142714101, 40,120 WO MlO
Nsw Sampahire,...' 24,621 .2,192 22.229 ----
12oansellerat, 43,263 2 427 41,04 '
N,w 60,614 61,016 1,402
Delaw4oo,-, 6,767 • 3,767 : 610
gerr-Terli,". ..... 6 247 244,010 --
94rarmit,:„ • 42,412, 99,007 12,222 ----
The official votes of the other States
will be s.dded'as we obtain them.
TIM Harrisburg Patriot figures out that
Lincoln's majority in this State 4s only
209 on the home vote It has oftloial re
turns from eighteen cuuoties, and the bal•
once of its table is made up of the report
ed majorities. Here are its figures :
.ale Cleans. Lincoln.
k.lfficial full vote, • 115,31.4 __ 1,03,205
Official and reported
majorities,' . -:21,240 34528
136,614 136,823
Lammed Lineoln majority, 209
Tar Chatabersburg .Repatiory, edited by
Col. A. K. McClure, one of the leaders of
the Republican party in this State, hid
an editorial article last week, acknowledg
ing that the Democrats carried Pennsylva
-nut it the October eleotion, on the home
vote. : The darns wire diubtleas kept
back on account - of their supposed influ
ence of the Noiember election, bat now
that the- campaign is over, we taint they
will be withheld 'no longer. There has
:been so much dispute on the subject that
the people are inxibus to ascertain the
The Demi:ratio Tote.-
The following table shows very 'nearly
the Demooratio vote cast at the late Pr:ea
idential election :
New England, - 200,000
New York, ... 340,000
New Jersey, t. 65,000
Pennsylvania, • 270,000
Delaware, ... 8,000
Missouri, ...
California, •
Nevada, - •
135 000
75 000
55 1 ,900
- 30,000
The Democratio vote. f!,r McClellan is
just about,equal to that:Oast for Lincoln
lour years ago. Although defeated, -the
Democratic organisation.fts an , immense
power in this country—scarcely interior
to ifs rival:
efIICAGO has probably had a more rapid
growth up to her present size than any
- Aber city now in existence. In 1830 there
was - I no such city—OnlY a military poet,
consisting of a small wooden tort, willk
two or three houses in sight. It began to
be a village, if we mistake not, in 1832.
Its population has since been fifteen times
ascertained with the following results :
1837. City census, ,_ 43.70
1840. U. B. census,.. ' 4,479
1843. City census, - ' 7,580
1845. State census,..' 12,088
1846. City census, -
1847. City census, 16,859
1848. City census, -. 20,023
1849. City census, - 23,047
1850. U. S. canvas, , 20,963
1853. City census, ' 60,652
1855. State patisus, BO,OOO
1856. City census, • .... 84,113
1860. U. S. census, 108,260
1862 City,,muu .. ;u4 _.,138,186
1864. Cit y cep 149,563'
Tics deilith;!of- .Hon. Jaraiskl. :Ham
mon& tinuiVitly,i7loyernor azifthen U. .9:
tifihetot*M'Son(h °byline, rehPleida r!"
of thijaie, says' the Tr ib e , that
sent erno. aristocrat and - nt4liffer
nevalrilitiott, within our knowledge, raised
his voice in favor of the . slaveholdersi re-•
hellion. =s was " lifelong slavpholder,
with the prejudices and „ the sympathies
of his Ow 1 , yet he never ehtos - sragktif
rebellion, doubtless because he never
keyed in in it.. At the nod 6f his State he
relinquished his seat in the 11-S. Senate,
but there he bopped... Re foresaw the,
ruin which was invoked, but saw his own
impotence for resisting and averting it.
therefore retired to his plantation. and
watched the fulfillment of his own sad
forebodings, until death kindly interposed
to terminate_ his sufferings.
Taa nibans oonfesses that it has - not
paid expenses for the last year. This is
a handscme`,oompliment, says the World,
to the average intelligence of the commu
nity, and should be accepted by the cot
duetors of the Tribute that "cleanliness,
which is nail, to godliness," is as profita
ble for new ipepers as
.for individuals.--
Spite-, nalise, cod osatharitablexess such
as the aillese has made the staple of its
talk for the past six months, ought pot to
he, and it is gratifying to find are not,
munerative. Kent thy mentors, H. ta.
it thou weeldit pat money in thy purse.
Ix TXX .IXOIII4I/11/ of Georgia, on...the
9th inst., a swim of resolutions were in
troduced, asserting the right of each State
•to act in its individual capacity in refer
ence to efforts to secure peace as well as
in all other affairs, bailing with gratifica
tion the dispositidn in favor of a cessation
of hostilities manifested by the Democrat
id party of the,North, favoring a conven
tion of all the States, and calling on Jeff.
Davis and - the rebel Congress to tasks
offers for each a - purpose to the Go% mi
asma at iniskiniton. -
Provost idershal Genera l Pry Writ
ten to Governor Seymourexpressing
sleiiri that a more careful examination
'Mould be made in towns and cities of
persona liable to military, duty, with the
view of reaching the correct quota for
Milani draft. Gar. Seymour has issued !t
proclamation acoordingly. •
TIM Mims ventures into the field as a
prophet again. We quote the following ;
"The year soOn to open will seethe
Stirs and Stripes float unchallenged from
every battlement in the Rspnblia and the
perfect law of - liberty foio all immovably
'in the Constitution of • sour
Union •
Let that be 'recorded;''
- We have always maintained, that Hor
es Greeley was right when be mud. ihe
election of Lincoln was oorispileci for. and
rejoiced over by. the engineers of
nion, and that the partisans of the Presi
.dent were wrong when they reprasen
that the rebels preferred McClellan. On
the 10th inst., two days - after election, the
Richmond Etastiner, in the - course of
long article ces the sitostioe before that:lly
said :
. The lines of il(chmond furnish .no
news of the Yankee's election. The ene
=tea, pickets know nothing.of the result.
