TMI ERIE WEEKLY ppilkinia. ofnel IP full ' 038111 Mi BIITLKIIIIIIir lITAIIIIIIIIIIIIIt. OPrOorri ria-Poew Orman. 157FRTIdglIENTS.—Ons Seams Wrest Uses ewe to s edan 75 Coats; two isseaticer SM.; *jag, JOSS $1,21; ass month ;$1450 ; two Immthe SW; thaw redraw s l o o ;iilisquibi sl se o ; elk Yaw $ 1 .6 9 : ether itirertionseata to proportion. Thee mem ,111 k strictly adhered to;res ibascal by apeellal so ntrset, or at the a the publishers: Audi. cop toes Notices . Strays r Divorces sat like 'Arecibo To ot, t 460 ; Adanlaea Nome, $110; LOW te l. Notices wit coats* liklliege Notiassurrem fin eillit4 a plash . rils4. Netter (over three Usk is @strati d 7 * togs Far 111 4. ' 01 4 111 0 pas*, a! tan writlis *Ube request theseter, oars Oiler Po, 800 All Isivartlesateata will be esstiatied at , Ow spew of the pones . wa n wen " sulk 5/..: ail 47 .04 , . 5 y Ila ft, apseilist ported I. r weed arm ter its tawattass - rt , si gcst stag : Two Dottrels, tor stamp to ad. floor. MR PFUNTINM—WO have one of the boat Jabbing mo m , rottralltste, and are mid, to do say wort la that Iles that may be satnaztad to as, to equal style tr. A ny establishment outside ofthe largest dill*. . SirllrrlLL4 & SititCHT„Pabllahers A Beautiful,Prayii. Lord, at thy temple gate, Where thronging thousands wait, Trembling we stand. The glory of Thy name Each day is writ in flame, On sea and land. The hills their anthems raise, The rocks repeat Tby praise, 'l-, The-wide earth o'er.; Of Thee , in anguish now: Lord of the dazzling brow, Do we implore. When Thou on Sinai spoke, In clouds and fire and smoke, Aiid all thine awi; • The Jews in trembling heard The thunder of Thy word, Thine uttered law. Thus in the battle's roar, That shakes. thilolid:ahore, Thy name we kipar,: Thy majesty, Thy - power, Speaks through this 4raadtal hour, To every ear. The wickedness, the crime Wrought in this once proud elute Call down thy wrsth: Yet round Thy burning throne, A circle all her own, Sweet mercy bath. It was in mercy's dame Thy Sou, the Savior, came From Thee abode! We hear the angelio trains, Ring o'er the heavenly plains Sweet etrains'of love ! (1, shed Love's spirit o'er This land from shore to shore, • . Until we tale One glad, unitfd voice, - To make earth, II SODS rejoice One chant of Oahe. Message of Jeffersea Davis. immike Nair York Mora] • This annual Messagedcif:Jefferaoa Davis to the Senate and House of Represent"- tires of the' Confederate .States may be itudisd to advantage by the people of the North; The relative .positioris of the con -testantir-in 'this straggle cannot be dis tinctly defined , through the rose-color milt in which the organs of the Federal ad ministration envelop their reports. It is prudent tc• take into - consideration the es timate of both aides, especially as experi enca haa'demonstrated that the Confeier att,President is in the habit of expressing inmself frankly and explicitly in his off/. statemen ts in regard to the military, priitisiat and financial situation of the i3orernment over which he presides. " We therefore commend th i s Menage of Davis to the attention of the Northern public., It commences with an• apparent ly conscientious review, of the military op erations' of the year now closing, claiming that within that period the Federal arms hsv,e failed to accomplish any positive ad -rs,nce in the way of subjugation but while making some progress, at 'a fearful art, in one quarter of the Confederacy, hive been compelled to relinquish the p;session of a vast aria of Southern ter ritory iiother direction, West of the Ytssiuippi, \ all Northern Alabama and Wettern Tennessee, has been renominated, oda - portion of East Tennessee has been wrested frnia the Federal grasp. • In Gaon e. and Virginia the struggle for suire lacy continues indecisive, and there the pincipal military power of both seetkoli concentrated, waging a war of strategy, mineuver, and occasional terrible- colli- Eons, unequaled in the display if skill, endurance, fierce assaults and obstinate ro t:Aimee, and without parallel . in the sac:, %See of life. • ' In regard to the attitude assumed by fireign- powers toward the ConfedenSiY, Xr. Davis is very earnest in rebuking their apathy and - indifference,but this criticiim, einloits neither petuleneo nor disappoint: Inept. He does not seek to disguise the . xprobability of foreign interferenoe in 'otialf of the South, but !rankly mutes ov i rt -`a countrymen that they must de 1 d on their own exertions for their in - dance. -He takes the ground. -h er, that recognition does not neoessitets an Led intervention, and that therefore 14 potentates of Europe cannot plead their derireCO avoid hostilities as an ex, ease for their refusal to pronounce upon: •e merits of the quarrel lie argues that foreign powers, in re !erotic° to this struggle, have departed. !rota 'the rule thrit precedent, in behalf-of 'amenity end, justice, has established, end hat e , in view of the cireublitances that ae Governmentiof England and Fnw oe lve virtually, and, in !net, Officially, ex :re -seed a conviction that the, United `odes could not conquer the Confederacy ; tloy owe it to enlightenment. and Chris 'snit.; to protest against thf. prolongation Om destructive strife. - In regard to the finances of the Confect 'acy, Mr. Davis refers to the report of Secretary of the Treasury, and says : The facts therein disclosed are far from ..s couruging, and demonstrate that, with ~plieinut legislation, we shall be: enabled meet all the exigences Of the war from Tar abundant resources, and,avold at the ame time, such an accumulation of debt woLV render at all dolibtful our cipaci tr to redeem it. .There ix one subject treated of • tefsage that IS of peculiar interest is oat' P° 0 1)10, and especially to those who have -1"11(14 d relatives confined as prisoners 11 ' Southern prisons. The Coafed triLtenuthorities, it is known, have repeat -017 squght to arrange some ayatem or exchange thai would' relieie the many t hNsands who are now languishing in cap 111'V, "Sorth and South, from thawnaec : 44 4 .. priv ations and su ff ering th 4 they tridure. Ba s in -every instance, thil Fed : fr4i A dministration has interposed some t4i tled question of negro equalirty be n our captive countrymen and' the I; 1.! • ' - i s • - . _ . ' " '— • 111 1 .