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SWATS IBEILOW, orroerre rue Poe? 071101. 35 115T15..-0a0,14111 , 11 et 5* Lbw ens in . 5 Cuts ; tWO talortlOWll ; Wet Inlorr.. . 6 1 ; , 26 ; One . month 0,60 ; bre saeatki 12,60; t h e 83,00; slx menthe Ate; one pox $1 P; o nw asiofta to propulloa... Thaw Tidos ttr iedy adhered te, safer eharbied bp epestal 0 ,4, or at the option or the palelletkers. Audi. ° VoOrer, ITh'oreee tad advertise • L AN ; l idnlelstrateroe ?Utter sll,bo ; Local s,,2.sstittilitiot,ltlaniageNotby••rearrY -0.7";,& pimp; Obituary .1141 ow Over three lines ~ 01, 0 1 ) Ere cant" per Holt': Original poetry, an. rot tan stills rocusat of the edlter, oar 4 . 4 1 / 6 2 4 .• AU sinrthwitiats will be esattased at imwe a • of the pawn ativertrang e watt oriereil wl tyhis araotion, mania a wpsoldidad period Jti 55 0 a let US lasertier. MO:: —Two 1"./ ou.and per wanner la aa.: are nus VC) —We have one et the beet lot:ltni N ,., n the State, and vs ready le do any work la Wt 'Jae that a be entrusted to 112, is equal Axle s o tablisticaant notable otthe lamed antes. WHITMAN di BRIAOST, l'ildtehen. • THE RAIN. Bear the murmur of the rail, , - Stlier rain, oil trick leg through the maples followed by its train How with music well it tinkles • O a ihimosek-covered eaves, Arid ihe flowers it cver winkles, .►cd in radient drops it twinkles . On theTiolit and emerald leaves, As it trickles through the 'trees, (lire the the robin-waibles forth its muslin! 'retrain To the rain, rain, rain, Rain, rain, rain, i t the mtisie and' the murmur of the rain. -Hear the musio of , the rain, Heaven's rain, it falls like Heaven's blining ea tan battle plain, On the dreary field of story, Where the dead and weended lie O'er the teld alt Te.d and gory, Brats an rush to riesill eat• glory, Aiid the zephyrs waft their err,. Through the mazetuilf the sky, To the thrones of Heaven resit high, And the fountains, Heaven's fountains, Open with a musical refrain, And the requiem of the slain Is the rain, rain, rain, rain, Rain, rain, rain, falls tucwining and•the growing of the rain. 'See the sparkling of the rain, Golden rain, is it tinkles, as it patters on the capital pane. And the sunlight throwing, throwing, Throwing rays of golden light! All the rainbow tinte are growiwg,- - Orange tints and violet glowing.' With their myriade,olors bright, Forbad by , rain, sparkling rale, ' In a golden magic chain. sod the robin Warbles forth its sauisal refrain TO;the rain, rain, rain, rain, Rain, rain. rain, - 'Keeping time, time, lime, - • On the ivy mantled pane, In a loft and stilly rhyme. haw music and the murmur of the rain. IILJCL SCENES I Pinustursu. hpublican Attack on a Dentanratta Pro• . - ' eesoton. The Philadelphia Asti of Oct, Slit, thus describes• the attack on the Democratio hialtlight procession on the Saturday • i sicht preceding : Three weeks ago the Abolitionists had a Emcee ion which passed along Chestnut ad . other streets in-this city, and was not • nolested. - The Democrats did nothing to Ifekk the peace. The Keystone Club - bete was stoned, but nu police protested Rend the onlyferrests made were otuu. iihnding'Dernocrals. :lint as soon as the Amoceracy began their march on Saturday bight anew order of things prevailed.— limn Thirteenth street down to Sixth, by 'prearranged plan, squads of Abolition rioters were posted atevery advantageous pint. Circumstances conduce' es that We was arranged beforehand, and that tough" and bruise 6 Were - collected, and in some eases paid 4o bo; on hand far-the dark sad infamous work. At't he ruittn League louse, just blow Thirteeatli street., both, ides of the st r eet were filled with Aboli "Waists. Poli6emen were scattered thro' the crowd at that point, but t; a the COM menwealth building, below Seventh street, thotgh a larie:ortiwd of Abolitionista were seeinbled, icarceiy a polio Stan was to be aid in the early part of the eveulng. They were at the'Leignii House toProteet 11; but, for the Commonwealth building, flay prudently stayed away foi fear they sight have to arrest some of their.Aboli= iion friends. a little after nine th`O' preeleaskm be pa to move past the League House. At ite very commencement greeted with hoots and. howls. The police made ect effort to stop their hisser. Then'stones led mud were thrown. The polirs diti sot stop that. Stones weretbrowid eat of the second story window of the League Rouse, 'but not one policeman entered it to arrest any rioter. _One of these struck: Robert E. Randall, Esq., who was at the Lad of one of the divisions, andAitiielY inJpred him. Alderman ItcHulliti, while expostulating with the police, atiffreminli lag them of their duty, and doing ail he. could to maintain the pesos, wes,strtick oe the head and on the leg, ind badly hurt. Abolitionists rushed out of the crowd and struck the men-in the Process ion. and threw sticks, and atones, aid , 1 31 ,1 44- the,Democratic banners antilliiiasps rencies; yet not an arrest was made. Al moat every banner was injured, andin one ease which came under oar own itftWerva lion, a man stood with a large .r.lab be- twev . two policemen and struck - at the horsemen 'and the banners, yet not an ef fort was insile to atop him: Fora while tie Democrats, loth to cause a disturbance, bore it. - But now forbearance ceased to be a virtue: They rushed at the'League 'louse, smashed the lower windeeirs, aver. •e) the policemen, and as quiek is thet the League window shutters were shut and the lights turned off._ The Democracy *ere masters of that part of the field, apd for the balance of the evening the Leaguers did not taolest,the procission. . , ' At the Commonwealth building d'bloody drama was enacted. There is s saloon in the cellar with two broad stair i lead lag down to it from the street. The first goer has four large plate glass windows. .