They were purledto undershsodyrhy,onr
men ; cheered for Lincoln," as i they did
most lustily on the Bib. • The great card
of Lincoln papers in the canvass Was the
pretence that the Southern
,peoples were
extremely anxious that McClellan' should
be elected- that we based. in fact,: our last
hopes on 241eC1ellan—and they hive:not
yet been permitted to know and LtYksan
is precisely the maii we would dome for thew.
On the following day this Tf hiq addi its
views in a similar strain
Prom the Mel:mood Whig, go') 11.
- Our information ispeat to positive that
Lincoln has been re-elected. Few have
doubted that this would be the result, and
fewer !till will regret it.. For ourselvei,
we feel that the great cause for which we
are struggling has escaped a real peril.
The policy oroonciliation, of conoession
and cajolery Which McClellan would have
attempted was something more to 'be
dreaded than Linooln's armies and • navies.
There was • great reasons to apprehend
that eitiih a policy would deceive, demor
ilise-and divide the South. With Lincoln
there is no fear - of this ; ' our people will
continue, to stand as one man ; with him
it is a united South against a. divided
North. With . . McClellan it might have
been-a united North• against a divided
Seutw in which event all that we have
been striving for in this four years' strug
gle would have been lost. But ~,Lincolti
is to continue to be the Master of the
- Yankees, and the spectre of reconciliation
vanishes forever.
And the Enquirer talks in a similar Man%
From the Ridultoad twitarer, Nor. 11.
Lincole hes been re-elected President'
of the United States, His first election
could not surprise any one, for he was
wholly, unknown ;- but his re-election,
after four years' experience of character
end capacity, will not fail to impress the
woHd with a - verylow opinion- of popular
government. So far as - the _ people of these
§,hites ire interested, the reelection of
Lincoln is entirely satisfactory.. For us;
he is the right man in the right plate.
We would not have had him defeated,
but give all the influence of the Enquirer
to him. Our reasons were entirely selfish.
We prefer the management of this war to
rs:mate in the same hands which have di
rected lit - ter the last feur , years. We pre
fer an ignorant brutal fool as commander
in-chief of the enemy to any 'other man.
He -suits us entirely. Gen. McClellan
might have given us more trouble, but we
have taken the measure of Lincoln and
know his entire vrorthleemesa. The four
years mere'of war, which his election now
makes sure, would not have been avoided
by the election — orMcglellan, bat might
have been conducted with much more
ability and given us much more trouble
than Lincoln can possibly' command.
This re-election of Lincoln binds our peo
ple still firmer together, and prevents the
division and disawd• which the election
of McClellan , might have introduced. We
know that it means continued war, and
our country will prepare for it. There is
noprospect for peace, and it is better for
ui that we should know clearly the pur
pose of the enemy in this matter than to
have been divided in opinion .by the
hopes of peace which the defeat of Lin
coln would have raised among our people.
Let our authorities begin immediately
the work of-reorganizing the army, con
solidating the regiments, filling up the
ranks, improving the cavalry and prepar
ing for , the spring campaign. ''7
There have been no doubt those. who
believeithe rebel leaders insincere in their
oft-repeated expfeetious in favor of the
continuance of Mr,_Lincoln in the piesi:
dential chair, an actuated by a desire to
aid the interest 6f. McClellan indirectly.
What thinksuct; S now, after' the event,
when with the administration settled for
four years to come there cannot be the
Alighted motive for diesimulation t- The
engineers of disunion at the /South', have
even greater cause for rejoining now then
; they had in 1860: for then the policy o%
the new President had not been foresha- -
clewed. Now it is fixed; and fixed just as
they would have iL It enables them to
hold Mr. Lincoln up to' their followers as
the "embodiment of the war—the author
of all their woes," and. unityof sentiment
and action in . „ . -reefitanoet follows as natu
rally as water .. . finds: itelevel.- • It is now of
no advantage,ritelitically, to dwell upon
'this important fact ; but it-sustains the
position Which the Deimocraey held
through the cannel, and the sooner It is
recognized ,by the people of the North
the better.
The administration papers are - olaiming
that the result of the late election is an
overwhelming popular indorsement of
Mr. Lincoln's policy. It is no such thing.
The overwhelming popular majority does
not exist.. In many of the states the vote
is close, and it is "doubtful whether the
Republican majority on the popular vote
dell the states entitled to participate in
the election is more than 200,000, if it
is that much. Allowing - that the votes' of
these states is as large as that oast sby
them in 1860, the total vote at that time
being 3,754,770, Mr. Lincoln's 'majority,
estimating-it at the figure given above, is
only 'five and one-half per cent. of the
whole votl, and is likely to be less 'than
thst. When the immense efforts employ
ed-to secure/fr. Lincoln's reelection are
considered, ;the majority obtained by him
must be regarded as small indeed,rand
anything but a strong popular indprae
meat of
_00130E4 of the Administration.
Tao CABINI?.—The reported changei in
the Cabinet, says. the Tlibune, now assume
a definite and reliable character. .Ax early
as the meeting of Congress, and after the
admission the annual reports, the
President, it is laid, will give heed to the
resolution of ihe Baltimore Convention
inviting a change. The President ex
premiss himself as more bothered about
what to do With those , be-iiis than iii se
irting new mils;
Tan dike Of tie Johnstown Dein:kr:id is
offered for sale. The.publisher, in his ad
vertisement. says : "The paper has a list
of one thousand good sUbscribera--4taa she
patronage of the Sheriff, Counissionire,
and- all the county °Electra, and a t,ir
atonnot. of job work. The county is thor
oughly Pcmocnitio, giving over nein titon , -
sand nbttority st:every elgotion. It vrdtdd
pay a young man who ii4Preetical prin
ter, very well. The mitterial is all is good
order, and . entirely new." •
The United States steamer Michigia has
Lou Lao sister quarters at this harbor.