-. V •`r l S.D.. .. . - • 4 ..• :..t.P . 11. • ‘-• ~ •• • F • -7' ... :• • .1 ' • " ; ". _ - ' •-. ItJ • - - VOLUME 35. opportunity fortheir liberation , - r. yia says : •. The solicitude 4A - thb Goren:went for. the relief of oul eaptive fellow.citisens has known no abatement; but bac on the contrary, been still more deeply evoked by the additional.sufferings - to which they have been wantonly subjected, by depriva tion of adequate food, clothing and fuel, which they were not even permitted to purchase from the prison autlere. Find. tog . that the enemy attempted to excuse their barbarous treatment by the unfound• efi allegation that it wan' retaliatory for like conduct on our part, an offer wee made by us with a view of ending all pre text for such recriminations or pretended retaliation. The offer has been accepted, And each Government is hereafter tolie allowed' to provide necessary comforts to its owA cit izens held captives by' the other. *Let:us hope, therefore, that we have heard •' the last of painful delcriptions 'of famine, ,Itakedaiss . and barbarous treat ment of prisoners of war, which from one of the most disgraceful features o this frightful civil strife. Let us hope,:tdo, that one. Government, and tit isena generally, will make immediate pro vision to supply their captive countrymen with all that is needed for-their Health and comfort. The elaboration and caUlious circum spection of that portion of the Message devoted to the question of the military employment of slaves, give conelniivew idence that the subject has seriously emu• pied the popular mind, and• receive offic ial consideration. Mr. Davis does not recommend any precipitate action in that direction. He suggests that a Milked number of slaves be employed in such capacities as 'do not require tae - use of arms; but that, meanwhile, - they must 'be drilled, and made familiar with the exercises of the field,, in preparation for any emergency that may arise. His ob jection to their immediate:employment in the field is principally based upon a natural repugnance to - share with an in ferior race the sacred pl.triledge and duty of the patriot. , He says : "Until our white population shall prove insufficient for the armies we require and Can afford to keep in the field,-to employ as a soldier the negro; who .has merely been trained to labor, and as a laborer, ;for the white man accustomed from his youth to the use of firearms, would scarce ly bet deemed _wise •or advantageous to any."' ' _ - He opposes the proposition M arm the slaves en +name, beeiMse hthas faith in the peWer; of the white po ulation of the South to achieve their purpose ; but he significantly adds: "Should the alternative - ever be presen ted of subjugation or the- employment of the slave as a soldier, there seems no res. .on to, doubt what should then be our d♦ tision." The. idessage - concludes with the follow remarks on the all-important question of Peace. The disposition of the Govern]lnent for a peaceful solution of the issue which the enemy has:referred to the arbitrament - of arms has been too often manifested, and is too well known to need new assurances. But while it is true that individuals and parties in the United States have indicat ed a desire to substitute reason for force, by negotiation to stop the furtber 'seri& ces of humanl life, and to arrest the calam-, hies which now afflict both countries; the authorities who control the Goternment of our enemies have too often and too clear ly expressed their resolutions to make no peace except on terms of our uncondi tional submission and degradation,: "tii leave us, any hopes of the cessation of hos tilities until the delusion of their ability to conquer us is dispelled. - Among those who are already disposed for peace, many are actuated by principle and by disappro val and abhorrence of the iniquitous war fare that their Government is waging, while others are moved by the conviction that it is no longer to;the intereit of the United States to continue a ° struggle in which success is unattainable. Wheneverthis fast-growing conviction shall have taken firm root in the minds of a majority of - theme-Northern , people, there will be produced that willingness' to negotiate for peace which is now confined to our side. Peace. is manifestly impos- Bible, unless desired'by both parties to this war, and the disposition for it among our enemies will be best and nmst certainly evoked by the demonstration on our of ability and unshaken detennination to defend our — lOW and In hold- no - earthly price too dear for their purchase. Whin ever chi& shall be on the part of our en emies a desire for peace,.there 'will be nu difficulty in finding means by which ne gotiation can be opened, but it is, obvious that no agency can be called -into action until this desire shall be_ mutual. When that contingency shall happen,, the Gov ernment,.to which is conned the tree tilnaking power, can be at no loss for means adapted toaccomplish 'so desirable an end. t • - • The tone and Wont. of this Message, if it faithfully . repreients the feeling of the Southern people, as we' have no *doubt it . 