- The second floor is decanted with fall- Imagth oil paintings of Lincoln Sind-John son,. When the procession began tcrpasi the building, the rioters,were thick. - Tile house was used us a rendearous; And•the teeth aide of the street was coed - pied by them. But two policemen were to be moon in the neighborhood. The.'rery first - ranks of the procession were greeted with boots and the Brit transparency was re *sired with showers of stones and mud.— . Every banner was struck, and soiled or broken. The tioten then throw stones and filth into the s Clod with little iris, and at the led* who rode in VOLUME 35. - . • the line. Until the Fourth or. Fifth Wards came along the insults were received Witn- Gut prOrolting, any retaliation. But these Wards were treated stones and sticks thrown at them, and they turn ed on their assailants, titae them into the building, and for a time kept them • The pol,ice,:tvlio kept atv,ty so long ,at; their At)(Alden friends were victorious, came to re-enforce thent 'when defeated; "and now appeared on the ground. They flourished their clubs and threatened all sorts of things. They did. not arrest a single Abolitioniit, however. , The pro cession passed on. One- Ward after another marched along and was greeted with stones and mud. Transparencies were broken. The rioters became more demonstrative. They had stores of am; munition in the-building, and brought it out when needed. The police never in, :terfered, but, home smiled and applauded ' , when a good shot Was made at a banner. No Abolitionist wa4;arrested. So things continued until the IfcClellan Old Guard came along. It was received with volleys of stones. ft halted,' made u left ar.d. - with a hitirah,-ruatted,cul-tite_rkterti• A second time were tyirt Abolitionists and policemen swept pell,mell. into the cellar, rolling over_ each other duwn the steps, and landing on the cellar floor, evidently perfectly . iatistied with t'ualtrtellatrOld Guard. The procession again' for the moment, without interruptiOn. • 1 But re-euforcenaent l of rioters and po licemen 'came up. , The wounded were carried ol and fresh Squads were brought forward. The Eleventh, ,Twelfth, Thir teenth and Fourteenth wards passed. Mud and stones were :thrown -again, arrests were made, The Abolitionists-be same worse arid Worse ; huge clubs were thrown Mat of the second story Windows, and the Fifteenth Ward had partly passed by when a rush_ was made and the line was broken. The Ward halted•ancl for a moment looked on :their sassilants. There they were, 'police and, rioters mired up ; har' to 1,211 who were not throwing mis siles. At last, from up- and down. and acrosa the street, the F,ilkeetzth Ward _Deo mocracy ;Made a . rush . They toot their torches and tra nsparencies,' broke them to pieces an 4 hurled them at the mob. The police got frightened) some tried to get away ; some fired pistols and sprung rat tles and called for help. The' DemecrecY rushed in and poured volleys of every thing ther-cou,ld.lay their hands on at the building. Again were the police and Abolitionists rolled down the steps into the cellar. The windows were smashed, and the huge latup in trout of the building knock ed to pieces. Lincoln and Johnson. were I:Kippered, and from their app . earauce'the neat dv,. looked as if they had had enough of it. Foremost among the Dem ocrats was a zauave who threw stone after stone down the cellar steps ;,and- far back in the cellar itself eoultflae seen policenien and rioters frightened out of their wits, crouching behind bendiaes end tablei.— For fifteen minutes the battle continued. Nothing could resist the . torrent. A large oval space on the pavement and street in -front of the building was empty. Over it the inks-lie.; were poured into the building, and on it lay at least a dozen men. The rioters, praiCe cad all were oleared.off the ground:by the Democracy; the lights in the building were:put out by some 'one, and the processioti moved on. This way the `:eo Ithe riot. There was no more molestation. The line Moved forward unbroken. Whit was 4eft of the police tried to nail up broken doors and patch broker! mindows, but not en Shilli tionist was sdarr fi•ocn"the 'Fifteenth Ward to the end qf the coluranstnoweiformord unbroken.- One man was killed and seventeen 'are known to have beeia wounded. The mar• dere&man was a Democrat and was killed by t e atone thrown from the north side •of the street. At lease ten- polteenaeistirere . hurt. - ,i:othing can equal the indignation against the police, litany RepubLiciana say that the Manner in whiab they :allowed the Abolition rioters to dO as.they pleased was shameful. Mayor Henry should read his Diana lesson_for Saturday night's work. If he does not he is unworthy to be May. or of Philadelphia. Yesterday morning thousands .visited the :battle aeid. The Commonweatth: ciiilding was most sorrow., ful to beholl. The two' lamps, Lit front looked 39 -if- they bad-been_on a drunk for a week. The q _ were bent and twisted most fantastically. The Erna °false bstilding was hacked and marked by the missiles. - The doors mid Window sashes *ere kepi from falling down by boards nailed across them. The cellar was gutted. The Cen tral Police Station was a huge hoipital. 