Who was the Rebel Caw&late t
. T he Ikon Vete.
The c.ontrsdictory .i..,.*A - .eltieniA_ I mr h* tch
has* appes44 in the jewel .iele . e?_velio
the home rate or this Suite in °robot,
Causes considiirable laying to be made Ain"
all sidovit pea i, that subject. klavge numbt,
of bets, we ti'derstand, are also ;pending
or the elicit' announcement of illere , .
suit. Forth . information - of both poetise,
e it
tileiefore, we presetit -the following-cam
retusication from llon...E.lialifir,SitweLary
of the Compionwealth, to the editor of
the New. York Tritaia.f,-a i nd published in
ih'at journal on_ DlOndayz
n, the Editor-of the 'N no York 21i5tciti, ,
• . SIR: The statemend made in. the Ilibtiel
a few days since that the Democratahad
several hundred tnitjority on the," Mime
vote" as cast in Pennsylvania,-hisi brefight'
hpndreds Of letters from without the State
for certified popies of the "Rome vote"
To save u'verrinzge correapoodesee,
wilt you pleisesailitelhitt the elficial*ote,
et certified to this'office from most of the
counties, includes the entire vote, without
anything to distinguish between the votes
polled at home and -those in the army!
I have made application to the prothon
etaries for separate returns, but am told
that they have given the returns as oetti
ned to them by the Return Judges, and
as that body has adjourned tins die, there
is no way of getting them together again.
It is therefore impossible to obtain the
official "Home vote" front a number of
tiier coOnties, and se the vote was so clog
is to require the ofileial vote to decide It,
the faet as , to who bad the majority can
Diver be known or officially announced.
- The "Hone" and, Soldiers' vote coin.
bitied,,,eus returned for Members of Con
grifsa, is sa follows : j ,
Union, . _ 255,981
Itemocratic, 242,132
Union, majority 13,859
Yours truly, - ktt Sum,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
'Luneburg, Pa., Nov. 19, 1854.
The intent - nee' to be drawn from the
above cannot be mistaken. The State did
go Democratic on the home vote, and, in
spite of the Secretary'a'statement oti,that
point, the fact could easily have been offi
cially ascertained, if the Republican au
thorities at Harrisburg wars not disposed
to concyal the same from the public.
A Warlike World.
lf - thers be - a dead cairn in politics, is
well aeLbusiness,.aniting'us, it is not the
same 111,141 parts' of the little planet we "in
habit. Thriae-quartera of humanity, in
fact, are living in the barbaroUs state of
There is war in Poland.
War in Algeria.
War in Tunis. •
War in Mexico.
War'in the United States: -
War in Peru.
Witr in New Zealand.
Wer in China,anil Kaehrtr.
Wet in Jaikait. _
War in Afghanistan,
War in twerily,couptrisa iu A frica':
This is
.unfortunately, enough to ;dis
courage the friends ofitinirerisal peoce,and
who can say thekiill
i not ineeViiith still
greater disappoiutanent next year 1 Italy,
Hungary, Denmark: and the ';Slo
vonian piikrulation of „Turkey, are not, it
must be canfasied, in the most pacuflo
mot.. and, to tlios t e who study the indica
tions of the old continent, it is ,quite
evident that the general situation, instead
of getting better, goes on from day to day
getting more and more complicated.
Tue . Kingston (Canada) News, of Nov.
16, says : "It is probable that a Govern
ment meastire will be introduced into
Parliament immediately on its assembling
in January nezt„ tor the purpose of pre.
venting by more stringent euactidents any
repetition of the ,A,lban'e raid. There
need be no doubt but that the Govern
ment entertains the general view of the
public that we -mist to everything to
-avoid any - violationi, of :the coutity of na•
'dens, aid if Cenfedeoste refugees will not
respect our hospitality and the asylum
afforded them, we must do something
which will cause them to yield a respect
which they are bound in honor to oh.
serve. If there should be no necessity in
the siseadtim'e to issue an order-in - 4) . 00ne;
the proceeding by bill will have the merit
that the measure will be submitted. loin=
reotly to the people!'
The leaseer comity.
There is one Democratic editor in this
State, says the Lineation. intsls9diew. who
is irrepressible, nnterrifled,jubibust. We
allude to the gentleman who gets up, a
highly illuminated sheet in the county of
Pike. Re had his paper illustrated 14
the column before election, and he keeps
the thing up. It conies to - us this week
with a tremendOws errarof,.ehickens, can=
nom, eagles and flags,with d
,picy editoriali,
se original sonnet to McClellan, and any
amount of evidence that the editor is re
solved not to be depressed or suppressed.
He has reason tn'rejoice, for though left
to light the enemies of the Union and the
Constitution almOst "lone, gallant " Little
Pike" gives an unprecedented majority
for "Little Mao." %e vote stood - Mo.
CleUan, 1,151 ; Lburilcs; i 37. That makes
it the Winner county . of the State. Beats
Berks. In_TS5O the county stood Demo
critic, 837 ; Abolition, 381. Some shrugs
that. '
Gastiaat. Saw( 's Force.—The Nash
ville correspondent of the .Cincinnatk
Thin says the army which • lift Atlanta;
under General Sharman, consiated_of the
follwing troops _
14th 111 I - 9000
15th C h orpa 10 , 000 ,
17th„ - Corpa ' - 9,000
20th Corp. • 9,000
Cavalry • 10,000
In "slew Sidye, . iit the farthest, this army
will be beard ?coal, moat probably at ?da
wn, op whereveti'-ihe =Union prisoners are
weaned. •- • ••
Carr. C.:CA*4 whit-hes:had oar
mind of the glehliputfor tb bit three
Tears, haebeen ordered be i ehe f oharge it a
vessel is New York harbor,, e 44 his Pike°
tithNt-b7Uettt l 9tiole;rP,'#. ,
(Alma hirWpartedwitfew °Stem with
more ,' ui~oiie regret CaPtaist
Carter. Ire _Wu' alwaYS noirtebus•ll4.