'does, denotes an abiding! confidence in their power to aceomplith the mission of 'self-government that they have thus far' carried on, through the terrible ordeal of four years of desperate warfare. The comments of the Southern press, though in some instances they reject the theory that the slaves employed*• in military services should be rewarded with ettclpation, indorse, as a matter of course, t e hopeful and defiant attitude that the President as : Burnes. MUSTARD AT TEM Warn Ifourratns— The ainful and Ludierlove delkivpd.—A gentleman,.residincnot *tatty falles from_ Cainbridgeport, , who visited-the - 7-- - Wleite Mountains' hitt Atitiniiit; - iied by kis wife, at flier -;--=:-..Hotel,.strd one night while-there; had . a sudden and lent attic* of collo. An appliattion-. of tnushiid was reeorntitesithd to :Cate hie and he consented'to_have it tried. His Wife; on going down to the kitchen, found the mustard, but nothing suitable to spread it upon, and her pocket. hand kerchief WSJ taken . for purp?se. In nsofnent she was at the badside . and ap-, plied,the plaiter. " There,that 'You,l know," said - shei: Shahid ecucel7 istitxl the sentenoe,liO . wever,. when the poor man turned over , a nd roared; "What the d—l are you about?" ' It *ea,. ad , her hueland's vac ,Her lamp • had g!'!en,blit P a feeble light, and she had got into the wrong room. She found her own apart. M=lff= =:si TWO VOLL'AIigIICICIEML,i;ff-;NUp".4lt- E NE;• THUAS irithotitileisOsidiiidtur aUV adding *Ai liorrer thid;Air, wow the. knuikercAist: The sick man waSliiits:: pletilly overcome with laughter. • - ffis °hone disappeared as suddenly as it cams. It wasigreed not to remain long in these parts. The landloid was called up, the affair explained, and the man and his wife left on thevarliest express train. The gentleman who - was so uncew3mopiously disturbed,land wh"o is' ell known in Boa ton,) has preserved the , handkerchief.— Query—Ought he not to return it ?—Bos• ion Post. Erie County...oMainl,. The following is . the official "home 'Totes of this county, is reported by the return jud ges, on Friday of hat week 4- - ' , , 1, • . . I\ 0 0 1 1 Erie, lit Ward, • 98 166 131 188 j ... 2d H 195 190 - 248 224 19 ‘ , 3d.. .. 118 210-122 271 6 , .. 4th .I. 167._222 188 290 West Milloreek, 118 147 187 .198 8 , East Mllloreek, 267 170 888 220 17 Harborersek, 134 196 149 287 2. McKean, 28 196. 42 280 " ..1 Middleboro, . ' 2 26 00 82 Washington, .96 265 110 312 83 Edinboro, • 42 72 60 81 ' !, • 1 'Girard boro., ' 47 71 68 72 .20 .41 ' tp., 70 211 , 70 226 1. Fairview, '134 204 166 249 28 North East bor., 29 114 81 119 • " " tp., 162 197 180 242 27 Elk 'Creek, 114 118 127 168 -Conneaut, • 46 188 65 212 Albion, - 29 66 27 61 • Springfield, . • 'BO 858 41 892 23 Summit, . 90 68 107 i7B 7 Waterford boi., " 31 110 All 136 " 0 .tp., ' 79 222•88 i 268 :..'• Loßanif, 124 164 140 179 Concord, - 90 146 102 174 1. Corry, ' 65 160 70 199 .. Wayne, 70 167 87 188 Union b0r0.,. • - 84 84 92 96 • 'I 141.1,. 80 172 103. 194 1 .o- • Greene, " 180 100 166.116 10 .: Vonango ! 68 172 88 198 Wptisburg, - 16 86,19 . 48 16 Arolq - , 79 $8 94 94 4 Greenfield, , 28 102 88 181 : 1* Lockport, 78 162 97 164 . • Franklin, .. 1 . 30 180 89 142 6407 2884 Total, , Majorities, Thp popular vote in the loyal States in MO fir Froliclent wee, Lincoln 1,964,618 i Douglas And Brecithmidge's vote combined was 2,024,- 040, leaving Lincoln is a popular, minority. of of 159,42 T. In 1882, the popular vote in Scats elictions was, Democratic 1,488,548, Itepubli. can tote I,6Bl,939—Republican majority 41p 363. In 1863 the Demoarstie role w551,816,- 800, Republiosa, 1,666.000, without. counting _ the soldiers , vote. • - ' Pon .Osem■ thrtloi—Warrn. AUUGI anar.--On and after Monday, Oot. 81st, 1884, and until furthsenotios, the Mans will aloes sa follewe Cleveland& Chicago, 9.60 ff. m. a 7.80 p. at. Buffalo, }AO p. al. a 7.30 p. m. Nei York it Washing. stop, 1.15 p. m. a 5.50 p. m. Cincinnati, ' . 710 p. m. East Way, supplying all tfliella be i tween Erie and Buffalo, 100 - 1. Western Way, supplying all offices ' iiitareen Erie and Clevelani, 8.00 p. in. Pittsburg & Erie, & Pittsburg R. R., 9.80 a. nt: Edintime and Way Woes, . 800 p. m. Philadelphia I Harrisburg, B.oop. Philadelphia and Erie Railway, • _7lO - p: m. Wattsburg, on Tuesdays, Thnrs - days and Saturdays, • 6.80 a. in. Office hours from . 7.80 a. m. to 8.00 p. m, Sunday, office open from 7.80 to 9.30 JOS. M. STERRETT, P. - M. Erie, Oat. 81, 1884, tt.. -; TO CAMPAIGN SILTBSONIBERN• With the next issue of the °burlier will close the period_ for which a large number of oar campaign subscribers have paid. As we an, nounced at the start,the paper will be promptly discontinued, unless other dipetions are given to us before the expiration of the - WO. We shall be . pleased to have a! many orertfiriende Vantine• their patronage4as" 'possible, but It Weald neithernbe.feirin.ik ilog', *a!, to send it longer thee they here direc t ed.— /Aftet. theTreeidentte t l election a mist' largir 'portion of the paperwlll he-devoted-teftiei lug of a literary, news sad least. ssur. Quin we have b.eets..ible to give in the atoningPG 7 lidos( events:of the past,year. tf. ATTENTION BOYS I—A ONIANCS TO AILLICEI I!ONST.