7 .- rue next time Abolition - rioters • and pa th:icmen try to break up a'Denancratic pro cession, we trust they will calculate before hand tha.,c . Oar-Sf the , untfeliaking• • The:teAere not, by any means, all the outrages. • A botiret - orintylui - waktbrown, at one of the large' franspareticiea carried by -the Third Ward delegation. The vitriol was thrown near the League Houser : Two men wen 'severely burnt by tt. :Serval horses its the - cavalcade .were cut with knives. The Twenty-fourth Ward delegation had bricks thrown at it by some or the - jail birds of the Republican party, At _Thirty sixth anti Market street. Tilt, loldiers in the lino were wounded. ' - A. DILMOCILIeT 3{cantaara.-I..Polocrst, named James Campbell, an elderly gen- Altman, •of an inoffensive diipositioa, who resided in Tenth street, below Ellsworth, _vras:inurclered on Saturday sight. He Was struck by a brick thrown at the precession froth the crowd nf:: riot/Kis Abolitionists in front of the 'o.7inmonwsalth Willing. He was standing on thesouth sideerf the street. Mr. Campbell wsa over sixty yisits . of age, and of infirm health. 8e lawns a wife 11124 twudaughteis. - - 1 . TWO DOLLARSPEit'VEAR,' IS PAID IN ADVANCE; WO IF-NOrPAID UNTIL THE IgND OFr THE Waft. El From the Now York aziessai The ital. ipstegled leausere The following extracts are from slather of Judge Taney prefixed to ail editioe l SI the poems of the latilranoisia - ICey, au thor of. 'The _Star SpatigletelllesserPoe They have a peculiar interest' lathe prase eat crisis. The behivior ofthelleitimes eans' who hive • been recreant to the nie tional flag, seems still more heinewei'Whint it is known that the national air tritiOnni timed by. a Baltimorean, on - the' twits:, don of the defence Ofillaldractre **nor'- ican troops, under the very flag Which there are Baltimoreans who now 'disown Mr. Key had gone' on board some tett . '" ish vessels engaged . , in the exrpedl y thef, against Baltimore, in thl4, for the Aux-. pose of procuring the releseeef an Amer. ican prisoner, br. Beane.. This Wag acoomplished:Mr. Key and Mr. *ewer continued on board the Serpi/seat/We they .were very kindly .treated by it Thomas Cochran e , . nntilthe fleet eseakell the Patapsco and pesparetiomeware mak/. log for landing the troops._ Admiral (grit., nine then shifted the flag to the Ilimete b is i order that he might be able Geneve far, ther up the liver, and superintended person the attack by water Oa- the feral- Mr. Key and Mr. Skinner ererethseiteset on board their own vessel, with le pude,' sailors or marines, to prevent their lug.. They were permitted te take Dr. Bones with them,and they thenglit there; selves fortunate in being anchored in a position which enabled , there:to see dia." tinotly the flag of F'ort Itellenry from the deck of the vessel. Ile picciedeti then; with much animation, to dessribe scene on:thenight of the borieleardnieet.„ He and Mr. Skinner remained oa during the night, watching every *hell. from the moment it - Wu firedtottilit fell, and listening with breathlese 'to beer if an explosion followed. . - -While,the bombardment continued it wise sufltehma proof 'that the fort had,not surreadiree t ' But it suddenly ceased some Alias before 'day, and as they hid no eommuitiosties with any of the enemy's ships, they did not knoir whether the fort had sums: dared, or the attack upon it been ails& doned. They paced the deck for the me. idue of the night in painfttleuitetise, watching with intense anxiety for the nee. . turn of -day, and looking ..wreTrew mike Wee at their watches to see ho*lohithey must wait for 414. and is soon mit dawned, and before it Was light enough to see de joists .at a ,distance, their glasses Were turned to the fort, uncertain: `Whither theyshould see there the . fltarae,tid,Sti„Voi he' the flee of the enemi; At 1 •Int,1 1 ": . 04 light 04,10, and they saw Ilutt."'onr ,fag was still there." , As the (ley advanced they discovered.. from the meyinienie of the boats between the shore aed theft* that the troops had been rottehly , lhate. I died, and that Matey woe/idea men ware I carried to the ships. At ;strigittAt . S'tas informed; that the attack ,on_Raltijnore r i had failed, and the BAillah, Agee ireit.re embarking, and that he and Mr, Sklaier and tw., Beaues'iould be pariteittieji,ke levee them and go -where thoy , Piss44,M . soon as the troops were on board sad the , fleet ready to sail. He then told me that under theeseedia-" ment of the time he iteulwritten a meg: and handed , Me a ;printed - eopy if the "Star Spangled Banner."' ',When I :had` _ read it and - exposited my adeairitiais; .1 asked him how he; found-time - kis the scenes be had been passing - thitingif.te' compose such to. song. Ms said At e. meneed it on the ' i deek of their .veal in the fervor °files moment, wharf he** the *retook beefily retzeatiag .to their ships, and looked for the. flag helmet watched for so' anxiously sr the morning opened that he hid Written, tante !Ines or: brief notes that woulcil — sid hiiii . lii, Iliad them to mind, upon the beeket siettee, which he happened to hive ketp • and for seine of the lines, Italie proitesie ed, he was obliged to•rely altogether oh his memory ; and that he - fititsfied ft is the boat 