obliging; and had- won' the "Maxi of all
our, people, witheitt isespeet to party or
ohms. Te theettltsws alldatici_of the Welt!
igan be was especially eschitredi: kir hi
never treated them but -with ..kindnem,
and 'they Will Mire, cease Jo remember
him with. itsposon.s l yfft,,trao callt. car.
tee's "change,' of official !gheae'i: wilt not
obi* bitin to ratio , . 61i hgtn fM 4 Erie,
max 141 asidosi 300 d
bj las' own ladisiestioas as by these st his
GL.. ~,
1141141 40 111 sad Ner•Tork. •
. The Philadelphia journals - express • no
litile'astonishment at tha_steedy dentine!
ct.thAeotanieroe of that city in view of its
Igge increase of inhabitants and the sup
posedaddithmat-facilities for" - treneseting
foreign bestow's. Says the Ledger t ) -
The deciline in Philadelphia oomineree,
with - elf - the Wit - expense the city
gone to municipally to retain it, is a ;feet
irbieli-is difficult for the public to - nsular,
atiodosnd Minty tbeeries
Aunt have been presented inlan don
of it. With "
every, part of -the' Stiothweet Ad' North
west, a shorter line 'tkollooad .00g121111.
niceties and uniaWrEpted sorest to the
sea, the Philadelphia merchant. is puled
'to understand why the producer pt -the '
west, and even the natural productions(
our own State, - pass by us to' go toNliw
York to be merit ted. The great 'pantry
built by the Pinnsylvania railroad at the
foot of Washington street, has se yet been
but an 'expense to the company; and his
added nothing , ' to the commerce of our
city. The petroleum trade it. six times
litter in New York than it is iti Philadel
phia. and so it is with beef,- pork—all the
animal and vegetable predUotions of the
vast interior of our country, with the mer
ohandiae and manufactules whtehmake
up the return trade—all have their mar
kets in New York. as the grand center of
trade and cornmefee."
All - this may seem ieiy: curious; and
somewhat disheartening to-our, Phdadel•
phis neighbors, but isoot !much of a pos.
ate after all. New Yprk has the beat and
most accessible harbor on the Seisoonig;
it is the great mosey market of the c0 1 f . 1 4 . ,
try—a fact which imitate commerce •
from the ease with which the means'i or
transacting it can be obtained ; -it has bad
the start of uli4he other cities, which also
gives it a great advantage. Solo:togas Neti
York is at once• the beet market to sell in,
at well .es to, on the continent, it,
will monopolise the business of the coun
try.— 21r. Y., World.
The World stateionly a part of ~be
truth. flowerer Much we might, as a
Pennsylvanian,- wish the fact otherwise,
it cannot be denied that • much ofr the sit
perior:Prosperity 'of New York to Phila.
delphia is owing to the lack of enterprise
on the part of the plaspli4 of the latter
city. Witness the long delay in buibling
the Philadelphia & Erie, railroad;
provement which, had it been pushed for.:
ward to completiow at the time it Was p '1
gloated, or even . ten yearslater,iv,kazitt
have enabled Philadelphia A 4?., competa
successfully with New York for the trade
of the West and the Lakes, rende*-Erie
one of :the most important cities, iti the
Union, and made that section thiough
which it ran. as prosperous as the lower
counties, A few weeks ago,on the formal
opening of the road, a large number of
Philadelphian; -reached this city on -an
excursion visit. Our authorities gener
ously provided for their, entertainmetat:;at
the public expense, and our chisens
erally contributed- their utmost to make
their stay comfortable. Can any one tell
us how much "benefit we
• have realfmcl
from that visit ? We have yet to beef: of
Philadelphia'. making any movement to
return the compliment. The completion
of the road opens upa Wide field for trade,
wishbone would naturally pre tutus
delpht% would make heate to obtain. Itow
many of her merchants have fished this
. th endeavor to S4(till BOUM of:the
business- which now pours its profits into
the lap of her rival.? Look over onz 16eid
papers. You see a considerable number
pf blew York advertisements there, bat
those which should be . in from Philadel
phia-4here are they!? •
What the Ledger says of the trade of the
oil regions is literally true. Its natural
outlet is at Philadelphia, but While:her
capitalists were sleeping, Eastern men
stepped in, sifted the odorous p'rize, and
even to this day control nine:tentlis of
the business of that wonderful and wealthy
country. ,
We do not state these facts with Oesir
re, but simply in- the hope that by pall
ing *Mention 4-them the press or ,thit
city will be induced -to take them ;into
oonsideration, and stir up their people to
a more thorough understanding of the
rich prize they are allowing to •slip
their hands by, the indireretwe they dis
play on theeWsubjeets.
- a t
rPtillsdelphis Apes satissasy..)
• Timm - nal', Nev:l7,
On Saturday last General Early, In the
Shenandoah Valley, had silvaaned his; main
body northward tailltatibnrgh and ompipied
It. Cavalry recommission wets sent north
ward towards Witieltister. The Federal cwv
elry met one of 'them on Sunday t'tioinlns,
near Newtown, shout six miles south of,. Win
chester, and after Small fight, the Confeder
ates retreated t7rO • miles,_ to MiddlittoWn.
Middletown h now outpost. It is eight
siditerimullt of Winchester. Kernstown, cdtur
miles south of Winchester. is Sberidsnle out
post. The main body, of Confederate, troops,
wow oa Sunday , Strasburgh and Pieber't
Hill. 'The main body of Sherldan'ir
wee at Winchester, and:east of the 'Opegnaa.
There is a - general belief - that a • large
portion of Siteridatee traria ,bare 'dread;
'gone to Grant's Army
_by way of *epees
Y 411 7.' 41 ,04 that Early, to meet Nair' move-
MIMI, Arts sent Ogre detsehtnent: of kis cots
'mead to iliohmead.