—Very few pimps are arsarei Out by a recent inventlon,,,nowepapers and-scraps of printed paper, can be converted into material for printing upon again. The high :pries of paper has• made an native delights& for old. newomers, books, pamphlets and sunk of Paper for this purpose, end it eagerly' beughrnp by parties connetted' with the 'pa= per mills.' - By eellestineand wring-all the material of this kiad about their houses. eM satanic it, many a family can pat Viaonsy., in -their:ptirses,'. which would otherwise belost. The highest price, fa cash, will be•Ptild for it at this office. tf Wedding and VlsitiiitCards., . We nil elieeial•stiention to 4he tupwlat styles of Wedding znit_SbitintOliat plated , `par tide dine... new • fonts of type espeeiady for this Bind of woik,_ we are enable to print - dards - in`ii Oita egna to those obtained in •do the' Liegareldee. It is nothing heathen foeliskinisik-to Plfnesla, to.. go abroad and- pay . estraewnwicet tor_ eogravid cards when they can yet just hind some oleo at i tionie for less than onii:thfatito: Pets!Ons, l l &mattes. - Arrelii of Payi s tc.,:cas lie proetired by the Widows; Onphlar t i and next of kin of those who he,. dletin Al* Menial of the United States ; a1e0.14 OldleTe end Seamen who are disabled by todiadi is: calved or:disc:we contracted, 'upon tpplielatkpn to 0. T. Gitwrien, Unveiled Millesty• and Naval Claim- Agent.. • Office is the Cowmen Council /Work Wright's Block. canker. State and Fifth its., • (under the Lyipalek difice,) Erie. Pa. . Flair Clams Cirr Itasteaxci about to remora tO4hiladelphia "rot= 'ter for sale my city residence Ind thiTleitele or pert of the - laminar*, on reasonishho Seam The house I one of ,thabest city.—asetA, ; ern style - anti finish, -with double imilors an tad" oldi'of the' hall, anditted with ses and estera-: POPOOldell sinneiS Fe quired, on the let afJaitnary k .eriff t l44o4 next. • • • ottitOtt. • ' Mani lkinie. l • WOW, remind out ,roders geld. ills of the Oinrws office ari Ski . iio4lret" by say' ootebilidunottt In • North ,WeKeta Nett irflosnfit for doing Job Printing.: • Perm" JO seed of Venda, Bills„ Nieetio c e,-,TiOnte s pill Head*, Monks, orsny hind of Plain or, Pena Printing, will' Ind it to their - adeintaigii l to give us a eiat: , • • . 111 5 • tr; keep cookout:4' on . !dad a t large aelsetkm of, Legal Staalhe, rtettiopsenreit follies, sack as Heide, MatipsoindgemK and Common Notes, EliumiaMenrit49l44 many others, not in tusk gene as.. boo* In' need of these aitiolei, litf it lb their ideutagerts gins eat *pars sail. tf.• A 1.114111 'LOT ' . .0-Oe N"to etB IR ° W w IN ok fa Pll Ibllyll_ll, - • to odtiatiusettfor swag Satattausgiet alosair: Aral libiligispiePtimaing tie Weld skylskoMps. inhpiAlinpiget 14111111JObblist to • vaistioraiiil tams otherwrisidlabassai r weed , M *Ps ramohabitiso the- Bald* or cleveloadoilkoo. ,Ws hu•fitiwiaserlytwo thomped Olelisas roth,of "air - rial**l• ll l l lAimottbut d ",. ~1 1" q4 6., !1 •11914141 Ohs *OW iesktog idiot Ira some, the Oetowiast• ty seabed: Wow weltwe live staxowlek we hove ,the . iveet,,,eaf our lobbin g which nay to seam to *mg parka! Worui Nested Peaseyirsido. to fiat*. Time wietwardisety w ale United to giro us a selL wi ears do jay kind st Priallog that coo ilarwherra —sash for fastaaee u • All Mods used by Cosi'lOpwator% Allll6Ol/ hied by Cosi Skimp*, Atli:bit toed by Coal • all Ideas used by litwaliante sad Storekeeper". All WA& 'sod tWeri AU liarie seed by iteWitashotareandes.Groen; 'AU blade sod by Medleise Dealers. . ' AU Ideas used by Asetiorworre, _ All Made wed by Italtroadi Agana Alt kiwis Weed by Oasis, • • . AU ktode seed a 7 lus rss~o ogee, Alt kiwis weed by Stock wspealos. gewerakj. AU kW& um istakem All Voila seed hy Coliould tor. WershsaK - Allktide -used by Expires Nes; AU that teed by Proliesiosal Was,— All kinds aged All kinds sod I* Public All Ueda Ind ty Pshottiii • • - klearamed by Pretscanrotifor Artle/aa " kia 4 t aqd bylloreheakt of alt Tress, All Wade seed by - Areldterte„ Aft kW, soot by ihwerwrimia thstaldlehimate. - All Made weed by Artiste . , - AU hada used 17 Peblis lr a ni a trr i s, All kinds seed by ifetucertorSootal Asteaddleo -- All kinds quad by Polities& Ifseacere. , All blade deed by travelling, Agents. An kiwis seed by Tamers, or sellers of real «Ma* AU kiwis used by the sellers of Poi moll Property, All kinds used by RPOtates Is *cat all &dude seed by alleLwoso Ordeal by oreil,wbea mat by neeponetble gartiosprowje• ty atteirded to. ~Agerde far Skew; COSOITts." haw .110.1 reepieweiblity lea are sot eopestabd with, lava sat .1* advaeoe. In moss when paidtage• are most oat of. the city by espreee,sid the? Sna i l/ tor wheat/ley are Mind ed have not regulaiseetsuit it the °Moe, _the DM fir totleetkow 11/111latatiabli Wilma:6d with thatit. • ;• i:111:4 IN. **l 1) 0 :Al z{./1 0) :441 :Bosision Gads insarilad this schuss at the ti el %rya and Fly* Dollars p.r Tsar.] TORN wavulivt, , - - -- -- Cnerfarauralilt, beat EsaLyeari sw Co oludY Bazir?t o or, ts pierd 'Armor asks Plass or Ihre %right's Bloat la . apr23114-17. 11 WALKZU, " lawireaawre ursreautresm Yrecaurr. V r t , u 4 Pa. Warehouse o Mlle Doak, fast Carrier if State Street.. Am, dearee•in Cool . rialtOrfah, nom, Plague, Water Lime, gra. N. 13.—Partiounie atteatkra will be tea to the Bersithig and lawarellng el Petro. bum 0 Cranium' Relner4 to Pall the, sollotz7. spar LZ ISIOAKSII, • _, WINILISAIII MID 10RatL DWAIN MI ird 'tortoises !kw Sad Fool. Wood sot IrCtlowlrses,Wisis,LlqueasTsbuosinsto ihtrssatzt to Tosaems Olinda*: R 144.1%. . Jabal—tom., EEI 6887 2768 E. maw szrootrr, Juntas even Puss. oilesseamod deii Ways* Block, Treseh Strut, betweis nth sad With. • 1. lisoll4. INCL•II.RPS.t iltacisami Mock, all00411• 11 ff MUM, Ts* PM jaalr64tL CikAPIIN s WILBUM, AVANWIII A? LAM; Ri FS. Prostia* Gk. Warw. Clueseen sad Jefilisou cooluittr. J.ll. CRAM. twowsdvol W. W. WILIVR: II: W. HULL PEOPRISTOIL MoRRIZON ROME ." Omar et &wad eat Mullet etnieb.isse 'VW NA et I ohnsoes Inhume. Wanes. Ps. • Sept 1/1-17. GAO. W. OWINIIIIOII, ' • - 3trirrun et run Plum. oire.ll. Cluotte Willa& Swiping& aoristiot ir Mita Masts. Copmysitedsic doer, astir WI sous awls t. ly. , J• . le COLE, Marna, BLitt Le., in Second Sto ßoca M ry of itLadnootairclirslllool,MAgnirto. :11tittlitt . • , 47roorir,Aelaw,Allysid, Zito Cooat,s - Colieettotis and o th er basins, ineads4 to vila memoir lad dkpabib. 