'on his way to the stiere',,,eind .wrote'it out is it now stands et thehntel, AU the night he reached. .Balltmore;sitidl immediately after 'he arrived..., Me — ;m11141 that-on the next meaning lie *irk it kr Judge Nicholson to ask bin -erleat thought of it pitiathe wattso.teineltpliksed with it'-that 1 immedieteilbetficiktii printer, and directed eo piesto be stench' oft in handbill- form ; and that' he Alert. Keyy believed it to have by*, fitiereliy received by the Baltimore public. _ Judge Neeliolion and -Mr. Key wire nearly oonnected by mare* 'a ! Itet and Mrs. Nfecholson being lifters.: The Judge was &man of 'untested taste, liect ; at one time been distinguished strong the . leading men- In:Congress; and wat at the period of which I am now _speaking. the Chief Justice bt Baltimore. , Notirilet, standing hie judicial charaeter, h empted him from military- sersies, he as. cepted the command of a volunteer oota, pang of artillery.' And whets - itie%enieety approached and an attack on thefort was expected, htrstid'his - . company attend their services ie.:oo T ' , g ove rnment to smite in its decries :. 'They:witiefetipied and formed Part of Pie gariiieon *is the bombardment. The Judge had:..P*ol-io lieyed.froni duty, and returned to his foss ily only the night before Mr. I. stimio him the song. :You may eselitAilegine the feelings with which at sielksponsMit he read it and give it to the atine. ''lt was,, no doebt, les Mr. Key modestly ex pressed it,' favorably received: .Tia tNs than an houi lifter it was piseed the i hinds of the printer it wee all, ever tours, -:j hailed with eathusissm,, Fed t. :,tohlleite place at ones sti a national itortg.. ; The knowledge ottlitieirsinistaiseilte;.' der which the ode was 7 cien** grie' Ow pertinacity to its langtuemend eitAie it teem especially appropriate at • thhi' gas ment, when the very s;#00 - 1.1rttifiiffit the lines may be re-ens:gig, 'delta fervent patriotism of the 4 i l Clagandniggiala. 7.94 not only, puts to shithieitietsiipurlfiio deserted the flag so elottueirtftpulesel,,• , buLanimatee With new ardorith'lll4 fekleti feWefenders. . • ERIE, PA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 10, 1864: : 11 tfliff tkieladassit Isolative] it a Sardillesa OW- , aka - 1• ,Thalelegmb ahnoizaced rieently 'the . dfatb Cokse)...* Oaticlern?n s Pro; t5wt4.4044 et .1 ks. Logis!_ A onrfsrsi dant•of tha CiPaiOnati fiafetta-Tto 40stikkitlihkittco zmPiq, cur*. sttiplioa . flernieh i na she public.skith* . hrilifliitOry • the lib Colo* gaylerson. aaa with" bs.'s death•hed esonfessiou. The letter niikt. be found in - The Geoff o,!,he 20th hut. '. COL Bat deteon •iras appoint. by. , Xr: lapeohr.fussistent fkuretoryof War wader SitiaDii Cameron, at the special request of the' latter.. While ha that position, Co!. Beralettgin had TWO opportunities of learn: With* Iharsotere of the public Ines at :Widtiligtitut; the OOrrilptions that there preialled, sod the emir that were being pisparOf for the flaunt?, by those in au thority: 'So Profoitndkyldid thee. palest itiioot.rfee` lot hilit,tts* he sad - Igged — • to be, tit sores other a, or duty. &prod: by being '..pipkittoi4 1 - 9 Oa. colojailtar thi 13th U. , 4 3. 0 Tafapter t , east: fluidly siiiiappoiMiti Dip'!"'" MOW Missouri. irblvt fritiinclie held to-the ties of -his, death I* W -!y1 allow* PO-4 1 dstson I!" attended by her. Reary Cox„ pastor of the Quires Methodist eisursh, to whom he, so . senisesioes, widish Mr. Cat eonsmite ledesewitims as they were given ,to hire by itts Cokasel. We Seensfer, the follow ing as k•gart of his 00a41116:111111, to which we invite the attention of every patriot. ok.Bandirso . maid - iliOnmeastiug the duties of the War Casa llinwever, I' was- brought into eon. tact and ekes onnimumten with the seeret etesitieli !A the edmiiftstraihnt, Which Geii. 8'54 snd thi henetary of War, and Chafe others,. Mere PPIII•Or P11,1 1 1120sellits; imnetimes took iAiwa-i!tnr°9**`-ri ihu"tlain.4 kiiinati9 o .-45 1 ,ieF 31 44 11, 4 4 s whial h " . OMR IllaPatha kitt.Ptilq• bnl - Whi .4win sehmish.. the nation. I because Selansdki tnahnatod with the yeah± ocFroP• Moe that bad tweed our-wintry in the shape of- mew dressed in the garb of qpiatlipmei mad_ occupyingligh *xis of tima y gor whisk they had no gmaiiicatien -whinerar. 1,-tried •* Mist thew .pwple cid, but in vain.aad keels ism* their enmity. I fellilt index theterrible weight: of- tbsties, mid at Istd exited 49442 Moved cad_ appointed to theliestastantr Orkmeiey of six masseetk 17. &_ Leans tor,',:preforring to go to the flea to . ..render Whit merles I could in en benareble and introtie way, rather shin etflook with the foul birds surroundingUis igrierstusent 44 Wiihingtor. I sneordingiyieft it in July; the mooed day fitter thrisistile oft 24 . kuti,intd have . **weir sity %military es; phirity,lii this 'i neesniirai bilk initiated to the Colitnelay of 'the Thirteenth U.B. Intently, nntii , the ?Ariel of the ries: eat per, when I was" appointed Provost Zuvind General of the department of hasitaii." genords 'which have never seen the light et dv,„but Which wits one day as tonish the nation 1" Ab I those ?weds Lincoln Is determined shill new see the .tight if he oaa prevent it end that fe oneresson why he was se - anxious to be rwelested, He knows that these records would, tf made. public, not Only. astonish -the settee, bat render ern administration infiesece in the einination of his ociutry;. ase. i. a - .1111•10• M Min 111401161-1. Nob* _ _ 'os.'s its Last-Mill ?wires amtee toraii.3 'lit none of us be deceived-by thisiool• fil=we had almost said knavish—talk tharebeßion being on its lot legs. Let nr tool at the present like men, and mat tide - tint heads, like oittiehei, in the lead. L l'imittluillion'is nit on its but legs, though • lt leati to snit the purposes of Alma. tienisui to sudeclare. to* the !map, reedit,' an jutige.fof'yourself. Look at the area oStit HO* originally einitrolled ana . see how. ittle of it we lea* Vold to-day. unleia it ii covered with ort•l4onits, or protected by our troops. admits that we have lost during Award thousand men, yet Rich mond is no nearer ours thin it was three years ago. General Grant, with • hiandred thousand bayOnets at his t i his jast summer and autumn, ' has .neverlieui able to get is near to it as the umeh abused Gen. IdcCiellan got long whilasto the doors to it are - barred,' ask.frowpriearit appearances, the bars wiltrensain there forever. Ryan the Qom ! pensively unimportant town of Peterir. berg didkis all our attempts. , With the I iblitsly4xesption of New Orleans, we bold no seaport worth mentioning. ) Wilming ton ir in rebel bends. Savannah is in rebel nds. Charleeton. after defying the cot& bitted attacks of our army and navy for nine trunteli is in rebel bands, apparently iii*rilnitsbli se ever: Mobile is . not :Out*: nor is Galveston.- • The stars and - . ,4lfirs lire sitipt from the Rio Grinds.— The Trench' tri:eZloi &nal • r4eFlifitatim• ras, and.et..the. other side of the 'river, .at, !rower/We t Alie rebel "rag," not "old glery,t!' responds to it. Texas, a great emi ph* in itself, with a territorial', area four' tinsee.thsw aim of New York is scarcely touched by.ihe war as y t. Ratiels bold . id! of Louisiana, except New Odense and a tow towns on the river banis. Rebels itre - . .Juiprentirbt Alabama. ,:lgicetliVerolbsti ad is alt Giorgi% 12 0 1 la• roir'ai e ilmdbir of den. Ethermanis gums kojob, corona u ma, oiArso. overrunning Tenses* illakka4s/ Co. 40 1 , _t9:,_,X 4o ,,tack7. 'aroma' , Isairresk the line ofiltirObio f while out in INA** .nod 2 tr i a em y hav ebeen b4vLryg.~Aiusp, or e. ent monib, pretty' one tittle Manag ing St. - Louis itself. These nre . ,the facif of the idtusdott es it is the-peiirit is thanes Firbiir*ays. of the Thaw, Imeir ous the one r id Cittir -- esisisideration, and thipperpowthe iiiitattllat to makieriafaann psi* that ta, the refreleetiett.of • se President, sail IJaajeleetiswef. lir.limainik the editor, to *EMIL In!S . . - 'l 4 r, !Ads.Aen wars 404 1 , tibitiO, ofr 002mOusiWit.for fun ; bat beani of an 'Co. *dad turn of - olio& they did not wish, toloao the T'so oftew took in iron ket tle In Sit'hirid to catch it-in, and . stitioi• 424 hiliself in tient of loiviegi pieeM r.claisu,ed ; the ;Aber wi c ialkOod had with illigited tomb ;,,"Tikoh it oath • Pat 1" • ' ). - Au editer lays he has' Been the oontrt pupae lawyeri use when they "warm tfp :With the subjebt." . was a el, 'imicerh, and hold about a pt6t. • , • , "Joy, did you • lot off th4t gun **- elk:nod an enraged school muter. es." "Well, what- do you tiiiuk I will do to you I" " Wby, lot ate off.'l . ; tAn . lriskr lover regoarkedi itiat' it; Is a great, pleasure to be 'spools* whin your usWateheart is rid ye.". 7 . Ws dada immediately after the Presidential letapeign to maks s thorough tottlaute4 the natoonis on oar banks. Our business if. l ibber tatro_beatesensiderebly neglected diFloi the pest yosr ! *vim to the other importan t espoitentiia which xu have been lavo l lvad; end as /ooklag our air books ire ,thid:a large : sanuartietioa of *counts. not qiiitefinougEt' to pay coIX the National debt, but sufficient, ,if }chested, to ataka,our pocket , book fatter to. tint attest of soveral thotutand, dollars. Wi eaunot afford that this Imp automat should be withheld any longerinod therifore giVe notine' that direell,y4fter the iltit of Novembir, we shall oemmeaoe ninon( 04 qi ha 9 4 . *Itat-VIL_ debtors i witheat tiniest to *SOIL Our pni tent womanly good' sad rospossiblepersons Wires - in bs t ie s batidied=delass worth of bitoip•eit'otiata is the !irholi-4hO eaM my at motif they Oats*, sOd tr.lim:*7 . will met fail to respond with that epldt promptness whisk ever chiranterises goal buttons ENO and honest oiliness. "And as to duty , bound, ere will over pray. &a" tt. , L With the aeni irtfirbbrirrer will ohm tite.peried foi which -a annibetef onr isisPeisti eibeeribere have paid. - As we-sit• ienniell at the stirt,the paper will be preipily dittioitikeed, nnlese etbirtitreettaimo vsewitraft to no historic:it eipiretbni . lt aliw 4 lolL eleell be pitiesndkulmere en atawy Of err Maki* *main temetr i pstronege es -pcoeible, atilt weed neither be fair t* it! ? nor just to Litt* to end it longer than - thee have greeted.