Sonte_ Wending fleets have teen published
'with regard to Oen. Butler's Data 04 Omni,
on the Issues. It is one : hundred mid
five yards long, Woes the warily seek of
land. A large - *sit' : Of the &snide i~ leas
been triumvirs& neat& high rook •At
differerii times from 'ffity to five hundred
. negroes have•beert eitp/eyeCat• digging i .at
last seeounts icie:lnsdred were at work.
During nearly attlAtte time, • the Coqeders•te
batterles havii seriously "inteit"ered With the
lebtlivire, The ezedistiontr brio . • • -beim made
deep enough to how; the_ largest ;irotiolads In
the nary. The caluaot L thought,: will be
completed inAbtisit week of Nev'elther; sad
then grand attack upon Riehriell
and rallitarp—will M mode. Genera lintlir
has:rstirrited to the srinT at Petersburg. Oft
Moodily, Grant, Admiral Porter, end , the As
-811110040,10081q. SO O.
_• 9 4 -
tion at Fortretoritstrsato ;Muir, teounderstos
in freit of Otartt's lewd* ea: the Appeourt.
toz, near Pori kaie managed,, by ,
°bingeing a water ponies, to Geed.= • PO
oral pleluit llnt. They bAoriforied: It to . 74h.
TheliieralsL. Me4goesiK* IMMO.
that oiri November s 7, off thi cosec of .North .
Cerdlism-she boffait soprano& with the :
Te/lehaesCii. Thiele other Poircat, ifartbsOn
Joinetthi oenteit;him'akff'efiabiniesi
ailed Ilona and riot, No dinar irmi•elses
ti iMiof thp vesseli. . • -4 "
• Preis Eriglei4 We havi4repont tAlt,
nth; &Pt. 8*.4 : 3114_4 eirtil:OkberkMl es
Punahal oa o any Alabairi, aid ristlitto
'Ards - ••;. •
- • - •
• There is very little news through Northern
thennelithle wilpilitg. That reoeteed from
Southern siure* esitcially from tea Boutitt
west, is we:iy insportaut.
Th *china Atriatid some time 'since o
Gene return to Minute, with,
four fully confirmed. 14_
there on Notembet 7th. Our intelligence,
uleies:os-rho 4414-AL-which time Sherman.
vitiilll4: tro•pc- was: sum. in Atlanta, and
if au attack upon 'Winn 4 , m Colt:bubo" were
Wan*. Hood had o not arrived it that time
st Aunts. The rat t ion : of his army was cot
titentiouo. We have alreatil-informed oflis
•eiroasiug the Coosa River on LIN maieh south-
•. The capture and deetniciiiMi-or Johneon-
Title by Heneriti Forrest. is silo confirmed.
Forrest knit ten men woride.l; He turned the
town and took four gunboats with eight, guns
scab; fourteen iransport s; twenty barges; over
twenty thousand - tons of freiglit on the water,
and ihree million dollars worth of stores on
board. He alsocapturied thirtx. , two cannon.
The captors of Decatur, AlaSama, on Oct.
28th ls'also confirmed.' The Cciiifederates took
three thousand Federal priiesels, some or
them, usgross. aad then abandoned the
tows. A Federal force fretn Bridgeport
and Chattanooga had, re-oedupied Debatur,
at last sooounte,. all the Confederate troops
Lasing gone southward.
Therkis an indication, - Though not 'eery
clear ae yet, that Bheridan has abandoned
Winchester, and retreat.. 3 to the °UK , Side. of
the °pignut. Early is reported to have- en
tered Winchester . , on , Saturday last. In the
recent cavalry fight near Front Royal, the
Confederates report hating captured two bun.
dred Federal prisoners. General Emory now
commends one of Sheridatfa •urpi. -
All is quiet at Petersburg.. Gen. Buthir ar
rived yesterday at his headquarters. en the
north bank of the Jamis, and resumed
command. The correspondent ipihat quarter
say that thw Oonfederates are preparing to at•
tack Grant.
We are at length able to giViWeolution of
°emeriti Shernten's mysterious movements.
aerrean had i 31 1 .• November 9th forty-seten
thousand mewl ten thousand of whom were
cardry. These be divided into two columns.
-The first aolsonn left Atlanta on November
-9th, and.urarchetils"o:ih to Macon, Georgia.
From- there it was intended to go to 3filledge
'rile, the capital of the State, where a large
number of - Pedant prisoners were confined.
These sre to he released, and the cold= will
then turn east to Angnsta. On Novemher
12th, the seoond column of Sherinen's army
left Atlanta, going directly towards Augusta.
It is hoped that sanction of the two coltunner
coed be *treated by when a march
east to Sarannalf.._or., Charleston, was to 'be
made. Sherman carries sixty days provisions
with him, ti l trinelPallY droves of cattle, whiCh
can be lakes along without much trouble.
We hate infofmatioU from Southern sources'
that, a Outage has been' ionght. at' Rough and
Ready, on the railroed inning from Atlanta
Co-Macon, between the advance of ono of Sher. •
man'ireehunne and some Georgia State troops.
There iilittle doubt, that • the State- COO.
•i r , defeated, and then the, column pushed
Intooessfully forward. . Ilona, on November
10th, vairwt Tasoatabia,f Alabama,. south of
the. Coosa River , anewiss msvehing as,apeedl
ly as possible towards Atlanta. Forrest'.
troops has, arrived at Corinth from dehnson
rills, and the Memphis people are again in
panic for fear of a raid. On November 13th,
when Sherman evaluated Atlanta; he destroy;
ad every thing in it that would be _of advert=
Cage to the Confederates. The town is now
unoonpied, and Hood din enter it unop
From the Shenandoah Valley we hays in
formation that General Early on Monday last,
withdrew from Strasburg and Middletown,
and wentlo Fisher's Hill. • Sheridan did not
pursue. His army is still in the neighborhood
of Winchester. M Though a liege detachment
baa been sent to General Grant's Camp. On
-TnesdaY, some guerrillas,, bettieen Harper's
Ferry and Winohestpi, captured-twenty-one
Federal cavalry meti,out of a Bond of twen.
ty flue The other four were killed'or wound.