10;111.41116 P s r ps "Boostituri sad Drr o lt r sti= ; au ;Stara ander Brown's Hateldkorrting Use Park. apr2fraill L 1 ail 'a • _ ~ J. S. Cataoa has taken the lame Mb a the foot of hremeh Street, new the Philadelphia depot, Erie eitTl India primula to tarnish 111Cts Lii, Wasp or 1641 qoalitios, at the lowoot market pion. L *arras rams 4r. DAVIN, • JL• - Atrotain A? LAIN Cbesteist ttrenLiihiOttilL P • Teb.,l6-17:81• WXTMODVj • • . , ed3t, . b 4 ismnib ittmst ASTO .r LlCß thk. ?L ax Law. -Welkstes Qt • sat 744 Dsarrirr, Beattrs Blocll,2lLatilit *Ss otthe 1%7,4 State strut, lee* Ps. aprtll3 U. LAiIATETT ' UOTICt, Mar I thit=t 6 n et' ili= Ul Orpar sag etk "1"116 , lb* PL. 'Laub filormakar, .--11hrisasim aearistaream' Wm for 'temps sal Bag by the day or walk. Goad atatdiag artarbral.. apdi A i :imam'. is Mammy., : RASlllltahall Musa Os sad Arleta toi.Planer A Lynes Patent Sewing Kiehl as —aro Mints e.-MU Stinotyistiras Sib sad fa AN glis. k i: Clotp, made te enair to the Suet style. 11l 'le. -.-- • Lf b. 'smiting, • I'2: • tuner a.a liaue BTAnit, es Eighth Swot, tottrwo Stott sod Frotioh. Ms Homo sad Car• time to *too rooossoldo toms. 00101144-4. i r iinUCI.I4; di a CART lllt wasii - • • inurosadrcruased gaiissordate. Kai R elaPria& Atdrialpitural imilemeato, Stalk* Ow e ei•J'a. ikic. MAG11.4.,' Ifsumer, Mos • ..!soep PusekobarCksids of kW, Psrk. Zris. P. ippLIMIOO6BIII Jr - ..: 1 , -RIDGWAY, YLIF Co, r4l: NM Z. 0. CLIOOOIIIII, =j446lliw, -Mk lirdoview asid irsalkomatt !Ma iqr. amuse, In Uagi~goa of the bort troaldni R 4 Hum& In Vutioris tli thritranis. Couregoetetir Ronse,Chisik Billipailassa TalAs %ad ktalowits jttiss. ,The pub* . purees/go to rapecttatlyiwlicitel. orplll-1y• [T I 'A., GALBRAITH. VT' ' Arrcsorit mPLaw-01140os .I l 4 l llPreltt.tb4 Peartt 1 1 ° 11 ,* irk"- . .11.41; MUMS; uwlx MASTIC 4t ATTORNEYS fic - COUNSIM LOMB AT LAW FFICE; Parsgon Ble* 'Roo Rao ciktou of *II . NAM Sorts jl4, Is-; O mekza ,rasalig 11211Sitt • • t ' • ' . • * : : • • . Domani ur Dzy Poo Ihoetims,, &Mimi, nth. Waas."Bo24. II'; eiguei" me of start mid halm diialf. blik Ps.? # l ;tir -; i • N• w IMUSlo:atibe.• ). • ' L t d - PIANO:. FORTES•LANDIEIBIONI 'lrma adabouid ' • 44. WA'ulr,l l ' A CIITR ERIS: ' • ..••••1 1 .4, 1 0 1 60.***Nrkla. - fa:M.VD*D*6I, Nor . • . . ha 8. Deakaaa,Yor 'York. •Jdzorishilifitto; Ns. ; =lt,. Paws OP.loWkiss. EY -yesaiiir CI: lqi Tut: ' hies. itiptAtelniiiimat-bilyw Now ~:t•,,. timpwar.B Main ,i; UMW 00!AVD, RDA filillerio,olWWWWW WOOD riAWOO 701 MAD dikta t Walt; itt7Porke‘ *Waft • MOW. Awe ragiariesmap. ' Imam" to sin sod sz!iMs fore pessimist iihrwtiot* lisairs,Mealk,Mate dirt. wady aT die Ps* 011os. fr..:4•46 , botiesaiessiaibake A C..,1,1L. I !riainatait t - tia a theamiea Thema Ma Chesty. Na t ?l,llhieussrteesa r t•I:.1,-. 1 , 12,1)1CF,ANDANT IN, !nix AWE Ciugm o. lbefeby set*l4 to appear at the et ceiplialioLiaa al lb* he the coasts et XII% ea the Ira Needy of Nirmabor meet. sad smarm Us aka eesidetat(tie "Ow Nam ll 'Vary gel keikelty a Orem &m a rk 44 amateinear mac eine platudis NM •.• . - . GlRAll9.llhaett • . - • figiaiiiiSlieeYirle.ls4ll, _~-- -~ CfMtizil ao,,itan,r4Ati i:rgvt; mriterD . or VIIS.I%Jk4t: 1.-V, 0 . 0 ,N. " . "!'ll ■ tut DAVIS. MEM MEI MI Mi==SE=ll 11 ~..„ I ~:,.- ,- ' ''" / ER \ 1864. T'~l~ 1 1 CUT 1? OUlk . And lihovir it JO Yoni Friends. .WHEELER Ar. WILSON'S I ..*:1.01'/:11 EMIG ! IAMENESt . sisksiewlsdesd to losths . Bll9TlL4l.4l . 1111 Z ever =end into this oessittv. Their anritsilsct meow *at only to this ontittsy, but all ism thi World, his toads KM Its ths stoat paler fillasala• ass to us. , FoR SEVERAL YEARS They hew fakes the lead of an Other Kaahlsechat atm the lab).lisperresaasiskav• bees added, every ire. Set, of work fa phtforiped with iamb ease sad taplaity that the ADMA AIM IN, ZGEISACIII3 OITA IT t AM It Mee thsadeelssilems •CALL. We viatraattisa So stilts►lL imety faidsq of_iodihkowt the Waned auudia to the Webs( cloth. Thq nab the eelohisted "lock Ma," 'Was tmniWbte M rtt. ThaqX6 shims, wOI de the work _ WIIT AST WT UM Olt PIISP.94TIO, . : swami - insait., comm. sAlusiii • maw, Tem. 'km sr. Amur. Thy 'mike say width ,of bin* wttliat Iwin4apwo tigrablitly tatter It : thoi will gather and stitch or wow ea *bemire)ityesdon't llen It.- CONE- AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. The &mad tor thins oplabratai Xaohblith +Woo wo have bass locatadN - Zriti has been aatonlahlak. At times ma Rod reit dUlhadtr La ellag sir MUNI, bat we Lava a fall stook just topritrad, sod am ready to aos soy aid all wha may eall or Ned we their authors. Dor rooms see Wenn* Madamd tostdahad, and our ossoamodap tionsfor, emanating the beatings an not equalled. nos Saddam@ were tiswiredot the highest pritahtati at The WORLDSTAIIII. London. 1801: The INDUSTitint. RIPOSMION, Paz* lOC The niarrrvm irtentiguals64 Andinahean every Stan and anintytenk ,wkere ex hibited. They are warranted Ouse yore. They are perfeetly dnyho is nontraatlon. They ran with the greatest ens. Tin, an almost solaelen - EvINSTRIJOTION OITA. tall aad ma then In operation. It yea ennaci and ibr sample of Tait and a angular by InalL • BOLT t BOOM limb, Union Blocker; JAM (Zen Park) Etya.2l. • • Farm, for Sale. HE'ItuRSIONEIS OFFERS HIS ans elt sited In Harbor Ck tp., miles • ga. Itrioagg att-deeme of Mad, memare. :There are on tbe„prneiees a Mtge two story Home, tiro -lannie,Sti au r Per and alt weeeimey Outbtdmlngw min fa 40 1 0.0rotutrd Mrcboloa Grafted Trultand the to eeMllealdWatilag water. Th. farm is pleasantly on a good road and Is is a mad state of ea , well adapted to mbinevaln or gram. A ' 3- 7' e did acme of land, ens-half idle Booth of ,elsbintinead farm, with fd of Itn piroiement, yoltde oreherd sad never Al ee,ll9X asras'and allowanee of chola Lud o ens Mile Yet of dretelamed land. • .1 The aboveellt te sold together or la piscei, tit' nit rudiment lot portisalarsoorptirs on tlis prossisik • CEA& BMX!. Or to & A DAVilt.iTinkr, Soq.. 11,11, City. oettril-lias. . . Cheapest Furaiture Store ts tai. &cue& otui:Pau;sl7. 