— After the Prseidential eteetion a mgok boa portion of the paper will bi devoted 41144 - ipt.ol *literary, new*nntileoal n*titre thin eve lutes been able to give the,ezettlaip,*. Oritiligibeipaet ywor. • . - MtlliVielt* . '• '-''-' - i ro-YOU - yota-mtimgramlX aim I' •: • .', - - ' E. covonthre - BOOT. & StIOE. STORE ! out. sum. Mealy - Clipostte tte?ed Ogles; A li, : 11 ,140 WhIbi, 'Beet aid Blear: I bole, 4 Isibeertbe Polak thlt be '- • Ws seiwerd Ma dead to theater. $o 4ir 81,4* 0114 elegy apposite the pee . OM*, 'lsere be Jerboa ell We ettkiesde 4 eestoatere le de lila a eall. " Pattleeke tilleutteit gene M. . It E . f rat 1. -- a - lx 43! -xubwiatidivenbssi; %di alpiiibilledlisi en lan urgusirldsmit.lie Worms be omen as geed estlese• OM sad WI at as low pekes to say ether paean la Ike .eltr. , Omit tits WeasaiteCt ._ i. . . , serf 6411. . AMERICAN' !NOUSE,' 90171 , 11 W 137 COMM 07 I'IMPAJUE 4 Malt IT., 'ERIE , IPA, • ; JOILIf pIINCAN, POPRIETO, rre Isseias7l4 'dint it shift trel)-Itoove Beret sad It titsepetlee style, re. 440141 palate e share of the reale eitmee. Toni sad seeeemeedeliwis equeV to say ht the . , . Tot the eirairimainte at tempi& *imam 4 toed stable heel been eatoaNd to the aerelle-04, JiMartrS64ll. • IMPORTANT Belden A Owners of Unpainted Lands x.pEn. .THE PROVISIONS OF THE Act of Aseembly, approired_ 142 20, 11114, tke hoi den aid oaten of trapatettted, Lando temeired take oat petunia for such lands before he lit' day et November, 11164,,, , Ce failure to takeout BA* POW' the dlorveror °enema Is dlreeted "to eeladali'tlr ••••4 if pir‘kies mime, tamed Gut firs as as rack impeteated erod e " ouch amount (ether Vella oboe 4s to :tem is t ea e i pprapete esa stala shat ha elite:Will 411 . iks to he prcoifed pd kejet far tie! parpme •emddesiel wise eked low Mural es el per cam! These lieseta'are Haile to be proceeded epute by the Attothey Gettepdhleirsinst defaulting public admire. leader the AetetA jIIId.I6Y. The anderefteed am giving particular Mealtime to eal bestows oriole; order the I,4ad Lava, wad leaviop facil ities for attending to such bahloese, are prepstytd to prey mare pateniest once for partite residue at A distance from the seat of Government, on the rout neonatal* menu. Corramoadtaut sorietted sad proemial, attended tot Alidrer =agar .sovaisks.s. eat WALLACZ Di WM, Atte:tipll24 Ctlonsellors at Las • • .barlifeeberm re. 2 1 • Vary Z. Raynioad t 'ly bar lam friend* _la the about of Owasso B. Y. Whittlosay., - Fleas of Sri* Gaffney. Ito. if. ' -00 i t .1. 1111711, WM t - terilMin V. Itaviao“ . • , • - • FriliE DERENDA T, IN . THE ABOVE „g. Cosa la hereby notified to appear at the Court of Common pleas to he hoiden at lerfa,lo iliti bribe craw ty of trig. on tba let 14oaday of Soma able omit, aotiw row tba said tompLalat, amitaboir win If abj Ow bath .ky at,Hrovol from tide of faKtrbsorgr iimotbi sot bogryttot to aoloSpLalatlL bat. auxvi,o2llo,ll3weit Ilbortra Oar. :- & Mt 41 , - • i gist• MANHOOD ; How List S Row Itestoredc jUST PUBLISHED s New IditiOu of to Do. Cm's:wowed OitAnyeloi INUIT on the redieal owe (altaoat assdleiss) of Bassaksiollaaeaa, or Sesslasl Weakness, Involustirr Sessholt Lena, may, Kota sad Phalle& Pent*saitit lstloalunts llan laBot etc. ; also by l: =Zr e loi: ;21 1101.1n.se sad Fmk la * sao -7 7avalope, rely • ass esisto What la *Me way, dissoletrstskitearirtldrl7 overt saentsgrol lesstlow. thatWalsassangelialtipassmardratitnitahhis, be rad ically cured vithost the asagfrons ads taterasl mad. Wise or the applhattsa alterMile-yolottai oats mode al ears et oars SiCiipil t sertsia Anastrestasl,lby' me set shish ersty sallsisr, mattes shed analltbOlt stJ hum. tare Idommdfolosply,,Finitely and roditosay. Mb Uttar* should to I* the Mods of .vary AS sad Inrury Assn to tie bad. _ O. Wire eta, to phis otoolopyli soy adds.. et the =As or Droyis. Adele. iIIMAL 0 - =W 00,, UT Dote% Dor Tett, 1•111441 11.118011.2. 01114. CHANGS OF UMW COMILBNCINO 110711) tY. MAY l/.114. • , ?nue willismearaidaliataboatthstqlmetasboart, Umbria : 4l - mA4epart. inOrt _ * 1116,11116 =l:4=l. A• VW relish% •—•—:1141111 g. , AvegusiorlaTi==r67.6.....t?A sh. ausl!ls" straradret. (lAMB TO THE OF THS evanoilber, la BotWor Cook ,on tiellAto Moult jootholow Uwe NW (Iwolitokhost six Rooks ago, • two Abbilt lot Oi•-z.s6 WOW , g r ai ri r eireMall ialt. t= ireal OUNM e t il rbrAra gi -Tiff• l. 1. . 44141' b" ." . -Lemma La, I=Ml'l ' To MuPault 111111, TO. CIIIMAIOW-IDISSORIBEMS. ERIE 'RAILWAY. NUMBER 24 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. "aglow Code tasseled I. this seism at the rata ef Tbsoi!.!a DOWN pet .year.] rilX 'MUM, : Cl?, llkorara, Wing malty ran County rtraw_ pen k pr• tlikd tirrey or oho Pima or Ups Zels Coantr, ra• .1011lro to Comfon Counett Ram, Wrlslare &pare4-Ir. --.- L) D: lIIALICKR, • Joatraisasa MVO COXIMICON NICIL1714111; 11. PR. ir Warg:nue ea labile Deck, tad Gutter of Mate fttaieL Alp itesler to Out, rialt, Pb,is now. Pliatiker, Water Liam lie: N. 11.—Partlealar attention will Neve tb. Beeetrbag and reirerardiug of retro. Wu 0 evade sad RADS, to sll puts of the couetry. . ' *Par I • IZAIRICUULIL, • • Woooosua aatatassmDuktati Yet Provision Flow Bud - hod. Wood and irU/011 TIM Wian,litucas,Sobosto•Seildt. ke, Itroot,, font to Tosses Boom latabddalr Emporium, , Junel-4452. E PIiLLO lizmurrr, Domes op pin Psalm. Oseo veead N.., *ego Mock; Tread' Proof, bonne') Aftkaad Moth. loco tlf t. -2, PILAILCI CO.. D 14410111111111 AU. 07 nAJUMMIII4 and rioashetatoiti aod Jobbori in Tin bold Cop r W moron of•ta• iod State Sto, Res, Pa. • Arrstatos Ihireoszus OALLIM eg Nook. Vivra. . . rotarist do vmastrg, -, ..2/ . f , AtTOWYS AT Lew. RVlgwey,Pa... ?nitleeks Elk, Wawa. Cameron and Sedersouenentier. J. IL . CHAM. (Jen50:64.1, 4 ] W. W. WILBUR.. 1 - , - W. W. MILL, 1 PitOPRIIPPOIt. • - 1 " MORRISON ROUSE. Cerise of Sowed lad Yuba% Street—ow swiare out at lsAwnee 111thinfte. Wilms. Pa. Sept. 20-17. 