La ff4sday last, Genearl Butler passed
Womb Weekington on his way to Grant's
Camp, The President offered him the poit of
Borrntary of War. • Butler neither accepted
nor deeliaed. Stanton is so extremely ill that
he is eompalled to give up the office.
The piople of Hagerstown are •in e. fever
over as biasing's) , guerrilla raid.' *arose the
Potomac They are drillthg, and preparing
to defend themselves. The raiders have net
yet Dena heard of, however.
pleat of our readers recollect the teatime
ny-publiehedin our columns, some time ago,
in reference to the alleged offences of Sheriff
Brick,' of Crawford county, . and others: -
They were charged- with enticing negroes
from the liesters.part of the fitate w uader the
promise of giving them employment thrusting,
them into jail at 'Meadville,' and than forcing
them to go into the army. Nearly -t ail the
parties are well known bare, and the follow
lag pamiediip 9Z their Oita; copied from the'
last I[ea4krille AcabeWorts, one of the 'opposi
tion organ of Vrliwfortraeunty, will there
fore be read sritk Interest] '
CANNOISSiadth IPS. 9. 0. Krick,. John Dough
erty, Thot.hvitt fed C. o..4lfistokkop. IOW
:n*114 Coneptrsoy, False f-epsiestamenis and
to roam nun to eater the mita is make gala.
Grand Jury found a true bill. .this :coos wai
mailed up on Thuredijand the challenges hat,-
ingishottited the panel:snag talisman were
ealled—ateeng others, it. V. A. Wilson, R. C.
Johnson and 0. C. Mee. The cash oeenpied
-the forenoon, and at theiadjournmene of the
oonrt,_Lhe prosecution hid aimed ite teatinio
ay. Whea theeourtreinsembled, one of the
counsel for the Prefetutitcrt asked leave to en
ter n sot. pros., and a Continuation .of the
case, alleging,thst two of those who had been
osllel as talisman had declared that -they
would sot doiviet the defendants,. and that,
glioogrooo *bop net be admitted as wham
Os!! The Citint granted the request, and
Atkin* wanollsittissed for the 'present term.
inthislikes weroihrowit out that hnprop
et infiguinocs badbiro used in °
"the 'selection
of the talienten, which, upon investiption,
brought - oat the following foots
leVetspion, PrOthonotstplielniirwern,
Coat* tkint'alst, containing, the rounes" of
P. , P..A. Wain, B. C. Johnson, 0. C. Rico
Ind stittsji: - rto kando4 to him by .
IP. Shat
tuck, theebe:called, and
that he hid, pot It in the pigeon-hoz: . '
8. being eilredlind sworn testilied.that
be lad boo, ilianded the lei of names by 5, 0.
'Ws4ek, *Webs request Is band it to the clerk,
to bowl t em 11114.1: • ' •
0:H. Ho being ovcru; testified iitot
he had dot oboorvoll the SUNS above
1444 a tht Hit.retiwrod cover- dblAto Mar
him say whether he had soot-the Hot avail" or
"' ''ts" • ,
Ths Court,sailed up Mr. Krick, who swami
that Ito kimkootod9ll the laggootios of now!
~,,..,.,~,~._ .:.:~ _....mot_:_
Vaway, Nov, 18
Barcto►T, Nov. 19
al teiecde. J (age Deriokson oblerved, that,
the offence wee oneof the most aggnivatesl
Miture- 7 tbst 41 . enbjeobaritie person joilty
to skigli eiticeisel protectaz-that if one
ploredtrllo9ld so tamper4ii cokirteg of justice,
0 thin t, and it would turn them int., a'
fart* end musk aiat the holt act of thi , p4r- I
11 , was worse than the ,first. coutt rcre :4? :
!erred the matter to be disposed of at tinoilt
or tiinit
, 17'.41fig ALz.. ,
• A negro boy was put up at autuion by Ids
mother in Hudson, N. N., recently , and was
bought by a 'lawyer for $l,OOO. s
All ills Oevernment official", era nok log
around to see it there 'ere any proapect" of
being . compelled io go out - for new iocuna
Two brothers named Ileinhaoh Went to bed
in a Milwaukee hotel, sfierVOteing out the gas
light: — ln`tdke morning one was found dead
and the othersiesely
It 'is no•shasse, to belong to the minority..
Noah and his roma) , *ere in the minority,
while the vast majority went to destruction,
pretty much as they are going nOw.
_ Richmond prices prevail at, the IYashington
hotels. It Is proposed by it Western Con
gressman that the hottorlible gentlemen live in
tents on the Capital grounds during the win-
The "National Bank - 'of :Corry" has been
authorised to commence business, with a capi
tal of $14X),000, Thomas Struthers ; is Presi
dent, ang. C. B. Harmon Cashier
Thetiew York Taws *siva : .!As the pima
denthil Majorities are now)eported, a change
of 25,600 votes in theStaie giving Lincoln the
smallest majorities, would elect General Nio-
Lyme Cobh, widely known as 'the author
of ♦arlous'sehool books, mainly of an elemen
tary character, died at Colesburg, Potter Co..
Pa., after several years' illness, on the 26th
ult. His age was about O.
The price at first proposed for Captain Jud
son's book=-$1 150—bas beg found to be Leo
low to cover expenses, and willacoord
ingly be charged. This is equivalent to about
85 cents per copy, id ordinary limos.
The tobaceopists of Paris lend umbrellas
out by the day. You're caught. in a shower,
you:go late a csigar!store, deposit the price of
an umbrella, useit, return it, pay six. cents a
day for : its use, and take your deposit again.