'ESTABLISHED 1857! Cr, W. Ellsey, Ririe, Pa. HAIR BEDS, From 38 Cats per pound. SOLO CORNER BEDSTEADS, • From $5 00 SEA - GRASSAEDS, From $4 00 ABEL BOGILING GRAILS.% From $2 50 SPRING BEDS, ' From :6 100 • CANE mints. - • %%BLIES, _LOUNGES, 811/UCAIIII, dad othei Ikraltare, Lev as Ulu Lowest. West Bide State Street, Next Palmer's Grocery. Matt. • • ' 1 IMPORTANT Milers a Owileisif trapatasted;l.aads UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE let or Asatnbly. approved May 110, 1664, th e hol den and aeons of Unpainted Lando are required to take out patents for mob las& before be let day of Norialier, _11614. On failure to take Oct each potato the iturneyer General le directed 'le ceindata tke sweacil package aispi, fairest mid feel *a as asa unpainted Irani" such amount (together with *Mee (*wig= aggrapete amp nail shal be antra is a to is preesdadi ined.kon far , amaperpeeir amid 4aid sewn alai hear interest at d precat." neat Ilene are liable to he preesidedeiterti lbw/maser tiwitoisliOsisipal dataititin public odioein; under the Act of Aprii 16,1846. ?lieu adie:avitur pert/maw abutter' to all Intalinee under the Laud Imre. and begin foeti d:halos uttaadleg to aneb tendon", are ptepand to pro. eare patesaa ease fa,paties males yea • ?Annum front the eat of gentrauseat, on the Wet rewash), basis, ;CotriepeeiSt nee eatiolted and • _pray* Paseded le. ...tddriee RO SMODInt ASS or WALLACII • .attorserli and Claraseflore a air s Barrlstnirr I= wiriaI i .T.:MANEEPOD ; i.w !Astilib iteitorea s Irtr "AT IiI7I3IISHED - a ti l ea ,--- Edition of u Da . caymanwssea Catannamco basal ors 4 7. ?Mimi can (without, seine) of Bsmiutsmonzeto or SeraLnal Wealosant;ltivoluramy aloadaarLassea, ?*ICY, Mpotaa and rtunital imenien ll J. latpedimenta, io /ini=etc. ; _ago; Conscarrao, Donstrr and Yrtl, laell4ndtirlpai ar snail uagates. or Pit in er.aM en ve lope , only b'mot& ealebeigied 'Whom. talkie aftentia• awn GMAT illemonstrataa,trota ,thArty yenta sacoessful practice, that the Warman ••••aqttetioia of mdfahnew dartho rad leaky enrol wlttimat lba dengaroas at, of internal mod. Woe or the application of the if •inting oat a mod* Of eats at eneacileplat contain and hr. Ina • U. a omen every tutfener, no matter what his oonaittoa. way bet n nos ram lihrealfelaitiply, "dynasty ana,radliemlim. , Tao Lecture should to In 'tha lesside of e ver mon= aid livery inan'in ther • Hama nsaarieng, in a Sala eamel*, Wan, adiiries,on the receipt of els saute, or two poietaaistimpe. ...address tba relatahans,' - • *4BAII. J. C'ELLMS•iIe 00,, • 121-Bamm, New York, 1•1144.4 a `.' . rantarnßai. OAS. , ;L:E4I; - tttifT.: XEDIPA,LADVICE. *fril*egif. washisassrettLi S•arai•Ammose • • - TIMM end Miduri* , • • ;1 MI6 k &Il LAIIMW - aillt !i - the Awl Aber to the Atwater Betidies, foot of Sappier Strut. Oirrelearteollar: fieperiee - the /Mem • t cad Care et Net from' wit Phydeal Debility IticliseitheitvdpormitlitAxes Pad Pa Ibiaolretel Maim Pt the s4;Teldif desk am:Lathe" dlseemw tookleatol to . both emu, predict's' faigielle4V of both mortalaM phyeteel itrehrtkterr*, 3=ital debility and hespaeity ••s why eeetted eppeethe.' irshfe e selefiela realty they eau he etheledly remand 17 tb• meet dose „ TIMM. • , • iron annum= migurnoi, ha teistriteset ler the_oara - ot Goma DeWitt* sr Itoethreed gastednan, moss Roped” immix selfeedied: erexasem,jse.. • Curbs pormuteatly eared le Item 14. daye to two *Girths - by 1110 lie tof SUB bi11t:10614 . 71 t. 0W eterpaptipivith soedieinee, - • - _ • . TAXI ItellTtallutit ' Dreilt,k4l, Loped tilos plasmas la asseamith thxt barfot Guest tigotfiltiee WA. the eon et*, shore dloseem. It hulloes mitijecti4 to a, torts the iiest *admit pkyaketerie ix .Lellibll. Pols; sal, tie" Yale. It Wm bees leolseed the oily fastruseat faveated 'for the we of Weeka d oes, or dhow of the galls' aim. sevolV the soiree yoga. 41 . 1.Aki====. = 6 1 6 ".4,1F== °a.= ...t"" a jtre"*" . " l.Nok,*ls" 6 " l6 •owkw bw! .4210111ligtotiVAxii‘eitifer east. • 5 4 71sVg a t, osidtalirliallrhallimill• i lUe s _ Nll arercero4. eilm.A theme arklap keit ierinitaiUtSoPlati, MOW wow exit , ix the, k =WI= aid 'amid. treetmoet they slept Is Vilisepat fitavehris ot. peiuseithreetve, pee seseetehd peestfeent Itsrope wet Aorta. _ , • +! cotrwrit •:• : • ti • ettbs wall • why es tisithixt by' ga li s tirreet Setattotitie4= lir eta . • n w. 4IC Warr, • • leerthrr Minding, lilt etihepdar St; .14 4 0104.7. • . . qr”thod•0 1 0 -• •- 1 Army' T II 8 T trEIT ED, another lot of tp. - TOILIT CAM. %a Oast maid* * tin werCSltion to tb. Navy stal Army. Those par. toga who pima M. oiNtat atonal at ta• wake Wald owl Ws tab aoslotalia sad tuonal ia M i . At oppIIPOL : TOWN'S . . . 7 , z•.