11120. W. UCNNISON, Jawtios OP MI Pia= Os., to Gasetto SevAh-irest baron of INlktt and State streets. Clairroyaidlair dew essikr and aellsertismr nadir Prolapi• 3 7. - , . , 'r' e9 tictr BUIS Boor Munivorretsia. hi Sexed 94(11 Of itifidermehtli Block, pis, Ps.l G - Itt/Italt COTI.IIE. • 4rreasyr Law, Girard, Erie Co t 7, !a. Cellediese mod ether Imbues attended le tb aremplesse aad Otteetab. - , ii P. ismices, - . 1 Baotou= and Dealer La Itagion'arn Caitipar,Varggair. Jimpaparl l / 2 fia. Cosairydaalers sap Stara aziar. Rewires Hatalfroatin Mae Pa*. g _ L 111 X . ' 1 • , _ r. S. Camas baa taken the blase Kiln at UN foot ahead' Street, new the Phlta4alphla dipot, RH* al, ad I. pivoirea to ravish WlCte Lime; la large or mall ttalttlea. 0 the lowot market priori. 1 tyriwir• • . 'IL rattan 11/11111/L - rm. dis DAUS, Atrrsuars u Lair Cl heat taut, Ifiedittle, Pa rib. iii-sras W. WSTiIOIIII, • Am / Am AT Liar..ta Waleres' ea Ilifflualk stmt. it* ra. 41:1 fisa, owirat's_ ,s - - • JDarktrr. IPAly's Xesth Abe of the Sat, 1 0 1410 obvsh4 SAN Pe. &DAM ff. p *Amt. thrum, I_ .- fteme *trot. tistaimuitithand streat; = ll=l4o= ol. lei Depot. We, P., 4 111111Smiimaralhall trareises.-Ward-kr 1 2 1 .7 "111 0; Vet", likoositachikt. - '- • .•s•viumoc• db,:asora ' t its . , - `Rasateeisa Tersaaa sad tar ream israz im l r Petett So_rigiag 114Atme• Wt la isr..-...l3tete between elb sad /t 6 ate, Ibie. Pa.' • Clothes sots to la the Gaut style. f D. 1116.59 AN , • Urger Aro Tats lifirastA, 011 gighth brkiAmmt "Mr sod heath.. FUN Horne la Car , yiaer to let on rosantabl• terms. FUN L J IDDILLioIIe CAUTICII4 mtniPainvlsuotalerniftbusjkalen, Avis topismass, Marva Csai, 11.)11gAGILL • Diselter Ofts ' otioisiii:i~sio • Plit.Pa. • YDS 11011141 t, &L& Ca t , S. 0. Ctimpm, AMU. ma ill sow" and bandaolooly Acted up Aosse,tob, midst of ono of the boot 'fronting And /faul ts, rotten' fit Poserylvistu. • Osautedhau Rones,Oloau Bodo, • Good Table, _awl Nature* ?rim. Tbt public patiousgo L a ritopoetraltylaltelt•d.. sepl4l7ll A. GALBRAITH.. • AINGUIT AT Law-Allis oaltitstresti, serfs apron* he Court How, Arie,Ps. LS. SPENOIIII, , =WIN YARVIN. SPENCRR & MARVIN arrest ores & Coursim Low; AV LAW OFFICE, Paukagori Block, near .Nartia IL/ beet Cornet o t the Salle Sews. Erie. Pa. r JOIAN . . Dulls to Dal Gooas,'caoruis4 &cabal, Muting*, Nal% mare, Seed. no/Ur, etc., ear- RN of :A 4tree4 aid POW *awl. Xs* ant) 1111 . 13 ADYER'itISENENT ! CWT IT OUT And Show It to Your Friends. WHEELER & WILSON'S • IMPROVED 8:14ING MACHINES ! tut it r z u*seknowledged tn be lb e 13£41' AC FTTNE ever tedium this winter. Their unrivalled Media 00;144 in thOteeentri. bet all meet the Viror.d, hu swish by ter the most meta: Ibuttits• sow la us. *FOR SEVERAL YEARS They hate tetra the lead of all other Maahlwi. bat 'alma the lata.lmprovemeate ban been added, every ea. liaty afire* V posfornwt with such lase and raPidit7 that the LADIE3 ARE IN ECBTACIE3 . 4)VER RI And It alai the admiration of ALL. W* werant thelo to stlteh every variety of avands,frosi the thlatneet easello to the' thickset ale th. They anatm the esisbrat.d "lock stitch," which iv Popouibie to rin or, ravel Throe als;:• chisel yds I do tie* fallowing watt WiTHOUT ANT B AST ,ING OA PREPAROION, via: lIISO 4 YELL, CORD. OATURII, . BRAID, TIJCR. BIND & QUILT. nay make . any width of hem without pructottmly Uvulae Or it :Ahoy will gather aiul each or sow Oa Via name; tf jou don't believe it, COME'AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. • lb* dankaad 4or thaw easitadated Itaabiars, gime lire lima bras loaded In Pala, ,haa bon eatontehina. than ere 4a4 groat dillealt4ta Mae oar ordara, bat we N Wm • I stook jut-nest and are ready 10 is say and ail who taay call or On am their ordeic Our rooms are stsga•Uy fitted aid ipratabilkAaad oat acoommoda lions for eoaductiai the boldness are not Nulled. This Nialdaea nor awarded the highest premiums at Ilia WORLD'S TIM to Condon. 152. • - The INIMSTRIAL EXPOdITIO g, Paris, Mi. The KILOELESIK73 Itrd rinrrg. Washington, INS, Aid stahmetterveyStata sad County Pear where ex hibited-. TUT 1111 trarraated three years. 'They are iperftetly simple construction. They rut • with the vested um. The us almost aolaeleas. . INSTETICTION JELL. 1.411 sad sea % h . Ia operation. If you cannot maw, mad far sample at work and a circular by mall, - BOLT Aptata, Maim Sleek, 311:114 (gaq ratio gria, PL. State Normal SehooL LL TERM OPENS WIDNICSDAT ) AUGOT 17, 1864. SEND TOR A CIRCULAR J. A. COOPER, EDINBOBO, smi, co., PA. -iii..rne. it* CiPlutoett ' . / To the Comma Pieta at Isis • • 'vs. Comet": 1140.tikiebeessyleres. Ado F. Cfmat UM lmiHE. DEFENDANT IN THE ABOVE gill it hereby !Maki to epees: at the Cool of ew:wreak to he bathes et Vets, te sod for the dreati7alltle, as the ;a *wider, at Neves:Nor out, OKI }Wow the selitemplaht. midd out, show eases if say fie Wit why a /beta her. the heeds of satesamer Meld itet be/Wed to mid eltiatilt, , 1 , &WIN I. 4;1/AS012th/it 11311‘WhalkleoFfiDO*1101/04N. , ,.„ , , AT . -WHOT:RSALB 42 .- RETAIL Ls`s- 4 1. . , • .• • ,e ; •. • • aitzvErt CAlt,Tpl Itaimakoalittad vitt kin In Us Drug TM. My. 1.14 %wow, maAlet thiltra. VA/AA ~ • A Carter &'Carver; • . . By 'whom the the bestows will cautions tote eon. . • ' at the aki etsstd. With 45:duvet - stock and tnanpieelier— — r nettles they lope to reoelve e liberal allet:e qpnblie petransce : . I• . 'r, .