Gen. Tons Thumb, who is one of the “little . .
est" men living, is at the same time one of
the greatest Masons. tie has Aakett the'thirty.
three dogralwitted hi a member of the Grand
Orient of France, Over which Prince Napoleon
presides. Ho says be will be the tallest Mason
in America.
As a sang of young Loyal Leaguers were
issuing from the Fifth Avenue Hotel, Phila
delphia, the other:night, vociferonsly singing,
"Etally,rounti boys,rally once again."
a worn out soldier exclaimed, "Well, you
nois.r.cowardly rascals, why don't you do tt
The yoUng Leaguers diooped.
The company engaged in boring for oil a t
Jackson, Michigan, have sunk a shaft to the
depth of two tboniand and twenty ,feet. Signs
of ()kit is said, have been discovered. Did
any one ever see of hear of w well in which
the signs were lot good, -according to the
statements ofrose boring it ? -
,Save your 014 Pipers, hoys,altil girls. The
paper makers- neetyit to•oenTdrt into 01441
paper again. Wf)►ill give you three cents a
pound for all yeti tieing tti this office. Christ:
mas and New Tear's Ft4f4i.Atoon he on hand,
and here's a Alne-oheinco to make ; holiday
In 'convorsation with a leading member of
the opposition in this county, the other day—
one who has made more speeches and labored
harder to obtain success than spy . other man
in the party—he made the imperifaut admie•
lion that "ninety-nine out of every hundred
of the DemOorstv were just as 'loyal' as-any
of those who voted for Mr. Lincoln."
Here is a gloriosa chalice for some of our
enterprising Yankee 'adjs.,. •Au exchange
says' :
"USPEOVIDID.—Sinoe the betrothal of 'tho
heir: to the Russian
. throne, there are four
young kings, or heirs to kingdoms, unprovi•
ded With wives ; to wit : the king of Bavaria,
the king of- Groom Prince Humbert and
'prinoe of Orange."
It has come to be known that many rebel
prisoners take the oath of allegiance, enlist ,
for bounty, and the ft, - 4oPportpnity that
offers away they go to I the i- l !rift They
have had nice furlough. and 'rei to their ,
commands enriched and! recruited. Row about
the Rock Island prisoners:that were enlisted
on the ,gnotas of Crawford and Warren coon—
We direct attention to the card of Captain
D. W. IHutchinson, agent at Girard for the
collection of claims, pensions, Sto' Ile has
had &large experience in the business, and
been remarkably successful. Besides being a
prompt and upright man profeseionallf, the
Captain is a person of so many good social
qualities that it is a'pleasure to. transact bus.
Incas with him.' We cordially recommend him
to-the patronage of our frierids in thewestera
part of the county. '
Warren county has a surplus, according to
the Mat, of 160 to apply on the nest draft.
Ofthese the following credits belong to the.
places named t Spring Creek. 10, Columbus
toWnrshipkad borough 18, Southweq 4, Eldred
7.' Peert 3tstd 'Tidonte 10, Liciestone 8,
Pka:Si• 't 6, Sheffield 4, Mead I, Cherry Grove
2,4 f. t Elk 6, Corydon 3, Farmington
16, Pine 4i,rove 12, Sugar Gray.e 11, Freehold.
B, l Pittsield 6, Warren bOrough 12, Glade - . 5,
Conewang,B4ottniptvil*tosinship and bor
ough 1 , 1 4 P'- - Alur neighbors Obotild congratulate
themselves on their.good forinne. -
The wile of Governor Harvey, of Wisoon- ,
sin E, who has, setively a2ministered to the
wales of the Wisconsin soldiers during the
war, was complimePted at Vicksburg' a few
disys ago with the gift of a handsome gold
Watch, purchased by the Second Wisconsin
cavalry.' Her little speech in reply, to the
presentation address contained this prettl ,
paeup "Soldiers! Niny your every heart=
tbrOb ,ba as strong, study and true th e
Gait or you tritumettlit3 bay
par, .00,gishia gold ; every loin) ispirs;
Gott full and few, an my gratitude is is-'you I"
, The Chicago 2inss his advanced the price
of its weekly issue,te SS' pee, year. The New
'ork Trifusa sharps $2 50. Papers all over
the (wintry are inereasing their rates in like
proportion. Wks intend adhering to our pre
cut terms stud the let of : January, before
which period, if we find it necessary to in
crease them; we . shall announce the fact in
611501.11 t. time t enable 'all to decide wiietitir
they will continue the pitper another year, or
not. The Petrone 4 fqhlk. eiyer have here
tofore Shorts so generous sidisposition that
we have little doubt : they will continuo to
etCnd by us nadir alieircumstanees, this
fact they may . .bi assured :—that wit= shall
nulteWit inereue in prios . Until hie 'pintitively
psper's - Upport, and aim
only ea will corer the expense of
Tho Cincinnati Commercial (Administration
organ) has the following remarks on the Pres.
,ident's speeeh imresponse to the serenader s
'wild called to congratulate him on his melee
ads, which we respectfully commend to the
Faie : Gattlle.and other papers of its ilk, which
continue loAssiql:Demoorats with all the ven•
'emous epithets Intl stale slang of the cam_
paign :
Ms response to the eillkof political friends:
Are conciliatory in • foist) saM, magnanimou s in
sentiment. Re attributes AC...bitter and (W
-ho:test criticism to which his4iciministration
and weans' motives have been atthjzd; to
1 Abe acrimony; which inevitably atten dn ex
citing political contest. He is sly
disposed to forget these 'himself, but desir.
that they may ,he forgotten •by others I t
would be fortunate for the country if his
drienda were ecitially magnanimous in genii_
Why is , itthot. our e basiness men—so ente , i
prising in other reepects—are so slow to rea
Ilse the benefits of advertising' If the piper.,
of Erie had to depend solely upon the Or rin .
age of !our bn,,duos men, they would bare
been !'j,tarred coo" long ego. We are not one
of the Sort who lake delight in depreciating
the community whefe wo reside, but it 131U4t
oonressed that our people are f.behind
ng-e" repeat .
The hew editor of the Meadville Journ4l,
Itir.,John I) Nicholas, presents sa' modest. and
genialisalutotitry in this week's issue of that
paper.l Judging by his first number, we take
Mr. NI to be a man of good talents, sad, at
though a decided Republican, disposed to Le
snoder'ste and couskeous towards his political
opponente.,„The Joeriat his eves been, in
spite I f its determined-hostility to the -Demo
craticiparty, a favorite exchange of outs, and
we are satisfied it will lode none of its merit'
in Ntri i'icholas's hands.
Tho -Lancaster Inialligencer has a curious
calculation of a billion, which it says is a tail
Ifott,Ut.millions. This is true In one sense,
but not in another. The English billion is
mill4n of milliontd, but the French billion
tanly,.one thousand millions, and it is by this
kit:idiot billions that.our immense debtris esti.
mated 'lt we were four English millions of
callers in debt, we could not pay It if.we
would sell the whale surface 'of the eariti at
its cash value. Heaven knows that our debt
is iMmense, b ut English billions would give it
a geometrical immensity.
' The tactics-of Ihe Gazelle are beyond eon
prehension. Professing a desire that the'atu
moiiiies of the Presidential election shall be
burlied, and that all parties shall become united
in defence of the Union, it yet continues_to
in4ulge in the meet acrimoneous and distaste
! fu'i attacks on 118 opponents. The Game
before the election was quite a moderate paper
coOopared to the Gazette alter . the election.—
..Exceeding success bath made" our venerable
' cokemporary "mad."
Iwinter set in "in dead eainesi.
derv, with a now of a foot deep. It was ac
companted 'by a heavy wind, which blew i
into deep drifts in tur4iy places, snaking th
coinmon roads almost impassible anktlelayio,
thia railroad trains toe considerable extent
Innications 'lead us to believe that
have good sleighing for eotne time to come
Thefamous "spiritual mediums," the Da
venport, Brothers, with"Nff.Yety, whose adven
tures and subsequent expose in thip city, are
probably well .remembered by colt ;feeder',
fat now to England,where their performance
are exciting the intensest interest.' Ilea Mr
DiOtts, at Titusville, eh'ittild . follow them ant'
in&ke his fortune. -
IA maiden lady becoming alarmed IlLoOt ILE
peril of her complexion in the prism wintry -
•W,etather, inquired of a druggist if he hal c
preparation that would keep the chaps tiny
from the face. The druggist ia reported to
beam Tined in the affirmative, 'at the saw
time ifitimating that she did not need any
f.hing of the soot.
Some miserable old haccielor poet, full at
spite - and envy, perpetrates the following
lines on the -waterfalls" which' are so mull
tbit'fashion with the ladies :it present
"Such curls as those your sister wears.
Ifow Many girls have prayed for
Now, candidly, are - they' her own I*"
"Oh,-yes; they're hers—and piej a d for:'
t i t Papa, didn't'you whip me own for biting
little Tommy I" asked Charley. "Yes, my
hit t lid: you holt him muck." "Well, then,
iapa, you•ought to whip sister's music muter,
too. He bit sister yesterday right; on the
mouth ; and I know it hurt her, homilies she
put her arms around his neck and tried to
choke him."
There art said to be in the United Sutra
4l#y . titousand heathens. - Idol gods are var
• pped in two heathen temples in San Fri:.
- The Chinese have large colonies raw
lered all over California, and the work of their
levangelitation is an inviting oae to Christians
I 'of every . sect.
The concert for ihe benefit of the poor, en
neunced to be given at Farrar Hill, ea
Wednesday evening, has be en
r_ inde fi nitely
postponed, owing
_to death in the family :t
one of the principal singers. Duo notice vf.:
be given of the time when it is to be held
Last political oonundrum How did Gen
McClellan receive the news of hie defeat'
With resignation.
Very good. Bat Gen. McClellan resigned
his place a good many boars before bo'heerl
of his .defeat, and, we believe, in aooonlesee
With his well =mired plane.
The Oil City Regiatint . oomes to us.thie welt
elptihted o in on entire new nit, and loOking s 4
fresh end handsome se s women on her we
ding day. T m been tie
beet, as it is t printed is
the-011 region)
' , Blif. Anna icted to lee
tore before I !ary Society.
on the griming u.._ no. Tier sot ,
'eat is tho "Meaning of the LateNpeotions."
According to the Commercial BiaZetin'; li
then are no less than two hundred and ninel
different petroleum oonipanies having 0 trieet
in Nei' York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg ani
“Truth crushed to earth shall rise
The eternal years of God are Lena •-•
But Error, 'wounded, writhes in pain.
And die among his worshippers.“-
A, young bride of 18, in Marseilles, wi
burned to death on the morning of ker n
riage by treading on r niatch, which iftc:
and set her clothes on ire.
The city authotitiee have commenced
proving the crossing leading from l'lseem ,
Bailey ; & S Co.'s Bank to the opposite .stuiv
411,Parls. • It ocrlainly made repairing.
dommodore NQIt "the 'smallest man 5 1 '
log." haa - gornsto Buoys. It is reported
h e t
he ie soon Lobe married to Miss Minnie
Ur. Trenholin. the rebel Secretary a th e
Treasury, repiesents the funded and unfuolei
debt, of the'Confederacy, on the let of Jul,
last 5t.51,600,000, 00 0 .
The Congressmen—sly old rats—sre ire
tending to their' wives that living is so int
in Washington the ladies must renown at how
this season. --
In the new State of Nevada the Coostittition,
provides that , three: fourths of a jar'' ,
aireed, may render a binding:verdict.
on Tuna