- . EINEM EMI IBM MBE IWI •1 N V A L i I -D S ! IRON.. IN THE BLOOD. It is arodi know* to the moultcal profession that IRON 1 - the orital Principle or LA Elsatemt of the .Blood. Tbfa is derived chitty from the food we oat; but Hike food to sot litara l 7 disontad, or if, !Vont any cum whatomor,the ossatity orlion ie h ot takes tato the Wreath. lb% a nsmil lladdala fodattido tbeeritoie system niers The bad blood th irritate the heir; will star up the win Map* e brain, will *hatred the lire. and arill mod its disesee.prodeolog olemonte to ail parts of the system, and orrery one will enter lo whaterir organ may be_prodisposod to dhows. I Thoilmarthine of IRON AS A MEDICINE is well known sad aelmoertedped by W snotioni•man. The &f -lea, km been to obtain each a preparation of if as will eater the s olortulation and matoHlate at ones with. the blond. Thiapolat, says Dr. Wiyon Massechumtte State obialet. hal bass attained ta_alum .Peravias Syrup, by Vralto a way Wore unknown. IEPEAft mvitor is a myrzcrnst me. hates of the r TIDI DEMON. • NEW MOOT liNtlf IN gramme Oat dram at_the Boot of Meow undying the blood with its vital Poineiplor or 'Life Taw !MUNI tit SVII6 , RIM Dvaparis,l4*. Leat Capplalat, Dropory,imar Aloe, _ Aloe, _ Loss of Energy, w ipMta. TWi MICIWVIAK SYRUP' Inhume sareasily vigor and agar lib into the riatein, and Wide pp an "Iron ' Coastitatian." Tent IPZIKUVIAN B Ur Ceres Names Alec tion=ro Camphanta„ and itherune of th e Kidneys. and WHE SYRUP to a SPECIFIC for a3l diaeseno origisettihr la a BAD STATE OP THE BLOOD; arscompaaled by Debility or i s low Rata of the Sys'. Being kooks= Alcohol 101 l any form, .Ms esurr.- iv-artists,adj? ids' ejlbell — eee elieeted e xur ukir ut are parminest, tatualay Textuary, van sod 111111.11111 Into a elate aysVen, sad billdlog up so IRON COW- I KS?I;MMMIMMI Om sieoseat la the restorafav• power orison aa a med. Wise IR Se ellairadale 11101011 004 (As shetrasity devaerist Armary. To take rmailies to cure dhows oceasoweed. by a de. messy of WV IN Wig SIL;:o Li, without restoring II to thiimetsm. is like trying repair a building whey the readation le 'roue. Pamphlets oontaialog serUkestes of earei sad . reedm. me:WADI:as &amigo:se or t most eminent Phydeiaay Cleappussa and other , will ,. sent TARR to any ad. whet a far of the mua l ee to show the, character of the beelisoolla le I --4000 Z. WILLIAMS, fag l , President of tits bistro polltaa Bank, N. Y., Rev. A St SREVENS lets editor Clrialswaireaste f ,f creed, Rem. P. CHTTitCH, w edltor New YorVararials, Xis. John PlerPtili Rev. arrest Barton, En. Arthos B. Taller, Rev. Giardos Robbins, Rev. Sprains Cobb, Bar. ta rr Kiss, Rev. Ephraim Nets, Jr., Iles. Joseph H.: Clash. Rev. R". Y Q Headley, Var. Jobe W.Ohasteed, Lewis John. sea, D Xoswell D,R. C. Resda: xi. D.. W: X. Chisholm', IL 0, !MARS Dana. itnetial Stoma, X. D., Jove Antonia Slashes. U. D. A. A. Hayes, W Y. D., Abrah D am' Weaeoli, lL D, J. N. clintoo, Y. D., H. IC. pm . t r- nm ass be bet asestetarer Ina' elect ate tee. qf Rid aa ss Arai eke tad Ss PAR SONJA • 7111 " a /I Ass arra anaemia skiers Idler rrauffee LansfaXit brim rebsf, owl iambi& amid rasesstip kaiak to jive Y s Hint. Or Dpsrasia, DUMMY and Taoi.i. Wnitrzwil It a a familia. CLARKS Preparedby lf. I. CO.. stoimileely for a. C. DINB2IOIII.It. 491 Broadelly, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists. altered -Iy. t • to 0 "if - ,f.• O E 4.1 g 2 we, Es ,11. .0 ,fi; -2t. Ur Ix I t 4 2 i •■ 4 1-6iti 11. 2 • sp tr, 41 , 41 v I eal Ili e g ■ " 4 Z 0,4 4 3 it 5 I - 'OS TP`g ci S 11 -al g 1 . 4 E C § g l• is )1 E 3 1 10 $24 - 2 GROCERIES - GROCERIES r. WHOIEFiI f ALE SAND RETAIL. . • P. 1136 --- ELA.AF,' Weald respestro'ly faioN t, ti n nbilo that he has opened 'No. - 2 ilughels' Block,' Erie, • When he wiltalwaya lamspara bawl a large imply of GROOKRISS, CROCKERY AND I WOODEN WARE, wiNfics. I LiQUORs, clads' mythini ssualy for sale in an establishment of the kind. Er "-om as Amenable as _any other stem in the any. jaale464tt. 18e4. BP-RINC GOODS! Eli En l'AltAliON BLOOII9 Bid 11) L toilferisil*tbs . larrest 'Sort efflapletts Stock .ryticmirea in thislts*ta.o?spprikii!g FOREIGN DRESS GOODS ! MW-GREAT vAaunl% SHAWLS,' eLblitS AND SACQUES, GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, ' A amipiwie A ascatment ofth. itADlte BRANDS OF DOILOOTICS. R. S. MORRISON_ i spr9'64-tf. 1411011. 1 •-• • ' 1.1134134:: • 8172711110 &IBM?. writs nit an Afthrtll6 , fret: nit; lieessoloar rrahurrrill insist thia Mad artotiesl4 ~ • LEANI.N4 SALE. 1 Si A: , • ' No MC& keprew - stopping it Wsorfatalt i - Drib* 'moll Ai m auk araves_at Mulkie a 490 A. • , CO A. I, Mel end - 4sios, iia steletiog' 'at all Dtatiatui aad arrizafi v* lagede. at.; • 40 e 1 1_ 11- . ' 00 POL,Dey' ' stopping -it Ndirtli ;it, West ! . rid. at Slim Sieopk, land Aarshiii i , sad S K P. Y at Weetbeld, ' • Dania,* and Sh ee r is r i t argl Ain at at liallthe . at &AO P. tliTh• Do/ Zramillo DOnneets at Dunkirk and Bahia e MAL Ending al MOW° only, with Express tot Nog l'oxly -Ehttailalphhhallestsi, /to. • •- LAVING BUFFAI.A. - ' s - d0 79/tob - Zfikoses, - ktneelifir at all Stations ex - Wealryrills &n sot „rumba:at itwi tliph t Miro at 10 ' 20 A. Had and IMI Lirpoir £'p' stopping at Anti* Sneer . Creak, Dunkirk, Weettlsid aud North klast i artiviog • at Kris ale 45, R M. 4.90 ?AL, acttsa4 AP: ti6poa4 tt I . '4 ; l4db:tat tad • arrives atltrie at • 19 J. r .1,, Plop bitsgssek 9 ato poi ac at AngWa L EDges. tk,,Sr.ik rk eat) Wert arriving at Zris at • tiN/a-it. ._ • -J lima i• la_laittea .rt into Erie Dow ;Ms. 2:. , from " 09AWF. asst. OLD DEWOPAPIRO;' lAGA - ZDIMS," BLANK 80041. . uu • Alei4re OM . WETS . foxy: um nes', Bought-a$ db• . c - ; OBBERVER ' 0 FFICZ, ?or whlelt the IdgluetWarket Thies, IPI CAWII, WILL it ?Ain. Vele Lzseoire,-. • a: 1 be lad again et • - I ?, WILLIAM WILLING, norm= or . -..'., lIIMIEII - ' • •- UMBER 1884. M - 011 S N. , amour.: AT - :RE24 ,111 1.411 " •-• " • - ~e. • :-.CAR RY otooolstoll iNt Mot tit tit' VitifTNe Ka J. B. 2.1111:9/11 * .odur Vitißll44Agww ) A. 4 • , • •; 4 4e, Ca l Vidltlet . • eUT Jar% s t rtire• b iar v ' t iffaireilfter bra r l id ik k Om, they !kepi to sel:tvo .dues at #o,lb 9 2 pftralligt. • . ESPECIAL ,iTtENTION-.:cl Will ¬*" to•W WHOLESALE TRADE. Dtalets to the DeighlPOTilli tollti inspontinny ta. yitedln give us a nail Won puithukng dnstie ~ THE RETAIL DKPAIMIR24I" Will be conducted, u heretofore, Ina medal 11111111241 r and sltb a oblige oar customers. We particularly call the notice o f Physician" to our Stock of CHEMICALS, Width is the 'swat awl finest over broight to We - PreseriptkeMptepoted teintsiss% *Ws skin sal promptness. j7 Altt: d PACT CIVIARALLX EMMA frillAT the variety or new It, Bixt ateadmat Seth* (*Rage, 'Coagreme, 'amid3o6. Or. Otrupdeits, Janny Iked -dud ,otken wntb Hpentine and 'that front, bandsoinaly Eztonstos, Dining, Breakraat,-Q•stni eind rnidwe Whatnots, Quaker Stain*, CeixPe. and Damask LowLIW. dainties, Mgr and See Wass Wattremse. Featist ; and Bolsters with other nomishold furnitare,ins., al. wattutketurad how well namemoll limber and baaltby natarials, by amierianeed workmen sad not bYsisparritke lads. For style, Quality and law priest, I erlD dety two•priess Osiers to uadetnell ay. reatherebouointel sold; Cane seat, 'Pallor. Holmes, EllatiaSt Sawlrg. Nurse and ether Chaim of testers nod Weetitni ups . actor*, are hickory dolled and gated slaking them of "'Crony so any otbar part o tbe ebairi:erbeire otillatal "Nada aeuraold are natiedoond by no swam Hirable. Wood Windsor, Booking, Sewing and Nene, are elan" of inr. wood roundsallanned through the seat and gland, ear Muted to stand. nandoomely pattitsit„ and met be bea ten for strength, pries and finish. Bpithg Beds. I bow told em gee and have the I ldgbant - fostimonials wit, a List (nt= of an good' Hot- kaßglinatiork, Fad WI; sad shipping Attic an years expuiense and &intending with. t.o• ptineipeled two prior dealers, 1 am,datainaleted to col. one one pries to ail , glee worth for ,yourgay, and . do J &Tao to-ate who trot, with me. Lumber, Lath, Sum Cm. Lire Sheik, Ca*Mead 14,nah 011, Store Pay, Produce ke., taken et tab, meatet V 112/41 for pay. Remember the Oahe, must ember of Slit strop?, on Sate, r* Pe. G.:W. auarar_. • asy24,-ti. maidaier aid ciiiaitea salaam!. WHOLESALE & RETAIL __ GROCERY STORE v • P. A. BROKER, - WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL GROCER, • mrskx, o 4 Grover of tie 'Park 4 Pelmet Sams, (olktcrami,) Wo 1d tigposthaly call the attentiotionhe eiiianiesttr to tartans Stock of GROCERIES AND PRO`iriSIONS, Width ha la dasizOis faith at the • ',YAW( LOWINT rot numEm! 9 r Mumportmmta SUGARS, , -. COFFEES, TEAS, ' ' SYRUPS, TOBACCOS ; ' I " • FISH, &C., . , Le not earpemed to the atty. lie hmee prepared to prove to at who give tam a call, , ,„; He else beeps oonstaotly on hand a napirinr: lot of 'PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale trade, to which hirdlliets the iittatitfon of the public." His motto is, '"Quielt Bales, Small Profits and e full Equivalent for the Money." aralrittf. Atlantic it Great Westien Railroad: •• • • • • • NSW BROAD (mos rammer, Erdi 111111, Express rad Ida • • park Routs. Connoctiwg at lialszonnes, N. Y.. with the' Tris ' way, form nonthotoao Six Toot Track from Now Tert to Almon or Cortland. On and attar MONDAY ? NOVEMBER 18, 1803, , 'Throne' Pawner and Troled TM.= Will 100 zit Wen WIT between CLEVELAND AND NNW YOWL - . • RTANT PA ---- I l NEW AND IMPOSSENGER ROUTE* • - ALGOMA CUM:IM vskomis I ; ..I .; J - Parnengere by this Line have choice of llie dtt ;mitt Router between New York and Beaton. THROUGH TIUZETS can be obtained at any. of the CHOWN .of the. Iris Railway and all Ticket Offices of connecting Liles; West or Southwest.; also at the Central 'ticker Olteei under ttor Weddell Muss; Claveland„Okkt. • • -.... . Ark for Tickets Tin. the + - '1: 'k • , A. diu G. W. AND -DRIB RAILWAY*. • . , Passenger Trains stop at Meadville thirtyminntee, girt i . Mg pamengers ample timeAo dine at the "Map RY HOUSE the best Railway Hotel in the country. /IMFD 'EXPEDITIOUS FREIGFIT LINE, IL L- 51.4 f L ! • - No trninth met of Freight between New York awl Alp , . non or Cleveland. . • l -- Mexchadtsln the West and Southwest will end lit to their aditige to order their goods to be lerward4 • la. the Erie k knd Atlantis A Great Wetter Railways,: the. aiming Y table and expense. u.vritv Os ; vatatairr AM LOW AR ;OM _ OTALSR ALL SAIL ROUTE. ,' ' • Especial attentio .4 4 agill be given to the speedy oUspoi titles of height efaißdeds, East er Wed. The Kriened4 Care and.other equipmente of this Com - , pasty are entirely am, and of Moat billpred mirdirra• rtyhs. , ' The only direetTOuti to the X"' . woNingiurim on; amows or ,ransayLvAppe,, , Via. Meadville or Cony. . From Leavvitsbargh,' the Mationlng Britsiolertirtk t om' Vannotawn sad the Coal Aimee.. -. • . • I- -1 This Road Ls being extended, and IMF won be' la alai: plate running order to Gallon, Crane. illeytote exi‘t Cie eittnitL without break of aillade• ~ . -- • . 1 . J. YARNS WORTH. &mg Fraight , sAung -,-,...- T; il. opooMAN,Clinel Tiekt4 A geet. - -.„ - IL F, IS WIDITISMII -- hlstel Sept. 1,16'81.4. ' . ... . NEW FIRM. SMITIL & OILLMORE; (9amma r to E. 11. 9 saitly) .WHOLESALE ArIVRtTAIX; DRAMISS IN BOrET B i RIBBON% FLOWER'S, LADIES ; MasiiiiING GOODS, . . ' • . STATIC . MIME= - , , r i...4 Ingtir X jaCITINTIJ AND XIGHTE SIIIIRTS. kat jr: .. E.. . MUTH. . ALP: GILT.NIO It E ' sr? _ rlii- : „.. -• • 1 ' i,....;,..' - :LESALE GROCp*:. Siegel, Vincent 04k, Simession! to C. mosil,r Drigalta . Oreties ) IrloUry Pork sew, • 1. WATER LIME, -CA•RBOI • I,lllllo*,:ciiilliiii4: TOTIACCO, CANDIES; CgAcZEBS, OIL vrrEo4, AT hi Untied Market Prigefi t ETRION'BLOCK, latlik 11•10••• lbws aid Tomeuß warlfs44 CI ',.0; GUN, wel,c, 1 1 .I*-. ~S KIES OEM MIE