•,, , , ':ESPECI.A.I.:_A.TTBIZTITLQII - WHOLESALE TRADt.,;:' Dealers in the aelghtKirlas towns ors respectful:lir' is. vitml.t• glee al •0111 Woes 'trellising clamber". I,d • • . _ • TUE RETAIL DEPARTMENT,_ 11411 b. conducted, as herttofon, to &wel►l matusimid Intk • &sp.:malt:in to oblige or customers We partSeelerty esU Hie notlee of Playsialsas wiz Walsh La L. 611 lurestand tined ever brought to thl! . eity. Prescriptions prepsrid u bobretatora p with 'Ada tad prompt:mtg. jalett. • A FACT GENERALLY„ - PRAT the variety of new style. Bed 1 of Gothic, Cottage, Congress, Round ear. • ' *et, Camp iota, Jenny Lind and other pattern, entks .terpentine and strait front, laandsomely veneered Bureaus, lixtennon, Dirtier, BreaMud,” Centre and other ,Tablent"',.: Whatnots, Quaker Stands, Carpet and Damask 14 dots Beds, Hair and Sea Grass Mattrasses, Yeatker= and Bolsters with other nousatiold manufactured from wall seasoned lumber Baal materials, bye:twinned workout andAst bola. For atyla, gloat - rand low prime t sriß dY grafi m042%6 dealers to andersail sue. Mothers Mond r. sold. Cabo sae, .Parlor. Itedrooii, Rankine. - Name and other CWrs, of Eallftlell omit Wealkkinumatc.:- - -.:. feettens, ate hickory donedan4 *load. roaklngttimm SO 2. , strong as any other part of-tkeoludr,ntsmi otßersaneder • and sold are only ina4 - aad by inrimaellt durable, Wood., Windsor, Rocking, Sewing and Norse, are 'aught of' Ititd yved rental dbaelaid Sae spat ind thick ht. ranted to stand. Llandsoundy painted, and caret Nn for itrength„ prim and ftls Sprint Reda;' r • veld emir Ws and hats Ski ktgliegt - testimonials with a list of, prime of all goods sent on appilbbtiea. Punter and shipping free. After flee years exparfence toad celatealug *RIF ark - - principeled two prise dealers, lam thatansanod to sell • Sae pries to all,,tire worth for your pay, and do natio to all who trade with au. • • . Lumber, Lath, Id tung'es„ I.lta Stack, Crude and R SAW Oil, Stara Pay, Produce, acc., taken at Adz market Wild On pay. Reseenaber the plaos t nett canoes of lithstrinft on State, Rite, Pa._ G. W. !LISZT. arvaa-IL SatmkkeYr ma , d Canada's ilaknoss. ATMEiI.4.SALE & RETAIL GROCERY frioltr,*- P. A.,13E011./01, _ . WHOTONALE AND RETAIL GROCER. thrtA4ams . *ma el W Park 4' irego4.l l t4oll onsaratiN Would respectfilly dal tba stiastipn WU" acasa4 ll l to Wit 10p atcrek at : GROCERIES AND PROV/SickiS, X P 4. R&M Which he is delizoas te sett at the VERY • Lowss, possums' moss: • SUGARk .COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS„ 1= - - - FISH, &C., nos airframe la the olty, flit mit:Tied to prove to all who giro hip a coll. Bo OH keeps coastaatty oa toads superior lot at PURE •L iltr oAs, halloo wholes!' trod., to whisk La &iota tits attoa of tYe public, sw sotto la, "Qatar Salo. Small Prat' and a • kalvaleat for the gouty' Atlantic &frost Western Ratings NSW 1311CUL (MAGI • •' - • ?Wager, height, salt, Upton satTe* graph Reale. - Oonnocting at Sintamann%, N. Y.. sitb the nay, tomes continuous/sff Yoot ?sack trols Ren - 140* I* Akron at Clersiand. On and aster , . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1000; Throngi Passenger and Freight Traloe wttl Ai no ansu Iszly totween•CIAVNLAND AND NNW YOUR. KEW IND ISMORTg•LT PAissz,Kern awns, 11ACOA.G1 CtIICEZD TIIIIOCcia ' Fasinigars by this Line han choice of Five dill-rent Routes between New Vont and Boston. TkrROVOII TWLETS can be obtainei at any of the allies' - of the Erie Railway and all Ticket - Olken of copiloting Lined West ofilouthweet ; also, at the Central licks; Once, under the Weddell Ho w% Cleweiand, Ohio. 1. Pk for ticlmte via. the A.-da G. W. AND ARES reaminger Tram stop at Meadville thirty mionteg, gtw • ing passengere ample Hine to dine at the ..1101:1E,scity HO dß.' the beat Hallway Hotel in the country. IYif W 4WD iyEEDIVOrrs PACIORTLINII, 'ALL' Rd IL f Negrenshipment of Freight between New York and Ak• . ton or Clever/sod. Wetetunuts in the West and Southwest will find.4l to advantage to order their goods to be forwarded ',la the Erie and Atlantis 3 greet Western ilailwayarthas gearing trouble and expense. itATWS OF FitIOGUT AO LOWA V OTHER. ALL KA/Llp • Upectil attention will be given to the speedy trupor Pion of Freight of ell kinds, Gas: or-West. The Engines, Cars and other equipments Mt SAM Coin pony are entirely new, and of the most improyed martens style RONBraftli. on, RECTOS:A. Or PES.NSTLYANIa. • Via. Meadville at Carty.. \ Prom Learritaburgb; the Ilabouing Sianeli raw to Youngstown and the Coal Kiln/. mi. H4Tta la being eateuddd, and will ouotli plats mooing coder to Galion, (Titans, Ds, toll \ einnatl, without break of raft.. J. pARNYWORrH, OEO'l Firelight Agent. T. H. GOODMAN,Gang Tletr , t Agee t. • '1 11. F. el,WightTelltit; lTion'lll 111614 NEW FIRM..-. SMITH & GII,L3IORE, • (Seceesior to E. ILiastUad WHOLESALE AND R.ETAIL DWJU /X BONNETS, RIBBONS,: FLOWERS, lb rte_ PEE/S 1 FURNISIUNG GOO - DS, NTIUSIM ntrA!r.sx SIEVICIM ACID LIOATH TERIECTS, KKK ri. E. R. BJAIrIi. A. P. GILL-MOUE apt:9l44m. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Siegel, Vincent & DIALER. 4 IN .6oterles, Flour, Pork, _ fig, SALT, lies, Wines, Liquors; Cigars sad CANDIES, Lowest Market Prp* MON 13i3OCJ!, PA.; I • *EMMA DRUGS, Will iro`devotad tattle Stoat of CHEMICALS, Si. aast.eloiqt of The wily direct rots to the (aiem3ors,D) C. i%sgal,) WATEE LIME, 01.A93, kora, CARBON` OIIIL, TOBACCO, ORACE.EBS, OIL vrrßor h _:• GLUICkBUNGe, AT SRI r ,. c .,.. r . r ,.. 7 ., P :\..Pa-.'s IM BM iiiili9 # 1 . ' ~' lig / - eons. laid CID ESE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers